#Sorry but no sorry if I'm spoiling it
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baweiii · 2 years ago
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something eternal?
Pt 2
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twptwp · 2 years ago
I have been practicing drawing Lord Hater, it is a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy, I drew him some times months ago and some time recently too however this is the first time I feel I Really Really got him down! I am happy!
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beamattack · 3 years ago
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Hello everyone I am back on my bullshit. Here are some final boss thoughts for my LoZ AU idea (can it be called an AU if it's meant to take place in the same universe as the other games? haha)
Vaati is a strange guy… none of the current living hylians know about him so he's very much a strange unknown entity to them in this idea. Not to us of course, since we know him from Four Swords & Minish Cap (please play minish cap, it's great)
of course his final form is a big ol' orb with wings, it's already the perfect boss design so I'm keeping it :^D
(loz idea masterpost)
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koipepo · 3 years ago
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Forever a fan of p-totel's/ @aristotels thramsay dreadfort ward AU
it's so delightful to think about how feral and clingy Ramsay would be to Theon, and how much Roose would use that to his (exasperated) advantage to tame his bastard ♪⁠ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)
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hopelesslovebug · 2 years ago
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fugio week day 7:love letters with a little bit of time change spice (i guess)
i going to be honest i completely forgot about fugio week. i wasn't going to join in all the prompts like the previous one this year but i wanted to do at least one prompt
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faalthien · 2 years ago
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Practice thing for Marie, who had enough of my whining about hating digital art and shut me up with the prompt “mirage”. 
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supergirlsjustfly · 2 years ago
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Clutching your staff close to your chest while being a ball of anxiety runs in the family, apparently.
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loppiopio · 3 years ago
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"He didn't feel anything when Izaya tried to kick him in his stomach. It only made the flea drag his back slowly up towards the broken screens. Right up to where Shizuo saw his own face in the recording. Splintered thicker than the strands of a spider's web was his own enraged expression.
There was blood all across his cheek. A second later he realized it came from the screen. He really did look like a killer. Like everyone else on this island. He deserved to be here. He was something cruel, ugly, and loathsome."
observe!! i commissioned the lovely @rosa-maltz to draw that scene from a cheap imitation by @spoontasti, because the imagery bangs and i just had to have it actualised in their style,,, if you've yet to see either of their work before now go check it out it's as awesome as it looks.
#durarara#shizuo heiwajima#izaya orihara#shizaya#a cheap imitation#commission#i made a thing#adding this to my tag even though i didn't draw it but i had a big hand in it so i want to have it there#playing director to this was a fun experience#i had a very particular vision in mind for this but rosa was super accommodating to all my specifications#10/10 great to work with#her lighting and expressions are just +++#sorry for potentially spoiling it for anyone who hasn't read it though if you haven't here's your nudge to do so!#alright so just a few behind the scenes things in case anyone's interested#a few more minor spoilers ahead though#i actually read the fic and therefore this scene before having watched the anime#this is just how i am don't worry about it#so i didn't know it was based on that ketsu fight at the time#i'm not sure how it was for most people but this was pretty much exactly what i imagined#shizuo looking up at izaya framed by all the violence and his own expression staring back down at him#minus the artistic flare of the tilted composition and certain logistics that rosa manifested for me#midway through the process i suddenly remembered the blood on the monitor over shizuo's face!!#and then i also suggested the sudden whim to have a view of the starry night in one of the monitors heheh#if you know you know#and rosa did them ahh i really love how they all turned out#seriously can't thank her enough for dealing with all the small details i wanted to get just right#so yeah here's my sorta indirect contribution to the fandom and this fic again hsdgshhd#i keep thinking i want to draw more of the scenes i love from the fic myself#it won't look as cool as this but you can't go wrong with more aci#and that concludes my tag rambling of the month see ya next time
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sunstartle · 2 years ago
Had a fun AU idea hear me out: what if instead of hating everything his parents did and getting into cooking, Arven instead got really into their research topics in a bid for their attention. Do you think they would’ve appreciated him a bit more? I could see it going either way... either they would get really overly attached to him ( “No one else understands our work” ) or they would be at canon levels of detachment idk. I’m just envisioning a scenario in which Arven got to stay in Area Zero because, hear me out (again):
What if Arven was the one who lost his life in the accident? And then, suppose the professors, riddled with grief and guilt, maybe make that lab assistant they now need... and maybe they make it look like their son, you know, since they’re still grieving, and then maybe they can’t stand to have him still working with them because it’s overwhelming, so they send him back to Paldea in order to live the life he never got to live... And they don’t think they deserve to go back to Paldea for what they’ve done, so they sequester themselves in their lab...
Just could be interesting, is all >:3 ( And also the idea of AI!Arven having to carry around like 20 fucking million terra orbs kind of cracks me up)
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vee-is-a-clown · 2 years ago
Grey's Anatomy episode 9, season 13:
Arizona pretends to not remember a hot girl to have the upper hand with flirting.
Voltron Legendary Defenders episode 1, season 1:
Keith appears to not remember Lance for unknown reasons.
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softichill · 3 years ago
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Nami :}
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escapeis · 2 years ago
This is a reminder to tag your genshin spoilers!!! The update will be out soon and there is no excuse for not writing or tagging a quick "GENSHIN SPOILER!!!" on your post.
I don't care if it's here or on tiktok or wherever else, JUST DO IT. IT'S NOT HARD TO BE A DECENT FAN IN THE COMMUNITY.
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chalkrevelations · 2 years ago
Well, gdi.
I’m 2 eps into Manner of Death, and I’ve spent the past - year? year and a half? - poking around in bl being all, ‘yeah, yeah, MaxTul, whatever,’ but you guys weren’t kidding, and this is going to send me down a MaxTul rabbithole, isn’t it?
Anyway. Bun, even before he so blatantly tried to stop you from investigating, I was guessing your friend with the mustache was the killer. Anybody with that facial hair is up to no good, plus he’s related to the local magistrate, so we’re gonna get some good corruption and coverup, I bet. Also, i don’t yet know how this ties into Natty, but I suspect the bitemarks on both bodies are not only related but are also related to the way Mustache Guy was trying to haul Jane bodily out of the party. The only thing that makes me doubt it’s him, at this point, is that y’all are telegraphing his creepiness, and it’s kind of early to be tipping your hand, so I’m wondering if this is deliberate misdirection by the show. Plus, Inspector M, or whatever his name is, from the police, is also a creepfest and does a really good job of reminding me why i don’t trust cops, so there’s also that possibility, I guess, although I’m more surprised M hasn’t roofied you, yet, Bun, and threatened your virtue. I kind of thought he was getting you sloppy drunk with a purpose in the first episode, but I guess not yet?
As for you, Tan, you could stand to be a little less of a creep, yourself. I realize this drunken stranger kissed you out of nowhere after you two shared some sort of Moment When Your Gazes Met, but hitting on him in his hospital bed with his friend - your apparent girlfriend, who you seemed perfectly willing to cheat on with him before she turned up dead - barely cold ... you can see how you look a little skeevy, right?
Bun, you are beautiful and perfect and have never done anything wrong in your life (except completely forgetting about Oat - who are you, Kinn Theerapanyakul?), and I am charmed by your self-appointed calling as speaker for the dead. You and Frank Pembleton, man.
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cerealbishh · 2 years ago
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"Hey. It- It's your birthday?"
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Guess I've been focused on other things today."
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queerprayers · 2 years ago
I'm actively discerning & struggling with clarity; what would you say, for you, is the "gut" difference between "actually becoming a nun" & "just needing fellowship, space to pray, & freedom?" Like what's the key aspect that makes it Not a call to literal vocation? If I am understanding you correctly! Thank you nevertheless & I hope God gives & guides you to exactly what you need. 🙏
(re: this post)
Great question, beloved! First, I'll remind you I'm not Catholic, so my understanding/associations of monastic life may be differently informed than yours. If anything I say doesn't match up with your understanding/beliefs about the topic, while I always encourage an open mind, you'll probably get more specific/relevant answers from a member of your denomination/community.
Alright, so, I wrote that post deciding that I probably didn't want to be a nun, but I did want community, time and space to practice my religion, and freedom from capitalism. There are limited options for someone who wants those things, especially in the US, so monastic life has been very appealing to me in recent years. And I do think I could be happy and create a fulfilling life as a nun! But I don't think it's what I'm meant for, at least right now, and I'll try to explain why.
I will say that for some people, there might not be a difference? Like in a perfect world everyone would have community/prayer/freedom, but we're not there, and I'm sure there are people who have turned to monastic life as a way to find those things. And that's not a bad thing at all! If you desire/are fulfilled by certain things, and monastic life is the only/easiest/best way in this world to receive them, then by all means, pursue that life. Historically, those have been some of the reasons people (especially women) enter monasteries/convents—besides it being the best option in a lot of cases for unmarried people, of course. But marriage and being a nun aren't the only two main options for women anymore (thankfully), and I pray every day for a world in which people can find community/prayer/freedom in all walks of life.
Confession: I made that post after watching The Sound of Music, because I've always loved Maria and really connect with her. Spoiler alert, but she doesn't end up a nun. She tries really hard, though! Honestly, that's kind of the dream? Be a nun for a while, then meet a perfect, handsome, put together, rich person who comes with children, and marry them, while making Nazis' lives harder.
I'm really interested in getting married in the future, and while that doesn't rule out monastic life as a Protestant, it is something I have to be conscious of. Maybe that can be our retirement plan? If my future wife is Christian, perhaps we can join an order once we're a bit done with normal society. (I think if I was born anytime before this century, I would already be a nun. If I couldn't have a human wife I'd marry Jesus immediately.)
The main difference for me is when I'm craving monastic life, it's because I want a break. Because the world is too much, and I'm not finding the space/time to pray, and I'm lonely. Now these aren't bad reasons to become a nun, and I don't want to diminish those factors, but for me those feelings are temporary, and a sign that I need to reach out to more people, and talk to my therapist, and put time in my schedule to worship.
Because of this, it seems like in my life the desire to become a nun is a kind of escapism, an impulsive alternative to more destructive ways to give up on life. This is absolutely NOT the case for everyone, and I don't want to imply that, but that's how it is for me (at least right now), and I'm proud of myself for (and thank God that) I'm realizing and honoring this. There may come a day when that desire is a recognition of where I would be most fulfilled, though, you never know.
I'm not sure I have a definite way for someone to tell what they're called to do. I do believe that there isn't one thing we were made for. If an angel came to you and gave you a mission, by all means go do that, but if that were the case you probably wouldn't be asking me for advice. As for the rest of us, God has given us so many diverse gifts, and how we use them is (amazingly but also terrifyingly) up to us! There isn't one path you need to find and all others would be abandoning God's will. There are many ways for you to have a beautiful life.
I don't blame anyone who runs away and joins a convent to escape from life, but ideally we learn about ourselves and participate in general society, deciding what kind of life we'll create—and perhaps end up in a convent somewhere down the line.
What relationships do you seek? Do you want to get married/have children? Who do you want to live with in the future? What gifts do you have? Do you write, sing, draw, run, speak, cook, work, comfort, heal? You don't have to be a genius at anything, and maybe your gift right now is resting and having lunch with your friends—that absolutely counts. How have you brought love/God's will into the world? How do you want to in the future? How would becoming a nun/monk help you fulfill these things? How would it limit you?
Monastic life gives you community/relationships, but may also ask you to forgo certain other community/relationships. It gives you a set purpose and duties, but there will be other purposes/duties you have to give up. Just like any job, relationship, or home, there are sacrifices you have to make, and beautiful things you can fulfill—and this would be all three!
I'm sure you know this stuff, but just in case: Many religious orders offer retreats/temporary stays, and this could be a great option for you! It could let you know whether you just need some time, or whether this is the life you want to follow. Also, keep in mind that there are usually multiple years when joining an order before you commit/take vows. There is no shame in realizing it's not a life you're made for. (Watch The Sound of Music if you need that affirmation.) And every community is different, so make sure you know your options! Cloistered vs. un-cloistered, for instance, is a huge difference.
We all need community, and time, and freedom. But we need those things and find fulfillment in so many different ways. I don't know if I've given you the answers you're looking for, but I pray that you make your decisions with honesty, caring for yourself and the world, and dedicating yourself to God every day, whether in or out of an official religious order.
<3 Johanna
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fanartfunart · 3 years ago
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[Image Description: A set of 3 drawings of a Legend of Zelda AU OC design of the Hero’s Spirit, and a 4 panel comic. The first drawing is a colored drawing of Hero’s Spirit, floating and gesturing broadly with a frustrated look. They wear a tunic and hat like Link, but teal, and a blue scarf with a floral design based off Skyward Sword’s Spirit Vessel. They have a floral design with a purple-green orb in the center with a spiral. There are spiral designs in the outfit and their clothing has a fire-like appearance to it. The rest of the drawings are black and white line art. In the second, Hero’s Spirit looks older, arms folded and back turned towards the viewer, expression distant. They have freckles and their tunic and hat have stitches. Imbedded in their back is a dagger, from which, a floral design matching the one on their chest is centered. The dagger is drawn in full next to them. The hand guard looks like feathers on one side, and a sharp pattern on the other. The dagger has a diamond center and a floral design on the handle, with a heart pommel with a hooded skull bust and a Hylia bust on either side. In the third drawing, Hero’s Spirit is curled in the fetal position, crying. Their scarf appears to be disappearing, turning into petals. Around the floral design on their back is a thorn-like pattern. The comic is 4 panels. Panel 1: Hero’s Spirit looks closer to OoT’s Child Link. They look at their hands, frustrated, and says  “Seriously, were none of you older than 18?” Panel 2: 5 versions of the games Links stand in a close group. In the center, Skyward Sword’s Link, wearing glasses and the sailcloth, shrugs, glancing to his right. Breath of the Wild’s Link rubs the back of his head, awkwardly. On SkSw Link’s other side is Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask Link, teenaged, with scars in the pattern of the Fierce Deity markings, is counting on his fingers. Panel 3: Hero’s Spirit now has the same markings as OoT/MM Link, brows furrowed. “Put your hand down Forest Child” They say. Panel 4: OoT/MM Link curls his fingers into his hand, looking to the side with a nervous smile. End ID]
AU where the Hero’s Spirit gets separated from their body (via magic dagger), and they find out they can time-travel to their past reincarnations and is having a Time of Things as they start slowly remembering their many lives.
(aka minas-linkverse & linkeduniverse inspired me to make my own multi-link au and my sksw bent is Very Much Showing.)
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