#Sorry Armin for neglecting you
shiviwrites07 · 2 years
Too Busy
Levi Ackermann x reader
Warnings : Pure angst, Domestic violence (if you squint), grumpy!Levi, Levi being a bitch, Cadet-Captain relationship, Age gap
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You are one of the finest cadets in the Survey Corps, with skills as sharp as a knife and beauty which can match Aphrodite’s. All the guys swoon at your beauty and the girls are attracted to you because of your kind nature. But the most shocking of all things is that you are Captain Levi’s Girlfriend. And that makes you totally off bounds for the boys.                                     
As you sit your bed in the confines of your and Mikasa’s room, you share the thoughts that have been bugging you for quite some time. “Hey Mika?..Do you think I’m good enough for Levi?”. Mikasa turns around in shock as she stares at you with narrowed eyes, “Why would you say that? Is he not treating you well? Has he said something offensive?” You smile softly at her concern but is quickly replaced by a frown. “Well, he hasn’t been that attentive lately. It’s like he doesn’t have time for me anymore. It’s been a year since we started dating, but he hasn’t actually made an effort in the relationship in the last 6 months. It’s kinda exhausting you know?” She looks at you with understanding and sympathy in her eyes, “I think you should talk to him about it. He must’ve been busy with all his work since we discovered that Reneir, Annie and Bertholdt were traitors.” You nod your head in agreement, thinking that that must’ve been the reason for the drift in your relationship. “I’m gonna go talk to him” You say while getting off the bed and heading towards the door.                                      You gently knock on Levi’s door when you hear a faint 'Come in'. You go into his cabin and see him sitting behind a stack of papers, working on some reports. You go over to him and hug him from behind, “Levi..why don’t you take a break? You haven’t come out of your cabin in 2 days. You need to take some rest.” He jerks your hands off him, leaving you shocked. He turns around with a glare, “If you’re not here for anything important then leave cadet L/N.” His tone breaks your heart but you still don’t give up. You head over to his kettle and teacups, thinking that a cup of warm tea might get rid of his grumpy behaviour. You make him a nice cup of chamomile tea, and bring it to his table. “Honey, please have some tea-“ You hands burn and your heart breaks when he throws the cup onto the floor, some of it spilling on your hands. You look at him with tears in your eyes as he says something that breaks your heart, “Get the fuck out of here! I never needed your help and I never will! Can't you see that im busy?!”                                       You say the last words that make him realise and regret what he did,
“I guess you’ll always be too busy for me.” -- x -- - Shivi ❤️
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moonspirit · 3 months
Hello, Moon I know we get a lot of Papamin stuff which is wonderful but I was wondering if it might be possible to hear more about “Mamanie” (I don’t know if Annie has her own parent title so I made this one), what is her approach to parenting and how is she seen from the perspective of her children.
Undoubtedly she is concerned about making sure she dose not give her child the type of life she had alongside the complicated feelings surrounding her history as a warrior.
How much do her kids know about her past and how much dose she keep from them.
As always, I would love to see your ideas on this.
P.S I have a small headcannon about her keeping up an exercise regime after giving birth with her doing pull-ups while wearing a baby carrier or doing pushups with her child underneath her and occasionally blowing raspberries into their little tummy on the way down. Sorry the idea just seems adorable.
Hi anon! You're right tho, I've completely neglected-
Mamannie Propaganda:
In general I like to think Annie's strikes that perfect balance of strict-and-soft (in contrast with Armin who can easily be wrapped around his wife's and child's fingers lolol). She can be very firm where she needs to be, but also quite easygoing in other situations. She's all "yeah have fun on the beach don't be swept away by a big wave" kind of chill, but also "set your filthy hands on my child and i'll feed you to a woodchipper" kind of angry mama-bear if she sees a suspicious person lurking around her kid. Perhaps this balance as I imagine it comes from the way she saw the world as she grew up?
But it's not only her desire to give her children a different life from what she had as a kid. I can also see Annie worrying quite a bit about how she'll be as a parent, as a mother. It's not like she had a great role model figure growing up. Because of that severe lack of love, Annie became an emotionally closed off young girl, unable to express her feelings properly. The abusive treatment she received from her father too, in turn leading to her conflict within herself about how she should be and who she should be as she carries out her missions with a particularly violent streak, would further her concerns even more, probably. What should a mother be? Kind, loving, caring, affectionate, protective. What kind of mother will she be? What if she turns out just like her father? What if she's unable to love enough? What if, what if, what if.
Though I'd also say that these concerns would depend on how much she's exposed to children before she has her own. Because that potential to be uncomfortable and awkward too is really there haha xD
As for how much her kids know about her past... I think both Aruani as parents wouldn't hesitate to share their stories. There's no point in keeping children of the post-rumbling world in the dark. They should know, they have to know, the multitude of problems and conflicts that led to the rumbling, and that includes the history of Paradis and Marley, the warriors, the Eldians and everything else. Perhaps as soon as the children(?) are old enough to understand the nuance within the complicated history, they'll be told. And that's just as well, isn't it?
The exercising with her baby thing omg! So cute!?! Yeah tho, I can see Annie getting back to her very strict exercise regime as quickly as possible (related to a hc that she's comfortable in her pre-pregnancy body weight because of life as a warrior etc etc, but that's for another time). And if baby cannot be left alone, then there's only one thing to do! Exercise with baby! And if that means rubbing her face into baby's tummy or tickling baby's feet in the midst of it, then that's what she'll do!
Bonus tip from Papamin: You can always bribe Mamannie with a pastry or a sugary sweet and she'll be too busy stuffing her cheeks like a squirrel to remember she was mad at you.
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haedraulics · 10 months
I know you didn’t really like the “violence is inevitable” thing in AOT but , isn’t it true tho? The world unfortunately really is like that, no matter how many times we go back in history, look at the current world situation, I think it was pretty realistic from Isayama to depict the world of aot like that, it’s disappointing because of how much it comes close to reality imo
What I do agree with is how Eren is forgiven, especially in the fandom, like 💀💀
But I think the destruction in Paradis happened exactly because of that, because the world never forgave Eren and the Jaegerists for the genocide
Also, no hate, I just wanted to share my own view lol
helloo sorry for taking so long to reply to this, i'm ridiculously slow with my inbox 💀
i have two things to say about this, the first is that i'm skeptical that isayama genuinely wanted to tell a story about the inevitability of violence, and the second is that a theme in fiction reflecting some aspects of reality doesn't then make it interesting or well-written.
i raise the first point because of characters like kenny and gabi, who undergo major development because their dependence on violence is challenged by a show of compassion from another character (in kenny's case, from uri; in gabi's case, from the braun family). to me these characters indicate that the author wants to convey optimism about the power of human relations, regardless of how extreme or cruel the circumstances are. rather than, 'violence is inevitable', these stories convey that, 'violence is not more powerful than compassion'.
the way the epilogue goes, it renders these previous themes nigh meaningless. of course, states don't follow the same emotional logic as interpersonal relationships, but then it makes me question: what was the point of the additional pages? why did armin's final pages profess his conviction in the efficacy of communication and ambassadorship?
why, instead, wasn't his last page him getting shot and killed after stepping off the boat? if the intention was to convey 'the inevitable tragedy of violence'.
the reason why is because i don't think that was actually the message isayama wanted to tell, but rather, it was damage control for an ending that awkwardly failed to convey consequences for eren's actions. eren kills 80% of humanity, but all the main character's parents survive, and so do they. eren kills 80% of humanity, but his friends tearfully express their gratitude for his good intentions, and presumably live out long and peaceful lives.
in an ending with plot contrivances this inane, an author might want to bring some 'realism' back into his story. therefore, the civilizational collapse of paradis is not an earnest contribution to the messages of aot, but just tacked-on course correction.
in aot it's not 'violence is inevitable', it's 'violence is inevitable for you filthy side characters'. which is really sad, because ramzi was the protagonist of his own story, too.
additionally, i want expand on why a theme being 'realistic' doesn't actually make it interesting. 'violence is inevitable' is like saying 'racism is inevitable'. sure, a cursory glance at global history can prove that people have been ravaged by ethnic and national prejudice, that it's ongoing today, and it will probably persist twenty years from now. but is it inevitable? what utility does that statement have, if not to resign ourselves to making less meaningful attempts at improvement?
a story does not reveal anything truthful about the human condition by neglecting to mention our capacity for forgiveness. at times, aot is very capable at telling such a story that balances both cruelty and compassion, but for some reason is intensely clumsy at scaling up these themes to the level of states and state conflict (marley, for example, is a horribly developed setting). therefore i often feel that rather than the epilogue telling a pessimistic story about humanity, it tells a pessimistic story about statehood. but maybe that's a topic for another post hehe
thanks anon for the interesting ask!
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distortedclouds · 8 months
Clouds, hi!
I saw you doing the OTP ask game, so you know, I couldn't just pass by without asking you about our fav blondes... :3
3, 7, 10, 14, 18 (your posts about drunk Armin are culprits for this number!!!), 19
Heeeey Anna!!
3. Are they into PDA? Who initiates most?
Not really. Beyond the occasional and short-lived hand holding down the street, they keep it to when they have privacy.
I'd say Armin initiated the first couple of times, but since Annie isn't the most enthusiastic about it, she's been the one to initiate it every once in a blue moon
7. Who's clumsier?
Annie could walk down a tight-robe in her sleep. Your boy... his tongue is the only articulate thing about him
im sorry
10. Who is always reminding the other not to forget important documents/general things before leaving out the door?
Armin crumbles under pressure. He's a mess and he's forgetting things even if he manages to pull through. Annie keeps a close eye on him in such situations and is able to quickly catch if he forgets anything important
14. Who falls asleep during a movie?
hmm this is a tough one, but Im gonna have to go with Armin.
He exhaust himself during the day that in the evening when it's finally time to sit down and watch a nice movie with Annie, he's almost always dozing off on her shoulder around the half-way point
18. What are they like when they're drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one's sober?
hahaha ooo another one!
I'd say Annie actually likes it when Armin is a tiiiiny bit drunk because he seems to loosen up. He's always very careful and worrying over everything and anything, that a slightly tipsy Armin is carefree and more "himself"
19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?)
Annie is pretty calm and tolerant but it'd get on her nerves whenever Armin isn't taking care of himself or takes care of her too much he neglects himself or puts himself in danger
I think they tend to have really charged arguments and discussions rather than straight up fights (they're too tired smh)
hope this was good!
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crisalidaseason · 1 year
Can I request some Armin x wheelchair user reader? I have pots and most times I rely on a wheelchair to function.
Hi, of course! you can make requests anytime. Also, I'm sorry. It took me a while to write this because I had to do some research on POTS in order to do my best to represent you, if I make any mistake feel free to call me out. Hope you enjoy it!
Armin x wheelchair user!Reader
CW: Gn! reader, wheelchair user reader, reader has POTS, mentions of chronic fatigue, ableism (not explicit, just mentioned), fluff
He is the sweetest boyfriend ever. Since he was raised by his grandpa, I imagine he had previous experience living with a wheelchair user.
He knows when you need help, and when you can do things yourself. He doesn't hover over you, despite his constant worry and attention, he let's you decide if you need aid or not. He knows how independence is important to you and makes sure you can feel that way as much as possible.
He loves taking you to fun dates such as plays, museums, zoo visits, park picnics, library exploring and even local festivals. He always makes sure to check beforehand if the place offers acomodations and searches the reviews whenever he is not able to visit the place beforehand. He will not go to a place in which your needs can't be met or there is a slight chance you can get stressed.
He also is aware that your fatigue cannot be ignored, so he often has nap, movie and game dates with you. He finds joy in spending a valentine's day under the covers with you, watching a silly movie and cuddling. He loves reading to you whenever you feel too tired to read yourself, he will pick a book you've craved for weeks and read it all, doing silly voices and reacting to the story.
He is always mindful of your wheelchair, checking from time to time if it's in good condition, always being careful with your mobility aid whenever you go out with him. He knows how expensive and important they are, so he makes sure to keep it tidy and in good shape.
On days you feel better, he loves cooking for and with you. The two of you act like those TV/Vloggers presenting a cooking show. He puts on music and the two of you dance in the kitchen, he loves how giddy you get spinning the chair around him. While waiting for the cake to cool down or the sauce to thicken, he loves sit on the ground and talk to you, chin and arms resting lightly on your thighs.
Will stand your ground when you need advocating, he will make sure you're heard whenever ableism is happening. Whenever people complain about you taking space with your wheelchair he will be nasty to them, sometimes you have to calm him down! This bitch will be pulling the federal diasbilitie's laws to humiliate ableist uninformed people. It's Armin, he has that thing memorized!
He makes sure to join you in spaces dedicated to disabled people, he wants to be in contact with them because they are a part of your life (and he is a part of yours). If you don't have a local community, he will help you find one (or even organize one). You told him how isolated you felt, and he does not want you to feel that way ever again.
Also, he took time to learn all the meds you take, he has reminders for them on his phone and always checks if you took them or if they need refills.
On really bad days, he will not leave your side. He takes turns with your caretaker, checking if you're stable or if a hospital visit is needed. Also, if you do go to the hospital he will be extremely attentive, he understands how much hospitals can be triggering to you and he will be a nightmare if medical staff neglect you.
Writer's note: I loved this so much, I hope you guys enjoy it and if you think I can fix something please let me know. Love you all!
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arlertdarling · 1 year
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001 — my posts are non-spoiler-free and mostly sfw. i do not write explicit content as of right now, but i reblog and interact with blogs who do.
002 — i try to tag all necessary content (tw, cw, nsfw, spoilers etc.) but if i miss anything, please let me know. minors please blacklist and dni with content containing the #mdni tag.
003 — do not interact if you’re racist, sexist, ableist, lgbt+phobic, xenophobic, anti-semitic etc. basically, if you are not here to interact positively, then do not interact at all. this is not a safe space for bigots or antis; you will be blocked.
004 — do not trauma dump to me; preferably don’t vent to me at all. sorry, i’m just not comfortable with it, especially if it’s unprompted/without warning.
005 — i block blank/empty blogs (blogs with no profile picture, no header, no name, no bio, no posts etc.) though there may be exceptions if i see proof that you’re not a bot. i also block and unfollow freely for my own comfort. please do not ask why or for me to unblock you.
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001 — i currently only write for aot with a bias for my faves (EMA trio, especially armin, plus hange and levi<3) and i only write on tumblr and ao3. please do not copy, modify, translate or repost my work onto any other platforms.
002 — my readers will always be gender neutral because i’m non-binary and that’s how i imagine the reader. as a college student, i also usually imagine the reader and characters in my works to be 18 or over.
003 — i do not take requests but you’re welcome to send me ideas or suggestions!
004 — please be patient and understanding. i tend to work at a slow pace and my real life responsibilities will always take priority over my writing.
005 — i write what i want, when i want. please do not pressure or confront me about why i am/aren’t writing for any particular work.
the list below may change in the future.
i do write:
oneshots, drabbles, headcanons
character x reader, character x character
sfw, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
suggestive content
some dark themes (mentions or mild depictions of death, mental illness, violence, gore, psychological or emotional distress, neglect)
i don’t write:
graphic depictions and/or heavy themes of suicide, self-harm, noncon, drug use, addiction, eating disorders, physical abuse or toxic relationships
incest, pedophilia etc.
pregnancy, childbirth, parenting etc.
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versutusdea · 3 months
hello everyone! my name is fey (23, est), and i’m currently looking to pick up some more writing partners interested in any of the fandoms listed below. i typically prefer to write on discord, though i could be persuaded to try other platforms as well. beneath the cut, you’ll find more information in regards to my rules, things i’m looking for, etc. ☆
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01. first and foremost, i will only write with those who are older than 20 years of age. this is for my own comfort, and its a boundary that is very much set in stone!
02. i don’t generally prefer to write smut-centered threads. if that’s all you’re interested in doing, then we’re probably not the best match! it’s certainly not something i’m averse to writing every once in a while and if appropriate, but i do not write smut for the sake of writing smut. i’d much rather prefer to focus on character development and world building!
03. please understand that i am currently in college full time, and am not always able to be as active as i’d like. i also work full time during the summer months! i do try to be around as much as possible, but sometimes life gets in the ways. i always strive to be as informative as possible if there are instances where i’m not going to be around as frequently. if you’re expecting 2-3 thread replies weekly, i’m probably not the person for you.
04. i looooove chatting with my partners about our plots! expect me to send loads of headcanons, pinterest boards, playlists, etc. i get really super enthusiastic about the characters i’m writing, and i’m equally as invested in those my partners are writing as well! it might take me a bit to warm up to you and gauge just how annoying i'm allowed to be, but we'll get there! if you’d prefer not to talk much ooc for whatever reason, do let me know, and i’ll absolutely lay off the gas.
05. i am doubling / mumu friendly. though it isn't necessary, i've always felt that the more, the merrier! it’s just important to remember that with my busy schedule, more threads may mean that it takes me a bit longer to reply. i’m always making an effort to give every character equal attention, and never want anyone feeling neglected. this does not mean i will not double up, of course, especially if that’s your preference! i just don’t want to set any unrealistic expectations.
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game of thrones :  sansa stark, daenerys targaryen
harry potter :  hermione granger, ron weasley, newt scamander, luna lovegood
the hunger games :  katniss everdeen, clove, marvel, haymitch abernathy, lucy gray baird
star wars :  padmé amidala, ahsoka tano, obi–wan kenobi, leia organa, cassian andor
avatar the last airbender :  katara, sokka, aang
dune :  paul atreides, chani kynes
percy jackson :  annabeth chase, nico di angelo
jujutsu kaisen : kugisaki nobara, utahime iori, yuji itadori
attack on titan : mikasa ackerman, hange zoe, pieck finger, armin arlert
marvel : wanda maximoff, jean grey, natasha romanoff, stephen strange, scott lang, peter parker
i will not write things like incest, age gaps (nor will i age up characters if there would otherwise be an age gap), etc. i also do not write smut with characters that are minors regardless of whether or not they are aged up. sorry! again, i'm fine with doubling up as well. ships can be mxf, mxm, or fxf. i’m open to most ideas, so feel free to suggest whatever’s on your mind and i’ll let you know if it’s something i’d be into trying! also, our pairings don’t have to be romantic! i loooove writing platonic stuff as much as i do romantic. currently, i'd prefer to do strictly cc x cc pairings. depending on the themes of the plot, i ask that characters be aged up to be 18+.
if any of this sounds like something you’d be interested in, leave a like on this post and i’ll reach out to you as soon as i’m able! please do not dm me first, as this will make it more difficult for me to keep track of everything.
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actuallys8n · 2 years
gn!reader | one-shot | drabble
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| a / n | : really just an armin simp drabble bc he’s my little blonde bb ✨ please proceed with caution my cuties i know this kind of "darker" sexual content can be hard for some readers. here’s Eren’s version if you’re interested…
| warnings | : sub!reader, bondage, degradation, mild themes of CNC, biiig dacryphilia, fingering (reader!receiving), kinda mean manipulative armin :(
| word count | : 1k
When he ties you up…
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… he’s the type to blame you for it. For the thin, light blue paracord bound tightly to your neck, arms, and thighs— confining your limbs to his mattress.
“I really didn’t want to do this to you baby…” Armin whines, voice quiet and shaking, lip tucked between his teeth, eyebrows furrowed while he yanks on the strings tying you down like a puppet master fine-tuning one of his favorite toys.
And you lay completely limp beneath his fury, allowing him to bend and bind your naked body to his will.
“You're making me do it.”
Yank— tie, repeat.
"If you just did what I asked... baby we wouldn't have to do this."
His expression is so sorrowful when he looks at you, you think he may burst into tears. But it’s all very fake; a facade he paints on whenever he gets upset with you. Maybe he could cry— but it would only be to remind you how much you’re hurting him. How hard it is for him to treat you like you’re some animal who needs to be chained up and trained.
But is it actually hard?
No, really it isn’t. The blonde man whispering apologies into your ear is anything but sorry. He knows exactly what knots to tie, where to wrap and braid the paracord so you are absolutely aching in all the right spots and begging him for more.
You recall the sting of Armin’s icy glare piercing through your back from across the room of that little local coffee shop down the road past his apartment. You had leaned a bit too close to the male barista so you could show him the drink you’d seen on the cafe’s social media page— when Armin had asked you not even three minutes before to let him order it for you once he got back from the restroom.
Call it complacency, ignorance… whatever it was, it had gotten you into some serious trouble. That colorful, fruity drink you had to have right away cost you $5 and the rest of your Sunday.
“Why did you do that Y/N?” He asks with voice trembling and gaze growing more desperate.
“Is it because you want me to get upset with you?”
“Do you like it when men stare at you like you’re some toy?”
You wildly shake your head back and forth in an attempt to deny his accusations, the cord on your neck rubbing searing red lines into the thin skin and causing tears to spill over the hills of your cheeks.
Toy? No, not for anyone but him. You swear.
Armin frowns deeper at your weeping form. It’s almost embarrassing for him, watching you feed him lies from such a vulnerable spread-eagle position. Going as far as crying to try and get out of the neglect you knew you had coming… how sad.
A few more hard tugs on your strings and he has your thighs spread even farther apart, entirely restrained from free movement by how tight he’s bound you to the steel loops mounted to his bed frame. The veins in your legs pulse and throb against the suffocating squeeze of paracord, almost uncomfortably so. But the ache between them is much, much more distracting.
With your entire body exposed and writhing beneath him, intricately woven and braided into several yards of baby blue rope, you are now completely at his mercy.
“Do you understand why I have to punish you? Y’know how much I love you, Y/N.” He pleads one final time, sentence falling off into a broken whisper and hazy eyes locked on yours. A slender finger darts past his plush lips to coat itself in saliva, drags a thin line down your stomach before coming to an abrupt stop.
Rubbing soft, wet circles over your entrance. One, two, three… until he’s finally pushing through the tight heat between your legs and gently massaging you with a singular digit.
The intrusion is more than welcome, arms and legs itching to reach for the handsome man and hold on to him but unable because of the way he’s wrapped you up. Your chest heaves in frustration, slickened walls desperately clenching around the finger that’s slowly stroking in and out— prodding at the soft, sensitive flesh inside of you. A stark contrast to the ropes lacerating the abused skin on your appendages.
You blink through salty tears, fighting your sense and deciding then and there that breaking his rule of silence has got to be better than this. This slow, incessant and taunting pump of his hands against your cunt. The anxiety of being immobilized only heightens your frustrations and makes your blood pump harder, causing a cold sweat to build at the nape of your neck. You huff out hot air and try to glance down towards where Armin has busied himself between your legs.
“Armin, please!“
Smack— a warm hand firmly clamps over your mouth and that all-too familiar chilled glare meets your eyes.
“I told you not to talk,” He bites, interrupting your weak plea and removing his fingers from teasing you which only earns him more of your relentless tears. You quietly begin to sob at the sudden loss in pleasure and at the tight grip of regret squeezing your throat. Armin’s hand leaves your mouth and you are briefly abandoned, watching him step away from the bed and into the darkness of his closet. Only seconds later he emerges from the black, glassy blue eyes back on yours with a single silk tie held tightly in his hand.
His narrow frame saunters back towards you to stand beside the bed. “Open,” he demands quietly, gripping your jaw and squeezing your cheeks to pry your lips apart and stuff the tie in until you gag on the soft fabric.
“Now be quiet.”
You nod this time, sobs unyielding and soaking the satin pillowcase beneath you. Armin’s expression is almost unreadable now; monotonous and beyond himself. It’s been a really, really long day… and you just keep disobeying him. Testing his patience.
He clenches his teeth in anger and sharply turns away from the beautiful, broken, and shaking creature silently begging for him from his bed to let out another long sigh. With a ruffle of his blonde hair and one hand on the doorknob, he spares you a single fleeting glance over his shoulder.
“You can lay there and think about what you’ve done.”
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don’t ask why I did this…. thanks for reading beebs 🧡 master list
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silversimp · 2 years
Yandare Armin x FemReader
Warning: (NSFW) 18+ Rape/Non-Con
He always told himself he would never fall in love, what was the point of that anyway? In the world he lived in it felt like there was no future for things like that. Armin, however, would not be able to stop his brain and heart from falling when he saw her. Despite how pathetic he thought it would be to bother with something like romance, he found himself awake late at night swimming in thoughts of her. She, however, had no idea who he was.
Chapter 1
Armin found himself at that tea shop again, the one he overheard Levi and Erwin talking about. The boy thought he may be able to become more like them if he had a better understanding of them. He felt silly sitting alone at the shop, only two people working and every table was full. Armin couldn't help but feel like he was just an extra nuisance for the people working. After a few minutes of waiting, and both workers apologizing on their passing of his table, the young girl working stepped up to him with a notepad.
"I'm so sorry again for the wait" she smiled sweetly, a glisten of sweat on her brow as she clicked her pen, "what can I get for you?"
"No need to apologize" Armin returned her smile, "I'll have the forest walk blend please" he didn't bother looking over the menu, he had known since the moment he walked in what tea he wanted. Levi sang its praises the last time he overheard the man telling Hange about the spot. To better understand his superiors in order to become more like them he wanted to start somewhere simple, such as enjoying the same tea.
"Oh?" She looked up from her notepad, tapping it softly on her chest, "where did you hear about that?" Armin's heart pumped against his chest violently, had he misheard the name of the tea or of the shop?
"My captain and late commander" he mumbled nervously, "they said they love this place and that blend" the blonde fiddled with the untouched menu on his table.
"You don't mean from the scouts do you?" She leaned down to speak quietly, Armin breathed in the perfume clinging to her clothing. A soft lavender that was barely present until she was hovering right over him.
"Ye-yes" he smiled weakly, her eyes becoming harder to meet as his gaze tried to move down her neck to her newly exposed cleavage. Before temptation won out she stood back up and gave him a heartwarming smile, one that made his whole body shiver.
"I can't believe they went blabbing about our secret" she giggled, "good thing you got me and not my dad" she pocketed the notepad without writing on it. Armin stared up at her as she giggled into her palm. She gave Armin a wink and walked off to the back to make his tea, he couldn't figure out why his heart was racing so fast.
He waited for a few moments, skimming the menu he had neglected earlier. If he had looked it over he would have seen that the blend he heard of was not listed anywhere. The girl returned and placed a tea set in front of him. The set had a forest theme, hand painted trees lined the sides of the pot and cups with a few little painted deer grazing along the bottom of the cups. Armin picked up one of the two cups and inspected it, the paintings were so small yet impeccably detailed.
"My mother painted them" the girl smiled softly as Armin set down the cup, she poured him some of the tea from the pot and Armin was met with a warm smell. The girl poured a second cup as well, the blonde raising a brow at her as she did so, "this tea blend was her favorite, but unfortunately she had been in Shiganshina when the titans attacked" the girl looked down into the cup solemnly, her smile still present but fading.
"I'm sorry to hear that" Armin swallowed, he felt his pulse picking up again and a lump forming in his throat.
"My father took this blend off the menu because he doesn't like serving her tea to anyone, but Erwin had been a patron for as long as I remember so I always snuck him and his captain some" she smiled brightly, the sad look in her eyes dissipating as she looked over Armin at the window beside him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know" Armin looked down nervously, he couldn't figure out why he was getting so sweaty all of a sudden, "I just heard them talking about how good it was and I wanted to try it."
"Don't apologize, my mother loved sharing tea with new people" the girl set the tea cup down across from Armin, "I'm sorry if it's weird, but any time I make this blend I always pour a cup for her" she softly traced along the rim with one of her long thin fingers, Armin found his eyes following it despite how hard he tried to look away. A soft silence fell over them for a moment as he watched her finger slowly move along in circles, "well enjoy your tea sir" she bowed and walked away to serve another customer.
After that day Armin's mind started wandering to her, wondering what she was doing and if she was overwhelmed at work. Their encounter had been brief, she hadn't paid attention to him in a special kind of way. No, she had treated him the way she would have treated any customer. However, her sweet smile and the smell of lavender wouldn't leave his mind.
A week after his first visit to the tea shop he decided he needed to go back again, he had to see her. Unfortunately she wasn't working, instead the shop was being taken care of by her father and her brother. Armin, frustrated, ordered some tea and waited around hoping she would come in. By the time he finished his tea it had gone cold, bitter from over steeping. Not quite as bitter as Armin felt though, he started lurking around the shop after that. Unable to afford purchasing tea every time he visited, Armin began to make sure she was working before going in and ordering.
He didn't always get her as his server, but just watching her work was enough to make his day better. His interactions with her were never more than the ordering process and her checking in to make sure everything was to his liking, just the amount she needed to interact with him for her job. Unfortunately, as much as he would have loved to make visiting her a regular activity, he just couldn't afford it. Armin made sure to stop in at least once a month, and he of course walked by the shop fairly often to peer in at her.
Four months of this and what little he was getting was no longer enough. He sat at his table looking out the window, she was in the back out of his view leaving him to entertain himself elsewhere. Armin was starting to understand his feelings for her, he knew what was building inside him was romantic. Though he didn't know much about her, or even her name, he knew that he was falling in love with her. Armin needed to get more of her time, he needed her to fall in love with him. Something that wasn't going to happen if he was only ever a customer, one she didn't even seem to remember each visit. He'd listened to her tell a few stories multiple times, at this point he could tell the story of how her brother tricked her into thinking a titan lived in their basement when she was five better than she could.
"I accidently made too many strawberry pastries, would you like one?" Her voice ripped him away from the thoughts in his head, Armin looked over at her. She had walked up to him holding a small plate with a pastry sitting deintly in the center, "free of charge" she smiled. Armin felt like his heart might burst through his chest, how can someone be as cute and perfect as she is.
"Wow, thank you" he smiled back after a small pause, "it looks delicious, are you sure it's free?" He watched her set it down in front of him, her beautiful long fingers softly tracing the edge of the plate as she pulled her hand back.
"Don't worry about it" she winked as she picked up his untouched menu, "please let me know if you need anything else" after a small bow she walked off to another table, starting up small talk with a family who had ordered a lot of food. Armin swallowed nervously as he looked down at the desert.
'She made this just for me' his mind ran wild with thoughts just on the edge of irrational. Licking his lips, Armin picked up the small fork beside his plate and pressed into the still warm pastry, 'she was too nervous to stay and see me try it, she's so cute' he smiled as he pressed the fruit bread to his tongue. He had never had such a delicious treat, though she could have given him a live rat to eat and it would probably taste amazing since it came from her. He needed more.
A few days after that Armin decided to do something he knew was crossing the line, but he couldn't think of anything better or easier. He snuck off base and into town after curfew, nervously walking down the quiet streets of Trost toward the tea shop. Armin needed to see her outside of work, but he had no idea where he could conveniently bump into her. His plan was simple; follow her home from work then wait around near her house in the morning on the scouts next rest day. Armin knew it was a little immoral to follow her home, but if anything this made her safe from creeps. He could keep an eye on her to make sure no one tried to do anything to her.
He waited patiently in an alley across from the tea shop, her and her brother were closing together and it looked like they were getting ready to leave. Armin nervously pulled his hood over his head, just in case they noticed him following them; he didn't want to risk her or her brother recognizing him. He stayed far enough back that he was fairly confident they had no idea someone was following them, the siblings keeping up light conversation about customers they had that day.
Armin was pleased to find out she lived a ten minute walk away from the shop, and just as pleased when he realized she lived alone, not with her family. He decided to check out the area around her little house, a small backyard with a garden teeming with fruits and different plants she used for making teas, her windows were flimsy and looked easy to get in and out of, and he could even see inside the house pretty easily too. Nervously, Armin peered through a few of them trying to see which rooms he could see into. The window above her kitchen sink was easy to see through from the street, but he needed to get in her backyard to look into her bedroom. After pushing his luck as far as he felt was safe, Armin made his way back to his dorm with newfound excitement for his next off day.
Eren and Mikasa were both surprised when Armin said he was too busy to do extra training with them that Saturday, they were even more surprised when he mentioned meeting someone in town. They'd noticed he'd been spending more and more time in town without them, but this was the first time he'd mentioned a person being the cause. They didn't pry, unsure what kind of relationship Armin was building with the mystery person and not wanting to make him self conscious about it.
What they didn't know was Armin wasn't meeting anyone, he was instead stalking them. He was waiting across the street from her house for any sign of her leaving, when he noticed movement in her kitchen. Excitedly he busied himself with a newspaper, sitting on a bench and trying to keep an eye on her door. Once he saw her exit her house he watched her walk down the sidewalk, she was holding a few empty bags so Armin figured she was going shopping.
Giddy, he got up and followed a few feet behind her. Armin kept her in his sight at all times, the last thing he wanted was to lose her in the crowd of people in the busy shopping area. She walked into a shop selling candles and Armin decided it was safe to follow her in, besides his dorm room could use a few new candles. As he walked in he almost jumped with joy seeing that the two of them were the only customers inside, a perfect opportunity to share some small talk with her and hopefully get her name.
"Excuse me" Armin smiled politely as he walked up to her holding a candle, "I'm sorry to bother you" he gripped the candle tightly as she turned to him.
"No worries" she smiled back, she eyed him cautiously.
"It's a little embarrassing, but I figured a woman's opinion would be useful for my current issue" he held the candle up to her as she raised a brow at him, "I'm in the scouts and I share a dorm room with a pretty messy guy, lately he's been making the room kind of stinky and I wanted to get something that smelled nice to counteract it. Do you think this would be strong enough to make a whole room smell nice?" Her features softened at the mention of the scouts, Armin already knew that telling her he was a scout would make her less nervous about talking to him. Her family greatly respected Erwin, even naming a blend of tea after him when he passed.
"Oh lavender" she smiled as she sniffed the candle, a scent Armin was already positive she would enjoy, "you might want to get two just in case, but that should help with the smell" she giggled. Armin held back the urge to touch her with all his might, there was no table between them this time and it made her feel more accessible.
"I'm glad, I thought this one smells the nicest, but having a second opinion in helpful" he nervously swallowed trying to figure out the best way to trap her in conversation with him, "my name is Armin, by the way" he could tell he was blushing, but hoped she would think it was cute and not weird.
"It's nice to meet you Armin" she smiled that sickeningly sweet smile of hers as she finally told him her name. The most beautiful name he had ever heard, he already knew he'd spend his evening mumbling it as he touched himself.
"I don't mean to sound weird, but do you work at that tea shop?" He figured it would be best to get it out of the way now that he knew her already, but hoped asking in this way made it seem like they truly bumped into each other by coincidence.
"I do, have you been?" She smiled before turning her attention to the candles in front of her.
"Yes, the tea is always very nice when I've been there" Armin fiddled with the candle in his hands, he wanted to spend more time with her but couldn't figure out if he was coming off as creepy.
"Well thank you" she beamed, "hopefully I'll see you there some time then" it was clear she wasn't trying to keep up the conversation. Armin chewed at his bottom lip, he wanted to keep prying at her, but he needed to stay calm and casual.
"Yes, hopefully" he gave an awkward wave and headed to the cashier, a sleepy old man who was hardly paying attention. Honestly Armin could have just walked out without paying and the man would have never noticed.
Another month passed and Armin was starting to need even more. At this point she recognized him when he came into the tea shop, also smiling and greeting him. The way his name rolled off her tongue was enough to send shivers down his spine, he was desperate to hear her whimper his name in a breathy moan. He needed to see her outside of the shop more, he had found ways to bump into her on three of his five days off. She had even been the one to approach him one of those times, a soft smile as she recognized him in the crowd.
Now Armin was standing outside her house deep in the night, he was once again crossing lines he knew he shouldn't. Armin had been spending a lot of time in Hange's lab working on some serious sleeping medicine, with the excuse he was having difficulty sleeping because of nightmares. The final product was sitting snugly in his breast pocket, just a dash of it would be enough to knock a person out for hours. He tested it on Eren, who said it was the best sleep he'd ever had and even offered to pay Armin to make him more. The blonde, however, had much more of a dubious reason for wanting to make the sleeping medicine.
Jerking off to the thought of her having gotten old, he needed something more. Armin waited patiently in her backyard, hiding in a blind spot from her window as he waited for her to get ready to bath. Once she was out of her bedroom and in her bath he snuck into her room, tapping a bit of the medicine into her cup of water by her bedside. Armin had watched her fall asleep many times now, she always kept a glass of water with her and periodically sipped it as she settled into bed. After adding the medication to her drink, Armin slipped back outside and waited. Her yard wasn't visible to any of her neighbors, unless they were out in their own yards, and her window lock was broken. He felt a bit worried for her safety knowing how easy it was to sneak in, luckily he was there most nights to fend off anyone who may try to get inside.
Read the completed work here
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emeren · 3 years
such a tease - eren jaeger
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👗 anon request <3
pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader 
word count: 4k
content warnings: 18+, smut, choking, degradation, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, jealousy, possessiveness 
notes: this was an anonymous request and lemme just say, i was SO excited to write this one. i’m unfortunately not super happy with how it turned out, but i’ve been swamped bc school just started back up!
SUMMARY: reader decides to tease eren by wearing a skirt without any underwear for the day, causing her very jealous boyfriend to act out in an unexpected way. 
one look in the mirror was all it took for you to quell your nerves. your fingers ran over the expanse of the pleated skirt, smoothing out any wrinkles and creases. this was bold, even for you, but you knew exactly what you were doing. 
eren had never been particularly shy about his protective nature; he was always making sure people understood you were his girlfriend, wrapping his arm around your waist or glaring at men who stared a little too long. 
you loved that about him, but you loved pushing his buttons even more. he had a bad habit of being an argumentative, hot headed little shit, and teasing him like this was asking for some rough, animalistic gesture. that was exactly what you wanted. 
you’d never neglected to wear underwear in a skirt this short, the fabric stopping just below your ass. you knew you’d have to be careful or you would end up flashing jean or armin, and that would drive eren up a wall. 
you hoped eren wouldn’t notice until you were all out; meaning there would be nothing he could do about it. teasing him was one of your favorite things to do. 
you heard your phone buzz quietly from your bed, picking up the small device and seeing eren’s name at the top. 
lil shit <3: get ur ass out here we’ve been waiting forever 
the eye roll that naturally came to you was strong, giving yourself one final once over in the mirror before heading out of your apartment. you couldn’t help the nervous smile that teased at your lips once you left the building, connie’s beat up minivan sitting at the curb. riding in his car was never the first choice; it was musty and had suspicious stains on the carpeting, but it was the only one that fit all of your friends. 
connie laid on the horn as soon as he saw you, the rest of your friends yelling from inside the vehicle as you approached. you could see jean in the passenger seat, jogging up to the rear door with a knot of nervousness in your stomach. you placed one hand on your thigh to keep the skirt from riding up as you slid the van door open. 
sasha and mikasa were stuffed in the small backseat, armin and eren sitting in the middle row. it was comical to see eren in the spot generally reserved for the smallest passenger, but you had no doubt that he wanted to sit in the middle because of you. he was petty like that - a trait that made teasing him all the more fun. 
“hey guys,” you smiled, sliding into the van as your friends all greeted you at once. your eyes were on connie, who was craning his neck to give you a rather incredulous look. 
you felt eren stiffen as you sat down, reaching for the seatbelt. connie decided to speak up before you had a chance to question it. “dude, come ooooon. what the hell took you so long?” 
“sorry, i was distracted and my phone was on my bed,” you explained, connie resolutely rolling his eyes in response. 
“let’s go already, i’m starving!” sasha wailed from the back, shaking your seat in front of her. you giggled at her desperation, finally turning to your boyfriend as connie sped away from the curb. 
you were surprised to see that eren was already staring at you, a weird glint in his eyes. you gave him a smile, trying to act innocent. “hi.” 
he didn’t say anything, just looked forward and placed his large hand on your bare thigh. it wasn’t that it was unusual for him to do so in front of your friends, in fact it was normal. you just weren’t used to him placing it so high; so high that the tip of his pinky dipped beneath the fabric of your skirt and threatened to inch towards the apex of your leg. 
had he already noticed?
“took you awhile to get ready,” eren commented, his words only being heard by you as everyone else in the car chatted about going bowling. you glanced back up at him, eyes scanning his face. he was wearing a black t-shirt and sweats, the customary ‘i don’t care about anything’ outfit he always seemed to adorn. the cold metal of the ring on his middle finger did little to ease your nerves. 
“yeah, i was just thinking about some stuff and got distracted,” you lied, smiling up at him. he was looking at you from the side of his eyes, jaw clenched. 
“really?” he breathed, his hand shifting ever so slightly up your leg. his smallest finger teased at the crease of your thigh, head leaning down to whisper in your ear. “were you thinking about some stuff or were you forgetting about some stuff?”
your breath hitched, face growing hot as you struggled for something to say. connie, once again, beat you to the punch. “oi! lovebirds! no canoodling in my back seat!”
“we weren’t canoodling,” eren sneered, pulling away and moving his hand to just above your knee. he squeezed the skin generously, your slight embarrassment about eren’s public displays of affection quickly wearing off. “i was just saying, it looks like she forgot a coat.” 
jean snorted from the front seat. “yeah and because you’re a dumbass who doesn’t wear one either, i’m gonna have to give her mine later.” 
jean’s lighthearted words lit a devious lightbulb in your mind, the gears of your plan now in full swing. you leaned forwards, wrapping your arms around the back of the chair and consequently jean’s broad chest. you leaned your head to the side, a grin on your face.
“you really are too sweet to me, jean-jean!” you cooed, the feeling of eren’s grip tightening on your thigh an indication of just how well this was working in your favor. jean chuckled at the familiar nickname, hand coming up to pat your arms wrapped around him. 
you let go and slid back into your spot, eren’s face clearly peeved at your display of affection. for once, you had the upper hand. and you were going to milk it all the way. 
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the local bowling alley was a small, dank building that prided itself on its catering towards college students without much else to do. as connie skidded to a stop in his self-designated parking spot, the legacy of the building seemed to live up to its expectations. 
eren hadn’t said anything else on the ride over, just kept his hand protectively (and respectfully) placed on your lower thigh. you were much more careful sliding out of the car this time, hand blatantly coming down to cover your ass. you knew that eren was watching you, as he was quick to follow you from the vehicle and stand behind your brazen figure. 
he wrapped his arms lazily around your waist, resting his chin on the top of your head as you waited for your friends to pile out of the car. you’d grown accustomed to his touchy nature, suddenly deciding to press your ass against his groin. the gesture was small, but you could feel eren’s dick harden within his pants. 
“careful!” he hissed, hopping back in an attempt to shake away his sudden erection. you snickered to yourself, giving him a glance over your shoulder as you followed your friends into the building. 
the interior was the same as it’d always been; drowned out with black lights and the smell of wax. it was the kind of atmosphere that reminded you of your earliest days of childhood; attending large birthday parties and eating way too much cheaply made cake. 
the attendant was a short man named george, one who’d acknowledged connie’s arrival with annoyance. 
“head to our usual lane guys,” connie pointed, a grin on his features. you all made your way towards lane ten, eren in a sulking tow behind you.
as everyone began to sit down, jean motioned for you to sit next to him. “each side will be opposing teams. we’ve gotta be on the same team, per usual.” he called innocently. 
you and jean had dominated your friend group bowling tournaments each time before, and you figured this would be no different. you started towards him, surprised when you felt eren’s hand wrap around your wrist. 
“she’s going to be on my team this time, if you don’t mind,” eren stated in a quipped tone, something that would normally go undetected by jean due to their frenemy behavior. you knew that eren’s words were coming from a place of jealousy, sincerely trying to hide your sadistic grin.
jean scoffed, shaking his head. “yeah, right, jaeger. she’s going to be on connie and i’s team, like always.” 
you nodded your head in agreement, spinning to face your boyfriend. your skirt lifted ever so slightly at the action, eren’s teal eyes snapping to the garment with an annoyed perseverance. “don’t worry, i’ll take it easy on you.” 
he knew what you were doing. he knew that the thought of a part of you - a part specifically reserved for him - nearly on display for anyone who cared enough to pay attention, was enough to fill him with a primal sense of possessiveness. 
eren had never been particularly good at hiding his emotions. in fact, he’d been known to let them consume him in an embarrassingly juvenile way. as you sat down next to jean, your bare leg bumping his, eren couldn’t suppress the annoyance that washed over him. he folded his arms, the thought of your tight little- 
“eren?” armin called out, eren snapping from his lewd thought process. you took notice, leaning down to tie your bowling shoes. “did you hear me? i said here’s your shoes.” 
you listened to eren clear his throat and apologize, deciding to chat with jean and connie as everyone got ready to play. 
the final straw in your plan hadn’t even happened on purpose. it’d come to you itself, as if the powers that be were purposefully trying to get you rammed into oblivion. it came after the first few rounds of bowling, after a few near misses with jean regarding the skirt, each one sinking eren further into his foul mood. it came in the form of a lanky, awkward looking employee. 
he couldn’t have been any older than eighteen, carrying sasha’s order of nacho fries and your coca cola. he’d meant his comment to be nice as you got up to grab your drink. he hadn’t meant to say something that would send your childish boyfriend over the edge. 
“oh, uh, i like your skirt,” he’d commented awkwardly, scratching at the back of his neck. you smiled politely in response, eyes flitting over to eren. and if looks could kill, that awkward teenage boy would’ve been dead on sight. 
eren’s eyebrows were furrowed, jaw clenched tightly. you felt your cheeks heat as he made eye contact with the boy, standing from his seat. eren was tall, looming behind you as he protectively wrapped himself around your figure. 
“thanks,” he said flatly, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. you held your breath at the feeling of eren deeply exhaling against the sensitive skin, large hands squeezing your hips. the boy quickly looked at the ground, nodding before deciding to leave. eren waited until he was gone to remove himself from you, an annoyed twitch in his eye. “fucking little pervert.” 
you rolled your eyes, taking a generous swig from your coke. “he was just being nice.” 
eren glared at you, watching as you started back towards your friends. “nice my ass. i know you’re doing this just to rile me up.” 
“what ever do you mean?” you snickered, purposefully swaying your hips as eren scoffed, plopping back down in his seat. 
you made your way over to your teammates, sitting down and watching armin finish his turn. a couple minutes went by, chugging your coke and getting ready for connie to take his turn. 
“i think i’m gonna go use the bathroom,” you hummed, jean nodding his head in understanding. you waited until connie tossed the bowling ball down the lane, effectively missing all of the pins. you knew you’d drank the soda way too fast, standing from the bench and making your way towards the dimly lit restrooms. 
they were dark inside, with red lighting like something out of a sex club. you pushed the heavy door open, quickly locking it behind you and relieving yourself. 
as you washed your hands in the sink, you thought about just how riled up eren was getting. it was humorous, in more ways than one, but you couldn’t help the slight guilt that crept up the back of your neck about your actions. 
but then again, it wasn’t like eren wasn’t known himself for being a tease. you couldn’t count the number of times where he’d purposefully made you jealous or grabbed your ass in an inopportune moment. so what was the harm in giving him a taste of his own medicine? 
you flattened your hands against the skirt, making sure it was straight before unlocking the door and heaving it open, stepping out into the dark hallway. 
you jumped back at the appearance of a dark figure leaning against the wall, defensively clutching your chest as you stood in front of your slightly amused boyfriend. 
“mind if we chat?” he asked, voice edging an emotion that you knew you couldn’t get into at the moment. your eyes glanced down the end of the hallway, no one in sight. you looked back to him, his pink lips turned upwards, the word ‘gotcha’ written all over his face.
“we should probably head back out there,” you mumbled, trying to ignore the way eren was sizing you up. he just smiled, pushing himself from the wall and taking a step towards you. all of the confidence you’d had in your teasing flew out the window, swallowing at the downfall of your plan.
“don’t worry. i told ‘em my mom was calling,” he purred in response, index finger coming up to gently trace against your jaw. it was his turn to be smug; everyone in your friend group knew that carla’s phone calls were a draw out, lengthy affair. he’d trapped you. 
you held your breath as he stepped forward, slowly tilting your jaw to place a deceivingly sweet kiss to the skin. you felt embarrassed at the way your cunt throbbed at the action, his lips moving to tease the shell of your ear. “but what about me?” 
“what about you?” eren sneered, his voice turning slightly sour, fingers roughly gripping your jaw as he placed a kiss right below your ear. “this is what you were asking for, wasn’t it? now be a good girl and go back into the bathroom for me.” 
you hesitated for a moment, thinking about your friends bowling a mere 100 feet away. eren’s eyes were dark, and the churning you could feel at the pit of your stomach was only making it harder to resist. 
all it took was the thought of eren bending you over the sink, fucking you stupid for you to demurely shift in place, turning to shove the bathroom door open once again. you could feel your neck burning at the thought of how easily you’d just submitted, but you wanted this. more than anything. 
the bathroom was no desirable place; it smelled like generic soap and had discarded pieces of toilet paper on the ground. eren didn’t seem to care, gingerly locking the door behind himself before roughly shoving you forward facing against the cool, knock off linoleum countertop. 
you could feel his hard dick pressing against your ass, your reflections in the dirty mirror lit under the red lightbulbs. he was commanding; aggressively grinding himself into you, your skirt beginning to ride up at the motion.
eren made eye contact with you in the glass, one hand coming forward to tilt your neck to the side. he slowly brought his lips down, peppering the skin till his mouth met the base of your neck. he made sure you were watching as he pressed his tongue flatly against the skin, your breath hitching as you watched him drag the wet muscle up to your jawline. 
“you’re such a tease,” he growled against you, rolling his hips into your ass. you could feel your skirt starting to ride up even more, the cold air uncomfortable. “’s’hot, knowing your pretty little cunt is so exposed.” 
his hand on your jaw slipped around your throat, squeezing lightly in warning as he flipped the edge of your skirt up.
you squeaked as his other hand snaked between your legs, middle two fingers slowly sliding themselves between your already soaking center. he rubbed at your clit, breath hot against your neck as he forced you to watch him through the mirror. 
“look at how pretty you are,” he mumbled as he plunged his two digits inside of you, the sudden sensation causing a gasp to leave your lips. he wasn’t playing nice; roughly digging his fingers all the way to the last knuckle. his other hand squeezed your throat tighter. it hurt, but you couldn’t help the way your cunt clenched around him, chest tightening. “so pretty for me. n’only me.”
he slowed his fingers, pumping in and out of you, the sound of your slick causing him to grow impossibly harder. the feeling of his cock pressed against the flesh of your ass sent another throb to your cunt, eren smirking in response. 
“needy for my cock after teasing all day?” he asked, stuffing his fingers particularly deep, a strangled moan slipping past your lips. you struggled to nod your head against his grasp, the feeling of his fingers sliding in and out of you at such a rhythmic pace causing you to grind your hips against his hand and subsequently his cock. 
he quickly pulled his fingers out from inside of you, hand growing tighter around your throat. “you were such a little whore today. a little whore who needs to learn a thing or two.” 
you could feel tears prickling in your eyes, eren’s hand that was wrapped around your throat coming up to pry your mouth open. you didn’t have a chance to react before he was slipping his sheen coated fingers past your lips, the saccharine flavor hitting your tastebuds. 
“suck for me, pretty girl,” he said lowly, hooded eyes watching you in the mirror. you did as you were told, wrapping your lips around his knuckles and swirling your tongue around his fingers. the taste wasn’t completely pleasant or unpleasant, your mouth releasing with a smack. 
eren pressed down on your tongue with his fingers, saliva filling your mouth before he dragged the two digits down your chin and throat, leaving a shiny trail in their wake. 
he brought his hands down to roughly grope your chest, your own hands pressing against the countertop to keep you steady. eren gripped the hem of your sweater, forcing the fabric up to your midsection. 
“off, take it off.” he demanded, leaning back from you but still keeping his groin pressed against your ass. you were quick to oblige, pulling it over your head. as you did so, you could feel eren palming your ass under the skirt, his dark eyes fixated on the sight of your little skirt riding up on your skin. 
you dropped the sweater to the ground, knowing you’d regret it later, but you couldn’t be bothered. eren didn’t wait, letting go of your ass to unclasp your bra, the undergarment falling into the empty sink. he palmed at your newly exposed breasts, fingers pinching at your hardened nipples. 
he was watching you in the mirror, the sight of you batting your eyelashes with your saliva on your chin only making him more possessive. it sent a twitch to his cock, hands releasing from your chest to shove you against the cold glass. 
“want me to show this pretty cunt who it belongs to, hm?” eren nearly growled, the thought of jean or that employee ever being lucky enough to see you like this pushing him over the edge. 
you tried to nod against the mirror, your breasts pressed against the cold material only aiding the way your center throbbed mercilessly for whatever eren was about to do. his hand came up to fist your hair, the other haphazardly yanking down his sweats and boxers. 
you could see his veiny cock slap against his stomach through the mirror, the tingling in your clit multiplying at the sight of it. eren smirked at your staring. 
“fuck,” he hissed, his gaze drawn to your skirt pooled around your waist, glistening center ready for him to abuse. and he couldn’t wait any longer, rubbing the tip of his cock between your legs. 
a gasp ripped through your throat at just how deeply eren thrusted into you, his hips hitting your ass with a loud smack. it hurt; his brows furrowed as he completely pulled out from you, just to ram himself back inside your tight cunt. 
“what’s wrong?” eren asked breathlessly, pounding into you as hard as he could. you were jerking against the mirror, mouth open as your nose began to tingle; a tell-tale sign of tears. your boyfriend had a sadistic smile on his face, a piece of hair falling from his bun to rest against his forehead. 
“ah- hurts,” you gasped out, the sound of eren pounding into you filling the small space. eren hit you with a particularly deep angled thrust, the tip of his cock brushing your cervix. he tightly fisted your hair, yanking on the follicles as hit other hand gripped your waist for better leverage. it hurt so bad, but so good.  
“look at you, look at you take my cock like this,” he said, voice gravelly as he began to buck his hips faster. you could feel the hot tears rolling down your cheeks, eren’s hand around your waist moving to guide your knee up onto the counter top for better leverage. the pain lessened with his movement, his animalistic thrusts growing pleasurable. “such a good little whore. a little whore who’ll only let me fuck her like this, hm?” 
you moaned out against the glass, eren yanking your hair as an indication for a worded response. “yes-yes. all for you, only you.” 
eren groaned out at your words, his head leaning back as he slammed into you from behind. he was blurry as your breath fogged the glass, but just the image of him bucking his cock deep within your throbbing cunt was enough to have you seeing stars. 
he was filling you up so nice, pressing himself against you as the veins in his arms grew prominent. you could feel him twitching inside of you, your own center clenching around him as he made sure you knew you were his. 
“such a little tease, showing off her pretty little cunt like that,” eren moaned out, shamelessly loud. he buried himself within you, your eyes rolling back in your head as the building anticipation between your legs became too much to bear. 
“eren-” you heaved, him quickening his pace, hitting your cervix over and over. it was enough to make the tears come back, your vision becoming hot white as he bucked his hips once more, stuffing his cock impossibly deep within you. your orgasm didn’t reach its climax until you felt eren’s length twitch, effectively filling you with his cum. 
the high was incredible; the cold mirror a stark contrast to the hot, burning sensation as eren thrusted out his own climax. 
the two of you stood for a moment, mirror foggy and bathroom humid as you recollected your composure. when eren did pull out, he watched his cum slowly drip down your thigh, fingers attempting to stuff it back inside of you. 
“don’t let it drip out,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your sweaty cheek. you could only roll your eyes, peeling yourself from the glass. he gingerly pulled his pants back up, delivering a swift swat to your ass as he stood straight again. 
“y’know, you should wear skirts more often.” 
“you should get jealous more often.” 
“sounds like a deal to me.” 
<3 <3 <3
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the-dawn-star · 3 years
Hey! I love platonic content so can you do platonic shigaraki & dabi(separatly) x fem! teen! reader? The reader's personality is like Hange and Armin from aot! They see her as a little sister and how would they spend some time with her and if they were to find out about her past and etc. ! Have a nice day🤍🤍🤍
Platonic Shigaraki & Dabi(separatly) x fem! teen! Reader HC
A/N: First thank you so much for the suggestion and I hope you like this. I haven’t read alot of Shigaraki stuff before, so I'm sorry if this isn’t the best quality or out od character. Also, I have seen AOT but i don’t know if I made the reader kind of like Armin or Hange.
800ish words + not proof read READ THE WARNINGS PLEASE
Shigaraki ❗Talk about parental neglect and verbal abuse not very graphic + parental death kinda❗
Lets say that you were just walking down the street when the LoV attacked to a nearby store.
First you had a great thought of going in. You had always been interested by the league. But you were stopped by the police who were running to the store.
Even if you hadn’t seen anyone, Shigaraki had absolutely seen you.
You didn’t think much of the attack after it happened, but Shigaraki couldn’t get you out of him mind.
And of course, him being the leader of the league, he got your information fast.
When the weeks went by you would start to get small things to your windowsill. They were always something you really needed, even if it was just a new pair of gloves or snacks. Of course, like anyone you were at first terrified but still you couldn’t help but like the kindness the stranger was showing you.
This went in for a few weeks until you parents realized your new stuff. And in the middle of them yelling, questioning everything you had done. When you heard a window breaking. You all went quiet. And in the living room stepped the one and only leader of the LoV, Tomura Shigaraki.
Your parents stepped back in shock. And you were glued to the couch. Shigarakins eyes were glued on you. “Go to your room,” Shigaraki commanded and you jumped up and ran to your room.
Hour went by until Shigaraki opened the door. You were cradling yourself on the floor. “Get up, we need to leave,”
Time went on. Now, you were living in in the league hideout. They were all nice to you, even when you were brought there. But every time something would happen it would be Shigaraki you ran to.
He comforted you in his own cold way when you sobbed because you missed your home, your stuff, your life. And he would end up getting some of your own stuff for your new room.
You would be let outside but only when someone from the league would always be with you.
But most of the time you would cry yourself to sleep, and Shigaraki always hearing you, until he would come to your room and hold your shaking body until you fell asleep.
So, I myself, think that Shigaraki needs some validation always. You being his darling just means that he is protective, but he wants you to be happy no matter what. + I think he is more obsessive stalking that Dabi
Dabi ❗Assault, death, but not very graphic +talk about Dabis past kinda❗
Dabi would be walking back to his own place when he heard screams from one of the alleyways. Being bored he chose to take a quick look at the alleyway.
And there you were kicking at the man in front of you, and screaming.
He wanted to save you, but he would never admit that to anyone. So, in his mind he reasoned it as just him being bored. And blue flames surrounded you, and you could smell the burning flesh.
In front of you was the wanted “blue flames” covered in purple scars.
The first few months were hard, you were mostly locked in to a small apartment. Dabi was most of the time gone and from the new was your only way to see what he did. With every murdered body that was reported you slowly realized that they were murdered by your captor.
But once or twice you would wake up at the middle of the night by a loud bang. You would walk out of your room and would see Dabi, bloody and sweating in the bathroom. You would end up bandage him up and putting new staples on him, and pulling the half-fallen of. You would end up asking what happened and he would just ignore you.
And that would become a habit for both of you. You could start to call yourself his personal nurse.
Even when you were asking about his scars or quirk he would always answer truthfully or at least with a half-truth. But he would be more honest during night-time.
But when it comes to your history, whatever might it be. He would never push you on it. He knows how painful past can be. But if nightmares followed you. It would become a tradition that you would find you way to his bed, after a nightmare.
And if he would have a sleepless night, he would find his own way at your room. He would just sit at the floor looking at you, and if he felt sentimental, he would pet your cheek and talk to you like you could really hear him.
Personally, I think Dabi would be very chill yandere, as much as one can be. I think your freedom is one of the only things that is taken away.
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yoichichi · 4 years
Modern!Eren Jeager Relationship Headcannons
Modern!Eren Jeager x reader
a/n: I love this little shithead. These are just some headcannons of how I think it would be being in a relationship with modern!eren. Just to clarify, the characters are always aged up and in unversity if it’s a modern!au unless otherwise stated!! Please enjoy and feel free to come in my inbox and share your Himbo!Eren thoughts😩
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gif not mine, credit to owner
Ok, for starters, Himbo Eren Supremacy!
Eren might not be the uhm smartest, he’s kind of a big cuddly idiot, and he is big and respects women -> Himbo!Eren
Being with Eren means having a box full of ridiculous hand made gifts from Eren that he insists on you keeping for sentimental reasons, no matter how senseless they are
They’re usually really stupid and cheesy letters he writes on a torn piece of notebook paper while he’s in class when it’s especially boring him
They’re not even coherent thoughts on the paper sometimes
“Hi :) I’m sitting here feeling like I’m going to pass out from how boring this class is, and we’re supposed to be taking notes but I think I’ll just copy them from you or Mikasa later though hahahaha don’t! Tell Arma Armin! He’ll just yell at me :( unless I tell him I like his new haircut maybe which i actually do by the way it’s funny my hairs long now and his is short 1. Oreos 2. Milk 3. Shampoo 4. Hand sanitzer sorry I need this stuff and I would forget if i didn’t write it down. I bet you look really pretty right now :) in my head I’m kissing you teehee”
And every other part of the paper that isn’t filled up with his rambling is stick figure doodles of you two kissing and holding hands and one of him and jean arm wrestling but don’t ask him about it, he lost in his head this time so he’s gonna work out more later sdfnarfn
You have hair ties littered all over your place it’s ridiculous
You find them literally everywhere - probably cause he likes to fling them across the room and see how far he can get them when he takes them out of his hair, he will be stealing most of yours if you use them
He love love loves when you run your hands through his hair and massage his scalp after he takes his ponytail out
He almost immediately lays face down in your lap and groans while he moves around to get comfortable
If you don’t immediately start he’ll just look up at you with a little pout and move one of your hands to his hair and raise his eyebrows at you, waiting for you to pamper him
Loves being pampered and will definitely let you do his nails just to feel your soft hands on his - and cause he likes the way you always rub lotion into them after
Very touchy boy, I HC his love language being Physical Touch, hence how bad he loves being pampered
He loves when he comes out of the shower and comes to lay down with you, all sore from practice - it’s Eren, we know he play’s SOME kind of sport - and your hands start working all the knots out of his back and neck, working their way to the top of his shoulders and squeezing while they drag down his biceps all the way to his hands
Kiss his knuckles and he WILL melt
He never feels more loved than when you’re taking care of him like that, and let’s be honest you don’t mind running your hands over his toned body either
He loves pampering you as much as he loves receiving it, too
Loves rubbing your legs while he lays between them with his head resting on your midsection
His hands are rough due to years of abuse from playing sports, and they feel so good when he’s squeezing the muscles in your calf life that
Sometimes if you’re feeling sore, he’ll help you stretch your legs out
He’ll be sitting back on his knees by your feet, your legs spread in front of him. He grabs your left leg by your calf while he inches forward to lean above and bring your leg up with him, stretching your knee to your ear. The hand that’s not locked on your calf is resting by your head with his face mere inches from yours, his hair tickling your cheeks. You’re like that for a few moments before he leans in and ghosts his lips over yours, abruptly shifting up and kissing your nose instead. “Other leg!” jackass
He would love giving you back massages too oh god, and I mean like proper back rubs.
He’d have you laid out on your bed while hes straddling your from behind and pressing his fingers deep into the sore tissue there - sometimes you fall asleep and drool a little and he finds it so cute
He just loves loving up on you, period
On another note, he wouldn’t just steal your hair ties if you had any, he’d steal everything LMAO
Your hand lotion? He pockets it cause it just smells so good and always had his hands feeling soft whenever you let him use some. And why would he go and buy it if you have some?
Firm believer that y’all share everything
He’s stolen lotion, gum, socks that barely fit him, chapstick, lip scrub, pens, highlighters, literally anything.
And once you start to notice he’s all, “What? We’re in a relationship, partners are supposed to share everything. I mean, you steal my hoodies!”
“Eren, you give those to me cause you said it makes our relationship more ‘official.’”
“Ok, well that’s beside the point. All I’m saying is I don’t see the big deal. You’re more than welcome to take any of my stuff you like!”
Which is a nice thought except for the fact everything he has at this point just seems like more shit he’s stolen from you
More on his hoodies, he goes absolutely bananas seeing you wear his hoodie
He seriously gets so giddy and feels like his hearts gonna explode
He always smiles all big and wraps his arms around and lifts you into the air - it does not matter how big you are he’s going to do it
“Hiiii cutie.” He always says this and then buries his face into the crook of your neck and places sweet kisses there. Then he stands up straight and pulls the hood onto your face and tightens the strings, making it all scrunch up, sadly no he doesn’t care if your hair is done or if you wear glasses, he will do it regardless
One time you were a little grumpy with him from playing games with “the boys” for too long and neglecting you of some attention, so to apologize he just brought you a hoodie with some of his cologne sprayed on it -i just know he smells great- and put it on you and held you and pressed just so many kisses to your face and said sorry over and over again until you were giggling and gave in
He loves when you sit in his room with him while he plays games on his pc with his buddies definitely a PC gamer cmon
However, he will get more embarrassed than frustrated if you hear Jean teasing him cause he’s lowkey trying hard to impress you akfergirgu
“D’ya see that babe? I got first place with the highest kill count and the least amount of respawns 😏”
“Yeah I did Eren, that’s awesome buddy.”
He’d just smile and spin back around in his chair feeling all prideful pls protect him
If you join in teasing him he WILL pout after and you WILL have to make him a grilled cheese as your form of an apology
He will eat it in silence, look at you and try not to smile and just roll over and sigh SO loud
“I guess I can forgive you.”
Please he’s such a brat, but he’s your brat
he’s such an idiot and I jus wanna hug from him and to wear his stupid hoodies 😪 I hope y’all enjoyed! Feel free to browse my blog or pop into my inbox! Love u cutie
taglist: @plutowrites
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uhzuku · 3 years
Alright so the short version is Imagine your Erens hybrid cat girl and he's home late one day and you start to get worried and when he finally comes back you're so excited only to see a blonde fluffball in his arm. Idk about you but I would be so jealous like why is Eren using MY special blankets on him
"Come on princess he was abandoned on the street just look at him he wouldn't survive out there." The sparkles in Erens eyes make you sick. "You know you're still my number 1 girl right?" You nod but you're not really feeling the love :/ especially not when Eren spends special time making Armin's favorites and hand feeding it to him while your left to cook for yourself Eren says it's because he knows you can handle it just for a little while. Just until Armin is better you couldn't wait till he got strong enough to leave. That is until Eren got too attached and decided to keep him you should've known really. It makes you want to cry when Armin smirks as he calls for Eren who quickly leaves the task he was doing with you to hold him the loud purring piercing your ears. You get so upset you end up scratching Armin who was taunting you trying to steal the remote. Really you should be able to have ONE thing you didn't have to share with him. Tears streamed down your faces as Eren yelled at you
"What's gotten into you! Now he has a scratch. Don't worry bunny I'll fix your pretty face." What about you, what about your pretty face? Armin sniffled and nodded that is until a grin spread across his face as Eren carried him off to the bathroom. You both knew at that moment he won Eren was his now. You almost couldn't contain your sobs as you packed a small suitcase not nearly enough to survive but what did you know. You were a pampered housecat and they would tear you up outside by yourself. And that's why when Eren returned to get you to apologize he ran around frantically getting increasingly worried as he couldn't find you. "Look," Armin said pointing to a note that was hidden under a book.
"I know you want to be with Armin now. You don't have to pretend to love me anymore I'll make it easy and just go." Erens eyes bugged out he couldn't believe how childish you were being....actually he could what he couldn't believe was how you thought he didn't love you. But thinking back to the past few weeks he had been neglecting you a bit.
"Fuck" he whispered "stay here baby its raining." Of course, of course it was raining you huffed as you did your best to shield your body with the suitcase over your head. It's not like you got far before you heard Eren calling your name and promptly gripping your shoulder before you could even register what was happening.
"Why did you do that? Are you crazy you-you could've gotten hurt or kidnapped or-"
"Why do you care." You scoffed words coming out bitter and jealous "Dont you already have my replacement set up."
"Replacement? Baby Armins not-"
"He is. You gave him my special blankets you cook HIS favorite foods you let him play with all my toys and hog the remote and and.." By now you were blubbering fist balled up and Eren couldn't help but think how precious you looked at this moment rain in your hair tears in your eyes. Jealous just lil a little brat too spoiled for your own good.
"I see what it is now. My little princess is too spoiled huh. Not used to sharing. I guess that's my fault." You huffed ready to turn away from him before he pulled you in for a gentle kiss and hug "I am sorry though baby. I just wanted Armin to get better. Not just for me for you too you know.
"What do you mean for me? He hates me." You sniffled rubbing your head onto Erens shoulder unconsciously marking him
"Baby he's been fisting his cock every night thinking about you thinking about this tight little pussy. He wants to breed you so bad I have to stop him from jumping your leg every time you go to sleep. He just....enjoys teasing you a little bit he's really sorry why don't you come back home we can both apologize properly. Give the the needy princess all the attention she deserves, you want that baby?" Eren whispered gently stroking your tail. You would've liked to put up more of a fight but your cunt is already wet with slick causing your underwear to cling to you. Maybe Armin wouldn't be so bad but he was gonna have to work for it.
That's the general idea obviously it's shortened but something about Eremin and reader getting jealous makes me 🥵🥵🥵 like this can be so fluffy after too so it's perfect.
@cherrykamado come eat meatstick cooked for us <3
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asimpforarmin · 3 years
What Dog the AoT Characters Would Have 💛
Character(s): Armin Arlert, Sasha Braus, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Bertholdt Hoover, & Annie Leonhardt
Genre: Light-hearted, modern!au
Warnings: Mentions of animal neglect/abuse, some dog breeds commonly perceived as scary, cursing
A/n: I usually include Mikasa in my headcanons, but I just forgot until last minute that she existed ;-; so, sorry for not including her. If someone requests it, I’ll add her to the list.
💛 Armin
His parents got him a beagle puppy for one of his birthdays and he got so attached to it. He was so grateful that he had a dog and absolutely treasures him.
Named him Buddy because he’s his little sidekick and is always fun to play with and snuggle up to.
Buddy almost never shuts up though. A bird flies past the window? He starts barking. A truck goes by? Goes bonkers. He sees himself in the mirror? Shooketh.
Whenever Buddy starts going crazy, Armin picks him up, takes him away from whatever’s bothering him and scratches behind his ears. That makes Buddy practically melt into Armin’s arms and it’s so adorable. 💕
Buddy is very protective over Armin, or as protective as a dog his size could be. He always barks at the doorbell and is very wary of strangers.
If you walk into Armin’s house and Buddy has never seen you before, Armin will be sitting in a chair holding a dog who’s glaring into your soul.
You and Armin will try to have a normal conversation while Buddy is snarling and growling at you with Armin just patting his head and making an expression that says he deals with this all the time.
After a couple visits, Buddy is still tense around you but unwinds once you start playing with him.
Whenever Armin’s studying or working, Buddy will jump up into his lap and snuggle with him.
Sometimes when Armin falls asleep at his desk, he’ll have his arms on the table and Buddy in his lap.
When he’s in the car, Buddy tries to bite cars through the window. He just growls and bangs the glass with his teeth before Armin stops him from chipping a tooth.
Just how Buddy is protective of Armin, Armin’s protective of Buddy.
If someone talks shit about his dog, he’ll get sad about it. Buddy doesn’t deserve to be treated like that, he never hurt anyone.
Buddy can’t be taken to the park because he just agitates other dogs. He never gets along with them and never lets his guard down.
Buddy’s also one of those dogs who gets really dramatic. One time he was laying on the couch with his ball and it rolled off so he just started howling.
It’s also really hard to trim his nails without him growling, even though he’d never bite anyone.
Once Buddy has calmed down around someone, he’s fun to just hang around.
Armin likes to sit on the couch reading with Buddy on his lap or beside him. He’s great to study with or have around.
💛 Sasha
Adopts a 5-year-old blue greyhound from her local shelter.
She’d been volunteering there for a while when the greyhound came in and just couldn’t resist.
With greyhounds being bred to hunt and Sasha coming from a family who has a hunting background, it seemed like a match made in heaven.
She bought her and gave her a bright pink collar with a little dog bone tag with her name etched in it.
Since greyhounds’ necks are so long, she gives her a big knitted scarf to wear in the winter to keep her all nice and cozy.
Was torn between naming her Snickerdoodle or Candy because they’re both cute names and are both foods, but ended up naming her Pumpkin because she couldn’t decide and Pumpkin’s a really cute name as well.
Sasha loves playing fetch with her and it’s so fun because Pumpkin can run really fast, really far.
Pumpkin almost never barks unless she’s having fun or there’s someone at the door.
Sasha’s bed is lofted by a couple feet for storage and Pumpkin has no problem getting on and off her bed.
The first time Pumpkin saw Sasha’s bed, she didn’t know what to do so just sat there looking up at Sasha. It took a couple minutes for her to realize Sasha patting the bed meant she could jump onto it.
Sasha allows her dog on any of the furniture so there’s short hairs all over the couch no matter what.
Pumpkin’s really kind and gentle around kids so Sasha can basically take her anywhere. She’s super well behaved but sometimes scares people because she jumps in excitement.
Sasha also shares her food with her dog all the time. Always packs extra whenever she goes somewhere so she can give some to Pumpkin.
If you moved in with Sasha, Pumpkin would take to you right away.
She would literally be so sweet and always make you happy all the time. 😭💕
Plays tug of war and fetch a lot with you.
If you’re working/eating at a desk, she’ll lean her head on your leg until you pet her or give her food, or both.
Overall, Pumpkin is so sweet and adorable. She will always cheer you up when you need it and always has enough energy to play.
💛 Jean
Adopted a pitbull who is now 6, but was brought into a fighting ring when he was 4.
He knew it would be a challenge to help an abused dog but wanted to give him a good home.
When he first saw him, he was covered in scars and missing part of his ear.
He named him Kane. He’s a beautiful deep reddish-brown color with a white belly.
From the first moment they met, there was a connection. Kane warmed up to Jean quite quickly for a dog who’s been through so much.
Jean took him home and slowly introduced him to lifestyle changes, like going for walks or taking baths.
He introduces him to other dogs too. Kane showed a little hostility in the beginning, but once he realized they weren’t threats he was fine being around them.
Jean pays top dollar for him. Any issue he has, he takes him to the vet and gets it fixed up. He also gets the best food for him because that’s what he deserves.
Kane loves going for car rides. Sometimes Jean will get in the car with him, no destination in mind, and just drive.
Jean rolls the window down and Kane pokes his head outside. His mouth opens and because of the wind going into it, he showers the window behind him in slobber.
Kane absolutely loves swimming. He’s quite good at it, but Jean still takes a lot of safety precautions, such as a life jacket or shallow water because pitbulls are known to be somewhat bad swimmers.
Every summer, Jean takes out a kiddie pool and lets Kane splash around in it.
He also really likes to turn on the hose or sprinkler and aim it at Kane. He jumps up to bite the water and they both have a great time.
It can be a problem though because when Jean’s trying to fill the pool up, Kane keeps batting the hose with his paw or trying to eat the water and Jean has to get him to relax.
Other than his little quirks, Kane’s a relatively chill dog. He’s alright with being dressed up in costumes or having to wear a cone.
Every halloween, Jean gets both of them a matching costume and they sit on the porch to give kids candy.
Jean also lets the kids pet Kane because over time, he gets very welcoming of people and other dogs he doesn’t know.
Long story short, Kane’s not the dog you want to protect your house, if someone broke in, he’d just start wagging his tail and not be able to tell what’s going on.
💛 Connie
Saw how cool Jean’s dog is and also wanted a badass and cool breed.
He ended up adopting a doberman pinscher.
Like Jean’s dog, she looks strong and intimidating.
Unlike Jean’s dog, she acts the complete opposite of how she looks.
She’s often quite jittery or seems scared. Whenever someone even remotely raises their voice, her ears go down and she lowers her head.
You and Connie often have to give her tons of pets and appreciation after shouting, whether it’s good or bad shouting.
She’s also a total cuddlebug. She loves to be on Connie’s lap 24/7 and sleeps right next to him, watching over him.
Because of her timid personality, Connie named her Lily. It’s a sweet and innocent sounding name. Even though he sought her out to be a “cool” dog, she’s super sweet and didn’t want to name her something that conflicted with who she really was.
One thing about Lily is she loves running. Connie likes to skateboard alongside her as she pulls him along. It’s not much effort for her because Connie’s lightweight and uses his feet a lot. Plus, the area they live is pretty flat, so they often do.
Lily has a hard time understanding what is and isn’t a toy. One time she nearly chewed off one of the sofa legs. Next time Connie sat on it, it snapped and then he figured out Lily was behind it.
After that, he trained her to know everything he puts in her basket is a toy, but everything else isn’t. Then, she used the basket as a toy.
She goes through toys lightning quick.
Every time you or Connie give her a new stuffed animal, it takes approximately .2 seconds for it to be torn to shreds.
Connie loves to take her to PetSmart and let her pick out toys in-store.
If she chooses a toy that means Connie won’t need to guess what she likes and what she doesn’t.
One time she chose one of those scented rope toys, but once Connie took the packaging off, she started acting weirdly.
Once he gave it to her, she started barking at it and whacking it with her paw.
Connie was super confused so he threw it and she chased after it like normal, but once she got close to it she started acting scared of it and barking.
It’s been like that ever since now so they just don’t play with that toy.
Lily doesn’t bark that often. She usually only barks from excitement or when she meets someone new.
She also doesn’t have the zoomies that much so she’s a really relaxed dog to hang with.
💛 Bertholdt
Bertholdt saw his neighbors packing their stuff in a van one day and leaving but saw they left their samoyed leashed up outside.
He wanted to hold out hope that they were just going out somewhere for a bit so waited the rest of the night but found the dog still chained up the next morning in the rain.
He was never close to his neighbors and didn’t want any confrontation so he went up and knocked on the door, checking if anyone was home.
No surprise, they weren’t so he cautiously made his way over to the dog.
It was so happy to see someone and started licking his hand right away.
He unchained the dog and led it into his house where he gave it a nice warm bath and some food.
While bathing her, he took off her collar, with the neighbor’s number and address engraved in it along with her name, Mavis.
While Mavis was eating he called the number he found on her tag. He explained that the dog looked like it was left there on purpose so he took it in until they got home. They just said they didn’t want her anymore and hung up, which broke Bertholdt’s heart.
So he took her to the vet, got some pet things because he hasn’t owned a pet previously and she became a big part of his life.
She clings to him everywhere and won’t ever leave his side. Almost never barks and is super good on a leash.
Bertholdt takes her to the dog park a lot, Mavis is very social and has made a lot of friends there.
Mavis has quite the habit of rolling around in the mud or dirt though so Bertholdt has to give her a bath quite often.
Bertholdt absolutely cannot contain the dog hair. There is so much of it and it’s everywhere, went through like 3 lint rollers in the first week.
He spoils her rotten. Whenever he goes shopping he gets her new treats and toys because he swore to do right by her when her old owners didn’t.
If you were brought into the equation, Mavis would love you unconditionally. She’ll be there to give you high-fives and cuddle with you.
She is the softest thing on the planet so the cuddles are amazing. If you and Bertholdt sleep together, she’ll plop herself right in between the both of you so she could get attention until you fall asleep.
Whenever she needs something but isn’t up, she licks your face until you give her what she wants.
Even though she can get quite hot in the summer, she always wants to cuddle and loves to do it, whether it’s with you or Bertholdt.
💛 Annie (normally I don’t write for her but I couldn’t get this scenario out of my head)
Hitch gave her a chihuahua for her birthday even though she never remotely hinted at wanting a dog.
She didn’t want to return it though and oddly liked it, even though she never asked for him.
Just calls him “Dog” for a bit since she doesn’t know what to name him.
He’s a tan deer head dog so Annie gives him the name “Biscuit” after a couple weeks.
It’s super generic but she doesn’t think he needs any fancy name and he looks like a biscuit so 🤷🏻‍♀️
She has one of the backpacks with a compartment to fit a dog.
She likes to put Biscuit in there and take him out when she goes out.
When Annie takes him out, Biscuit is usually pretty chill, aside from giving a couple glares to random people.
Sometimes he even falls asleep in her backpack.
Whenever someone pisses Annie off, Biscuit senses it. Annie isn’t usually one to get into a full-blow fight and be loud, so Biscuit is her volume. Whenever she starts going off, he starts growling and barking.
And when she does get loud, both of them are yelling and screaming so that often deters the other person.
When she first got Biscuit, Annie didn’t really pay that much attention to him. She’d be on the couch and whenever he came up to her with a ball or toy, she’d throw it.
Then as she started to get used to him, she started to like him more.
Nowadays, she sometimes chases him around the house with a smile on her face and it’s so adorable, especially because she doesn’t smile all too often.
Biscuit is relatively calm, even for a chihuahua. He can often be seen on the couch on his back with his tongue out laying in the sun.
Speaking of being on the couch, originally Annie wanted to keep him off all furniture but soon realized he simply wouldn’t stay off and she didn’t want to bother to train him not to.
Now, they share almost everything. She sleeps with him next to her, they relax on the couch together, and sometimes she even brings him up on one of the kitchen chairs and they share food together.
Biscuit hates her alarm clock with a passion. If Annie doesn’t wake up from the alarm, she wakes up from the high pitched barks of her dog wanting her to turn it off.
Once the two are close, they are bonded for life and can be seen everywhere together.
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beewritings · 3 years
our final night alive
Eren Jaeger x Reader one shot.
Afab reader, gender neutral pronouns used!
Content Warning: angst & nsfw. Slight violence, first time blowjobs, first time vaginal sex. Not spoiler free, manga is preferred to have been read.
Posted on my ao3.
Summary: You and Eren become lovers, but he disappears years later and it causes conflict on your relationship. I’m bad at summaries I’m so sorry
5.9k words. This is posted on my phone I’m so sorry if the layout is ugly lol. First story posted on here!! :) Feedback is welcomed!
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you and eren got together not long after annie was caught being the female titan. you, eren, armin and mikasa became close friends during your cadet days.
you shared a bunk with mikasa, and seeing as she was always focused on eren and armin, you were scared to become her friend because you were unsure if she even wanted friends. you and her became sparring partners during training one day and she, obviously, kept beating you. at some point, eren walks over and tells her to give you a break and so she apologizes to you. from that point on, you always saw eren as a life saver. yes, she kept dropping you to the ground so much to the point where you were in pain so eren saved you. you accepted her apology, of course, and you even got to ask her if you could be friends. mikasa shrugged, but eren answered for her: he said he’d like that. he introduced himself and he called for armin and you introduced yourselves. the four of you never thought you’d actually join their friend group. these were the first friends you made and you never felt happier in your life.
“y/n, what made you want to join the cadet corps? you never told us,” you remember armin asking you one day.
“oh… um… it’s a stupid reason. it’s not worth mentioning… it’ll make it seem like i’m a joke..”
“no reason is stupid. except for that horse face’s reason, that bastard is a coward!” eren said, screeching.
“um.. well as a kid, i was neglected by both my parents. they were so focused on my older brother joining the military police and so happy for him that they basically forgot about me a lot. they always called me a disappointment and such and it always made me feel like shit..”
“so you joined to prove to them you’re worthy?” 
“what? hell no, i joined so i could get away from them. i was tired of being treated like i was a mistake child so my choices were either join the military to slowly kill myself or join the military to get away from my terrible parents. i honestly haven’t felt happy probably my whole life. but then i met you guys and now i feel like i have a purpose to be here? i want to protect you guys. all three of you…”
eren gives a slight smile and then it turns into a bright one. he leans to his left and wraps an arm around your shoulder and his other arm around armin and pulls them in. you and armin wrap one arm around mikasa and you all hug each other. you knew you were there to protect them all. even though mikasa is always there to try and protect eren, you know she needed someone to protect her, and you know for a fact someone had to be there for armin.
when discussing what branch of the military you guys were going to join, you four chose to join the scout regiment. then so much happened between when you talked about what you were going to join and graduating as cadets. there were days where you and eren would work together practicing and even though you were her friend, mikasa would keep watching you to make sure you wouldn’t get too close to him. she never told you that she would watch, but she was. when you and eren would spar, there’d be times where he’d pin you on the ground and straddle you with the wooden knife pointing to your neck. you started gaining a crush on eren, not knowing he was too, and you’d blush instead of defending yourself. at some point, you did push him right off of you and pin him instead, which resulted in him with a red face instead. 
when switching partners, you sparred with armin next while eren went to reiner. instead of sparring armin, you tried teaching him moves since you knew he was fragile and it wouldn’t have been a fair fight. armin brought up the topic of you and eren.
“so, you and eren? i saw you guys being flustered while sparring.”
“w-w-what??? nooooo, i wasn't flustered???? no one was flustered, armin. haha..” way to be obvious, y/n.
armin giggles and immediately drops the conversation.
eventually, time passes and the colossal titan decides to return, bringing titans with it. cadets are to help kill titans. you ended up on another squad, but you remind yourself to keep in contact with eren and armin. you couldn't keep sight of mikasa being she was with the higher ups, but you tried. you remember crashing into armin with ymir and connie. that's when you find out that… eren got eaten by a titan. it broke your heart, you felt the pieces inside of you tearing apart. you tried being strong but.. tears started to fall. mikasa made her way and she found out too, armin screaming in tears of all the members in his squad who'd died. mikasa was silently angry, calling everyone cowards. she soars off with little gas, and you immediately chase after her. she flew away so quickly, you couldn’t catch up with her. you had to protect her, you promised to protect your friends. one is already gone, you couldn’t have another one disappear. if she disappears, how can you trust yourself to protect armin? after you all made it to the building, killed the titans inside and got to refilling your gases, you find out that the titan who was killing other titans was none other than eren, the kid you started to gain feelings for.
time skip to capturing annie, the female titan, you and eren had finally gotten alone time. a time to talk your feelings out as eren heals from his fight with her. you went to visit him when you know everyone already has, but when you know he was still awake. it’s been a few years since you’ve met and started gaining feelings, being as you met when you were 12 and are now 15.
“hey, eren. how’re you feelin’, titan boy?”
“ugh, don’t call me that, y/n. that’s the least thing i wanna hear from you.”
“.... y/n?”
“eren?” you both say at the same time.
“oh, you can-”
“no no, you go.”
you both give off small laughs.
“you go first, y/n.”
“um. well, i’m pretty sure this is the wrong time to bring this up considering you’re tired from fighting that female titan. plus this war isn’t near over and i shouldn’t be focused on feelings because we are soldiers but, uh. i have-”
“me too,” eren cuts in.
“feelings, i- what? i didn’t even finish-”
“it’s been obvious. well, not really. i didn’t think it was obvious, but i figured by the way we’ve been acting towards each other. we always get flustered when we’re close to each other. y/n, did you even realize that you’re holding my hand?”
you both look down and see that you’re holding his hand. you snatch it back with a flushed face and start stuttering.
“i-i-i always h-hold my friends' hands!!! i k-know you’ve seen me hold armin’s!! please, y-you’re not special, eren jaeger!”
eren giggles and blushes as well, leaning to grab your hand once more, this time interlocking the fingers.
“i agree. this isn’t the time for romance considering we are soldiers in the middle of a battle. but that doesn’t make me not want to further this relationship between us.. i-if you want that, that is…”
you bite your lip, looking away from him. you squeeze his hand and he caresses your skin with his thumb. you both kind of just ended the conversation there, but everything was mutual between the two of you. you knew what you wanted. a relationship, but never really having the title due to the war you all were going through. time flies and the battle with reiner and bertholdt to capture eren back from them happens. all you could feel about this battle was anger; you were going to get eren back. and you did. during the time where everyone was healing from it, that’s when you and eren both told both mikasa and armin about the little thing you guys had.
armin was supportive, he was easy. but mikasa took it a little hard, not showing it though. you pulled mikasa away and had a long talk with her about it, tell her you didn’t mean to catch feelings for the man she’d grown to protect with her life, it kind of just happened. but she couldn’t stay upset forever. she wishes for eren to be happy, and as she can see: you made him happy. the happiest he’s been. and she wants you, one of her best friends to be happy too, and clearly it was with eren. since then, you and eren have been open with your relationship. everyone knew, and no one tried to end it. when you guys told the crew, most of them basically said “we figured”. jean actually laughed and didn’t believe it at first, “really? in a relationship with that suicidal blockhead? yeah, alright .” so you did what any couple would do to prove their relationship, you kissed eren in front of them all, in plain sight. that was your first kiss. his, also. jean’s face turned red in embarrassment and he turned away. “alright, whatever. you’re both crazy.”
you miss him.
you miss eren. you all found out about what was truly outside the walls, and you helped eren cope the most. you know he really wanted to kill the enemy, they caused so much pain to his home inside the walls. he wanted revenge. you understood and supported his anger, you were there with him through every moment. his rants, his tears, his fears. you backed him up; you were on his side. so why did he still leave you alone? why did he disappear from you and your friends? why were you all in marley, watching his attack titan destroy it from above? you weren’t completely mad, you all were gonna infiltrate marley eventually, you just did it quicker and earlier than planned. when you saw him with your own eyes, his titan, your heart sunk. he looked so different.. has it really been that long? no way. and… he grew such long hair.. god. it was actually kind of hot, but you were too angry to admit it.
you sigh. you stood in the blimp, you didn’t do any fighting. you explicitly told commander hange and captain levi that when you arrive at marley, you refuse to fight. you were in gear, in case you had to, but you mainly stood in the ship with them. when everyone retreated after mikasa recaptured eren, captain levi kicked him to the wall. mikasa tries to run to them, but armin’ stops her. you were in a distance, out of eren’s eyesight but you could see him. you really hated his damn face right now.
two soldiers with guns run to him, pointing towards him. levi starts to speak to him once more.
“this brings back memories, eren. you have such a kickable face.” that earns a small chuckle from you. “after you’re tied up, let’s have a chat.”
“that’s fine, i explained everything in the letters though. did you not understand it?”
“tch. that face reminds me of the rotten shits who lived underground. never thought i would see it on you. but cheer up, everything happened like you wanted it to, right?”
eren just stares off into space, but then looks levi straight in the eyes and he mumbles out, “... where are they?”
“you know who… where is y/n.”
“tch. oi, l/n. talk to your shithead boyfriend before anything else happens. i’m tired of looking at his disgusting face.”
levi walks away, tells the soldiers to chain him up and they walk away, leaving you finally in his eyesight. internally, his heart sinks. the look on your face was pure disgust, and anger. you walk towards him, and he looks up at you with his dead souled eyes. you clench your fists.
you let out a huge breath. “eren.”
“... y/n, i’ve mis-”
you already know what he was going to say, and it just pisses you off. you growl and punch the wall behind his head. you lean your leg back and kick it right into his stomach. you grab a fistful of his hair, gripping it and bringing his face to yours. mikasa tries to push through armin, but armin manages to hold her back still.
“y/n, stop !” mikasa screams.
“do you have any FUCKING clue how worried i’ve been, eren?! HUH?! DO YOU??” you ignore mikasa, “besides mikasa, i probably was even more worried than her! YOU LEFT ME, EREN. are you stupid, eh? HUH? are you fucking stupid? you like knowing your partner is just worried sick about you? fuck the plan, if i wanted to i would throw you off this air ship myself. i don’t even like looking at how disgusting you look, you’re hideous. that dead look in your eyes. you’re not even eren! you’re some man who’s a fucking joke, you don’t care about us do you?! that time on the train? when you said we were all important to you? was that a lie? do you even think we are?” you bang his head into the wall and knee him in the face, bruising his nose and bleeding from it. tears start to well up in your eyes, “i missed you, eren… why’d you just leave us like that? i’m your partner… whatever, you’re not worth my time right now. i’m going to check on the others.”
you let go of eren’s hair, look at him a second more and make a disgusted face once more. “you’re not worth my tears.” you start to walk towards the back of the airship.
“you never left my mind the whole time i was there, y/n. i promise you. ”
you clench your fists and ignore him, continuing to walk to the others to see who made it on the airship.
“... y/n?”
you went to visit the prison before commander hange did. you needed to talk to him.
“we need to talk.”
“i’m all ears, my love.”
you hate that he’s seriously using pet names on you right now. it’s always been a weakness. my love, baby, lovebird. you loved them all.
“cute, we using pet names after i beat this shit out of you? okay, sweetie. i’ll call you titan man, yeah?”
“come on, don’t start that again. what are you here for, hm?”
“to talk.”
“okay.. so talk. come on, you know you want to start with how i look.”
“how you look? haha, okay. you want me to say that you look hot? that i want you to ravage me? bend me over and do nasty things to me?”
eren smirks, “actually, yeah. if that’s how you feel, i’d love to hear you say that.”
you chuckle, hating that he isn’t wrong. you do feel that way about him right now. him being really attractive right now, a man bun AND he’s shirtless? this is so unfair.
“well, too bad then. you won’t hear me say those words with confidence. but it would be nice…” you grin and lick your lips.
“oh? unlock these prison bars, and i’ll show you a good time then, baby.”
“no. let’s be serious now-”
“i am serious.”
“no, eren. we need to seriously have a talk,” you give out an exhale, “why’d you do it? do you have a plan in mind?” eren sighs, about to cut you off but you continue, “i’m being serious, eren. i’m not planning on telling the others. this is between us… why’d you leave me?” you start to tear up, “why, eren… you have a good reason for this, right?”
eren looks away from you, not wanting to make eye contact. “i have a plan, y/n. it’s going to work, i know it is.”
“what is it, baby? please, just between us two… i need to know why you left me for so long. i’ve been hurting so much. i love you eren, so fucking much. i literally can’t see myself without you, i see a future with you. please, eren. i want to be with you through it all, thick and thin. we are going to defeat marley together, right?”
“y/n. you are the light in my life, the reason i’m doing everything i am. i want you to live such a perfect life, whether it’s with me or not. i know what i’m doing. i’m doing it for you.”
“no.. no no no! you’re supposed to be doing it WITH me, not FOR me! we’re a pair, we do it together!” you bang on the prison bars, “please eren… i can help you.. yes, i’m upset with you, and i love armin and mikasa, even jean and connie! hell, i love sasha too, god rest her soul. i’m here to protect them all, just as i was in the cadets to protect you, armin and mika. but i love you the most, and if i had to choose… it’s always going to be you. i’d betray my comrades for you, eren-”
“no. no you wouldn’t. I wouldn’t let you. i love you, y/n. with my life, my heart, my soul. i’m willing to die for you if i could, but i will not let you betray the others. they need you more than you need me.”
“eren…” you’re full blown crying now, tears running down your face and overall a crying mess. you reach your hands between the bars holding his face in them and he places his arms through the bars to your waist, “please, eren. let me be by your side. i know floch released information about you, us imprisoning you. it was a tough decision, but someone leaked information to me about how you’re going to escape and meet some of your, uh, followers? they didn’t know if they were supposed to tell me considering the fact i was so angry with you on the airship, but someone slipped up. i know that’s not your real plan, you have something else planned for this… there’s no way you want to be on zeke’s side.. right?”
eren laughs, “hell no. i fucking hate that guy.”
“then what are your true intentions, eren…” you run your thumb across his lips, glancing back and forth between his eyes and lips.
“... i can’t tell you. to protect you, armin, mikasa… the others. i can’t tell you. you’re not joining floch and my followers. you’re staying with the scouts.”
“eren, i’m not-”
“l/n? are you down there?”
you and eren pull away from your intimate hold, and put some distance between yourselves. you cough.
“yes, captain. sorry. i had to give eren another beating and more yelling.”
“well, get out. you’re not allowed to be alone with eren.”
eren looks at you and looks away. you lean back in the prison bars, grab his shoulders and bring it between the bars. you give him a kiss, a light yet deep kiss. one that just screams, please eren. he kisses you back, putting one hand on your waist. you pull away from his lips.
“.... i love you, eren. please, reconsider,” you whisper.
“i love you, y/n. more than you ever will know, i promise to spend my last 4 years with you,” his words make you tilt your head in confusion, “you’ll understand later. i promise you .”
you start to walk back, but then you hear eren’s last words to you, “you gonna let me ravage you soon, right? don’t act like i know you don’t think i’m so hot now.”
you giggle and walk backwards to look back at him, “i’ll think about. maybe if you’re a good boy, you can bend me over and do nasty things to me. maybe more, yeah?”
“oh? is this a promise or are you a tease?’
“take your pick.”
you walk up the stairs, leaving the man of your dreams locked in the prison.
eren escaped the prison. he met with his followers, the jaegerists, just as you had known was going to happen. you and the squad went to a restaurant to talk with niccolo. you didn’t expect what happened to happen. sasha’s family were there to eat, niccolo found out that the girl who killed sasha, gabi, was upon them and he threatened to kill both her and falco, the young eldian boy with her. after a dramatic episode with sasha’s adopted little sister, the little girl she saved from a titan, you, armin and mikasa take gabi to a separate room. you have a small talk, only to see your beloved walk in, with a threat. but to see eren again made your stomach flutter with butterflies. god you can’t get over how hot he looks.
he tells you to leave, he needs to talk to armin and mikasa by themselves. as he sends you out, there's a soldier who leads you into another room. you assume eren told him to lead you into another room. you take off your green military jacket, leaving you in your normal day outfit. after a bit, eren walks in. you blush, because god damn he’s so hot.
“... why are you so quiet?” eren asks.
“i-i don’t.. i don’t know. everything that’s happening, it’s just. so confusing…”
“thought you wanted me to bend you over? is that not what you said?”
you look up immediately in shock, “eh?”
eren smirks, “ eh? ” he mocks you, “i said, i thought you wanted me to-”
“i heard you the first time.. seriously, eren? right now? i don’t think this is the right time to-”
“baby, i’m joking. well, not really. i kind of was hoping we would do something here, but you obviously don’t and i am not going to force you,” he sighs, “can we just… hold hands and sit in silence? everything is stressing me out and i don’t know what to do with you.”
“what to do with me..?”
“shh, just hold my hands and shut up.”
“eren jaeger, i know you did not just tell me to-”
“y/n l/n.” 
you immediately shut up, knowing you hate when he uses your first and last name. you look away and he reaches forward and places his hands out in front of him, on the table.
you hold his hands, fingers interlocked, and look into his eyes. those teal eyes… you could stare into them forever. you sit in silence for about five minutes.
you hum in response.
“do you love me?”
“more than life itself.”
“... okay.”
they sit in silence once again.
“yes, my love?”
“.... can we… um…”
“hm? use your words, baby.”
ugh, you hate it when his pet names make you melt. and the way he uses them? UGH he just makes you want to just sit there and obey him forever if it meant him calling you baby. you started to blush and squirm in the chair. eren smirks and chuckles.
“is something wrong, baby? do you… need some release? you look like a pathetic whore in heat.”
you look at him with widened eyes. you’ve never heard eren speak like this to you before, but you.. kinda like it. like, you and eren haven’t even done sexual things so for you both to say dirty things, let alone imply sexual activities towards each other, was new. and well, it seems like that's going to change. eren leans forward with his body, taking back his hands and putting one on the table and one to grip your chin towards him.
“ are you going to fucking answer me? ”
“i-i.. i, um-”
“god, you can’t even speak. you’re so awestruck by the way i’m treating you? it was bound to happen sometime, all you do is cry about how much you love me. it’s annoying. i’m surprised you aren’t a jaegerist, on your knees kissing my shoes. begging for me to fuck the shit out of you. huh? is that what you want? for me to fuck the shit out of you? HUH? answer me, you fucking whore! ” eren slaps your face with the hand that gripped your chin, and he grips it again. he force opens your mouth and he spits in it, “ swallow it. ”
“y-yes sir,” are the only words that could come out, and it boosted his ego and the tent in his pants you didn’t notice until now started to show more. you swallowed the liquid he spit into your mouth and stared into his beautiful teal eyes. you know this is just foreplay, he’s not genuinely angry with you. because his eyes never changed. this is the love of your life… he wouldn’t hurt you. you know he wouldn’t hurt you. you open your mouth to show him you swallowed it and he chuckles.
“ good. ” he lets go of your jaw and pats your head. he looks you in the eye and smiles. a genuine loving smile. he speaks again, “are you okay with this? with what i'm doing?”
you nod, giving a smile back. “i feel amazing, eren. are we… are we gonna, y’know…”
“hm? what did i say about using your words?”
you groan and look away from his eyes. “are we, no, are you actually going to bend me over and do nasty things to me?”
“do you want me to?”
eren smirks and chuckles. “your wish will be my command.”
on an instant, eren grabs your arm and yanks you over the table. he walks to where you were just standing, and then he drags you by your hair to get off the table. he forces you on the floor, on your two knees to face towards him and his bulge that was being held in his dark pants, screaming to come out. he leans against the table.
“well? what are you waiting for? i’m not helping you. you’re on your own.”
you roll your eyes and you feel like you just know what you’re supposed to do. your hands make way to his pants, unbuttoning it immediately. you pull his pants down to his ankles, and start to rub his bulge. eren sucks in a breath, leaning his head back. he’s getting impatient, he actually can’t wait. he pulls his underwear down, his girthy member slapping against his stomach. he backs up to sit on a chair and spreads his legs apart for you. you stare at him with a flushed face and widened eyes. because it’s your guy’s first time doing anything like this, he smirks and starts pumping his member. pre-cum leaking out. he bites his lip, tilts his head back and lets out a low moan.
“y/n. start. i’m not doing everything for you from here on. suck it.”
you stare at his member, not in fear because your beloved’s cock is big, but in shock. will i… will i be able to fit this in my mouth? let alone.. inSIDE of me?? you lean forward, trying not to let him wait any longer. you lick a long stripe from his balls to his tip, earning a strangled moan from eren. he doesn’t want to pull your hair yet, so he just keeps caressing his thighs. you lick it some more, and then you finally stick him inside your mouth, and he instantly thrusts into your mouth. you let out a choke and pull off to cough. he opens his eyes and puts his hand on your cheek, stroking it.
“i’m sorry baby, i-it was an instant reaction. i’ll try not to do that until you’re ready. j-just.. keep going…”
you nod your head after coughing, letting your mouth right back onto his cock. you slowly start to bob your head, letting your tongue glide against the veins. trying not to bite, you start to bob your head quicker. you use your hand for whatever you can't reach and you just do this for a few minutes. eren’s legs start to shake. you lick his tip a few times, and eren’s hands go to your hair, pushing your head down a little further. he’s close. you can’t tell, but he knows he is. he thrusts up into your mouth, making you gag but you also moan, because fuck it feels so good. the vibrations from your noises trigger him, and he thrusts up more.
“f-fuck, y/n… i’m… i-i’m coming-!”
he pushes your head down all the way, your nose touching his skin. you’re gagging as thick liquid spurts up into your throat, making you gag just a bit more. your eyes tear up from the pain in your mouth, but your body feels tingly, on the verge of an orgasm. eren pulls out of your mouth while breathing heavy. you pull back with lust-filled eyes and you know you’re dying to have him inside you now. you open your mouth to show him his cum on your tongue, then you swallow that and show him your tongue once more. he blushes and giggles, looking away from your face. if he looks again, he might cum again, he doesn’t want to. not yet.
“e-eren… i need you… please, eren.”
eren looks at you and chuckles, “fuck… get on the table. i can’t hold back any longer.”
eren helps you up and sets you on the table in front of you both. he pulls off every piece of clothing you had on, your shirt your undershirt, your pants and your underwear, all at once. he refuses to wait. he needs to be in you now. he looks at your wet folds, he knows you were on the verge of cumming. he gives one long lick against you, and you bite your lip, twitching your legs and holding in your moans. he gets up and puts both arms on either side of your head. his member sliding against your folds.
“oh no no no, you are not going to hold back. i want everyone to know who is getting fucked and by who. i want everyone to know my partner of four years is a whore, a slut for my dick. that they’d do anything just to have eren jaeger’s cock in their mouth, in their beautiful pussy. yeah? are you my little cockwhore?”
“yes sir! i’m your little cockwhore, your little slut. please ‘ren, i want you.. no, i need you!!”
“god, baby. say it again, one more time baby..”
“oh my god, babe. JUST DO IT!”
you both giggle as if there aren’t soldiers threatening your friends and comrades outside that door. eren looks at you with a genuine smile, and he mumbles “please, baby.”
“... i’m your little cockwhore, ‘ren. your little slutty cockwhore.”
“yeah? who’s pussy is this? huh? who’s pussy am i about to fuck?”
“... mine?”
eren lifts an arm and smacks your face, gripping your chin tightly. “try again.”
“what was that?”
“it’s yours…”
“what’s mine? didn’t your mother teach you how to speak? what. is. mine?” he uses that hand that gripped your chin to slap his cock against your throbbing area, sliding his cock between your folds.
“this pussy is yours, eren! this virgin pussy is all yours, eren, now can you PLEASE - o-oh!”
eren laughs as he just slides his member inside of you, slowly. it’s both of your first times, but it feels like it’s not. your cunt is so tight, but it feels as though it’s been used so many times. he gets in all the way, and you reach over to grip his man bun. you pull it out of its hair tie because you didn’t want to bother working with it later. he stays in, waiting for you to give him the go. you clench yourself around him, and considering the fact you were on the brink of orgasm when you were sucking him off, you actually orgasm right then and there. you clench around him tightly, moaning and gripping his long hair. he puts his hand back down next to your head.
“eren! o-oh fuck… -i-i’m sorry… i was on t-the brink of coming, i’m sorry-! EREN!”
he starts to thrust in, using your juices as lubricant and he just goes for it. fuck waiting, you already came. and he was going to make sure you get another orgasm. he wants his baby to be spoiled with his cum. he thrusts in and out, seeing his cock become visible and invisible. you moan, scream, every verb in the dictionary. you move your hands from his hair to his back and chest, leaving marks all over. eren grunts, feelings so good from your nails scratching him. oh god, his baby is making him feel so good. and he know he’s making his baby feel so good too, it’s very well shown on your face. he keep thrusting until he hits the spot to make you wild.
“EREN! oh my god, please eren, i’m so close, please please! please treat me like your little whore! you’re hitting the spot i never knew existed, please don’t stop!”
“you want it? you want me to fuck a baby into you? hm? want your sadistic boyfriend to breed you?”
god, you were losing it. eren grabs your body, he keeps his dick inside and he pulls you down to the chair with him. he wants you to ride him. and god, it’s a new sensation. you feel like you’re seeing god when you ride him. you hop on his lap, and he holds on to your waist while fucking up into you. you stare into his beautiful blueish green eyes. you wrap one arm around his neck and the other to his cheek and you kiss him. he, of course, kisses back. he helps you hop on him while holding your waist. everything feels so good.
“eren… i’m close again..” you mumble to the boy.
“i know , baby, i am too. i am too.”
he leaves marks all over your chest, just as you left nail marks on his back. you guys just sit like this, you keep riding him until you both are on the verge of another orgasm. he holds you against him, fucking into you so quick and fast and it just keeps hitting your walls. you’re both about to orgasm.
“eren! i’m gonna come, i-i’m-”
“let it out baby, i wanna hear you. i want everyone to hear you! please baby, i love you!”
“eren! i’m- f-fuck.. i love you, eren!”
after you both orgasm for a second time, you both sit there. enjoying each other's hot air, finishing off the post orgasm and intimate moment together. you both stare into each other's eyes, sharing the bonding moment. you both smile at each other, and you nuzzle into his neck. you love eren, you loved him so much. you can’t picture your future without him. he helps you up and he sets you back on the table. he looks around the entire room searching for wipes or paper towels. fortunately, he finds paper towels and cleans your private areas off. he’s beyond happy to have shared such a moment with you, finally. he gives you a deep kiss. he loves you so much. he would love to picture himself in your future.
he wasn’t in it.
2 years have passed since the rumbling.
you miss him.
you miss eren so much.
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crisalidaseason · 2 years
Armin knows what happened to his parents and he nothing ever happened, I find it weird that he never got mad at the corps for killing them
Sorry love, It took me a while to answer this one!
The thing is: he probably doesn't know the details.
It was never confirmed that Sannes and the MP killed Armin's parents, it is heavily implied though. I have a theory that he doesn't know the truth entirely because his grandfather was waiting for a proper moment to tell him (when he was more grown up maybe) but ended up dying too soon.
Also, I think Armin doesn't have that much of a connection to his parents. It's not confirmed but Armin seemed to be way too young when his parents died and even when they were alive it seemed like they were a little neglectful. Not in a sense of abusing Armin, but just genuinely tossing him to his grandfather and not raising him properly.
Of course that not having a deep connection with your parents doesn't mean you don't miss or mourn their death, so I believe that Armin just doesn't know about the involvement of the MP in this. If he ends up finding that out, he's way more mature now and might not act on vengeance or anything because those MPs and the entire military police branch back in that occasion either died or were arrested during the political arc of season 3.
Unfortunately we can only make speculation of all of this. Maybe some extra content might come out and we can find out more about Armin's family. I think there is extra content but I was never able to find it.
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