#Somos Flight
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Diana Trujillo, la ingeniera aeroespacial caleña, tuvo su turno inaugural como la directora de vuelo número 108 del Centro Espacial Johnson de la NASA. Su equipo de trabajo, con el que dirigirá diferentes misiones, entre esas la exploración del rover Perseverance en Marte, lleva el nombre “Somos Flight”.
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ᅠᅠᅠcatch flights and feelings
「notas: escrevi isso aqui a pedido da @didinii!! Não sei se irá atender às suas expectativas, mas saiba que fui cuidadosa pegando o seu relato e adicionando o toquezinho da Sun pra transformá-lo nessa história ☼
Espero que isso te ajude a enxergar as coisas numa outra perspectiva, o mundo é ridiculamente pequeno e acredito que isso seja conveniente pra vivermos uma história de cinema pelo menos uma vez na vida ღ」
「w.c: 2k」
Ninguém da sala de aula sabia que Donghyuck era filho da professora até aquele dia, quando algumas crianças se reuniram na sala de estar da casa dele para um ensaio para a cantata de natal que aconteceria na escola. Obviamente o Lee era a criança que cantava melhor alí, afinal ele fazia aula de canto antes mesmo de aprender o alfabeto e parecia que cantava desde o ventre da mãe, com a sua voz doce feito mel que se encaixava bem em clássicos do Wham! como “Last Christmas”. Você gostava de Haechan, quer dizer, nunca tinha trocado uma palavra com ele, a não ser a formação de frase: “Me empresta sua borracha?”, no entanto o achava divertido como um menino da idade dele deveria ser, mas ao mesmo tempo responsável e atencioso, por isso ele auxiliava alguns dos colegas sempre que algum deles não encontrava um tom confortável para a música.
A professora deu um momento para os alunos descansarem um bocado e beberem suas garrafinhas de água, mas você era curiosa, gostava de desvendar os lugares que visitava e com a casa de Donghyuck não foi diferente, você só parou de andar quando encontrou um cômodo específico repleto de livros que para uma criança de 12 anos poderia se tratar facilmente da Biblioteca do Congresso em Washington, dado a dimensão distorcida das coisas que temos quando pequenos.
Você escolheu um livro e o leu até o entardecer, mesmo sabendo que o ensaio acontecia no andar inferior da casa, não se importou em retornar até perceber que não conseguiria mais ler sem a ajuda de alguma luz acesa já que a luz da lua apenas tornava as coisas mais escuras e a cantoria e a agitação das crianças lá embaixo havia cessado.
— O que você tá fazendo aqui? — Um Haechan de 12 anos questionou confuso no batente de arco já que o cômodo em questão não tinha porta — Todo mundo já foi embora.
Ele acendeu a luz e sentou-se ao seu lado, as costas de encontro a uma das que pareciam dezenas de estantes, ele capturou o livro das suas mãos e ao visualizar a capa deixou escapar um grande sorriso na sua direção, com direito a dentinhos tortos e tudo mais.
— É o meu livro favorito — Ele disse, se aproximando mais de você para poderem dividir o livro e o lerem juntos, você continuou imóvel olhando para ele, para o cabelo levemente ondulado, para as pintinhas que decoravam seu rosto e deixavam-o ainda mais adorável.
— Prefiro livros com desenhos, mas esse é legal — Você disse se recordando da sua edição favorita de “Alice no país das maravilhas” e recebendo um olhar de reprovação de Donghyuck que falou com convicção: “Somos pré-adolescentes já, a gente não lê mais livros com desenhos” e você deu de ombros como se dissesse: “Prefiro continuar sendo uma criança então”, o que fez com que ele sorrisse docemente.
Mesmo faltando apenas dois meses para o sétimo ano acabar, você só se lembrava dos seus doze anos porque Haechan havia preenchido aquele tempo com memórias com você, viviam visitando a casa um do outro, liam de tudo, hq's, mangás, manhwas que eram os seus favoritos e romances clássicos da literatura que eram o forte de Haechan, ainda que ler “Dom Casmurro” fosse desafiante para aquela idade.
Infelizmente a cantata de natal foi a última vez que vocês se viram, quando Donghyuck beijou a sua bochecha na frente da sala e disse que você se sairia bem mesmo estando nervosa, no oitavo ano ele não ocupava mais a carteira ao seu lado e a professora havia sido substituída por outra, o que te deixou triste com a possibilidade de nunca mais ver aquele garoto que gostava de livros sem ilustrações e compridos e sabia todas as músicas do Wham! de cor e salteado.
— Por que você quer mudar de dupla agora? — Jaemin questionou organizando os copos descartáveis e os guardanapos em cima do carrinho de snacks da classe econômica, fazendo você voltar para os tempos atuais em que você já estava na casa dos vinte e não tinha mais os dourados 12 anos.
— Porque você precisa me contar mais sobre esse seu amigo — Você disse, trocando de lugar com Jeno que ajudaria Jaemin na entrega dos lanches e depois você recolheria os itens descartáveis com outra colega de trabalho, mas tudo começou com Jaemin mencionando a cerca de um amigo que ele tinha também comissário de bordo só que de outra companhia aérea. Tudo que dissera parecia ser algo que o Haechan de doze anos agora crescido faria e aquilo te deixou maluca porque trouxe à tona coisas dentro de você que em todos aqueles anos ninguém além do garotinho de sorriso torto conseguiu provocar.
— Tá tão interessada assim por que? — Ele perguntou num sussurro audível apenas por você que havia aprendido linguagem labial sem perceber. Você esperou ele questionar “Doce ou salgado?” para uma das fileiras de passageiros com aquele sorriso galante dele e os olhos meigos feito duas luas minguantes.
— Porque eu gosto dos engraçadinhos.
— E eu sou o que?
— Pelo amor de Deus, Jaemin! — Você devolveu num sussurro exclamando enquanto completava um copo com suco de laranja integral — Me diz qual é o nome dele.
— Lee Donghyuck — Ao ouvir o nome tão familiar seu cérebro simplesmente não conseguiu enviar os comandos necessários para as suas mãos que pararam de servir copos no mesmo instante, Jaemin pegou o copo descartável da sua mão e o preencheu com coca-cola zero — Ele tá pensando em tentar a licença de piloto privado.
— Você precisa me passar o número dele.
Jaemin não tinha muita escolha a não ser fazê-lo em meio a toda a sua insistência, você nem fazia ideia do que falaria para Haechan, de como se apresentaria, tinha até medo dele não te reconhecer e a amizade que vocês tiveram tivesse sido especial apenas para você, porque é verdade que fantasiamos eventos passados, às vezes eles nem são tão bonitos assim, mas a nossa realidade atual faz com que o passado aparente ter sido muito mais brilhante e saudoso.
No entanto, felizmente, Haechan pensava o mesmo de você, sentia falta de se perder na leitura de algum livro difícil porque estava te encarando como um garotinho apaixonado, o que ele era na época sem mesmo saber disso, ele gostava excepcionalmente de te ver desenhar na escrivaninha do seu quarto, inspirada pelos traços dos escritores que adorava. Por isso, Haechan sempre imaginou que você estivesse relacionada a algo artístico quando crescesse, algo parecido com Banksy, considerando a sua acidez e o fato de que odiava ser o centro das atenções, apesar de não dispensar elogios.
Não era à toa que Donghyuck havia se tornado um apreciador de arte nato, possuindo até várias obras em casa, de quadros até vasos de cerâmica que ele não fazia ideia do porque havia comprado, na verdade até sabia porque mas tinha vergonha de admitir que tudo aquilo o remetia a você.
Depois de muitas ligações, mensagens no meio do expediente correndo o risco de receberem broncas do chefe de cabine, vocês descobriram que aterrissariam no mesmo local e resolveram se aproveitar do fato. Primeiramente você ficou insegura a respeito de como se comportaram um na frente do outro, mas não houve constrangimento algum quando Haechan te encontrou no Vondelpark em Amsterdã, capturando sua mão e mesmo corando um bocado, te perguntando as coisas mais banais, como se já fossem namorados há décadas.
— Você nem tá lendo, né? — Haechan perguntou para você que apenas acompanhava-o virar de página sem entender o que acontecia no livro difícil de compreender dele, concentrava em apenas mirá-lo em segredo, incapaz de não prestar atenção no maxilar marcado e no abdômen teso o qual você repousava uma das mãos por cima da camiseta. Você se acomodou no corpo dele, aproximando-se o máximo possível, sentindo-se confortável naquela cama de hotel na presença dele, nem sentia suas pernas doerem apesar de todo o circuito de bicicleta que fizeram no parque mais cedo.
— Perdão senhor Lee. Esqueci o meu dicionário em casa — Você provocou e Haechan deixou o livro de lado pra te direcionar toda a atenção.
— Ainda prefere ilustrações, criancinha? — Ele questionou sob a iluminação amarelada do quarto e os raios de sol do entardecer que adentravam o cômodo devido as cortinas blackout estarem abertas, uma combinação perfeita para deixá-lo ainda mais bonito e hipnotizante, difícil de esquecer facilmente, era por isso que ele dominava os seus pensamentos todos os dias.
— Sempre — Você respondeu e não pôde conter o sorriso quando recebeu um selinho casto na testa, poderia ficar ali pro resto da vida, aninhada nos braços de Donghyuck com a cabeça em seu peito escutando a melhor das canções de ninar que era os batimentos cadenciado do coração do Lee.
Haechan tocou seu rosto gentilmente, acariciando a bochecha com o polegar, a mão levemente áspera te fazendo cosquinhas sem a intenção.
— Fiquei com medo de nunca mais te ver... — Ele começou a dizer incerto, testando as palavras antes de dizê-las em alto e bom som — Eu ficava ansioso em cada vôo, tentando te identificar nos rostos que eu cumprimentava, com medo de te achar e você não fazer ideia de quem era eu. Te procurei em todas as redes sociais, consciente de duas coisas, ou o seu nickname era muito esquisito ou você era muito low profile.
“Acho que um pouquinho dos dois” Você quis dizer mas desistiu de última hora, optando por se perder naquelas íris escuras e profundas.
— Escolhi essa vida maluca de comissário em parte pra te encontrar — E também porque ele sempre quis se tornar um astronauta desde pequeno, ser comissário de bordo o possibilitava ficar um pouquinho mais próximo das estrelas, embora você só se sentisse dessa forma quando estava na companhia do Lee, que era quando poderia admirar as estrelas salpicada em seu rosto em forma de pintinhas.
— Então, o fato da gente não ter se encontrado antes é porque eu sou low profile? — Haechan sorriu com a sua questão e te abraçou forte, fazendo com que você sentisse o perfume que ele exalava de pertinho, praticamente te intoxicando com tamanha doçura.
— Talvez. Vou me certificar de tirar muitas fotos suas daqui pra frente — Você o beijou suavemente e depois se afastou da mesma forma ligeira que foi a sua iniciativa, Haechan te puxou pela cintura, sem se contentar com o selo inocente, roubando todo seu fôlego como se fosse profissional nessa tarefa, você não ousou afastá-lo, beijando-o com a mesma urgência e veracidade em que ele depositava no beijo enquanto as mãos absorviam cada detalhe seu, cada curva, cada traço.
— Caralho, eu te amo — Ele disse e você sorriu, cobrindo o rosto do Lee com incontáveis beijos, fazendo-o gargalhar até ouvi-lo dizer chega. Você amava que o som da risada dele continuava o mesmo, ainda que seu corpo tivesse mudado e ele fosse mais alto que você agora.
— Quer se tornar piloto? — Donghyuck assentiu veementemente com a cabeça.
— Agora que te reencontrei, sim — Ele entrelaçou os dedos com os seus, gostando da visão das suas mãos unidas uma na outra — A gente vai ficar bem rico, tipo bilionários. E aí eu só vou querer fazer vôos particulares com a minha comissária de bordo particular.
— É uma ótima ideia — Você concordou com as palavras dele, sorrindo tal qual uma adolescente.
— Assim, eu poderia te beijar toda hora, te puxar pra algum lugarzinho em que ninguém pudesse ver a gente e te encher de beijos. Só preciso disso pra ser a pessoa mais feliz do mundo.
— Então, a gente deveria fazer isso — Haechan te beijou com calma dessa vez, invadindo sua roupa pra te sentir melhor e arrancando um suspiro da sua parte por isso — Vamos só ficar juntos, eu gosto disso.
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Children grow up and have the freedom to fly and search for their lives and parents are aware of our children's flight. They have that freedom that we once had throughout our lives, so children also have that right to fly away from the nest.🪽🤍🪽GMG✍🏼🪽
Los niños crecen y tienen la libertad de volar y buscar su vida y los padres somos conscientes del vuelo de nuestros hijos. Tienen esa libertad que alguna vez tuvimos nosotros a lo largo de nuestra vida, por lo que los niños también tienen ese derecho a salir volando del nido.🤍🪽GMG✍🏼🪽
يكبر الأطفال ولديهم حرية الطيران والبحث عن حياتهم والآباء على علم برحلة أطفالنا. لديهم تلك الحرية التي كنا نتمتع بها طوال حياتنا، لذلك لدى الأطفال أيضًا هذا الحق في الطيران بعيدًا عن العش.🪽🤍GMG✍🏼🪽
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Cartagena Aviary
Did you know that you can meet near 170 bird species in the National Aviary?
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Just 50 minutes from the center of Cartagena de Indias on Barú Island, you will find the National Aviary. There, you will get fascinated by Colombia's diversity in bird species. With a collection of nearly 1700 birds that are exhibit in a very similar representation of their natural habit.
There you will find peacocks, eagles, woodpeckers, flamingos and lots of endemic species
Through ecological trails you can enjoy three ecosystem environments and 22 exhibits divided into large immersion aviaries, radial aviaries, swamps and lakes. These are different landscape, plant and water environments, which allow you to appreciate a great diversity of bird species.
The aviary has a spectacle where they show the skills of diverse birds in flight, which is presented twice a day, the first at 11:00 am and the second show at 3:00 pm. So, if you are planning to go to the National Aviary and want to see these majestic birds in action, keep this schedule in mind!
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GARANTA SEU DESCONTO NA INSIDER STORE: USE O CUPOM SPACE https://www.insiderstore.com.br/SpaceToday A lua de Júpiter, Europa, é um dos poucos mundos do nosso Sistema Solar que poderia potencialmente abrigar condições adequadas para a vida. Pesquisas anteriores mostraram que sob a crosta de água gelada existe um oceano salgado de água líquida com um fundo marinho rochoso. No entanto, os cientistas planetários não confirmaram se aquele oceano continha ou não os produtos químicos necessários à vida, especialmente carbono. Astrônomos usando dados do Telescópio Espacial James Webb da NASA/ESA/CSA identificaram dióxido de carbono em uma região específica da superfície gelada de Europa. A análise indica que este carbono provavelmente se originou no subsolo do oceano e não foi entregue por meteoritos ou outras fontes externas. Além disso, foi depositado numa escala de tempo geologicamente recente. Esta descoberta tem implicações importantes para a habitabilidade potencial do oceano de Europa. “ Na Terra, a vida gosta de diversidade química – quanto mais diversidade, melhor. Somos uma vida baseada em carbono. Compreender a química do oceano de Europa irá ajudar-nos a determinar se é hostil à vida tal como a conhecemos, ou se pode ser um bom lugar para a vida”, disse Geronimo Villanueva, do Goddard Space Flight Center da NASA em Greenbelt, Maryland, autor principal de um. de dois artigos independentes que descrevem as descobertas. “ Pensamos agora que temos provas observacionais de que o carbono que vemos na superfície de Europa veio do oceano. Isso não é uma coisa trivial. O carbono é um elemento biologicamente essencial ”, acrescentou Samantha Trumbo, da Universidade Cornell em Ithaca, Nova Iorque, autora principal do segundo artigo que analisa estes dados. A NASA planeja lançar sua espaçonave Europa Clipper, que realizará dezenas de sobrevoos próximos à Europa para investigar se ela poderia ter condições adequadas para a vida, em outubro de 2024. Webb descobre que na superfície de Europa o dióxido de carbono é mais abundante numa região chamada Tara Regio — uma área geologicamente jovem de terreno geralmente recapeado conhecido como “terreno do caos”. A superfície do gelo foi rompida e provavelmente houve uma troca de material entre o oceano subterrâneo e a superfície gelada. “ Observações anteriores do Telescópio Espacial Hubble mostram evidências de sal derivado do oceano em Tara Regio ”, explicou Trumbo. “ Agora estamos vendo que o dióxido de carbono também está fortemente concentrado ali. Pensamos que isto implica que o carbono provavelmente tem a sua origem final no oceano interno. ” “ Os cientistas estão a debater até que ponto o oceano de Europa se liga à sua superfície. Acho que essa questão tem sido um grande impulsionador da exploração da Europa ”, disse Villanueva. “ Isto sugere que poderemos aprender algumas coisas básicas sobre a composição do oceano mesmo antes de perfurarmos o gelo para obter uma imagem completa. ” Ambas as equipes identificaram o dióxido de carbono usando dados da unidade de campo integral do Espectrógrafo de Infravermelho Próximo de Webb (NIRSpec). Este modo de instrumento fornece espectros com uma resolução de 320 x 320 quilómetros num campo de visão de 3.128 quilómetros de diâmetro na superfície de Europa, permitindo aos astrónomos determinar onde estão localizados produtos químicos específicos. O dióxido de carbono não é estável na superfície de Europa. Portanto, os cientistas dizem que é provável que tenha sido fornecido numa escala de tempo geologicamente recente – uma conclusão reforçada pela sua concentração numa região de terreno jovem. “ Essas observações levaram apenas alguns minutos do tempo do observatório ”, disse Heidi Hammel, da Associação de Universidades para Pesquisa em Astronomia, uma cientista interdisciplinar de Webb que lidera o Ciclo 1 de Observações de Tempo Garantido do Sistema Solar. “ Mesmo neste curto período de tempo, fomos capazes de fazer ciência realmente grande. Este trabalho dá uma primeira dica de toda a incrível ciência do Sistema Solar que poderemos fazer com Webb .” FONTES: https://esawebb.org/news/weic2323/?lang https://www.science.org/doi/epdf/10.1126/science.adg4270 https://www.science.org/doi/epdf/10.1126/science.adg4155 #EUROPA #LIFE #UNIVERSE
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Entrenando la Vida y Seguridad Vial
Somos una empresa de autocares barcelona con mas de 35 anos de actividad, entrenando la vida y seguridad vial para nuestros clientes. Como es nuestro aderezo, ponemos a tu disposicion los mejores medios de comunicacion para garantizar la calidad y eficiencia en todos nuestros procesos comerciales.
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We offer a wide range of vehicles from 6 to 25 people, equiped with climatizacion, asientos y opciones de entretenimiento a bordo con radio, TV y mp3 audio.
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Experiencing the city of Barcelona and its surroundings is a dream come true for most travelers, who are always keen to discover new places and enjoy the beauty of the city’s streets.
The city’s infrastructure is a huge advantage, as it makes it possible to reach all of the major sites in an efficient way. Moreover, the airport is in an excellent position and it’s easy to get there from anywhere in Spain.
Services of travel in the city abound and are extremely diverse, including trains, metros, trams, buses and ferries. There are also some high-speed rail connections between France and Spain from cities like Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier and Paris, which take a few hours at most.
In addition to its extensive public transportation network, Barcelona is home to the largest seaport in Spain and has numerous ferry routes to other European cities. There are also daily flights to a number of destinations around the world, which make Barcelona a popular choice for international business travellers.
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Dec 12, 2014
playlist for doin the deed, knockin boots, hooking up, and just having some sexy time
rocket - beyonce// crave you - flight facilities// fuck you all the time (schlohmo remix) - jeremih// lovit - marian hill// high for this - the weeknd// tessesllate (alt-j cover) - ellie goulding// show off - somo// kiss you (one direction cover) - vicktor taiwo// i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys// our first time- bruno mars// bloodstream - ed sheeran// no diggity (blackstreet cover) - alice jemima// neighbors know my name - trey songz// you can be the boss - lana del rey// partition - beyonce// body party - ciara// pony - ginuwine// gorilla- bruno mars// ride -somo// climax (lindsay lowend remix)- usher// toxic (brittany spears cover) - melanie martinez// i wanna fuck you - akon//
Source: typical-boyband
#sex#sexy#sexy time#sensual#sex songs#ed sheeran#sex playlist#music#one direction#somo#horny#chill#slow#love#beyonce#the weeknd#8tracks#myplaylist#hook up#Make love#❤️ it#💙#text#art#❤️ anon
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Dec 12, 2014
playlist for doin the deed, knockin boots, hooking up, and just having some sexy time
rocket - beyonce// crave you - flight facilities// fuck you all the time (schlohmo remix) - jeremih// lovit - marian hill// high for this - the weeknd// tessesllate (alt-j cover) - ellie goulding// show off - somo// kiss you (one direction cover) - vicktor taiwo// i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys// our first time- bruno mars// bloodstream - ed sheeran// no diggity (blackstreet cover) - alice jemima// neighbors know my name - trey songz// you can be the boss - lana del rey// partition - beyonce// body party - ciara// pony - ginuwine// gorilla- bruno mars// ride -somo// climax (lindsay lowend remix)- usher// toxic (brittany spears cover) - melanie martinez// i wanna fuck you - akon//
Source: typical-boyband
#sex#sexy#sexy time#sensual#sex songs#ed sheeran#sex playlist#music#one direction#somo#horny#chill#slow#love#beyonce#the weeknd#8tracks#myplaylist#hook up#Make love#❤️ it#💙#text#art#❤️ anon
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Together with Prussia… It’s Too Much Fun On My Own 7
7: The voice that encourages you when you missed your flight
Ugh… we missed the plane.
But we can just grab the next one, It’ll be fine.
What? All flights are cancelled?!
Ugh… well... These things happen often.
Don’t sweat it.
If we get lucky they might start flying again soon.
Alright! I’ll stay with you until your mood changes.
You should be honest with yourself and say thanks to me.
You can even praise me on how cool I am.
7: La voz que te anima cuando perdiste tu vuelo
Ugh… perdimos el avión. Pero podemos tomar el que sigue, estaremos bien. ¿Qué? ¡¿Todos los vuelos están cancelados?! Ugh… bien… estas cosas pasan seguido. No te preocupes. Si somos afortunados, comenzarán a volar de nuevo pronto. ¡Bien! Me quedaré contigo hasta que te animes. Deberías ser honesto contigo mismo y agradecerme. Incluso puedes elogiarme por lo genial que soy.
Thanks to Notrin, Dranoko and Birdie who donated to make this translation possible!
Track 01 / Track 02 / Track 03 / Track 04 / Track 05 / Track 06 / * /Track 08 / Track 09 / Track 10 / Track 11 / Track 12 / Track 13 / Track 14 / Track 15 END
#Hetalia#HWS Prussia#Prussia CD#Jackce translates#Together with Prussia… It’s Too Much Fun On My Own
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Querido Peluche:
Me parece tan tierna como triste esta nueva forma de comunicación, donde plasmamos nuestro amor en un espacio tan público como íntimo y esperamos que el otro reciba algunas palabras sin aviso alguno. Quisiera escribirte una carta como debe ser, a papel y tinta, sólo que no hay forma de hacertela llegar y mi corazón se comprime al pensar en eso.
Cada que escucho un trueno, te imagino montado en él como quien conquista el cielo y me enternece pensar en la emoción con la que debes estarlo mirando. Es curioso que también he querido escribirte cada vez que escucho uno y, al no tener los medios para hacerlo, sólo cierro los ojos y te mando un beso en la frente. Cuando siento las primeras gotas de lluvia, quiero correr hasta tu casa para salir a jugar juntos, pero me entristece ser la única que busca, quisiera que alguna vez vinieras tú por ese abrazo que nos hace falta...
Le he dado mil vueltas a la mente, sabes mejor que nadie que suelo pasar mucho tiempo ahí. Me aterra pensar que tal vez estamos hechos para hacernos daño, para encontrarnos en el camino y, después, ser eternos imposibles. Me aterra pensar que has dejado de quererme como lo hacías antes, mi corazón está muy roto y quiere ser capaz de darte más y recibir más. Tengo miedo de querernos, porque sé que podemos salir heridos.
En este tiempo me he encofaco en mí, en mis metas a corto plazo, en mi mente y le he dado paz al corazón. En este tiempo, más que nunca, he experimentado lo que es estar sin ti y no me cabe la menor duda de que puedo hacerlo. Puedo sanar y vivir sin ti. Y aún sabiendo esto, si tuviera que decidir, me gustaría tenerte a mi lado, querido astronauta. Tenerte en cada vida. Romper la maldición que arrastramos desde hace un tiempo y saltar a tus brazos en este momento, en esta realidad, hoy mismo...
Reconozco los errores que he tenido y me disculpo por ellos. Quisiera tener la oportunidad de hablar de mis miedos sin que se interprete como "excusas", y poder abrazar los tuyos. No entiendo el sentido en terminar con reencor, bloqueados o hablando mal del otro, cuando sabes que no somos como el resto y que nuestro amor, aún con sus bajas, estuvo lleno de magia y fue una historia como ninguna otra.
Me gustaría saber qué quieres de mí... ¿Me quieres aún? ¿Prefieres que esté lejos de tu vida? No me queda claro si para ti sigo siendo yo... De ser así, me gustaría que ambos busquemos la solución, y si no, al menos dejarte ir con amor.
Entiendo el miedo y me gustaría que, como siempre hemos dicho, actuemos en vez de hablar. La única forma de vencer al miedo es con el amor en la mano. Si estamos dispuestos a dar amor, sé que podría crecer cada vez más, hasta que tengamos la fuerza para despegar nuestra nave. ¿Sería buena idea hablar? No me gusta lanzar palabras al aire, mis versos son tan puros como mi amor, deberías saber eso de mí.
I'm ready for the flight or to fall off a cliff, but if it's alright with you, I'd rather not miss out on us.
Le mando un cálido abrazo a tu corazón. Seguiré sanando al mío hasta que pueda salir al mundo como tanto me gusta.
Te quiero mucho, querido...
- Tu Sirena.
A quien corresponda.
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This is such a beautiful song.
Lyrics en Espanol:
Blanco, negro, agua, fuego y tempestad
Soy un péndulo entre luz y oscuridad
En un hilo caminando y sin red
Voy sin miedo a dejarme caer
Flotando en silencio
Aunque me ves de metal
Vuelo con alas de cristal
De frente al vacío, de pie y sin dejar de temblar
Voy a saltar
Aunque me asfixie el dolor
No pierdo la fe en el amor
Somos las flores naciendo del lodo
Somos nada, somos todo
Un cúmulo de dudas y de ansiedad
En un mar oscuro que no supe navegar
Y ahogándome en silencio
Aunque me ves de metal
Vuelo con alas de cristal
De frente al vacío, de pie y sin dejar de temblar
Voy a saltar
Aunque me asfixie el dolor
No pierdo la fe en el amor
Somos las flores naciendo del lodo
Somos nada, somos todo
Somos nada, somos todo
(English translation)
I am
White, black, water, fire and storm
I am a pendulum between light and dark
Floating I go
And in a thread walking and without a net
I go without fear of letting myself fall
Floating in silence
Even though you look like metal
Flight with crystal wings
Facing the void, standing, and still shaking
I am going to jump
Although the pain suffocates me
I don't lose faith in love
We are the flowers being born from the mud
We are nothing
We are everything
[Verse 2]
I was
A cluster of doubts and anxiety
In a dark sea that I did not know how to navigate
And drowning in silence
Even though you look like metal
Flight with crystal wings
Facing the void, standing, and still shaking
I am going to jump
Although the pain suffocates me
I don't lose faith in love
We are the flowers being born from the mud
We are nothing
We are everything
We are nothing
We are everything
#music#xtina#somos nada#espanol#spanish#Christina Aguilera#lyrics#we are nothing we are everything#😭#Youtube
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Es tan sencillo elevar la consciencia al sol con los ojos tan abiertos como las manos y el corazón, ¡y ya cantan las golondrinas nuestra canción! ¡Ya baila con nosotros el amor y Dios! ¡Oh, Dios, ya te regocijas con nuestro vuelo, porque es el Tuyo! Y nos bendices tanto que tomas a nuestras almas con Tus prodigiosas manos para untarnos el perfume de Tu sapiencia. ¡Ya Somos Uno y ya nos rezan los Ángeles custodios de nuestras cabezas!
— Esu Emmanuel©️, It is so simple to raise our consciousness to the sun with eyes as open as our hands and heart, and already the swallows sing our song! Already love dances with us and God! Oh God, already You rejoice in our flight, for it is Yours! And You bless us so much that You take our souls with Your prodigious hands to anoint us with the perfume of Your wisdom. Already we are One and already the guardian Angels of our heads are praying to us!
#writing#escritores en tumblr#escribiendo en soledad#el hombre de la soledad#the man of solitude#writing in solitude#writers on tumblr#poetas en tumblr#pensamientos#poets on tumblr#2021#poeticstories
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Somos Familia Ch 45: Shantytown
The flight wasn’t a long one given how surprisingly fast Frangipani was able to fly, and soon she descended down upon an ancient Aztec pyramid. Unlike the rest of the city, with its dazzling lights and colors, the pyramid was cold and void of anything magical. Pieces had chipped and crumbled off and there was an ominous presence in the air. For the first time since coming to the Land of the Dead, Héctor finally felt like he was in a place of devoid of life.
In a show of good grace Frangipani did not let Héctor make a fool of himself by trying to climb down her side since it was such a hassle getting up. Instead she slowly shrank herself like a deflating balloon until she was the size of housecat, prancing off between his and Leti’s legs with Dante happily trailing after and barking at his friend. Héctor was grateful for that, but Frangipani’s large mass had done it’s damage and he was left with a huge case of saddle soreness. He wobbled around bowlegged trying to work out the kinks in his legs, wincing and hissing with each step.
Hearing Leti giggle at his predicament, Héctor gave her a playful glare. “Don’t laugh. I’ve got old bones.”
Leti shook her head with a smile. “You’ve got old muscles. Once we get down to Shantytown, then you’ll really see some old bones.”
“Shantytown, eh?” Héctor asked warily, stretching his leg out one final time as he peered down into the dark shadows below. He could hear water splashing faintly against the rocks and could already smell the mildew from all the way up top. He raised an eyebrow at her. “Ernesto is down there?”
“Uh huh!” Leti nodded, “Every Dia de Muertos Tio Nesto always gives a portion of his offerings to the people of Shantytown. And he always makes a grand speech and visits with everyone. He’s definitely down there!”
Héctor remembered well how he could usually tell that his daughter was lying. She would always talk extra brightly, smile just a little too widely. This time was no exception, and her new skeletal grin just made her smile wore wider. Or rather, this time it was like a lie mixed with the truth. Apparently this would be something Ernesto would do; he was sometimes charitable in life. Not as much as he and Imelda were, but for Ernesto each charitable moment was a triumph in his opinion.
“Okay.” Héctor nodded, grimacing again at the bleak murkiness below. “Seems kind of shady though.”
“Oh, I’ve been here loads of times, Papá.” Leti reassured him. “It may look scary and depressing… well it is depressing, but the people here are more friendly than anyone else. You’ll see. And we’ll get down that way.”
Héctor looked over to where she was pointing and gave a soft ‘huh’ in surprise. There, situated at the top of this ancient pyramid, was an escalator. It stood out against it’s surrounding so badly that Héctor felt stupid for not noticing it sooner. Seeing her father’s confusion Leti explained. “Oh, Tio Nesto had that installed a few years ago. Comes in handy, especially those with brittle bones.”
Héctor was puzzled. “You can still get brittle bones after you’re dead?”
“Oh sure.” Leti said. “Brittle, broken, ground to powder, stolen, misplaced. Just depends on how long you’ve been dead of if you are being forgotten. But anyway, the escalator helps those kind of people in need. Come on!”
All four of them walked toward the top of the moving staircase, Frangipani shrinking even more to her initial tiny size before plopping down onto Leti’s shoulder. Before Leti could reach for the handrail, however, a high-pitched whine stopped them. Turning back around they saw Dante sitting several feet away from them, head lowered and eyes looking pitifully afraid. A click of the tongue could not get him to budge, nor did the gently nudge from behind when Héctor went to fetch him. Dante just kept looking wide-eyed at the grinding metal plates before him, just waiting to slice of sensitive pads of the feet.
“Aww, he’s afraid of the escalator Papá.” Leti cooed, and even Frangipani gave a simpering little toot of compassion. “Looks like you’re going to have to carry him the whole way down.”
“Wha-?” Héctor started to protest, but three pairs of huge pouting eyes stopped him from saying anymore. With a groan of disgust he reached down to pick up Dante, difficult to do due his bony limbs and squirming body, but finally was able to hold him in an awkward spooning position. “Happy now, pelón?” he asked, and his answer was a happy slurp across the cheek.
It must have been a sight to see: A guitar-wielding old man carrying a dog like a small child, while with his skeleton daughter had an elephant on her shoulder, all riding down an escalator in awkward silence. It actually was pretty funny of one thought about it. Luckily, no one was there to see them, at least until midway down the giant pyramid. On the opposite escalator going up Héctor could see two figures emerging from the mist. Leti did too and with a gasp of surprise she started to wave. “Mama Chavela! Mama Rocío! Como estas?!”
“Hola, nieta!”
As the two parties drew closer together, Héctor saw that they were two skeletal old ladies. Both were dressed in faded gowns that looks as though they had been patched and mended several times over the years. Both were holding two baskets each that were overflowing with breads, fruits and vegetables and one lady had a small guitar strapped to her back.
Even closer still Héctor could see that these ladies were not like the skeletons he had already seen. Instead of the clean pearly white bones he had come accustomed to, these bones were dull and gray. And, just like Leti had said before, some places were chipped off and scratched. One woman even had part on her jaw broken off and held in place with a strand of wire. Héctor was slightly taken aback by the ladies run down looks, but Leti paid them no mind.
“Looks like you both got a good haul this year!” she said.
“Oh yes! We’re on our way to the trade show right now while the good items are still out.” One of the ladies said, shifting the baskets onto her hipbones for more support.
“Who’s your handsome young friend, Leticia?” The other asked.
“This is my Papá! He’s been cursed and we need to get a blessing from Tio Nesto or else he’ll die at sunrise.”
“Oh that’s nice dear.”
“Have fun tonight!”
“Adios!” Leti waved them goodbye as they finally passed each other up. Continuing down on their journey, Leti shrugged a little. “They’re a little batty, but still very nice. And Mama Rocío makes the best Shantytown ponche for Los Posadas.”
“Why did they call you nieta?” Héctor asked.
“Oh, heh. It’s just a term of endearment.” Leti said. “See, Shantytown is full of the nearly forgotten. They have no family, no ofrendas, no homes. So they all bundled together and made their own family with each other. And I’m an honorary member since I’m not forgotten yet, but I come here all the time.”
“So those ladies looked like that because they’re nearly forgotten.”
“Si. This whole place runs on memories, Papá. The more well remembered you are the longer you get to stay here. But, in the end, if no one remembers you… You just… go…”
The way Leti trailed off, so sad all of a sudden, didn’t sit well with Héctor at all. In fact he was starting to grow afraid. “Go where?” he was hesitant to ask.
“No one knows.” she said. “It’s called the Final Death.”
“Wait a minute! You can die again?!” Héctor was appalled. “No! I… I couldn’t watch you die again! I can’t.”
“Everyone gets forgotten eventually, Papá.” Leti reassured, and then actually had the nerve to get a little cocky. “Besides, I’m the tragic daughter lost from one of the richest families in Mexico. I’ll stick around for a while yet.”
It didn’t seem to make sense to Héctor at all, the way everyone was so nonchalant about the fact that they were dead and could die again at the drop of a hat. Even his own daughter was making jokes about it. If he were the one on the verge of being forgotten he would be an inconsolable mess, probably unable to do anything other than curl up in a ball and wait for the inevitable.
But as they reached the end of the escalator he was surprised to see that Shantytown didn’t look like the wretched, miserable place that it looked from above the mists. There was loud music playing, unfortunately, and laughter and all other sorts of rabble. Behind the giant stone arch there were bright lights shining through and Héctor could see papel picado hung up. Confetti and golden flower petals were strewn about all over the ground.
And there was one other thing.
Shantytown actually looked… nice.
It was on the water, which explained the musky smell, but the houses there were less like shanties and more like riverside condos. Several floors high and stacked as haphazardly as every other building in this realm, but much more sturdy. All painted a warm brown color and with beautiful murals on every other wall, high archways and clean clay tiles on the roofs.
The was a walkway that wove through the water and connected all of the houses together, made out of concrete and cobblestones with lamps illuminating the way down. All in all it looked like a very nice place to live and a realtor’s dream location.
Again, Héctor was confused. “Uh… Shanty-town?”
Leti nodded. “Yeah, the name has stuck but believe me that this place was worse years ago. Rotting wood and pallets, rusted sheet metal, garbage everywhere. It was a terrible place to spend the last few days before the Final Death. But Tio Nesto got several other celebrities and wealthy citizens to pitch in and completely remodel the place!”
“It’s very nice.” Héctor admitted as he put Dante down on the ground. As he released him Héctor grimaced when he looked at his hands. The were completely skeletal now and reaching well past the wrist.
Leti smiled appreciatively, but then sniffed the air like a snob. “Well, I still say it’s a work in progress.” And Héctor laughed at that.
Several skeletons wandered all over it, going to neighbors houses with arms full of the same offerings as the two old ladies. They all seemed to be converging onto one spot in the middle of town, though. It was a much larger area, but still too small to be considered a plaza, but big enough to hold a huge pile of offerings stacked as high as some of the buildings. An absolute mammoth amount of bread, vegetables and fruits, cooked meats and musical instruments piled in a somewhat strategic manner so that it didn’t topple into the water below. But it was clear that it had been slowly picked away as the minutes passed, and currently there were around a dozen other Shantytown skeletons situated around it passing out offerings.
“Oye, Paola. I managed to save you some grapefruit this time. I know you missed out on them last year.”
“Three guitars? What are you trying to do, Primo? Start a band? Have some more food instead.”
“Señor de la Cruz must hate bananas because we’ve got tons of them! Caramelize ‘em, mash ‘em, make ‘em into bread. A very versatile fruit, c’mon don’t be shy!”
‘He does hate bananas’ Héctor thought with a wry grin. ‘No wonder he’d give them all away-… Wait.’
“This is a lot of offerings.” Héctor said as he watched a small boy tuck in eagerly to the shiny red apple that was atop his own pile of goodies. “I’m surprised he’d just give it all away.”
“Nah, just a tiny bit.” Leti said. “But, in Tio Nesto’s case, a tiny bit means an entire mountain! Speaking of… Oye, Tío Jaime!”
One of the skeletons handing out offerings, who was no older than twenty but looked like he had osteoporosis in every visible bone, smiled as Leti came up to him. “Hola, Leti. You’re here awful early tonight. Did you already visit your family?”
“Si, but not as long as I would have liked. As you can see…” She gestured to Héctor, and when Jaime looked towards him his eyes bugged out a little. “…I have a bit of a problem.”
“Santa Maria…” Jaime breathed out, and soon every skeleton was looking at Héctor again astonishment. A couple of jaws even fell off and splashed into the water. Héctor just cringed out a smile and waved to them all. “Espera… Is that Héctor Rivera? Your papá?”
Leti walked to Héctor and grabbed him by the wrist to hold his hand up as high as she could, showing off the shiny white bones that were exposed. “My papá has been cursed, and he needs a blessing from Tio Nesto before sunrise. Is he still here?”
Jaime winced and shrugged his shoulder, making an unsettling crack and pop at the slight movement. “Sorry, Leti. He was here, but after he presented us with his offerings he left. That was about half an hour ago, so he’s probably off to the party at his mansion.”
Héctor felt his chest sink at the thought that the trip to Shantytown had been a complete waste of time and now he was more cursed than before. Rolling up his sleeve he groaned at the sight of his ulna and radius making an unwelcome appearance. Bending down to Leti’s height he whispered into her phantom ear. “Mija, the curse is spreading pretty quickly. Maybe we ought to hurry things up and-”
“Well shucks!” Leti placed her hands onto her hips and comically pouted. “Looks like he’s gone already! Isn’t that just the luck? Phooey!” Then she looked up and gave Héctor a cloyingly sweet smile with too many teeth. “Before we go though, can we go see a friend of mine?”
Héctor blinked in confusion, then held out his bare arm for Leti to see. “Leticia, I don’t have time to see anyone else. I need to see Ernesto.”
Grabbing his hand and already starting to tug him away from the pile, Leti just waved him off. “Sunrise isn’t for another five and a half hours, and this will only take a few minutes. While we’re here we might as well make the most of it. Kill two birds with one stone, si?
“Two birds? What’s the second bird? Wait a moment! Leticia!”
Despite the dangerous nature of the situation Héctor let himself be dragged a ways by Leti as well as pushed by Dante and Frangipani. Maybe it was because he had just been reunited with his long dead daughter and could refuse her nothing at the moment. Maybe he was slightly curious to see what other new discovery awaited him in this new and exciting environment. But the real reason, probably, was because Héctor was somewhat desperate for any excuse to not see Ernesto as soon as possible. He didn’t want to think what would happen if he did lay eyes on him.
As they continued on Héctor could see where the restoration of Shantytown had stopped. The pristine building transitioned to scaffolding, paint buckets and blocks of concrete with yellow warning tape wrapped around it. All abandoned in favor of the holiday, Héctor presumed.
And past that was the slum that Héctor had in mind.
It was just as Leti had said: Rotting wood and rusted metal. The only thing that had been completed and stood out like a sour thumb was the walkway they were on, but even then the shanties were connected to it by moldy, broken planks. Leti just shrugged up at Héctor. “I told you it was a work in progress.”
With a skip and a wobbly jump they all made it into one such shanty, Leti knocking on the wooden wall and pulling open a moth-eaten blanket that served as a divider to the one room home.
“Buenas noches, Nieve! I thought I might find you here!”
“Of course you found me here.” A sullen female voice said. “Where else would I be?”
Holding up one finger to tell Héctor to wait there, Leti walked further in with a giggle. “Well, you could be out there getting some of Tio Nesto’s offerings. You’d better hurry before all the grapes are gone. You love grapes.”
Now Héctor was really curious as to see who his daughter was talking to and why. Staying put he carefully pulled back the curtain slightly to peek out. Standing there with Leti was another young girl, a teenage one at that, standing by an open window looking out. She was wearing a tattered blue shirt, a gray skirt and a dingy straw hat. She was barefoot and a little dirty, but Héctor noticed that she didn’t seem as run down as everyone else in Shantytown. Her bones were still a nice cream color.
But her eyes. They looked so sad and angry all at once. And they held a wisdom in them that only came with either a rough life or, given her young stature the passage of time. Héctor knew that he was really looking at an old soul. An elderly woman trapped in the body of a child. She had been dead for quite a while.
“I don’t want any of that stuff, I just want to be alone tonight.” the girl, Nieve apparently, said. “Why are you here anyway? Why aren’t you with your family?”
Leti shuffled her shoes against the dirty floorboards and smiled. “Oh you know, some stuff happened. One thing led to another, that sort of thing. But I get it: You don’t want any of Tio Nesto’s offerings. But it is Dia de Muertos, and everyone deserves a little something, sooo… I brought you an offering of my own!”
Nieve then turned to her, and Héctor saw her look at Leti in anger. “You didn’t go to my ofrenda, did you? I told you I want nothing to do with that man or anything else he gives me.”
‘Ah, so that’s why she’s different.’ Héctor thought. ‘She’s not being forgotten. But then… why is she here?’
“No, no!” Leti reassured her. “I would never do that to you! No, but my offering is a man. Someone I know you’ve been dying to meet for years, figuratively speaking.” Walking back to the curtain Leti pulled it aside to show Héctor in full form. “Okay, you can come in now.”
Héctor walked slowly, not wanting to shock the poor girl with the sight of a living, fleshed out man. Nieve was slightly taken aback by his appearance at first, but then recognition kicked in and the girl’s eyes widened. She just stared at him in shock, not saying a word. Héctor shifted the guitar on his back awkwardly and gave a small grin. “Hola.”
She still said nothing. Just stared at him some more in amazement and a little fear.
“Nieve, let me introduce you to my Papá, Héctor Rivera.” Leti said as she pulled Héctor closer to Nieve. “Papá, this is Nieve Mendoza, and she is a very close friend of mine! And she’s always asking about you constantly!”
“Oh, I see.” “Héctor said. “Are you a fan?”
That seemed to jumpstart Nieve’s brain, and she croaked out. “N-no, I’m just… are you dead?”
“Nope, just cursed!” Leti said. “We have to get Tio Nesto’s blessing but sunrise or else he’ll be stuck here.” Raising up Héctor’s wrist again, she showed Nieve his bony hand. “See?”
Anger came back full force and Nieve hissed out, “You idiot! He’s on a timeclock and you waste his time by coming here. You need to get him to de la Cruz now before it’s too late!”
Leti was crushed. “But I thought you said you wanted to see him as soon as got here! Well now he’s here!”
“Never mind what I want! He needs to get a blessing now! So get out, both of you!”
“But don’t you want to talk to him?”
“No! I don’t!”
“Please, Abuelita! He’s your-”
There was a silence that hung heavy in the air now, both girls panting softly and both looking at Héctor with trepidation. Héctor was now shocked into silence, his mind not quite working out what was happening in such a short amount of time. Nieve pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed harshly. “Leticia…”
“I’m so sorry, Nieve!” Leti said. “I didn’t mean to call you Abuelita. It just slipped out!”
Nieve glared hard at Leti. “Oh really? Because this is the first time in twenty years that you have ever called me Abuelita.”
“Oh, is it? Well then… oops?” Leti smiled widely, in that way Héctor remembered she used to do when caught in a lie.
“You little…” Nieve growled.
“Another term of endearment, mija?” Héctor asked.
Both girls looked at him, and Héctor grinned nervously. “Th-that’s what that was right? Because everyone in Shantytown is just one big family with different rolls and such… And it’s funny! Because you called her your grandmother even though she’s so young, right? I mean… Why else would you call her… that?”
Nieve didn’t look him in the eye anymore, couldn’t. She just stared down at the floor, looking sad and thoroughly ashamed. Leti bit her bottom lip and also couldn’t meet his eyes. Héctor still felt the smile on his face, but he could also feel the blood draining from it too. And suddenly it was hard to breathe.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” Leti whispered and rushed out of the shanty as fast as she could.
Héctor didn’t even notice. He just kept staring at this young girl in front of him, looking at every detail of her face to find… he didn’t exactly know what. Similarities? It was hard since she didn’t have any skin to look for dimples or curves of lips or anything like that.
She did have sharp cheekbones, though. Just like he did…
Finally Nieve looked up at him, her features schooled into a more neutral expression. Bending down she picked up an old wooden crate, walked over to him, and set it down in front of him. Then she turned back to the window and leaned against the railing. The exact same position that he first saw her in.
“Have a seat…”
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Dec 12, 2014
playlist for doin the deed, knockin boots, hooking up, and just having some sexy time
rocket - beyonce// crave you - flight facilities// fuck you all the time (schlohmo remix) - jeremih// lovit - marian hill// high for this - the weeknd// tessesllate (alt-j cover) - ellie goulding// show off - somo// kiss you (one direction cover) - vicktor taiwo// i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys// our first time- bruno mars// bloodstream - ed sheeran// no diggity (blackstreet cover) - alice jemima// neighbors know my name - trey songz// you can be the boss - lana del rey// partition - beyonce// body party - ciara// pony - ginuwine// gorilla- bruno mars// ride -somo// climax (lindsay lowend remix)- usher// toxic (brittany spears cover) - melanie martinez// i wanna fuck you - akon//
Source: typical-boyband
#sex#sexy#sexy time#sensual#sex songs#ed sheeran#sex playlist#music#one direction#somo#horny#chill#slow#love#beyonce#the weeknd#8tracks#myplaylist#hook up#Make love#❤️ it#💙#text#art#❤️ anon
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Gin no yuri
Grupo / Band: Fantôme Iris Letra / Lyrics: Mao Música / Music: Aki
月夜に照らされて 光る 我らは 銀の百合 今宵 奏でる旋律よ 儚く揺れて 響け
さあ始めよう この幻想は もう止められないから
翼を広げて 深紅の夜に 溶けてくイメージで 羽ばたけ 魅惑のステージ 幕は落とされた
何もかもはこの夜のため 咲き乱れ
闇夜に流されて 生きる 僕らの声 届かない
出口のない この幻想に 疲れたなら ほら
憧れ続け�� 未来を きっと掴めると信じて 僕らがそうだったように 君も変われるさ
何もかもはこの夜のため 咲き乱れ
一緒に見よう この夢を 叶えて欲しいから
翼を広げて 深紅の夜に 溶けてくイメージで 羽ばたけ 魅惑のステージ 幕は落とされた
高鳴る気持ち 抑えきれない
何もかもはこの夜のため 咲き乱れ
Gin no yuri
tsukiyo ni terasarete hikaru warera wa gin no yuri koyoi kanaderu senritsu yo hakanaku yurete hibike
saa hajimeyou kono yume wa mou tomerarenai kara
tsubasa wo hirogete shinku no yoru ni toketeku IMAGE de habatake miwaku no STAGE maku wa otosareta
nanimokamo wa kono yoru no tame sakimidare
yamiyo ni nagasarete ikiru bokura no koe todokanai
deguchi no nai kono yume ni tsukareta nara hora
akogare tsuzuketa mirai wo kitto tsukameru to shinjite bokura ga sou datta you ni kimi mo kawareru sa
nanimokamo wa kono yoru no tame sakimidare
issho ni miyou kono yume wo kanaete hoshii kara
tsubasa wo hirogete shinku no yoru ni toketeku IMAGE de habatake miwaku no STAGE maku wa otosareta
takanaru kimochi osaekirenai
nanimokamo wa kono yoru no tame sakimidare
Silver lilies
Illuminated by the moonlight, we shine, we are the silver lilies. The melody that is being played tonight trembles and reverberates.
Well, let's begin, because this dream can no longer be stopped.
Spread your wings, with this image that blends into the scarlet night. Take flight on this fascinating stage. The curtain has risen.
For the sake of this night, anything and everything bursts into full bloom.
We live being swept away by the moonless night, our voice doesn't reach you.
If you get tired of this dream without an exit, look.
I believe that we'll surely take hold of the future we've longed for. You can also change, as we did.
For the sake of this night, anything and everything bursts into full bloom.
Let's dream together, because I want to make this dream come true.
Spread your wings, with this image that blends into the scarlet night. Take flight on this fascinating stage. The curtain has risen.
I can't hold back this pounding feeling.
For the sake of this night, anything and everything bursts into full bloom.
Lirios plateados
Iluminados por la luz de la luna, brillamos, somos los lirios plateados. La melodía que suena esta noche tiembla y resuena.
Bueno, empecemos, porque este sueño ya es imparable.
Extiende tus alas, con esta imagen que se difumina en la noche escarlata. Alza el vuelo en este fascinante escenario. Se abre el telón.
Por esta noche, todo florece plenamente.
Vivimos siendo arrastrados por la noche sin luna, nuestra voz no te alcanza.
Si te cansas de este sueño sin salida, mira.
Estoy seguro de que vamos a hacernos con el futuro que ansiábamos. Tú también puedes cambiar, igual que hemos hecho nosotros.
Por esta noche, todo florece plenamente.
Soñemos juntos, porque quiero hacer realidad este sueño.
Extiende tus alas, con esta imagen que se difumina en la noche escarlata. Alza el vuelo en este fascinante escenario. Se abre el telón.
No puedo reprimir este sentimiento palpitante.
Por esta noche, todo florece plenamente.
Kanji, romaji: Lyrical-nonsense English: Starsail (with corrections and additions by me) Español: Reila
#Gin no Yuri#銀の百合#Fantôme Iris#Mao#Aki#sidlyrics#Gin no Yuri / Banzai RIZING!!! / Hikari no Akuma#銀の百合/バンザイRIZING!!!/光の悪魔#明希#マオ#miroir
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