#Something For The Weakened
factual-fantasy · 3 months
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I got these little guys before your Pokémon posts, but now I can’t think of them as anyone but Grim and Sylvester!!
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"Look Grim!! Its us!! :0000"
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gunstellations · 5 months
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gentle mornings
#alternatively titled - when your papas have the audacity to cuddle without you#kazurei#buddy daddies#i like to think they didnt really do cuddles much except when rei has a rough night and kazukis warmth and safety is the only thing that#can let him get rid of the anxiety and nightmares#he wouldnt ask for it#it would be kazuki dragging him to bed at first#rei reluctantly but in his weakened will the times hes slept together with miri and kazuki has been the times hes somehow always#managed to go out like a light as soon as his head hits the pillow#even he himself doesnt understand and he doesnt attempt to and he doesnt realise#that its safety and warmth and protection and peace#and thats the only reason he would let himself be dragged to bed#but#eventually when you have had the taste of something so good in the place of chilling nightmares and restless darkness that feels no less#safer than the light#your heart becomes indulgent#and rei will gently and wordlessly ask for an invite to the warmth again#its fulfilling and blissful when the three of them are together#but with just kazukis body enveloping him against the night its a different kind of comfort. even in his sleep he would clutch onto it#thats a tangent right there huh.....anyway. miri would be absolutely betrayed in the morning when she finds them snuggled up#she gets her cuddle time with her papas too then#one big pile of a warm and happy family#yes this is pre relationship yes they would do that yes it is possible#if you got this far thanks i guess jajdjfjs ill hopefully colour this soon but i dont know really so im putting it up here#my art
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haven't scribbled any Lights Out in a hot second!! take these two scribbles - i wanted to mess around with Wally's hair & try to make a rudimentary ref for him in the au's late stages
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Currently thinking of an Angel AU where Sanji is one of Cupid's angels for the past 800 years. He makes people fall in love. And for angels of love to ascend, reincarnate or reborn they're given specific clients that he needs to fall in love.
But he has a problem. A mold problem. He only has one client left that he needs to fall in love. And it's the lone wandering swordsman with an odd memorable green hair. And no matter what Sanji does. No matter who he matches the swordsman with as every new lifetime pass, the man just never falls.
And so, as Sanji begrudgingly stands on the swordsman's grave alone, he swore that on the man's next life (11th) he will make him fall in love by hook or by crook.
#sanji#roronoa zoro#vinsmoke sanji#zoro x sanji#one piece#zosan#black leg sanji#this is slight angst yall#sanji gave up concealing himself and showed up in front of zoro in the 11th life#his last resort was to annoy zoro to death about opening up and falling in love#zoro still finds love stupid#but falls i love with sanji anyways#sanji doesn't know because angels doesn't “fall”#zoro doesn't want to admit it because he knows once he does sanji will disappear/be gone. his mission will be over.#so he tries so hard to keep his feelings and he knows its impossible. crazy even to love someone that's transcendental#because he had been following Zoro's soul for the longest time he knows he was hiding something but can't make up what it is#zoro thinks all is well until sanji had been weakening. they didn't know why. until they went to an oracle that told sanji had sinned#his wings had started to shed and he grows weaker and weaker. Sanji's sin was Zoro fell in love him and sanji was starting to love him back#to save sanji. zoro was willing to rip & offer his heart up. but doing would remove his feelings but also he can never feel love#or fall in love ever again. zoro says its okay. he didn't want to fall in love with someone that isn't sanji#sanji still doesn't want to bc its the first time zoro felt love in centuries he'd known him. he didn't want to take it away from him.#sanji “dies” but since he was able to make zoro fall in love he passed his rebirth. cupid was moved by their love#so sanji was reborn in the current lifetime with his memories with zoro intact. they met each other after 2 years he “died”#they reunited. zoro met the strawhats during the 2 years.#the end#omg that was pretty long
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fluffsnake · 2 years
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theology101 · 1 month
So my general idea is that Kalina isn’t Anti-Cassandra, she’s Anti-Kristen.
Say what you will about the Nightmare King, but he got supporters and worshippers. He had power with the strength and will to use it. A being who inspired Fear and had turned a decent chunk of Spyre into a demi-plane.
Cassandra is a nervous wreck being kept afloat by Kristen and fucking Craig.
From Kalina’s “I dont want to die and I want to support my goddess” perspective, being the Nightmare King was objectively better. Obviously Cassandra is happier like this, and I think Kristen has made several serious steps in the right direction but Kalina hasn’t seen that. She sees a divine being hanging on the thread of an ADHD-riddled Teenager.
Kalina is terrified.
I would not be surprised if Bakarath leaves behind a trail of worshippers who, instead of praying to the New God or Cassandra, will pray to the Nightmare King. Fear and Rage often go hand in hand, and a Fear God gets more worship then a Doubt God
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fatedroses · 5 months
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He laid at the brink of death once more, staring at the face of despair. He remembered the path that led him to this purgatory, and with a smile could only ask:
"Shall we be friends?"
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mechieonu · 7 months
y'all i mean this w love but mha from the start has been a story examining how villains are also victims of the circumstances their world has imposed on them. why would afo be any different
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So the magic being fucked up is living in my brain and I need to try and figure it out pls help
Here's what's confirmed
Sending doesn't work
Scrying, Augury, contacting other planes, clairvoyance, communing with divine entities all don't work
Teleportation circles have all been dispelled
Curses are stronger
Permanent light enchantments have been dispelled
Specifically 'old magic' enchantments have been dispelled, those thought permanent
Magically bound prisoners escaping
Petrification releasing
Magical items have not been affected by this mass dispel
Possible consequences from that
Trent, the other Cerberus mages and Caleb are no longer bound
The prison under Xhorhas has been fucked up, as has the Vault under the Platinum Sanctum in Vasselheim which includes the horn of Orcus and other terrifying magical artifacts
Hallow and other such protective longstanding enchantments are fucked, ie most temples and the blooming grove?
Ryn is no longer petrified
The binds on ukatoa and other such entities are released or in the process of being weakened? (also the divine gate is being weakened?)
Halas is free from his gem?
The mages in Aeor that were kept in stasis are now free
The binds on Vecna are released?
Is that it? Have I missed anything
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kindahoping4forever · 3 months
Hello friends! Just a quick kh4f programming note: I'll be out of commission for most of, if not all of today, as I'm having a minor medical procedure done. (Outpatient, everything's fine, dw! 🫶🏻) So if anything notable happens (fully expecting Ash to announce ai2 the second I'm sedated 😌) and I'm MIA... that's why lol. Try not to have too much fun without me! 😘💙
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 11 months
Reader who can’t touch Foul Legacy, searing pain shooting up their body if they even so much as bump into FL,,,Thinking about if they met Ajax first, confused why he would have small burns and cuts near wherever you would touch him, unaware it’s from his connections to the Abyss.
First time you saw Foul Legacy you wanted to cradle his face, gently press his forehead to yours, and you tried! Oh you tried so hard, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as you hold Foul Legacy’s face, biting your tongue in an attempt to mask the burning pain shooting down your arms, Foul Legacy trying so hard to leave your grasp, not wanting to hurt you.
even better if Ajax can't touch you, and you can't touch Foul Legacy. like Rex Lapis, you enjoy taking a human form to stroll around Liyue Harbor, being one of the few gods who view mortals as equals. you meet Ajax on one of these walks and become close, both of you eagerly waiting for the hour or so he gets after work each day so you can spend it together... although, for some odd reason, he can't touch you. his skin reacts harshly when met with yours, blistering and burning a bit, so you're both careful to touch each other as little as possible- but that's alright! you're perfectly content to simply sit next to each other on a bench and chat about everything and nothing
then you encounter Foul Legacy, and suddenly everything makes sense. as a Celestial deity, you're supposed to kill any Abyss creatures you come across- but you've always been a softhearted god, so when you see him collapsed in a field you immediately rush to help. but your eyes widen when you get closer, familiarity washing over you as the Abyss creature stares up, whining softly and curling in on himself. you simply smile, reaching to hold your Ajax's masked cheeks
pain sears your fingertips as they brush against his face and you draw back in alarm. Foul Legacy yelps as you jerk away, trying to nuzzle closer until he sees the blood dripping from your hand, the skin there completely melted and burned, and he balks in horror. he cries out sharply and hunches over in shame- of course this would happen, he's from the Abyss and you're from Celestia, how could he be so foolish? but then he feels your arms wrap around him, squeezing him gently, comforting him, and he wants to cry, attempting to struggle out of your grip. it's been so long since he was held like he was something precious, so eventually he weakens and just allows you to hug him, holding him tightly despite the awful pain that burns your flesh
the next time Ajax sees you, your hands are covered in bandages
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surrender-souls · 6 months
killer7 did something to my brain. you guys ever think of hand in killer7? i have so many thoughts, so many questions. forefront of my mind rn is what was kun lan’s taxi driver career in japan like.
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i-spilled-my-soup · 2 years
could you draw plague!will?
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i dont know what plague dude is supposed to look like or how he's supposed to work so you get biology and chemistry flashcards instead
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the-crimson · 8 months
(Gonna preface this by saying the admins are doing a great job and this event will be a learning curve for them but they aren’t perfect)
If I’m being honest, I think presenting the team scores as percentages is the worst way they could do it especially with how vague the rules for gaining points are.
The rules being more vague would be fine if all the teams saw exactly how many points they were getting for every task they completed. Just having a number that starts at zero and increases with kills and completed tasks and decreases with deaths would be so much better because the players could figure out how the scoring works via trial and error. With the percentages, it’s nearly impossible to tell because completing a contract quest can give you between .5 and 5% increase depending on a bunch of other unknown factors the players have no control over.
I doubt they would change it but I genuinely think keeping track of the team’s scores through a percentage is the worst and most inconsistent method that they could use with how vague the rules around gaining points are.
Either they need to clarify how gaining points works - especially the contract quests - or get rid of the percentage system and add a numerical system or something that can tell the players exactly how many points they have.
A compromise they could do would be to keep the percentage counter and ADD a numerical counter for the given team so each team can know how many points they have in addition to how they fair against the other teams via percentage.
Either way, something needs to change cuz rn it’s just frustrating watching the streamers playing a game without knowing the rules. (The rules are way to vague I know they gave us rules but they are no way near specific enough to be useful)
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vitamors · 1 month
so gojo has been treated as a weapon for his limitless + six eyes combination for his entire life, never treated as a person right up to his death, and even in death he is still being used as just a weapon. this is so cruel.
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gynandromorph · 8 months
in apologetics, the most common argument for why Evil exists is that God needed to allow free will to exist by letting evil exist. this is nonsense, because there are many things that people aren't freely allowed to do, like growing wings and flying around, and so on. in idletry, jessie struggles to get people to stop being evil as well. when it's suggested that she could simply make evil not exist so that evil choices could not be made, her reasoning is actually that she doesn't want to do away with the concept entirely, because then SHE couldn't do evil things. she can't get rid of murder as a thing that exists in their universe because then SHE couldn't murder people. she doesn't like being rhetorically cornered into admitting this even implicitly, but it IS more compelling to me than the free will argument.
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