#SomeBirdortheother fic rec
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somebirdortheother · 2 years ago
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True reaction of me excited to read this, followed by an identical reaction of me despairing because it’s over.
The sky should have been violent red and purple and gold, Day thought wildly, it should have been bruised and weeping; only violent majesty would be appropriate as the sun set on their fractured dynasty.
As the reincarnated Brother Dawn awakes, Empire face shifting loyalties and an uncertain future.
it's over... it's done... my ten-chapter quest to wrap up the Empire storyline of Foundation season one is complete!! (and just in time for season two...)
I'm extremely proud of this fic and just adore where it ended up, I've never completed a story of this length before. thank you so, so much to everyone who left comments and screamed at me about this story along the way! it's a cliche but it really kept me fed as a writer 💕💕
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myfavouritelunatic · 2 years ago
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thank you heaps for tagging me, @gil-galadhwen ❤️😘
My top five in no particular order:
The Blacksmith - Halbrand/Sauron x Female Reader (WIP but definitely heading into the third and final act now) - The Rings of Power
I Felt It Too - Halbrand x Galadriel Oneshot - The Rings of Power
Mark Me - Michael Langdon x Female Reader Oneshot - American Horror Story
Your Strength - Duncan Shepherd x Female Reader Oneshot - House of Cards
Two Rings - Part One and Part Two - Sauron x Galadriel - LOTR/The Rings of Power
Tagging, with no pressure: @pursuitseternal @coraleethroughthelookingglass @somebirdortheother @honeyfarts666 @starlady66 @nenyabusiness @vellichormybeloved @lettalady @maeve-curry-writes @bad-surprise @formerlyir and any other writers who want to join in! ❤️
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lady-of-imladris · 2 years ago
Thank you for the tag @enaelyork and @fenharel-enaste <3
So, wanted to get some hiatus rec lists going and encourage some self promo in my friends so how about sharing your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks/Most words/Least words
Most hits, kudos, comments:
Thranduil braiding Legolas' hair drabbles is by far my most popular fic <3 (SFW)
Most bookmarks, most words:
My ongoing multichapter fic The Great War certainly has the most words (NSFW)
Least words:
A glimpse of you (under 700 words), a cute little story about Elrond and Celebrían (yes I totally forgot I wrote this) (SFW)
Tagging @wordbunch @somebirdortheother @coraleethroughthelookingglass <3 (no pressure of course)
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hazelmaines · 2 years ago
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thank you for the tag @gil-galadhwen ! ☺️
The Chain - (Novel length Haladriel/Saurondriel AU WIP at 53k words. Rated M. Of all my fics this one is my precioussss.)
Closer - (14k/3 chapters/complete. Rated E. This is part of the Haladriel/Aronwyn love square AU, In One Lifetime)
Negotiation - (3k alternate ending for The Chain. Rated M. Currently a one-shot, probably won't stay that way.)
The Queen's Lady - (3k Bronwyn/Galadriel PWP. Rated E. Part of In One Lifetime.)
Preview of The Sorcerer - (A future chapter of The Chain, from the POV of Elowyn, the little girl we met in chapters 4 and 6.)
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No pressure tags for @somebirdortheother @coraleethroughthelookingglass @jhalya @bad-surprise @demonscantgothere I'd love to hear what your faves are of your work! 🥰
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fenharel-enaste · 2 years ago
Tagged by @runawaymun Tysm this looks fun!! 😍😍
So, wanted to get some hiatus rec lists going and encourage some self promo in my friends so how about sharing your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks/Most words/Least words
Most hits, kudos, comments: My Captain (Elendil x Reader, smut) and Lace & Leather (Orson Krennic x Reader, smut) Tysm for reading and supporting these!! 🥹💖💖
Most bookmarks, most words: The Calling of the Sea (Elendil x Reader x Sea Master, smut). These are 2 chapters with a total of around 7,6k. Also Smiles among Scrolls (Elendil x Reader, fluff and smut, 5,2k words)
Least words: Bluster (Galadriel x Reader, 1k words), there will be a smutty swcond part, I promise gdsndjwk ✨
Tagging some lovely talented people: @starlady66 @sweetfictionalworld @enaelyork @lady-of-imladris @somebirdortheother 💖
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niennawept · 2 years ago
I was tagged by @slightnettles for the fic recs game, so here are three recs! Thank you, my friend! Sorry it took so long, I'm way behind on tag games.
what law can lovers move? by @dwarveslikeshinythings : A beautifulTurgon/Elenwë one-shot layered over the Orpheus/Eurydice myth.
Cultural Misunderstandings by @celebrimbor-telperinquar : A Bëor the Old/Finrod Felagund one-shot featuring my beloved trope, cultural misunderstandings. (mild NSFW)
Us, In Our Multitudes by @runawaymun : A sweet (and hot) Elrond/Celebrían scene that is intimate and poignant and ugh, I love it. (mild NSFW)
tagging with no pressure: @dwarveslikeshinythings, @brynnmclean, @somebirdortheother
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ichabodjane · 2 years ago
Combining Fanfic Tag Games!
Another combined tag game! I was tagged to post the last lines from a WIP by @helenvader and @somebirdortheother as well as an Author Fic Rec challenge by @wyrd-syster. The fic rec asks for 5 fics but I don't have many published at the moment, so I'll give you three posted works and two hints from WIPs.
The Best Laid Plans for Rings of Power. My first piece of creative writing in yeeeears because this show rejuvenated some old tired parts of my soul. [Human!Halbrand/Galadriel | T | Canon Divergence Post S01E05 | 2462 words | One Shot] - He had plans. The universe had other ideas. Now they were in too deep to ever go back. "But he left and she fretted and her fretting did not go unnoticed, which just made her angry at him and at the world. It took all of her not-insignificant self-control to keep from saddling up and going out to find him herself. When he came into her rooms that night, cold and road weary, she found she couldn’t look him in the eye. Because he’d see it there, of course he would, he always saw. So she let out her anger instead, expecting him to rise to it. But he didn’t. He gave one half-hearted excuse and then just…stared at her until she couldn’t keep from touching him. And then they finally couldn’t keep from touching each other."
Blizzard for The 100. From forever ago. [Bellamy/Clarke | G | Comedy Canon Divergence Post S2 | 6738 words | One Shot] - Camp Jaha hunkers down to ride out a blizzard. Driven crazy by her friends' drunken antics, Clarke decides to hang out with Bellamy instead. "With nowhere to go and nothing to do, they had started working their way through the moonshine by mid-morning. Clarke didn't have all that much. But the rest of them ended up rip-roaring drunk. Monty was explaining the process of hydro-farming to them for the sixteenth time, though by now Clarke wasn't even sure if he was speaking English. Jasper had chased Lord Cluckington around for a good half an hour, trying to make her cuddle, before losing interest and instead trying to make a tower out of every available item in the room. Lord Cluckington was wandering around, making loud shrieking noises every time Jasper tried to give her a throne at the top of the tower, which was once every five minutes. Wick and Raven were laying tangled in a blanket by the fire. Clarke was fairly certain she had heard them making out at some point in the night but now Raven was loudly telling jokes and then laughing at herself."
Pictures of Artwork [Bellamy/Clarke one shot, posted on my Tumblr] "And that she had had a dream last week in which she was making out with him because her stupid brain couldn’t just make up hot people to make out with but had to pick strangers that she didn’t even know. Because her brain, like the pigeon, was an asshole."
WIP #1 Rings of Power [Canon Divergence post-S01E07.] Galadriel and Elrond make a visit to the Southlander settlement at Pelargir. The Southlanders decide to celebrate surviving their first winter in their new home. It's gonna be fluffy like a pillow. Ships are Arondir/Bronwyn and Galadriel/Human!Halbrand. "Winter in Pelargir was kinder than in Tir-Harad. In Tir-Harad, the blizzards always came biting at the heels of harvest time. The snow would pile high by midwinter and leave each village a small island to itself, the folk huddled around their small hearths, carefully measuring their stores so that they would last till spring. For months, the only travelers abroad would be the elves, passing as easily across the top of the snow as if it were packed earth."
WIP #2 Rings of Power [Modern College/Magic/Soulmates AU.] Ships are Galadriel/Human!Halbrand, Bronwyn/Arondir, featuring a million side characters. The elves are very-long-lived descendants of Tolkien elves but Galadriel doesn't quite know that yet. “'Who are you and why are you following me?'” Her voice seemed to surprise him and it took him a couple tries to summon a coherent sentence. 'You- I- Look,' he sighed. 'You’re the one out here in the middle of nowhere in a nightgown with a giant knife and no shoes. That’s…uh…kind of weird and I thought maybe you needed some help.' She frowned. What did he mean, no shoes? Suddenly her feet and ankles were screaming from a hundred different cuts and scrapes, an abrupt agony that she managed to limit to a quiet gasp of pain. Quiet but audible; she saw the worry in his face and blade or not, he moved towards her. It was all she could do to stay upright but she forced herself to step back and keep the distance and the dagger between them. She risked a glance. Everything from her calves down was caked in a mixture of dirt, blood, and gods knew what else. She could just see a trail of bloody footprints behind him leading back into the forest. What in the hell had happened to her? 'I do not require assistance,' she shot back, looking around again for something to tell her where the hell they were. She couldn’t have gone too far from home in this state but she didn’t know this land well enough yet to be certain. 'Yeah, no, whatever you say,' his voice dripped with sarcasm, prompting a scowl from her. 'I do not recall asking for your opinion on the matter. Just…simply tell me where we are, direct me to the nearest path, and I will be on my way and trouble you no further.' He opened his mouth, closed it, looked around as if seeing the landscape for the first time. Finally he shrugged, 'Honestly, I have no idea.' She blinked several times before coming up with a response. 'You followed a stranger into unknown territory for some unknown amount of time and you really kept no account of where you were going?' He had the gall to smirk. 'At least I wore shoes.'"
I am tagging whoever would like to play. Seriously, I'd love to see what you got!
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Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thank you to @somebirdortheother for tagging me. The thing is I only have like one fic online 🤣🤣🤣. So I thought I'd bend the rules and self-rec my five favorite chapters from The Games We Play! (In chronological order!)
The Truce (Chap 20): Galadriel gets caught in a landslide and almost dies, but Halbrand manages to tend to her wounds in time, using most of his powers to do so. It’s the first time we get to see him actually anxious and weakened, and the first time Galadriel drops her guard completely since his revelation (due mainly to bleeding out and fainting haha). I’m a sucker for that kind of angst. Originally, she only almost fell, and there was no wound. But after a request for wound tending, I fit the gushing wound in – now it’s one of my favorite moments of the whole fic.
A Fight Fought with Swords (Chap 34): Galadriel and Halbrand duel. I never thought I’d write a sword fight that well. I'm really proud of it, and it was definitely worth all the work that went into choreographing it. I couldn’t be happier. Also, the chapter right after that one… 😏😏😏
In the Cold of Night (Chap 37): Their first kiss!!! I will never get over this one. I love it so much. It gives me goosebumps every time. And that it happens so far into the story… gosh I love me some slow slow burns. Not to mention that it all happened because she asked him to join her in bed for his warmth???!!!! *squeals*
The snowstorm (Chap 51): I never expected to write something like this but boy oh boy was it fun to see Halbrand lose his goddamn mind because of the way Galadriel was touching him hahahaha. I’ll also never get over this one.
Her name (Chap 60): The official ending of the fic. Just the right amount of angst and steam and Galadriel finally letting go. I ended up reading it again for this post and actually cried because of how sweet all the comments on the chapter are. They bring me life. I never thought I’d get such a reaction to the fic. I’m just glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and published it on ao3. Also, there's a fun little Easter egg, which is that the very last line of the story is the answer to the very first line of the fic. It’s like poetry, it rhymes. 😌
I think most of you all already did this game so instead of tagging, I'm inviting anyone who sees this post to join in! 💛💛💛
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pursuitseternal · 2 years ago
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
Thank you!! @somebirdortheother 💖
1) a good soak in a bubble bath. Lavender scented preferably
2) warm snuggles on cold day, and cool drinks in the sun on hot ones
3) bubbly. Water. Also blue butterfly pea flower or any drink that is neon bright blue!
4) bookstores. Cliché writer trope, I might be, but I usually end up walking out without buying anything cause all of your fics are so much better than spending money on lesser literature 🤣
5) crew neck sweatshirts. Especially when they have tasteful, subtle Lotr designs on them. If interested in links, dm for recs.
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lizzstarkiller · 2 years ago
Haladriel || Fic Rec List
- in no particular order because I’m adding more as I go
Side note: Some of the synopsis are the og ones from AO3 but some I tried to summarise because if I used their actual AO3 ones this post would be 100 pages long.
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The Games We Play by you_wear_fine_things_well
Summary: During their confrontation by the river, believing the villain would kill her otherwise, Galadriel says yes to Sauron’s proposal; vowing to pretend to be by his side, only to manipulate and betray him. How hard could it be?
I believe this was the first haladriel fic I’ve ever read, and it blew my mind. I love slow burns and character studies and this has both. Two strategists and massive overthinkers trying not to fall for one another as they plot each other’s demise. What could possibly go wrong?
Adrift by bartagnanz
Summary: To procure safe passage into Númenor, Galadriel and Halbrand must pretend to be more than they are.
Love some scraggly human halbrand. Fake relationship, there’s only one room/bed, you get the drill ;)
To Smith or not to Smith by somebirdortheother
Summary: Celebrimbor figures out that Halbrand is Sauron and decides to appeal to Sauron's inner Smithing Nerd. An irate Galadriel supervises.
Sweetest funniest fic lot’s of fluff and just Sauron being a huge nerd. Celebrimbor saves middle earth by playing matchmaker.
Unbowed by Saber_Lily
Summary: The Battle of Tirharad has taken a different turn. Now Galadriel is caged in the newly born land of Mordor with only one ally by her side.
This one is a bit more heavy themed than the others, but it’s beautifully written, with lots of hurt/comfort, tending each other’s wounds and such.
The Trials of Mairon by EllieCarina
Summary: After everything that happened in LOTR, Galadriel is summoned to Aman to meet a familiar face behind bars. There she is asked to be the one responsible for her foe’s judgment. She must devise three trials for him to prove he is worthy of redemption. But the final test will also be for her, because for this most crucial one, she will have to live through a time where when Sauron asks her to join him, she tells him yes.
Wow, how can I even begin with this one, the bantering the dialogues their push and pull the worldbuilding and politics everything is brilliant. I just love epic fics okay.
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