#Some muses he will absolutely do this to asdfghjkl
cxpperhead · 1 year
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The days were getting shorter and so was Copperhead's tolerance for the cold, the abrupt end of summer leaving a distinct chill in the air he hadn't quite gotten used to yet. Doing so would take time; the changing of seasons always caught him off-guard even though he could feel it in his scales that winter was coming, speeding towards the land on hurried winds of mist and cold. Just the thought made him not want to get up ever again, to never leave this haven of comfort and warmth even though he knew he couldn't stay forever and neither could his guest for that matter, despite having spent a most wonderful night nestled within his coils... A rustle in the blankets caught his attention suddenly, movement in the blankets next to him alerting Copperhead that his companion was not only stirring but beginning to awaken, their new position quickly leaving him cold as their bodies momentarily seperated- "No, don't move yet." Copperhead mumbles sleepily, muscular tail sliding around their torso before soundly dragging them back into his nest of blankets and duvet covers with a soft thump. Renewed warmth instantly floods through his scales, bringing him fresh waves of pleasure though perhaps much to his bedmate's chagrin, now finding themselves being treated more of a captive than lover.
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dreamwritesimagines · 11 days
I stumbled upon your Sunshine HC today while jonesing for my fix and absolutely adore them! I can 100% see Logan not knowing what exactly it is about Sunshine that endears him to her so, it just feels like he'd throttle anyone (other than Theo) who rambles like she does but for some reason he just can't put his finger on it it's (gasp!) cute when she does it.
Secondly, I whole heartedly believe that Sir Bartholomeow adopts Logan when Theo is at home on weekends. Logan doesn't want to like the cat, but it just keeps showing up in his room or laundry or just seeking him out in a room full of people to cuddle up and purr next to, and suddenly before he knows it he's in over his head because every member of the Sunshine family just burrows their way into his heart.
Finally, I saw you post that you are not traditionally a Wolverine/X-Men fan and may I say, I'm *highly* impressed by your Logan!! So many fics have him off the charts OOC but I feel like yours is the perfect blend of gruff yet soft *hearts*
As a lifelong X-Men fan, let me tell you that the Fox timeline absolutely sucks and makes no sense no matter in what order you try and watch. They were all over the place and often not canon to one another.
I can offer a few facts about Logan from the comic book-verse just in case your muse is interested!
He was born in the 19th century as James Howlett, his parents John & Elizabeth were wealthy and it's basically all but spelled out that he's actually the illegitimate son of Thomas Logan, the abusive groundskeeper of the Howletts via an affair with Elizabeth. Side note - Elizabeth and John had another son, John III, who died previous and may also have been Thomas'. Thomas was raising/abusing another son he named (no joke) Dog. A chain of events leads Thomas to kill John, and in turn James' mutation activates and he kills Thomas with his claws and flees. He adopts the name "Logan" and for a time is even living with a pack of wolves.
Eventually he ends up fighting in World War I and II and eventually marries and settles in Japan with his wife. Things go badly (again) and his pregnant wife is murdered - he doesn't know it but the baby was "removed" from her prior to her death and its many *many* years before he meets his son, Daken.
Eventually he's kidnapped into the "Weapon X" program and tortured. The program uses his healing factor against him and forcibly bond adamantium to his bones. Eventually he escapes but is left with post traumatic amnesia. It's at this point that he joins the X-Men and becomes the Wolverine we know and love.
And speaking of Logan as a "girl dad", over the years he unofficially adopts a number of girls including Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), Jubilee, and Rogue. Ultimately he 'adopts' a girl named Laura Kinney, who is believed to be his female clone (X-23). Eventually they discover Laura is actually his daughter.
And just for some muse food that may impact future!daughter Sunshine, know that both of his kids (Daken and Laura - and Laura's clone Gabby) have *very* similar abilities to him. All three have enhanced senses, strength, healing and claws (amongst other abilities). The claws do vary though - Daken has two on top of his hand and one in his wrist, Laura has two on the top of her hand and one in her foot and Gabby just has one on each hand.
And I'm going to shut up now that I've word vomited just as bad as our dear Sunshine and Theo!
Hi loveeee! 🥰
Aaaaaaa I absolutely love this, thank you so so much! 😍 It's so wonderful to hear that you liked the HCs ❤️
Oh you're absolutely right, if it were anyone else other than Sunshine (and Theo) rambling his ear off, he would be veeery annoyed but he's literally watching Sunshine with heart eyes whenever she does it ❤️
Sir Bartholomeow adopting Logan asdfghjkl, cat distribution system 😂
suddenly before he knows it he's in over his head because every member of the Sunshine family just burrows their way into his heart. THIS IS SO ADORABLEEEE! ❤️ I can just see him walking into his room one day to find Sunshine sleeping there with Theo and Sir Bartholomeow sitting by them like he's guarding them ❤️
And Logan will be walking around with Sir Bartholomeow comfortably sitting on his shoulder at the weekend😂
OMG OMG it is so nice of youuuu! ❤️ I was like very nervous about it at first, because I didn't know if he was in character because I didn't watch all the movies and it's like very recent for me, so it's so lovely to hear that he in fact is in character! 🥰
Oh noooo his actual father was evil?! 😱
I'm sorry, his father named his son what-
He has a son????
Oh that's why he didn't remember the experiments! 😱
Laura is his actual daughter???
Oh that's very interesting! So their abilities are basically the same as his but with small differences aw! ❤️ I wonder what kind of claws his daughter with Sunshine would have🥰 Her strength will shock them too when it first shows😂
Honey I absolutely LOVE THIS! ❤️ You're so amazing, thank you so so much! 🥰🥰🥰
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I am once again asking for the dorks (affectionate) 💕
from the otp questions: 5, 13, 31, 61 & 84
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I hope you don't mind some Solas & Melly spam this fine Thursday!! ❤️
Otp Questions
5. What do they like the most about each other?
Solas' favorite thing about Mellan is her hunger.
She always wants to learn more, keeps asking questions, and is never satisfied with just know 99% of the answer. Solas loves seeing that determination in her; her curiosity is what drew him to her in the first place, and it keeps reeling him back in. Mellan hungers for wisdom, and Solas is always happy to provide.
Mellan's favorite thing about Solas is his capacity to give.
Not just to her, when it comes to those endless questions and stories, but to others. She isn't sure he realizes it himself, but he's a lot more gracious and helpful to others than he gives himself credit for. She sees how self-sacrificing he is, and though she worries about him, she loves seeing the way he sees to float along a little lighter when he actually gets the chance to help someone.
It was hard to pick just one thing these two consider favorites for each other, to be honest. They're both presidents of each other's fanclubs. 😂
13. Who steals the blankets?
Honestly, neither of them are really blanket thieves, though Solas will claim Mellan is one as an underhanded excuse to snuggle himself closer to her. She took all the blankets, so obvious he has no choice.
31. Who is the big spoon and why?
Solas ends up the big spoon a lot in the beginning of their relationship, because he's a long boy compared to Mellan.
However, as it goes on, Mellan actually ends up as the big spoon (or more, his backpack.) Partially because the first time she does it, she just happily clings to him, and Solas just has a moment where he's very calm, very cool on the outside, but then part of his brain is just like:
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This man needs to be held someone please hold this man
Mellan figures this out, and absolutely loves being the big spoon, so she will make up for thousands of years worth of not getting proper hugs. 💖
Solas still likes to be the big spoon every now and then, though. Mostly because then the top of her head is in prime smootching range. Though, usually he just prefers to drag Melly on top of him.
✨✨✨Fine Dalish blanket, direct from Clan Lavellan.✨✨✨
61. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle?
In the OG verse, Mellan will sing/hum her various bardic tunes, especially her Fen'Harel song, when she's nervous. But, in the BandAU, there's significantly more car singing. Matt Bellamy of Muse is my headcanon (besides Solas' actual VA's band) for Solas' band/singing voice in the AU, and Rain Paris is Mellan's, but they usually don't sing their own songs to each other in the car. Usually its more just randomness that they make their own. But, I could see them having a lot of fun with "Little Lion Man" (the Tonight Alive & Dave Petrovic cover, specifically), and "Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men. ❤️
84. What is their favourite game to play together?
There's not a specific game, per say, but these two are constantly getting into little battles of one-upping each other. Little battles of wits, teasing, well-meaning rivalries and bets. They were doing it before they were even a couple; its just how they've always been.
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toutallyahoe · 5 years
Sweet Mornings ~ Sebastian Moran (Sherlock)
Requested By: --
A/N: i know that this dumbass hasn't even shown his dumb ass in the Sherlock series of BBC but who gives a shit?
i also know fully well that some speculated that Mary Morstan is BCC Sherlock's Sebastian Moran but who gives a fuck?
i want him and im adding him one way or another people!
also, didn't the Sherlock fandom adopted Michael Fassbender as Sebastian Moran's face or something?
because i know you gremlins did so that's the headcanon of his face we're going too; but Paul Anderson (Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows) works too but ahdjskfjkajdjsjd whatever!
here's a fluff with the assassin who BBC SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT IN DAMN IT
anyways... here's a Michael Fassbender as Sherlock fandom's Sebastian Moran to make y'all love him
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love him you gremlins
also, fun fact: i could careless for this dumbass but when writing those angsty obsession series of James "Jim" Moriarty and his poor [Name]... i changed my mind from a future idea for that series...
speaking of those angsty obsession series of Moriarty... i should continue that asdfghjkl
A soft smile etched onto [Name]'s lips as his [Eye color] eyes looked at the body pressed close unto his form. Right arm wrapped at the sleeping form of the blond haired male as he looked at the face of the other layed beside him.
"Good morning," [Name] softly murmured, knowing full well that the supposed to be sleeping male was awake. And he was right. The blond merely replied a soft and tired groan on his greeting. Chuckling softly, the [Hair color] haired male brought the blond close to him. His other arm wrapping the other's form as he murmured soft nothings onto the blond's form.
"Come on, loser," [Name] mused at the other. "Get up, we need to get ready for the day," the blond merely groaned again.
"If it wasn't for that almost close reference of Mean Girls, I would have hit you," Sebastian had grunted, eyes shut close but a smile on his lips as he nuzzled his face onto the [Hair color] haired man's neck. Sebastian heard the other man chuckle at his reply as he felt his back being traced with fingers by [Name], drawing patterns.
"So, you mean that if I did not try to quote Mean Girls, you would have hit me?" [Name] had asked.
"Yes," came Sebastian blunt reply. [Name] couldn't help but chuckle at the blond's answer as he brought the blond closer to his body. "Not because you feel at least an ounce of love for me?" [Name] had asked as he took a deep inhale on Sebastian's scent. A content hum leaving his lips as his partner still smelled-- oddly enough-- as that lavender and vanilla scent he grew to adore.
"No, not because I love you, you dork," Sebastian had said as he opened his eyes as he felt [Name] ceased to draw patterns on his back but instead had his hands, well, at least one of them, to be entangled on Sebastian's blond hair. The [Hair color] haired man softly running his fingers on Sebastian's scalp, making the man softly sigh. Content the blond was as he pressed himself more closer to [Name].
"I love you," [Name] softly murmured onto Sebastian's ear. The blond merely rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arms around the other's body.
"Gee, I do hope so," Sebastian sarcastically said. "It would be very awkward if you don't. Being married for three years and all," the blond mused as a soft smile on his lips as he heard [Name] chuckle.
"My Jove, has it been three years? It feels like yesterday we just had our wedding," [Name] had softly murmured as he placed a soft kiss on Sebastian's forehead. A groan leaving the [Hair color] man's lips when Sebastian scratched his unclothe back.
"Stop being so sappy," Sebastian had retorted as he backed away a bit to look at [Name]'s face who merely sent him a grin. "It's too early in the morning for it."
"I can't help it, love," the [Hair color] haired man softly said as he saw Sebastian's eyes soften at his nick name for the other. "I still can't believe that I had managed to catch such a handsome and loving husband after all," [Name] said which made Sebastian let out a laugh.
"Such a sappy dork you are," the blond mused as he sat up, [Name]'s hand getting off of him as he also unwrapped his own arms off the other as he did. Looking down at the [Hair color] haired man laying beside him, a soft smile on Sebastian's lips as his blue eyes stared lovingly at the other's [Eye color] ones.
"I love you, dork," Sebastian had softly said as he leaned down, putting his hand on the other's chest as he connected his lips with [Name]'s.
"I love you too, Sebbie," [Name] cheekily said as he and the blond parted. Not missing Sebastian's eyes rolling at what he had called the blond.
"Stop calling me 'Sebbie'," Sebastian said, a small hint of annoyance in his tone but [Name] didn't mind it.
"Your boss can call you that but not I? Your beloved lover? How cruel," [Name] had said as he smiled when Sebastian sent him a small glare.
"Beloved? As if you dork," Sebastian had jokingly said. "But you know how Jim is," the blond had said as he saw [Name] nodded.
"How is he by the way? I haven't heard of him since that time he visited because he was... um... bored," [Name] stated as Sebastian groaned at that memory.
To say the least, the blond's boss was an... eccentric man.
The 'Napoleon of crime' as what others seemed to say as Jim was the consulting criminal and arch enemy of the consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes. A very dangerous criminal mastermind.
'And a cock block.' Sebastian annoyedly thought as he remembered that time Jim visited the two. Sebastian and [Name] were making out on the couch of their living room and things were going more heated as each second pass. It would have ended with the two making love it if wasn't for Jim slamming the front door and shouting how bored he was. Not even paying mind [Name] and Sebastian in a very intimate position on the couch, looking at him both shock and annoyance as the criminal merely strolled in and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.
"My Jove, he was such a cock block," Sebastian bluntly said. Tone laced with annoyance from remembering that memory. [Name] only sent Sebastian a grin and shaking his head.
"He was, wasn't he?" A soft chuckle leaving his lips as he too remembered that day. It was quite awkward that day was, but Jim was an interesting man and he enjoyed talking to the consulting criminal. As long as the criminal doesn't get his husband hurt or killed, he was fine with what ever the dark haired man does.
[Name] code of ethics were rather on the grey area. This was probably why he wasn't that freaked out when he had found out that the man he was dating for years was an assassin before he had asked the blond to marry him. [Name], to say the least, was also a very eccentric man. On some occasions that is. And Sebastian adores it.
"He absolutely was," grumbled Sebastian as he heard [Name] chuckle again. "I still can't believe he had done that... that ass," said the blond as he felt the [Hair color] haired man ran his fingers on his arm.
"Well, we could continue where we left off that day... and maybe a second from last night?" [Name] teased as he sent the blond a knowing smile. Sebastian looked down at him as he rolled his eyes.
"Hm, let me think about it," said Sebastian as he pretended to think for a moment. [Name] humming as he grabbed Sebastian's hand that was on his chest and intertwined with his. The [Hair color] haired then move their intertwined hands close to his face as he placed a gently kiss on the blond's hand.
Sebastian smiled at the other's soft and gentle actions as after a second or so, the blond moved a bit. Moving himself on top of [Name]'s stomach as he sent the man a smirk. Squeezing [Name]'s hand that was on his as he placed his other hand on the [Hair color] haired man's chin. Tilting [Name]'s head a bit as Sebastian leaned down and placed his lips with the other.
"Let's continue where we left off," Sebastian whispered as he parted from the kiss. He felt [Name] squeezed their intertwined hands as he placed soft kisses the [Hair color] haired man's jaw.
"This is quite a sweet morning," [Name] softly said as Sebastian hummed.
"Quite sweet," muttered Sebastian as he continued. "I'll be getting fucked and received some fantastic aftercare after this," he said as he heard [Name] chuckle. Feeling the other hand of [Name]'s placed on his back and began drawing patterns.
"How shameless of you to say such a thing," rolling his eyes at that, Sebastian pulled away and leaned back. Sending the [Hair color] haired male a grin.
"That won't be the only shameful thing you'll be hearing," Sebastian teased as he saw [Name] smiled. The [Hair color] haired sat up as Sebastian adjusted to his new position. The blond placing himself on the other's lap as he let go of [Name]'s hand on his and instead wrapped both of his arms on the other's neck. His hand playing with the [Hair color] locks of [Name] as he looked at the other in the eye.
"Now, hurry up, we need to continue where we left off after all," Sebastian said as [Name] chuckled. Snaking his hands on Sebastian's hips as he leaned close to the other. Placing a soft yet passionate kiss on Sebastian's lips.
"Yes... let's continue, love," muttered [Name] through the kiss as Sebastian pulled the [Hair color] haired male more closer to him.
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tuesdayscanons · 4 years
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Multimuse Survey
Stolen from: @ducktales-wco-oo
Name of your very first muse: My first muse was an OC of mine, Cali. I've written her in a bunch of different AUs for years, though I started focusing on her "main" verse once I started with my webcomic. I was planning on writing her on another OC multimuse of mine, but I never really did anything with it and I started hyperfocusing on other muses. Kinda a shame considering she used to be my main muse, but she lives on in other places.
Name of your favorite muse: On this blog? Take a wild guess.
Maddie is the easiest muse on this blog to write for because I have so much creative freedom with her. Not like I can't add in my own touches for the rest of the muses on here, I often do, but I still tend to overthink things. I just feel like I have more of a responsibility with other people's characters, if that makes sense?
Plus, I can throw Maddie in pretty much any situation. She meshes well with other muses and her characterization varies depending on what path she takes.
It's almost like playing with Silly Putty? I'm starting to ramble now asdfghjkl
Name of your nicest muse: If I'm sticking with muses on this blog (which is a good idea because I have a lot of sweetheart ocs), Charlie is definitely near the top, if not AT the top. He had minimal contact with the outside world, so he isn't as jaded as someone like Loona or Squidward. I always smile when I see him in an episode because he's so well meaning and soft. X3 Bam is a good candidate too, and so is Nanny!
Name of your most troubled muse: Again, sticking with this blog (because my birb blogs are bottomless wells of angst), I think there's a good selection.
Maddie's troubles stick out the most for me—not only because I'm heavily biased towards her—but because she has to see the person she could have been had her life gone in a better direction. I don't think Maddie wouldn't have an identical outcome to Fessie, though she would have gone further with her education and tapped into her full potential. Maddie is also more vulnerable than, say, Loona. She reeks of loneliness and desperation.
Loona would probably be my next candidate, though I kinda want to save some of that angst for a reply I'm writing. Plus, this is starting to get long...honorable mentions are Don Diego and Squidward.
Character you have the muse for atm: Definitely Maddie. When I'm low on muse, her muse seems to come back the quickest. The Hazbin/Helluva content on my dash has also spiked my muse for Loona. My Animal Crossing playing also gives me more muse for Bam and Zell.
Two of your muses that would never get along: Goodness, this is easy...too easy. Squidward and Charlie wouldn't be compatible, though that hatred would most likely be one sided. Loona probably wouldn't get along with any of my muses, even Don Diego.
With Maddie specifically...she resents Fessie, though she doesn't completely hate her either. They annoy the hell out of each other, but they still care about one another (even if it hurts Maddie to admit it). Don Diego is a huge bully, but Loona would probably be worse because she has less restraint. I honestly don't know how Squidward would feel? On one hand, Maddie is really obnoxious and needy. On the other hand, she'd feed his ego to an absurd degree...
Two of your muses that could be best friends: Hmm...Fessie and Anais could bond over intellectual stuff. Goosewing could join them, but his paranoia would make him less fun to be around. Plus, Otto wants to drive a stake into Fessie's friend/love interest soooo...
I could see Maddie and Charlie complimenting each other well. He has a lot of attention to give her and he's an absolute sweetheart.
Two of your muses that would make a cute couple: Umm...a Goosewing/Don Diego ship could be interesting? They wouldn't be the most compatabile, though I like the vampire/vampire hunter angst.
I can't really think of anyone else? Most of my muses wouldn't be romantically compatabile with each other for a wide variety of reasons.
Name of the muse that you’d be best friends with irl: Charlie. Even though there are other muses I'd probably be friends with, I don't know if I'd have the energy/patience to interact with them irl.
Name of the muse you’d probably hate irl : Don Diego and Loona. Considering their track records with human beings, I'm better off not knowing them.
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kyoanikis · 4 years
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SPEED:  it’s no secret that my activity and muse fluctuates very often! lately, i’ve been more active over on my multi ( @solisfated​ ) and haven’t been really present here on kyou’s blog. for the past couple months my energy has been very low with sporadic bursts of high energy, but i’ve been feeling better the past few days. i’d love to get back to a more regular posting schedule here! i adore kyou so much, he’s my main muse and i love him with my whole heart, and i’m really thankful for all my mutuals who write with me. it’s summertime now and my work schedule it’s a bit lighter so i have more time to be here as well, the possibility of having that time feels pretty good! 
REPLIES:  replies are uhhh also pretty sporadic. i tend to gravitate towards a couple of threads at a time, whatever i have the most muse for at the moment. sometimes i dont reply to a thread for a month or two, sometimes i reply the next day. i do tend to hang onto drafted threads for a long time though, i never mean to drop threads without talking about it first. if you’re waiting on a reply from me i totally don’t mind being reminded about it! my goal to also to utilize the queue feature more so i can knock things out and drop things in the queue for posting to space things out better too. asks are kinda the same, i usually answer asks that i have the most muse for at the moment. man i really hoard asks kshgks i love memes, they’re really fun! 
STARTERS: i’ve had a pretty bad track record for posting starters i’m not gonna lie asdfghjkl; i’ve not posted a starter call in quite a while because of that. i won’t be posting any more starter calls until i’ve gotten a better schedule posting here again, i don’t like to leave people waiting for it for so long. coming up with random lines / scenarios is also kinda hard for me i’ve found, plotting first interactions / new threads is much more my speed. maybe i can utilize starters for specific verses though? maybe! 
INBOX:  my inbox is open 24/7! i love getting random things and i hoard memes like there’s no tomorrow. i’ve kept hanging onto asks for a couple months just like i do with replies and tend to see a shiny new meme and reblog it right away, so i often end up with lots of things in my inbox that i take time in getting through. random asks tend to slip by me and sometimes a lot of time goes by until i answer them, so i just want anyone to know that if you’re waiting on an ask from me i totally don’t mind being reminded about it! some sentimental asks i don’t publish so i can keep them forever, and those are all ooc asks. i always, always keep those, even if i never talk about them, i hold them dear.
SELECTIVITY: i am highly selective on this blog and am mutuals-only. this is really just for my own comfort, it’s nothing against anyone. being selective with who i write with just releases a bit of pressure with writing, you know what i mean? if we’re mutuals i absolutely want to write with you, i never follow just to follow back.
WISHLIST:  this reminds me that i currently don’t have a wishlist tag on this blog and absolutely should make one- but gosh i would love to write more threads throwing kyou at more demon muses, threads with his retired verse and really any of his other verses!! i want to add both an afterlife verse + modern au subverse where instead of a teacher kyou is a chef!! also i love plotting friendships and platonic ships, give me all the friendships... alSO TSUGUKO THREADS... kyou is ready to take on tsugukos 24/7 friendo 
tagged by:  @fleursung​ ( tysm !!! )
tagging:  @holylies​ / @unanimuse / @errantinfinity / & anyone who’d like to do this but hasn’t yet!
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bearfeathers · 5 years
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asdfghjkl thank you so much! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
[PROMPT ME!] | [AO3]
“Hello, Aziraphale.”
While it is not altogether strange for Aziraphale to have visitors in his shop—despite how difficult he makes it for them—this one, in particular, is odd. Odd, and a bit alarming.
When he and Crowley had pulled their little swapping stunt some months ago, they hadn’t been sure just how long they would be left alone. Apparently “until right now” is his answer. The young woman before him looks to him eagerly, a smile stretching her tawny, freckled face. She’s dressed smartly but comfortably, her dark, curly hair sporting warm highlights. Very clearly from Upstairs, though he can’t for the life of him say he’s ever seen her before.
“Please keep your voice down!” Aziraphale hisses, glancing around and hoping no other customers are within earshot. "And watch what you call me here.“
He never uses his actual name if he can help it and isn’t about to start now. The shop is called "A.Z. Fell & Co.” for a reason.
“Oh!” the woman exclaims softly. She leans towards him conspiratorily, her voice pitched low. “Mr. Aziraphale.”
“Mister…? No, I meant—Nevermind, just—follow me to the back room, please,” Aziraphale sighs, ushering her along.
Frankly, he’s surprised he’s not more, well… panicked. Flat out terrified. Frightened beyond reason. He’s surprised to find he is none of those things. In fact, he’s feeling rather calm at the moment, despite his initial shock. Perhaps it’s all his time spent with Crowley getting to him or perhaps it’s the fact that it isn’t Gabriel himself come for a visit, but he feels…
Oh, he doesn’t know why he’s feeling that.
“I hope you don’t mind me saying so before we begin,” the woman says as he directs her to a seat, “but it’s truly an honor—I mean I’ve always—it’s not as though I haven’t seen you before—it’s just that in person—well… wow.”
Overabundant joy and love. He can feel it radiating off of her like heat from a bonfire. Which is… odd. Odd, and alarming.
“Er… you seem to have me at a disadvantage,” Aziraphale notes, wanting to get this strange encounter over with.
“Oh! Yes!” the woman exclaims, jumping to her feet once again. She thrusts a hand out toward him in a motion he can only describe as violently pleasant. “Azephyr, member of the Choir of Angels and Seventh Trumpet. Ah—temporarily reassigned here to Earth.”
“A pleasure, I’m sure,” Aziraphale says, shaking her hand with a lopsided smile. “…what exactly is the reason for your visit?”
“To inform you that I’ll be monitoring you and submitting my observations as reports per Gabriel’s orders,” Azephyr answers brightly.
Aziraphale swallows thickly. Whatever ease he’d walked into this room with is rapidly disappearing. Monitoring? Reporting? Gabriel? He may not know the specifics yet but that’s enough to sound alarm bells in his head. They always assumed their two sides would come for them in some shape or form, but what exactly is this?
Perhaps she can read the consternation on his face because Azephyr quickly waves her hands in front of her.
“Oh, no, don’t misunderstand, please,” she asks him. “I know I’m meant to report on everything you and Mr. Crowley do—”
“And Crowley?”
“—but I’m not, um… well…” Azephyr mumbles, her enthusiasm suddenly transforming into a sort of embarrassed hesitation. “I mean, I’m sure you already know, obviously, but a lot of the younger angels think you're really cool and—”
“Cool?” Aziraphale nearly chokes on the word. “Me?”
“In fact, actually, you see, I think you may have been right, you know… in the whole, ehm… the Great Plan not necessarily being the Ineffable Plan. For one thing, I can tell you the angelic choir was nowhere near ready. Now, it’s not my place to be pointing any fingers, but the second sopranos were hardly pulling their weight and Fourth Trumpet has been sounding a little flat these past three centuries. And-And could you imagine? Armageddon and the angelic choir is just… just… just alright?” She laughs anxiously. “You can’t have an alright angelic choir for the end of the world. And the trumpets…! No. No, no, so… Ah… I will be doing my job and monitoring you—but!—I’m… Well, I’m not entirely inflexible, I mean everyone deserves second chances after all, so… But I’m not soft either! No. Absolutely not. So just… don’t… make me write a bad report. Um… please.”
Aziraphale doesn’t know what to say. Really. How exactly does one react to this sort of thing? It’s not as though he can just thank her for a lovely visit, tell her to keep in touch and to pop by for tea and scones next week. Then again, he can’t exactly picture telling her to go back where she came from and to inform Gabriel he can take his orders and shove them up his—
“Angel! Quick word if you don’t mind?”
Breathing out a sigh of relief, Aziraphale doesn’t think he’s ever been so happy to see Crowley standing in his doorway. Well, no, that’s not entirely true, there have been several times where—uh, but that’s beside the point. In any case, he’s thankful the demon had decided to slink in when he did.
“Mr. Crowley!”
Azephyr as already jumping out of her seat, aggressively shaking the demon’s hand and happily introducing herself. Crowley looks in Aziraphale’s direction, eyebrows rising nearly to his hairline. Aziraphale shrugs helplessly.
“—and it’s a sincere pleasure to be working with you,” the other angel concludes, her tone bright and merry.
“Pleasure, yeah, right—listen, I need to borrow some of Aziraphale’s time here,” Crowley replies smoothly. “You understand.”
“Of course,” Azephyr says amenably. She digs into her jacket pocket, producing a business card for each of them. “On this card, you’ll find my address as well as a phone number I can be reached at. And below that, you will find directions on who to contact with any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding my job performance.”
The angel looks at the pristine white card in his hand. Questions? He has questions, alright. But he’s not likely to get any answers here. "Ah… Thank you, er… W-Why don’t I just see you out, then?“
With that, Aziraphale follows her to the front of the shop with Crowley in tow to show her out. Finding no other customers within, he quickly flips the sign from OPEN to CLOSED just as soon as the door has closed behind her and peers out the window alongside his demonic companion. Azephyr waves happily at them through the glass as she retrieves a bicycle chained up beside the shop.
"Bit of a surprise, isn’t it?” Crowley observes. “Monitoring and reporting and all that.”
The angel turns his head so quickly he nearly gets whiplash. “How did you know about that? Did you—”
“Got one, too,” Crowley confirms. “Though mine’s from Downstairs, accordingly. Uh… Heizer. Yeah, that was it.”
“Heizer?” Aziraphale echoes with a frown, the name strikingly familiar.
Apparently, Crowley can detect that minuscule trace of familiarity in his voice because he looks to the angel with sudden sharpness. “Do you know her?”
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly say I know her, more like we—”
“I can’t believe you’re… fraternizing with other demons behind my back,” Crowley declares.
“Fraternizing?” Aziraphale repeats, his tone offended. “Crowley, I’m not fraternizing with anyone. We ran into each other once or twice in the late nineteenth century. Which you slept through most of if you’ll recall.”
“Damn good sleep it was, too,” Crowley affirms. He still watches his partner a tad warily. “So you’re not… seeing anyone else?”
Aziraphale huffs impatiently. “The only one I’m seeing is you, my dear, don’t be ridiculous.”
Crowley might grumble about it a little but the arm snaking around the angel’s waist tells him the demon isn’t really upset. He has his jealous moments, Aziraphale’s come to find since they’d ended six thousand years of mutual pining and just gotten together already. Aziraphale’s found he’s had a moment or two himself. Not becoming of an angel, but he supposes he’s not exactly completely an angel anymore. They’re Them.
…not The Them, but rather just Them.
“Do you suppose we should worry about this?” Aziraphale asks.
Crowley watches Azephyr pedal her bicycle away from the shop. Approximately three seconds after she enters the street, he then watches her get run over by a car.
“Mmmmnnnyeah, no, I think it’ll be fine,” Crowley decides.
“Well, at least she was alright,” Aziraphale muses, looking into his wine glass.
“Never seen anyone apologize to the car that hit them, but if that’s your definition of alright…” Crowley says. He slouches ever further as they continue to drink, subsequently bringing Aziraphale with him as they fall further and further into the depths of the comfortable sofa in Aziraphale’s flat. “And besides, you probably should’ve been rooting for her to be discorporated.”
“Crowley,” Aziraphale admonishes, looking up from where he’s tucked under the demon’s arm. “That’s terrible.”
“I try.”
Aziraphale rolls his eyes at the demon’s grin. “Oh, you know what I meant.”
Crowley reaches for the bottle and proceeds to top off both their glasses. The fact of the matter is, Heaven and Hell are once more putting them under the microscope. Crowley can’t claim to know what they have up their sleeves or what they hope to gain by having them monitored, but it’s nothing good.
“She’s basically your probation officer, angel,” Crowley reminds him. “Neither of those two are here to make friends.”
“…she didn’t seem so very awful,” Aziraphale mutters into his glass.
Crowley casts a knowing eye over him. “What did she say?”
“I’m just saying that she seemed like a very nice young woman and I’m sure she doesn’t mean us any harm,” Aziraphale asserts primly.
“You don’t always mean the things you do,” Crowley argues.
The angel’s nose wrinkles in distaste; namely meaning that Crowley has made his point. And as much as Aziraphale may not like it, he’s entirely correct. It's simply that the angel still has a difficult time accepting that anyone from Upstairs would be so willfully ill-intended. Granted, it’s easier to believe after Crowley had recounted to him how Gabriel had expected him to cheerfully walk into hellfire and destroy himself as though it were his privilege and duty to do so. No trial, no chance to explain himself. Hell had at least given Crowley that much—or at the very least the illusion of a trial. 
He hadn’t sensed any ill will from this monitor, this Azephyr, as she called herself. But he’s learning that may not mean what he thinks it means, as Crowley had just now pointed out. After all, how many times had Aziraphale himself gone along and done what he thought was the right thing and managed to cause someone harm anyway? All of these things are true. But it doesn’t stop him from wanting to believe in the goodness of people.
“Did you know,” Aziraphale says after several more drinks, with an inebriated and rather proud smile on his face, “that the younger angels think I’m cool?”
Crowley squints down at him, eyes as gold as coins measuring him through a haze of alcohol. “They think you’re what?”
“They think I’m cool,” Aziraphale repeats.
Crowley snorts a laugh. “I wonder what’s passing for cool in Heaven these days, then.”
Aziraphale opens his mouth to answer, but Crowley cuts him off, pressing a finger to the angel’s lips.
“No. Cross that. Don’t answer that,” he decides. “I don’t want to know.”
“Oh, just because you’re not the cool one for once,” Aziraphale laughs, grabbing his hand and shoving it away.
“I’m the cool one always.”
Aziraphale reaches up and pats him indulgently on the cheek. “Of course you are, my dear.”
Undoubtedly Crowley caught the slight jab at his character but opted not to dwell on it. It appears he has other things in mind. Sitting up to place his empty glass on the coffee table brings Aziraphale with him, and as soon as the demon’s hands are empty, he makes sure to find something else to occupy them with.
Aziraphale’s experience in this arena is rather new but he considers himself nothing if not a quick study. It hadn’t been terribly difficult to learn to mimic the way Crowley’s lips pressed to his or the way his hands moved. It hadn’t been difficult to learn the things the demon enjoyed, which places to touch or bite or… Well, he’s still learning, but he approaches it with as much gusto as an angel truly guilty of indulgence can.
Presently, Crowley has one hand at the back of the angel’s neck, his other hand busy untying Aziraphale’s bowtie. Aziraphale chuckles against his lips, warm and full of good humor.
“You know we are being monitored now,” the angel points out. Even as he says this, he makes no effort to stop his partner, his own hands busy pushing the jacket off the demon’s shoulders. 
Crowley takes the angel’s lower lip between his teeth, clever fingers moving to unbutton his waistcoat. “Then it’s a rather good thing I’ve got something of an exhibition kink.”
Outside the book shop, night has fallen and the demon Heizer watches as the angel Azephyr records her observations about the shop in a tidy scrawl along the pages of her notebook. Unable to help herself, Heizer leans over the angel’s shoulder with a toothy grin.
“You know they’re fucking, right?”
Several hours later, tucked against each other in bed and feeling quite satisfied, Aziraphale will ask if Crowley had heard a scream from outside earlier. After rather proudly answering that the only screaming he’d heard had come from their bedroom, Crowley will insist it had just been the angel’s imagination.
Aziraphale privately disagrees but keeps that to himself. 
After all, arguing over it now just wouldn’t be the cool thing to do.
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1. WHAT’S  YOUR  OTP  FOR  YOUR  MUSE?: Right now I have two! That being with @fastestboyalive with their Teen Titans Wally West (Kid Flash). And @ofgil from from one of my favorite FF games - FINAL FANTASY IX / Alleyway Jack (Gilgamesh). 
2.   WHAT  ARE  YOU  WILLING  TO  RP  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  SHIPPING?: I’m up for anything and everything. Though cheating type of threads are seriously triggering to me. Other than that, I’m all about throwing my muse into the fiery hells of angst, sadness, death, and despair. I’m definitely up for fluff, as well. ^^
3.  HOW  LARGE  DOES  THE  AGE  GAP  HAVE  TO  BE  TO  MAKE  IT  UNCOMFORTABLE?: Anything under the legal age of 18. Just. No pls.
4.   ARE  YOU  SELECTIVE  WHEN  SHIPPING? : Very much so. I intend to ship with someone who contributes into the ship as much as I try to. Some people just ship for the sake of shipping, however I’m all for chemistry.
5. HOW  FAR  DO  STEAMY  MOMENTS  HAVE  TO  GO  BEFORE  THEY’RE  CONSIDERED  NSFW?: Uhhh. Lmao. Honestly, almost anything Blackfire does is nsfw. When it comes to nudity though, that’s when all that goes under a RM.
6.   WHO  ARE  OTHER  MUSES  YOU  SHIP  YOUR  MUSE  WITH? : Eh. Can’t really say muses right now due to lack thereof in the fandom. But there’s always J.e.r.o.m.e  V.a.l.e.s.k.a. I will forever worship this ship even if I am the only one who will ever ship it. And nerd J.e.r.e.m.i.a.h  V.a.l.e.s.k.a. for the sole reason he could potentially tame Blackfire.
There’s also yj Wally West. Though its a shame there are not many around. ;_;
Connor from Detroit: Become Human because. Fuck. I know he could make Blackfire a better person simply because he’s a good boy---android...puppy. Plus he can adapt to her crazy mood swings and calm her down by simply downloading the information how.
Hell. I even ship Blackfire with 2D from the Gorillaz. Mostly because he...would let her do whatever she wants because he'd likely be...quite frightened of her. He’s a timid sweet boi, too. So. Ya.
7. DOES  ONE  HAVE  TO  ASK  TO  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : Yes because my dumb ass doesn’t know how to take a hint. You literally gotta spell it out for me otherwise I’ll fall through the cracks and do perhaps the opposite of what you want. xD
8.   HOW  OFTEN  DO  YOU  LIKE  TO  SHIP? : Eh. It comes when it comes. Not top priority or anything. Blackfire’s main goal is to ruin another muse’s day. Shipping, by default, hasn’t even accumulated as a thought.
9.   ARE  YOU  SHIP  OBSESSED  OR  SHIP  MORE - OR - LESS? : Hm. I’m ship obsessed WITH my ship partners. I’d want to talk about the ship all the time. ASDFGHJKL But as a whole? Eh. It comes when it comes.
10.   ARE  YOU  MULTISHIP? : Absolutely!
11.  WHAT  IS  ( ARE )  YOUR  FAVORITE  SHIP  (S)  IN  YOUR  CURRENT  FANDOM? ....RobStar. I would die for that ship. They were a match made in heaven!
12.   FINALLY,  HOW  DOES  ONE  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : Uhhh. Chemistry. I don’t make the choices. I let Blackfire do it simply because...she controls everything on this blog. -Bangs head on table.-
tagged by: @simplyandsanely // Tysm! ♥ tagging: Anyone who hasn’t done this yet. ^^
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fredzillas-blog1 · 6 years
this is probably no news because i told you ( and frankly, some other people as well asdfghjkl ) this already but i would say it a million more times - I LOVE FREDRICK MILLER. not only is he funny and absolutely amazing, he's such a sweet, generous, good hearted guy and i'm all in awe and weak in the knees for fred. i feel like you portray fred absolutely spot on. like i am honestly stunned just by how perfect i believe you play him. doing replies for fred and leena is... my fave thing to do ♥♥♥
This is one of the best messages I’ve ever received. I’ve played Fred before elsewhere and no matter how much muse I had or how excited I was about him, he just kind of… flew under the radar. So to have so much validation towards him from such a wonderful person does my heart good. I’m so, so happy that I had a chance to bring my son to life here, I’ve grown to love him even more, and I’m so, so happy that you love him too and think I do well with him. He’s such a wonderful character that deserves to stay true to himself. And you already know how biased I am towards our Fred/Jubileena threads!
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win-cr-die · 5 years
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WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE? : tbh ?? it entirely depends on my muse. i’m going to answer this on behalf of margaery and dany seeing as they are my babies but ... margaery and ANYONE. she never learned to love because she only ever had one ambition in mind and that was the throne and building something for her family so i guess my own personal non canon threads, robb !! other than that, i love her with tommen and think they could have really grown to love each other. as for dany, probably jon. i just wish they weren’t related because uGH
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? : i'm not too fussed about any sort of age gaps, as long as its legal in real time i suppose ?? i’d maybe stretch it to ten years
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? :  i wouldn’t say i’m selective but i like to stay as in character as possible which is why with margaery, any ships with her are more likely to start out as flirtatious and potentially manipulative whereas with dany ... girl loves anyone with the same motives as her.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS/FW? : honestly !! for me it depends on the entire mood and tone of the thread. if your muse is incredibly sensual and seductive and it jumps straight into bodily teasing then i’m down with that, though i don’t think dany would bend as easily !! she is definitely a character who embraces her sexuality and i think she was made to do that when she realised that she was no longer going to be a slave to drogo so i think with her, there would have to be some emotional and physical connection before anything NSFW !!
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH? : jesus, i’m all for chemistry !! between our characters and us as muns too really. the more connected we are ooc, i think the easier it is to ship but. ships that i would adore to play out are daenerys and daario. i adored their relationship and the playful nature to it !! as for margaery, i’m more than willing to play her out with anybody.
ANY NOTPS? : anything with littlefinger, no THAAAANKS. he gives me the creeps. i’m partial to jorah because i know how much canon daenerys loved him, though i think it would be interesting to explore them in a different situation where things may have followed a different route !!
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? : see, i’m in two minds about this one because my biggest thing is an ooc connection. the more i feel as though we get on, the easier i find it is to ship and plot with somebody however if i’m doing an improvised thread and i sense some chemistry between the characters, i’m absolutely happy with seeing where it takes us !!
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP? : i do looooove to ship and find new connections that aren’t particularly canon and i think i have a fair few ships, whether they’re romantic or hateship (cough cough @ margaery and joffrey) but. in terms of plotting out ships, i’m kinda weary because the amount of rp partners i’ve had where we’ve plotted out an entire lifetime worth of threads for characters and then i just get left in the dumps. as much as i would love to ship and plan 100 threads, i get super anxious that i’ll get all excited and then be left disappointed !!
ARE YOU MULTISHIP? : absolutely asdfghjkl i have a bloody margaery and hot pie ship fuck sake
ARE YOU SHIP-OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS? : ship obsessed, come and drown me in lurv !!
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM? : i do love jonerys but i wish that d&d gave them more breathing space to really flesh them out as opposed to letting it rely on politics.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU? : dude writer me a starter, send me an IM, throw an ask meme at me. literally anything !! lets improvise, see how our writing works against one anothers, get to know each other and ... have a beaUTIFUL TIME OK
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘:  @kngcrw aka my shipping bitch
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆: @fallesto @blodistridi @foreignaccent @fightsforbeauty @wedonotscw @longmayshereignxcersei @singingoficeandfire @thewhxtewclf @xiledbear @xneedlepoint @fightsbck
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