#Some idiot boys were bad to one of my friends again. For the billionth time. I wish I could crush them with claws and break their ribs too
eternal-moss · 5 months
So so good 10/10 once again. I want to make an analysis so badly but school has made me exhausted so I’m not sure I can get around to doing it. One thing that I love so much was the sound design & voice acting, it elevated an already incredible couple of chapters to something thoroughly enjoyable to watch. I’ve read the manga, I know what happens but oh my god I felt *stressed* with everything that transpired, it felt a lot more brutal hearing the sound effects and incredible voice acting (I listen to jp, I wonder what the dub sounded like).
Anyway. It was very very good. I felt goosebumps multiple times and was nearly moved to tears at a couple of points too. Also this will sound dumb. But. I really really love Falin’s chimera form. Now that it was animated, it feels even more like a dinosaur than I had imagined, especially the tail whip (diplodocuses can easily break basically any theropod’s rip cage with their tails, do not underestimate the power of smacking something with a tail).
I 100% get Laios’ feelings towards it, as horrible as the situation is. It’s really really cool. I kinda wish I could look like it…
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Rating: G
Word Count: 1.6k
Fake dating, love at first sight, and all that. The basic fluff palate.
A/N: I had no idea what the lyrics to "Hello Stranger" by Stray Kids were until after I wrote the fic, but the title and vibe made me daydream this whole idea up in the car. You're welcome. (Totally would recommend the official MV too, it just doesn't have English subs)
Another day, another heckling. And this time it had to be on a public subway, apparently.
"All I'm saying is, if you're so rich, why do you have to conveniently forget your credit card every single time we all go out for lunch?" Edward narrowed his eyes at Ling.
"Why bring it when I don't expect to be going out to eat?" Ling said airily. "And you're always so generous when it happens unexpectedly."
Edward grunted. "That's an absolute load of bull and you know it. You can't say that you 'just forgot' to bring money because you 'didn't expect it' when I text the group chat 'Who wants to go out for lunch tomorrow?' and you say 'Ooh! Ooh! Me!'" he squealed in a poor imitation of his friend.
"Your girlfriend would love you for it, you know—paying for dates," Ling continued, ignoring Ed's accusations. He gasped. "Oh, that's right! You don't have a girlfriend! Perhaps if you weren't so quarrelsome, you could manage to win the heart of a lady."
"Who are you calling so puny that he's gonna die alone and have weeds all over his grave that no one will bother to pull?" Ed screeched.
Russell finally spoke up from his seat at the end of the row. "Ed, he didn't say anything about your height. He may be a cheapskate, but he didn't make a dig at your height. For once."
"Yeah, that's right! No fair changing the subject, Ling. This discussion was about how you're a little rich boy who always makes his friends pay for his own food," Ed huffed.
"Why quibble over such a minor expense? How expensive could a burger be? Twenty dollars?" The other two boys gaped at Ling, but he only kept going. "Besides, I'm far more interested in the current topic. Edward, you know I care for you deeply—"
"Fat chance."
"—but with your disposition, I doubt you could get a girlfriend if you tried!"
"Now, you wait just a second! You don't know squat about my love life! In fact, I could—"
Out of nowhere, a blonde girl knelt on the seat next to Ed's and slipped an arm around his shoulders.
"Hello, stranger." She winked. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming this way today? I know you're shy about our relationship, but you could have just told them, you know. You don't have to give into their teasing just for me, Eddie-boo."
All three boys gawked at her—Russell and Ling because of the fact that Ed actually had a girlfriend and Ed because of the fact that he didn't. Except now he had to pretend that this strange, hot blonde girl was his girlfriend.
So he choked. Then he recovered just enough to say, "Babe, no. I was just about to tell them. These pea-brains," he glared at them, "barely let me get a word in edgewise. Please believe me, babe."
"Of course I believe you, pretty boy." Her gaze made all coherent thoughts fly from his head. "But even if they are pea-brains, I should probably introduce myself." She tapped his nose. The buzzing feeling lingered long after the tip of her finger left it. "I'm Winry." She beamed at the other two boys. Ed's stomach twisted. He wasn't jealous, was he? He probably just ate something bad at lunch. Maybe Ling slipped something in his burger…
Ling grinned wickedly. "Lovely to meet you, Winry. How did you two meet? It must have been quite a job getting this one to agree to go out with you, what with his charming personality and all."
"Hm, how did we meet, babe? It all happened very gradually—knowing each other's faces, then knowing each other's names, then small talk here and there. Then before you know it, we were having deeper conversations as close friends, and then suddenly, we were dating! He's a real softie once you get him to open up," she said, ruffling his bangs.
"Winry!" He cleared his throat. "Babe, you don't have to tell them everything."
"Oh, man!" Russell guffawed, wiping away a tear. "This girl must have you whipped, Ed."
"Something like that," Ed muttered.
Suddenly, the train lurched and threw Winry forward, her arm around Ed's shoulders directing her course straight for his lap. They stared at each other in panic for a few moments. Then Winry laughed nervously. "Looks like I fell for you, huh, babe?"
Edward slapped his forehead. "Really? Fell for me? That's so terrible, I might break up with you just for that."
"Nah, you like me too much," Winry said, planting a kiss on his forehead.
Edward's face turned a violent shade of red. Pretty girl. Flirting. At him. Dream. It was a dream. Dreams don't have lips with that much detail. Can't look at friends. They'll laugh. Different topic. Periodic table. Periodic tables are simple. Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium…
"Like I said," Russell smirked. "Whipped."
The subway car lurched again as the intercom announced their arrival at the stop, and Ed's arms flew to keep Winry from being thrown again. Just as quickly as he had held her close, he loosened his grip. For a moment, her eyes widened and a faint blush rose on her cheeks. She shifted on his lap.
"This is my stop. Nice meeting you guys!" Winry leaned in to whisper into Ed's ear. "I probably caused you more trouble than I solved. I'm so sorry." She offered him a half smile and slid off his lap.
His legs somehow felt bare without her weight, his arms cold without her warmth. How could he just let her walk away? But how could he just stalk a stranger? Fortunately, all intelligent thought had left him long ago.
"See you guys later! Better priorities have come up than messing around with you losers!"
Edward heard silence, then laughter behind him, but he kept his eyes forward as he followed Winry out into the station. Crap, what had he gotten himself into? He was such an idiot. His idiot mouth and his idiot legs had been faster than his idiot brain and he was about to be in big, big trouble with this really beautiful, really nice stranger. The doors closed behind them.
"Look, I'm really, really sorry. I don't know what got into me. I don't know why I went along with it. I don't just do this sort of thing, it just happened. If there's—" Winry cut Ed off.
"You went along with it because I started it. What were you supposed to do? If anything, it's my fault for putting you in an awkward position. It was gutsy and presumptuous and I should have just let your conversation happen. I don't exactly go around pretending to be random people's girlfriends either. Some weird gut reaction in me just...did it. I...I don't even know what to say for myself. I made you lie to your friends and now you're going to have to tell them that and...I'm. I'm so sorry." She raked her hand into her ponytail and avoided his gaze.
"Can we consider ourselves forgiven, then?"
She met his eyes with a slight laugh. "Yeah, I guess so."
"Good, so...um…are you actually single?" He sighed and mumbled, "man, I don't normally do this," and continued, "Because I'd love to take you out for real if you are." His pulse thundered through every blood vessel in his body while she opened and closed her mouth and blushed. It would be cute if his entire being wasn't vibrating waiting for her response.
"Y–yeah," she breathed.
"Gah," Ed rubbed the back of his neck. "Of course you're not single, why would you be? I mean, look at you—"
"No! No. I'm. I'm not single. I mean! I'm not in a—I don't have a boyfriend."
"I'd...I'd love to go out with you, Edward."
"Wow," he finally managed.
"What?" Winry smiled at him in confusion.
"I really scored big today and I don't even know how." He grinned crookedly. "Was something about my complete lack of competent speech attractive or something? Nobody just agrees to going on a date with a complete stranger. Your name is actually Winry, right?"
She laughed. "Yes, my name is actually Winry. I didn't really have a lot of time to come up with a fake name or anything. As for going out with a complete stranger… I don't know. I just know I can trust you. I figure, why not go for it? And, um. I wasn't entirely joking when I called you 'pretty boy.'" She bit her lip and smiled at her shoes.
Ed's mind blanked for what seemed the billionth time that day. "You're the—you're the pretty one!" he squawked.
"Well, then...if I'm the pretty one, can I be the one to ask you for your number?"
"What?" He wasn't sure whether he'd been shaken out of his mental fog or pushed further into it. "I mean, yes! Um, here it is." He fumbled with his phone and showed her his contact information.
"Thanks." She smiled with all the light the universe could give her. "I'll...see you soon then?"
"Are you busy right now?" Ed blurted out. "Or is taking you out to dinner too soon?"
"Oh! No, not at all. I'm kind of craving Chinese takeout, actually, if that's okay."
"Yeah. Yeah, it's totally okay. Just. One thing." Winry raised her eyebrows in accession. "Never call me 'Eddie-boo' again."
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ripspaghet · 4 years
bff | 05
↳ series m.list | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 |
→ pairing: yoongi x reader
→ word count: 4,702
Prologue Summary; Your best friend's boyfriend takes an unhealthy interest in you and just as he shows up something from your past starts to creep up on you again. Could this strange and mysterious man have something to do with it? And should you trust him, or your instincts to run far, far away from him?
→ warnings: angst, swearing, alcohol, mentions of smut, cheating
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The very next day the weather finally starts to lighten up. The sun is out with not a cloud in sight, although the air is still chilled. You've become eager to get back to your classes. After having Jimin take care of you a full day, you feel you might murder him. He's been teasing you constantly, trying to feed you like you a helpless baby, and let's just say you didn't really appreciate it. Still, you thank him several times over, promising to make it up to him, which he's sure to take full advantage of.
"Party? This weekend?"
You sigh, kicking a rock as you walk along the corridor, leading to your next class, "Why does it always have to be a party with you? You never even hang out with me when we go. You ditch me for those two idiots of yours."
"As I recall when you first met one of those idiots you called him hot and said you'd-"
"Okay!" Your panicked tone reaches an all-time high, not wishing to recall your first impression of a particular frat boy.
Jimin laughs at you and stops walking just before reaching the lecture hall, "So, you'll go with me?"
"As if I have a choice."
"Great! Tae said he-"
"____? I heard you were really sick." Mina approaches the two of you, her boyfriend not too far behind her, his eyes already fixed on you. Great.
You watch as he comes up closer to Mina, placing his arm around her waist and pulling her into him as his gaze bleeds into yours, "Glad to know you're feeling better, ____." 
His cold voice makes you shift your eyes away immediately, your face turning a shade of red that's starting to become all too familiar.
"Yes, I made her all better. Didn't I, honey?" Jimin leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek, which you respond to by pushing him away and slapping him on the chest.
"Don't put your lips anywhere near me."
He frowns and whines as you turn away from him, "Why? That's not what you told me to do yesterday."
"Are you drunk? Stop making stuff up and get to class." You don't bother turning around this time, heading into the lecture hall.
"Yah," You hear Mina slap Jimin, "what did you do to her?"
"Ah! S-stop hitting me! She's been like that since yesterday, it has nothing to do with me!"
The rest of the week carries on relatively fast, as you do nothing but study and go to your classes. Anytime Mina, Jimin, or anybody offers to hang out you decline. You haven't been in the mood and your reasoning was that same indecipherable feeling that still burned in your chest. Your nearest guess was that it had something to do with that damn piano Yoongi made you sit at, last Sunday. Bad memories resurfacing is enough to put anyone in this kind of mood, right? You can't even be bothered with the dozens of missed calls on your phone. You hadn't spoken to him in a year and you weren't about to break that record when simply seeing his name light up your phone filled you with dread.
"You're still coming?" Jimin raised an eyebrow at you, utterly surprised.
"I'm standing in front of you fully dressed and ready for a party and you're asking me if I'm bailing on you or not?"
"It's just, you haven't been in the brightest of moods this week. I thought, maybe you were having second thoughts."
You roll your eyes and push him out of the doorway so you can shut the door behind you and lock it. "Since when do you care if I have second thoughts about a party?"
"Since you don't seem okay," He whispers this time, a genuinely concerned expression dulling his features.
You put your arm around his and try to pull him along only to have him stop you, "I'm fine. Let's go have fun."
"Did someone break your heart, ____?"
You swivel your head back around, "What?"
"I don't know?" He scratched his head, "You seem so different lately. I mean you just said, 'Let's go have fun.' Normally, you hate being dragged to parties. You complain the whole time and ask me to take you home every five seconds."
You laugh and raise an eyebrow at the ridiculous assumption, "So, you think someone has broken my heart, simply because I'm taking your advice to have fun?"
"You-" He's cut off when your phone goes off. You pull it from your purse and quickly reject it.
"Telemarketers." You lie.
Looking at you seriously Jimin sighs, "I'm just worried. I don't want to take you to this party and you get super drunk and do something stupid cause you're sad." 
With a sigh and nod, you speak with an understanding ton, "I appreciate that you worry about me Minie, but I'm fine. I've just been stressed lately because of exams. I want to blow off some steam."
He looks at you hesitantly before nodding, not sure if he should believe you or not.
Jimin really is such a good friend. He genuinely cares so much, even for the smallest of things. But, despite what he thinks, this isn't your first time indulging in a party like this. Back when you were a freshman all you did was go to parties. Which is, for the most part, what made you hate them so much. You always did dumb things and alcohol didn't make your decision-making skills any better. You'd even started a pretty bad reputation for yourself, that you erased through the years of becoming a shut-in.
After arriving at the party Jimin led you to the drinks and the two of you had at least two full cups together before you decided you wanted to dance. The logical part of your brain was screaming to go home before doing something you'd regret, but that stinging feeling in your chest demanded it be fed and you didn't want to feel it anymore. You sure as hell didn't want to hear your anxiety ramping up because of it, so you drank just enough to null the noise.
You pull Jimin towards the dance floor, taking him by surprise, and making his drink sloshing in his cup, "Wait, I-"
"Since when does ____ dance?" A husky voice interrupts the two of you, making you turn your head, "Or know how to have fun for that matter?"
Tall, tanned, and handsome to the point of being downright beautiful, stood in the doorway of the kitchen watching you with an unreadable expression is Taehyung. You have to force your mouth shut to keep from gasping at the sight of him. Any other day, you'd duck your head and run at the sight of him - although, unfortunately for you - you've already consumed a hefty amount of alcohol.
"Whole new ____, right?" Jimin smiled, composing himself before patting your head and, to your surprise, making you jump.
"I'll say," Taehyung looks you up and down, "she's even dressed for the occasion."
"____, how about you go dancing with Taehyung? I promised Kookie I'd be his bodyguard tonight and I can't leave him hanging forever."
You glance up at Jimin then back at Taehyung. Again, under normal circumstances, you never in a million years would agree to dance with Taehyung, knowing damn well where it'd take you. You'd also be curious and confused as to why Jungkook would need a bodyguard, but - for like the billionth time - these weren't normal circumstances and all you did was nod.
"Just don't stay gone all night. You promised you wouldn't ditch me this time." 
Jimin laughs and pats your head endearingly again, "Sure thing, honey."
You reach up and pat Jimin on the cheek, returning the gesture by smiling brightly up at him. His eyes widen, not expecting you to return the teasing gesture, "Have fun, honey," 
"W-who are you?" Jimin's cheeks flush pink, but you only laugh before leaving him. You take Taehyung's arm in yours and he looks down at you with the same stunned expression, "Show me your best moves, Tae."
Excitement quickly replaces his awe and bubbling up in his eyes at this whole new side of you, "Yes, ma'am."
You pull him to the dance floor with you and once there you let your body do the talking as you move rhythmically to the best that vibrates through the house.
Taehyung just froze, his lips parting at the sight of you.
You're unable to contain a giggle at the sight of his dumbfounded expression, "What are you doing? Dance with me." You grab his hands and pull him to you, swaying your hips from side to side. 
Taehyung follows your instructions and begins moving with you, his hand moving to your hip as he leans in closer, "Since when are you not being a buzzkill?"
You pout your bottom lip at his use of words, "I'm not a buzzkill, I just haven't been in the mood up until now."
Taehyung laughs at your whiny response, his eyes falling on your lips, "You know? I never understood it before, but now it all makes sense."
"What does?"
"You and Jimin, I thought the two of you were complete opposites before and it didn't make any sense to me why he follows you around like a lost puppy." You move your hands up to his biceps and rest them on his shoulders. Your eyes urging him to continue, "The two of you are a lot more alike than I thought. You just bury it deep, while Jimin wears it on his sleeve."
You tilt your head, "And what exactly is it that I'm burying?"
"That thing that could get anyone into bed with you any time you want." He leans in, his deep voice sultry.
"Are you saying that only me and Jimin have that? You don't have it?"
"Well, obviously not. Otherwise, I would've had you in bed with me the day we met."
You shake your head and smirk at him. Might as well play along with him. "How do you know that it just doesn't work on me?"
"Tell me," He leaned in closer, "if Jimin were to seriously try fucking you - you wouldn't you be inclined to say yes?"
Your cheeks flush his use of words and the mere idea of them, but you laugh it off as the effects of alcohol starting to kick in, "Even if I were it would never be anything more than that, so I'd turn him down."
Taehyung pulls back, surprised, "Why?"
"Jimin is my best friend and like I said, sleeping with him would never be anything more than sleeping with him. I know that's the case for me, but I don't know if that's the case for Jimin. Whether he says it is or not, I couldn't trust what he says. If he felt differently, he would say whatever I wanted to hear, not the truth."
"Are you implying that he might fall for you? Because I think it's a bit too late for that." He chuckles and this time you roll your eyes.
"Me and Jimin find each other sexually attractive, but there's no romance. It's just friendship. People can easily mistake a great friendship for romance. I mean, even great sex can be misleading."
"So, what's the deal-breaker, huh? What is it that you and Jimin don't have?"
You stare at him for a moment, wondering to yourself why he's so interested in your relationship with Jimin before answering him, "There's no fire. No passion or pull between us."
His eyes flicker at your words, "You're not secretly in love with him and just pulling my leg, right?"
"What?" You burst into laughter, "Why is this so important to you?"
Taehyung's face stays serious as it flickers with something akin to lust, "____, when did you get so alluring? I thought you were an innocent virgin."
You try to bite back your laughter at his ridiculous statement and serious face. Surprisingly, he isn't all that good at flirting. His looks more than made up for what he's lacking though as his eyes have you leaning in closer. You put your lips next to his ear, your excuse being, so you wouldn't have to yell over the music, "I'm only alluring when I wanna allure someone, that doesn't make me a virgin."
"Really?" He put his other hand on the small of your back, "Does that mean you're trying to allure me right now?"
You frown, pulling away from him, "Trying?" 
His eyes turn dark at the loss of contact and he reaches to bring you back to him, but you only move further out of his reach, a smirk pulling up your lips, "If you want me, come and get me, Tae." 
He moves instantly, a smirk playing on his own lips as he follows you through the crowd of sweaty bodies until you're out of it and heading up the stairs of the frat house. You know exactly where you're leading him, but you weren't one to proudly admit you'd done this before. And if you were in your right mind right now you wouldn't be caught dead doing this again, especially with someone like Taehyung. Although, the closer your body gets to him the further the burning in your chest gets. It's fading into the background, just like you want.
You let him catch you at the top of the stairs and he wraps his arms around your waist, "What are you up to? Don't you know where these stairs lead?"
"I'm not sure. You wanna show me around?" You play dumb, preferring Taehyung not have any clue of your past endeavors.
He pushes you against the wall, hands roaming on your sides, "How drunk are you?"
"I've only had two or three drinks." Your breath catches in your throat when he lowers his mouth to your neck. Your hand moves to his hair and you close your eyes, savoring the way his teeth feel as they softly nip at you.
"So, you won't be mad if you wake up naked next to me in the morning?" 
You gasp as his tongue runs up the length of your neck, "I won't."
He hums softly in your ear before picking you up by your thighs, making it so you have to wrap your legs around his waist. He carries you to a nearby room and shuts the door behind him with his foot with - what appears to be - practiced ease. It doesn't bother you all too much though, seeing as you were only doing this to distract yourself, to begin with. You want all emotional baggage to be left at the door, or thrown out a window at this moment. You don't wanna think.
Taehyung drops you down onto the bed in the center of the room and you can't help but giggle as the force of the fall makes you bounce.
"Fuck," He smiles at you infectiously before lunging forward, his hands and lips devouring you, "you could easily make any man fall in love, ____."
A sharp throb stabs through your chest at his words, your smile falling as a distinct pair of dark eyes cross your mind. His hands move down your thighs and squeeze, pulling them apart to settle between them. Too lost in the remembrance of lingering stares and innocent touches, you don't even realize where your imagination has taken you as he presses his thigh against your core, coaxing a desperate moan out of you. Your eyes flutter shut as you let your arousal take over, pale fingertips run along your sides, his dark hair tickling your skin as he marks your neck, and his usual calm and gravelly voice growls as you mewl with desire.
"You sound so pretty." Just then his lips press to yours, his tongue running along your lower lip. 
"Stop!" You push Taehyung off of you, panicked and breathless.
"What? What's wrong?" Taehyung sits up at the end of the bed on his knees, confused by the sudden rejection.
"I-I'm really sorry about this, but I need to go." You scramble off of the bed, fixing your clothes and hair.
Taehyung's quick to get up and follow after you, "Did I do something?"
"No, I-" You squeeze your eye's shut and shake your head in disbelief. Sure, you've fantasized about people before but never against your own will, let alone about your best friend's fucking boyfriend. "I'm not in the right head-space right now. I-" You pause glancing back at Taehyung, "You didn't do anything wrong."
He places his hand on your waist, "____, don't go. We don't have to do anything. We can just cuddle?"
"I need to go."
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"What happened to you last night?! Why are people telling me they saw you going upstairs with Taehyung?! I never saw you for the rest of the night!" You wince pulling your phone away from your ear.
"I know, I'm sorry, okay? Could you stop yelling at me and let me explain?"
"Since when do you wanna fuck Taehyung?! I thought you hated him!"
"Alright, fine, let me hear your excuse."
"Last night I just wanted to have fun. It was nothing serious and I don't hate Taehyung. I just don't particularly like him or how he normally treats the girls he messes around with."
"Wha- You just wanted to have fun? Nothing serious? Where is the real ____ and what have you done with her?!" 
You roll your eyes, "I didn't even sleep with him. I walked out before things got that far."
"You walked out?" Jimin pauses, "Wait, why? What did he do?"
"He didn't do anything. I just-" Your eyes shift around your room nervously, "I wasn't as up for it as I thought I was."
He clicks his tongue, "____, the player. Never thought I'd see the day."
"Are we done now? I need to go."
"Go? It's Saturday. Where are you going? Oh, don't tell me you're going to finish the job!?"
"Goodbye, Jimin."
"No! Wait-"
You stand up from your bed after ending the call than walk over to your closet to sift through your clothes. You spend about thirty minutes doing that before groaning in frustration. What are you even doing? Normally, you'd just throw on the first thing you saw and head out the door.
You know what?
That is what you're doing.
You close your eyes and reach into your closet, grabbing the first thing you touch. This is fine, you tell yourself before shrugging off your pajamas and putting on the baggy hoodie with a pair of sweats. You then make your way back to your bed and grab your phone, you're heading to your door when you stop. You pull your hoodie up to your nose, smell it, and sigh before turning back around. It doesn't stink, in fact, it smells good, like freshly done laundry - but something about it annoys you and you refuse to leave with the boring smell.
Once you're finally satisfied you hurry out of your dorm and start in the direction of Yoongi's penthouse. So many factors are yelling at you to turn around and go back home, but you refuse to listen. Your pace even picks up as the tall building comes into view. 
Message from Min Yoongi-8:59am: Why are you so late??
You-9:05am: I'm here
You step out of the elevator, your nerves getting the better of you as you hesitate to knock on the door. You really shouldn't be here. You should be anywhere but here. As you're contemplating just turning around and leaving, the door swings open to reveal a very irritated Yoongi.
His hair is neatly combed through and shorter than when you last saw him, although it still hangs just slightly above his eyes.
"Why the hell are you so late?" His words are blunt, as usual, but that's not what makes you avoid his gaze. It's the images that pop into your head from last night that make you stare at your own two feet in petrifying embarrassment, thinking, maybe he can read your mind if you look at him.
"Sorry, I don't really have an excuse." Your voice comes out small, making it so Yoongi has to lean in to understand you.
He furrows his brow and sniffs the air as he does, then raises an eyebrow at you, "Is that perfume?"
Your eyes dart up to his face and you blink at him several times, "What?"
A smirk pulls up his lips, "Are you wearing perfume?"
"No! Why would I be wearing perfume?" You panic, confused as to how to respond to this.
"I don't know, you tell me?" He leans against his door frame and crosses his arms over his chest smugly. You can't help but let your gaze linger, finding everything he does far too attractive for someone who's supposed to be his girlfriend's best friend. 
You shift your eyes away from him shamefully with a frown and push past him, feeling your cheeks warm-up, "Can we just work on the song now that I'm here?"
Yoongi hums and turns around to face you, shutting the door as he does, "It smells nice. What is it? Vanilla?"
"J-just shut up." You walk away from him towards his couch to sit down before pulling out your laptop. 
"You know?" Yoongi startles you as he leans onto the back of the couch behind you, "You still haven't listened to that part on the piano I've been slaving away on." He speaks in that same condescending tone he used over the phone when you were sick, only this time it doesn't make your blood boil, it makes your stomach turn.
"I never said I wanted you to do that."
"You also never said you didn't, so I did." You feel Yoongi tapping his finger against the couch impatiently, a clear sign he's starting to get annoyed with you.
"Well, go play it." You bark back in a whiny manner, wanting the subject to just go away, "I'll hear it from here."
No, you wouldn't, you planned on covering your ears.
"____," Yoongi says your name firmly and your whole body goes rigid. Your imagination is running off with you again. Of all times, seriously? "stop acting childish. I need you to sing the part while I play, to get a good feel of how it will sound."
You shake your head, actual panic setting in as you finally stand back up, turning to face him, "No, I don't want the piano in the song."
"Why are you just now saying this? I've been working on this all week."
"I-I-" You frantically scour your brain for an alibi, "I just don't wanna!" You cringe at the stupid excuse and watch nervously as Yoongi narrows his eyes at you.
"Are you six years old? Come on," He starts to walk towards the hallway.
"I don't like the piano! Okay?! Can't you just leave it be!" You scream, the sheer terror you felt finally emerging in your voice and shocking Yoongi to a halt. Tears began streaming down your face rapidly. You probably looked ridiculous, crying over a damn piano, an object that couldn't even physically harm you, but you're unable to control your tears.
You drop your laptop onto the couch and without saying a word you rush back around the couch and past Yoongi, heading for the door. Hoping he won't follow, you slam the door behind you just to hear it open again a second later. 
"____, stop!" You push the elevator button several times, urgently praying that it gets there soon while you try your best to quell your inner trauma, "We don't have to include the piano. I can find something else."  You stare blankly at the elevator doors, "Hey," He reaches for you, his hand landing on your shoulder. 
You jerk your arm away and when you speak it's barely above a whisper, "Just leave me alone."
He watches you for a moment before hesitantly bringing his hand up to your face, turning you to look at him. You let him wipe your tears before pushing his hand away, "Fine, I'll take the stairs."
He stops you, grabbing your wrist, "Are you seriously angry over a fucking piano? What's next? A harmonica?"
You let out a dry laugh, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
"Alright," You yank your wrist away from him, "I'm done with this. Don't expect me to show up here anymore." You head ticks to the side before you turn on your heels to take the stairs, "I'd rather fail."
"Yah, ____!" You ignore him, but you can hear him following you just before his hand grabs yours, stopping you in your tracks again, "You-"
Your phone cuts him off, ringing loudly, and filling the thick air around the two of you. You pull your hand out of his, ignoring the way it makes your skin tingle. You reach into your pocket for your phone and reject the call, knowing exactly who it is without looking at the caller ID.
"Who was that?" Yoongi leans toward you, trying to get a peek at your phone, but you push him away by his chest.
"It's none of your business." 
He doesn't respond, his hard eyes just glancing down at the hand that's now against his chest. When Yoongi gets close to you - you can't think properly, so the further the better, but when he lifts his eyes back to yours, you realize that the physical contact is much worse than the lack of space. 
Your face blossoms with color and you quickly try to yank your hand away, recalling where your mind took you last night. Yoongi is quicker though as his fingers wrap around your wrist. You hold your breath, praying that he can't hear how loudly your heart is beating as his eyes bore into yours. All you can do is stare back, unable to move, say, or do anything. It's like he's a magnet and you're metal.
He moves in closer until you can feel his minty breath against your lips and you inhale sharply when his long fingers gently graze against your forearm. Unconsciously, your hand fist his shirt, your eye's still refusing to leave his intense ones as he begins to close the space between you, "Do you want me to stop?"
Your other hand moves up to his shoulder, gripping tightly as if willing yourself to push him away, but it's as if all your strength has left your body and you can't. His hand moves up to your jaw, his thump caressing your flushed skin, and your eyes flutter shut at the feeling. It's nothing like you'd imagined, completely different. He's way more intoxicating.
"If you want me to stop, all you have to do it say so." When his lips move you can almost feel them brush against yours from the close proximity - the space between you disappearing as his lips meet yours and any ounce of logical thought leaves you. You helplessly lean into his warmth and he hums in response. Heat pools in your stomach at the sound and your fingers move through his hair, nails softly grazing against his scalp. It's like the part of you that knows how wrong this is has evaporated. It isn't until his tongue swipes against your bottom lip that you feel yourself fall back to reality.
You pull away from him like you've been burned, noticing the tears brimming in your eyes only after the fact. The longer you look up at Yoongi the more hysterical you become. 
"I-" He stops, his eyes falling on your neck, "Where did those come from?"
"I-I need to leave." You push past him just as the elevator doors open, ignoring the simmering rage you caught in his voice as it made you feel like someone had just tugged on your heart.
"You have a girlfriend, Yoongi!" Your second outburst of the day causes him to flinch and pull his hand away from your arm, "I'm leaving."
You want to throw up, bang your head against a wall, and reprimand yourself on how utterly stupid you are all at once. All you really do wis click the button for the first floor though, while avoiding looking back up at Yoongi.
"I'm sorry."
That's the last thing you hear before the doors close and the elevator begins carrying you down.
a/n: plz go easy on me this is my first time attempting any form of smut and i had to rewrite it several times cause it made me a lil nervous 😖👉👈
@team-work-made-the-dream-work @seokchella @crackhead1-800 @chogiyeol-utopia @thatchampagnebitch  @jeonchan26
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One hundred percent
Fandom: Harry Potter | Marauders
Summary: A small little story about the marauders in the end of their fourth year, planning their final steps towards becoming animaguses that I thought I would share. Focuses on friendship and banter. Might expand the story some day
Characters: Marauders Sirius, James, Remus and Peter along with Lily Evans, Snape, Avery and Professor Slughorn
”Come on guys! We've been studying for this for nearly 3 years.” James belted out in frustration. They’d been going through how to apprehend the mandrake leaf the entire evening and yet their plan was nowhere near being finished.
”Homework’s too difficult for you, Potter?” Lily Evans voice spoke smugly behind them. She leaned over mockingly, her red her brushing over his shoulder in the process. James blushed. Sirius however, still level-headed instinctively slammed the Animagi book shut, hitting James hand in the process. Of course the covers didn’t say The book of Animagi any longer but one could never be too careful.
”Aoutch!” James yelled irritably, retracting his hand. Sirius ignored him.
”What are you boys making anyway?” Lily asked sounding somewhere between taunting and curious. “Terms nearly over you know, so starting to study for your exams is a little late.”
”It’s a love potion.” Peter said quickly to everyone’s surprise.
”A what now?!” Lily looked at James with disgust stepping away from him at once.
”It's not for you of course!” James said at once, slightly red in the face and aiming a kick towards a petrified Pettigrew that hit Remus instead. Lupin ignored it, thinking he somehow probably deserved it.
”It better not be Potter, or I'll make sure to have you expelled!” Lily snapped and strode off, nose in the air and with an expression of pure disgust on her face. James gave her a painful look as if torn between running after her to apologise or taking his anger out on Peter. He chose the latter.
”You IDIOT!” he shouted. ”Lily is going to think that I'm trying to poison her now.” He pulled his hair in despair. This evening was not going to plan at all.
”Well, at least she doesn’t know what we're actually doing.” Remus said quietly but the boys heard him all the same. He was worried about his friends and what could possibly happen to them if they got caught trying to become illegal animaguses or worse, if something went wrong during the process. Surely he wasn’t worth all of this trouble. Still, he appreciated it never the less.
”Coming to think of it, that was actually some quick thinking from your side Peter.” Sirius said sounding rather impressed, although he mainly did so to tease James. His friend let it slide. ”Maybe I should make you carry the leaf in your mouth for a month during the school year after all.” James said cruelly. ”That way you wouldn't be able to come up with any more clever ideas. It's very out of character for you Peter. Someone might get suspicious.” Peter winced.
”As tempting as that sounds..” Sirius butted in before Peter started to take actual offense by James lady frustrations, ”having an actual reason not to speak to my family all summer is too good to give up.” He tossed his black locks of hair out of the way with and threw Remus a reassuring smile as if to tell him that he was actually up for doing this. One hundred percent. ”I’m looking forward to it.”
“Well the rest of you better come up with some good exudes.” said Remus anxiously but he returned Sirius smile. ”Not that I’m forcing you to.” he added quickly.
”Lupin.” James interrupted, his focus finally back where it belonged. ”We're doing this mate. One hundred percent.” Peter nodded enthusiastically. ”Even If my future wife disowns me before we're even married.” Everyone sighed loudly. ”you're worth it mate.”
”Besides” Sirius butted in before James started going on about Evans again for the billionth time. ”I could just tell her that the love potion is for my brother, trying to make him fancy our house-elf or something.” He grinned and the others laughed, thinking for a second that that might not actually be such a bad idea after all. Lily didn’t like Rugulus , so that she probably wouldn’t mind.
“Alright.” James said finally dropping all thoughts of Lily. “Let’s go over the plan once again.” They all huddled together. “Peter, before the diversion you need to sneak into Professor Slughorn and nick the leaves. Do you know how many pieces you need to get.”
“Yes, six. Once each and then one backup just in case. I do remember that you know, since you told me like a hundred times.” Peter said irritably. “I still don’t understand why I have to be the one to do it. I get so nervous when stealing stuff.”
“That’s probably a good thing.” Remus muttered but they all ignored him.
“It has to be you, since you’d be the only one he’d believe if you told him you got the wrong thing out of the cupboard, getting mandrake leaves mixed up with snakeskin.” James interrupted.  
“Sorry Professor, they’re both sooo shiny!” Sirius said mockligly.
“I’m not that stupid!” Peter protested but laughed with the others all the same.
“We know.” James assured him. “But considering how your potions exam went, old Slughorn’s bound to think so.”
“I misread the instructions.” Peter muttered. “It wasn’t my fault that my cauldron exploded.” he said bitterly.
“What we need to focus on now is what kind of distraction to use.”  Sirius interrupted before James lost his focus again. This was a serious mission. They couldn’t mess it up. They needed good cover if something did went wrong but nothing too obvious to be remembered by. He looked at Remus. Full moon had not been that long ago. This was important. Their most important step so far.
“We could just hex Snivulus.” James suggested. “One needs to use the opportunity, soon we won’t see him every day after all.” Sirius laughed loudly.
“I don’t think that will get you back into Lily’s good book.” Remus pointed out.
“Alright, alright, here’s what we’ll do…”
“Lily, please!” Remus begged her. “We’re partners, we need to co-operate or we’ll never finish in time.” She remained silent, making it very obvious that she’d refuse to talk to him for the rest of the class. “Oh, come on. Are you really going to let me stand in the way of you getting a perfect mark?” She sighed.
“It’s just hard for me to believe that you would agree to this.” Lily said sternly.
“Well, James isn’t that great at potions.” Remus couldn’t help himself. He liked Lily. Not the way James did, although considering how he behaved a part of him hoped that he never would fancy anyone that way anyway. She was always very kind to him and could be quite funny and she was definitely a more brilliant potions partner than Peter had ever been to him. She’d helped him loads this year. “It’s funny!” he explained. “Cos, you know he's family are really famous potions makers after all. Being good at potions is supposed to be in his blood.”
“Well I wouldn’t really know about that sort of thing.” she muttered, obviously still angry and threw in some more dragonroots into their cauldron that nearly made its content splatter over them.
“You know that’s not the thing I was talking about.” Remus gave her an endearing look. Surly she knew that her blood status wasn’t something that would ever bother him. She sighed.
“Stir a little more please.” she finally gave in. Remus did as he was told. He checked his watch. Seven more minutes until distraction time. His task was to distract Lily, just in case, as she might be clever enough to figure out that they were up to something and he had made it his personal mission to make her like him again.
“Look, I know you’re not going to believe anything positive I’d say about James...” he began carefully, not bothering to dance around his friends supposed mistake any longer.
“That would be correct.” Lily replied coolly.
“But he wouldn’t try to win you over with a love potion. That’s not his style.”
“It’s awful, just like he is. See how I made those two connections.” It was awful, he thought to himself as he hadn’t quite thought about it before. Being forced into fancying someone with no power to say no didn’t seem like something very pleasant. Suddenly he felt for her for being so upset.
“It’s not James’s style.” he defended his friend, though thinking he’d use him for curse practice if ever would be. “He’d want to win you over properly, so that he could boast about how his charm finally one to everyone that would be near enough to hear. Not cheat with some potion. It wouldn’t count.” He explained. “I’m not saying that that’s a great thing.” Remus added quickly. Lily laughed, finally.
“You’re such idiots.” She concluded. “I think you can stop stirring now.” She added. “It’s supposed to simmer for a little bit.” He did as he was told.
“So what are you boys up to if you’re not planning to poison me then?” she asked sternly.
“Well.” Remus leaned towards her. “we were planning to play a little prank on Sirius younger brother, as punishment for him being such a pureblooded git, by making him fancy their house elf during the summer.” Lily giggled. “Of course, it’s turning out to be tricky since they’re not the same species. Not that he’s too worried over something going wrong.” They both laughed.
“They’re really scary, his family, aren’t they?” Lily asked, lowering her voice.
“Can’t say, I’ve never really met them properly. He’ll be fine tho.” He threw Sirius a look. Sometimes he did wonder just what kind of horrors he had to endure back home. He was always so sarcastic whenever he spoke of them, but as Remus knew all to well himself sarcasm could be a good defence mechanism.
“Well I make sure to avoid them.” She admitted. Their eyes met and he noticed that she actually looked quite worried. “I know that’s not very Gryffindor like of me, but in times like these you can’t be too sure, considering what my parents are and so on.” Remus understood what she meant. Scary things we’re going on outside the walls of Hogwarts. “I think it’s brave of you to act on behalf of what’s best for them.” he told her honestly.  “I don’t think you’d have to worry too much about Sirius’s parents tho. They’re not the type that would enjoy getting their hands dirty. Not that you are.” Remus added quickly. Lily gave him an reassuring look. It must be difficult for her, he thought to himself. If something were to happen, if they came, not that they would, but if they did her muggle parents wouldn’t being able to help defending her and defending them would be entirely up to her. Of course nothing would happen. Not yet at least. “I’m sure you’ll be alright.” Lily nodded.
“Interrupting something?” Sirius asked teasingly. Lily sighed.
“Don’t let James hear you use that kind of talk.” Remus looked at his watch again, cursing himself for worrying too much about Lily’s deatheater problems to remember to keep track of time. Sure enough, he could see Peter sneaking off towards the ingredients storage just like they had planned.
“Mind if I borrow these?” he said before snatching Remus’s newly cutup roots right in front of him.
“Are you serious?” Remus said annoyingly. He’d spent a long time cutting up those. His arm aced from an ugly cut his other self had obtained the previous full moon and hiding it from Lily had only been possible do to her efforts to ignore him.
“I am Sirius.” he answered. Both Remus and Lily rolled their eyes. “Please, I need them to rescue our potion before Peter shows up and destroys the entire thing again.” He nodded towards their table. “He's off getting more snakeskin since the last piece he tried to add accidentally caught fire.” Sirius said rather loudly. Their potion would be the distraction but only because Sirius had gotten the permission from James to complain loudly about it so that it wouldn’t affect his grade.
“It took me ages to cut up those!” Remus protested, stretching after the roots as Sirius quickly jumped out of his reach winking at him.
“What happened!?!” Lily almost shouted. Remus looked confused. Then he realised that his sleeve had slid down, exposing his wound.
“Oh, nothing.” he tried to ensure her. “I just injured myself.”
“Yes, I can see that.” Lily said sarcastically. “Here, take my roots. I prepared them last lesson, but I was too mad at you to not let you chop your own.” she said looking rather sorry about that now. “It looks really bad.”
“It’s nothing, Remus said uncomfortably, checking to see where Slughorn was positioned simultaneously. He found him far away from Peter, standing bent over a classmate’s cauldron in the opposite end of the classroom. It’s content had started producing thick, yellow bubbles that kept floating up in the air, which Remus was pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to be doing. “I got smacked by the Whomping Willow practicing quidditch with James.” Remus explained vaguely. It wasn’t the first time he had used this excuse. “Sirius was in detention.” he added. “Apparently the tree a great substitute for bludgers.”
“Apparently you’re not very great at avoiding them.” Lily said. “Here. Add these and stir clockwise whilst you do.” she handed him her roots. “I’m gonna go find you some sap for your wound. Slughorn won’t mind when it’s me asking.”
“Thank you.” He said and truly meant it, although deep down he knew that there where nothing in this world that would ease the pain caused by a werewolf injury. Those simply had to heal by themselves. He watched her whilst adding the roots just like she’d told him. She passed Snapes table two rows in front of theirs. He stood up as she passed him, bumping his knee on the table.
“I’ll walk with you.” he said, turning slightly red. Remus wondered why he always had to put his nose in things it doesn’t belonged, worried that he would eventually find out the truth about him. The thought made his stomach turn unpleasantly. Peter remerged from the storage and slipped something to James as he passed them. No one had seen. Remus took a deep breath and went back to watching Lily who, for some reason seemed to enjoy Snape’s company. Maybe their little distraction wouldn’t be necessary after all?
“Practicing muggle studies, Severus? Watch out or you’ll get dirty.” another Slytherin student called Avery shouted as he passed him and Lily talking to one another. A roar of laughter erupted. Then three things happened very quickly. Lily grabbed a nearby weighing scale standing on the table in front of her and smashed it over his face with all the force she could fathom. Remus winced at the sound of bone breaking. He knew it too well. Simultaneously James, who of course was always watching Lily, fired a curse that hit Snape instead which resulted in him flying into Avery. They collided so harshly that Avery fell into the yellow bubbling cauldron Remus had watched before. Snape, rather taken aback managed to shout PROTEGO just in time to keep him and Lily, who was still holding the brass measuring scale in a tight grip from getting splattered. Avery screamed in terror and pain, trying to get the essence of potion off him.
“Now, NOW, children!” shouted Professor Slughorn, obviously destressed over the sudden chaos that had erupted in his classroom. He made the potion vanish with a quick swish of his wand. All of Avery’s hair in the areas it had touched seemed to have fallen off. The hairs that remained sprouted the same yellow colour has the bubbles had had. Everyone in the classroom started laughing at his distressed reaction to this. Lily sat back down next to him.
“Are you alright?” he whispered. “That hit was nothing less than he deserved.”
“They’re going to expel me.” She whispered sounding very distressed. “I can’t believe I just did that.”
“They most certainly won’t. Besides, Slughorn loves you, he’ll make sure you stay the victim of this. Anyway, I think that hit was brilliant!” Remus told her reassuringly. They both winced at the sound of Avery’s nose being fixed.
“Can’t believe it all worked out!” James said happily. The four of them were chilling back in the boys bedroom. “And I even got to hex Snape without getting into detention.” He smiled brightly. “Poor Lily tho.” his smile faded at once thinking about her. “That Avery fool didn’t get nearly as bad a punishment that he deserved.” He muttered bitterly.
“She can fend for herself, clearly.” Sirius pointed out. They’d been talking about the events during potions class all throughout the day and he didn’t feel like relapsing on the topic, even though he of course agreed that what’d happened had been awful.
“And I got the leaves!” Peter added excitedly. “And we didn’t even have to sacrifice my potion.” He added, happy with the outcome.
“Well then.” James said, handing out the leaves, two to Peter and two to Sirius, keeping two to himself. One to use and one for backup. “We all know what to do. Keep the leaves in your mouth for one month without anyone noticing. You can’t take it out, bite it or swallow it or it won’t work. Is that clear?” he asked them both, but mostly looking at Peter, who started to seem nervous. “Timing that with the date we go back to Hogwarts. As soon as we arrive, we sneak over to the screaking shack using the invisibility cloak whilst everyone else is busy getting to the castle, putting our leaves directly into the potion that we’ve prepared. After that only a few steps remain until we become the youngest animaguses in recorded history!” he smiled excitedly. Peter winced.
“And, making us able to be together every day of the month.” Sirius added and grabbed Remus by the neck. “Like true brothers should!” Lupin blushed as his three best friends clinked their stolen butterbeers together. He knew they were being silly but yet his eyes started feeling a bit watery all of the sudden.
“For Remus!” Peter said.
“For Remus!” James and Sirius joined in and the three of them howled together.
“Guys! Someone could hear you…” Remus protested, although somewhat amused. All this time Sirius hadn’t let go if his shoulder.
“We’re with you man. I’m Sirius.” he told him.
“Booooo!” shouted James and Peter together. It was nothing but reflex for them to do so nowadays whenever he told them that joke. Sirius grinned and shook his shoulder.
“One hundred percent!” Remus smiled right back at them.
“One hundred percent.”
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
because literally no one showed any sort of concern about Mikey having basically died for a little while there, and then sacrificed himself so they could all get to safety, i present you all a How Things Should Have Gone fic for post-When World’s Collide. i will have family hurt/comfort dammnit even if i have to do it myself
The moment Mikey steps into the lair, his brothers sweep him off his feet and plant him on the couch.
Mikey is still kind of discombobulated from disintegrating his atoms over and over- that had been such a head rush- and doesn’t quite register what just happened until his nunchucks are being taken away from him.
“Um, guys?” Mikey asks, squirming a little as he’s relieved of his weapons. Aw no, there goes his favorite throwing knives, too. Not cool.
“If you move from this couch, so help me god, Mikey,” Donnie says in his scariest doctor voice.
“I’m getting blankets and pillows,” Raph says, disappearing with Mikey’s belt and weapons. Still not cool, he tends to feel better with them in reach.
“Tea, sandwiches,” Leo says shortly, disappearing similarly but towards the kitchen.
Donnie starts poking and prodding all over Mikey’s body and he is just so, so confused.
“Okay, what the fuck is happening.”
“You nearly died, dipshit,” Donnie says, still in scary doctor mode. “Hold still so I can give you a full body checkup before I end up needing to do an autopsy.”
He starts pinching bits of Mikey’s body. “How much sensation are you getting right now?”
“Ow, all of it, god. Stop pinching- ow!”
“Your nervous system seems to still be intact. Good.”
“No shit, genius,” Mikey grumbles, and Donnie gives him a flat glare for that.
“I lost sensation in majority of my nerve endings for over five hours after I was disintegrated,” Donnie says in an even flatter tone. “I’m checking to see if your post-disintegration status is anything similar.”
Oh. That puts some of Donnie’s urgency in perspective.
Mikey stops complaining as he lets Donnie finish the checkup. It’s still a little weird, though. Getting so much attention like this, and he’s not even bleeding anywhere. Just some cuts here and there and feeling a little drained. All the psycho energy he’d had earlier is gone.
Being filled to the brim with electricity had been like chugging twenty energy drinks and then adding pure adrenaline to that. It’d felt like he was on top of the world, like he could do anything- even if every time he used his powers it made the edges of his body get blurry, and every time he teleported it made his heart do something just on the side of painful.
Maybe there’d been something to Bishop saying it could do long-term damage to him. Hm.
Mikey thinks about that, the pros and cons of staying the electro-turtle, while Donnie sits back with an exhausted sigh.
“Okay, you seem normal enough, and Bishop’s gun should have pulled the excess energy out of your body. I’m assigning you three nights of downtime; no training, no patrolling, and no practicing backflips off the pool ledge.”
“Aw what. Dee, I’m not hurt or nothing. I barely need a bandage.”
“Doctor’s orders, and you’re going to follow through with them even if I have to sit on you the full three days.”
The look in Donnie’s eyes makes it seem like he really would do that. On the one hand, aw, he cares so much. On the other hand, lame.
Mikey then finds the lair a lot darker than normal, as a blanket descends over his vision.
There’s a bunch of soft thumps all around him, and also on him. Said soft thumps are indeed very soft and feel like the pillows Raph promised.
“Move over, idiot, I need to arrange this right.”
What is happening.
Mikey gets his vision back, shoving the blanket off his face, just in time to be lifted up by Donnie and hoisted off the couch. He yelps, and grabs his brother’s shoulders as Raph bustles in to start pulling the couch cushions onto the floor.
“Oh my god,” Mikey says, wrapped awkwardly in a blanket and Donnie’s arms both. “What is even going on.”
“Put him down here,” Raph directs, and Donnie sets Mikey right in the center of the massive pillow-cushion pile. It’s warm and comfy, and Raph throws like five blankets on top of him right after. Then sits himself down on Mikey’s left side while Donnie goes to the TV.
Wait a second. This all feels familiar.
Didn’t they do the same thing, but with Donnie instead, right after he got disintegrated?
“Am I being aggressively cared for right now?”
“Yes. Shut up and accept it.”
Mikey laughs. “Oh my god, Raph. I’m fine. You’re all overreacting soooo badly right now-”
Raph growls at him, and puts a hand on Mikey’s blanket covered plastron to shove him deeper into the pile.
Mikey laughs again, and accepts the forced action of snuggling. “Okay, shutting up now.”
“Good.” is all Raph replies with. And, ugh, he got to keep his weapons but not Mikey? Unfair.
Leo comes back out of the kitchen, pushing through the curtains with a plate of sandwiches and a platter of mugs. He sees how Mikey has been bundled into being the turtle-burrito, and nods at Raph and Donnie like this is exactly what’s supposed to be happening.
Mikey’s brothers are all ridiculous. He’s fine. So he kind of lost his physical form for a bit there- no biggie! He reached out- which had hurt, it had hurt a lot and it’d been the kind of hurt you feel with your mind, body, and soul- and pulled all his molecules back together into a Mikey-shape. Then he’d gone to the place that had the most people who felt like his family, and shoved his way back into reality.
And then ta-da, one electro-turtle at your service.
His brothers were so overreacting, he’d only been in itty-bitty pieces for what, like a half hour tops? Maybe he’d nearly lost sight of who he was in that half hour, and maybe he’d had a really hard time finding every single piece of himself in all the other scattered pieces lost in the weird halfway dimension he’d been trapped in, and maybe it’d hurt like hell to bully his way back to life and his family-
-and okay maybe it was all hitting him right this second how fucked up his evening had gotten. Okay. Breathing is a little hard all of a sudden.
Hhhhhhhhhhhhh and that would be the shock ending. Oh boy.
“Mikey?” Leo asks, stepping close to him and Raph with his food tray.
Mikey has lost the will to raise his head. He settles for staring at the ceiling and making a short wheeze sound.
“He’s coming out of shock,” Donnie narrates from his fussing with the television.
“Right,” Leo says. He lowers the platter to Raph’s level. “Give him this.”
Mikey gets a sandwich and a mug pushed into his hands, and a firm instruction to eat the damn things from Raph.
Mikey eats the sandwich and drinks all the tea, suddenly feeling like he’s starving. His last meal was forever ago, and he burned probably every calorie he had just by coming back to life. The last time he slept also seems to be forever ago, and he’s got all his exhaustion catching up with him all at once.
So maybe his brothers making a big fuss about him is a little warranted.
“Could have told you that,” Raph says, because Mikey is apparently speaking out loud without noticing it.
Mikey laughs shakily, and burrows a little deeper into the comforting sensation of pillows pressed around him. He remembers still how it felt to have no physical boundaries between him and the free floating molecules of the world. What it was like to have no substance.
The blankets and pillows are a good level of weight to combat those sensations. So is Raph’s bulk beside him.
Mikey counts ten slow breaths and focuses on them.
Donnie takes a place on Mikey’s free side, slumping into place and securing another peg to Mikey’s reality. Leo ends up between Mikey’s feet, reclined and a solid weight on the blankets over Mikey’s legs.
Even better, he’s covered on all sides now and feels like he couldn’t dissipate if he tried.
The film The Grand Buhdapest Hotel starts up on the television, and that adds to the good feelings steadily surrounding Mikey. They all love this movie, because it’s ridiculous and bizarre in ways even they aren’t.
They get through the first act of it, before someone breaks the silence.
“That was ten times scarier from the outside,” Donnie says quietly, right next to Mikey’s ear slit. “You guys never told me how scary that really was.”
Mikey’s got most of his sense of control back, and shrugs nonchalantly. “You never told me how freaky it is to lose sense of who you are.”
“Neither of you know how terrifying it is to see it happen twice,” Leo says, leaning his head on Mikey’s kneecap.
“And you three don’t know how painful it feels to see one of you guys sacrifice yourselves for the billionth time,” Raph says bitterly. “No more of that shit, okay? We’ve lost enough people as it is.”
Their father’s absence looms for a brief moment, as that grief still tends to. It’s been a long while, but that sensation of loss just never seems to completely leave.
“No more disintegration,” Leo adds. “Ever.”
“Agreed,” Donnie mumbles, turning his head into Mikey’s shoulder. “No more sacrificing ourselves and no more disintegration. That means you too, Mikey. Okay?”
Mikey thinks about how it felt to havean entire ship blow up around him and his physical form go with it.
He thinks about how it got his family to safety, and then thinks he’d do it all again no matter what it cost him.
Then he thinks of one of his brothers or friends in his place, and the hole his father left widens just at the thought of losing one of them.
He couldn’t do that twice. Couldn’t bury a family member again. It’s an unrealistic thing to think he can prevent forever, but… not so soon. He couldn’t take it again so soon.
“No more of those sounds good to me,” He agrees.
He lays his head on Donnie’s, like Raph has put his head on Mikey’s other shoulder and Leo’s remains on Mikey’s knee- and sighs.
Shock and post-shock are over. Now he’s just plain tired.
Feels not too bad, surrounded by care and stubborn affection like he is.
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girlwsoftsound · 7 years
Boys || Matty Healy Oneshot
Word Count: 1,711 Summary: “The boys are stopped at a hotel during their summer tour and decide to take a dip into the pool to cool off. Matty gets extremely jealous over G checking out his girl in her new swimsuit that she got from the agency she photographed for recently. He goes as far as to separate them from laying together on the patio chair and demand that she stop dressing like a 'slag' and go change into something more appropriate and for G to stop being so comfortable with HIS girl.” Author’s Note: This is some combination of tense and fluffy as heck, but I love it all the same. Also, don’t hesitate to shoot me some requests here if you want something for yourself! Enjoy!
Though Matty was your eventual boyfriend, the first member of The 1975 you grew close to in the beginning was George. You had been on the set of one of your modeling shoots, and it just so happened that he was around to visit a friend of his within your agency. His goofy, friendly personality was not unlike your own, so when he started making small talk with you to kill the time waiting for his friend to be finished, you clicked instantly. It was not until after days of back-and-forth texts, and a few get-togethers for coffee, that he introduced you to Matty. The connection there had been so strong, so intense, that it sealed George in as being merely your friend, your partner in crime. You and George never forgot, however, the way you seemed to click as well. It merely fell to the back of your respective minds, never to be brought up again out of respect for what was between you and Matty.
Until, one summer in the middle of touring. In the literal heat of the season, the band had booked themselves playing a row of dates in Florida. They intended on doing such so that they could possibly spend some time at the beach, or perhaps get a few rays in by the pool. Given the fact that most of their dates were in big cities, they decided for the more private option of pool lounging.
After a round of pulling straws, it was decided that Matty would be the one to grab drinks, Adam to supply the food, and you to help the others set up a row of lounge chairs and tables on the pool deck in a close enough grouping to converse. Such a task did not take long for you, George, and Ross, and before you knew it, all was ready. It was a good time in the making. You needed to, however, hurry up to your hotel room and change into your bathing suit before you could partake in any of the festivities. Excusing yourself from the boys, you ran upstairs to remedy the situation.
It took a little bit of rummaging through the scattered piles of clothing you and Matty both shared the blame for, but eventually you found your suit. You had showed it off last night to Matty, with lots of approval from him. It was a gift from the small agency you had shot for the day before along the coast in Jacksonville. It was a black bikini, with its top tied once around the neck and then, after crossing in the front, tied again around your mid-back so that it created triangle cutouts in the front. You adored it, not just for the way it made you look, but for how comfortable it was to wear. Putting on a white cardigan cover-up and matching white flip-flops, you made your way back down to the pool party.
Upon arriving, Matty still was nowhere to be found. You did notice however that Adam was back, as a whole platter of sandwiches sat displayed ready to take on a table in the middle of the chairs. Your hungry stomach had you nearly diving into them. You praised Adam profusely before taking a bite into a chicken one, letting out a content sigh after doing so. In your frenzy, you neglected to notice how all eyes seemed to turn to look at you, especially those belonging to your partner in crime, George. He was struggling to look away, truly enamoured with the way you looked. You barely noticed him, until you heard a familiar voice clear his throat and tell everyone to fuck off. Turning around, you smiled as Matty appeared, a bag of drinks in his hand.
“Hey Matty!” you greeted, but Matty did not seem to register it. Instead, his eyes were on George, who had still yet to ‘fuck off’ like Matty instructed. His eyes were all too focused on you, especially as your cover-up laid untied and revealing of your swimsuit. You blushed and bit your lip as realization set in. Sensing Matty was going to flip out any second, you quickly tied it back up and went up to him to give him a peck on the lips. It did little to calm him, but it did give George a chance to look away and go on with his business. By the time the kiss ended, his eyes were fully focused on the more appropriate subject matter of his sandwich. Matty grumbled.
“Did you have to wear that one?” he whispered, eyes not leaving George. Frowning, you reached up to turn his head back to face you with your finger.
“What do you mean?”
“That one makes you look like a slag.”
Your frown grew deeper. “Matty, that’s rude.”
He sighed. “Sorry, I-I didn’t mean it like that. Can’t you change into something more appropriate, though? Fuck, even that sounds bad too...I just...his eyes are all over you.”
Shushing you, Matty nodded. “I’ve seen that look on him. He thinks you look sexy.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Do I not?”
“C’mon, he’s allowed to think I look good,” you whispered, rolling your eyes. “Plenty of guys have had the thought before, Matty. I model, it’s not uncommon.”
“Plenty of guys aren’t my best friend who knows you about as well as I do,” he whispered back.
“You’re jealous.”
Matty frowned. “Am not.”
“Are too,” you teased with a push of his shoulder, “and you know it. You don’t have to be, though. George is just my friend, and he’ll always be that way no matter what I wear. I would’ve gone with him already by now if there was a chance of it, but there’s not, because your idiot arse has got some hold on me for some completely mental reason,” you giggled, and Matty couldn’t help but let a smile slip through his jealousy. He was not completely sold on George’s intentions, but he knew he could trust you despite what his mind said. You were too important, too special to him to not be trusted.
“I’m sorry I snapped.”
You smiled and leaned forward to kiss him. “It’s alright. Now c’mon, I’m pretty sure I saw in that bag you brought along a bottle of cherry vodka, and it is calling our names.”
Hand in hand with Matty, you walked over with him to the grouping of seats you had set up earlier. While you finished your sandwich, he poured drinks for the both of you. By the time you had your last bite downed, he was there with your drink poured to perfection, and a kiss on the lips. You were content.
It appeared as if he was as well, until a certain someone chose to sit in the chair on the opposite side of you. George. He appeared to mean no harm by the choice, merely taking the last seat not claimed, but Matty thought otherwise. His eyes glared over at his friend, making him blush as if he had majorly fucked up beside you. You rolled your eyes and hit at Matty’s knee. It did the trick, taking his attention away from George and instead to his knee, but you knew it wouldn’t last for long. Sighing, you leaned back, slid on sunglasses, and shut your eyes. Perhaps things would cool down if you merely got some sun and shuteye.
How wrong you were.
Only a minute after laying down, you heard Matty clear his throat again in the same jealous, protective tone he had before. Bringing your shades back up on top of your head, you came face-to-face with a standoff, courtesy of your very livid boyfriend and his terrified and guilty friend. For fuck’s sake.
“I’m sorry, Matty!”
“If you were, you wouldn’t be so comfortable with looking at her like that,” he grumbled back, flipping George off. George frowned and looked to you for help.
“I-I don’t know what to say, I-”
“Get up and move away from her.”
“There’s nowhere else to si-”
“Sit on the ground then, I don’t ca-”
“Okay I’ve heard enough of this,” you cut him off, shifting to sit up. “Matty, for the second time today and billionth time ever, you don’t have to be jealous. George is my friend, and will always be just my friend, and you are mine, and always will be mine because I love you, you absolute git. Shut up. And George,” you said, turning to the frightened boy beside you, “honestly, I’m flattered that you think I look so good, but for the sake of Matty’s and my sanity from having to deal with his idiocy over this matter, could you please maybe keep the looking at me to a minimum? I can’t control what you think, but for fuck’s sake, can we keep it decent?”
The boys exchanged glances. You meant business.
“Of course,” spoke George, apologetic. Matty sighed and reached to kiss your hand.
“I’m sorry,” he told you, kissing your hand once more. “I don’t know what came over me. You said it right, I was an absolute git.”
You smiled at them both. “Good. Now apologize to each other.”
George frowned. “Matty, I-”
“No I get it,” Matty said, offering a small smile his way, “she’s beautiful and it’s hard to not acknowledge it. My jealousy just clouds my head and makes me think I’m the only one allowed to feel like she is. I don’t know what I’d do if she wasn’t mine. I’d probably go mad.”
“I was still wrong to look at her like I did,” George replied. “I should have more self restraint than that. Feel like an awful pig after all that.”
Matty chuckled. “You’re not a pig, you’re just a fucking idiot.”
Smiling, the two boys shared a laugh. You smiled at them both. Finally, it looked as if all would be well. It all was for sure when, as you leaned back to resume your sunbathing, the two boys happily chatted along about the Manchester game that had gone on the night before, animosity gone. It made you feel wonderful. They would always be idiots, but you loved them for it. You wouldn’t be so set to play referee if you didn’t love them both.
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