#Some decaf coffee for weening off
hajihiko · 2 years
Important question that I require an answer to post haste!
Fuyuhiko is canonically both a bit of a sweet tooth and lactose intolerant.
How do you think he'd react to his friends/partners trying to prevent him from getting ouchie tummy pains from the big tub of ice cream in the freezer.
He doesn't like being told what to do, but he also really hates milk. I think the danger was minimal to begin with, but in the event that sweets run out, best to just buy 1 tub of lactose free Ice cream to keep around. For emergencies .
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strongsadapologist · 4 months
what did strong sad ever do? if anyone you would need a strongbadapologist
(note: I headcanon strong sad as transfem and will be using she/her throughout this post out of habit, sorry if that's confusing)
SHE DIDN'T!!! that's the thing, she's done NOTHING TO JUSTIFY HOW SHE'S TREATED!!! at least not to the level that she's mistreated!! i'm going to have a TL;DR up front because dear god can i rant about how mistreated she is in the show!! and i will under the cut!! sorry if this takes a while to actually post it is after midnight and i have work in about five hours so i might stop writing in the middle of it!! but anyway back to the ask at hand!!
short version: i use "apologist" in the "i will defend this character with my heart and soul" way instead of the "they're bad in canon but i will ignore that because i like them" sort of way. i've seen a lot of people actually treat her character with the respect she deserves outside of canon but in canon she's constantly put down for things that are either out of her control or made worse by those around her, and because of this i will fight for her honor until i die. it is simply the role i have been destined to play /j
(edit: i'm also just terrible at coming up with names for things. i wanted to rebrand because my old blog name was based on an old fixation and i wanted it to represent how normal i am about homestar runner instead, strong sad is my favorite character so i wanted it to have something to do with her. and the best i could come up with was "strong sad apologist" because at the time of choosing it i'd only seen a few sbemails with her in them, but multiple were mean to her and i didn't understand why. so it's a mix of being bad at naming things and "strong sad apologist" sounding better than something like "strong sad simp" /hj)
long version: WHY DO SO MANY CHARACTERS AND PEOPLE IN THE SERIES TREAT HER BAD dude. like i'm sorry but literally the sixth strong bad email, the first one that she plays a major role in, is called "depressio" and the email reads "tell strong sad he is dumb and a crappy guy." what did she do to you?!? SIX EMAILS IN?!? h*r had been going before the strong bad emails became a series sure but BRO!!! i should clarify that i'm relatively new to h*r and have only seen the first 100 or so strong bad emails, and even fewer of the toons, but that's enough for me to be confident that she is horrifically mistreated. i've seen exactly one interaction where she wasn't being demeaned or put down in some fashion, and it's the scene from "where's the cheat?" where her and homsar are playing connect four. technically, in the ween toon where coach z asks about her beautiful house and beautiful wife, that's also a non-demeaning interaction, but it exists so they can make a reference to the talking heads, so i don't count it. and there could be more, but i either don't remember them or haven't seen them yet.
strong bad especially man, i don't understand what the hell his problem is. the argument could be made that he's mean to everyone, especially homestar and the cheat, but it's borderline uncomfortable to watch him onscreen when he decides that strong sad is apparently satan reincarnated, and he needs to haze her as much as possible to make sure she stays degraded enough to not rise up or whatever. i'm tired, i hope that makes sense. essentially, i hate whenever they're both onscreen, because it usually involves him being unnaturally cruel to her. whether it be putting her underwear up for auction to get her off the couch so he can watch tv, or putting coffee powder in her orange juice (i mean, it was decaf coffee powder, so that might just be her incredibly low caffeine tolerance, but the sentiment is still mean as hell), or using the fact that he put coffee powder in her orange juice to do a science fair project and having his end conclusion be that she's adopted, or throwing a cake in her face because she (rightfully based on the original email) assumes he's going to do something nice for her, he just can't fathom not being a dick to her. and the fact that it's implied that he gave her her belly button with a power drill...what the hell, man? i feel like a cartoon review youtuber talking about modern spongebob, this isn't even funny cruel. it's just cruel cruel.
i'm not going to pretend i dislike strong bad as a character. i think his character is at its best when he's done something douchey, but he gets rightfully called out for/put down for it. that's why i don't hate an email like stand-up like i do depressio. one feels like a rightful callout or a way to show the audience that a character who always portrays himself as an untouchable is embarrassingly human as well. the other feels like finding someone passed out in an alleyway and kicking them in the nuts instead of trying to help.
in her blog she mentions multiple times in which both strong bad and strong mad make her life worse, whether it be by having storm water drain into her room and right above her head, or by having strong mad kick/punch (i don't remember which one off the top of my head) her in the side of her knee, or by strong bad leaving sticky notes on her face while she's sleeping proclaiming how awesome he is before coming in and hijacking her blog. and that's just from one page of her blog! what's the meanest thing strong sad's done back, covering the series as a whole and not one offshoot of it? remove strong bad's couch eggs in morning routine? say that strong bad's computer that exploded and sent him flying through two walls into her room was cheap in gimmick? show the audience little strong bad's stand-up routine in stand-up? not go to the store because she went last time? that last one is from the first episode of strong bad's cool game for attractive people, homestar ruiner, and if you trigger this dialogue by opening the fridge, you can walk approximately 10 feet and find a house plant that belongs/belonged to strong sad, and strong bad tells the audience that the plant killed itself after strong sad started talking to it. and when she points out that that's not true, he says, to quote him verbatim, "that's not what the note said!" obviously, him doing things that are worse won't cancel out anything bad she's done. but that's irrelevant, because the most she's "done wrong" is say some slightly mean/insensitive comments towards strong bad and embarrasses him exactly one time that i'm aware of. is it wrong of her to show something that strong bad is clearly embarrassed by? sure, and that's a fair point. however, considering strong bad consistently participates in the strong sad lookalike contest, which she says she's insulted by (and excited by, but that's less important), i consider it completely fair game.
in my eyes, her only crimes are A. having depression (which is obviously not her fault, and it's implied that she's being medicated to help with her depression [i assume that's what her pills are for, anyway], so she's potentially making an effort to lessen her depressive symptoms), B. being depressing as a result of her mental illness (which is only exacerbated by living in a home where her housemates/siblings seemingly hate her and treat her like dirt, only having one person not actively be mean or indifferent to her), C. being overweight (which i shouldn't even have to explain why that, in no way, means she should be treated as subhuman), and D. being artsy/having interests (which she does more in newer h*r content as a way to flesh out her character besides just being depressed/depressing, so it's very unclear what strong bad actually wants besides a punching bag). i'd like to imagine that if she ever realizes her worth and moves away from the house of strong, potentially even free country usa as a whole, she'd find people who'd actually appreciate her for her creativity, either agree with or try to lighten her gothic outlook on life, and wouldn't try to sell her legs to poachers.
(...but i'm also wearing a shirt with her on it as i write this, so take all of this with a grain of salt. for reference, she also says the line "food should be consumed in the most depressing way possible" in her blog, and i just ate a bowl of pizza rolls while sitting on my floor at 1 in the morning, so maybe i'm quick to defend her because some stuff just rings too close to home for me to not defend it, lest they talk down on me by condemning things i do. especially since i actually like sloshy, which i'm pretty sure exists just to point out that strong sad's music taste is bad [and so's mine, to be fair]. i could be completely misinterpreting that, and sorry if i am. but i'm mostly partial to her for the same reason i'm partial to characters like meatwad - they're picked on for illegitimate reasons by a douchebag brother figure, and they don't deserve that at all. i could treat them right, in a platonic way. if you actually read all of this, i not only thank you, i also hope this makes some amount of sense. i am very tired. it is currently 1:54 am at the time of writing this out. i need to be at work in four hours. i've spent almost two full hours writing this one post out. i am SO fucking normal)
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kirstenlinae · 2 years
I had my second dietician appointment this morning. I gained two pounds :( The dietician said not to worry, my insurance does not have a specific weight loss requirement and, besides that, she also said that I could have gained a couple of pounds because I started being compliant with my insulin. That's probably why the weight was coming off so easily before, I wasn't compliant with my insulin at all. I don't think anymore weight gain will be acceptable, though. So her and I worked together to come up with some more goals to further help me lose weight and get ready for my post-op lifestyle. First and foremost, I am going to add an element to my exercise routine. I think I should begin exercising for 40-60minutes respectively. I can bike for 30-40 minutes and do yoga or pilates for another 20-30 minutes right after. I have a yoga mat and a Roku so... streaming a workout video on youtube should be easy. Another goal I have for this month is to control portion sizes. This is also what I think will help me lose weight. While I have been eating a lot healthier, I feel as though my portion sizes are still too big. The dietician said that I can eat as many non-starchy vegetables as I want (at least 2 servings) but, to stick to only 2-3 servings of fruits per day. I also have to focus on sipping my drinks slowly and eating slower/chewing my food better. This is because, if I gulp drinks or don't chew my food enough or take big bites of food, it could cause blockage and make me sick after surgery so... this is kind of an important goal to begin working on. I am still working on weening myself off of caffeine (while I'm drinking a Starbucks right now ><) but, the dietician and I agreed that I have to start at least mixing decaf in with my regular coffee in the mornings. I think that's a good place to begin. Lastly, the dietician instructed me to begin sampling protein drinks. For one, I will be on a liquid diet for two weeks pre-op and two weeks post-op so, this will help me get the nutrients I need during that time. Secondly, post-op it will be hard to absorb/eat all of the protein that is required to sustain good health so, that's where the protein drinks will come in. At first, I figured I would just buy a big case of Premier Protein at Costco but, if I don't like it I'll be out a good chuck on change and have a bunch of drinks laying around that I won't consume. Figure it best to get a small variety at like Meijer, Kroger or Walmart and try a couple different kinds before I commit to anything in bulk.
In other, non-surgery related news, I got my new glasses today. It will definitely take some time to adjust to the new script. They are nothing like my Ray Bans (which I LOVE). Since I am on Medicaid, my frame selection was pretty limited. I wanted something different than my usual so, I got round wire frames instead of plastic square frames. Nothing fancy, just something new to help me see better.
I've been steadily applying for full-time and part-time jobs in the healthcare field. No call backs yet even though a couple of my applications say that I am "under consideration." Part of me doesn't even want a new job until I'm post-op, for insurance purposes but, I know that Tom and I need the extra income and I could use the residual benefits (like tuition assistance).
Other than that, nothing else really going on. Until next time, friends.
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cookingtipss · 5 years
New Post has been published on My Food and Cooking Blog
New Post has been published on http://princefood-cooking.princefamily33.com/2019/04/28/coffee-information-for-easy-buying-and-preparation-3/
Coffee Information For Easy Buying And Preparation
Whether you like it strong or prefer it mild, there is no substitute for a great cup of coffee. Are you wanting to learn more about coffee and how to create amazing brews? Keep reading. The below article provides some excellent advice on brewing incredible coffee.
TIP! Try a French press if you want coffee with a kick. Drip coffee makers use paper filters that can retain coffee’s natural oils, robbing the final product of flavor.
Usually, you will get a higher level of quality depending on how much you pay. You will really get your money’s worth in the world of coffee, and therefore it makes sense to purchase top-quality equipment and beans if you truly want great brews. If you buy cheap coffee, you will not like the results.
If you often find yourself needed only one cup of coffee at a time, consider investing in a Keruig coffee maker. You can choose between different flavors and brew the cup you desire. All types of makers exist, each having different features.
TIP! Your coffee should be kept in a container that is airtight. The beans will become stale if a lot of air gets in contact with them.
Only use airtight containers to store coffee in your refrigerator. If the container the coffee is kept in is not sufficiently air tight, odors can be absorbed by the coffee. Improper storage can add moisture to your coffee.
Use pure water for pure coffee. While it may come as a surprise, the type of water used can make either a good or bad cup of coffee. Filtered and bottled water offer the best tasting base for your coffee.
TIP! If brewing coffee is something you like doing, think about stirring your finished pot of coffee. Stirring your coffee a little bit will enhance its flavor and smell.
Whenever you measure the water and coffee grounds, you should think about the number of cups you wish to create. Regular coffee cups hold about six ounces, while measuring cups usually hold about eight. Ideally, you should using two tbs. of coffee with six oz. of water. Using a regular measuring cup can cause watered down coffee.
Although you may be tempted to grab a cup of coffee before the coffee finishes brewing, wait! Even though you can do this in some machines, you will not get a good cup of coffee by doing this. Purchase a device with a preset timer. This lets your coffee brew prior to you waking up.
TIP! Steer clear of reheating coffee that has already been brewed. Although people often say that it is dangerous because there are chemicals in it, that is not true.
You can slowly cut down your caffeine consumption if you want to eliminate it from your diet. You can ween yourself off of it by mixing regular beans with decaf beans. You can, of course, do the same thing with pre-ground coffee as well.
If you are very busy during the day at home with a baby, and unable to take the time to brew a quality pot of coffee in your home, find a nearby coffee shop. This method allows you to use the baby’s car seat to restrain him while you drink your coffee on the way home.
TIP! Coffee can be of great assistance if you work at home and need some air. The majority of cafes offer free WiFi, which means you can work outside your home once in a while with your laptop and a fresh cup of your favorite hot beverage at hand.
Hopefully you now feel more knowledgeable about different tips to make a good cup of coffee. Drink a strong brew in the morning, or enjoy a milder blend at night. Whichever you prefer, you have all the tips you need to make the best coffee.
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cools-hits-blog · 7 years
Save More Money When Buying Your Coffee!
Many people overlook the importance of coffee. A French press brews coffee with a rich and flavorful cup of coffee.The paper filters in drip-style coffee makers absorb most of the oils in coffee. A French press uses a plunger for steeping the ground beans down to the base of the pot. Make sure your coffee inside a container that's airtight. Air makes coffee to start losing its flavor and will become stale.Don't use square plastic bags since they won't be able to keep the air out once you break the seal. They allow air after roasting to let them cool. Stir the coffee in the pot after brewing it.Stirring it briefly will let the flavor and smell. This allows you to get a richer coffee-tasting and smelling experience. Be mindful of just what water that you use when brewing your coffee. Poor tasting water will make your coffee taste lousy. You should also pay attention to the mineral content of distilled water. If it does not have minerals, the coffee may be bitter. There are so many types of coffee to choose from. You can also find coffees that are flavored coffees. Most folks though just use creamer for added flavor instead of brewing flavored creamers to their coffee rather than buying coffee that is already flavored. This method gives the coffee chill for longer so that it does not get watered down when poured over ice. You may also want to add your cream and sugar or milk before placing it in the refrigerator. This technique will give you the optimal iced coffee drink by morning. The taste of coffee tastes mostly comes from where the beans were grown. You should experiment with various brands and blends instead of coffee. Fresh roasted coffee beans create the most tasty brew of coffee.If you use whole beans, you should always check the expiration date and find out when these beans have been roasted. Fresh beans have a tendency to absorb other flavors as well as to lose their own if they're exposed to light or heat. That is why it is a good idea to store coffee beans in an opaque, sealed container. You can froth milk to put in your coffee without a special appliance. Heat some milk in the microwave until is is steaming. Keep working the whisk until the milk reaches a good foam. Avoid using skim and 1 percent milk for this. You don't have to stop consuming caffeine abruptly if you're trying to curb your intake. You can ween yourself off of it by mixing regular beans with decaf and standard beans. If you're using coffee that's already been ground, just use equal parts of each in your coffee maker. If you are finding it difficult to pinpoint what flavor best matches your pallet, try mixing brews. You can often find ready made blends at specialty shops and even receive samples to try before you buy. Adding sugar to your coffee nullifies its calorie burning properties. Take care and consume coffee in coffee.Drinking an excessive amount of coffee can leave you dehydrated. Try to drink some water as you do coffee each day. This will get the machine cold for several hours before you use it the next morning. Do you like coffee with your coffee? There are different methods of adding milk in your coffee. While many people prefer their milk cold, it provides for a different coffee experience than warm milk does. The amount of milk you add to your coffee can be varied for different flavors. After reading these tips, you should have a better understanding of coffee. If you are an avid coffee maker you still probably didn't know about what is contained in this article. Take what you have learned here and never drink another bland or bitter cup of coffee again.
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Wondering Where To Situate The most effective Coffee? The Solution Is Listed below!
Nothing is much better compared to a good cup of coffee. You're not alone! Do consistently acquire the very same kind of coffee? Why not attempt all the alternatives available? Do not get your next plan of coffee beans till you have actually read this post.
Coffee could, in fact, be healthy if you consume it correctly. Coffee on its own is not harmful, but including way too much lotion or sugar could make it so. As a result, try drinking almond milk cappuccino. Only sweeten them using stevia or honey, which are healthier compared to lotion as well as sugar.
If you buy whole beans, be specific not to grind them also far in advance of developing. Coffee starts to suffer flavor loss once it is ground. By only grinding enough for a pot of coffee, you will certainly ensure freshness as well as the correct stamina.
Make technique runs with your coffee machine after you first acquire one. Adhere to the steps to making a typical pot of coffee, however just use water. That way, any kind of dust and dust it might have built up while resting on the store's rack will certainly be gotten rid of.
Make sure your coffee isn't really kept close to an oven. If your coffee is saved near a warm resource, it could shed its flavor. To ensure you don't keep your coffee in any type of cupboards or counter-space that's also near to your cooktop.
If you're a coffee fan who likewise wants to improve residents of third-world nations, think about getting reasonable profession coffee. While it does cost a little bit much more, it normally has a nicer taste. You will additionally have the fulfillment of knowing you did something to better the globe.
Regardless of just how much you look forward to your early morning coffee, do not pour a cup prior to it is finished brewing. Though some machines have a function enabling you to do this, the top quality of your coffee will certainly suffer. Buy a programmable coffee maker. By doing this, your coffee will certainly currently be made before you're also awake.
You can lower how much high levels of caffeine you take in without going cool turkey. You could ween on your own off of it by mixing regular beans with decaf beans. You can, obviously, do the exact same thing with pre-ground coffee also.
If you like flavorful coffees, get some creamers as well as syrups and also make your very own. By doing this you guarantee that your machine won't have flavors conflicting with each other. The fantastic feature of this method is that you could offer a selection of options to your guests. Adding the tastes prior to the milk will assist them to liquify.
Is sweetening agent something you place in your coffee? These can change just how your coffee preferences which may not be a good thing. Attempt black coffee, or use a little raw sugar to provide your coffee much better flavor. If you need to make use of sugar, only utilize about half of the package.
Ideally, this short article has assisted to stimulate some ideas in your innovative coffee principles. Think about which varieties of coffee that you wish to example next. Does your buddy love coffee too? Just how around taking a pal to your local coffee specialty store for an enjoyable purchasing exploration?
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Guidelines And Tips For Espresso Drinkers Almost everywhere
There is nothing fairly like a very good cup of coffee when you are feeling sluggish and frustrated. Just the odor of espresso can perk you up. You can genuinely appreciate your following cup, by studying far more about espresso. This post will share a couple of fascinating pieces of info about this drink. No make a difference how connected you are to your preferred blend, do not be frightened to try a new variety. You don't require to spend in a big bag to consider out one thing new. Almost all brands will offer a solitary pot or sampler dimensions to enable you to attempt out new flavors. If you consume your espresso chilly, feel previous just standard cream and sugar. Mix total fruits into your espresso. You can add foodstuff like cherries, oranges and strawberries for interesting additions to the taste. Even feel about spicing issues up with cinnamon or cardamom. The choices for you are almost endless! If iced coffe is your point, put some robust brewed coffee in the refrigerator the night ahead of. That way, you may have it on hand when you want it. Also, you can insert distinct varieties of milk and creams, dependent on your liking. This method can make you a great iced coffee the up coming early morning. While your espresso is brewing, try out soaking the espresso mugs in sizzling water. A cold mug will cool off your consume just before you can even get it to your lips! When the espresso is completely ready, just dry off the mugs and serve. This trick will hold it hot significantly for a longer time. Do you take pleasure in the fancy drinks you can get in espresso shops? You can make most of these drinks at residence if you have chocolate, cream and milk syrup. Use the World wide web to locate tutorials on how to make your favored drinks and with a minor practice, you will be in a position to make the very same drinks you can get at your favourite coffee store. Did you know that drinking a cup of coffee will enhance your exercise? Research have demonstrated that the caffeine in coffee will give you a wonderful enhance when consumed prior to your exercise program. This minor carry may possibly be just what you want to get by way of your physical exercise and preform the way you want. Make confident that your films have summaries or even transcripts of the content material. The search engines can't however hear to or observe videos to index them properly. So, a comprehensive description in the text or code is heading to be your ideal wager at acquiring your online video ranked well. Attempt using espresso when cooking meats. When you think of espresso in meals, you usually feel of a taste that is relatively sturdy. In desserts, that is certainly accurate. But when you use coffee as a rub for purple meat, it in fact brings out the taste of the meat alone, generating for a considerably tastier meal. By no means set espresso in a container by the stove. Warmth can stifle the top quality of your coffee beans. Steer obvious of counter tops and cupboards, even if it is previously mentioned the oven by itself. And they get total beans to be ground just ahead of they brew their coffee, many discriminating espresso drinkers insist their coffee be refreshing floor. The coffee grinders can be altered to make a fine ground coffee. Alternatively, a coarser grind. Typically, the finer the grind, the more robust the coffee. Chocolate and espresso is a great blend! consider serving a square together with a cup. A bite of chocolate adopted by a melt-in-your mouth sip of java is an incredible deal with! The chocolate can also be appreciated by dipping it. Alternatively, even dropping a piece immediately into the coffee. You will not have to stop consuming caffeine in one particular working day. You can ween your self off of it by mixing normal beans with decaf beans. Merely put equally in the coffee maker if you are going to use espresso that is already grounded. Coffee Machine Only grind your beans immediately before you brew them, to get the strongest cup of coffee. Even though grinding is entertaining and fills your kitchen with the enticing aroma of clean coffee, it also right away releases the taste of your beans, restricting their shelf daily life. To get the freshest brew every single time, spend in a espresso machine that both grinds and brews. Keep your coffee device cleanse. Once you are accomplished drinking espresso, you ought to rinse the coffee pot and take away the espresso grounds. Rinse the device as ideal as you can and operate very hot drinking water by means of it at minimum after a 7 days to cleanse it extensively. Do not go away espresso or grounds in your device for much more than an hour. Be sure to clear your coffee machine. Numerous people just hold making coffee more than and over yet again, but you have got to make confident you cleanse it regularly. Run a combination of vinegar and drinking water by means of your machine to naturally clean the machine as an alternative of making use of chemicals. When you do this, you can be certain you have the most delightful coffee you can have. Barista You can try generating your very own if you want fancy latte decorations with out a extravagant latte cost. There are various guides on-line that can get you began. With some exercise, you can make latte artwork as very good as any barista utilizing milk and melted chocolate. You may impress your attendees too, even although you will not only preserve income by making stunning latte types. Always discover out how significantly caffeine a specified kind of espresso contains prior to consuming it. tassimo reusable pods do not essentially contain much more caffeine than other types of coffees. Your barista should be in a position to notify you how significantly caffeine you are getting in each and every beverage, but you may well have to do some investigation about the beans you are utilizing if you make your possess coffee, if you go to a espresso store. Coffee has been liked by folks all close to the entire world for hundreds of several years, so your desire in it is nothing new. The a lot more you discover about espresso, the more enjoyment you will get from ingesting it. Armed with the tips in this post, you can make your subsequent cup of espresso one particular to bear in mind.
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Tips And Tricks For Coffee Drinkers Everywhere
There is nothing quite like a good cup of coffee when you are feeling depressed and sluggish. Just the smell of coffee can perk you up. You can really enjoy your next cup, by learning more about coffee. This article will share a few interesting pieces of information about this drink. No matter how attached you are to your favorite blend, don't be afraid to try a new variety. You don't need to invest in a large bag to try out something new. Almost all brands will offer a single pot or sampler size to allow you to try out new flavors. If you drink your coffee cold, think past just traditional cream and sugar. Mix entire fruits into your coffee. You can add foods like oranges, cherries and strawberries for interesting additions to the flavor. Even think about spicing things up with cinnamon or cardamom. The possibilities for you are nearly endless! Put some strong brewed coffee in the refrigerator the night before if iced coffe is your thing. That way, you'll have it on hand when you need it. Also, you can add different types of milk and creams, depending on your liking. This technique can make you a great iced coffee the next morning. While your coffee is brewing, try soaking the coffee mugs in hot water. A cold mug will cool off your drink before you can even get it to your lips! When the coffee is ready, simply dry off the mugs and serve. This trick will keep it hot much longer. Do you enjoy the fancy beverages you can get in coffee shops? If you have chocolate, milk and cream syrup, you can make most of these beverages at home. Use the Internet to find tutorials on how to make your favorite drinks and with a little practice, you will be able to make the same beverages you can get at your favorite coffee shop. Did you know that drinking a cup of coffee will improve your exercise? Studies have shown that the caffeine in coffee will give you a great boost when consumed prior to your exercise routine. This little lift may be just what you need to get through your exercise and preform the way you want. Make sure that your videos have summaries or even transcripts of the content. The search engines cannot yet listen to or watch videos to index them accurately. So, a thorough description in the text or code is going to be your best bet at getting your video ranked well. Try using coffee when cooking meats. When you think of coffee in foods, you typically think of a flavor that is rather strong. In desserts, that's definitely true. But when Coffee Tips That Will Definitely Surprise You! use coffee as a rub for red meat, it actually brings out the flavor of the meat itself, making for a much tastier meal. Never put coffee in a container by the stove. Heat can stifle the quality of your coffee beans. Steer clear of counter tops and cabinets, even if it is above the oven itself. And they buy whole beans to be ground just before they brew their coffee, many discriminating coffee drinkers insist their coffee be fresh ground. The coffee grinders can be adjusted to make a fine ground coffee. Alternatively, a coarser grind. Generally, the finer the grind, the stronger the coffee. Chocolate and coffee is a great combination! try serving a square along with a cup. A bite of chocolate followed by a melt-in-your mouth sip of java is an incredible treat! The chocolate can also be enjoyed by dipping it, or even dropping a piece directly into the coffee. You don't have to stop consuming caffeine in one day. You can ween yourself off of it by mixing regular beans with decaf beans. If you're going to use coffee that is already grounded, simply put both in the coffee maker. Coffee Machine Only grind your beans immediately before you brew them, to get the strongest cup of coffee. While grinding is Simple Tips To Help You Brew A Good Cup Of Coffee! and fills your kitchen with the enticing aroma of fresh coffee, it also immediately releases the flavor of your beans, limiting their shelf life. To get the freshest brew every time, invest in a coffee machine that both grinds and brews. Keep your coffee machine clean. Once you are done drinking coffee, you should rinse the coffee pot and remove the coffee grounds. Rinse the machine as best as you can and run hot water through it at least once a week to clean it thoroughly. Do not leave coffee or grounds in your machine for more than an hour. Be sure to clean your coffee machine. Many people just keep making coffee over and over again, but you have got to make sure you clean it regularly. Run a mixture of water and vinegar through your machine to naturally clean the machine instead of using chemicals. When you do this, you can be assured you have the most delicious coffee you can have. Barista If you want fancy latte decorations without a fancy latte price, you can try making your own. There are various guides online that can get you started. With some practice, you can make latte art as good as any barista using milk and melted chocolate. You will not only save money by creating beautiful latte designs, but you'll impress your guests too. Always find out how much caffeine a certain type of coffee contains before drinking it. Espressos do not necessarily contain more caffeine than other types of coffees. Your barista should be able to tell you how much caffeine you are getting in each beverage, but you might have to do some research about the beans you are using if you make your own coffee, if you go to a coffee shop. Coffee has been enjoyed by people all around the world for thousands of years, so your interest in it is nothing new. The more you learn about coffee, the more pleasure you will get from drinking it. Armed with the tips in this article, you can make your next cup of coffee one to remember.
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