#Soleria's art
disneyphantomlover · 8 months
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Murray's Luck (Part 1)
Music is "Luck Runs Out" by Jorge Rivera-Herrans.
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Yeah, I had no idea what I was thinking starting this. But I found out about Epic the Musical right as my husband and I were taking a roadtrip and...THIS came as a great idea to do. I really never went into much of Murray's backstory other than him being the scary reality-twisting man who makes up a lot of my BATIM AU. But this takes place right before Murray and his friend Enzo make it that world, and also how ~complicated~ their relationship is. Hell, relationships in general are weird for them, but they were close at one point. I plan on making it through the whole song, no matter how long it takes me.
At some point, I'd like to turn this into a video. But maybe that'll be when I finish the final part.
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Never Smile at a Crocodile
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Voice of Joey Drew:
So... It’s been a few months since I fired Sammy. Fain seems to think I did it out of anger, that Lawrence didn’t deserve to get fired. ...Maybe he’s right. But I can’t do anything about it now. He’s gotten work at another studio, writing lyrics there as well. I’m not going to lie, a lot of the songs are good. But he seems to enjoy singing this one about a crocodile at me. Hell, he only seems to sing it when I’m around. None of the others in the writing department have heard it. ...I should tell him to stop, but he’ll stop. Just gotta not acknowledge it and give him a reaction.
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Colores en el Alcázar 🌞 #photography #photographer #fotografia #patron #details #canon #colours #blue #azulejo #soleria #alcazar #architecture #arquitectura #wall #sevilla #exploretocreate #seville #andalusia #andalucia #discovering #nofilter #iggerspain #art #simmetry #details #alicatado #geometric #geométrico #poligonal #art #arte (en Real Alcázar de Sevilla)
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qaoa · 4 years
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Zolbar is the oldest child of Soleria, and the first ever Tilan to be born that way instead of gaining their abilities later in life. A bit of a workaholic, Zolbar's passion for cooking lead him to a career in the culinart arts, where he'd spend hundreds of hours making various dishes and confections. He'd often work so hard that he came home tired and grumpy, which would cause him to snap at his mom and sister. But despite his constant grumpy face, he's also a huge nerd who loves to learn and talk about swords, and loved to learn about history.
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askdapperlovely · 11 years
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"How bad c'n I pos'bly be?"
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disneyphantomlover · 5 months
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Murray’s Luck (Part 5)
Music is “Luck Runs Out” by Jorge Rivera-Herrans.
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A shorter upload because I got stupidly sick this last week and I didn't finish as much as I wanted. This has a couple of my favorite shots so far though.
Enzo is a powerful man himself, and trying to get through his friend's head how risky and dangerous this is is... Well. Infuriating.
Murray is particular on who he's friends with. So it's rare that he ever gets scared. Only his friends seem to get that reaction out of him. And angry as he is... His friend has a point. What would happen to them?
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disneyphantomlover · 5 months
Sometimes work is so slow you draw a scared Murray Hill.
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He does not scare often and it amuses me.
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disneyphantomlover · 7 months
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Murray's Luck (Part 4)
Music is "Luck Runs Out" by Jorge Rivera-Herrans.
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Enzo has an idea of what Murray is planning, and knows it's not good. Even if the deaths can be negated by going to a different universe, it still means there would be death on their hands. It's not worth it to just...not be alone.
But Murray is alone. His Creator is dead, and he can't go back to his world like Enzo can. He's alone and there's a chance he can make others like him and Enzo. Killing others is unfortunate, but there's always another world where he didn't interfere and everyone's still alive. What's the difference in using one of infinite worlds? Why won't Enzo just let him do this?
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disneyphantomlover · 7 months
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Murray's Luck (Part 3)
Music is "Luck Runs Out" by Jorge Rivera-Herrans.
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Bit of a wait on this one, I know. But I'm proud of this. If for nothing else, those HANDS.
Enzo was definitely the first in a short list of people that Murray could call "friends". And Enzo is most likely the only person who knows what happened to Murray's Creator and how he nearly broke a deal. On that same token, Murray knows what happened to Enzo after he was first Created and the...complicated feelings he has to his Creator.
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disneyphantomlover · 2 years
Ink Demonth 2022
Theme 6: Abstraction
The definition of abstraction is "the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events". You can't tell me this isn't Joey B. Drew to a tee, especially after a quote by Henry.
"Joey is a man of ideas... and only ideas. When I agreed to start this whole thing with him, I thought there would be a little more give and take. Instead, I give and he takes."
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disneyphantomlover · 8 months
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Murray's Luck (Part 2)
Music is "Luck Runs Out" by Jorge Rivera-Herrans.
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Tumblr decided to be a but and I had to break this up a bit. Regardless, I'm loving Enzo's hair in this whole section.
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disneyphantomlover · 2 years
The Ink Demonth 2022
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Theme 1: Prize
"Boris!! No, no.... What has she done to you?!" He felt breathless. All this running, all this fighting... Was everything he'd done since waking up in the rubble of the elevator been for naught? This.... Grotesque "surprise" that the similarly twisted Alice wanted to show him?
This was his prize? Was this all he was slated to do in this place? Just cause suffering?
Well. No time to think of it now. Because this Boris was lifting him off the track, and looked ready to swing him across the room.
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disneyphantomlover · 2 years
Ink Demonth 2022
Theme 3: Responsibility
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"Please, Henry. Don't be hard on yourself. Joey may blame you, but he has the emotional maturity of a child. He knew what he was getting into, you did not. You need not take responsibility for something that I did."
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disneyphantomlover · 2 years
The Ink Demonth 2022
Theme 2: Price
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“Take my hands. And my eyes. I could never animate again without them…. Is this enough?”
This is the Price of Joey wanting to make the Ink Machine do impossible things.
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disneyphantomlover · 3 years
It was nice to know ya,
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-"Feed the Machine" by Poor Man's Poison
I was inspired after seeing that post of Sammy actually having teeth... And then attempted drawing this twice. I think this was my best attempt though, so I'm happy.
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disneyphantomlover · 3 years
The Ink Demonth: Day 31
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"My Lord... I know what an illusion is. At its worse, it's a deception. At best, it's an imitation meant to fool someone. Some may confuse it for belief, or outright lying."
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"...Yes. I am the only music man here. ... Do you feel alright, my Lord?"
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"WHAT. The. FUCK?!? Is that supposed to be me?!"
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