#Soleil is loud friendly and clingy
groggygrimalkin · 2 years
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It's 6 am and my back hurts so I'm posting these two now. I turned Sun and Moon from fnaf into ocs and have both a nonfandom and fnaf edit below
Fnaf wise they're just remakes of the daycare attendant at a different location made to be less of an osha-violation. Nonfandom wise they're trickster half-gods who can grant any wish, only if the wish is funny though. Their names are Soleil and Lune!
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sleepinglionhearts · 7 years
Hello, I hope you're having a great day! Sorry to ask but do you have any headcanons regarding your collection of Kanas? They're all so interesting! (Also your art is lovely!)
Don’t be sorry to ask! It’s actually kinda nice that someone is asking me about Kana content. And thank you for complimenting my art alhfkahfjafhkjh
I will talk about the Kanas as if they are all in the Revelation path (in which they can interact with everyone) because I think it’s more fun that way
We’ll start with Izana!Kana
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-one of my friends thinks it’s troublesome to keep calling him Izana!Kana so she just calls him “Kazana” and I think it’s cute
-when transformed into a dragon, he is fairly small. No one is sure why. Instead of being of a decent dragon size like his mother, he’s more like the size of a rather large dog. popular theories include he may yet grow into a larger dragon, he is small as a human so he is small as a dragon, and maybe he’s small and a little odd looking because of whatever odd dragon genetics Izana may have contributed.
-unlike the other children who usually get kinda excited when the opportunity to go swimming in a lake or whatever presents itself, he avoids the water. Says he starts to hear a strange voice and his head hurts. Azura in particular is concerned over this, though when she asks him to tell her about it, he becomes even more prickly than usual over the subject and avoids her too
-he likes Midori. Midori likes him… because he’s a dragon and fun to experiment on.
-aims to surpass his father in looks– or at least, that’s his excuse for putting on makeup and dressing up. He just finds it all aesthetically pleasing.
-surprisingly enough, avoids Forrest (thinks he’s tacky)
-Gets taken out of his deeprealm early bc “really, is there anywhere safer than Izumo?? it’s neutral, no one’s gonna hurt him” but then escapes to his deeprealm anyway bc he’s like 9 and wanted to be taken seriously so he has to grow (it didn’t really work out)
-gave up on trying to control his hair and accepts it for its faults (besides, having lil hair antennas makes him taller… sort of….)
-absolutely adores the colour pink
-is sometimes subject to terrible nightmares
-wanders off on his own a lot
-will always be kind of short
-tried to pick a fight with Orochi once, realized that was a bad idea fast
-very proficient little mage, but certain tomes/scrolls/spirits need to be kept away from him bc he will cause damage
-the sort of kid to transform in the middle of dinner, refuse to transform back, and then lay on the table and roll around in spite of being told to cut that out already
-gets grounded for a month and half bc he decided to fuck with the messengers and nearly brought Izumo directly into the war
-but really he’s just moody. sorta like a cat. he’ll occasionally go up to someone he likes and curl up near or on them and go to sleep or just. stay there bc he wants company.
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Now for Niles!Kana
-as opposed to the other Kanas, he’s more around 15-16.
-loud boy
-got his ears pierced courtesy of Soleil
-AWFUL DIETARY HABITS courtesy of Velouria
-why did these two things happen? parents asked Nina to babysit him and she left them with whoever was closest and not busy to do other more important things
-his consumption of odd/rotting things is not limited to dragon form as it was discovered when he was found raiding the pantry for spoiled/rotting foods (Jakob and Felicia still aren’t sure how they feel about this. On the one hand, this kid is useful in that he’ll eat this stuff…. on the other, that’s Corrin’s kid and what if something bad happens??)
-can be bribed with candy
-can be overly friendly at times and has a little bit of trouble with the concept of personal space
-gets along just fine with Nina, but if they’re getting along especially well, be suspicious. they’re plotting something.
-has a few crushes but he won’t tell anyone who they are
-likes his cloak/cape thing because he can wrap up in it
-Keaton doesn’t allow him anywhere near his collection after an incident in which Kana nearly ate half of it
-used to be really clingy when he was younger
-has a tendency to be really blunt sometimes but usually doesn’t realize what he’s said until after he’s said it
-the only cooking he actively avoids is Reina’s. No one is sure what she does, but if Kana won’t eat it…. it can’t be safe.
-walks with really heavy steps because otherwise he is too quiet when approaching and scares people
-gets really bad seasonal allergies
-very good at tracking things
-prefers to fight as a dragon
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…and now Takumi!Kana (even though I haven’t really posted anything with him)
-youngest Kana, around 6-7. Pure, sweet bab
-absolutely adores his big brother Kiragi
-extremely good with small animals (sometimes follows Shigure around)
-very shy and clings to his Mama a lot
-wants to grow his hair out long someday like his Papa
-is a little scared of Ryoma
-likes flying on pegasi and kinshi but doesn’t want one of his own
-calls a lot of the women older than him “Auntie” even if they are not related
-asked Azura to make him a little necklace for his dragonstone bc he was afraid he’d lose it somewhere
-only one of the Kanas to not have hair that sticks up like little antenna (which will change when he gets older and his hair more out of his control)
-self-conscious about his ears
-a bit of a picky eater
-really needs to be developed more bc he is super adorable
Annnnnnd to end the post, lame doodles of the Kanas as adults.
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Thank you for asking about my Kanas!
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