#Solas is the bald guy who hangs out with the inquisitor
wardencallings · 2 months
Dragon Age mod that replaces Varric with Philomena Cunk
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ahrorha · 3 years
Flame of Winter
This is the final chapter, and it feels unreal to have come so far. The story is far longer than I ever could imagine. And I want to thank everyone who joined me on this journey.
Your kind words were a joy to have received. Thank you so much for everything.
I love you guys <3
Chapter 35
Upstairs in the Hanged Man in Kirkwall, Varric sat in his armchair. His room in the most famous tavern of Kirkwall had become his second office since he became the Viscount. Here he could hide for a while from the complaining nobles and stuffy politicians he was surrounded by in Hightown. He could clear his head here and listen to the common people living in Kirkwall, who faced, in his opinion, the real problems in life. Not that he could escape his 'assistant' (pain in the but) Senechal Bran here. Bran had just delivered another stack of letters that required his 'immediate' attention. Varric sighed. He would become bald, grey and worn out like the previous Viscount if he wasn't careful.
“I see you are still insisting on staying in this lovely part of town.”
Startled, Varric looked up and saw Dorian walking into his room, looking critical at his choice of furniture.
“Sparkler! You've already arrived. Take a seat.”
“Yes. My voyage was very boring and uneventful. No burly Qunari pirates visited to make it less tedious.”
Varric stood up to send for refreshments, and soon afterwards, he took a deep drink from a mug of ale while
Dorian was sniffing his wine before taking a careful sip. He raised his eyebrows in surprise at the excellent taste.
Varric laughed. “I got you something good. My knowledge of wine has improved after spending time with you and Broody.”
They both were silent for a while.
Swirling his mug of ale, Varric asked. “Have you gotten one too?”
“Yes. Though mine was a little different.” Dorian answered.
“How so? Didn't you get a letter? Mine just showed on my nightstand when I woke up.”
Dorian gave him a surprised look. “A little unnerving. Do you know who brought it?”
Varric shook his head. “No, and to be honest. After Hawke, the Inquisition and my trip through eluvian capital, there is little that still can surprise me.”
“Well, this might just do. I have talked to our little Snowflake.”
“I didn't get a letter. I got a sending crystal.”
“What is that?”
“A small magical marvel. It is a magical gemstone that can be used for communication. They come in pairs, and you can talk with the person that has the other one. With the crystal came a small note with a date and time.”
“She has the other one?”
“Yes, though she hasn't answered any of my calls to this date, but I talked to her just before I left Minrathous. She is doing well, though she feels guilty about how she left. We talked a long time about me and how I was after Iron Bull's betrayal. I have to confess I wasn't entirely sober after that.”
“So, it is true she is back with Chuckles?”
“Yes, they are back together, and she seems happy.”
Varric sighed. “Well, at least one good thing has come out of this mess.”
“She also told me that things are far more complicated than she ever thought, and she was unsure what the future would bring.”
“You don't say. I know a lot of people don't believe what Chuckles is claiming and are more worried about the Qunari. But after what I saw in the Crossroads and seeing so many elves disappear, I know something is going to happen.”
“True, though our dear Inquisitor hasn't told everything that happened.”
Varric looked curiously at him.
Dorian chuckled. “Do you know what the first thing she did was, when she saw Solas?”
“She slapped him with all her might.”
Varric sputtered. “She did what?”
“I think it may be not as bad with her at his side.”
“Maybe? I got an extra note with my letter, from the Dread Wolf himself.”
“Yep. He confessed that he had spent the last two years looking over his shoulder, fearing for a shot from my Bianca. He also thanked me for looking out for her.”
They both huffed a laugh and nursed their drinks again.
“Do you blame her?” Varric asked.
“After everything that happened to her and with the Circle looming over her head? No. Though I fear what the future is going to bring.
“If I have learned one thing over the years is that nothing is simple.” Varric lifted his mug. “Let's drink. And I think we will come face to face with her or Solas sooner than we might expect.”
Skyhold was once again surrounded by a thick layer of snow. Cullen shivered as the cold wind tugged at his cloak. Winter had the Frostback Mountains full in its grasp. He looked up at the sky where slowly clouds were gathering. There would fall even more snow today. It would delay his departure even further back.
Feeling a little melancholy, he gazed over the walls. It had been almost eight months since the events at the Exalted Council, and soon he and the remaining troops would leave Skyhold for good. The fortress would become a mere outpost now the Inquisition had transferred into the personal honour guard of Divine Victoria.
Currently, the main body and command centre of the Inquisition was stationed in Val Royeaux. Most of the Inquisition's operations had already been transferred; what remained at Skyhold was the clean-up crew.
Cullen looked at how little was left of the once vast field of tents and huts in the valley. So much had already been deconstructed. A caravan of wagons was being loaded to bring the last of the supplies down the mountain. It was strange, they had arrived here with so little, and now they needed weeks to clear out the fortress.
It wasn't really necessary for him to be here, but it felt right to accompany the last of his men personally when they would leave. A final goodbye to another place he had called home.
Three years they had stayed at Skyhold, and somehow it felt like he hadn't achieved anything. True, many things happened here; they had defeated Corypheus and saved Thedas, but if what Ryan had told them about Solas was correct, then Corypheus had only been the beginning. He had a hard time grasping what Solas claimed to be. To
Cullen Fen'Harel was a character from elven folklore. In the past, he had never paid much attention to the Dalish tales about their gods. As an Andrastian, he had always believed that their talks about elven gods were no more than silly fairytales. Even now that he had spent time studying those stories, he wasn't any wiser as to how to prepare for an opponent that claims to have made the very Veil itself. But one thing was for sure, Solas had outsmarted them all, even Leliana.
It had been very sobering to see how many elves had disappeared after Ryan's confrontation with Solas. Over a period of weeks, servants, craftsmen, cooks and cleaners had left. They all disappeared overnight, not leaving any trace behind. And it wasn't only the Inquisition or Orlais that reported the disappearance of elves; it was the same in Fereldan, Nevarra and the Free Marches. Tevinter was keeping quiet, but they gathered enough information to know that they also struggled with people becoming missing. Whole families had left, leaving some alienages almost empty and the servant quarters abandoned. There were even reports of entire Dalish clans that hadn't been seen on their migration paths. It showed just how vastly Solas' network was and how his people had access to every organisation in Thedas.
Maybe the most dangerous thing was that no one could estimate how big Solas' forces really were. It showed just how no one took the elves seriously and how they could have operated without being noticed. Cullen had a hard time convincing others of the dangers those elves could represent. To most, the disappearance was a mere nuisance; they complained because their servants they relied on had left. And for once, they had a hard time finding a replacement.
What they didn't see was the threat those elves could represent. Cullen knew from his own experience how dangerous things could become once Solas would train these elves. The Inquisition itself had started this way; the first soldiers under his command were recruits from Haven, men and women who barely knew how to hold a sword. The same recruits turned out to be brave soldiers that won many battles and helped to defeat Corypheus.
Solas had achieved what hadn't happened in seven hundred years; he was uniting the elves of Thedas. Though Cullen couldn't guess what Solas' plan was. He had said to the Inquisitor that he would destroy the world, but Cullen doubted that Solas would destroy it in such a way that his allies wouldn't survive. But he wondered what Solas' plans meant for the humans. Whatever it was, it wouldn't be peaceful. With how things were now, no human nation would support any claim of the elves for land or power.
He shook his head. No, whatever was going to happen would end in more bloodshed.
His thoughts went to Eirlana. Was she back beside the man she loved? Or had Solas cast her aside just like after the defeat of Corypheus. He felt a pang in his heart thinking of her. He missed her more than he wanted to admit, and although she had rejected him, he hoped that wherever she was, she was happy.
Cullen entered his quarters, a familiar headache pulsing in his head. Without Eirlana's healing, his headaches had returned, as well as his cravings for lyrium. He sat down at his desk, feeling drained. With a sigh, he rubbed his tired eyes, knowing there wasn't any escape from his withdrawal. But there was no time to rest; even in an almost abandoned fortress, paperwork was waiting for him. Letting out another sigh, he grabbed a report to be read when his sight fell on a small raven scroll lying in front of him. With a frown, he took it, wondering where the scout had gone to who had delivered this. A message from a raven typically meant they needed a reply immediately. With ease, he broke the seal and unrolled it. A small pressed elfroot leaf fell out of it, and Cullen's heart skipped a beat when he recognised the familiar handwriting.
I don't know if you want to hear from me, but I have a request.
Meet me alone at the grove tonight. I will be waiting for you.
Cullen sat there stunned, re-reading the short message. Why would she contact him? Grabbing a drink from his secret stash, he stared out of the window, not knowing what he should do.
The eluvian sprang to life in the small elven ruin. The eluvian was half-buried in the rubble, and Himel had to bow down to step through it. Immediately he checked the surroundings. Soon he was followed by other elven soldiers that spread out and did the same. The eluvian's surface rippled again a short while later, and Solas and Eirlana stepped through it.
Himel returned to them and kneeled down. “There are no signs of any activity in the vicinity, my Lord.”
Solas fussed at the fur collar of Eirlana's cloak, pulling it tighter around her neck. “Wait here for our return.”
“Yes, my Lord.” answered Himel. “Stay safe.” He then directed his men to their stations and guard this place.
“Are you ready?” Solas asked Eirlana, stroking her cheek with his gloved thumb.
Eirlana nodded. “Just a little nervous.”
“We will be alright.” Solas stepped out of the ruins in the open and transformed himself into a huge black wolf. Crouching down, he waited until Eirlana had climbed on his back. Once she had securely grabbed his fur, he rose and took off. The sun was setting, turning the snowy peaks into orange and pink hues wherever the twilight managed to peak through the heavy snow clouds. When they arrived at the mountain ridge surrounding Skyhold, night had fallen, and Solas slowed down. Casting a spell to hide himself and Eirlana, he carefully made his way over the mountaintop and down the valley. As of yet, he couldn't find anything unusual other than that the walls had far fewer guards and that the fires in the settlement surrounding the lake had dwindled in number. Skyhold was almost abandoned. Confident that there was no trap waiting for them, he fade-stepped the last distance into the grove.
Solas waited again, listening, smelling for any sign of trouble before lowering himself so Eirlana could slip off his back. He transformed back and walked with Eirlana to the oak growing at the far end of the grove. Silently Eirlana lay a couple of white flowers on the grave of their unborn daughter. She shivered when Solas took her in his arms, it still hurt that she had lost her, but the pain didn't sting as much as it used to. She could feel how Solas also mourned the loss. It was strange to be with him here together after the years she had mourned alone. But she was grateful they finally could share their loss without the burden of their secrets between them.
She leant against Solas, and he pressed a kiss on her head. “She will always be a part of us.” he said softly. “And who knows, maybe she has decided to come back.” His hand stroked her tummy tenderly. Under his fingers, he could feel the spark of a new life. “You have given life to something precious again.”
She shivered again under his loving stare, which turned concerned immediately.
“Are you alright? Do you feel cold? Do you need something?”
Grabbing his hand, she smiled. “No, I am fine. We both are. Though it's strange to be suddenly in the snow again.” She squeezed his hand to reassure him. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
Solas' ears twitched as he heard footsteps in the distance.
“Stay back.” he whispered and turned back into a wolf. He narrowed his eyes when he saw the glow of a lamp. Silently he moved forward, curious if Cullen had heeded Eirlana's request.”
Cullen stepped into the grove alone. It had just begun to snow, and he peered through snowflakes, wondering if Eirlana would really be here or if he was about to step into a trap. Maybe Leliana was trying to test his loyalty in a twisted way. She had become highly suspicious and vigilant after what happened at the Exalted Council. Seeing no one, he walked further when suddenly a giant black wolf appeared from the dark. It was double the size of a big war-horse, and its six yellow eyes were glaring at him.
Startled, Cullen dropped the lamp and reached for his sword, cursing he hadn't brought his shield.
“Cullen?” Eirlana's voice called for him.
He hesitated to draw his weapon further when he saw her approaching from behind the wolf.
“I come as your friend. Are you alone?” she asked.
“I am alone.” he answered, not taking his eyes of the wolf. It had to be Solas, he thought. Slowly he sheeted his sword and spread his hands. “I am not here to hurt you.”
Eirlana smiled, seeing Cullen's gesture. “Solas, please.” she turned to Solas.
Solas took another deep sniff before he was satisfied that Cullen was telling the truth; with a whoosh, he turned back. He gave him another silent stare before he spoke. “You have nothing to fear from me, Commander. I am merely here to escort her.” He kissed Eirlana on her forehead before he stepped back and leaned his back against a tree, not letting his guard down.
Cullen felt a chill running through him; Solas wore a full golden and black elven armor under a black-furred coat. He looked nothing like the humble apostate Cullen knew. Though he had the same face, his body language and expression had changed dramatically. It now screamed confidence and self-esteem, and even without having consumed lyrium for years, Cullen knew he had never faced a more powerful mage.
It was a stark contrast with how Eirlana looked as she approached him. Her armor consisted of a silverite breastplate and arm guards, both of elven design and richly engraved. Under them, she wore finely tailored blue robes that were silver embroidered. Her cloak was lined with white furs. She looked radiant, like a noble elf from one of the old elven legends he recently read. Her hair had been intricately braided and decorated with a silver circlet. He also noticed silver jewellery encasing her left ear. It curled along her whole ear and had a couple of silver chains dangling down. Both jewels were adorned with small blue gems that glittered in the light of the lamp.
Cullen was stunned, not knowing if what he saw was real. Before him stood the two most wanted elves in all of Thedas. And they had just shown up, taking the risk of him betraying her request. Although now Eirlana was coming closer, he also could feel her magic radiating from her. It was stronger than ever before.
He realised he had been staring at her. “I...”
Not only Solas demeanour had changed, but she had also changed. She seemed stronger and more at ease. There was an air of self-confidence around her she usually only displayed when she worked as a healer. Her eyes had lost the sadness that he had seen in the past two years. She looked more content, happy. It gave Cullen both a feeling of relief and sadness.
“I am sorry about the way we parted ways.” Eirlana smiled at him.
Cullen looked back at Solas for a second. He was still leaning against the tree, he looked relaxed, but Cullen could tell he was listening and watching for any sign of danger.
He focussed back on her; he needed to know. “I understand, but I have to ask. Did you know about Solas?”
“Did I know he is Fen'Harel?”
He nodded.
“Yes, I knew. Did I know about his plans or his involvement against the Qunari at the Exalted Council? No. Though I always intended to leave the Inquisition and look for Solas after the Council.”
It shocked him that she knew about Solas' identity, but it wasn't surprising she had planned to leave the Inquisition. He couldn't see her go into a Circle.
Eirlana huffed a laugh. “This is more difficult than I thought. I want to tell you so much, though I find it difficult to find the right words.”
Cullen rubbed his neck, feeling awkward. This is ridiculous; they used to talk all the time. Why did he freeze now? “How... how are you?” he asked; it was the first thing that popped into his mind.
She looked at her feet, gathering her thoughts. “Good.” she looked at him. “I want to say wonderful, but it is more complicated than that. There is much I need to consider.”
He shook his head lightly and smiled. Her answer reminded him of Solas and how he used to give answers that only resulted in more questions. “I see you have spent much time with Solas.”
A beautiful smile of love and affection spread on her lips, giving Cullen a slight sting of jealousy, but he was also relieved to see her so happy.
“I did.” she answered. “Though many matters demand our attention.” She stared at the mountains in the distance. “Everything is much more complicated than I ever could imagine. Good and evil, right and wrong, they are not so easy to define anymore.” Sighing, she looked back at Cullen. “But I didn't come here to discuss such matters. I came to help you. Your symptoms must have returned for a while now.”
He nodded slowly, perplexed that she put herself in danger for him. They must be aware that both the Inquisition and the Chantry were looking for them. Not that their searches had any results, but they both had to know the danger they put themselves in by coming here. And yet, here she was, taking the risk of being captured just to help him.
“Come. Let's sit down.”
She walked towards the frozen water of the grove's spring and sat down on its stone edge. Cullen glanced at Solas, who watched them without saying a word before he followed her. She had removed her gloves and
raised her hands towards his face, activating her magic. He closed his eyes as her familiar magic engulfed him. As always, a sense of relief and peacefulness washed over him, chasing away his headache and discomforts of his lyrium withdrawal. Then something changed; he could feel her magic going deeper. The residual lyrium within him reacted immediately; he could feel it hum and answering the call of her magic. It felt both peaceful and overwhelming at the same time.
Cullen wondered, what more had she learned over these past months?
He took a sharp breath when he could feel the lyrium leave his body, burning away like small timber. It gave him chills throughout his body. He inhaled deeply when the magic finally ebbed away, and he felt cleansed and whole again. A little disorientated, he opened his eyes. Solas had moved next to them and offered his hand to help Eirlana up. He hadn't even heard him approach.
Looking at him, she smiled. “Thank you for coming and honouring our friendship. I won't ask secrecy from you. You may tell everyone what has occurred here.”
She pulled out a satchel from a small bag she carried. “Here this is for the others. It is not as effective as my abilities, but it will help them. I am sorry, but I can't risk it to meet them.”
Still, a little dazed, Cullen took it. “I will see to it that they get it.”
“ I have included the recipe to make more. Adan or any other skilled alchemist should be able to make them.”
Solas suddenly whipped his head around and stared up the walls of Skyhold. They could faintly hear some guards talking. He turned back and pulled Eirlana's hood up. “I am sorry, my love. It is time to leave.”
She nodded and gave Cullen a smile. “Farewell.”
Then she turned around and walked back to one of the bigger oak trees.
Cullen watched her before focussing again on Solas.
Solas studied him before he spoke. “I have to thank you for protecting her when I couldn't. I will never forget what you have done for her. I hope that our paths won't cross when you are operating in the name of the Chantry or the Inquisition. Live well, while time remains.”
He inclined his head and then joined Eirlana. Cullen noticed when he turned he had the same elvish ear ornament that she wore. Only his was crafted from dark metal.
Solas transformed into a giant wolf again and crouched down so Eirlana could climb on his back. Watching them, Cullen stood up and immediately could feel a difference in his body. Gone was the stiffness and the pain he was used to. He huffed, not even remembering a time when he wasn't in discomfort. His head was clear, and the constant calling for lyrium had disappeared.
“Goodbye, Cullen.” Eirlana said to him.
“Goodbye.” he answered. “Eirlana. I... please stay safe.” he then raised his voice a little. “And you! Don't you dare to leave her again, or a swear by the Maker I will...”
The wolf turned his head and closed slowly his to many eyes, as if he was acknowledging him. Eirlana smiled at Cullen and ruffled Solas fur. Cullen watched as they both turned invisible and a trail of paw-prints and disturbed snow let into the darkness. By now, it was snowing heavily, and Cullen knew that their tracks would be gone by the morning. Wondering what the future would bring, he walked back to Skyhold. At that moment, he shared Solas' sentiment and hoped he would never be forced to face Eirlana as an enemy.
Solas ran over the mountain passes. His heart tugged as he felt Eirlana's sorrow as they left Skyhold behind. He could understand her pain. She had given up so much to be at his side and would face even more heartbreaking decisions in the future. It was a fate he couldn't spare her from.
Suddenly her hand stroked the fur by his ear. Now they were truly bonded; she could feel his sorrow as he could feel hers. There was a spike of gratitude towards each other as they knew they were not alone.
Travelling through the snow, they went to face an uncertain future. But they knew one thing for sure. Being bonded, they would face it together.
This is the end so far. I can't wait for DA 4 to blow our minds again with long lost secrets and hidden lore. And our next heartbreak that will come (thnx Bioware ;p)
We already know that the next wizard in our party will have some hidden agenda. And I hope we will finally be able to romance a dwarf.
Until we meet again, for I am not finished writing fanfiction in the epic world of Dragon Age
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tyramir · 6 years
Inquisitor Ask Meme
1. Race:
2. Class/Specialization:
3. Your homeland?
Ferelden. It’s cold and muddy, a lot like Canada. And I love dogs.
4. Your family?
5. Who were you before?
The same person I am now.
6. Would you be religious?
Philosophical? Yes. Spiritual? Yes. Religious? Never.
7. Do you have a mabari?
See: “I love dogs.”
8. Your opinion on other races?
I’d probably roll my eyes a lot at the Dalish, the Dwarves that still live underground, and any Qunari who follow the Qun. They’re all so set in their ways, so conservative and opposed to change, that I’d never be able to get over that. But City Elves? Surface Dwarves? Tal Vashoth that aren’t murderous savages? I could get behind those.
9. What would Varric’s nickname for you be?
10. What would your tarot card look like?
Probably some variation of The Hermit.
11. Where would you hang out in Skyhold?
Probably in the cellar. It’s away from people, has that one big ass codex book, and I could play with the shinies in the vault and play the Quizcuisition. 
12. What would you do for fun?
Everything I literally just said, plus hang out with Bull and Sera. Probably discuss philosophy with Solas.
13. What armor would you wear?
14. What would your room look like?
Pretty plain and unadorned, with some books heaped in a corner.
15. Who would be your friends at Skyhold?
In order: Bull, Solas, Sera, Cassandra, Varric, Harding, Josephine, and Dorian. I don’t think I’d get along too well with Vivienne, and while I love Leliana, she became a little hard after DA: O. Yes, you can unharden her, but she’s not the same Leliana that she used to be. She doesn’t sing for joy “just because” like she used to, and I miss that.
Blackwall and Cullen aren’t really my go-to friend type, and say what you will about Cole, but I’m not entirely convinced he can have friends, at least not in the sense that we take the meaning. Can he care for people? Sure. But I imagine trying to be friends with Cole is like trying to be friends with a cat. You can be companions, you can show affection for one another, but there’s a fundamental disconnect beyond that. And now both the Cole fans and the cat lovers are going to come for me.
16. Would you have any friends outside of the Inquisition?
Doubtful. The Inquisition’s a big responsibility.
17. Who wouldn’t you get along with?
I’m a pretty amiable guy. I can get along with just about anyone, so long as they aren’t a self-righteous prig, or openly value ignorance. Or if their name is “Anders,” but that’s a different game.
18. Who would you romance?
Well, given my real life plumbing, and who that is compatible with in-game, probably Cassandra? If anyone at all. Probably no one. I see Cass as more a friend than a romantic prospect.
19. Would you do pranks with Sera?
Uh, duh doy. Who wouldn’t?
20. Would you sleep with the Iron Bull (casually if not romance)?
No. I don’t swing that way. However, I can’t deny that the thought has never crossed my mind.
21. Would you keep Cole around?
Yes. I said I don’t think we could be friends. I didn’t say I was repulsed by him. 
22. Can you play the game (politics)?
Hell yes, I can.
23. What would be on your tombstone in the fade (What are you afraid of)?
24. Who would you recruit to seal the breach?
Uh, you mean other than the awesome lineup Inquisition already gives you? What are my options here? If I’m restricted to just the DA franchise, I’d probably add in Hawke and the Warden, as well as DA:O Leliana (see above), Zevran (I think he’d get along famously with Dorian. Think of the potential scandal), Merill, and Bethany. I absolutely would not recruit Fenris (I always side with the Mages - always), Isabela (I love her to pieces, but I would absolutely not trust her in the face of demons for, well, obvious reasons), and Anders. Because fuck Anders. Oh, also Sebastian, because fuck that guy, too.
25. Opinion on Mages versus Templars?
Both sides have a lot of good points, but I refuse to create a second class of humans because there exists the potential for corruption/demonic possession. There has to be a way to prevent demons from possessing Mages. We’ve seen people become bonded to Spirits, we know there’s a way to cut Mages off from the Fade (and made Tranquil), and we know there’s a way to cure that. There needs to be research and action down that avenue.
26. Who would be put in charge of Orlais and why?
This one is complicated, but my favourite route is the Celene/Briala power couple. They’ve both done shitty things to each other (especially Celene), but I hope they can learn to overcome that and try to approach one another as people more than just people that are the living embodiment of their titles/positions. 
Also, yes, I know Celene usurped Gaspard’s better claim to the throne, but a better claim does not equate to competence. Celene is a deft player at the game. Gaspard is a battle axe.
What’s more, his open defiance of diplomacy (Celene’s approach to the Templar/Mage rebellion) and his revolt against the rule of law with force are open invitations for future challengers that this kind of thing is okay. Out of the three of them, Gaspard is the better person. He is most definitely the better general. But he isn’t the better ruler.
27. Would you sacrifice the Chargers?
28. Would you go after Blackwall?
29. Would you drink from the well?
I fully believe that knowledge must never be lost, and I’d never trust it to Morrigan. I like Morrigan. I will listen to and take her advice. But I would never, ever trust her with that kind of power and knowledge.
30. Where would you go if the Inquisition was disbanded?
I’d go and see if the Red Jennies were recruiting.
31. How do you react to the egg telling you he is an elven god?
I’d choke the shit out of him until he saw reason and then noogie his stupid bald head until he begged forgiveness and then I’d tell him it’s okay and to never do it again.
Tagging my Dragon Age peeps. You know who you are.
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[FIC] Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme
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Screenshot by the incredible @fontofnothing
Well, here it is: the start of another longish fic, featuring an original non-inquisitor oc and of course, the guy pictured above. Who else? Let me know what you think. Likes and reblogs are love!
Read it on AO3
Tracing of Sparrow on Snow-crested Brown
The Commander’s tent was slightly larger than the other tents in the army’s camp and set off a little from the rows of those housing the troops. Healer Eala Arnal brushed her clammy hands along the sides of her skirts as she walked up to the tent’s entrance.
It was twenty till the hour; she was a little early. Her eyes skittered from the tent flaps to the frozen surface of the lake and back again, tugging her the collar of her cloak tighter around her neck against the chill evening wind. Should she call out? She decided she had to: it was far too cold for her to stand about for the next twenty minutes.
“Commander, “ she called out, and thank the Maker, her voice didn’t quaver.” Tis, Healer Eala come for your treatment.”
“Enter,” came a deep and authoritative voice from within.
As she entered the tent, she noticed the Commander sitting at his desk, and he looked more tired than he had earlier in the day when she’d seen him at the Healers’ Cabin. The purplish circles around his eyes appeared darker, and the lines on his forehead and at the corners of his eyes were scored more deeply.  He tossed the quill he was holding on his desk and slowly got up from his chair, pulling a grimace as he rolled his shoulders and arched his back into his hand. Despite his obvious weariness, he smiled at her as he came around to the front of his desk.
“Thank you for coming,” he said, perching on the edge of his desk with a little grunt. He pointed to a cloak stand behind her that stood beside his armor stand that now held his gleaming armor, each piece settled neatly in its place. “You can hang your cloak over there. Please make yourself comfortable.”
She nodded, and after removing her cloak and hanging it up on the stand, she came to stand before him her hands clasped in front of her as she waited for his direction. When she met his gaze, he smiled again, just a small lifting of the corners of his lips, really, but a genuine warmth lit his golden eyes and softened the severity of his features. Maker, he was even more beautiful than she had thought when she had seen him earlier.
“I suppose,” he began, running one thumb over his left eyebrow, “that we should begin with me telling you why I need you and what I require, yes?”
“Yes, Ser.”
The Commander gave a short chuckle. “Eala — may I call you that?” At her nod, he continued,” there’s no need to stand on ceremony in here. My name is Cullen; I hope you will use it.”
“Oh, Ser, I can’t possibly do that,” she averred, twisting her hands together, color flushing her cheeks. Her eyes trailed over his body, clad now in just his breeches and a shirt, the collar unlaced and falling open over his chest. The light from the candles and the braziers burnished his skin and limined his hair in pale gold. She felt unreasonably warm, given the temperature outside, and her heart fluttered in her chest.
No, it would not do to become familiar with the Commander.  Best to keep it professional. Not that he would want anything else, at least not with her.
One honey colored eyebrow quirked upward, but, thankfully,  he let the subject drop. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before he started to talk.
“I, um,  have a health condition that causes me severe headaches, muscle spasms, assorted body aches, and terrible pains in my joints. “  He reached behind him for a small glass jar of white cream and held it out to her. She took it, and he continued “that is a preparation of oakmoss and elderflower; the apothecary in Kirkwall prepared it for me. You know what it does, yes?”
“Yes, Ser, it’s a liniment for easing swelling and provides pain relief. “ She had some experience in making the preparation herself. Palming the jar in her hand, she made a note of it in her head. She would check the stores tomorrow to see if they had the ingredients on hand.
He nodded his head. “I — Yes.  I would like you to —ah —“ His skin flushed pink from the tops of his ears down to his chest, and he averted his eyes. “To rub this into my neck, back, and shoulders twice daily. I just need some relief so I can work — it has been most difficult of late.”
At this display of unease, all her apprehension fled her. Handsome or not, he was her patient, and he needed her care. Now, her eyes roved over his form with a clinical eye, noting the guarded way he held himself and decided that he had to be in a great deal of pain.
“Right, then, Commander. Let’s get started. Shall I wait outside while you get undressed and get into bed?” But he was already standing up and pulling his shirt over his head, and his hands were working the laces on his breeches.”Oh, Maker!”  She turned away, blushing herself now.
“Maker, please forgive my rudeness, Eala! I, um, just assumed you — that you wouldn’t mind,” he said from behind her.
“It’s fine, Commander! Please don’t trouble yourself about it. “  
She stood there, biting her lower lip and facing the tent flaps as she waited for him to finish undressing. She listened to the sounds of rustling cloth and his soft grunts and curses. Her cheeks heated as she imagined what his chest had looked like, all curved muscle covered with a down of pale blond hair.
He is your patient, Eala. Cut it out.
“All right. I am ready,” his deep voice called from behind her. She turned to find that he was lying on his stomach, with the covers pulled up to his waist, his bare back exposed.
Eala swallowed, and knelt beside him on the bed, holding the jar of oakmoss and elderflower cream. Just another patient. Just another patient, she repeated that refrain in her head as she dipped her fingers into the cream and began working it into his neck and shoulders, systematically working her way down to just above the rise of his buttocks. His muscles were tight and tense, as she knew they would be, and she had to go slow, pressing deep soothing circles into his flesh and digging in her thumbs wherever she felt a knot.
“That feels good,” he slurred, his face tucked into the crook of on elbow. “Should have done this ages ago.”
“Why didn’t you?”  She continued to massage the cream into the skin of his back, enjoying the little moans and grunts she pulled from him. His back was beautiful — all sculpted muscle without an ounce of spare flesh. The skin at the tops of his shoulders and upper arms was lightly freckled, and his entire upper body was tanned to a light golden color. He must spend time training in the sun without a shirt. Maker, was everything about him golden?  
“I thought it was a frivolous,” he hissed as she alighted on a large knot above his left hip, “harder if you please; that spot has been killing me for weeks — waste of scarce resources — but now I..oh Maker,” his words petered out on a moan of pleasure.
She thought as much. Her own father has been stoic until the last, refusing to seek help because it would cost their family money they scarcely had..her eyes misted as she remembered her father lying on his death bed. She had been just 11 years old.
She shook off the memory and returned her attention to the man lying on the cot beside her. “Commander, you mustn’t feel guilty for this,” she told him, circling each vertebra with her thumbs and massaging them back into alignment. “You obviously need this.”
“I rather wish you wouldn’t use my title, Eala,” he rasped. “But yes, I see that now. Maker, I could honestly fall asleep right now.” The wonder in his voice almost made her chuckle.
“It’s what is supposed to happen once tension and pain are gone,” she said, switching her strokes to long and light scratches using just her fingertips over the skin of his back. “Sleep, Ser. I’ll see myself out.”
“Come tomorrow at six bells,” the Commander slurred before his eyes shut completely and his soft snores filled the tent.
 Eala stood on the steps of the healers’ hut looking up at the gigantic green tear in the sky and shivered. It had been a week since the Conclave exploded and the Divine was murdered. She and the other healers had had their hands full patching up the wounded, but since that elf woman had stopped the Breach from expanding, things had settled down to nearly normal.
Now, she watched that elf woman — they were calling her the Herald of Andraste — she was speaking in hushed tones with that male elf apostate, Solas, in front of his cabin. The two elves had their heads together, Solas’ bald pate shining in the weak afternoon sunlight and the Herald’s white blond hair glistened like freshly fallen snow as it tumbled down over her shoulders and back, concealing her delicate features.
She was very beautiful; taller than most elves, with a willowy body that would look good clad in a canvas sack. Most everyone in Haven was taken with her. She wondered what the Commander thought of her and a sharp pang tore at her chest. Of course, he was probably just as enamored of her as everyone else.
But that was none of her business, so she forced the thought of it from her mind and stepped off the stairs. She walked past the two elves who gave her strange looks as she headed down the stone steps toward the village gates. She had some herbs to collect, and she wanted to be done before nightfall when she would have a bath and eat some supper before heading to the Commander’s tent for his treatment.
As she exited the village, she spotted him working with his men in the big practice field across the snow-packed road from the gates. She waved to him, and he waved back when she passed the field on the way toward the lake. She was glad to see that he seemed less encumbered by pain today. She continued on her way to collect her herbs, humming to herself.
When she returned to the Healers’ Cabin to sort out the herbs she had gathered, she sighed inwardly when she saw that Heather and Jocelyn were also there, sorting and putting away their own baskets of herbs.  Eala didn’t understand why the two other girls did not like her; she had done nothing to them, but since she had joined the Inquisition, they never had two good words for her. Quietly, she joined them at the counter in the back of the cabin, set her basket down, and began to separate the herbs inside carefully.
“Joce,” Heather began as she reached for the jar of elfroot on the shelf above the counter. “Did you hear? The Commander has eyes for the Herald.”
Eala stiffened, but said nothing, standing on tiptoe to pull down the milk thistle jar. She dropped a bunch of the plant into it, closed the lid, and replaced it on the shelf.
“Yes, I saw them chatting on the field earlier this morning. It looked like they were getting on quite well. They make a gorgeous couple, don’t they?  She looks so tiny next to his brawny blondness. And Maker, the way he was looking at her — as if she hung the moon!”Jocelyn sighed theatrically, fluttering her lashes and tossing her long red curls over her shoulder. “ I wish he would look at me that way.”
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Heather narrow her catlike green eyes in her direction. She braced herself for what she knew was coming as she continued to sort her herbs.
Heather slowly walked behind her, making tsking noises. “Yes, all the girls in Haven wish the same — even our own little piglet.”
Eala didn’t turn around. Instead, she picked up her pile of elfroot and trimmed off the excess stalks before leaning over to drag the elfroot jar toward her. Breathing evenly, she opened the lid and joined her pile of elfroot with the rest already in the container.
“Really?” Jocelyn’s skirts rustled, and she tutted mournfully. “That’s too bad.”
“Yes, I’ve seen her making calf-eyes at the man — as if a good-looking male like him would even deign to give her the time of day! I mean, look at her,” Heather’s voice dripped with acid. “Short and squat as a dwarf. D’you think she’s part dwarf? “
The two girls tittered cruelly, and Eala had to fight back the tears as she finished putting away the plants she collected. She didn’t know why she was letting their words get to her; it’s not like she hasn’t heard similar comments before.
She turned to leave, but the two taller girls blocked her way. Keeping her head down, Eala forced out a curt “Please let me pass.”
“Why,” demanded Jocelyn, her hands on her hips. “Don’t like hearing the truth, cow?”
“It should have been us,” Heather hissed, leaning down to poke at the front of Eala’s robes. “We should have been chosen to treat Commander Rutherford — not you!”
“Let me pass,” Eala repeated, stepping back from the blond girl’s accusing finger.
“Stupid little…” but Heather was interrupted from what she about say or do by Adan coming back into the cabin.
“What’s all this, then,” he asked as she hung his cloak up.
“Nothing, Ser,” Heather denied as she and Jocelyn returned to their places at the counter. “We were just conferring with Healer Eala about er..a new healing technique.”
“Well, get back to work. Those herbs won’t be getting cataloged and put away on their own, now will they?
“No Ser,” the two girls chorused and busied themselves with their stacks of plants.
Adan gave Eala a curious look but said nothing as she quickly wrapped herself in her cloak and left the cabin.
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iimmcrtalis-archive · 7 years
DA verse
a summary post of all my active muses verse(s) in dragon age because i’m f EELING IT BOYS. except terry for rn bc it’ll be Hard. one day. gonna try and go in a from least knowledge bout their verse to extensive knowledge of ‘em so. ayy
this is a pretty long post i apologize to those on mobile!!
Nova; mage(???), human ( ? ), possibly a distant noble
probably a mage? because blue space magic is her jam. though she’s actually more of a combat & tech. she was like well rounded in that regard so i’m considering iunno??? battlemage maybe w/ lockpicking who knows. she’s a sneaky mage that can stab u real good.
would probably also assume she’s pretty good as inquisitor because she would treat it as her role and thing she still has to bare and takes it seriously. like nova is no nonsense as inquisitor but absolute nonsense when she’s not playing that role lmao. 
Morgan; mage?? human af ye. defo a noble blood t BH. 
i unno man. iunno. is he a mage? yeah probably. would he be a legit battlemage + arcane warrior? probably. Would i say he uses a real sword? pro b ab ly. like listen he’s a beefy mage who wears normal armor and probably looks like a fckn non mage but bOOM SUDDENLY LIGHTNING FROM HIS HAND W H AT 
iunno he’s a mage and he’s aggressive as FUCKKKK. aggro as fuck. probably sides withhh iunno both he’d want both and think it’s wasted potential to only have one lmao. iunno he’s hard to figure out man. he’d ultimately probably be like templars because actual ppl who know how to fight. but also wouldn’t wanna condemn the mageS??? so who knows who knows. 
anyways he probably likes blackwall and the iron bull and viv and cass?? and just ye. chills w/ them a lot probably. probably would flirt w/ cass tho god. butw/e no he’s uhhhh real aggressive as a fckn inquisitor like every body getting beheaded. except a few probably.. he would probably make uh... whats his name... tranquil tbh. worse fate than death that yes he would wish on his enemies bc otherwise they get what they want & too risky otherwise. 
Igne; old af elf, probably an assassin combo w/ magic??
like listen if you tell me that they can’t be both ima fckn punt u bc really that’s dumb. defeats the point of multiclassing in the fantasy genre of g am es. anyways really tho they’re old. old as balls. probably? iunno. probably served like... andruil for a while or somethin! got a lil lil corrupted but didn’t want it and wanted freedom so they were like FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUTTIE 
how’d they live? no idea. not a single clue bc i just don’t know jackshit bout ancient elf shit anymore (when did i ever) but honestly. it’s probably a thing right? old af elves everywhere. but no no they’d probably even annoy sera bc like they’re literally?? nonsense. violent af nonsense. hanging off a roof with a fckn potato in their mouth & lookin ready to murder. 
it’s a look™  but nah thinkin that u hhh corruption shit is probably what gave them a red eye ayyy
inquisitor igne is like dagger eyes at solas but doesn’t snitch on him ever not even once. she’s got his back man. she’d be like cool i’ll plaY BOTH SIDES SUre. sure. no mercy run on ppl tho god 
EVELYN / ISENE; old af elf. got that fckn combo again
it’s a theme really, combo classes. all my muses? multiclassed fuckers.  for a detailed everything, please refer to her old blog bc this is gonna be a stupid summary of it so ayyy.
old as dicks dude. lost her arm in the rebellion, against the rebellion. served elgar’nan because he fits her the most tbh. still sort of serves him i guess. like if he showed up she wouldn’t hesitate to follow his orders is what i mean here. otherwise she keeps up the facade of being a former dalish elf mercenary. and definitely doesn’t shy away from admitting she’s got magic. never calls herself a mage because  like lmao 
she has a fckn big ol sword she carries around one handed? and if ur like UR JUST A MAGE she’s gonna use said big ol sword to chop ur head off. not a fan of modern mages tho lmao. at all. like not a lot of sympathy for them. but she would also just kick a circles door in and be like cool leave gtfo you weaklin lil fucks jfc go learn somethin. 
would fight solas in a denny’s parking lot at 2am if she knew jack shit. but she really doesn’t so she’s like ur weird and i dont trust you  butyeah lm ao
Eludysia; ngl i unno if she’s old old but she’s Old. Old seer lady. 
honestly i think she’s not gonna have much of a da verse in general but it exists enough that i feel like i should cover it here. but essentially she’s an old elf seer in rivain. leader of a port side town. No chantry or qunari around its a lot of elves tho. refugees and what not from kirkwall and stuff. 
i unno if she’s an ancient elf but i know she’s old. like real old. so who knows
if she is ancient she probably woulda been like a priestess to ?? falon’din or dirthamen??? because seer shit but like even in a current state she’s fairly devoted to on e o f them or both? probably both lmao. so it’s w/e. 
she’s the former keeper of the clan revas got sent to, which is where revas’ mom is also from and how she gets to that clan. but she was keeper of the clan for like.. a long time like a long time. like that bald fuck from da:o  but without plaguing people with a curse. iunno how she did it but magic and better than that shit. 
more important if revas is inquisitor because lmao she’d probably be like.. welp im gonna come guide you?? probably.   shit she’s probably like emerald knights old tho shit but no fuckin!!! probably comes to be an advisor. 
i think if u go revas as commander/advisor or inquisitor in a thread eludysia’s probs gonna show up and be like sup  but otherwise she’s mainly just a contact in rivain for info and resources!! no special quest or anything u can just contact her for stuff. 
Warren; half-elf, half-qunari. big man w/ a bow.
&& a thick af accent let’s be real here. 
i haven’t made a post about his shit yet so! this one might be a lil longer!! 
grew up in/around starkhaven. in an alienage somewhere really! but he’s got that starkhaven accent. probably just fumbled his way there because honestly he got fucking ditched by his people and has no idea who his parents are lmao. just knows his mom died during child birth and he was fuckin cursed essentially via his?? clan or something. that qunari bit of him is real obvious as his horns grew out and probably had a harsh life in an alienage. 
because he’s not an elf. but he’s not human. and he’s not a qunari. so he’s just. him. 
eventually falls in with some ppl who teach him to steal. so he does a lot and then gets busted and they fckn break his horns off and chop his ears!!! and throw him the fuck out. as you do. but they taught him to use a bow so he’s good with that. and knives. good at close quarters and a long range.
gets better with a bow. real top knotch stuff. ends up in a mercenary crew (same one as qunari inquisitor? probably.) enjoys his merc lifestyle ya know has a good time killin shit 
anyways. companion warren is p much like ‘Strength & force.’ because he has no tact and doesn’t care about politics. like one day i’ll have his approval / disapproval shit. but today is not that day.
but the same applies to his inquisitor shit. he’s fucking brutal as an inquisitor. cares about the little people but FUCK the rich. takes the well for himself ( tho if i would also say revas is there bc i can and she’d take it) but generally just!! give him power and let him kill shit!! that’s all he cares about. tho he wouldn’t kill samson or calpernia bc he doesn’t see them as enemies or villains truly? just pawns in a big scheme and he’d probably stare corypheus in the face and be like get fucked you saggy fuck 
he’s great, great guy. 
Revas: Keeper. Dreamer. Dalish elf. 
literally like most people know Revas’ Dragon Age basics!! but if you don’t i’ll just direct you to her old blog, so you know what’s up.  i’ll put it into a summary the best i can tho! 
Backstory: short and simple? #fucked.  expanded? she was born to the lavellan clan to one of the head hunters & warriors. ended up having magic so she was sort of training to become second, or first, till her moms old clan was like hey we need a new first so uhhhh help us out. and they traded some goods and revas went on her way. ended up being a fucked up situation where the previous first was murdered by two clanmates who eventually tried ( and did) murder revas but she came back bc lmao spirit help & ended up killing them and leaving for her actions.
Dragon Age: Awakening:  full page about it Takes place shortly after this event happened. she lived on her own for awhile, protecting people as much as she could from darkspawn during the blight. ends up going to the wardens because someone doesn’t appreciate her help since she’s a Mage.     The choices made by the warden in regards to her effect how she becomes a warden and the rest of the timeline. Sort of a branch off feel. highly recommend taking a look at the page and also this post. 
DA 2:  If not in the Awakening verse, Revas travels around to the clans. becoming a traveling keeper & helping the clans the best she can. As well as finding ruins and exploring man memories from lost objects. Eventually finds her way to Kirkwall to actually speak with Merrill. But some other shenanigans play out and some stuff goes down. Ends up helping in the fight at the end and leaving with Zevran ( @allurfavesrqueer‘s zevran only lmao. )
DA:I     Companion: Shows up in fereldan with some tree peeps. gets some elvhen shit. offers her services to the inquisition bc that’s what her spirit told her to do. and ya know real fucky. shares some approvals as solas but usually has some pretty contrasting opinions on things! Will defo take on the role of like older sibling or sibling figure with the inquisitor if they’re close enough. Be kind to elves & mages and you’re good.  ( also she’s an option to take the well if the inquisitor doesn’t want it) 
   Advisor: Takes up an offer by the inquistor to become an advisor which is more or less her using her network with the elves around the countries to do certain objectives and what not. acts a bit like an ambassador for the elves & mages in the meetings to give them a voice and remind the human board of trusteeeess that they’re fucking not the only ones around :)) 
  Commander: Mainly with @desiderrium‘s Cullen. Basically Revas takes over for Cullen? at his request kinda because she’s like what the fuck you’re whAT. and gets pissed at everyone else for keeping him on when he’s Not Okay even if she’d rather kick his teeth in 99% of the time. why revas take over? because she’s actually p fuckin qualified, gestures vaguely towards being a first and the advisor au. like she knows how to lead ppl so ayy. 
  Inquisitor: Same ish backstory happens except her parents died to the blight and she left the clan for the other and ye same shit happens. but the clans ask her to go check shit out for them and shes like of course and gets caught up in the mess so. 
so that got long but yea!! hopefully this is a more condensed version of stuff and good for reference later. 
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