#Solar Freezer
elanproblogs · 8 days
Why ELANPRO's Kitchen Refrigerator is Gaining Popularity Among Commercial Kitchen Businesses?
Refrigeration is the basic need in all commercial kitchens despite their size and capacity. A well-efficient commercial Kitchen Refrigerator is what these businesses require to maintain proper cooling for preserving eatables or food items. At present, ELANPRO is one such brand that has captured the market of commercial kitchen refrigerators by offering well-integrated and technologically advanced kitchen refrigerators. We have been serving commercial refrigerators for years, and we understand the requirements of our customers well. That is what helps us stand out among all the other brands. Let’s discover through this blog what makes ELANPRO’s kitchen refrigerator more popular among commercial kitchen businesses.
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Supreme quality kitchen refrigerator with exceptional durability
Commercial kitchens require storing multiple ingredients and perishable food items in stock. Ordinary kitchen refrigerators are not suitable for storing these items as they cannot withstand the rigours of a busy commercial kitchen. That is why an exceptional quality commercial kitchen refrigerator is required, which can easily accommodate all the requirements of a commercial kitchen. We at ELANPRO follow all the quality standards when manufacturing these commercial refrigerators. It helps us ensure the long-lasting performance of these refrigerators without the need for frequent maintenance and repair.
Energy Efficient refrigerators equipped with advanced technology
Commercial businesses are required to use refrigerators continuously to ensure that all the items are refrigerated at the required temperature. The continuous use of these refrigerators ends up causing high energy consumption, resulting in high electricity bills. Thanks to the commercial refrigerators designed by ELANPRO, which are equipped with advanced technology and energy-saving features. It helps reduce overall energy consumption, which is also beneficial for reducing carbon footprint. Low consumption of energy also helps in lowering the electricity bills making our commercial refrigerators the best in the market.
Adjustable shelves and racks for better storage
We at ELANPRO understand that commercial businesses are required to store multiple ingredients in kitchen refrigerator and that too in large quantities. That is why we have designed kitchen refrigerators with adjustable shelves and racks so that customers can easily place all the items in the refrigerator with ease. Adjustable shelves not only help one stock item at their convenience but also make it easy to clean these racks and shelves. They are easy to remove and can be cleaned without much hassle.
Other than that, ELANPRO, being a prominent manufacturer of commercial kitchen refrigerators, always adheres to industrial compliances when manufacturing these refrigerators. All our refrigerators are available at budget-friendly prices, making it easier for commercial businesses to invest in them. All these reasons contribute to the increasing popularity of our kitchen refrigerator among commercial kitchen businesses.
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elanproappliances · 23 days
Upgrade Your Storage with Elanpro Chest Freezer
It is time to advance your business with Elanpro Appliances. Our Chest Freezer will meet your industry-specific needs while ensuring worry-free cooling. The D+ Cooling Pipes provide greater surface area and larger heat exchange areas for optimal freezing. The powerful and fast freezing of the product preserves the nutrition and flavour of the food for a seamless experience. Get ahead of the competition with Elanpro!
To know more information about our products, you can directly contact us at 9015106925 or visit our official website: - https://elanpro.net/product-category/retail/chest-freezer/
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Discover the best Koolboks pricing plans for solar powered refrigeration, making it flexible and affordable for everybody to gain access to cooling solutions even without electricity. Visit this page to know more: https://www.koolboksnigeria.com/plans
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solcarow · 5 months
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thatsparrow · 2 years
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me and my mom after (checks watch) 58 hours without power
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cleantechmart · 5 months
Eco-Friendly LED Lights Services in Cleantech | Cleantech Mart
Explore eco-friendly LED lights services at Cleantech. Illuminate sustainably for a greener world. Discover energy-efficient solutions. Shop now!
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For More Visit Our Site:-
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analabtron · 10 months
Solar Eco Freezer
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Solar Eco Freezer utilizes the power supplied by the solar panel. Fitted with photovoltaic cells, it converts the solar energy into electrical energy. Used during domestic power supply shortage, to keep quality of food safe and to preserve it for long duration. Shop Online at Labtron.us
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livingfreezers · 2 years
The first commercially available mobile phones
In the past 100 years the world has witnessed a rapid growth in the area of telecommunications, with only the last 20 years bringing about some of the most significant changes. We have come a long way since the days of smoke signals, telegrams, and the Pony Express. Its possible that not even Alexander Graham Bell could have imagined how far his invention would go. Mobile phone technology was first developed by Bell laboratories during the Second World War as a way to send messages ship to shore. A car mounted phone was introduced in 1946, but at eighty pounds and an even heftier price tag it was not quite ready for the mass market. 
The first commercially available mobile phones came online in the mid-eighties. Before mobile phones could make their way into the mainstream vast mobile networks first had to be built. These were being born in the late 70's both in Japan and in Northern Europe. As these networks grew the world became a little smaller as well as a OEM Solar Ice Cream Freezers Factory whole lot more interconnected. Those first hand held devices that were the size of small refrigerators with long antennas, seem like distant memories. Today's high speed digital networks are capable of whisking all kinds of information and content to the far reaches of the planet, allowing folks thousands of miles away communicate as if they were next door. Mobile phone subscribers and users today number in the hundreds of millions. Not only has the volume of users increased, but also the possibilities of what these devices can offer. 
The newest member of the mobile world has been christened the smart phone. These powerful little gadgets work with advanced mobile networks to give you access to the internet, email, music, images, games, books, video, just about anything your heart desires even if you just need to make a call. Smartphones like the Rim BlackBerry are coveted by the business set for their ease of use and simple but elegant style. The Apple iPhone introduced a system for application development and sales that is now used by almost every mobile phone provider. A smart phone is like having a mini computer that fits in your pocket, Whatever you plan to use your smart-phone for there is no doubt a model on the market.
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elanproblogs · 1 month
How commercial kitchen refrigerator is beneficial for commercial businesses?
Refrigerators are one of the must-have appliances in every kitchen be it your home kitchen or commercial kitchen. Though, the type of refrigerators does vary at both these places. Considering the commercial business requirements, commercial Kitchen Refrigerator is more apt for that place. These refrigerators are specially designed and manufactured to cater commercial kitchen needs. Brands like Elanpro are integrating these commercial refrigerators with compelling features to make them work efficiently. That is why, we recommend going for commercial refrigerators over ordinary refrigerators. To help you all understand more, we are sharing a few benefits of commercial refrigerator for commercial business in this blog.
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Get more storage space
Commercial businesses require one to store more items in comparison to the home kitchen. One needs to stock items in the commercial refrigerators for future use. That is why, more storage space is required. Commercial kitchen refrigerator is designed to accommodate more food items and beverages with ease. The presence of more space and adjustable shelves allow them to offer more storage space for bulk ingredients. This helps commercial businesses purchase such items in bulk which also reduces the cost per unit.
Preserve food items for long time
Most commercial kitchens need to stock ingredients, vegetables, and other such eatables in advance. These food items are required to store at different temperature for preserving them properly. Commercial kitchen refrigerators offer that space and perfect cooling which allows one to store different food items for long time. The companies like Elanpro allows are offering kitchen refrigerator with temperature control feature. One can regulate temperature to preserve all the items properly and prevent them from spoiling.
Reduces food wastage
Commercial kitchens which do not have proper refrigeration system often face the problem of food items getting spoiled. But when investing in commercial refrigerators, one need not worry about the food wastage. As we already mentioned above that these have ample of space, have temperature regulators, and are capable of preserving food for long time. All these features make them perfect to prevent food getting spoiled and help reducing food wastage.
However, all these benefits only work well when you invest in the right type of commercial refrigerator. Ensure that you invest in the right size kitchen refrigerator with the best temperature controlling feature. If you are looking for energy-efficient refrigerators, we recommend buying from Elanpro. The company is known to offer durable commercial refrigerators at affordable market prices along with the warranty.
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elanproappliances · 2 months
Top Quality Glass Door Refrigerator - Elanpro
If you are looking for a top-quality Glass Door Refrigerator then you have come to the right place, elanpro glass door refrigerators are designed to store and display food or beverages and feature various capacities.  It is ideal for bars, pubs and restaurants. Water evaporation and defrosting are automatic. It is ventilated—max ambient temperature 32°C. Double panel glass door and robust handle. Door lock. Adjustable shelves and feet. Mechanical control.
To know more information about our products, you can directly contact us at 9015106925.
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Discover the best Koolboks pricing plans for solar powered refrigeration, making it flexible and affordable for everybody to gain access to cooling solutions even without electricity. Visit this page to know more: https://www.koolboksnigeria.com/plans
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librarian-computer · 1 month
I’ve had something stuck in my for a long time and I’m finally going to do it. Fazbear and the Creator has taken up a lot of this region of the country (whatever area tSaMs takes place). Almost everything is animatronics, and humans are on the bottom of the food chain.
What brought this au on? Listening to music ofc
So every member in the family has spiraled in some way and are all serial killers in their own right and murder any humans they can, whether it’s in sight or they play with the human.
Naming off some ones I have so far:
Nexus. Mad scientist, blatant murderer, uses technological weapons.
Moon. Regular scientist, subtle, poisons victims or uses chloroform and murders them then to make as less of a mess as possible
Sun. Daycare attendant, very subtle, refuses to kill children, will murder adults- but never in front of children- murders in secret
Lunar. Candy shop, executor, will have human sacrifices brought to him for him to electrocute until death.
Earth. Salon, blatant murderer, hair stylist that will listen to you yap but if you annoy her she’ll use her scissors to lodge them into your skull. She gets annoyed easily.
Ruin. Theatre, fruity performer that will have volunteers come up onto the stage for a ‘play’ and murder them in front of the audience. Uses a Kris dagger to murder.
Eclipse. Rogue, he prefers to constantly move and never stays in one place, murders in secret. Drags victims off of the street into secluded alleyways and will murder them there. Will use knives of all kinds.
Jack and Dazzle. Scouts. The only two that will not murder. Jack will if necessary and if necessary only. Jack will use his dagger hands.
Glamrocks. Respective jobs to due with instruments, doesn’t murder often, but Monty has murdered the most out of the four. Murders with teeth and claws.
Sunny, Solar’s Sun. Attraction at a haunted house, won’t kill but will lead victims to Moonrise to be killed.
Moonrise, Solar’s Moon. Attraction at haunted house, blatant murderer, murders anyone lead to him by Sunny. He will murder using his teeth and claws
Solar. Butcher. Blatant murderer+cannibal, will try to feed someone human meat, will jump the counter and chop you to pieces. His basement is filled with hanging meats of all kinds, the freezer empty including human meat. Some fresh, non skinned and diced human carcasses will hang on ropes from the ceiling as well. He will use a chainsaw, butchers knife, or a two tonged pitchfork. Hide your kids, he eats them too.
Killcode. Blatant murderer, he just roams around murdering anyone in the streets. Tall murder machine with big and sharp teeth and Edward scissor hand ahh claws.
Bloodmoon. Blatant murderers, they are hitmen that will murder other humans for humans. But you must wear something red for them to even consider you a client. So if you want to kill someone specifically, wear a red shirt :) they have claws and teeth.
Probably a couple of ocs.
Still working on the structure. But I think I’ve got the basic stuff
Let me know if y’all are interested in seeing something for it :)
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Solar Powered Community Fridges - Concept Art
So one of my grad school classes is a 8 week long group project to essentially come up with an artistic solution to a problem. Of course, my pitch was solarpunk in nature, and my group actually really liked it! Basically, the concept is to design a series of solar panel-powered community fridges, to help address food insecurity and build community in different areas without having to rely on a specific host building to provide power. What better time to show my concept art than Solarpunk Aesthetic Week?
Originally, I was just drawing up ideas with what usually comes to mind when I imagine fridges--upright fridges. Here's my concept art!
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In these sketches, my main concern was imagining how these fridges would fit into the community alongside their power sources--I didn't want them to be too bulky, but I also wanted them to be available for easy access. I also figured they'd need shelter for the fridge's longevity, as well as to protect any users from the element. It'd also be nice to have them alongside other mutual aid sources like little free pantries, little free libraries, the like. One of my favorite designs is the sheltered community space on page 2, with the fridge, the seat, the pantry, and the library all in one protected structure with solar panels on the top. Having a table near the community fridge would also be nice to give people a place to rest as well.
However, around this time, I started trying to find out just how big of a solar panel would be needed to power a fridge like this, and the results were... a bit discouraging. Until! I was informed that chest freezers use way less energy to keep cool--cool air sinks, so opening an upright fridge releases most of the cold air that's been building up and makes the machine work harder to keep cool, whereas a chest fridge doesn't lose nearly as much cold air. In addition, some people have converted chest freezers into chest refrigerators for as little as ~$30 USD. Due to the insulation in a chest freezer, converted chest fridges use way less energy than their upright counterparts to keep cool, making it way more feasible to power them with solar.
So of course, I had to get to drawing again!
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Since I'd already concepted a variety of structures for upright fridges, for the chest fridges I mostly focused on their design and possible convenience/accessibility concerns I had been worried about, one of the main being having to reach inside vertically instead of horizontally--several of my family members have difficulty bending, so I was worried having a chest fridge would make things more difficult for others like them. There are likely other ways to address this concern that I haven't thought of, but for now I've concepted putting a grabber tool inside of every fridge so people with trouble bending can still get things. How well it'd work in reality, I'm not sure...
Buuut these are my concepts so far! I hope you like them, I hope they're cool? Let me know what you think! I think these would be cool to have in a solarpunk future--whether they're entirely possible today or will have to wait until a somewhat-distant, 'solar panels can generate more energy with less size and fridges are also way more energy efficient' future I can't say, but it's cool to think about!
[Image 1: Pencil sketches of refrigerators connected to solar power. The annotations on them are as follows. An arrow points to a magnet caddy on the freezer door with markers and stickers, saying "Markers + labels for dating donations". An arrow points to a battery-structure at the base of a solar panel system saying "Doubles as charging station for phones & stuff". An arrow points to a slanted roof structure over a fridge saying "Bus stop-esque structure." An arrow points at a glass door grocery store-style fridge saying "any kind of fridge, any size."
Image 2: Pencil sketches of refrigerators connected to solar power. The annotations on them are as follows. An arrow points to a fridge under a slanted roof structure, saying "Paintings on the fridge itself." Over a portion of a brick wall is written "Murals can be on accompanying walls or on the shelter structure for the fridge." An arrow points to a wheel-mounted solar panel saying "solar panel". A community space is named at the top "The Free Community Space: Open 24/7" An arrow points to the outside wall of a community space structure saying "mural on outer walls". Items inside are labeled 'Freedge, Little free Library, Seeds, Pantry'. An arrow points to a couch, saying "Maybe a bench instead?" Written on the inner wall is "mural inside." An arrow pointing at the space says "Community built space w/ lights, solar panels, little free library, freedge, seed library, little free pantry, couch (???). Solar battery stored behind or on top. Plastic magnet door to protect from elements? Like those magnet curtains?"
Image 3: Pencil sketches of refrigerators connected to solar power. The annotations on them are as follows. An arrow points to a slanted structure over a mini fridge, saying "Solar panel on roof?" Another arrow points to the side saying "Chalkboard paint--anyone can art here." Underneath says "variety of sizes/energy needs mean wider availability". At the top of a curved shelter on a pole is written "solar panel", along the sloping sides is "curved solar panels" and "Or solar voltaic glass?" On the underside of the structure is a label saying "Could be in a park or smth (something)". An arrow points to a box at the base of the structure, saying "charging station" and another arrow labels a table and chairs.
Image 4: Pencil sketches of refrigerators connected to solar power. The annotations on them are as follows. Along the top of a slightly-curved roof structure is an arrow saying "curved solar panel roof. renogy curved 4ft x 2ft for example". To the side of the roof is written "4 panels each side, 0.45 kWh x 8 = 3.6 kWh/h". A chest fridge is labeled "converted chest fridge", and a glass-front box is labeled "Old cabinet/case now Little Free Library". A box sitting between them is labeled "I hear car batteries are good solar storage for cheaper?" A standalone chest fridge has the following labels: "Could paint on fridge exterior" "solar panel on top of fridge?" "most chest freezers are 22-28 in wide &24-38 or 54-68 in long. The longest wattage panel needed would be ~50 in long & ~26 in wide"
Image 5: Pencil sketches of refrigerators connected to solar power. The annotations on them are as follows. The inside of an open lid has an arrow pointing to a grabber object saying "Grabber for accessibility for those w/ trouble bending". A label points at a strap fastened to the inside of the lid saying "straps to help shorter people pull the lid closed." A variety of arrows point to a drawing of an open, decorated chest fridge saying the following: "Counter-balanced lid" "Baskets/crates for storage -> can slide or be removed to access underneath" "Murals on front & sides (not back)" ]
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cleantechmart · 8 months
Elevate sustainability with Carbinnov, the consultancy arm of Cleantech Mart. Unlock innovative solutions for a greener future. Explore now!
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Im curious... If I understood well, hunter and heat=besto friendo, no? But, hunter and cold? *pushes Hunter into a freezer for 1h and watches with b2 and 2 cups of chocolate
he'd come out comically trapped in a giant ice cube!
ohh and heat does not trigger the Exocannis mode, but solar energy does.
Heat helps Hunter's body function properly, while cold slows down the processes (much like a human body would). Keep your Exocannis cozy and warm, folks!
B2 however, is surprisingly warm to the touch, as in "wait- i hope that means she isn't radioactive".
Her core is constantly emanating heat and energy, which does decrease during cold seasons and during the weeks before Holloway's Comet returns. Into the blanket she goes! Bee Burrito.
Sooo uhmm yeah, these two are very much affected by exposure to solar energy :o
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