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veggie-11 · 2 years ago
Nah cuz why’re they 3-D
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vibelev · 2 years ago
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cheirodechuva · 2 years ago
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maluornela · 2 years ago
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Era como se o mar, com seus infinitos, lhe desse um alĂ­vio de sair daquele mundo. Mia Couto #arraialdocabo #cabofrio #praia #mar #beach #sea #solemar #vidaboa #navegarepreciso #landscape #naturezaperfeita #maluornelas #photographer (em Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp86qwlrAmH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrpft · 7 months ago
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imaitheoneyourelookingfor · 26 days ago
uhh. what's it like, travelin the world? sounds like it'd be fun. what's, like...the coolest place you've been to so far?
[ @rolycoly-poly ]
It definitely is :) I think the most interesting part is that sometimes you find places so far away from home that are still somehow so familiar.
I personally loved spending time in Solemare. Velaporta was nice, reminded us a fair bit of Slateport.
Call me morbid, but I thought the Cinerea Ruins were pretty interesting. Sad to think about, but still really interesting.
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bunnyg0tzz · 1 year ago
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little mammon birthday art because i barely finished this 3 days late :']
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legglesspotato · 8 days ago
It’s sooo lazy too like, I could make a better job of cutting out their head on ibis paint 💀
Sad thing is I AM a BIGGG fan of the undateables and this sucks 😭
I kinda wanna get one for them meme ;-;
you are getting ready for a date with your beautiful girlfriend, but she wants to tie her hair back since it's getting in the way..
luckily, your newest investment comes in handy... you shake your head knowingly with a subtle smile in your face, "don't worry babes, I got one for you.."
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like what the FUCK is this???? which merchandise manager went "this is what the people want..!!" and probably smiled too!!! what?!?!
and I feel even worse for the fans of the undatables, because not only is this like, their first piece of unique merchandise, it's a blind bag.. if I opened my blind bag and got a Lucifer hair tie, I'd go to NTT Solmare HQ with a death wish.
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illunaparkdelleemozioni · 2 years ago
📌Comunicazione diretta dai pianeti della Federazione. 🚀
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📌 Hey amici, sapete che ogni giorno alle 19:30 su Radio CantĂč c'Ăš il fantastico show di Star Trek Estate? 😎 Da lunedĂŹ 31 luglio, il nostro computer di bordo ci farĂ  compagnia con tante avventure spaziali e tanta bella musica! Non vi preoccupate, non vi abbandoniamo affatto, anzi, torniamo in onda per allietare il vostro riposo estivo con una nuova stagione piena di sorprese! 🌟 Non potete proprio mancare a queste 35 super puntate! Segnatevelo nei calendari, amici! đŸ“†â€Œïž P
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obeymefanfiction · 3 months ago
Kiss or Dare: Leviathan
Obey me! Fanfiction (July 2020) see masterlist Featuring: Levi X Neutral Reader Word Count: 1800 Disclaimer: Characters are the rightful property of NNT Solemare Inc. “Shall We Date” Warnings: Kissing fluff/Angst Note: adapted from an old fanfiction of mine. “Hey Levi. What’s wrong?” You and Levi were playing video games during a lazy afternoon. Usually Levi loved times like this, but your question made him jump. Crap! You noticed? He’d been trying to keep you from noticing how anxious he was! “Ah nothing, I’m just
 off or something today.” Levi lied rubbing the back of his neck in agitation. He didn’t want to tell you about what happened earlier. About how Mammon promised to return his money if he
 k-kissed you.
When he was talking to the big dummy of a brother of his he thought at the time it wouldn’t be that big of deal. You two were close so you wouldn’t take it the wrong way or anything
 right? You’d be cool with one
 k-kiss. You knew his heart was totally set on Ruri-Chan and
 and even though he loved it when you leaned close enough for your hair to brush against his cheek—selfies were a must now between you—or those times when he wondered why you smelled better than a new game arriving in the mail. Not to mention he’d observed your lips appeared particularly soft and appealing. He was certain if he touched— No. This was a bad idea. What if you did get offended? Or if you did take him seriously? He didn’t know if he could handle that. At first he thought he could just explain—but that never went well in all of the magna he had read! What if you took it the wrong way and he
 lost you? That’d be worse than losing Henry 2.0. He wasn’t sure he could handle that. It was bad enough that he had to share you with his brothers so much of the time. You’d become like his side kick the past few weeks. He’d come to just expect you to stick around and
 He couldn’t lose you. Levi jolted to attention when your hand reached up and pushed back his bangs allowing your fingers to brush against his forehead. The sudden contact with your gentle warmth left him speechless as his eyes widened and turned to search yours for an explanation. “Nope, you don’t seem to have a fever. Do you need some water or something? Are you feeling dehydrated? Hungry?” Levi blinked at you. Oh. You touched him to check his temperature? Wow. He liked that. He really liked that. In fact his face was suddenly burning hot and he wanted to go take a swim with Henry. He released an unsteady breath before attempting to talk to you. “I’m not sick. Mammon just said something that upset me.” “Oh no! Why didn’t you tell me Levi? I’m sorry. Maybe we should be watching a Ruri Chan movie instead to help you feel better?” Oh you were the best human in the entire world, weren’t you?
Levi cut that thought off mid “beam” and tried to focus on now. “No, it’s fine. He just talked me into something when I should have said no. I hate it when he does that. He’s such a—” “What is he making you do?” You sigh sympathetically. With those big beautiful eyes looking at you and your kind smile and you sitting so close he couldn’t help feeling how much you cared about him. “He said he’d pay me back all of my money he owes me. I just have to do one thing first.” “Oh Mammon.” You groaned. “Levi, you shouldn’t have to do anything to get your money back. It was yours to begin with.” “I know, but what he asked me to do didn’t sound so bad. I thought it’d be fine. Then I thought about it some more and how so many things could go wrong and I’m not sure I can do it now.” Levi gave a defeated sigh to the controller in his lap. “What did he ask you to do? Maybe I can help?” You volunteered. Oh no. He couldn’t tell you. Uh oh! Levi began to panic. This was going to go wrong. He knew it was. He just knew it. “Nothing. I’m-uh-not going to do it. I’ll just figure something else out. So, forget it.” His face felt like it was on fire as he turned his back to you. “Leeeeeeviii! I can’t help if you don’t tell me what it is. If it’s too ridiculous I volunteer to go yell at Mammon for you and get your money back.” “You
 you’d do that?” Levi felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe you wouldn’t have to get mad at him? Maybe he could just explain how dumb he thought it was and you’d laugh? Maybe— “He told me to kiss you.” The words just came out. As soon as they did Levi wanted to clap his hands over his mouth and flee the room. You went perfectly still. Well except for your eyes of course. Those went wide and seemed to be getting wider the longer he looked at you. He realized he needed to say something else. He needed to tell you all the reasons this was upsetting him so you wouldn’t think he was—well—as dumb as he felt at the moment. Nothing happened. He couldn’t get any words out. Not with you staring at him like that. Oh no. How could he say anything to you now? Crap crap crap crap crap!! “Levi
 I can tell you’re uncomfortable with this. Is that because you wouldn’t
 want to?” “Wouldn’t want to?” He echoed your words. “I—uh—wouldn’t want to if you didn’t want me to __. That’s why I’m upset. If it made things weird between us. I didn’t want to do it. Even if it did convince Mammon to give me back my money.” “So
 you were nervous because you didn’t want to upset me? Awe Levi! You are so awesome.” Your expression softened and wave of relief washed over him. You weren’t mad? You understood why he was so upset over this? Oh he felt so much better now. Especially because—oh wow—you were now hugging him. It was too much but not enough and his heart was pounding and you smelled so good and— “I’m not sure how I got so lucky to have you as my otaku. I’m the luckiest human ever.” Your words made him blush harder and he tried to think of something to say. Compliments were obviously out because he’d mess them up. Maybe he could suggest the two of you could watch that Ruri-Chan movie and turn this afternoon around? He gulped and found the courage to hug you back. Your hair brushed against his cheek summoning a smile, and the words finally started to come. “You’re just really important to me. I feel like you’re the only normie that gets me and if I made you upset over something like this
” Levi shrugged. “Thanks for understanding. I’ll just go tell Mammon to give me my money back and we can forget about this.”
“Oh. So, you didn’t
” You pulled back and your gaze dropped. Wait, why did your gaze just drop away from his? Did you want to? Nah. Not with a yukky Otaku like him. So what was bothering you? “__? I thought you weren’t upset about this?” “No, I-I’m not. You’re right, Mammon shouldn’t have suggested it. I just thought
 I thought it was really sweet you cared about how I felt. I didn’t realize you wouldn’t---well want—um—to kiss me.” Wow. Levi didn’t know you could turn that shade of red. “I was thinking you might, I guess, and I was really happy that you might. That’s all.” “Wait
 you’re saying you’d want me to?” You shrug still blushing fiercely. “Not necessarily because Mammon told you to. But if you did because you wanted to I
 I’d like that. I just never thought you’d want to, so when you sounded all upset that I might get upset over it I thought—maybe that was because you might like to kiss me too?” Too. Too? As in you would want him to kiss you
 also. He didn’t think he could possibly blush to death but just now it felt like it might happen. “So, you would
” “Only if you would
 but yeah.” “And it wouldn’t be weird?” “Not weird at all.” Huh. It certainly felt weird already. Would kissing you just make it worse? Or worse would not kissing you make you think he lied about wanting to kiss you? Oh man! Why did he ever agree to this? He was never speaking to Mammon again once he got his money back. “Levi you don’t have—” You broke off when his gaze crashed into yours. You were already so close and looked so confused. As confused as he felt. He wasn’t sure how it happened—if you leaned in or he did—but the warmth of your mouth against his was
 it was
 wow. Levi’s eyes slid closed and he couldn’t resist leaning closer. Allowing his lips to brush over yours in a gentle caress that you echoed. Your mouth tasted so sweet and soft and
 wow you smelled even better when he was this close to you. When he felt your tongue brush curiously against his lips his mind seemed to go haywire. He couldn’t resist moving closer. Holding you against him, feeling your warmth, letting his tongue seek out yours and tangle with it in a heated dance. Then you moaned and he nearly lost all sense of reason as he rolled on top of you. Laying you back so he could kiss you more—taste you more. He wanted to kiss you until he knew every sensitive place in your mouth, every curve of your tongue and your lips. The warmth of your hands cupped his face and you whispered his name against his lips. “Levi?” His eyes opened slowly. Taking in your beautiful expression. Your smile and the warm glow in your eyes. “I guess I wasn’t the only one who wanted that.” “No, you weren’t.” “Are you going to tell Mammon?” You raised an eyebrow teasingly and he felt the burning heat run up the back of his neck at the thought. At last he shook his head. “No way. I’m not dealing with him right now. Not when I could be here with you.” “Good answer.” You leaned up and captured his mouth again with yours. Soon he was too encompassed by the warmth of your kiss to think of anything else.
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beameized · 2 years ago
Playing Obey Me Nightbringer is like you can't fool me solemare!!! That bgm in the scene with Lucifer in 1-18 is from Wizardess Heart
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devldom · 2 years ago
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spoilers for lesson 11
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oh, i'm gonna get his ass
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day-crist-photography · 2 years ago
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#landscape #landscapephotography #vsco #photo #photographer#instapic #instadaily #nature#sunset #beach#sky #naturephotography#sea #natureza #holiday #travelphotography #summer #summervibes #beach #sol #praia #natureza #beleza #saopaulo #brasil #fotografia #foto #tbt #sunset #mar #respeiteminhanatureza #respirofotografia #solemar https://www.instagram.com/p/CqEoE2LtHhb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cheirodechuva · 2 years ago
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hogacareers · 3 months ago
Köche/Beiköche (m/w/d)
Die Kur- und BĂ€der GmbH Bad DĂŒrrheim ist die örtliche, privatwirtschaftlich organisierte Tourismusorganisation und eine hundertprozentige Tochter der Stadt Bad DĂŒrrheim. Mit unseren ĂŒber 250 Mitarbeitenden zĂ€hlen wir zu den grĂ¶ĂŸten Arbeitgebern Bad DĂŒrrheims. Eine wesentliche Einrichtung unseres Unternehmens ist das Wellness- und Gesundheitszentrum Solemar mit den Bereichen Therme, Sauna,

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cypr24 · 3 months ago
Trzymamy kciuki za dziewczyny z Gorzowa
Koszykarki z Gorzowa wylądowaƂy na Cyprze – dziƛ zagrają z AEL Limassol Dziƛ koszykarki InvestInTheWest Enei Gorzów Wlkp. w przedostatnim grupowym meczu EuroCup Women zmierzą się w Limassol z SoleMare by the sea AEL. W pierwszym meczu fazy grupowej EuroCup Women gorzowianki pewnie wygraƂy z AEL Limassol 91:52, a najskuteczniejsze w tym spotkaniu byƂy Elena Tsineke i Klaudia Gertchen, które

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