#Sohn Ji Soo
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glindaupland · 1 year ago
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they were forced to sit together to have an actual talk about their problems lol
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nyphantomphan · 1 year ago
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This photo made me gasp out loud. I love candid backstage photos the most, and this is possibly my favorite one so far ❤️
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fadinglandtragedy · 2 years ago
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lucygold95 · 1 year ago
Two POTO Korea actresses recently watched London POTO.
1. 조하린[Cho/Jo Ha-rin] Meg watched london
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POTO and met London Meg, Maiya Hikasa💌
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2. 손지수[Sohn Ji-soo] Christine watched
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london POTO and took a photo of Jon & Lily.
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+ It reminds me of a Chinese phantom(何亮辰[He Liang-chen]) meeting a Korean(김주택[Kim/Gim Ju/Joo-taek]) phantom not long ago.
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(I'll add more things to the post in the link above later. Because I found 何亮辰's POTO Korea review video later.)
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lucygold95 · 1 year ago
It's been a lot of work for a few days. I'm sorry for the late reply, RP...! Fading has already told you everything that is important, so all I have to add is very very small things😄
When JDS Phantom guided KGM Christine during POTO, he lit up the floor with a lamp to prevent her from falling and escorted her with great care. KGM Christine also worked hard to match Phantom's acting.
To write more about 권가민 KGM, she seems to have a little bit heavier and darker voice than the other two Christine actresses(손지수 SJS & 송은혜 SEH). And many people said she is strong and young type Chtistine.
+ KGM is assumed to have worn Sohn Ji-soo's costumes because her height is similar to Sohn Ji-soo(some people say KGM is shorter than SJS and others say KGM is a little bit taller). (I'll write a post about Korean Christines' costumes soon.)
++ KGM posted a picture of her riding Cinderella's pumpkin carriage on her Instagram story before she debuted as Christine like Cinderella. After the performance she posted the small gifts she received.
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I also enjoyed reading @moritzstiefel 's lovely post💗💗
so the poto kr show this evening is pretty crazy huh 🫨
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dangerousstrawberryshark · 2 years ago
K-pop Boy Bands Stations
Choi Seung-Cheol (S. Coups)
Yoon Jeong- Han (Jeonghan)
Joshua Hong (Joshua)
Wen Jun-Hui (Jun)
Kwon Soon-Yeung (Hoshi)
Jeon Won-Woo (Wonwoo)
Lee Ji-Hoon (Woozi)
Lee Seok-Min (DK)
Kim Ming-Gyu (Mingyu)
Xu Ming Hao (The8)
Boo Seung-Kwan (Seungkwan)
Hansol Vernon Chwe (Vernon)
Lee Chan (Dino)
Choi Soo-Bin (Soobin)
Choi Yeon-Jun (Yeonjun)
Choi Beom-Gyu (Beomgyu)
Kang Tae-Hyun (Taehyun)
Kai Kamal Huenging (Huening Kai)
Monsta X
Sohn Hyun-Woo (Shownu)
Lee Min-Hyuk (Minhyuk)
Yoo Ki-Hyun (Kihyun)
Chae Hyung-Won (Hyung-won)
Lee Joo-Heon (Jooheon)
Im Chang-Kyun (I.M)
Kim Jun-Myeon (Suho)
Kim Min Seok (Xiumin)
Byun Baek-Hyun (Baekhyun)
Kim Jong-Dae (Chen)
Park Chan-Yeol (Chanyeol)
Do Kyung-Soo (D.O)
Kim Jong-In (Kai)
Oh Se-Hun (Sehun)
Zhang Jiashuni (Lay)
Li Jiasheng (Kris)
Lu Han (Luhan)
Huang Zitao (Tao)
Stray Kids
Christopher Chan (Bang Chan)
Lee Min-Ho (Lee Know)
Seo Chang-Bin (Changbin)
Hwang Hyun-Jin (HyunJin)
Han Ji-Sang (Han)
Felix Lee (Felix)
Kim Seung-Min (Seungmin)
Yang Jeong-In (I.N)
Kim Woo-Jin (Woojin)
Lee Tae-Yong (Taeyong)
Moon Tae-Il (Taeil)
Seo Young-Ho (Johnny)
Nakamoto Yuta (Yuta)
Qian Kun (Kun)
Kim Dong-Young (Doyoung)
(Korean Name) Lee Young-Heum (Ten)
Jeong Yoon-Oh (Jaehyun)
Dong Si-Cheng (Winwin)
Kim Jung-Woo (Jungwoo)
Huang Xuxi (Lucas)
Mark Lee (Mark)
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun)
Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Huang Ren Jun (Renjun)
Lee Je-No (Jeno)
Lee Dong-Hyuck (Haechan)
Na Jae-Min (Jaemin)
Liu YangYang (Yangyang)
Osaki Shotaro (Shotaro)
Jung Sung-Chan (Sungchan)
Zhong Chen-Le (Chenie)
Park Ji-Sung (Jisung)
Yang Jung-Won (Jungwon)
Lee Hee-Seung (Heeseung)
Jay Park (Jay)
Jake Sim (Jake)
Park Sung-Hoon (Sunghoon)
Kim Seon-Woo (Sunoo)
Kim Nam-Joon
Kim Seok-Jin
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-Seok
Park Ji-Min
Kim Tae-Hyung
Jeon Jung-kook
Solo Artists
Lee Ho-Seok (Wonho)
Kang Dong-Ho (Baekho.)
Cho Seung-Youn (Woodz.)
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bizarre-season · 3 years ago
Kumpulan Puisi "Apa yang Diharapkan Rel Kereta Api" karya Moon Changgil: BENTUK PERLAWANAN DAN HARAPAN UNTUK KOREA SELATAN
oleh Maretta Dwi Anjani
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Judul buku: “Apa yang Diharapkan Rel Kereta Api”
Penulis: Moon Chang Gil
Penerjemah: Kim Young Soo dan Nenden Lilis Aisyah
Penerbit: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, Desember 2021
Jumlah halaman: 116 + x halaman
Tidak dapat dielakkan bahwa beberapa tahun terakhir ini segala hal berbau Korea Selatan, mulai dari dunia industri hiburan, fesyen, hingga kuliner, menjadi topik hangat di seluruh dunia. Termasuk karya sastranya. Di Indonesia, berbagai karya sastra dari penulis Korea Selatan telah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan mendapat sambutan hangat, seperti novel Kim Ji-Yeong, Lahir Tahun 1982 karya Cho Nam-Joo dan novel Almond karya Sohn Won-Pyung. Tidak hanya itu, buku genre non-fiksi self-improvement pun tidak kalah populer, misalnya buku I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki yang ditulis oleh Baek Se-Hee.
Hal ini memberi ruang bagi karya sastra puisi dari Korea Selatan untuk turut menambah warna pada kesastraan di Indonesia. Setelah sebelumnya kumpulan sajak karya Choi Jun berjudul Orang Suci, Pohon Kelapa (2019) hadir menyapa pembaca Indonesia, pada akhir tahun 2021 telah terbit pula kumpulan puisi dari penyair Moon Changgil. Buku kumpulan puisi ini bertajuk Apa yang Diharapkan Rel Kereta Api, diterjemahkan oleh Kim Young Soo dan Nenden Lilis Aisyah.
Melalui 58 puisi yang terbagi ke dalam 4 bagian dalam buku ini, Moon Changgil akan mengajak pembaca untuk ‘minggir’ sejenak dari pusat kota dan ingar-bingar industri hiburan Korea Selatan. Rangkaian diksinya akan membawa kita menyusuri desa, pinggiran kota, ke gang sempit, ke dermaga, ke masa lalu, dan masa depan. Seiring dengan itu, ia menunjukkan harapan-harapan yang dipikul oleh masyarakat kecil; buruh, petani, pekerja harian. Melalui puisinya juga penyair mengingatkan atau memberi tahu kepada pembaca bahwa Korea Selatan, seperti negara lainnya, pun mempunyai luka, mengalami masa-masa kelamnya, ia juga menyimpan mimpi untuk masa yang akan datang. Itulah yang menjadi keistimewaan dari puisi-puisi dalam buku Apa yang Diharapkan Rel Kereta Api ini.
Kecenderungan tema dari puisi-puisi Moon Changgil memang didukung oleh ia yang banyak menaruh perhatian terhadap perjuangan rakyat kecil serta hak asasi manusia. Penyair angkatan ‘80-an ini memulai kiprahnya dalam dunia penulisan puisi lewat kumpulan puisi Duresi Dongin. Pada 1984 hingga 1991, ia tergabung dalam Komunitas Sastra Buruh Guro. Di komunitas tersebut ia berada di Bagian Sastra Persatuan Pemuda Perusahaan Demokratisasi. Selain itu, Moon Changgil juga memimpin media dan aktif di organisasi sastra di Korea, yaitu kelompok Changjak21 dan majalah sastra Changjak21. Selain yang telah disebutkan, masih ada beberapa perhimpunan penyair lainnya yang diikuti Moon Changgil.
Berbicara tentang sastra, tidak dapat dilupakan bahwa sebuah karya sastra ialah buah dari ide dan gagasan sang pengarang. Sastra dapat menjadi cerminan realitas kehidupan. Sastra dapat menjadi senjata; bentuk perlawanan. Penyair Moon Changgil meyakini hal tersebut. Penyair asal Korea Selatan ini berpegang teguh pada semboyan “Pena adalah Senjata”. Ia berpendapat bahwa sastrawan harus menyadari, mengkritik, dan melawan kekerasan yang menghancurkan hayat di bumi ini. Dengan karyanya ini, ia ingin menyampaikan bentuk perlawanan melalui gambaran kehidupan, perasaan, gagasan, juga harapan untuk Korea Selatan. Lalu, bagaimana hal tersebut ditampilkan?
Dimulai dari bagian pertama, yang diberi tajuk Rangkuman 1, kita akan melihat kehidupan masyarakat yang bermatapencaharian sebagai buruh, petani, nelayan, dan pekerja harian. Penyair menuturkan keseharian para warga serta harapan dan mimpi mereka dengan sederhana, rasanya seperti melihat kehidupan mereka dari dekat. Contohnya pada puisi “Wanita dari Ahnyang” (hlm. 7). Digambarkan kesibukan masyarakat di tepi dermaga yang banyak bekerja sebagai nelayan serta penjual ikan segar. Harapan tokoh dalam puisi ditunjukkan lewat larik berikut, “Uang yang ini untuk menyekolahkan anak laki-laki sampai universitas/ lalu uang yang itu untuk membelikan anak perempuan sebuah piano.” (hlm. 7).
Sedangkan pada sebagian puisi lain memunculkan suasana kebalikan dari sebelumnya. Misalnya, pada puisi “Ayahku” pembaca dapat merasakan kesengsaraan dari aku-lirik yang merupakan seorang buruh. Berikut penggalan puisinya,
“Aku jadi buruh di pabrik itu
ingin mendirikan tiang untuk
dunia yang sesungguhnya…
Kalian adalah pemimpin
kami adalah buruh..” (hlm. 14)
Hal yang sama juga tampak pada puisi “Rumput Liar di Atas Aspal”.
“Dalam keadaan mabuk
Suara Seo si tukang kayu yang mengkritik pemerintah
meneriakkan pembersihan Pemerintahan Republik kelima dan
semakin samar bagaikan minuman keras murah.
Benar, aku dan kamu
adalah rumput liar di atas aspal di negeri kapitalisme ini.” (hlm. 25).
Pada puisi di atas aku-lirik seakan ingin mengatakan bahwa harapan sudah tipis sekali adanya. Puisi tersebut yang menggambarkan kondisi buruh serta rakyat kecil juga sarat akan kritik terhadap negara yang kapitalis. Pesan tersebut tampak disampaikan secara halus melalui kisah-kisah, tetapi dengan bahasanya yang lugas, seakan ingin memberi penegasan, ingin menyuarakan dengan keras dan lantang. Hal itu menjadikan makna puisi ini mudah ditangkap, namun juga tetap mengandung unsur estetikanya.
Puisi, atau karya sastra, memang dapat dijadikan sebagai bentuk perlawanan. Apabila melihat kata ‘puisi’ dan ‘lawan’ dalam satu kalimat, mungkin kita akan teringat pada penyair di Indonesia yang juga menulis puisi yang sarat dengan nada perlawanan serta kritik. Widji Thukul dengan puisi “Nyanyian Akar Rumput”-nya memiliki beberapa kesamaan dengan puisi “Rumput Liar di Atas Aspal” karya Moon Changgil. Di mana rakyat kecil diibaratkan dengan istilah ‘rumput’ yang tidak berdaya, rentan terinjak. Begitu pula dengan istilah ‘aspal’ pada puisi Moon dan ‘jalan raya dilebarkan’ pada puisi Widji, sama-sama digunakan untuk menyebut pembangunan di tengah negara yang makin maju, namun juga makin melebarkan kesenjangan bagi kalangan atas dan kalangan bawah.
Tidak hanya soal rakyat kecil, Moon Changgil juga menuturkan kisah Korea di masa lalu melalui puisinya. Sebelum menjadi negara yang maju seperti saat ini, Korea Selatan sempat mengalami masa-masa bersejarahnya yang sulit dan kelam. Penjajahan Jepang, perang Korea yang membuat semenanjung Korea terbagi menjadi dua di bagian utara dan selatan dan hingga saat ini belum ada perdamaian, pemerintah diktator yang memicu berbagai gerakan demokratisasi, dan masih banyak lagi. Di setiap masa tersebut, bentuk perlawanan dan harapan pun senantiasa ada. Rangkuman 2 dalam buku kumpulan puisi Apa yang Diharapkan Rel Kereta Api mencakup tema-tema tersebut. Puisi pertama dalam bagian ini berjudul “Di Stasiun Woljeong-Ri”. Satu larik dalam puisi ini yang berbunyi “Apa artinya dua lajur rel kereta api yang diharapkan?” (hlm. 31), dijadikan sebagai judul buku kumpulan puisi ini. Lalu, apa gerangan yang diharapkan rel kereta api? Jawabannya ada pada larik setelahnya: unifikasi, reformasi.
Terbaginya Semenanjung Korea menjadi dua merupakan dampak dari perang Korea 70 tahun lalu. Perang yang terjadi selama beberapa tahun itu turut memisahkan masyarakat Korea dari anggota keluarganya. Sejak perang berakhir dan hingga saat ini kedua pihak dari Korea belum ada perdamaian resmi, hanya ada gencatan senjata. Perdamaian antara Korea Selatan dan Korea Utara sejatinya merupakan harapan banyak pihak. Moon Changgil sebagai penyair mewakilkan harapan tersebut.
Puisi yang bertajuk “Kita Adalah Satu” (hlm. 36-37). memberi suasana semangat persatuan, perdamaian, dan harapan. Puisi ini ditulis sehubungan dengan kunjungan Lim Sookyeong ke Korea Utara. Lim Sookyeong merupakan representatif dari warga Korea Selatan yang mengunjungi The 13th World Festival of Youth and Students di Pyongyang, Korea Utara, pada 1989. Pada saat itu presiden Korea Selatan melarang penduduknya untuk pergi ke utara, namun dengan keberaniannya, demi bisa mencapai Korea Utara, Lim Sookyeong melakukan perjalanan dari satu negara ke negara lain: dari Seoul, ke Tokyo, ke Jerman Barat, lalu ke Jerman Timur untuk kemudian terbang ke Pyongyang. Tekadnya dalam peristiwa itu membuat Lim dijuluki sebagai Flower of Unification. Ia telah membangkitkan semangat persatuan masyarakat. Hal itu tercermin dalam puisi “Kita Adalah Satu”. Lariknya berbunyi, “Esok pagi jiwa unifikasi akan merasuk/ sampai kalbuku yang terdalam.” lalu puisi ditutup dengan larik yang sama kuatnya: “Kita adalah satu.”
Puisi yang dijadikan contoh di atas hanyalah satu dari berbagai kilasan peristiwa sejarah Korea yang diangkat penyair dalam puisinya. Selain dari suasana persatuan, kebanyakan puisi tersebut bernuansa pilu. Misalnya mengenai perempuan-perempuan yang menjadi korban pelampiasan hasrat seksual tentara Barat. Ia menggambarkan bagaimana harapan rakyat terinjak-injak seiring dengan terjadinya perang dan datangnya penjajah. Dengan itu, ia juga tetap menyuarakan perlawanan, misalnya saja pada puisi “Di Maehyang-Ri” yang berisi seruan kepada penjajah untuk pergi dari tanah Korea. Puisi Moon Changgil mengingatkan bahwa, dengan mengingat sejarah-lah maka kita bisa belajar untuk membangun masa depan yang lebih indah. Penyair menyatakan hal tersebut dengan apik sekaligus ironi pada puisi "Buku Catatan Putih". Penggalannya sebagai berikut.
entah sejak kapan bunga-bunga liar
yang berwarna putih bagaikan buku catatan putih
tumbuh berdiri menggantikan batu nisan.
Mereka mengajarkan sejarah
yang seharusnya dipelihara orang-orang yang masih hidup. (hlm. 45).
Pada bagian-bagian selanjutnya, Moon Changgil tetap mempertahankan fokusnya dengan menuturkan kisah dalam puisi dari sudut pandang masyarakat kecil. Rangkuman 3 berisi puisi-puisi yang lebih mengungkapkan emosi, rasa sepi, renungan, serta lingkungan alam. Dan di bagian terakhir, di Rangkuman 4, mengisahkan potongan-potongan kehidupan di Seoul yang getir, sulit, dan pahit.
Begitulah bunyi perlawanan dan harapan yang ditampilkan penyair dalam kumpulan puisi Apa yang Diharapkan Rel Kereta Api. Harapan yang dipikul masyarakat kecil di tengah segala nestapa yang mereka alami. Harapan manusia. Harapan yang rasanya kian terkikis. Harapan untuk perdamaian. Harapan tentang alam. Harapan untuk keadilan dan kesetaraan. Nyatanya, dengan harapan-lah kita bisa bertahan. Sekecil apapun itu, harapan menjadi alasan kita untuk tetap berjalan. Di balik lembar buku sejarah Korea yang menyimpan kisah pilu, kita bisa berharap untuk Korea yang lebih baik di masa depan. Di tengah kondisi dunia yang serba cepat dan maju tanpa memedulikan orang-orang yang ada di pinggiran, kita masih bisa berharap untuk hidup yang lebih baik. Dengan harapan itu maka kita berjuang, melawan.
Demikian, puisi-puisi karangan Moon Changgil akhirnya membawa kita menyusuri Korea dari sisi lain yang mungkin belum banyak diketahui oleh orang-orang sebelumnya. Membaca puisi ini penting tidak hanya untuk masyarakat Korea namun juga luar Korea sebagai pembelajaran. Topik-topik yang diangkat penyair yang meliputi rakyat kecil, persatuan, perdamaian, kesetaraan, hak asasi, dan lain sebagainya merupakan persoalan universal yang dapatdijumpai di masyarakat di tempat mana pun, di masa apapun. Persoalan ini tidak lekang oleh zaman.
"Pena adalah senjata", begitu yang diyakini oleh Moon Changgil. Dan melalui karyanya ini, buku kumpulan puisi Apa yang Diharapkan Rel Kereta Api, ia tidak hanya menyajikan puisi sebagai alat perlawanan dengan cara sehalus dan seapik mungkin, namun juga menumbuhkan harapan-harapan bagi yang membacanya.
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svnnysidevp · 5 years ago
𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐳 !
hello ! so a friend & i have been thinking about putting together a little group verse / network for celebrity muses in the indie community , just to broaden connections and keep things spicy for our muses ; plot drops , events n the like can b discussed ! if u have actors , models , singers , idols , or anythin’ else and wld be inch rested , LIKE this n i’ll come msg u and add u to the d.scord server we’ll set up !! 
we’re capping muns at 10 rn and seeing how things go from there so yeAHH lets go crazy go wild !!
under the cut u can see who’s alrdy part of the verse :’) this’ll be updated over time !
is ( @svnnysidevp ! ) —
revolver , a 7 piece ex boy group turned university students
miles shin — jeon jungkook
noel seong — mark lee
wes kang — vernon choi
na younghyun — jung jaehyun
mj bae — bang chan
ivy soo , comedy writer and aspiring stand up — kim lip
bradley suh , model — kevin moon
miyoung yoo , idol — saerom
sejoo oh-nguyen , pr / marketing agent — park seo joon
virgo ( @grccnlight​ ! ) —
josh yoon , actor — rowoon
jude yoon , screenwriting student — jinsoul 
aera yoon , manager — park minyoung
adri ( @gnhwa​​ ! ) —
bentley hilton , actor — jungwoo
kitahachi saito , actor & singer — yuta
calix wang , model — taehyung
kaja ( @entwinedhearts​​ ! ) —
sophie park , rookie actress & aspiring singer — lee suhyun
miko ( @elysiantouch​​​ ! ) —
baek minki , visual of idol group — eunwoo
baek minjoo , visual of idol group — eunbi
meg ( @thervnaways​​​​ ! ) —
ahn “ monday “ myungok , kr&b soloist — irene
eun jinae , actress — kim minseo
dri ( @unluckvs​​​​ ! ) —
amelia jeong — doyeon
moonrise manor , band
levi sohn — rubin
hazel jeon — seulgi
jodie lim — yeeun
theo wu — minghao
dante ryu — mingi
lux ( @dhmpire ! ) —
love park , child actor & singer — taeyong
jae ( @wistfulreality​​​​​ ! ) —
fantasia , boy group
do jungwoo — hongseok
shin joowon — yunho
im seoyoung , actress — tiffany
xcl , girl group
lee misun — joy
shin yura — rose
pony ( @gwcci​ ! ) —
son yuna , idol — jennie
cleo hill , idol — lisa
rory ( @hclfmoon​ ! ) —
9nine , boy group
gyo sungmin — taeil
cho jinyeol — ahn hyoseop
yu gunwoo , lol player & twitch streamer — ji changwook
reileen kawahara , model & socialite — gemma chan
han jihu , celebrity lawyer — seo kang joon
im jia , celebrity chef — hani
han kyuchul , ceo of gaming company — kim jisoo
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lucygold95 · 1 year ago
They're not exactly the same poses, but I just want to add these pictures here :D
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Sara Jean Ford, Hugh Panaro and Marni Raab(Broadway) / 손지수[Sohn Ji-soo], 조승우[Cho/Jo Seung-woo] and 김소현[Kim/Gim So-hyun](Korea 2nd revival tour – Seoul. 김소현 didn't play Christine in the POTO Korea 2nd revival, but played Christine in the POTO Korea original and 1st revival).
Phantom, recreated
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Unknown "Bacchus" and Evgeny Zaytsev (Moscow), recreated by Gustavo Ceccarelli and Henrique Moretzsohn (São Paulo revival)
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Meg Chilcott and Maree Johnson (Australia), recreated by Ali Ewoldt and Maree Johnson (Broadway)
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Lorraine Chappel and Sarah Ryan (UK tour), recreated by Sara Esty and Emilie Kouatchou (Broadway) AND Ellie Young and Holly Anne Hull (West End revival)
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Jonathan Roxmouth and Meghan Picerno (Third World Tour), recreated by Thiago Arancam and Daruã Góes (São Paulo revival)
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Rob Pitcher and Elizabeth Welch (Oberhausen), recreated by Paul Ettore Tabone and Kelly Mathieson (West End)
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fxluna · 5 years ago
Korean Female Releases - January 2020
This list was created with the intention of exposing in a easy and neat way female releases from January 2020, including all genres and projects. I hope that here you can find talented artists and amazing songs and give them the love, attention and recognition they deserve.  
If you see any errors or releases missing, please let me know!
YEOJEONG (여정) - Jackson, The Talkative Cat (수다쟁이 잭슨)
Lee Young Ji (이영지) - WALGA (왈가)
Fil (필), Kim Dae yeon (김대연) - 선물 
LUNCH (런치) - 나의 이름을 (Love Forever)
AIRY (애리) - 신세계 (New Universe)
knockinon (노킹온) feat. RIPLEY - Door (문)
msftz (미스피츠) - 2080
Brown Eyed Girls (브라운 아이드 걸스) - Snowman
이기리 - Make Me Sing
NARA - Dirty Street
일상밴드 (Band daily) - 사랑은 머그잔에 (A Mug in Love)
LUCY (루씨) feat. 오세진 - 너를, 봄 
Vanishing Point (소실점) - Fake (척)
Lubless (러블레스) - Bluebird (파랑새)
Lee Yong Shin (이용신) - Smile
Dopein (도핀) Feat. Horim - 나 원하는 대로 (How I want it)
Elli K (엘리케이) - Love
Park se ho (박세호) - Beside her (그대곁에서)
OHLYNN (올린) - 우리의 헤어짐이 (Lisianthus) 
Jisugongzu (유지수) - 호수
Newzz (뉴즈) - BLIND LOVE 
Linhee (린희) - 얼룩진 밤 (stained night)
Sumerlee (이연호) - 지나갈 것들 
Nooma Feat. Hippie Kunda - Pathos
Joodan (주단) - 너만 자꾸 생각나
Youngji (영지) - 사랑이 날 떠나가 
FIXED FOCUS Feat. chohee (초희) - 그대는 모르죠 (You Don't Know) 
siha (시하) - Inside the Room (방안)
LoveSong - Windletter (바람편지)
Prin (프린) - 안녕, 내 사랑 Hello, My Love 
Yerim Sohn (손예림) - PALE BLUE
Yerim Sohn (손예림) - PROBLEM
YOUNHA (윤하) - Dark Cloud (먹구름)
Jeong Hyo Bean (정효빈) - sometimes (가끔은)
Peanut Butter (피넛버터) - 마음방 Dear daddy   
WooAhan (우아한) - 나만 너 (Only Me Only You)
프루츠 버니 (Feat. 윤혜린) - 감귤나무
kimneul (김늘) - 너에게 전하는 밤
Sýn Hjang (신향) - Shoulder Line (어깨선)
KissN (키스엔) - Hope you
Naseul (나슬) - 나에게
Seol Dal Dal (서달달) - It just happened 어쩌다 보니
Hongsi (홍시) - TinT
LUNNE (루네) - 눈꽃
Kim sin ah (김신아) - 이별 그 후 (After Parting)  
SEOY - Lazy Sunday    
DreamNote (드림노트) - WISH (바라다)
me and you (미앤유) With Jung Soan (정소안) - 사랑이 뭐였더라  What Is Love?
Elaine Kim (일레인) - Deep Breath
Joo Yeahin (주예인) - 네가 없는 하루
Lionclad (라이언클레드) - My Love 
Pyun Sun Hee (편선희) - 퇴근길 (Routine) 
Yunsae (윤새) - Stay with Me
신디 (Sindy) (Vocal. 비터스윗) - 다시 우린
안성옥 - 시작
강다나 - 안아줄게 
란 (Ran) - 너를 많이 좋아했어  
pH-1 Feat. Yerin Baek (백예린) - Nerdy Love (Prod. Mokyo)
Jung So An (정소안) - 궁금해 I'm Curious 
그녀 (Vocal. 지하이) - 돌아간다면..  
Woo YeRin (우예린) - 전하지 못한 편지
멜로우카페 (Vocal 이예린) - 지나고 나면
Nathania Feat. Nason - Lost Treasure (Prod. By Coral J)
J.MEE (제이미) - 알아  
Hong Soo Jung (홍수정) feat. Ko eun hye (고은혜) - Love (사랑을)   
GRACY (그레씨) - 그냥지금만생각하고싶어  
 Amber Liu - Stay Calm   
SUZANNE (수젠) - Can't Hang
ANS - Say My Name
HAERAN HONG (홍혜란) - 산촌
오아이 - No Thanks 
K. Flower (케이플라워) feat. Gawon (가원) - I Love You (널 사랑한 기억)   
Hailey Jeong (헤일리정) - promise you  
Subok - Can You Save Me?
Ruby Star (루비스타) - 결국은, 사랑 
LYn (린) - Three Wishes 세 가지 소원
Love Statue (사랑의 단상) - 겨울꽃 (Winter Flower)  
PARANG JAMONG (파랑자몽) - 부탁이야 (Please) 
12DAL (열두달) - 사랑아 아픈 사랑아 (Sick Love)
Roomy (루미) - Because it's you 그대라서 
2NB (투앤비) - How Can I Love You (왜 연락 안 되는 거니)
Banni (반니) - 나쁜놈 Bad Guy
Yerin Baek (백예린) - 다시 난, 여기 (Here I Am Again)
SUDI (With LAYN, iMos) - Cinema
SUDI (With Hauzee, Holmsted) - LP bar
 송민경 - 가르쳐줘요 
MISA (미사) - 밤드라이브 Night Drive
이예준 - 미친 소리
Stella Jang (스텔라 장) - Right Time and Right Place  
Daji (다지) - Before Sunrise (흩어지는 새벽)
MAYDONI (메이다니) - Black Snow
Hansol (한솔) - 그리워서 I Miss You
KLANG (클랑) - Horizon 
seoninjang (선인장) - 영원한 바다 (Eternal Sea)
MOONBOW - Your Last Day 
meenoi (미노이) - 3M
MIGEUM (미금) - This Night
Gummy (거미) - Your Day (너의 하루는 좀 어때)  
 Sophiya (소피야 ) - Ripple
Im DAI (임다이) - RIPLEY  
OVCOCO (오브코코) feat. TAEK - 밤 (Night)
nov (노브) - 겨울꽃 (冬花)   
Jueun Lim (임주은) - 디저트송
MosPick Feat. WOOSEOK (우석) of PENTAGON (펜타곤) - FINE DAY
Seongju (한성주) feat. Boyoon (보윤) - 너를 보며    
Baek Sunnyeo (백선녀) - 널 지켜주지 못해 미안해 Protect you 
볼빨간사춘기, 바닐라 어쿠스틱, 스웨덴세탁소, 스무살, 레터플로우, 김지수, WH3N(웬), 보라미유, 최유리 - Awkward(어색한 사이)
TAEYEON (태연) - 내게 들려주고 싶은 말 (Dear Me)
Sorae (소래) - 비 Rain (Vocal 기다온)
Sorae (소래) - 그대에게 To you
KIMHEEJIN (김희진) - 차마 I Can't Forget You
Anne (빨간머리앤) - 작가처럼  
크레파스 - 못난이
ALE (에일) With D2ear - 고마워 (I love you)
CARLA (칼라) - Dan Da La
Cafemocha (카페모카) feat. 모닝커피 - 좋은 날이 올 거에요  
양팡 Feat. 태리 - On air
Hyunsun Park (박현선) - Shall We Dance?
Yeram (예람) - HOLD TIGHT 
Beige (베이지) - 이별 첫날   
Lilynote (릴리노트) - 행복  
Solar (솔라), Kassy (케이시) - A song from the past (이 노랜 꽤 오래된 거야)
PARK KI YOUNG (박기영) - Tough girl  
Jan Di Kum (금잔디) - BANANA CHACHA Trot (바나나차차 트로트)
sogak sogak (소각소각) Feat. jae hee of MIND U - 내가 다 미안해 It’s all my fault
REDCHAIR (빨간 의자) - 한강 둔치 (Riverside of The Han River)
수연 - 별이 지는 순간  
Moonsound (문사운드) Feat. flowER - winter film  
KO A JUNG (고아정) - 미안해    
Iony (아이오니) (Vocal. Jungmi (정미)) - 예쁘게만 보여 Day by day
gahee (가희) - 서울도시, 달빛야경
릴리모닝스타 - 오늘부터 리셋  
달지X로옐 - 레벨업 (메이플스토리)
가나그네 프로젝트 (feat. 임성희 Of 한살차이) - 마취
Ha.E.D (하이디) - Liar (라이어)  
meeuz - 더 깊      
U SUNG EUN (유성은) - 도망가요 (Runaway)
KIARA (키아라) - 보스 (BOSS)
J-Cera (제이세라) - 사랑이 저만치 가네
verycoybunny - Love Is Giving
Wanee Jung (정희경) - 틈 CREVASSE (Sitar & Tabla)
Meaningful Stone (김뜻돌) - 어른이 된다면 (If I Grow Up)
HONG JIN YOUNG (홍진영) - 그대 오는 날  Love is Coming  
MiGyo (미교) - 미칠 듯 사랑을 하고 Love like crazy
Ever-New (에버 뉴) Feat. Violinist 박진희 - 운명  
Hyunhee Seen (신현희) - 독백 [Monologue]  
찬열 (CHANYEOL), 펀치 (Punch) - Go away go away
Lydia (리디아) x Ryhee (리희) - 내 사랑이 떠난다 (My love is leaving)
AIR - 돌아와
프린 (Prin) - 함께라면 (Together) 
Paul Kim (폴킴), CHUNG HA (청하) - Loveship
오소연 - 잊고싶어요  
Im Som (임솜) with 성영주 - 그래, 참 바보 같다 Yeah, that's stupid  
Heize (헤이즈) - That's All (다 그렇지 뭐)  
Gawon (가원) - 우리 헤어진 게 맞니  
BBAhn (비비안) - 하나뿐인 그대여
4& (포엔) - Starry Night
Syn (씬) - Selp Cure Tape. 자가치유.  
zytpk - 겨울 다음 겨울 (Winter After Winter)     
윤보라 - 이렇게 끝내서 미안해  
Bandgirin (밴드기린) - Beautiful days
ONZ feat. 미누 - Do You
City Nature (Vocal by 오선미) - 흰눈 Snow   
Baek A (백아) - Time Slip (시간을 되돌리면)
이소현 - 우리를 우리로 만들었던 날  
MAY&SEOK (메이앤석) - 어렸던 왕자  A Little Prince
SUDI With. Hauzee, 개미친구, 김비노 - 그날 우리는
HAILEY (헤일리) - Farewell Vlog (이별Vlog) (loves. 베이식)
Poetic Narrator (시적화자) - Sometimes I Desperately Want To Be Sick (가끔은 미치도록 아프고 싶어요)
JHWA (제이화) - I Met You (너를 만나)
Moongarden (달빛정원) - 집으로 가는 길에  On My Way Back Home
 GRACY (그레씨) - 아무도 모르게
Maiello (메이엘로) - 비밀 (Secret)
youbeyou (유비유) - 널 바라볼 때
An Ji Yeon (안지연) - 비야  
SOYOUNG UM (엄소영) - 그리울거야 Missing you 
Appetizer (에피타이저) feat. MYO SOO (묘수) - 잠도안오는 이런 밤이면 Sleep At Night  
이예린 - 사람은 이상하고 사랑은 모르겠어
hyeon seo park (박현서) - 밤 중 (midnight) 
Mandy (맨디) - anyway
Mandy (맨디) - 파이달 BlueMoonLight (prod. oe)
Machiato (마끼아또) - 그대만 내 사랑입니다 (You are my love)       
Sung Dam (성담) - 보고싶어요 Still
Oh Jieun (오지은) - 지나가요 pass by 
Seiren 8 - FLEX
반설희 - 숨바꼭질
OYEON (오연) - Want to say (하고 싶은 말) 
Michelle (이미쉘) - 이별은 너 혼자 하니
TERA (태라) - 이제 와서야  
Recordbell (레코드벨) - 모든 땅 위의 빛은 저 하늘 누군가의 별 (Constellation)
LEEVIAN (리비안) - 내 머리속엔 너만 상영하는 작은 영화관 하나 있나 봐
Sosohan Project (소소한 프로젝트) - 도시, 별  
Ran (란) - 결국 이별     
Kana Bathe (카나베잇) - When I Feel Love
YOYOMI (요요미) - 알고 싶어 니 마음을 (I Wanna Know Your Feeling)
MINSEO (민서) - Love Yourself (너에게 말해줘)
 DJ 캐시 - Cash Gun
MAMAMOO (마마무) - I miss You (자꾸 더 보고싶은 사람)
Cheon Soa (천소아) - 너를 처음 보았던 그날  
the Night of Seokyo (서교동의 밤) feat. BiNi (비니) - Diving
예나비 - 한 편의 시(詩)
Vivivavy (비비베이비) - Ready For Love
Rorin (로린) - 가지않는 시계  Miss You   
SIYEON (시연) (Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐)) - Paradise
Ha Jin (하진) - Dawn (새벽)  
LEE HAE RI (이해리) - 우는 법을 잊어버렸나요 (Just Cry) 
Singil Station Romance (신길역 로망스) feat. Jeon chul min (전철민) - Our temperature 우리의 온도 
Myown (마이온) - 결코 평범하지 않았다고  
yerieL (예리엘) - LINE
I:magine (이매진) - 걱정을 해서 걱정이 없으면 걱정이 없겠네
METP (멧피) - 세레나데 
Moestone (feat. Momoko) - 어떡해
Hye Lim (혜림) - take it slow      
LEE YEON JU (이연주) - 하루종일 (All Day Long)  
Yezi (예지) - My Gravity
전기장판 - 신호
Lee Jihye (이지혜) - 긴가민가 (Puzzle me)   
HYOLYN (효린) feat. Crucial Star - 말 없이 안아줘 (Hug Me Silently)
Espresso (에스프레소) Feat. 가원 - 집에 가기 싫어 I don't want to go home
JANG HYEJIN (장혜진) - 이별에게 졌나 봐 (Lost to farewell)
Savina & Drones (사비나앤드론즈) - DOWN
SingSongLa (싱송라) - Real Dreams
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jodieminimal · 6 years ago
Kim Jae Wook - Actor Spotlight
June 5, 2019 by misvictrix [Soompi]
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Kim Jae-wook is in this week’s spotlight, but he hardly needs an introduction. His recent drama Her Private Life, where he starred opposite Park Min-young, is quickly becoming a cult favorite — and yep, both their performances were fantastic. As the drama has just wrapped up (nooo!), it seems like a good time to take a look at Kim Jae-wook’s acting career.
Born in 1983 in Seoul, South Korea, Kim Jae-wook’s career had an early start in 2002 with a small role in the MBC drama Ruler of Your Own World. He was young at the time, and apparently didn’t enjoy the acting experience. Instead, he focused on his modeling career for many years. When Kim Jae-wook finally returned to the small screen, it was with a supporting role in two now-classic dramas: Dal Ja’s Spring and Coffee Prince.
Although those dramas (especially the latter) should have been enough to guarantee his success, it hasn’t been till recently that he’s starting to get the recognition he deserves. After Her Private Life, he’s definitely at a great point in his career. Quick, make us more dramas!
Here are some dramaland moments from Kim Jae-wook, followed by his full filmography.
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Who Are You (2013)
I’m not quite sure how I got through all of this drama. I don’t like creepy tales, and I especially don’t like poorly written creepy tales. However, I have a soft spot for Taecyeon, and tvN, so it seemed like a good idea at the time. Little did I know that this drama would be my introduction to Kim Jae-wook (*choir of angels*). It’s not exactly easy to steal an entire drama when you don’t even have a single line of dialogue — but Kim Jae-wook sure pulled it off. In Who Are You Kim Jae-wook played the wrongfully-murdered beloved of So Yi-hyun’s heroine. She was haunted/visited by him (depending on how you look at it, I guess) and it’s just a testament to his acting that his character was able to have the impact he did. White as a sheet, more silent than any Jang Ki-yong role, and not even doing much but standing there, Kim Jae-wook’s compelling screen presence held this drama together. Thank you.
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Temperature of Love (2017)
In the face-off of Yang Se-jong and Kim Jae-wook, who can ever win the heart of the heroine? Truthfully, this drama was about much more than its love triangle — in fact, the love triangle was one of the weakest elements. It’s also one of the rare dramas where my perennial second lead syndrome was shelved (it’s a good drama practice to shelve that painful emotion from time to time). In Temperature of Love, Kim Jae-wook was cold, rich, and completely taken with Seo Hyun-jin’s screenwriting heroine. Though I didn’t love how the triangle/tension played out in moments, I never doubted the authenticity of his character’s emotions. Kim Jae-wook was also a nice foil for Yang Se-jong, who seemed extra young and chipper next to the suave businessman with the power to make or break the people around him.
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Her Private Life (2019)
I loved the thought of Kim Jae-wook and Park Min-young starring together, but wasn’t really sure what to expect out of this drama… and boy have I been pleasantly surprised! I’m one of the first people to get drama fatigue over rom-coms with no personality — luckily, Her Private Life has not only personality, but pizzazz, super duper chemistry, and yeah, it’s also hilarious. Kim Jae-wook is great in this role, and it’s such a better character for him than the somewhat (conceptually) similar role he played in Temperature of Love. Here, he gets to have so much more fun, not only because he’s actually in the leading role, but because the script, thankfully, gives him more to do than just be a cold, smitten boss. Not that he doesn’t rock cold and smitten too.
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Kim Jae-wook’s full filmography:
Ruler of Your Own World (2002) [Drama]
Kim Jae-wook made his acting debut with a side role in this Lee Na-young and Yang Dong-geun drama, but apparently had a bad time filming, and wasn’t sure about pursuing acting.
Dal Ja’s Spring (2007) [Drama]
Though many were blinded by Lee Min-ki when they watched this drama, Kim Jae-wook had an important (for his career, not really the drama) side role here as Lee Min-ki’s friend. Importantly, this drama was his return to the small screen after a 5-year break.
Coffee Prince (2007) [Drama]
I love long-haired Kim Jae-wook. That is all.
Antique (2008) [Film]
Comedy film based on a Japanese manga about a bakery that starred Joo Ji-hoon, Yoo Ah-in, Choi Ji-ho, and Kim Jae-wook, and got a good bit of acclaim.
Kingdom of the Wind (2008) [Drama]
Kim Jae-wook had a side role in this epic historical drama that told the story of several figures from the Three Kingdoms period.
Pygmalion’s Love (2010) [Drama]
Having grown up in Japan (he spent 7 years there), Kim Jae-wook has a great command of Japanese and it’s helped his career a lot. This short Japanese drama with Kim Joon and Minamisawa Nao is just one example.
Heart of Gold (2010) [Film]
Kim Jae-wook and Hong Kong actress Janice Man starred in this web-released movie about a Koream artist who travels to Japan.
Bad Guy (2010) [Drama]
No matter how bad the hero is, or how bad the plot is, this melodrama is one I want to watch. In addition to Kim Jae-wook, this drama starred Kim Nam-gil, Han Ga-in, Oh Yeon-soo, and Jung So-min.
Mary Stayed Out All Night (2010) [Drama]
This rom-com starred Moon Geun-young, Jang Geun-seok, and Kim Jae-wook and hit some hairy behind-the-scenes drama. In-drama drama was more about love, marriage, and forging marriage certificates.
Save Me (2010) [Film]
Short art film with Kim Jae-wook and Kim So-yi as a couple with a weird hobby.
Who Are You (2013) [Drama]
Getting ghosted by a ghost has never looked so good (see above).
Age of Feeling (2014) [Drama]
Unfortunately, Kim Jae-wook met with more behind-the-scene drama while shooting this ill-fated Kim Hyun-joong historical drama, and left mid-show after its writer swap.
4teen (2014) [Drama/Cameo]
Kim Jae-wook played the adult version of one of the leads in this two-episode drama special about a group of fourteen-year-olds.
Sweet Temptation (2015) [Web Drama]
I’m not sure how Kim Jae-wook wound up in this series of short dramas written for the members of T-ara, but he did.
Planck Constant (2015) [Film]
This art film starred Kim Jae-wook in the lead and chronicled his odd and/or erotic fetishes.
Two Rooms, Two Nights (2016) [Film]
Kim Jae-wook starred as a popular movie director who tried to keep two girlfriends going simultaneously. I’m not sure if we’re supposed to sympathize with him or not? Because I’m not.
The Last Princess (2016) [Film]
Sohn Ye-jin starred in this historical film as the last princess of Korea, and Kim Jae-wook was the Japanese nobleman who married her.
Voice (2017) [Drama]
The first of OCN’s Voice dramas made a big splash, and Kim Jae-wook got a lot of attention for his role in this Jang Hyuk and Lee Hana drama.
Temperature of Love (2017) [Drama]
It might not be perfect but I really enjoyed this drama — and the wonderful cast: Yang Se-jong, Hyun Seo-jin, Kim Jae-wook, and Jo Boa (see above).
Butterfly Sleep (2018) [Film]
Kim Jae-wook starred with Miho Nakayama in this Japanese film about a writer with Alzheimer’s who met a younger Korean man (Kim Jae-wook).
God’s Quiz: Reboot (2018) [Drama/Cameo]
Kim Jae-wook had a cameo in the final episode of the latest/fifth installment of this series about a medical examiner’s office.
Her Private Life (2019) [Drama]
Lion Ryan Gold. Yes, yes, all the YES (see above).
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BONUS: I read somewhere that Kim Jae-wook loves to clean and sometimes cleans for 4-5 hours at a time. I just needed to share that information.
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glindaupland · 1 year ago
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Scans of 전동석 Jeon Dong-seok and 손지수 Sohn Ji-soo from the most recent Korean program book update!
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nyphantomphan · 1 year ago
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Happy New Year, everyone‼️
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fadinglandtragedy · 2 years ago
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Christine Daaé | Song eun-hye, Sohn ji-soo
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lucygold95 · 1 year ago
POTO (Daegu) POSTER BOOK (2023-4)
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Part 1: 조승우[Cho/Jo Seung-woo], 최재림[Choi Jae-rim], 김주택[Kim/Gim Joo/Ju-taek].
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Part 2: 손지수[Sohn/Son Ji-soo/su], 송은혜[Song Eun-hye].
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lucygold95 · 1 year ago
In the second photo, 김소현[Kim/Gim So-hyun] was Elisabeth and 송은혜[Song Eun-hye] was an ensemble member of the musical Elisabeth. I think it's cute that they took picture in the same pose as they did a few years ago💗
+ 김소현 with current principal Christines(손지수[Sohn Ji-soo] & 송은혜), 이지영 Carlotta, 김아선 Madame Giry and 조승우 Phantom.
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Past and present Christines of Korea: Kim So-hyun and Song Eun-hye
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