#Sodium Benzoate Excipient
chemanalystdata · 21 days
Sodium Benzoate Excipient Prices Trend, Pricing, Database, Index, News, Chart, Forecast
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 Sodium Benzoate Excipient Prices, a widely used food preservative, has experienced significant price fluctuations in recent years, driven by various factors impacting its supply chain dynamics. This compound, chemically denoted as NaC7H5O2, plays a crucial role in extending the shelf life of many processed foods and beverages by inhibiting the growth of bacteria, yeast, and mold. The volatility in sodium benzoate prices can be attributed to several key influencers within the global market.
One of the primary drivers affecting sodium benzoate prices is the cost of raw materials. The production of sodium benzoate typically involves benzoic acid, which can be derived from various sources such as toluene or benzene. Fluctuations in crude oil prices directly impact the cost of these raw materials, thereby influencing the overall production costs of sodium benzoate. Furthermore, changes in global demand for crude oil and its derivatives can create ripple effects throughout the chemical supply chain, impacting the availability and cost of benzoic acid.
In addition to raw material costs, market demand for sodium benzoate plays a crucial role in price determination. The food and beverage industry, which represents the largest consumer of sodium benzoate, experiences seasonal variations and shifts in consumer preferences that directly influence demand patterns. During peak production seasons or when there is a surge in demand for processed foods and beverages, the need for sodium benzoate intensifies, leading to potential price increases due to supply constraints.
Get Real Time Prices of Sodium Benzoate Excipient: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/sodium-benzoate-excipient-1515
Moreover, regulatory factors and compliance requirements also contribute to price fluctuations in the sodium benzoate market. As governments around the world implement stricter regulations on food safety and additive usage, manufacturers may need to invest in upgrades to their production facilities or adopt more stringent quality control measures. These regulatory changes can increase operational costs for sodium benzoate producers, which in turn may be reflected in higher market prices to maintain profitability.
Furthermore, global economic conditions and currency exchange rates can impact the cost competitiveness of sodium benzoate on the international market. A strong local currency relative to major trading currencies can make exports more expensive, potentially reducing international demand and placing downward pressure on prices. Conversely, a weaker local currency may enhance export competitiveness, thereby stimulating demand and supporting higher prices depending on global supply dynamics.
Environmental factors also influence sodium benzoate prices, albeit indirectly. Concerns over sustainability and environmental impact are prompting manufacturers to explore alternative production methods or sources of raw materials that are more environmentally friendly. Investments in eco-friendly technologies or sourcing practices may initially increase production costs, contributing to short-term price volatility until economies of scale and efficiencies are realized.
In conclusion, sodium benzoate prices are subject to a complex interplay of factors ranging from raw material costs and market demand to regulatory compliance and environmental considerations. This multifaceted landscape underscores the importance of understanding the broader dynamics shaping the chemical industry and food sector. As stakeholders navigate these challenges, they must remain vigilant of market trends and regulatory developments that could impact pricing strategies and operational decisions in the sodium benzoate market. By fostering resilience and adaptability, businesses can mitigate risks and capitalize on emerging opportunities within this essential segment of the global economy.
Get Real Time Prices of Sodium Benzoate Excipient: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/sodium-benzoate-excipient-1515
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GmbH - S-01, 2.floor, Subbelrather Straße,
15a Cologne, 50823, Germany
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Website: https://www.chemanalyst.com
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finarchemical · 2 years
Various Uses And Applications of Benzyl Compounds
Benzyl benzoate is an organic chemical that is used as a medicine. Good product form benzyl benzoate manufacturers in India can also be used to treat scabies and lice as a medicine. Permethrin or malathion are commonly used to treat scabies. It is used as a lotion on the skin. 
It may also be found in Peruvian balsam, Tolu balsam, and a variety of flowers. In 1918, benzyl benzoate was first examined therapeutically. It is included on the WHO's List of Essential Medicines. Benzyl benzoate is available as a generic drug as well as under the brand name Scabanca. 
Benzyl benzoate is a safe and affordable topical therapy for human scabies. It has vasodilating and spasmolytic properties and is found in many asthma and whooping cough medications.
In veterinary clinics, benzyl benzoate is used as a topical acaricide, scabicide, and pediculicide. 
Industrially, benzyl benzoate is synthesized by reacting sodium benzoate with benzyl chloride in the presence of a base or by transesterification of methyl benzoate and benzyl alcohol. 
It is produced as a byproduct of the oxidation of toluene to produce benzoic acid. It may also be made using the Tishchenko reaction, which uses benzaldehyde as a catalyst and sodium benzyloxide (produced from sodium and benzyl alcohol). In experimental animals, benzyl benzoate has low acute toxicity. 
It hydrolyzes quickly to benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol. Benzyl alcohol is then converted to benzoic acid. There are many good benzene sulfonic acid manufacturers in India available. Benzoic acid conjugates (hippuric acid and benzoic acid glucuronide) are promptly removed in the urine. 
An overdose might cause blisters and hives or a rash as an allergic response. Benzyl benzoate is a benzoate ester formed by the formal condensation of benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol. It was isolated from the genus Polyalthia plant species. 
Finar has grown into a fast-expanding life sciences firm, progressively expanding its production base and product portfolio. Finar began their career as a laboratory chemical maker. Its product categories since then have expanded to pharmaceutical excipients and solvents, food-grade additives, and aquaculture specialities. 
This chemical is used in a variety of goods, and contains diesters, diester esters, methyl esters, and phthalate esters. Finar is also a prominent manufacturer of Meglumine.
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chemanalysta · 2 years
Sodium Benzoate Exp Price Trend and Forecast
In the North American region, the third quarter of 2022 saw a declined market sentiment for Sodium Benzoate Excipient on account of weaker offtakes from downstream sectors such as pharmaceuticals and food. This was due to the wide availability of products in the local market. As the largest importer of Sodium Benzoate Exp. from China's domestic market is the United States, poor demand and enough stock kept the market sentiments of Sodium Benzoate Exp.  On the lower side. Overall, with a month-on-month decrement, the Sodium Benzoate Exp Price. Settled at USD 2745 /MT CFR New York toward the end of the third quarter of 2022.
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Is HL12 really useful?
HL12 is really a useful complement for the diabetic patients. The reason for its performance is its 100 % organic components. All the components used in this complement are impressive. The best thing about this product is that its results are permanent. When HL12 comes to dealing with struggling with being suffering from being suffering from diabetic issues, the industry of medicines fails. There has been no such remedy found that provides permanent relief against this disorder. Folks who become the diabetic patients, become friends of medicines and they have to spend the whole way of way of life with the medicines. On lack of, HL12 is an all-natural complement that actually boosts the means of your whole whole entire personal body system and allows you to able to get rid of struggling with being suffering from being suffering from diabetic issues permanently. You must follow some easy aspects carefully. You should drink a lot supplement h2o the whole day so that you keep your whole whole personal body system moisturized. In addition to it, engage yourself in exercise or exercises to develop your areas of the whole whole personal body system effective. Through exercise, not your external areas of the whole whole personal body system but also the interiors of the whole whole personal body system come into action.
 My information regarding HL12:
 I had been facing the issue of struggling with being suffering from being suffering from diabetic issues from past several decades and doctors and my friends scared me that HL12 is an ongoing issue and HL12 is not possible to get rid of HL12 permanently. Hence I had become very hopeless and I was completely depending on the medicines. I then found HL12 and on searching, I came across that HL12 is entirely consists of organic components. All those components were used in HL12 that I had been hearing for ages even from my grandparents that these try to deal with sugar stage in blood vessels. I though why not to see this 100 % organic components centered supplement! I have been using HL12 for Two a few many several weeks and when I had a checkup with a medical expert before, he was surprised how I have controlled the struggling with being suffering from being suffering from diabetic issues. I shared the remedy to him so that he can help other sufferers as well. Hence say no to struggling with being suffering from being suffering from diabetic issues and bring this amazing complement into use! Believe me, you will move towards the much healthier and balanced way of way of life.
 Diabetes Products – Things You Should Know
 Diabetes goods are viewed as option medicines to medication. They more often than not contain organic fixings that are sufficiently intense to provide constructive results on well being and wellness insurance fitness and wellness insurance wellness and fitness and wellness insurance fitness.
 However, the inquiry is, how would you locate the right things that work well as well as sheltered? This article provides you with some essential data on the best way to know whether the complement is really compelling and sufficiently properly secured. You can go for HL12 components that are really excellent for dealing with struggling with being suffering from being suffering from diabetic issues.
 The primary caution to look out for is the material of involved components and additives. At the point when your complement contains colorants, Ferrous Gluconate, Aristolochic corrosive, Sodium Benzoate, or Potassium Sorbate, then you better not buy it. The standard unfavorable effect is kidney disappointment and HL12 might even harm some imperative organs too.
 You additionally need to confirm the names if there are dangerous fixings consolidated. Two top unsafe fixings are the stearic acids and palmitic acids. These two segments are otherwise known as specialists or excipients components engaged items. In layman's term, these are extenders that can provide negative impacts. HL12 can weaken cells in the bodies. So as opposed to avoiding adverse reactions of struggling with being suffering from being suffering from diabetic issues, you may include more entanglements your our wellness and wellness insurance wellness and fitness and wellness insurance wellness and fitness and wellness insurance fitness.
 In the event that you keep in mind such data and be wary of what you buy then you will more improbable confer any oversight. Yet, since wellness insurance wellness and fitness and wellness insurance wellness and fitness and wellness insurance fitness is an extreme concern, look for expert counsel first. You can never be misinformed when you usually counsel your specialist before you take any items.
 What’s the Story Behind HL12?
 HL12 is designed the U.S.A by the Spiritual complement company Holy Place Fitness and wellness insurance wellness and fitness and wellness insurance wellness and fitness and wellness insurance fitness. HL12 is an excellent complement containing 12 Spiritual Components verified to aid in several major diseases and scenarios, such as struggling with being suffering from being suffering from diabetic issues.
 HL12 was first created by Reverend Adam, along with an organization of scientists and wellness insurance wellness and fitness and wellness insurance wellness and fitness and wellness insurance fitness experts. Reverend Adam designed HL12 after noticing that several components indexed by the Holy sacred holy holy bible have been verified by developments to have major therapy functions.
 What’s Within Each Tablets of HL12?
 Myrrh was one of the gifts of the Three Sensible Men, and is proven to fight struggling with being suffering from being suffering from diabetic issues, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.
 An extremely pure way of the anti-diabetic “super spice” nutmeg. And it’s not available in most American grocery stores.
 Studies have proven chromium can improve way blood vessels veins blood vessels blood blood vessels blood insulin is processed in diabetic patients.
 Diets that are lacking in manganese can lead to improved blood sugar stages levels stages levels. That’s why getting enough of this look at your dietary habits program's essential.
 Found in a double-blind analysis to reduce arthritis and osteoarthritis by 80% in just two a few many several weeks.
 An herb from the Orient that is proven in many analysis to help HL12 several forms of cancer cell growth.
 Shown in over 20 analysis to have anti-diabetic benefits, including: regulated blood sugar stages levels stages levels, decrease of blood vessels veins blood vessels blood blood vessels blood insulin degree of stage of resistance, decreased blood vessels degree of stress, and weight-loss.
 Several analysis suggest that diets rich in supplement nutrient mineral nutrient magnesium can decreased your risk of struggling with being suffering from being suffering from diabetic issues and decreased your blood sugar stages levels stages levels.
 Rich in antioxidants and resveratrol, which is proven to help protect against stroke by protecting blood vessels.
 Shown in several analysis to be rich in antioxidants, an anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic.
 The Book of Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome found that zinc oxide oxide oxide oxide can help to eliminate bad fats in your bloodstream and improve blood vessels veins blood vessels blood blood vessels blood insulin uptake.
 Shown in analysis to significantly reduce blood sugar stages levels stages levels and inflammation, while also avoiding the growth of fatty liver organ body organ.
 HL12 Provides Natural Click Here, Bible-Based Blood Sugar Support!
Limited quantities in stock, get your system today!
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pharmacyinpractice · 4 years
Class 4 Medicines Defect Information: Sodium Benzoate (Amzoate) 2g in 10 mL Sterile Solution for injection
Class 4 Medicines Defect Information: Sodium Benzoate (Amzoate) 2g in 10 mL Sterile Solution for injection
  Torbay Pharmaceuticals has informed the MHRA that the carton label on Sodium Benzoate (Amzoate) 2g in 10 mL Sterile Solution for injection incorrectly states the concentration of disodium edetate (excipient) as 0.1% w/v (10mg in 1mL) instead of 0.1% w/v (10mg in 10mL).
  [embeddoc url=”https://pip.scot/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Alert.pdf” download=”all”]
  This circular is being shared…
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chemanalystdata · 2 months
Sodium Benzoate Excipient Prices: In the first quarter of 2024
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Sodium Benzoate Excipient Prices, a common excipient in pharmaceuticals and food products, plays a crucial role in enhancing stability and extending shelf life. As demand for this versatile preservative continues to rise, understanding its pricing dynamics becomes imperative for manufacturers and suppliers alike. The cost of sodium benzoate excipient is subject to various factors, including raw material availability, production processes, market demand, and regulatory compliance.
Raw material availability significantly influences sodium benzoate prices. Benzoic acid, derived from benzene or toluene, serves as the primary precursor for sodium benzoate synthesis. Fluctuations in the prices of these raw materials due to factors like supply disruptions, geopolitical tensions, or changes in crude oil prices directly impact the overall cost of sodium benzoate. Moreover, any regulatory changes affecting the production or import of these raw materials can further influence pricing dynamics.
Production processes also play a pivotal role in determining sodium benzoate prices. Manufacturers employ different methods such as the Grignard reaction or the neutralization of benzoic acid with sodium hydroxide to produce sodium benzoate. Each method comes with its own set of advantages and challenges, affecting production costs. Energy expenses, labor costs, equipment maintenance, and technological advancements in production processes all contribute to the final pricing structure.
Get Real Time Prices of Sodium Benzoate Excipient Acid: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/sodium-benzoate-excipient-1515Market demand acts as a key driver in sodium benzoate pricing. With its widespread application in pharmaceuticals, food preservation, and personal care products, the demand for sodium benzoate remains robust. Factors such as population growth, dietary habits, and consumer preferences influence the demand for products containing sodium benzoate. Additionally, the emergence of new applications or formulations requiring sodium benzoate can create shifts in demand-supply dynamics, thereby impacting prices.
Regulatory compliance is another critical aspect affecting sodium benzoate pricing. As a food additive and pharmaceutical excipient, sodium benzoate is subject to stringent regulations and quality standards enforced by regulatory authorities worldwide. Compliance with these regulations necessitates adherence to specific manufacturing practices, purity criteria, and labeling requirements, all of which may entail additional costs for producers. Any changes in regulatory frameworks or stricter enforcement measures can influence production costs and, subsequently, product pricing.
Furthermore, market dynamics such as competition among suppliers, trade policies, and currency fluctuations contribute to the variability in sodium benzoate prices. Manufacturers operating in highly competitive markets may adjust their pricing strategies to gain a competitive edge or maintain market share. Additionally, fluctuations in exchange rates can impact the cost of imported raw materials or finished products, thereby influencing sodium benzoate prices in domestic markets.
In conclusion, the pricing of sodium benzoate excipient is a complex interplay of various factors, including raw material availability, production processes, market demand, regulatory compliance, and market dynamics. Manufacturers and suppliers need to closely monitor these factors and adapt their strategies to navigate the evolving landscape effectively. By understanding the underlying drivers of sodium benzoate pricing, stakeholders can make informed decisions to optimize costs, enhance competitiveness, and meet the needs of consumers and regulatory requirements effectively.
Get Real Time Prices of Sodium Benzoate Excipient Acid: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/sodium-benzoate-excipient-1515
Contact Us:
GmbH - S-01, 2.floor, Subbelrather Straße,
15a Cologne, 50823, Germany
Call: +49-221-6505-8833
Website: https://www.chemanalyst.com
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finarchemical · 2 years
Why The Industry of Food Additives Manufacturers is a never dying industry? Let’s Find Out!
One of the first things that come to mind while considering COVID-19 is its effect on the globe. Whether it be our working methods or the many businesses we work in, everything has got to adapt. Numerous firms were compelled to shut down or scale back operations due to the unexpected decline in demand.
However, if you were to choose one sector that will continue to grow regardless of the passing of time, it would be the food sector. Even during the pandemic, agriculture, packaging, and food additives manufacturers in India kept up with the output.
It follows that the anticipated growth of the food additive manufacturers in India between 2020 and 2030 is not surprising.
There is a sizable market for milk drinks, juice-based drinks, energy drinks, and preservatives like sodium benzoate food preservatives. They are extensively utilised in a variety of products, including dairy, meat, soft drinks, beverages, baked goods, and others.
In addition, their use in foods including cheese, ice cream, yoghurt, dips, and spreads are expanding. The production, use, and distribution of common additives, including paprika oleoresin, chlorophyll, carmine, spirulina extract, and carotenoids, occurs all over the world.
Recently, market research was carried out to identify and evaluate global growth, decrease, and future prospects of global food colour additives. The final report extensively details the prospects, dangers, volume, and income mechanisms related to food additives.
The main drivers of the industry's anticipated growth, target markets for manufacturers, growth opportunities, and other factors were uncovered.
A number of factors affect the use of food additives.
The fact that people all around the world are gradually switching to healthy lifestyles and favouring safe products over chemical ones is one of the main causes. This is due to the fact that health problems are now more common, and these solutions have proven to be attractive, providing noteworthy advantages.
Manufacturers like Finar are aiming to develop certified food additives of the highest calibre for their consumers. They take advantage of the chance, enhance the quality of their existing products, and create new ones that can appeal to expanding markets and end customers. Entering new markets and boosting revenue growth is essential.
The technological boom has made it possible to produce more with less work and money while increasing overall efficiency, supporting their goal. Although there are markets for food additives all around the world, East and South Asia are crucial because of their booming food and beverage sectors.
Given all the reasons propelling the market for food additives in that direction, there is no doubt that the business will boom. Unprecedented changes in how it functions, where it is going, and the opportunities it offers are all expected by 2030. 
 Finar is one of the finest chemical manufacturers in India. It is known for its quality and expertise, enabling the end products to be of top quality too. They offer not only food additives but also Lab chemicals for pharmaceutical excipients.
Trust the best for your food manufacturing business! Trust Finar Limited! 
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greatestlcve · 4 years
Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description
Drug Online
Meteospasmyl Capsules Generic drug of the Therapeutic class: Gastro-Entero – Hepatology active ingredients: Alverine , Simeticone
What is MeteoSpasmyl drug used for and indication?
Symptomatic treatment of intestinal functional manifestations, particularly with meteorism.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Dosage
Oral way.RESERVED FOR ADULTS1 capsule 2 to 3 times a day at the beginning of meals or at the time of pain.
Alverine hypersensitivity
Simeticone hypersensitivity
Feeding with milk
Hypersensitivity to the active substances or to any of the excipients listed in the Composition section.
meteospasmyl mechanism of action
ATC Code: A03AX08 – Other Medications for Gastrointestinal Functional Disorders
Alverine citrate is a musculotropic anti-spasmodic.
Simeticone is a physiologically inert substance and therefore has no pharmacological activity. It acts by modifying the surface tension of the gas bubbles thus causing their coalescence.
How To Store meteospasmyl ?
Keep this medication out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the package after EXP. The expiration date refers to the last day of that month.
PVC / Aluminum pads
Store at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.
PVC / PE / PVDC-Aluminum pads
No special storage conditions.
Do not throw away any medicines via a wastewater treatment plant or with household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away the medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.
Meteospasmyl Side Effects
Due to the presence of alverine:
rare cases of urticaria, sometimes with laryngeal edema, shock,
rare cases of regressive liver damage at the end of treatment.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Side Effects
Meteospasmyl drug Interactions
The data available to date do not suggest the existence of clinically significant interactions.
Warnings and Precautions
Liver function:
Increases in ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) and ASAT (Aspartate Aminotransferase)> 2 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) have been reported in patients receiving alverine / simeticone therapy. These increases may be associated with a concomitant elevation of total serum bilirubin.
 If hepatic aminotransferases increase by> 3 times the ULN, and even more so in cases dictere, treatment with alverine / simeticone should be discontinued.
Drive and use machines
Prevent drivers of vehicles and machinery users from the risk of drowsiness, amnesia or impaired muscle concentration or function.
The combination with other sedative drugs should be discouraged or taken into account when driving or using machines.
If sleep time is insufficient, the risk of impaired alertness is further increased.
Meteospasmyl Capsules and Pregnancy / Breastfeeding
meteospasmyl during pregnancy
Many data from cohort studies have not revealed the occurrence of malformative effects during benzodiazepine exposure during the course of 1
first  trimester of pregnancy. However, in some case-control epidemiological studies, an increase in the occurrence of cleft lip and palate has been observed with benzodiazepines. According to these data, the incidence of cleft lip and palate in newborns would be less than 2/1000 after exposure to benzodiazepines during pregnancy while the expected rate in the general population is 1/1000.
If benzodiazepines are taken in high doses at 2 nd and / or 3 rd trimesters of pregnancy, a decrease in fetal active movements and a variability in fetal heart rate have been described.
Treatment with benzodiazepines at the end of pregnancy, even at low doses, may be responsible in the newborn for signs of impregnation such as axial hypotonia, sucking disorders resulting in low weight gain.
These signs are reversible, but can last 1-3 weeks depending on the half-life of the prescribed benzodiazepine. At high doses, respiratory depression or apnea, and hypothermia may occur in the newborn. In addition, a neonatal withdrawal syndrome is possible, even in the absence of signs of impregnation.
It is characterized in particular by hyperexcitability, agitation and tremulations of the newborn occurring at a distance from the delivery.
The time of onset depends on the elimination half-life of the drug and may be important when it is long.
Based on these data, as a precautionary measure, the use of alprazolam is not recommended during pregnancy, regardless of the term.
When prescribing alprazolam to a woman of childbearing potential, she should be advised of the need to contact her physician if pregnancy is planned or initiated to re-assess the benefit of the treatment.
At the end of pregnancy, if it is really necessary to start a treatment with alprazolam, avoid prescribing high doses and take into account, for surveillance of the newborn, effects previously described.
Alprazolam is excreted in breast milk at low concentrations. However, the use of this medicine during breastfeeding is not recommended.
What happens if I overdose from Meteospasmyl ?
Cases of vertigo have been reported when taken at a dosage higher than that recommended.
What should I do if I miss a dose?
Do not take a double dose to make up for the dose you forgot to take.
What happens if you stop taking meteospasmyl ?
If you stop taking METEOSPASMYL, soft capsule:
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
If you have further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.
What is  Forms and Composition Meteospasmyl Capsules?
0.25 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs.
Hospital model: Box of 100. 0.50 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs. Hospital model: Box of 100. Breakable tablet 1 mg:  Box of 100, in blister packs.
 p cpAlprazolam (DCI)0.25 mgor0.50 mgor1 mg
Excipients (common): lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, anhydrous colloidal silica, mixture of sodium docusate (85%) and sodium benzoate (15%), corn starch, magnesium stearate, aluminum erythrosine lake (cp 0 , 50 mg and 1 mg), indigo aluminum lake (cp 1 mg).
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/3keXXFN via Edrug Online from Faculty of Medicine https://bit.ly/32sffsR via Internal Medicine
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thesittingduck · 4 years
Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description
Drug Online
Meteospasmyl Capsules Generic drug of the Therapeutic class: Gastro-Entero – Hepatology active ingredients: Alverine , Simeticone
What is MeteoSpasmyl drug used for and indication?
Symptomatic treatment of intestinal functional manifestations, particularly with meteorism.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Dosage
Oral way.RESERVED FOR ADULTS1 capsule 2 to 3 times a day at the beginning of meals or at the time of pain.
Alverine hypersensitivity
Simeticone hypersensitivity
Feeding with milk
Hypersensitivity to the active substances or to any of the excipients listed in the Composition section.
meteospasmyl mechanism of action
ATC Code: A03AX08 – Other Medications for Gastrointestinal Functional Disorders
Alverine citrate is a musculotropic anti-spasmodic.
Simeticone is a physiologically inert substance and therefore has no pharmacological activity. It acts by modifying the surface tension of the gas bubbles thus causing their coalescence.
How To Store meteospasmyl ?
Keep this medication out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the package after EXP. The expiration date refers to the last day of that month.
PVC / Aluminum pads
Store at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.
PVC / PE / PVDC-Aluminum pads
No special storage conditions.
Do not throw away any medicines via a wastewater treatment plant or with household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away the medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.
Meteospasmyl Side Effects
Due to the presence of alverine:
rare cases of urticaria, sometimes with laryngeal edema, shock,
rare cases of regressive liver damage at the end of treatment.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Side Effects
Meteospasmyl drug Interactions
The data available to date do not suggest the existence of clinically significant interactions.
Warnings and Precautions
Liver function:
Increases in ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) and ASAT (Aspartate Aminotransferase)> 2 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) have been reported in patients receiving alverine / simeticone therapy. These increases may be associated with a concomitant elevation of total serum bilirubin.
 If hepatic aminotransferases increase by> 3 times the ULN, and even more so in cases dictere, treatment with alverine / simeticone should be discontinued.
Drive and use machines
Prevent drivers of vehicles and machinery users from the risk of drowsiness, amnesia or impaired muscle concentration or function.
The combination with other sedative drugs should be discouraged or taken into account when driving or using machines.
If sleep time is insufficient, the risk of impaired alertness is further increased.
Meteospasmyl Capsules and Pregnancy / Breastfeeding
meteospasmyl during pregnancy
Many data from cohort studies have not revealed the occurrence of malformative effects during benzodiazepine exposure during the course of 1
first  trimester of pregnancy. However, in some case-control epidemiological studies, an increase in the occurrence of cleft lip and palate has been observed with benzodiazepines. According to these data, the incidence of cleft lip and palate in newborns would be less than 2/1000 after exposure to benzodiazepines during pregnancy while the expected rate in the general population is 1/1000.
If benzodiazepines are taken in high doses at 2 nd and / or 3 rd trimesters of pregnancy, a decrease in fetal active movements and a variability in fetal heart rate have been described.
Treatment with benzodiazepines at the end of pregnancy, even at low doses, may be responsible in the newborn for signs of impregnation such as axial hypotonia, sucking disorders resulting in low weight gain.
These signs are reversible, but can last 1-3 weeks depending on the half-life of the prescribed benzodiazepine. At high doses, respiratory depression or apnea, and hypothermia may occur in the newborn. In addition, a neonatal withdrawal syndrome is possible, even in the absence of signs of impregnation.
It is characterized in particular by hyperexcitability, agitation and tremulations of the newborn occurring at a distance from the delivery.
The time of onset depends on the elimination half-life of the drug and may be important when it is long.
Based on these data, as a precautionary measure, the use of alprazolam is not recommended during pregnancy, regardless of the term.
When prescribing alprazolam to a woman of childbearing potential, she should be advised of the need to contact her physician if pregnancy is planned or initiated to re-assess the benefit of the treatment.
At the end of pregnancy, if it is really necessary to start a treatment with alprazolam, avoid prescribing high doses and take into account, for surveillance of the newborn, effects previously described.
Alprazolam is excreted in breast milk at low concentrations. However, the use of this medicine during breastfeeding is not recommended.
What happens if I overdose from Meteospasmyl ?
Cases of vertigo have been reported when taken at a dosage higher than that recommended.
What should I do if I miss a dose?
Do not take a double dose to make up for the dose you forgot to take.
What happens if you stop taking meteospasmyl ?
If you stop taking METEOSPASMYL, soft capsule:
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
If you have further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.
What is  Forms and Composition Meteospasmyl Capsules?
0.25 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs.
Hospital model: Box of 100. 0.50 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs. Hospital model: Box of 100. Breakable tablet 1 mg:  Box of 100, in blister packs.
  p cp Alprazolam (DCI) 0.25 mg or 0.50 mg or 1 mg
Excipients (common): lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, anhydrous colloidal silica, mixture of sodium docusate (85%) and sodium benzoate (15%), corn starch, magnesium stearate, aluminum erythrosine lake (cp 0 , 50 mg and 1 mg), indigo aluminum lake (cp 1 mg).
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/3keXXFN via Edrug Online from faculty of medicine https://bit.ly/3hvchbB via Faculty of Medicine
0 notes
colinfitzpatrick · 4 years
Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description
Drug Online
Meteospasmyl Capsules Generic drug of the Therapeutic class: Gastro-Entero – Hepatology active ingredients: Alverine , Simeticone
What is MeteoSpasmyl drug used for and indication?
Symptomatic treatment of intestinal functional manifestations, particularly with meteorism.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Dosage
Oral way.RESERVED FOR ADULTS1 capsule 2 to 3 times a day at the beginning of meals or at the time of pain.
Alverine hypersensitivity
Simeticone hypersensitivity
Feeding with milk
Hypersensitivity to the active substances or to any of the excipients listed in the Composition section.
meteospasmyl mechanism of action
ATC Code: A03AX08 – Other Medications for Gastrointestinal Functional Disorders
Alverine citrate is a musculotropic anti-spasmodic.
Simeticone is a physiologically inert substance and therefore has no pharmacological activity. It acts by modifying the surface tension of the gas bubbles thus causing their coalescence.
How To Store meteospasmyl ?
Keep this medication out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the package after EXP. The expiration date refers to the last day of that month.
PVC / Aluminum pads
Store at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.
PVC / PE / PVDC-Aluminum pads
No special storage conditions.
Do not throw away any medicines via a wastewater treatment plant or with household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away the medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.
Meteospasmyl Side Effects
Due to the presence of alverine:
rare cases of urticaria, sometimes with laryngeal edema, shock,
rare cases of regressive liver damage at the end of treatment.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Side Effects
Meteospasmyl drug Interactions
The data available to date do not suggest the existence of clinically significant interactions.
Warnings and Precautions
Liver function:
Increases in ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) and ASAT (Aspartate Aminotransferase)> 2 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) have been reported in patients receiving alverine / simeticone therapy. These increases may be associated with a concomitant elevation of total serum bilirubin.
 If hepatic aminotransferases increase by> 3 times the ULN, and even more so in cases dictere, treatment with alverine / simeticone should be discontinued.
Drive and use machines
Prevent drivers of vehicles and machinery users from the risk of drowsiness, amnesia or impaired muscle concentration or function.
The combination with other sedative drugs should be discouraged or taken into account when driving or using machines.
If sleep time is insufficient, the risk of impaired alertness is further increased.
Meteospasmyl Capsules and Pregnancy / Breastfeeding
meteospasmyl during pregnancy
Many data from cohort studies have not revealed the occurrence of malformative effects during benzodiazepine exposure during the course of 1
first  trimester of pregnancy. However, in some case-control epidemiological studies, an increase in the occurrence of cleft lip and palate has been observed with benzodiazepines. According to these data, the incidence of cleft lip and palate in newborns would be less than 2/1000 after exposure to benzodiazepines during pregnancy while the expected rate in the general population is 1/1000.
If benzodiazepines are taken in high doses at 2 nd and / or 3 rd trimesters of pregnancy, a decrease in fetal active movements and a variability in fetal heart rate have been described.
Treatment with benzodiazepines at the end of pregnancy, even at low doses, may be responsible in the newborn for signs of impregnation such as axial hypotonia, sucking disorders resulting in low weight gain.
These signs are reversible, but can last 1-3 weeks depending on the half-life of the prescribed benzodiazepine. At high doses, respiratory depression or apnea, and hypothermia may occur in the newborn. In addition, a neonatal withdrawal syndrome is possible, even in the absence of signs of impregnation.
It is characterized in particular by hyperexcitability, agitation and tremulations of the newborn occurring at a distance from the delivery.
The time of onset depends on the elimination half-life of the drug and may be important when it is long.
Based on these data, as a precautionary measure, the use of alprazolam is not recommended during pregnancy, regardless of the term.
When prescribing alprazolam to a woman of childbearing potential, she should be advised of the need to contact her physician if pregnancy is planned or initiated to re-assess the benefit of the treatment.
At the end of pregnancy, if it is really necessary to start a treatment with alprazolam, avoid prescribing high doses and take into account, for surveillance of the newborn, effects previously described.
Alprazolam is excreted in breast milk at low concentrations. However, the use of this medicine during breastfeeding is not recommended.
What happens if I overdose from Meteospasmyl ?
Cases of vertigo have been reported when taken at a dosage higher than that recommended.
What should I do if I miss a dose?
Do not take a double dose to make up for the dose you forgot to take.
What happens if you stop taking meteospasmyl ?
If you stop taking METEOSPASMYL, soft capsule:
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
If you have further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.
What is  Forms and Composition Meteospasmyl Capsules?
0.25 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs.
Hospital model: Box of 100. 0.50 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs. Hospital model: Box of 100. Breakable tablet 1 mg:  Box of 100, in blister packs.
  p cp Alprazolam (DCI) 0.25 mg or 0.50 mg or 1 mg
Excipients (common): lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, anhydrous colloidal silica, mixture of sodium docusate (85%) and sodium benzoate (15%), corn starch, magnesium stearate, aluminum erythrosine lake (cp 0 , 50 mg and 1 mg), indigo aluminum lake (cp 1 mg).
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/3keXXFN via Edrug Online
0 notes
thesittingduck · 4 years
Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description
Drug Online
Meteospasmyl Capsules Generic drug of the Therapeutic class: Gastro-Entero – Hepatology active ingredients: Alverine , Simeticone
What is MeteoSpasmyl drug used for and indication?
Symptomatic treatment of intestinal functional manifestations, particularly with meteorism.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description
Meteospasmyl Capsules Dosage
Oral way.RESERVED FOR ADULTS1 capsule 2 to 3 times a day at the beginning of meals or at the time of pain.
How it works Meteospasmyl Capsules
ATC Code: A03AX08 – Other Medications for Gastrointestinal Functional Disorders
Alverine citrate is a musculotropic anti-spasmodic.
Simeticone is a physiologically inert substance and therefore has no pharmacological activity. It acts by modifying the surface tension of the gas bubbles thus causing their coalescence.
Meteospasmyl Side Effects
Due to the presence of alverine:
rare cases of urticaria, sometimes with laryngeal edema, shock,
rare cases of regressive liver damage at the end of treatment.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Side Effects
Meteospasmyl drug Interactions
The data available to date do not suggest the existence of clinically significant interactions.
Warnings and Precautions
Liver function:
Increases in ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) and ASAT (Aspartate Aminotransferase)> 2 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) have been reported in patients receiving alverine / simeticone therapy. These increases may be associated with a concomitant elevation of total serum bilirubin.
 If hepatic aminotransferases increase by> 3 times the ULN, and even more so in cases dictere, treatment with alverine / simeticone should be discontinued.
Drive and use machines
Prevent drivers of vehicles and machinery users from the risk of drowsiness, amnesia or impaired muscle concentration or function.
The combination with other sedative drugs should be discouraged or taken into account when driving or using machines.
If sleep time is insufficient, the risk of impaired alertness is further increased.
Meteospasmyl Capsules and Pregnancy / Breastfeeding
meteospasmyl during pregnancy
Many data from cohort studies have not revealed the occurrence of malformative effects during benzodiazepine exposure during the course of 1
first  trimester of pregnancy. However, in some case-control epidemiological studies, an increase in the occurrence of cleft lip and palate has been observed with benzodiazepines. According to these data, the incidence of cleft lip and palate in newborns would be less than 2/1000 after exposure to benzodiazepines during pregnancy while the expected rate in the general population is 1/1000.
If benzodiazepines are taken in high doses at 2 nd and / or 3 rd trimesters of pregnancy, a decrease in fetal active movements and a variability in fetal heart rate have been described.
Treatment with benzodiazepines at the end of pregnancy, even at low doses, may be responsible in the newborn for signs of impregnation such as axial hypotonia, sucking disorders resulting in low weight gain.
These signs are reversible, but can last 1-3 weeks depending on the half-life of the prescribed benzodiazepine. At high doses, respiratory depression or apnea, and hypothermia may occur in the newborn. In addition, a neonatal withdrawal syndrome is possible, even in the absence of signs of impregnation.
It is characterized in particular by hyperexcitability, agitation and tremulations of the newborn occurring at a distance from the delivery.
The time of onset depends on the elimination half-life of the drug and may be important when it is long.
Based on these data, as a precautionary measure, the use of alprazolam is not recommended during pregnancy, regardless of the term.
When prescribing alprazolam to a woman of childbearing potential, she should be advised of the need to contact her physician if pregnancy is planned or initiated to re-assess the benefit of the treatment.
At the end of pregnancy, if it is really necessary to start a treatment with alprazolam, avoid prescribing high doses and take into account, for surveillance of the newborn, effects previously described.
Alprazolam is excreted in breast milk at low concentrations. However, the use of this medicine during breastfeeding is not recommended.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Overdose
What happens if I overdose from Meteospasmyl Capsules ?
Cases of vertigo have been reported when taken at a dosage higher than that recommended.
What is  Forms and Composition Meteospasmyl Capsules?
0.25 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs.
Hospital model: Box of 100. 0.50 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs. Hospital model: Box of 100. Breakable tablet 1 mg:  Box of 100, in blister packs.
  p cp Alprazolam (DCI) 0.25 mg or 0.50 mg or 1 mg
Excipients (common): lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, anhydrous colloidal silica, mixture of sodium docusate (85%) and sodium benzoate (15%), corn starch, magnesium stearate, aluminum erythrosine lake (cp 0 , 50 mg and 1 mg), indigo aluminum lake (cp 1 mg).
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/319ytmq via Edrug Online from faculty of medicine https://bit.ly/3j0kiXf via Faculty of Medicine
0 notes
colinfitzpatrick · 4 years
Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description
Drug Online
Meteospasmyl Capsules Generic drug of the Therapeutic class: Gastro-Entero – Hepatology active ingredients: Alverine , Simeticone
What is MeteoSpasmyl drug used for and indication?
Symptomatic treatment of intestinal functional manifestations, particularly with meteorism.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description
Meteospasmyl Capsules Dosage
Oral way.RESERVED FOR ADULTS1 capsule 2 to 3 times a day at the beginning of meals or at the time of pain.
How it works Meteospasmyl Capsules
ATC Code: A03AX08 – Other Medications for Gastrointestinal Functional Disorders
Alverine citrate is a musculotropic anti-spasmodic.
Simeticone is a physiologically inert substance and therefore has no pharmacological activity. It acts by modifying the surface tension of the gas bubbles thus causing their coalescence.
Meteospasmyl Side Effects
Due to the presence of alverine:
rare cases of urticaria, sometimes with laryngeal edema, shock,
rare cases of regressive liver damage at the end of treatment.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Side Effects
Meteospasmyl drug Interactions
The data available to date do not suggest the existence of clinically significant interactions.
Warnings and Precautions
Liver function:
Increases in ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) and ASAT (Aspartate Aminotransferase)> 2 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) have been reported in patients receiving alverine / simeticone therapy. These increases may be associated with a concomitant elevation of total serum bilirubin.
 If hepatic aminotransferases increase by> 3 times the ULN, and even more so in cases dictere, treatment with alverine / simeticone should be discontinued.
Drive and use machines
Prevent drivers of vehicles and machinery users from the risk of drowsiness, amnesia or impaired muscle concentration or function.
The combination with other sedative drugs should be discouraged or taken into account when driving or using machines.
If sleep time is insufficient, the risk of impaired alertness is further increased.
Meteospasmyl Capsules and Pregnancy / Breastfeeding
meteospasmyl during pregnancy
Many data from cohort studies have not revealed the occurrence of malformative effects during benzodiazepine exposure during the course of 1
first  trimester of pregnancy. However, in some case-control epidemiological studies, an increase in the occurrence of cleft lip and palate has been observed with benzodiazepines. According to these data, the incidence of cleft lip and palate in newborns would be less than 2/1000 after exposure to benzodiazepines during pregnancy while the expected rate in the general population is 1/1000.
If benzodiazepines are taken in high doses at 2 nd and / or 3 rd trimesters of pregnancy, a decrease in fetal active movements and a variability in fetal heart rate have been described.
Treatment with benzodiazepines at the end of pregnancy, even at low doses, may be responsible in the newborn for signs of impregnation such as axial hypotonia, sucking disorders resulting in low weight gain.
These signs are reversible, but can last 1-3 weeks depending on the half-life of the prescribed benzodiazepine. At high doses, respiratory depression or apnea, and hypothermia may occur in the newborn. In addition, a neonatal withdrawal syndrome is possible, even in the absence of signs of impregnation.
It is characterized in particular by hyperexcitability, agitation and tremulations of the newborn occurring at a distance from the delivery.
The time of onset depends on the elimination half-life of the drug and may be important when it is long.
Based on these data, as a precautionary measure, the use of alprazolam is not recommended during pregnancy, regardless of the term.
When prescribing alprazolam to a woman of childbearing potential, she should be advised of the need to contact her physician if pregnancy is planned or initiated to re-assess the benefit of the treatment.
At the end of pregnancy, if it is really necessary to start a treatment with alprazolam, avoid prescribing high doses and take into account, for surveillance of the newborn, effects previously described.
Alprazolam is excreted in breast milk at low concentrations. However, the use of this medicine during breastfeeding is not recommended.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Overdose
What happens if I overdose from Meteospasmyl Capsules ?
Cases of vertigo have been reported when taken at a dosage higher than that recommended.
What is  Forms and Composition Meteospasmyl Capsules?
0.25 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs.
Hospital model: Box of 100. 0.50 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs. Hospital model: Box of 100. Breakable tablet 1 mg:  Box of 100, in blister packs.
  p cp Alprazolam (DCI) 0.25 mg or 0.50 mg or 1 mg
Excipients (common): lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, anhydrous colloidal silica, mixture of sodium docusate (85%) and sodium benzoate (15%), corn starch, magnesium stearate, aluminum erythrosine lake (cp 0 , 50 mg and 1 mg), indigo aluminum lake (cp 1 mg).
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/319ytmq via Edrug Online
0 notes
greatestlcve · 4 years
Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description
Drug Online
Meteospasmyl Capsules Generic drug of the Therapeutic class: Gastro-Entero – Hepatology active ingredients: Alverine , Simeticone
What is MeteoSpasmyl drug used for and indication?
Symptomatic treatment of intestinal functional manifestations, particularly with meteorism.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description
Meteospasmyl Capsules Dosage
Oral way.RESERVED FOR ADULTS1 capsule 2 to 3 times a day at the beginning of meals or at the time of pain.
How it works Meteospasmyl Capsules
ATC Code: A03AX08 – Other Medications for Gastrointestinal Functional Disorders
Alverine citrate is a musculotropic anti-spasmodic.
Simeticone is a physiologically inert substance and therefore has no pharmacological activity. It acts by modifying the surface tension of the gas bubbles thus causing their coalescence.
Meteospasmyl Side Effects
Due to the presence of alverine:
rare cases of urticaria, sometimes with laryngeal edema, shock,
rare cases of regressive liver damage at the end of treatment.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Side Effects
Meteospasmyl drug Interactions
The data available to date do not suggest the existence of clinically significant interactions.
Warnings and Precautions
Liver function:
Increases in ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) and ASAT (Aspartate Aminotransferase)> 2 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) have been reported in patients receiving alverine / simeticone therapy. These increases may be associated with a concomitant elevation of total serum bilirubin.
 If hepatic aminotransferases increase by> 3 times the ULN, and even more so in cases dictere, treatment with alverine / simeticone should be discontinued.
Drive and use machines
Prevent drivers of vehicles and machinery users from the risk of drowsiness, amnesia or impaired muscle concentration or function.
The combination with other sedative drugs should be discouraged or taken into account when driving or using machines.
If sleep time is insufficient, the risk of impaired alertness is further increased.
Meteospasmyl Capsules and Pregnancy / Breastfeeding
meteospasmyl during pregnancy
Many data from cohort studies have not revealed the occurrence of malformative effects during benzodiazepine exposure during the course of 1
first  trimester of pregnancy. However, in some case-control epidemiological studies, an increase in the occurrence of cleft lip and palate has been observed with benzodiazepines. According to these data, the incidence of cleft lip and palate in newborns would be less than 2/1000 after exposure to benzodiazepines during pregnancy while the expected rate in the general population is 1/1000.
If benzodiazepines are taken in high doses at 2 nd and / or 3 rd trimesters of pregnancy, a decrease in fetal active movements and a variability in fetal heart rate have been described.
Treatment with benzodiazepines at the end of pregnancy, even at low doses, may be responsible in the newborn for signs of impregnation such as axial hypotonia, sucking disorders resulting in low weight gain.
These signs are reversible, but can last 1-3 weeks depending on the half-life of the prescribed benzodiazepine. At high doses, respiratory depression or apnea, and hypothermia may occur in the newborn. In addition, a neonatal withdrawal syndrome is possible, even in the absence of signs of impregnation.
It is characterized in particular by hyperexcitability, agitation and tremulations of the newborn occurring at a distance from the delivery.
The time of onset depends on the elimination half-life of the drug and may be important when it is long.
Based on these data, as a precautionary measure, the use of alprazolam is not recommended during pregnancy, regardless of the term.
When prescribing alprazolam to a woman of childbearing potential, she should be advised of the need to contact her physician if pregnancy is planned or initiated to re-assess the benefit of the treatment.
At the end of pregnancy, if it is really necessary to start a treatment with alprazolam, avoid prescribing high doses and take into account, for surveillance of the newborn, effects previously described.
Alprazolam is excreted in breast milk at low concentrations. However, the use of this medicine during breastfeeding is not recommended.
Meteospasmyl Capsules Overdose
What happens if I overdose from Meteospasmyl Capsules ?
Cases of vertigo have been reported when taken at a dosage higher than that recommended.
What is  Forms and Composition Meteospasmyl Capsules?
0.25 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs.
Hospital model: Box of 100. 0.50 mg scored tablet:  Box of 30, in blister packs. Hospital model: Box of 100. Breakable tablet 1 mg:  Box of 100, in blister packs.
 p cpAlprazolam (DCI)0.25 mgor0.50 mgor1 mg
Excipients (common): lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, anhydrous colloidal silica, mixture of sodium docusate (85%) and sodium benzoate (15%), corn starch, magnesium stearate, aluminum erythrosine lake (cp 0 , 50 mg and 1 mg), indigo aluminum lake (cp 1 mg).
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post Meteospasmyl Capsules Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Description appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/319ytmq via Edrug Online from Faculty of Medicine https://bit.ly/34fHaxQ via Internal Medicine
0 notes