notbrokejustbennt 7 years
nothing worse then crying while already having a stuffy nose cause now i really can't breath
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northerndreamzzz 7 years
I just love being treated like shit for no fucking reason, it feels fucking amazing! 馃檭
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toriiii47 5 years
it sucks i almost had a kitty again it's not fair ..that we can't be rich . damn i fucking hate life right now . thanks for nothing God #sooverlife
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life-of-a-phan-girl 9 years
Do birthdays always become really shit after you turn 17 because i鈥檓 18 today and it fucking sucks...聽
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seriously wish i had the balls to kms.聽
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emoqueen1226 11 years
Sometimes I just want to fucking explode... Already having a bad day and then the fucking bus driver shut the door on me.. He literally fucking CLOSED THE DOOR ON MY BODY and then didn't even apologize!! He just said "ill be back," and I had to get off the bus and wait for him to come back. Then I go to get on when the driver got back and some asshole jumps in front of me and cuts the entire line of 25 ppl waiting to get on.. And as I'm standing behind him as he's paying, the bus driver literally shut the door ON MY BODY for SECOND time - for no apparent reason!! Then he just reopens the door, takes my money, and acts like nothing happened.. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Oh and to make things even better, my dad just lost his job and moved back in with me and my mom.. All he does is scream at me for no reason, and all my mom does is scream at me complaining about my dad... Fml
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thatonewhitegurl 12 years
writing papers, eating mcdonalds, sipping sweet tea, and listening to depressing songs......聽
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