#So I wore the scratched glasses for two weeks
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someone-you-do-not-know · 2 years ago
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pseudowho · 2 months ago
It was an average Monday morning when you, Nanami Kento's wife, were turned into a cat.
"An unusual Curse," Shoko had said, "not longer than a week, surely--"
"Not--not longer than a week?!" Kento spluttered, his glasses lopsided, and, dangled in front of him beneath the arms (legs-- legs, he reminded himself)...you.
You, with two pointed ears, a long whippy tail, your many toe-beans and a perturbed little head-tilt. On the doctors' office couch, a neatly folded (if a little furry) pile of your clothes.
"Meow," you had said.
"Don't 'meow' me," Kento spluttered again, fixing you with a stern look that barely overlaid his concern. You simply stared up at him, long, and feline, and unblinking...and reached out one little paw, pressing it onto the end of his nose.
Kento sighed; a bone-deep, weary sigh. Shoko put out her cigarette, speaking through a haze of smoke.
"Like I said. Give it a week, and Mrs.Nyanyami will be back to nor--"
"What did you just call her?'
Mrs.Nyanyami, the cat formerly known as Nanami Kento's wife, wanted for nothing.
"I think that tuna's more expensive than anything I've ever eaten," whispered Yuuji to Gojo. On the other side of the conference room, you sat upon the desk before Kento, waiting patiently for the next lump of tuna (meticulously cut into cat-appropriate cubes) to be delivered in his chopsticks.
As Kento's hand approached, you held it close with paw and claws, to steal the pink fish from him. He looked like a surgeon performing heart surgery.
"I just...dont know how he can look so serious while he's doing that," Gojo whispered back, to Yuuji's frantic nods. Still, they watched this freakish nature documentary with quiet obsession.
A higher-up sat down beside Kento, waiting for the meeting to begin. Jolting back, and grumbling, he did a double take.
"Young man-- you can't bring a cat to a Sorcerer's meeting--"
"That's not a cat," Kento snapped, frosty, "that's my wife."
And so began the rumour amongst the higher-ups, that Nanami Kento had gone mad.
"You should leave her at home--"
"--absolutely not--"
"--really, Nanami...just put the television on, she'll be fine--"
"--unequivocally, no--"
"--why not?!"
Silence. An awkward shuffle on Kento's thick chest. You peeked your head out of the pocket of the cat-carrying hoodie that Kento wore over his shirt and tie, and turned to Gojo with narrowed eyes.
"Meow," you had said, batting at Kento's strings, and hooking his tie out with your paw, to kick it to death with your legs.
"I agree," said Kento, whispering and scratching you beneath the chin until you purred, "he's wrong, isn't he? Stupid Gojo. You'd get lonely. You'd get bored. Yes you would..."
"Oh my god...he's gorgeous...you should get his number--"
"--I'm not brave enough...you go. I'll get our coffees."
"--okay, okay..." The woman cleared her throat, sweeping her hair behind one ear with her best smile. Kento looked up from his coffee, with one finely raised eyebrow.
"Can I help you?" He lied, unwilling to help anyone at all before he'd finished his croissant.
"Hi, yeah, I just...can't help but notice you're sitting alone, and my friend-- well she-- she just wondered if she can have your number, and--"
The woman broke off into shrieks. Climbing up her leg, all claws and furry vengeance, was you. She shook her leg, shrieking. You hissed. Your cup of steamed milk clattered over the table, slopping everywhere.
"--o-oh my god-- oh my god, what the hell is this cat doi--"
"I'm sorry," Kento sighed, not sorry at all and dabbing his mouth with a napkin and doing absolutely nothing to help, "it's my cat. She doesn't like company--"
Hisses. Claws. Dirty feral yowls.
"Get this fucking thing off me--"
"I can't take you anywhere. No more steamed milk for you."
At times, you seemed so human. At others, undeniably cat.
Kento would wake to clattering from the kitchen, bleary and feeling around for you, only to remember, and trace his hand up to the furry, round little patch you'd leave behind on your pillow. He allowed himself just a moment of misery, before getting up.
He followed the sounds of cups and kettle and coffee machine, and leaned against the doorway with sleep-mussed hair and a squinting, teenagerish glare.
You were up on the counter, all four paws and determination. You had gotten as far as switching the kettle and coffee machine on, and heaving the cupboard open with your tiny limbs. Kento watched as you tipped your head sideways, managing to drag two mugs out in your teeth. He winced as they almost smashed upon the counter.
"Come on," Kento rumbled, his voice rusty with sleep, "let me do that."
You meowed at him, batting at the air with one angry paw when he stepped closer. Kento huffed, raising his hands in surrender.
"Fine," he tutted, "but I'll pour the water."
"Why? Because you don't have opposable thumbs, darling."
The fur stood up along your spine. You turned around, and around, in a circle, then sat upright. You turned your back on him while you waited for the kettle to boil. Your tail flicked from side to side, irritable. Kento waited, too, reaching out one hand to stroke your ears.
You nudged your back paw out, and pushed his mug off the side to smash on the floor.
"...what is wrong with y--"
Distant meows.
Kento groaned, rubbing down his face. He checked the clock, frog-blinking; two in the morning. He groaned harder.
More distant meows.
"Please just come back to bed," Kento moaned into the hands pressed over his face.
SkitterskitterskitterSKITTERSKITTER-- rustlllleerussstle--
Directly over his face.
"I am begging you--"
Distant meows.
"I miss you."
You raised your head to look at him. Your purring hitched. Your ears tilted.
Kento had murmured, his low voice barely audible. The only light in the living room was the ever-changing light of the television screen. Laid on his back on the sofa, with you curled on his chest, Kento stroked down your back with longing.
You crept up his chest, pressing your cold wet nose to his, and purred. Nose to nose, and cross-eyed, Kento could have cried.
"I really miss you," he repeated, swallowing around the lump in his throat. Your claws dug into his chest, just a little. You rub, rub, rubbed your warm furry head along his jaw until he sniffled, and gave a choked little chuckle.
He fell asleep with you on his chest that night. In so many ways, it was familiar; home. In so many others, you were gone forever.
Kento shuffled. His chest felt heavy...warm. His belly felt warm, too. And his lap, and--
Kento's eyes shot open, his head lifting up from the couch.
You bit your lip, naked on top of him, and smiling. Human. An angel.
"Oh, my love," Kento moaned, crushing you to him in a bear hug from shoulder to toes, "you're back-- I missed you, I was so worrie--"
You batted an arm out, swiping last night's wine glass from the coffee table beside you, to shatter on the floor.
Silence. Kento blinked slowly, looking from the wine glass, to you. You felt your cheeks grow hot, swallowing hard.
"God, I...sorry, Kento. Force-- force of habit--"
Part Two linked here!
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girlwhorizzed · 13 days ago
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in which ♡ you show your boyfriend how much you appreciate all he does for you, how selfless he is when it comes to you.
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a/n ፧  haii guys :3 i haven't wrote jj in awhile so here!! hope whoever reads enjoys ♡
pairings ፧  boyfriend!jj ✗ reader
warnings ፧  m!receiving, f!giving, blowjob, language, smut, ꒰⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
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jj could barely care for himself. going on two-to-three days with the same worn out muscle tank that lost it's original color, and about two days without a shower. another two days without changing socks. he was used to living that way, not that he was proud or anything but he just didn’t care either. he never really minded going out smelling like smoke, he re-wore almost all the clothes he had to his name,
in his head — that was just the image that sold.
that's why, for a guy who can't even properly care for himself— cared for you like he did was surprising. he was surprisingly nurturing in his own way, it was an odd side to him that most people didn’t get to see. he’d bring you food if he knew you hadn’t eaten - even if he’d barely eaten himself, when you had bad headaches he’d be extra soft and caring, he’d always let you steal his clean shirts to wear to sleep in.
you had tried countless times to get this boy to atleast look like he’d showered in the last 2 weeks, but there was no use. he’d roll his eyes and shove you off - “i ain’t dirty mama, get off me" he’d smirk, laughing to himself.
it was a completely different story though when it came to you. you were practically the only exception to his lack of…cleanliness. always making himself presentable when you were coming over, making sure to spray a little more cologne— shave his armpits and put the cleanest or close to cleanest clothes he had, put on deodorant and actually ran fingers through his hair.
no one really knew about the sweet side of him, and he intended on keeping it that way, at least for the sake of his reputation around the island. his persona was that of a guy who only cared about getting by and getting stoned. no one would’ve been able to tell that he was actually a softie on the inside. only you and him knew the way he touched you and held you — like glass.
which is why today, your going to show him how much your appreciate it. , how much you appreciate the times he'd taken you to his home although you knew what went on there. the time he still attended midsummers face scratched up n'all for you even if he couldn't be your date. but it wasn’t as if this would be the first time you’ve reciprocated his efforts. you were always sure to be there for him, to bring him snacks or drinks or whatever you knew he needed after a long day.
you knew he didn’t expect anything in return and that he did it all because he wanted to but, you felt like today you were going to show him how much you appreciated the way he treated you — how he kept you safe and looked after you, even though you could clearly look after yourself.
with nothing left in mind to try and give him that he wouldn't reject, one thing you know he couldn't reject is getting his dick sucked. it's something that he'll push any task to the side for, for example. going to hang out with john b but just when he's leaving— his girl, so pretty and perfect gawing at his shorts. he can't reject that, never. that's your personal mission today and you keep your word to it.
when you get to the dilapidated home that you register as your man's home, his bike out front and front door open, you can already hear him inside the house, laughing and mumbling small-talk with another person— who you assume is a customer, you stay quiet and off to the side, like jj taught you when he's doing business.
he can sense you’re around, even with someone in his home. he always knows when you’re close by — something about him is just like that. his head snaps in your direction for a second, just a glimpse, before he returns his attention back to the business at hand. he knows you’re there to see him, like you always are, just waiting for him to be available. he wishes he could just pull you out and into his arms — right there infront of the guy who’s here for product.
jj's made it very clear and instructive face-to-face with you that it's not he doesn't trust you, it's he doesn't trust them. you'd think for having these guys he does business with in his circle, he'd at least trust them. but no, he’s quick to list the ways he'd harm them if anything ever were to happen to you. making it clear by a simple glare — that you’re off limits. he’s hyper protective over you, and he has a no-bullshit tolerance for anyone who wants to disrespect the boundaries he’s set. he knows they watch you when they think he’s not looking — they see you as some form of eye candy.
you feel a little flushed, cheeks red and warm. you always do when you take notice of that look in jj's eyes whenever he gets all protective over you, it's quick and short but you still take note of it, only catching sight of it every here and now. it's something wrong to feel but you can't help but at least get a tingle, or perhaps a little shiver between your legs. the way his brows furrow instinctively anytime your mentioned in any form thats inappropriate, and how his fists clench— he can't let any guy other than him see you that way. your his girl and although none of his customers are yet to try and chatty up with you, he's still on guard.
he knows how to be scary at the flick of a switch, he’s good at it. especially when it came to his pretty lil girlfriend being around. just the thought made his blood boil. he’d never be able to let it go if anything happened. he’s so on edge tonight that he barely even registers when the guy in front of him excuses himself to go to the bathroom, disappearing round the corner. he’s distracted. his eyes flickering over to you in the corner, his expression quickly softening. it almost seems like he’s missed you.
the paying customer returns back, taking to long for jj's liking— he slides the blonde a fifty during a casual dab-up trying to shield the exchange of money and weed, you notice even though their own jj's premise, they still do the same old tactics if they were exchanging in public— you’re used to this by now, the whole transaction, the way jj’s eyes dart from the guy in his home to your pretty little body all leaned against the doorframe. he’d be lying he said he never got a little thrill of being this close with you, while having a business deal go down infront of him. it was like he was rubbing it in their faces — having you in there while their business was being exchanged. ‘specially this guy, who’s definitely had a few looks that jj’s not happy about.
a couple minutes pass and the customer stills standing in front of the blonde, it ticks jj off even more and he's quick to shoo him off— rushing him out the door with a "c'mon man, get outta here."
he shuts the door hard behind himself, his gaze instantly snapping back to you. he takes the two large steps to close the gap between you both, suddenly grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him — crashing your bodies flush together and you almost let out a yelp, not expecting him to be so rough. you try to helplessly call out his name but he holds you so intensely close that you’re pressed against his chest, which is heaving with heavy breaths, the adrenaline pumping through his veins.
you can feel his tenseness through his shirt, manicured nails massaging his scalp to attempt to lessen his stress, just as your about to suggest that maybe he just needs your pretty lips on his dick— you feel him start to relax into you. the way you touched him had almost an instant effect on him. he let out a shaky and unsteady exhale, his grip suddenly less tight but still as possessive as ever. every time you touched him like this it almost put him in a trance, like you’d just drugged him. he’s been like this for a while, he needs to relax. and you’re the only thing that’ll help.
he buries his face into your shoulder, the tension in his body quickly deflating away. a small moan escapes your mouth as he presses sloppy kisses against your skin. you speak softly and slowly because your starting to understand. he thinks that your going to get whisked away by some guy, whom your not sure you've even seen other than here buying from your boyfriend. "here, this time you stop caring for me, let me care for you."
he almost wants to protest, but the way you sound so sweet and caring is too much for him to deny. he’s tired, he’s agitated and he’s just desperate to lose himself in you. “yeah? and how’re ya gonna do that, mama?” he murmurs, against your skin, voice low and strained. he suddenly lifts his head, so his face is right infront of yours, eyes heavy and lustful as he takes you in.
you let out a giggle, even in this state he still addresses you with that coy little nickname. your not sure how you even achieved it in the first place. "you'll see." you say quickly, you lead him to the couch where most of your hookups always occur, he seems to have muscle memory because he's quick to pin you down and take action, but not today.
his body covers yours, making you feel so small beneath him. it’s a sensation you love — the weight of his body against yours, all that strength and power that you know he has in him. you’re surprisingly strong, managing to shift you both so you’re on top in his place, his eyebrows raising in surprise. he doesn’t let on, but it’s something really sexy to him when you take control.
you slowly get off him, but not without accidentally giving him a little bump through his shorts as your getting off. "sit up." you instruct, already on your knees on the semi-molded wooden floor that you can put up with for now. you've ditched your pretty bow-pink kitten heels and wiped the access clear lipgloss off your lips from his sloppy kiss.
you could see the lift in his shorts, knowing he gets hard at the slight friction. he complies, he doesn’t say a word, but he does as he’s told. he props himself up against the couch behind him, legs spread to fit you right in-between them.
your dainty little hands are on his shorts in an instant, undoing his belt as quick as you'd do whenever jj picked you up some foolish little boxed figurine from some gift shop. once his shorts are down and you can physically see his dick sticking up through his boxers,
his gaze is locked on you, his eyes heavy and lustful with desire, a permanent smirk on his face tugging at his lips, "didn't know you were a freak like that." he joked, of course. at a time like this he cracked jokes.
you look up at him with your brows furrowed. "do you want to get your dick sucked or not?" you asked, straight forward and bluntly. he nods with a hence of speed that his head ought to fall off. you shake yours, giggling till his random erupt comment has you speechless— "don't get mad if my cum gets in your eye again, kay?"
a deep shade of red instantly spreads across your cheeks, his words causing the heat to pool between your thighs. you almost erased that memory from your head. “oh my god.. you’re gross” you huff, but there’s no denying the excitement in your tone.
he chuckles, the smirk he sports still plastered on his face. he’s almost never this relaxed and calm, but having himself pressed in your hands at a moment like this has him like a little puppy — he can’t help himself. he’s got yet another smart ass comment on the tip of his tongue before it gets cut off by a gasp from him, watching as your mouth lowers onto his dick. he can feel it twitch as you look up at him, making him let out a quiet whimper.
he’s trying to keep his cool, still wanting to make a comment or two while you’ve got him in your mouth. it’s hard though; you’re really good at this, he’s got to give you credit. his breathing is labored, one hand clutching the couch arm behind him while the other grabs the back of your head, fingers tangling into your hair instinctively as a moan escapes his lip. you almost want to be on your knees just for him all the time. the things you do to him, all his self control is flying out the window.
at his noises and the facade he's trying to keep up but desperately failing, inspired you to work your mouth faster— swirl your tongue over his tip more than twice. you pull him from your mouth, your lips making a pop noise, the salvia and spit from your mouth connects your lips with his tip, your quick to shove his dick back into your mouth. your little hands are holding him down by his thighs from shifting around, he's all jittery and weak from you.
compliments, praises, curses under his breath. he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it, at first. he’s so lost in the sensations you’re sending through him that his mouth is moving without even realising, words that you’re able to understand between his strangled moans.
“just like that, mama, you’re so goddamn good —“ he’s a mess. a sweaty, heavy breathing mess; all your doing. it’s so different from usual, when he has you all breathless and trembling beneath him — it’s all he can take to bite his lip as not to let any more embarrassing noises escape.
you feel his fingers grip a little more at your hair, his noises coming out a little louder. his moans are like music to your ears, the way his head tilts back and his thighs start to twitch at every move you take — it’s really a sight to see him like this. he’s always so confident and cocky, but he’s getting wrecked by you and he’s never really been like this. he’s just so vulnerable and sensitive, it just adds to the whole image of this guy everyone seems to be scared of.
your free hand that isn't holding him down from squirming around is fiddling with his balls— pinching and even taking a few moments to show appreciation to them as well, your mouth gives a minute rest to jj as you cup his balls into your mouth, it's a struggle but you still do so, your working to his finish line. there's spit everywhere, but your only focused on his dick. your lips are quickly back wrapped around him.
it’s just all becoming too much for him to handle, each passing second he’s getting more and more overwhelmed. the noises he’s making are completely foreign, he’s usually so composed and in control but for once he’s willing to give that up in your hands. he’s losing it, all the self control that he’s capable of is gone as he gives in. he manages to form a semblance of a sentence, his head lolled back against the couch and words strangled and strained, “gonna — baby, m'close.. gonna cum!"
you pull away from his dick, his hand still very much pulling on your hair— "c'mon jayj, it's okay, you can do it." you push out, beginning to pepper kisses all on his thighs, before wrapping your mouth around him one last time.
that little praise comment and the amount of pressure built up his release, before you knew it he was whimpering and groaning, tugging at your ends and unable to vocally speak a sentence at the pleasure, without warning— his warm cum shot up right down your throat, your sat on your ass now the abrupt unannounced cum sitting in your mouth, you look up at jj from your position not knowing what to do next. after all jj always guided you.
he’s finally able to form actual words; “shit— sorry mama. just swallow. ” his voice is strangled and breathless, but his softness to you and his tone is still very much there. his eyes are half shut, his chest rising and falling with every heavy breath. he’s waiting on every little move you make,. he’s a pretty sight, all slumped on the couch and wrecked. he needs a few moments before he’s himself again, but for now he’s all yours, completely at your mercy.
you follow what he said, swallowing down the warm liquid from the stimulation you caused, you wipe your mouth afterwards with your hand— still sitting and waiting for what to do next. you look like a little puppy waiting for it's owners instructions, your lips are all plumped and filled with gloss that isn't your typical gloss but it still works.
the look he sees on your face is enough to get him back to his senses, still slightly out of breathe and hazy. he opens his mouth to say something but is quickly cut off by the sight of you still sitting there, clearly waiting for instruction. it’s then that he remembers that he usually is the one to guide you into things like this. he knows you’re lost. “c’mere.” he mutters through a huff of his breath, tugging at your arm.
you lift yourself up onto the couch next to him, a little too eager to do whatever he wants you to — just like usual. he can see it in your expression, he can see that you’re waiting for his guidance. he gives you a little smile, hand brushing his thumb against your cheek. he’s still got that gleam in his eyes, the smirk still tugging at his lips. he’s still him, he’s just recovering himself from such intense pleasure.
“take a drink.” he instructs quietly, nodding towards the glass of water on the table beside the couch. he’s watching you, waiting to see you take a sip. you do as you’re told, taking a long and thorough gulp of the liquid. he’s eyeing you intently, not speaking while you drink. he’s just observing you, taking you in.
once you’ve swallowed down it down, you place the glass back on the nightstand. you feel his fingers graze his way over to your chin, lifting your head up so you’re looking up at him. you’re so vulnerable as you sit there, your big innocent looking gaze staring back at him, waiting for him to give you what to do next. he knows it, he’s well aware of how you are after this type of stuff.
he can’t help but to let out a little chuckle as he sees your expression, soft and vulnerable — wanting to be told what to do. he can’t deny that it’s a turn on for him, you being so soft and willing to do anything for him. he wants to mess with you, see how far he can go and you would do for him. “didn't wanna kiss you if you didn't drink water, would've tasted my own cum.” he chuckles, thumb dragging against your lower lip.
you roll your eyes, slapping his bare shoulder playfully before you took it upon yourself to pull up his boxers, knowing him he would've stayed with his dick out all day. "should've spit it out." you joke, shaking your head judgementally as you switch positions to be facing the opposite way, but still keeping an eye to see his reaction.
he looks offended, like he can’t believe you’d have done that to him. he lets out a scoff, but then his face breaks into a smirk and then chuckling at your joke. he shakes his head, taking notice of your new position. he pulls you by your waist until you’re sitting in front of him on his lap, leaning back into his chest. he presses a little kiss to your temple before resting his chin on your shoulder. “you know i taste pretty good.” he teases, snaking an arm around your waist.
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jihoonjuseyo · 1 month ago
hi! this is my first time sending a request 👉👈
When I saw your icon, I immediately thought of a request about being cat parents with woozi! 🐈
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literally so cute omg— thank you for requesting!! i’m so honored, and i’m glad i could get this to you quickly! i was just about to change my entire blog appearance but this cat is sort of signature for me ;u; also… i just love the pet-parent aus.
cw: domestic fluff
“she looks like you already,” you’d half-giggle to yourself, your hand coming up to partially cover your smile with your fingers.
you remember it vividly, the first time jihoon met your little kitten. he went in, determined to find the perfect soul-cat that would suit your dynamic well at your shared home. of course you wanted a cat - hell, it your your idea! but aside from what you expected, jihoon didn’t object. he loved pets, just never had the time or space for one. now, he had you to help.
when the kitten came to the view of jihoon’s dark eyes, you didn’t have a chance to speak before he murmured, “this one.” he chose the tired kitten, the one stretched out on its back and refusing to wake as you whispered through the glass
the first few weeks were a train wreck. jihoon thought it would be low maintenance. litter box, cat bowls, beds, toys, a cat tree, stimulation toys - but nobody warned him about the constant scratching on everything but what was meant to be scratched. they also didn’t warn him about the zoomies in the middle of the night. he remembers it clearly, and he thinks about it every night, the time he slept peacefully with you curled towards him, buried in his chest.
it was like an eruption happened in your sleep, the feel of something hitting and bouncing off of your scalps. jihoon would be quick to react, hand holding you down protectively as he rose up in a defensive manner, only to see the cat sprint out of the room.
“what happened?” you’d whine, desperate to lie back down.
“your daughter,” jihoon grumbled, rolling over onto his side and tucking a leg between the two of yours, curling you as close as possible. it took him a solid five minutes to relax before he could sleep again.
the most important, nobody told him how much attention a cat needed. he could hardly eat without the new addition to the family brushing her tail under his nose, he couldn’t leave his laptop open in fear of the cat treading over it and messing things up. he certainly fought to keep the cat from scratching on the bathroom door when he just needed some privacy!
but you saw the other side of things. it was the slight smile he wore when the cat jumped on his legs at the table, something that would annoy others, and flick his nose with her tail before running off. “damn cat,” he’d half-heartedly complain. he knew he loved her.
you always noticed how flustered jihoon would get when he’d get caught being upset that the feline wasn’t following him from room to room. “she followed me all day yesterday.”
“she doesn’t appreciate what she has today,” you’d reply back.
“you’re right. i hope she doesn’t expect attention for the next few days.” as he walks back to his bedroom, you’d see him snatch the cat up from the back of the couch and carry her like a baby to the bedroom with him. so much for that.
the peaceful days were a treasure to jihoon. the mornings where he could wake up with you, bodies chilly from the cool air in the apartment. he’d hear the purring between your bodies and see the perfect little loaf, eyes closed and breathing soft. he blinked, wondering if he’s imagining the smile on her mouth.
and how sweet it was, when jihoon walked into the apartment one day to find you sweeping up a broken bowl, sauce and remanence of your lunch smeared to the floor. “shit- baby, be careful. let me do that,” he’d say, carefully walking to take the dustpan from you. “are you okay?” he’d ask over his shoulder at you. “what happened?”
he watched you pout, folding your arms as you shot a glare to the cat in the middle of the living area, sitting so sweetly and swaying her tail.
“your daughter.” you’d say back to jihoon with a mocking smile, before you watched his lips curl up slightly, his gaze going back to the cleaning project at hand.
“our daughter.” he corrected. “she can’t just be mine when she makes you upset.”
“she can’t just be mine when she does parkour and fifty somersaults on your face while you sleep.” you quickly responded, eyebrows raising as if to challenge him though he couldn’t see you.
you could hear him though, the little laugh he let out as he discarded some of the glass into a plastic bag. “aw, love,” he’d turn around, setting the plastic bag on the ground momentarily to pull your waist close to his, kissing your forehead. “is it good for our daughter to see us go back and forth like this?”
he watched your cheeks turn a darker shade, your eyes glancing towards the cat now licking her paw and cleaning her face. when you looked back at jihoon, you saw that he had you trapped in response. “…. you can have full custody-“
“stop,” he groaned, interrupting you and your pout over your spilled lunch.
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azrielsdove · 1 year ago
Our Secret: Rhys x Reader
Warnings: Slight Smut, 18+
His body was pressed tight against yours, his lips hot on your neck. You arched into him as his fingers dug into your waist, pulling you closer. “Rhys,” you breathed out, trying to not lose yourself to his touch. “We have dinner.” He grumbled against your skin, coming up to press kiss after kiss to your mouth.
“I don’t care.” His head dipped back down to your collarbone, one hand sliding down your dress to grab ahold of the bottom hem. Your head fall back against the wall behind you as he dragged the fabric up, fingers ghosting over your thigh as he sucked a harsh mark into your skin. You gasped at the sensation before pushing him off of you, smoothing your dress back down. You hurried over to the mirror in his office, groaning at the bruise he had left perfectly visible.
“Rhysand!” You glared at his reflection appearing behind you, a smirk flitting across his lips. One arm wrapped securely around your waist while the other came up to trace the mark he had made, fingers light on your skin. “We are already running late. I can’t hide this!” Rhys laughed behind you, hand falling away from your collarbone so he could tug you out of the room.
“It’s fine. As if none of them have ever shown up in such a state before?” He wore a teasing smile as you began walking towards the dining room, where everyone else was presumably waiting.
“They weren’t hiding a relationship from all of us. It’s going to look suspicious if we walk in together, especially with this. You go in first.” Rhys was making it more and more difficult to keep your relationship a secret, especially when he was the one who brought up the idea first. As if to prove your point he stopped you just outside the dining room, quickly pulling you close to him as he kissed you. Hard. You debated feigning sick for the dinner and having him take you back to office, begging him to have his way with you.
“You go,” he whispered against your lips, pushing you towards the doorway. “I can pretend I got caught up in paperwork.” You sighed and nodded, taking a deep breath to clear your mind as you walked into the room.
It took seconds for Cassian to notice the lovely hickey displayed above the neckline of your gown. “Who’s the lucky one?” He asked, laughing. You rolled your eyes at him and sat down, ignoring everyone’s eyes on you.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You replied, winking suggestively at the male. You were saved from his responding quip by Rhys entering the room, eyes flitting amusedly around the table.
“Something I missed?” He drawled, taking his seat at the head as usual.
“Looks like our girl has got herself a secret lover. Know anything about it, Rhys?” Azriel teased from next to Cassian, the two overgrown bats dissolving into fits of laughter. Rhys’ eyes trailed over the mark on your collarbone, the one he so kindly left there. A smile quirked on his lips, all too pleased with himself.
“A secret lover? How salacious.” You caught the laughter in his eyes, stopping yourself from rolling yours again.
“Oh, leave her alone. As if you three have any room to talk,” Mor jumped in, jabbing her fork accusingly at the trio. You laughed with her, nodding as you sipped from your wine glass. Cassian raised his hands in mock surrender before everyone turned to the meal laid out in front of them. You were going to kill Rhys for this.
It had been a few weeks since the “lovebite incident”, and Rhys had let his guard down around you. You had sworn off all sex for a week after his little game, until he promised he would never ever do something like that again. That lead you to now, where you were straddling him on a lounge chair on one of the balconies of the House. You pressed soft kissed along his jawline, nails scratching lightly down his chest.
“Oh Darling, please stop teasing,” he groaned. The most powerful High Lord of all time, begging for you? How divine.
“Mmm, but why would I do such a thing when i’m having so much fun like this?” You teased, moving to lightly suck on his neck. His hands gripped your hips tight in warning while you ground down on him, enjoying the way he moaned for you. You knew you would never tire of that sound. You bit down on the spot you had been focused on, relishing in the curse Rhys let out. He quickly flipped you over so you lay under him, eyes blazing as he looked down at you.
“My turn.”
After your little escapade on the balcony, it was time for game night. You smiled to yourself as you looked over Rhys, pleased with the little bite barks that littered the side of his neck. You had planned the afternoon perfectly, knowing he wouldn’t have time to check his appearance before you were due to meet your friends.
You entered the room first, smiling at Azriel and Amren before walking to the well-stashed bar cart. Cassian came in not long after, Rhys trailing him. You sat on the plush couch, sipping your drink to hide your amusement. Azriel began chuckling from next to you, shaking his head at his brother. Rhys shot him a look, asking “What?”
Azriel brought his hand up, running it down the side of his own neck. “You’ve got a little…something there.” Cassian whipped around at the words, eyes wide as he took in your marks on Rhys.
“Oh-ho! Now what are you hiding?” He laughed, and you joined in.
“Maybe you should glance in a mirror after your trysts, Rhys,” you teased, hiding your smirk behind your glass. His eyes flashed with realization and he strode to the grand mirror in the living room. His hand moved to touch the bruises, as if he didn’t believe they were truly there.
Playing dirty, are we? He didn’t look at you as he asked the words, instead turning and smirking at his brothers. “I apologize that you two don’t seem to be having much luck in this department.” The boys broke out into loud shouts of laughter, teasing words thrown all around. Not a single one of them looked at you, connecting the incident a few weeks ago to now.
It had been a month since you let Rhys enter game night covered in hickeys, and he had made sure to thoroughly punish you that night. There was no sex ban when it was his call, instead he pulled orgasms from you until you were shaking and screaming his name.
You can’t say you didn’t enjoy his ‘punishment’.
Your game had lit a new fire in him. He loved the public marks on his skin, a silent way to let everyone know he belonged to you. Even if they didn’t know it was you. He had become even more insatiable and risky, taking you anywhere he wanted without care.
That’s how you ended up on the edge of his desk, his head buried between your thighs. You had one hand tight in his hair and the other digging into the polished wood, head draped back as moans of his name slipped past your lips. You were close, so close-
“Hey, Rhys, I wanted to ask about the reports from the last mission Az ran. There’s something- OH. Oh!” You shot your head up in alarm as you took in Cassian’s equally panicked expression in the doorway. The door Rhys hadn’t bothered to fully close when he dragged you in here. “I-uh- sorry. I’ll just, leave you to it.” You went to move away from Rhys, embarrassed by being caught, but he held tight to your thighs.
“You don’t go anywhere until you finish.” He didn’t give you time to protest before his mouth was back on you, sucking and biting just as you liked.
“R-Rhys. Ah! He’s gonna, ugh, he’s gonna tell everyone!” You tried to bite out through your moans, the pleasure Rhys brought to you pushing the thought away. He hummed against you, fingers joining his mouth until you screamed his name, pleasure washing over you. He only stood once you were done shaking, pleased with himself as always.
“I don’t care who he tells. Maybe it’s time everyone knew you are mine,” he said, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You sighed under his touch, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. You were about to ask him to take you on the desk when the door banged open again, Azriel and Cassian standing there. You groaned, resting your forehead on Rhys’ shoulder.
“Look, Az, I told you!” Cassian said with glee, clearly happy to be the one to have caught you two.
“So it’s true. That explains the hickeys and weird tension.” Azriel mused, and you could almost hear the smile in his voice.
Rhys shook his head, shooting a glance to his brothers. “If the two of you don’t leave in the next three seconds, you are going to be subjected to watching me fuck my mate in front of you.” You gasped at his language, eyes shooting up to look at him.
“Rhysand!” You chided as the door to the office slammed shut. He turned his focus back onto you, kissing you hard.
“Would you prefer I lied to them?”
Here’s a nice little Rhys piece for all my heartbroken love and loss readers!! (and general rhysand lovers hahaha). i hope you enjoyed <3
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slytherin-pen · 6 months ago
Ballroom Rescue
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a quick Eris x Reader post-Eris week
word count: 1.7k
warnings: slight angst but mostly fluff
all ACOTAR credit belongs to SJM
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The grand ballroom of the Forest House was alive with dancing, chatter, and sparkling glasses clinking. Lords and Ladies, adorned in rich, deep-toned garments, mingled with traveling merchant lords who had come to witness the Autumn Court’s splendor. You stood at the center of it all, beside Eris Vanserra, your mate and the High Lord of the Autumn Court.
Eris had been courting you for months, and though you had not yet been anointed High Lady, your importance in the court was undeniable. Your presence commanded respect, and every eye was drawn to you as you moved gracefully through the ballroom.
Eris had led you onto the dance floor early in the evening, his hand firm around your waist as the music swelled. The two of you moved together as if you were one, your bodies in perfect harmony, captivating the attention of everyone around. You could feel the admiration and envy in their gazes, but you only had eyes for Eris. His auburn hair caught the light as you spun in his arms, his amber eyes never leaving yours.
The dance ended in applause, and Eris leaned in to whisper in your ear, his breath warm against your skin. "You’re stunning tonight," he murmured, his voice laced with pride and something deeper, more intimate. Your heart fluttered at his words, and you smiled, your hand squeezing his.
“And you look dashing as ever,” you whispered.
As the night wore on, you and Eris made your way around the room, conversing with various lords and merchants. His hand never left your waist, a silent declaration of his claim on you, and a warning to anyone who might think of approaching you with anything less than respect. You were more than just his mate; you were his equal, his partner in every way.
Eventually, Eris returned to his throne on the dais, his presence commanding as he took his seat. You leaned in to speak to him, your voice soft so only he could hear. "I need a moment outside, just to get some fresh air."
He nodded, his eyes filled with understanding. "Take one of the smokehounds with you," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "I’ll be here if you need me."
You smiled and kissed his cheek before turning to leave, one of the smokehounds falling in step beside you as you made your way through the grand double doors and into the cool night air.
The gardens were quiet, the only sounds were the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze and the distant murmur of the party continuing inside. You found a bench beneath one of the towering oak trees and sat down, closing your eyes as you breathed in the fresh air. It was a relief to escape the intensity of the ballroom, even if only for a moment. The alcohol you had consumed earlier was starting to catch up with you now that you had a moment of reprieve, and you leaned back, feeling a slight dizziness.
The smokehound lay at your feet, its large, black body a comforting presence. You reached down to scratch behind his ears, smiling as he leaned into your touch. The creature had been a loyal companion since Eris had introduced you to the pack, and you trusted each of them implicitly.
But the tranquility of the moment was shattered when the smokehound suddenly stiffened, a low growl rumbling in his throat. You opened your eyes, instantly on alert. The hound’s growling grew louder, and he rose to his feet, staring into the shadows beyond the garden path.
A figure emerged from the darkness, stumbling and inebriated. You recognized him as one of the merchants who had been in the ballroom earlier, his steps unsteady as he made his way toward you. You stood quickly, your heart racing as you realized the danger. This was no harmless drunk; there was something malevolent in the way he moved, in the slurred words that tumbled from his lips as he approached.
“Hello, little lady,” he slurred. “What’s a doll like you doing out here alone?”
"None of your concern," you said, your voice firm despite the fear creeping up your spine. “I think it’s time for you to go back inside.” The smokehound snarled, stepping in front of you protectively.
But the man didn’t listen. Instead, he lunged at you, his hand wrapping around your bicep with a bruising grip. You cried out as he yanked you toward him, the force of his pull tearing your dress on the branches of the nearby shrubs. The smokehound barked viciously, the sound echoing through the garden as it leaped at the man, his teeth bared.
You struggled against the man’s grip, your fear turning to panic as he mumbled incoherently, trying to drag you away. "Let me go!" you demanded, your voice trembling. But the man only tightened his hold, his eyes glazed and unfocused.
“I think I’ll take you home with me,” he said, seemingly unbothered by the force of which you were thrashing.
The smokehound’s barks grew louder, more frantic, and you heard the answering howls of the other hounds from various locations around the Forest House property. The night was suddenly filled with the sound of paws pounding in the dirt, their fierce growls signaling that they were closing in on your location.
The man’s grip on you faltered as the first of the hounds arrived, their large forms circling him, their teeth snapping at his legs and the arm that wasn’t holding you. The hounds growled and barked, their maws open, sharp teeth on full display as they lunged at the man, forcing him to release you in an attempt to protect himself.
You stumbled back, fear and adrenaline coursing through your veins. It was dark, the moonlight filtering through the trees casting eerie shadows across the scene. You were alone with a drunk stranger, surrounded by bloodthirsty hounds that were trained to protect you but could easily tear this man apart if he continued to resist. Anything could happen in a fight like this, and the thought terrified you.
But then, through the chaos, you saw him—Eris, followed by a handful of guards with their weapons drawn. He was striding toward you, the rage rolling off him in waves, palpable even from a distance. Flames licked at his fingertips and the ends of his hair, his eyes glowing with fury as he took in the scene before him.
The smokehounds parted to let him through, their snarling mouths snapping shut as they sensed their master’s approach. Eris reached you in an instant, his hands gentle as he took you into his arms. The merchant was too far gone to resist as the guards grabbed him, dragging him off to the dungeons where he would no doubt face Eris’ wrath later.
Eris pulled back enough to look at your face, his anger fading into concern as he took in your trembling form. "You’re okay," he murmured, cradling the back of your head as he drew you to his chest. "You’re safe now."
His embrace was strong and warm, and you clung to him, the terror of the last few minutes finally catching up with you. Your body shook as the adrenaline ebbed, leaving you dazed and disoriented. Eris’ hand stroked your hair, his voice a soothing murmur as he reassured you over and over that you were safe.
Without another word, he lifted you into his arms, carrying you bridal style as he made quick strides back to the Forest House. You buried your face in his neck, breathing in his familiar scent, grounding yourself in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
He carried you up the grand staircase and into your shared bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him. The room was dimly lit, the fire in the hearth crackling softly, casting a warm glow across the walls. Eris set you down on the edge of the bed and knelt before you, his hands gently cupping your face.
"Are you hurt?" he asked, his voice laced with worry as he inspected you for any injuries.
You shook your head, though your voice wavered as you replied. "No, just...shaken."
Eris nodded, his thumb brushing over your cheek in a soothing gesture. "I’m so sorry," he said, his voice filled with guilt. "I should have been there. I should have—"
You placed a finger on his lips, silencing him. "You came as soon as you could," you whispered, your voice soft but firm. "You saved me."
His eyes searched yours, and after a moment, he nodded, pulling you into his arms again. "Let me take care of you," he said, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through your chest.
He helped you out of your torn dress, his movements gentle and careful, before guiding you to the large bathtub that was already filled with steaming water. The scent of lavender and vanilla filled the room as he lowered you into the bath, the warm water soothing your frayed nerves.
Eris knelt beside the tub, his fingers trailing through your hair as he washed away the remnants of the night. His touch was tender, his movements slow and deliberate, as if he was trying to erase the memory of what had happened with every stroke.
Once you were clean and relaxed, he lifted you from the bath and wrapped you in a soft towel, drying you off with a snap of his fingers. He dressed you in one of his shirts, the fabric soft and comforting against your skin, before carrying you to the bed.
Eris settled beside you, guiding your head to lay on his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. His body was warm against yours, his heartbeat a steady, reassuring rhythm beneath your ear. You snuggled closer to him, the events of the night already starting to fade as exhaustion took over.
"Thank you," you murmured, your voice drowsy as sleep began to claim you.
Eris pressed a kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering for a moment before he whispered, "I’ll always protect you, my love. Always."
With those words, you finally allowed yourself to relax completely, knowing that you were safe in his arms. And as you drifted off to sleep, you knew that no matter what happened, Eris would always be there to keep you safe, his love for you burning as brightly as the flames that danced at his fingertips.
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writingchalamet · 7 months ago
Angels Like You II
Angels Like You Chapter I
A.N: Hope you enjoyed part 1, things will be heating up from here and we will be getting a lot more Y/n and Bucky interaction!
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Angst, Swearing, violence, blood, mentions of S/A, mentions of graphic physical abuse, fluff, y/n has a child, Bucky being protective
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Chapter II
Your day had begun like any other, waking to the sound of Forrest stirring on your baby monitor. You walk into his bedroom finding him sitting in his cot a beautiful smile instantly gracing his face as you enter the room, rambling the word 'mama' or an iteration of the sort over and over, you were both all smiles all morning as you most days, getting Forrest ready for day care was perhaps your least favourite part of the day, he still cried when you dropped him off and it broke your heart in two everyday. After Forrest was dropped off at day care, you start your day at work, keeping the door to the Bakery locked until your other baker joins you in an hour, you make a start on your breads taking your premade doughs out the fridge, giving them a quick kneed before placing them in their baking trays. Then onto pastries and cakes you can whip up from scratch, deciding on lemon and blueberry cupcakes with cream-cheese frosting as your 'chefs choice' for the week.
You hear a tap on the glass door and go through kitchen into the main shop to kind your employee Kay standing at the door smiling, clutching a bunch of flowers in her arms. You unlocked the door opening enough to let her in before securing the lock again, "Hey Kay, how are you?" you embrace her in a side hug "I'm good thanks, I got these flowers for the counter, I saw them yesterday and they reminded me of you, so you know" the thought brought a smile to your face in an instant. "Oh thank you, that's so cute" You find a jug to put them in, arranging the carnations on the counter next to the till. Yourself and Kay continue baking and prepping for the day ahead, finishing off some icing and glazing before placing the first batches into the display counter and finishing setting up.
The morning flew by, your regulars came in for their morning coffee and pastries, the couple of old ladies who come by once a week to pick up a loaf of bread and some cakes stopped by and had a chat, and a few college students stopped in, you were happy with how business was going, until you saw a certain head of curls across the street, dark eyes looking your way, his figure loomed over you like a dark omen, you just knew something terrible was about to happen, you could tell by the way he sat there chain smoking and swigging from his coffee cup, that was most likely not coffee, he wore a smug smile across his face while he continued to stare at you.
"Okay Boss, I'm gonna run down the road and grab some lunch, you want anything?" You tore your gaze away from the menacing stare of your ex to meet Kay's. "Uh, no I'm good thanks" she nodded and headed out the door, down the street and out of sight. You were alone. Shit. You look up again and see that Matt had moved from his spot on the wall across your shop, and was moving hastily towards you. You clamber over the counter and try to make it to the door before him, but you're too late. The sweet ding off the bell above the door ringing leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. "Get out Matt, you can't be here" you try to be firm but your voice only comes out broken.
"Or what, you gonna call the cops? You know they won't do anything" He stalks towards you until your backed up against your counter, the hard wood digging into your back. "Matt seriously, leave me alone, please" you were willing yourself not to cry but couldn't help the few stray tears that slipped down your cheeks. Matt picked up the jug of flowers smashing them down against the counter with force causing the glass to shatter, a few shards cutting your arm in the process. "Don't you fucking cry or I'll give you something to cry about" His hands wrapped around your neck cutting off your supply of oxygen while he threw you against the window, keeping you pinned there by your neck. You sputtered out a choke as tears slipped down your face, only making him grip you impossibly tighter, "You wanna fucking cry, you ran away while you were pregnant with my child, I have a right to see them, huh, where is the little brat" He shook your neck bashing your head against the glass. You only hoped he would tire himself out, he usually didn't last long when he'd had a drink anyway.
Over all the commotion you didn't hear the bell of the door opening, and you didn't see Bucky coming to stand behind Matt but thank the lord he did. "You're gonna wanna let the lady go" As soon as you heard his voice your senses ignited, your eyes opened and the tears stopped flowing immediately. Matt loosened his grip but refused to let go. "yeah or what" he scoffed before throwing his head over his shoulder catching a glimpse of your rescuer. You could have sworn you saw him recoil into himself, something you had never once seen. However his fear was short lived and soon replaced by anger once more. "Who's this guy huh? what you just opened your legs for the first guy you said hi to here, you whor-" the second his grip tightened around your neck once more it was enough to send Bucky into overdrive.
He reached forwards wrapping his hand around Matts wrist bending it backwards until you were sure you heard a snap, while Matt screamed Bucky secured an arm around you, giving you the once over, not stopping until you gave him a nod. "Oh I'm gonna fucking kill you, you stupid bitch" in a poor attempt to throw a punch Matt practically threw himself at Bucky, who didn't seem the slightest bit phased, caught Matt by his throat with his vibranium arm, squeezing until he was red in the face. Matt coughed attempting to pull back, Bucky only pulled him closer, clenching his fist all that bit harder. He pulled him close enough that his mouth reached Matts ear. "If you come near her again, I'll fucking finish the job" with those words he pushed Matt away from the two of them, Matt scrambling away and out the door nearly falling to the floor in the process. You let out a sigh you didn't know you were holding, feeling the weight of the world fall off your shoulders for just a moment.
Hot tears spill down your cheeks again in slow steady streams, burning the skin in their wake. "Thank you" you breathed out, your shaking hands reaching up to wipe your face, it's then your realise the blood dripping from a glass made gash on your arm, dripping down your fingers and onto the floor. "Hey, let me take a look at that, make sure you don't need stitches" you pull your arm away from him recoiling into yourself, "no it's fine, you've done enough, you can go, thank you Bucky" You stare at the floor the entire time watching as small droplets of blood begin to litter the tiles. "I'm not leaving in case he comes back, in fact I'm gonna patch you up and we're gonna get Forrest and go home, okay, sound good?" His hand raised to your cheek gaining your attention from your disoriented state, he wipes away the tears as they form under your eyes, brushing them away from your skin, you close your eyes for a moment allowing the feeling to sooth you.
"Alright lets get you cleaned up"
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After the incident at the bakery Sam, Bucky and Sarah had been on high alert, Sam brought up the fact that they could have Torres flown in to be your own personal bodyguard, the thought daunting, that you might actually need one. Then Sarah brough up the fact that there are two more than capable 'bodyguards' here if they want to help. And that's how you ended up here, with Bucky living in your spare room for the past two nights, seemingly watching your every move afraid you'll shatter like glass.
What shocked you the most was how quickly Forrest had taken to Bucky, usually he was shy around people for weeks, hell he’s been going to nursery for a year and still won’t let some of the day care assistants hold or play with him. In a way you were glad he was so reserved, made you think that he would never just run off with a stranger, or your psycho ex. But with Bucky he was different, he seemed to open up pretty much straight away, showing him his favourite toys, wanting to sit next to him on the sofa, wherever you looked you would see Forrest’s little hand reaching up for Buck’s trying to show him something, the sight bringing a dull ache to your chest. Maybe it was the lack of a male presence in his life that made him take to Bucky so well, but you were grateful either way.
You were settling down for the evening after feeding Forrest his dinner, the three of you snuggled up on the couch watching a Disney movie before you put Forrest down for bed. You couldn’t help the warm fuzzy feeling filling your body as you watched Forrest nuzzle into Bucky’s side, his head leaning on his chest. You found your head lulling to the side more often than watching the film, admiring the pair of them, Forrest occasionally pointing to the screen and muttering some gibberish to Bucky excitedly. Towards the end of the film, Forrest had fallen asleep, cuddled into Buck’s side. “I better get him up to bed” you sighed in content beginning to sit up from your comfy seated position. “I can take him up if you want” Bucky spoke in a hushed tone, already slipping his arms around the boy and standing from the sofa. “Why don’t we go up together?" You smiled, getting up from the sofa and following Bucky up the stairs into your sons’ room, you admired the way Bucky gently placed him down on the changing table as if he had done it a thousand times, and stood aside letting you get the baby changed ready for bed. Once he had a fresh nappy and pyjamas on, Bucky picked him up once more, leaning over the side of the cot and smoothly placed Forrest down into his bed, without him stirring once. You both stood there and smiled over the sleeping baby for a moment before retreating back downstairs.
You opened a bottle of wine grabbing two glasses, heading back into the living room finding Bucky back in his original spot on the sofa once more. “I never really got the chance to thank you for the other day, or explain…” You avoided eye contact as you sat down, fiddling with the stem of your wine glass in an attempt to distract yourself. “You don’t have to explain anything to me, I’m just glad I was able to help is all” Bucky responds coyly, wrapping a hand around yours in an attempt to stop your nervous fidgeting around the glass. “Sarah spoke to me… She said that she told you guys about Matt… That you seemed pretty upset” you plucked up the courage to look in his eyes, as you did, he looked away, shaking his head. Almost embarrassed. “I uh… I don’t know what to tell you…” There was a pause after he spoke, neither of you knowing what to say. “Why do you care so much, you don’t know me?”
Bucky scoffed, seeming taken aback by your comment, as if someone caring about your well being was a problem. “Why wouldn’t I care, especially after hearing the shit he put you through, that would be enough to make any sane person mad, no?” His response seemed valid, even if you didn’t want to admit it, if it had been you that had found Sarah pregnant and sleeping in her car, hearing her situation you would have been just as furious. You understood where he was coming from. “I guess…” Your sentence trailed off and you stared into your empty wine glass. Bucky took the hint and opened the bottle of wine, filling your glass more than you normally would have, you giggled side eyeing him, tilting the glass up to your eyeline. “You trying to get me drunk Barnes, you know there’s a sleeping toddler upstairs right” you joked, clinking your glass with his, just as full. He laughed along shaking his head.
After sinking one or two bottles of wine, you felt yourself growing more confident. The wine raising a sweet pink blush to your cheeks which Bucky found undeniably cute, he found himself drawing closer to you and you let him, there was no room between you, his arm encased the back of the sofa around your shoulders, your head occasionally falling back to rest on the limb, your thigh hunched up resting on his own, as you chatted the night away truly getting to know each other. If Sam were to look in through the window Bucky knows he would have a shit eating grin plastered on his face at the sight of his best friend this close to a girl after so many years. And you couldn’t help but admit, it felt nice to be this close to someone, especially after the only relationship you had ever been in was an abusive one, you thought you would find it hard to trust, but Bucky made you feel at ease the second you were near him.
“So, what’s it like being a superhero?” you enquired eyes wide with wonder. He scoffed again shaking his head, and attribute you would soon grow attached to. “I’m no superhero doll” you shook your head, taking his glass out of his hand and placing it on the coffee table, you place yourself directly in his eyeline, practically sitting in his lap. “Oh common! You fought Thanos’ army, helped bring down that Zemo guy and you just stopped the flag smashers! And to top it off you were sergeant of the Howling Commandos. I’d say that’s pretty superhero-esque to me” you wink at him and couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the look on his face. “Okay stalker, someone’s done their homework” he laughs out, he raised his hands in defence, lowering them to rest on your lower back and his Vibranium hand on your thigh, your hands settled on his shoulders, and you gave them a light squeeze, feeling intrigued by the feeling of the metal under his shirt.
 “Of course, I had to, I’m not gonna let some strange man I don’t know stay in the same house as my son, am I?” you tilted your head to the side, eyeing him quizzically. “Of course, not” The flesh hand holding your back began to stroke up your back and you forgot to breathe for a moment. His hand stilled in the centre of your back, laying there flat and steady. You stared into the blues of his eyes, realizing now just how deep they really are. How much history they hold behind them, how many horrors he too has seen. You felt his gaze searching your own, tracing every spec on your face, you saw his eyes linger by your eyebrow where your scar was and regrettably you tore your own pair away from his face. Removing yourself from his lap, standing before him. He sat there; brows furrowed slightly in question as to why you were leaving. “I should get to bed, I have to get back to work tomorrow, but thank you Bucky for a lovely evening, thank you for everything…” You spoke to the floor before turning hurriedly towards the stairs. “Yeah, yeah, no problem… No problem at all…” Bucky spoke shallowly to himself wondering what he had done wrong.
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whowantshota · 1 year ago
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NOT ALLOWED pt. 2 —— lee heeseung
it's date night with your boyfriend, but you don't even show up. you can't help it, old habits die hard.
warnings ☆ MATURE CONTENT AHEAD. angst, smut, cheating, dom heeseung, this is mostly smut, manipulation, ft enha, soobin (txt) deserves the world,
song recs: it almost worked, tv girl. not allowed, tv girl. lovers rock, tv girl. billie bossa nova, billie eilish,
read part one here! can also be read as a standalone
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After what you’ve been calling the ‘little incident,’ the rest of the week was uneventful. Classes are the same, Sunoo’s no less dramatic, and you think you’ve texted your project partner Yunjin at least once since then. Soobin’s still texting you sweet little goodnight messages before you go to sleep though, still kissing you the same and fucking you in that slow, soft way he always has.
You hate it. Hate it with every fiber of your being. You hate it so much. The way he isn’t repulsed by you, hugs you close to him when the two of you go about on campus. The way he loves you all the same despite what you’ve now gone and done.
And you know that you should break up with him. Not because he’s ass—if anything he’s the farthest from it that you’ve ever seen a man be. No, if anything you (absolutely) are the ass. That’s why it’d be so much better than trying, trying so damn hard to love him the way he loves you.
“Dinner? Tomorrow, at 9?” He asked you suddenly during study group. You look up from your book to glance at him. One eyebrow raised, he grins at the feeling of his knee pressing into your thigh, pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“Dinner?” You repeat, tapping your pencil against the table. Soobin nods, running his tongue over his bottom lip. There’s a slight blush you can see creeping up his neck, rising in his ears. 
He waits for you to answer, hands folded politely over his own textbook. His sleeves are rolled up just below his elbows and you can see the thick vein that traces its way down to the back of his hand. His fingers are so pretty, so big, have fucked their way into your a cunt a number of times now. The same fingers that’ve treated you right so many times, skimmed across the expanse of your inner thigh. They’ve never choked you, though. Never fucked into your mouth and pressed hard on your tongue, never pulled you down and gagged you on cock.
They’ve never treated you like Heeseung has.
You blink twice, look down, only to look back up and peek at Soobin from under your lashes. “Yeah. Dinner sounds great.”
The way Soobin lights up makes your heart hurt. You really don’t know why he’s put so much effort into taking you out, nor why it still makes him happy. You’ve been dating for three months now, talking for maybe a little longer than that. He’s been trying to make more time for you now, ever since you mentioned it to him. Date’s every fortnight, mostly over coffee or ice cream. Sometimes there’s sex, and sometimes there’s not. Usually, there is.
Soobin’s hands unfold, and he spares a look at the clock. He breaks into the awkward silence, clearing his throat and straightening the white collar of his shirt. “Um, it’s late, huh.” He notes, scratching the back off his neck. “Can I…”
“Sure.” You say, lips pursed. You know what he wants; nothing more than to simply walk you to your dorm. He nods silently at your response and stands up, closing his book and gathering his own things to shove into his bag. Too fucking sweet for his own good, Choi Soobin does not deserve you.
★ . *- .
You think it almost worked.
If you had tried a little harder, possibly made a little more room in your heart for Soobin, then maybe you could have left every single thing about Lee fucking Heeseung behind you.
You did dress up for dinner, wore a short black dress and your favorite cardigan. You did take the time to fix up your hair, and you did go the extra mile and buy him a perfume.
Oh fuck that, you didn’t even wait for him to pick you up at your dorm.
It should have seemed at least a little shocking, but to be honest, you knew that you would come back. You could take it to another level and say you that had planned it, and that’d even be true.
Heeseung was shocked though, opening the door to find you standing outside at 8:47 PM, his pretty, pink lips parted in silence. Before he could say anything, you were already pulling him in for a kiss, feeling his warmth and sliding your hands into his wet hair.
He lets out a long, full groan against your bottom lips when your hands start to feel lower, wanting and reaching for more. “Baby,” he hums when he finally pulls away, “fuck, slow down.”
His hands wrap around your wrists, separating your touch from him. Heeseung did not expect to see you back on his doorstep so soon, had thought you’d be a smarter girl. Thought you'd take some time to think about things, maybe even see how bad, how fucking horrible you are for each other. You didn’t though, and to say he didn’t want you back on his doorstep though, would be a lie. 
“Need you Heeseung,” you tell him. He can’t help but shiver at the sight of you, his grip loosening around your arms and allowing you to slither a hand to his face, cupping his cheek. 
You pull at the hem of the black shirt he’s wearing, tight around his chest. He must’ve just come back from practice, meaning Jay and Jake are probably still in the house but honestly you couldn’t care less. They could watch for all you care.
You’re attaching your lips to his once more before he’s pulling you inside, only separating once to close the door and press your backside against it. 
Heeseung moans into your mouth, tasting the sweet cherry chapstick slick on your lips. His hands move from your arms to glide along your waist. He squeezes, earning a small, muffled cry from you. It was funny, how well he still remembered you and all of your littleticks, what you liked and what threw you off. 
He only moves his lips from yours to start sucking against the skin on your neck, efficient work pulling an unwanted whimper from you. He smiles against your skin and you can feel the upturned corners pressing to you.
“Fuck, Seungie.” You murmur, pulling away for a breath, which is short lived because Heeseung is pulling you back in, bitting your bottom lip. 
You tug at his sweats, fitting a hand inside and cupping his hard on. He stiffens at your touch, hissing something you can’t hear. You love it, the way he reels into you, hands gripping you tight. You could let him take you here, have you all to himself on the couch until midnight. Even longer than that if you really fucking wanted to.
You have him here, all to yourself. He’s whispering in your ear about how good you taste and you’re talking right back, going on and on about how much you missed him, needed him.
You feel the vibration of your phone buzz in your cardigan, but you don’t make a move to even check for it. Fuck Yunjin, or Sunoo, or Soobin, you get back to them later. But you can’t get back Heeseung, can’t get back the way he grinds into the palm of your hand, can’t get back the sweet sounds he makes everytime you tug a little to hard at his hair. Definitely can’t get back the way he loves you at all, though you’re not sure how long it’s been since you lost that.
You groan in annoyance when your phone starts to ring again, pulling it out from your pocket. Heeseung doesn’t question it, let’s you simply fling your phone somewhere around the room and drums his fingers against your hip.
“Came to see me, yeah?” He mumbles against your neck, thumbs starting to rub against you in a circular motion. “Came to let me eat that pretty cunt, mm?”
He starts to suck a hickey and you almost protest, almost say that Soobin could see it, could figure out that you make yourself cum with someone else’s name on the tip of your tongue. But you don’t say anything, only palm his bulge and moan. He slips a hand under the skirt of your dress, presses his fingers against the crotch of your panties.
He’s dragging slow fingers against fabric, feeling the growing wet patch between your folds. “Seungie, hurry up.” You pout, looking at him with big, wet eyes.
Luckily, he’s not in the mood to tease you, yet. He hums and complies with your pleas, locking your lips once more as he slides two fingers in. He’s sloppily kissing you, devouring the moans that leave you while at the same time fucking his fingers into you. 
He doesn’t take his time at all; doesn’t look to see if you’re enjoying it. He doesn’t need to, he knows you eat up whatever the fuck he gives you. Knows he’s fucked you right enough times for you to love this.
You feel like your legs are going to give out when he rolls his thumb against your clit, other hand reaching to knead the flesh of your ass. From the way he’s still grinding against your hand, you think he’s enjoying it too.
You whimper when he pulls out so abruptly, dropping to kneel on the floor in front of you. He pulls your leggings and panties down to your knees, sucking on his fingers and pressing his cheek against the soft skin of your thigh. You can hear the loud pop when he pulls them out of his mouth, messily coated in his saliva. 
When he pauses to look up at you, fuck, you swear you could cum on the spot. The greatest view you’ve seen in a long time; Heeseung below you with his mouth parted slightly, haired mussed, face flushed deep red as he licks his fingers clean.
It hits you right then, how much you want him, really fucking need him. “Fuckin’, love you. Need you s’much.” You cry. There’s tears welling up in your eyes, and they seem to be enough to inspire him to continue. 
Warm, wet lips press against your cunt. It's so soft, so gentle that for a second you wonder if it really is Heeseung, who’s peppering kisses along your pelvis. If he's really there, looking up at you from behind thick locks of dark hair. “Yeah? Need me to fuck this pretty pussy because your boyfriend doesn't?” He asks, continuing to press a trail of kisses against your front, only stopping when he's about right under your navel.
“He…he does,” you stutter. You didn’t think before the words came out, merely let them spill in a hurried response. To be fair, you hadn’t spoken that loud either, but Heeseung hears it, of course.
“Oh, he does?” He takes a moment to let it sink in, brows furrowing before he pulls away and stands up. You want to hold him back down, tell him to kneel again and fuck his tongue into your cunt. But perhaps now's not the time: Heeseung looks unimpressed by the words, arms crossed over his chest. 
The dorm is silent. Much too silent. Considering it’s not that late, you can bet that both Jake and Jay are still up, if not in their respective rooms, hopefully out and about.
Not that there’s time to think about those too, though. Heeseung’s hand is closing around your wrist, and he’s dragging you away from the wall and further into the room. He lays you on the couch—it seems to have become a spot after your last visit.
Heeseung’s got you pinned under him in seconds, pulling off his shirt, hips straddling yours. “You’d don’t think he could fuck you better than I could, baby?” You hear him hum. One strong hand resting on your stomach, bulge pressed up against your leg. 
“That's why you're here with me, letting me fuck this cunt, hm?” He trails off, not so much flinching as you reach into his boxers, pulling his thick cock out of his sweats.
You didn’t come here because of anyone else, you came here because you need Heeseung. Because Soobin could fuck you right, but he just can’t fuck you the way Herseung does. So you’re about to object, state your point, looking at Heeseung through pitiful eyes. And then a buzzing starts up from between the couch cushions.
Heeseung sees it before you do, grabs your long forgotten phone from where it’s sunk. He looks it over, bright light illuminating his face much better than the old lamp in the corner does. 
You know something is wrong when you see the smirk growing on his face, wetting his bottom lip. The phone’s still buzzing, but Heeseung’s already hovering right over you, breath fanning over your face. Precum dribbles down from his tip and along the back of your leg. “Keep quiet for a bit, ‘kay baby?”
He places the phone on the couch arm behind you. You’re about to turn around, swearing you heard something when Heeseung suddenly pushes into you without warning. 
You gasp, pussy squeezing around his girth. He shoves his thumb into the side of your mouth, forcing it open enough for him to spit inside. 
“Swallow,” he commands, fucking into you at a mild pace. His hand moves down to close around your throat, resting his thumb against the lump when you comply. “Good fuckin’ girl.”
“Please!” You cry, clenching even harder at the pet name, earning a groan from Heeseung. His pace falters, and he’s fucking into you sloppily. 
“Fuck, I’ll take care of this cunt,” Heeseung manages to get out, voice, breathy as he speaks. You hiccup, tears slipping down your face. It feels so good, too good. How the fuck did you survive a week without this?
He doesn’t complain when your arms wrap around him, nails digging raw pink marks into his skin. Your back hurts like fuck with the way your arching, but the warmth of his cock is too good for you to care. “Yes, fuck–please, wan’ that.”
And as always, it’s about Heeseung giving you whatever you need at the moment. Maybe that’s why you don’t notice the sadistic smirk on Heeseung’s face when he lazily fucks a couple of more strokes into you. Or why you don’t hear the other end of the phone, don’t see Soobin’s contact name shining brightly on the dial screen of your phone.
“Yeah?” Heeseung muses, reveling in the thought of the desperate scratches he’ll find on his back tomorrow morning. “Who does this pussy belong to, baby?” 
“Heeseung! All yours Seungie-” You’re babbling now, sobbing through choked breaths. He fits in you so well; you know you were just made for him.
“All. Fucking. Mine.” He grunts, fucking into you on each word. The disconnect tone plays right when Heeseung cums, head of his cock dragging against you insides as he rides the high out. 
He doesn’t topple over you and let you ruffle his hair when finishes. Nor does he kiss your nose or call you beautiful. No, he merely pulls out, watches the way his cum spills down your thighs, tucks himself back into his sweats and pushes off of the couch.
You almost reach out to him, but the words die in your throat. You hear Heeseung mutter something, tell you that you can get cleaned in the bathroom, that there’s a pair of his clothes you can change into.
You hate him for it. Even though you’re the one who wanted to walk into all of this. Heeseung did tell you that you couldn’t, shouldn’t start over. Who the fuck were you to think you could fix him; fix what you had?
Now you’re really crying. Big tears welling up and dropping onto the wrinkled skirt of your dress. You pick up your phone from its place on the armchair, open the call app, then drop it into your lap.
You should have known, should have expected it with the number of times he brought up Soobin. Should have seen him reach for your phone, should have noticed the grand smile he wore while he fucked you so good, so deep.
Soobin’s phone number appears three times in your list of recent calls. Twice, as a missed call. Once, as answered.
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i love this work so much. reblogs and comments are always appreciated! not beta read
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harry-on-broadway · 2 years ago
One More
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It never failed to surprise you just how well you fit in his arms.
His chest was sticky from sweat and beer and God knows what else, but when he found you backstage and pulled you into his embrace, you didn’t resist. You knew he needed the hug more than you did.
Emotions had been running high over the past few weeks and you were more than happy to be the grounding force he needed as the tour that had occupied nearly two years came to an end. You allowed yourself to be rocked back and forth as he squeezed you tighter, his nose buried in the top of your head as his breathing slowed and the adrenaline left his body. He was clearly starting to calm down.
“Um, Harry? Could you…?” You moved to loosen his arms from around you and take a deep breath.
“Oh, sorry,” he said. His eyes were focused on you but you could tell his mind was miles away. “Give me a few to clean up and then we can head back?” He looked at you for confirmation.
“Sounds good, baby. Take your time.”
He left you with one last kiss and shuffled into his bathroom, towel and robe in hand. As he showered you used the time to clean up your own belongings that were scattered around the room – the glass of wine you’d had before the show, the jacket you’d foolishly brought with you thinking the fiery temps would go down with the sun, and your phone charger, which you’d already forgotten twice in the week you’d been on the road with Harry (something he hadn’t let you forget). When you’d finished your sweep of the room, you planted yourself on the couch. As you’d guessed, a few minutes to Harry meant closer to 90, and you passed the time chatting with the various members of his team that filtered through.
Jeff, Brad, Pauli, Sarah, Mitch, everyone had the same melancholic smile on their face, as if they couldn’t bring themselves to admit that the end was nearing.
“Doesn’t feel real does it?” Pauli asked. “It kind of felt like it was going to last forever.”
You’d never admit it to Harry, but the small selfish part of yourself that you tried to hide was extremely happy that the tour was ending. You’d long been aware that dating Harry meant sharing him with millions of others, a fact he’d warned you of over ice cream on your second date, but his career had never felt this present.
You didn’t know what had made it so hard this time around. Maybe it was the crush of tour dates you’d planned your lives around, maybe it was the attention that came with winning multiple Grammys, or maybe just the fact that you’d both had to return to real life after finding comfort in the pandemic bubble. Regardless, you were thrilled with the fact that, starting on Sunday, he’d be in your shared bed for more than a few days each month.
“Ready to go, love,?” Harry poked his head round the corner. In the heat of the night, he’d swapped his usual post-show hoodie for a worn t-shirt, and had pulled his wet curls back with a clip that you were pretty sure you’d worn on the flight here.
“Took you long enough,” you said with a smirk.
“OK, sassy,” Harry said with a light laugh. “I can just leave you here.”
“You’d never do that,” you scoffed.
“Awfully confident for someone who’s about to spend the night in a dressing room.”
“You’d miss your nightly back scratches,” you said confidently. “Somehow I don’t think those fall under Jeff’s purview.”
“You’re right. That’s Tom’s job.” You both burst into giggles as Harry pulled you into a standing position. His eyes lingered on yours, taking a moment before kissing you gently.
“We should probably head out,” you murmured. “It’s going to be a big couple of days.”
You bumped his hip with yours, and he deftly grabbed both his bag and yours in his right hand, taking your hand in his left. The car ride was quiet, even more so than usual, as Harry stared out the window at the passing lights. Even though he was once again in his own world, his hand worked overtime spinning the ring you wore on your finger, a motion you knew was soothing to him.
Back at your hotel, fatigue quickly caught up to the both of you as you moved slowly through your evening routines, drowsily dodging each other around the bathroom sink as you brushed your teeth and washed your face. Pajamas on, you climbed into bed, Harry following close behind as he turned off the light.
You flipped to your right side, facing Harry as your eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room. Like clockwork, his hand found your hip where he began rubbing small circles on the bit of skin that was exposed, while your hand made its way to his bare back, scratching dully at his soft skin.
“Just one more show,” you sighed.
“Why so sad?” you prodded. “Not ready to come back to my snoring and blanket thievery?” You heard a soft noise come from him. Whether it was a sigh or a laugh you couldn’t tell.
“I’m really nervous.” It was as if the blanket of darkness made it easier for him to be vulnerable. “I’m really nervous about what Saturday is going to be like and everything that’s going to happen…after.” You could hear him swallow thickly. “It’s like I’m riding to the edge of a cliff and have no idea what’s on the other side.”
“That’s a perfectly normal thing to feel, H. It’s a big change.”
“And I just feel guilty too…” The floodgates had opened and there was no going back now. “I’m so excited to just be me. Be us. But like it feels selfish to not want to do anything. Like why do I have that luxury when others don’t.” He took a shuddering breath. “But then there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to end things and stay on that stage forever which is so unfair to you…”
“Hey,” you said sternly. “Don’t you dare worry about me. I’m never going to be mad about getting to spend more time with you, but I also know how much performing means to you. And I’d never ask you to give that up.” You flattened your hand against his back, letting him feel the cool metal band of the ring he’d given you on one knee earlier this year. “You’re stuck with me, Styles. I’m not going anywhere.”
He snorted a laugh. “Still don’t know how I hoodwinked you into this deal but I’ll take it.” He nuzzled in closer to you. “Everything just feels so…big right now. It’s like almost too much to think about.”
“So, don’t,” you said plainly, perfectly aware that your advice was easier said than done. “Saturday is just another show. And then you’re going to take a break and then you’ll just do another show. We don’t know where or when, but I promise you there will be another show.”
You could feel his even and measured inhales and exhales as he mulled over your words. You wriggled even closer to him. “You have one more show, babe,” you whispered against his lips.
“One more,” he repeated.
“So make it the best one yet.”
A/N: Just a quick little blurb ahead of the final show 😭 Would love to hear what you think!
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roachsideblog · 5 months ago
Goretober Day 16: Crying
Thanks @nonsenseafterdark for the list!
TWs: None, surprisingly.
Ghost finds Roach in a compromised emotional state. He empathizes.
Words: 681
Pairing: GhostRoach
Ocean wind blew in from the rocky coast, thick with the stench of brine and seaweed, carrying sand that abraded everything in sight. It eroded the little town west of Manchester Ghost and Roach mistakenly chose to spend their leave visiting. Not a surface in sight was free from its weathering touch: statues found their details eaten by time, cement walls and walkways chewed up into crumbling aggregate, even Roach’s cheeks wore red from its force. And Ghost knew it wasn’t sunburn. No, not lick of sunshine came all week. Judging by the anvil cloud looming over the Irish Sea, the second week wouldn’t be any better.
Ghost sat up in his king bed of their hotel room. Indulging in a little voyeurism he watched his Sergeant outside drape over the balcony. Roach’s bed, furthest from the sliding glass door, lay messy after he’d been tossing and turning all night. Some selfish part of Ghost wondered if he’d sleep better if they shared the bed. If Ghost could hold him. Cuddle and coddle him.
Weary, the Lieutenant rubbed his face, stubble catching his calloused hands. He needed a glass of water to wash the taste of sleep from his mouth. Roach might appreciate one, too. With two paper cups now full of lukewarm tap water, since their overpriced room had no mini-fridge and the ice machine was broken, he stepped outside to join his sulking friend.
Roach jumped but said nothing.
Ghost set a cup on the rail beside him, fingers hovering to ensure it wouldn’t blow over, and sipped his own. He waited to be addressed, gut instinct whispering that some situations don’t require words to resolve.
Roach hugged himself. He shuttered in the dropping autumn temperatures—scratch that; his shoulders shook and his chest heaved breaths that smoked out into the abyss. They rose and dissipated as if they never existed. Meanwhile, very real tears dripped from his scruffy chin towards the streetlights below.
Ghost thought it started raining at first. He’d never known Roach to cry.
“Fuck,” his Sergeant whispered. “Sorry to wake you.”
“Wasn’t sleeping well, anyway. Too quiet.”
Roach let out a single half-hearted laugh. He sniffed viscous snot back up his nose as he said, “That’s the whole reason you suggested we get out here.”
“I can’t think of the right expression. Only thing coming to mind is ‘don’t meet your heroes,’ if that makes any sense.”
He hummed. “You’re tired. Go back to bed.”
“Seems like you need some company.”
“I don’t want you to see me like this.”
Ghost sighed, waffling his arm before deciding to rest a hand on Roach’s shoulder. “Drink some water then come back to bed with me. We’ll turn off the lamp and I won’t be able to.”
“I can’t. I’ve been having nightmares,” Roach confided. He made no effort to shrug off the comfort. “What if Shepherd actually killed us? What if Price hadn’t warned us in time? We were about to march right into his bloody trap. What if I watched him put a bullet through your head? Simon, I can’t bear the thought of losing you.”
Ghost was no stranger to nightmares. To preemptive grief brought on by what-ifs. He had no advice because if he knew how to fix it they wouldn’t be waking him up on vacation, only to find his Sergeant up and dealing with the same issue.
He slid his hand flat across Roach’s back until his arm stretched around the man, pulling him close. “I’ve got you. I’m here. It didn’t happen.”
“It was so close! Who knows what would’ve happened, I mean—!”
Ghost cut him off with a kiss. When Roach reciprocated, turning to rest a hand on Ghost’s peck, the Lieutenant moved his hand to the back of Roach’s neck. It was sweet. All lips and no tongue. Spurred on by love rather than lust.
“I said I’ve got you,” Ghost repeated. “I’m here with you, right now, and we’re both alive. Let’s make the most of it, yeah? Come in to bed and let me hold you.”
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petals2fish · 1 month ago
Six Shots of Tequila
Summary: "She's your EMT and I keep telling her that she's pretty when she's concerned because I nearly DIED after jumping off a roof AU" and a dash of "I knocked her up and now we raise a kid together, but I really do love her." Also known as, the writer has certain tropes she will die for. (READ ON A03)
"Sirius hit me with a nunchuck."
He was such a fucking liar but she loved him either way.
"You jumped out the window onto the trampoline, Sirius told me."
He was blinking interestedly at her through his glasses; probably waiting for her to say something other than the few profanities that she'd said while loading him into the truck. The thick black frames he wore were lopsided and partially covered in some of the blood that had dripped from the wound on his forehead. The EMS they were on bound for the Hospital bounced down the small English road. The truck sirens wailed overhead to warn passing vehicles to move to the side of the road. Up front, Lily's partner Frank was updating the hospital on their arrival time.
"Are you mad?"
Lily was taking her patients blood pressure (it was elevated, go figure) and the man was looking at her like she was either his worst nightmare or best daydream. It was hard to tell what he was feeling since she was feeling so many emotions that night it was hard for her to process his too.
"Have you been drinking tonight?" Lily asked the man, James Potter, as she removed the cuff from his arm after deeming him alive (enough).
Lily knew the answer of course; she'd seen the shot glasses on the table in the living room. She could smell the drink on his breath. She hadn't seen him this plastered in years, not since the night they'd met. James snickered when she stuck his arm for fluids and she longed for the moment when he was back to his righteous self and she could take the mickey out on him.
"Might've had a few shots of tequila." He slurred, "Sirius brought us the good stuff from Nevada."
"How many constitutes a few?"
"Holy hell James." Lily looked back up at his face, frowning, "Six shots of tequila?"
"I beat him." James said proudly with a beaming smile, "I beat Sirius."
"I dunno if you should brag." Lily replied steadily as she started reaching for sterile gauze to clean up his forehead, "you definitely have a concussion."
"Lily." He said earnestly as she counted to ten and placed the gauze in cleaning solution before wiping up the blood from his face, "They told me I'd gone soft being a dad." he looked mortified, "Soft."
"You're an idiot." Lily muttered, albeit worriedly as she assessed the growing bloody lump on his forehead, "You know Sirius was just goading you like he always does."
"Remus said so too." James complained.
"Remus does not think you've gone soft." Lily surmised, "I spoke to him on the phone last week James and he only complimented the birthday party you threw for Harry."
"He made fun of me because I fold the laundry."
"He did not once mention your exceptional laundry folding skills."
"I have gone soft." James moaned, trying to scratch his forehead but Lily swatted his hand away, "I used to be so cool and go out all the time."
"So sorry your condom broke and left you with more responsibility than a quick shag." Lily said flatly, watching the fluid channel into his veins.
James giggled, "You're so pretty when you're mad."
"Don't try to sweet talk me Potter," Lily warned as she tended to his IV, "You could've died."
"I was fine." James illuminated, "I've gotten way worse bumps in football."
If James had anything else left to say he couldn't, because he pressed one finger to the bump on his head in order to prove his strength to her, and he passed out.
"Fuck," Lily cursed, looking up at the clock to her left, they had two minutes to get to the hospital.
Lily grabbed the side window that was closed to the drivers seat and yanked it open. Frank was listening to his favorite folk music. Lily rolled her eyes and shouted over the music.
"He's finally passed out."
"We're almost there. I phoned ahead and asked for Marlene."
Lily thought that her partner had never sounded like a saint before now. Marlene was Lily's best mate and the best doctor at the hospital. If she wanted anyone checking out James' head it was Dr. Marlene McKinnon. Lily wondered if she should've asked Marlene to check out James' head the moment she met James three years ago, instead of after he'd suffered a concussion.
Inside of Lily's scrubs, her phone was buzzing every minute, probably texts from the person who got James into such a state. Lily checked James' pulse once more before grabbing her phone and seeing her screen light up with texts from Sirius Black.
Sirius Black: Harry's still fast asleep I checked
Sirius Black: if James tells you that I dared him to jump out the window onto the trampoline he's a fucking liar I swear
Sirius Black: I did tell him however, that he's turned into lightweight and a prissy baby
Sirius Black: and I got you that dress you were admiring at that boutique on Madison 
Lily could've killed Sirius Black but Harry wouldn't thank her if she ended up in jail and left James to raise him without her. That would be a fucking disaster. Lily sighed for the umpteenth time that night and pressed her fingers to her temples before writing Sirius back, her fingers pressing into the phone violently.
Lily Evans: He's got a concussion but he'll be fine. I'll call you once I'm done my shift. You're on baby-sitting duty until James and I get back. Don't fuck up. 
When Lily had gotten the call at work she'd actually been having a good night shift. Alex Margret had brought in her famous chocolate chip cookies, the nurses were celebrating Dr. Snape being fired for sexual harassment with party favors, and one of the TVs was actually programmed to a good channel. The call for an EMS to number 14 Godric Hall Road went over the speaker and Frank jumped into action as Lily sat, petrified with half a cookie in her mouth. She'd immediately called the house, worried that her two-year-old son Harry was injured by way of a fowl ball or something of equal value. No one answered and she jumped up from her chair, feeling like she was in a very bad dream, one that she wanted to wake up from immediately.
The ride to her small cottage at the end of town was the longest drive of her life and she cursed every car that made the drive longer because they didn't pull over for the sirens. The EMS driver, Longbottom, told her he was going to tranquilize her if she didn't stop wringing her hands. Lily was thankful he drove, as she could barely see through the haze of worry clouding her eyes.
When they'd pulled up to the small flat everything appeared normal. The windows were open to the spring breeze and Lily couldn't hear baby cries from the inside when she stepped out of the van. There were no cops running around with hazard tape. There were no bullet holes in her windows. The old cat was lazing in a flowerpot by the front door. Lily peeked next door and noted that even old Bathilda's house appeared standard with the flower print curtains drawn tight.
It was Sirius coming out the front door when she walked up with her partner that caught her off guard. First of all because Harry's godfather had been in the United States modeling for Calvin Kline last she'd heard from James, second of all because the look on Sirius' face could only be described as guilty. Knowing Sirius was the most reckless of all of James' mates, Lily immediately became defensive of everything happening.
"Lily listen I just want to say—"
Sirius tried talking but Lily pushed past the underwear model into her house irately.
"If Harry even has a scratch on his head I'm going to— James?!"
Lily's attempt to threaten Sirius Black within an inch of his life fell as fast as her heart fell to her stomach. The first thing Lily saw was her son's father lying on their sofa with scarlet blood transfiguring his facial features. His messy black hair was swept to one side of his pallid face. His white shirt was stained red near the left shoulder and discovered on the stomach. The entire room had a pungent stench and Lily saw vomit on her floor. For a minute she didn't see James' chest rising and falling and Lily felt like she was going to vomit.
Lily's short breaths were shallow as she raced forwards faster than she'd moved in her entire life—and it still didn't seem fast enough. Her hands fell against his chest and she was thankful to feel he was warm and had a heartbeat.
"James, what happened?"
Lily didn't care if she sounded concerned, because she had been. This was Harry's father and her best friend and no matter the issues between them, she didn't know what she would have done if her hands found but a corpse. The table beside James was covered in used shot glasses. The TV was loud and playing a sports channel. He opened one hazel eye when he felt her hands press against his chest.
"He kind of broke the trampoline." Sirius said when James didn't answer at first, "when he jumped out the window."
"What the fuck?!" 
"Lily, you're home." His words slurred and his eyes were bloodshot.
"Yeah and you're piss drunk." Lily said, pulling her hands away from him and turning her head to glare at Sirius, "what the fuck, Sirius! Around the baby?!"
"You're so pretty Lily." James' fingers reached up to tickle her cheek.
Lily's heart had halted to a stop at those words and his sensitive touch. It seemed drunk and broken James was more than willing to share his feelings with Lily than sober and mature James.
"Where's Harry?" she asked about their son, the one thing that had kept James in her life for so long.
"He's upstairs," Sirius said from behind, "sleeping."
"He'd better still be sleeping," Lily hissed venomously to Sirius as Frank entered the house with a first aid kit, "or you'll be needing the Emergency Room next."
"Missed you too, Evans."
Lily could've punched Sirius when she was at home and while pulling up to the hospital fifteen minutes later, she still wanted to punch him.
It startled Lily how much she cared for James. It was strange but the man who'd knocked her up three years ago ended up being the best thing to happen to her life. Lily would never admit that to James' face, especially not with their current predicament. The worry that struck Lily's heart when she'd seen James lying motionless on the couch was something she never wanted to experience again.
Lily and Frank Longbottom unloaded James in the portable stretcher and brought him through the doors into the relatively quiet Emergency Room. Most of the beds were empty and Marlene was waiting with her arms crossed, blue eyes sparkling with hilarity at Lily's exasperated look.
"What happened?" Marley asked Lily as they wheeled James into the closest room for surveillance.
Lily locked the bed in place as she answered while Frank drew curtains around James' bed, "something along the lines of jumping out a window onto a trampoline, which Sirius says is not his fault."
Marlene laughed, "Bullshit, Sirius totally dared him."
Marlene was checking James' vitals and Lily watched on with impatient eyes. Frank waved before disappearing through the curtain to give the girls privacy to talk about the man in the bed. Everyone at the hospital knew Lily's history with James since the hospital was where they'd first met. James had come wandering in with a broken nose from football and got lost looking for the loo—thereby stumbling upon medical intern Lily Evans. Lily had let herself be wooed by charismatic James in less than fifteen minutes. By the time James checked out he had Lily's number and Lily had the address to his flat downtown.
Sirius had apparently dared James back then too; a dare to shag the pretty medical intern who showed James where the loo was after teasing James about a broken nose. James told Lily so when she'd arrived at his flat that night, flabbergasted that she'd actually shown up. Lily told him honestly that she was looking for a fun one-night stand to get her mind of the stress of work. The result of Lily's spontaneous promiscuity with James nine months later was their son, Harry.
"Who's with Harry?"
"The godfather in question."
"James certainly had good taste in friends."
"Sirius means well most of the time." Lily sighed; thinking of how good Sirius was with Harry.
"You're only defending him because he's James' best mate." Marlene sniffed.
Lily got a washcloth from the sink and wet it a bit in the sink before going to James' wide to wipe down his forehead. Sleeping, he always looked so peaceful. Lily smiled sympathetically as she examined the way his jaw clenched in his sleep, like it did when he was thinking about something very hard. Marlene saw the way Lily was cleaning up James' forehead and snorted logically.
"What?" Lily asked.
"When was the last time the two of you had sex?" Marlene commented.
"Yeah, because that worked out so well the first time we did it." Lily said with a smirk in Marlene's direction, "we're just friends."
"You have a baby together," Marlene said with a roll of her eyes, "and share a flat."
"That's for Harry." Lily said softly, repeating to Marlene what she'd been telling herself for the past three years.
Marlene pulled her stethoscope off her neck and placed it on the closest counter as she said, "You know, or it could be because he has feelings for you, you oblivious dork."
Lily frowned, "we had a one night stand." Lily said, "He's a bloody footballer. He doesn't want to be tied down."
"If he didn't want to be tied down Lily, he would've ran the moment you told him you were pregnant."
"He's not like that." Lily said, brushing James' hair from his eyes and removing his glasses, "He's a good man and wants to raise his son…he just also wants to have the freedom to continue partying with his model best friend."
Marlene started a new IV for James, eager to get some fluids in to wash out the alcohol before they gave him pain meds for the concussion. Lily stared at James' face all the while, wondering how she had come to care for him so much in the last three years.
"Sometimes I wonder," Lily confessed, "If we would've seen each other again if I hadn't gotten pregnant."
"You weren't the only playing the flirt game," Marlene said, "It takes two to tango, and James was definitely into you."
"Yeah," Lily snorted, "that was before the condom broke and we ended up parents in the middle of his budding career and my sign on to the medical field."
Marlene placed a hand on Lily's shoulder and Lily looked at her friend, "it was a rough start for you and Potter, we all know that, but the two of you are in a good place now, right? Maybe it's time to start trying out being something other than friends with a baby."
"I guess." Lily muttered, grabbing James' hand and clasping it in her own.
Lily glanced down at James' bed, remembering that time, three years ago. She'd fallen for his stupid half smiles and adorable charm so hard. He'd literally knocked her off her feet when he'd ran into her while searching for the loo. He grabbed her before she slipped to the floor, his strong arms wrapped around her waist. He'd been wearing his football uniform and Lily had always had a thing for men in uniforms.
The rest was history.
A quick fling with a charming stranger turned into a nine-month commitment that turned into a surprisingly rewarding friendship.
Sometimes they were complete opposites.
For example, the minute James had found out she might be pregnant he started fretting over what they should name the damn fetus where as Lily had spent all night crying into her pillow thinking her career was over.
Sometimes they were similar.
For example, Lily wanted to give Harry the best of everything in life and James didn't disagree with her. He'd been the one to suggest moving in together so that Harry would have a stable home life even if they weren't in a relationship (or even friends really).
It was hard at first, because James was used to living the life of a bachelor: parties every night and escapades every day. He's made the mistake of bringing home outlandish women he'd met at Sirius' events. She'd made the mistake of playing her music loudly early in the morning after he'd returned from a tourney in Spain at 2am. He left dirty dishes in the sink. All her makeup was scattered over their shared loo. He never disciplined Harry and she was the bad cop in discipline.
They'd both made mistakes but they worked hard to make their missteps better, for Harry's sake. Eventually Lily began to do his dishes while singing to her favorite radio station when he returned from practice. James was really good with numbers and fixed her finances so that she could buy a new car with a dvd player for Harry. James found out Lily craved jelly donuts while she was pregnant and always had a dozen ready for her on her Mondays. Lily heard James had made a will and bequeathed everything he owned to Harry and Lily. James made Lily promise to save her Sunday nights for Netflix binging with him.
James turned into her best friend and was an incredible father to their son Harry.
That's probably why seeing James immobile on their sofa prompted Lily to recall that the last three years had made her become accustomed to James' presence in her life. She'd grown fond of his fascination with folding his socks. She'd laughed for days when she found out he sang in the shower. She appreciated when he began spending fewer nights on Sirius' private jet and more nights curled up with Harry by the fireplace.
"Concussion," Marlene's voice dragged Lily from her unsettled inner-monologue, "James'll definitely be out of work for a few weeks."
"Damn." Lily said crossly, "He's going to hate that."
James lived for his field time, even in the off-season. Lily had never seen James miss practice for anything except the birth of his son and a wicked pneumonia that caught him last fall. Lily had wanted to kill James when he'd lounged about the house with pneumonia. He was a moody sick baby and there was no doubt that bedridden James was going to be an absolute jewel to be around. Lily also knew the team manager McGonagall was going to come over to their house personally and tell James what an absolute idiot he was.
Personally, Lily couldn't wait for that.
"McGonagall's gonna kill him." Lily told Marlene, "their first match is in a month and he's got to practice."
"He might not be able to play the first game. He can't do any physical activity for at least three weeks." Marlene warned, "I'll order an MRI and we'll get a good look inside that brain of his to make sure there's no internal bleeding."
Lily's face paled, "I hadn't even considered..."
Marlene shook her head quickly, "Oh honey," Marlene hugged Lily swiftly and said into her ear, "He looks fine, really, I just want to be sure. McGonagall would murder me if her prize Captain retuned and passed out on the field."
Lily stared down at James over Marlene's curly hair and swallowed thickly.
"How could he do this to me?" she lamented, "Harry needs him."
Lily needed him.  
Marlene offered, "James will probably wake up soon."
"I'll wait for him to wake up." Lily said, "As long as you don't mind."
"Of course not," Marlene said, "He'll have a lot to think about…like thinking it was wise to jump out a window."
Lily laughed softly, wiping a tear from her eye when Marlene let go, "I can't believe I had a kid with him."
"I can." Marlene smirked before winking at Lily, "You did jump his bones the minute you met him."
"He was charming! He had a uniform!" Lily defended herself, "I'd like to see you pass the opportunity up when a fit footballer shows even the slightest interest!"
"Easily passable." Marlene said as she opened one of the curtains to go check another patient and order James' MRI, "considering boys don't do much for me to start with."
"There are girl ballers!" Lily shouted after Marlene who just laughed at her.
Lily grinned sheepishly before glancing back down at James.
How was she going to handle this?  
Lily knew how bothered she was that James had drunk himself piss poor around their kid. Lily also knew she was mad that she hadn't seen him so close to a breaking edge. James had been antsy for weeks now, snapping at her and staring at her and she'd ignored it. It was clear he'd had energy he'd needed released, it was clear he was regretting everything they'd built. The life James had imagined himself didn't include a baby mama and son he couldn't tote around the world with him when he went traveling for games.
Lily knew she could shout at James until his ears bled but she also thought that was a waste of time. James didn't listen to anything much if she argued with him; she'd learned that early on in their relationship. Lily chewed on her bottom lip and stared at him in worry as she watched him snooze.
She wanted James to be happy and she knew that he wanted the same for her.
"What am I going to do with you?" she thought aloud to herself.
His eyes opened and suddenly her word stopped spiraling.
It was his eyes that had done her in when she'd met him and it was his eyes that still left her heart still three years later. Eyes that were so light around the edges and so shadowy near the irises that they seemed to be constantly shifting between mischief and delight. She remembered the way his eyes traced her body so adoringly the night their lives had changed. She remembered admiring those eyes under the yellow lights of his flat downtown and wondering how anyone could be more persuasive with one sneaky glance over a dinner table.
Lily adored seeing his eyes scan her face every morning over a pot of coffee and she looked forward to watching his eyes sparkle with laughter every night before bed when Harry had finally fallen asleep to Lily's singing.
She wouldn't be able to take it if she never saw James' eyes staring at her the way they stared at her when he woke up from his feinting spell.
"What happened?" he muttered, pressing a hand to his brow where Marlene had taped gauze to the lesion.
"You jumped out a window onto a trampoline." Lily's voice was monotonous, her brain still firing a mile a minute.
James choked back a laugh, "that sounds like me."
"What was going through your head James?" Lily's voice cracked when she spoke.
Lily, unsatisfied, stomped the ground, "James!"
James winced. "Please," he begged, "Inside voice."
Lily opened her mouth to shout again but felt as if half the patients could hear her and she lowered her voice, "Okay, how do you feel?"
"Like a million bucks now that you're around."
As per usual, he upset her beyond repair. Lily certainly hoped that their son took after her and the idiotic gene skipped a generation. Lord only knew how much Lily hoped that Harry never got it inside his head to jump out a bloody window onto a trampoline outside. The hospital walkie-talkie on Lily's hip was loud and she turned it down so she could focus on James. Lily knew that Longbottom would come grab her if she was actually needed.
"James please tell me how you managed to get the bright idea to jump out the window."
"I don't remember." James replied with his nose pointed in the air like Harry did when he was being obstinate.
"You don't remember." Lily considered that James was lucky she'd been worried about him—otherwise he might be dead by morning, "what, did you mange to get amnesia with that busted head?"
"Who are you?" James crumpled his face at her endearingly and Lily almost chucked her radio at his head to give him a matching lump on the other side.
"James." Lily warned, "you've got all sorts of places I can make you hurt right now."
"Why would you hurt me?" James huffed, "I've got amnesia."
"I wish I'd wake up with amnesia right about now." Lily muttered unintelligibly before saying heatedly, "I'm the mother of your son, you git."
"We're married?" The way James feigned surprise almost had her fooled, almost made her heart drop out of her stomach, if she wasn't so used to James' mischievous ploys, "Like, actually really married?"
"Yes James," she said sarcastically with a roll of her eyes, "Sirius married us at Elton John's birthday party after you proposed to me riding a fucking white stallion on the beach in Greece."
James looked delighted. "Yeah, that sounds like me too."
Lily tapped her foot on the floor, "You really worried me James," she blurted out emotionally, "I thought something happened to Harry or—" she faltered before she could say you because all jokes aside they'd not crossed the line of friendship since three years ago.
"Come here." He ordered suddenly, seriously, and not at all like himself.
Lily walked forward to his bedside. James grabbed her hand and yanked her down so they were eye to eye. Lily watched as he licked his lips. She considered that she'd never seen him flirt with her so readily and she wondered where on earth his charm had been since the night they'd met. His left hand brushed her fringe from her eyes and a sad sigh escaped her mouth.
"Why?" she whispered.
James' face went a pink as they stared at each other, his eyes less bloodshot than they'd been an hour before. His right hand left the grip of her fingers and trailed up her arm, until his thumb was pressing into her chin, His tender touches were sending her back to the night when he'd had her pushed up against a mattress, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. His hitched breath was bringing her back to when they were complete strangers and had no emotional attachment, which seemed easier than the feeling currently sitting in the pit of her stomach.
"I love you, Lily."
Lily pulled away and stared at him in wonder, never had he ever said those words to her—unless accompanied by mockery or fun. This time the words were tense with passion she hadn't heard of or seen from James in years. The last time he'd seemed so serious about loving Lily was the day she gave birth to Harry.
"What?" she blinked owlishly.
"What?" he copied her cautious tone.
"You.. you love me?"
James grinned cheekily and her knees felt weak, "well, I married you didn't I?"
Lily stared at him. She was aware he was getting closer to her. He'd sat up completely in the hospital bed, the IV tubes shaking as he moved his spare hand to her cheek, pulling her close. The world around Lily stopped as she felt his warm breath trace her lips coyly. She knew she shouldn't kiss him since it was clear to her now that James was suffering some sort of amnesia since he believed they were married…but Lily hadn't kissed him in years and she couldn't resist when he was so willing to hand out his love despite the history between them.
"You gonna kiss me or not, Mrs. Potter?" he teased.
She inclined forward and pressed her lips impulsively against his. James sniggered against the movement unexpectedly but his laugh switched to a feeble whimper when her tongue pressed into his mouth. It was like the past three years of all her feelings were coming out in the hospital where it all started. Lily's hands were gripped in his shirt, yanking him up a little too roughly for someone with a concussion but she didn't care at all.
All the months, weeks, and days of tension between the couple lifted as his teeth grazed her skin and his hand wrapped around her waist to pull her closer to him in the bed. He lips tasted like he'd been drowned in tequila but Lily savored each hint, getting inebriated off his kiss alone.
It was the loudspeaker above James' bed calling for all doctors to go to room 31 that woke her up from the dream spun real life. When Lily pulled away from James she had to lean her forehead against his to catch her breath, her was heart pounding in her chest.
"Holy shit." James gulped, rubbing his nose against hers when she smiled perceptively.
It seemed James was having as much trouble breathing as Lily and his heart rate monitor was beeping madly. Lily tried her hardest to not think about the repercussions of kissing her best friend when he was just that—her friend who also happened to be the father of her child. Lily's chest rose and fell rapidly as his fingers came to brush against her cheek lovingly.
"I hope I really don't have amnesia." He said when he'd caught his breath.
"What?" Lily pulled her forehead off his.
James licked his lips, swollen from her sharp biting and pulling. His hair was in disarray and some of the tape holding the gauze to his injury was slipping off. Lily recognized the lighthearted look on his face. His bliss was accompanied by something else…something she saw often on James' face…a victorious look…like he'd just won a huge game.
"I said, I really hope I don't have amnesia," James repeated, "because I never want to forget that kiss."
Lily suddenly felt awful. He was totally in love with her and she wasn't even his wife. She had to come clean that she'd unthinkingly taken advantage of what she thought had been a joke.
"James," Lily swallowed regretfully, "I'm not actually—"
"Lily, I was just teasing," James declared.
"Huh?" Lily tilted her head at James in confusion.
"I know we're not married."
Relief settled in Lily's chest, "you do?"
"Yes." James answered shamefacedly, "I thought we were teasing each other."
"James Potter you git! I knew you were teasing but you seemed so—serious!"
"I didn't know you thought I was serious!" James protested, wincing when she smacked his arm out of frustration (relief), "I thought you'd break me off the minute I went to kiss you!"
She flushed, "uh."
Then he grinned presumptuously, "I had no idea you were holding back, Evans."
Lily fell into the chair closest to his bed and covered her face, "For five seconds I thought you were dying." She told James, "I thought Harry would have to grow up without you and that I'd—that I'd—" she pulled her fingers down to stare at him with a tortured expression, "and then you said you love me and fuck it all if I don't love you too, James Potter."
James' mouth dropped open at her confession. Lily waited for him to tell her she was out of bounds. She wanted him to tell her that he felt the same way but she knew it was more likely he'd tell her they had nothing but a baby together.
James reached out his hand for hers suddenly and she grabbed it hopefully, the space between them alight with their confession, "what have we been doing the past three years?"
Lily sighed and let her forehead fall onto their connected hands. "You're my best friend James," she said, "I just didn't want my feelings to get in the way of raising Harry."
James said, "Lily, my feelings for you haven't changed since the day we met."
"You asked me over on a dare."
"You came over for a quick shag," James countered back, "and by the time I realized I loved you, you said you didn't want to marry a pro ball player."
Lily remembered the conversations they'd had after she found out she was pregnant. James had asked her if she wanted to get married so her judgmental sister couldn't call her a whore or slut or whatever else she did end up calling Lily in the letter Lily had burned in the fireplace. Back then; James was still the ball player who spent money on luxurious cruises with women Sirius introduced him too at parties. Back then; he wasn't anything but a man she'd made a baby with.
Now though, James was so much more than anything Lily had ever expected.
Even when he drunkenly jumped out windows onto trampolines.
"I didn't love you then," she acknowledged, "you kind of crept up on me, you surprised me."
"Surprised you?"
"Well," Lily disclosed her secret thoughts, "when we met it was because you'd gotten into a fist fight on the field and you were this big shot footballer in magazines and I just thought—Hell, this would be fun for a night."
"Really?" James' eyes were fluttering, it was obvious he was exhausted and was struggling to stay in the exchange, occupied by their revelations.
"Yes." Lily supposed, "and then, I found out I was pregnant. All I could think of was how weird it would all be." She smiled and kissed his fingers, "But then we began raising Harry together and somewhere along the way though adventures of potty training and telling him he can't have the last cookie in the cookie jar—I fell in love with you."
"Come here." He demanded again, yanking her fingers so that she laughed and stood up, allowing him to pull her in for another chaste kiss that only lasted long enough for her to smile against his touch, "I'm sorry I worried you."
She shook her eyes, squinting her eyes shut, "it's my fault, you've been so distant the past few weeks, I should've known you were growing bored of domestic life."
"Bored?" James protested, "Bored?"
"Yeah," Lily said, confused, "you've been so…well we haven't been hanging out as much and I know you'd rather be partying on some yacht with Sirius and his harem of friends—"
"Lily." James cut her off, "stop."
"What?" she pouted.
James' fingers traced her lips, "I'm sorry you thought I was bored or mad or whatever…I wasn't being distant because I'd rather be partying on a yacht. I was distant because for the past few months it's gotten harder and harder for me to pretend to not be in love with you."
"You really love me?" her green eyes widened.
James nodded fervently, "I know I can be a git sometimes and drive you mad." He reasoned, "I know that our relationship hasn't always been the most—consistent. I mean, thought I wanted to play professional football and travel the world Lily, but the truth is that I'm my happiest when I'm home with you and Harry."
Lily laughed through a few tears that slipped from her eyes and she wiped her cheeks as he winked at her. Hearing James say he loved her made her heart swell and she chewed on her lower lip as James continued his speech.
"It's been a nightmare to consider that Harry's going to grow older and wonder why his dad was such an arse and never put a ring on his mum's finger." James smiled at her kindly, "And I didn't know how to tell you I was in love with you so I just—pulled away because I figured, I didn't deserve to have you love me back."
Lily leaned forward to press her forehead to his, closing her eyes as she whispered fiercely, "James, I wish you would've said something."
"I got plastered with the intention of saying something when you got home from your shift in the morning." James chuckled, "the night took a disastrous turn when Sirius dared me to do a triple backflip off the roof onto the trampoline."
"Wait." Lily yanked her head back, "Off the roof ?"
"Inside voices, Lily. My head aches." James winced at her high-pitched squeal but she didn't care, she was in distress.
"Yeah of course your head fucking aches!" Lily scolded, "I can't believe you jumped off our fucking roof onto the trampoline! You're an absolute idiot!"
"I was dared!"
"If Sirius dared you to jump off a bridge would you do it?"
"Lily…" James half moaned, half laughed, "have I told you that your mom-voice really turns me on?"
Lily pushed her fingers into her bun and tugged it as she stared at him in disbelief, "how can you—"
"Come here," he said for the third time that night, kissing her slowly until her mind left the roof and was back down to the hospital room.
"Marry me," he begged when he finally stopped kissing her useless.
Lily kept her eyes closed when she said, "maybe ask me again, tomorrow, when we're sure you only have a concussion and aren't bleeding from the brain."
She opened her eyes to see James staring at her in horror, "wait, what?"
She was pleased she'd scared him, even only a little, perhaps it'd keep him off their roof for the rest of his life. Lily touched his forehead lovingly before stepping away from his bed.
"Concussion is a brain injury and has to be taken seriously." She said in her medical voice, "You'll be sidelined from work until Dr. McKinnon clears you."
James' face was paler than it had been when lily told him she loved him, "Shite." He cussed, "McGonagall's gonna murder me, dig me up, make me run three hundred yards, and murder me again."
Lily hummed in agreement, "I already texted her."
"You didn't!" he wailed and she laughed at his despair, "Evans, she can never know how it happened!"
"Oh, you can bet your arse that I'm telling this story at least ten times at our wedding."
James considered this, opening and closing his mouth before settling with, "do you want to go ring shopping tomorrow?"
"Let's get you out of the hospital first." Lily told him, pulling back the curtain, "let me go find out where your nurse got too."
"You're the only nurse I need." He asked cheekily from his bed, "want to do a full body scan? We have three years of catching up to do."
Lily's eyes twinkled as she glanced back at James through his curtained door, "I do have bad news on that front."
"What's that?" James questioned.
"Until Marlene clears you in about three weeks, all physical activity is banned." Lily smirked when she saw the disappointment written all over his face.
"What the fuck am I supposed to do for three weeks if I can't shag you, run with Sirius, or play football?" He muttered moodily, playing with the covers on his hospital bed.
"I'm sure Harry has some safe options for you."
"Well his trampoline is broken now so—"
"I was thinking board games James, not death traps that Godfathers buy their godsons."
"Board games." James scoffed as she finally left him to find a nurse, "Our son needs to experience life. Jump on trampolines. Skateboard at the park. Not play board games."
"He's two."
James wrinkled, "I'm not playing chess with Harry, or he's going to end up liking folding laundry and doing the dishes on a school night."
"Just like his old-softy dad." Lily teased.
"I'm a football legend." He scoffed, "And I took six shots a tequila tonight like it was nothing."
"You ended up in the hospital," Lily laughed at him ridiculously.
"Only after doing a double backflip off a roof onto a trampoline." He countered.
"I can't beleive I'm marrying you." She said, although affectionately.
"Epic way to get engaged, if do say so myself."
"Stay put, I'm going to go find a nurse to see when your MRI is scheduled so I can make sure I'm not engaged to a dying man." Lily teased as the curtain shut between her and the stupidly (adorkable) love of her life.
"I'm gonna die anyways once McGonagall get's ahold of me." James' voice was muffled now, like he was slowly falling asleep.
"Good." Lily said, "maybe Harry and I will finally be able to watch something other than sports on the telly."
"You can't get rid of me that easily!" James called through the curtain barrier and she giggled behind her hand, "I'm feeling great, no concussions here!"
He was such a fucking liar, but she loved him either way.
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abbyslev · 8 months ago
crazy pt 2- toji fushiguro
a/n: here’s part 2! maybe smut in part 3 if we really feeling silly hehe
it’s been weeks since you had last seen toji. you were off and away.
your boss had opened a new club in shibuya, and had invited you out to sing for the grand opening. all of the big bosses and rich men had spent all their weekends there, keeping you busy for weeks on end. you were your bosses best eye candy and voice, so of course he’d keep you around.
“miss me?” you laugh, blowing the smoke out. “more than you know.” toji mumbled. “i’m flying home in the morning.” you lean against the cold glass. “really? jesus, i thought you’d have found a place and a man down there by now.” toji teased.
“they’re all rich assholes with no manners. fucker took my cigs and said ‘pretty girls don’t smoke.’ and threw them away! these cost money.” you turn to face the dark city, the quiet music fading in the background.
“i’ll be here waiting. hey, maybe let me take you out friday, yeah doll?” toji stretched his legs out, laying down on his bed. “hmmm… let me think…” you teased, throwing the cigarette butt off the roof. “c’mon, can’t keep me waiting.” “just teasing, whiny baby. i’ll see you friday.” you grin. “text me, yeah?” “yeah. bye toji.” you hang up the phone, all giddy and excited. your first date in forever.
you flattened your shorts, admiring your curls in the mirror. nothing had you more nervous than a date, but toji had mentioned about it being “not so fancy.” you took his word for it, wearing shorts and a t shirt. your phone vibrated in your back pocket, snapping you back to reality.
hey doll, didn’t mean to
cancel so last min. my friend
can’t babysit tn. i’ll make it up
to you, promise.
it’s all good
how about i come 2 u?
to my place? u sure doll?
there’s kids. its a mess
better than a date. i’ll bring
kids r gonna wanna eat
too, r u sure?
i’ll bring enough to feed the
hungry villagers
ur funny doll
sounds good. just
let me know when ur
close, yeah?
for sure.
i’ll b there soon
this was by far better than going on a date. you get to meet the kids! plus, going out was something always made you nervous. last time, someone stood you up. it was hard.
you held the takeout bag in your hand, hands shaking as you reached a hand up. your fist tapped against the door, stepping back, a small smile breaking onto your face.
“hey, doll.” toji opened the door, checking you up and down. you looked so much more different. seeing you in regular clothes, tennis shoes, hair down in its natural state, lighter makeup. it took toji aback. he still found you as beautiful as ever.
“hey!” you smile, looking up at toji. “you look normal.” he gruffed, letting you in. you giggle, kicking off your shoes. beside the door was a rack, ranging in shoe sizes. one of them were women’s shoes, dusted and untouched. must’ve been his ex wife’s shoes. your heart tugged a bit, knowing it must’ve been hard to lose her.
“where are your kids?” you hand him the food as he took it from your hands. “i made then sit on the couch.” he mumbled. “you’re so mean!” you pushed his arm. “come.” he waved you forward, leading you towards the living room. two kids sat on the couch, one looking happy and the other grumpy.
there was a girl, her hair in a bun, dressed nicely and had a big smile on her face. beside her was a kid that looked like a copy of toji. his hair was a mess and he wore sweatpants shorts and a t shirt. he looked like he just got the yelling of his life.
“children, this is-“ “your friend, yeah yeah. we’ve been through this before. i’m hungry!” he babbled on, hopping off the couch. “uhh, anyway.” toji scratched the back of his head. “i’m tsumiki! nice to meet you ma’am. thank you for bringing us dinner. we are happy to have you here!” the younger girl stood up, bowing.
“hi, tsumiki. it’s nice to meet you, thank you for allowing me into your home.” you bow back, blush tainting your cheeks. “sorry about him, he’s a brat.” toji laughs nervously. “s’okay. i didnt like random people in my home when i was younger either.” you laugh.
you all ended up at the table, grabbing your portions. the boy stuffed his mouth, eyes still angry. “this is really good, ma’am!” tsumiki grinned, mouth full of rice. “oh, i know! its a local around my place. the lady cooks daily, so everything’s really fresh. super good!” you smiled. all of you ate in silence, making comments here and there.
“tsumiki plays the violin.” toji commented. “really? hows that?” you look up from your plate. “oh, it’s nothing really! i’m not very good at it. one day, i wanna play for a jazz band, but that’s kinda hard.” tsumiki blushed, taking a sip from her water.
“jazz, huh? hey, i sing in a jazz band. i’ll get you lessons if you really want.” you offered. “what! no, no i cant bother.” tsumiki turned bright pink, her eyes wide. “come on, tsumiki, it’ll get you into the industry.” toji nodded his head. “can we even afford that?” tsumiki looked at him. “money is not in the picture, it’s a friend offer, eh? if it’s something you love, why not?” you grin at her.
“can you really sing?” the boy mumbled from his spot. he finally spoke to you. “yeah! i go on these cool trips all the time. i’ve been singing for a long time.” you nod, pulling out your phone. you open your camera roll to a picture of you in a red dress, posing next to a famous jazz singer in japan. “this is me, and this guy. he’s pretty big among our elders. i got a chance to sing with him.” you hand him the phone.
“can you sing for us?” he handed you your phone back. “oh! maybe not now, i’m a little…embarrassed.” you laugh. “i’m sure i’ll get to one day.” you wave him off. “you’re really nice, miss.” tsumiki grinned. toji sat back, his heart aching at your bonding with the kids. “i’m glad.” you now your head towards her direction. “so, what do you guys like to do for fun?”
“i like to play violin, study, and i like to hang out with my girl friends.” tsumiki piped up, cheesing from ear to ear. “study? what do you wanna be?” “i want to be a musician.” her eyes gleamed. “it’s possible, tsumiki, i mean i had no experience with music as a kid. but, hey look, i sing for a living.” you laugh, shrugging. “will you teach me, miss?” tsumiki’s mouth opened. “of course! what about you?” you turn to megumi. “i like to read.” he pushed his empty plate away. “me too. i like to read really long novels.” you shake your head. “i like fiction.” he muttered. “i like more romance and mystery i guess. but maybe it’d be cool if you showed me your collection, im willing to read something new!” you looked at toji.
“past your bedtime, brats.” he shooed them off. “awh! will she be back, dad?” tsumiki stacked hee plates, face twisted up. “of course! if that’s not a bother.” you patted her head. “cool!” she bowed towards you. “you guys have a good night. i’ll see you two around.” you waved the two kids off.
you helped toji put the plates up, feeling his eyes on you. “thank you for being nice to them. a lot of people run when they see i have kids.” he mumbled from the table. “oh. i promise it’s nothing, they’re really sweet. and i really do mean it about teaching tsumiki, george wouldn’t mind teaching her. he’s really passionate about what he does.”
“she would love that. i feel bad because i can’t really help her.” “it’s okay, sometimes you figure stuff out slowly.” “and sorry about him. he’s a grump, he’s not used to other people.” “that’s also okay, i get him. my mom always brought random men to the house, and it’s scary.” you sit down by him.
“promise me you won’t leave for a long time again.” toji looked up. “already got you hooked?” “of course, doll.” he smiled. “stay.” he hooked his finger around your sleeve, grinning. you stared at the scar around his mouth, biting your lip again. “…okay.” you nod.
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poraphia · 2 years ago
"I’ll Hold Your Hands."
Wilbur x anxious!reader 1303 words • 8.16.23 Request from @ax-y10! Reader has anxiety and picks at their hands and fingers. Reader is also overstimulated and nervous, but Will comforts! wilbur soot masterlist here :)
It's our first date, but you've shown me that even through anxious habits, you'll do anything to make me happy.
“Hey, you ready?” A soft voice asked through the phone. Even with no effort his accent could send shivers down my spine.
“Mhm,” I hummed. “Give me a moment to come downstairs.” I took one final look in the mirror, making sure my outfit was pressed down enough to compliment my curves and gorgeous enough to let Will know there won’t be any regrets in asking me out. I slipped on the perfect set of shoes before walking out of my hotel room and toward the nearest elevator.
I was only staying in Brighton for two weeks before heading back home. Wilbur and I have been friends for a while beforehand. It wasn’t until recently that mutual feelings started to bubble up between us. It was a late night 2 AM call when Will asked me:
“Hey, (y/n)..?”
“Yes, Will?”
“Um… If you do come to Brighton anytime soon… I know a lovely place for us to eat dinner.”
I chuckled, noticing the shyness of his voice. “Are you asking me out, Mr. Gold?”
After some packing and planning, I flew out to the United Kingdom to visit friends, travel to different locations, and most of all, go on my first date with the one and only, Wilbur Soot.
The elevator doors slid open. I walked out with the clicking of my shoes echoing down the hallway. Once I made it to the lobby, it didn’t take long to spot the dashing tall man sitting on one of the complementary couches. His legs were crossed with his glasses resting upon the bridge of his nose. I waved at him in an attempt to get his attention, and soon enough he spotted me as well.
Once he got up, I was able to see his outfit more properly. He was wearing black slacks with black dress shoes on, and he wore an orange dress shirt with the top three buttons unbuttoned. His hair was fluffier than usual, and his sleeves were folded up to show his forearms.
A big smile was planted on his face now as he outstretched his arms. I picked up my pace before nearly throwing myself in his embrace, hugging him tightly. His limbs wrapped around my waist before lifting me in the air and twirling me around.
“It feels good to finally see you!” He exclaimed through laughs. He put me down and stepped back a bit, admiring my outfit. “You look so beautiful..” He muttered.
A soft chuckle escaped my lips. “I could say the same for you.” I said, making sure I hid my hands behind my back. He raised an eyebrow before reaching for my arm and holding my hand.
“Come on, the restaurant is just a taxi cab away.” He said, to which I nodded in response. We walked side-by-side, but a bit of my confidence faltered. Did he notice my fingers? I painted them this morning so that from a glance, they looked perfectly fine. But I know that with a good look, anyone could notice the peeling skin, the bitten-off nails, and the swollen tips. It’s safe to say, I wasn’t opting to be a hand model anytime soon.
Wilbur kept my hand in his as we entered the taxi. After he directed the driver and paid him, he turned to me. “Hey, you doing alright?” He asked. He used his thumb to soothe the back of my hand, but his furrowed eyebrows and worried glance never left my face.
“Hm? Oh, I’m fine, Will, don’t worry.” I reassured.
I was very much not fine.
I didn’t have the realization that I was in an entirely new country, going on a date with a long-term best friend I’ve had on the internet, to what I presume to be a relatively fancy restaurant in the city—
until now.
Nervously, with my other hand, I started to pick off the skin of my thumb with my index finger, a little frustrated that I was unable to use both hands. Wilbur and I continued to have regular conversations as I absent-mindedly scratched off nail polish and skin.
Once we got to the restaurant, I made sure to hide my other hand in my pocket or behind my back. Anywhere out of Wilbur’s vision. The only time Wilbur let go of my hand was to check off the reservation he had for us as we followed the waiter to our table. In cushioned chairs, we sat across from each other. The white tablecloth and circular surface sat promptly in between us.
Our waiter placed the menus in front of us, and Wilbur immediately picked up the booklet to begin examining the options. I, on the other hand, quickly flipped it open and hid my hands under the table, still fiddling with swollen fingers. Once again, my heart was racing. The abundance of people in the room chattering with utensils clinking against plates, someone I consider important in my life sitting right in front of me, my shaking leg bouncing my hands up and down— I’m getting overstimulated.
“(y/n)? (y/n)!” His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up, only to notice our waiter was back with a pen and notepad. I glanced over to Will. His head was tilted, and he only looked at me with concerned glistens in his eyes. “Do you know what you want to drink?” He asked softly. I looked over to the waiter again.
“Oh— uh, can I just get a water?” I asked, stammering over my words. The waiter nodded before walking away to retrieve our beverages.
“(y/n), you haven’t been holding up so well and you look pale. Is everything alright?” Wilbur asked. His hands were placed on the table, almost reaching at me so that he may take my hand in his. I sighed, looking down at my lap in shame.
“You promise not to judge, right?” I said.
Wilbur shook his head. “No, no, of course not, love… Tell me what’s wrong.”
With a deep inhale, I placed my hands on the table. My nail polish was chipped, and the tips of my fingers were beet red. By the sides of my nails, my skin was peeling off.
“Oh, sweetheart,” He sighed. Carefully, he picked my hands up by the palm and brought them close to his lips, gingerly kissing each finger with the softness of his lips. My face flushed at the sight, not being able to look away.
“I-it’s just,” I started. Tiny tears started to prick at my eyes. “I didn’t realize how fast this was all happening, and I guess I started to get all… Panic-y. I-I’m just really sorry. I didn’t want to ruin tonight.” I stuttered out with a trembling voice.
“Love, I promise you, you didn’t ruin anything. Everything is okay. Do you want to get out of here? If this is all too much we can go back to the hotel and just hang out there. Anything you want, (y/n). Because what matters at the end of the day, to me, is that we have a great time together.” He planted one last kiss in the palm of my hand. “That’s all I want for us.”
I couldn’t help the small sniffle as the warmth of his words wrapped me tightly in a blanket. I looked at him with lovestruck in my eyes. I wanted to do nothing but melt in his embrace, bury myself in the crook of his neck every morning, to hold hands while walking around the big city. At that moment I knew—
I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.
With the sincerest smile, I looked at him.
“Just keep holding my hands, Will.”
In turn, his dimples nearly lit up my whole world.
“Only for you.”
a / n ~ eep hope you enjoyed! Ax i hope this comforts you in some sort of way I lowkey had to do my research for this one loll
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chvnnie · 2 years ago
Bro, fkn made me tear up while I'm in my PMS week Lawd have mercy.
Your response was so sweet,
Okay but what would happen if they reunited years later when he has had children?
Would that spark be there?
Would he avoid her?
Would she not want to see him with another woman?
Will they enjoy one final night together?
Decisions, decisions 🤔
do you guys enjoy seeing me suffer like—
blaming you for how much I love this fucking couple and the way I couldn’t stop writing this!!! AND I TRIED!!!
it’s long. im apologizing now.
You never fell out of contact with Chan.
Well, maybe for a few months. When everything was still fresh. It hurt too much to even see his name in your contact list; talking to him would have shattered every atom inside you.
Everything stops hurting eventually. When he called you one day, exactly five months and three days after the world ended, the pain was almost numbed. As your phone vibrated in your hand, you realized it wasn’t what you were that you missed. It was him. Chan. Your best friend, even long before the two of you became one.
You answered. And suddenly the atoms started to bounce together, the world rebuilding from scratch.
The years passed. The planet flourished. Not a day went by without a word shared between the two of you. Weddings were held — Chan’s, insistent that you were always meant to be by his side. Begging you to be his “best woman”.
“You were always meant to be at my wedding.” He said after you denied the request over and over, a little tipsy on the bottle of wine you were sharing at his engagement party. “Please. It can’t happen without you.”
The thought was shared, but never spoken. Off to the side isn’t where either of you pictured your place in it.
Yours. A spur of the moment decision, overwhelmed from planning a party that neither you or your husband really wanted. A quick search proved that tickets to Vegas were far cheaper. A bottle of shitty champagne was shared over fast food burgers that really weren’t that filling.
Or, you tell yourself it was the burger.
Your best friend almost passed out at your monthly double date night. After the shock wore off, and after he chugged a glass or two of bourbon, he smile at you from across the table.
But it looks a little sad.
“I guess you can’t help your wants, huh?”
Other milestones passed. Big birthdays, new jobs and promotions, two babies for Chan, a dog for you. All was well; the sun shining, flowers blooming, the world finally stable again.
The first earthquake came the day of the youngest’s third birthday party.
You’re in Chan’s kitchen, digging through the adult cooler for the seltzers you brought. Did somebody drink them all? Ugh, you knew that fucking bitch from across the street was being a little too sneaky with her beverage. Wait until you hit her with that cash request after the party—
The backdoor opens quickly, two sets of feet rushing inside followed by a loud slam. You jump, quickly hiding in the pantry before they can make it into the kitchen.
“Will you just talk to me?” It’s Chan.
“How many times are you going to ask me about it?” His wife. “Fuck, can you just drop it—“
“I just think it’s pretty convenient that your boss brings up another business trip, just the two of you, today.”
Silence. A drawer slams.
“Are you really going to ruin your son’s party like this, Christopher?”
The snicker Chan gives raises the hairs on your arm. “Are you really going to keep pretending like you’re not fucking your boss?”
You have to clasp a hand over your mouth to silence the loud gasp that escapes you. It’s not like it was any secret that they’re having problems; he confided in you months ago that things have started to get rocky. Never, ever, did you expect this, though.
She storms out, saying something under your breath that you can’t hear. Door slams. Chan sighs into the empty kitchen, probably running his fingers through his hair if had to guess—
“I know you’re in there.” He sounds defeated. “You left your phone on the counter.”
Slowly, you crack the door open, peeking out of the dark pantry. Your friend is leaning against the sink, arms crossed across his broad chest. There’s a small smile on his pain stricken face, eyes crinkling at the outer corners. Age treated him well.
“I wasn’t listening.”
“You’ve always been a terrible liar.”
You step out of the pantry fully, walking slowly up to your friend. There’s enough space next to him for you, which you take. Leaning side by side, staring out the large window at the party. It carries on; children laughing, eating cake. Parents chatting, chasing kids. All this joy on the other side of the thin glass, completely oblivious to the trembling beneath their feet.
You speak first. “How long have you known?”
“A while.” Chan takes a deep breath, trying to relax his shoulders. “I had hoped when she switched departments it would stop but…yeah.”
Outside the window, the curly haired boy turns in a circle. His little eyes are wide and bright, searching the crowd of grownups for a familiar face. His mom’s back is turned, he doesn’t see her. Though you’re sure he’s actually speaking, all you see is his mouth move.
When he can’t find him, another name comes from his mouth. Scanning the sea of people for you.
The second quake comes three months later.
Chan and his wife are in therapy, and though all appears well, the cracks are deep. Wide. You can see right through the facade.
It’s cold outside. Even through your thick jacket, you can feel the heavy winter breeze. It freezes your nose, numbs your lips. You walk quickly, dog trotting alongside you in the same rush. The little boots he wears protects his paws, yet he still whimpers.
When was the last time Christmas Eve was this cold?
There’s a fire crackling when you open the front door, your dog barely off the leash before she barrels to it. Jumping on her little boots, trying to warm up.
“Fuck, it’s cold.” You curse, shedding the many layers you wore. “I literally thought I was going to get frostbite.”
Your husband doesn’t give more than a hum in acknowledgment, nose in his book. Plopping on the couch next to him, you lean in to give him a kiss.
And he moves away.
“All good?” The concern is heavy in your voice.
Nothing. Just a hum.
“Can I have a kiss?”
“I’m busy.”
“Reading. The same book you read every winter.”
It’s harsh, the way he slams the book shut. When he looks up at you, you can help but recoil. Scooting just a bit back from him. The look in his eyes is so…different.
“Can you just give me some fucking space? Please?” He doesn’t raise his voice, and that makes it all the more concerning. Scary. “God, you’re so clingy all the time.”
Oh. Your eyes drop, lips pressing into a thin line. Jeez, why does this cut so deep? It’s not the first time he’s said it to you.
“I guess—I just thought, since it’s Christmas—“
“Eve.” He’s annoyed. You awkwardly adjust yourself on the couch, bringing a sweater clad hand to your face to wipe the tears you can’t help. “Oh, please, stop crying. It’s not that deep.”
There’s a tree on the planet. It’s tall, home to leaves that change colors. Usually, it’s day by day, depending on the waves and the weather and the stars. All day they’ve been a sparkly light green. Peace. A good color.
But they’ve started to bleed, something dark taking over the peace just as the ground begins to break.
Your husband picks the book up. Not another word to you. Heart in your stomach, you head towards the staircase. “I’m going to bed.”
He doesn’t look up from the book. “Take your fucking dog with you.”
The most impactful quake comes a mere three weeks later.
You’re sat on the living room floor, a brush handled by a five year old girl roughly running through your hair. It stings a little, but there’s no point in stopping her. She’s too stubborn to listen.
“Why don’t you wear braids?” She asked in her little voice.
“Never thought about it.” You shrug.
She sighs as if this is the most awful thing you could’ve have told her. “But you would be a princess if you wore them!”
You turn your head slightly, looking up at the girl. Her eyes are her father’s, along with the exasperated look she’s giving you.
“Shit, really?”
You cringe at the word choice, but the little girl doesn’t even flinch.
“Yes.” She sighs. “Turn around, I help you.”
Can’t really argue with that. Right as you think she’s taken at least half of your hair, Chan comes into the living room. Headed straight for the front door.
“Alright, the youngest is asleep.” He’s reaching for his coat, checking his watch obsessively. He’s late. “Pizza is on the way, don’t let the monster stay up too late.”
Finger guns to his daughter, who just ignored him. Not amused with his stupid joke.
“I shouldn’t be long, maybe three hours tops.” Chan says to you. “Changbin has kids to get home to, so I’ll be back before you can miss me too much.”
You flip him off. The daughter follows.
“Okay, don’t like do that at school or anything-“
“We’ll be alright.” You say, trying to get him out the door. Things have been more tense that usual lately; it took all of Changbin’s energy to convince him to get a drink with him. Nothing is going to keep him in this house. “Don’t have too much fun.”
The smile he gives you is so genuine. Real happiness. It’s been a while since you’ve seen that.
The pizza? Mediocre at best. The movie she picked? You hate how invested you were in that storyline. It’s like you blinked and it was time for bed, helping the little girl into her bright blue sheets.
She picks the book for you to read. Four pages, and she’s snoring.
You’ve never liked kids. Never really wanted them, either. While you still hold these sentiments, it’s hard to not like her. Her brother. There’s something about them that’s different, tugging on your heart so hard you think it will pop out of your chest.
Kids are awful. But Chan’s? You don’t think you’ll ever get enough of.
She’s been asleep about thirty minutes. Mindlessly, you click through the tv channel, trying to decide on something. Barely nine in the evening, and there’s nothing to watch? That seems like a scam—
Bang. Thunder. Flashes of lightning. The world shaking harder than it has since it’s birth about ten years ago. Chan storms inside his home, the heavy footsteps making you jump.
“Fuck!” You cry, holding a hand over your heart as you try to catch your breath. “You scared me—“
“She’s not on a trip.” He’s tearing off his coat, kicking off his shoes. Slamming the keys and wallet on the coffee table.
The wheels are turning slowly, but when they click, you feel cold. A blizzard tumbling through the planet. “What?”
Everything was fine. Chan was happy, talking with Changbin and sharing shitty wings over even shittier beer. For a second, he forgot. Forgot about his wife and her affair, the therapy that he honestly felt was a waste of time. The divorce papers in the top drawer of his office, already signed and ready to be present when his wife gets back.
He just needed to pee. Walking towards the back of the crowded bar, he saw a set of eyes he knew too well. It brings him to a halt, looking right at his wife. Who is staring right back at him. With the arm of her boss around her shoulders.
“How many times has she said she was going to be gone, just to stay in town with him?” Chan asks, his voice rising as the storm gets heavier. “Does she not give a shit about our children—“
“Who are sleeping.” You add, grabbing your friend’s biceps and squeezing them tightly. He’s getting too worked up. The feelings he had for her are long, long gone. Buried so deep they’ll never be found.
He’s not mad about the cheating. He’s mad about how she’s abandoned the children.
Chan nods before he sits on the couch. Head hanging in his hands, nails scratching his scalp. Exhausted. Lonely. Broken.
“Why did I fucking marry her?”
You take a seat next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. Your best friend, your everything. Soulmates always seem like an unbelievable concept, until you met Chan. Without a doubt, he is one of yours.
Though, the universe still seems torn on the kind.
“She wasn’t always like this.” You reassure him. “Remember how hard you fell for her? It was really cute; you couldn’t stop talking about her. Nobody expected this, Chan.”
“I did.” When he looks at you, his eyes are dark. Wide. Solid, serious expression not waving even in the intense winds. “I always knew. She never loved me like I loved—“
The sentence isn’t finished. It doesn’t need to be.
Like that, the rain has stopped. Thunder silenced, sky dark. Time has been paused, standing still as you stare at each other in the dimly lit living room. It doesn’t feel like you’re breathing. Like anything is happening.
Except for a teeny, tiny spark. Rock against rock. Fire being invented once again.
Time resumes as Chan pulls you into his lap, lips colliding intensely. His tongue is heavy on yours, deeply kissing you as if to consume you. To make up for all the kisses that should have been.
This affair isn’t driven by hurt, by the agony caused at the hands of both your spouses. It isn’t jealousy, it isn’t hate. It’s a love that always was, always will, and was always meant to be at the core of the universe.
Even the apocalypse couldn’t destroy it.
Ten years. Ten years and Chan still knows how to touch you. The little place on your collarbone that turns you into jelly. How you love when he bites roughly on your nipples, the teasing of his fingers hooking under the waistband of your jeans.
“I hate that you got married in Vegas.” He says in a growl, lowering you onto the coffee table. “I hate that you didn’t fucking tell me until you got back.”
He yanks your jeans down, taking the soft cotton panties will them. Body bare for him once again.
“I hate that I wasn’t there.” The buttons become loose as he roughly takes his shirt off. He watches as your eyes travel, following his hands to the belt he’s pulling off. A familiar awe.
It’s cute. Sets his heart on fire in the best way possible.
Grabbing your chin, he tilts your head so you’re looking at him again.
“Pay attention to me when I talk to you, baby.” He says with a smile, wetting his lips before capturing yours again. “Don’t you want to know why I hated that so much?”
You blink slowly, giving a brief nod.
Hips against hips, the head of his cock works it’s way up and down your silt. A beautiful moan, a cold shiver. Everything falling into place as he lines himself up.
“Because I was going to say no.”
He doesn’t linger. Quickly, Chan buries himself inside you, fucking you with a passion you haven’t felt in years.
“How dare you-“ hands on either side of your head, he grips the coffee table for support. “—marry someone who isn’t me?”
You’re breathless. Jaw dropped, clinging onto his shoulders for dear life. It’s like no time has passed; fucking you like you need, like you deserve. Something only Chan has ever been able to do.
“You’re my girl, remember?” He grunts, eyes rolling back slightly when you clench around him. “How could you forget that?”
Shaking your head, your head rolls back. Full, wonderful moans like music to Chan’s ears.
“N-never did.” You admit, chest shaking with heavy breaths. “I’ve always been y-yours, Chan-“
When he kisses you, the world splits in two. Existence finally starting to make sense. Teeth and tongue, he loves you in the best way anyone ever has. Bodies becoming one, forces beyond your own making you whole once more.
He looks at you. Your heart skips a beat.
Has this world always been full of life, or is it all brand new? Could life exist without the two of you?
“Good.” Chan’s smile is like home. “Because I’ll never stop wanting you.”
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deadgirlsnoring · 2 years ago
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Summary; He’s crazy, but you can be crazier.
Contents; Begging, slightly sub!joe, slight dacryphilia, pain kink, p in v, unprotected sex, edging, black fem reader, possessive reader, reader has female anatomy, reader has glasses in this, but you can pretend she doesn’t if you don’t have them.
It was your big pouty lips that drew him in, the way you looked while being lost in a book. You were everything he wanted in a women, he had to have you, it could only be you.
The way you smelled, mm. You smelt like vanilla, subtle though, he hated the strong scent. He loved when you changed your hairstyles, felt like he was meeting a different part of you every time.
The blonde, the brown, but he really liked when you went outside basic colors. Joe hoped to see you in blue maybe, it was his favourite color.
Well that’s what he told you.
You didn’t know whether it was true or not, he always just wanted to please you and lying about his preferred color was something he would certainly do.
Joe wondered what you were like outside of the library, and it was hard to find you. You were always home, he liked that.
Stalking you wasn’t enough, he had to see you outside his place of work, you were all he ever wanted.
Your black glasses framed your face perfectly, it blended well with your perfect skin tone.
The first interaction you guys had was when you took out a scientific book; what keeps scientists up at night.
He knew you were smart, the way your smile grew brighter when he complimented your book. Joe knew nothing about it, but he could pretend he did.
You seemed to liked him. He had a nerdy vibe, pathetic almost. Drove you in, and he knew right then and there he was yours.
You couldn’t help but stay around his workplace later than you needed to, growing jealous when he talked to another woman. You didn’t know he was already taken; by you of course.
It got worse as the weeks went by, when you saw a girl write her number down and slide it onto the table he was sitting at you just happened to pop up, crumbling it before he even caught a glance.
He didn’t know what you would do for him, he was yours. You didn’t care whether he thought so or not, he was going to eventually.
When you guys bumped into each other outside where you usually did, it wasn’t on purpose on your end, neither was it on his.
“H-Hey! Y/n right? It’s me, Joe.” He gave you a cheeky smile, how cute, “Mhm, you work at the library.”
Joe fell in love with the way you responded so carelessly, but he knew while you said so few words they were laced with the love you had for him.
He was convinced you were obsessed with him, oh how he was right.
While itching the back of his head his eyes fell towards your chest. You wore it just for him, but he didn’t know that.
You were perfect to him, no flaws in sight.
“I was wondering, you wanna get some coffee? I know a great place.” Your eyes darkened at his slight plea for your heart, “Of course, tomorrow at 3?”
It’s like he couldn’t breathe, time had stopped and you were the only thing he could see.
“I’ll come get yo—why don’t we just meet at the library?” Your smile softened, you didn’t even realize the mess he thought he got himself into.
You made him so hot and bothered, he couldn’t help but hump his pillow imagining it was you. Tears springing in his eyes as he wouldn’t let himself cum, needing your permission somehow.
Joe hadn’t came in weeks, he didn’t wanna disappoint you. You saw it all through his window, how stupid he was to keep his blinds open.
Like he wanted you to see how much of a mess you made him. You saw, and you knew.
Made your panties get slick with your wetness, he didn’t know what he was getting himself into testing you.
You just wanted to caress his skin, scratch him, bite him. Show him just how he made you feel.
The two of you hit it off at the cafe, it was bound to happen. Both of you had researched everything about each other, knowing all of the opposites interests.
It was only right that you guys ended up together, it was either that or you’d be together in death.
2 weeks had past since you guys made it official, you made him wait. Everybody had said he plotted on you, not knowing how long you had been watching him since you even went into the library.
It was all apart of your plan. Joe was coming over, all you ever wanted to do was make him beg, make him tell you that you were the only one.
Even though you knew that already, if there was somebody else you would know.
A knock on the door made you smile, you were already dressed the part.
Pretty black heels, along with your favourite black and pink matching set. He loved your ass and tits, every single part of you made him feel like blowing up.
Joe kissed you on the lips, not even realizing what you had on. He was just too obsessed with your pretty little face. Til he realized you weren’t always this tall, he looked down, immediately feeling warmth spring up to his cheeks.
“You like it sweetie? Just for you.” Grabbing his hand you walked him through your apartment. He already knew what it looked like the second day he met you.
“Just for me huh?” His voice came out in on breath, like he was suffocating. Joe hadn’t came for months, the only thing you would do with him was kiss.
He didn’t mind, anything with you was something big for him.
“Sit down baby, but first. Undress will you?” You watched as his eyes lit up, a small smile creeping onto his face. Those pretty big eyes, looking straight at you while he stripped.
Joe didn’t know what you really wanted, so he just took off his pants and shirt, left in his boxers. You already knew what he looked like, the size and the shape.
“All of it Joe, don’t be dumb now.” He cherished how you talked to him, like he was just an ordinary dude.
But he knew, he knew he was everything to you.
“M’sorry.” Joe mumbled, his hard on slapping against his stomach. All you did was watch him, leaning against your dresser.
Slowly stepping out of the heels he bought you, your pretty baby pink toes made their appearance.
He was already oozing pre cum, you knew your baby was soo close. “You better not cum, Joesph. Sit on the bed.”
A whine fell loose, but he obeyed. Doing exactly what you asked. Slowly crawling up towards him, you were perked up between in legs, massaging the inside of his thighs.
Made him whimper, his pink bottom lip just begging to be bit down on.
“Fuck please, please touch me Y/n.” Tilting your head to the side, you frowned, “Is this not enough for you? Am I not doing enough?”
Before he could even form a reply you slapped him, the harsh touch making his eyes water and his cock twitch.
You couldn’t help but giggle, softly rubbing the spot in circles.
“You’re a bad boy, oh but you liked that didn’t you? Hm Joe? Tell me.”
He let out a choked moan, his eyes low and dark. The man nodded before he could even let words out.
“I love it, you know I do,” He moved his hair out of his face, just to see you more clearly, “Do it again? Fuck please mama.”
You caressed his thighs, before your sharp short french tips ruined his pretty pale skin.
“Mmf-fuck, hurts.” You laughed softly, “Oh baby I know, you want me to stop?” You didn’t even finish your sentence before he begged you not to.
Harshly gripping the base of his cock, his head hitting the back of your headboard when your cold hand made contact with him.
“Please, o-oh fuck please, please.” He didn’t know what he was begging for. Release? More pain? Joe didn’t know.
You were going so fast, his body couldn’t control itself.
The tears were welling up, but when you kitten licked his tip the man’s brain got fuzzy, his vision fogging up.
He hadn’t even realized you unclipped your bra, letting his cum coat your pretty big tits. “Baby? You did so good, but look.” He blinked for a few seconds, regaining his eyesight.
Joesph still was shooting out his semen, it was so much. Always been an overachiever.
You just looked so pretty with his cum all over your chest, his breathing got heavier. He could feel himself getting hard again when you took your thumb and wiped his semen off the side of your lip, sucking on it while maintaining eye contact.
“Shit. Thank you, mm thank you,” You motioned to your boobs, “but you made a mess on me, you know what you do with messes.”
Smirking slightly, you shuffled just in front of his face, smiling when he cupped your waist. Joe licked up all of his cum off your chest, sucking and kissing on each of your nipples in the process.
You giggled, it tickled almost. You grabbed ahold of his tip again, pressing your big lips against his.
They swallowed his, just how he liked it. The man was panting in your mouth, trying to catch up but the pain he was feeling was taking over.
You bit his bottom lip hard just when the pain turned into pleasure. His tears dripped onto your skin, he was always the most sensitive.
“Mhm, I’m gonna, please? Please let me.” You let go, a loud groan erupting from his lips. Then you did it again, bringing him on the brink of release.
“I wanna cum,” He sobbed, his hand reaching for your free one, gripping it so tightly. Shaking your head softly, you stopped, peppering him with small kisses.
You didn’t wanna make it deep, because you knew how he’d react.
Laying wet kisses on his stomach you made your way down, biting harshly above his pelvis. He took a deep breath, whimpering loudly. Joe didn’t know what to do with his hands so he gripped onto your bedsheet.
“Hurts so much.” Furrowing your brows you pulled away, a grin planted on your face and the mark you left.
“You want me to stop Joseph? I can leave you like this if you want.” He shook his head, pouting.
“Don’t leave me, no. You can’t. I c-can take it, you know I can. Keep going Y/n, don’t stop.” You couldn’t leave him, not when he was like this, not ever.
He felt so warm, his blood was boiling at your every touch.
“Tell me more, you got me so wet Joe.” Joseph moaned, your words. The way they fell off your sweet tongue.
When you kissed the sweet spot on his neck, a shaky breath left his lips. “I love what you do to me, make me feel so good. Don’t ever want you to stop, oh fuck. Rig.. Right there, p-please keep going.”
Your hand had made its way to his tip, squeezing gently while moving your hand in an up and down motion.
His body was twitching, every touch making him feel like fainting. You stopped, getting yourself situated above his leaking head.
“Mhm, so good Joe.” You pulled your panties aside, lowering yourself down you let out a breath. You bottomed out, pushing up your glasses a little.
Gripping his chin, you pressed a quick kiss on his bottom lip, the same place you so harshly bit.
Every move hit her spot so perfectly, he was molded just for you. “I’m yours.” He whispered, his voice coming out raspy and broken.
“Hm, what was that bunny?” His ears perked up at the pet name, smiling a toothy grin.
“I’m yours Y/n, a-all yours.” You loved that, so when you cupped his throat he didn’t protest, just watching you with pure lust in his eyes.
“This dicks mine?” He nodded as well as he could, a broken moan coming out, “Say it.” You huffed, moving faster, not slowing down when he tried to steady your hips.
“It’s yours, f-fuck I promise. Shit, shit. Don’t stop, fuck please don’t stop.”
You fell undone on his lap, your head falling into his neck. His orgasm was ruined once again, and he whined, a tear falling down.
You quietly snickered, you knew what he wanted, he was so desperate. When you started to move again the man’s eyes rolled back into his head.
“Can I cum? Please?”
“You better, don’t want me to get off do you? Cause bunny I will, I’m feeling a little tired after all.”
You clenched around him, a choked moan escaped and you pressed your lips to his. “Hah, fuck. Hurts so good.”
Continuing your movements you felt him twitch inside you, he edged himself for so long it was crazy how much he could stop himself from cumming unless you told him to.
“Come onn, make me happy.” You moved up, clenching around his tip before slamming yourself back down.
You sighed deeply when you felt him coat your warm walls. He was so cute like this, so pussy drunk.
Riding him through his orgasm you caressed his skin softly, kissing him everywhere.
Joesph literally felt like he was floating, he couldn’t breathe. When he thought you were gone, your smell was back and he knew he wasn’t alone.
xo, liah
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mothdruid · 2 years ago
OK ONE MORE HEHE because i am on SUCH a roommate kick and pajama buying kick rn 🥹
from the roommate prompts, "you look so cute." "i'm literally in my pajamas but okay." with our baby bob floyd please my love!! 💗
happy happy birthday!! mwah!! 🎉
seb, again, i'm so sorry for how late this is. but here is our lovely baby bob floyd!!! here is some fucking fluffy fluffy fluff for our lovely baby boy <3
robert 'bob' floyd x afab!reader
fluff, kissing.
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For once you had the day off. You finally had time to bake and clean your shared apartment. It had been on your list of things to do for a few weeks, but the day was just never right. But that morning when you woke up? It was as if you took a full syringe of vitamin B12.
You spent the morning casually cleaning. Sweeping the kitchen and bathroom, doing the small load of laundry you and your roommate had, even doing the dishes that were left over from the day before. When you started watering the plants around the apartment your brain started to buzz with excitement.
It wasn't often that you got to bake, especially from scratch. Bob had brought the idea of baked goods for his birthday a few weeks ago. Specifically snickerdoodles and peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. They weren't too hard to make, so you intended on slamming them all out today while he was working late. It was anything too late, just an extra two hours, but it gave you just enough time to get a batch of each done.
The snickerdoodles came first, then came the peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. It was a bit strategic, being able to leave the bag of left over chocolate chips left to munch on. The last batch was baking when Bob came home.
Bob didn't expect the sight that he saw when he walked into the the apartment. He immediately noticed the smell that filled the apartment, and the Taylor Swift playing in the back ground. He quietly closed the door, making his to the kitchen. And there you were.
Bob had acknowledged a long time ago that he had a crush on you. It was something that he never thought you would need to know. A sacred secret, one that potentially ruin your friendship. When Bob came into the kitchen he felt his heart melt.
You were shaking your entire body around, singing Taylor's Shake It Off to your hearts delight. Bob noticed your attire, realizing it was still what you wore to bed last night. It oddly warmed his heart, knowing that you truly had a day off to do whatever you wanted. Bob watched you reach to the counter, grabbing a handful of chocolate chips. Then you turned around, jumping when you noticed Bob.
"Oh, fuck! Bob!" The chocolate chips fell from your hand, scattering around the floor of the kitchen. "You can't scare me like that!"
"I didn't mean to," Bob smiled big, laughing a little.
Bob tossed his coat over the back of a barstool. The both of you got on the floor, searching for the stray chocolate chips. As the two of you did Bob couldn't help but marvel at you. Stealing glances when you weren't looking, only until you caught him.
"Huh?" You asked.
"Oh, I- nothing." Bob shook his head, trying to ignore it.
"Why do you keep looking at me?" You weren't trying to pry, just being inquisitive.
"I- youlookreallycute." It was like word vomit, all the words coming out as one.
"Oh, I'm literally in just my pajamas but okay." You cheeks were on fire now. Did Bob just call you cute?
Bob decided to just dive in, throwing the caution he loved so much to the wind.
"It doesn't matter, you look cute all the time."
You looked up at him, eyes meeting. He adjusted his glasses, tongue wetting his lips. The two of you were close enough that if you both leaned in you could kiss. Just when the idea crossed your mind, the alarm on your phone went off.
Without a second thought you jumped up, putting the chocolate chips you picked up on the counter. You pulled the tray out of the oven after finding an oven mit. You set the tray on the stovetop, turning back around to see Bob standing up.
Bob's cheeks were dusted with a rosy color. He took a few steps towards you, almost coming chest to chest with you. You slowly took off the oven mit, not breaking eye contact. The two of you sat there for a moment, staring. Without warning he started leaning towards you.
But the kiss never came.
Bob leaned to the side, moving his arm around you to turn the oven off. A relieved breath passed your lips. It was loud enough for Bob to pick up on. He pulled back, not moving from his spot in front of you.
"Don't want to burn the apartment down, now do we?" Bob laughed lightly.
"Bob, I-"
"Hey," he reached out to caress your arm, "I'm sorry for say-"
"Don't be," you grabbed his hand and laced your fingers in his, "cause I think we feel the same way."
Bob smiled before leaning in, pressing his lips so delicately to yours. With his free hand he removed the mit from between your two, setting it down on the counter. He moved your arm to wrap around his shoulders. Your lips moved with his perfectly, as if harmony had finally been achieved in the world.
When the two of you separated giggles came from you. Bob moved and kissed the kiss of your inner arm that wrapped up around him.
"What's so funny?" Bob whispered.
"Just that I've thought of this forever and now, it's happening." You said, letting go of his hand and bring it up to adjust his glasses for me.
"What if I told you I've thought the same thing?" Bob smiled.
You pressed a kiss to his lips again. Your fingers ran up the back of his head, threading through his hair. Bob hummed against your lips, feeling like he was on cloud nine. When he pulled back you spoke before he could.
"Now try these cookies I made you," you grinned wide, "cause they're baked with all my love."
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