#So I played with no extra inventory slots for a GOOD LONG WHILE
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a-substantial-trash-pile · 10 months ago
hey guess what. it's finally time for my Stardew Valley Loredump. i’m about to ramble about my farmer and yo-yo/yoba and shane in a probably long-ass, disjointed post because i have a problem ok. not expecting anyone to read it all of course—just want to finally write these brainstorming shenanigans down. the loredump will be below the cut below the image 👇 (WARNING: IT'S LONG):
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*samuel is 28 years old, pan, japanese okinawan (no im not self projecting hahaha), and goes by he/they. main thing is that they’re from “our world” where stardew valley is a video game, but he died and ended up in the stardew universe. because i think isekai tropes are fun and silly. as the player, samuel can do things others in the stardew world can’t do, such as: 
summon the in-game HUD that’s only visible to him, so he can see health/energy levels and inventory and all that.
speaking of inventory, it’s essentially a pocket dimension samuel can shove stuff in. the inventory doesn’t really care about size/weight/etc as long as it’s something the system considers an “item.” so like samuel can put a whole ass four poster bed in there but he can’t do that to a person or a whole house. samuel just needs to touch the item to make it disappear into his inventory. he can then summon it back out when he needs it. the game’s inventory limit system remains the same. samuel gets 12 slots on their own, but if they have a bag on them it increases to 36.
can access the player menu you can normally access in game. so like profile, skills, collections, relationships, etc are all there. no options or quit tab though. having the relationship tab is a nightmare for samuel, who has major insecurities about what people think of him. that tab is a quantifiable measure on how much people like him. it a real brain demon for him to know it exists and is right there for him to access anytime. 
can see the “stats” of food and healing items. hp/energy recovery amounts, buffs, etc. 
*funny thing is that samuel has never played SDV himself and only has knowledge based on what he’s heard and seen online secondhand. ironically he was planning on playing the game for the first time before the whole dying thing ruined it. they can’t even remember how they died, but it doesn’t bother them as much as they think it should. they didn’t leave much behind in that life.
*anyway, i’m talking a lot of game terms here, but don’t get it twisted. while samuel has all these game systems going on, the SDV world is very much a real one that doesn’t normally work by that logic. by that i mean time flows normally like in our world and there isn’t just 4 months in a year. things exist outside the valley. there’s a whole planet of places and people. 
*luckily samuel has help in navigating this new world in the form of yo-yo the junimo, who is the first living thing samuel sees when he first wakes up in that joja cubicle. yo-yo helps explain a lot of things and guide samuel around in its own abrasive way. he’s also there to be like, “hey i gave you a second chance at life so you kinda owe me actually. sign this contract.” and samuel, who is a pushover and also confused, is just like, “ok.” (yo-yo sounds like danny devito btw. because i think it’s funny.) 
*i call the contract a “magical girl contract” because that’s essentially what it is. samuel gets access to extra powers/abilities on top the stuff he can already do as a player. in return he fights monsters n shit for yo-yo and generally does things for them that they can’t do easily on their own. the extra benefits include: 
higher pain tolerance. which isn’t always a good thing. especially when you tend to not be great with self-preservation like samuel is. 
can heal most injuries by just eating/drinking stuff to regain hp.
yo-yo can teleport the both of them around as needed, but it’s tiring and it drains a lot of magic. distance matters too.
yo-yo can spawn items but it drains magic as well. the more valuable/rare the item, the more draining it is. spawning items is already a magic-intensive thing in the first place. also yo-yo isn’t creating the item out of nothing. they’re actually randomly taking it from wherever it already exists in the world. for example, say yo-yo “spawns” a jar of pickles. somebody in the world is going to open their fridge and discover their jar of pickles is missing or maybe a grocery store will have a sudden empty spot on its shelf. yo-yo doesn’t have control of where the items are taken from (or so they claim).
samuel and yo-yo’s magic pools became connected so they can both do more than they could do on their own before. this is one of the reasons why yo-yo wanted a contract with samuel, who has a larger magic pool than normal due to being from another world. but it’s possible for one side to use up all the magic for the both of them. 
*samuel’s personality can be summed up as Awkward People-Pleasing Tired Sad Garbage Dork. either he’s dressed like a grandparent in sweaters and turtlenecks or he’s wearing a button up shirt with the collar undone and jeans. they usually have their neck covered in public to hide the mark of yoba embedded there. he has a “resting bitch face” as some may call, but that’s just because his brain is busy over-analyzing 193828 different things. he loves being outside in the grass and dirt, looking at bugs n shit. he’s also a nerd who likes to play video games and ramble about the lore in them (he likes RPGs the most, but if the game’s got a good story and cool world, he’s into it). they like to do things with their hands like model building/painting. in their new stardew life, they get into woodcarving after willy teaches them the basics (he carves shane a little chicken). 
*samuel does NOT know how to say “no.” absolute pushover. their self-worth is based on how much they’re liked by others, which isn’t healthy obviously. he has a fear that the only way he can be liked is by being useful. he’s scared that he is inherently a bad and selfish person, because he can’t say for sure if he’s helping others purely out of kindness or because it just makes him feel better about existing. deep down there’s anger/frustration that’s accumulated over the years, anger towards himself and also others because he’s always doing things for other people—going above and beyond—but it never feels like enough. at the same time though, they hate it when these thoughts come up because they believe that you shouldn’t go into helping somebody expecting that you’ll get something out of it. he hates how much of a hypocrite he is. he hates how he bases so much of his self-worth on the opinions of others, but feels helpless to it. they usually just push these emotions down because samuel feels guilty about them. how can they be a good person if they’re thinking like this? how can they deserve to exist with this mindset? however they get a chance to let out the anger/bitterness/frustration through fighting monsters. kind of disassociating in a way. this also isn’t a good thing because his demeanor is much colder and scarier during combat. having someone who’s felt powerless for so long suddenly gain power is a dangerous thing.
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*this mindset when monster fighting shatters when samuel meets krobus and realizes that monsters aren’t just the simple enemy NPCs their brain had been automatically categorizing them as. guilt galore. he gets real depressed about that for a while but yo-yo, krobus, and shane are there to help him. 
*SPEAKING OF SHANE… it’s crush at first sight for samuel because hot damn is shane their type. i mean just look at him. mamma mia. haha anyyyway, they first meet at the stardrop saloon. samuel’s waiting at the bar for his to-go order near where shane is drinking. shane’s looking sad, so samuel gives in and decides they’ll start a convo to maybe distract him from whatever’s bothering him. samuel employs the “crack a dumb joke to hide the fact that i’m nervous because i’m talking to a hot person and then use that opening to introduce myself” strat. shane, being an asshole, is like, “oh so you’re the new farmer. here’s a tip: don’t bother me.” samuel takes 999 damage and their brain immediately goes “THIS IS MY FAULT I FUCKED UP like who wants to be talked to by a stranger when they’re sad goddammit why am i so bad at this?!!” it’s overall not a great first impression. after that, samuel tries to avoid shane out of embarrassment, but circumstances keep making them run into each other. for instance, samuel works a lot with marnie with her being a mentor figure to him in animal husbandry, so he and shane have a lot of opportunity to interact through that (plus marnie is secretly trying to get them closer to each other). through these meetings and shenanigans, samuel and shane get to know each other better until one day they’re friends. then good friends. then best friends. then kiss friends. then marry friends. :)
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*yo-yo is ????? years old and goes by any pronouns but most of the time it's it/they.
*yo-yo is actually THE yoba, but they’re not the completely benevolent creator-of-all-things humans have made them out to be. maybe they were in the past, but now they’re selfish and rude and swear a lot. but they do still care, even if they don’t admit it (tsundere-ass). yoba is currently stuck in the form of a little junimo and is substantially weakened because it gave too much of itself away to the world in the past and got burned for it. because the world kept taking and taking. and now there’s war and pollution and shit and yoba/yo-yo is maybe just a teensy tiny bit angry and bitter now. but it’s ok because now they got this human from another reality to help them reclaim the pieces of itself. and maybe along the way relearn how to love the world again.  
*oh also yoba didn’t create the whole planet like the creation story claims. they’re technically an alien that came across a young planet full of life and decided to stay and help it develop. 
*main reason yo-yo made a contract with samuel is because it needs help finding/reclaiming the pieces of itself. pieces can usually be found in strong monsters empowered by the piece. this isn’t always the case though. sometimes it’s in an ancient artifact. sometimes it’s in a specific place like a temple. sometimes it’s in a person. 
*samuel doesn’t have to deal with having an existential crisis about yo-yo, since he’s from our world where yoba doesn’t even exist as a god. yo-yo claims to be the one responsible for bringing samuel over into the stardew universe, but there are holes in their story. where did yoba even find the power to do such a thing when they’re in such a weakened state? mysterious. 
*the first time yoba reveals itself to shane is kind of chaotic. it’s in the middle of the night when yo-yo suddenly appears in shane’s room, grabs his face with its little stick arms and yells, “WAKE UP!!! YOUR BOYFRIEND IS IN MORTAL PERIL!!!” shane is like, “WHAT THE F–”     it was an act of desperation on yo-yo’s part, because samuel was in trouble and shane was the only one it could think of going to for help. essentially samuel meets something Bad in the deep mines, something that takes him out of commission and puts him in a trance state while draining his lifeforce. y’know, the classic kind of trance state where you need to figure out how to get the person back–how to snap them out of it. yo-yo tried and failed, so that’s where shane comes in. it’s the classic “love-interest-breaks-main-character-out-of-mind-control-with-sheer-power-of-love” trope. except shane does punch samuel during it. lovingly. in the face. hey it works ok.     after the chaos is over and everyone’s safe and gathered together, samuel and yo-yo explain everything to shane (well more like samuel explains everything while yo-yo wishes outloud that they had their memory erasing powers back). shane, who is canonically an atheist, learns that this talking pottymouthed jerkass apple is actually THE yoba and is just like, “yeah. this might as well happen.” and then he remains atheist because what else are you going to do when you learn that god is a talking pottymouthed jerkass apple who calls you a bitch and is also responsible for your partner having to go do dangerous shit. he and yo-yo have a rocky relationship at first to say the least. but once they both realize how much the other cares about samuel, things get a little better. 
*yeah, yoba may be a bitch and they may be angry and they may be bitter, but they really do care, even if they try to convince themselves otherwise. even though so much got taken from it, it still cares about humans and dwarves and shadow people and everything else on the planet. and when it eventually comes down to it, yoba will step up to protect what it loves, even if it means losing everything again. 
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*this post was technically supposed to just be about my farmer and yo-yo’s lore and stuff, but i gotta give some personal headcanons i have about shane… like for instance his last name is “finch.” because i thought the bird theme was cute. he’s 29 years old, bi, and half asian, half white (in our world that asian half is korean). i’m not being specific because i don’t know if korea even exists in the stardew world, since all we know in the game is that there’s a “ferngill republic” and a “gotoro empire.” i was thinking of just headcanoning that stardew’s planet is essentially the same as earth. so like most of the same countries/nations exist except the history diverged a bit along the way, leading to the ferngill republic and gotoro empire. OK SORRY for the tangent—back on topic.
*so shane is a trans man who started transitioning back in high school. he had two best friends who were very supportive and really helped him on his journey to figure himself out. those two friends were like family to him. it was good that he had this support because his parents were always pretty shitty and shane transitioning just made them act even shittier. the only good family member of shane’s is marnie, who was supportive, but she lived far away, was busy, AND wasn’t on good terms with her sister (shane’s mom), so shane didn’t get to see her much. 
*the moment shane became a legal adult, he got away from his parents, finding a place with his two best friends and moving in together. oh and his friends’ names were rosa and heath. should’ve probably mentioned that earlier oops.     shane, rosa, and heath go to the same college together, suffer student loans, graduate, etc. haven’t thought of what shane would get a degree in yet—most likely something “generic” because he’s unsure of what he wants to do himself (i feel u bby). 
*ok so rosa and heath were dating since high school, but they were so comfortable with shane and vice versa that things never got that awkward living together. however when rosa and heath got married (“yoba, FINALLY,” shane would say), shane felt like it was time to find his own place, much to the devastation of his bffs. the apartment ended up close to where rosa and heath lived of course—the couple made sure of it (“stop backseating my apartment hunting!” “MAKE US”). 
*rosa and heath get pregnant and have a healthy baby girl that they name jasmine. i headcanon jas as black (from heath’s side) and portuguese (rosa’s side). everyone is thrilled about the baby. shane was immediately offered godfather role and he happily accepted. jas was the cutest baby ever and he adored her. he babysat jas all the time. 
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*jas was 4 years old when rosa and heath tragically passed away in a car accident. they were coming home from a business dinner when they lost control of their car on some black ice and slid into oncoming traffic. shane was babysitting jas when he got the call. in the span of one cold winter night, shane and jas’s world shattered. 
*rosa and heath didn’t have any reliable relatives either. those relatives only came to take the money and belongings. shane was the only one jas had, so he adopted her. he tried his best to pick up the pieces. he really did. he lasted for a year trying to raise a kid on his own with the salary of a dead-end job, but he knew the situation wasn’t good with the money and how much his mental health was spiraling. he knew he and jas were in dire need of more support (“jas deserves better than this”). so he turned to the one person he had left to rely on: his aunty marnie. and that’s how shane and jas ended up in pelican town.
*shane’s joja jacket was actually originally rosa’s. rosa worked as an accountant for joja and would get free promotional items all the time from the company. the jacket was one of the only things she actually ended up using because “it’s pretty comfy for being joja bs.” she would wear it all the time, much to her more fashion-conscious husband’s chagrin (yet he would patch up any holes she’d get in it anyway). after rosa died, shane kept her jacket. there were a lot of memories in it. 
ok that’s it for now. if anyone actually read all that, thank you for even wasting your time to process my ramblings. i’m sorry it’s so fucking long like jfc.
*who is mr. qi?
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tainbocuailnge · 2 years ago
i think one of the primary factors behind granblue fantasy’s continued success is that it’s a game that’s very easy to come back to. the barrier of entry for granblue has always been pretty high and has only gotten higher with the years despite repeat attempts from cygames to make the early stages of getting started easier, because in “streamlining” old content they ended up just removing a lot of it which means you have barely anything to do in the game until you hit rank 100 where all the actual content is. I used to really hate the “100 rank tutorial” jokes for being exaggerated but they’ve gotten increasingly real over the years.
however once you’re past that barrier and have a grid and are at the player rank where you have shit to do the granblue fantasy content schedule is very comfortable with you either playing the game nonstop for days or completely ignoring it for months, because regardless of when you last opened the game there will be like thirty little tasks you can juggle working towards and there’s a valor badge event coming soon if you need a more specific goal and all that’s really changed is there’s more characters now and more swag outfits to put on your player character and also they’re letting you skip over some of the more annoying chores now and slipped another 300 ap recovery items into your inventory. being a browser game means it doesn’t even hoard valuable storage space when you’re going through a period of not playing it. there’s going to be new jacked up endgame raids but whatever ol reliable team you set up a year ago is definitely still going to work in whatever raid you made it for, and that raid is probably still going to be relevant to you if it’s the last thing you were farming so you can pick up right where you left off.
so even though my relationship with granblue has been rocky the past few years to say the least, whenever some seasonal campaign comes around I often end up playing for a while again anyway because even if the state of the game progresses it doesn’t feel like i’m left behind. whenever the mood for some number go up strikes my ex game dot granbluefantasy dot jp is ready and waiting.
when it comes to long running live service games and especially gacha games that can’t easily go back on having released something before that’s actually a very hard balance to strike so i think granblue really does deserve high praise for managing to not leave players that don’t actively keep up behind. and I think especially the past year or so they’ve made a lot of respectable efforts towards making sure the older stuff that you put a lot of effort into back when it was the best you could get still remains relevant as the game progresses which is part of why i have a more positive attitude towards the game again lately too. the extra grid slots for bahamut and ultima weapons in both sandbox (casual content) and revans raids + super ultimate bahamut (hardcore endgame content) are a great move when there’s always more new fancy weapons fighting for a grid slot that these former endgame must-haves couldn’t compete with anymore.
the class design on row V classes and recent mastery bonuses for row IV to go with it are a good example too because they clearly made an effort to have row V be both a clear upgrade but also more demanding to use (stricter mainhand requirements due to aux weapons, high commitment for farming shields and manatura) so there remains reason to use the row IV counterpart that you put all those masteries into to get row V in the first place. class design in general has been genuinely really good lately both in visual design (slutty gran outfits) and how it plays. so here too coming back to game dot granbluefantasy dot jp after a long time away you won’t find that everything you worked so hard for is now obsolete but rather that you can just keep playing your favourite class forever and make it fuck even harder if thats what you want
and i say things will be mostly the same whenever you get back but i also think introducing battle system v2 and the recent change to qilin were pretty ballsy moves and good signs that cygames continues to think about the long term health of the game even though they blatantly always wanted to be a console game dev and it felt like they’d put all the competent people on GBVS and relink for years. actually maybe the fact that relink is finally coming close to being a real game is why mobile granblue is getting better again recently. anyway. lord forgive me but i’m back on my shit (playing granblue fantasy again)
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years ago
5e Gondar, the Bounty Hunter build (DOTA 2)
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(Artwork made for Valve Software.)
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And here you were thinking that I wouldn’t actually make a DOTA 2 build; that’s where you’re WRONG! While this is sort of meant as my April Fools joke build I did actually play DOTA before migrating to League. I still love all the characters and I do genuinely think the gameplay has some strengths over LoL. The community...? Well, it exists.
Regardless back when I played DOTA I mained Bounty Hunter, which is rather ironic given I fucking hate League’s counterpart Bounty Hunter of Pyke. Gondar (yes his name is Gondar) was an extremely fun stealth assassin with a very unique passive to keep tabs on enemies at all times and inflate his teammates’ wallets. And apparently they magnified that even further by allowing Bounty to steal other heroes’ gold now with Jinada? Sweet Zeus Valve calm down with the feature creep...
Regardless: happy 5 days after April Fools! Hoes mad that I’m acknowledging DOTA’s existence.
You can't fight what you can't see - DOTA is a lot more willing to give people invisibility. Helps when you can buy a gem that lets you see all invisible enemies.
The realm's justice - Jinada, que pasa? We need to be able to do big damage to critical points that weaken our enemies in a fight.
You can run but you can't hide - Your ultimate ability will be to track people down like some sort of... person who tracks people down for money.
Back in the Warcraft days Gondar was a Goblin, so a Goblin he shall be! As a Goblin you get a +2 to Dexterity and a +1 to Constitution, and Nimble Escape to get half of what a Rogue can do with your Bonus Action to Disengage or Hide (but not Dash.) And you get a nice bonus to take down big bounties (big in the literal sense) with Fury of the Small, allowing you to do extra damage equal to your level to a creature that’s bigger than you once per Short or Long Rest!
15; DEXTERITY - Is your refrigerator running? Well you’d better go catch it, because there’s a bounty on its head!
14; WISDOM - Wisdom is tied to tracking, and spoiler alert? We’re going to be doing a lot of tracking.
13; CONSTITUTION - We kinda don’t need anything else so may as well use that +1 from our race to get a nice boost to our HP.
12; INTELLIGENCE - Practical intelligence never hurt when tracking down gods and demons.
10; CHARISMA - You need to be able to talk to the people giving the bounties.
8; STRENGTH - You’re a small man with small knives.
Man, if only there was a background for a Bounty Hunter! We’ll be going for Urban Bounty Hunter from the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide because just because the name says “urban” doesn’t mean you can’t prowl around the Radiant jungle too. You can choose your proficiencies among a small list: I opted for Insight and Stealth. You also get proficiency with two musical instruments or gaming sets: I’d maybe ask about languages instead? But honestly pick your poison.
Your feature Ear to the Ground gives you plenty of information about whatever bounty you may be tracking, as you’ve got contacts in all places to slip you information about where a giant fishman may be. “The Tidehunter becomes the hunted.”
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(Artwork made for Valve Software.)
You level Shuriken first on Bounty, you go for CON saves first in D&D. Along with those CON saves you also get proficiency in two skills from the Fighter list: Acrobatics will help you survive and Survival will also help you survive! But it’s mainly useful for tracking.
As a Fighter you can choose a Fighting Style at level 1: for a quick Shuriken Toss Superior Technique will let you grab the Quick Toss maneuver as well as a d6 Superiority die to use on said maneuver. It doesn’t take a lot to push Q and click on someone. Remember that your superiority die come back after a Short Rest, as well as a long one.
Finally as a Fighter you can hold onto a Bottle to use for a bit of Second Wind, healing for a d10 plus your Fighter Level as a Bonus Action. “A prudent hunter knows when to strike.” This ability also resets after a Short or Long Rest.
Second level Fighters can up their APM with Action Surge, allowing them to take two actions in a turn. The Wiki says the trick of attacking people during Shadow Walk’s Fade Time is still a thing, so yeah pro tips from a League player!
Third level Fighters get to choose their Martial Archetype and truth be told I just want to be able to throw more shuriken, so Battle Master it is for four more Combat Superiority dice! You can also learn three more Maneuvers other than Quick Toss: Disarming Attack will let you knock an enemy’s weapon away with Heaven’s Halberd, and both Commander’s Strike and Distracting Strike are good to team up with your allies to play support. “My allies have earned their keep.”
But of course the most important feature is Student of War; no shmuck politician is going to hire you unless you have Calligrapher’s Supplies proficiency to fool a god to sign off his power to you!
How about we slow them down a bit? The Slasher feat will increase your Dexterity by 1 but also allow you to slow enemies hit by 10 feet. Additionally if you crit you cripple them, giving them disadvantage on their attacks! This only works with Slashing damage, so technically you can only slow in melee range with a Scimitar. But if your DM is cool I’d totally allow Darts that do Slashing damage to slow at range!
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(”Twin Blades Assassin” set made by motenai and T_Vidotto. Made for YYF.)
First level Rangers get proficiency in one skill from the Ranger list: increase your map awareness and buy some wards for Perception. Additionally you get Deft Explorer from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, which grants you the Canny ability for two language proficiencies and Expertise in one skill of your choice. Your languages don’t matter too much but guess what? Survival is still used for tracking down bounties!
Speaking of those bounties you can mark them with not quite track thanks to Favored Foe. When you hit a foe you can choose to mark them and make them take an additional d4 once per turn for up to a minute! You need to concentrate on this effect though so you can’t just fire-and-forget like in DOTA, and can only use it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.
Second level Rangers get to choose a Fighting Style and you know what’s good for tossing shuriken? Thrown Weapon Fighting, letting you draw thrown weapons for free and giving you +2 damage to said thrown weapons!
But of course the main appeal of being a Ranger is the Spellcasting! You can learn two spells from the Ranger list: for a not quite stun that certainly isn’t mini Ensnaring Strike lets you throw a shuriken (or stab with your sword) to root an enemy in place. Alternatively if you want to track people super good Hunter’s Mark gives you advantage on Survival checks to track the person you marked, and also lets you do an extra d6 every time you hit the enemy!
It’s of course worth mentioning that both these spells require Concentration which means you can’t use them along with Favored Foe, but most of the Ranger spell list is Concentration.
Third level Rangers get to chose their subclass, and I hope you weren’t expecting Hunter just because the character is literally called “Bounty Hunter.” No we’ll be going for the Monster Slayer subclass, because certainly you only hunt monsters who have a price on their head for a reason, right? Regardless Hunter’s Sense will let you know what an enemy’s weaknesses are just by looking at them (and perhaps peeking at their inventory) with your Action. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier and regain all expended uses at the end of a Long Rest.
But what we’re mainly here for is Slayer’s Prey, for more tracking marks! As a Bonus Action you can put another mark on a foe within 60 feet to make them take an extra d6 the first time you hit them! You can only have one target marked at a time with this ability, and it ends if you take a Short or Long Rest. This stacks with both Hunter’s Mark and Favored Foe, so pick your poison to do as much as you can to your foes!
You can also learn another first level Ranger spell like Snare, to set up in advance for bounties you know are coming. You get a lot more magic too: Monster Slayer Magic provides you with the Protection from Evil and Good spell, which is helpful for hunting down demons and fiends. You can also cast Speak with Animals once per day thanks to Primal Awareness, just in case you’ve been hanging around with Enchantress.
4th level Rangers get another Ability Score Improvement, but we still kinda need to be able to turn invisible? Good thing Shadow Touched lets you increase your Wisdom by 1 and gives you the Invisibility spell along with one Illusion or Necromancy spell of first level.
What first level spell will we be taking you may ask? Why if only there was a spell to squeeze more gold out of your bounties. Oh wait! Distort Value from Acquisitions Incorporated, allowing you to sparkle up your bounties for more gold! You can cast both of these spells once per Long Rest without using a spell slot, and can also cast them freely with your spell slots.
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(”Desperado in the Shade” set made by HeeJae.)
5th level Rangers finally get their Extra Attack. It’s about damn time to pick up some attack speed as a Martial Fighter.
You can also learn another spell like Locate Object, because sometimes items have bounties on them too. Speaking of spells Monster Slayer Magic gives you the Zone of Truth spell, and Primal Awareness gives you one casting of the spell Beast Sense, in case you want to ride along with Lifestealer.
6th level Rangers get Roving from Deft Explorer, increasing their movement speed by 5 and granting them a Climbing and Swimming speed equal to their walking speed, meaning you can follow your bounties through any terrain. Additionally Favored Foe increases to a d6 of damage, so while it’s still not really comparing to Hunter’s Mark it’s still helping!
7th level Monster Slayers have a Supernatural Defense against magic and crowd control. Whenever the target marked by your Slayer’s Prey feature forces you to make a saving throw or if you try to escape their grapple, you can add a d6 to your roll.
You can also learn another second level spell like Lesser Restoration, as a Dispel is never a bad thing to have.
Striking foes from the shadows is all well and good but you haven’t got many ways to keep yourself safe. (Other than using your Bonus Action to Disengage I guess.) The Mobile feat will speed you up and let you avoid hits after cutting a foe’s heels!
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(“Giant Hunter” set made by Jigglypuff.)
9th level Rangers get third level spells! This means you get:
Magic Circle from Monster Slayer Magic.
Speak With Plants from Primal Awareness.
And Revivify from the Ranger spell list (thanks Tasha’s), in case you need to help someone Buyback their respawn.
10th level Rangers are Tireless thanks to Deft Explorer. You can recover Exhaustion on a Short Rest, and can use an action to give yourself a boost of Temporary Hitpoints a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus, which resets at the end of a Long Rest.
You also get more ways to turn invisible with Nature’s Veil, which lets you turn invisible until the start of your next turn. Like Tireless you have a number of uses equal to your Proficiency bonus, which come back at the end of a Long Rest. “Unseen.”
11th level Monster Slayers carry a ministun to deal with casters. When you see a creature casting a spell or teleporting within 60 feet of you, you can use your reaction to try to foil it with Magic-User’s Nemesis. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, or its spell / TP fails and is wasted. You can only use this ability once per Short or Long Rest however, so be sure to stop the enemy from using a teleportation scroll.
Additionally you can learn another spell like Nondetection, for protection against wards.
12th level Rangers can grab another Ability Score Improvement: even though we have an uneven Wisdom score I’m still going to suggest maxing out your Dexterity first for the highest possible AC, damage, and dodging skills.
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(”Hunter with No Name” set made by BigTuna, Vermillion-Wlad, and Stefco. Made for Funn1k.)
13th level Rogues can learn 4th level spells. You get Banishment from Monster Slayer Magic, but much more importantly you get Locate Creature from Primal Awareness for some proper Bounty Hunting! We’ll also be taking Locate Creature as our learnt spell at this level: one may say that it’s not the most useful spell, but if you need combat magic you can upcast Ensnaring Strike for a chain stun or Invisibility to dust up.
14th level Rogues see Favored Foe increase to a d8. Is this way too late for a feature that’s still arguably doing less than Hunter’s Mark? Perhaps, but Favored Foe still doesn’t cost your Bonus Action nor a Spell Slot.
You do also get Vanish to hide as a Bonus Action but... you could already do that. Oops.
15th level Monster Slayers are masters at 1v1ing squishy spellcasters, as you master the Slayer’s Counter. If the enemy you marked with Slayer’s Prey forces you to make a saving throw, you can use your reaction attack them! You make this attack immediately before the saving throw, and if your attack hits you automatically succeed your saving throw.
You can also learn another spell but honestly? Pick your choice. We got just about all the character-accurate spells we could need as is.
16th level Rangers get their last Ability Score Improvement and while it’s probably late to do this the Resilient feat in Wisdom will make sure the enemy has zero chance to CC you.
There's several reasons I opted for Ranger levels instead of Rogue levels. Firstly Bounty Hunter can crit targets even when not stealthed, and Jinada is described as "preparing" the next attack which is much more in-line with Hunter's Mark and Favored Foe. Gondar's code language is most likely Goblin speak as opposed to Thieves' Cant. And of course Ranger was the only way to acquire tracking spells like Hunter's Mark and Locate Creature.
But above all else there were few Rogue subclasses that fit Gondar. Soul Knife is perhaps the only one that makes sense but ironically enough the unlimited nature of the Soul Knife Psychic Blades doesn't fit. (Also long-ranged teleportation doesn't fit either.) Monster Slayer meanwhile brings the backline counterplay to Gondar and allows me to work in a lot of Bounty Hunter's utility abilities.
I didn't come here to see my enemies grow rich - You have many ways to get the upper hand both in and out of combat, with both spells and martial prowess to aid you in combat. Between invisibility, Hunter’s Mark, Ensnaring Strike, or just generally tracking your enemy down you have all the tools you could need and more to get the jump on your foes.
Watch your head! - You are very strong against magic users and other enemies who force saving throws, and you didn’t even need the Mage Slayer feat! Monster Slayer is exceptionally good at giving one enemy an incredibly tough time killing you, especially if they rely on magic to do so.
Impressive technique, but not enough - A little bit of Constitution goes a long way, and a +2 to CON along with a d10 hit die will give you quite a bit of bulk in comparison to others.
A wise hunter knows patience - It takes quite a bit to set up all your marks, with several bonus actions to operate at maximum effectiveness. In fact you have an absolutely excessive amount of Bonus Actions to choose from which can make picking the right one very tricky.
My target eludes me - You also have several Concentration spells, and while your CON saves are good many of your spells are utility based you still can’t turn invisible while tracking down your bounty.
That's going to come out of my pay, isn't it? - Your Wisdom isn’t terrible but it’s not good either, and while most of your spells don’t rely on saving throws many abilities such as Hunter’s Sense and Magic-User’s Nemesis do rely on your Wisdom. I’m not saying Point Buy would be better but your Intelligence really isn’t doing much to help you.
But a good hunter knows what tool to use in any situation, and you have the tools to take out any target... for the right price, of course. Stalk your foes, strike when they least expect it, and reap the rewards for your allies. And if they're the type to complain that you're not from Runeterra simply remember that DOTA is better than League, and a LoL player can't deny.
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(Comic by Nerf Now!)
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androidgram0 · 4 years ago
Grand Theft Auto 5 - 4 Ways to enhance Your Sequel
L.A. Noire is great. Really great, even. a way welcomed breath of fresh air to a medium that nearly never cares to require itself seriously. except for me? Personally? it is a teaser. A bone on which to gnaw while the most course is being prepared in some mystical laboratory where video games are birthed. That main course is grand larceny Auto 5. GTA3 was the primary game I played on the (incredible) PS2 console and, ever since, I've held video games to a better standard of quality. It knocked down all the walls of the traditional game (figuratively and literally) and pushed the bar for the 3rd person perspective and literally created the open world genre.
Flash forward to today. grand larceny Auto 4 has been out for quite 3 years and, despite the critical and commercial successes of Red Dead Redemption and now L.A. Noire, I find myself primed for subsequent GTA. albeit we should be another year or more faraway from it's actual release there still are the standard signs and rumors that it'd already be in development. And with E3 being right round the corner, I feel it'd be the proper time to mention the question: What do i would like from a replacement GTA?
Modern Multiplayer
There's nothing wrong with GTA4's multiplayer, so to talk . Competitive multiplayer was fair, fun and it worked. The free roam mode may be a dream come true for fans of the series. With or against online players, it enabled you to explore the rich detail of the planet and plan to achieve completely absurd and arbitrary goals, like "How many vehicles can we slot in this nutriment restaurant?" or "How long can we survive holed up during this bank against cops?" and therefore the fan favorite "How am i able to ruin what everyone else is trying to try to to by running them over?". Possibilities are, for lack of a less cliche description, endless. It's fun, but it isn't perfect. Matchmaking, and therefore the basic online UI, wasn't as intuitive because it might be and it could. Unlocking more appearance pieces was arcane and poorly explained (if at all).
So will GTAV's multiplayer be any different? in fact it'll . it'll probably adopt an equivalent infrastructure that made Red Dead Redemption's online a hit . But i feel letting it fall to the wayside may be a mistake. Grant that extra little bit of functionality. Let the creator of a free roam match dictate the principles of the planet dynamically and seemlessly. Allow them to summon all players to one location-- these simple added functions expedite the method to set-up those awesome moments. The money-for-appearance system shouldn't get away completely, it should just be overhauled. getting to a store to shop for hard-earned cash (via competitive multiplayer) on goods for there avatars appearance? People eat that stuff up. Each subsequent DLC release improved the multiplayer, but I could see the multiplayer being lost on those that didn't bother digging deep into it's possibilities. Remember those nifty multiplayer-centric trailers RDR got? Let's have a number of that.
Mission Variety
GTA's single-player is lost on those without a particular degree of patience. The core gameplay can get fairly repetitive: attend this location and kill so then , drive this person to the present place and avoid the inevitable encounter. More often than not, it's "blah blah and oh yeah, kill something". This wasn't the case for The Ballad of Gay Tony, however. The missions introduced were a number of the foremost inventive and theatric I've ever seen. This was because the story was shorter and more condensed. i feel I represent tons of individuals once I say we'd rather have a shorter, more memorable story than one that's longer and dragged out. Will this happen? Probably not. GTA is one among the most important Ip's within the industry and when people hand over their $59.99 they expect a particular amount of content-- an invisible threshold that justifies their purchase. So a more practical request could be to extend the archetypes of the missions that you simply run. rather than a 4 different mission variations with a special coat of paint.
Import/Export Garages
Import Export garages were a stimulating feature only present in GTA3. They were a kind of side mission that asked players to seek out and deliver cars from an inventory . Once all cars were delivered, the player then had access to any of the aforementioned vehicles by visiting the garage. it is a very simple concept that asks an arduous task for a reasonably cool reward. Why this feature never returned to any of the subsequent GTA's, i do not know. And why stop there? Enable import/export garages in free roam at the hosts discretion. Allowing players to manifest any car they please (with an inexpensive cool down) given they've completed the work to try to to so in single-player could leave some really fun and straightforward functionality during a free roam environment.
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Relationship System (kinda)
Both GTA4 with it's quirky online dating service and therefore the Ballad of Gay Tony with it's redundant and useless "booty call" side-mission (if you'll call It that) have entertained the thought of a relationship system, but not even at a 'not gonna happen' spoof level (as many things are in GTA), but at A level that required some consideration. Now, I'm not suggesting that since GTA4 dipped it's toes into the dating sub-genre that it's successor have a full fledged relationship mode, but rather it include a kind of progressive affiliation leveling system with any sort of entity.
In GTA4 there have been many "put out, get back" instances-- this could be expanded upon. rather than doing 'x' amount of missions to receive one 'y' reward, mix alittle story in and make the reward less transparent. deem instance the tiny named quests during a game like Oblivion or Fallout 3. You join one so-and-so group/club/faction, do missions that effect it, get up the ranks and obtain access to it's resources. This almost spills over into the mission variety request, except for side-missions. Maybe, almost like Club Management in TBOGT, there might be no real end thereto , just a singular thanks to make money. to raised summarize, they're more elaborate side-missions.
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mossnotes · 4 years ago
17 questions for 17 people!
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(tagged by @ox-blr)
hello! i’ve been mia from tumblr for a long time because, well, i’m losing interest and seeing studyblr content isn’t motivating me the way it used to? so, i’m gradually re-entering this space in a different, healthier way, so consider this a reintroduction! 
my name is carrie and i don’t really have a nickname? i used to get called caz or cazza (ew) a lot, and i recently made the connection that caz - or kaz - means i’m twinning with our good lord, kaz brekker hehehe. also for a while somebody called me pigeon (because of carrier pigeons, i guess?), so honestly if you want to call me pigeon go for it. it’s fun, at least. 
5′3″ or 5′4″, i think :(
aries sun, libra rising, capricorn moon ! 
hogwarts house: 
slytherin !! (fun fact, i used to be a hufflepuff but changed to a slytherin within the same year, so, character development? or maybe, and more likely, villain/corruption arc? idk)
last thing i googled: 
how to toggle between items on minecraft inventory bar (i finally got java after playing bedrock my whole life so it’s taking some adjusting :D)
song stuck in my head: 
can you feel my heart - bmth (a tiktok of someone screaming it in the car came up on my fyp today and now that is ALL I WANT TO DO)
number of followers:
543 ! on my old account i got to 4k i think in the end? for some reason now, i can’t seem to gain followers and the ones i have aren’t very interactive :( i think maybe because tumblr seems to be like, dying out (finally?), especially studyblr. or maybe it’s me that’s getting bored of it and not being active enough for people to interact. hm. 
hours of sleep:
nothing (except anxiety-induced insomnia on sunday nights) will get between me and my eight hours. 
lucky number: 
7. i’m not sure why. or maybe it’s just my favourite number. is there a difference?
dream job: 
i don’t have a dream job because i don’t dream of labour in this capitalist hellscape working in a little bookshop sounds about as peaceful as retail work can get. i just want to sit on a stool behind the counter wearing my silly little granddad jumpers reading the books i was supposed to shelve. or, if my writing takes off, i want to be a rich elusive spinster living in the huge old house at the edge of my town, where i only ever appear in a long silk nightgown to deliver my latest manuscript bound in velvet ribbon to a gloved figure in the black car at the end of my drive. 
i’m such a sucker for dark academia, and dark or earthy tones. my tweed blazer is my most prized possession, even if i never get to wear it lol except for dramatic recitals of hamlet’s to be or not to be soliloquy. i’d love to be one of those people who wears pastel purple jumpers and strawberry dresses but, no. 
for all i just boasted about my dark academic adoration, i’m currently wearing trackies and my stepdad’s old help for heroes jumper, which i think i spilled tea on. (that was the most english sentence i’ve ever written bloody hell)
favourite song(s): 
lover, please stay - nothing but thieves
itch - nothing but thieves
medicine - harry styles
electricity - arctic monkeys
despair in the departure lounge - arctic monkeys
lose it - oh wonder
(i really like am and nbt can you tell?!)
favourite instrument: 
bass and electric guitar are so cool, i have an electric but i can’t play to save my life. also piano? if you play piano i am immediately infatuated with you. 
favourite author(s): 
donna tartt and v.e. schwab (also, mary shelley goes without saying)
favourite animal noise: 
the little chirp my cat does when she wakes up and immediately wants to know where i am
i lowkey hate studyblr just because of how glossy and amazing it is when studying literally never looks like that, and idk if it’s just me/my dash but as a mentally ill person it’s so hard seeing this constant productivity because most days i just do my online school (mostly from bed because i don’t have the energy or am just too uncomfortable at my desk because my room is on a tilt bc i live in a really old house and the desk is right on the tilt oop) and then i’m too shattered to study or do any extra. it blows my mind that there are people who study for like 8 or 10 hours a day with such insanely good self discipline... ah. idk that was a rant, studyblr used to be incredible for me and so motivating but i’ve really fallen out of love with it, so this blog might change direction a bit and go more writer/random/literature meme idk??? ily thank u for reading and sticking around w me mwah
tagssssss (it’s up to you if you do this or not, it’s just a bit of fun!!) @jasminesnotes @hyperchemblr @a-study-in-letters @eduardstudying @studylustre @studydiaryofamedstudent @studious-serpent @asteristudy @sonderstudy @cinnasbooks @soulmvtes @hannistudies @captainofstudies​
i know that’s not 17 people but honestly, whoever sees this and wants to do this, feel free! u are the remaining tag slots :)
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cruddyborderlandstheories · 5 years ago
Debuff Zane Build
i am tired of not seeing this build in all the zane build videos i watch so im sharing it here because its stupid fun bc u run fast and kill faster. it’s not meta, but its fun as fuck and u have a lot of damage and survivability with it. I’ve completed M4 Slaughter Shaft with it- haven’t tried on M10 yet but i have faith. p.s its 4 am pls have mercy if there’s spelling mistakes.
what ur gonna need is a band of sitorak, zheitseiv’s eruption, a seein’ dead, and the piss grenade. everything else is fair game, whatever u want. try to get it to have the sntl cryo anoint bc good. but u must have the 4 main items for this to work perfectly (it also somewhat works with a low level Frozen Heart bc best shield in the game but you will die a lot more)
also i need a fucking name for this build help
oh god oh fuck i forgot i was playing through the handsome jackpot dlc again
oki im ready to party
this is my current loadout
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sometimes i switch the reg Q-System for a kaoson or a nighthawkin if i need ammo (OP QSystem is... OP but not as fun as a tracking grenade QSystem so i don’t care for it) and maybe the brainstormer for a reflux if many shielded enemies (i prefer the brainstormer over the reflux atm. so try for a brainstormer!!)
3rd slot, that’s a monarch which used to be a dictator b4 it got a straight upgrade. I actually don’t use the bipod unless im in a boss fight and don’t need to move fast. usually violent momentum and violent violence cover the dps loss
ur first 3 gun slots honestly don’t matter much. I have my reasons for using them, but you can use whatever u want i think, so long as its a strong weapon (bc unfortunately a lot of weapons are not scaled for m10). u dont HAVE to use the monarch or the Q system or the brainstormer. I recommend them, cuz theyre fun, but u don’t gotta if u wanna swap em out for a a kaoson or a yellowcake or a sandhawk or smth
the last gun is my zheitsev’s eruption. This bad boy, when u reload, shoots out homing balls of debuffery. So every enemy that gets hit with these gets a debuff. I have tried this with the needler but I prefer Zheitsev’s bc it can hit more enemies and once and takes less time. this gun only goes to Blane (ur clone). 
for the skill trees we have no points in under cover even tho brainfreeze is the best skill in the gaaaaame
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really the hitman tree is p self explanatory, u wanna go fast as fuck boiii. My band of sitorak does not have the +15 movespeed while zoomer is active anoint (it has the break shield amp anoint, which is p okay. want movespeed, but a nice human from the reddit gave me this sitorak so i didn’t have to farm). u want drone delivery bc Blane will NOT be throwing grenades. If you try to make him throw grenades with the seein’ dead he will ONLY throw grenades and never fire his gun, meaning he’ll never reload. it’s a nightmare. anyway. u want the piss grenade (ideally with the +25% damage on thrown anoint). im not looking forward to regrinding this when they finally mayhem buff grenades.
we put one point into playing dirty because we want those extra shots and honestly with the amount of times seein’ dead can proc ur kill skills you’ll have it more often than not
we also have points in good misfortune for that sweet sweet uptime (which btw can be infinite using the brainstormer/reflux bc it is essentially a redistributor without the need for ur barrier) the monarch/dictator also does it justice
for Blane u DON’T WANT praemuntis. we want blane reloading as often as gotdamn possible. now unfortunately my seein’ dead gave me a +weapon mag size roll (im actually not sure if this affects blane, but im assuming it does) but it does have the amazing +5 donnybrook so I’m taking it anyway. I am so not looking forward to regrinding a good class mod when they finally release action skill buffs for them. i cri. i actually hear 3 points in donnybrook and 2 in violent violence is p good (or 1 in violent violence 1 in playin dirty) so maybe grinding won’t be so bad. maybe i’ll finally get a +weapon damage roll
u can grab 1 point in ducttape mod and put 4 points into borrowed time if you want. it doesn’t really matter. i current have 5 in borrowed time and 3 in pocket full of grenades (for some reason??? usually i only put 2 in.). U can do that and use those extra points for either ducttape mod or more points in playing dirty. 
u NEED quick breather. This skill has a STUPID interaction with the band of sitorak shield because of how quickly it recharges. I’m talking, the instant you swap with Blane, you have full shields and so does he. It’s dumb, I love it. Use it to get out of trouble.
so im probably gonna need to explain why i have 3 points in trick of the light: im a cryo slut. That’s it. put those wherever you want, just make sure you can get Double Barrel. i’ve seen builds where people actually go for brainfreeze, i might try that next time i respec.
Double barrel will make it so blane can use the zheitsev’s eruption and debuff your enemies for you. it’s worth it.
so the augments u want are these:
SCHADENFREUDE. because band of sitorak has such a tiny capacity, ur shield is constantly up. If its not, it’s constantly breaking from full capacity. this does have a fun effect with the amp shield break anoint, but mainly i like it for the 25% damage buff whenever it breaks. its a tradeoff for damage, ur constantly swapping between max shields and more damage, so its actually p constant survivability and damage over the long run.
i grab doppelbanger bc blane sometimes gets stuck in the floor and/or i don’t feel like running all the way back. i wouldn’t recommend getting which one’s real or digital distribution only bc u want him alive as much as possible. u can also get binary system instead of doppelbanger, its up to you
for Zoomer u want bad dose for the movement speed and (sometimes) static field (only if the enemies have shields). this is so if blane goes down or he isn’t taking damage, zoomer can refill ur shields. if the enemies won’t have shields usually i grab winter’s drone or boomsday depending on how i feel.
im actually gonna try to see if i can’t grab brain freeze. hang on. i know trick of the light is frowned upon for most people so lemme just respec. (im sorry i just love the vibes it gives me it’s like HAHA you thought that was me? no!!! boop. and then they’re ice sculptures and man i love h2o i wish emma had frozen more people the only people she really freezes are Greg and Miriam and honestly she doesn’t even kill Greg smh. (Greg is dr denman’s assistant. greg is highkey god.) I do like what she did to Mirami, the fucking implications that YES these teenage girls ARE powerful enough to instakill people, they just don’t out of the kindness of their hearts. Rikki was badass that episode too. actually i love the episode where rikki almost boils a dude alive for making a fool of her with ILLEGAL F I S H and burns people using steam from a pipe. rikki is my favorite mermaid- she knew what was u p. I wish mako mermaids was as badass as h2o was. and the cartoon. god imagine the cartoon violence. sigh. let them use their op superpowers to be SUPERHEROES. like in h2o au i have baron flynt puppeteer people to their deaths from Thor bc he has cleo’s powers like why couldn’t she do that to someone. Like dr denman “lmao bye bitch” or even charlotte (who imho wasn’t bad until cleo started being rude to her. cleo was 100% at fault that season). it wouldn’t have killed her!!! ... instantly. probably. ive never seen avatar in full but i did watch the blood bending episode as a child and as i understand it that’s frowned upon but hey. CAN BELLA TURN PEOPLE INTO JELLY?? harry potter 🅱oneless arms... my god.)
anyway, respeccing. 
there goes all my money. rip.
so i think im gonna have to live with the slower reload speed (sob) but yes u can in fact get brain freeze with this build. lemme show...
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so ye in the event u just can’t live without freezing people (i know the feeling) feel free to do this. imma play with this for a bit and see if i can live with slower reload. I actually depend on the 100% cryo with zoomer active for all my cryo damage. i also use an ice breaker so they freeze fairly easy (but only on mobs. on bosses u want the snowdrift or something else)
this build isn’t really meta and u might have trouble doing a solo run of true takedown on m10... bc its true takedown on m10, but honestly it’s fun as F U C K. you CAN do it, but it’s not no thoughts head empty like barrier-redistrubutor/yellowcake zane can be so u gotta be on TOP of ur SHIT. i love it. running around killing stuff. it’s fun. i also love teleporting. it’s my FAVORITE THING. I STILL GET GIDDY OVER IT BECAUSE IT’S SO FUN. ask my friends, they will tell you, sometimes i’ll just start gushing over how much fun it is to teleport even though i’ve played zane since release. just. GFDGHKJGDFK so much fun. i just... b o o p. god i love this game. i took a break to play assassin’s creed odyssey (fun sneaky beaky game, pretty awful dialogue) so DAMN i missed this. 
here’s a link to a video I took on athenas (my favorite area to run. it’s this game’s bloodshot stronghold!) this is the playlist i listen to while playing Zane. i keep swapping songs during play bc sometimes they don’t fit my vibe or i get tired of them lol (spotify control is hooked to my 4th and 5th mouse buttons so i don’t have to stop playing) i forgot where my shock sandhawk was in my inventory, is what i use to demolish traunt. i was so scared i threw it in my bank earlier on sanc-iii lol (also yes i still slap blane’s ass. it’s to encourage him to kill)
and here’s a link to the save + everything I had on me at the moment (including the stuff i picked up in the vid in case u want it lol) cuz im lazy and don’t feel like clearing out my inventory. some of these are only m4-9. which ones? it is a mystery. you’ll know when the new update releases ;) (no but actually im so hype for mayhem level on the item cards. finally. FINALLY!!!)
why is this video taking so long to upload. hynnnggggg
oh god is that the sun
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starstruckkidstudent · 4 years ago
Regal Orb Vendor
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Poe Regal Orb Vendor Recipe
Poe Regal Orb Vendor Recipe
Regal Orb does two things when used on a magic item: it adds an additional affix, and it converts a magic item into a rare item. Rare items function the same as magic items, except they have at most six affixes – three prefixes, and three suffixes. Found rare items or items made rare with an Orb of Chance or an Orb of Alchemy will always have at least 4 affixes, but it is possible to get only 2 or 3 by using a Regal Orb or Orb of Annulment. A rare item with less than six affixes can gain an additional affix with an Exalted Orb or through Master crafting. Chaos Orbs completely reroll a rare item’s affixes.
A Regal Orb is a currency item that can be used to upgrade a piece of magic equipment to rare. The current modifiers are all retained, and one new random affix added. Regal Orb - When to use it and What it does in Path of Exile Plamen Andonov. Path of Exile The Most Important Currency Vendor Recipes - Duration: 5:23. Equipment of war Gaming 110,856 views. Vendor Recipe: Any rare item with 2 affixes. This can be created by using a Regal Orb on a one-affix magic item or by using an Orb of Annulment on a rare item Set of 9 No Traces Divination Cards can be exchanged for 30 Orbs of Scouring.
Catalyst Quality
Catalysts are currency items that add quality to a ring, amulet, or belt. For example, Fertile Catalyst adds a quality that enhances Life and Mana modifiers.
When using Regal Orb, the magic item’s Catalyst quality increases the chance of applying a modifier which matches the quality type. Removes 5% Quality applied by Catalysts on use.
Buy PoE Currency Cheap
Buy Cheap PoE Currency Instant Delivery using a 5% off coupon: CURRENCY. Mulefactory is a reliable PoE currency website that offers cheap Exalted Orbs, Chaos Orbs, PoE Items, etc. Payments: PayPal, Skrill, BitCoin.
Buy PoE Currency Safe and Fast using a 3% off coupon: AOE. Aoeah is one of the best places to buy Exalted Orbs. Register a new account and enjoy an extra 1% discount.
Regal Orb Vendor Recipes
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1. Regal Orb Recipes
You can obtain Regal Orbs by doing the following recipes:
ResultRecipeNote1x Regal Orb3 x Identified rare items with the same name, all 20% qualitySince the name of rare items are randomly generated, it is too difficult to discover 3 rare items with the same name. So, this recipe is not recommended.1× Regal Orbfull set of rares with item levels 75 to 100The type of currency produced depends on the item with the lowest item level in the set, and the quantity on whether they are all unidentified and/or 20% quality.2× Regal Orbfull set of rares with item levels 75 to 100, all unidentified OR all 20% quality3× Regal Orbfull set of rares with item levels 75 to 100, all unidentified AND all 20% quality
2. A Full Rare Sets Regal Orb Recipe Example
These recipes require a full set of rare items. A full set is capable of filling all item slots in the inventory screen (not including flasks, the alternate weapon set, or a quiver). Specifically, it consists of:
One of the following: Two-Handed Weapon (including bows, quiver not required) ×1, One-Handed Weapon ×1 and Shield ×1, One-Handed Weapon ×2, or Shield ×2
Helmet ×1
Body Armour ×1
Gloves ×1
Boots ×1
Belt ×1
Amulet ×1
Ring ×2
Generally, Tier maps 6 – 10 drop 73 – 77 item level, and tier maps 11 – 17 farming 78 – 84 item level. The following is one of my Regal Orb recipe list:
NameTypeItem LevelPandemonium Bane Thicket BowTwo-handed Weapon75Horror Ward Necromancer CircletHelmet77Golem Coat Carnal ArmourBody Armour76Havoc Claw Dragonscale GauntletsGloves76Golem League Conjurer BootsBoots76Nemesis Trap Studded BeltBelt77Morbid Charm Gold AmuletAmulet83Skull Nail Two-Stone RingRing75Fate Turn Two-Stone RingRing75
When to use Regal Orb
Poe Regal Orb Vendor Recipe
1. Upgrade a magic item
A Regal Orb can be used to upgrade a piece of magic equipment to rare. The current modifiers are all retained and one new random affix is added.
2. Upgrade magic Maps or Strongboxes
An additional modifier is useful for improving Maps or Strongboxes, for it can yield additional loots.
3. Exchange Regal Orb to Chaos Orb
Chaos Orb reforges a rare item with new random modifiers. You can exchange Chaos Orbs for Regal Orbs with other players. The ratio of Regal Orb to Chaos Orb is 4:1.
4. In a long crafting process
In crafting, using a Regal Orb is a middle step when crafting a magic item with a good affix(s) into a rare. If the affix added by the Regal Orb is desired, one can continue adding up to a total of six affixes through master crafting (using the Can have multiple crafted mods suffix) or the use of Exalted Orbs. If the affix is not desirable, an Orb of Annulment can be used to randomly remove an affix (hopefully the undesirable one).
5. Exchange items from vendor
Regal Orbs can be used to purchase certain skill gems from vendors as well.
Regal Orb Farming Guide
1. Farm Regal Orb by Killing Monsters
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The drop level of Regal Orb is 12 and its drop rate is around 0.207%. This currency can be dropped by slain monsters, chests, and destructible containers. They also drop from Arcanist’s Strongboxes.
2. Doing Regal Orb recipe
You can obtain it by completing the above vendor recipes.
3. Farming Regal Shard
20x Regal Shard = 1x Regal Orb
A stack of 20 Regal Shards becomes a Regal Orb. The drop level of Regal Shard is 12. It can be obtained from maps with the Harbingers modifier. Harbingers modifiers can be found as part of Zana missions, Harbinger modes in the Azurite Mine, or maps using the Harbinger league modifier from Zana’s map device.
4. Farming Regal Orb Divination Card
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9x Coveted Possession = 5x Regal Orb
Drop Areas: The Catacombs(Act 3) • The Ossuary (Act 5) • The Ossuary (Act 10) • Bone Crypt Map
Poe Regal Orb Vendor Recipe
5. Buy Regal Orb Cheap
The price of Regal Orb is $0.25/100.
Buy Cheap PoE Currency Instant Delivery using a 5% off coupon: CURRENCY. Mulefactory is a reliable PoE currency website that offers cheap Exalted Orbs, Chaos Orbs, PoE Items, etc. Payments: PayPal, Skrill, BitCoin.
Buy PoE Currency Safe and Fast using a 3% off coupon: AOE. Aoeah is one of the best places to buy Exalted Orbs. Register a new account and enjoy an extra 1% discount.
6. Regal Orb Prophecy
A Regal Death is a prophecy. Kill a King or Queen unique monster and reward a Regal Orb.
7. Trade currency for Regal Orb
One of the fastest ways to get Regal Orb is through exchanging currency items with other players. The following is the reference price.
CurrencyPayGet Regal OrbOrb of Alteration121Orb of Fusing31Orb of Alchemy51Chaos Orb14Gemcutter’s Prism23Exalted Orb1180Chromatic Orb71Jeweller’s Orb121Orb of Chance121Cartographer’s Chisel41Orb of Scouring31Blessed Orb51Orb of Regret11Divine Orb130Vaal Orb12Glassblower’s Bauble352
While playing the game, I am often surprised how many people actually do not know some very useful recipes that would make their life inside the game so much easier. So I decided to compile a list of recipes that I often use and share them with you.
Vaal Orb recipe
This is, in my opinion, one of the most important PoE vendor recipes, yet a lot of people haven’t even heard about it. The recipe lets you obtain Vaal orbs. The recipe works as follows – selling 7 Vaal Skill gems + 1 Sacrifice at Dawn/Dusk/Noon will give you 1 Vaal orb. Do not use Sacrifice of Midnight for this recipe, that would be terrible waste of currency. You can check out more about Vaal Orb here.
40% quality recipe
This is very useful recipe for getting quality enhancing currency – blacksmith’s whetstones, armorer’s scraps, cartographer’s chisels and gemcutter’s prisms. Selling armor will give you scraps, weapons will give you whetstones, maps will give you chisels and skill gems will give you gemcutter’s prisms. It works as follows – you need armor, weapons, maps or flasks with total quality of 40% or more for this recipe to work. For example, if I want 1 armorer’s scrap, I will sell chest armor with 16% quality + boots with 15% quality + helm with 12% quality. The same applies for flasks, weapons, maps and skill gems. One tip – do not use gems with quality greater than 10% for this recipe, better sell them to other players for greater profit.
Here you can see this vendor recipe with 3 currency items at once.
Cartographer’s Chisel recipe.
This is vendor recipe involving Stone hammers, Rock Breakers and Gavels, otherwise not very often used items, except for unique version of Gavel – Mjolner. Recipe works as follows – you have to sell 1 Stone hammer/Rock breaker/Gavel with 20% quality + any map (my suggestion is use lower tier maps) to vendor and it will give you 1 chisel.
Map upgrade recipe
Very simple recipe, yet I have seen people mapping and being unaware about this recipe. It works as follows – 3 maps of same level will give you map one level higher. For example, selling 3 Tier 1 maps to vendor will give you 1 Tier 2 map. For recipe to work, all the maps have to be the same.
Physical damage / Spell damage recipe
This is my favorite recipe to use while I am leveling new characters. It allows you to create quite powerful weapons for new characters with very little currency investment. The recipe consists of 2 parts – one for increased physical damage, another for increased spell damage. It works as follows:
Physical damage recipe: weapon + blacksmith’s whetstone + rustic sash. The increased physical damage value will depend on rarity of the rustic sash – normal sash will give you 20-49% physical damage, magic sash will give you 50-69% physical damage and rare sash will give you – 70-89% physical damage on your weapon.
Spell damage recipe: dagger/sceptre/wand/staff + blacksmith’s whetstone + chain belt. The increased spell damage value will depend on rarity of chain belt – normal belt will give you 10-19% spell damage, blue belt will give you 20-29% spell damage and rare belt will give you 30-39% spell damage on your weapon.
+1 to level of gems recipe
This is very useful recipe to boost level of your skill gems while leveling. This recipe adds +1 to level of fire/lightning/cold gems mod to an item. It works as follows – Magic wand/sceptre + Ruby Ring(fire gems)/Topaz Ring(lightning gems)/Sapphire Ring(cold gems) + Orb of Alteration.
Chromatic Orb recipe
This recipe is the most popular way to gather Chromatic Orbs over time since you don’t use them a lot after you have all the desired socket colors. The recipe works as follows: sell any item with at least 3 linked sockets with the following colors – 1 blue, 1 red, and 1 green.
Level 20 Skill gem recipe
This is good recipe to earn some spare currency while leveling. It works as follows – any level 20 skill gem + 1 gemcutter’s prism will give you the same skill gem, but level 1 and with 20% quality. Great way to earn some currency is buying some decently high level gems and leveling them by putting them in your swapped weapon sockets. When they are level 20, just use this recipe and you will be able to make some decent amount of currency by selling 20% quality gems to other players.
Skill gem level reduction
Sometimes you get into a situation when you level up your skill gem one level too high (good example would be gems in cast when damage taken setup). This vendor recipe allows you to downgrade Skill gem by one level and works as follows – 1 skill gem + 1 Orb of scouring – it will give you skill gem one level lower.
Jeweler’s Orb recipe
When you are approaching endgame, items with 6 sockets start to drop. When you trade item with 6 sockets to vendor, you receive 7 Jeweler’s Orbs.
There are a lot of recipes in this game and I covered those I love to use often. If you want to see all of them, good idea would be to browse Path of Exile wiki page.
If you missed some previously posted information, check out the page about currency, it will help you understand this guide better – PoE currency
Please share the guide with others if you found it helpful! 🙂
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Regal Orb Vendor
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secret-engima · 5 years ago
Hey, all your stories have inspired me to try the ffxv game and i haven't played the other games are there any tricks to it?
Hmmmmm You don’t need to play the other FF games to get into FFXV? So there’s that. Get the Royal Edition, PLEASE, it has all the extra DLC barring Ardyn’s and an extra map to explore plus quests.
For tips/tricks lemme think-
Overlevel. Side-Quests are your friend, Hunts are your friend. Until you get comfortable with the various combat systems and strategies having a higher level is Great. Even after you get comfortable having a higher level is Great.
Collect everything. If you see a shiny blue spark on the ground, go over and collect it. Be careful what you sell. There are guides on what is safe to sell or not but as a shortcut tip DO NOT sell Rusty Bit, Glass Gemstone, and if you somehow get a Sturdy Helixhorn while taking Hunts for the love of the Astrals DON’T SELL IT. Those three ingredients are what you need to upgrade your Engine Blade, which brings me to my next tip-
Talk to Cid after you’re in the open world (so ... post Noctis learning of Insomnia’s fall and the cutscenes/short quests associated with that). I forget when you’re free to go talk to him (probably after the set of Cor quests? I think? Been a while.) but just- try as soon as possible and keep trying. He has these nifty quests where he will upgrade certain kinds of gear, including your Engine Blade. If you upgrade the Engine Blade three times (Rusty Bit for the first one, Glass Gemstone for the second, Sturdy Helixhorn for the last) it will turn into the Ultima Blade, which is easily the highest powered blade in the game for like- 99% of the game. I’ve been in post-game for a LONG while now hunting down the really hard post-game dungeons and I still use that thing. It’s a relatively easy set of quests to get the highest level blade in the game and you can do it REALLY EARLY on in the game.
Wait System is Your Friend In Specific Instances. So- there are two kinds of combat mode in the game, Real Time and Wait System. I usually don’t bother with Wait System because I prefer Real Time BUT when hunting for specific monster parts (like the Sturdy Helixhorn), if you pause in combat and go down to ... i forget what it’s called but the came will show you in the tutorial, there’s a spot where you can swap to Wait System. That essentially pauses the game while you’re holding still (on a timer though so don’t dally too long) so that you can look around and lock onto desired monster parts. If you want the horn- lock onto and repeatedly warp attack the horn until it breaks. Repeat for any other part you particularly want on a given monster. I only do that with Hunts when I need a specific part though so (shrugs).
Take your time. You are in no rush, exploring and overleveling are your friends, and really except for specific quests, nothing is timed. Just enjoy the game and get comfortable with the systems before trying to tackle the late game/Altissia/post-Altissia content. There. Is. No. Rush. Stockpile potions and elixirs, enjoy the scenery, go catch some funny colored frogs. Saving the world will wait for you.
I’m sure everyone has a different opinion, but for me, I like to upgrade the Exploration branches of the Ascension menu (basically your skill tree, it has sub categories for upgrading magic, upgrading health, upgrading/unlocking your companion’s special attacks, etc) There are ones that will allow things like Gladio picking up extra items while hiking as well as gaining EXP and Ascension points (skill points) just by driving the car around and another for riding chocobos. I’d recommend getting the car and chocobo = ascension points ones first before moving on to snag whatever boosts or abilities you want because that way you can just- earn skill points by doing whatever on the open world map.
Pay attention to the exp bonus rates of various hotels. You only “level up” when you Rest at either a Haven or a hotel or caravan. Haven’s have the bonus of Ignis cooking meals (pay attention to the buffs offered, and if you see a chibi figure of one of the chocobros next to a recipe that means they like it and will get a passive exp boost for eating it), but hotels and caravans will boost how much exp you get per Rest. The best one early-ish in the game is Lestallum’s, which doubles your points when you Rest there (so if you go in with 100 points, it will tally 200 points instead etc etc). The Best one is the hotel in Altissia but that’s later game and also much more expensive.
Do the Dead-Eye quest as soon as you think you’re leveled up enough for it, because it unlocks Chocobos and those are priceless for running around the map in places the car can’t go (make sure to have a few flasks of Fire Elemency in your inventory, because there are red barrels in his lair and it is satisfying to set him on fire).
Elemancy is your friend (as long as you throw from far enough away, because your own bombs WILL hurt you if you throw too close). It took me forever to get the hang of Elemency and I still prefer using blades BUT it’s a fun system to play with. If you combine raw elements like Fire with an ingredient from your inventory (say, a banknote or silver coin) you can get additional effects like boosted exp, slowing the enemy down, poisoning them, even instant death (though that one is ... iffy).
Pay attention to the numbers that come out of monsters when you fight them. Purple means that whatever you’re using isn't effective. Gold means it’s super effective, white is normal. If you’re getting purple numbers, try swapping to another type of weapon like spear, dagger, great sword, or pistol. If you watch close enough, you can spot if one of the other chocobros is using a super effective weapon and as Noctis you get to use all of them, so just swap to that.
Don’t Fast Travel unless you have to. Filling up the gas tank on the car and running everywhere on chocobo may be boring sometimes but if you get the exp and skill point bonuses for doing those things, it will be worth it. But if you fast travel you don’t get those skill points.
There’s an mp3 player thing you can buy in the car store menus under key items, it will let you play music from other games while you drive/ride/walk. You can buy the soundtracks from various stores and gas stations throughout lucis so make sure to check for those when you stop.
Do the Cindy quest chain. The sooner you successfully complete it, the sooner you get a car with an unlimited gas tank, so no more worrying about having to spend gil refilling the tank while earning ascension points. Also the fully upgraded car can fly, but I don’t recommend it because landing is hard and one mistake will murder your entire party. Also if Cindy sends you into a dungeon to get a part, look it up ahead of time on the internet, because chances are you don’t have to go too far into the dungeon to find it, but if you do, it’s probably a scary high-level dungeon so good luck.
Prompto is a Gem. I mean that. He is one of my primary tactics in the game other than be Warptastic with Noctis. He is also a Glass Cannon so if you get/buy decent health and defense items I recommend giving the best ones to him (there are ascension slots that can unlock more accessory slots for specific characters, I recommend upgrading Prompto’s and Noctis’s first). The longer you can keep him alive in a fight, the more times you can use his Piercer ability. It’s his basic special attack, but it doesn’t take long to recharge and you can use it to break an enemy’s defense VERY often if you level it up all the way (just spam it, more use = higher level special attack). I still use it post game because it’s short and fast and relatively powerful. But that’s just me.
Try to keep everyone alive. If you don’t have phoenix downs to spare obviously you CAN just let them lie there until the fight is over, but if you do that then the “dead” member won’t get exp for the fight. This is bad because you need all the bros to be at their best to survive the whole game. Try to keep an eye on all health bars and if you can’t get over there to manually revive them, there are ascension skills that let them use health kits on themselves or you can just go into the potion menu and order them to use one on themselves before they get too bad off health wise.
If you think you are overleveled enough to handle the boss fights in Gralea. You Are Not™. Either don’t go to Altissia until you are higher leveled than you currently are or when you go to Altissia, take advantage of Umbra’s new time-travel ability and go BACK to Lucis to level some more. I recommend being like- at least level forty-five, PREFERABLY FIFTY+, before going to Altissia but that’s just me. Check the “recommended level” of each quest before doing them and decide if you want to tackle it. They are fully beatable if you are at the recommended level or even a little under but personally I saved a lot of potions and elixirs and tears of frustration by just- making a point to be 5-10 levels higher than the recommended at minimum.
Strategy Guides on the internet are your friend. I suck at explaining my strategies, and other people have actual numbers to crunch to prove their methods. If all else fails, there is no shame in looking up how to handle a boss fight on youtube or ign or whatever.
That’s ... all I can think of atm though I could ramble on for ages on different tactics and things I find useful. Hope this helps!
P.S. be polite to people in the dialogue options. You will be rewarded with exp and skill points for Not Being a Jerk and in one case in Altissia a conversation can literally decide if your game kicks into Hard Mode or not. So Be Nice. For Your Own Sake.
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loadminnesota148 · 4 years ago
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ArcheAge is an epic fantasy MMORPG free of predefined paths and progression. You’re free to choose your own path and play your way from the starting continents of Haranya and Nuia to the lost shores of Auroria, the birthplace of magic.
You can wield incredible powers drawn from 165 unique Class combinations, master over 20 crafting skills, build houses and manors in the open world, farm, trade, forge alliances, and lay waste to all who stand in your way. Or you can turn your back on it all and live as a pirate, ransacking traders and pillaging the high seas for plunder and gold.
ArcheAge 2 will also take place in the same world as the orignial ArcheAge franchise, though in a different time and dimension. While the details are scant now, Song mentions that we should know. Try ArcheAge: Unchained Free for a Month! October 16, 2020 Beginning the 16th of October at 10 AM UTC until the 16th of November at 2 PM UTC, discover your legendary self with the first-ever one-month ArcheAge: Unchained free trial. ArcheAge is an MMORPG in from Korean company XLGames and published in the NA and EU by Trion Worlds. Players enter a fantasy world and start play on one of two continents: Nuia (Elves),. A mac, let alone a macbook, probably won't be able to perform very well with gaming. ArcheAge is a medieval fantasy massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Korean studio, XL Games. It is available for North American, European, Australian, Russian, and Korean players.
Shape the World
Gatherers, crafters, and traders are the engine that drives ArcheAge, and its economy is yours to control. Master diverse skills to craft trade goods, houses, ships and castles. Transport and trade materials across the realm, braving danger and piracy to support your allies in wars that will change the fate of the world. Join a zone’s community and work together to unlock special regional bonuses or form a family with your closest friends.
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I know how overwhelming it can be to pick up a new MMO after playing another one for years. In this guide I'll cover all the in-game basics. Everything from character creation to User-Interface. Hopefully after reading this, you'll be able to play ArcheAge with ease.
Currently ArcheAge is in Alpha. If you weren't lucky enough to get invited to Alpha, you can still buy your way in with Founder's Packs. The Archeum pack gets you into Alpha for $150. You can also get the Gold or Silver pack for Beta access. Once ArcheAge enters launch the game will be free-to-play.
Character Creation:
There are four races and two factions in ArcheAge. The Nuian and Elves make up one faction, while the Firran and Harani make up the other. Each race has its own story and racial traits.
What is anaconda. Called the Conquerors of the Continent, Nuians possess a deeply spiritual culture that revolves around Nui, the Goddess of the Hereafter. They revere the beauty and harmony of their fallen kingdom and fight fearlessly to maintain the traditions that brought them to power.
Nui's Blessing: Favored by the Goddess of the Hearafter, Nuians receive extra benefits from visiting her realm, doubling the time their stats areincreased after being resurrected.
Warrior Architects: Frequent rebellions and civil wars have led the Nuians to become quick builders, reducing construction time for houses and castles by 30%.
Elves seclude themselves deep in the forest, avoiding other races as much as possible. Though envied for their beauty, their behavior is considered incomprehensible: hoping for an honorable death, they seek out danger no matter the odds.
Endurance Training: Trained for combat from the day they can walk, Elves posses increased physical ability. This stamina allows them to hold their breath underwater for an extra 20 seconds.
Lithe Flow: The decades spent around Gweonid Lake make most elves talented swimmers, increasing their swim speed by 5%.
The restless, nomadic Firran roam the wilds, fueled by dreams of reclaiming their former glory. They believe every life – no matter how small – is not only valuable, but plays a critical role in the natural world. All Firran strive to find their purpose and play their part.
Catlike Reflexes: the Firran's quick reflexes allow them to twist their bodies as they fall and land more nimbly, decreasing fall damage by 20%.
Strong Claws: The Firran's long, non-retractable claws allow them to climb trees and ladders 30% faster.
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Harani are survivors in the truest sense, capable of extreme and heroic acts serving the interests (and preservation) of their people. Practical, cunning, and family-minded, it is no surprise the strength of their new kingdom rivals the strength of the kingdom they lost.
Portal Mastery: The far-flung Harani empire has forced its people to master the use of portals for quick travel, reducing the cast time and cooldown of their Recall ability by 30%.
Jungle Tamers: Settling the jungles of Mahadevi taught the Harani to be efficient in their labor, reducing the time required for logging trees and gathering herbs by 10%.
The appearance section has a ridiculous amount of options. The only thing that is really worthy of a mention at the moment is the hair color bug. If you try to change hair colors you need to swap hair styles and then swap back to the style you want. Otherwise the color change doesn't register. You'll have to do this each time you select a new color until the bug is fixed, so decide on a color before you decide on a hair style.
There are six basic skill options. You can read more specific details on these in my skill set guides.
User Interface and Controls:
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In the image above I've labeled all of the important sections of the in-game user interface. I'll cover basic controls with E.
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Will Archeage Be For Mac Os
Character Status - A:
This area shows your character's current condition. Character health, mana, status effects, and summoned pet are all located in this section.
Target Status - B:
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This area shows the status of your target, whether it's friend or foe. It works like the Character status section, but instead of showing pet information to the right, it shows target of my target data.
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Chat Window - C:
This is your chat window, all in-game communication will be here. You can customize your chat window to filter out certain chat channels if you so choose. How you utilize your chat is totally up to you.
Labor and Experience Meters - D:
Your Labor meter controls your ability to gather, mine, craft, and build. For every 100 Labor you spend your max Labor increases by 10. Labor restores over time, recovering 5 Labor every 5 minutes regardless of whether or not you're logged in. I'll cover more about the Labor system in upcoming guides. https://loadminnesota148.tumblr.com/post/657172244410351616/programming-text-editor-for-mac. Your experience meter stretches across your entire screen, and tracks your progress in your current level.
Skill Bars - E:
With the default set-up you have 2 skill bars, the button inputs are 1-9, 0 -, =, and the same 12 buttons with Shift. You can have up-to 4 skill bars for your character, however more slots aren't necessary until later. Your movement controls are; W forward, S backward, Q move left, E move right, A turn left, D turn right. You can also use your mouse to control camera and turning.
Map and Time of Day Meter - F:
The map has three size options controlled by the little button that has an M on it in the above picture. This button will show S, M, or L depending on the current size of the map. the cog-wheel beside that button turns the mini-map on and off as well as mini-map icons. The meter to the right indicates the time of day within the game.
Install Archeage
Quest Tracker - G:
This tracks the status of your active quests. to open the full log just click one of the active quests. You can close the quest tracker by clicking the button in the upper right corner of the tracker. To open it back up click the button again.
Additional Menus - H:
I'll list them in the order they appear from left to right.
Character (C): Displays character details and equipment.
Bag (I): Opens inventory.
Quest Log (L): Another way to open the Quest Log.
Skill Window (K): Displays your Skill menu.
Map (M): Displays the map.
Vocation: Displays Vocation menu.
Community: Opens social menus.
Webmail Inbox (Shift B): Opens Mailbox.
Home: Opens Home menu.
Help: Opens Help menu.
Menu (Escape): Opens options menu, and logout options.
Movies download for free and watch offline. For more guides be sure to check out my ArcheAge Download acrobat for free mac os. guide directory.
Check out our sister site Guild Launch to find an ArcheAge Guild or create a free ArcheAge guild site.
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sodapaladin · 7 years ago
PawelCyril’s Top 10 Games 2017!
Just like my good friend @shylax, I’ll be considering any game I played for the first time in 2017, not just games that came out this year, because I mostly play older games and can highlight some underrated gems this way!
10. Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge (GB)
Castlevania: The Adventure is not a good game. It’s slooow and missing many Castlevania staples, such as subweapons and stairs, of all things. Its sequel, on the other hand, is Game Boy Castlevania done right. Hot damn. The four castles can be completed in any order, so even if you forget your password, you aren’t stuck doing the same intro level a hundred times. The action and platforming is on point. There are problems, certainly, but unlike the first Game Boy outing, this one feels like a proper Castlevania. The soundtrack is also killer, as par for the series’ course. Interestingly, the Japanese and international versions have one different subweapon, the cross and axe, respectively.
9. Mobile Golf (GBC)
Did you know Mario Golf (GBC) had a sequel only released in Japan? It probably didn’t come over due to its relation with the mobile adapter which also wasn’t released outside of Japan. It seems odd to test mobile multiplayer with a golf game, seeing as I could get the same result by playing the game myself and then comparing scores with my friend. That gimmick aside, this game’s essentially an expansion pack sequel to Mario Golf, running on the same engine but with new courses. It also features Foreman Spike, from Wrecking Crew! When will he make another comeback?
8. Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt (PC)
I tried this adorable indie game thanks to @arkthepieking recommendation, and he was right, it was right up my alley. Everything about it is so charming, from the characters to the graphics to the music. The difficulty goes up at a good pace, and there are quite a few secrets to be found. It’s free and short, so give it a try sometime!
7. NES Remix (1 and 2) (Wii U)
The idea of sampling old NES games’ best moments is brilliant. Every once in a while, I think, “Gee, I miss Super Mario Bros. 2, but I’m only in the mood for a couple minutes of it.” Well this highlight collection has you covered! I appreciate Zelda II in theory, but I don’t have the patience to get through its slow dialogue and frustrating areas such as Death Mountain. Thanks to this game, I was able to experience the thrilling boss fights and memorable moments without hours of irritation. It’s also a great way to sample games for a younger audience who may have not even heard of some of these games. My biggest complaint would be how the first challenge for certain games (Kirby’s Adventure uuugh) forces you to sit through a tutorial every single time, making it annoying to replay those challenges for a high score. Some challenges are also scored in a strange way, leaving you wondering why you got 3 stars or only 1. Not every game is a winner, but there are enough classics to entertain any NES fan.
6. Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
Mario Kart 7 was a bit underwhelming, but Mario Kart 8 brought back the fun. While some of the character choices are disappointing (waaay too many babies), we also got Isabelle, so it balances out. The zero-gravity gimmick is fine, although I don’t even realize I’m upside-down most of the time. Regardless, the new courses are a blast, and there are plenty of revamped retro courses that make me nostalgic and happy. The F-Zero and Animal Crossing courses in particular are full of love. I can’t get over the little details such as rupees replacing coins in the Zelda course, or how every Animal Crossing game’s theme is represented (ILY GameCube AC).
5. Final Fantasy V (GBA)
Being a huge Dragon Quest fan, I’ve held off on playing this for a long time, but I finally got around to it this year. This may just be my favorite main FF game. The story is simplistic compared to IV, but it’s still interesting enough for me. The best way to describe it is charming. The music is also lovely, especially the battle theme, which is my favorite in the series. I’m still not finished with this game, but it’s safe to say I like it a lot.
4. JGTO Kōnin Golf Master (GBA)
I bought this game just to add to my golf game collection. I did not expect it to be such an underrated gem. Easily my favorite golf game on the GBA, and one I still play from time to time. You can read my full review on it for more details. Overall, it’s a fun game with good pacing and a super catchy soundtrack. Technically this game came out in the west as ESPN Final Round Golf 2002, which took out the story mode and changed some graphics. The cartoony real-life golfers were replaced by realistic-looking fictional golfers, and a few other things such as the HUD are changed around, but it’s essentially the same game. If you want a golf game for the GBA besides Mario Golf, I highly recommend this.
3. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (3DS)
Although I put Fates on my top ten list last year, it was a massive disappointment in many ways. Echoes blows it out of the water. Despite being a remake, it’s so fresh! It’s a remake of Gaiden in terms of story, but it’s a completely revamped game that takes everything you know about Fire Emblem and chucks it out the window. It took a while to relearn things such as inventory management and spells, which are now handled differently, but this breath of fresh air is exactly what this series needed. Easily one of the best Fire Emblem games.
2. Dungeon Travelers 2 (PS Vita)
Technically I bought this last year, but I put it on hiatus for a while and played a lot more this year, so I think it’s earned a spot. Not gonna lie, I bought this game primarily for the sleaze. It’s a dungeon crawler with cute girls. What else could I ask for? To my surprise, though, it’s actually a fantastic dungeon crawler in its own right. The difficulty can be quite tough at times, but that makes it so satisfying to overcome. There are tons of ways to build your party, with dozens of jobs that fit into various archetypes. I love the idea of the maid class, which isn’t too useful on its own, but has the ability to restore another party member’s MP for free. This is a fascinating idea, essentially sacrificing a slot in your party for an extra battery for your mage. The story is rather forgettable, but the characters are surprisingly likable and are more interesting than simply sexy ladies. Gratuitous fanservice is still a major part of the game, however, so it’s difficult to recommend this game to any RPG fan. If you’re into women and dungeon crawling, though, this game is way better than it has any right to be. There’s a free demo, so check it out!
1. Chrono Trigger (SNES)
Can you believe I played this for the first time in 2017? For years, friends have told me I’d love this game, but I didn’t believe the hype. Chrono Trigger is one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played. The story, music, characters, gameplay, and more are all incredible. The story was interesting throughout with little filler, and it moved from plot point to plot point organically without the need to gather seven magic crystals or the like. The party members felt like individuals with their own goals, not merely tagging along because you’re the protagonist. For example, having to fight Magus alone as Frog is you have him in your party was satisfying and made sense. I could gush about this game forever but RPG fans already know how great it is. I cannot recommend it enough.
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mapsmonstersamazing · 7 years ago
Wild Magic!
So this is the first thing I’m putting up of my own -  a 100-item wild magic table!
Yeah, I kinda like the sorcerer class in 5e, and I love the use of wild magic. But it feels like such a ridiculously specific use of a table which could bring some interesting chaos into a game. Do any DMs use wild magic for other situations? Perhaps an area badly affected by a magical war, where natural magic is latent; or a vengeful god warning a follower that their faith is waning? 
However it can be used, here’s my very rough, still-very-much-in-progress wild magic table:
0: The current environment, up to 1 mile, is reshaped in your image.
1: Every other party member grows vestigial dragon wings.
2: Your spell fizzles; the person you aimed it at is in love with you now.
3: you summon a gun into your hands, it replaces any weapons you are currently wielding.
4: Goomba squish! When you cast 1st-level-or-higher offensive spells, you deal the damage by leaping on the target and squishing them. All damage is the same, but now after you cast your spell you automatically move next to the target.
5: whenever you open your mouth to speak, banjo music plays. This effect ends after 24 hours.
6: the spell that activated this effect is cast again, on the same target.
7: your race is now "wombatling". You have the appearance of a humanoid wombat. Your size is small, you can gnaw through thin wood, burrow 20ft, and you gain +1 AC when your back is to the attacker.
8: You are constantly pessimistic when you speak.
9: You meet your doom. But it isn't your doom yet - the thing which will kill you appears before you for one round/6 seconds, and you comprehend that this will be your downfall when you meet it.
10: The next battle or negotiation you are involved in becomes a cooking challenge. Whoever cooks the better meal wins.
11: The ground shakes and quakes. Before you, a hole opens up and reveals an ancient urn filled with copper coins.
12: You turn into a raven for one round.
13: You are slaved to the party member with the most hp; for the next hour, you copy their moves exactly.
14: Anyone within fifty feet of you has a broom appear in their hands. They roll WIS against your spell save; if they fail, they believe they are a street sweeper now (save ends).
15: the cover of all your books turns into "embezzlement for dummies". Every book in your inventory has the exact same cover, and is now the exact same size too. Effect ends when you kill the author, Saldiar Twofang.
16: your gold pieces turn into very high quality forgeries.
17: You gain the favour of a great fiend! When you next make a melee attack, a demonic arm aids you with fiery claws. Add +lvl d8 damage to your attack.
18: every building now has a poster with your face on it. It's not a wanted poster, it's just a plain poster with your face. There is no context for this.
19: gain proficiency in mining.
20: Happy birthday! It's your birthday all of a sudden. Everyone you meet wishes you happy birthday and gives you a small present. There is cake.
21: your face becomes an exposed steel skull. On the one hand, your terrifying visage gives you advantage on intimidate and +1 ac. On the other, disadvantage on all other charisma checks.
22: turn into three goblins in a trench coat. CON save DC15 ends.
23: the spell you cast to cause this effect has a purple aura. You can now change your hair colour at will. If your character did not have hair before, they now sport a cool cyberpunk hairstyle.
24: your hair colour changes based on mood. If your character did not have hair before this, they grow a moustache.
25: For the next three turns, you're an equally levelled barbarian in mid-rage.
26: You and everyone in your sightline are teleported to the middle of a busy market in a port city on the edge of a desert.
27: You have no context for it, but an arcade cabinet appears half-buried in the ground in front of you. It still functions, but you can't reach the coin slot as it's underground.
28: lose a skill proficiency in a skill with your best attribute. Gain proficiency in two skills that don't use your best attribute.
29: You turn into a small red dragon.
30: a mysterious envelope appears in your hands. It's an invitation to a murder mystery party.
31: You shrink. Change your size class to tiny. Your clothes and belongings shrink with you. Effect ends when you use a spell of any level higher than the spell that caused this. If the spell was level 9, another level 9 spell reverts the effect.
32: You grow huge. Change your size class to huge. Your clothes and belongings grow with you. Effect ends when you're knocked unconscious.
33: roll 3d6 for the next thirty seconds. The numbers you roll are your strength score for the days following, equal to the number of rolls you managed.
34: The entire party is spontaneously nude, and their charisma scores are all 18 or above, for the next hour.
35: Every melee attack you make is directionally explosive. Deal +1d10 force damage when you attack with a melee weapon. Effect ends after the next persuasion check.
36: You gain the ability to cast silent spells. Which is good, because you're mute for the next day.
37: Gruumsh One-Eye appears before you, gives you the finger, and disappears.
38: The target of your next spell also receives a pot of healing gumbo. It heals 1d6 hp when consumed and has 10 uses.
39: All fighters are affected by wild magic. When using a fighter ability gained above third level they must roll on the wild magic table too.
40: a bucket of ice water falls on you as you cast the spell.
41: An elf appears beside you and reassures you that everything is going to be okay.
42: whenever you make a ranged attack with a weapon, such as a crossbow or longbow, gold coins fall out of the target on hit.
43: unresolved romantic tension within a mile radius is forthrightly resolved.
44: You gain a robot friend! If you roll this again, you lose a robot friend. The cycle continues.
45: You burn all your spell slots at once. Roll all necessary damage dice against a target, and armour and buff effects stack. Roll all necessary wild magic rolls - if this one comes up again add another d12 damage.
46: You summon a flock of angry, biting geese in the square next to the one targeted by your spell. They attack the nearest target with +2 to hit and deal 1d6 damage.
47: the target of your spell turns into a stone giant.
48: demonic possession! The target of your spell is possessed by a demon and deals an extra 1d6 fire damage when using a melee weapon, but they must make a WIS save DC14 to perform the actions they want.
49: Your offensive spells, upon hit, now split off into two smaller spells which fire at 90 degree angles to the original spell.
50: Bisect one enemy.
51: You are hunted by a demon. It appears in the middle of your next battle, sets up a chess set, and stops time. You must defeat this demon in chess or face him in battle.
52: You make a deal.
53: If you're in a battle, the fighting stops as everybody takes their union mandated five minute break. If you're not in battle, a fight breaks out as the people around you begin their union mandated five minute fight club.
54: Your skin becomes transparent. Everyone can see your insides, giving you disadvantage on charisma checks. But everyone gets advantage on medicine checks to heal you.
55: You no longer get drunk. Alcohol heals you for 1d4HP. Drinking any other potion ends this effect.
56: You split the earth in two. A jagged crack runs down the ground between your legs, before widening to 10 feet and forcing you to choose a side.
57: You summon a frigate into the space around you. It puts you into the cannon deck - if the space is not large enough to accommodate an entire ship, it takes up space around the room, expanding to other rooms or filling out through the earth.
58: any metal scraps attach themselves to your body, granting you +1AC.
59: You are somehow really easy to hit. Take -1AC.
60: You're suddenly a sprite in a top-down shooter. For two rounds your height is zero and ranged attacks have disadvantage against you, but your ranged and melee attacks have disadvantage against their targets because they're literally non-existent on one plane of vision.
61: Everyone in a 20ft radius has true strike cast on them. Attacks by those affected have advantage.
62: A pit opens up beneath the target of your spell and drops them five feet behind their original location. If there is a wall or obstruction, they are instead dropped at the opposite end of the space, in front of the next obstruction.
63: Everyone turns into mice. No, literally everyone. All locations are three times larger. Stats are unchanged. Your race is still the same, but you add "-mouse" to the end of it.
64: the target of your spell falls asleep.
65: Your party members gain your-level+1 temporary hit points. When they are struck by a melee attack while they have these hit points, they deal those hit points as damage on the attacker. This effect only ends when they take damage which costs them their temporary hit points.
66: You clone yourself. Your clone is a perfect copy of you in every way, except it has longer hair and better style, and it can't cast spells.
67: your rations turn into ham sandwiches. They taste okay.
68: the target of your spell becomes trapped in a glass dome. It is constantly ringing inside, incapacitating them unless they overcome a constitution save vs your spell save DC.
69: your character swaps gender and their charisma, if not already maxed out, is set to 20. Effect ends after a long rest.
70: everything is eighties! The atmosphere and scenery becomes dystopian and neon, crossbows become future-guns and shortbows and longbows are composite. Melee weapons get a retro-future style. If this has already been rolled - or is already the case - the whole thing reverts to high fantasy.
71: somebody betrays you.
72: You're made of fire! Melee attacks deal 1d6 damage to the attacker, and you deal 1d6 extra damage.
73: worms tumble from your clothing. They're silkworms. They follow you around and attempt to cocoon you. They must swarm over you for an hour to cocoon you. If they succeed, you are cocooned for 24 hours, provided no one intervenes, at which point you emerge with beautiful butterfly wings.
74: Roll your level d6. Add the total to your total HP.
75: Lose your temper with your party.
76: Your body parts separate. Treat each part as a separate entity with your stats. You can perform six separate attacks, but you must use both arms and your head to cast a spell. A restoration or healing spell reverts you back to your form, minus any parts that were "killed".
77: whenever you hit an enemy with a melee attack, they make a glockenspiel sound.
78: You turn into a robot. You do not need to eat, drink or sleep, and are immune to poison and disease, and resistant to fire, ice, and physical attacks. However you are vulnerable to water and electricity damage, and healing has no effect on you - instead you must be fixed with intelligence checks of a DC equal to your level + the value of your last hit dice.
79: your arms turn into bear arms. They are very fluffy and soft.
80: one of your weapons melts. It isn't hot, it's just liquid.
81: You grow three feet taller and turn blue.
82: You shrink three feet and turn blue.
83: for the next minute your hands are constantly shooting out fireworks.
84: All of your gold pieces turn into healing potions.
85: All of your healing potions turn into poison. They're very clearly labelled as poison, however.
86: as you cast the spell that causes this effect, you summon a cheeseburger. It drops into your hand. It's still warm.
87: You're made of paper. Halve your total HP, gain vulnerability to fire AND water, but conversations you hear are automatically written onto your skin. Gain advantage on persuade checks. Effect ends when you gain a level.
88: the DM asks you to think of your characters favourite place. Instead of the spell that caused this effect, you cast teleport. The target of your spell is teleported to your character's favourite place.
89: You can shoot ink from your hands as a defensive mechanism.
90: A bell tolls somewhere. Your hair turns white, you age one hundred years but do not die, and you are covered in cobwebs.
91: a maze grows up around you, leaving you in a dead end. It is made of whatever material the ground is made from, and can be affected as such.
92: two crows land on your shoulders. You can see through their eyes via a psychic link.
93: instead of the spell you cast, birdseed shoots from your hands at the target. Next turn, birds land on the target. You do not lose the spell slot.
94: stalks of corn grow in a 30 ft radius around the caster.
95: Everyone is now wearing a mask.
96: Everyone is now wearing fancy party clothing.
97: Everyone is wearing party hats.
98: your soul separates from your body. You can move around as a ghost but it takes a DC 12 WIS save to return to your body.
99: nothing happens. You are safe... for now.
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alloftheyesses · 7 years ago
A Look at WTF Happened With Destiny 2
One Player said, “It feels like they went backwards. D1 was a good game with plenty of content by the end of its run. Instead of building off that, they end up taking away most of the features players waited 3 years for. By the time they end up getting it together, and give the community what they want, that “casual player base” will be long gone.”
Another said, “…If they lose the long term fans they built, they better figure out how to keep the casual players playing, or the community will fall off a cliff.”
There’s also contradictory opinions.
One Gamer said, “The game gives out exotics and high level rewards too quickly compared to the first.”
Then followed up with, …no, there isn’t enough high level rewards.
Another said, We “We’re simply not getting enough,” then followed up that statement with, “…they released new content too soon. PC players were only able to play the base game for a month or so before they have to fork over another $20 on top of the $60 they already paid to continue playing the base game and the new content without parts of the game being locked out.”
Now, I’m not going to review what’s been happening or what Bungie is doing with Destiny 2. There’s plenty of articles and videos detailing the present situation. What I want to do, and find out is wtf do I, and many others do about all this. Do I quit, Do I stay? Are the reasons justified?
“Three years. We where here for three years! This is the real complaint. This is why it hurts. This is why Destiny 2 is failing.”
Article by: Frank Marks,              December 10, 2017.
Bungie decided they were going to launch a new version of Destiny, but this time, they would change not only the entire game, but the entire demographic. Rendering the previous years pointless and bringing the new era down to having no special or extras features. Destiny 2 became ordinary and standard.
Bungie pulled a 180º and it left it’s committed audience baffled, stunned and confused. Why would they do this to us? Three years. We where here for three years! This is the real complaint. This is why it hurts. This is why Destiny 2 is failing.
After building and going through the growing pains, Bungie decided that they were going to launch a sequel to Destiny 1. After learning what everyone could want out of the game. Can you believe it? They worked hard, having conversations with fans and staff for three years, perfecting and fine tuning the game they started with. They took three years, and then threw it right back in our faces.
One of the biggest complaints fans have is, Why even make a Destiny 2?
Bungie took everything away. Then, justified it by telling its existing audience of fans that it would be because the game was going to be something new, it would be bigger and better and a game full of stories and adventures. New content and new weapons!
WOW! The majority thought! More than D1? There’s going to be all new stuff? It all sounded too good to be true. Bungie had promoted itself as taking everything away so that it could die in the past. They made it seem that all of the old stuff wouldn’t matter anymore, there would be new content and better things to do in D2 that would make us say, “Wow! Who cares about D1 now!??”
Alas, this is not what they did. They stayed true to their technical promises. They had removed everything great that fans had worshiped the game for. Bungie stripped the D1 game to it’s skivvies and left players feeling cheated. Now that may read as an over-dramatic statement. So I’’m going to list everything Bungie took away from D1 to make this “brand new experience”
The Crucible. 1. The ability to select which game mode you wanted to play, forcing players into a playlist. 2. The ability to have private matches. 3. The Ability to have up to six people on a fire team. 4. Ranked matches. There is only one way to follow your stats after competing in a non competitive match of Destiny 2 Crucible, Their website.
Strikes. 1. The ability to select which game mode you wanted to play, forcing players into a playlist. 2. Removing strikes from planets, forcing players to use the strikes playlist, rather than allowing players to choose what they wanted to do.
Bungie.Net 1. The ability to access, view and make changes to your vault. Forcing players to use the Destiny companion app on their phones, that doesn’t support Destiny 1. 2. The ability to access and review a library of Grimoire Cards. Forcing the player to venture through loading screens and menus to read or reread all of Destiny lore and history in game.
Then there’s the things that they changed for the sake of changing them. Quests or missions are now called “Milestones.” They didn’t change how these worked they just renamed them. Patrols are confined to a planet. Allowing the player to choose when and where, if they wanted to do a patrol.
Removing unique Faction Leader rewards. Where Faction leaders used to reward players with unique drops, Faction leaders now all pull from the same rewards list and drop them back at you with a random number that reflects the average number of your equipped gear. (Yeah, that’s not simplifying it guys!)
ZUR The mystery man selling raid ready gear and exotics that you could only get from doing unique specific content in D1, now sells the exotics that you can earn at any point in game before he even sells them.
SHADERS Free random drop shaders that a player could earn while playing specific content was removed in lieu of a new system where a player could earn a one time use cosmetic shader that could be applied to any peace of gear or weapon. The down side to this is that special unique legendary and exotic shaders are being sold through an optional. pay for random system with a face named, “Tess Everis.” Players can earn Silver Dust or pay with real money for a random drop of a shader that can only be used one at a time.
Vault to Weapon ratio. The vault only holds 200 weapons, gear, and inventory. We came from a vault that offered over 100 slots for each, including pages worth of space for weapons.
My god! This list could probably, go on and on….
It’s embarrassing, to invest into a game for years, to work month after month giving feedback and finally seeing it realized in year three of Destiny 1; only to see the majority of it taken away from you. What makes it even worse, what really rubs salt in the wound, Is the blatant lack of respect for the gamers that invested their money and time into the universe.  
I stated earlier that Bungie changed the focus of who their demographic would be for Destiny 2. (I’ll come back to this again later.) They wanted to make the game more accessible and enjoyable for the casual gamer. But, Why? They had already built and worked for a community for three years. Three years! it’s not like the community was going to abandon the series. Players had developed careers out of following the game’s story, plot, progression. All of the lore of the game was reduced to zero for a fresh start and a new experienced that had one focus…. MAKING MONEY FROM GAMERS.
It’s becoming more and more clear that Bungie is in the business of scamming people of their money. In a time when gamers are complaining about EA doing the same to their fan base with Battlefront II before the game was even released, Bungie decides it’s in their best interest to do the same to their audience that already existed!
Bungie is doing one thing and one thing only to Destiny 2. They are trying very hard, working almost endlessly at making a game that is automated and standard. Destiny 2 has become ordinary. It is a grind fest without an entertaining incentive with loot that was once the main incentive of the game, is now a gambler’s chance. It has become repetitive and stale. Shoot and kill on Planet A, earn a token so that you may pay to get something random. Then go to Planet B, earn a token so that you may pay to get something random. OR just pay for it in the main hub. Etc, etc Repeat, repeat.
Bungie has attempted to add a story that builds and expands from Destiny 1, without giving players any real reason to be invested in these new stories. With the stories and the game play, there is no real threat. There’s never urgency, or a compelling enough moment to keep players invested or wanting to come back to replay.
Another player told me he was having a hard time finding anything he wanted to replay or re-experience in Destiny 2. That’s when I found myself asking, “Is there anything I would want to replay in D2? Is there anything at all that I would want to re-experience?
The answer, was no. Bungie forces players to repeat missions or leaves the options to re-play quests and adventures. The thing is, Why would we want to? Why? There’s no incentive at all for doing it again.  They’ve created a universe where the story is a one time opportunity to experience a cinematic video that adds absolutely nothing to the world. At the same time, it doesn’t take away anything either.
Bungie has even ignored lore that they created. Players have pointed out the plot holes and inconstancies of the overall story arch. Yet, Bungie acts like it was intentional and that there’s a bigger story that ties it all together. However, they can’t get the content out in time for launch day because it isn’t ready. Plus, they plan on charging us for that content in DLC and Expansion packs.
We, the consumer of your product, understand that you have to make money as a business, but nickel and dime-ing, milking the wallets of players who have invested time in your product, stringing us along in circles is a slap in the face to every single fan.
The audience is changing in Destiny, and it’s not for the better. People are starting to catch on, they are noticing how they are being treated, and they’re rebelling, The once, tight nit community is beginning to raise their voices with their, wallets, time, and voices.
Big name, elite players of the game, are quitting at a rate that the comunity hasn’t ever seen before. These are players and channels that built their name and following on Destiny, and they are leaving the game because of the state it’s in. That’s not something people are doing because they think it will make them more money. That’s not something people are doing because they believe in the developer to make things right. To respect and value their audience. It’s something people do when they can not find a solution to a problem they can no longer contribute a positive attitude for.
Bungie might be shocked that their dedicated fans are jumping ship. But they couldn’t be further removed from the conversation that matters.
Destiny gamers gave Bungie three years to get it right. Bungie is acting like they’ve only been working on D2 for eight months.
Dedicated fans of anything aren’t stupid, and they won’t willingly be taken advantage of.  Some might quit sooner than others.  
See, Bungie is like that girlfriend you’ve had for three years saying, “We’re going on a break next week, Then starting over in two weeks.”  Then, just as before, she comes back after two weeks and is acting like you guys just met; and although she’s acting the same as before, she insists that she has changed and is changing. See, Now, she has a new wardrobe; but if you want to see the full collection —you’re going to have to pay for it with your time or with your money. See the difference? You can still do the same things as before, you can still have fun together, you can still get into the crucible. It’s just now, It’s all  on her terms with your money and your time.
I won’t subscribe to that and don’t expect you to do that either. I wouldn’t expect any self respecting person to commit to behavior like that.  Not one.
There are some positives that have come from D2, but they are very few, and none of them are an improvement on the previous three years of Destiny; rendering the confusion, baffled, and stunned looks on everyones faces when Bungie says, “Give us more money! For the sequel that never had to be made in the first place.”
See, that’s the thing about sequels. They’re supposed to be an improvement over the previous iteration. This is true for everything in life. TV shows, Movies, Video Games, Birthdays. Although we age, although somethings evolve. We become better with time. When we don’t, when we fail to, that’s when we feel disappointed.
But the reality is, for now, I’m still very torn on what to do. I like many, Pre-Ordered Destiny 2 for $100. Money I earned and invested believing I was going to get something, overall —better.
I feel forced into a contract that I don’t want anymore. I must play the game to get most of my monies worth. To be frank, I still have an ounce of hope left. A hope that Bungie will come to their senses. A Hope that they will give me back D1 options in D2. A hope that they will expand on D1 and continue to make it better. A hope that they will work hard at making a game worth my time.
The improvements I feel the Destiny’s audience wants, aren’t improvements at all. We just want what we loved back. Then they can add and tweak the mechanics to make an even better game.
Sadly, with the companies current focus of money being their first priority —I fear that this will either be years away, all over again! I fear that they will want to charge us for anything they do.
I keep thinking of a this analogy, “I pay a licensed and highly recommended flooring company to install new floors in my first home, so when it came time to buy my vacation house, I knew exactly who I would use. He had worked with me every step of the way in my first home and I knew the quality of his work was unmatched by anyone for miles.  Plus he knew now what to expect from me.
Well, day one of the vacation home and the guy tells me I need to remove the base slab before I install new floor. He tells me, it’s so the new floor will lay better than before. I say better than before? Wow! Okay, lets get started! He completely removes the old slab and lays the new one down; and it’s the same as before, except it’s blue now. In fact, it has some cracks.
I ask him, what’s wrong with the slab and why does it have cracks? He tells me not to worry about it, and that he will tend to it before he lays down the new flooring. So weeks go by and he’s about to pick up the new flooring to lay it down, when he calls me and says, “I’m here picking up the floor you asked for, but there’s another floor here that I think will work for you, it’s even better!
I’m blown away! I didn’t think there could be anything better than what I wanted!
So he starts installing the new floors when I arrive at my house only to see the exact same floor I chose but it’s green! GREEN! Can you imagine how upset I am? He’s installed a third of the floor already and I notice the cracks in the blue slab have not been fixed!
What is this? I yell. “I asked for these cracks to be fixed, and what made you think I wanted a green floor?
He calmly apologizes and says he’ll be back next week with a fix.
Next week comes and he shows up with a wood accent. It looks great, but it’s not what I wanted! He then Reminds me that I already payed a deposit and If I want him to finish it, the choices are going to have to stay. He also adds that unfortunately he can’t fix the cracks in the new slab but that the floors he’s installing won’t make it noticeable. He also tells me that the wood accent is going to cost me extra! He already laid down a little bit of it and he won’t charge me for that, but to finish the floor with the wood accent he’s going to have to charge me for it!
The furry in my vanes is approaching a boiling point. I can’t believe this guy!
I can’t back out now. I’ve already invested in the services and although It’s not what I wanted, It does look really great. I told him to give me another week. He’s coming back next week to finish what he started and has also offered to do the baseboards (at no extra cost) to complete the space he was working in.
I’m not sure what to do…..”
See that’s exactly where I am with Bungie.
They’ve strung me along with their mistakes and I’m paying for it. Do I continue with their service, get my moneys worth and then split. Riding on the chance that I may like what they do in the end. OR do I cut all ties with them immediately, find someone else and get exactly what I’m looking for.
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ateamforumjpulupdates · 5 years ago
JPUL Update 10/28/15
10-28-2015, 06:35 PM
Originally Uploaded by Forum User: Pooper
Hi guys! First post and new to forums but I've lurked every now and then. Talked to many forumers prior to making my account recently. Anyways, I've played (more like sit and autoplay everything xD) Japan UL for a little over two months now and each time there'd be something new implemented into the game I'd inform groups about them on Line. Decided I should make a post about it instead and inform anyone interested in seeing what's coming to Global. I am incapable of reading Japanese so I discuss with my friends about it and get translations from what a few of them can read. Feel free to correct me if I gave the wrong information and whether or not I'm missing some stuff. Also, you guys may have already seen @Omega's post on the translation for the fusing and 30Cost Monster Event weapons but I wanted to include the other little things they added to the update.
1. New Gear Menu Made it look a lot better in my opinion. From top to bottom; Gears equipped, Augment, Reforge, Sell, Abilities, Class, Fusing(?), Gear Sets, Gear Locker, Encyclopedia. The Fusing option is a new feature that got added as well. I'll go into that later in the post.
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2. More options when you try to spawn or quest with a full inventory Nothing big. They just added two extra options. Top row; Augment, Reforge, Sell. Bottom row; Gear Locker, Expand.
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3. Increased Level Cap & New Gestures Japan's new level cap 110 now. No gears slots added or anything. Just more cost, haha. Also two new gestures have been added. One makes you do the can-can dance and the other lets you blow a kiss along with the heart emote popping up.
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4. New stuff added to their 3rd run of the 30Cost Monster events Not too long ago, Japan finished their second run of the AAAAN (Alice, Amaterasu, Apollo, Avsaris, Nyx) events and about a month later they bring it back but with newly added things. They added medals that you can earn from time bonus. These medals come in 3s. They aren't guaranteed but they seem to appear often (unless I had some really good luck with RNG. Got 12 medals in three back-to-back 36ap runs) so collecting them shouldn't be a problem. What can these medals do? You can buy the monster itself, the gears dropped from the rare monsters, SR EXP Limimins, Rare Gold Limimins (l0l), and newly added weapons. I'm unsure of the weapon skills but I've been told they give bonus stats when wearing the entire gear set (helm/hat, armor/clothing, & weapon). Correct me if I'm wrong. Keep in mind that you can only buy 1 of each excluding the Limimins. Also, I think they added a new difficulty to each quest as well. I'm not that far in JPUL so the furthest I can go is 40ap. I believe the one after that is 45ap and there's another one after that.
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5. Fusing + New Cosmetics First of all, they got new cosmetic hairs and faces. The cost for each is 80 Grand Medals each. Seems like they're starting to increase the medal cost of stuff to 80 nowadays (Halloween cosmetic gears). Now onto the topic of fusing. This one is a bit confusing. Had hours of discussing this. I've also tried getting it translated but everyone's still skeptical about it. Apparently, you can fuse your dupe gears now when they're at their final reforge stage using these new Ether droplet-looking things. The amount of times you can fuse dupe gears seems like it depends on the starting base of the gear. You can see how many times by looking at the empty sockets at the top left corner of each gear. I have a few SR gears that are now UR but only have two sockets while my SSR gears that are now UR have three. Also, it seems like event gears have one less socket than spawn gears. My Halloween SSR weapons only have one socket while my SR hat that's now SSR has two. Other than that, I don't really have much information on this feature. How does this work? Honestly, I'm not sure at all. I have two Ether droplets but I don't have any maxed dupe gears to try it out. So if anyone was able to, please let us know. How do I get them? You can buy them in the medal store for 600 Grand Medals. You also get one for free from a subquest that got added along with this feature.
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That is all I got for you guys with the update they just had last night (8 Hope you guys found this useful >~<
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burgermiester · 8 years ago
Grinding Renown Made Fun!*
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*Grinding for Renown in Fire Emblem Awakening is never really fun.  Its tedious, and if you want to max it out it will take many, many hours. This guide is just to show you how I made it as fun as I could while still keeping it relatively fast and efficient.  Maybe you will want to try it for yourself or make a variation based on what you like. 
(also note that my method uses a lot of the DLC so if you dont have at least Lost Bloodlines 2 and Smash Brethren 2 for Dread Fighter and Bride then it probably wont work very well, but maybe you can modify it, I am not sure.  It also would probably be nice to have Lost Bloodlines 3 for Paragon and I liked having all stats +2 from Champions of Yore 3 but those 2 arent necessary)
For starters I want to be very clear that everyone knows this isnt technically the fastest way to grind renown.  The fastest way to grind renown is exactly what it says on the wiki: make a ton of money on golden gaffe then summon a weak/cheap character, pay to recruit them, then dismiss them, repeat 2000 times.  I tried doing this on a file where I was at endgame and I found it terribly boring, which in turn meant it was not the fastest way for me to grind renown since it would take me forever to find the energy to do it. 
So when deciding how I wanted to grind renown for myself I had a few objectives: fight the spotpass characters, not buy them, and make fighting them as quick as possible; minimize the number of spaces that a spotpass character could spawn when I summon them to cut down on walking around the world map; minimize the number of times that I go into the wireless menu to make it easier to multitask (basically it was harder to watch movies or tv in the background using the fastest method since its so menu heavy, so I wanted to cut that time spent down); if possible, completely eliminate the need to manage items on my units.  I solved all these issues and these are the steps of my method (the Miester Method?):
Step 0: Grind supports before you even start grinding renown. Grinding out supports is much more interesting than grinding renown.  You get new dialogue after most fights and a lot of it is interesting.  Just make sure you are grinding on spotpass characters instead of risen since spotpass fights/purchases give the most renown, that way you are maximizing your gains for when you run out of supports to grind and are ready to move onto proper renown grinding.
Step 0.1: Pray your past self really loved playing Awakening.  Just having played the game a lot normally will put you in a nice starting position.  By the time I finished support grinding gen 1 and moved on to renown grinding I was at nearly 45,000 renown, close to half of the 99,999 max.  I cant recall how much of that was support grinding on spotpass characters and how much was there from just playing a ton of Awakening, I forgot to check, but both helped. 
OK, now on to the actual steps for renown grinding.
Step 1: Start a new game.  You arent challenging yourself here so just go normal casual. 
Step 2: Play the game up until Chapter 8 (but dont play chapter 8.)  Also beat Paralogues 1 and 3 but not 2.  This should have your world map looking like this:
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The reason you want to do this is because it leaves your world map with exactly 10 empty spaces in which to summon spotpass characters.  As 10 is the maximum number of spotpass units you can summon at once, having 10 spots on the map lets you spend the least amount of time in the wireless menu.  Its also good to not allow more than 10 free spots because every extra square you add means more time wasted walking across the map.  This is why its not a good idea to do this grinding at endgame: you could be on Donnel’s island and summon a bunch of spotpass units in Valm and vice versa. 
Now, as for why I picked prologue-chapter 7 and paralogue 1 and 3 over other choices for my 10 map spots, it mostly came down to map layout.  They are all small early game chapters that take only 2-3 turns to beat on auto battle most of the time.  Paralogue 2 was much too big and would take more turns to beat and Chapter 8 is full of turn adding desert.  Remember, youll be fighting MANY battles in these maps, an extra turn or two each time translates to hundreds of extra turns in the long run.  That being said, I want to emphasize that if you havent gotten lucky getting second seals from the random shop annas, you should play chapter 8.  Chapter 8 gives you Gregor and another second seal, Gregor is especially important because hes got armsthrift without using a second seal (more on that in a bit).  I had already gotten 1 other second seal from Anna by the time I got to chapter 7 so I chose to not play chapter 8, whether or not you do is up to you.  If you choose to play chapter 8 then you need to cut either paralogue 1 or 3.  Paralogue 1 is a smaller map so will be more likely to give you a 2 turn clear over paralogue 3′s 2-3 turn clear, but paralogue 3 gives you a store with access to javelins and hand axes, two weapons that are very nice to have. 
Step 3: Build an Army.  Trust Armsthrift.   Now its time to prepare your team.  The maximum number of units youll need to field in any of these battles is 9.  If you go under 9 youll need to waste time in battle prep deselecting units, and we dont want that, so getting to 9 units is important.  To eventually get to a point where you never need to buy items for your units youll want armsthrift on your whole team.  Unfortunately theres a few hurdles to jump to make this happen since we only are at chapter 7/8.  First, we dont have our full team to pull from and second we cant buy second seals.  Naturally we will need to get as many spotpass units with armsthrift as we can, but only 5 come with armsthrift: Malice, Linus, Ike, Roy, and Ogma.  This means youll need 4 second seals to get a full armsthrift team.  Robin, Cordelia, Donnel, and spotpass characters can reclass to mercenary this way.  You will have one second seal from renown rewards meaning you need 3 more from anna shops (or only one if you choose to do chapter 8 and get Gregor and another second seal.)  Chrom is a good temporary member while you train up your team since he has an unbreakable weapon, but sadly its only 1-range which is not going to cut it since enemies will always attack him at 2 range making battles last at least 1 turn longer than they would otherwise.  As for the actual training, do Yore 3 over and over to collect all skills plus 2 for everyone and gain levels to be better prepared for Bloodlines 2 and 3 which are a bit tougher but also get better rewards (and youll be doing Bloodlines 2 a hell of a lot to get all the dread scrolls youll need to reset levels until everyone has max luck.)  Bear in mind you will need limit break to go over 50 luck, but just capping it normally or even just pushing it into the 40s then giving all your dread fighters and brides a full inventory of hand axes or javelins will make it so that your stops at the armory are few and very far between.
(optional step: if you have golden gaffe then once your units are decently strong run it 5-10 times and then never think about money again)
Step 4: Setting up the grind.  By now you are ready to fire up a couple of rounds of proper spotpass grinding.  You might want to wait until you have a full team of limit broken armsthrifters but I recommend waiting a bit, I will explain why in a sec.  So I will now give the rundown on the actual grinding that will probably become auto-pilot like for you before too long.  Open the wireless menu, go to bonus box and bonus teams and summon 10.  If your team isnt maxed out then I say pull the first 5 from one game and the first 5 from another, just to be sure you wont run into anything that kills you.  You are on casual, so its not normally a big deal if a unit dies in this process, but if its Chrom or Robin its a game over, and even if its not thats stopping for a text box which slows you down.  I recommend the shadow dragon and binding blade teams because there are no cleric/troubadour team leaders who slow things down by not killing themselves on your units and theres no armor knight leaders (and few armor knight other units) who sometimes add turns by not making it to your units as quickly in the bigger maps.  Dont save after every battle, it adds like 3 seconds each time, just do it after every cycle (10 battles).  If your units are over the 50 luck line give them their best weapons and let them go to town.  If they are under 50 then give them a full set of hand axes for dread fighters and javelins for brides and they will last dozens of cycles before you need to restock their inventory. If you are still using Chrom and/or another non armsthrift unit then make sure they are at the 9th slot on your team so they dont go into most fights.  Then just turn off and skip all animations and phases and set auto battle to blitz and auto battle every turn, forever.
Step 5:
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Step 6: Break up the Monotony. This is the crux of the Miester Method.  Summoning a full set of 10 spotpass units and killing them with a very strong team will take ~8 minutes and net you 500 renown.  From 0 renown thats closing in on 24 hours of still very repetitive grinding (now you see why I recommend you grind supports first, if you can get close to 50k renown before beginning actual renown grinding youve cut that time in half).  Some people might not find level grinding to be a sufficient break in the monotony but for me leveling up in awakening, especially if your units have Paragon, is very fast and fun and rewarding.  I might even go so far as to say that building super units is the most fun part of Awakening’s gameplay.  So what I recommend is every 15 minutes or so (2 cycles of 10 spotbass battles roughly) head back to dlc land and power up somebody.  Get another dread scroll to reset the level of someone with a lot more stats to cap then run them through Bloodlines 3 solo to gain like 20 levels in 5 minutes.  Then pop back to the world map and do another cycle of spotpass renown grinding.  When enough of your units are close to max stats try and start taking on Rogues and Redeemers 3 to get limit break for everyone and start getting luck to 50.  Once they are at 50 luck you can throw your ultimate bonus box weapons like book of naga and mjolnir on them and they will never break and you wont need to mess with their inventory ever again.  Try to be going back and forth this whole time too: do a few spotpass cycles, then grab a limit break skill, back and forth.  Once everyone has limit break on them go for capping every single stat on every unit.  This will take a while because some of them really dont want to get points of magic and/or resistance.  So back and forth now between cycles of spotpass and getting more dread scrolls and resetting levels to try to get that res.  Everytime one of my units maxed all stats I gave them a forged weapon to celebrate.  I ran out of characters to cap before I finished renown grinding so I then broke up my cycles running Infinite Regalia to try and get a ragnell for Ike and a second Gradivus for my second Bride.  By the time that was done, I had less than 20k renown to go, and so I was ready to buckle down and sprint to the finish line.  That last 20k wasnt even all that bad because I felt like only now was I really in a total grind, breaking up the monotony for the majority of the experience really helped make it more fun for me. Hopefully it makes it easier for you too!
Step 7: !!!VERY IMPORTANT!!! Once you finish Renown grinding you need to beat the game on that save file or it wont carry over on new files!!!! So do that. It will be....very easy.
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I dont expect it will take more than an hour. 
Once its over, congratulations! You are now W o r l d  R e n o w n!
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muddyevil · 8 years ago
Gajevy Love Week 2017 - AU
Saturday afternoons were the only time in Gajeel's life that had any kind of structure. One pm he would sling his guitar over his back and start the walk down to the centre of town. At quarter to two, he would sit down next to the old fountain, and get set up for his time slot. Saturdays were the only day the council allowed buskers, and it had a waiting list as long as Gajeel's arm to get a slot. He listened to the saxophonist screech for fifteen minutes before the youngster put his instrument back into the case and Gajeel started to play.
He didn't busk for the money. He had a steady job at a good mechanics at the other side of town that not only consumed his time and stopped the boredom but also provided more than enough jewel to keep up with his modest lifestyle. The owner had found him breaking into the garage three years earlier, and it had been the most terrifying moment of Gajeel's life. He still remembered cowering behind an old Jeep, hoping the man wouldn't spot him. But as soon as the man did, he grinned down at Gajeel and offered him a job.
"You managed to open my garage door. That takes at least some talent. Tell you what, I won't turn you over to the police as long as you do some work for me."
It had started off with odd jobs, but slowly Gajeel had learned to fix cars. Metallicana, the owner, had always preferred modern cars but after a few months of tinkering around Gajeel decided that he was more of a fan of the old mechanical workhorses that didn't require any electricity. That was fine with Metallicana, and Gajeel took on any mechanical cars that came in. They were coming in with more and more frequency now, Metalicanna said that the word was getting out about Gajeel's talent with cars, and he made enough to move out of his tiny apartment and into a two bedroom house. So, no. He didn't busk for the money. He busked for the two hours of serenity it gave him in an otherwise chaotic life of oil and metal.
He had a couple of sets that he played, a mixture of just his guitar or him singing alongside it. He did some covers if he particularly liked the melody or the words, but mostly he sang his own songs. He had two hours to fill, and occasionally he would get passersby throwing coins into his guitar case, but mostly he was left undisturbed until the next busker came along. As his fingers started the song that he always finished up with, he closed his eyes to sing along. He hadn't written it, specifically, but he had adapted it for guitar. It was a song that he remembered from when he was a tiny child, and he always ended his sets with it as a strange ritual to finish his two hours of busking and continue with the rest of his life. Usually, he just finished the song, picked up whatever money he had earned before packing his guitar away before nodding at the ancient accordion player who took the slot after his. But today something was different. He heard applause after he strummed out his last chords, something that he rarely heard, and looked up to see someone new.
She was tiny, and to start with he thought she was a child. Bright blue hair poked out from a large woolly hat, and hazel eyes shone out over the top of a matching scarf. She was all wrapped up against the winter weather apart from her hands, which was probably something to do with the violin that was sat in its case in front of her. She couldn't be that young, her proportions were all wrong. She had to be 18 at least. She smiled, and Gajeel hurriedly grabbed the money out of his case - less than usual, probably due to the cold weather - before packing his guitar away. The girl moved seamlessly around him to stand by the fountain and raised her violin to play. Gajeel wasn't usually bothered with the politics of the buskers, so he didn't know why he spoke up. Maybe it was the way her eyes lit up when she smiled, or maybe it was just because she had been the only one ever to applaud him.
"Where's Adam?"
She paused for a second, chin rest pressed into her neck as she held out her left hand to shake his.
"I got told I could take this slot last week. I'm Levy, it's nice to meet you."
Gajeel took her hand in his, almost pulling it back once he felt how cold her fingers were. He smiled as he adjusted the guitar on his back before starting to move away so she could start to play.
"Gajeel. I'll see you next week."
He never usually listened to any of the other buskers, but as soon as she started to play he decided to sit down on one of the benches and watch. The way she played was almost magical, and it mesmerised him. He didn't even notice any of the time passing before she had finished her set and was replaced by a cellist. She packed her violin away, not even recognising he was there as she walked off and Gajeel decided to go and finally start working on the old Defender that had just come into the garage.
Levy couldn't concentrate on the stack of paperwork in front of her, her eyes flitting from the clock on the wall to the violin case propped up against the door. It was only a five minute walk from her shop to the fountain where she had got her slot to busk, and on quieter days you could hear some of the louder performers. She had applied for the busking license a year before, when her shop was going through a rough patch, but she could still use the extra money. She wasn't expecting much, but even a few pounds could help her out at this moment in time. The office door swung open, and the blonde head of her friend poked through it.
"I don't see any paperwork being done, Levy. What's the point of me being here to help you if you're just gonna stare at the clock all day? Inventory's done, by the way."
Lucy placed a cup of coffee on the desk in front of her, and Levy gladly grabbed at it. She had always drunk black coffee, never really being a fan of the multiple sugars and milk that Lucy ruined hers with. The liquid warmed her inside and out as she sat back from the table and looked at her friend.
"I know… I just can't concentrate. Are you sure you're okay manning the shop while I go and play?"
Lucy grinned, staying by the door so she could keep an eye on the shop while she chatted with the bluenette.
"What? You think I'd deprive this town of hearing your beautiful music? What do you think of me, Ms McGarden?"
Levy could feel herself blushing. She had never really thought she was that talented, but as soon as Lucy had heard her play she never stopped talking about it. Before Lucy the only people she played for were Jet and Droy, and even that was only after they bothered her about it. It was Droy that had convinced her to apply for a busking license, and it was a testament to just how broke she was that she had agreed to it. Her shop just about broke even most months, and any extra she could earn went a long way. She finished up her coffee, noticed it was fifteen minutes until her slot started and stood from her chair. Well, she wasn't getting any work done anyway, she may as well start to walk across to the square. Nerves ate at her stomach as she pulled her violin case over her shoulder and started to head out of the door.
"Have fun! You'll do perfectly!"
She waved at Lucy, not sure she could even speak right now. Hopefully, the cold air would do wonders for her anxiety.
She recognised the man that was playing, he was one of the performers that was often loud enough to be heard from the shop. His guitar was incredible, but his voice left much to be desired. She had never seen him before, but had often imagined what he looked like. Small, probably with a goatee and a velvet suit. That's what most of the people who busked in the town looked like anyway. She shoved her hands in her pockets as she rounded the corner, and stopped in her tracks. He was huge. One of the biggest men she had ever seen, eyes closed as his fingers danced across the strings of his acoustic guitar and his voice sang out words to a song in a language she had never heard. She thought she knew a lot of languages, but not this one. He was wearing a dirty black tank top, and jeans with more tears in them than fabric. It didn't look like he bought them like that, it looked like they had gone through a lot of work especially with the oil wiped down them. He obviously wasn't as bothered by the cold as he was. She set her violin down on a bench while she watched him, and got it out of the case as he sang the song. The melody was beautiful, singing straight to her heart, and it made her forget about the cold. She couldn't stop herself from clapping as soon as the song stopped, and the man looked up at her with surprise. She placed her violin to her neck, anxious to start playing.
"Where's Adam?"
Levy paused. His voice was deep and gravelly, a lot different to the voice he sang in. He looked weirdly angry and she swallowed her anxiety to reply.
"I got told I could take his spot last week." She didn't know what made her introduce herself, but she adjusted her violin so she could hold it with her cheek so she could hold out her hand. "I'm Levy, nice to meet you."
He took her hand in his, and she couldn't help but notice how it dwarfed her fingers. It was warm, obviously, he wasn't affected by the two hours he had spent playing out in the cold.
"Gajeel. I'll see you next week."
Levy blushed as he released her hand, but started to play. It was a mixture of modern and old songs, and she was happy to see a large crowd surrounding her by the time she finished, and a violin case full of coins that she would have to take back and count. Smiling, she packed her violin away and headed back to the shop.
She didn't know what compelled her to fill two flasks with coffee before she headed to the fountain the next Saturday, but she did. She didn't even know if he liked coffee. Oh well, all the more for her if he didn't. She was already sitting on a bench sipping out of the first flask when she heard the familiar tune of the old song fill her ears. His voice sang above it, rough and scratchy but still soothing. She tapped her fingers on her violin along to the rhythm before clapping again once he had finished. Standing from the bench she walked over, handing him the coffee as she did. He looked confused for a second, before taking a sip and smiling.
"This is good coffee."
She smiled nervously, starting to set up around him as he drank.
"I can't really afford to give you any money, that's the best I can do I'm afraid."
He grunted his appreciation, before moving out of the way so she could start her own set. Levy always closed her eyes when she played, and as so she didn't see him place the empty flask back at her feet and leave before she finished. On top of it was a guitar pick, making her giggle slightly. She hadn't even seen him use one.
The next six months fell into a kind of routine. Gajeel would pack up something that he had made into a Tupperware box and carry it with him to the fountain. He would play his set, and without fail there would be Levy clapping at the end of his final song before handing him a flask of coffee. It had switched to ice coffee now it was the summer, still just as strong and bitter as it had been in the winter. He would stay and listen to her play, before leaving the empty flask and whatever was in the Tupperware before she finished. She had become a lot more confident in her playing, and Gajeel noticed a regular crowd starting to gather about halfway through his set. They never paid him anything, but he didn't care. He had a brand new reason to busk now.
This particular Saturday she was sat on her particular bench earlier than usual, and he could see people get excited for her to start playing. He moved into his final song, and was about to start singing when he heard the familiar notes of Levy's violin starting to play. He closed his mouth tightly, never missing a beat as Levy's violin weaved a melody over the top of his chords. She made the tune haunting as it danced through his own notes. He almost didn't want the song to end, but as soon as her bow stilled he played three more chords, before stopping and standing up. He took her flask from her hand without speaking, packing up his guitar and walking away to his normal bench to listen to her play. He was there for about an hour before he rooted around in his pocket and pulled out the first piece of paper he could find. Scribbling his number on it, he placed it into the Tupperware box he had filled with Meringues and took it over to her. She didn't pause as he placed the box and the flask on the floor, and retreated back to his garage. He wouldn't be able to work, but there was a punching bag out the back. He'd work out some frustrations before figuring out what the fuck had just happened.
Warm up prompt for Gajevy Love Week 2017! I will be writing a story for each of the prompts (as if I don't have enough on my plate already *sigh*). Check out @fuckyeahgajevy for all the prompts and other awesome contributions!
I hate writing AUs. Hope this one worked out alright!
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luckykhuxguide · 8 years ago
Lucky (and Salt too why not), I'd love to hear your rant about Proud Mode in NAUX.
Since they’re rants, they’re hardly going to be positive and more us venting our frustration, while we usually try to balance things out. This is pretty much one-sided, undiluted frustration..with a tinge of silver lining.
Rants of us both under read more.
Lucky ★彡: Well, we know that Square was going to release Proud Story Quests (not proud quests because that is another bit of hell, even in JP KHUX, you need to go through to upgrade PSQ keyblades to +26 and onwards) sooner or later in NA KHUX, so I’m not that upset about it’s release. If anything, more free jewels.
What disappointed me though was that Square didn’t release Mickey&brooms or brooms as rewards for completing objectives in PSQ? Or that some of the mission requirements need to have at least 40% or 70% guilt and we’ve only had like 2 guilt bonus campaigns in NA KHUX so far? Why can’t Square couple guilt bonus and 0 AP campaigns together?? LIKE THEY DO IN JP KHUX?! Not to mention the fact that NA KHUX still have NOT had any ½ off inventory space campaigns yet!! AT LEAST JP KHUX HAD 2 BY THE TIME PROUD STORY QUEST CAME OUT. I know that the original PSQ objectives were WWAAYYY harder than what it is now, but there is still no way a F2P NA KHUX player can go through with the current PSQ? Especially since most of us has no means of getting through the MoG material quest, so most NA KHUX players are stuck on PSQ 13??
Thank god that NA KHUX does not have a complete PSQ campaign going on, like right now in JP KHUX, where you need to complete up to the latest PSQ to get brooms or M&B. If English Square decides to release M&Bs as a reward for completing up to PSQ 100…I’ll be both happy and upset. Happy that NA KHUX FINALLY gets M&Bs, but also upset that they’re initially released behind a paywall that no F2P can get?! Though in all honestly, if Square does have a campaign to complete PSQ, it’s probably for mirrors and not M&Bs/brooms.
Salt (*´◒`*) : Me and Lucky are pretty much on the same page with this, I agree with all she’s said above. 
I find that they added PSQ prematurely to the game: they’re trying to catch up with KHUX JP yet they don’t give you guys the means to tackle challenges, as they’re stingy with both jewels and premiums. (Recently, it looks like the new standard is 5-guarantee instead of 10-guarantee, though.)
If only they’d said that it’s a super hard challenge, probably best saved for later and acknowledged you don’t have the means to tackle it yet? Then fine? But no? They pretend like you can just go give it a shot right now and fare well, which is absolute bull.
It’s outrageous they act like it’s a normal thing, like it’s an addition anyone can tackle and even have fun with as if it’s just your average challenge. The quests are the exact same in both games, having been copy-pasted. The first few quests are guilt-walled, you can’t tackle them without guilted medals that meet the requirements. If you think you’ll be fine afterwards if you just ge through the wall: you’re wrong. Guilted medals and boosting medals are a must for PSQ. Not to mention that being able to 1-turn them is the whole point, since that gives you the Sun Stones needed to upgrade the PSQ keyblades! Sure you can skip out on 1-turn here and there so long you progress, but what’s the point when it’s just one arduous battle after the other?
They’re just trying to push you and make you feel insecure about your deck and progress. Right now PSQ is more for P2P domain, and even THEY won’t have whatever premiums they’ve got, guilted. And without high multipliers on your deck and the medals to fit on the right multipliers, you’ll soon find your medals doing 1 damage per hit just for being on a weak or non-beneficial slot.
The only good thing about struggling through it is the extra jewels you get per 5 quests, so by all means, snatch those damn jewels from NA at your first opportunity.
Not to heckin’ mention that M&B are still illusory. I can’t believe this treatment. Then there’s the whole thing about campaigns that’re like ghosts of the JP KHUX campaigns....I just. Props to anyone for playing NA/EU and not getting fed up. Way to crush hope, SENA. 
The game would’ve been fun and well-received had it been a 1:1 copy of JP KHUX, which they KNOW has been doing well. There’s dozens of ways to have NA catch up properly following the same type of schedule as JP and still making leaps to get on the same level. Instead, they only take PARTS of JP KHUX directly, mix it up, change things without explanation, or, change things when it could’ve been prevented by just DELAYING it till later, till the power wouldn’t form inbalance. It does not make sense to me and I’m honestly angry because. Even /I/ Could’ve Come Up With Better Ways To Handle Updates And Catching Up. 
/double mic drop/
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