#Smurf sweet pea
paapasmurf · 9 months
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sidneypoindexter · 9 months
someone in the smurfs tag was like "send me smurfs x reader requests" and i was GONNA, except... i realized that i already vividly had my own ideas so im posting my own ideas instead of sending anything in.
this is also not just "x reader" but also just generally how i think these characters would be in a relationship
this post is just clumsy i might do others later but only characters i feel like i'm an expert on already (read: brainy. maybe some grove girls.)
ok disclaimer over lets fuckign goooo babey!!!!
Clumsy Smurf x Reader
Easily flustered, most likely of the Smurfs to blush when kissed. He'd probably giggle when kissed, too.
Canonically used a pickup line on Smurfette once, so he might do that with you.
You'd better get used to Brainy Smurf thirdwheeling all your dates. Clumsy left a party to go get Brainy Smurf. Smurfette daydreamed about marrying Clumsy and Brainy Smurf was inexplicably there. These two are completely inseparable, and both of them are incapable of taking hints. This is a two-for-one deal.
Would probably give you heart-shaped rocks as a present.
Will completely miss any flirting you do, or any innuendos you say. He's oblivious.
Would probably call you things like "darlin'" or "sweet pea."
At least half of your kisses will be Clumsy accidentally headbutting you while attempting to kiss you.
Dating Clumsy would be quite the difficult ordeal, due to his clumsiness, obliviousness, and codependent relationship with Brainy. But one thing's for sure- you'll always know that he loves you. He's a very affectionate person.
(Just ignore all of the sarcastic and rude quips that Brainy will inevitably make about the two of you.)
(Brainy isn't jealous or anything, he's just an asshole.)
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typewriterstorys · 1 year
Chapter one| 22 years later
"Sam get a move on, would ya." a girl in a nurses uniform said. " We were suppose to be there like 15 minutes ago." she said finishing putting on her earrings.
Her name was Jessica and she was Sam Winchesters girlfriend. Sam you coming or what" Jessica asked.
"Do I have to" Sam asked peaking his head out of their bedroom.
"Yes. It will be fun" said Jessica back to him " and where's your costume" she then asked
You know how I feel about halloween" said sam
"So here's to sam and his awesome lsat victory" Jessica said holding a glass up.
" All right. All right. It's not that big of a deal" Sam said to Jessica and the friend they were with.
"Oh come on Sammy. You deserve to celebrate" a voice said from behind Sam.
He turned around to see that it was Eliana. Who was no longer a baby. She had grown up to be a beautiful woman. With green eyes and blonde hair.
"Hey Lia" said Jessica going to give her a hug. "I like your costume" said Jessica pulling back to look at Elianas costume. She was little red riding hood.
Patrick picked it out" Eliana said looking back at her boyfriend.
"I did a good job." said Patrick
"Now let's get back to the toast"
Said Eliana going over to stand next to Sam. "Too my smart twin." she said holding up she was drinking a Shirley temple.
"Like I said it is not that big of a deal" said Sam"why aren't you drinking" then asked Sam. Before Eliana could answer Jess interrupted and said
"He acts all humble. But he scored a 174"
"is that good" Patrick asked
"Scary good" Said Jessica
"See there you go. You are a first-round draft pick." There friend said
"You can go to any law school you want" Eliana said to sam
"Actually I got an interview here on Monday. If it goes okay. I think I got a shot of a full ride next ear" sam said to Eliana
"Hey it's gonna go great" said Jessica
"Yes it will Sammy" Eliana said after her
"It better" said Sam
"How does it feel to be the golden boy in your family" asked Patrick
0hey" said Eliana
"You can be the only golden girl. since you the only Girl Winchester" Patrick said.
"also they don't know." said Eliana
"Why. I would be gloating" said there friend "Why not "
0Cause we're not exactly the Bradys" sam said looking at Eliana with a sad glance
"I'm not exactly the Huxtable's. More shots" There friend asked
"Yes" said Patrick and making Eliana laugh. Well Jessica and sam said "No."
"Seriously we are all proud of you Sammy" said Eliana
"You should be proud of yourself to Lia. You are top of your med class." Jessica said
"Thanks jess"Eliana said
"But Seriously sam I am very proud of you" Jessica said. " and you're gonna knock them dead on Monday. You're gonna get that full ride. I know it." she finished
"what would I do without you" Sam asked her
"Crash and burn" Jess answered before pulling Sam into a kiss.
"all get a room" Patrick said to them.
"Don't pay attention to them pay attention to me." Eliana said pulling him into a kiss.
Eliana was awaken to what sounded like to bulls fighting. She wiggle out of Patricks arm and open the too see her brothers.
"Dean" Eliana said
Dean looked over at her and smiled.
"Hey sweet pea" he said
"Dean can you get off sam" Eliana said pointing at sam who was on the floor. 
"Yeah you scared the crap out of me"Sam said
"That's cause you're out of practice" Dean said back
Sam then did a move so that he was now on the top.
"or Not" said dean laughing "get off me" he said pushing Sam arm off of himself.
"What the hell are you doing here dean" asked sam after getting up.
"I was looking for a Beer" Dean said patting sam on the chest.
"sam" Jessica said turning on the light with Patrick beside her.
"Jess. Hey" Sam said then looked at dean. "Dean. This is my girlfriend Jessica."
"and this is my boyfriend Patrick" said Eliana going over to stand next to him.
"wait you brother dean" asked Jessica moving away from the door frame.
"I love the Smurfs" Dean said pointing to Jessicas top "You know I got to tell you you are completely out of my brothers league" He said coming closer to Jessica.
"Just let me put something on" Jessica said
"No. No. I wouldn't dream of it. Seriously" said Dean "Anyway I need to borrow theses two. Talk about some private family business. But nice to meet you both."
No. whatever you want to say you can say it in front of her" Sam Said going and putting his arm around Jessica.
"Also sorry Dean Patrick is not going anywhere" Eliana said grabbing Patricks hand.
"Okay"  Dean said moving so he was standing in front of all of them "Um, Dad hasn't Been home is a few days" dean said
Those words sent a shiver down Elianas spine. She remember the last time she had seen her father. It was when sam and her were leaving for Stanford. Sam and John got into about fight. She still remembers the look of anger in her fathers eyes.
"So he's working overtime a Miller time shift." said sam
"Yeah dean. He'll stumble back sooner or later" Eliana added
"Dad's on a hunting trip. and he hasn't been home in a few days" said dean
"Hunting trip" Patrick asked
"Yeah " said Eliana
"Jess Excuse us" said sam going over to put on a coat and shoes.
PI will be right back" Said Eliana going over to get her coat and her slippers on.
She followed her brothers out the door. Then closed it.
"Come on. You can't just break in the middle of the night  and expect us to hit the road with you." Sam said well following Dean down the steps.
"You guys not hearing me guys" said Dean. "Dads's missing. I need Ellie and your help to find him"
"You remember the poltergeist in Amherst or the devil's gate in Clifton" Sam asked.
"Yeah Dean. He was missing then too. He's always missing and he's always fine." said Eliana
Dean stopped by the end of the stairs and turned around and said
"Not for this long. Now are you guys gonna come with me or not"
Eliana looked at dean then at Sam.
"I'm not" Sam said
"why not" Dean asked
"I Swore I was done hunting for good and so did Lia"  Sam said putting his arm around his twin.
"Come on it wasn't easy but it wasn't that bad." Dean said in his normal sassy tone.
"Yeah" Sam said  following dean to the door with Lia right behind him.
"When I told dad that Lia and I was scared of the thing in the closet" Sam said
"He gave us a .45." Lia finished him
"What was he suppose to do" Dean asked
"We were nine dean" Lia answered him "He was suppose to say "don't be afraid of the dark" She continued
"Don't be afraid of the dark" Dean said in a voice that had a little angry I it "Are you kidding me Ellie. You should be afraid you know what's out there. Both of you do"
"Still the way we grew up after mom was killed and dad's obsession to find the thing that killed her. But we still haven't found a damn thing. So we kill everything we can find" Sam said
"Save a lot of people doing it too" Dean said
"You think mom would have wanted this for us"  Sam asked
Dean didn't answer. He just angrily pushed  the gate to their apartment building. Eliana and Sam following Behind him.
"The weapon training and melting the sliver into bullets" Sam continued well following dean
Dean we were raised like warriors" Lia finished Sam
"You too still finish each others" Dean said. This was something Sam and Eliana had been doing for a long time. Always finishing each other sentences.
"Also what are you gonna live some normal, apple-pie life. Is that it" Dean continued well going to the back of the impala.
"No. Not Normal. Safe" Sam said back
"And that why you ran away. Taking are baby sister with you. She better off with all of us. Too keep her safe" Dean said in an angry tone. He was very protective of Sam for sure. But he was even more protective of Eliana.
"We were just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was gonna go I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing. Eliana came to be with me. That was her choice. I can also protect her" Sam said back too him.
"Dean also Sam is only 5 minutes older and I can protect myself"Eliana said in a annoyed voice.
"Yeah, well, Dad's in real trouble right now. If he's not dead already. I can feel it." Dean said. Sam looked at Eliana was looking at Dean then gave him the face saying what.
"I can't do this alone." Dean said looking down at the ground.
"Yes you can" sam said back at him.
"Yeah, well, I don't want to." Dean said leaning up against the impala.
Sam sighed and looked over at Eliana. She gave him a smile.
"What was he hunting" she asked Dean.
Dean looked at them. Then turned around too open the impala's trunk. Then opening up then the spare-tire compartment. Which is full of weapons. Dena then pops it open.
"All right, let's see, where the hell did I put that thing?" He said well digging through the trunk.
"So when Dad left, why didn't you go with him?" Sam asked Dean.
"I was working my own gig. This, uh, voodoo thing, down in New Orleans." Dean said still looking through the trunk.
"Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?" Eliana asked Dean.
Dean then looked up at Her "I am 26 Sweet pea"  Dean said then finding what he was looking for. He pulled out some papers from the folder. "All right, here we go. So Dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California. About a month ago, this guy." He said handing the paper too Sam. Sam held so both Eliana and him could read it. "They found his car, but he vanished. Completely MIA" Dean continued.
The paper read "Centennial Highway Disappearance" and it was dated Sept. 19th 2005; it has a man's picture, captioned "Andrew Carey MISSING". The twins finish reading it and glances up.
"So Maybe he was kidnapped" Eliana said
"Yeah. Well, here's another one in April." Dean said handing Eliana another paper.
"Another one in December 'oh-four, 'oh-three, 'ninety-eight, 'ninety-two, ten of them over the past twenty years" Dean says well taking the article form them and putting them back in the folder. "All men, all the same five-mile stretch of road." He said pulling out a bag.
"It started happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is bad enough." Dean said then grabbing old tape recorder. "Then I get this voicemail yesterday." He said. Then he presses play. The recording is staticky and the signal was clearly breaking up.
"Dean...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, Dean. We're all in danger."John voice said this gave Eliana chill she had not heard her dads voice in a long time. It felt weird.
"You know there's EVP on that?" Sam asked Dean
"Not bad, Sammy. Kinda like riding a bike, isn't it?" Dean asked in a cheerful yet sassy tone.
Sam just shook his head and Elian giggle just a little. Not that what Dean said was funny. She just likes how Dean haven't changed. "All right. I slowed the message down, I ran it through a gold wave, took out the hiss, and this is what I got." He says playing press again.
Over the tape recorder "I can never go home" it said
"Never go home" Sam and Eliana said at the same time. Dean laughed at this a little. Just like finishing each other's sentences. Sam and her talk at the same time sometimes.
Dean then put the tape recorder back. Put back the shot gun he had gotten out and then closed the trunk. Dean the leaned back on it.
"You know, in almost two years I've never bothered you too, never asked you guy for a thing." Dean said looking at Eliana and Sam.
Sam let out sigh and then looked at Eliana. She shook her head yes.
"All right. I'll go. I'll help you find him." Sam said. Dean nodded and looked at Eliana.
"I will too but Dean some rules" Eliana said
"What is the Sweet pea" Dean asked
"But we have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here." Eliana said Turing around to go back to the apartment. When Dean says
"What's Monday" Dean asked
"I have an interview"Sam said
"What, a job interview? Skip it." Dean said
"It's a law school interview" said Sam heading back.
"What about you Sweet-pea" Dean asked
" I have a dress fitting" Eliana said
"For what" Dean asked
"My wedding dress" Eliana said going back up to the apartment.
"I thought you were done hunting" Patrick asked Eliana.
"This is only for the weekend" Eliana said putting her family ring on. It was her mothers and she had gotten it. It had All three of the sidings birthstones.
"I don't like you hunting. I know how it can get dangerous" Patrick said. Patrick was also a hunter. But he left just like Eliana except his parents are very supportive. They met Eliana and they loved her. Patrick asked Eliana to marry him on their one year anniversary. Some people may have said it was quick, But they were in love, and that's all that really matter to them.
" you got everything got salt. How about your silver knife" ask Patrick as Eliana zipped her bag.
" yes, I have it all" said Eliana
" oh, you forgot your mothers hunting bracelet" said Patrick, handing Eliana, a charm bracelet, full of different words to keep off evil spirit.
" thanks Patrick I love you" Eliana said putting the bracelet on.
" I'm glad to see you wearing your engagement ring more since I got it size to fit your finger" Patrick said " also, I love you too. Be safe. No doing anything hard" he said pulling Eliana in for a kiss. Eliana kissed him back and then went to the door as she walked out she saw Jessica saying goodbye to Sam. Sam went out the door and Eliana walked up to Jessica.
"He'll be fine just I'll take care of him and make sure he's here on Monday night just in time for his interview" Eliana said
" I hope everything goes well" Jess said pulling Eliana into a hug. Eliana hug back and then went out to join Sam and Dean in the car.
Little did Sam and Eliana know that was the last time they would see their partners.
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wolviecore · 3 years
Archie Andrews doesn't know a lot.
Usually, he's too busy sprinting carelessly through the playground, steal Betty's dolls so she'd chase afer him, and play video games with Jug, his second favorite person in the world, safe for his dad, to think about anything else.
But if there's three facts he knows by heart, had to recite them in any situation, without a pause, they'd be these ones:
Archie loves Reggie Mantle
Archie loves Veronica Lodge
Sweet Pea, the Southside kid who used to sneak past the tracks just to play around with them, hated Archie's guts since 1st grade.
The bonus fact, and Archie's pretty proud of himself for remembering, is that he started hating Jug as well.
No one knows when it happened or how, - at least Archie doesn't, - but they all agree the change of pace was weird as hell.
Sweet Pea went from latching on to Jug, carrying his raggedy, hard to come by toys around like they were precious treasures and not slightly used things Archie, Cheryl or Betty didn't want anymore.
Holding his hand tightly like Jug might run off, and scaring off the kids off swings so Jug could play more, to spitting angry words, stomping on his sand castles, and avoiding Jug when he wasn't bothering him in some way, until Sweet Pea's friendlier friends told him to knock it off.
" Now, I may not be good at math,'' Archie declares, holding the french fry he stole from Betty's tray (that earned him a face full of greenbeans), wielding it like a detective holding a cigarette while explaining a case. " But I know when shit doesn't add up."
Cheryl, as always, is exasperatedly fond at his antics. " Don't you think dwelling on the affairs of the past might warrant you some issues with the future?"
Betty hums in agreement. " Yeah, I mean, it's still weird, but... It's been years? Sweet Pea's an asshole, sure, but at least we won't have to deal with him in high school. Plus, you hated the guy right back."
Archie wants to say he still hates the guy. Has hated him since he snatched off the flower crown Archie gifted Jug and trampled it under his boots, not caring that Jug cried about it.
Contrary to popular belief, Archie's not a saint. He holds grudges and holds them long when he or his friends are wronged. Once its fuck you? It's fuck you.
But he knows better than to voice it because Jug gets unreasonably upset when they shit talk Sweet Pea.
" But you can forgive Reggie?"
" See, Reggie apologized, " Archie defended his boyfriend, because of course he did. 17 is a bit early to be an overprotective husband, but he wears the role well. " He was a jerk, but now he's hanging with us. He's changed. He's co-president of the Jughead Jones Protection Squad."
"... I thought I was co-president." Cheryl scowled, as if she's been betrayed terribly. " And if we're granting Reginald pardons, I demand that pink smurf gets one as well."
Everyone groans. Cheryl talking about Toni. She hasn't stopped mentioning the petite serpent since they were 7 and Cheryl boldly stated no one was to claim "her annoying wife".
Veronica watches Archie warmly, gently amused, and Archie wants to whine. He's a scary football player, not the adorable angry people she's most definitely envisioning right now. " If legs don't walk, we can't move forward, Archiekins. "
Whatever. At least they won't have to see Sweet Pea anymore.
"God fucking hates me," Archie grunts, watching serpent blacks and greens stride through the halls. Completely ignoring Ronnie's welcoming table too!
Sweet Pea stops to look at Jug, still a head smaller than every boy in class, maybe Cheryl as well, storing books into his locker then messing them up to organize them, a filsmy excuse, and watches.
"...He looks like he's about to cry, and I'm so uncomfortable. "
" God. I've heard about eye sex, but love making eye contact? That's new."
" Everybody shut the fuck up," Archie hisses, ignoring the simmering desire to walk up on that giant asshole and deck him across the mouth. " It's just two guys hating one another. "
Reggie rests his elbow on Archie's shoulder, shrugging one of his own. " I don't know, pumpkin, maybe you're right, but...People that hate eachother don't look at one another like that."
Reggie is amazing but he isn't helping. Not one bit. They're not going to help keeping Sweet Pea off Jughead, and thats clear. No matter. Archie's just gonna do it on his own.
He corners Sweet Pea and Fangs after basketball practice. They both look equally displeased with seeing eachother again, him and Sweet Pea, twin contempt glowering viscerally and promising a lot of pain at one wrong move.
"Alright, you Danny Zuko reject, listen up and listen well, cause I'm not saying it twice. Stay. Away. From Jug. You tormented him enough."
" Oh, and who's gonna keep me away, huh? You? Big, bad bulldog protecting his boyfriend," Sweet Pea spits on that word, with all the spite and venom in the world, letters hissed through his bared teeth, like it pains him to even say it. " So sweet. I think I'm gonna throw up."
"... What in the fresh and old fuck are you talking about?"
Sweet Pea pauses. " What are you talking about?"
"Jug isn't my boyfriend. Ew. But if he WAS, then what's your issue, huh? You homophobic or something? Damn, I knew you were trash, but I didn't know you were the whole damn junkyard-"
" GOSH," Fangs throws his hands in the air, positively done with both their shit. " He's NOT homophobic, just dumber than a rock. A trait you have a in common. God, just- remember when we were 7? And you asked Jug to kiss you on the mouth? So you could compare it with Reggie?"
"... Yes."
" You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
" I do, just," Archie shuffles on his feet, trying not to become bone white in the face, like Sweet Pea currently is. " Wanna see...If you know."
Fangs huffed, looking like he'd rather be anywhere but there. " See, Pea, I told-" they both blink, staring at the thin air Sweet Pea left behind, then continue to stare at him run down the hall, 'Baby? Baby?!' Panicked in his mouth.
Later, when Archie numbly helps Reggie and Ronnie through his bedroom window, laying between them on the bed, he has a long stare off with the ceiling. "...I may be stupid."
He leaves it at that, and they laugh at him, and Archie smiles wide.
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taka-oneokrock · 7 years
(Masato to Aeri: Cute Botanical Asks) bell flower,calla lily,lavender,love in a mist,waxflower,sunflower,sweet pea,bloom,september flower,dandelion
bell flower: what’s the title of the song that makes you want to jump around out of joy?
A song that will always make me jump around is Happy by Pharrell Willams
calla lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening?
I’m more of a sunny day.
lavender: what is something that you’ve always wanted to be/have/get but can never have?
Finding my soulmate and I thought I would never find him. But then you came into my life.
love in a mist: what is the latest dream that you remember?
My latest dream was about Mochi and I going to one of your concerts and we were actually the only fans there.
waxflower: are you a bee or a butterfly person? a dog or a cat person?
I would say I’m more of a butterfly person because they’re so pretty. And I’m both a cat and a dog person.
sunflower: would you like to be a fairy or a mermaid?
If I’ve to pick one I will go with a fairy. I wanna have pretty wings.
sweet pea: what would you like to call your significant other?
Smurf knight
bloom: what is something that you would like to tell your children?
Always be proud of how you are and always stay true to yourself. And never forget you’re wonderful inside and out and that you’re loved.   
september flower: are you more of a sunshine or sunset person?
I’m more of a sunshine person.
dandelion: any special talent that you have?
I can tame a big boy.
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tecronet · 5 years
Christina Ricci Net Worth 2020
Christina Ricci Net Worth Well, write up on Christina Ricci Net Worth 2020, the net worth of Christina Ricci. She has become famous and rich because of her successful career as an actress. The actress was born in 1980 in Santa Monica, California. Christina Ricci was a student at New York City’s Professional Children’s School Net worth$18 MillionProfessionActor, Spokesperson, Voice ActorSalary$125,000 per episodeDate of birth12th February 1980Age39 years 9 months 20 daysHeight1.55m or 155cmHusbandJames HeerdegenFatherRalph RicciMotherSarahSister1Brother2ReligionChristianResidenceBrooklyn in New York CityChildren1NationalityAmericanLast Updated:2020Zodiac signAquarius Christina Ricci Career
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At 8 years by local theatre critic, she was discovered when starred into “the twelve days of Christmas” production. However, another one was cast originally but she devised a plan for securing the role. She debuted in film “mermaid” in 1990 as kate, Cher’s character youngest daughter. Also, she appeared in “the shoop song” with co-star Winona Ryder. She too starred as Wednesday Addams a morbidly precocious girl, in “the Addams family”. Live adaption Casper was the 1st leading role of her. She is “bastard out of Carolina” had a supporting role. Christina Ricci Personal Life She listed in different art publications of artist Mark Ryden muse. Ricci’s image had appeared in different sketches and oil paintings. She on her body had 8 tattoos. On her right shoulder, she had a lion, Edward gory figure insider her right wrist, name jack on the right thigh, pair of praying hands on left hip, a mermaid on the left ankle. Also, she had words bleed or move on rib cage left side and a sweet peas bouquet on the lower back.
Christina Ricci Net Worth
Christina Ricci net worth estimated of her is $18 Million. As an admired American actress, she charges a sum of $125000 for every single episode. According to the rumours, she earned more than $1 million in the role in ‘Prozac Nation’ Read: Top 10 Most Successful Korean Actress 2020 Christina Ricci Filmography She appeared in many films like Mermaids (1990), The Addams Family (1991), The Cemetry Club (1993), Addams family values (1993), Now and Then (1995), Casper (1995), Bastard out of Carolina (1996), Red Little Riding Hood (1997), The Ice Storm (1997), Buffalo 66 (1998), Small Soldiers (1998), Desert Blue (1998), 200 Cigarettes (1999), No Vacancy (1999), Bless the Child (2000), Miranda (2002), I Love Your Work (2003), Cursed (2005), Penelope (2005), Escaping the madhouse (2019), Distorted (2018), The Smurfs 2(2013) etc. Christina Ricci Awards and Nominations She won many awards for various titles in her career life such as Best young actress supporting role in a motion picture, best-supporting actress, Best performance by a younger actor, SIFF awards for best actress, best supporting actress, best performance by a young actress in a drama film, favourite supporting actress-suspense. She was nominated for various titles like Film-choice actress, the best female lead, the best performance in a feature film-leading young actress, the funniest actress in a motion picture, Choice movie awards- action-adventure, etc. Christina Ricci Bio Christina Ricci born on 12 February 1980 is a popular actress and the youngest child of 4 children’s parents. She is of Scot- Irish, Italian and Irish. She at 9 years of age debuted in Mermaids; she worked as Cher and Winona Ryder. Christina Ricci burst through an adult role in “The Ice Storm”. She worked with Casper van Dien and Johnny Depp in Sleepy Hollow. Her parents got divorced after she has filmed into Addams Family Values and since then she hasn’t commuted with her dad. She by her siblings nicknamed Squant due to her childhood fascination. She never has studied acting formally. She suffered from anorexia when she was in her teenage.
Christina Ricci Birthday
She was born on 12th February 1980.
Christina Ricci Born
Her date of birth is 1980 12th February and in Santa Monica, California in the U.S.
Christina Ricci age
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As she was born on 12th February 1980 so hr age at present will be 39 years 9 months 20 days.
Christina Ricci height
The height of Christina Ricci is 1.55m or 155cm.
Christina Ricci husband
She in the year 2013 got married to James Heerdegen.
Christina Ricci children
She with her husband has one child named Freddie Heerdegen. Christina Ricci father Her father is Ralph Ricci, works as various professions like lawyer, therapist, gym trainer, drug counsellor. Christina Ricci mother Her mother is Sarah. She during 1960 worked as the ford agency model. Christina Ricci siblings Her siblings are Rafael Ricci her older brother, Pia Ricci her older sister, Dante Ricci her older brother. Christina Ricci education She went to many schools from the beginning of her career like Montclair high school, Edgemont Elementary school, Glenfield Middle School and lastly Morristown beard school. Later on, professional children’s school was attended by her. Christina Ricci eyes In this case, Christina Ricci was ideal for Penelope. The feature wears a scarf in parts of the films. Her eyes are the amazing eyes in Hollywood and are literally an animated Penelope. Christina Ricci earning a source TV series and filmography is the source from which she earns the income. The net worth estimated of her is $18 Million. As an admired American actress, she charges a sum of $125000 for every single episode. According to the rumours, she earned more than $1 million in the role in ‘Prozac Nation’. In addition to that, it is believed that for the role in Miranda about $5 million was paid to her. Christina Ricci house and residence Christina Ricci and her husband James Heerdegen bought their home in Brooklyn in New York City. The home that they bought is costing $1.995 million approximately. The size of their home is about 2205 square feet. Their home is having 3 to 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Christina Ricci religion Her religion is Christian and her nationality is American. Christina Ricci boyfriend Christina Ricci tied up a knot with her longtime boyfriend. The boyfriend is James Heerdegen. They both exchanged vows in the intimate ceremony that was held at Manhattan Harold pratt house and Peterson hall. Both met on ABC 2011-2012 PanAm series and had announced the engagement in February. Christina Ricci best movies Christina Ricci who has turned to 39 had done many movies and some best one are Casper (1995), Penelope (2006), The Lizzie Borden Chronicles (2015), Mermaids (1990), The Addams Family (1991), Pecker (1998), Black Snake Moan (2006), Addams family values (1993), The opposite of sex (1998), Sleepy Hollow (1999), Monster (2003), Buffalo 66 (1998), The Ice Storm (1997). Read: Shakira Net Worth  Christina Ricci zodiac sign According to her date of birth 12th February 1980, her zodiac sign is Aquarius. Christina Ricci friends Her best friend is Gaby Hoffmann an actress. Q: How old was Christina Ricci in Casper? Christina Ricci was just 15 when she starred in a friendly ghost movie named “Casper” as character Katherine Harvey. Christina Ricci's net worth is estimated to be $18 million as of 2020. She is a popular American actress and charges $125,000 per episode  for her role in Television series 'Pan Am’ Read the full article
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tecronet · 5 years
Christina Ricci Net Worth 2020
Christina Ricci Net Worth Well, write up on Christina Ricci Net Worth 2020, the net worth of Christina Ricci. She has become famous and rich because of her successful career as an actress. The actress was born in 1980 in Santa Monica, California. Christina Ricci was a student at New York City’s Professional Children’s School Net worth$18 MillionProfessionActor, Spokesperson, Voice ActorSalary$125,000 per episodeDate of birth12th February 1980Age39 years 9 months 20 daysHeight1.55m or 155cmHusbandJames HeerdegenFatherRalph RicciMotherSarahSister1Brother2ReligionChristianResidenceBrooklyn in New York CityChildren1NationalityAmericanLast Updated:2020Zodiac signAquarius Christina Ricci Career
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At 8 years by local theatre critic, she was discovered when starred into “the twelve days of Christmas” production. However, another one was cast originally but she devised a plan for securing the role. She debuted in film “mermaid” in 1990 as kate, Cher’s character youngest daughter. Also, she appeared in “the shoop song” with co-star Winona Ryder. She too starred as Wednesday Addams a morbidly precocious girl, in “the Addams family”. Live adaption Casper was the 1st leading role of her. She is “bastard out of Carolina” had a supporting role. Christina Ricci Personal Life She listed in different art publications of artist Mark Ryden muse. Ricci’s image had appeared in different sketches and oil paintings. She on her body had 8 tattoos. On her right shoulder, she had a lion, Edward gory figure insider her right wrist, name jack on the right thigh, pair of praying hands on left hip, a mermaid on the left ankle. Also, she had words bleed or move on rib cage left side and a sweet peas bouquet on the lower back.
Christina Ricci Net Worth
Christina Ricci net worth estimated of her is $18 Million. As an admired American actress, she charges a sum of $125000 for every single episode. According to the rumours, she earned more than $1 million in the role in ‘Prozac Nation’ Read: Top 10 Most Successful Korean Actress 2020 Christina Ricci Filmography She appeared in many films like Mermaids (1990), The Addams Family (1991), The Cemetry Club (1993), Addams family values (1993), Now and Then (1995), Casper (1995), Bastard out of Carolina (1996), Red Little Riding Hood (1997), The Ice Storm (1997), Buffalo 66 (1998), Small Soldiers (1998), Desert Blue (1998), 200 Cigarettes (1999), No Vacancy (1999), Bless the Child (2000), Miranda (2002), I Love Your Work (2003), Cursed (2005), Penelope (2005), Escaping the madhouse (2019), Distorted (2018), The Smurfs 2(2013) etc. Christina Ricci Awards and Nominations She won many awards for various titles in her career life such as Best young actress supporting role in a motion picture, best-supporting actress, Best performance by a younger actor, SIFF awards for best actress, best supporting actress, best performance by a young actress in a drama film, favourite supporting actress-suspense. She was nominated for various titles like Film-choice actress, the best female lead, the best performance in a feature film-leading young actress, the funniest actress in a motion picture, Choice movie awards- action-adventure, etc. Christina Ricci Bio Christina Ricci born on 12 February 1980 is a popular actress and the youngest child of 4 children’s parents. She is of Scot- Irish, Italian and Irish. She at 9 years of age debuted in Mermaids; she worked as Cher and Winona Ryder. Christina Ricci burst through an adult role in “The Ice Storm”. She worked with Casper van Dien and Johnny Depp in Sleepy Hollow. Her parents got divorced after she has filmed into Addams Family Values and since then she hasn’t commuted with her dad. She by her siblings nicknamed Squant due to her childhood fascination. She never has studied acting formally. She suffered from anorexia when she was in her teenage.
Christina Ricci Birthday
She was born on 12th February 1980.
Christina Ricci Born
Her date of birth is 1980 12th February and in Santa Monica, California in the U.S.
Christina Ricci age
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As she was born on 12th February 1980 so hr age at present will be 39 years 9 months 20 days.
Christina Ricci height
The height of Christina Ricci is 1.55m or 155cm.
Christina Ricci husband
She in the year 2013 got married to James Heerdegen.
Christina Ricci children
She with her husband has one child named Freddie Heerdegen. Christina Ricci father Her father is Ralph Ricci, works as various professions like lawyer, therapist, gym trainer, drug counsellor. Christina Ricci mother Her mother is Sarah. She during 1960 worked as the ford agency model. Christina Ricci siblings Her siblings are Rafael Ricci her older brother, Pia Ricci her older sister, Dante Ricci her older brother. Christina Ricci education She went to many schools from the beginning of her career like Montclair high school, Edgemont Elementary school, Glenfield Middle School and lastly Morristown beard school. Later on, professional children’s school was attended by her. Christina Ricci eyes In this case, Christina Ricci was ideal for Penelope. The feature wears a scarf in parts of the films. Her eyes are the amazing eyes in Hollywood and are literally an animated Penelope. Christina Ricci earning a source TV series and filmography is the source from which she earns the income. The net worth estimated of her is $18 Million. As an admired American actress, she charges a sum of $125000 for every single episode. According to the rumours, she earned more than $1 million in the role in ‘Prozac Nation’. In addition to that, it is believed that for the role in Miranda about $5 million was paid to her. Christina Ricci house and residence Christina Ricci and her husband James Heerdegen bought their home in Brooklyn in New York City. The home that they bought is costing $1.995 million approximately. The size of their home is about 2205 square feet. Their home is having 3 to 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Christina Ricci religion Her religion is Christian and her nationality is American. Christina Ricci boyfriend Christina Ricci tied up a knot with her longtime boyfriend. The boyfriend is James Heerdegen. They both exchanged vows in the intimate ceremony that was held at Manhattan Harold pratt house and Peterson hall. Both met on ABC 2011-2012 PanAm series and had announced the engagement in February. Christina Ricci best movies Christina Ricci who has turned to 39 had done many movies and some best one are Casper (1995), Penelope (2006), The Lizzie Borden Chronicles (2015), Mermaids (1990), The Addams Family (1991), Pecker (1998), Black Snake Moan (2006), Addams family values (1993), The opposite of sex (1998), Sleepy Hollow (1999), Monster (2003), Buffalo 66 (1998), The Ice Storm (1997). Read: Shakira Net Worth  Christina Ricci zodiac sign According to her date of birth 12th February 1980, her zodiac sign is Aquarius. Christina Ricci friends Her best friend is Gaby Hoffmann an actress. Q: How old was Christina Ricci in Casper? Christina Ricci was just 15 when she starred in a friendly ghost movie named “Casper” as character Katherine Harvey. Christina Ricci's net worth is estimated to be $18 million as of 2020. She is a popular American actress and charges $125,000 per episode  for her role in Television series 'Pan Am’ Read the full article
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