#Smart Pest Services
smartpestservices · 10 months
Choosing Commercial Pest Control for Food Processing: Manager's Guide
Commercial pest control services safeguard businesses from infestations, offering tailored solutions to eliminate and prevent pests. Expert technicians employ advanced techniques, ensuring a pest-free environment for sustained productivity.
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smartcitycare91 · 7 months
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dollcherray · 5 months
Greetings!! Humbly requesting for Yandere!Miss Grace headcanons, if I may?
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Yandere Miss Grace x Reader
A/N: yup, same reason as the yandere Mister Demi, you are a teacher in this, i hc the principal to be like the teachers for very obvious reasons.
TW: Yandere topics, killing mentions, manipulation, isolation, kidnapping mentions (it doesnt actually occurs tho), guilt tripping, remember: this is not normal nor healthy always stay way from individuals who act like this.
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୨୧ Miss Grace is probably the 2nd worst person to have as a yandere in that whole school... since she's the principal and has full control of the school, including the teachers of course.
୨୧ You would probably catch Miss Grace's attention if you were hard working and probably cold hearted towards the students or were just insanely unlucky and it was love at first sight.
୨୧ Miss Grace right off the bat would be really controlling since the day you two start to be close, if you get too close to any of the teachers, the teacher would either disappear or avoid you suddenly.
୨୧ She doesnt wanna take any risks of you possibly falling in love with someone or someone falling in love with you, it would be too much trouble to get rid of pests like that (in her words)
୨୧ if someone does fall in love with you or you fall in love with someone, she would go off her way to get rid of them, maybe not herself, but she will eventually get rid of them sooner or later.
୨୧ Miss Grace wouldnt be really touchy or something like that, so i think her love language would be quality time or acts of service, she wants to show you that even though she is the principal of a murder school she can be a tad decent.
୨୧ Miss Grace is possessive, dangerous, obsessive and manipulative, she would often manipulate you into staying more with her than the others, like Oliver but in a way that you dont really notice.
୨୧ You cant leave, even if you tried, you wouldnt be able to, she would have no problem in threatening you or potentially harming you, psychologically or physically, doesnt matter, she will teach a lesson if needed to, but you wouldnt try to leave her, right? :)
୨୧ How to avoid her brutal and cold side? obey her, give your attention and affection only to her and no one else and you'll get to see her soft side, she may look tough but she will give you affection if you give her affection first.
୨୧ She has favoritism with you and doesnt hide it, not a bit, even if you ask her if she has favoritism with you she would straight up say "yes", thats another way of her showing her love for you, isnt that good?
୨୧ i dont think she would go out of her way to kidnap you or something, she already has you trapped with her in school, thats already enough to her, so dont worry, you still have your privacy privileges.
୨୧ If you try to confront her about her obsessive behavior towards you, she will have no problem in manipulating you and using the guilt tripping card too, saying that she does that to protect you and because she loves you very much, and its works most of the time, she is a very smart woman, after all, if she wasnt smart she wouldnt be the principal now, would she?
୨୧ “They'll never love you like i do.”
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scozthewoz · 18 days
mercs as cat breeds + kitty merc headcanons
inspired by/in collaboration with @joonliebe (i changed a few of them sorry pookie 💔)
kitty headcanons are from my cat fortress AU where all the mercs are cats that are foster fails because nobody wants those motherfuckers and now miss pauling is stuck with them all
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spy ▪︎ persian - fancy and high maintenance. the signature bond villain cat
likes to be alone. needs to be taken to the groomer once a week or he gets pissed off and starts tearing up the couch. he has a very strict schedule and if his terms are not followed he throws a tantrum. he also sneaks out of the house and dissapears frequently. a dick to the rest of the cats, except scout for some reason.
heavy ▪︎ siberian - big boys with big coats, comes from siberia
the most well behaved cat there. scarred up and scary looking from his time in the pound, but he's suprisingly very quiet and peaceful. naturally chunky and big boned. miss pauling's favorite. he's a bonded pair with medic, they can normally be found grooming each other. he tends to wrangle scout when he's being too much, he doesn't like to see miss pauling stressed.
pyro ▪︎ sphynx - just a weird lookin thing. also an affectionate and energetic breed that likes to wreak havoc
peculiar little intersex kitty covered in burns, owners died in a house fire (that she may or may not have caused). both eyes are gone, but she navigates just fine. knows how to turn the stove on and has set multiple small fires. miss pauling puts him in cute little sweaters since he doesn't have any fur to keep him warm.
sniper ▪︎ savannah - hybrid of a house cat and a wild serval
very solitary, like spy, but not hostile to the others. owners were an old couple that died and it shook up the already shy cat. miss pauling doesn't need to feed him like the others since he sneaks out and hunts his own meals. almost completely silent unless he's sitting at the window and chirping at birds. evident dislike for spy. quiet and low maintenence so not a huge headache, but he tracks mud in the house. he's very skittish too, runs off or hides whenever there's company.
medic ▪︎ turkish angora - graceful. very majestic. cunty, even
on paper, he seems like a very good cat! he's an ex-service animal that still carries out some service tasks, like deep pressure therapy when miss pauling is getting anxious or retrieving stuff. only problem is that he loves bringing dead things inside, and he goes out of his way to rip it to shreds and get blood and guts ALL over the house. he also has a temper issue, and he needs little kitty glasses because his eyesight is shit.
engineer ▪︎ munchkin - haha short legs!! oh yeah, and they're pretty smart
used to be a workshop cat around for pest control, lost a leg in an accident. workshop guys gave him a kitty sized hardhat he gets very upset without. he's got a hard time jumping up on stuff since he not only has short legs, but he's got a prosthetic one too, so miss pauling made him a few kitty staircases up to his favorite spots. he likes stealing tools from neighbors and and scrap metal from outside and stashes them under the couch.
demoman ▪︎ scottish fold - scottish, prone to eye problems
missing an eye and has some singed fur from teens with fireworks. little kitty eyepatch. he frequently gets into the bailey's irish cream miss pauling keeps on top of the fridge and has to be brought to the vet for liver issues at least once a month.
soldier ▪︎ ragdoll - developed in america !!🇺🇸 tend to rough house when playing and are very vocal
used to belong to a war veteran, then became a stray after he died. clipped ear. his body's kept shaved because of scarring and matting issues, so he's got furry boots and a puffball tail, but the fur on his noggin covers his eyes. he frequently bothers the others. a big sweetheart for miss pauling, but agressive with anyone else. likes fetch. dog in a cat body.
scout ▪︎ siamese - the extroverts of the cat world, very energetic and chatty, also very clever.
his ma and brothers are all siamese, but he's got an oddly fluffy tail like a persian.. he's a big fan of miss pauling, never leaves her alone. gets pissy and scratches the curtains or breaks a glass when she's giving one of the other cats too much attention. wayyy too clingly and always causing some sort of trouble or getting into places he shouldn't. he also meows CONSTANTLY.
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amurih · 5 months
Fuck it ima put it out anyway.
COTL AU where instead of staying in the cult Narinder leaves and builds his own little plot of land that becomes a rare occurrence you find while crusading through the different biomes post game.
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Like it starts off when the lamb like spares Narinder and he’s like sent to the cult. And is in such a state of shock and bewilderment of what just happened that he doesn’t really know that the lamb is setting up their wedding until he’s at the alter. And he just SNAPS. To trade one prison for another? And to be stuck with the same being that not only took your crown, but your title as the god of death as your jailer? No thank you. Proceeds to walk out while the service is still going.
(I’m not the kind of person to think that he would be murdering or plotting to kill the lamb at every turn or possibly. No I would think that Narinder is smart enough to realize that he cannot fight the lamb in the condition that he is reduced to.)
Anyway, I want Narinder to experience life post-godhood by himself outside the cult. Maybe progressing over time you see how his plot of land develops into a pretty nice home for himself complete with a garden and an actual building/house. Not a hut, but an actual house.
All the while the lamb is going through it. It’s normal game play like one would post Narinder fight. Lore, upgrades, reviving the bishops, mystic seller, etc. All the while experiencing the highs and lows of ascension. I think the lamb would ask the other bishops once they get indoctrinated of how they went through their ascensions went. Only they would tell them that each went through theirs differently, so in the end it wasn’t really helpful.
So going through a process that you have no idea how to get through and the only person who does has fuck off into the land and hates your guts. Really fucking sucks man. So they try to “catch” Narinder while out crusading. Only they don’t find him physically, they find his place of residence while he is away.
I thought of a way to incorporate the quests that Narinder gives you when he is usually established in the cult. Could still be used: like there’s a book left on a table where you could peak in and see what’s going on with the cat that is currently away from his house.
“ I should head to Darkwoods and see if I can find more materials to build that fence and make more paper. Moving materials from one abandon home stead to this place has been challenging enough. My arms hurt after years of being bound to one position for so long...I wonder if camellias still bloom there now that Leshy is gone? If not I’ll have to develop a new alternative for this persistent strain and sharp pains I keep having. Got to get these walls up before it starts raining.”
“Bah! There’s not enough food at the last abandoned settlement let alone seeds. It’ll take long of a walk all the way to smuggler’s cove just to see if that sea louse got any thing. And it hasn’t been that long since the depletion of fish at pilgrim’s passage. I would have just stuck to what vegetables and berries I’ve got growing, but some animal or heratic keeps getting into my garden and stealing my food!when I find the person or thing that is stealing from me I’m going to make them into my fertilizer. In the meantime I should look into Anura and see if those foul mushrooms are still there. If I remember they are just as foul as Hecket when she would screamed about being hungry during dinner…Those should hold me over until I get this unwanted pest under control.”
“The wind and rain coming in through the holes on the side of the house that I use to see if any heretics come to kill me, has gotten too much. I’m tired of having to clean up the puddles of water that enters the home. And the curtains don’t do much in terms of trying to block both of these elements.That stupid squid Kallamar doesn’t need his crystals now that he’s gone. It didn’t help him when trying to hide from me. I’ll go to Anchordeep tomorrow and get some to make crystal windows. They sure would make it more beautiful than their temple…”
“Finally the loom is ready. It’s been a such a long time since I had decent robes. It’s easy to find cotton, but what I really want is a nice, soft, silk robe. One that doesn’t rub against these scars preferably. I miss the old one Shamura they made with their silk. But, that one got destroyed in the fight with that damn vessel. Maybe there is some in Silk Cradle. ”
(I’ll come back to this when I flesh it out more via work time daydreams)
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alexa-fika · 8 months
Rise of the Usurper (Doflamingo x gn!pigeon!reader)
A/N This is Doflamingo’s version of the messenger pigeon!reader that I wrote for Crocodile, I think crocodile’s makes me more fuzzy inside,maybe cause Doflamingo has 0 redemption and is a complete utter ass, but idk what do y’all think? We likey? We getting the fuzzy feels?
Dividers by @/saradika
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” Fufufu~ Just the person I was waiting for,” Doflamingo cackles in his usual lax pose, leaning back on the throne, legs crossed and head leaning on his hand.
His smile widens as they struggle against his subordinates as he gestures them to leave the Reader and him alone
“What the hell do you want” They growl rubbing their arms as his crew-mates finally release them
“Oh the little birdy has claws~” He tilts his head.
“All I want to know is, Where were you going, fufu? I send you to do some deliveries, and next, I know you’re trying to leave Dressrosa?”
“I don’t work for you; I work for the King of Dressrosa, and that definitely is not you.”
“Oh, is that right? And where is this king now?”
“I don’t know what you did to him, but I know you were behind it; there is no way the king would do those things. He loves this kingdom and its people, and there is no way someone like you would just ‘pass by’ and happen to save the day.”
The smile on Doflamingo’s face starts to turn a little twisted
“So, the pigeon has some brains to back them up. Too bad; you’re in my land now, my territory now. You should watch that little tongue. I won’t have it insulting me like that”.
“I’ll admit you’re an interesting little creature. But you should be careful, little pigeon. What you are saying about me is a real offense. I’ve killed for much less.”
“Like you killed King Riku?”
In the blink of an eye, they are quickly enveloped by Doflamingo’s strings, their struggles against them seemingly futile.
“Fuffuffuffu ~ You’re quite the little pest; I knew I liked you. But What you know could damage the image I’m projecting. Why don’t you be a nice bird and just do as you’re told, deliver what I tell you, and keep your mouth shut?”
“Like hell, I will!”
Doflamingo lets out a dry laugh
“Ah~ You are a feisty little one, aren’t you, Fufufu~”
The strings are slowly tightening up around them. Doflamingo smiles once more.
“If you’re the smart little birdy you’ve been trying to present yourself as you’ll see the merit in my suggestion.”
“I work for the Riku family. Not you.”
“The Riku family is nothing more than dirt on my shoe right now. Their King is dethroned and gone by my hand.”
“So, as I said, you can either keep your mouth shut and deliver what I want you to or…you wouldn’t want to become a flightless bird, would you? Fufufufufu~…” He laughs
Their eyes widen as they feel the unmistakable feeling of something wrapping around the base of their wings, and immediately move to shake it off
“Fufufufu…What do you choose? Keep your mouth shut and continue your service to me, the King, or lose them?“ he says as the strings slowly tighten
“Better decide quick; my strings are more than capable of slicing through those wings of yours.”
Doflamingo raises a brow as the strings retract.
“Hm? You decided to shut up and listen to your king?”He giggles mockingly
They glare at him
“You are not a kind, much less my king,” they growl
His smirk just grows at the comment as he motions the strings to return and slowly, once more, coil around the base of their wings
“I am a king because I took it by force; I am kind to those who swear their allegiance to me. So, one more time. Will you listen to your king and stop talking back?”
“I’ll continue working as the Royal Mail, but you can go to hell if you think I'll acknowledge you as a king; you are simply a usurper.”
There is a beat of silence before Doflamingo laughs
“Oh, you really are something,” he says.
“You think I care about your little petty words? I rule this country; people here acknowledge me as king, and I am the rightful ruler; you can tell yourself whatever lies you want in your little bird head of yours, but at the end of the day, you’re just going to be a mail pigeon, and I’m the one sitting on the throne. Fufufufu,” he laughs, releasing the strings enveloping all around their body
“Now come here,” he said, calling them closer to the throne
They stand their ground, glaring at the man sitting on the throne
He raises a brow, and his smirk returns.
“You know how this will end; how about you save yourself the trouble and come up
They grit their teeth, knowing that if they continue to stand their ground, he would
Simply puppeteer them towards him, so they decided to at the least make their advance with them controlling their own limbs, climbing up the stairs, and standing in front of him
He smiles.
“Ah~ There you go, fufu. I knew my birdy had some brains. Now kneel down.”
“Like hell, I will.”
“I’ll ask one more time nicely; if you don’t, then I’ll force you.”
“Do it then.”
His smile widens once more as he raises a hand, summoning his strings again. The strings once more wrap around their body.
They grunt as the strings pull them down, effectively putting them into a kneeling position in front of the man, a whine escaping them as they feel him clasp something at the base of both wings, furiously beating their wings to try to get rid of the intrusive pain
“ What are you doing?!”
Doflamingo laughs at the pain he is inflicting on Reader as they desperately try to break free
“I’m taking some precautions. You are a key factor for helping me take this country to supremacy, But that doesn’t mean you get to try and run away.”
“What did you do?”
“I put bomb collars at the base of your wings; this way, you’ll stay nice and obedient for me; keep that mouth shut about what you know, or lose the wings you so treasure,” he said, releasing the strings and allowing them to get up
“You miserable piec-
His smirk widens as he places his hand on their mouth
“Hm? Fufu…you’re getting noisy again,” he laughed.
“I hate to say it, but it looks like your life as you knew it is over; now you’ll work for me. For the rest of your time, you are my little delivery bird, both personal and royal.”
“You won’t get away with this.”
Doflamingo laughs
“It looks like I already did. You’re nothing more than a little messenger, a servant for me now.” he laughs
“A servant who knows too much and will keep their mouth. But don’t worry, little bird, your life isn’t over. I still have a lot of use for you. You’re pretty popular with the people, and I have a little plan that will put you in the limelight even more. So let’s see, I have some mail that I want to be delivered; why don’t you do that first, my servant.”
“Yes, they know me, so they will believe me when I tell them what you did,” they say, slapping away his hand.
“You underestimate the hold I have on my subjects; they just saw me save them from a tyrannical and raging king. You’ll be known as a messenger who is loyal to the crown, and in due time, they will love you for just that. Your words are as meaningless as a bird chirp. You’re a smart little birdy, but you forgot one crucial thing: I’m the king, and I run this country. No one will believe you.” He taunts them
“And after they ignore your pleas as you try to tell them what you saw, I'll just drag you back, and I'll blow those little wings off you, and you'll find out how kind I truly am being right now, so be smart and keep your mouth shut.”
They grit their teeth, knowing that as much as they hated him, as big as an usurper as he was, he wasn’t wrong; the citizens all believed him to be a hero, a bystander who had saved them for no reason other than to help the people.
He smiled; the pigeon was finally getting the picture that they had no chance; they were no match for the new king of Dressrosa.
“Good little birdy, now get out my sight; you have some mail to deliver.”
“You will one day regret this; pay for this; I will make sure of it.” They said, spreading their wings and turning around
Doflamingo bursts out laughing.
“I’m sure you will, little birdy, I’m sure you will. But for now, your role is to do what I say and nothing more, and like I said, I have lots of plans for you.”
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So? Thoughts? Opinions? How did out resident asshole made you feel? Should I make a part two for this one as well? Should I do this series with someone else too? Im also working or part three for Crocodile’s right now, right after I finish and post a wholesome piece I will get to editing that one 👀, gotta level the feels.
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bruh-anator3000 · 1 year
A/n: *pushes rock I live under over and peeks out of the black abyss* Hey, have you guys seen a Car Wash Miguel fic anywhere? I don't know what happened to it but it's no longer here. Might've escaped... anyways, watch this cat for me while I look? Thanks. And don't mind the hot homeless dude who talks to him, they're bonding. *returns into the depths of the void*
Summary: A hot dude won't stop talking to your cat, it's kind of freaking you out.
WC: 1.7k, edited by google docs...
Pairing: Miguel x GN!Reader
Warnings: crack fic, Spider-cat's real name is Sir Jeffords bc i said so, clueless reader, pro outdoor cat (i'm not actually, keep ur cats safe pls), future-ish?, accidentally snuck in some world building, in Lyla we trust 🙏, Miguel in tight clothing bc I also said so, and wait wtf are you doing with a dead rat miguel, AND WTF IS THIS WHITE STUFF DUDE?!
Also no Spanish bc I've done some research and those who do speak it have asked non-native speaker to avoid it, to prevent bad google translations and maintain respect!
Okay, enjoy~
You were about to head in for the night when you were not tripped by your cat for his dinner. After a quick search around your apartment, you sighed upon realizing he was still outside. Shrugging on a coat, mismatched slippers, and grabbing a flashlight, you went out to look for him.
Plenty of people told you to keep your cat inside. That it was vital to their health to keep them safe indoors. There were plenty of articles stating the cons of letting a domesticated cat roam freely outside with no supervision. They were also written 80 years ago. The world has changed since then, drastically.
Sure, it would still be smart to keep Sir Jeffords inside. Less late night searches for him, no more worrying if that scratch on his right paw was from running too fast along pavement or something worse. But he came from the life of an alley cat, and no matter what you tried, he had to be out there for a few hours a day. Last time you tried to stop him, he went under your radar for three days. You had a panic attack, worried he didn't love you anymore, but he did eventually come back. Chipper and eager, and he made sure you left his cat door unlocked.
The streets were cleaner than 80 years ago. The people were kinder. The city more accommodating to everyone, even stray animals. Sir Jeffords was mirco chipped, and even if it didn't work for tracking half the time, the shelter folks could scan his neck and drop him back home.
There were no pounds or pest controls anymore, just volunteers who helped poor animals stay warm. And find whoever left them in the streets. It was a crime to leave them now, resulting in 6 months of detention if caught dumping your animal friend into the alleys.
Jeffords was a smart cat. He knew what he was doing. You trusted him. In the event of something bad happening, you made him swore he would come find you right away. Though he couldn't speak, his tail wrapping around your pinky seemed solid enough.
You called out his name, followed by a few 'pspspsps's to really seal the deal. Your flashlight shining in the darker corners of the streets he may be hiding in. Cats and their dark, unreachable corners, Sir Jeffords fell victim to any cozy spot he could barely tuck himself into.
It wasn't until a few blocks away, a little past the bank, when you heard a meow. Very similar to his, you quietly sped your pace, wanting to grab your kitty and go home. The closer you got, it seemed more like he was responding to someone else more than you.
"-and your service is always appreciated." You heard a deep voice whisper. Their voice a grumble echoing through the alley they hid in. "You're one of our best." Your brows pinching together, you turned the corner of the bank, flashlight illuminating your fluffy orange cat. Who was rubbing up against the shin of a random man.
He looked up at you, eyes darkened as he blocked your flashlight with his large hand. They almost seemed red as he stayed squatted, Sir Jeffords head butting his knee. His face pure sharp angles, with a scowl permanently in place. His black shirt a tight, compressing fit. Clinging to each muscle and vein in his arm, stopping halfway down his bicep. His calves just as impressive. His shorts doing nothing but making him look even hotter.
Wait, no. This was a random man, he wasn't hot.
You lowered the light and gave an awkward smile. Seemingly unimpressed, his hardened gaze turned back to your cat. "He's yours?" He asked, voice rumbling low in his chest. With a nod, he added, "He's... cute."
Okay, maybe he was a little hot.
"Right?" Your smile smoothed into something more natural. "He's the cutest cat to ever exist." You lowered yourself down onto your knees with a soft baby call. Sir Jeffords trotting into your lap happily, orange fur swaying with his steps.
Your hand ran through his silky fur. Tension easing from you as you held him close again. Though his three day disappearance had yet to happen again, you still worried. He was your precious baby, after all. The one you shared everything with, and he never once judged.
Your fingers caught on something sticky, stopping short of his lower back. Pulling your hand away, strings of white followed, sticking to your fingertips. The feeling moist and far too clingy for comfort. A disgusted shiver ran up your spine at the horrible sensory.
The man stood then, tossing a tissue at you as he did. His gaze stayed on your cat, never faltering. He pushed his dark hair away from his face, still scowling.
Glancing between your hand and the man that now towered over you, you almost gagged. This wasn't... his, right?
"It was the rat." Like he read your mind, the mysterious stranger held out his other hand. A dead rat laid in his palm.
"That... doesn't make me feel much better." You suppressed another full body shake, quickly wiping your hand off. This guy may be extremely attractive to look at but the longer you stayed there, the more uncomfortable you got. "How would a mouse... And what is this?" You felt yourself getting sick as you held the tissue out, the white stuff now sticking to the paper instead
"Webs. And, it's a rat." He stated with a straight face. More angry at your confusion than anything. "Chased him through some spider webs."
You let out a soft 'oh.' But that didn't explain why he was holding onto the dead rat.
And he let it stay that way. Instead of reading your mind like he had been this entire time, he just... walked off. With a dead animal in his grasp. Without a word.
Your confused gaze turned to your cat, knees beginning to ache from the pressure of concrete beneath. Sir Jeffords purred into your stomach loudly.
"You're not allowed to hang out with that guy, ever again."
"Christ!" Miguel tossed the rat at the wall, hearing him curse. The small animal glitched into a grown adult, body morphing sickly. "That..." The villain panted, rubbing at his neck. Bruises from how tightly he was held already forming there. "... was not what I was expecting."
Miguel squatted back down, balancing on his toes as the hologram of regular clothes shifted back into his suit. "You chose to become a rat, in a world whose Spider-Man is a cat." He slammed down a disk, red netting encasing the fool. "That was your own fault."
"It was the only way I could get into the bank!" The villain squeaked. Miguel tuned out almost immediately, eyes turning to his watch. Setting the portal to his universe, and making sure he wasn't needed elsewhere. He entertained the villain in a tacky grey suit with distant hums and 'oh, yeah, uh-huh's. It was best to just let them get it out of their system then try to shut them up.
"And I would've gotten away with it, too! If it weren't for you and your cat!" The shape shifter writhed in the nets.
"Sound like a damn Scooby-Doo villain." Miguel stood up with a huff. He would never admit it, but Hobie used the term so often, he had to look up what he was referencing. Only to end up watching the first few seasons. He had to stop around the third season, a sick sense of deja vu hitting him with a bat. The cartoons reminded him too much of the daughter he never really had.
With a sigh, "Lyla," He called.
The AI appeared before him, wearing a shit eating smirk. He opened his mouth to command something else when she beat him to it. "You should've asked for their number."
"What?" Miguel's head snapped up, eyes wide.
"They were cute, should've asked them on a date." She glitched to his side with a teasing laugh.
"Lyla, I... no." He grumbled, flicking at his watch.
"Oh, you know?" Miguel tried to smack her away, only for her to reappear on his left shoulder. "You should go back, then."
Miguel glared at her, ignoring how the tips of his ears began to burn. "I can't, its-"
"Not a canon event." They said at the same time. Lyla rolling her eyes behind her heart-shaped glasses, Miguel focusing on creating a portal. "You're such a loser, you know that?" She huffed and puffed, spawning with her back turned to him.
He tried to reach out with a heavy breath, but she moved further away. This time sitting with her arms crossed and pouting.
"They were cute." The villain nodded from his fetal position on the ground. Earning a glare from the two. Shrinking further into himself, the shape-shifter apologized.
Miguel thrust his forearms forward, his mantis blades catching on the fabric of time. Ripping them apart with a grunt. Orange and purple twisted in front of him, and he grabbed a hold of the red netting the anomaly was in.
"Meet me back at HQ," He spoke to his AI with a nod. Foot already in the portal, he turned to cast a menacing glance at Lyla. "And do not try anything."
She held up her hands in defense, watching the portal close behind him. It wasn't like she even had to do anything - not anymore. She already slipped his multiversal number into the collar of Spider-Cat. All that needed to happen was you either found it, or it fell out. Lyla just had to wait to see which option would be canon.
Check out my Masterlist!
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northwindow · 2 years
where the heart is
a domestic syllabus [x]
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"lecture on the history of the house" by claire schwartz
poem by american poet claire schwartz, published in poetry magazine and her 2022 collection civil service.
"the house. from cellar to garret. the significance of the hut" by gaston bachelard
the opening chapter to bachelard's seminal work the poetics of space. bachelard theorizes that the house's role as a site of reverie lends it a profound influence on the psyche. coining his own term, topoanalysis, to explore this influence; he surveys different poetic images of houses as representations of mind and soul.
the bedroom: an intimate history by michelle perrot, trans. by lauren elkin
french historian michelle perrot's history of the western bedroom as the site of birth, sex, illness, and death; from the ancient greek kamára to the postmodern bedrooms of today. perrot traces developments in the bedrooms of royalty, families, laborers, women, children, recluses, monks, and travelers. see also "black in bed" by art historian ella ray on the legacy of black bed art and "the bedroom of things" by caitlin blanchfield and farzin lotfi-jam for a discussion of private space through digital images.
rooms by rohan mcdonald
animated short film by illustrator rohan mcdonald featuring interviews with participants about their rooms and homes.
never home alone: from microbes to millipedes, camel crickets, and honeybees, the natural history of where we live by rob dunn
book by biologist rob dunn about the nearly 200,000 other species that live in our homes, from welcome pets to reviled pests. dunn's work researching the ecosystems of houses has illuminated the sheer scope of creatures that thrive there, often unbeknownst to both inhabitants and scientists, as well as the benefits of a biodiverse household.
"human stains" by heather havrilesky
author and "ask polly" columnist heather havrilesky on the endlessness of housework and "the strange gift that laundry brings to our lives."
the midcentury kitchen: america's favorite room from workspace to dreamscape, 1940s-1970s by sarah archer
a visual history of american kitchens, using examples of advertising and deisgn photography to show the evolution of their aesthetics, technology, and cultural ideals. see also sarah archer's episode of you're wrong about on martha stewart.
"full spectrum" and "if these walls could talk, listen, and record" by emily anthes
excerpts from the great indoors by science journalist emily anthes, which investigates the intersections of health and design in indoor spaces. "full spectrum" (republished by next city as "everyone has a basic right to good design") follows an apartment complex designed for autistic adults. "if these walls could talk, listen, and record" (republished by slate as "senior care homes are becoming high-tech medical devices") reports on the promise and limitations of smart home technology for the elderly.
"inside out, or interior space" by rebecca solnit
essay from rebecca solnit's collection of work on place, the encyclopedia of trouble and spaciousness. solnit discusses the pursuit of the "dream home" through decoration and renovation, examining our desire to craft the perfect nest.
windowswap by sonali ranjit and vaishnav balasubramaniam
a collaborative online database of user-submitted videos shot from windows around the world. conceived as a way to "travel" during early phases of the covid-19 pandemic, visitors can shuffle through videos to experience the views from homes in a plethora of different environments.
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smartpestservices · 10 months
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Hello!! Can I request a captive x captor prompt list? I don't know if that's something up your alley, but your prompt lists have a wide variety and have helped me get out of some sticky spots (that I wrote myself into lol). If not, that's totally fine too. I appreciate your work ❤
Sure thing! Imma do my best to make them non-toxic/non-Stockholm syndrome-y because that’s more comfy for me. But thank yooou! I’m so glad that my prompts have been able to help you at all! Sometimes I wonder, so that’s really nice to know!
A pirate crew captures a selkie and intends to sell it at a dark enchanted market of different creatures and rarities. However, the more one of the pirates spends time guarding their captive, the more they dread pawning them off to the highest bidder. But how can they commit mutiny against their crew and captain, the only family they know? Especially for a creature that most definitely hates them. 2. When a human steps into a faerie circle, the fae in question is ecstatic. Their fellow fae friend has a birthday coming up and a taste for unique items and eccentricities. Actual conscious animals are hard to come by, but a human transformed into an animal? Much easier. And how is Other Fae to know the difference?
3. After trying their food by chance, a royal forces a local cook into their employ as their personal chef. Though the royal spoils them with nice quarters, unlimited ingredients, and a ridiculously high wage, the chef cannot forgive them for taking away their freedom. Meanwhile, the royal, whose love language is food, falls deeper in love with each meal.
4. Pirates are to be hanged. That is the law. However, when a recently arrested pirate is up for execution, the city's lord visits them with a bargain: their life for their service as a guard. The lord's child has recently bought a ship and is insistent on sailing around the world, oblivious of their own inexperience and naivety. And everyone knows there's no one more sea-smart than a pirate. However, their child, having no idea of the deal, begins catching feelings for their gruff crew member who always seems to be there for them.
5. Dragons have taken humans captive since the days of knights and princesses. It is no different for the modern-day city dragons, though the reason has become foggier over the centuries. Is it for hoarding? For food? Love? All the dragon knows is their instincts screamed at them to take this person, so they did. Except now they're riddled with guilt. On the other hand, they picked on of the only humans who would be ok with this development. A dragon scientist/expert who is over the moon to study a member of the rare species up close.
6. Human pests are always breaking into the giant's home, stealing their supplies, wealth, and anything else they can get their tiny grubby hands on. They decide to put up traps, but when they actually succeed in catching one of the thieves, they're not sure what to do with them. They don't want to kill them, but they certainly can't let them go either.
7. A monster hunter is taken captive by one of the very monsters they once caught and sold. The monster escaped a couple years ago, but not without serious scars, both emotional and physical. They intend to make the monster hunter share their pain, but the hunter is so much more ragged and tired then they remember. It seems they’ve become broken and scarred all on their own.
8. Knowing that planet earth is about to be destroyed, a group of aliens breaks protocol and abducts a few hundred humans in order to preserve the race. However, the humans, whether uninformed or wracked with grief are none too happy about this development. The ship’s captain tries to keep them isolated to one area of the ship, believing it will be easier to them adjust to one factor at a time, but one of the humans is always escaping, and searching the captain out. The captain is still only semi-fluent in human, but their addresses usually involve a lot of shrieking and spitting.
9. Vampires are merciless, bloodthirsty monsters; the vampire Hunter knows this from much experience. So why are they having such a hard time finishing this one? Pretty hair and a sunshiny attitude are not reason enough!
10. The detective is the only thing standing in the way of the criminal’s success and freedom. They should take this chance, catching the detective helpless and off guard, to get rid of them permanently. But…the detective has also been the only constant in their life for years. They’ve dedicated so much time to impressing and thwarting them and the detective so much time to chasing them. Maybe they shouldn’t rush it and keep hold of them a little longer.
11. A royal is almost assassinated and the hitman is put in the dungeons. The royal insists on talking to their would-be-killer themselves and what starts as an interrogation transforms into a daily storytelling session, with the royal hounding the assassin for information about the outside world. As the assassin’s execution date looming, the trapped royal’s desire to leave grows. If anyone could take them away from this place, it would be assassin, but can that trust them not to finish the job they were hired for?
12. After kidnapping Sidekick multiple times as leverage, it is Villain’s turn to be a hostage. In all their captures, Sidekick discovered a familial connection between Villain and Supervillain, and with Supervillain on the verge of mass destruction, Sidekick is going to exploit it. Surrender or Villain will be killed. Except Sidekick has no experience with hostages and is relying on all of Villain’s advice on how to keep them secure. At first it’s manipulation, but after a while…Villain doesn’t really want to leave anymore.
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ranchracoon · 1 year
Devour Ch. 18: The Factory
“Fuuuuuuuuuuckk.” You groan.
            Scraping metal, clanking, chains, and more metal-on-metal screeches, you grimace in pain from everything. Your head throbs, your body hurts, every muscle, and bone aches, but on the plus side you don’t have any nausea this time. Slowly your eyes open, the only light source is from a bulb that looks one breeze away from falling, and a large window in front of you with an equally large conveyor belt. You watch the conveyor of bodies pass by you, a neon orange light underneath illuminates them in further detail; they’re all male, they have drills instead of arms and armored chests. All you smell is oil and rust which makes your head spin and you close your eyes again to recompose yourself. Eventually you try to sit up and grunt loudly with discomfort, your back presses against even more metal, goosebumps prickling over your skin from the contact. There is something between your skin and the metal however, your eyes flutter and glance down to find a tattered shirt and equally tattered pants, that are more like shorts now. They’re not yours that’s for certain.
            You tug your hands and the cold enclosure of cuffs around your wrist’s clangs against the metal hoop they are attached to. You huff with annoyance, where the hell are you? You lift your head to look around and still see nothing but metal around you, a metal box with one door on the right. Said door swings open with a crashing thud that shakes the whole container, you flinch in pain from the noise as a man strolls in. You hack for he reeked of cigar smoke and oil, not a great combination.
            “Mornin’ Sleeping beauty!” He kneels in front of you, using his hammer to prop himself up.
            “Who are you?” You ask hoarsely.
            “Oh ya! Where are my manners? Karl Heisenberg at your service!” He stands and bows, taking his hat off in the process, “now, who might you be?”
            “Y/N.” You reply.     
            “Ohh such a pretty name for such a pretty face.” His kneels again, his gloved hand reaches out to touch your cheek.
            You pull away and snicker, “figured you swung the other way with how many dudes you have hanging around.” You nodd your head toward the conveyor belt.
            He laughs, wasn’t even a sarcastic laugh, “I like you. You got a smart mouth. We’ll see how long that lasts.”
            Karl stands once more and swings his hammer around to rest on his shoulder, “I have some big plans for you Y/N.”
            “Plans?” You ask with a raised eyebrow.
            “I suppose I could tell you, considering you’re not making it out of this alive. You see, my lycans and I have planned on killing Miranda and that super-sized bitch you call a boss, for a long time now. I started with Miranda’s loyal followers while she was away, a lot of fun that was, and the best part? I ‘borrowed’ some of Donna’s flowers.” He starts to laugh, “they all think Miranda betrayed them and slaughtered them like pigs! Oh you should have heard how they prayed and wept for her to save them.”
            Your face hardens, your parents, your siblings, they are dead because of him, and you were so quick to blame Mother Miranda. Bile tries to come out but you forced it back with a hard swallow.
            “Got nothing to say now eh? There’s more. I had it all planned out perfectly. I saw those mercenaries and made a deal with that boulder-punching asshole they call their leader. He takes care of the bitch and her pest daughters, I get to take care of Miranda, then he can take Rose and leave this village without a scratch. I told them where to find that bitch, when she would be vulnerable, and even the daughter’s weaknesses. Then you come to the rescue and caused quite the blood bath. You even killed a large portion of my lycans too, I’m willing to forgive that though because you are going to help correct it.”
            “Why would I help you?” You scoff.
            “You won’t have a choice.” He threatens, you can’t see his eyes through his glasses but his scowl says it all.
            “But first! I can’t have anyone searching for you, so I better go break the bad news to your employer.” He chuckles.
            Your confused look is enough, he smirks widely and pulls a large, torn black cloak from his jacket pocket. He chuckles when your eyes widen and glance between his glasses and the cloak. You yank against the chains in anger, a growl leaving your throat, the metal groans and creaks from your pulling. Karl turns and slams his hammer against your head once again, your blood splatters across the floor and pools underneath your head.
            “Can’t have you ruining this plan too.”
Castle Dimitrescu
            All three daughters’ pace around the fire in the main hall, the baroness brought her servants to help clean up the mess, a few of them still scrub the blood out of the wood. Cassandra and Bela have already taken all the bodies to the cellar to drain what they can, and now all the sisters can do is fixate on their worries. Daniela wrings her cloak in her hands, Bela chews on the nails of her fingers that grow back the second they’re chewed off, Cassandra fades in and out of her swarm.
            “She should have been back by now..” Daniela whispers.
            The door to the study opens with a thunderous slam, mother steps out and is followed by the baroness. She approaches the main hall and looks down at her daughters, a look of frustration furrowed on her brows.
            “Mother Miranda will be here soon to discuss the maiden’s treason, and the events of the other night. Has Y/N returned yet?” She asks.
            All three shake their heads, before jumping from another loud bang of another door being smashed open. Heisenberg bursts through the door panting heavily, he looks at the girls then mother before straightening himself out. He brushes his jacket off and fixes his hat, looking frazzled and out of breath.
            “What are you doing here child?” Mother asks, her face contorts as if she just tasted something expired, she takes a step in front of the baroness.
            “I heard about what happened! Is everyone okay?” He asks out of breath.
            “Why the sudden concern? You’ve never cared about us before, and certainly not me.”
            Karl huffs, “your right. I don’t care about you, but I care about them.” He points toward the girls, “and after what my lycans found I thought one of them had been hurt.”
            “What did you find?” Asks Bela suddenly.
            Karl reaches into his pocket and pulls out the cloak, the girls stare at the cloak in horror. Mother steps forward, her eyes darting from the cloak to the girls.
            “Why does he have one of your cloaks?” Mother asks.
            Cassandra takes the cloak from his hands, examining the blood stains and claw marks around it before holding it to her chest. Tears start to fall out of her eyes, she muffles a quiet sob, then she turns into her swarm and leaves the main hall without a word.
            “Cassandra!” Yells mother.
            “Mother..” Bela whispers.
            Mother, the baroness, and Karl lean toward Bela, with interest.
            “Cassandra gave Y/N her cloak before she went into the village.” Daniela finishes.
            Mother is silent, she inhales deeply as she contemplates her words before she sighs heavily; she pinches her nose with her fingers to compose herself. Daniela sniffles as her own tears begin to fall, she hugs herself in an attempt to soothe herself.
            “I see. So Cassandra and Y/N..were..together?” Mother whispers.
            Karl raises his eyebrow at her, before Bela covers her mouth to stifle a soft sob.
            “Not just Cassandra..” Daniela mumbles.
            Bela and Daniela look at each other then at their mother, “I know you don’t think we know love but…we love….loved her. All of us…we were in love with her” mutters Bela.
            Karl hid his shock well, mother did not. She stares at them, she shakes her mind to find the words, any words to say. The conversation she had with Y/N came back, the look of pain was different than other maids her daughters had toyed with. Mother swallows her pride, straightens her back, and clears her throat.
            “I’m..I’m so sorry girls. I had no idea.”
            Bela and Daniela nod, soon Daniela lets out a whimper before she too disappeared into her swarm away from the main hall. Bela captures one last look up at her mother, trying to stay composed, but crumbles under her gaze and runs away too. The baroness reaches up and takes Alcina’s hand into her own, brushing her thumb over the leather soothingly.
            “Did you find a body?” Alcina asks.
            “No, just the cloak.” Karl answers.
The Factory
            Yet again that asshole jerks you awake by making the door to swing open and further dent the metal behind the doorknob. You growl from the pulsations in your head as Karl struts in, he laughs and exhales a large puff of smoke.
            “Holy shit! I would offer you a celebratory cigar but this is my last one.” He waves the cigar while chuckling, “all three daughters? You are banging all three of them? How in holy hell did you swing that?” He asks as he kneels in front of you.
            “Well, typically women love it when you’re not an asshole. Might give it a try sometime, give your hands a break judging from the size of your forearms.”
            Karl gives you a half smile before he brings his hand up and slaps it across your face. You cough and fling over to your side, you gasp and cough again; the lack of nutrients in your system makes it easy to knock you over. You glare up at Karl who does another long inhale of his cigar before blowing the smoke in your face, you cough violently once more and shake your head.
            “I can’t wait to see the look on their faces when they see you again.” He laughs while standing, “let's get to work!”
            The metal cuffs around your wrists unclamp and re-clamp around your ankles, you’re dragged from the metal room behind Karl. You brace with your arms to block your head from getting hit again from stray scraps, you grimace as shards of metal dig and probe into your skin through the cloth. You arrive in what looks like a workshop, chains hang from the ceiling, scrap metal lays in piles all around, in the far corner you notice a chair with a slightly tinted screen in front of it. The cuffs around your ankles slog you into the air and slam you into the chair before cuffing your ankles in place, more metal captures your wrists and then your head against the chair.
            Despite how much you heave and yank, you’re too weak to break it, and certainly too weak to shift out of here. Karl whistles as he walks around you and out of view, he’s gone for a few minutes but continues to whistle. When he returns to your view he’s wearing a long, leather, worker’s apron with various tools in the front pocket. He has a black pole in one hand, with the click of a button on the side a bolt of electricity sparks the rod to life. Karl takes a metal mask with a small glass window from a nearby table, he secures it to his head and lowers the mask.
            “Let’s see what you can do mutt.”
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abronzeagegod · 1 year
Meet Aeth
Aeth (pronounced like 8th) is a person who unsubscribed from the gender binary many years ago, and has worked in tech support for just as long. (it's a good job, they're good at it, it's a public service so they've got job security, they meet so many interesting people, and the union is very good) . They are also the protagonist of the third person version of this story.
They are smart, a bit soft and quiet, and an extremely good listener. Aeth had a bad time as child with some stuff that will be a mystery for us to get into later. They know tech, they know a bit of magic, and they have a lot of faith in things will get better (maybe).
Aeth really really likes their best friend Lyta (who was once named Lytha but the names changed slightly) but are not self-assured about any of this "romance with my best friend" thing so every little nice thing Lyta does is "oh she's so nice I bet she does this for all of her friends" (she doesn't).
Their luck: Bad, all the time
They really like:
their job
reading YA science fiction stories (they like the easy reading, the stories full of emotion and battles and identity, and none of that "grr i'm so dark look at all this murder and sexual violence" that comes with adult science fiction a lot of the times)
playing the fifth most populated MMO Future Myths but primarily as a farming and base building simulator and almost not at all for the combat
truly trashy tv like And the Fifth Rose was Black but that's only because Lyta got them into it
their coworker Lyta
their plants in their apartment
they are neutral on:
house pets, they don't like or hate them, they are always mildly concerned about their well-being in a way that makes them anxious (they very much want to pet someone else's pet though)
mangoes, for some reason every restaurant they've gone to in the last year or so has been doing mango everything and they don't get the hype, they're fine just not the greatest thing ever
most social media, they just don't really understand how to use it
bugs, they don't hate them or like them, Lyta hates them though
hats, they just don't have a strong opinion on hats
they hate vehemently:
raw tomatoes, they are bad and have no place on sandwiches
rodents, particularly the pest kind, it's bordering on a phobia actually
any and all dating apps
the writer Lo Wertophilous and their cookie cutter, by the numbers, bullshit stupid plots, bad characters, insulting """"""Controversial""""" messaging that is neither controversial nor interesting, they're a hack and they should feel bad (think Dan Brown of this world)
the season 2 finale of The Third Sun Rises, don't even get them started, the rant will last for at least two hours
the final entry in the Polarity game series, they don't hate it so much as they were just extremely disappointed which is somehow worse
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cmipooja · 1 year
Global Decarbonization Service Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Growing Environmental Concerns
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The Global Decarbonization Service Market is estimated to be valued at US$69.73 billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 12.3% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. This market involves the provision of decarbonization services that help reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable energy practices. With increasing concerns over climate change and the need to transition towards clean energy sources, organizations and governments around the world are seeking decarbonization solutions. These services offer various advantages, such as reduced environmental impact, improved energy efficiency, and compliance with regulatory standards. Market key trends: Technological advancements driving decarbonization efforts One key trend in the global Decarbonization Service Market is the increasing focus on technological advancements to drive decarbonization efforts. Advancements in renewable energy technologies, energy storage systems, and carbon capture technologies are enabling organizations to adopt more sustainable practices. For example, the implementation of smart grids and advanced metering infrastructure allows for better monitoring and management of energy consumption, leading to optimized energy usage and reduced carbon emissions. Similarly, the development of carbon capture and storage technology enables the capture and sequestration of CO2 emissions from industrial processes, reducing their impact on the environment. PEST Analysis: - Political: Governments worldwide are implementing policies and regulations to encourage decarbonization. This includes carbon pricing mechanisms, renewable energy targets, and incentives for clean energy adoption. - Economic: The economic benefits of decarbonization, such as cost savings from improved energy efficiency and the creation of green jobs, are driving market growth. Additionally, the declining costs of renewable energy technologies make them more affordable and attractive alternatives to fossil fuels. - Social: Increasing public awareness and concern about climate change are driving demand for decarbonization services. Consumers and organizations are actively seeking sustainable solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. - Technological: Technological advancements, as mentioned earlier, are playing a crucial role in accelerating decarbonization efforts. The development of innovative solutions and the integration of renewable energy sources into existing infrastructure are enabling a more sustainable energy transition. Key Takeaways: 1: The Global Decarbonization Service Market Size is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 12.3% over the forecast period. This growth is driven by increasing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable energy practices. For example, the rising global temperatures and extreme weather events are motivating governments and organizations to adopt decarbonization services. 2: In terms of regional analysis, North America is expected to be the fastest-growing and dominating region in the Decarbonization Service Market. This can be attributed to government initiatives promoting clean energy adoption, favorable regulatory frameworks, and high awareness among consumers about the importance of decarbonization. 3: Key players operating in the global Decarbonization Service Market include Schneider Electric, ENGIE, Siemens, AECOM, EDF Group, Johnson Controls, DNV, Honeywell, Carbon Clean Solutions, Green Charge Networks (ENGIE Impact), ERM (Environmental Resources Management), First Solar, Tesla, CarbonCure Technologies, and Ørsted. These companies are actively providing decarbonization services and developing innovative solutions to address the increasing demand for sustainable energy practices.
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
Hi friend 😘 Congrats on your milestone! I’d like to pick sunset orange. I love long walks on the beach, piña coladas, and getting caught in the rain. Kidding! Although technically all those things are true. 🤔
For real though - I enjoy baking, cooking, reading, and traveling. I’m into gaming, including video games and tabletop (I love dnd, and I promise that’s not me saying it to be matched with Eddie). I’m pretty introverted, so I love a cozy day at home. I show my love through a mix of acts of service and words of affirmation - let me cook/bake you something while also hyping you up.
Congrats again!
hello my beautiful friend! oh, i have been waiting for this one.
i ship you with..... me. fuck those other guys, i'm keeping you to myself.
just kidding, just kidding (...or am i? 👀)
in all actuality, i ship you with the one, the only (drum roll, please)..... eddie munson!
now, i may be a bit biased as your friend, but indulge me for a second. because although you get brownie points for being a gamer and loving dnd, that is absolutely not the deciding factor here.
see, the thing is, in our chats, i've noticed something - you are brilliant, you are smart, you are so observant, but most of all? you're so fucking funny. you have the most out of pocket memes and say things that make me genuinely snort. the type of laughing until i get all teary eyed. and eddie needs someone like that. he's a giant dork, an absolute menace to society, and he needs someone who can keep up with his humor. but then to top it all of, you're also a massive nerd? he must be dreaming. seriously. someone, please pinch this boy, because he can't be convinced that he's been lucky to find someone like you who fits with him so goddamn perfectly. he can talk out all his campaigns with you, and you'd actually probably help him write them! he'd probably bug you to teach him video games, only to give up and decide that he'll stick to tabletop and just watch you with your wonderful dark games. he'd love to spend lazy evenings with you, getting to lounge and cuddle and do absolutely nothing and yet feel happier than he ever has. he always knows you'll be there for him on his bad days, ready to reassure him that no, he isn't that annoying, and yes, you'll make him brownies if he lets you get up out of his koala death grip for just a few minutes. you're there for every hellfire night, you're there for every ramble he's bound to go on after reading his latest fantasy novel, and you're there for him even on the days he's especially being a pest. he's sure at some point you'll get annoyed at him waking you up at odd hours to reassure him that you still love him at some point, but you never do. even if you were already asleep. you just give him that sleepy smile, promise him that you'd love him even if he were a worm, and get back to your beauty rest. although, he still doesn't understand why people say that - it's not like you're not just as stunning when you run on lack of sleep as you do to him after a full 8 hours. in short, you're a dream, and he hopes he doesn't wake up any time soon.
which is exactly why yours and eddie's song would absolutely have to be i must be dreaming by the maine.
1k celebration - come party with me!
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pestcontrolcamp · 1 year
Seven Reasons That You Need Normal Kissimmee Pest Control Services
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Insects are actually a relentless nuisance that can easily penetrate our homes and also services, leading to harm, spreading diseases, and generally disrupting our lifestyles. While periodic meets with parasites are actually unpreventable, an aggressive method to pest control can easily make a significant difference in maintaining a pest-free environment. Regular kissimmee pest control companies are certainly not merely a high-end; they are a need for several reasons. In this particular short article, we will definitely examine seven engaging reasons that you must spend and also prioritize in routine pest control to guard your residential or commercial property as well as welfare.
Health and wellness
Some of the best crucial reasons to engage in normal Kissimmee pest control services is to guard your health and wellness. Parasites like cockroaches, mice, and also insects are actually notorious for carrying conditions as well as bacteria that could be damaging to human beings. For instance, rodents and also computer mice can easily transmit health conditions like Hantavirus, while bugs are actually vectors for conditions such as West Nile Infection and Zika Infection. Normal insect control procedures assist avoid these pests from thriving, minimizing the danger of sickness as well as infections.
Home Maintenance
Bugs can ruin your home, inducing structural damages and lessening its own worth. Pests, for example, may silently destroy the wooden elements of your property, resulting in pricey repair work. Frequent bug control examinations as well as treatments can easily identify and also protect against such attacks, essentially saving you funds through maintaining the stability of your building.
Meals Safety
In both residential as well as business setups, pests posture a significant threat to food safety. Insects like ants, flies, and kitchen insects can infect your food items storage areas, triggering wasting and wellness risks. Normal bug control services make certain that your home kitchen and also cupboard continue to be pest-free, protecting the top quality as well as protection of your food supply.
Allergen Control
For individuals along with allergy symptoms, bugs can easily aggravate their signs and symptoms. Typical allergens like dust mites as well as cockroach droppings can easily activate allergy symptoms as well as breathing problem assaults. Routine Kissimmee exterminator can easily aid alleviate the existence of these allergens, offering relief to allergy patients and also strengthening overall interior air top quality.
Living or operating in a pest-infested atmosphere may be difficult as well as upsetting. The constant stress over facing insects can impact your quality of life as well as efficiency. Routine parasite control services offer assurance, allowing you to enjoy your room without the consistent worry of bugs prowling around every corner.
Eco-Friendly Solutions
Modern insect control firms prioritize ecological as well as sustainable options. These approaches are not just efficient in eliminating bugs but likewise risk-free for the setting, your loved ones, and animals. Through opting for routine bug control companies, you support a far healthier earth while guaranteeing your building remains pest-free.
Cost Cost savings
Unlike the misconception that normal pest control Kissimmee solutions are actually pricey, they may save you money in the end. Stopping invasions and also attending to bug concerns without delay is far more affordable than handling substantial harm and health-related issues that may occur coming from uncontrolled infestations. Frequent servicing is a smart financial investment in shielding your home and also financial resources.
Lastly, routine pest control solutions are actually vital for maintaining a healthy and balanced, secure, and also pest-free setting. From safeguarding your health and wellness to preserving the value of your residential or commercial property, the perks of parasite control are actually obvious. Furthermore, the comfort that comes with understanding your room is actually devoid of bugs is actually invaluable. Through investing in normal pest control services, you not only shield your wellness and assets however additionally contribute to a cleaner and greener future along with green parasite control answers. Don't stand by up until pests end up being a serious problem; take practical steps to keep them away and also enjoy the numerous advantages of a pest-free life.
All American Pest Control
1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 131
Kissimmee, FL 34741
(321) 337-0919
Kissimmee Pest Control
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vishal0713 · 1 year
"Unveiling the Future: How Data Science is Revolutionizing Upcoming Industries"
Data science continues to have a substantial impact on various industries, and its scope is expected to expand as new technologies emerge and businesses realize the potential of data-driven insights. Here are some upcoming industries where data science is likely to play a significant role:
Healthcare and Life Sciences: Data science can aid in personalized medicine, drug discovery, predictive analytics for patient outcomes, and healthcare operations optimization.
Financial Services: Financial institutions use data science for fraud detection, risk assessment, algorithmic trading, customer behavior analysis, and credit scoring.
Retail and E-Commerce: Data science helps optimize inventory management, pricing strategies, recommendation systems, and customer segmentation for targeted marketing.
Energy and Utilities: The energy sector benefits from data analytics for smart grid management, predictive maintenance of equipment, and energy consumption optimization.
Manufacturing: Data science improves manufacturing processes through predictive maintenance, quality control, supply chain optimization, and demand forecasting.
Agriculture: Precision agriculture utilizes data science to optimize crop yield, resource allocation, pest control, and environmental monitoring.
Transportation and Logistics: Data science plays a role in route optimization, fleet management, demand forecasting, and autonomous vehicles.
Telecommunications: Data science assists in customer churn prediction, network optimization, and personalized service offerings.
Media and Entertainment: Content recommendation, audience segmentation, and analyzing viewer engagement are areas where data science is making an impact.
Real Estate: Data science helps in property price prediction, market trend analysis, and investment decision-making.
Environmental Conservation: Data science aids in monitoring and analyzing environmental data, including climate patterns, pollution levels, and habitat preservation.
Education: Data science can personalize learning experiences, assess student performance, and optimize educational resources.
Government and Public Services: Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly important for optimizing public services, policy formulation, and resource allocation.
Insurance: Insurers use data science for risk assessment, claims processing, fraud detection, and customized pricing.
Travel and Tourism: Data science enhances traveler experiences through personalized recommendations, pricing optimization, and destination insights.
Pharmaceuticals: Data science plays a role in drug discovery, clinical trials optimization, and pharmacovigilance.
Smart Cities: The concept of smart cities involves integrating data science for efficient urban planning, traffic management, energy consumption, and public services.
Cybersecurity: Data science helps in identifying and responding to cyber threats by analyzing patterns and anomalies in network data.
As technology continues to advance and businesses recognize the value of data-driven insights, certybox is creating a difference in providing the top professional courses along with job assistance. It's essential for professionals in the field to stay updated with the latest developments and tools to make the most of these opportunities.
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