#Smart Irrigation Growth
karan777 · 16 days
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futuretonext · 1 year
The Global Smart Irrigation Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 15% during the forecast period, i.e., 2023-28. The market is more likely to expand owing to the extensive government initiative for preserving water, incorporating several latest techniques to build and improvise irrigation systems worldwide.
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this story from the Nation of Change:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has unveiled a monumental $4.3 billion funding initiative targeting climate pollution and environmental justice across 30 states. This announcement comes as part of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program, funded by the Inflation Reduction Act. EPA Administrator Michael Regan emphasized the importance of community-driven solutions to tackle climate change, stating, “President Biden believes in the power of community-driven solutions to fight climate change, protect public health, and grow our economy.”
The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program, supported by the Inflation Reduction Act, aims to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions while promoting environmental justice and economic growth. The selected projects are estimated to cut greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 971 million metric tons by 2050, which is comparable to the energy consumption of 5 million homes over 25 years.
One of the major allocations includes $500 million dedicated to decarbonizing freight transportation at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. This funding will support the installation of electric charging equipment, the deployment of zero-emission freight vehicles, and the conversion of cargo handling equipment to reduce emissions.
Michigan is set to receive $129 million to accelerate its renewable energy projects. This initiative aims to streamline the siting, zoning, and permitting of renewable energy infrastructure, helping the state achieve its goal of 60% renewable energy by 2035.
Pennsylvania will benefit from $396 million to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industrial facilities, including cement and asphalt plants. This effort is part of a broader initiative, RISE PA, to target industrial sector emissions and promote cleaner industrial practices.
Nebraska will receive $307 million for sustainable agriculture and energy efficiency projects. These funds will support climate-smart agriculture practices, reduce agricultural waste, improve energy efficiency in commercial and industrial facilities, and deploy solar panels and electrified irrigation wells.
Commercial and residential buildings
The northeastern states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Maine will collectively receive $450 million to promote the adoption of cold-climate heat pumps and water heaters. These technologies are crucial for improving energy efficiency in homes and commercial buildings, particularly in regions with harsh winters.
Waste management
The grants will also support various waste management projects aimed at reducing pollution and promoting recycling and waste reduction initiatives. These efforts are vital for minimizing the environmental impact of waste and improving public health.
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harmonyhealinghub · 2 months
Starting Over Shaina Tranquilino August 11, 2024
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After his tech startup collapsed, leaving him with empty pockets and a bruised ego, Max Sullivan wasn’t sure what to do next. The failure had been public and humiliating—what was supposed to revolutionize the industry had barely left a mark. The pressure to deliver on grand promises had led to risky decisions, and when the funding dried up, so did his dreams.
Max retreated to his small, coastal hometown, a place he hadn’t visited since he left for Silicon Valley over a decade ago. The town had changed little, its sleepy streets and familiar faces offering a stark contrast to the fast-paced world he had left behind. At first, it was meant to be a temporary stay—a place to lick his wounds and figure out his next move. But as the days turned into weeks, Max found himself drawn to the simplicity of life there, the way people cared about their community and the environment.
It was during a walk along the beach, watching the waves roll in under a gray sky, that inspiration struck. Max noticed the plastic litter scattered along the shore, tangled in the seaweed, and remembered a conversation he’d overheard in a café a few days earlier about the town’s struggles with waste management. The idea hit him like a lightning bolt: what if he could combine his tech expertise with a focus on sustainability? What if he could create something small, something meaningful, right here?
Max started small, with just a single product—a solar-powered, autonomous beach-cleaning robot. He used his savings to build a prototype, working out of his parents’ garage like he had when he was a teenager. The robot, affectionately named “Sunny,” was designed to sift through sand, collecting debris and sorting it for recycling. It was a modest project, far from the grand ventures of his past, but it felt right.
When Max introduced Sunny to the town, the response was immediate. Locals were intrigued, then excited. They watched as the little robot roved the beaches, quietly doing its job, and the impact was undeniable. The beaches became cleaner, and people started talking about how they could do more to protect their environment. Max was invited to speak at the town hall, where he shared his vision for a line of eco-friendly, tech-driven solutions that could be scaled for other communities.
Word spread beyond the town’s borders. A regional news outlet picked up the story, dubbing Max the “Green Innovator,” and soon, he was fielding calls from environmental groups, local governments, and even some investors who saw potential in his small venture. Max was careful this time, determined not to repeat the mistakes of his past. He kept the business lean, focusing on quality and sustainability over rapid growth.
As orders for Sunny rolled in from other coastal towns, Max expanded his product line—solar-powered compost bins, smart irrigation systems for community gardens, and even a portable desalination unit for areas affected by water shortages. Each new product was born from the same principle: technology should serve the planet, not exploit it.
Within a year, Max’s new venture, “EcoTech,” was not just surviving but thriving. It wasn’t the billion-dollar empire he once dreamed of, but it was something better—something he was proud of. Max had found success, not in the way he had expected, but in a way that felt deeply fulfilling. The community rallied around him, and EcoTech became a symbol of what was possible when innovation met purpose.
Max still walked along the beach most evenings, watching the sunset with Sunny humming along beside him. He had learned that setbacks weren’t the end; they were just the beginning of a new path. And this path, though winding and unexpected, had led him to a place where he could truly make a difference.
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mastomysowner · 7 months
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The Rat by Alexander & Elena Koptelov
Every gardener is happy when he is considered frugal and hardworking. Our Rat is not like that! I mean, he's not only economical and hardworking, but also smart, insightful, and knowledgeable. How much intelligence is needed to hill and water? A little, the main thing here is diligence. But is diligence alone enough to grow a record-sized pumpkin?
Oooh, a pumpkin the size of a gardener is our Rat’s old dream! It is not easy to find a variety capable of giant growth: it is even more difficult to ensure that the grown pumpkin is not only huge, but also beautiful! Bright as a dawn in the full sky or the setting sun in the tropics. Tender, like a blushing maiden. Abundant, like Kuban autumn...
To make his dream come true, the Rat had to rack his brains and not skimp on expenses. Choose a place where there is plenty of light and no cold winds. Make the ground light and fluffy so that the pumpkin vine grows without any obstacles. Supply the field with water so that the pumpkin drinks to its heart’s content and looks prettier before our eyes, so that it becomes a real supermodel in the world of pumpkins!
But the grown pumpkin is impeccably good! Posing against the backdrop of the creation of your own mind - isn’t this a reward for the wise gardener? You won’t go out to see such a pumpkin in unironed pants and galoshes on your bare feet! That’s why our Rat is elegant, even though he’s dressed at home.
His soft robe is decorated with exquisite white cuffs, and the clasps are made of pure gold. A thin cambric scarf is lovingly tied around the neck. The trousers are neatly hemmed. The pointed boots have been polished. The twisted silk cord on the belt is a tribute to tradition. From time immemorial, owners of rich estates wear soft robes belted with silk cords!
The Rat went out alone to inspect the best of the pumpkins. Somewhere behind, a kind wife is looking out the window, admiring her husband. She looked up from her constant knitting to proudly glance at the figure of her beloved - but turn around, and you won’t notice how she will again find herself in a rocking chair with a ball at her feet and knitting needles in her hands.
Is the Rat happy with the pumpkin? He is, and how! So why is his gaze directed to the heavenly heights? Is he really estimating the size of his next pumpkin? There is no limit to perfection, right? “So there is no limit to pumpkin greatness!” - the Rat decides.
Tremble, breeders and suppliers! Be strong, agronomists and irrigators! Next season you will grow a pumpkin three times larger than this! Hey carpenter! Build a stronger and bigger wheelbarrow: the year will fly by like a day! A new pumpkin is just waiting to be born, to please the Rat and surprise the world.
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wholelottabotany · 2 years
Food Growing Friday: Raised Bed Basics!
    Raised beds are a very simple, manageable, and accessible way for people to establish their own gardens. It is not as daunting as it may seem, and it can be as DIY as you want. To start, all you need to focus on is the Frame, the Fill, and the Flood.
    Frame: To start, you need a solid wood or metal frame. If you’re building your beds yourself, a great long-term wood choice is Cedar, which is naturally rot-resistant and not a bank-breaker compared to other woods. If you’re choosing metal instead, especially in wetter climates, you’ll wanna go with Galvanized Steel to avoid leeching and rust. Water Troughs are a great choice for this. You can customize the height of your bed to fit your accessibility and price needs, lower beds are more cost-effective, but higher beds are easier to maintain for people with disabilities and difficulty bending down.
You can also purchase easy-install raised bed kits from your local garden or hardware center, and not even worry about all this.    
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Fill: Your soil mix can make or break your gardening experience. You have to make sure that you’re not sacrificing cost for quality, and vice versa. To do so, it’s good to mix about 50/50 with cheaper topsoil, and organic compost. The compost you can source from a bag, or you can make it yourself if you have the resources. Also keep an eye out for local compost bins that you may be able to source from. Topsoil also can come from a bag, or any construction and landscaping projects in your area. Never be afraid to find resources in the community around you!    
Especially with taller beds, it’s also smart to start with a layer of mulch, logs, or branches. Anything organic that can break down, but that takes up plenty of space in order to slow weed growth and lessen the burden of soil on your wallet.
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Flood: Water! Water! Water! A garden can grow nowhere without it's beloved moisture. Different beds will have different watering requirements, depending on how well the soil drains, and how much the plants need. But for now, the set up. I have personally found the best way to irrigate a small bed is by drip watering, because it avoids issues like powdery mildew and water spots caused by overhead watering. You can either purchase grids to go across the entire bed, or you can get flexible irrigation tubing and directly target your plants.
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Within the next five years, it is anticipated that the following uses would propel the market for agricultural drones
Precision agriculture: In order to help farmers make more educated decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, drones can be used to collect data on crop health, soil conditions, and other parameters. This may result in higher yields and lower costs.
Livestock monitoring: Drones can be used to track animals, which can help farmers spot issues early on and take immediate action. Improvements in productivity and lower death rates may result from this.
Smart greenhouses: Drones can be used to track animals, which can help farmers spot issues early on and take immediate action. Improvements in productivity and lower death rates may result from this.
Irrigation: Drones can be used to map irrigation systems, monitor them, and find places where there is a shortage of water. Farmers may be able to use water more effectively as a result and suffer fewer crop losses.
Precision fish farming: Fish in aquaculture ponds can have their growth and health monitored by drones. This can aid fish farmers in increasing production and cutting expenses.
The following elements are also anticipated to contribute to the market for agriculture drones' overall growth, in addition to these particular applications:
Increasing government support: Governments from all over the world are becoming more aware of how drones may increase agricultural output and sustainability. As a result, numerous governments are promoting drone use in agriculture by offering financial and other forms of support.
Technological advancements: With constant additions of new features and capabilities, drone technology is quickly developing. Drones are becoming more accessible to farmers of all sizes as a result of being more reasonably priced and simple to use.
Rising demand for food: By 2050, it's anticipated that there will be 9.7 billion people on the planet. The world's food supply will be significantly strained as a result. 
In general, it is anticipated that the market for agricultural drones would expand significantly during the next five years. Numerous causes, including escalating government backing, advancing technology, and expanding food demand, will fuel this rise.
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lyuvengarden · 1 year
Lyuven Garden & Maintenance: Unleashing the Full Potential of Your Garden with Expert Maintenance
A well-maintained garden is a testament to the care and attention it receives. Lyuven Garden & Maintenance, the leading provider of professional garden maintenance services, is dedicated to unlocking the full potential of your outdoor space. With their expertise and passion for creating vibrant and thriving gardens, Lyuven Garden & Maintenance offers tailored solutions that elevate your garden to new heights. In this article, we explore the essential aspects of their expert maintenance services, showcasing how they bring beauty and vitality to your outdoor oasis.
Customized Maintenance Plans for Your Unique Garden
At Lyuven Garden & Maintenance, they understand that each garden has its own personality and requirements. They create customized maintenance plans that address the specific needs of your garden. By conducting a detailed assessment of factors such as plant varieties, soil conditions, and microclimates, their team designs tailored solutions that ensure your garden flourishes year-round.
Pruning and Shaping: Sculpting Natural Beauty
The art of pruning and shaping plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal and health of your garden. Lyuven Garden & Maintenance excels in this aspect, employing advanced techniques to create stunning lines and captivating forms. Their skilled team meticulously prunes hedges, shrubs, and trees, transforming them into works of art that add elegance and structure to your garden.
Effortless Lawn Care for a Lush Green Canvas
A lush green lawn forms the foundation of a beautiful garden. Lyuven Garden & Maintenance offers comprehensive lawn care services, including regular mowing, edging, fertilization, and weed control. Their team of experts applies industry-best practices and uses state-of-the-art equipment to ensure your lawn remains healthy, vibrant, and free from unsightly weeds.
Optimal Irrigation Systems for Sustainable Growth
Proper irrigation is essential for the sustained health and vitality of your garden. Lyuven Garden & Maintenance specializes in the installation and maintenance of efficient irrigation systems tailored to your garden's specific needs. By implementing smart watering technologies, such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting, they promote optimal plant growth while conserving water resources.
Pest and Disease Management: Safeguarding Your Garden's Health
Pests and diseases can threaten the well-being of your garden. Lyuven Garden & Maintenance employs proactive pest and disease management strategies to protect your plants. Their team utilizes environmentally friendly solutions and integrated pest management practices to prevent and control common garden pests, ensuring your garden remains vibrant and thriving.
In Conclusion, Lyuven Garden & Maintenance is your trusted partner in unleashing the full potential of your garden. With their customized maintenance plans, expertise in pruning and shaping, comprehensive lawn care, efficient irrigation systems, and meticulous pest and disease management, they bring beauty, vitality, and harmony to your outdoor space. Trust Lyuven Garden & Maintenance to transform your garden into a captivating oasis that reflects your vision and provides endless joy. Contact them today to experience the unrivaled dedication and expertise in garden maintenance that sets them apart.
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garudsurvey587 · 2 days
Drone Survey in Bikaner: A Game-Changer for Precision and Efficiency
Drone Survey in Bikaner: A Game-Changer for Precision and Efficiency
In recent years, **drone surveys** have revolutionized how we collect data and analyze landscapes. These aerial technologies have opened up new opportunities for precise and efficient surveying of industries in Bikaner and Rajasthan. From large-scale infrastructure projects to land mapping, drone surveys provide a cost-effective and faster alternative to traditional methods.
Advantages of Drone Surveys in Bikaner
Bikaner, a city known for its vast deserts and industrial growth, benefits immensely from **drone survey technologies**. Here are some key advantages:
1. **Speed and Efficiency**: Traditional surveying techniques can take weeks or even months to complete. Drone surveys, however, drastically reduce this time, offering quick and reliable data collection.
2. **High Accuracy**: Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors provide detailed data that can be analyzed with precision. For industries such as construction, agriculture, and real estate, this accuracy is vital for planning and decision-making.
3. **Cost-Effective**: By reducing the time and manpower needed for surveys, drones significantly cut down operational costs.
4. **Access to Difficult Terrain**: The vast desert regions of Bikaner can be difficult to access using conventional methods. Drones can easily cover these challenging terrains, providing detailed imagery and data without the need for on-ground access.
Applications of Drone Survey in Bikaner
Drone technology is incredibly versatile, and industries in Bikaner are increasingly turning to drone surveys for various applications:
- **Land Surveying and Mapping**: Drones provide highly accurate 3D maps and topographic data, essential for land use planning and real estate development.
- **Infrastructure Projects**: From highways to industrial zones, drone survey in Bikaner monitoring construction progress, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.
- **Agricultural Monitoring**: Drones can help farmers monitor crop health, irrigation, and land conditions, making agriculture more efficient.
Drone Survey in Rajasthan: A Statewide Technological Revolution
Rajasthan, known for its diverse geography ranging from deserts to mountains, has embraced drone technology to tackle its surveying challenges. Drone survey in Rajasthan have become a go-to solution for multiple sectors, from urban planning to environmental monitoring.
Why Rajasthan Needs Drone Surveys
- **Large Geographical Area**: Rajasthan is the largest state in India, with vast stretches of desert, forests, and hilly terrain. Covering such diverse landscapes with traditional survey methods is both time-consuming and costly. Drone technology provides a scalable and efficient solution.
- **Economic Growth and Urbanization**: Cities like Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Udaipur are growing rapidly. Drone surveys assist local authorities in planning urban expansion and infrastructure development with pinpoint accuracy.
- **Environmental Conservation**: With sensitive ecosystems like the Thar Desert and several wildlife sanctuaries, drones are now being used to monitor changes in the environment, track animal populations, and assess the impact of human activity.
Drone Survey in Jaipur: Enhancing Smart City Development
Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, is one of India's fastest-growing cities. As part of the government's Smart City initiative, drone survey in Jaipur have become an integral part of urban planning and development.
 Key Benefits of Drone Surveys in Jaipur
1. **Urban Planning**: Drones provide real-time data for city planners, helping them design infrastructure that meets the needs of Jaipur's growing population. From road networks to public utilities, drone data plays a critical role in shaping the city’s future.
2. **Heritage Preservation**: Jaipur is known for its historic architecture and UNESCO World Heritage sites. Drones are being used to create 3D models of these structures, ensuring that they are preserved for future generations while allowing for modern development around them.
3. **Disaster Management**: With the increasing risk of natural disasters like floods and storms, drones help local authorities assess damage and plan relief efforts efficiently.
Drone Survey in Bangalore: Leading Innovation in Tech City
As India's tech hub, **Bangalore** has always been at the forefront of adopting new technologies, and drone surveys are no exception. Drone survey in Bangalore is transforming industries ranging from real estate to IT infrastructure development.
 Why Drone Surveys are Critical for Bangalore
1. **Tech-Friendly Environment**: With its reputation as the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore is naturally inclined to adopt cutting-edge technologies like drones. Companies are using drone surveys for everything from infrastructure monitoring to data collection for new tech developments.
2. **Urban Expansion**: Bangalore’s rapid expansion has led to the development of new residential and commercial zones. Drone surveys ensure that land is efficiently utilized, and urban planners have access to the latest data for better decision-making.
3. **Green Spaces Monitoring**: With increasing awareness of environmental conservation, drones are being used to monitor green spaces in and around Bangalore, helping authorities manage these areas effectively.
Whether it's the deserts of **Bikaner**, the urban landscape of **Jaipur**, the vast expanses of **Rajasthan**, or the tech-savvy streets of **Bangalore**, drone surveys are changing the way we think about data collection and analysis. The precision, speed, and cost-efficiency of drone technology are not just beneficial but essential for sustainable development in these regions.
Embracing drone survey technology means embracing a future of smarter cities, efficient industries, and well-managed resources across India.
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sakhshimandal · 2 days
The Role of Green Finance in Developing Economies: Empowering Sustainable Growth in India
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As the world grapples with climate change and environmental degradation, the need for sustainable development has never been more critical. In developing economies like India, where rapid industrialization and urbanization have contributed to both economic growth and environmental challenges, finding a balance between economic development and environmental sustainability is crucial. This is where green finance steps in. Green finance refers to the financing of projects that promote sustainability, mitigate climate change, and protect the environment, and it is increasingly being viewed as a key driver of sustainable growth in developing economies like India.
What is Green Finance?
Green finance encompasses a wide range of financial instruments, such as green bonds, loans, and equity, that fund initiatives aimed at addressing climate change, enhancing environmental sustainability, and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy. These initiatives can include renewable energy projects, energy-efficient infrastructure, sustainable agriculture, and water conservation efforts.
In India, green finance is not just a tool for mitigating environmental risks but also an opportunity to foster sustainable economic growth, reduce poverty, and create jobs, all while addressing the country’s pressing environmental challenges.
The Need for Green Finance in India
India faces a unique set of environmental challenges. It is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, but this rapid growth has come at a cost to the environment. Air and water pollution, deforestation, and the overuse of natural resources are prevalent issues across the country. Moreover, India is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and fluctuating rainfall patterns, which threaten food security and livelihoods.
At the same time, India is committed to transitioning to a low-carbon economy, as reflected in its pledge under the Paris Agreement to reduce its carbon intensity by 33-35% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. Achieving this goal requires significant investment in sustainable infrastructure, renewable energy, and climate resilience projects — and this is where green finance plays a crucial role.
How Green Finance is Empowering Sustainable Growth in India
Green finance is already making a significant impact in India by empowering sustainable growth in several key sectors.
1. Renewable Energy Projects
India has set ambitious targets for renewable energy, aiming to install 450 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030. Green finance has been instrumental in supporting this transition by funding large-scale solar, wind, and hydropower projects across the country. For example, the issuance of green bonds by Indian companies and financial institutions has raised significant capital to fund renewable energy initiatives.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), for instance, has issued green bonds to finance solar power projects in India, contributing to the country’s solar energy capacity expansion. These efforts are not only helping India reduce its reliance on fossil fuels but also creating jobs and reducing the country’s carbon footprint.
2. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
Agriculture remains the backbone of the Indian economy, but it is also highly vulnerable to climate change. Erratic rainfall, droughts, and floods can significantly impact agricultural productivity, endangering food security and rural livelihoods.
Green finance is helping address these challenges by funding climate-smart agricultural practices that promote water conservation, sustainable irrigation, and organic farming. Programs that support sustainable farming methods and rural development are being financed through microloans and green credit schemes, enabling farmers to adopt eco-friendly practices that enhance resilience to climate change.
3. Climate-Resilient Infrastructure
With increasing climate-related risks, India needs infrastructure that can withstand the impacts of climate change. Green finance is being used to fund the development of climate-resilient infrastructure, such as flood-resistant roads, energy-efficient buildings, and sustainable urban development projects.
The Smart Cities Mission, for example, has incorporated green financing to develop urban infrastructure that is both environmentally sustainable and resilient to climate-related risks. By funding energy-efficient public transportation, water management systems, and green spaces, India is building cities that can better withstand the pressures of rapid urbanization and climate change.
4. Water Conservation and Management
India faces severe water scarcity, with many regions suffering from dwindling water resources. Green finance is playing a critical role in supporting water conservation projects that promote efficient water use and sustainable water management practices.
For instance, funds raised through green bonds have been allocated to water conservation initiatives such as rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment plants, and sustainable irrigation systems. These projects are vital for ensuring the availability of clean water for both urban and rural populations, particularly in regions that are prone to droughts.
Challenges and Opportunities
While green finance holds enormous potential for driving sustainable growth in India, there are challenges that need to be addressed. One of the main challenges is the lack of awareness and understanding of green finance among stakeholders, including financial institutions, businesses, and consumers. Additionally, there is a need for stronger regulatory frameworks and incentives to encourage more investment in green projects.
Despite these challenges, the opportunities for green finance in India are immense. With growing demand for sustainable products and services, businesses that invest in green technologies and practices are likely to gain a competitive edge. Moreover, as global investors increasingly prioritize sustainability, there is a significant opportunity for India to attract international capital through green finance mechanisms.
Green finance is playing a pivotal role in empowering sustainable growth in India by financing renewable energy, climate-resilient infrastructure, sustainable agriculture, and water conservation projects. As India continues its journey toward a low-carbon and sustainable future, the role of green finance will only become more critical. By overcoming challenges and unlocking the full potential of green finance, India can not only address its environmental challenges but also achieve long-term, inclusive economic growth that benefits all sectors of society.
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karan777 · 27 days
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futuretonext · 1 year
The Global Smart Irrigation Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 15.0% during the forecast period, i.e., 2023-28. The market is more likely to expand owing to the extensive government initiative for preserving water, incorporating several latest techniques to build and improvise irrigation systems worldwide.
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businessfortune · 3 days
Robotics Transforming Sustainable Agriculture for the Future
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Since time immemorial, agriculture has been the primary source of food and employment for the majority of human being globally. Therefore, agriculture has always been at the center of human civilization. But with almost 10 billion people expected to live on the planet by 2050; there is more pressure than ever on the farming industry to provide more food in a sustainable manner. Agricultural robots is becoming a disruptive force in this setting, providing creative ways to improve farming operations' sustainability, efficiency, and productivity.
Robotics Transforming Sustainable Agriculture for the Future
A great value of AI has been added by agricultural robots, which assist across multiple stages of agricultural automation, including crop monitoring, weeding, identifying soil health management, enhancing crop output, and optimizing irrigation.
Conventional agricultural practices frequently rely significantly on physical labor and are limited by things like a lack of workers, growing labor expenses, and unpredictable weather.
Important Uses for Agricultural Robotics:
Autonomous Vehicles: Drones, robotic harvesters, and autonomous tractors are transforming the cultivation and harvesting procedures.
Weeding Robots: Since weeds fight with crops for water, nutrients, and sunlight, controlling them is a significant problem in agriculture.
Observation and Data Analytics: Using sensors and imaging smart farming technology, agricultural automation may gather important information about crop monitoring, health, environmental variables, and soil health management.
Robotic Sorting & Packaging: Agricultural product is sorted, graded, and packaged using robotic devices in post-harvest activities. These robots can precisely handle fragile fruits and vegetables, minimizing product damage and guaranteeing consistent quality standards.
The Rise of Agricultural Robotics
At an average yearly growth rate of 24.3%, the agricultural robots industry is predicted to be worth USD 40.1 billion by 2028, having already reached a size of USD 13.5 billion in 2023.
The primary force behind this acceptance is the growing need for more environmentally friendly precision farming methods. Utilizing autonomous platforms, farmers can apply a variable rate application strategy with consistency and accuracy, reducing the adverse effects on the environment.
The most recent developments in smart farming technology are also accelerating change. It is imperative that all stakeholders actively monitor and incorporate agricultural automation trends into their strategy in order to ensure the continued expansion of the agricultural industry.
Key Technologies Driving Innovation
Data collection on soil, weather, crops, animals, machinery, and equipment is made possible by robotics systems and robots with many sensors, sample tools, and GPS autopilots. 
Drones, automated tractors, milking robots, automated harvesting systems, and many more devices can be classified as agricultural robots. Robots have the ability to revolutionize agriculture, and as more and more farmers realize this, they will establish long-lasting trends in the coming years. These are a few of the agricultural robots that are now in high demand:
Drone technology in agriculture: Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, have been instrumental in the smart farming technology revolution in agriculture, which is currently experiencing a technological boom. A new study projects that the value of the drone technology in agriculture industry would increase between USD 4.5 billion in 2023 to USD 17.9 billion in 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.5% from 2023 to 2028.
Milking Robots: The market for milking robotics is anticipated to grow at a similarly high rate. It is anticipated to increase at an average yearly rate of 10.8%, from USD 3.2 billion in 2024 through USD 5.3 million by 2029.
Autonomous Tractors and Platforms: In recent years, autonomous tractors and platforms, as well as self-propelled platforms for gardening, such as vineyards and orchards, have become one of the most notable trends in the use of robotics for agriculture. With an average yearly growth rate exceeding 24.0% from 2023 to 2028, the global market for autonomous tractors is expected to reach USD 7.1 billion by 2028 from its anticipated USD 2.4 billion valuation in 2023.
Automated Harvesting Systems: With a compound yearly growth rate of 6.6%, the automated harvesting market is predicted to increase from USD 2 billion in 2023 to USD 2.76 billion in 2028. Precision farming is currently using automated harvesting robots to guarantee resource optimization and sustainability.
The Role of Robotics in Modernizing Agriculture
Farming robots are specifically intended to aid farmers in various activities. These robots are capable of being programmed to carry out labor-intensive, repetitive jobs as well as analyses and agricultural automations. This capacity helps to raise overall productivity and efficiency while also easing the strain on farmers.
Growers know that working on farms may be difficult. There is a lot of labor involved in the process, from planting the seeds to eventually harvesting the crops. Including robotics would improve the overall work frame. Although these robots would produce superior results, they would nevertheless remain dependent on human benefits.
Robotic Harvesting for Various Crops:
Among sustainable crop production, robotics in greenhouse farming industry has been able to pique people's interest in robotics harvesting the most. A third of these growers have decided to purchase them. Due of the stable and customized circumstances that offers robotics in greenhouse farming, robots could be used to their maximum potential there.
A third of vegetable growers have expressed interest in purchasing robots that gather vegetables. It is little higher than the mean (27%). One important factor is that, compared to other field crops, vegetable growers keep a more consistent labor force; 40% of the vegetable farms employ full-time workers.
Different Types of Robots:-
Bosch, a German firm, has created a robot that can destroy weeds at a rate of 120 per minute—much faster than a human being or herbicide.
Fruit Picker: A start-up company called Abundant Robotics Inc. has created robots that will only pick apples when they are ripe. The bot can recognize and select apples thanks to the software without endangering the fruit itself or the tree.
Lettuce Bot: A California-based startup called Blue River unveiled a gadget that growers can mount on their tractors. By applying pesticides just to the impacted areas of the field, farmers would be assisted in identifying and eliminating weeds and insects from the region.
Prospera Bots: Prospera is the newest robotic system that uses sensors and a camera to notify growers when a crop is sick. Farmers may use the app to fix the problem before it's too late.
Hornet Bot: The startup in robotics Agribotix developed a flying robot that uses infrared sensors to assess sustainable crop production for health and take aerial pictures and movies of fields from above. It operates via an app and notifies farmers immediately as it finds a problem in any specific area of the field.
Benefits of Robotics in Sustainable crop production
In the long run, agricultural robots have a lot of potential to boost farmers' profits. They are highly efficient at a lot of tasks that farmers need to complete to have a good sustainable crop production.
The following are some of the main benefits of utilizing agricultural robots:
Optimal operational continuity
Reduces mistakes
Chemicals sprayed precisely
Lowering expenses
Enhances quality yield
Reduces the waste of water
Makes the best use of pesticides and fertilizers
Constant soil and crop monitoring ensures the health.
Spots possible illnesses and pest infestations
Long-term profit enhancement
In conclusion, robotic agricultural laborers are revolutionizing precision farming practices and paving the way for an environmentally friendly future. With the world's population expanding, these robots provide effective ways to perform jobs including planting, crop monitoring, and harvesting. They improve the quality of food, cut down on waste, and lower labor costs. Robotics will play an ever-more-important role in agriculture as smart farming technology develops, assisting farmers in meeting the increasing need for food while preserving the environment. An industry that farms can become more efficient and healthier by adopting these advancements.
What is the role of robotics in sustainable agriculture?
Robotics makes farming more efficient and intelligent. Because robots can perform farming chores like planting, watering, and harvesting, farming is becoming more environmentally friendly and effective.
How do robots help improve sustainability in agriculture?
Robots consume less chemicals and water. They can keep a careful eye on crops to identify issues early. As a result, farmers may produce more food with less damage to the environment and fewer resources used.
What types of robots are commonly used in agriculture?
Common robots include fruit and vegetable harvesting devices, autonomous tractors, weeding robots, and drone technology in agriculture.
Are agricultural robots cost-effective for small-scale farmers?
Small-scale farmers may find it difficult to afford robots. In the long run, nevertheless, certain robots can save costs by boosting crop yields and decreasing labor costs.
What is the future outlook for robotics in agriculture?
The future appears promising! With the advancement and decreasing cost of technology, more farmers are anticipated to employ robots. This will support the sustainable production of more food.
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filishas · 3 days
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favouritefab-blog · 4 days
High-Quality Crop Cover Non Woven Fabric for Effective Farming
In the pursuit of sustainable and productive agriculture, high-quality crop cover non-woven fabric has emerged as an essential tool for farmers. These versatile materials provide protection against a range of environmental challenges, ensuring healthier crops and better yields.
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What is Non-Woven Fabric?
Non-woven fabric is made from fibers that are bonded together through various methods, creating a strong, lightweight material. Unlike traditional woven fabrics, non-woven options offer unique benefits that make them ideal for agricultural applications.
Benefits of Using Non-Woven Crop Covers
1. Weather Protection
Non-woven crop covers shield plants from harsh weather conditions, such as frost, heavy rain, and extreme sunlight. This helps maintain an optimal microclimate for growth, reducing the risk of damage.
2. Pest and Disease Management
These fabrics act as a physical barrier against pests and diseases, minimizing the need for chemical pesticides. This not only promotes healthier crops but also supports sustainable farming practices.
3. Moisture Retention
By reducing evaporation, non-woven crop covers help retain soil moisture, which is crucial for plant health, especially in arid regions. This leads to more efficient water usage and lower irrigation costs.
4. Enhanced Growth
The protective environment created by these covers can accelerate germination and growth, leading to improved yields and earlier harvests.
Choosing the Right Non-Woven Fabric
When selecting crop cover non-woven fabric, consider factors such as UV resistance, breathability, and thickness. High-quality options will ensure durability and effectiveness throughout the growing season.
Investing in high-quality non-woven crop cover fabric is a smart choice for farmers looking to enhance productivity and protect their crops. With their numerous benefits, these innovative materials play a vital role in modern agriculture, ensuring sustainable practices and bountiful harvests. Embrace the advantages of non-woven fabrics and watch your farming efforts thrive!
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thegardenersrain · 4 days
Efficient Lawn Sprinkler Systems for a Greener Bedfordshire
A lush, green lawn is a hallmark of a well-maintained property, and for homeowners and businesses in Bedfordshire, achieving that perfect landscape requires a dependable and efficient irrigation system. Lawn sprinkler systems have emerged as a key solution for ensuring that lawns stay hydrated, healthy, and vibrant, even during periods of dry weather. In this article, we will explore the benefits of installing lawn sprinkler systems in Bedfordshire and why they are essential for anyone looking to maintain a pristine outdoor space.
The Importance of Proper Lawn Irrigation
In a region like Bedfordshire, where weather conditions can vary throughout the year, maintaining a healthy lawn requires more than occasional watering. A lawn sprinkler system automates the watering process, ensuring consistent and even distribution of water across your garden or lawn. Whether you're a homeowner with a modest garden or a business owner managing a large commercial property, a sprinkler system is essential to keep your greenery looking its best.
Irrigation through manual watering or using hoses is time-consuming and inefficient, often leading to under- or over-watering, which can damage grass and plants. An automated lawn sprinkler system removes these concerns by delivering the right amount of water at the right time. This results in a healthier lawn that uses water efficiently, avoiding waste while providing sufficient moisture to every corner of your outdoor space.
Benefits of Installing a Lawn Sprinkler System
Water Conservation Lawn sprinkler systems are designed to optimize water use, helping conserve water. Advanced sprinkler systems come with moisture sensors and programmable timers, ensuring that your lawn only gets watered when necessary, based on weather conditions and soil moisture levels. In a world where environmental responsibility is paramount, having a system that conserves water is an advantage for both the homeowner and the planet.
Saves Time and Effort Maintaining a lawn can be a time-consuming task, especially when it comes to watering. Lawn sprinkler systems in Bedfordshire take the hassle out of lawn care by automating the process. Once installed, all you need to do is set the timer, and your system will handle the rest. This allows you to enjoy your garden without spending hours dragging hoses and watering by hand.
Promotes Healthy Lawn Growth Proper and consistent watering is crucial for a healthy lawn. Over-watering can cause root rot, while under-watering leads to brown, patchy areas. With a lawn sprinkler system, you can ensure your lawn gets the ideal amount of water, leading to uniform growth, vibrant green grass, and fewer weeds. It also reduces soil erosion and runoff, as the water is delivered evenly and slowly into the ground.
Increases Property Value An attractive, well-maintained lawn not only enhances curb appeal but also adds to your property’s overall value. Potential buyers are likely to be impressed by a garden that is lush and easy to maintain, and a built-in lawn sprinkler system is a desirable feature that can increase your home’s marketability. For businesses, a healthy, green outdoor space creates a welcoming environment for customers and clients.
Choosing the Right Lawn Sprinkler System
There are different types of sprinkler systems to choose from, depending on your lawn’s size, shape, and watering needs. Pop-up sprinklers are a popular choice for most homeowners in Bedfordshire, as they are discreet and can be set to pop up at specific times, ensuring the lawn is watered without manual interference. Drip irrigation systems are another option, particularly for areas with a lot of plants, as they deliver water directly to the roots, minimizing evaporation.
Investing in a Automatic Garden Irrigation Systems Bedfordshire  is a smart choice for anyone who values a beautiful, healthy lawn. With the benefits of water conservation, time savings, and improved lawn health, these systems offer long-term value while making lawn care easier and more effective. Whether you have a small garden or a sprawling lawn, the right sprinkler system can ensure that your outdoor space remains vibrant and green throughout the year.
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