#Smart Irrigation Market Size
futuretonext · 1 year
The Global Smart Irrigation Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 15.0% during the forecast period, i.e., 2023-28. The market is more likely to expand owing to the extensive government initiative for preserving water, incorporating several latest techniques to build and improvise irrigation systems worldwide.
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karan777 · 16 days
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jacksgreysays · 9 months
Hiiii how about a prompt for Further Down Road One, political marriage!Shikasuke, maybe something from an Uchiha's POV on the Shikabane-hime's meteoric rise in power, international acclaim, and political capital? And how it ripples out onto the clan as a whole?
I mean, the point of Road One is that the arranged marriage itself already does SO MUCH to change the trajectory of the Uchiha clan’s fate for the better that, basically, everything else after that is kind of a bonus. The fact that Shikako’s smart and powerful and a good person is NICE, yes, but just being engaged to Sasuke already earned so much approval from the clan as a whole that it’s just kinda… ehhhh…
Although… and this somewhat of a tangent to the prompt… it would be funny if… okay, let me set this up by saying: I don’t necessarily like Itachi as a character. When he was kind of a psychopath and apparently just murdered his entire family to test his power, that was at least a… strength of will or conviction that kind of resonated thematically. Like, what if Will of Fire goes bad kind of thing. Or the pressures of being clan heir, of being pushed too hard and too fast, would lead to a genius of violence snapping and using said violence. Then when it turns out he was given orders to murder his entire family and his one condition was that Sasuke would get to live is like… what the fuck dude. It’s both backtracking to make Itachi weaker as a character and also, somehow, even more of a psychopath in my opinion. And, like, sure, Danzo maybe used Shisui’s Sharingan to unbreakable genjutsu him into it, but I don’t think that really absolves Itachi.
All that being said, theoretically in this kinder world of Road One, we never get to that point. Additionally, there’s less pressure on Itachi to continue to excel SO OVERTLY since the clan isn’t getting isolated and also because Shisui is still there and alive to share the burden.
BUT, I do still… the idea that the Uchiha elders have been wanting one of the clan to become Hokage is something that I hold to be true unless proven otherwise. I do think the clan elders would push more for Itachi to be Hokage—because he is clan heir and so has the pedigree, while Shisui (just as powerful, literally Flee On Sight in the bingo books at such a young age) I think we’ve fandom agreed is an orphan or at least a lesser branch of the Uchiha clan.
Anyway, all of the above leads me to: Shisui and Itachi trying to PR campaign for their sister-in-law Shikako (who WILL be an Uchiha once the marriage actually) to be the new “best candidate” for an Uchiha Hokage. Like, really just them listing off all of her accomplishments to not only the Uchiha elders but the rest of the clan (who, again, already quite like her).
I also think, in this universe, that Shikako would DO SOMETHING about Sora-ku once she feels a little more comfortable making decisions—or, at least, making proposals with attached logistics—for the Uchiha clan. Like. It’s a huge chunk of territory that seems to be an abandoned city. But it’s apparently functional enough to have a community of sorts of black marketeers and a support system. Like, it’s not so out of the way of things that nobody bothers with it, which implies that it could be rejuvenated with the time and resources. I think I read a theory once that it’s because Senju used their skills to desertify the area so there just wasn’t enough food to support a city of that size. BUT, now they’ve got Shikako. And Shikako’s connections. Whether that is the ANY clan alliance or Tenzo/Yamato or upper echelons of Hidden Mist’s administration (Haku is an ice user, yes, but like he and Zabuza wouldn’t throw a squad of Mist nin with water nature to help with irrigation at Shikako’s request for free) or even the literal oasis creating ancient god Gelel.
So, you know, she’s more than proven herself to the world. And with the Sora-ku rejuvenation, already brought a level of prosperity to the Uchiha clan than they could ever imagine. “Shikako for Hokage” is not a hard sell for Shisui and Itachi whatsoever (and also, they do think Sasuke would be so happy as her First Gentleman/trophy husband)
Yeah, that’s kind of all I can think of for this prompt in terms of it being different than how the Nara clan or DoS canon clans for that matter would view her meteoric rise. Hope you enjoyed, anon.
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Within the next five years, it is anticipated that the following uses would propel the market for agricultural drones
Precision agriculture: In order to help farmers make more educated decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, drones can be used to collect data on crop health, soil conditions, and other parameters. This may result in higher yields and lower costs.
Livestock monitoring: Drones can be used to track animals, which can help farmers spot issues early on and take immediate action. Improvements in productivity and lower death rates may result from this.
Smart greenhouses: Drones can be used to track animals, which can help farmers spot issues early on and take immediate action. Improvements in productivity and lower death rates may result from this.
Irrigation: Drones can be used to map irrigation systems, monitor them, and find places where there is a shortage of water. Farmers may be able to use water more effectively as a result and suffer fewer crop losses.
Precision fish farming: Fish in aquaculture ponds can have their growth and health monitored by drones. This can aid fish farmers in increasing production and cutting expenses.
The following elements are also anticipated to contribute to the market for agriculture drones' overall growth, in addition to these particular applications:
Increasing government support: Governments from all over the world are becoming more aware of how drones may increase agricultural output and sustainability. As a result, numerous governments are promoting drone use in agriculture by offering financial and other forms of support.
Technological advancements: With constant additions of new features and capabilities, drone technology is quickly developing. Drones are becoming more accessible to farmers of all sizes as a result of being more reasonably priced and simple to use.
Rising demand for food: By 2050, it's anticipated that there will be 9.7 billion people on the planet. The world's food supply will be significantly strained as a result. 
In general, it is anticipated that the market for agricultural drones would expand significantly during the next five years. Numerous causes, including escalating government backing, advancing technology, and expanding food demand, will fuel this rise.
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businessfortune · 3 days
Robotics Transforming Sustainable Agriculture for the Future
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Since time immemorial, agriculture has been the primary source of food and employment for the majority of human being globally. Therefore, agriculture has always been at the center of human civilization. But with almost 10 billion people expected to live on the planet by 2050; there is more pressure than ever on the farming industry to provide more food in a sustainable manner. Agricultural robots is becoming a disruptive force in this setting, providing creative ways to improve farming operations' sustainability, efficiency, and productivity.
Robotics Transforming Sustainable Agriculture for the Future
A great value of AI has been added by agricultural robots, which assist across multiple stages of agricultural automation, including crop monitoring, weeding, identifying soil health management, enhancing crop output, and optimizing irrigation.
Conventional agricultural practices frequently rely significantly on physical labor and are limited by things like a lack of workers, growing labor expenses, and unpredictable weather.
Important Uses for Agricultural Robotics:
Autonomous Vehicles: Drones, robotic harvesters, and autonomous tractors are transforming the cultivation and harvesting procedures.
Weeding Robots: Since weeds fight with crops for water, nutrients, and sunlight, controlling them is a significant problem in agriculture.
Observation and Data Analytics: Using sensors and imaging smart farming technology, agricultural automation may gather important information about crop monitoring, health, environmental variables, and soil health management.
Robotic Sorting & Packaging: Agricultural product is sorted, graded, and packaged using robotic devices in post-harvest activities. These robots can precisely handle fragile fruits and vegetables, minimizing product damage and guaranteeing consistent quality standards.
The Rise of Agricultural Robotics
At an average yearly growth rate of 24.3%, the agricultural robots industry is predicted to be worth USD 40.1 billion by 2028, having already reached a size of USD 13.5 billion in 2023.
The primary force behind this acceptance is the growing need for more environmentally friendly precision farming methods. Utilizing autonomous platforms, farmers can apply a variable rate application strategy with consistency and accuracy, reducing the adverse effects on the environment.
The most recent developments in smart farming technology are also accelerating change. It is imperative that all stakeholders actively monitor and incorporate agricultural automation trends into their strategy in order to ensure the continued expansion of the agricultural industry.
Key Technologies Driving Innovation
Data collection on soil, weather, crops, animals, machinery, and equipment is made possible by robotics systems and robots with many sensors, sample tools, and GPS autopilots. 
Drones, automated tractors, milking robots, automated harvesting systems, and many more devices can be classified as agricultural robots. Robots have the ability to revolutionize agriculture, and as more and more farmers realize this, they will establish long-lasting trends in the coming years. These are a few of the agricultural robots that are now in high demand:
Drone technology in agriculture: Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, have been instrumental in the smart farming technology revolution in agriculture, which is currently experiencing a technological boom. A new study projects that the value of the drone technology in agriculture industry would increase between USD 4.5 billion in 2023 to USD 17.9 billion in 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.5% from 2023 to 2028.
Milking Robots: The market for milking robotics is anticipated to grow at a similarly high rate. It is anticipated to increase at an average yearly rate of 10.8%, from USD 3.2 billion in 2024 through USD 5.3 million by 2029.
Autonomous Tractors and Platforms: In recent years, autonomous tractors and platforms, as well as self-propelled platforms for gardening, such as vineyards and orchards, have become one of the most notable trends in the use of robotics for agriculture. With an average yearly growth rate exceeding 24.0% from 2023 to 2028, the global market for autonomous tractors is expected to reach USD 7.1 billion by 2028 from its anticipated USD 2.4 billion valuation in 2023.
Automated Harvesting Systems: With a compound yearly growth rate of 6.6%, the automated harvesting market is predicted to increase from USD 2 billion in 2023 to USD 2.76 billion in 2028. Precision farming is currently using automated harvesting robots to guarantee resource optimization and sustainability.
The Role of Robotics in Modernizing Agriculture
Farming robots are specifically intended to aid farmers in various activities. These robots are capable of being programmed to carry out labor-intensive, repetitive jobs as well as analyses and agricultural automations. This capacity helps to raise overall productivity and efficiency while also easing the strain on farmers.
Growers know that working on farms may be difficult. There is a lot of labor involved in the process, from planting the seeds to eventually harvesting the crops. Including robotics would improve the overall work frame. Although these robots would produce superior results, they would nevertheless remain dependent on human benefits.
Robotic Harvesting for Various Crops:
Among sustainable crop production, robotics in greenhouse farming industry has been able to pique people's interest in robotics harvesting the most. A third of these growers have decided to purchase them. Due of the stable and customized circumstances that offers robotics in greenhouse farming, robots could be used to their maximum potential there.
A third of vegetable growers have expressed interest in purchasing robots that gather vegetables. It is little higher than the mean (27%). One important factor is that, compared to other field crops, vegetable growers keep a more consistent labor force; 40% of the vegetable farms employ full-time workers.
Different Types of Robots:-
Bosch, a German firm, has created a robot that can destroy weeds at a rate of 120 per minute—much faster than a human being or herbicide.
Fruit Picker: A start-up company called Abundant Robotics Inc. has created robots that will only pick apples when they are ripe. The bot can recognize and select apples thanks to the software without endangering the fruit itself or the tree.
Lettuce Bot: A California-based startup called Blue River unveiled a gadget that growers can mount on their tractors. By applying pesticides just to the impacted areas of the field, farmers would be assisted in identifying and eliminating weeds and insects from the region.
Prospera Bots: Prospera is the newest robotic system that uses sensors and a camera to notify growers when a crop is sick. Farmers may use the app to fix the problem before it's too late.
Hornet Bot: The startup in robotics Agribotix developed a flying robot that uses infrared sensors to assess sustainable crop production for health and take aerial pictures and movies of fields from above. It operates via an app and notifies farmers immediately as it finds a problem in any specific area of the field.
Benefits of Robotics in Sustainable crop production
In the long run, agricultural robots have a lot of potential to boost farmers' profits. They are highly efficient at a lot of tasks that farmers need to complete to have a good sustainable crop production.
The following are some of the main benefits of utilizing agricultural robots:
Optimal operational continuity
Reduces mistakes
Chemicals sprayed precisely
Lowering expenses
Enhances quality yield
Reduces the waste of water
Makes the best use of pesticides and fertilizers
Constant soil and crop monitoring ensures the health.
Spots possible illnesses and pest infestations
Long-term profit enhancement
In conclusion, robotic agricultural laborers are revolutionizing precision farming practices and paving the way for an environmentally friendly future. With the world's population expanding, these robots provide effective ways to perform jobs including planting, crop monitoring, and harvesting. They improve the quality of food, cut down on waste, and lower labor costs. Robotics will play an ever-more-important role in agriculture as smart farming technology develops, assisting farmers in meeting the increasing need for food while preserving the environment. An industry that farms can become more efficient and healthier by adopting these advancements.
What is the role of robotics in sustainable agriculture?
Robotics makes farming more efficient and intelligent. Because robots can perform farming chores like planting, watering, and harvesting, farming is becoming more environmentally friendly and effective.
How do robots help improve sustainability in agriculture?
Robots consume less chemicals and water. They can keep a careful eye on crops to identify issues early. As a result, farmers may produce more food with less damage to the environment and fewer resources used.
What types of robots are commonly used in agriculture?
Common robots include fruit and vegetable harvesting devices, autonomous tractors, weeding robots, and drone technology in agriculture.
Are agricultural robots cost-effective for small-scale farmers?
Small-scale farmers may find it difficult to afford robots. In the long run, nevertheless, certain robots can save costs by boosting crop yields and decreasing labor costs.
What is the future outlook for robotics in agriculture?
The future appears promising! With the advancement and decreasing cost of technology, more farmers are anticipated to employ robots. This will support the sustainable production of more food.
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thegardenersrain · 5 days
Efficient Lawn Sprinkler Systems for a Greener Bedfordshire
A lush, green lawn is a hallmark of a well-maintained property, and for homeowners and businesses in Bedfordshire, achieving that perfect landscape requires a dependable and efficient irrigation system. Lawn sprinkler systems have emerged as a key solution for ensuring that lawns stay hydrated, healthy, and vibrant, even during periods of dry weather. In this article, we will explore the benefits of installing lawn sprinkler systems in Bedfordshire and why they are essential for anyone looking to maintain a pristine outdoor space.
The Importance of Proper Lawn Irrigation
In a region like Bedfordshire, where weather conditions can vary throughout the year, maintaining a healthy lawn requires more than occasional watering. A lawn sprinkler system automates the watering process, ensuring consistent and even distribution of water across your garden or lawn. Whether you're a homeowner with a modest garden or a business owner managing a large commercial property, a sprinkler system is essential to keep your greenery looking its best.
Irrigation through manual watering or using hoses is time-consuming and inefficient, often leading to under- or over-watering, which can damage grass and plants. An automated lawn sprinkler system removes these concerns by delivering the right amount of water at the right time. This results in a healthier lawn that uses water efficiently, avoiding waste while providing sufficient moisture to every corner of your outdoor space.
Benefits of Installing a Lawn Sprinkler System
Water Conservation Lawn sprinkler systems are designed to optimize water use, helping conserve water. Advanced sprinkler systems come with moisture sensors and programmable timers, ensuring that your lawn only gets watered when necessary, based on weather conditions and soil moisture levels. In a world where environmental responsibility is paramount, having a system that conserves water is an advantage for both the homeowner and the planet.
Saves Time and Effort Maintaining a lawn can be a time-consuming task, especially when it comes to watering. Lawn sprinkler systems in Bedfordshire take the hassle out of lawn care by automating the process. Once installed, all you need to do is set the timer, and your system will handle the rest. This allows you to enjoy your garden without spending hours dragging hoses and watering by hand.
Promotes Healthy Lawn Growth Proper and consistent watering is crucial for a healthy lawn. Over-watering can cause root rot, while under-watering leads to brown, patchy areas. With a lawn sprinkler system, you can ensure your lawn gets the ideal amount of water, leading to uniform growth, vibrant green grass, and fewer weeds. It also reduces soil erosion and runoff, as the water is delivered evenly and slowly into the ground.
Increases Property Value An attractive, well-maintained lawn not only enhances curb appeal but also adds to your property’s overall value. Potential buyers are likely to be impressed by a garden that is lush and easy to maintain, and a built-in lawn sprinkler system is a desirable feature that can increase your home’s marketability. For businesses, a healthy, green outdoor space creates a welcoming environment for customers and clients.
Choosing the Right Lawn Sprinkler System
There are different types of sprinkler systems to choose from, depending on your lawn’s size, shape, and watering needs. Pop-up sprinklers are a popular choice for most homeowners in Bedfordshire, as they are discreet and can be set to pop up at specific times, ensuring the lawn is watered without manual interference. Drip irrigation systems are another option, particularly for areas with a lot of plants, as they deliver water directly to the roots, minimizing evaporation.
Investing in a Automatic Garden Irrigation Systems Bedfordshire  is a smart choice for anyone who values a beautiful, healthy lawn. With the benefits of water conservation, time savings, and improved lawn health, these systems offer long-term value while making lawn care easier and more effective. Whether you have a small garden or a sprawling lawn, the right sprinkler system can ensure that your outdoor space remains vibrant and green throughout the year.
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tamanna31 · 11 days
Smart Agriculture Market Dynamics, Top Manufacturers Analysis, Trend And Demand, Forecast To 2030
Smart Agriculture Industry Overview
The global smart agriculture market size was valued at USD 22.65 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
Increasing automation of commercial greenhouses and growing implementation of the controlled environment agriculture (CEA) concept in greenhouses, in a bid to obtain a higher yield and maintain optimum growing conditions, are the key factors driving demand during the forecast period. Cultivators realize the potential benefits of growing plants inside a greenhouse, which has led to the development of commercial greenhouses. Cultivators have shifted from the conventional lighting systems to LED grow lights as the latter can easily be integrated into a CEA setup. Although LED grows lights are high in cost, they are an ideal option for indoor farming, owing to their long-term benefits in terms of energy efficiency.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Smart Agriculture Market
Smart agriculture companies are shifting their focus toward the development of equipment that is integrated with advanced sensors and cameras. Key technologies driving the market demand include livestock biometrics, such as RFID, biometrics, and GPS to help cultivators automatically obtain information regarding livestock in real-time. Furthermore, infrastructural health sensors are used for monitoring material conditions and vibrations in buildings, factories, bridges, farms, and other infrastructure. Coupled with an intelligent network, infrastructural health sensors help provide information to the maintenance team in real-time. In addition, agricultural robots are being used to automate farming processes, such as soil maintenance, weeding, fruit picking, harvesting, planting, plowing, and irrigation, among others.
To sustain profits, farmers are increasingly adopting smarter and more efficient agriculture technologies to deliver high-quality products to the smart agriculture market in sufficient quantities. Mobile technology aids in offering innovative types and applications that are used across the agricultural value chain.
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications are particularly suited for the agricultural sector, enabling farmers to monitor equipment, assess the environmental impact on production, precisely manage livestock and crops, and keep track of tractors and other agricultural equipment. M2M is an integral part of IoT, which describes the coordination of multiple devices, appliances, and machines connected to the internet through multiple networks.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought widespread disruption to the global supply chain, resulting in food shortages and inflation. Necessary measures are required to strengthen the food supply chain and prepare for any future crisis. The ongoing pandemic has highlighted the significance of being able to carry out agricultural operations remotely. The ability of smart agricultural practices to help farmers recoup losses in a relatively shorter lead time is expected to drive future market growth.
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
The global agriculture 4.0 market was estimated at USD 67.73 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.6% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global AI in food & beverages market size was valued at USD 8.45 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 39.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market include Ag Leader Technology, AGCO Corporation, AgJunction, Inc., AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc., Autonomous Solutions, Inc., Argus Control Systems Ltd, BouMatic Robotic B.V., CropMetrics, CLAAS KGaA mbH, CropZilla, Deere & Company, DICKEY-john, DroneDeploy, DeLaval Inc, Farmers Edge Inc, Grownetics, Inc., Granular, Inc., Gamaya, GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft, Raven Industries, Trimble Inc., Topcon Positioning System among others.
AGCO Corporation is a U.S.-based agriculture equipment manufacturer. The company develops and sells products and solutions such as tractors, combines, foragers, hay tools, self-propelled sprayers, smart farming technologies, seeding equipment, and tillage equipment.
Deere & Company is engaged in the manufacturing & construction of agricultural and forestry machinery; drivetrains and diesel engines for heavy equipment; and lawn care machinery. Additionally, the company also manufactures and provides other heavy manufacturing equipment. The company serves diverse industries such as agriculture, forestry, construction, landscaping & grounds care, engines & drivetrain, government and military, and sports turf.
Prospera Technologies and Agrible, Inc. are some of the emerging market participants in the target market.
Prospera Technologies is a global service provider of agriculture technology for managing and optimizing irrigation and crop health. The company provides AI-based sensors and cameras that aid farmers in crop monitoring.
Agrible is a U.S.-based agriculture solution provider. The company helps customers in more than 30 countries optimize water use, crop protection, fertilization, fieldwork, research trials, food supply chains, and sustainability initiatives
Key Smart Agriculture Companies:
Ag Leader Technology
AGCO Corporation
AgJunction, Inc.
AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc.
Autonomous Solutions, Inc.
Argus Control Systems Ltd
BouMatic Robotic B.V.
Deere & Company
DeLaval Inc
Farmers Edge Inc
Grownetics, Inc.
Granular, Inc.
GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft
Raven Industries
Trimble Inc.
Topcon Positioning System
Recent Developments
In July 2023, Deere & Company announced the acquisition of Smart Apply, Inc. The company planned to leverage Smart Apply’s precision spraying to assist growers in addressing the challenges associated with input costs, labor, regulatory requirements, and environmental goals.
In May 2023, AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. announced that it had entered into a 2-year supply agreement with Wingtra AG. This agreement is purposed to secure the supply of RedEdge-P sensor kits for incorporation with WingtraOne VTOL drones. This is specifically resourceful for those seeking to benefit materially from unparalleled, high precision, and plant-level detail in commercial agriculture, environmental research, forestry, and water management applications.
In April 2023, AGCO Corporation announced a strategic collaboration with Hexagon, for the expansion of AGCO’s factory-fit and aftermarket guidance offerings. The new guidance system was planned to be commercialized as Fuse Guide on Valtra and Massey Ferguson tractors.
In February 2023, Topcon Agriculture unveiled the launch of Transplanting Control, an exceptional guidance control solution for specialty farmers. This turnkey solution was designed to boost efficiency, reduce labor, and proliferate production. Further, it delivers GNSS-driven guidance, autosteering & control, thereby proving advantageous for the growers of perennial trees, vegetables, and fruits.
In January 2023, ASI Logistics in collaboration with SICK, Inc. announced the successful implementation of autonomous yard truck operations. In this collaboration, ASI Logistics leveraged its groundbreaking Vehicle Automation Kit (VAK) along with the industry-leading LiDAR systems of SICK.
In March 2022, Raven announced its business expansion in South Dakota and Arizona to enhance the development of AI-driven technologies for tailoring cutting-edge solutions. The strategy was also aimed at allowing access to a nearby test farm for same-day testing.
In October 2021, BouMatic announced the acquisition of SAC Group to leverage automatic and conventional milking systems. The transaction demonstrated the company’s incessant commitment to delivering best-in-class dairy farm solutions to consumers across the world.
In May 2021, AGCO announced a targeted spraying solutions strategic collaboration with Raven Industries Inc., BASF Digital, and Robert Bosch GmbH. The objective of this deal was to assess the targeted spraying technology for enhancing crop protection product applications by limiting crop input costs and addressing environmental sustainability.
Order a free sample PDF of the Smart Agriculture Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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fnbagritech · 18 days
8 Superior Cultivation Techniques: Identifying the Best Quality Tomatoes for Smart Farming in Indonesia
Best Quality Tomato, a Southeast Asian nation renowned for its fertile lands and diverse agricultural landscape, is experiencing a paradigm shift towards smart agriculture. This technology-driven approach integrates data-centric practices with automation to optimize crop yield, resource management, and overall farm productivity. Tomatoes, a widely cultivated and commercially important crop in Indonesia, present a prime target for smart agriculture implementation. Selecting the best quality tomato variety plays a crucial role in this endeavor.
Defining Quality in Tomatoes
When discussing the quality of tomatoes, it's essential to consider a wide range of characteristics that go beyond simple visual appeal. Although appearance plays a key role in marketability, factors like size, shape, and color are just the surface of what defines a high-quality tomato. For smart agriculture applications, quality also includes aspects such as yield, disease resistance, stress tolerance, postharvest shelf life, and nutrient content. These attributes are critical not only for ensuring the profitability and sustainability of tomato production but also for meeting consumer demands for healthy, high-quality produce.
1. Yield
the Best Quality Tomato,One of the most important measures of quality in tomatoes, particularly in the context of smart agriculture, is the yield per unit area. High-yielding tomato varieties are especially desirable for farmers who need to maximize their land's productivity. Smart agriculture technologies can optimize the growing environment to boost yields by providing precise amounts of water, nutrients, and light. The ability to increase yields while maintaining or improving tomato quality is vital for maximizing profitability in a competitive agricultural market. In addition, higher yields can reduce the overall resource consumption per tomato, making the farming process more sustainable.
the Best Quality Tomato Yield is influenced by several factors, including the tomato variety, soil fertility, irrigation practices, and pest and disease control. Smart agriculture systems, with their ability to collect real-time data, enable farmers to make adjustments that ensure tomatoes receive the ideal conditions for growth, thereby improving both the yield and the quality of the produce.
2. Disease Resistance
the Best Quality Tomato crops are highly susceptible to a variety of fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases, which can cause significant yield losses and economic hardship for farmers. Diseases such as late blight, bacterial wilt, and mosaic viruses are common threats to tomato production, particularly in tropical regions like Indonesia.
the Best Quality Tomato smart agriculture systems, selecting tomato varieties that exhibit strong resistance to these diseases is crucial. Disease-resistant varieties reduce the need for chemical treatments, which can be costly and harmful to the environment. Moreover, smart technologies can detect early signs of disease, allowing farmers to act before an outbreak spreads, further protecting the crop. When combined with the use of disease-resistant varieties, this proactive approach helps ensure a healthy crop, reducing losses and increasing the overall quality of the tomatoes.
3. Stress Tolerance
the Best Quality Tomato,Indonesia's diverse climate presents significant challenges for tomato cultivation, including high temperatures, drought, and salinity in some regions. Tomato varieties that can tolerate these environmental stresses are essential for successful farming. For instance, drought-tolerant varieties can thrive with less water, an important feature in regions where water resources are limited. Heat-tolerant varieties are necessary for maintaining high yields and fruit quality in regions with consistently high temperatures.
the Best Quality Tomato Smart agriculture systems are equipped to monitor and manage these stress factors in real-time, making it possible to grow tomato varieties that would otherwise struggle in extreme conditions. By using data from environmental sensors, farmers can adjust irrigation, shade, or other variables to mitigate stress on the plants. This technology-driven approach not only supports the growth of stress-tolerant varieties but also improves the quality and consistency of the produce.
4. Postharvest Shelf Life
the Best Quality Tomato postharvest shelf life is another critical aspect of its quality, particularly for commercial producers and distributors. Tomatoes that have a longer shelf life, greater resistance to bruising, and slower ripening rates are more suitable for transportation and storage. These traits reduce postharvest losses and minimize spoilage, which directly contributes to higher profitability for farmers and distributors.
the Best Quality Tomato Smart agriculture systems can help extend the shelf life of tomatoes by maintaining optimal growing conditions during cultivation and applying precise amounts of nutrients that improve fruit firmness. Additionally, smart storage technologies, such as temperature and humidity control systems, can further enhance the postharvest quality of tomatoes, ensuring that they reach consumers in peak condition.
5. Nutrient Content
the Best Quality Tomato As consumer demand for healthier produce continues to rise, the nutrient content of tomatoes has become an increasingly important factor in determining their quality. Tomatoes rich in vitamins A and C, minerals like potassium, and antioxidants such as lycopene are highly sought after for their health benefits.
the Best Quality Tomato Smart agriculture practices can be tailored to optimize the nutrient content of tomatoes. By monitoring soil nutrient levels and applying targeted fertilization, farmers can ensure that their tomatoes receive the nutrients they need at the right time, resulting in produce that is not only more nutritious but also tastier and more vibrant in color. Additionally, environmental factors like sunlight and temperature can influence the accumulation of beneficial compounds in tomatoes, and smart agriculture technologies can be used to create ideal growing conditions that maximize nutrient content.
Smart Agriculture and Tomato Quality
the Best Quality Tomato,Smart agriculture plays a transformative role in improving the quality of tomato crops by leveraging advanced technologies to manage growing conditions with precision. By utilizing data, automation, and technology, smart agriculture enables farmers to enhance tomato yield, flavor, texture, and overall marketability. Below are key components of smart agriculture that optimize tomato quality.
1. Data-Driven Decision Making
the Best Quality Tomato,A cornerstone of smart agriculture is the collection and analysis of real-time data through various sensors deployed throughout the farm. These sensors monitor crucial environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and nutrient levels. With this data, farmers can make informed decisions tailored to the specific needs of the tomato variety they are cultivating.
For instance, temperature and humidity sensors can alert farmers when conditions fall outside the ideal range for optimal tomato growth, allowing for immediate corrective measures. Smart agriculture systems equipped with algorithms analyze this data to recommend precise adjustments in irrigation, fertilization, or other cultivation practices. By using this data-driven approach, farmers can ensure that their tomato plants are always growing in the best possible conditions, resulting in higher quality tomatoes with better flavor, firmness, and nutritional content.
2. Precision Irrigation
the Best Quality Tomato,Water management is critical to tomato quality, as overwatering or underwatering can significantly affect the fruit’s taste and texture. Smart irrigation systems play a vital role by delivering water directly to the root zone of the plants, ensuring that the tomatoes receive the exact amount of water they need. These systems use soil moisture sensors to continuously monitor the soil's water content and adjust irrigation schedules automatically.
For example, drip irrigation systems, often used in smart agriculture, minimize water wastage by delivering water in small, controlled amounts, ensuring that every drop is used efficiently. This method of irrigation is particularly beneficial for tomatoes, which are highly sensitive to fluctuations in water levels. Consistent and optimal moisture levels help produce tomatoes with better texture, juiciness, and firmness, making them more appealing to consumers.
3. Targeted Fertilization
the Best Quality Tomato Smart agriculture also enhances tomato quality by providing targeted fertilization based on real-time soil nutrient analysis. Sensors placed in the soil can detect nutrient levels such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are vital for healthy tomato growth. Based on this data, farmers can apply fertilizers precisely where and when needed, reducing waste and environmental impact.
By using smart systems for targeted fertilization, farmers can ensure that tomatoes receive the nutrients necessary for their specific growth stage, leading to higher-quality fruit. Tomatoes grown with precise nutrient management are likely to exhibit uniform size, improved color, and enhanced flavor, as they are not subjected to nutrient deficiencies or surpluses.
4. Disease and Pest Control
the Best Quality Tomato,One of the most significant threats to tomato quality is the presence of diseases and pests. Smart agriculture technologies help mitigate these risks by continuously monitoring for early signs of disease or pest infestations. Automated sensors and cameras, integrated into smart systems, can detect changes in plant health, such as wilting, discoloration, or pest activity.
the Best Quality Tomato,Early detection enables farmers to intervene quickly with targeted solutions, such as applying organic pesticides only where needed or adjusting environmental conditions to prevent disease spread. By reducing the incidence of disease and pests, smart agriculture minimizes damage to the tomato crop, ensuring a healthier, higher-quality yield. This technology-driven approach reduces the need for excessive chemical use, making the final product more appealing to consumers who prioritize sustainability and health.
5. Environmental Control
the Best Quality Tomato For farmers growing tomatoes in greenhouses, smart agriculture offers precise control over the greenhouse environment. Through automated systems, factors such as temperature, humidity, and light can be regulated to maintain ideal conditions for tomato growth. Greenhouse sensors continuously measure these environmental parameters, and automated systems adjust them in real-time to prevent stress on the plants.
the Best Quality Tomato For example, smart systems can automatically open vents or adjust cooling systems if the temperature inside the greenhouse rises above optimal levels. Similarly, humidity can be controlled to prevent fungal diseases, which thrive in overly moist environments. Maintaining a stable and optimal environment helps produce tomatoes that are consistently high in quality, with better texture, flavor, and appearance.
Selecting the Best Quality Tomato Variety for Smart Agriculture in Indonesia
The selection of the best quality tomato variety for smart agriculture in Indonesia is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of a farm. Given Indonesia’s diverse environmental conditions and varying market demands, farmers need to consider several key factors when choosing a tomato variety for their smart agriculture systems. Here are some of the primary considerations that can guide the selection process.
1. Climate Adaptability
Indonesia is characterized by a wide range of climate zones, from the tropical rainforests of Sumatra to the more arid regions in East Nusa Tenggara. Because of these variations, it’s essential to select tomato varieties that can thrive in the specific climatic conditions of the farm location. For example, tomato plants are generally sensitive to extreme heat and humidity, but some varieties may be more resistant to these conditions than others. In areas with high rainfall and humidity, disease-resistant varieties that can withstand fungal infections and root rot are crucial.
2. Soil Conditions
Soil type, pH levels, and nutrient availability are critical factors influencing tomato growth and yield. In Indonesia, soil conditions can vary significantly from one region to another, ranging from rich volcanic soils in parts of Java to more acidic or nutrient-depleted soils in other areas. Farmers need to select tomato varieties that can thrive in the specific soil conditions of their farm.
3. Market Demand
Understanding the market demand for specific tomato varieties is a crucial aspect of farm profitability. In Indonesia, consumer preferences can vary based on region, with some markets preferring larger tomatoes for slicing, while others may demand smaller, sweeter varieties for sauces or canning. Commercial buyers may also have specific requirements regarding size, color, and firmness for ease of transport and storage. Selecting tomato varieties that meet these preferences ensures that the farm’s produce is marketable and competitive.
4. Available Technology
The choice of tomato variety should also align with the specific smart agriculture technologies employed on the farm. For example, some varieties may thrive in controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) setups, such as hydroponic or vertical farming systems, while others are better suited for open-field cultivation with precision irrigation and automated pest management. Farms utilizing smart greenhouse technology may benefit from varieties that produce higher yields in protected environments, where temperature, humidity, and light can be controlled. On the other hand, in open-field systems, disease resistance and drought tolerance may be more critical due to exposure to natural elements. Understanding the compatibility of specific tomato varieties with the available smart agriculture technologies can help optimize production and reduce input costs.
Uses of Tomatoes in Smart Agriculture
the Best Quality Tomato Smart agriculture is revolutionizing how tomatoes are grown, offering tools to optimize growth, yield, and quality while reducing environmental impact. Through advanced technologies, farmers can manage tomato cultivation more efficiently and sustainably. Below are key uses of tomatoes in smart agriculture systems.
the Best Quality Tomato Precision Cultivation
Controlled-Environment Systems: the Best Quality Tomato are ideally suited for various controlled-environment agriculture systems such as greenhouses, hydroponics, and vertical farming. These systems allow for more precise control of environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, and light, all of which are crucial for producing high-quality tomatoes. Greenhouses can help manage these factors year-round, creating optimal conditions for tomato growth, even in unfavorable climates.
Hydroponics and Vertical Farming: Hydroponic systems, where tomatoes are grown without soil using nutrient-rich water solutions, are increasingly popular. These systems use less water than traditional farming methods and allow for closer monitoring of nutrient levels. Vertical farming, which involves growing crops in stacked layers, can also increase productivity per square meter of land. Smart agriculture integrates technologies that monitor and adjust these environments to meet the specific needs of tomato varieties, ensuring optimal growth conditions and high yields.
Smart Irrigation and Nutrient Delivery: the Best Quality Tomato,One of the main uses of tomatoes in smart agriculture is precision irrigation. Smart irrigation systems use sensors to measure soil moisture levels and deliver water directly to the plants' root zones. This reduces water waste and ensures the plants receive the right amount of water. Nutrient delivery systems can also be fine-tuned, allowing farmers to tailor fertilization according to the needs of each tomato variety. By providing the plants with nutrients when they need them, farmers can maximize growth and enhance the quality of their crops.
Commercial Farming
Optimizing Large-Scale Production: In commercial farming, the main goals are to maximize yield, maintain consistent quality, and ensure a longer shelf life of the produce. Smart agriculture offers tools like automated irrigation, climate control systems, and sensors that monitor plant health and soil conditions. These technologies are critical for commercial-scale tomato production, where even small variations in climate or moisture can affect yield and quality.
Fresh and Processed Products: the Best Quality Tomato are grown for a wide range of products, from fresh produce sold in markets to processed goods like tomato sauces and pastes. Smart agriculture ensures that tomatoes are consistently high quality, with optimal size, flavor, and texture. The ability to monitor and control growing conditions means that farmers can meet the specific requirements for each market segment. For processed products, tomatoes must meet strict standards for ripeness, flavor, and shelf life, all of which can be enhanced using smart farming techniques.
the Best Quality Tomato Disease Monitoring
Early Detection and Intervention: the Best Quality Tomato Smart agriculture systems are equipped with advanced sensors and camera systems that can monitor the health of tomato plants in real time. These sensors detect early signs of diseases such as late blight, bacterial wilt, or fungal infections. By identifying these issues early, farmers can target interventions only when necessary, reducing the spread of disease and minimizing crop loss.
Reduced Chemical Use: One of the biggest advantages of disease monitoring through smart agriculture is the ability to reduce the use of chemical pesticides. Since smart systems can pinpoint the exact location of the disease, farmers can use localized treatments, applying pesticides only where needed. This reduces overall chemical use and promotes healthier, more sustainable farming practices. In addition, some smart agriculture systems use biological control methods, such as beneficial insects or fungi, to manage pests and diseases without relying on harmful chemicals.
Climate-Resilient Farming
Adaptation to Unpredictable Weather: the Best Quality Tomato In regions with unpredictable weather patterns, such as tropical areas like Indonesia, tomatoes can be vulnerable to changes in temperature, rainfall, and humidity. Smart agriculture systems help mitigate these risks by monitoring real-time climate data and adjusting growing conditions accordingly. For example, smart irrigation systems can increase or decrease water delivery based on rainfall, while climate control systems in greenhouses can maintain a stable temperature during heatwaves or cold spells.
Reducing Environmental Stress: the Best Quality Tomato crops are often sensitive to environmental stresses such as drought, excessive heat, or high salinity in the soil. Smart agriculture tools help reduce these stressors by providing the plants with the resources they need to cope with changing conditions. This includes automatic shading during extreme heat, adjusting humidity levels, and delivering water with precision to prevent dehydration. With these technologies, farmers can grow tomatoes in less-than-ideal conditions, ensuring a stable supply even during challenging growing seasons.
Improving Resilience in Changing Climates: the Best Quality Tomato,Climate change poses a significant challenge to tomato farming, particularly in regions that experience erratic weather patterns. Smart agriculture plays a vital role in making tomato farming more resilient by providing real-time data on environmental conditions and allowing for quick adjustments to protect crops. As climate change continues to alter weather patterns globally, smart farming systems will become increasingly essential in safeguarding tomato production.
8 tomato cultivation techniques
Soil Preparation Best Quality Tomatoes,Preparing the soil is essential for healthy tomato plants. Ensure the soil is well-drained and rich in organic matter. Adding compost or aged manure enhances soil fertility and structure, which supports strong root growth. It’s also important to check the pH level; tomatoes thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 6.0 to 6.8.
Seed Selection Best Quality Tomatoes,Choose high-quality tomato seeds or seedlings that are suited to the local climate and growing conditions. Hybrid varieties with disease resistance, high yields, and specific characteristics like size and flavor should be selected to ensure optimal growth and harvest.
Spacing and Planting Best Quality Tomatoes,Proper spacing is crucial for tomato plant health. Plants should be spaced about 45 to 60 cm apart, with rows spaced about 90 cm apart, to allow for adequate airflow and reduce the risk of disease. Seedlings should be planted deep, burying about two-thirds of the plant to encourage strong root development.
Irrigation Management Best Quality Tomatoes require consistent watering to maintain healthy growth, but overwatering can lead to root rot. Drip irrigation is the preferred method in smart agriculture, as it delivers water directly to the roots, minimizing waste and preventing waterlogging. It's best to water in the morning to allow plants to dry before nightfall.
Pruning and Staking Pruning tomato plants helps direct energy toward fruit production and reduces disease by improving airflow. Removing the suckers (small shoots between the main stem and branches) encourages better fruit development. Staking or trellising keeps the plants upright, prevents the fruit from touching the ground, and makes harvesting easier.
Fertilization Best Quality Tomatoes are heavy feeders and require regular fertilization. Use a balanced fertilizer (rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) throughout the growing season, adjusting based on the plant’s needs. Smart agriculture systems can monitor nutrient levels and provide precision fertilization through soil sensors.
Pest and Disease Control Best Quality Tomatoes,Monitor for pests such as aphids, tomato hornworms, and whiteflies, which can damage crops. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, such as using natural predators and biological controls, help reduce pest populations without relying on excessive pesticides. Smart sensors can also detect early signs of disease, allowing for targeted interventions.
Harvesting Best Quality Tomatoes should be harvested when they are fully ripened, but slightly firm to ensure the best flavor and texture. In smart farming, timing the harvest is critical for optimizing shelf life and market value. Monitoring tools help track ripeness and ideal harvesting periods, ensuring the highest quality fruit for market.
Examples of High-Quality Tomato Varieties for Smart Agriculture in Indonesia
the Best Quality Tomato In the context of smart agriculture in Indonesia, selecting the right tomato varieties is crucial for optimizing yield, quality, and resource efficiency. Several high-quality tomato varieties stand out for their suitability in different growing conditions and smart farming techniques. Below are examples of some notable varieties that have demonstrated exceptional qualities for smart agriculture applications in Indonesia.
Micro Tom
Micro Tom is a compact, dwarf variety that is highly adaptable to small spaces, making it perfect for urban or peri-urban smart farms. Its small size allows it to thrive in containers, vertical farming systems, or greenhouses, maximizing space efficiency, especially in areas with limited land availability. Despite its small stature, Micro Tom produces high yields, with fruit that is known for its excellent flavor and firm texture. One of the key advantages of this variety is its disease resistance, which is an important trait when minimizing the use of chemical pesticides in sustainable and smart agriculture systems. This makes it an excellent candidate for urban farmers who are embracing precision agriculture, hydroponics, or controlled-environment agriculture (CEA).
Juliana is an indeterminate tomato variety that produces long, vine-ripened fruits with a sweet, juicy texture, making it highly desirable in the fresh produce market. As an indeterminate type, Juliana continues to grow and produce tomatoes throughout the growing season, allowing farmers to benefit from extended harvests. This variety is particularly well-suited for smart agriculture practices due to its adaptability to various growing conditions, from open fields to greenhouse environments.
Intuze is a determinate tomato variety that is well-regarded for its robustness and ability to produce a concentrated harvest. This makes it ideal for regions where farmers may prefer a shorter growing season or when there is a need for a large, uniform harvest at once, such as in commercial processing or large-scale distribution. Intuze's compact growth habit also makes it suitable for mechanized farming and easy to integrate into smart agriculture systems that use automated harvesting or monitoring tools.
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chetanagblog · 19 days
Smart Irrigation Controllers Market size is expected to reach US$ 2955.6 Mn. by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 13.1% during the forecast period.
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Why Choose Residential Irrigation Contractors in Sylvania for Your Lawn Care Needs?
Maintaining a lush, green lawn is every homeowner's dream. However, achieving and keeping that perfect lawn in Sylvania requires more than just occasional watering. It demands a reliable, efficient, and customized irrigation system designed to meet your lawn's unique needs. That's where professional residential irrigation contractors come in. Let's explore why hiring experts in Sylvania can make all the difference in your lawn care routine.
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1. Customized Irrigation Solutions
Every lawn has its own specific requirements, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply won't do. Professional irrigation contractors in Sylvania, like Waterville Irrigation Inc. take the time to understand your lawn's needs, including soil type, plant varieties, and sun exposure. With this information, they design and install a tailored irrigation system that ensures optimal water distribution, keeping your lawn healthy and vibrant all year round.
2. Water Efficiency
Water conservation is crucial, especially during dry spells or in areas with water restrictions. A professionally installed irrigation system is designed to use water efficiently, reducing waste and lowering your water bills. Smart irrigation technology, such as weather-based controllers and soil moisture sensors, can be integrated into your system to adjust watering schedules based on real-time conditions, ensuring your lawn gets the right amount of water without overuse.
3. Expert Maintenance and Repairs
Regular maintenance is key to keeping your irrigation system running smoothly. Residential irrigation contractors in Sylvania offer comprehensive maintenance services, including seasonal adjustments, system check-ups, and repairs. By having professionals routinely inspect and service your system, you can avoid costly breakdowns, leaks, or inefficient water usage. In the event of a malfunction, expert technicians are just a call away to provide prompt and reliable repairs.
4. Increased Property Value
A well-maintained lawn adds curb appeal and significantly increases the value of your property. A professionally installed irrigation system ensures your lawn stays in top condition, enhancing the overall appearance of your home. Prospective buyers often view a lush, green lawn as a sign of a well-cared-for property, making your home more attractive on the real estate market.
5. Time Savings
Manual watering can be time-consuming and often leads to inconsistent results. An automated irrigation system frees up your time, allowing you to focus on other important tasks or simply relax. By investing in a reliable irrigation system, you can enjoy a beautiful lawn without the hassle of daily watering.
6. Environmentally Friendly
Using a professionally designed irrigation system helps reduce water runoff and soil erosion, promoting a healthier environment. Efficient water usage also means less strain on local water resources, contributing to sustainable living practices. By choosing experienced irrigation contractors, you're not only investing in your lawn but also in the well-being of your community.
7. Local Expertise
Hiring local residentialirrigation contractors in Sylvania means you're working with professionals who understand the area's climate, soil conditions, and vegetation types. This local knowledge ensures that your irrigation system is designed and installed to thrive in Sylvania's specific environment, leading to better results and a healthier lawn.
Investing in a professional irrigation system is one of the best decisions you can make for your lawn and property. By choosing experienced residential irrigation contractors in Sylvania, such as Waterville Irrigation Inc., you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy lawn with minimal effort. From customized solutions and water efficiency to expert maintenance and increased property value, the benefits are clear. Contact your local irrigation experts today to transform your lawn into the envy of the neighborhood.
For more information on residential irrigation services in Sylvania, visit Waterville Irrigation Inc. and take the first step towards a greener, more vibrant lawn!
Source Url: - https://amorvintage.xyz/why-choose-residential-irrigation-contractors-in-sylvania-for-your-lawn-care-needs/
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futuretonext · 1 year
According to the MarkNtel Advisors' research report, "Global Smart Irrigation Market Analysis, 2021," the market is likely to grow at a CAGR of around 15% during 2021-26 due to the mounting government initiatives for water conservation and integration of advanced technologies in irrigation systems to enhance performance. Further, the development of smart cities and the rising need for an efficient irrigation system are likely to fuel the growth of the smart irrigation market during the forecast period. Besides this, rising investment for developing the agriculture sector further propels the Smart Irrigation market growth globally.
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karan777 · 27 days
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industrynewsupdates · 30 days
Smart Agriculture Market 2024-2030: Growth Share and Future Trends
The global smart agriculture market size was valued at USD 22.65 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
Increasing automation of commercial greenhouses and growing implementation of the controlled environment agriculture (CEA) concept in greenhouses, in a bid to obtain a higher yield and maintain optimum growing conditions, are the key factors driving demand during the forecast period. Cultivators realize the potential benefits of growing plants inside a greenhouse, which has led to the development of commercial greenhouses. Cultivators have shifted from the conventional lighting systems to LED grow lights as the latter can easily be integrated into a CEA setup. Although LED grows lights are high in cost, they are an ideal option for indoor farming, owing to their long-term benefits in terms of energy efficiency.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Smart Agriculture Market
Smart agriculture companies are shifting their focus toward the development of equipment that is integrated with advanced sensors and cameras. Key technologies driving the market demand include livestock biometrics, such as RFID, biometrics, and GPS to help cultivators automatically obtain information regarding livestock in real-time. Furthermore, infrastructural health sensors are used for monitoring material conditions and vibrations in buildings, factories, bridges, farms, and other infrastructure. Coupled with an intelligent network, infrastructural health sensors help provide information to the maintenance team in real-time. In addition, agricultural robots are being used to automate farming processes, such as soil maintenance, weeding, fruit picking, harvesting, planting, plowing, and irrigation, among others.
To sustain profits, farmers are increasingly adopting smarter and more efficient agriculture technologies to deliver high-quality products to the smart agriculture market in sufficient quantities. Mobile technology aids in offering innovative types and applications that are used across the agricultural value chain.
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications are particularly suited for the agricultural sector, enabling farmers to monitor equipment, assess the environmental impact on production, precisely manage livestock and crops, and keep track of tractors and other agricultural equipment. M2M is an integral part of IoT, which describes the coordination of multiple devices, appliances, and machines connected to the internet through multiple networks.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought widespread disruption to the global supply chain, resulting in food shortages and inflation. Necessary measures are required to strengthen the food supply chain and prepare for any future crisis. The ongoing pandemic has highlighted the significance of being able to carry out agricultural operations remotely. The ability of smart agricultural practices to help farmers recoup losses in a relatively shorter lead time is expected to drive future market growth.
Smart Agriculture Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global smart agriculture market report based on type, offering, application, and region.
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Precision farming
• Livestock monitoring
• Smart greenhouse
• Others
Offering Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Hardware
o Automation & control systems
o Drones
o Application control devices
o Guidance system
o Remote sensing
o Handheld
o Satellite sensing
o Driverless tractors
o Mobile devices
o Map-based
o Sensor-based
o Wireless modules
o Bluetooth technology
o Wi-Fi technology
o Zigbee technology
o RF technology
o Milking robots
o Sensing devices
o Soil sensor
o Nutrient sensor
o Moisture sensor
o Temperature sensor
o Water sensors
o Climate sensors
o Others
o HVAC system
o LED grow light
o RFID tags & readers
• Software
o Web-based
o Cloud-based
• Types
o System integration & consulting
o Maintenance & support
o Managed types
o Data types
o Analytics types
o Farm operation types
o Assisted professional types
o Supply chain management types
o Climate information types
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017 - 2030)
• Precision farming application
o Yield monitoring
o On-farm
o Off-farm
o Field mapping
o Crop scouting
o Weather tracking & forecasting
o Irrigation management
o Inventory management
o Farm labor management
• Livestock monitoring application
o Milk harvesting
o Breeding management
o Feeding management
o Animal comfort management
o Others
• Smart greenhouse application
o Water & fertilizer management
o HVAC management
o Yield monitoring
o Others
• Others
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2017 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o U.K.
o Germany
o France
o Russia
o Netherland
• Asia Pacific
o China
o Japan
o India
o Australia
o Singapore
• South America
o Brazil
• Middle East and Africa (MEA)
o Turkey
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
• The global agriculture 4.0 market was estimated at USD 67.73 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.6% from 2024 to 2030. 
• The global AI in food & beverages market size was valued at USD 8.45 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 39.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market include Ag Leader Technology, AGCO Corporation, AgJunction, Inc., AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc., Autonomous Solutions, Inc., Argus Control Systems Ltd, BouMatic Robotic B.V., CropMetrics, CLAAS KGaA mbH, CropZilla, Deere & Company, DICKEY-john, DroneDeploy, DeLaval Inc, Farmers Edge Inc, Grownetics, Inc., Granular, Inc., Gamaya, GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft, Raven Industries, Trimble Inc., Topcon Positioning System among others.
• AGCO Corporation is a U.S.-based agriculture equipment manufacturer. The company develops and sells products and solutions such as tractors, combines, foragers, hay tools, self-propelled sprayers, smart farming technologies, seeding equipment, and tillage equipment.
• Deere & Company is engaged in the manufacturing & construction of agricultural and forestry machinery; drivetrains and diesel engines for heavy equipment; and lawn care machinery. Additionally, the company also manufactures and provides other heavy manufacturing equipment. The company serves diverse industries such as agriculture, forestry, construction, landscaping & grounds care, engines & drivetrain, government and military, and sports turf.
Prospera Technologies and Agrible, Inc. are some of the emerging market participants in the target market.
• Prospera Technologies is a global service provider of agriculture technology for managing and optimizing irrigation and crop health. The company provides AI-based sensors and cameras that aid farmers in crop monitoring.
• Agrible is a U.S.-based agriculture solution provider. The company helps customers in more than 30 countries optimize water use, crop protection, fertilization, fieldwork, research trials, food supply chains, and sustainability initiatives
Key Smart Agriculture Companies:
• Ag Leader Technology
• AGCO Corporation
• AgJunction, Inc.
• AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc.
• Autonomous Solutions, Inc.
• Argus Control Systems Ltd
• BouMatic Robotic B.V.
• CropMetrics
• CropZilla
• Deere & Company
• DICKEY-john
• DroneDeploy
• DeLaval Inc
• Farmers Edge Inc
• Grownetics, Inc.
• Granular, Inc.
• Gamaya
• GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft
• Raven Industries
• Trimble Inc.
• Topcon Positioning System
Recent Developments
• In July 2023, Deere & Company announced the acquisition of Smart Apply, Inc. The company planned to leverage Smart Apply’s precision spraying to assist growers in addressing the challenges associated with input costs, labor, regulatory requirements, and environmental goals.
• In May 2023, AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. announced that it had entered into a 2-year supply agreement with Wingtra AG. This agreement is purposed to secure the supply of RedEdge-P sensor kits for incorporation with WingtraOne VTOL drones. This is specifically resourceful for those seeking to benefit materially from unparalleled, high precision, and plant-level detail in commercial agriculture, environmental research, forestry, and water management applications.
• In April 2023, AGCO Corporation announced a strategic collaboration with Hexagon, for the expansion of AGCO’s factory-fit and aftermarket guidance offerings. The new guidance system was planned to be commercialized as Fuse Guide on Valtra and Massey Ferguson tractors.
• In February 2023, Topcon Agriculture unveiled the launch of Transplanting Control, an exceptional guidance control solution for specialty farmers. This turnkey solution was designed to boost efficiency, reduce labor, and proliferate production. Further, it delivers GNSS-driven guidance, autosteering & control, thereby proving advantageous for the growers of perennial trees, vegetables, and fruits.
• In January 2023, ASI Logistics in collaboration with SICK, Inc. announced the successful implementation of autonomous yard truck operations. In this collaboration, ASI Logistics leveraged its groundbreaking Vehicle Automation Kit (VAK) along with the industry-leading LiDAR systems of SICK.
• In March 2022, Raven announced its business expansion in South Dakota and Arizona to enhance the development of AI-driven technologies for tailoring cutting-edge solutions. The strategy was also aimed at allowing access to a nearby test farm for same-day testing.
• In October 2021, BouMatic announced the acquisition of SAC Group to leverage automatic and conventional milking systems. The transaction demonstrated the company’s incessant commitment to delivering best-in-class dairy farm solutions to consumers across the world.
• In May 2021, AGCO announced a targeted spraying solutions strategic collaboration with Raven Industries Inc., BASF Digital, and Robert Bosch GmbH. The objective of this deal was to assess the targeted spraying technology for enhancing crop protection product applications by limiting crop input costs and addressing environmental sustainability.
Order a free sample PDF of the Smart Agriculture Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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netafim123 · 1 month
Efficient Water Management with Netafim Sprinkler Systems
Water is a precious resource, and efficient irrigation is crucial for sustainable agriculture. Netafim, a global leader in irrigation solutions, offers advanced sprinkler systems designed to maximize water efficiency and crop yields. Whether you're managing a small farm or a large agricultural enterprise, Netafim's sprinkler irrigation systems provide the precision and reliability you need to optimize your water usage and achieve the best results.
What is Sprinkler Irrigation?
Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying water to crops in a manner similar to natural rainfall. Water is distributed through a network of pipes and sprayed into the air through sprinklers, which break the water into small droplets that fall evenly across the field. This method is ideal for a wide range of crops and landscapes, offering flexibility and efficiency in water distribution.
Why Choose Netafim Sprinkler Systems?
Precision Irrigation: Netafim sprinkler systems are engineered for precise water application, ensuring that every part of your field receives the right amount of water. This level of precision helps prevent overwatering or underwatering, leading to healthier crops and higher yields.
Water Efficiency: Water conservation is at the heart of Netafim's solutions. The sprinkler systems are designed to minimize water waste, reducing runoff and evaporation. By delivering water directly to the crops where it’s needed most, Netafim helps farmers save water and reduce their environmental footprint.
Durability and Reliability: Built to withstand harsh agricultural conditions, Netafim sprinkler systems are known for their durability and reliability. The high-quality materials and robust design ensure long-lasting performance, reducing the need for frequent maintenance and replacement.
Versatility: Netafim offers a wide range of sprinkler systems tailored to different crops, soil types, and climatic conditions. Whether you're growing vegetables, fruits, cereals, or flowers, there's a Netafim sprinkler system designed to meet your specific needs.
Easy Installation and Maintenance: Netafim sprinkler systems are easy to install and maintain, making them a practical choice for farmers of all sizes. The systems are designed with user-friendliness in mind, allowing for quick setup and minimal downtime.
Benefits of Sprinkler Irrigation with Netafim
Uniform Water Distribution: Netafim's sprinkler systems ensure even water distribution across the entire field, promoting uniform crop growth and reducing the risk of dry spots or waterlogging.
Adaptability to Various Terrains: Whether you’re working with flat fields, slopes, or uneven terrain, Netafim's sprinkler systems are adaptable and can be customized to suit any landscape.
Reduction in Labor Costs: Automating your irrigation with Netafim's sprinkler systems can significantly reduce the labor required for manual watering, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of farm management.
Improved Crop Quality: Consistent and efficient watering leads to healthier crops, which in turn can result in better-quality produce and higher market value.Conclusion
Investing in a Netafim sprinkler system is a smart choice for any farmer looking to enhance water efficiency, improve crop yields, and practice sustainable agriculture. With Netafim, you’re not just getting a product; you’re gaining a partner committed to helping you succeed in every season.
Choose Netafim for your sprinkler irrigation needs and experience the difference that precision, efficiency, and reliability can make in your farming operations. Discover how Netafim's innovative solutions can help you grow more with less water.
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ananya5400 · 1 month
Agriculture Adjuvants Market Size, Share, Trends, Leading Players, Industry Outlook, and Forecast
The agriculture adjuvants industry is projected to grow from USD 3.8 billion in 2023 to USD 4.8 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 4.7% during the forecast period. The agricultural adjuvants industry is growing because of the growing demand for sustainable pest management of farming operations. Additionally, the increased focus on food security is projected to fuel the development of agricultural adjuvants.
Agriculture Adjuvants Market Trends
The agriculture adjuvants market is expected to see continued growth in the coming years, driven by several key trends:
Increasing demand for food: A growing global population with rising incomes will put pressure on food production. Adjuvants can help farmers improve crop yields to meet this demand.
Focus on sustainable agriculture: There’s a growing emphasis on environmentally friendly farming practices. Adjuvants can help by increasing the effectiveness of pesticides, allowing farmers to use less of them.
Precision agriculture: Advancements in agricultural technologies like precision farming are creating a need for more targeted and efficient crop protection strategies. Adjuvants can play a role here by improving the application and efficacy of crop protection products.
Agriculture Adjuvants Market Opportunities: Precision farming techniques to boost the application of adjuvants
Precision farming techniques, including aerial spraying, smart irrigation, and variable rate application, are becoming increasingly popular worldwide. Agriculture adjuvants enhance the effectiveness of these methods by improving the coverage, absorption, and penetration of agrochemicals. This optimization creates significant opportunities for adjuvant manufacturers.
Based on application, the herbicides segment accounted for the largest share of the agriculture adjuvants market.
Herbicides are widely used in agriculture for weed control. Weeds compete with crops for resources such as nutrients, sunlight, and water, leading to reduced crop yields. The rise of herbicide-resistant weeds is a significant concern in agriculture. Herbicide-resistant weed populations have been increasing globally, making weed control more challenging. To manage these challenges, agricultural adjuvants are increasingly being used.
Based on crop type, cereal & grain accounted for the fastest market share of the agriculture adjuvants market.
Cereal and grain crops, such as wheat, corn, rice, barley, and oats, are staple food crops cultivated extensively worldwide. Cereal and grain crops have high commercial value due to their widespread consumption as food, animal feed, and raw materials for various industries. The large-scale cultivation of these crops leads to significant demand for crop protection products, including adjuvants, to ensure optimal yield and quality.
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The North American market is projected to contribute the largest share of the agricultural adjuvants market.
The demand for agriculture adjuvants in North America is experiencing notable growth due to the increasing use of precision farming in the region. This creates a favorable business environment for adjuvants manufacturers and consumers in the region. North America has the presence of major agricultural adjuvants companies, that offer a wide range of products catering to different crop types and application requirements.
Agriculture Adjuvants Companies
The key players in the agriculture adjuvants market include Corteva Agriscience (US), Evonik Industries AG (Germany), Croda International Plc (UK), Nufarm Limited (Australia), Solvay SA (Belgium), BASF SE (Germany), Huntsman International LLC. (US), Clariant AG (Switzerland), Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC (US), WILBUR-ELLIS AGRIBUSINESS (US), Precision Laboratories, LLC (US), and CHS Inc. (US). A primary focus was given to new product development to meet the growing demand from farmers. Additionally, acquisitions and deals were other key strategies adopted by these players to expand their presence in the agricultural adjuvants space.
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tamanna31 · 1 month
Farm Management Software Market - Positive Long-Term Growth Outlook 2030
Farm Management Software Industry Overview
The global farm management software market size was estimated at USD 3.30 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.2% from 2023 to 2030.
The growth of the market can be attributed to the increasing implementation of cloud computing for real-time farm data management. Farm Management Software (FMS) involves the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT), particularly IoT and big data analytics, to address resource constraints such as shortage of energy, water, and labor and social issues such as environment, animal welfare and use of fertilizers, which negatively influence the agricultural production.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Farm Management Software Market
The adoption of remote sensing technology in the agriculture industry has increased due to the emergence of drones and GIS. The images captured through a device featuring remote sensing technology can be used for the detection of cop water stress, monitoring weeds & crop diseases, classification of crop species, and mapping of soil properties. Some open-source remote sensing software includes Quantum GIS Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP), Optical and Radar Federated Earth Observation (ORFEO) toolbox, Opticks, and PolSARPro.
The increasing use of site-specific crop management is expected to reduce pesticide use, increase crop yields, and provide greater insight for farm management decisions. Farm management software equipped with advanced data analytics capabilities can process historical and real-time data to generate predictive models, enabling farmers to forecast crop performance under different environmental conditions. By analyzing factors like weather patterns, soil quality, and crop health, the software can offer valuable insights to make informed decisions regarding fertilization, pest control, and irrigation. Forecasting crop performance under various environmental situations can assist farmers in boosting their yield. Phenotyping aids in the understanding of several elements affecting crop growth, such as nitrogen depletion and soil pH levels. It is used to determine crop growth under various situations.
The players in the agriculture industry are acknowledging the need for technology infusion to increase the production of crops. The growing farm mechanization has increased the profitability of the agriculture sector in developed countries. Modern agriculture involves the use of software and hardware components. Equipment manufacturing requires embedded application software and hardware, along with network services.
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
• The global aviation software market size was estimated at USD 10.68 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.2% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global generative AI in financial services market size was estimated at USD 1,673.1 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 39.1% from 2024 to 2030.
Global Farm Management Software Market Report Segmentation
This report forecasts revenue growth at the global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis of the latest trends and opportunities in each of the sub-segments over the forecast period. For this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global farm management software market report based on agriculture type, deployment model, solution, and region.
Agriculture Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Precision Farming
Livestock Monitoring
Smart Greenhouse
Deployment Model Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Solution Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
System Integration & Consulting
Maintenance & Support
Managed Services
Data Services
Analytics Services
Farm Operation Services
Assisted Professional Services
Supply Chain Management Services
Climate Information Services
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
South Africa
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is competitive and has the presence of several key market players. These players are adopting strategies such as partnerships and collaborations to gain a competitive edge. For instance, in January 2021, Farmers Edge, Inc. announced a partnership with Google Cloud to promote the company’s services and boost the implementation of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analysis in its program. Some prominent players in the global farm management software market include:
Ag Leader Technology
AgJunction LLC
CropX, Inc.
CropZilla Inc.
Deere & Company
CNH Industrial
Trimble Inc.
Climate LLC.
GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft
Farmers Edge Inc.
Order a free sample PDF of the Farm Management Software Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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