#Smart Camera Market Share
industryarcreport · 5 months
Smart Camera Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Smart Cameras are the camera devices that are capable to extract application-specific information from the captured images, apart from capturing pictures. These cameras have an inbuilt image sensor along with a standalone vision system and can be integrated with smartphone applications and personal computers. Other technological features of smart cameras include built-in Wi-Fi or LTE connection, high-performance microprocessor, communication interface (Ethernet), and Bluetooth. Moreover, these cameras enable the user to directly share and upload the captured videos and pictures on various online portals and social media networks. Thus, the technological sophistication and its superiority over the traditional cameras are the prominent factors that are creating an unprecedented demand for smart cameras in various applications, especially in security and surveillance applications. Since the recent past years, there is a growing emphasis on safety and security concerns across the world due to the festering figures of crime statistics. According to the 2017 crime statistics from the FBI, a burglary offense occurred in every 23 seconds and there were an estimated 1,401,840 burglaries, in the United States. Therefore, there is a hefty demand for security and surveillance systems. Governments around the world increasing their expenditure on security and surveillance equipment. The growing demand for security and surveillance system is eventually increasing the demand for smart cameras as they offer enhanced monitoring and runtime video analysis. Thus, the increasing emphasis on safety and security accompanied by the increasing affinity for smart cameras to curb the crimes is propelling the growth of the global smart camera market.
𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭: https://tinyurl.com/yvu2d8p6
The global smart camera market size is estimated to be around $7.4 billion in 2018. Furthermore, the demand for the same is poised to grow at a CAGR of 11.9 % during the forecast period 2019-2025.
Advanced Technological Infrastructure in North America Providing Impetus For The Smart Camera Market Growth
North America dominated the global smart camera market with a regional share of 35% in 2018. This is attributed to the increasing adoption of smart cameras by various industries in this region such as aerospace, defense, electronics, and semiconductor. The unprecedented endorsement for smart cameras among the aforementioned industries is due to its wide range of applications such as verification, quality assurance, part sorting, reading codes, detection of intruders, surveillance, traffic monitoring, photo capturing, and video recording. Owing to the presence of most technologically developed countries such as USA, Canada, and Mexico, the industries in this region are growing continuously by the adoption of advanced technologies such as automation, IoT, mobility, and networking. The growth of these end-user industries is providing promising prospects for the growth of the smart camera market of this region.
𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐛 𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐃𝐅: https://tinyurl.com/u759787t
High Emphasis on Security and Surveillance Benefiting the Smart Camera Market
On the basis of application, the smart camera market is segmented into robotics, security and surveillance, traffic surveillance, and industrial machine vision. Among these, the key application segment is found to be security and surveillance. The increasing criminal activities, security breaches, and terrorist attacks is consequently raising the demand for implementation of stringent security and surveillance systems such as smart cameras. Owing to this factor the key application is poised to grow at a CAGR of 9.4% through 2025.
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imirmarketresearch · 10 months
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bishtmeenakshi · 1 year
The Future of Consumer Electronics: Market Insights and Forecast
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Stay ahead in the ever-evolving consumer electronics market. Explore the latest trends, growth opportunities, and innovative technologies shaping the industry. Be a part of the future of electronics.
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neha24blog · 1 year
Smart Home Security Camera Market Outlook On The Basis Of Technology, Application, Region And Forecast To 2030  : Grand View Research Inc.
San Francisco, 6 July 2023: The Report Smart Home Security Camera Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Technology (Wired, Wireless), By Application (Doorbell Camera, Indoor Camera, Outdoor Camera), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 – 2030 The global smart home security camera market is expected to reach USD 30.10 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 19.2% from 2023 to 2030,…
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databridgemarket456 · 2 years
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
Not only Till and Ivan, but it seems like Luka parallels with almost every ALNST character in different ways. I mean, I think this applies to everyone in how they parallel each other in some form, but I find it interesting that Luka’s character in particular seems to have adopted/inherited specific traits from nearly every character. I say nearly because Mizi seems to be the only exception, but maybe if I squint a bit harder I’ll find something they can relate with. For now nothing comes to mind lol.
Luka and…
Sua: Similar in demeanor, appearance, and in their mysterious narrative role. Both have a strange ethereal “vibe”, wear empty doll-like expressions, are dressed up like dolls with white frilly clothing adorned with a bow, their owners objectify and present them to the universe to be leered and gawked at, their birthdays are one day apart, and they both covered each other’s songs despite having no known direct relation to each other.
Till: Similar in background, talent, and onstage presence. Both artistic geniuses, overwhelm their opponents on stage, and are physically abused and exploited for their skills by their segyeins.
Ivan: Similar in personality, execution, and reputation. Both are seen as perfect “princes” in their respective audiences, calm and consistent, smart/calculating, psychologically twisted, and put on a mature charismatic facade around others.
Hyuna: Similar in their motivations. Both share the same rooted desire for freedom and control over their own life and gain a sense of catharsis in finding that autonomy/independence on the stage.
Luka’s character seems to have no real sense of identity. So, in a way, it’s as if his entire identity is built off of every other character despite being the most alienated (ba dum tss) of them all. He’s a blank canvas who’s been painted in the other characters’ colors. Actually, everyone was originally a blank canvas. Sua is the stemming point who’s painted everyone in color, then everyone painted Luka in their respective colors. The author has stated that every ALNST character originated from Sua. In contrast, it seems like Luka was originated from everyone else.
This is a fantastic observation, anon! I agree! I find that Luka is a rather omnipresent character, almost to the likes of Sua but not quite. This might not make as much sense, but I feel Hyuna is on this level as well.
(Long post ahead! Sorry, I ended up rambling and maybe going off-topic...)
Something that has always intrigued me is that Hyuna and Luka are set apart from the rest of the cast. Unlike the main 4, who's story is rapidly unfolding in the present, Hyuna and Luka's inciting incident has already passed. What they're doing now is dealing with the aftermath and attempting to lay their demons to rest (for Hyuna, at least). Bits and pieces of these two can be found within the main 4, and several comparisons can be made (and often they are made canonically, whether it be implied in the content or directly stated by Q and V).
Mentally, I've always split the main 6 in half. Hyuna with Mizi and Till, Luka with Sua and Ivan. The reasons are obvious, of course.
Luka, Sua and Ivan make up what is essentially the perfection trifecta. Dressed in pure white (eventually, for Ivan), charismatic personas, camera-ready marketing stars. An important part of how they cope with expectations and lack of control is by separating themselves into the persona they put on for the audience and the person they actually are. They're passive and obedient, playing along with whatever the segyein want them to do, top students at anakt (Luka was number 1 during his time, while Sua and Ivan often alternate between 1st and 2nd place, essentially a tie in a way), and often perform to perfection. However, Sua and Ivan still retain a part of themselves that is theirs and no one else's. It's obvious in the way they allow themselves to indulge in certain things, the way Ivan makes room for personal time and how Sua refuses to disclose more information than absolutely necessary, protective of her privacy. While Luka gives himself to the audience completely, it's safe to assume that he's doing it out of necessity and not exactly by will (is there an identity behind the success? what is he if not a winner?). There are the sides of them that will happily present themselves in front of a camera, and the sides of them that are cynical and scornful of the life they were forced into. For the most part, they act logically. The obedient pet act ensures their safety and although it is excruciating, they've weighed their options and decided that this is the best way to take advantage of their circumstances. Smart, well-behaved and proper pets.
I like to call the trio of Hyuna, Mizi and Till the rebels because that's essentially what they are (at least eventually). As the other half, they're meant to be the opposite of what is considered "perfect". It's established that Luka, Sua and Ivan are careful and calculated when presenting themselves to an audience, putting forward only their best and hiding their true imperfect selves under this mask. Hyuna, Mizi and Till however are largely characterized by their authenticity, their genuine display of self. When they perform, there is no mask. They offer themselves fully on stage and present their genuine emotions, whether or not it's palatable enough for the audience to take. Their actions are less calculated and moreso driven by the heart, for better or for worse. Mizi and Till are openly dejected and upset in their respective second rounds, while a more careful pet like Ivan would attempt to hide their true feelings and put on a brave face (which he does during the beginning of his part in ROUND 6). Hyuna's rescue of Mizi leans less towards logical reasoning and more towards her own emotions, her personal need for self-consolation. There's also the rebellion factor, Hyuna is a literal rebel, Mizi becomes a rebel and Till is described as a rebel. Unlike their counterparts, they are able to act more freely and don't carry the same heavy sense of responsibility that the others do. They are themselves unabashedly, either because they fought tooth and nail for it (Hyuna & Till) or because they were raised in an environment where they never had to (Mizi).
You've already done a great job at pointing out the parallels between Luka, Sua and Ivan. To further add onto your points, it's commonly believed that Luka so easily and uncannily mimicked Sua in ROUND 5 because of the fact that he was already so similar to her. It's also directly stated in Luka's character design logs that Luka and Ivan's characters were incredibly similar, with the only difference being the personality of the mask that they put on (calm and doll-like for Luka, cool and cheerful for Ivan).
Hyuna can be seen within Mizi and Till as well. The fact that Hyuna sees herself in Mizi is the main reason as to why she saves her in the first place. Once full of joy and blind optimism, innocence shattered at the loss of a loved one. Till bears resemblance to Hyuna as well, both physically (their eyeshapes are strikingly similar, and Hyuna's eyecolor, brighter as a child, is quite close to Till's teal during specific moments), personality-wise (rebellious, fighting for freedom) and in terms of singing style (Hyuna was originally described to be "rock-and-roll", both perform with strong, loud and energetic voices).
Luka's similarity with Till is a special instance. I've said this before (and you've already brought it up), but I believe they're both essentially two very different people who were put into very similar circumstances. Till is overflowing with emotion and a desire to protect his individuality, bearing "quirks equivalent to 10 people" as Ivan says. Luka, on the other hand, seems to have a rather fragile identity. We don't know anything about him besides the fact that he was created to be a winner, trained and conditioned under extremely brutal means. The only times we see him exhibit any semblance of free will and desire is when he's vying for Hyuna's attention or exerting control over others. While Till and Luka are different fundamentally, they're both put through abusive training and experimentation in order to fulfill the goals of their power-hungry guardians. Unrivaled talent at a steep price.
It's interesting how even Hyuna, who was created to be Luka's exact opposite, is able to parallel him in a certain way. Thank you for pointing that out! As their lives are constantly dictated by their owners, the stage is their only escape, a playground of sorts where they finally have the opportunity to control their circumstances. The difference is that while Heperu is overly-invested in and nearly obssessed with Luka's victory, Phan does not care for Hyuna at all. In fact, Phan does not particularly care for ALNST in general, only participating as a sponsor. They care so little that they couldn't even be bothered to watch the show. As Phan lacks any investment in ALNST, Hyuna's life is much less restrictive and ruthless than Luka's. Hyuna loves performing because it allows her to feel free, a form of self-expression that liberates her from the monotony of segyein routine and allows her to feel like her life is hers. While Luka is essentially the same, his means are much more intense. His life is managed right down to the minute, basically a puppet on a string. Since every other aspect of his autonomy has been taken from his control, the stage is genuinely all he has. Unlike Hyuna, who has a strong personality and set of beliefs, Luka does not have much to express. Instead, he finds his identity and sense of control in dominating others, exerting force and pressure onto his opponents. This can be seen in ROUND 5, where his performance is the least emotionally charged and instead calculated to intimidate and provoke his opponent, Mizi. Hyuna's love of the stage stems from the fact that she is brimming with emotion and energy that she wants to express, parts of her that feel restricted by the way her life is led by aliens. Luka performs to dominate, to assert himself as the most powerful force in the arena, which is a privilege he will never get to have outside of it. Both Hyuna and Luka find their strongest sense of self on stage, however the ways in which they go about it are very different in nature.
I'd like to genuinely thank you for this ask, you make a lot of good points and I find the idea of Luka being a canvas "painted" by everyone else very interesting! While I agree with that idea in terms of his character conception, within the story I find him less affected by others and more as if he's the one affecting them. Just as Sua changed the trajectory of Mizi's life, Hyuna would not be where she is today if not for Luka.
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delopsia · 4 days
delly, in the spirit of spooky fun times (feat. the floytts, but specifically robby and rhett): who is trying (and succeeding) to convince the other that the cabin that they’re staying in for a few weeks during the month of october (lmao) is haunted, and who is trying (and failing) to not believe it while also getting jumpier and poutier by the day?
🎃 t
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omg, I'm so sorry that this took me forever to answer! 😭
I've got this very specific image in my head of Bob deliberately picking a cabin in the woods, trying his best to make Reader and Rhett think it's haunted, and it winds up backfiring.
He thinks he's so clever when he picks out that cute little forest cabin, isolated from the surrounding area, at the end of a never-ending gravel driveway. It's got the rickety wooden floors and the creepy basement; all you'd need to film the next big horror film is a camera crew and a script.
Of course, he doesn't tell either of you that this is why he picked this specific cabin. He lists everything, the breathtaking mountaintop view, the sea of golden leaves, the cute little town located nearby, but he conveniently 'forgets' to share that one of the reviews claimed this place was haunted.
The first night is fine. So is the second, and the third, and the fourth. Rhett doesn't say anything about being spoked. You have an instance with a moth unexpectedly landing on you while you're getting a glass of water, but that's the scariest thing that happens.
It's the fifth day that has Bob thinking that the review about the ghost was a complete, utter lie. A marketing gimmick to lure people in, and he fell for it.
So what does he do? He starts trying to convince Rhett this place is haunted. Leaves behind little hints and wonderings, says that something moved on its own last night, rearranges different items when you and Rhett go to bed. He even puts an empty cup too close to the edge of the table, teetering in such a way that it falls when Rhett walks past it.
But then...then things start happening. The stove randomly turns on by itself. The light goes out when he's in the shower. Every night at exactly midnight, something starts scratching in the hallway. There's strange writing in his notebook; his laptop keeps getting unplugged. And then, one night, he goes to bed early, and the sheets get ripped off of him.
"This place is haunted to hell," he blurts, stumbling into the living room.
Your eyes lift, peeking over the rim of your glass. Mid-sip. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Yeah, because—"
Something jumps on him.
And he screams.
What he doesn't know is that Reader and Rhett figured him out before you even booked the cabin for the month. For as smart as Bobby can be, he sometimes forgets the little things, like leaving his laptop wide open on the kitchen table, mid-search for "creepy cabins near..."
So here he is. Squealing. Shoving Rhett away. Red-faced and stuttering, cannot fathom why you two are laughing at him.
Turns out, all of those 'supernatural' occurrences were just you and Rhett deliberately fucking with him. The suspicious sounds were all from a speaker you had cleverly hidden behind some furniture. The sheets had been tied to fishing line, making it easy for Rhett to hide outside the room and yank them off. The light? Rhett briefly flipped the breaker.
It was all one big joke to get back at him for his antics, and it's probably shaved a good ten years off his lifespan. Okay, okay, maybe his reaction was kind of funny. But he's still going to sit on the couch and whine about it for the rest of the night, fussing for endless kisses from the both of you.
You're all lying in bed together when you hear something scuttering above the ceiling.
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almostgigi · 6 months
Musician!reader - her album
Cw: cursing, sexism, period talk, very lil of Eddie.
After serious accusations on his manager being a complete asshole and a sexist pig against other women and reader herself, she releases her first album on her own domain. Femininity is a cry of "enough", a beating to all the men who think they are better than women just because they are men.
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Eddie helps reader with the media and marketing for the album to be heard as is an album made only by women and has no record label.
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G I R L M A T H - is a silly little song about women and the things they do in daily life. The concept has been shared on social media and is a current meme in the fandom. But also works as a reminder that we are as smart as you even when we use silly concepts for the things we do.
W I F E M A T E R I A L - the reason reader made this song is because her manager told her once that no matter how many good man she dated, she'll never be wife material, she'll never be enough for them to consider her as more than a beautiful body and a pretty face. This is her comeback.
C O C K T A I L D R E S S E S - third song on the album is about all the things women can do while looking pretty, aka the cocktail dresses.
C O R S E T A N D M A K E U P - almost the same concept as the one before, this song talks about how women has been under the pressure of using things like corsets and makeup to look pretty before, going through the memory of important women like Marie Antoinette, powerful queens all around the world, miss world beauty pageants and more, but now we are free to use them only if we want to.
T H E M A I D - fifth song on the album starts with a man's voice, aka Eddie, saying "I know babe but I'm so tired, just clean it, that's your job anyway" followed by a loud scream and the song starts blasting. Being more of a rock song, talks about how men see us sometimes as "the maid" wanting us to do everything around the house but they never help with the chores.
G R W M or G E T R E A D Y W I T H M E - sixth song in the album and the main single that started everything, the song talk about getting ready to go get revenge. In the music video we can se reader waking up and brushing her teeth, following her skincare routine and her makeup routine as well as her choosing the outfit of the day while she sings the song looking at the camera.
O P P R E S S I O N - a song about nothing more than the oppression women stand every day since existence.
O V E R R E A C T I N G - as queen herself Taylor Swift said "a man is allowed to react, a women can only overreact".
M O O D Y - how many times we had a temper and men accused us of being on our period? more than I want to admit. This song is about being moody, doing what we want because we can and not because we are in a mood thanks to our period.
I <3 H E R - last song on the album and the lost personal one, talks about her and her mother. Is a love letter to the women who gave her life and to all the mothers in the world.
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freeaustinbutler · 1 year
It’s actually sad how remarkably thick some people can get. A lot of you “shippers” lack a serious amount of critical thinking skills. Your ability to showcase low levels of intelligence and simultaneously craft sentences is saddening yet impressive in the lowest form. 
Let me make SPELL IT OUT for all of you! I’ve also watched kaia grow up too! Her mother Cindy places her in well crafted PR relationships that help sell, generate hype, and shift public focus. Jacob Elordi has come out to express things. That should be your alarm bell. Harry Styles was almost trapped in a PR relationship with Kaia but bailed QUICK!  Rande Gerber was not happy about this!! I’ve been a fan of Austin for over a decade. I’m not saying I’m his best friend, but as a fan, I know enough to know how WRONG the cake is! The cake looks like it was made by a 12 year old fan who just found who Austin Butler was a day ago. The person who made the cake evidently knows very little about our boy! Let’s dive into it:
The soccer AND basketball teams are WRONG! If you ARE a genuine fan of Austins unlike (Nikki) who claims she’s a fan, you’d pay enough attention in his interviews to know 2 of the jerseys are wrong and placing Beckhams name on there because they “hung out” once, is HILARIOUS! he may respect these names, but fan?? wrong. 
There would have been his SISTERS name on the cake and a little love toward his father!! There was NOTHING for them. Enough said.
Placing a script there is something a fan would have done. Not someone who knows him well. 
Placing kaia’s name where it was placed was just hilarious and an idea that came from her/ her team. Enough said there too.
He travels a lot so a “road trip” reference would have been more ideal! He flies a lot for business but doesn’t LOVE it! So wrong reference!
Milo is NOT AUSTINS DOG!! It’s the Gerber family dog. It was gifted to kaia from her dad!! He is photographed with the dog, but he don’t love the dog enough to be on a cake 
We explain the “house” situation and with the help of paps, and OR agency in LA, we have PROVEN that Austin and Kaia don’t live together!!!
HE LOVES DARK CHOCOLATE! Any TRUE fan knows this! like with this fake stunt, they could have at least TRIED! He hates sweet flavours like that cake is!!
THERE IS NO PHOTOGRAPHY reference or GUITAR!! Two of his legit FAVOURITE things he loves VERY much!! There’s a MOVIE camera but not photography one or polaroids would have been great!
now… the most IMPORTANT one of  all… if you know Austin you’d KNOW Why he has “27 “tattooed on his LEFT ARM! It’s a tribute to his late mother, and it would have been a , lovely tribute/symbol. Would have been better to have a heart shape with “Lori” and a “27 “underneath to represent that she’s always close no matter what. She brought him into to the world on his special day.  Kaia and her self absorbed soul didn’t think of that now did she!
I know the SMART and genuine fans noticed, but did YOU think to ever wonder why the only places you can see the pottery and cake pics are from the actual companies instagrams only!?!? Because it’s a business/ marketing move!! kaia doesn’t like or show any support by liking anything Austin does on socials. You can still show support and have a private life!! shout out to ASHLEY TISDALE for being genuine and sharing the love despite being a private person, too! Also Cindy Crawford will follow the most stupid accounts on insta but won’t follow Austin HAHAHH she knows….These two are PR. MIC DROP!! 
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govindhtech · 6 months
Genio 510: Redefining the Future of Smart Retail Experiences
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Genio IoT Platform by MediaTek
Genio 510
Manufacturers of consumer, business, and industrial devices can benefit from MediaTek Genio IoT Platform’s innovation, quicker market access, and more than a decade of longevity. A range of IoT chipsets called MediaTek Genio IoT is designed to enable and lead the way for innovative gadgets. to cooperation and support from conception to design and production, MediaTek guarantees success. MediaTek can pivot, scale, and adjust to needs thanks to their global network of reliable distributors and business partners.
Genio 510 features
Excellent work
Broad range of third-party modules and power-efficient, high-performing IoT SoCs
AI-driven sophisticated multimedia AI accelerators and cores that improve peripheral intelligent autonomous capabilities
Sub-6GHz 5G technologies and Wi-Fi protocols for consumer, business, and industrial use
Both powerful and energy-efficient
Adaptable, quick interfaces
Global 5G modem supported by carriers
Superior assistance
From idea to design to manufacture, MediaTek works with clients, sharing experience and offering thorough documentation, in-depth training, and reliable developer tools.
IoT SoC with high security and intelligent modules to create goods
Several applications on one common platform
Developing industry, commercial, and enterprise IoT applications on a single platform that works with all SoCs can save development costs and accelerate time to market.
MediaTek Genio 510
Smart retail, industrial, factory automation, and many more Internet of things applications are powered by MediaTek’s Genio 510. Leading manufacturer of fabless semiconductors worldwide, MediaTek will be present at Embedded World 2024, which takes place in Nuremberg this week, along with a number of other firms. Their most recent IoT innovations are on display at the event, and They’ll be talking about how these MediaTek-powered products help a variety of market sectors.
They will be showcasing the recently released MediaTek Genio 510 SoC in one of their demos. The Genio 510 will offer high-efficiency solutions in AI performance, CPU and graphics, 4K display, rich input/output, and 5G and Wi-Fi 6 connection for popular IoT applications. With the Genio 510 and Genio 700 chips being pin-compatible, product developers may now better segment and diversify their designs for different markets without having to pay for a redesign.
Numerous applications, such as digital menus and table service displays, kiosks, smart home displays, point of sale (PoS) devices, and various advertising and public domain HMI applications, are best suited for the MediaTek Genio 510. Industrial HMI covers ruggedized tablets for smart agriculture, healthcare, EV charging infrastructure, factory automation, transportation, warehousing, and logistics. It also includes ruggedized tablets for commercial and industrial vehicles.
The fully integrated, extensive feature set of Genio 510 makes such diversity possible:
Support for two displays, such as an FHD and 4K display
Modern visual quality support for two cameras built on MediaTek’s tried-and-true technologies
For a wide range of computer vision applications, such as facial recognition, object/people identification, collision warning, driver monitoring, gesture and posture detection, and image segmentation, a powerful multi-core AI processor with a dedicated visual processing engine
Rich input/output for peripherals, such as network connectivity, manufacturing equipment, scanners, card readers, and sensors
4K encoding engine (camera recording) and 4K video decoding (multimedia playback for advertising)
Exceptionally power-efficient 6nm SoC
Ready for MediaTek NeuroPilot AI SDK and multitasking OS (time to market accelerated by familiar development environment)
Support for fanless design and industrial grade temperature operation (-40 to 105C)
10-year supply guarantee (one-stop shop supported by a top semiconductor manufacturer in the world)
To what extent does it surpass the alternatives?
The Genio 510 uses more than 50% less power and provides over 250% more CPU performance than the direct alternative!
The MediaTek Genio 510 is an effective IoT platform designed for Edge AI, interactive retail, smart homes, industrial, and commercial uses. It offers multitasking OS, sophisticated multimedia, extremely rapid edge processing, and more. intended for goods that work well with off-grid power systems and fanless enclosure designs.
EVK MediaTek Genio 510
The highly competent Genio 510 (MT8370) edge-AI IoT platform for smart homes, interactive retail, industrial, and commercial applications comes with an evaluation kit called the MediaTek Genio 510 EVK. It offers many multitasking operating systems, a variety of networking choices, very responsive edge processing, and sophisticated multimedia capabilities.
SoC: MediaTek Genio 510
This Edge AI platform, which was created utilising an incredibly efficient 6nm technology, combines an integrated APU (AI processor), DSP, Arm Mali-G57 MC2 GPU, and six cores (2×2.2 GHz Arm Cortex-A78& 4×2.0 GHz Arm Cortex-A55) into a single chip. Video recorded with attached cameras can be converted at up to Full HD resolution while using the least amount of space possible thanks to a HEVC encoding acceleration engine.
What is the MediaTek Genio 510?
A chipset intended for a broad spectrum of Internet of Things (IoT) applications is the Genio 510.
What kind of IoT applications is the Genio 510 suited for?
Because of its adaptability, the Genio 510 may be utilised in a wide range of applications, including smart homes, healthcare, transportation, and agriculture, as well as industrial automation (rugged tablets, manufacturing machinery, and point-of-sale systems).
What are the benefits of using the Genio 510?
Rich input/output choices, powerful CPU and graphics processing, compatibility for 4K screens, high-efficiency AI performance, and networking capabilities like 5G and Wi-Fi 6 are all included with the Genio 510.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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reliaabledevelopers · 8 months
Four Reasons Why You Should Invest in Gated Community Plots by Reliaable developers
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In the changing world of real estate, gated community plots from Reliaable developers have become a hit among investors. These special residential areas, with their secure borders and extra perks, are more than just places to live - they're a great option for a cozy home and a good investment. In this blog, we will discuss four reasons why you might want to think about investing in one of these gated communities, using examples of some standout developments.
Security and Privacy:
One of the primary attractions of gated communities is the heightened level of security they provide. For instance, Reliaable Dollars Colony, lauded in Reliaable Developers reviews offers not only round-the-clock security personnel but also surveillance cameras, creating a secure environment for residents. This enhanced security not only ensures the safety of your investment but also provides a tranquil and private living space. For investors, this translates into a property that is not only in demand but also likely to appreciate over time due to the perceived value of safety and privacy.
Amenities and Infrastructure:
Gated community plots often include e­xcellent amenitie­s and carefully planned infrastructure. Take Reliaable Residenza, a project by Reliaable developers, for example, which offers an abundance of amenitie­s like a clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis court, landscape­d gardens, and recreational are­as. These communities are designed to cater to the modern lifestyle, with well-maintained roads, water supply, and sewage systems adding to the overall appeal. As an investor, this translates into higher property value and increased demand, making it an attractive option for potential buyers. Community Living Experience:Gated communitie­s can nurture a feeling of toge­therness among neighbors, crafting an attractive­ environment for both families and people­. By offering shared facilities, events, and public are­as, projects like Reliaable Elegance, which has received positive Reliaable Developers reviews encourage social interaction, creating a unique living experience that is increasingly sought after in today's fast-paced world. This sense of community not only adds value to the property but also ensures a higher retention rate of residents, making it an ideal investment for those looking for long-term returns.
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Potential for Higher Returns:
Gated community plots often witness a faster appreciation in value compared to non-gated counterparts. Reliaable Lifestyle, a 20-year-old project by Reliaable Developers, stands as a testament to this by providing substantial returns over the years. The combination of security, amenities, and community living experience contributes to the overall desirability of the location, attracting more potential buyers or tenants. Additionally, the limited availability of land within gated communities can drive up the demand and subsequently property prices. Investing in such plots, therefore, holds the potential for higher returns on investment, making it an attractive proposition for those looking to build wealth through real estate. Conclusion 
In conclusion, gated community plots present an engaging investment potential, offering a unique blend of security, amenities, community living, and the potential for substantial returns. As the real estate market continues to evolve, these gated communities stand out as a smart choice for investors seeking both financial gains and a high-quality living experience. Consider unlocking the value of gated community plots and embark on a journey toward a secure and rewarding investment. About Reliaable Developers:Established in 1999 by Dr. Rama Reddy and Mr. H.P. Rama Reddy, Reliaable Developers is a leading name in Bangalore's real estate. Led by Dr. Rama Reddy and Dr. Mahendra Reddy, the company blends tradition and innovation. With a focus on BDA-approved plots, they've delivered over 15,000 plots across prime Bangalore locations. Customers often praise the company’s dedication to excellence and its prime locations of BDA-approved plots in Reliaable Developers reviews, further solidifying its positive reputation in the real estate sector. Notable projects include Reliaable Lifestyle and Dollar Colony, reflecting their commitment to quality and timely delivery. They envision a future driven by innovation and sustainability.
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archiveofkloss · 8 months
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karlie kloss recently shared some of her parenting and everyday must-haves with cnn underscored!
1. Lanolips, “The Original 101 Ointment Multipurpose Superbalm” - $16.95
"I use this balm every single day," Kloss says. "It keeps my lips and skin hydrated 24/7." Made 100% naturally with ultra-pure grade Australian lanolin, the 101 Ointment is aptly named: it serves 101 functions. This balm is excellent for anything dry or chapped including lips, skin patches, cuticles, elbows, and more. It is also safe to use during pregnancy, for nursing mothers, and with babies
2. Owala, “Kids’ Freesip” - $22.99
"Levi adores his colorful sippy cup, and it never, ever leaks," Kloss says. Made from triple-layered, vacuum-insulated stainless steel, the FreeSip is not only tough but also keeps drinks cold for up to 24 hours.
3. Coterie, “The Wipe: 4 Pack” - $30.00
"As a professional model, l've spent many hours on a makeup chair, so i've been through my fair share of makeup and baby wipes," Kloss says. "These ones from Coterie are my favorite! They're great for diaper changes, sticky hands and faces or any other daily messes. I even use them on myself, and I will be carrying them in my bag long after I have a child in diapers!" Up to 30% larger than most wipes, Coterie’s are chemical-free and made with purified water, skincare ingredients such as vitamin E and glycerin, and plant-based, plastic-free, biodegradable fibers.
4. Estée Lauder, “Turbo Lash High Powered Volume + Length Mascara” - $34.00
Kloss, who is an Estée Lauder global brand ambassador, says, "When I'm not working, I prefer to go for a more natural look, and this mascara is one of my staples for my daily routine. It gives my lashes that perfect lift for an easy, effortless look."
5. Doona, “Doona + Car Seat & Stroller” - $550
"I love this stroller because it's very new-parent-friendly and easy to fold, which really comes in handy when you're strapped for time and on the move," Kloss says. As the first fully integrated travel system, Doona’s car seat allows for travel with ease for parents on-the-go as it can transform into a stroller within seconds. Available in seven colors, the Doona includes a five-point harness, an adjustable handlebar, and removable and washable textiles.
6. Oura, “Heritage Ring in Gold” - $449
"I swear by the Oura Ring," Kloss says. "It helps track my sleep every day, giving me all the data I need to help improve my sleep quality so that I feel my very best the next morning." The Oura can track everything from sleep and fitness to stress and general health, all available to track and monitor on the brand’s app.
7. Nanit, “Nanit Pro Camera with Floor Stand” - $399.00
"I'm such a tech nerd, and this smart baby monitor is one of the best on the market," Kloss says. "It comes with its own app, so you can take a peek whenever, and it really does help take some of that stress away." Delivering 1080p HD video, the Nanit comes with built-in sound and motion alerts and has a split-screen feature that allows users to view and control two cameras at once.
you can read the article here
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latestindustryreports · 9 months
The Expanding Realm of the Underwater Camera Market: Submerged Snapshots
The underwater camera market is experiencing steady growth due to increased interest in underwater photography and videography among enthusiasts, professionals, and adventurers. An underwater camera is a camera device that can be used to capture images and videos underwater. It can be used for shoots as one is swimming, snorkeling, or with a remotely operated underwater vehicle. Some of these cameras are even automated and can be easily lowered from the water surface to capture images and videos on their own.
There are specific cameras designed for use underwater, and they include modern waterproof digital cameras. However, cameras designed for dry work can also be used for underwater shots but only with additional housings for protection against water and pressure. Rising technological advancements in the camera industry, coupled with increased usage of this camera across sectors, increased focus on safety and security, and many other factors are anticipated to increase the sales of underwater cameras.
The growing popularity of adventure travel and water sports activities, such as scuba diving, snorkeling, and underwater exploration, contributed to the increased demand for underwater cameras. Moreover, the influence of social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok encouraged users to capture high-quality underwater content for sharing and engagement, further driving the demand for underwater cameras. In current times, technological advancements are seen on almost a daily basis. The effect of technological advancements is visible in the way various devices function. Likewise, owing to technological advancements, underwater cameras have started operating with higher precision.
The start-ups operating in the underwater camera market are looking at ways to make optimum utilization of power by focusing on smart low-power motion-sensing cameras. Apart from this, start-ups are working on several ideas. With a focus on improving the performance of the cameras, the key players are mainly focusing on sensors to improve the overall sensitivity of the device. Key players have adopted various strategies, such as product portfolio expansion, mergers & acquisitions, agreements, geographical expansion, and collaborations, to increase their market penetration and strengthen their foothold in the market.
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galetech · 1 year
Top Wholesale Surveillance CCTV Camera Brands in India
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In India, the demand for surveillance CCTV cameras has been steadily increasing due to the growing awareness of security needs in both residential and commercial settings. With numerous brands competing in the market, let's explore some of the top wholesale surveillance CCTV camera brands in India:
Hikvision: Hikvision is one of the most well-known and trusted brands in the surveillance industry. They offer a wide range of CCTV cameras, including IP cameras, dome cameras, bullet cameras, and PTZ cameras. Hikvision is known for its high-quality products, advanced features, and reliable performance, making them a popular choice for wholesale purchases.
Dahua Technology: Dahua is another prominent player in the Indian surveillance market. They are recognized for their innovative solutions, such as AI-powered cameras, thermal cameras, and advanced video analytics. Dahua's products cater to various industry needs, making them a preferred option for wholesalers and system integrators.
CP Plus: CP Plus is an Indian brand that has gained significant popularity in the surveillance domain. They offer a wide range of cameras, including HD cameras, IP cameras, and wireless cameras, along with DVRs and NVRs. CP Plus focuses on affordability without compromising on quality, which has contributed to its success in the wholesale market.
Bosch Security Systems: Bosch is a global player with a strong presence in the Indian market. Their surveillance cameras are known for their durability, advanced technology, and seamless integration with other security systems. Bosch caters to various applications, from small businesses to large enterprises.
Evoke Hi Tech: Evoke Hi Tech is a renowned brand in the electronics industry and has a significant share in the surveillance camera market. They provide high-resolution cameras, low-light cameras, and advanced PTZ cameras suitable for various surveillance needs. Evoke Hi Tech's cameras are preferred for their image quality and reliability.
Samsung: Samsung, a well-known consumer electronics brand, also offers a range of surveillance cameras in India. Their cameras come equipped with advanced features like digital image stabilization, thermal imaging, and smart analytics, making them an attractive choice for wholesale buyers.
Honeywell: Honeywell is a global conglomerate with a strong presence in the security and surveillance sector. They offer a diverse range of CCTV cameras, including dome cameras, bullet cameras, and panoramic cameras. Honeywell's cameras are known for their rugged design and cutting-edge technology.
These brands have earned their reputation in the Indian market by consistently delivering high-quality, reliable surveillance solutions. When purchasing wholesale CCTV cameras, it's essential to consider factors like camera type, resolution, lens options, and additional features to ensure they meet specific security requirements.
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smsin360 · 1 year
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Instagram Will Now Allow Users to Download Publicly Posted Reels Content.
After Testing it out over the Past Few Months, Instagram's now Rolling out the option to Download Publicly Posted Reels to your Camera Roll, which will Provide another way to Share Reels Content..
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databridgemarket456 · 2 years
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