#Small Smith Machine in Canada
beitnow123 · 1 year
Best Compact Smith Machine
Best Compact Smith Machine
Befitnow Canada Compact Smith Machine Squat Rack Multi-Functions Rack Smith Workout Dip Up Sit up All in One Home Gym Pro Rack. Befitnow's Compact Power Rack is made from 60mm steel uprights that are 8 gauge. Multiple holes have been laser-cut for precision and flexibility.
The Smith Machine attachment included in the package ensures a self-balancing, stabilised weight. This allows the user to concentrate solely on his lift. The bar runs along a fixed vertical course. With 15 racking points, you can perform heavy-plate loaded exercises without a spotter.
The Smith Machine is a versatile machine that can be used to promote all muscle groups. The linear bearing system, with its close tolerance and 7 rack points spaced at intervals of 250mm for a range of 30mm offers frictionless, smooth movement. The knurled section provides superior grip. The adjustable metal stopper is able to be raised or lowered up or down to provide spotting points. Rubber bump stops are located at the base each shaft for protection.
The Smith Machine can be used with Befitnow Bumper or weight plates.
Befitnow’s Compact racks are available in a variety of configurations and colours, giving you more options to customize your facility. Ideal for lifting and racking the bar as well as Olympic lifts, where the bar is dropped onto the Goliath Compact Rack Platform.
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uncannychange · 2 years
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Because of Canada's deepening diplomatic ties with Vietnam, some scientific research organizations were being allowed to cooperate with their counterparts overseas.
One of these permissions had been given to Universal Harmonics in Saskatoon. The small start-up was dedicated to studying and advancing the new science of using applied sound harmonic and controlled vibrational energy to effect change in living cells.
It seemed there was a group in Vietnam called Sóng Hài Phổ Research that was doing much the name, and they wanted to partner with Universal Harmonics.
On October the 10th, the Canadians got the first message from Sóng hài phổ; it read, “Happy Vietnamese Woman Day!” Connie North, the president of U.H., opened with the news about this message during the daily meeting of the group; once they were all together, she opened the message.
“It just repeats Happy Vietnamese Woman Day, and then please open and play the enclosed file,” said Connie. “Better check it for bugs, trojans, and malware,” said Hank Brown, the IT Director.
“Oh, I already did that; it’s clean.” “It might have something to do with that Vietnam Woman Day header,” suggested treasurer Tammy Riccio. “It’s like a holiday there, maybe?” “And is it for just Vietnamese women or all women or what?” said Charlie Smith, the company’s machine tech, at the table's far end.
“Whatever!” said Connie. “Let’s just play the thing; perhaps that will give us the answers we want.”
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With that, she opened the file, and they saw it playing, but they could hear nothing. Then they felt a funny tingle seemingly at the back of their skulls, which soon turned into a complex sound feeling that grew and then turned to a shockingly high volume that blanked everything else out while simultaneously feeling like being struck by lightning must feel.
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“Thôi đi!” said Phía bắc Khuyen, formerly Connie North. “I mean, what was that?” she said, looking confused,” “forget that!” said Nguyen Chau, who used to be Charlie Smith. “You’ve turned Asian, Connie!” “I’ve turned Asian? So have you, and you’re a woman!”
“Also, I’M A CHICK TOO!” added Hank Brown, “and I’m pretty sure I want to call myself Màu nâu Hanh. Is this for real?”
“Oh, I get it,” said the Vietnamese woman who looked much like Tammy Riccio, but they all somehow knew they should call her Quăn Tha'm.
They all looked at her, hoping for some explanation. “The holiday isn’t for just Vietnamese women; it’s for all women; it just takes place in Vietnam.”
The other three roll their eyes, and a voice comes from the computer's speaker.
“Greetings, Universal Harmonics! I am Bạch Như Quỳnh of Sóng hài phổ I look forward to our future collaborations. I hope you have found our latest development a harmonic that brings about heightened female health and rejuvenation to your liking. You will not be able to realize yet, but in the long run, over weeks, it will bring much-improved health.”
“You are aware that it also seems to have already worked, and we all now seem to be healthy Vietnamese women, and two of us started today as men.”
“Oops!” said Ms. Bạch. “I guess that’s Beta testing for you; by the way, Ms. North, I didn’t know you could speak such perfect Vietnamese this will make our working together so much easier.”
That was when the Canadian group realized they were all now speaking what, until less than 30 minutes ago, was an unknown language to them.
A chaotic hour later, it was concluded that whatever had happened would be the priority for research for the foreseeable future. The contact ended, and the four stunned Canadians silently looked at each other.
“Happy Women’s Day, everyone!”  said Quăn Tha'm
“Oh wow!” said Màu nâu Hanh, the former Hank Brown. “I’m a lesbian!”
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Several major incidents at Kingston Penitentiary in the year and a half before October 1932 point to a changing attitude amongst the inmate population toward their treatment and growing organization, evident in the circulation of propaganda and expanding protests. An August 1931 escape attempt appears to have been much more influential on later prisoner organizing than the 1927 strike. A group of six prisoners, including later inmate delegates Murray Kirkland and Albert Garceau, manufactured weapons in the blacksmith shop and attempted to incite an insurrection or disturbance to support their escape. Garceau claimed he had hoped to return to the penitentiary, armed with a machine gun, to liberate other inmates. However, some of their confederates got cold feet, and the plan was “ratted out” by several long-term prisoners.
The potential escapees were all punished with several months in solitary confinement and, driven to contemplation, experienced something akin to what Robyn Spencer has described as “mind change,” where personal transformation breeds political inspiration. Kirkland felt the escape attempt had been “a foolish mistake,” and Garceau learned that “you have to get everyone involved [in planning] or nothing gets done.” Other prisoners noticed that these men were different once returned to their workshops. Joseph Insenga, a polyglot prisoner who would translate notes, letters, and inmate manifestos like Barbarism and Civilization into German, Spanish, French, and Russian for other inmates, believed they had “accepted [the penitentiary] is to be [their] home – and you must improve your home if it is falling apart.” One of the members of the escape plot, John O’Brien, was kept in solitary confinement for a year, and his treatment became a point of contention among the prisoners until 1933. The 1931 escape attempt also convinced the staff, as keeper James Donaghue put it, “that any trouble would be a smokescreen for escape,” and the staff, from front-line guards to senior officers, consistently underestimated the scale of inmate resentment.
The group of inmates involved in the escape attempt were returned to their regular cells and work shortly before the arrival of eight members of the Communist Party of Canada to Kingston Penitentiary in early 1932. Warden Smith gave the Communists “a stern talking to” and dispersed them into different workshops, ostensibly to make it easier to supervise and isolate each man. Burglar Thomas James, a kitchen worker, felt that “[trouble] first started when these men – Communists – were sent in this place. Throughout the institution – lay bills were written in the magazine and it went throughout the institution – anyone can read them.” Harold Eden, convicted of aggravated assault, while noting that “this was brewing in 1928 and 1929,” felt that “it took the Reds to kick the nest up.” There is some evidence of mutual political education involving Communists. Several inmate letters were intercepted in the summer of 1932 that contained invitations to join a reading group led by Tim Buck in the blacksmith shop, and several prisoners said they were members of “The Organization,” a larger circle of prisoners interested in reading economics and political articles found in Harper’s and Collier’s. Barbarism and Civilization, although a group document written by many hands, begins with many favourable references to historical materialism and support for Soviet prisons, and Buck in his memoirs claimed he started a five-point petition of “conservative” demands that got the prison “pulsating.”
It is somewhat difficult to gauge the impact of the Communists inside the penitentiary. Buck relates in his memoir that prisoners asked him to provide information about communism, though some viewed it as “racket.” Individual acts of disobedience before and after the riot included inmates like Philip Roberts or John Farr persuading their fellows to sing “The Red Flag” at work, or small groups shouting “Bolshevistic” slogans – behaviour that was seemingly aimed at antagonizing guards. Whether they agreed with Marxism-Leninism or not, prisoners who demanded reform considered the Communists, especially Buck, Sam Cohen, and Malcom Bruce, to be “good men” who listened and “got along with the boys.” As in relief camps and unemployed organizations, the most significant Communist contribution was undoubtedly the creation and dissemination of literature combined with the articulation of a project of demands. This circulation of propaganda had an appreciable effect, as well, with several officers noting a change in inmate attitudes. Guard H. Robinson commented that during the spring and summer of 1932 the inmates “did not seem to be under any discipline.” Surviving defaulter sheets, which summarize inmate offences, show an increase in reports and punishments in the summer and fall of 1932 for “insolence” and “refusing to obey orders.” Summarizing this new attitude, Buck claimed that prisoners had decided collectively they had “no chance of getting away from here by escape or parole, so we might as well see that we can live like human beings when we are in here.”
Between 13 and 15 August 1932, the 200 inmates in the Prison of Isolation staged a hunger strike over maggots in the porridge. This was the only most obvious and immediately revolting of the conditions in the Prison of Isolation. The wooden partitions, bucket toilets, and lack of running water were a constant source of irritation and misery. Food, if it did not arrive spoiled, was frequently cold when served, and inmate servers, with the connivance of staff, were accused of stealing from food trays. The Prison of Isolation also maintained a reputation as a punishment detail for “incorrigible” prisoners, a reputation reinforced by the unsanitary conditions. The hunger strike prompted intervention by senior officers, who personally took the time to interview the participants and promise change. To the imprisoned men, this demonstrated the effectiveness of the protest. Inmates were also aware that the Prison of Isolation was looked upon unfavourably by staff, adding legitimacy to their protest. In the wake of the riot, prisoners kept in the Prison of Isolation, like the arms smuggler Willard Milich, successfully pressed Ormond to abolish the ramshackle cells, having learned that “[our treatment there] is a sore one with you as well.”
In August and September 1932, prisoners attempted several times to make collective demands through delegates. Spokesmen are not unusual in prisoner protest, but these efforts to choose consistent representatives from across the penitentiary was novel, and possibly the result of Communist influence. The first instance, at the end of August 1932, involved an attempt to exonerate a young prisoner from corporal punishment. This prisoner had been punished during mandatory church service, a practice reviled by most inmates. The Protestant chapel was cramped, noisy, and unventilated. Attendees hated the Protestant chaplain, Reverend Smith, because “his attitude is always antagonistic … he seems to delight in preaching against thieves.” This intense loathing turned into sporadic heckling and booing. During the last Sunday service of August, as armed robber Sam Behan told it, one inmate 
“gave voice to our thoughts: ‘B.S.’ Some officer picked out a man of the 400 men there and reported him. He went before the Warden, Mr. Smith, and received for punishment, although he pleaded not guilty, 10 strokes of the paddle, and 7 days bread and water. 7 days after, he was still marked black and blue.” 
In response, a deputation of ten men, including Behan, Garceau, Ardwell Perrin, and Tim Buck, chosen from different parts of the prison to represent each workshop, went before the warden as a group and pleaded for clemency, arguing that the young man was innocent. Though the deputation did not succeed, a similar effort was made on 7 September 1932, when another group, made up of eight men including Buck, Behan, Garceau, Cohen, Sydney Lass, and two men whose sentences expired before the riot, Kenneth Treapleten and Russel McKenzie, met Superintendent Ormond during his inspection visit and demanded, unsuccessfully, the release of John O’Brien from solitary confinement. Several weeks later, Behan and several of these men were involved in a coordinated effort to remove a Guard named Newman from a workshop, and succeeded in so compromising the officer with rumours and gossip that he was forced to retire by Warden Smith.”
- Cameron Willis, "If You Want Anything, You Have to Fight for It": Prisoner Strikes at Kingston Penitentiary, 1932–1935,” Labour / Le Travail, Issue 89, Spring 2022, p. 123-129.
The photo shows incarcerated Communist Tim Buck, centre, in February 1933 being escorted back to Kingston Penitentiary after being committed for trial as a rioter, accused as one of the ringleaders of the prison riot there in October 1932. From the Whig-Standard, originally The Mail and Empire, February 20, 1933.
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researchinsighthub · 1 year
Small Arms Market Size, Share, CAGR, Worth, Key Players, Analysis & Forecast 2032
The latest research report by Emergen Research, named ‘Global Small Arms Market - Forecast to 2032’, entails a comprehensive review of the global Small Arms market’s present and future trends The report gathers viable information on the most established industry players, sales and distribution channels, regional spectrum, estimated market share and size, and revenue estimations over the forecast timeframe. The study is inclusive of a profound analysis of this business sphere focuses on the overall remuneration of the market over the projected period. 
The global small arms market size is expected to reach USD 10.32 Billion at a steady CAGR of 2.3% in 2028, according to latest analysis by Emergen Research. Rise in terrorist activities and increase in cross-border security are some key factors driving market revenue growth. Increasing need for deployment of military personnel at military bases and sensitive locations and infrastructure and international borders and rising focus on modernization of weapons and ammunition are other key factors fueling growth of the global small arms market.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-sample/225
The global Small Arms market report employs an extremely extensive and perceptive process that analyzes statistical data relating to services and products offered in the market. The research study is a pivotal document in understanding the needs and wants of the clients. The report is comprised of significant data about the leading companies and their marketing strategies. The Small Arms industry is witnessing an expansion and change of dynamics owing to the entry of several new players.
The Emergen Research report takes a closer view of the global market share, estimated growth rate, future market trends, entry-level barriers, fundamental market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities. The report clearly defines the Small Arms market position on a global level. The detailed insights into the market’s geographical spectrum offered by the report make it an excellent source of knowledge about the Small Arms industry.
Key Companies Profiled in the Report are
Smith & Wesson, Israel Weapons Industry, Kalashnikov Group, Colt’s Manufacturing LLC, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc., GLOCK Ges.m.b.H, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Raytheon, General Dynamics Corporation, and Carl Walther GmbH
Product Type Segmentation & Application Segmentation:
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018–2028)
Machine Gun
Caliber Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018–2028)
9 mm
56 mm
62 mm
7 mm
5 mm
Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018–2028)
Request a discount on the report @ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-discount/225
The research report offers a comprehensive regional analysis of the market with regards to production and consumption patterns, import/export, market size and share in terms of volume and value, supply and demand dynamics, and presence of prominent players in each market. 
Regional Analysis Covers:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/small-arms-market
Furthermore, the report provides the analytical data in an organized format segmented into charts, tables, graphs, figures, and diagrams. This enables readers to understand the market scenario in an easy and beneficial manner. Moreover, the report aims to impart a prospective outlook and draw an informative conclusion to assist the reader in making lucrative business decisions. The report, in conclusion, provides a detailed analysis of the segments expected to dominate the market, the regional bifurcation, the estimated market size and share, and comprehensive SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis.
Unfolding the prime factors prompting global market growth:
The study offers an in-depth analysis of the product outlook, which depicts the latest production growth trends and profit valuation. It further fragments the global Small Arms market into a broad product spectrum.
The study covers essential data related to these products’ application landscape, the demand for and market share held by each application type, and their growth rate analysis over the estimated period.
A detailed description of the distribution channels, including distributors, producers, and buyers, is one of the report’s key market highlights.
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Thank you for reading our report. For further queries, please connect with us, and our team will provide you the report best suited to your requirements.
About Emergen Research Emergen Research is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target, and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries, and help clients make smarter business decisions. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across multiple industries, including Healthcare, Touch Points, Chemicals, Types, and Energy
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delvenservices · 1 year
Small Arms Market Growth Leaders & Key Findings
Small Arms Market, by End-Use Sector (Defense, Civil & Commercial), Type (Pistol, Revolver, Rifle, Machine Gun, Shotgun), Caliber (5.56MM, 7.62MM, 9MM), Technology, Cutting Type, Firing Systems, Action and Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and South America)
Market Overview
The global Small Arms market size is projected to reach USD 9.8 billion by 2026 at a CAGR of 2.4% from USD 8.9 billion in 2021 during the forecast period 2021-2028.
Due to the raised air traffic along with militarization of police forces along with the changed nature of warfare are some of the factors that have supported long-term expansion for Small Arms Market.
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing widespread concern and economic hardship for consumers, businesses, and communities across the globe. With disrupted supply chains and assembly lines along with the non decided delivery orders have made a downfall to the sector.
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To Understand Business Strategies, Request for a Sample Report at: https://www.delvens.com/get-free-sample/small-arms-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Regional Analysis
North America is expected to be the largest market during the forecast period. Surge in defence expenditure across the nation along with the increased popularity of sporting and hunting activities amongst civilians have led to growth of the market in the region.
Competitive Landscape
Key Players
Colt’s Manufacturing LLC
Sig Sauer
Steyr Arms
Remington Outdoor Company
Smith & Wesson
Daniel Defense Inc.
Ruger & Co., Inc.
Israel Weapons Industr
Heckler & Koch Gmbh
GLOCK Ges.m.b.H.
Kalashnikov Group
Èeská Zbrojovka a.s.
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Recent Developments
In May 2020, Colt Canada which is a subsidiary of Colt’s Manufacturing Company LLC, was offered a contract by the Canadian Department of National Defense which asked for the supply of 272 of the new C20 semi-automatic rifle.
In May 2020, Colt’s Manufacturing Company LLC was offered a contract by Joint Foreign Military Sales for supplying of M16A4 Rifles from the US Army.
Reasons to Acquire
Increase your understanding of the market for identifying the best and suitable strategies and decisions on the basis of sales or revenue fluctuations in terms of volume and value, distribution chain analysis, market trends and factors
Gain authentic and granular data access for Small Arms market so as to understand the trends and the factors involved behind changing market situations
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In-depth analysis of the changing trends of the market by visualizing the historic and forecast year growth patterns
Purchase This Report: https://www.delvens.com/checkout/small-arms-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Report Scope
Small Arms Market is segmented into End-use Sector, Caliber, Type, Firing System, Action, Cutting Type, Technology and geography.
On the basis of Type
Machine Gun
On the basis of End-User Industry
Law Enforcement
Civil & Commercial
On the basis of Caliber
On the basis of Cutting Type
Smooth bore
On the basis of Firing System
On the basis of Technology
On the basis of Action
On the basis of Region
Asia Pacific
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
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The Small Arms Market report answers a number of crucial questions, including:
Which companies dominate the Small Arms Market?
What current trends will influence the market over the next few years?
 What are the market's opportunities, obstacles, and driving forces?
What predictions for the future can help with strategic decision-making?
What advantages does market research offer businesses?
Which particular market segments should industry players focus on in order to take advantage of the most recent technical advancements?
What is the anticipated growth rate for the market economy globally?
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renatedagmarmilada · 1 year
YOU ARE OUR SACRIFICE SAID THE MINISTRIES - They are our sex buddies, --assurance for the St barths human research mental care assistants
re covert destruction program by remote over UK till 20 80--Quote we wanted to ensure you would never rise again--country wide, nation wide and world wide.
quote-Jen Howden. /one of the mental care assistants who sold your work, M&S Debenhams, Pine BHS and all UK high street outlets, part of extinction progr over UK paid for by Kissinger./
All sex buddies, pedophiles boyfriends families of lab sold your University work to media, big and small, From Guardian to Tatler to Women's mags to Cosmo. to cover lab staff taking it straight from the illegal monitor and Scanner at lab st barths even whilst Fekete sat in the classroom at Universities. ANNA prostitute of Peckham, /alias Jean Clark/ former prison inmate, thrown out of London hospital for tropical disorders, ordered that all Fekete's family everywhere be used for ANY PRACTICE by the lab and wiped out permanently from the face of the earth. so subsequent generations could not sue the lab assistants and their rabble. Canada and Australia owe allegiance to the Crown so family there were easy targets. USA was once independent, but their Human Research liked England as they get a free hand here. ST barth Human Research asked NEW YORK human research lab to get them out of trouble- hence USA Franklyn devised a destruction plan and program..
All and any crooked, stupid, impossible sadistic idea tried out- for the covert remote Destruction program over UK 2080 since 1983-- all 'techniques' used well before then, 70 yrs or more, but never acknowledge. Nothing recorded can never be proven.
USA men came here to mess ie destroying my 12 yr old son's genitalia and then leaving him strapped all his life, as they have capital punishment over there. UK is the only country with no laws and no punishment. PM Cameron was cued by lab St Barths human research to deplete POLICE FORCE to a minimum-- to save money he said...
MANY countries asked to join the program were told it was for their own protection and they would be helped and they were believed and paid - China and India ten million, Russia two million, even Spain half a million-- money from USA and more Anna lab corruption, she transferred 6 million State funds from Slovakia for which the President Kovacs was battered and blamed by the then communist Party, he did not take it, it was Human Research UK- hence slovakians are permitted to settle here, much more including the Lords, who were Anna's sex buddies and told She would make Britain GREAT AGAIN--if they permitted. The lab members made themselves very, very rich, all multi-millionaires and Anna died two weeks ago, thanks be to God, tried to give them status by having paid thieves rob all my work from Art Colleges and Universities, as well as private creative work printing it as their own. If they had stayed within the bounds of reason, it could have worked, but they got greedy.. and as for Arthur Smith civil servant of the Health Ministry and Denis-- well, sharing government business with an uneducated prostitute just because she allows them sex?? The list goes on and on.
ALL THE GOVERNMENT CABINET WERE ON THE LAB MACHINE TO BE WATCHED AND MANIPULATED once they signed, every secret that country possessed appeared on St barths Human research monitor. God alone knows what lies they told the Queen, and Prince Charles to get their written signature. Later they told them THEY the lab would sort it all out!!
quote -The rats which ate the body of your six month pregnant cousin from Fremantle Helen Smith /Schmidt/ Research doctor, Flying to Canada for a super Research job now given to an American jewess.. were the work of lab assistant Driscoll, who has since been put into the room with dozens of others of St barths human Research staff, as no longer useful. /He had her plane crash over Iceland, and the rescue party left her trapped under a cabin to freeze, she died in five hours. Driscol summoned the rats. They ate all but her shoes.
BLOAT FEKETE AGAIN to make her ill../it is done from a machine, even if you eat nothing..it can still bloat ../
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befitnows · 1 year
Are Smith Machines Bad? Pros, Cons, & Common Myths
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The Smith machine is a popular piece of equipment found in many gyms, used for weightlifting and resistance training. While it has its proponents, the Smith machine has also been the subject of controversy, with claims of potential drawbacks and risks associated with its use. In this blog, we will delve into the pros, cons, and common myths surrounding Smith machines in Canada to provide a comprehensive understanding of this fitness equipment.
Understanding the Smith Machine
Th e Smith machine is a weightlifting apparatus consisting of a barbell fixed within vertical steel rails. This design allows the bar to move only in a straight, vertical path. The user can adjust the height of the bar to suit their preferences and target specific muscle groups. It is primarily used for exercises like squats, bench presses, shoulder presses, and lunges.
Pros of the Smith Machine:
1.1. Safety and Stability: One of the significant advantages of the Smith machine is its built-in safety features. The guided vertical movement reduces the risk of barbell imbalance, which can be beneficial for beginners or individuals lifting without a spotter.
1.2. Isolation of Muscle Groups: The Smith machine can help isolate specific muscle groups effectively. By maintaining a fixed path, it minimizes the need for stabilizing muscles, allowing users to target the intended muscle more precisely.
1.3. Gradual Progression:
The machine's incremental weight plates and safety hooks make it easier to incrementally increase weight and push personal limits safely.
Cons of the Smith Machine:
2.1. Limited Range of Motion:
The fixed vertical movement restricts natural motion patterns, potentially leading to muscle imbalances and reduced functional strength.
2.2. Lack of Core Activation:
The stabilizing muscles in the core are less engaged in Smith machine exercises compared to free weights, leading to potential weakness in the core area.
2.3. Muscle Imbalances:
Using the Smith machine exclusively can lead to overdeveloped primary muscles and neglect of secondary stabilizing muscles, contributing to muscle imbalances.
Common Myths about the Smith Machine:
3.1. Myth: Smith Machines Prevent Injuries.
While the guided movement may reduce the risk of certain injuries, it does not guarantee complete injury prevention. Proper form and technique are essential to prevent injuries effectively.
3.2. Myth:
Small Smith Machine in Canada Are Only for Beginners. While beginners can benefit from the safety and stability of the Smith machine, it can be used by intermediate and advanced lifters to target specific muscle groups or during rehabilitation.
3.3. Myth:
Smith Machines Are Ineffective for Building Strength. The Smith machine can be effective for building muscle strength, especially for beginners. However, it may not offer the same functional strength gains as free weights.
Alternatives to the Smith Machine:
4.1. Free Weights:
Using free weights, such as dumbbells and barbells, allows for a more natural range of motion and engages stabilizing muscles, leading to better functional strength gains.
4.2. Resistance Bands:
Resistance bands provide variable resistance throughout the range of motion, mimicking real-life movements and promoting muscle activation.
4.3. Bodyweight Exercises:
Bodyweight exercises, like push-ups, squats, and lunges, can be highly effective in building strength, improving flexibility, and promoting overall functional fitness.
Tips for Safe and Effective Smith Machine Use:
5.1. Warm-up Properly:
Perform a thorough warm-up before using the Smith machine to increase blood flow to the muscles, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance performance.
5.2. Focus on Proper Form:
Maintain proper form throughout the exercises to minimize the risk of injury and ensure maximum muscle engagement.
5.3. Incorporate Variety:
While the Smith machine can be useful for certain exercises, don't rely on it exclusively. Incorporate a mix of free weights, bodyweight exercises, and other fitness equipment to achieve a well-rounded workout routine.
5.4. Use Appropriate Weight:
Choose a weight that challenges you but allows you to complete the desired number of repetitions with proper form.
5.5. Consider Professional Guidance:
If you are new to weightlifting or unsure about proper technique, consider working with a qualified fitness trainer to learn the correct form and create a personalized workout plan.
In summary, the Smith machine can be a valuable addition to your fitness routine, offering safety and stability for beginners and targeted muscle isolation for intermediate and advanced lifters. However, it is essential to recognize its limitations, such as limited range of motion and decreased core activation, and to use it as part of a comprehensive workout plan.
Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness, and individual preferences and goals should guide your exercise choices. Whether you choose to incorporate the Smith machine, free weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises, the key is to focus on proper form, progression, and variety to optimize your fitness gains and minimize the risk of injury.
Always prioritize your safety and well-being, and don't hesitate to seek advice from fitness professionals or trainers Befitnow can provide expert guidance to help you achieve your fitness goals effectively. Embrace a balanced approach to exercise, and you'll be well on your way to a healthier, stronger, and more functional body. Happy lifting! For more details you can call us +647-545-5393 and mail us [email protected]
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sanemyamen · 1 year
Firearms and Ammunition Market Look a Witness of Excellent Long-Term Growth – Worldwide Survey by 2028
The Latest Released market study on Global Firearms And Ammunition market provides information and useful stats on market structure, size and trends. The report is intended to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and strategic insights to help decision makers take sound investment decisions and identify potential gaps and growth opportunities. Besides, the report also identifies and analyses changing dynamics, emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, opportunities and restraints in Firearms And Ammunition market. What’s keeping Smith & Wesson,Remington Outdoor Company,Beretta,Winchester Repeating Arms,Northrop Grumman Corporation,FN Herstal,General Dynamics Corporation,Sturm, Ruger & Co,Glock Ges.m.b.H.,Taurus,Kontsern Kalashnikov,SIG Sauer,Colt Defense,Heckler and Koch,Springfield Armory, Inc.,Barret Firearms,Browning Arms Company,MossbergSturm, Ruger & Co.,Savage Arms,Weatherby,Walther Arms,Cadex Defence Keep Growing in the Market? Benchmark yourself with the strategic moves and latest Market Share and Sizing of Global Firearms And Ammunition market recently published by AMA Firearms is a gun that is designed to be used by an individual. Whereas ammunition is the material fired from firearms. It is expandable and a part of another weapon. Both of them are dependent on each other. Over the 5 years, the manufacturing of guns and ammunition has increased. Due to the increasing asymmetric warfare, the demand for arms and ammunition is growing. According to American gun facts, the gun ownership rate per 100 residents is 88.8 in the USA, 54.8 in Yemen, and 45.7 in Switzerland. The global firearms and ammunition market was estimated to be around USD 31,078 million in 2019, according to the AMA study.
The Firearms And Ammunition Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Firearms {Rifles, Machine Guns, Pistols, Shotguns, Others}, Ammunition), Application (Civil & Commercial, Defense, Others), Raw material (Polymer cased bullet, Brass bullet), Caliber (Small Caliber, Medium Caliber, Large Caliber)
On the geographical front, the market has been segregated into North America (the United States and Canada), Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia and others), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia and others), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico and others), and Middle East and Africa.
What’s Trending in Market: Development of Lead Free Bullets by Key Players
Technological Developments are Being Done for Light Weight and High Range Bullets
Market Challenges: Defense Budget of Various Developed And Developing Countries Negatively Affects the Market
Market Opportunities: Increase in Defense Expenditure by Various Countries
Rising Terrorist Activities around the Globe Is Creating an Opportunities for Arms and Ammunition
Highlights of Influencing Drivers: Development of Interests in Hunting and Shooting
Rising Concern for Personal Defense
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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nightwingshero · 4 years
Tagging Game
I was tagged by @bubblegumnebulaa thank you love!!!
Tagging: @strafethesesinners @water-writings @shallow-gravy @xbaebsae @dieguzguz @foofygoldfish @amistrio @smithandrogers @fadedjacket @rejected-beater @simonxriley @playstationmademe @chyrstis @geronimo-11 and anyone else!
rules: answer all thirty questions and tag as many people, as you can. let's get to know each other a little better!
Name/Nickname: Jodeci or friends call me Jo
Gender: female
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′03″
Time: 9:27 pm
Favourite Bands: Florence + The Machine, Avenged Sevenfold, Cage the Elephant, Panic! At the Disco, My Chemical Romance, The Killers, Arctic Monkeys, Queen, The Ramones, AJR, Twenty One Pilots, Incubus, Slipknot, Weezer, Imagine Dragons, The White Stripes, Pink Floyd, Fall Out Boy, Stone Sour, KALEO, Chevelle, The Chainsmokers, Green Day, Rise Against, The Neighborhood, Nirvana, The Beatles, The Black Keys, Highly Suspect, The Offspring, AFI, BANNERS, and tons more. I could go on forever, honestly. 
Birthday: January 2nd
Favourite Solo Artists: Halsey, Hozier, Lorde, Lana Del Rey, Elton John, David Bowie, Post Malone, P!nk, Khalid, Cherri Bomb, NF, Johnny Cash, PJ Harvey, B.o.B., Ruelle, Cyndi Lauper, Sam Smith, James Arthur, Jimi Hendrix, Billy Joel, Au/Ra, Billie Eilish, Hayley Kiyoko, The Weeknd, Matt Maeson, Lady Gaga, Alicia Keys, Meghan Trainor, Adele, Bruno Mars, and more...so much more...
Song Stuck In My Head Right Now: Arsonist’s Lullaby (I’m doing a lot of creating for Gabriel right now, and it’s an awesome song.)
Last Movie: Judas and the Black Messiah (highly recommend!)
Last Show: Young Justice
When Did I Create This Blog: 2019 (came here for fandom, stayed for the chaos that is my blog.)
What I Post: *in a weird voice* I do what I want! I post multi-fandom content, my edits and writing, and memes. Or...you know...whatever I want. 
Other Blogs: That’s a negative, Ghost Rider.
Why I Chose My URL: Batman is awesome, his comics are my favorite, and Nightwing is my favorite Robin. And its funny, because he saves people...so being a heroes hero...is funny. But let’s be real here, he needs saving after what they did to him and Alfred. (Oh they fixed it--shush, that wasn’t at all a fix, you can’t convince me otherwise. Ric was a mistake, go back. GO BACK.)
Do I Get Asks: From time to time, usually when I reblog ask games or prompt lists. I’m not really a popular blog and I’m kinda off in my corner doing my own thing. 
Last Thing I Googled: "Fire in Latin” I’m currently trying to name Gabriel’s vigilante alter ego...he has fire powers...I am open for suggestions...because mine suck and are cheesy...like naming Blair “Nebula”...(she was almost Nova or Galaxy...send help.)
I Follow: 516. I’m multi-fandom, so I follow all kinds of different blogs. 
Following: 331. Like I said, I’m a small blog. But I’ve noticed that Tumblr has been like...telling me certain people aren’t following me when they are...so I really don’t know what that number is. 
Average Hours Of Sleep: 6. A little less some nights, a little more on weekends when it’s a good weekend. 
Lucky Number: 24
Instruments: Bass guitar.
What I'm Wearing: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 shirt and blue basketball shorts (what are you wearing?)
Dream Trip: Pretty much all of Europe. Most of Asia. Canada...I would love to move to Canada...
Favourite Food: Sushi, seafood, steak, burgers and fries, hot wings, cheesecake, ice cream, breakfast food, spaghetti and meatballs, mac ‘n’ cheese...a lot more because I love food. 
Nationality: American (seriously, send help. I’m happily waiting.)
Favourite Song: Listen...this changes like the weather in the midwest, buddy. Team by Lorde or Fluorescent Adolescent by Arctic Monkeys...and Spacemen or Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine by The Killers.
Last Book Read: Circe by Madeline Miller
Top Three Fictional Universes I Wanna Be A Part Of: DC/Arrowverse because I have a death wish apparently, Lord of the Rings, and I guess either Star Wars or Percy Jackson (Greek gods, bro!)
Favourite Color: Slate Navy blue, grey, or black
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blackistory · 5 years
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Club Harlem was founded in 1935 by Leroy "Pop" Williams on the site of a dance hall called Fitzgerald's Auditorium.[a] Williams was a medical student at University of Pennsylvania when he managed to acquire enough money to buy Fitzgerald's; he left college after becoming the owner of the nightclub.[2] Williams gave the new nightclub the name of the Manhattan neighborhood because "a lot of black people live there".[3][4] The district, known as "Kentucky Avenue and the Curb", had become the home for African Americans in the racially segregated city since the end of World War I.[5] The new nightspot joined other popular black entertainment venues in the district such as Grace's Little Belmont, the Wintergarten, and the Paradise Club.[5] Along with Harlem's Cotton Club, it was a place for the moneyed set to enjoy an evening of African-American entertainment.[6] When the club opened in 1935, there were slot machines along with a basketball court on the top floor of the building.[7] In the 1940s the club became known as Clifton's Club Harlem.[8]
Club Harlem in 1940
In July 1940, Club Harlem, Little Belmont, the Paradise Club, and the Wonder Bar were targeted in a midnight raid by police officers, accompanied by the newly elected mayor, Tom Taggart, seeking proof of illegal gambling activities.[b] The police confiscated "three truckloads of gambling paraphernalia" and arrested 32 club owners and employees, then shut down the four clubs.[10] The next day the clubs were open for business as usual.[11][12][c]
In 1947, showman Larry Steele introduced an all-black revue called Smart Affairs to Club Harlem. The elaborate show, featuring 40 to 50 acts including comedians, singers, showgirls, chorus lines, and dance numbers, was headquartered at the club through 1970, and also toured throughout the United States and abroad between the 1940s and 1960s, including venues in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Adelaide, Australia, and Toronto, Canada.[14][15] The budget for the "Smart Affairs" shows ran as high as US$35,000 per week. The shows were on a par with Broadway productions.[16] Smart Affairs productions grossed between $400,000 and $500,000 annually by the early 1960s.[14] Steele also founded the Sepia Revue and Beige Beauties chorus lines at the club.[14] Entertainer Lola Falana was discovered by Sammy Davis, Jr. while working in Club Harlem's chorus line.[17]
In 1951 Williams and his brother, Clifton Williams, brought in other partners, including Ben Alten of the Paradise Club.[4][d] By 1954, Williams and Alten owned the Club Harlem and the Paradise Club, operating both under joint ownership.[18][e] The club employed 200 people in 1964. Its busiest time was during the tourist season from mid June to Labor Day.[19] Alten described the club's most profitable time as being between 1959 and 1977. On the weekends, between 20 and 25 buses from areas in the Northeastern United States arrived, bringing guests who wanted to see the club's shows.[2]
By 1968, Williams began having difficulty booking some African-American entertainers into the venue. He wrote an open letter to baseball star Jackie Robinson, who had a regular column in the Pittsburgh Courier newspaper. The entertainers in question did not want to work at venues catering to African Americans.[20] After the death of Pop Williams in 1976, Alten's new business partner was businessman Calvin Brock.[2] Alten and Brock refurbished the club, but business was never as good as it was in the past.[2]
Club Harlem was outfitted with two lounges and a main showroom seating over 900.[4] A cocktail lounge had room for 400 guests with continuous entertainment available. The club was equipped with seven bars;[2][16] the front bar alone accommodated nearly 100 people.[21] Guitarist Pat Martino recalled in his biography: "In the front room at Club Harlem you had two stages for two different groups. Willis Jackson would do forty minutes, and then Chris Columbo's band would do forty minutes. They'd split sets all night long. And in the large back room you had singers like Sammy Davis with an orchestra. That was an incredible place".[22] Weekends at Club Harlem started on Friday night with the two bands alternating sets; the music kept going until Monday morning.[2]
For more than 50 years, the Harlem was the place in Atlantic City to see the best shows, hear the best musicians and have the best time.
The Philadelphia Inquirer, July 28, 1987[3]
The club scheduled matinees, nighttime shows, late-night shows, and a 6 a.m. "breakfast show" during the summer tourist season.[3][23][24] The music played from 10 p.m. Saturday night to 6 a.m. Monday morning.[3] "Celebrities, politicians, and tourists" often arrived in the early morning hours after the clubs on the white side of town had closed, and white performers such as Frank Sinatra, Milton Berle, and Lenny Bruce would go up on stage.[3][25][26]
Top-name black musicians also dropped by "to jam and develop their skills".[24] Musician Kelly Swaggerty, who was with Tadd Dameron's band at the time, remembered a jam session with Clifford Brown, Art Farmer and Joe Gordon that began at the Paradise Club and was continued at Club Harlem as the musicians wanted to continue playing.[27][f] Long time Atlantic City disc jockey Pinky Kravitz recalled that by 3 a.m., there were up to 1,000 people in line, waiting for the breakfast show to begin. In addition to the show itself, any celebrities sitting in the audience were called up to the stage and would perform.[17][29]
Drummer Chris Columbo, who conducted the club's orchestra for 34 years,[24][30] remembered that the early morning shows were the most vibrant because the other clubs in town were closed and many of those who were appearing at them were now at Club Harlem jamming with the club's musicians.[3][25] Johnny Lynch was in charge of the house band of 14 musicians, which was integrated. The band was well regarded among musicians. It was said that if you were in the Club Harlem band for the summer, you were a fine musician. Young men who wanted to become professionals often quit their regular jobs in summer to play with the Lynch band.[2]
The leading black entertainers of the day appeared at Club Harlem, including comedians Dick Gregory, George Kirby, Moms Mabley, and Slappy White; singers Cab Calloway, Billy Daniels, Billy Eckstine, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Lena Horne, Sarah Vaughan, Dinah Washington, and Ethel Waters; and jazz musicians Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Nat King Cole, Wild Bill Davis, and Duke Ellington.[24][31] Daniels first performed his signature song "That Old Black Magic" at Club Harlem in 1942.[3] Guitarist Pat Martino has stated that as a younger man he would play at Smalls Paradise in New York City for six months and then perform in the summer at the Club Harlem.[32] Racism, however, prohibited many of these performers from appearing at clubs on the south side of town, where white families lived. However, in the 1950s Frank Sinatra came from the 500 Club to Club Harlem to perform with Sammy Davis, Jr., and sang with Davis, a member of the Rat Pack, back at the 500 Club.[31] Lonnie Smith recorded a live album, Move Your Hand, at Club Harlem in 1969.[33] Even in its waning years in the 1970s, Club Harlem continued to attract contemporary black stars such as Harry Belafonte, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Redd Foxx, Marvin Gaye, Leslie Uggams, and Dionne Warwick.[34]
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scifigeneration · 6 years
The Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival, the annual festival that honors legendary novelist Philip K. Dick through the dynamic power of science fiction film, is returning for its seventh outing with a full schedule of events. For the first time since its inception, the festival will hold a bi-coastal gathering presenting a lineup of films, premieres and panels for audiences in New York City, Los Angeles and Santa Ana, CA. The ambitious endeavor will provide a platform for independent filmmakers who tackle a variety of themes that empower the narratives of Philip K. Dick, whose work continues to serve as a profound mark on the literary and entertainment worlds.
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The festival will open in New York City on Thursday, March 7th and Saturday, March 9th. Following its long history in New York, the festival regards the city as an exemplary location to utilize science fiction as a means of connecting with audiences. "We have developed a strong following here," said Daniel Abella, the founder and director of the festival. "Our fans have become loyal supporters of our films and platform so we acknowledge their support by bringing back great sci-fi year after year." Features include Saku Sakamoto's ARAGNE: Sign of Vermillion about a young woman's discovery of a mysterious class of insects and the U.S. premiere of Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited, the remastered version of Kent Smith and Tom Huckabee's post-apocalyptic 1983 film starring Bill Paxton. Then, a lone survivor searches for answers after the human race vanishes in the World Premiere of John Norby's Assimilation.
The west coast edition of the festival will run in partnership with Media Arts Santa Ana (MASA), a non-profit organization that supports its community's cultural empowerment through special resources and initiatives. "We are excited to bring the festival to Santa Ana and allow fans to see some great films," said Victor Payan, the director of MASA who worked with the festival to organize a divine salute to its namesake, a resident of the city in his final years where he wrote several of his last major works. "This will help create discussion about how Santa Ana and Orange County influenced Philip K. Dick's vision and celebrate one of Santa Ana's most treasured and influential artists."
Festivities begin on Thursday, March 14th in Los Angeles with the city serving as a prime destination to bring the festival. "Blade Runner is set in L.A. in 2019," said Abella when referring to the 1982 adaptation of Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? "There is no better honor than by holding the festival in the very city and year depicted in one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time." Screening titles include Matthew Evan Balz's Corvus, which follows a woman's perilous efforts to build a machine capable of hypnosis and the depiction of extant technology in Emily Dean's Andromeda about an android's awakening of human emotions. Closing the night is Josh Gibson's atmospheric Pig Film about a woman's work on a hog farm during the impending end of the world.
The festival then opens in Santa Ana, CA from Friday, March 15th through Sunday, March 17th. Essential films include Unzipping, the cinematic directorial debut of actress and writer Lisa Edelstein about the poignant unfastening of a marriage and Star Trek veteran Walter Koenig's confrontation with fate in Michael Baker's Who is Martin Danzig? Holding its World Premiere is Tony Dean Smith's mind-bending thriller Volition about a clairvoyant man's quest to avoid his own murder and the U.S. and L.A. Premiere of Sarah K. Reimers' Bitten about a dog's rabid night of risk and adventure. Dive Odyssey kicks off a lineup of feverish documentaries as Janne Kasperi Suhonen takes viewers on an absorbing aquatic journey and Colin Ramsay and James Uren decipher what makes "good" artificial intelligence in the dawn of ethics and technology in Good in the Machine. Observing the 90th anniversary of Philip K. Dick's birth and the 50th anniversary of Blade Runner's origin novel, the two organizations joined forces for the Philip K. Dick Multicultural Dystopian/Sci Fi Short Film Challenge, a short film competition that invited participants to develop projects that analyze contemporary life in view of themes associated with Philip K. Dick. The challenge also evaluated Philip K. Dick's cultural influence on the Santa Ana community and to encourage the representation of multicultural stories by traditionally underrepresented sci-fi filmmakers. "Anyone who has ever felt alienated should look up to PKD," said Abella. "Because the heroes in his stories were everyday people attempting to retain their dignity in a progressively dehumanized world." The festival's expansion has also furthered its commitment to feature a more inclusive brand of filmmaking with 31 percent of the official selections directed or co-directed by women and minority filmmakers. Many films are seen from the perspectives of racially and gender diverse characters. "There is a new freshness entering the genre," said Abella, who curated an equality-driven showcase of films from the emerging talent strengthening the industry. "Science fiction is based on exploring the 'other' and no one is more qualified than those groups who have been marginalized to tell their story using the tools of sci-fi." THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019: Museum of the Moving Image (36-01 35th Ave, Astoria, NY 11106) Block 1: Best of Philip K. Dick Short Films Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Glitch Noir 2 - The Rise of el Pelon (2018) Director: Cody Healey-Conelly Run Time/Country: 1 min, USA Synopsis: A trailer to the sequel of Glitch Noir tells the story of a futuristic private eye who with the help of an A.I. that processes big data, tracks and unhinged killer through the murky neon streets of the Sprawl. The Last Office (2018) Director: Trevor Hoover Run Time/Country: 12 min, USA Synopsis: In an alternate 1940s, a switchboard operator must endlessly serve as the link between two worlds, connecting calls across the barrier line of life and death. One day, he fields a call from someone he knew in a past life. Harsh Reality (2018) Director: Iain Marcks Run Time/Country: 18 min, USA Synopsis: A cynical professional gamer's life is turned upside-down when he's forced to see the world in a different way. Some of Her Parts (2018) Director: Abie Sidell Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: When future medicine allows people to live past the human body's shelf life, a young woman visits her grandmother in the hospital and is forced to question the value of immortality when you still end up in a box. How I Got to the Moon by Subway (2018) Director: Tyler Rabinowitz Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: After being diagnosed with ALS, a curmudgeonly older man goes to the hospital with his partner to record his voice bank before he loses the ability to speak. Regulation (2018) Director: Ryan Patch Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: In the near future, a young social worker named travels to a small community to administer behavior-modifying 'patches' that guarantee happiness for the wearers. She then must decide what to do when a precocious 10-year-old girl refuses to accept the patch. To Be Forgotten (2018) Director: Masa Gibson Run Time/Country: 25 min, USA Synopsis: A recovering addict trying to erase the online records of his past transgressions gets a call from a mysterious company that claims it can help him be forgotten - not only by the Internet, but by all the people that ever knew him and by the natural world itself. The Desert (2018) Director: Ben Bigelow Run Time/Country: 14 min, USA Synopsis: In a suburban mansion, a woman sneaks into her son's virtual reality chamber. Here, he wanders through a desert with extraordinary powers. The machine is intended as a psychiatric treatment, yet Martha's trespass sets in motion a series of threatening events. The virtual reality, it seems, has begun to leak into their home. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: International Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 8:00pm - 10:00pm The Ticket (2018) Director: James Villeneuve Run Time/Country: 11 min, Canada Synopsis: A man's life takes a dark turn when he accepts a ticket to board a giant space craft. Synthia (2018) Director: Maria Hinterkoerner, Bernhard Weber Run Time/Country: 12 min, Austria Synopsis: In the near future of Vienna, every household is supported by a personal assistant robot called Synthia, built by tech giant ENYO. The robot is equipped with a neuronal network and has access to all electronic devices. Synthia listens, and she learns. N (2018) Director: Iacopo Di Girolamo Run Time/Country: 14 min, Italy Synopsis: An expressionist nightmare in which an inventor and his colleague test the 'Automaton,' a machine able to create things from nothing. The machine works perfectly as long as the items it is asked to create start with the letter "N" in German. The results of the test will be predictably catastrophic. I Want To Kill (2017) Director: Dan Yadin Run Time/Country: 5 min, USA Synopsis: An unhinged, psychedelic romp through the bleak depths of space. Into the Dark (2018) Director: Benjamin Berger Run Time/Country: 12 min, USA Synopsis: In the wake of a widespread viral epidemic, two U.S. soldiers stranded during their mission must fight to survive while an old man and his ailing daughter, running low on food, wait to be rescued. Destroyer of Worlds (2018) Director: Samual Dawes Run Time/Country: 44 min, UK Synopsis: A precocious teenager must reluctantly leave his life in 1954 behind when his father makes the most devastating discovery to date: Leap Theory. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 2019: Producers Club (358 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036) Block 1: Japanese Anime Feature Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm ARAGNE: Sign of Vermillion (2018) Director: Saku Sakamoto Run Time/Country: 76 min, Japan Synopsis: Directed by the digital effects producer of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, a college girl moves into a building on the outskirts of town and sees an insect coming out of the arm of a woman. She learns that they are called "Spirit Bugs," and have existed since ancient times. Unravelling the mystery, she discovers this is only the prelude to a new form of terror. Block 2: International Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 12:30pm - 3:00pm The Vault (2018) Director: Sara Martins Run Time/Country: 10 min, Canada Synopsis: In this post-apocalyptic sci-fi web series, a ragtag group of survivors live in an underground military bunker known as Vault 175. Seedling (2017) Director: Stevie Russell Run Time/Country: 13 min, Ireland Synopsis: A young couple have an encounter with a strange, unknown life form. Graffiti (2017) Director: Barcsai Bálint Run Time/Country: 19 min, Hungary Synopsis: A delinquent sees graffiti of his future self and tries to understand what is happening. Compatible (2018) Director: Pau Bacardit Run Time/Country: 15 min, Spain Synopsis: In this web series, a man has an opportunity to upgrade himself for greater electronic compatibility. Colony (2018) Director: Catherine Bonny Run Time/Country: 15 min, Australia Synopsis: Indentured servants try to establish a new planet but something is alive in the ocean. Eva (2018) Director: Xheni Alushi Run Time/Country: 15 min, Switzerland Synopsis: An introverted young girl discovers a gateway to a parallel world, in which she finds comfort and ease for her guilt. Birth (2018) Director: Andrea Cecconati Run Time/Country: 16 min, Italy Synopsis: Inside a waiting room where people choose to be born or be deleted forever, a little girl tries to drive people who have chosen not to exist into the row of birth. Space Between Stars (2018) Director: Samuel W. Bradley Run Time/Country: 10 min, Canada Synopsis: A group of ethereal creatures exploring a derelict space station are drawn out into the vast, unsettling environment. As their fate begins to crystallize, questions are raised about the nature and ambiguity of conflict. Space Flower (2018) Director: Pam Covington Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: A young woman longs for a forbidden love. From Life (2018) Director: Uli Meyer Run Time/Country: 8 min, UK Synopsis: An amateur artist sketching in a churchyard has a series of encounters with a young woman believed to be a ghost. In fact, the truth is stranger than that. La Supercafetera (2018) Director: Vektorjack, HD Carlos Run Time/Country: 10 min, Spain Synopsis: Three friends share a very special coffee maker but instead of coffee it produces pin badges which give superpowers to those who wear them. By using these superpowers, the three geeks get involved in a quest that will eventually take them to a post-apocalyptic future. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 3: Best of Philip K. Dick Short Films Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm The Last (2018) Director: Samuel Turner and Andrew Dobson Run Time/Country: 9 min, UK Synopsis: Struggling to survive in isolation, a scientist carries out vital work. The Last Dance (2018) Director: Chris Keller Run Time/Country: 8 min, UK Synopsis: In the not-too-distant future, an old man works alone in his garage, click-click-clicking the hours away on an old desktop computer. He is making something great and the not-too-distant future will become the not-too-distant past. The Jump (2017) Director: Andy Sowerby Run Time/Country: 10 min, UK Synopsis: An astronaut braves a pioneering solo mission into deep space, leaving behind her loving husband. Through disjointed communications, she discovers her life on Earth has changed forever. Baby I'm Yours (2017) Director: Hadley Hillel Run Time/Country: 12 min, USA Synopsis: In the future as it was imagined in the 1950s, a boy notices his mother acting strange and begins to question whether or not she is a robot. Uncle Griot (2018) Director: Paul Charisse Run Time/Country: 6 min, UK Synopsis: A young girl takes her uncle for a walk. The Drone (2018) Director: Wojciech Lorenc Run Time/Country: 14 min, USA Synopsis: DJ, a small quadcopter is simply trying to fit in. Zoe (2018) Director: Leif Brönnle Run Time/Country: 17 min, Germany Synopsis: A young woman without identity or memory. Two scientists with great ambition. A sequence of tests that will bring them all to their psychological frontiers. The Photographer (2018) Director: Mazhar Kamran Run Time/Country: 18 min, India Synopsis: A woman appears to a photographer but sometimes not in his photos. Faulty Father (2018) Director: Benjamin Welmond Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: In the near future, a young father's morning routine is put on the fritz when he uncovers his wife's bizarre secret, one that forces him to question his sense of self and his role in the family. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 4: Horror and Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm Headcleaner (2018) Director: Nick Scott Run Time/Country: 29 min, UK Synopsis: A documentary filmmaker follows a working class recluse from Scotland who can control his environment through the power of sound. Over a fractured timeline, viewers witness the struggle to reconcile the recluse, his mastery of sound and a found footage tape of a sonic weapon called The Drone Tape, tested on humans in the seventies that will ultimately lead to horrific consequences for the filmmaker's family and the world at large. Post Mortem Mary (2017) Director: Joshua Long Run Time/Country: 10 min, Australia Synopsis: A girl and her mother run a post mortem photography business in 1840's Australia. Whistler's Mother (2018) Director: Robbie Robertson Run Time/Country: 18 min, USA Synopsis: The artist James McNeill Whistler spent years trying to capture the essence of his mother for his most famous work of art—not to create a masterpiece but to save his mother from possession by the Baba Yaga, an evil Russian witch. The Observer Effect (2017) Director: Garret Walsh Run Time/Country: 19 min, Ireland Synopsis: A woman is haunted by a dark watcher, a man obsessed with thoughts of her vicious murder but as the fateful hour draws near bizarre events unfold to reveal truths they could never imagine and a secret that will change their lives forever. The Cold Dark (2018) Director: Mikko Löppönen Run Time/Country: 19 min, Finland Synopsis: A woman wonders off into the dark to search for medicine for her wounded father. As she rummages a cabin, she stumbles upon two men who grant her cover for the night. But something outside is listening. Thursday Night Basic (2018) Director: Mike Hay Run Time/Country: 5 min, UK Synopsis: The story of a man who is changed and ultimately transported to another place, maybe even another dimension, due to watching some strange 8mm footage and drinking something even stranger. Beyond the Wall of Sleep (2017) Director: Peter Miller Run Time/Country: 10 min, Australia Synopsis: An exploration of sleep, sanity and space via H. P. Lovecraft and The Rules and Regulations of the Insane Asylum of California. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 5: Feature Presentation Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited (2018) — U.S. Premiere Director: Kent Smith, Tom Huckabee Run Time/Country: 77 min, USA/UK Synopsis: In this remastered version of the 1983 film, an American draft dodger in a dystopian future is brainwashed and programmed by militant feminists to assassinate the Welsh minister of prostitution. Lurching unwittingly toward his goal, he makes a series of furtive connections with societal outliers like himself, including a feral child, a gentle prostitute, a sadomasochistic delinquent, a lovelorn androgyne, a hippie dope dealer, and a mute nymphomaniac while fending off predators who would sell him into sex slavery. Eventually, he is forced to focus on his mission and face the dreadful dilemma tormenting his psyche: to kill or not to kill. Starring Bill Paxton (Aliens). Written and directed by Tom Huckabee and Kent Smith. Co-written by William S. Burroughs, whose source material Blade Runner (a movie) provided a basis for the film. Block 6: Experimental Sci-Fi Feature Presentation Time: 8:30pm - 10:00pm Assimilation (2018) — World Premiere Director: John Norby Run Time/Country: 79 min, Ireland Synopsis: In the near future, exponential growth in technology triggers an event that wipes humankind off the face of the Earth. But from where did the grand plan for this event come and who or what is behind it? A lone survivor searches for answers in her quest to reconnect with life. THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2019: Echo Park Film Center (1200 N Alvarado St, Los Angeles, CA 90026) Block 1: Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Corvus (2018) Director: Matthew Evan Balz Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: A woman builds a machine with hypnotic capabilities. No Country for Old Lizards (2018) Director: Emiliano Rago Run Time/Country: 4 min, USA Synopsis: A conspiracy theory fanatic finds out an unpleasant truth. A Psalm of Sight - Verse 1: Zerfall (2018) Director: Julian Curi Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA Synopsis: Gifted with eternal life after drinking from the Holy Grail, a medieval knight spawns an alternate history where technology is God, and man is machine. Dace Road (2018) Director: Silk Run Time/Country: 9 min, France/UK Synopsis: On a night ride, a female cab driver tries to convince her client he is in a coma and that a collision is the only way for him to wake up. The Golden Record (2018) Director: Rachel Goldfinger Run Time/Country: 7 min, USA Synopsis: An alien crosses her barren planet and stumbles upon a record from Earth. While she is mesmerized by the record's bold, beautiful images, she undergoes a harsh awakening that only her own reality can truly comfort her. The Well (2018) Director: Adam Wheeler Run Time/Country: 19 min, USA Synopsis: When Ted, a withdrawn bachelor discovers a mysterious book while searching for his recently disappeared mother, he enlists the help of an old high school science wiz to piece together a confounding puzzle that seems to center around his family home. The Great 60 Days (2018) Director: Tae-Woo Kim Run Time/Country: 9 min, South Korea Synopsis: A doctor experimenting on fruit flies develops a substance that can dramatically increase activity in brain cells. After a series of failures, one fruit fly finally has a huge reaction when its intellect becomes mutated. Andromeda (2018) Director: Emily Dean Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA/Australia Synopsis: An android who, through her friendship with a little girl, becomes alive. Void Vision (2018) Director: Alexander Stewart Run Time/Country: 8 min, USA Synopsis: An abstract short in which real and the simulated are equally constructions; a space where doubles, twins, duplicates, re-creations, and copies blend into one another. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: Feature Presentation Time: 9:00pm - 10:00pm Pig Film (2018) Director: Josh Gibson Run Time/Country: 60 min, USA Synopsis: In an empty world, a solitary female mechanically follows the protocols of a factory hog farm. Her labors are sporadically punctuated by musical rhapsodies as she moves toward the impending end. Is it the end of the world, a program malfunction, or the beginning of a film? FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2019: Ebell Club (625 French St, Santa Ana, CA 92701) Block 1: Philip K. Dick Multicultural Dystopian/Sci Fi Short Film Challenge Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm Winning films to be announced at the screening. Filmmakers will be present for a post-film Q&A. Block 2: "When Worlds Collide" Short Films Time: 8:00pm - 9:00pm Deep Dive (2018) Director: Mohammad Soleimanifeijani Run Time/Country: 6 min, USA Synopsis: A young Persian refugee arrives at the border of Los Angeles and is given a mandatory set of government-issued immigrant transition AR lenses. Shut out of other people's reality she slowly descends into a new form of digital alienation. Who is Martin Danzig? (2018) Director: Michael Baker Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: A mysterious old man sits in the park feeding pigeons, ruing the refuse of humanity encroaching on his sanctuary. He then meets his much younger replacement and learns to accept his future - with the fate of all humanity in the balance. Starring Walter Koenig (Star Trek) and Kevin Page (RoboCop). Precipice (2018) Director: Sean Young Run Time/Country: 4 min, Canada Synopsis: The planet's organics-engineer must decide if we are a species worth salvaging or if eradicating all life on Earth is the answer. Unzipping (2018) Director: Lisa Edelstein Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA Synopsis: A woman feeling unfulfilled discovers a zipper tab under her husband's tongue. Unable to resist, she pulls it and her entire life changes. But when newness turns into the new normal, she is once again unfulfilled and realizes her mistake: the problem has always been her. Starring Lisa Edelstein (House, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce) in her cinematic directorial debut. Tomorrow, Shall We All Be Transhumans? (2019) Director: Benoît Schmid Run Time/Country: 9 min, Switzerland/France Synopsis: Jump into a mesmerizing journey into the spirit of the first man who succeeded to digitize his own brain, algorithm his soul, and who injects himself some Holy Transgenic Fluids in order to transcend his flawed flesh. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 3: Special Guests Time: 9:00pm - 10:00pm A panel of special guests to attend the festival with an announcement made at a later date. SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 2019: Orange County Museum of Art: OCMA (1661 W Sunflower Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92704) Block 1: New Frontiers: Documentaries From The Edge Time: 11:00am - 12:45am Dive Odyssey (2018) Director: Janne Kasperi Suhonen Run Time/Country: 9 min, Finland/Norway Synopsis: A meditative journey into the depths of water and mind, viewers enter on a journey into crystal clear darkness where the only light ever is man-made. Weather and Chaos: The Work of Edward N. Lorenz (2018) Director: Josh Kastorf Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: The first film about Edward N. Lorenz and his role in Chaos Theory produced with the participation and of scientists who worked alongside him. With their help a closer look is taken at what the "butterfly effect" actually meant in the context of Lorenz's work and why it should make all rethink the understanding of the universe. Nobody Dies in Longyearbyen (2017) Director: David Freid Run Time/Country: 9 min, Norway Synopsis: Permafrost in a northern island of Norway is affecting Global Seed Vault, infectious diseases like anthrax, influenza and global warming. Good in the Machine (2018) Director: Colin Ramsay, James Uren Run Time/Country: 15 min, UK Synopsis: The question of how to make "good" AI, what it means for a machine to be ethical, and who or what is the agent of the machine. Every Ghost Has An Orchestra (2017) Director: Shayna Connelly Run Time/Country: 7 min, USA Synopsis: What happens after we die is a universal question explored by paranormal researcher and experimental composer Michael Esposito. He straddles the line between spiritual and material and asks the audience to reflect on our purpose, legacy and what our actions say about who we are. UnderSee (2018) Director: Margie Kelk, Lynne Slater Run Time/Country: 6 min, Canada Synopsis: Sea creatures with large eyeballs are curious about invasive gray sludge. Beth's Three O'Clock with Dr. Harlow (2018) Director: Emma Penaz Eisner Run Time/Country: 3 min, USA Synopsis: A woman discloses a recent dream to her analyst. A vivid study of casual brutality and failed empathy, this surrealistic film intermixes stop motion animation with live action sequences. Musa Malvada (2018) Director: Liz Tabish Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA Synopsis: In London 1929, a fortune teller with dark secrets of her own visits various clientele throughout the city. As she navigates the tempestuous personalities and shocking visions, she must choose between telling the truth and her own survival. Extent (2017) Director: Paul Michael Draper Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: Time stands still as two old friends attempt to grapple with a question that defines their very existence. If you could live forever, would you? Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: Feature Presentation Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm Mechanical Telepathy (2018) Director: Akiko Igarashi Run Time/Country: 76 min, Japan Synopsis: The depiction of love and skepticism through the relationships between researchers who visualize human hearts. Block 3: International Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 4:00pm - 5:45pm I Don't Want To Be Alone (2019) Director: Sergio Rozas Run Time/Country: 19 min, Spain/Japan Synopsis: A lonely girl walks around a future Tokyo chased by weird huge monsters. Even though she fights them, the monsters just keep growing in size and number so the girl has to make a decision. Blink (2018) Director: Atmaja Bopardikar Run Time/Country: 15 min, India Synopsis: A man is unable to understand what is happening to him and as his wife slowly loses her patience, he tries in vain to regain control of his perfect life, until one day he finds out it is not him but his shifting realities. Zilly's War (2018) Director: John Broadhead Run Time/Country: 25 min, USA Synopsis: A brilliant young woman on a four year mission to an alien planet finds herself remembering her childhood and facing her inner demons. The Nine Billion Names of God (2018) Director: Dominique Filhol Run Time/Country: 15 min, France/Switzerland Synopsis: In New York 1957, a Tibetan monk rents an automatic sequence computer. The monks seek to list all of the names of God. They hire two Westerners to install and program the machine in Tibet. A short film is based on the book by Arthur C. Clarke. Tatu (2018) Director: Garcerón Alejo Run Time/Country: 2 min, Argentina Synopsis: In this trailer, monster robots in a car junkyard battle it out. The Picture of Dorian Gray (2018) Director: Michal Janicki Run Time/Country: 9 min, USA Synopsis: A stop-motion animated journey through Oscar Wilde's iconic story about a man who sells his soul for eternal youth. The Desert (2018) Director: Ben Bigelow Run Time/Country: 14 min, USA Synopsis: In a suburban mansion, a woman sneaks into her son's virtual reality chamber. Here, he wanders through a desert with extraordinary powers. The machine is intended as a psychiatric treatment, yet Martha's trespass sets in motion a series of threatening events. The virtual reality, it seems, has begun to leak into their home. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers and cast members. SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 2019: Ebell Club (625 French St, Santa Ana, CA 92701) Block 1: Best of Philip K. Dick Short Films Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm Subverse (2018) Director: Joseph White Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: In this web series, in an alternate reality where everyone spends all their time indoors staring at computer screens, a man agrees to go on a date in the 'outside' world but it doesn't go well. Filled with self-loathing, he returns home and plunges headfirst into a drunken, hallucinogenic trip through the dark net. Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space (2018) Director: Tristan C. Pina Run Time/Country: 10 min, Canada Synopsis: An unfulfilled high school senior becomes obsessed with an ominous radio broadcast containing steps to a cryptic puzzle. Thinking he is being pursued by a sinister organization, his search for clues takes over his life. Ultimately putting the pieces together, it becomes unclear whether or not it was all real. Beyond the Door (2018) Director: Em Johnson Run Time/Country: 20 min, USA Synopsis: One day Hedy brings home a cuckoo clock to decorate the baby's room, unbeknownst that the cuckoo clock has the ability to love and hate just like humans. The cuckoo clock tests the couple's love by mimicking the presence of their deceased son. Based on a short story by Philip K. Dick. Enthusiasm Abounds (2018) Director: Mark Ross Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: In a world where social justice is automatic and absolute, enthusiasm abounds. Flies (2018) Director: Baobab Run Time/Country: 14 min, UK Synopsis: In the faded beauty of the house of his ancestors, a man waits for the return of the love of his life. Dark fantasies and crushing reality weave a dangerous journey as a struggle unfolds for his mind and ultimately his life. Avicenna (2018) Director: Daniel Stanush, Diego Chavez Run Time/Country: 5 min, USA Synopsis: In a remote location, a solitary researcher scours the landscape for a rare mineral. The Hereafter (2018) Director: Paul-Anthony Navarro Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: When a woman awakes into an afterlife of her own design, she discovers that her paradise might just be purgatory. Mise En Abyme (2018) Director: Edoardo Smerilli Run Time/Country: 11 min, Italy Synopsis: An eccentric and aristocratic gentleman devotes most of his time to a bizarre activity. Obsessed by beauty, he wanders everyday in the wood nearby the city, hunting the most rare butterflies. Once captured, he frames them and put in a massive and disturbing collection. He will soon realize to be himself part of a bigger collection. Axium Effect (2018) Director: Ari Dassa Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: A woman drifts through her traumatic memories after overdosing on a drug pilfered from android processors. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: Feature Presentation Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Volition (2018) — World Premiere Director: Tony Dean Smith Run Time/Country: 101 min, Canada Synopsis: Blending genres, this mind-bending sci-fi thriller about a man afflicted with clairvoyance who tries to change his fate when a series of events leads to a vision of his own imminent murder. But as he sets out to avoid his certain death, he comes to see that his pre-sentient condition is not quite what it seems. Starring Adrian Glynn McMorran (Arrow), Magda Apanowicz(The Green Inferno) and Aleks Paunovic (Van Helsing). Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers and cast members. Block 3: Horror and Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm I Am the Doorway (2018) Director: Simon Pearce Run Time/Country: 20 min, UK Synopsis: After a journey to investigate desolate Pluto, an astronaut returns home a shattered man. He sees eyes forcing their way through the skin of his hands, eyes that distort his friends and the landscape itself into monstrous visions. Believing himself the doorway to alien invasion and gruesome murder, he must take desperate action. Based on the short story by Stephen King. Grey Canyon (2018) Director: Zeshaan Younus Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: A couple encounters a presence in the wilderness that they cannot comprehend. Ulysses (2018) Director: Jorge Malpica Run Time/Country: 8 min, Mexico Synopsis: Warned by the goddess Circe, Ulysses ordered his men to tie him up to his ship's mast, thus preventing him from surrendering to the enchanting mermaid's call, which devoured the unwary men seduced by it. Based on the The Odyssey. Sereget (2018) Director: Dempsey Tillman Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: An emotionally detached husband (with a child on the way) gets a rude awakening when aliens invade his home and target his family. They Wait For Us (2018) Director: Lukas Schrank, George Run Time/Country: 20 min, UK Synopsis: In a near future end-of-life care facility, a reclusive hospital worker starts to believe a coma patient is attempting to communicate with him. Megan (2018) Director: Greg Strasz Run Time/Country: 8 min, USA Synopsis: The story of a woman, who along with the elite Delta Force team, investigates a mysterious attack by in present day Downtown Los Angeles. Bitten (2018) — U.S. and L.A. Premiere Director: Sarah K. Reimers Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: A mysterious and violent encounter sends a dog on a night of adventure and possibility. Spectres (2017) Director: Nick Phillips Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: After losing his family in a car accident, an introverted man interacts with the spirits of the dead who have yet to pass on. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers and cast members. Block 4: Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm A Timely Reminder for Time Parter Partners (2019) Director: Jamie Gower Run Time/Country: 1 min, USA Synopsis: Time travel is a tough job and filling out your timecard is the toughest part. Especially if you're a part-time Time Parter at Time Parter Partners. The Watchers (2018) Director: Andrew McGee Run Time/Country: 9 min, UK Synopsis: Impact in T-minus 97 minutes. 220 miles above our doomed planet, four astronauts on board the International Space Station are forced to confront their fate as the last members of the human race. Consciousness: Awakening (2018) Director: Rafhet Guerola Run Time/Country: 15 min, Mexico Synopsis: At the Universe's final moments, two men take separate paths due to ideology differences. When their environment and their lives are in danger, one of them attempts to retake their relationship. Together, they must to overcome their differences in order to survive at the imminent end of everything they know. Midnight Delivery (2018) Director: Nathan Crooker Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: A mysterious gift is delivered to an unsuspecting woman's door at the stroke of midnight. Her morbid fascination entices her to examine the gift, unleashing a sinister evil from within. Zoe (2018) Director: Leif Brönnle Run Time/Country: 17 min, Germany Synopsis: A young woman without identity or memory. Two scientists with great ambition. A sequence of tests that will bring them all to their psychological frontiers. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Awards Ceremony Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm Guests and filmmakers will be in attendance when awards are presented to the category winners as The 2019 Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival concludes.
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sportanime-maniac · 6 years
Midorima, Aakashi, Tsukki and Akashi soulmates have character like Zachary Smith (yOU hAVe tO WATch his "If i was in mean girls" "Target with Zach" and "If I was in "It") she's very loud, shameless, savage and annoying [she can make anybody laugh] but at the same time she's v nice to people she care about but at the same time she will roast them? Sorry if this is kinda weird and also sorry English is not my 1 language. I send you hugs tho
THANK YOU FOR THE HUGS. IM GIVING YOU SOME TOOO 💙💙 Also your English is AWESOME shush 😁😁 I hope you like what I’ve written and sorry if they’re short💙❤💙
Midorima - KnB
The green haired male was practicing his shooting as he always does, in the gym. As he shot a ball from the halfway line, he heard a familiar voice saying,“AW HELL NAW BITCH! IM GOING IN THAT GYM AND THERE IS NOTHING YOUR ASS CAN DO ABOUT IT!” He sighed and reassured himself that his lucky item was round his neck. Today since it was the month of Pisces, it was an amethyst necklace. The door slammed open and a female walked in, a bright smile on her face.“Midorima, you left your book in class and that teacher, oh girl she had the nerve to send here!!” she greeted. He gasped silently. Thise were the words on his wrist. They were soulmates.“Um, thank you, ___,” he replied. Her eyes turned into saucers and they met in the middle.“Yo ass had better not be thinking what I think it’s thinking,” she told him.“What trouble did you get into this time ___?” he asked, a little irritated. The two were in the same class, but they had never spoken to each other before today. She raised an eyebrow.“What’s climbed up your ass?” she asked. At this point the whole basketball team was listening.“Nothing has ‘climbed up my ass’ as you so said. You were screaming your head off like a camp man out there, and I can’t exactly have my soulmate getting into double all the time can I?” he told her. She laughed.“That was some other first year. They were spying on all of you, from a different school, so I scared them off,” she told him, showing that she really did mean well.“Tch, you didn’t have to do it so extravangently!” he chastised her.“GIRL I JIST SAVED YOUR TEAMS ASS AND YOU GO AND SASS ME LIKE THAT? MHMM, YEAH? IM TALKING TO YOU MIDORIMA!” she started the talk….you know that camp sounding sass voice. The team was in fits, surprised someone spoke to Midorima like that. The Generation of Miracles shooter couldn’t help but crack a small smile. This was the reason he liked her, even before they were soulmate. She was the only one who could actually make him smile. Every other smile was of his own volition.“Yeah yeah, ___, go and do something else. Thanks for scaring off the spy, but your face could scare even the most seasoned of horror gamers,” he said. The female acted like she had been shot through the heart, stumbling backwards, before falling onto the gym floor.“How could you? My heart just broke!” she said with an eccentric flare. The team just ignored her and but couldn’t stop grinning.'Looks like I did my job,’ she thought to herself, smiling and going to sit on the benches to watch her new found soulmate.
Akashi - KnB
___ was skipping through school, along to her locker. She had been off school for a while since she was visiting family in Canada.“Excuse me! ___-san! No skipping!” a voice said. Her first reaction was to reply.“NO YOU EXCUSE ME GIRL! HOW DARE YO- wait what did you just say?” she asked, realising he had spoken the words that she had bandaged up on her arm to cover them. The male that she didnt recognise immediately approached her.“Did I hear you right?” he asked….or more like demanded. She nodded, sort of still in shock. He looked at her arm, and frowned.���Why do you have them covered?” he asked. She raised an eyebrow.“Ever heard the rumour that if your soulmate goes through something traumatic, or dies, their words begin to cry?” she asked him. His mouth opened and she allowed him to take off the wrapping. Sure enough, the words looked like tears had been dropped on them and had started to bleed and blur.“Yeah, so I’m only gonna say this once. I care about you, but around people, I’m eccentric. Don’t come seeking help if I’m in a crowd because I’m insecure as neck, And that’s my only coping mechanism,” she told him, before taking the wrap back, and walking off.The two had got together and sorted through Akashi’s personality problems but ___ wouldn’t seem to let Akaashi change her eccentricity. But he wouldn’t change it for the world. It was one of the brightest things in his life at the time. Currently they were before a game, and ___ was talking to the team.“Hey, ___!” a voice called. She turned.“BOI DONT CHU COME IN HERE AND TALK TO ME LIKE YOU KNOW ME. I’M HERE AS A MANAGER, NOT A PRETTY FACE!” she said, clicking her fingers.“But ___-”“Nope. Don’t even think about it girl. You don’t think I could be a pretty face? Huh? WELL BOOM BITCH, I AM! DEAL WITH IT!” she yelled, in the most camp voice. It made Akashi smile to see her fitting in so well, although she was still awkward and sometimes her eyes held a little darkness, she was genuinely caring for everyone, all the time.
The second year setter packed up his bags and walked up to Bokuto’s classroom. When he walked in, he saw Bokuto having a conversation….with a female. He blinked in surprised before starting to walk over.“But ___-channn, you should be our manager!” Bokutos whined.“Oh yeah? MHMM? That’s real funny Bo, but I’m part of the going home club for a reason….I WANNA GO HOME GURL!” the female replied. Akaashi was intrigued. She had an untouchable aura about her.“Bokuto-san, you’re going to be late to practice,” Akaashi told the third year.“Oh! Akaashi! This is ___-chan. ___-chan this is Akaashi,” Bokutos introduced them.“Its good to meet you. You seem interesting. Sorry to interrupt,” he apologised. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly.“Its fine Akaashi. I’ll see you round?” she asked, and his eyes widened. He turned to Bokuto.“I’ll be down to practice in a bit. I need to go to the nurse. See you soon,” he told him and the owl ace went flying off.“So, damn you’re my soulmate? I got hella lucky. Hit the jackpot,” she smirked. He chuckled.“You’re too kind ___,” he said. She raised an eyebrow.“Don’t expect it to last,” she chuckled, handing him a piece of paper with her phone number on it before walking out.Sure enough, they were on a date to the arcade and she started arguing with the machine.“OH YOUD BETTER NOT FALL! NU UH. IF YOU EVEN O H H E L L N A W!!!” she basically screeched. Akaashi smiled a bit at her attitude. He didn’t think he’d like her eccentric behaviour, but she doesn’t do it all the time. Only when she’s happy and in front of people to cheer up. He leart to love her how she was, and she loved him just as much, being able to read him and cheer him up every time.
He was sat in class alone listening to music, since he was the first in the classroom in the morning, when another student walked in. He kept his eyes closed and ignored them of course. When he felt a tap on his shoulder, he glared at the person and took his headphones off.“Did you just glare at me? I think you did. Well, it that case you don’t need your exam table do you?” she asked. He didn’t react, even though those were the same words written on the forearm of his left arm.“Whatever. That’d just be an asshole move,” he replied. A large smirk made it’s way onto her face and he couldn’t help but mirror her.“Oh yeah? Well who was the one that saaame some first hm? Oh wait it was your sorry ass. Now if yo want this timetable, youd better come and see my ass after school,” she said to him, passing him, being rude to him, flirting with him, and odering him about, but the usual cold Tsukishima chuckled.“Alright, you got yourself a deal, soulmate. I’ll see you on the roof after school,” he told her, and she smirked at him.The two of them got closer and closer until it was difficult to distinguish between their personalities. Tsukishima gained a little (lot) of sass, while ___ became more teasing and closed off.
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deniscollins · 6 years
Marijuana Legalization in Canada Has Companies Chasing a Green Rush
The top 12 Canadian marijuana companies are now worth nearly 55 billion Canadian dollars, or $42 billion, and investors are snapping up the stock. Should the U.S. follow Canada’s lead and legalize marijuana on a national level: (1) Yes, (2) No? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
Millions of dollars worth of marijuana plants sat under lamps brighter than the noonday sun as employees of Canada’s largest cannabis business bustled about the 47 giant growing rooms of its factory, which once made Hershey bars.
Now it’s home to Tweed, whose parent company, Canopy Growth, was the first Canadian marijuana grower to debut on the New York Stock Exchange.
Valued at more than $10 billion, Canopy is worth even more than Bombardier, the Canadian manufacturer that is one of the world’s largest makers of planes and trains, offering a stark example of this nation’s new get-rich-quick hope — the marijuana industry.
On Oct. 17, Canada is set to become only the second country in the world and the first major economy to legalize marijuana for all uses. Companies are clamoring to join in what some are calling a green rush.
“It’s like Seagram’s back when Prohibition was in place and just about to end,” said Deborah Weinstein, a lawyer in Ottawa who handled Canopy’s move onto the Toronto Stock Exchange, with the stock symbol WEED. “But it’s more than that. This has never been an industry.”
On the same day that marijuana becomes legal, the government will announce a program to make it easier for Canadians convicted of possessing small amounts of marijuana to obtain a pardon, according to an official familiar with the plan.
The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that because several details must still be worked out, the program will not become active immediately. Pardons are to be available only for people convicted of possessing 30 grams of marijuana or less, the legal limit under the new system.
The law limits the products that can contain cannabis; edibles, for example, will not be legal until next year.
The legislation also heavily restricts advertising and is laden with bureaucratic rules, including licensing and inspection requirements for producers.
But companies are already lobbying for more permissive rules.
The fervor is a little reminiscent of the dot-com boom of the 1990s. The top 12 Canadian marijuana companies are now worth nearly 55 billion Canadian dollars, or $42 billion, and investors are snapping up the stock.
Profits, though, are a dream of the future. At Tweed, for example, sales last year from the medical marijuana business were just 77 million Canadian dollars. The company lost 70 million dollars.
Some investors may be sorry. Not every marijuana producer now taking stock markets by storm will profit and survive, many experts believe.
There are 120 businesses licensed to grow medical marijuana, which has been legal in Canada since 2001. They are now poised to serve people who simply want to get high. In provinces where the private sector will handle retail sales, companies are scrambling for licenses to open stores.
Shoppers Drug Mart, the country’s largest pharmacy chain, has taken out a medical cannabis producer license.
Most big alcohol players appear to be sitting back for now, except for some investments, but analysts expect they will eventually get more involved.
A notable exception is Jakob Ripshtein, who used to head the Canadian operations of Diageo, the British-based liquor giant that makes Guinness beer and owns several of Seagram’s brands.
In May, he became the chief operating officer of Aphria, which owns an expansive and expanding marijuana greenhouse complex near Leamington, Ontario.
“Do I believe there are going to be different players coming into the industry?” Mr. Ripshtein said. “I absolutely do.”
Only dried cannabis, oils and seeds will go on sale this month. But the industry is dreaming up a future that will include products like cannabis-laced candies. At a large lab at Tweed, for example, scientists are laboring away under fume hoods on marijuana drinks.
[For future coverage of marijuana legalization in Canada and other Canadian news, subscribe to our weekly Canada Letter newsletter.]
There is also an industry around the industry, already making money.
Businesses have sprung up to create the software that allows growers to track their plants and final products, as the government requires. Marijuana growers are also voracious consumers of supplies like fertilizers, as well as energy.
And greenhouse makers now have a customer base beyond tomato and green pepper farmers.
Beyond that, abandoned factories, like the one Tweed operates in, have suddenly become hot properties.
Even Canadian news organizations have joined in. In Toronto, The Globe and Mail has hired reporters and editors to produce “Cannabis Professional,” a daily newsletter that will cost 2,000 Canadian dollars a year for a subscription.
David Campbell is one of those profiting from the boom.
Mr. Campbell, 50, has a background in management at companies that make machines dauntingly known as “supercritical fluid botanical carbon dioxide extraction systems.” Typically they decaffeinate coffee.
But they are also ideal for squeezing the active ingredients out of marijuana plants to create oil.
So in 2015, when Justin Trudeau was campaigning for recreational legalization (Uruguay legalized the drug in 2013), Mr. Campbell set up Advanced Extraction Systems in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, just to serve the cannabis industry.
Mr. Campbell hasn’t looked back. The company has sold 12 systems this year, including one to a medical marijuana company in Germany. Advanced has gone from one employee, Mr. Campbell, to 14, most of them engineers.
“We feel this is just the beginning,” Mr. Campbell said. “We’re targeting California hard now.”
Even seemingly minor announcements about the industry can create paper fortunes overnight.
In September, Tilray, a producer with headquarters in Nanaimo, British Columbia, said the Food and Drug Administration in the United States had given it permission to export a cannabis compound to the University of California, San Diego, for medical research.
The value of the sale is so small that the company declined to disclose it. But the news still sent Tilray’s stock price up by 78 percent, adding billions to its value. The excitement soon faded and its shares have dropped back toward their previous value.
Meanwhile, the size of the industry is anyone’s guess.
Statistics Canada, the census agency, estimated that last year Canadians handed over 5.7 billion Canadian dollars for marijuana, with 90 percent of that going to a vast black market of dealers and underground websites.
No one knows what will happen now to the illegal trade, with its greater selection and lower prices, although the government has vowed to stamp it out.
The biggest players in Canadian marijuana, including Canopy, came out of the medical marijuana system, which was greatly expanded about five years ago.
Bruce Linton, Canopy’s chief executive, acknowledged that from the first days of legal medical marijuana his mind was on the day that the much larger recreational market would open for legitimate business.
But he, like most in the cannabis business, sees the government’s tight limits on advertising and marketing as an obstacle to future profits.
The government requires that marijuana be sold in plain packages that feature large health warnings and tiny logos. Advertising is limited to what Health Canada, the federal department that regulates cannabis, calls “information-type promotion” and “brand-preference promotion” all of which must be kept away from the eyes of children.
No ads are supposed to appear until Oct. 17, but several companies have jumped the gun and run advertisements that bend — or possibly break — the upcoming rules.
Health Canada said in a statement that it has cautioned several of the companies.
At the same time, a steady stream of lobbyists to Ottawa has been pushing for looser marketing rules, among other things.
Federal lobbying records show that public servants, political staff members and cabinet ministers have received 583 visits or phone calls from marijuana industry lobbyists since Mr. Trudeau was sworn in as prime minister in November 2015. That includes 92 lobbying visits alone by Brendan Kennedy, the president and chief executive of Tilray.
In the Tweed factory in eastern Ontario, where children used to buy broken candy bars from Hershey, Tweed has a carefully appointed visitors’ center, museum, cafe and gift shop offering clothing and marijuana paraphernalia.
Visitors can learn that Louis Hébert sowed the first cannabis seeds in what would become Canada in 1606, and sniff the scents of the company’s various strains of marijuana.
The atmosphere is a more successful tech start-up than Cheech and Chong, with employees in white lab coats, disposable jumpsuits or black T-shirts, all bearing the company’s retro script logo.
One recent day in the visitors’ center, two of Tweed’s 2,000 global employees talked over social media strategies at a long table of artfully distressed wood.
Mr. Linton was there, too, preparing to meet the civic leadership of Smiths Falls to discuss a mural for an outer factory wall that would depict the history of the town and imagine its future.
He recalled when cannabis was hardly a sure bet.
For much of his career Mr. Linton was involved in several tech start-ups in Ottawa.
When he decided just over five years ago to leave tech behind to start a marijuana business, his associates and family members had a unanimous view that it was a “very, very bad idea.” They were almost proved right.
In its early days, the company twice ran out of money, Mr. Linton said, and narrowly avoided bankruptcy only because of a last-minute infusion of cash from hard-to-find investors.
Now investors have bet billions of dollars on his vision. And Mr. Linton declared that Oct. 17 will be a unique moment in Canada’s history.
“The epicenter of the public policy is here, and everybody’s coming to Canada from all the other countries to see how we do it,” he said. “Actually having home field for the first time ever in anything — this is amazing.”
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enlightenedrobot · 6 years
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New Mix, this time made using, well, Adobe Audition.
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Sample List under the cut
Pan’s Lullaby - Erutan (Pan’s Labyrinth Cover) (vocals) 
Polka Face - Weird Al Yankovic (drums) (yes really) 
Fawful is There - Mario and Luidi: Bowser’s Inside Story (bass) 
Secret of the Forest - Chrono Trigger (arps) 
Switch - Will Smith (sound effect) 
Blah Blah Blah - Ke$ha (sound effect) 
Aerodynamic - Daft Punk (electric guitar) 
Rolling in the Deep - Adele (guitar) 
The Day the World Went Away- Nine Inch Nails (Still) (Piano) 
Believe - Josh Groban (From the Polar Express Soundtrack) (multiple elements) 
Wildlife Analysis - Boards of Canada (riff) 
Mystic Brew - Ronnie Foster (bass) 
Next to It - Lupe Fiasco (bell) 
Sympath for the Devil - The Rolling Stones (drums) 
Cecilia - Simon and Garfunkel (percussion) 
Tainted Love - Soft Cell (percussion) 
Dance of the Dream Man - Angelo Badalamenti (from Twin Peaks) (bass) 
Bonkers - Dizzee Rascal (drums) 
Smuckers - Tyler the Creator (vocals) 
Black Friday - J. Cole (riff) (wouldn’ve used Alright by Kendrick Lamar itself, but it was easier to sample this) 
Midnight Theme - Manzel (drums) 
10 Amazing Unexpected Shared Universes - Mr. Sunday Movie (vocal chops) 
Let’s Face it I’m Cute - Acorn Lane (various elements) (yes really) 
It’s A Small World - Disney Eurobeat (sound effect) (yes really) 
Can’t Kill Us - The Glitch Mob (bass) 
For What it’s Worth - Buffalo Springfield (piano) 
Walking on Air - Kerli (various elements) 
Can’t Hold Us - Macklemore and Ryan Lewis (horns, vocals) 
Run Boy Run - Woodkid (drums) 
Stronger - Britney Spears (braaam) 
Tetsuo - Akira OST (percussion) 
Tronsong - Thundercat (various elements) 
Angels - The XX (riff) 
Ol’ Man River - Caterina Valente (bass) 
Generique - Miles Davis (trumpet) 
Onward - Daedalus (various elements) 
Bronte - Gotye (drums) 
Song of the Sebu - Veggietales (drums) (yes really) 
The Big Ship - Brian Eno (drones) 
Africa - Toto (sound effect) 
My Doorbell - The White Stripes (drums) 
Optimistic - Radiohead (various elements) 
Umbrella - Rihanna (drums) 
IBM Probe - Raymond Scott (beeps) 
Dope Man - N.W.A (drums) 
Machine Gun - Portishead (drums) 
Die Roboter - Kraftwerk (bass) 
Heartbeat - Childish Gambino (piano) 
The One Moment - OK GO (various elements) 
That’s what you Get - Paramore (guitar) 
Valentine - Justice (riser) 
Sometimes I Cry - Les McCann (drums) 
Bus to Beelzebub - Soul Coughing (drums) 
Technicolor - Channel One (texture) 
A Little Piece of the Sun - sci (synths) 
Reading Rainbow Theme (synths) 
Night - John Carpenter (synthes) 
The Winner Is - Little Miss Sunshine OST (piano) 
Wipeout - The Surfaris (drums) 
Back Up - Clipping (percussion) 
Letterbomb - Green Day (guitar) 
Don’t Say a Word - Ellie Goulding (vocals) 
In a Heartbeat OST (Piano) 
The Choice is Yours - Blacksheep (bass) 
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kimmytalks · 6 years
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Happy Belated Canada Day to all my Canadian followers! I’ve recently taken a small break but I couldn’t forget to post the ever important monthly playlist.  There have been so many good albums that have come out recently (EVERYTHING IS LOVE , Scorpion etc.,) and I’ve been going back to old summer playlists like usual.  Let me know what you think and have a happy July! indie
Avalanche x Walk the Moon
Perfect Places x Lorde 
Dreaming x Smallpools
Shake it Off x Florence and the Machine 
Reflections x Misterwives 
Take a Walk x Passion Pit
Primadonna x Marina and the Diamonds 
Pompeii x Bastille 
Anna Sun x Walk the Moon
Best Day of My Life x American Authors
hip-hop & rap
APESHIT X The Carters
GHOST x Jaden Smith 
In My Feelings x Drake 
Glitter x Tyler the Creator
See You Again x Tyler the Creator ft. Kali Uchis 
Madibia Ridim x Drake 
Taste x Tyga ft Offset 
KOD x J.Cole
I Like It x Cardi B 
BOSS x The Carters 
Plug Walk x Rich the Kid 
r&b / throwbacks 
Boo’d Up x Ella Mai 
Love Lies x Khalid and Normani 
What You Want x Belly ft. The Weeknd 
Garden (Say it Like Dat) x SZA
On Your Own x Jorja Smith 
No Diggity x Blackstreet 
Doo Wop (That Thing) x Lauryn Hill 
This is How We Do It x Montell Jordan 
Blame It x Jamie Foxx
American Boy x Estelle ft Kanye West
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severetacoartisan · 3 years
Tourniquet Devices Research Report 2021-2028
Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to all countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances. The global impacts of COVID-19 are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect this industry in 2020 and 2021.
This report analyses the impact of COVID-19 on this industry. COVID-19 can affect the global market in 3 ways: by directly affecting production and demand, by creating supply chain and market disruption, and by its financial impact on enterprises and financial markets.
Also Read: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/june-2021-report-on-global-Tourniquet Devices-salt-market-overview-size-share-and-trends-2021-2026-2021-06-08
This report provides detailed historical analysis of global market for Tourniquet Devices from 2015-2020, and provides extensive market forecasts from 2021-2030 by region/country and subsectors. It covers the sales volume, price, revenue, gross margin, historical growth and future perspectives in the Tourniquet Devices market.
Leading players of Tourniquet Devices including: Integra LifeSciences Corporation Wright Medical Technology, Inc Small Bone Innovations, Inc Zimmer Corin Adam D. Perler ... …
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Market split by Type, can be divided into: Metal Material Product Alloy Material Product Resin Material Product
Market split by Application, can be divided into: Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Post-traumatic arthritis
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Market split by Sales Channel, can be divided into: Direct Channel Distribution Channel
Market segment by Region/Country including: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia etc.)
If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we can provide you the customized report as you want.
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1 Market Overview
1.1 Tourniquet Devices Introduction
1.2 Market Analysis by Type
1.2.1 Overview: Global Tourniquet Devices Revenue by Type: 2019 Versus 2021 Versus 2026
1.2.2 Tensioner
1.2.3 Interference Screw
1.2.4 Other
1.3 Market Analysis by Application
1.3.1 Overview: Global Tourniquet Devices Revenue by Application: 2019 Versus 2021 Versus 2026
1.3.2 Hospital
1.3.3 Clinic
1.3.4 Other
1.4 Global Tourniquet Devices Market Size & Forecast
1.4.1 Global Tourniquet Devices Sales in Value (2016-2026))
1.4.2 Global Tourniquet Devices Sales in Volume (2016-2026)
1.4.3 Global Tourniquet Devices Price by Type (2016-2026) & (US$/Unit)
1.5 Global Tourniquet Devices Production Capacity Analysis
1.5.1 Global Tourniquet Devices Total Production Capacity (2016-2026)
1.5.2 Global Tourniquet Devices Production Capacity by Geographic Region
1.6 Market Drivers, Restraints and Trends
1.6.1 Tourniquet Devices Market Drivers
1.6.2 Tourniquet Devices Market Restraints
1.6.3 Tourniquet Devices Trends Analysis
2 Manufacturers Profiles
2.1 Smith & Nephew
2.1.1 Smith & Nephew Details
2.1.2 Smith & Nephew Major Business
2.1.3 Smith & Nephew Tourniquet Devices Product and Services
2.1.4 Smith & Nephew Tourniquet Devices Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2021)
2.2 Zimmer Biomet
2.2.1 Zimmer Biomet Details
2.2.2 Zimmer Biomet Major Business
2.2.3 Zimmer Biomet Tourniquet Devices Product and Services
2.2.4 Zimmer Biomet Tourniquet Devices Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2021)
2.3 Conmed
2.3.1 Conmed Details
2.3.2 Conmed Major Business
2.3.3 Conmed Tourniquet Devices Product and Services
2.3.4 Conmed Tourniquet Devices Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2021)
2.4 Johnson & Johnson
2.4.1 Johnson & Johnson Details
2.4.2 Johnson & Johnson Major Business
2.4.3 Johnson & Johnson Tourniquet Devices Product and Services
2.4.4 Johnson & Johnson Tourniquet Devices Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2021)
2.5 Arthrex
2.5.1 Arthrex Details
2.5.2 Arthrex Major Business
2.5.3 Arthrex Tourniquet Devices Product and Services
2.5.4 Arthrex Tourniquet Devices Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2021)
2.6 Summit Medical Group Ltd.
2.6.1 Summit Medical Group Ltd. Details
2.6.2 Summit Medical Group Ltd. Major Business
2.6.3 Summit Medical Group Ltd. Tourniquet Devices Product and Services
2.6.4 Summit Medical Group Ltd. Tourniquet Devices Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2021)
2.7 Stryker
Also Read: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/june-2021-report-on-global-electronic-marine-magnetometers-industry-research-market-overview-size-share-and-trends-2021-2026-2021-06-09
2.7.1 Stryker Details
2.7.2 Stryker Major Business
2.7.3 Stryker Tourniquet Devices Product and Services
2.7.4 Stryker Tourniquet Devices Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2021)
3 Tourniquet Devices Sales by Manufacturer
3.1 Global Tourniquet Devices Sales in Volume by Manufacturer (2019-2021e)
3.2 Global Tourniquet Devices Revenue by Manufacturer (2019-2021e)
3.3 Key Manufacturer Market Position in Tourniquet Devices
3.4 Market Concentration Rate
3.4.1 Top 3 Tourniquet Devices Manufacturer Market Share
3.4.2 Top 6 Tourniquet Devices Manufacturer Market Share
3.5 Global Tourniquet Devices Production Capacity by Company
3.6 Manufacturer by Geography: Head Office and Tourniquet Devices Production Site
3.7 New Entrant and Capacity Expansion Plans
3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions
4 Market Analysis by Region
4.1 Global Tourniquet Devices Market Size by Region
4.1.1 Global Tourniquet Devices Sales in Volume by Region (2016-2026)
4.1.2 Global Tourniquet Devices Revenue by Region (2016-2026)
4.2 North America Tourniquet Devices Revenue (2016-2026)
4.3 Europe Tourniquet Devices Revenue (2016-2026)
4.4 Asia-Pacific Tourniquet Devices Revenue (2016-2026)
4.5 South America Tourniquet Devices Revenue (2016-2026)
4.6 Middle East and Africa Tourniquet Devices Revenue (2016-2026)
5 Market Segment by Type
5.1 Global Tourniquet Devices Sales in Volume by Type (2016-2026)
5.2 Global Tourniquet Devices Revenue by Type (2016-2026)
5.3 Global Tourniquet Devices Price by Type (2016-2026)
6 Market Segment by Application
6.1 Global Tourniquet Devices Sales in Volume by Application (2016-2026)
6.2 Global Tourniquet Devices Revenue by Application (2016-2026)
6.3 Global Tourniquet Devices Price by Application (2016-2026)
7 North America by Country, by Type, and by Application
7.1 North America Tourniquet Devices Sales by Type (2016-2026)
7.2 North America Tourniquet Devices Sales by Application (2016-2026)
7.3 North America Tourniquet Devices Market Size by Country
7.3.1 North America Tourniquet Devices Sales in Volume by Country (2016-2026)
7.3.2 North America Tourniquet Devices Revenue by Country (2016-2026)
7.3.3 United States Market Size and Forecast (2016-2026)
7.3.4 Canada Market Size and Forecast (2016-2026)
7.3.5 Mexico Market Size and Forecast (2016-2026)
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