#Small Drabble
sabbathbloodysabbeth · 3 months
Sorry, but I just had a thought and I’m exhausted and don’t know if I’m going to write anymore tonight.
Just Steve holding a slight grudge against Nancy after she pretty much calls his love bullshit in the bathroom. He feels lead on, he’s slightly bitter but he knows how to be discreetly passive if he needs to be. But thing is he doesn’t have the energy in him to be passive. If this had been before the monsters, and someone who he thought was the love of his life did what Nancy did and proceeded to end up dating the guy who she said not to worry about within days after getting into a fight, he would have probably done something stupid. Probably would have ruined her locker with mean words or something like that.
He wasn’t sure what he would do, he was exhausted and couldn’t think of what used to come easy to him. Or maybe he’s grown to realize how immature that was, how it didn’t even seem all that fun to do to someone. Just thinking back to spray painting slut on the theater makes his gut twist uncomfortably. Once, he used to be the one to climb up there and spray something even worst. Now the thought made him want to throw up.
And maybe the grudge he is holding against Nancy isn’t really a grudge. Maybe he has matured to realized that the grudge he held was within himself for how fast he had fallen. For how stupid he was for thinking the girl would ever end up with him. He should have seen the signs. How she defended Jonathan even after he took non consensual photos of him and her about to have sex. Which he still felt disgusted by, his skin still crawled uncomfortably around the little creep whenever he was close by.
Though when the time comes, he realizes he was holding a grudge against Nancy. When he falls harder for someone new he realizes within minutes that something was different about this one. Instead of smacking him in the shoulder and scolding him for staring to long, Eddie would pull his hair in front of his face with bright eyes. Would do something dramatic to snap Steve out of the trance he was in. Like lick his face instead of kissing him.
That was the other thing Steve discovered. In the moments where it was just the two of them, it seemed like every other minute time would stop and Eddie would be in the same bubble as him. Lost in the same spell that Steve had tumbled into, needing to kiss the other just as much as they needed oxygen to breathe.
Nancy rarely had those moments with Steve, and they had stopped right around the time she started hanging out with Jonathan.
And Steve does hold a grudge, for how she stayed with him longer than what she had to.
Eddie made him feel in love and loved. Whenever Steve watched the other man he could barely keep his hands to himself and the best part was Eddie didn’t care. Steve could bite off Eddie’s remaining nipple and the man would still let Steve do whatever he wanted to him. Nancy never trusted Steve and never earned Steve’s trust the way Eddie did within one week of knowing each other.
Eddie was the moon and Nancy had been the sun for Steve. The sun burnt his skin and left him blistered while the moon wrapped his arms around him and rocked him to sleep every night. While Steve worried about when the sun would explode, he never had to worry about the moon disappearing for to long. It always came back, no matter what happened. Even if Steve had been an asshole.
God was Steve in love. This was it for him. And maybe at one point he had loved Nancy just as much as he did Eddie.
But now, as each day passes he only finds himself falling more in love with Eddie Munson.
He slowly comes to the conclusion that his love was and will never be bullshit.
And when he finally sits down to talk to Nancy about it, he finally gets it off his chest. What had been bugging him for almost years before falling for Eddie.
“Nancy, we were bullshit. But my love, it was all real. Maybe not as strong as it is for Ed’s but I know that if … everything wasn’t such bullshit I could have gotten there.” Steve says softly to Nancy. Shortly after she confessed she still had feelings for him. He seen this conversation coming from a mile away, especially with how many one sided sparks happened between the two of them while running for their life’s on spring break.
And as he stands up, leaving her in her own shock. Letting her process that he was with Eddie, a man. He can’t help but feel proud of himself.
He didn’t intentionally hold this grudge, but he felt as if he got back at her the healthiest way he could. By maturing and moving on. And looking down at Nancy, he could tell that she needed time to do the same. Not to be with another man or date in general, but to just grow as a person. But that was no longer his problem. His problem was currently running up the steps of the trailer with what seemed to be a moving snake.
“Hey Stevie! Look what I found.”
Steve was in love, and it wasn’t bullshit.
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skipper19 · 2 months
Imagine this...
Geto Suguru knew of the prison joke: "Don't drop the soap." Everyone knows it. It's a funny little bit that goes around social media. He would have never expected to have to worry about this. And especially not with his own girlfriend.
Suguru can't stop the gasp that leaves his mouth when a small hand slaps the fat on his ass. He ignores the water that temporarily blinds him as he stands straight up. He shakes his head like a dog, his wet hair slapping him in the face as he turns around. His shocked, wide, judgemental eyes lock onto you. The giggle you try to hide behind your hand aids Sugurus judgment.
His hand reaches back to rub his sore ass, and he can only imagine the red handprint that encased his left cheek. Suguru was left speechless, and you couldn't help the laughter that bubbled out of your chest. "I'm sorry, I'm actually sorry, it was just so tempting." You say between giggles, obviously not truly guilty.
Suguru wasn't mad, but he felt betrayed. It was completely fine for him to slap your butt. He's your boyfriend! But for you to reciprocate his signature move is..dirty. Suguru truly can't help the blush from creeping up his cheeks and settling onto the tips of his ears.
"I.. feel violated." He mumbled, blinking out of his initial shock. "I just -" He shook his head. "I'm sorry, honey -" You reached out to cup his elbow, but he stepped back, the water running down his neck to his bare behind. "No, no, enough touching for you, ma'am." He said, glaring at your hand. The laugh that erupted from your throat was genuine and pure. "Sugu, you're being dramatic!" But he wasn't listening.
"Can't believe my own girl would do this to me." He mumbled more to himself than you. He rubbed the palm of his hand over his tingling cheek. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." The tone of your voice wasn't sincere, and the giddy smile on your face gave you away. This definitely wouldn't be the last time.
"You're right, no more for you. No more showering together. And I will never bend over around you -" He sounded oh so serious, but you knew your boyfriend. You knew that look in his eyes. But you decided to plead for mercy, despite knowing damn well he couldn't resist you.
"Noo, Sugu, please." You whined, wrapping your arms around his waist. Suguru ignored the urge to laugh and instead allowed his lips to upturn slightly. He raises his arms in a surrendering position, not letting you have the satisfaction of a proper hug. "Nope, all of your touching privileges are gone. Un-hand me, you scoundrel." He said, turning his chin up as if you were a peasant he looked down upon.
A huff, along with a pout, adorned your face as you rolled your eyes. "Nu-Uh. You're just dramatic. I will never let go, Jack." You mumbled, pressing your cheek against his chest, right above his heart. "I won't slap your butt anymore.." You said, looking up at him through your lashes. He paused, silently looking down at your smaller figure.
"..fine," He wrapped his arms around the middle of your back. "I'll forgive you this time, and not because of your puppy dog eyes, but because I feel bad for you." His voice was muffled as he pressed his lips into the top of your head. A smile graced your lips as you cheesed. "Thank you, Sugu~" You sang out. The moment was peaceful as you both stood there, pressed together under the shower head. Your bodies warm and molded perfectly to one another.
"..hEy! No squeezing my butt either, you pervert!-"
"Noooo, I'm sorry, come back!"
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nonymous-nb · 4 months
Just a small drabble due to boredom.. :)
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You were his first, and so was he to you.
Medkit and you have been dating for about 2 years.. you both were happy together, people had told the both of you the you guys were like a one true pair. You both were perfect, until the day where you lost feelings for him. You didn't mean to, you swore, it was just how life wanted it.
You both talked it over and tried to do some different things, Medkit knew he needed to let you go though he still tried as he loves you dearly and suggested trying and maybe hangout.. maybe it'll change? Then the time came, where Medkit had to hold himself back from breaking as you utter the word.
"I'm sorry.."
You felt bad, you wanted to comfort him and tell him it was fine, but you knew it's better than trying to continue this one-sided relationship. You were about to leave until Medkit took your hand.
"one.. one last hug..?"
His voice.. it was broken.
"One last hug.."
You then held him in a tight hug, you felt his figure shaking slightly, as he hugs you tighter. He wanted to fight for the both of you, he wants you, he wants you so bad.
why was life so cruel to him?
Now there he was, watching you with someone else, hand in hand. His hand twitched as he wished that you didn't lose feelings, now he's just there in the corner.
He stood there; watching as you gave his enemy a kiss on their forehead, the scientist letting out some giddy nonsense sounds.
"Why is life so cruel to me?"
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*runs away 🏃*
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mintymarabell · 8 months
Yautja penpal drabble
Imagine already living on yautja prime, just living a normal life when one day you decide to get a penpal out of boredom and the wanting of a new friend.
You had always remembered back on earth your friend had a penpal who was in prison, they had sent letters to each other whenever they could. You hadn’t known if it was possible but with a visit to a far off yautja prison, one that had usually held bad bloods you found out you could.
The guard gave you a weird look for wanting to communicate with a bad blood as it was frowned upon in the community but hadn’t thought much of it as you were a naive human and had just given you a random inmate number for when you did mail the letter to the prison.
It had took a week before you got a letter back, maybe the yautja who was writing back in horrible English was a bad blood who had killed an important political figure; was notorious for his horrible deeds and high standing in the bad blood society but had finally been caught and knocked of his high horse.
Maybe yall would talk for a while, getting to know each other and maybe he does find some sort of fondness for you though you could never tell because emotions can’t be read from a letter. Cant tell of his growing obsession over you, the few Polaroid photos you had sent always close to him.
Maybe one day he’ll escape, a whole bunch of his henchman had came to get him; he’ll shrug them off as he shoved all your letters towards one of them with a “don’t damage them” before making his way toward your small apartment.
He had known where you lived the moment he had grown an attachment, one of his goons finding your place with his demand.
He hasn’t approved of the low quality lock or the environment of the complex but he didn’t fret over it as he’d give you something better.
It was dark so he knew you were asleep, his step were quiet and calculated as he stepped into the apartment. He had crept to the bedroom, slowly opening the door to see you in bed asleep as he had guessed.
He had stood over your bed for quite a while, watching you as your chest rose and fell. When you finally opened your eyes, feeling the pressure of a stare you screamed when you seen him.
He had expected it, after all you had no idea what he looked like. Instead he only grabbed you gently by the wrist, pulling you up and hauling you over his shoulder.
He ignored your kicking and thrashing as he carried you out and towards his ship that waited outside.
Maybe a penpal was a bad idea.?
Now someone please write a fanfic about this. <3
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saltofmercury · 2 years
A König x reader where the reader gives off scary dog privilege.
Like at a McDonald’s, König will stand behind them, even if he’s like a MOUNTAIN compared to the reader and the reader will be like “HE asked for no pickles >:(“
Idk think it would be cute if the reader would help König out in social situations where he would be uncomfortable.
If König doesn’t feel like talking the reader redirects the conversation to themselves so König can just listen.
Pairing: König x reader
Summary: König feels better after meeting you.
He didn’t date. Dating was exhausting, humiliating, and daunting for König. A series of awkward silences followed by stupid questions, that seemed to be in constant loop.
“What do you do?”
“Where are you from?
“Why are you so quiet?
He was always too quiet, too shy, for women. Too soft, too detached with men. It’s like he couldn’t be perfect for either.
It was worse when he thought they were having a good time and König, already filled with nerves and anxiety, had ordered his meal wrong.
“Why didn’t you ask to have it without mushrooms?”
“Why don’t you ask them if that's not what you ordered?”
As if it were easy. They looked at him with stupidity like he couldn’t just do it.
Second + third dates were then followed by 
“I’m not asking them to switch it, that's your meal.”
“You’re a big boy, use your voice.”
Small jabs towards him because of his height and build, that he wished he could just push himself to do it but he didn’t want to add an extra burden to the waiter or crew in the back.
“It’s fine, I'll eat it.”
Later coming to realize at the end of the date that he wasn’t for “them.”
“It’s not me, it’s you, I just don’t see it working out.”
Until he met you.
You weren’t looking for anything, as a matter of fact you just wanted to decompress from the day, have a small get together with new and old friends, but lots of things changed that day. 
As you went around introducing yourselves, König said hi, but didn’t really put much input into the group. He seemed to be making himself smaller, fading away behind the group of people. He seemed uncomfortable.
You approached him— A small shiver from his side, mentally preparing himself knowing the lines of—
“WHY aren’t you talking?”
“How tall are you?”
“Why aren’t you drinking?”
“Why are you so quiet?”
However it wasn’t like that at all. You did most of the talking. Just asked for small input from him. He was so taken back by how comfortable you made him. You made talking to new people easy and by the end of the night it was you asking him on a second date. 
He nodded, dumbfounded. “A second date?”
A small shiver again, maybe this time it was different?
The second date, at some small diner nearby, you take the lead on talking again. You think it was perhaps due to your nerves, you had become a chatterbox.
“So why the military?”
“Uh— personal choice.”
Small silence as you chewed on the appetizer in front of you. You wide eyed, trying to not say 
“Well that explains the haircut.” so instead you said,
“Must be lots of traveling huh?” You continued, listing places you wanted to visit and asking if he had ever been there.
Relief pooled inside him. What was your motive behind this?
When it was time to place the order, König’s nerves had bundled inside of him again that he forgot to mention “no black olives.”
His dish was placed in front of him.
He looked concerned, like he was in for a long night of picking them off his meal, then bombarding him with questions of “why didn’t you just ask?”
You saw the concern on his face.
“Is everything alright?”
“Why aren’t you digging in?”
“Ah… I said no olives but it’s no big deal.”
It was a big deal and you called the waitress over.
“I’m sorry we said no olives”
“Oh! I’m sorry!” The waitress flushed and ran away with the plate.
“Here” you said, so calm, “you can have some of mine while we wait.”
How effortless you did it. How were you so good at this?
“I hate when I do that. I can’t have cilantro because it tastes like soap.” You laughed and continued to pick at french fries in front of him.
God you were adorable.
He was sure he wasn’t going to see you again, thinking that maybe you thought he couldn’t speak up for himself, or the conversation ran too dry.
You however kept pushing yourself in, being his voice when he couldn’t speak.
“We said—
‘No olives’ 
‘No pickles’
‘This isn’t what we ordered’
Relief washing over him that you took it upon yourself when he had made the mistake ordering.
How you used “we” as opposed to “he” and he really liked that you didn’t single him out. He could melt. Was there finally someone who could lessen the burden of his anxiety?
Dinner dates went from bi-weekly to weekly. Then it was just easy. It was a no-brainer being with you. 
You never once thought he was too shy, or too quiet, too soft, or too detached. You didn’t question things between you two, you just took the lead in conversations with people, often checking in with König for a small part in it. You knew the right amount to get out of him.
You took the burden of first time conversations. You had started ordering for the two of you, knowing what he liked and didn’t like. König felt lighter, felt better that someone was here for him and opposed to him. 
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samlacy · 1 year
False pleasure (I will be good for you)
A small drabble where Hobie is a big meanie and tells You that you suck at blowjobs.
contains: roleplay(?), toxic!hobie (only an act), sensetive reader, blowjob, aftercare, words of affirmation
not proof read btw
The room filled with the wet and messy sounds. Your mouth producing more saliva than you ever did, the drool dripping down on the sheets.
Currently Hobie was laying in his bed, completely unbothered as he was scrolling through his phone. When you looked slightly down, there were you, sucking him off.
You did this before, but still quite couldn’t get a hand of it. You followed all the steps. Lick, suck, move teeth out of the way and bop your head.
The feeling of doing a good job suddenly left your body as you looked up only to see an annoyed Hobie throw his phone onto the sheets and sigh as he tilted his head back.
Was he feeling good or rather bad?
For sure bad.
Might ask how you know that?
Well, let’s focus on his body language.
Usually when Hobie felt really good, he would groan and whisper small ‘fuck’s or ‘oh my god’s.
Or he would grab onto your hair and tell you how good you are doing. How much he loves you and how he likes you being his.
Only his.
No one else’s.
But in this particular moment he seemed to be displeased. His head tilted back only because of how annoyed and bored he was. Not any other reason.
Hands relaxed and not gripping the sheets, nor gripping your hair. The only things that came out of his mouth in this intense moment were huffs, sighs.
Finally, he decided to make eye contact with you.
Usually you would get excited since he also likes it when you start the eye contact, but this time he rather looked
His loose hands came up to your hair, pulling you off his cock as it smacked wet on his stomach and you were forced on your fours.
“Can you do anything right, doll?” Hobie says it in a gentle, soothing voice. But that is only because he sounds like that. That had a deeper meaning to it and it hit you right in the heart.
He didn’t even say anything harsh, but you felt like a burden of not pleasing him.
He sighs once again as he forces your head down, grip still in your hair. Your cheeks hit his cock as your own drool smeared all over your cheek.
“Let me use your mouth and make it actually pleasure-able, instead of watching you act like a high-school virgin”, the same gentle, soothing voice sent a rush of comfort, but disappointment in you.
You just let him slowly make you bop on the head of his cock, as he pushed you downwards while thrusting his hips up with no warning.
His pubic hair brushed your nose as you struggled with breathing slightly, feeling lightheaded already by this. You tried to take control and move your head up a little.
But, oh, how Hobie didn’t like that as he thrusted his hips up and kept you still there as his hips kept on moving. He slammed into your mouth like a hole.
His breathing got faster and his groans were getting higher in pitch. He is so close and you just had to be patient. A few seconds of a little lost of air was something you could handle, for sure.
Only for Hobie.
There, he came down your throat, finally letting you go as you sprang your head off and started coughing.
You swallowed it all and looked at him, curious of what he is up to now.
He had a small smile on his lips, head tilted back and eyes closed. His cock was still in the free, only to get tucked by his hands into his joggers.
Hobie looked at you now, the same smile. With a different meaning.
“Come here, love. Let me love you”, you never dived into someone’s arms this fast as you crawled to him and laid on him. He held your lower back and brushed your hair back as he moved from your hair to your cheek to caress it. His big lengthy hands cupped your face and made you look at him.
“I wanna remind you once more, that all was an act. Please, do not let my words affect you, love” He whispers with the sweetest smile you could have swore that it was the best one you ever saw, “Can I kiss you?”
You mouth a ‘yes’ towards him as approval, smacking your lips with his. The kiss lasted long enough for you to feel the warmth of his whole body on your own lips running down to your whole body.
You really did love him a lot, as much as he loved you.
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entry41 · 9 months
"Stu," Billy's strained voice calls out as his partner in crime, Stu Macher, crawled closer to him. Their breaths were both shaky, bodies weak as Stu grabbed onto Billy.
"Billy," Stu grabbed Billy's face, holding his cheeks gently in his blood covered, calloused hands, "Billy, I love you." He said quietly, a stray tear falling down his cheek. He stared into Billy's eyes, nearly getting lost in them.
The two laid there in an embrace, quiet 'I love you's leaving one another's mouth, Stu planting a gentle kiss on Billy's lips, his body becoming increasingly weaker.
They were dying, there was no other explanation. This was the end, they would die knowing they couldn't of ever loved one another.
Billy grasps Stu's hands in his, placing Stu's hands over his own heart, letting him feel the beating slowly stop. "I love you, too, Stu." Billy replied with his last breath, falling limp.
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vinestaffery · 3 months
oh em gee the request box is open!! may I order a tall and strong fem!reader with any phighter during a match? (hell, you can do all or do a love triangle to stir some drama!) ty for ur time :D
—also idk, something with strong and buff fem!readers are something cool and amazing! 😭🙏
HELLO HELLO!!! AND YES, OF COURSE??? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TALL, BUFF, AND STRONG READERS. THEY ARE SO COOL!!!! i will say it was a bit difficult for me to figure out how to implement. so i tried my best!!! otherwise, i hope this is good enough : [ I am so sorry for the wait!! I’ve been actually quite busy unexpectedly so my schedule was draining me horribly. Once again, the gear reader I tried to make was very brief, so it's completely up to interpretation! If there's any mistake, please do tell me!! I am also trying out a new layout of how I start stuff, so enjoy! Characters: Boombox, Skateboard, GN! Reader Prompt: Love Triangle, Fluff + angst, headcanons + small drabble oneshot! Requested! 
When you first joined the matches and tournaments, your gear was without a doubt one of the most interesting
While everyone had somewhat of a weapon of some sort, you used your complete strength and agility to defend yourself and teammates
Being able to block, punch and deal tons of damage to opponents
Tons of people loved you! You were practically an all-star!
That’s when Boombox and Skateboard were opposed to you on the other team
Boy, were they over heels for you!
Boombox would always find himself getting flustered each time you threw a sense of encouragement, even though you had beaten his ass THOUSANDS of times!!
Skateboard loved riling you up and making your ego grow, ending up with him accidentally getting his mind-games completely demolished!! 
You’d practically trample over them and help win points for upcoming festivals!!!!
Not to forget, you're one of the tallest phighters, making Ban Hammer more nervous sometimes.
When the Dove vs Crow festival came by, they finally realised their complete love for you. 
And boy, did it turn into utter chaos.
Boombox started rejecting his own teammates support 
Skateboard started to laze around and discourage one another!! 
It was total chaos, and out of character for them! But they’d always somewhat change whenever you came by to support and fight one of them
But, that got even worse when Boombox and Skateboard collided with another and ended up in a brawl.
It shocked you, really! And you were in disarray when it happened.
Sadly, such a brawl caused them to get a penalty. Big time. 
Medkit, thankfully as a close friend to you, helped them out and headed to the hospital. They suffered major damage to one another.
You felt like you had done something horribly wrong, and who wouldn’t? Your two pals fighting over something you had no clue what of? 
Call that worse than Noob Nardashins!
You started to avoid matches, refusing to support the team and staying on the sidelines until the other two recover so you could formally apologise
Vine Staff and Slingshot were concerned for the best, you seemed to be different after the major incident
Luckily, Skateboard and Boombox recovered quick, and heard about the news from Slingshot (who was quite disappointed in their little brawl)
Devastated to say the least they were!! 
So, they ended up putting their differences aside just to prove to you that it wasn’t their fault; maybe a few confessions on the way.
The rain seemed to be more gentle than the other days it started hitting. You had no clue on what to do anymore, your passion ran dry after that fight. Holding the train-bar tight, looking out the window where clouds seemed to endlessly create nothing more but chaos. Windforce must be disappointed or something.
“Ma’am!” A tug at your leg, you looked down. A small little demon-child, holding an autograph of what seems to be you.
“Oh, hello!” In their perspective, you were enormous. So tall, and much more different than any other phighter or civilian. “Could you sign my autograph! I miss when you used to phight, you are so cool! I want to be like you one day!”
The steady speed of your heart pulsed. A heart, so metronome, keeping a sensible rhythm, collapsed at the thought of someone wanting to be just like you. You trembled, but kept a smile. “Why, of course!” and you bent down on one knee. 
The small child held out their photograph, taking out what seemed to be the cutest gel-pen possible. It was bedazzled with keychains of different phighters — Medkit, Subspace, Vine Staff, Katana, Boombox, and Skateboard — that caught your attention. Heart soon skipped a beat at the sight of two familiar phighters.
Taking the gel-pen, you wrote your name in thick writing, right where it would be suitable for the child. You looked back up at the child, handing both the pen and the autographed paper. “I saw what happened in that one phighting match, I’m sure it’s not your fault! Maybe they just fought because they like you!” 
No, that’s not right. It’s not because they like me – it���s because I am the problem. Your eyes seemed to be pale and your skin full of goosebumps at such words. Words that seemed to taunt you soon enough to the brink of extinction. If I just never seemed to enter those phights, none of them would’ve gotten hurt. None of them would’ve gotten hurt.
None of them would’ve gotten hur—
The sound of the train stopping, halting as the doors slid open. The child vanished as she yelled goodbye in the cloud of civilians. They all pushed through and tried to get onto the train as fast as possible, while the ones hopping off did the same.
— * * *
You waited at the hospital seating area. Visitation hours were becoming slim, but thanks to Medkit, you’ve been granted more than the usual civilian. He sat at the front-receptionist, seemingly boring himself in constant work and typing. You could hear his quick work-skills not too far, colliding with the clock’s agonising voice.
“You can visit them now.” Medkit piped up. It had to take him a few tries to finally catch your attention, zoning out was not something fun for you.
“Hey, you can visit,” Medkit yelled with a more guided, threatening tone. That caught your attention. Waking from your small dissociation, you got up and trudged off through the door. To the shared room of your two “friends,” that you hated to call them that.
You had feelings for them, of course. They were just so your type, stupid but clever. They were risk-takers, just like you, but you overall enjoyed their thick humour and how they correlated with you quite well; rejection was bound with this. 
Knocking at the door of the room, you opened the sliding door. There, Skateboard and Boombox sat. 
“Oh- Did I interrupt something?” You bent down slightly to walk into the room. The two phighters turned to face you. Skateboard relaxed at the sight of your face, while Boombox just let out a thankful sigh.
“I thought you’d never visit!” Skateboard rushed off of his chair, running over to hug you. You couldn’t help but smile, this is what you missed. Spending endless time with the two, you couldn’t help it. “I was! You guys were just in serious deep sleep.”
“Ha ha, yeah right,” Boombox piped up, elbowing you as he sighed. “Gosh, you're getting taller. You need to stop growing!” Shaking his head, letting out a laugh, he looked out the window and back. “I never thought you guys missed me this much.”
“Miss you that much? Oh boy, we missed you more than you missed us!” 
“Yeah, what the skater said!” 
You smiled, humming as you looked at them both. The comfort that came from them both, came from fortitude. It felt like protected walls that returned the healing hearts; to welcome them to the fort and that they spared any harm. It made you feel happier.
“But,” The two phighters moved back, leaving the last hug.
You raised a brow, eyeing at the two as they sat down. You plucked out a chair from the side, sitting down on it yourself as you stared. “We owe you an apology,” Skateboard nodded. Boombox seemed to look away in slight embarrassment, but shook his head. He had to prove this to you.
“What happened in that match was completely me and Skateboard’s fault. We didn't mean to be that mean towards each other, it’s just…” Skateboard looked at Boombox, who struggled to continue his apology. It was like something had been caught in his throat.
“It’s just…?” You eyed them, concerned. Maybe this was the end of your two’s shared friendship? It was your fault all along.
“What happened that day, it wasn’t your fault. Me and Skateboard have had this… little–""BIG crush on you, and we started to hate one another because of it and we are so sorry for what we had caused! You can hate us all you want, but please, it was entirely our fault and our recklessness taking over!” 
Boombox’s face turned light green as Skateboard waited patiently for your response. You were shocked.
“Please don’t hate us.” 
“Hate you?” 
Silence. You bursted out laughing soon after. “Hate you? No! Absolutely not! I have a crush on you guys too!” 
They stared in shock. You? Loving them both? Wow. 
“...” “... FUUUCK YEAAHH!!!”
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mochimichael · 2 months
Will would absolutely be down to be tied up, his hands tied to the headboard, his body completely exposed for you. His whines fill the room, his body slick with sweat as you fuck him with your tongue. His cock lay untouched on his stomach, leaking pre like all hell as it twitches at every movement against his sensitive skin. Your hands say holding his hairy thighs open as they tense, begging to wrap around your head.
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gogoloco · 6 months
warning: none, fluff all ahead (i'm lying there's angst in here) !
.・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。.
"hellooo?" gojo was utterly confused as he looked through every corner of your shared apartement, not being able to find any single living trace of you. as he tries to remember maybe you did say you were going somewhere tonight, but no reminders popped up his head.
*your call has been forwarded to a voice message* gojo was getting more confused and worried because you would usually pick up his calls quickly, but this time all his calls went to voice message (100 missed calls to be exact...)
as he tried to stay positive, he went to your bathroom to try your products but found out that your products were.. um expired.. he quickly repurchased all the things you used to suprise you when you get back home!!
gojo continued to roam around his house, looking for any trace of you in the bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, pantry, everywhere but the results were still the same. until, he saw a picture of you.
you. with candles and a few offerings of your favorite foods and miniatures, smiling as bright as ever. then gojo remembered, you died a year ago due to an accident that happened during a mission.
he dropped to his knees, looking up at your bright picture with some more photo frames beside it. pictures of gojo sobbing when you walked down the aisle during your wedding, pictures of the both of you traveling around the world, and more memories that just flew by.
he realized that he had so much more things that he wanted to do with you, creating a family with you, growing old together, but everything perished into dust all because of stupid curses that always gets to take everything away from him.
after all, being the strongest was never enough.
a/n: okay this is not fluff i apologize, comment your feelings down heheheh...
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serxinns · 6 months
Heyy. Could you please write a platonic father Aizawa x daughter reader in which they are having a father- daughter afternoon in the mall and sudenly 10 mask villains start a shooting. And maybe she gets hurt.
Thankss, btw i really enjoy your writing 🤍🩷
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You and your dad were having a daddy-daughter date at the mall you always go to as a kid your father adored this day it was on the day he kidnapped adopted you here he remembered you looking so sweet bundled up in the (inset color) swaddle laughing happily at him and he promise to this day that he'll be the best father ever
Now back to the date, your father insisted that the two of you should wear matching clothing for this special occasion you denied it at 1st but he kept asking monotone and saying how it would be adorable for a dad and daughter to match clothes and you eventually gave up and agreed now you're wearing a cheesy matching shirt with your dad that he secretly adores so much your father was dragging you to stores buying everything you want and desire while taking you to places you used to love as a child which was embarrassing
While you told your father you needed to go for a bathroom break not even a few minutes later you heard an explosion, screaming, and yelling you tried to run out but your dad called out to you to not come out curious you peeked into the bathroom and to your horror and amazed a bunch of villains most with guns and most are using their quirks were surrounded dangerously at your dad while his scarves started hover around his neck and his eyes turn red
And the battle begins your dad vs a bunch of villains your dad was wrapping up, punching, and kicking villains left and right making sure they stayed down while you watched in amazed and worry for your dad when you saw your dad got kicked in the face and tackled you immediately sprinted out there despise his warning and used your quirk on him to restrain his and threw him off your dad "I told you not to come out y/n it is not safe!" But you ignored him and started jumping and beating villians ass
Your dad pissed went after you want to punch and kick villains to try and grab for you the chase was on and he was about to get you until a strong arm was wrapped around your neck shoving you against his chest "Take one wrong move and your little princess is gone" the man held the knife up your throat with a toothy grin hurling out a breathless chuckle that was until you smacked the knife away from him and bit his arm hard until you broke skin "ARGH!! YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH" he threw you harshly against the floor pointing the gun at Aizawa and a sharp knife at your chin
"This is what bratty little bitches get from being a PEST" he raised his knife about to slash at you, you glared at him preparing for what was he about to do until a scarf was wrapped around his neck he started gagging and choking harshly coughing until he eventually hit the floor your father ran up to you and you tightly tears were In his eyes
The next thing you know you were at the hospital, the nurse wrapping up your arm and your dad sternly lecturing you about how immature and dangerous that stun was he punished you by isolating you in the house for a week which you hated and got mad at him for but he didn't care you needed a lesson what would happen if you got yourself hurt after that stun you did you should've let dear old daddy handle that PEST trying to hurt you
(The next day at school he also banned class 1a from seeing you as well which they all groaned)
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meowkn · 8 months
“You speak the way the ocean crashes upon the shore.” Choso mumbles, watching as you play with his fingers in your hand. “Beautiful, but unrelenting and unstoppable. And, as with the ocean, everything that meets you, eventually drowns.” He says, finally meeting your eyes as the night summer air blows around the two of you.
“Are you saying I’m suffocating?” You ask, your fingers curling over his, as the wind blows through your hair, sending a warm chill down your spine. “Not suffocating, more… overwhelming.” Choso says, finally pulling his hand away from yours.
─ִ━━ ꯭ ───ׂ─ִ─ ͜͡✿͜͡ ─ִ──ׂ── ꯭ ━━ִ─
Another small drabble bc I’m feeling down, I hope you guys like ittt
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kolyatoast · 7 months
Mc who is slowly dying but decides to keep it from the brothers. The brothers being none the wiser,brushing off your pale face as fatigue.
MC who starts to ask the brothers to take more pictures with you as your time to go comes nearer, wanting to hold onto every moment you had left with them. Each smile masking the pain you felt inside.
MC who writes letters for them and leaves them items that each held significance, a piece of your soul left behind for the brothers to hold onto. A reminder of moments you shared.
You couldn't bear to see them suffer, so you hoped these memories brought them comfort in your absence.
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uchihaharlot · 8 months
I feel like Itachi may be a growler in bed 🥵👀
I thought about this earlier lol
Mildly (jk) NSFW
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Growling; as in rough grunting? For some reason I picture Madara more of a growler and Itachi this weird mix. He definitely is making sounds, or sometimes not at all. It really depends on the place; time; and position.
If this man is taking you from behind, yea he is probably loud asf. If your legs are to your ears, he’s vocal but doesn’t necessarily increase volume because he is right there.
In your ear, hot and needy. I think because he is so soft spoken half the time he pants, a lot. Very respectful but that’s not going to stop him from totally dominating you into a babbling idiot when his cock feels that good.
If he is really in a mood…. hehehe. 🤭 The rest for another time.
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mintymarabell · 7 months
I kinda of stole this from an old western show but imagine getting injured and having amnesia. An elder who cannot for the life of him find a mate, finds little oh you on earth and takes you in. When his son tells him you have amnesia maybe he comes up with this little devious plan to tell you, you’re his wife and that you’ve recently got married?
Maybe a couple months into the relationship though, between the doting and affection. You get your memory back and remember that you are not married to this strange alien thing and in fact do not live on this hot planet in the middle of nowhere.
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That, Southern thing
In which reader from the south can smell the rain just before it comes.
Pairing: Ghostbusters x reader.
Warnings: none.
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Springtime in New York was always nice, And for the ghostbusters it was certainly something. Having a new recruit is all well, only there’s one small thing about her that the others find somewhat odd. She can smell the rain before it comes.
Y/n was a particular person, had just as much passion in the paranormal just like the others, and a passion for the outdoors and botanics. The others didn’t quite mind, since the few plants around the firehouse simply brightened up the place a little more.
“Y/n, This isn’t a greenhouse, come on you can’t keep bringing these plants in” “it’s literally a small thing that is going to Egon, it’s literally for him. It’s his.” Y/n retorted to Peter, who watched her go up the stairs and assuming into the lab. Y/n and Egon were going to be spending a little time outdoors, even though it was partly cloudy.
Y/n was in a particularly good mood, and Egon could tell the moment she stepped into the lab. “What’s got you in a good mood today Y/n?” “We’re going outside again, and it’s not that sunny” She said as she handed Egon the small potted plant. He was going to be doing some sort of experiment with the plant and how it would react to the ectoplasmic slime left over from one of their recent busts.
“Oh uh Winston and Ray want to join us, maybe Janine if she isn’t so busy? Is that alright with you?” She asked softly, walking over to his small jars that contained growing fungus. “Sure, but I’m hoping things don’t interfere with what we’re trying to collect” Egon said, moving small things around before leading Y/n back downstairs.
They didn’t really need a coat or anything but Y/n still took a light cardigan sweater in case.
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Once they arrived at the park, Y/n went towards the growing bushes that were sporting few flowers here and there. All of the other ghostbusters had decided to join and make it somewhat of a fun day out. The wind was nice and cool but it was starting to become a little more cloudy.
The others watched as Y/n stood up and looked up at the sky, before the familiar earthy scent from back home hit her nostrils. The smell of it made her feel a little bit happier, but she frowned to herself.
“I think we should start heading back, it’s most definitely going to rain in a bit” She started, holding some small flowers as she walked back to the group. “Wait how Can you tell? It’s just cloudy, the sun will come back out” Peter said as he placed his hands on his hips. “You guys don’t smell the rain?…” Y/n asked softly, looking around at the others who had a confused look on their faces before they began shaking their heads.
“Oh-” She said surprised, before a loud strike of thunder was heard. “O-Kay we really should start heading back” Winston said, beginning his walk towards the way they entered. The others following shortly behind.
After that incident, Peter often teased Y/n about it, if not Y/n the others by complete accident. When they catch Y/n outside with her nose in the air and it’s barely clouding over, a small “She’s doing that southern thing again!” Is heard and the others simply just laugh to themselves about it, but most times than not it helps a bunch before the guys go on a bust or coming back from one.
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This is literally a small Drabble because I miss the rain, and it’s just too hot that I need it so very much right now. (Yes I am from the south) And like this idea hit me when my grandma and my aunt were talking about hurricane season, and like the faintest smell of the moist dirt before the rain came hit me and I was like ‘I have to write about this’
Anyway. I hope you guys liked this, again it was a small Drabble, a little idea that I needed to get out. But if anything, like, share, reblog whatever, I would so greatly appreciate it. I love you, have a better day, stay safe! BYE!!
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