#Sky's TFA x TFP Crossover
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Just another TFA x TFP crossover idea...
I know almost every long lasting transformers fan has done this, but here is my hot take.
So we know TFA takes place in the 2050s, and TFP fans assume TFP takes place in the 2010s when it was released. So instead of alternate dimensions, what about futuristic AU/reincarnation AU? Granted a LOT of the characters are different, so adjustments are going to have to be made, so bare with me.
part 2 part 3
Let's start with the war.
TFP ends with Optimus Prime sacrificing himself so that Cybertron can produce life with the Allspark, and with the Allspark returned, Cybertron is habitable again, and Megatron leaves, thus ending the war, which I will now refer to as the Great War. It is up to Team Prime to start rebuilding Cybertron. And naturally, they look to Ultra Magnus.
As bots return to Cybertron, both Autobot and Decepticon have a lot of animosity towards each other. Afterall, this war lasted centuries. But with one leader dead and the other AWOL, they have to figure out how to coexist. But it is easy to fall back on old habits, so a council is but back in place, and unfortunately, it is most autobots. Once the decepticons heard that Megatron is still alive but off world, some decide to leave and find him. Some decide to remain and try to fix Cybertron for the better. So the council promotes mostly Autobots to positions of power, thus leaving out bigger decepticons starting the warframe fear. As for the protoforms, the council creates molds for new sparks, thinking hey, the war is over, why do we need fighters? We need bots who can fix things (construction), laborers, teachers, and so Cybertron starts to use the frase "cogs in the machine". Oops, here comes functionalism.
But those closest to Optimus Prime? The ones who fought with him and followed him because of what he stood for? The ones who were put on a pedestal for their actions on earth with Prime even though they don't care for any recognition? They notice it immediately. And they hate what Cybertron is becoming. But it is hard to do anything since they just finished a war. Rebuilding is at the top of the list, not idealism. But wasn't that what the whole war was about? Rising above your station, having opportunities, abolish the caste system, and no bot is better than the other. Well, Primus has a plan for that. Primus is frustrated with their children. They keep making the same mistakes, forcing them to choose a Prime. And their last Prime had to sacrifice his life for Primus and all Cybertronians. Well, if the children want to redo their past mistakes, might as well send back their latest Prime. But Primus and the Allspark can only create sparklings, not full bots. So, Primus and the Allspark places the spark of Optimus Prime in a protoform sparkling. We will get to that later.
So, we have a Cybertron that is rebuilding back its bad habits, Team Prime struggling to stop it, and decepticons leaving (of course that will come back to haunt us).
Now onto the Autobots.
Ultra Magnus, the right hand man of Optimus Prime, is naturally looked at for leadership. But he never wanted to the # 1. He truly believes in the ideas of Orion Pax, before he was Optimus Prime. But his understanding of legality and chain of command make him the perfect candidate to lead Cybertron towards order. But after his time on Earth, he has learned that maybe the most strict policies are not the best solutions. However, the council insists and public pressure wants a strong leader, so how can he say no? The only thing he can do is refuse the title of Primacy. He will not take on that mantle. He knows the type of bot who deserves Primehood, and it is not him. But the council needs some title, so why not use his name? Magnus means "big, large, great" - nomitive conjugation - (Latin nerd, I know), so why not use his name as a title? Thus, the title of Magnu begins to be synonymous with "ruler". Ultra Magnus finds this to be a slap in the faceplates. But at least they stopped inisting on Prime. So, with great reluctance (please laugh at that joke) he accepts the position. As to what exactly his position means, well, the council wants to appease the public yet remain in control. The council will surely write up the specifics later. But, I mentioned it before, Ultra Magnus knows the Law, so he takes it into his own servos. He writes up his own limitations and abilities, he just needs the council to sign off. They don't hurry to sign it. This is the beginning of Ultra Magnus' problems.
Ratchet will probably be the easiest to crossover. Both TFA and TFP characterize him as an old medic that has fought in the war from the beginning. After Predacons Rising, he shuffles back and forth from Earth and Cybertron. But Earth hasn't faced decepticon attacks in years so Fowler isn't around much anymore (and the man had a long career in the Army and as a special agent - it's time for him to retire), the Earth kids eventually grow up, so they don't need him anymore. As much as it pains him (even though he will never admit it), he returns back to Cybertron for good and sets up a clinic for war vets. Probably with Knockout. Which many autobots don't like. That's a problem. But as the oldest friend of Orion Pax, he lashes out against the council and their policies, which unfortunately causes him to be blacklisted further. His reputation as a war hero plummets. He almost wants to laugh at the similarities from before the Great War.
Bumblebee is going to be the hardest. In TFP, he has a character arc of young scout to experienced warrior. Yet in TFA, he is a young Elite Guard wash out and a comedic. Well, the only answer I can currently think of is memory wipe. But let me backtrack. Bumblebee technically killed Megatron in TFP, and news of that travels across autobot channels before Predacons Rising, thus before Unicron revives Megatron. So, autobots that begin to return to Cybertron consider Bumblebee as the hero who ended the Great War. But Ultra Magnus is orderly, so he keeps the autobot channel updated with Megatron being revived but AWOL. But communication can be tricky galaxies apart, so some autobots don't get the full message. Unfortunately, the council capitalizes on that, and since Ultra Magnus won't accept Primehood, maybe the scout who served under Optimus Prime for so long will. And if Bumblebee accepts the council's wishes, perhaps he will remain under their watchful optics. But the new warrior looked up to Optimus, no way can he take his mentor/father-figure's place. And Smokescreen is Bumblebee's friend, one who turned down the Matrix of Leadership when it was freely offered. This angers the council. With functionalism getting in place yet Team Prime against it, they need someone from Team Prime to endorse functionalism. And what better bot than the scout who ended the war. With using a similar science from the cortical psychic patch, they wipe his memory of earth, his friends, and serving with Optimus Prime. How do they get that science? Well, TFA Shockwave was the spy Longarm in the council. More on that later. There is going to be a lot of repercussions for that.
Smokescreen is the new rebellious teenager in TFP. His character arc goes from hot head that is unsure of his place in the galaxy to a steady bot with a close friendship with Bumblebee. There is a foil with Alpha Trion both being a mentor to Orion Pax and Smokescreen and both working in the Archives. And Cybertron needs to remember its history. Smokescreen becomes the new Head Archivist, following after Alpha Trion. He could keep with the Elite Guard, perhaps one day truly becoming a Prime, but after Predacons Rising, he knows that there needs to be another path. And who else knows the Archives better than him? He is no Orion Pax - or an archivist - but watching over Alpha Trion makes a mech learn a thing or two. Surprising everyone but Bumblebee, he starts to rebuild the Archives. He takes reports from returning bots, both autobot and decepticon, and organizes it. Returning bots also bring recovered treasures that Alpha Trion shipped off world during the Great War. Thankfully, he remembers where they went. He gets so caught up in restoring the Archives that, like Orion Pax, he notices re-occurring problems from before the Great War, but it is too late to stop it. The best thing he can do is publish every document to a public platform, no matter which faction it came from, so that bots can resist the council. But the public is tired from the Great War, it is too soon to read documents about it. And Sparklings are shielded from those documents, caretakers claiming it is too violent. But what is violent about a critical analysis of the caste system written by a gladiator? Exactly the fact that it was written by a gladiator turned tyrant. He is threatened with removal of his position by the council. Afterall, they happen to like their elite status and have no interest in giving that up. And he knows that if he is removed, the council will fill his position with a bot that will promote council propaganda. The honorific of Prime is no longer so significant nor synonymous with Primus and the 13 due to the council trying to justify Ultra Magnus as the leader, even though he is under their thumbs, and wanting to keep authoritarian government, bestowing bots who graduate council specific requirements at an academy the title of Prime, and it frustrates Smokescreen. He considers it a disgrace to Optimus Prime. But he stays quiet, yet secretly, when he sees a young bot interested in the Great War and before, he shows them the truth. Slowly yet surely, young bots start to question what the Great War was even for.
Arcee TFP and TFA actually have a lot in common for backgrounds. In TFA, she was a teacher and an intelligence officer, and in TFP episode "Sick Minds" she makes an offhand comment about knowing how to do research. I headcanon that before the Great War, Arcee was in an analytical job, and since I'm crossing over with TFA, she could also at one point have been a teacher. Perhaps the equivalent of a grad student while teaching? With rebuilding Cybertron, she brings back those skills and starts some sort of intelligence organization. Perhaps it is in correspondence with Smokescreen and the Archive. She is also a great mentor to Smokescreen and she easily takes leadership role in the field when necessary. Arcee is the one who finds out Bee's memory gets wiped. She is quick to anger - as we see in her interactions with Starscream and Arachnid - and demands the council to return Bumblebee's memories. This does not go as planned, and the council retaliates and she goes into a comatose state, bringing us into TFA. But she has friends, and they notice her absence.
This brings in the Wreckers. With Cybertron going backwards, Bulkhead returns to construction. At first, he doesn't mind. Afterall, he has the knowledge for it, and in Predacons Rising, he currently is all they have. Unfortunately, this comes to haunt him as it allows the council to make a case for functionalism. All that fighting, wasted. Bulkhead never gets the chance to be something new. Until Wheeljack reaches out. With his knowledge in engineering, Wheeljack becomes the chief engineer on cybertron. Meaning that he is in charge of building space bridges, figuring out planetary weapons systems, communication technology, space travel, ect. Meaning, he figures out what happened to Arcee. And Project Omega. Wheeljack has learned that going solo isn't always the best move. But he keeps things Wrecker style. Since he knows the council listens in on his new communication network, he reaches out to Bulkhead and Ultra Magnus on the old Wrecker channel. It is time to bring the band back together. Or so they think. The rescue mission of Arcee fails, Bulkhead's memory is also wiped, and Ultra Magnus forced into a deeper corner of the council. They try to wipe Wheeljack's memory, but he is the chief engineer who suffered torture under a cortical psychic patch, he is able to retain his memories, but hides that fact. Even Ultra Magnus thinks his memory has been wiped. Wheeljack keeps a low radar with the council and remains the chief engineer. But he is rebellious, so he informs Ratchet.
So, to sum up our main characters: 2 have lost their memory, 1 is comatose, 2 are in political peril, 1 is undercover, 1 is disgraced, and 1 is dead.
Now we get to the plot of this AU.
Ratchet is disgraced by the council and autobots don't like that he works with a decepticon, former or not. His ability to do anything is greatly hindered. But he is still a medic with a valid practicing license and naturally, Sparklings need check ups. Enter the revival AU. Ratchet never thought his deceased friend and leader would ever return, but science is indisputable and he is very good at medicine and he patched up the Prime hundreds of times. He knows Optimus' spark signature when he sees it. How is it possible? Well, Ratchet never considered himself religious, but after battling Unicron and seeing a revived Megatron, perhaps religion has some merit. And Spark signatures are unique to individuals. There are no accounts of repeat spark signatures. The only logical explanation is this is the work of Primus. But Ratchet has no love of the council, so with the help of Knockout, they meet with Ultra Magnus secretly. So, only those 3 know Optimus has returned. But he is only a sparkling, and hasn't Optimus sacrificed enough? So, Optimus is returned to his caretaker to live a life free of his past hardship. Like Optimus Prime said before he entered the Well, it is up to them to rebuild Cybertron for the better. If only they could do some serious changes.
So, little Optimus grows up in a Cybertron rebuilding and no one talking about the Great War. All he has is the propaganda the council gives out. So why would he need to go to the Archives to learn? He has his teachers and he knows his function will be to put out fires or haul things due to his size, even though a part of him desires to be an Elite Guard. He eventually joins the academy and here we have TFA fully kick in. He befriends Elita-1 and Sentinel the same, catches the attention of Ultra Magnus the same way (or so he thinks. The mech is the leader of Cybertron, of course he has his ways to keep tabs on the former Prime) gets kicked out after losing Elita-1 (or so he thinks - Ultra Magnus wants him away from the council, so kicking him out was the best he could do), yet Ultra Magnus, with the help of Wheeljack, pulls a few strings to get Optimus' crew. Team Prime is almost back together. Afterall, it's not like the council wants Ratchet on the planet, and how would they know it is the very same Optimus?
The TFA plot mainly stays the same, except the Allspark is a little different. Here, the Allspark was supposedly returned to the Well. How it gets into space, I am still working that out. I might have to bring in TFA lore for this, intertwining it with the return of the decepticons and Megatron. But Ratchet has a fit when they find it ("Optimus sacrificed his life so that relic would return to the Well! And this is the thanks he gets?) he almost is glad when it gets shattered into pieces. But the Allspark also terrifies him after seeing his friend give his life for it. Ratchet does his best to keep Optimus away from the Allspark, even though Primus seems to find a way for Optimus to keep interacting with it.
Now this is getting long, so I'm going to end it here. But there is still a lot more to cover in this AU! Specifically the Decepticons. And how does Bumblebee and Bulkhead get their memories back? Wheeljack? Does Ultra Magnus tell Wheeljack of Optimus' true identity when he helps put his crew together on Teletran-1? How does Ultra Magnus change from being a kind SIC to the strict military leader of Cybertron? Does he get redeemed? Or is he the example of a tragic tale of political bargaining? What happens to Smokescreen? Do the TFP kids meet Sari Sumdac? Do they meet the autobots in Detroit, or does Ratchet warn them to keep their distance? What changes happen with Sentinel's and Optimus' friendship once his former life is revealed? When happens when Optimus learns the truth?
#Sky's TFA x TFP crossover#tfa x tfp#tfa#transformers animated#transformers prime#tfp#tfp ultra magnus in tfa#tfp ratchet in tfa#tfp bumblebee in tfa#tfp bulkhead in tfa#tfp arcee in tfa#tfp wheeljack in tfa#tfp smokescreen in tfa#tfp bumblebee#tfp ratchet#tfp optimus prime#tfp ultra magnus#tfp arcee#tfp smokescreen#tfp bulkhead#tfp wheeljack
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Rp Au's
Ok. I have to say I absolutely love aus as they can be quite fun to think them up and plan them out. These can be general or specially romance/couple dynamic aus. Roleplay rules linked down below! If you don't want to rp in tumblr messages I do have a Instagram and discord.
Diseny( beauty 'n the beast, aladdin, little mermaid, etc)
Studio ghibli( Howls moving castle, Ponyo, Castle in the sky.)
Switch/reverse (such as personalitys or morality.)
Enemies to lovers
The Nutcracker
Cyberpunk/futurisitc dystopian
Wild west
Fairy tale
Domestic/slice of life
Swan princess
Demon x Human
Demon x Angel
Vampire x Human
Living doll x human
Android × Human
Mermaid(merman) x Pirate/human
Ghost x human
Witch(Warlock) x Prince(Princess
Princess(Prince) x Dragon(with a human form)
God(ess) x God(ess)
Criminal/serial killer x Detective
Mob boss x Civillain/Singer
Celebrity x Non-famous
Jock/Bad boy(girl) x Geek
Hero x Villain
Magical girl x Villain
Most likely more but these are ontop of my head. The only au I'm not too into is like zombie apocalypse-just not my cup of tea personally.
Particular Fandoms◇
Twisted wonderland
Hazbin Hotel
Undertale(orignal or multiverse)
Jojo's bizzare adventure(1-5)
Transformers(G1, Tfa, Tfp, Mtmte.)
TMNT(rottmnt, 2012, 2003)
I can plany most of the characters in each of these fandoms.
#roleplay#roleplaying#semi literate#literate#rp#Au#Au Rp#Au list#twisted wonderland#twst#transformers#transformers animated#tfa#fandoms#fandom#hazbin hotel#undertale#multiverse#hetalia#jjba#jojo's bizzare adventure#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles
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Just another TFA x TFP Crossover idea Pt. 2 - The Decepticons
Alright, let's get back into this AU
part 1
part 3
So, I left off with Team Prime. It's time for the Decepticons.
Knockout joins the autobots in Predacons Rising, we all know that. But trust takes time, and memories last long. The autobots don't accept him, even if Team Prime has some trust with him. So, the Decepticons label him a traitor, and the autobots don't allow him in their ranks. What is he to do? He takes off his decepticon badge but does not wear the autobot. With his knowledge of medicine, he makes the first clinic on cybertron with the support of Ratchet. Customers reluctantly come for his aid. But he never turns anybot anyway. He soothes the worries of his fellow decepticons and shows the autobots that not all decepticons are like Megatron or Starscream. His clinic is the first place where autobots and decepticons can coexists. Once Ratchet joins him, it becomes a place of scrutiny of the council. The clinic is proof that autobots and decepticons can work together. The council - and some autobots - do not like that. So, once Ratchet is publicly blacklisted, Knockout and the clinic becomes blacklisted too. The clinic becomes a blackmarket medical practice. Former decepticons start to only use his clinic, boycotting council funded clinics. Team Prime was patched up by Ratchet countless times as well, so they still go to his clinic. And once Optimus is discovered as resurrected, Knockout's clinic is the only one he goes to so that no other medic will notice his identical spark signature. But to the council, the clinic is underfunded and will eventually no longer be working. But underground, it remains the safest and most trustworthy. Knockout's clinic becomes the start of the new rebellion. It's not officially the decepticon cause, but it is against the council.
Starscream has always been arrogant and ambitious. That doesn't change. But after escaping Predaking, he is stuck on Cybertron with no spaceship that can take him to another planet. So, he remains underground, sowing dissent with the autobot regime, speaking whispers of the evil Team Prime for killing Lord Megatron and latter banishing him after his resurrection, for blacklisting their former medic, for not advocating for true equality. And the decepticons listen to him. Afterall, Starscream learned a thing or two under Megatron, the lord of deception himself. He eventually forms a following, taking up the decepticon name, but their ranks are very small and there is hardly anything the can do without being thrown in jail. They start a black market, but avoid Knockout's clinic when they learn he also treats autobots. Starscream stills holds a grudge for that hit from Knockout. They sell illegal blasters to other decepticons and form rallies against the council. However, the council uses them as a political move to say that any decepticon - former or not - are evil and are secretly forming a plot to take over the planet. Once again, Starscream just causes problems. His followers have no politicians on their side so they have no way to advocate for their cause and ideals, and they are perceived by the public as bots who cannot leave the war behind them.
Shockwave is severely damaged after the terrecons. But he survived a groundbridge explosion, and shot in the optic by Arcee, and he is a scientist. So he changes his form to be something bigger. Stronger. But he stays underground, using his secret labs that Bumblebee did not fully uncover from Darkmount. But before the Great War, he was a senator. So he notices what the tyranny of the council. But this time he changes tactics. He becomes Longarm, a kind bot with the goal of the intelligence corp. Bootcamp in TFA goes the same, even with contacting Megatron. It is Shockwave who finds out that Bumblebee's and Bulkhead's memories have been wiped, and he informs Megatron. Setting up Wasp to take the fall as a spy was a great way to secure his position, but it means he gets the trust of Bumblebee, the scout who can take out his leader. Shockwave hopes to get Bumblebee on his side. Politically, if Bumblebee supported the decepticon cause, it would influence a lot of autobots to switch sides. But first, he must restore his memory. Good thing he created the cortical psychic patch. And he has a test subject he can use it on first to make sure it works - Bulkhead. But he never gets the chance to try it out since both Bulkhead and Bumblebee get stationed off world. And who would be smart enough to figure out Shockwave's plan? Wheeljack, the chief engineer. Now, for more drama, Wheeljack does not know Longarm's true identity, just that Shockwaves has a plan to use science similar to the cortical psychic patch to restore his friends' memories. Sure, Wheeljack could allow Shockwave to proceed, but he is not an idiot. The cortical psychic patch is not good, so no way is he letting his teammates go through that. Besides, Shockwave could make new memories for the two that would support the decepticon cause. He cannot let that happen. So, he reaches out to Ultra Magnus, revealing that his memories are still intact but Bulkhead and Bumblebee need to get off world before Shockwave hatches his plan.
Megatron left Cybertron once free from Unicron. And with Optimus dead and his most loyal Soundwave stuck in the shadowzone, he has no one left. He fully understands that he lost the war and oppression is wrong. But slowly, through decepticons who are unhappy with the political climate of cybertron leave the planet to find him, he hears of an autobot council that discriminates, that supports functalism, that oppresses free speech. He calls them fools, that in the end, he was correct. He becomes extremely bitter. The cybertron he left was in the ideals of Orion Pax. and Megatronous. But with Optimus Prime's death, those ideals are lost. It's time for the decepticons to rise up.
But he takes a different approach. As the leader of the decepticons, he is banished from cybertron. But that doesn't stop Shockwave from getting in contact with him. Together, they form a plan to covertly overthrow the council with Shockwave acting as Longarm. Initially, Megatron wants to just stop the council, and stay in the shadows, and not start another war, not become the leader. He initially allows Ultra Magnus to remain in his position, even if he is no Optimus Prime. But through Longarm's information, he learns that Magnus is too militaristic, even if he is at the mercy of the council. Megatron is militaristic, and look where he ended up. So, Magnus has to go. Or, perhaps that is more Shockwave's influence. I have not yet decided yet.
The tipping point is when he learns that the scout who killed him had his memory wiped. He resents that scout, but Bumblebee is a very capable warrior, and any warrior who can take him down deserves the utmost respect. The council crossed the last line in taking away Bumblebee's memories. He rallies the decepticons that left cybertron, either in search of him or a new home off cybertron. This causes a rift between him and Starscream. However, for one mission, they work together and that is to take the Allspark off world. The cybertron Optimus sacrificed his life for is no longer their homeworld. Optimus would be ashamed of what cybertron has become. Or that's at least what Megatron thinks and uses to justify his actions. And maybe that is true. The point is, Megatron takes action. With information from Shockwave and Starscream's underground network, they steal the Allspark off world. But in TFP, the Matrix of Leadership is combined with the allspark from Optimus, so the mission goes ascrew, and the Allspark is lost in space.
And a certain space bridge repair crew happens to find it. Or maybe it is fate for Optimus Prime to protect the Allspark.
The council, ashamed that they let the allspark be taken off world, use the attack as justification to banish all Decepticons. And since Cybertron can no longer produce life without the allspark, the council allows protoform molds to be made. These new protoforms are different. They are products of the well of the allspark, but they have limited autonomy. The just seem to have no drive to pursue goals or have any ambition. It's severely concerning to any good medic, especially Knockout. Remember, it was his clinic along with Ratchet that found out Optimus had been resurrected. Once again, life on cybertron slows down. New generations are not being created. And Knockout, who initially joined the decepticons, so slowly being reminded about why he joined them in the first place. With the help of Ratchet, he keeps to his cause as a nonpartisan medic, but once Ratchet is forced to join Teletran-1, Knockout's support dwindles. Starscream notices, and tries to recruit him to his cause, but both mechs hold bitter resentment towards each other for their time on earth and dealing with Unicron. They become reluctent allies - Knockout treats Starscream's decepticon's at a very low rate while Starscream promotes Knockout's clinic to other bots, helping it to stay in business. It is very transactional, but for former decepticons, a bot has to do anything to survive.
Eventually, news of Knockout's fame in the underground world reaches Wheeljack. Remember, Wheeljack is hiding his memories from the council as their chief engineer. But he needs his own stability and a way to fix Arcee, Bulkhead's, and Bumblebee's memories. So he begins to looks at the black market. Initially, he just needs scientific equipment, but that turns into the need for a full lab, which Knockout has. Wheeljack does like the idea of working with decepticons (former or not) but he has little say in the matter and he would do anything for Bulkhead. And, Wheeljack hates to admit it, but Knockout knows his way around labs, medical or not. And with lethal weapons being banned for most bots except the Elite Guard, he needs a place to hide his lethal creations and his bombs. With Knockout's connection to the blackmarket, together they form an underground network of various supplies. Knockout has never been a fan of the cortical psychic patch, so he agrees to help Wheeljack restore Bumblebee's and Bulkhead's memories before Shockwave. Afterall, Shockwave was demeaning to him on the nemesis while they were making cybermatter, and the autobots gave him a chance to be a new bot. He chooses the autobots over the decepticons. Once Starscream gets involved, the partnership between Wheeljack and Knockout almost goes nonexistent. Wheeljack will never forgive everything Starscream has done. They eventually work together again once Megatron is fully back in the picture. Knockout likes his independence and not feeling fear for failing Megatron, so he is not jumping at the chance to be a decepticon again. Wheeljack is an autobot through and through. He wants Megatron out for good.
So, to set the stage for out decepticons: Starscream and Megatron each lead a faction of decepticons - one on Cybertron and another in the stars, Knockout is an underground/black market medic with the grounds to start a new rebellious movement while working with Wheeljack, and Shockwave is a spy and still extremely loyal to Megatron.
Wheeljack is becoming the star of the show. He has knowledge that the council thinks has been wiped, connections with Knockout and eventually Ultra Magnus, and figured out Shockwave's plan. I'm still figuring out what exactly I want to do with him that keeps in line with is TFP personality and his G1 engineering.
There is one thing I forgot. In Predacons Rising, Optimus mentions that the Matrix of Leadership cannot be passed down. So when the council wants to grant Primehood to Ultra Magnus and then Bumblebee, both bots know it is impossible. That is how they know the council is not in the interest of all cybertronians.
As we get into TFA storyline, TFA Megatron is very different from TFP Megatron. TFA Megatron has no interest in learning the names of his adversaries, is more soft spoken - almost like a Moriarty character - while TFP Megatron is quick to anger and likes to show force and is obsessed with Optimus Prime. Both are very clever and know how to use words to their advantage. So, here is how I will explain this character arc. TFP Megatron is lost without having a worthy adversary, and that was Optimus Prime. With his death, there is no one else worth learning the name of. So, a little red a blue autobot that if he looked closely enough, would resemble Orion Pax? No, he refuses to think about it. Optimus is dead. That is why in TFA he does not care to call Optimus by any name, just refers to him as autobot. Ironic, since autobots don't seem to have autonomy. He always just calls them autobots in a twisted way to remind them that they are autonomous beings, called autobots, like how TFP Megatron explained to Orion Pax that they are called Decepticons because "if saying the truth is deception, then they are gladfully guilty" (such as good line!). It doesn't seem to work through, but Megatron keeps trying, even if his method is a little messed up.
Other TFA decepticons, such as Lugnut, Stricka, and Blitzwing are some of the decepticons that leave cybertron to find Megatron. They are generally the same as TFA. I'm still struggling with Blackarachnia/Elita-1. On one hand, Elita-1 in G1 is really cool, not just the love interest of Optimus Prime. In TFP, there was a cut line by Ratchet in "Stronger, Faster" that Elita-1 was killed on Cybertron. And I already have it that Optimus is resurrected, why not Elita-1? Or, this could be a fully TFA lore for her, making it more tragic that Optimus has a chance at a new life with new friends his age (Sentinel) and a love interest (Elita-1). So what does that mean for him when his memories are returned? Lockdown is still a bounty hunter, but I think he would use both Starscream and Megatron. The Starscream clones would be how Starscream keeps his decepticon forces a threat. Obviously, with Megatron's return, many decepticons changes to follow him, But Starscream likes his power, so his clones are a way to even the odds against both Megatron and the autobots.
There is still a lot with this AU, and I hope my rambling makes sense. Next up is probably more on Optimus as a sparkling to disgraced Prime.
#Sky's TFA x TFP Crossover#transformers animated#transformers prime#megatron#tfp knockout#tfp starscream#tfp shockwave#tfp megatron#transformers#tfp wheeljack#tfp megatron in tfa#tfp starscream in tfa#tfp shockwave in tfa#tfp knockout in tfa#tfp wheeljack in tfa
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Just another TFA X TFP crossover idea - part 3
Ok, in my last post I said I would cover sparkling Optimus, but I couldn't resist adding Knockout. He is taking over this show! I've come to the realization that this mech has slowly become the reason peace after war is complicated, and we don't see a lot of that trope in any media. Which is why I have to decided to write it! (Why have I done this to myself? Please help, this is such a hard trope)
Part 1| Part 2
Knockout's clinic was not glamorous by any means, which frustrated the flamboyant mech. But it got the job done (even if it reminds him of the clinic he ran before the war, when the caste system dictated the tools he could have). Mostly, patients are construction prone injuries. Bulkhead does what he can to limit the damage, but vehicons are...a bit slow. Actually, Bulkhead feels so bad that he personally takes them to the clinic, which...is not always the best since Knockout's partner was Bulkhead's biggest rival. There is a lot of tension. But they try to get along for the vehicons' sake. They don't become friends, but they at least come to an understanding. With Ratchet remaining on Earth, at least somebot has a medical profession. If Bulkhead can come to appreciate a former decepticon, hey, the other autobots can too.
Which is why when Ratchet returns, it is easy to decide to work with Knockout (and if that means he can slowly retire, who is to judge? Ratchet earned it). So, a former decepticon and a famous autobot doctor are working together. It is a symbol of the first official decepticon-autobot unity. And that is dangerous to other mechs who still only see decepticons as evil. While the clinic is the first official decpeticon-autobot unity, in the background, there are other instances of decepticons and autobots working together. Construction and sharing energon are others. Afterall, the Great War was about the equal sharing of resources.
Here is where sparkling Optimus joins.
Part of a clinic is to do check ups on sparklings. And since Optimus's sacrifice, the Well has been glittering with sparks, either finally joining the Allspark or a spark leaving the Well as new life. To say the least, Knockout does regular drives to the Well to pick up any new sparkling. He is not the only one on sparkling duty, but sometimes the speed racer needs to stretch his wheels. He picks up a sparkling that doesn't seem any different from the rest, so he takes them back to the clinic to run regular diagnostics. Until he runs the spark signature test, just to see if the sparkling will need extra armor around the spark chamber later in life. His equipment goes haywire, causing Ratchet to enter. It goes something like this:
"What happened?" questioned Ratchet.
Knockout grumbled. "I was just running a spark signature test. Don't know why it went off." He increased the terminal chart for better visibility. "Based on the charts, this sparkling is strong."
"Let me see," Ratchet huffed, shooing the red racer out of the way. With expert optics, he starts to scan the numbers, only to freeze.
Ratchet does not respond.
"Ratchet!" Knockout tries again, succeeding in getting the older bot's attention. His optics are blown wide, and his mouth hangs open.
"You cannot copy spark signatures," he mutters, his attention shifting to the little red and blue sparkling, who was still chewing on the tips of his servos. And Ratchet is correct. Spark signatures are unique to each individual bot. So that can only mean one thing, even if Knockout refuses to believe it.
He turns to fully face the sparkling, but keeping Ratchet in his periphery. "You know this sparkling?"
Ratchet nods.
He doesn't answer. Instead, he makes his way in front of the examination table, staring at the sparkling. If the room wasn't so quiet, Knockout might have missed what he said. And it shocked him enough to jump.
"That's Optimus Prime?" he shouts. But his loud tone makes the sparkling duck his head with a little whimper. Instantly, remorse fills Knockout. But the former deceased autobot leader - the Prime that Knockout personally witnessed enter the Well - is apparently seated on his examination table as a new spark. How is the former decepticon supposed to act? Bow? Beg forgiveness?
"Hush," Ratchet scolds. He reaches a servo to the sparkling - Optimus Prime - and says, "Easy, it will be alright, Optimus."
The sparkling's blue optics seem to bore into Ratchet - who does not seem to mind - only to suddenly shake his helm.
"No?" Ratchet asks.
The sparkling releases clicks that only a sparkling can, and tucks his servos under his legs.
Ratchet signs. "Alright."
Apparently, the Prime and medic have a silent language, muses Knockout. Perhaps that's what happens after stitching up the Prime for a millennia of war will do. It makes Knockout think back to his time as the decepticon medic aboard the Nemesis. Would such an understanding ever occur between himself and Megatron had the decepticons remained a faction? If Starscream was more focused on the cause rather than his own glory? Knockout will never know.
Ratchet pulls him out of his thoughts. "This cannot be public knowledge."
"You don't want the autobots to know that their illustrious leader lives?" asks Knockout.
Ratchet shakes his head. "The Allspark returned Optimus as a sparkling. And after four millennia of war, Optimus, out of every bot, has earned the opportunity for peace the most. Announcing that Optimus is alive will only cause the autobots to demand him as their leader." Ratchet turns back to the sparkling. "And Orion Pax never wanted that burden."
The sparkling tilts his helm, seeming to understand what his old medic was saying.
"You know him best, Doctor." Knockout rubs his servos together. "So, what do we call him?"
It is rare to see Ratchet smile, but for this he does as he utters the name.
#Sky's TFA x TFP crossover#tfp knockout#tfp ratchet#tfp optimus prime#tfp knockout in tfa#tfp ratchet in tfa#transformers animated#transformers prime
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