#Skully J. Graves x reader
solxamber · 2 days
Maybe a Skully request for him learning the reader's birthday is really close to Halloween? I just think he'd get excited to hear the reader's had a Halloween themed birthday every year because of it, and due to it not being ON Halloween its like having two in 1 year, would absolutely be his dream if he doesn't already do that
Skully J. Graves x Reader
I'm so sorry for the wait, I hope you like it <3
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You casually mention your birthday while lounging in Ramshackle, almost as an afterthought. "Oh, yeah. My birthday’s next week. It’s always super close to Halloween, so I’ve had a Halloween-themed party almost every year."
Skully, who was dramatically arranging some black and white decorations in the room (for "aesthetic purposes"), suddenly freezes. He turns toward you slowly, his eyes widening with a mixture of awe and reverence. He drops the cobweb-covered garland he’s holding and rushes to your side in an over-the-top theatrical flourish, coat sweeping across the floor.
“What did you say?!” he asks, his voice high, almost like you’ve revealed some ancient secret.
You blink at him. “Uh...my birthday’s next week?”
“And every year…” He leans closer, eyes locked on yours like you just said the most magical thing in the world. “...it’s Halloween-themed?!”
Grim, who’s curled up in front of the fire with a snack, snorts. “Pffft. Why’s that such a big deal? We don’t even get extra tuna just ‘cause it’s spooky time.”
Skully completely ignores Grim, focusing all his energy on you. “This is...this is...this is the dream.” He grabs your hand and dramatically bows over it, pressing a kiss to the back of it. “You’ve been living my ideal life all this time, and I never knew! You, my friend, have been blessed with not just one, but two Halloweens every year!”
He gets this far-off, dreamy look in his eyes, as if he’s envisioning a world where he, too, has two Halloweens, one on your birthday and one on the actual holiday. "A prelude Halloween, and then the real Halloween...It’s a masterpiece of planning, a work of art." He lets out a breathy sigh, “Jack Skellington himself would be proud!”
“I mean, it’s not that big of a deal…” you try, but Skully’s already on another planet, his face lighting up like a jack-o’-lantern.
“Do you know what this means?!” He suddenly grabs both of your shoulders, eyes wide with the joy of someone who’s just unlocked the key to eternal happiness. “We can have TWO Halloween parties in a row! One in your honor, and then the official Halloween! Two nights of pure, spooky glory!” He releases you, spins dramatically, and gestures around the room. “The decorations, the costumes, the endless dark colors—just think about it! It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of!”
Grim rolls his eyes, crunching loudly on his snack. “Yeah, yeah. And where’s my tuna in all of this? I’m not seein’ how this benefits me.”
Skully waves his hand dismissively at Grim. “You’ll get all the tuna you want, little furball. We’re talking about a double Halloween extravaganza! This is bigger than any feast of fish!”
Grim’s ears perk up. “Double the tuna, huh?”
“I said parties, not tuna,” you point out, but Grim’s already on board.
“Yeah, yeah, let’s go with double the parties, double the snacks,” Grim says, throwing in his vote for this wild plan. “I’ll bring the fireworks.”
You groan, pinching the bridge of your nose. “No fireworks inside the dorm, Grim.”
Skully looks ready to faint from excitement. “Imagine it...we’ll start with a pre-Halloween bash for your birthday. Dark, moody decorations, not a single bright color in sight. No candy—just the eerie emptiness of true Halloween spirit.” He twirls around, his cape billowing behind him. “Then, on the real Halloween, we’ll raise the stakes even higher. There will be no sugar. No colors. Only shadows.”
Grim looks horrified. “Wait, no candy?! That’s...that’s sacrilege! You can’t have a Halloween without candy!”
Skully turns to Grim, his voice deadly serious. “The only true treat...is fear.”
Grim groans. “Ugh, you’re the worst.”
Skully turns back to you with a grin. “What do you say? Two Halloweens! Double the spooky goodness, twice the amount of dark, colorless celebration...”
You laugh, watching the pure joy radiating from Skully. “You’re absolutely obsessed.”
“I am obsessed!” he says proudly, puffing out his chest. “You are living proof that Halloween is not confined to one day. It is a lifestyle, a way of being. And now, you and I...we shall celebrate that lifestyle together. Forever!”
Grim mutters something about “weirdos” and “no candy,” but you just shake your head, feeling both exhausted and entertained by Skully’s antics.
“Well,” you say with a grin, “I guess I’d better start planning for two spooky parties this year.”
Skully nearly faints from happiness. “This...this is everything I’ve ever wanted!”
Grim groans dramatically. “Great. Two days of weirdos and no candy. Can’t wait.”
Skully, in all his dramatic, Halloween-obsessed glory, was in for a treat. And now, you’ve somehow roped yourself into throwing a double Halloween bash. Lucky you.
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Skully J. “I greet you with a kiss” Graves
You wake up in his arms after blacking out
Calls you “my dear” and “lovely”/“wonderful” even though we literally just met
Comments that your names are beautiful
Offers to escort you (well, Trey technically) through the woods even though Skully has no idea where tf he’s going
Remarks that it would be nice to hold hands and stroll through the forest together
He tends to use the term "fated" to refer to things he has in common with others
Is the first character in all of Twst to have a BLUSHING face
He holds your hand and kisses you (on the back of it??) without even waiting or asking for your okay (avert your eyes, Grim…)????
Other Skully facts:
He’s taller than Malleus (not including the horns, just judging by the models) and Sebek (stated explicitly in the dialogue)
He’s is a first year student
He’s 16, same age as the other first years (though Skully only recently turned 16)
Speaks very respectfully, even to fellow first years (Riddle remarks on Skully being very gentlemanly and even Vil calls Skully elegant)
He refers to himself using an archaic form of “I” (wagahai)
HE’S AN OTAKU FOR HALLOWEEN, he calls Jack Skellington “Jack Skellington-sama” and says Jack is the person he admires the most dbsksbsiqguzvs
Skully asks everyone else call him Jack-sama too
He comes from a small isolated fog-shrouded rural village; it is located at the bottom of a valley
His hometown considers Jack Skellington the founder of Halloween; Jack Skellington is not known outside of this village
The people in Skully’s hometown love Halloween and its founder, Jack
Skully tries to tell others at his school about Halloween and Jack, but his peers don’t listen and get mad at him
Skully doesn’t like to talk about his school (and seems to actively dislike it, calling his classmates fools and asking to avoid the topic of school)
He self-admits to not having many people who understand him
Confirmed a mage (Leona says he has the same amount of magic as Epel), but he doesn’t have a magical pen/doesn't seem to know what they are???
Skully claims he was also sucked into the book while attending the used book fair in Foothill Town
Chunibyo?? Like, he presents as mysterious initially but actually has very excitable reactions to things, lots of purple prose too
Leona calls him a BADGER
He calls his classmates “worthless” for not understanding/listening to him
He thinks lowly of those who disagree with his opinions on Halloween; there is a drastic shift in his personality when the NRC students express dissent
Skully’s ideal Halloween is solemn and desolate, involving: beating up all ghosts, painting rooms entirely black, no decorations, and no music
This is how his village spends Halloween, in solemn silence; Skully grew up thinking this is how it always is
He likes classical music and opera
Details about his unique magic
(Side note: GRIM’S NEW oUTFIT 👌 He looks perfect in that suit!! LOOKS At HIS WIDDLE PAW gLOVES… And the chest fluff sticking out gives the illusion of a cravat! Aaaaaah, so cute 💕)
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Skully J. Graves relationship toughs
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Skully would really love you.
You would be his phone wallpaper/lock screen.
Most likely, he would ask you to dress up in a cute Halloween costume.
Skully's two greatest loves~
Definitely the type who would remember all the details of your relationship.
Skully would normally be a polite gentleman.
He would love to hold your hand and would definitely kiss it a lot.
You'd better like halloween because Skully would talk about it a lot.
Halloween season is his favorite.
It would also be a time when you would dig pumpkins together and scare people~
He would really appreciate your relationship.
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hanafubukki · 15 days
Thinking about Skully and his obsession with Jack.
Jack is his idol.
You know what else Jack has? A Sally.
Someone that Skully is missing.
And who else can be Skully’s Sally than Yuu?
Yuu/MC, who unlike the others, thought he was a gentleman and didn’t freak out like they did.
So it would make sense when things go downward, Yuu might be kidnapped or used by Skully. Especially if he tries to take over Jack’s position.
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idkifimawake · 13 days
Skully. J.Graves x shy ghost!fem!reader (Platonic)
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Warnings:probably ooc, reader is a ghost , she has similar powers to Perona and Big mom from One Piece, she puts a hat over her head to conceal identity and acts like a different (confident) person with it on
(no ones p.o.v)
It was a cold night and Skully was preparing for Halloween. Their had been rumours that near the old village a ghost with a creepy face had been circling around , scafing those who had gottsn too closs and objects had been turning to life chasing people out , Quite an interesting scare!
Skully walked over to the abandoned village , the aura in the town suddenly gone eerie, it had gotten so quiet , was this really the scare town he had heard of? Something touched his shoulder, he turned around confused.
"BOO" a voice screamed , an oni mask on their face as they floated behind him
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(Sorry about the bad quality)
(2nd Person .P.o.v)
This was an interesting reaction? Most people used to run away but this one stood here , with a big smile of glee on his face. You took off the mask , dropping down to your normal height which was much smaller than him.
"Sir? Are you okay?" You asked politely, some objects flew over to watch what was going on , and then suddenly the man took your arm and gave it a little kiss, you were shook.
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"I'm Skully J Graves , pleasure meeting you , I heard about what you did and I'm truly overjoyed , you'd be the perfect one to help us at out for Halloween ! You'd help us out right?" He had now grabbed both of your hands , holding them to his chest , he was giddy like a schoolchild , practically jumping with joy.
"I-uh....I." you were at loss for words , you could just run away right? You had done this many times , you needed the confidence, where was your mask , what would you say??? "I-uh...I'll help!" You were quiet shocked, those words coming out your mouth , Skully dropped your hands and pulled you into a tight hug , a suffocating one at that.
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"Now come with me , I'll take you down to the town centre." He said with a large smile , grabbing your hand and pulling you hard , you turned over to the village and waved at the ghosts. A few large ghosts came out of some boxes (they will look like Peronas ghosts in this case) and waved back, a small frown.
Was this a start of a new adventure?(I'll right a part two some time idk)
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Your Song Fills the Empty Cracks in My Bones
Skully J. Graves x GN!Reader/Yuu
Yeah...The New Guy got to me...
If you'd prefer to read it on AO3, it's there too :3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/59525989
Halloween Town was alight with fright and mischief as its denizens eagerly buzzed around preparing for their cherished holiday. As the town’s band prepared a jaunty tune to liven up the spirit, they paused seeing a certain newcomer swiftly make their way right toward them. A jittery gait to his step, they watched him as he halted just a couple feet away. 
“Esteemed musicians of Halloween Town!” Skully J. Graves greeted with a bow. He pushed his glasses back up his nose as he rose. “So sorry to trouble you in the middle of your work, but might I inquire if you happened to spot one of the lovely dears that accompanied me pass by this way?���
The musicians looked to each other, not quite sure how to answer. 
“Ah, pardon me. I meant the one usually accompanied by the small cat.”
“Ohh…” the musicians nodded in understanding then. “Your little friend went that way,” the saxophonist jabbed a thumb to the direction of the town’s entrance gate. 
“Thank you!” They curiously watch as Skully bowed again, before speeding away to the gate. Through his glove, he lightly bit his nail as he waited for the gatekeeper to let him out of town. The musicians commenced their performance after he left. 
“To think of just walking out at such a critical time,” Skully muttered. “What could they possibly be doing…!”
Skully overheard his traveling companions mention that their “Ramshackle Prefect” was nowhere to be found after completing some of their given tasks. There’s still so much to be done, though! They couldn’t just simply up and flit away when Halloween was only days away. He made it his own mission to find the Prefect and hurry them straight back. I mean, it also wouldn’t do to wander off alone, of course. 
As he made it to the graveyard by Spiral Mountain, Skully began to hear something odd carried through the wind. At first, he thought he somehow heard the musicians back in town. But, no. It sounded like someone singing. 
Was it the screaming pumpkins? As he got closer to the mountain, the bespectacled boy realized someone was standing at its peak. What were they doing…
Ah. He could hear it more clearly now. The figure on the mountain was singing. He did not hear any lyrics. The tune carried vocally—melodic and haunting. 
He could see now. The Prefect was alone, vocalizing next to the moon. 
Perfect. Now he just needed to call to them, and bring them back to town. Yet, as Skully tried to make his way to do so, something itched at him. Something was against him doing it. He watched the Prefect be completely absorbed in their own world. Their voice carried out in a soft vibrato, and produced a sweet, yet melancholic tune. It was quite beautiful. 
…It couldn’t hurt to let the Prefect finish. 
Skully didn’t consider how awkward he must look watching from below. He couldn’t really care. Not when he was enraptured by this impromptu performance. 
The Prefect’s silhouette was captured so enchantingly under the moonlight. Like a shadow on the moon taking the form of a lone, dark ghoul. Lamenting its sorrows to the piercing night. It only added to their loveliness. All the while, their voice carried through the graveyard, sharing its woes to the beyond. Skully, though, was the only one with the honor of being a living, breathing soul among them. Captured by all the Prefect gave them. 
Yet, it was over before it even began. With a final note, the Prefect had already ended their song. Skully sighed in bliss as the proverbial curtains drew to a close. But, that felt much too fast! Perhaps he could request another…
Both Skully and the Prefect were snapped out of their trance with the familiar bark of a certain ghost dog. 
Adrenaline kicked into Skully, and he dove behind a gravestone large enough to hide his tall figure. Zero whooshed past him, barking for the Prefect’s attention as he floated up the mountain. 
“Hello, Zero!” the Prefect cheerfully greeted the ghost dog. Skully peeked from behind the grave to continue watching the two. Zero was enthusiastically nuzzling into their affectionate pats. “What brings you here?”
“Bark bark!” Zero gestured his head toward the town. 
“Oh, are people looking for me?”
“Bark!” Zero nudged at the Prefect. 
“Okay, okay, boy!” They spared one last glance to the moon, before a small sigh escaped them. “Guess I gotta go back now…?” 
The Spiral Mountain unfurled itself so that the Prefect could walk down. With a kind smile, they thanked the animated mountain, and quickly made their way down the mountain. Skully shied away into the shadow of the gravestone, watching on as the Prefect followed Zero back to town. 
As the duo trotted away, Skully let out the breath he subconsciously held onto. Leaning back against the gravestone, he grasped at his chest, feeling his heart flutter in a flurry of emotions. 
Could it be…
He just emulated his beloved idol! To be captivated by the sweet, solemn music as the one who’s captured your heart serenaded you atop the Spiral Mountain…It’s just like the stories said! Skully could feel his face warm in elated joy. His hands made their way to cover his cheeks, and he lightly bounced in place like a giddy school girl. Truly, his lovely dear was a blessing—inadvertently granting him a chance at recreating such an iconic moment in his own story. Does that mean he was the esteemed Sally to the Prefect’s Pumpkin King? Or was it the other way around?
Doesn’t matter!
Rejuvenated by his self-affirmations, Skully readjusted his glasses and suit, and began a cheerful gait back to town himself. Plucking a dark rose from a lone bush on the way. He had to thank that sweet, lovely dear for the performance of a lifetime, after all. One he so gladly was a part of, whether they knew it or not. 
It must’ve simply been meant to be. 
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lunamayday · 10 days
Two losers getting along:
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Both , Yuu and Skully getting bullied by NRC boys.
So when other working for the Halloween this two just having a nice conversation.
Karma for NRC boys , let's have fan while they trying to find way back to NRC( like Yuu tried to get back home , but they always forgetting about our trouble)
We will talk about The nightmare before Christmas with Skully . He will be happy , we will be happy , NRC boys will be annoyed.
After how they treated Yuu I wouldn't forgive them. Skully at least was kind.
(I hope they will forget us in Halloween town, I don't want to go back to NRC)
Reference for art:
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anekogia · 17 days
Yuu after the kiss:
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Sorry Tsunotarou
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kobb4ni2 · 16 days
I’m gonna spread my Skully x Yuu propaganda. Beware.
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twst-shenanigans · 14 days
About Skully J Graves
He cradled me while I was unconscious.
He called me Lovely and Dear in such a smooth voice.
He even kissed my hand like a gentleman.
I think some other Otome game lost their skeleton boy and he somehow ended up here.
(pls give me more interactions with this dorky skeleton boy)
Also. It's implied that he's as tall or even taller than Malleus. Where can I get a tall boy like him??
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merakiui · 12 days
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yandere!skully j. graves x (gender neutral) reader cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, stalking, fear/paranoia, brief mention and description of dead animals note - "he is there—and there again, but you cannot see him plain, for the shadow lies so darkly on the hill."
There is a bundle of black roses propped against your door. Thirteen of them, devoid of thorns, but the threat is still there—nestled within the petals, a foreboding symbolism.
A stupid Halloween prank, you think, gathering the roses and tossing them out.
Come tomorrow, there is a new bouquet waiting for you. These are white, but they have their thorns. A small card accompanies the gift. There’s a message printed in an old typewriter font: No good?
Like before, you discard these flowers. You have no time for secret admirers or daft nonsense.
So the roses stop blooming at your door, tied up with pretty twine and ribbons. Instead, you receive bones and carcasses. A mouse skull. Deer teeth. A mangled bird, its wings snapped and bent at the joints. A rabbit’s foot, warm and still bleeding, the bone jutting out from severed flesh. The roses, you think, were a preview of what was to come—of what you’d soon be mourning.
These macabre presents are wrapped sincerely, shrouded daintily with frilly cloth. They come with their own set of cards, each one typed just like before. 
I can see you.
Good luck on your exam today. Carry this rabbit’s foot with you and you shall know fortune.
This naughty bird is always cawing outside of your window. It wakes you up, so I silenced it for you. It is most beautiful in death, is it not?
Are you going to bring that friend of yours around again? I don’t quite like the scent they leave on your sheets. :(
So you share these morbid anecdotes with your friends over dinner. They don’t believe you.
“You’ve one persistent dog after you,” one of them remarks, eyeing the pictures with a curious, doubtful eye. “A real rotten mutt.”
“But I don’t have a dog,” you reply.
“Well, something’s coming home to you every night.”
“It’s just me. I live alone.”
“Do you? You sure nothing’s following you? You don’t hear the jingle of a collar? The soft padding of paws on tile, loyally trailing after its owner?”
At the time, you thought these were foolish questions.
“The flowers? Definitely a person,” your logical friend suggests. “The dead stuff? Probably a wild animal. A hawk once dropped a mouse in my yard. It’s normal. Someone’s just making a nasty time out of it, leaving those notes to scare you.”
That sounds reasonable. You choose to believe it even when there are inconsistencies and clues that prove otherwise.
You check the locks on your doors and windows. You consider buying cameras, but maybe that’s misplaced paranoia. No one’s inside your house. No person or thing could possibly get in. You’re not sure what would be worse: a tangible human being with human hair, human eyes, and human teeth, or a thing. A thing with claws and a razored maw. A thing with inhuman strength and the eerie quietness of a phantom, plucked right from your nightmares and dropped in reality.
A human being is tangible. A thing could be anything. It could also be nothing.
“I’m not interesting enough to have a stalker,” you tell your logical friend. “Not special enough or rich enough. Not attractive enough.”
“You don’t have to be,” they tell you. “Sometimes all you need to be is alone and vulnerable. Sometimes all you need to do is exist so that they have something to latch onto—something they can covet no matter what.”
“Do you think they’ll kill me?” you ask next, hesitating around that word. Kill. It’s so final and exact. “If they can do such gruesome things to those animals…”
“Or it could be a dog. Dogs don’t kill their owners. They’re loyal.”
“But it’s not a dog. I don’t even think this thing is domesticated.”
“Then what is it?”
It is something malevolent. It is something malicious. It is something you can’t quite fathom—something you can’t picture in your mind because it is always swapping shapes. One minute it’s a nest of mice dwelling within your walls. The next it’s a shadow creature—a demon or a monster. The next it’s a human with strange proportions, too-long legs and too-long arms and a too-long torso. The next it’s a dog with a long, long snout and very human eyes, with human hands for paws, with a curling smile that reveals gaps in its pointed, bloody maw. It feasts on flesh and hunts little, defenseless songbirds, and it’s after you because it wants something you can’t give it.
What does it want? Is this thing even real? Perhaps the anxiety is making a monster out of nothing.
You twist and turn in the dark, wrapped up in sheets that feel more itchy than they do comforting. You’re cold all over, sweating an ocean in your bed. You think your heart might burst out of your chest at any minute. Every creak and groan of the house unsettles nerves that are already pulled impossibly taut. You gaze into the dark doorway, squinting through shadows that look like they’re waltzing in and out of focus.
Is the door breathing? Is someone there?
You rub your eyes and relief filters in. There’s nothing.
Your phone cuts a slice of light through your bedroom. You shine it towards the door from where you cower on your bed. There’s nothing.
Your friend—the unfunny one—texts you then, and the vibration scares you more than your imagination. A text is tangible, easily categorized, and yet it’s the scariest thing you’ve just received at this moment, however ghoulishly playful it may be.
u need a leash for ur dog?
You drop your phone. It illuminates the space beneath your bed for a second before the screen shuts off.
You think you hear someone breathing or a heart beating. It’s yours.
Swallowing thickly, you reach for your phone. You feel soft, fluffy hair. At first, you think it really is a dog when a warm, wet tongue laves over your palm. But you don’t have a dog, and it’s then when you feel the rest of this…thing. Human ears. Human nose. Human mouth. Human teeth. 
Another text brightens your phone. The screen flickers on.
You peek over the edge of your mattress to find a distinctly human face smiling back at you.
might as well get a collar too yeah?
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solxamber · 1 day
Hi! Can I have a request for skully j. graves with a fem reader? (romantic)
Where his s/o wears a clothing style like sally? Since skully clothing is like skellington, she even wore makeup up like sally's! Imagine the couple wears like jack skellington and sally <3
Bonus: reader shyly asked if Sally can make a clothing style like hers AHHHH cute interaction with her 😭💕
Skully J. Graves x reader
I hope it's not too ooc and I hope you like it <3
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It’s a crisp, shadowy evening in Halloween Town, and the air practically hums with excitement. The strange blend of mystery and delight is palpable—especially with Halloween just around the corner. You and Skully have been together for a while now, and tonight, you’re ready to take the plunge and ask Sally something you’ve been thinking about for ages.
With a deep breath, you approach Sally as she sits under a gnarled tree, busy at work stitching up a new creation. She hums softly to herself, her needlework delicate and precise. There’s something serene about her, something calming—though, as you sneak a glance back at Skully bouncing on his feet with excitement, you realize not everything about Halloween Town is peaceful.
“Um, Sally?” you call out, walking up with a shy smile. “Can I ask you something?”
Sally looks up from her sewing, her expression warm and welcoming. “Of course. What is it?”
Feeling a bit self-conscious, you fiddle with the hem of your sleeve. “I… I’ve always loved your dress, and your whole look, really. I was wondering if… if you could help me make something similar?”
Sally’s eyes light up with surprise and pleasure. “You want to make a dress like mine?” she asks, setting aside her needle and thread. “I’d be more than happy to help.”
Her excitement makes you feel a bit more comfortable, and you sit down beside her as she explains how she pieces together scraps of fabric and stitches them by hand. She’s patient as she teaches you, her soft voice guiding you through each step.
“It’s all about finding pieces that fit together,” she says, threading a needle with ease. “Just like how you and Skully do. You complement each other well.”
That comment makes you blush, but you smile in return. “Thank you, Sally. This means a lot.”
Sally’s hand gently rests on yours, offering a kind smile. “It’s no trouble at all. I’m just glad you’re making something that feels true to you.”
The next few days are spent working on the dress, with Sally guiding you and encouraging your creativity. And when you finally finish, you feel a sense of pride that matches the joy in your heart. The dress is a patchwork of colors, stitched together like pieces of a story, and it’s perfect. To complete the look, you add a bit of makeup to match Sally’s iconic stitched appearance.
As you step out wearing the dress for the first time, Skully’s reaction is immediate and unmistakable. His wide eyes, slack jaw, and dramatic gasp make you laugh, though his sheer excitement is impossible to ignore.
“My dear,” Skully exclaims, rushing over to you with a flourish. “You… you look absolutely stunning! Truly, a masterpiece! This—this is the most splendid thing I’ve ever seen!”
His excitable energy radiates from him, and his hands flutter around you like he’s unsure where to start with his compliments. “The stitching, the colors, the sheer brilliance of it all!” he continues, twirling you around to get the full effect. “You’ve captured the essence of Halloween Town itself!”
You can’t help but grin at his reaction, feeling the warmth of his admiration. “It’s thanks to Sally,” you say modestly. “She helped me put it all together.”
“Ah, but it’s you who brings it to life!” Skully declares, grabbing your hand and twirling you in a playful spin. “You, my love, are a true artist.”
As the evening continues, the two of you walk hand in hand through Halloween Town, an eye-catching pair with your Jack and Sally-inspired looks. The town’s usual eerie glow seems even more magical tonight, and the townspeople can’t help but notice. Some smile and wave, while others chuckle at Skully’s over-the-top commentary about how “perfectly terrifying” the two of you look together.
When you reach the iconic hill with its curled peak, Skully pauses, his hand still clasped in yours. He turns to you with a wide grin, his excitement now tempered by a softer, more heartfelt emotion.
“I have to say,” he begins, his voice still brimming with energy, “you’ve made this town feel even more magical. It’s always been my home, but with you here, it’s… it’s like the spirit of Halloween itself is stronger.”
His words touch you deeply, and you step closer, resting your head on his chest as he wraps his arm around you. “I feel the same way,” you admit softly. “Halloween Town has never felt more like home than when I’m with you.”
Skully pulls you in tighter, a genuine smile lighting up his face. “We’re quite the pair, aren’t we?” he says dramatically, looking out over the eerie landscape. “The King of Halloween and his perfect Queen.”
You laugh at his flair, though the sentiment warms you from the inside out. You chuckle, your voice filled with affection. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
As the two of you stand there, the glow of Halloween Town casting long shadows, you realize that this is where you’re meant to be. With Skully by your side, everything feels like it’s fallen into place—just like the pieces of the patchwork dress you now wear.
And in true Skully fashion, as he sweeps you up into his arms for a grand twirl, you realize that his dramatic flair and excitable nature make every day with him an adventure. A perfect, spooky, and utterly charming adventure.
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wanted to share this
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There was a short segment where we get to hear Skully J. Graves (like, with the in-game live-2D model) monologue about Halloween. After saying good evening, he opens by… GiIVING YOU a KISS????? He literally announces it: “I greet you with a kiss” or (more directly) “I give a kiss to this good/wonderful encounter”.
The Japanese transcription for the line is 「この良き出会いにキスを。」 and キス is kisu/kiss… LIKE. I know he most likely means just a brief platonic kiss to say hello (similar to the European style where your lips don’t really touch the other person and it’s more like pantomiming a kiss on each cheek)… Or maybe he means a metaphorical kiss, not a literal one??? BUT STILL THAT’S SO BOLD TO START WITH, ESPECIALLY WITH A STRANGER (<- my inner Rollo Flamme comin’ out)
Edit: Now that the event is actually out, we can confirm that he does, in fact, LITERALLY kiss you (on the back of the hand) 😭
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Yandere Skully J. Graves toughts
( I have to do this because this man is the only thing I can think about. There isn't much information about him so this can get old quickly. I promise to make a longer version when more information comes. )
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Skully would be a clingy, mild and somewhat obsessive Yandere.
Boy would simp you like he does Halloween.
And we know how much he likes Halloween.
Skully would learn almost everything about you very quickly.
Could be clingy but in a fun way.
Definitely could just appear out of nowhere.
At the same time, he would indeed be a gentleman.
It would probably be ok if you had other friends.
However, Skully would like to spend as much time with you as possible.
He would be a hard-to-recognize Yandere.
Really want others to respect you too.
Skully probably wouldn't be the kidnapping type
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temiizpalace · 7 days
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SUMMARY: playing dress to impress with him!
CHARACTERS: all dorms + others
GENRE: fluff
NOTES: i feel so bad for having people with requests wait so long but im losing ideas and idk what to write 😭😭😭 please bear with me event requesters,,,,, ik i suck at this
reader gender is not mentioned, reader not specified to be yuu
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if he catches you trolling it’s on sight. he takes this game very seriously, and refuses to get anything lower than 3rd. when you play together and ask to duo, he carries. you’ll see him with the most impressive and beautiful outfit you’ve ever seen and watch him lose his mind when he gets 5th. he spams poses, like in full concentration mode. also a very harsh critic. if he sees you off theme it’s an immediate 1 star, no exceptions. anytime he critiques your outfit you feel like an office worker with an overly harsh boss that demands better. he also probably has VIP. and beef with 10 year olds. (so think of when caseoh plays, but less yelling)
riddle, azul, jamil, vil, rollo
at first he thought it was just a dumb and silly dress up game for girls.. boy was he wrong. when he first played with you, he was expecting to hate this game to its core. he was a troller at first, purposefully making dumb outfits that don’t even match, barely adding anything to his outfit at all. suddenly, something in his mind flipped, and now he’s addicted. you’ll catch him sometimes playing his free time, teasing someone like him for playing a dress up game. not that you have room to talk. duos are fun, he likes being partners with you. he’s probably the kind of guy to vote everyone one star and then vote you five, but he expects five stars in return.
deuce, ruggie, epel, idia, skully j. graves
he’s played this before, he loves it! dressing up in cute outfits and watching other people dress up in cute outfits? why wouldn’t he play? and to play with you? that’s even better! wouldn’t be as competitive as the first category, but does take the game seriously. he doesn’t despise trolls, actually laughs at them sometimes. he does find it unfair they make the podium sometimes, but it’s really just a game. he loves duoing with you and wearing matching outfits, absolutely adorable! he either votes pretty fairly or votes everyone five stars depending on who they are. please play more with him, he loves this game!
cater, kalim, rook, ortho, lilia, neige
what’s the appeal to it? it’s just playing dress up, nothing special. he’ll play once in awhile with you, but don’t expect it to be a regular thing. it’s just not his cup of tea. obviously since he doesn’t play often, his outfits are subpar. nothing podium worthy. votes pretty fairly, giving criticism and critique on other people’s outfits (though his aren’t that much better). he doesn’t mind being a duo with you, but you definitely carry. personally he thinks trollers are ruining the game and making it annoying for those who play religiously. overall, just a dress up game. would play but only if you play too.
trey, leona, jack, sebek, silver
is that one guy who has nothing on their character and walks onto the stage with no hair or makeup. skin tone is still at the default, colors on the clothes are unchanged, and it’s all on purpose too! would dress up in dumb outfits for a completely different theme and loves watching people argue about it in the chat. votes everybody one star because they’re just silly like that! absolutely cackles if he gets on the podium and loves watching the server get into fights about it. you don’t duo with him, you know better. loved playing with you, but it doesn’t seem the feeling is mutual.
ace, jade, floyd, che’nya
teach him how to use a phone first. doesn’t know how to log in to his account. when he joins the game, poor baby kept running into walls trying to put on shoes. outfits are usually incomplete or unchanged because he doesn’t know how to take off accessories or how to put them on. votes fair enough, but doesn’t ever make the podium. if you ask to duo, you’ll have to teach him cause he also doesn’t know about that either. basically just a big man baby who needs help using technology for the first time.
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A/N: obsessed with this game lately (idia would know all the lana lore)
date published: 10/10/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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idkifimawake · 2 days
Skully J Graves x katakurilike!gn!reader
Maybe ooc
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it was a quiet day for once and you were helping the children prepare for Halloween . You were such a big role model to them , un bothered , generous and strong , you had many fans and many men had came to court you despite never seeing what was under the scarf.
But in reality you felt like you were going to break, there was so much pressure on you and you needed to keep the perfect image otherwise you'd be lonely again, the only person who accept you without the scarf and strong facade was the village head , the only one who welcomed you in and took care of you during childhood , being with him was calmest experience but he had passed a few years ago of an illness and you were too scared to reveal yourself to another. Until you met the odd traveller today.
You carved up the pumpkins for the kids , them giggling and continously asking what was underneath the scarf , you had already told them it was a secret but they wouldn't stop. You dropped the knife suddenly , there was an unfamiliar voice in the village. Perhaps he would've come to see the spooky forest that the village was famous for. He looked very young, maybe still in school and he looked interesting to say the least , he was talking to the children , something about Halloween. Until you realised he was scolding them about something, something about the lights , the lights were too colourful? How odd, standing up immediately you went up to the kids. The young man was angrily shouting at the kids in an almost playful matter whilst the they just stood there, he stopped as soon as he saw you. You were large, tall and very intimidating. He immediately stopped what he was doing , the kids giggling and running away.
He stood very still, had you scared him so much he froze up? That's never happened, most would just run away.
"Um....Sir are you okay?" You asked quietly, moving the scarf up , slightly concerned. He looked down and had a large smile on his face.
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Without hesitation he pulled you into a corner.
"Is it really true,are you the one who protects the forest from harm?" He said quietly, a bit too close for comfort , was he talking about the time you protected the forests from being burnt down? You sheepishly nodded and his smile only got bigger.
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He continued to yap on. "I always wanted to visit the forest , of course , Jack-sama said it was a wonderful experience and there was a human who would protect it without a second thought and I assume that would be you. Correct?" He stared up at you , expecting a reply. You didn't say anything , you just nodded , what was this guys plan?
"Ah-i haven't even introduced myself. I'm Skully J. Graves , and I have came to show you to the world of true halloween." What was this guy on about? Was he a Halloween Stan? You were deep in thought until he brought your gloved hand to his lips giving it a kiss, you pulled backed , shocked , confused ,the whole dictionary, what was his plan?
"I'll leave you time to think about , mkay?" He said quietly, walking backwards. His spiraling pupils, staring into your own dark ones. Maybe, just maybe he was the one that the village head talked about , the one who would help you open up.
Should you accept his offer?
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