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kenmarten · 1 year ago
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Shoegaze post-punk dreamscape
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thatdudemaan · 8 days ago
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Flick is a rabbit rider from the east coast of what once was North Amreica. He´s a nomad, a nobody, traveling on the back of his rabbit Whippit. It´s a lonely life, but at least they have each other.
This is from my personal project "The Mouse Chronicles". A story about a group of mice on a quest to safe the world.
It´s the first finished drawing on my new tablet.
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herederosdelkaos · 9 months ago
🎼Explorando la música más allá de los límites: Un viaje por los eclecticismos sonoros
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Poco a poco, mi búsqueda de nuevas experiencias musicales me llevó a explorar corrientes aún más diversas. Desde la electrónica experimental hasta la fusión de culturas y estilos, cada nuevo encuentro musical ampliaba mis horizontes y enriquecía mi comprensión del arte sonoro.
Y así, de los estruendos del metal a las melodías sutiles del jazz, mi viaje musical me condujo a estos grupos que desafían las etiquetas y las fronteras. En su música, encuentro un reflejo de mi propio viaje, una amalgama de influencias y experiencias que se entrelazan para crear algo verdaderamente único y personal.
Empezaré por enumerar algunas de estás bandas: Arve Henriksen, The Herbaliser, Air, Funki Porcini, Coldcut, The Dining Rooms, DJ Krush, Peace Orchestra, DJ Vadim, Lars Danielsson, Skalpel, Quantic, Tejo Isungset, 9 Lazy 9, Clutchy Hopkins, Glen Porter, Onra, The Sound Defects, Roger Molls, Smoke city, Amon Tobin, Gasoline, Karmisky experience. Abrir post»
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trevlad-sounds · 2 years ago
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Friday 21 July Mixtape 341 “No One is Finishing”
2023-07-21 Downtempo electronic lounge Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to tip so future shows can bloom.
Falk & Klou-Finishing Line-00:00
David Boulter-This Is Where It Began - Instrumental-05:10
Matthew Halsall-Song For Charlie-07:14
Mingu-John's Blues-13:40
Jo Johnson-Transience-17:30
Sébastien Tellier-Adieu-23:44
Jimi Tenor-Sleep-32:47
Khruangbin-Father Father-37:52
Skalpel-Sound Garden-48:17
There Is Another System-No One Is Coming For Us (ft. The Analog Girl)-52:24
Rain Dog-The Halfway Place-54:57
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nadwislanskiswit · 2 months ago
Skalpel w Palladium, zagrali cały pierwszy album. Wzruszyłem się. Piękne dźwięki. 20 lat od wydania płyty.
Nuty nadziei w tej grudniowej szarówce.
A w niedzielę byłem jeszcze na Tides From Nebula w Progresji. Takie szaleństwo.
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top-the-cat · 8 months ago
I've bought loads of records since I last did a vinyl update and to be honest, there has been a lot of bargain basement bullshit in there... Don't get me wrong, there have been a few diamonds in the rough and at a couple of quid a pop, they are even more precious when you find them!
But I'm not going through them today as there are loads to fuck about with and I would need to go through them all to remind myself what's worth listening to again, and what's worth just chucking...
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So we will start with my two latest acquisitions from Ninja Tune:
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First off, a slice of sample heavy Polish trip-hop jazz from 2003. This was right from when I had my love affair with Ninja and greedily hoovered up most of their offerings; some I paid for, some I acquired via certain file sharing facilities, and then later ended up working for them so got them all for free!
I bought this mainly as it was cheap on their website and it meant I would get free delivery on my next record. But yeah, it's cool, jazzy, quite drum heavy, but not heavy drums, if that makes sense? More easy/swing style breaks and loops, with plenty of double bass and bits of chopped up piano and vocal snips. The sort of thing you could play to the father-in-law, who likes his jazz classic and easy, but appreciates that it evolves over time... (I played him the video of Kid Koala doing his Drunk Trumpet routine the other day and he was well impressed)
Skalpel by Skalpel
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Now this, I could probably play a couple of the tracks to the father-in-law, as it is very much a jazz inspired album... but some are more towards the Venetian Snares end of the jazz spectrum, than the Ramsey Lewis end!
This was one of the albums that really defined my listening habits in the early 00's and opened me up to all sorts of jazz, drum & bass, trip hop, and breakcore sounds that I still blast to this day.
Originally released in '98, I think it was most likely Sordid that I first heard on one of the Zen compilations and was hooked on this slow, dark, jazzy, breakbeat sound and needed more. So I got hold of the Album and full on ingested it at every opportunity. This then led on to a full-on obsession with Amon Tobin where I actively sucked up all his stuff for quite a while. But like all good love affairs, it can only last so long and eventually we parted ways after five albums, two EP's a live mixtape, and getting guest list passes to his album launch party.... Which was a wicked night out, but he essentially played a hard electronic drum & bass set, which wasn't where I was at, so we called it a night.
I would check in occasionally, but he was living in the wilderness with some chap called Double Click and going by the name Two Fingers by then, making atmospheric dubstep sounds. Although that partnership didn't last long, his new found atmospheric dubstep thing continued and we were moving in different circles by then.
He did pop up on the theme tune to Orphan Black a few years later with a dainty fairy tale inspired snippet of music, and I tried out a few of his newer offerings, but the Goddess Tatiana Maslany was on the scene by then, so we wasn't going to get a look in anymore!
Anyway, twenty odd years later and I get an email saying that the latest classic Ninja Tune album to be repressed with a fancy updated artwork and coloured vinyl is this; Permutation. (I picked up Out From Out Where on gold vinyl, last year) And I'm all giggly at the thought of rekindling a lost love, even more so when it's on deep purple, heavyweight vinyl and comes in a die-cut sleeve with posters and enhanced artwork by Openmind/DJ Food....
Until I found out it was only available in the US and it would cost me £80 to get it shipped over!
Maybe it was a sign? I didn't need to relive that part of my life to that extent and £80 is a lot of money to spend on a single record that I already have on CD and haven't listened to in years anyway.
And they do say that you should never go backwards to an old flame...
On the other hand, the standard black vinyl still comes with the artwork and die-cut sleeve and it wasn't eighty fucking notes! So I threw caution to the wind to see if there was still a spark between us and you know what? It's still there...
After all these years, he still makes me feel giddy when those gentle easy going jazz loops get darker and moodier and those drums come in and get chopped up and roll and the bass wobbles my balls!
I've listened to it start to finish three times in the last few days and it's like nothing has changed between us in all these years. The track list has been changed and there is a bonus tune on the end (which I knew but was never on his albums) which has made it the same, yet totally new and I'm all in love with the god damn Brazilian break charmer all over again... let's just hope he doesn't break my heart this time!
Permutation by Amon Tobin
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babuszcats · 1 year ago
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donospl · 1 year ago
LIVE: 16 Letnia Akademia Jazzu
Klub Wytwórnia, Łódź, 07-08.2023 Przez dwa letnie miesiące 2023 roku w łódzkiej Wytwórni tradycyjnie rozbrzmiewały dźwięki jazzu. Czwartkowe wieczory należały do szesnastej edycji Letniej Akademii Jazzu. Festiwal rozpoczął się jednak koncertem wtorkowym i – co staje się powoli programowej tradycją tego wydarzenia – od występu gwiazdy. Na scenie pojawił się z solowym recitalem John Scofield,…
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kittie1996 · 1 year ago
what are some bands you’d recommend that are similar to kittie?<3333
OTEP 100% my favorite album is sevas tra (steer clear of their newer stuff tbh) but her lyricism was PEAK back in the day and they have a similar sound and similar themes too. i like my ruin a lot too and it follows the theme of girl metal and tairrie b kicks ass shes AWESOME. let me think, straight line stitch is also incredible, we are pigs had a collaboration with morgan lander that’s amazing, kidneytheives arent necessarily similar but still worth a shot if you enjoy kittie, a couple of babes in toyland songs (ariel, istigkeit, 22), you might also enjoy scarling!! oh and butcher babies and jinjer ofc :3 bands fronted by men that are also worth mentioning are saliva, slaves on dope, psychea, glassjaw, coal chamber, and static x
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limeade-arcade · 1 year ago
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Plague doctor.
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jane-friend · 2 years ago
In my natural state right now(super tipsy listening to nu jazz and sloppily playing Zelda)
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thenwothm · 8 months ago
Supporting bands by buying their music and merch is massively important if you want to help them to keep going and do what they do best! And this is something we love to highlight here at TheNwothm. But today I am highlighting something a bit different. Cancer affects many people worldwide and of course many of us in the metal scene will have had family affected by cancer. So today I wanted to…
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pumpkidgrove · 1 year ago
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"Styroporschädel schnitzen"⁠ "Carving a styrofoam skull ornament"⁠
Halloween 2016:⁠ KUNGUL - Samhains verborgene Anderswelt⁠ KUNGUL - Samhain's hidden otherworld⁠
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skalpelfrompoland · 2 years ago
Skalpel from Poland
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kathastrophen · 6 months ago
Ficbinding - A5 Heft Teil 2
So, wir haben im ersten Teil den Satz unserer Fic gemacht und erfolgreich gedruckt. Jetzt wird aus dem Papierstapel ein Heft!
Ihr braucht:
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Ein Lineal (30 cm reichen)
Eine Schneidmatte (oder einen alten Pizzakarton)
Ein Skalpell oder Cuttermesser mit frischer Klinge
Einen Blestift
4 Büroklammern
Eine Schere
Eine Nähnadel
ca 40 cm Faden oder Zwirn - Ich benutze hier zwei Fäden Stickgarn
Den Ausdruck
Ein Cover aus Pappe oder festem Papier A4, ca 120 - 180 gr
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Als erstes faltet ihr alle Seiten in der Mitte. Den Falz ruhig mit dem Nagel nachfahren. Danach alle Seiten in der richtigen Reihenfolge ineinander legen.
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Genauso mit dem Cover verfahren. Wenn euer Drucker so dickes Papier bedrucken kann, könnt ihr euch da natürlich auch ausleben!
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Cover und Seiten übereinander legen und unten oder oben aufstoßen und mit den vier Büroklammern fixieren. Mit dem Lineal (oder nach Augenmaß) im mittleren Blatt die Löcher für die Bindung markieren.
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Mit der Nähnadel die Löcher stechen. Ich lege dafür das Heft an die Tischkante und steche nach unten in die Luft. Ruhig etwas mit der Nadel wackeln, um das Loch etwas zu vergrößern.
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Optional könnt ihr den Faden mit einem Teelicht wachsen, wenn ihr keinen Zwirn benutzt. Das macht den Faden etwas wiederstandfähiger.
Den Faden einfädeln und wie folgt durch alle Lagen nähen:
Von außen durchs untere Loch nach innen
Durch das mittlere Loch nach außen
Durch das obere Loch zurück nach innen
Durch das mittlere Loch nach außen
Ihr näht quasi eine Acht und habt dann beide Enden auf der Rückseite.
Für diesen Schritt kann man die Büroklammern auch noch dran lassen.
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Das Heft umdrehen und einen ziemlich strammen Doppelt- oder Dreifachknoten machen. Das ist mit einer Hand etwas tricky, aber vielleicht habt ihr da noch jemanden, der*die euch kurz hilft.
Den Knoten festziehen und ca. 2 cm entfernt abschneiden. Auch hier könnt ihr den Faden natürlich länger lassen und noch etwas daran festknoten.
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Wenn ihr jetzt das Zine zuklappt, seht ihr, dass die inneren Seiten länger als die äußeren sind. Das könnt ihr entweder so lassen oder mit Lineal und Cutter den Überstand abschneiden. Dafür ruhig mehrfach schneiden und nicht mit einem Zug versuchen durch alle Lagen zu kommen. Idealerweise macht ihr das auf einer Schneidmatte oder einem alten Pizzakarton.
Ta-Da! Euer Heft ist fertig! 🎉
Natürlich könnt ihr auf diese Art auch Skizzenhefte oder andere Formate binden!
Hier ist eines meiner ersten Zines - Das ist nochmal ganz anders, als dieses recht schlichte.
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jennyyy007 · 7 months ago
RAT 💉 pt. 1
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Cw: lab whump, male whumpee, male whumper, multiple whumpers, multiple whumpees, experiments, violence, cruel whumper, defiant whumpee, obedient whumpee, body modification
Felt like starting another story!! Hope you guys enjoy! Whoever wants to be on the taglist for this or any other stories, feel free to dm me!!
“No- w-wait please”
The boy squirms as he’s put down on the stretcher, his legs and arms tightly strapped down on it.
The people surrounding him are dressed in white lab coats, their faces covered with masks. He can’t make out their faces, if they touched him before or if they didn’t.
A camera is moved over him, recording whatever test they’re performing now. Oliver tries his best to move his face out of the way, not wanting to be recorded.
Another doctor enters the room, washing his hands before putting on some gloves before immediately stepping over to the stretcher. Looking down at the boy.
He can’t tell any of the other doctors apart… but he knows this one… those bright blue eyes, that scar on his face and that disgusting burn marks over his left eye, making him half blind.
“Let it be known that today’s test is the regrowth of flesh. We already took notice how he heals extremely fast… much faster than a normal body. Today we’re going to see to what extent that healing factor goes to. If it’s just a boosted immune system or a full regeneration.”
In reality, Oliver is an anomaly. A freak of nature… He’s immortal. He didn’t know until just recently either. But that car crash… that was supposed to kill him. He’s supposed to be dead. He had 57 broken bones. He was bleeding out. But he survived… his parents didn’t… his sister didn’t… but he survived. His body completely regenerated in an hour. And that skill… that special ability… doomed the rest of his life.
Doctor. Rowan Pierce…. That’s what it says on the little name tag on his lab coat.
The man grabs a small Skalpell.
“Doctor Wells, if you would please begin the tape as well as injecting the anticoagulant into his arm”
Oliver starts to squirm a little. He doesn’t like the needles… he hates them… they hurt him.
The other doctor walks over to another table before picking up a syringe, pushing a bit of the liquid out to get rid of any air before he flicks it, quickly injecting the boys arm with the anticoagulant.
Oliver makes a soft whimper as he starts to cry, he doesn’t want this… none of the tests are performed when he’s unconscious. He’s always completely aware and able to feel what’s going on.
It only takes a second to inject the liquid into him before Pierce picks up a scalpel and a black marker, gently grabbing the boys arm to not already cause any damage before he stats to draw tiny black lines on his upper arm and finn knows that that is definitely not a good sign…
“We will now remove our patients arm to see if it will regenerate or not. Let it be known that if any problems occur, his arm will be frozen and sewed back on later.”
Oliver starts to squirm more and more, terrified of what he’s about to endure.
“N-no please-“
The doctor doesn’t show any hesitation before he pushes the needle into Olivers skin, digging through the flesh before he starts to cut, through his skin…his flesh.. his muscle… and lastly his bone.
The boy has been screaming, begging and sobbing for the past few minutes but nothing helped, they only put a muffle on him to shut him up.
Right after the arm was removed, Doctor. Pierce picks it up and carries it over to a long freezer box, laying it inside before he slowly steps back to the stretcher, his footsteps filling the room as the other doctors are quiet, waiting for any results.
Oliver just whines, closing his eyes as he leans his head back. They took his arm… they took his fucking ar-
“Movement. Get the camera closer I spot movement in the flesh.”
Another doctor rushes to get the camera a bit closer before oliver lets out a loud scream under his muffle. Shaking his head.
In not even three minutes, his arm was completely regenerated. The bone, the flesh.. everything having grown back to its original state, missing all of the scars the doctors have given him.
The doctor quickly walks back to the freezer, picking up Olivers old arm before he holds it next to his freshly regenerated one.
“Incredible… if we manage to extract that gene- we might be able to solve world hunger! We can create the most powerful soldiers!”
Pierce says cheerfully as a few doctors write some notes down.
“This is a grate success indeed. Cut the tape and bring 187 back to his cell.”
A doctor pulls the camera away from the boy before a few nurses start to untie him.
Picking him up and pushing him to a soldier who immediately points his gun at the frightened thing. Motioning him to walk.
But Oliver turns around to look at the doctor who’s already looking through some of the notes.
“W-wait can I have something to eat? Please-“
The man doesn’t even look up, only taking off his mask for fresher air.
“Your nutriloaf is waiting in your room.”
He says blankly before Oliver shakes his head as he’s trembling. He got so skinny it’s disgusting. His whole body scarred up, only wearing some white boxers.
“I-I don’t want that please- It’s- d-disgusting”
The boy says as the soldier grabs him by his shoulder.
“Well it’s all you’ll get since all of our nutritious foods are pumped into the more obedient subjects! Which is weird considering they’re the aggressive ones!”
A tear runs down the boys cheek as he glares at the monster of a man around two meters in front of him.
He doesn’t hesitate before he pulls away from the soldier grasp, unable to hold the boy back since everything happens so suddenly.
He picks up a scalpel before he jumps the doctor, tackling him down before getting on top of him. Oliver looks at the man with an expression of rage before he stabs the scalpel into the mans already blind eye.
“I hate you! I-I hate all of you! If I could I’d f-fucking kill-“
Another soldier quickly grips a pistol before stepping behind Oliver, raising the gun to his head slowly, making sure not to accidentally hit the doctor before…
@a-living-canvas @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees
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