#Sjoerd Peters
Zoals zo vaak op zondag kom ik niet al te vroeg uit bed. Ik neem snel mijn eiwit pillen en dan douchen en daarna mijn ontbijt: de inmiddels wel bekende 3 crackers met humus gegrilde groenten.
Ik maak vast een soepje voor de lunch. Ronald en Mirjam komen even langs om wat haakwerkjes voor de webshop te brengen. Het soepje eet ik als R & M er zijn. Kiwi erachteraan en klaar.
Om 15 uur moeten we bij Dillewijn zijn voor het verjaardagsconcert van Frank: een optreden van Sjoerd van den Broek die een tribute brengt aan Paul McCartney. Geweldig optreden! Mooie verhalen tussendoor.
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Na afloop nog een drankje gedaan en toen kwamen we in gesprek met Peter en zijn vrouw (de broer van Frank). Die hebben een tafel gereserveerd bij de Garde in Graveland en ze vroegen of we zin hadden om mee te gaan. Ze gingen spareribs eten en daar had Marcel wel zin in. Ik een entrecote genomen, alleen de groenten erbij gegeten en geen aardappels of patat. Marcel en de anderen namen een toetje en ik alleen een cappuccino, dus ik vind dat ik het goed heb gedaan. Het enige wat ik nu niet heb gegeten zijn mijn eiwit supplementen. Nou ja morgen weer een dag!
Filmpje van Marcel zijn toetje:
Om 21.30 rijden we weg en toen klein probleempje want ik heb nog mijn eten nodig voor mijn kantoordag morgen. Na wat zoeken zagen we dat AH Mijdrecht nog open is tot 22 uur. 21.55 rende ik bij AH naar binnen. Nog wat salade en zuivel kunnen scoren en weer snel naar buiten. Het eten voor morgenavond haalt Marcel morgen wel. Al met al een geslaagde dag en super trots op mijzelf dat ik mij keurig aan dieet heb gehouden vandaag!
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Almino, Elisa Wouk, and Silvia Rottenberg. “Artists in Argentina Join a Mass Protest for Women’s Equality.” Hyperallergic, 9 Mar. 2019, http://hyperallergic.com/488727/nosotras-proponemos-international-womens-day-buenos-aires/.
“Argentina’s Police Step up Their Response to Growing Anti-Government Protests.” AP News, 10 Apr. 2024, https://apnews.com/article/protests-milei-rightwing-argentina-hunger-poverty-crackdown-fb43ffa829d56854d6ffc77b12caf3f2.
Belgrano, Tobias. “Milei, Argentina’s Alt Right Populist Leader.” International Team for the Study of Security Verona, vol. 2, no. 2, Fall/Winter 2023. Zotero, https://www.itssverona.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Tobias-Belgrano.pdf.
Calvert, Peter A. R., and Tulio Halperin Donghi. “History of Argentina.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 20 Nov. 2023, https://www.britannica.com/topic/history-of-Argentina.
Demichelis, Luciana. Info. https://lucianademichelis.com.ar/info/. Accessed 28 Apr. 2024.
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Fedorova, Anastasiia. WePresent | Photographing the Heavenly Power of the Dance Floor. https://wepresent.wetransfer.com/stories/luciana-demichelis-limbo. Accessed 28 Apr. 2024.
Felitti, Karina. “‘The Spiritual Is Political’: Feminisms and Women’s Spirituality in Contemporary Argentina.” Religion and Gender, vol. 9, no. 2, Dec. 2019, pp. 194–214. brill-com.proxy.wm.edu, https://doi.org/10.1163/18785417-00902010.
Fletcher, Gem. “Ones to Watch Community 2022: Luciana Demichelis, Sadia Marium, Sjoerd Knibbeler and Maria Kniaginin Ciszewska.” 1854 Photography, 15 July 2022, https://www.1854.photography/2022/07/ones-to-watch-2022-community-features-luciana-demichelis-sadia-marium-sjoerd-knibbeler-and-maria-kniaginin-ciszewska/.
Friedman, Elisabeth Jay, and Ana Laura Rodríguez Gustá. “‘Welcome to the Revolution’: Promoting Generational Renewal in Argentina’s Ni Una Menos.” Qualitative Sociology, vol. 46, no. 2, June 2023, pp. 245–77. DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11133-023-09530-0.
Gago, Verónica. “#WeStrike: Notes toward a Political Theory of the Feminist Strike.” South Atlantic Quarterly, edited by Jack Halberstam and Tavia Nyong’o, vol. 117, no. 3, July 2018, pp. 660–69. DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.1215/00382876-6942233.
Goñi, Uki. “Argentina Congress Takes Historic Step towards Legalising Abortion.” The Guardian, 14 June 2018. The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/14/argentina-congress-vote-legalise-abortion.
Hammond, Gregory. Women Can Vote Now : Feminism and the Women’s Suffrage Movement in Argentina, 1900-1955. 2004. repositories.lib.utexas.edu, http://hdl.handle.net/2152/1321.
InfoEspacial. “La argentina Orbith invertirá 80 millones de dólares para lanzar un satélite y competir con Starlink de SpaceX.” Infoespacial, https://www.infoespacial.com/texto-diario/mostrar/4777332/argentina-orbith-invertira-80-millones-dolares-lanzar-satelite-competir-starlink-spacex. Accessed 28 Apr. 2024.
Lawmakers from Milei’s Party Send Bill to Congress Seeking to Repeal Abortion Law | Buenos Aires Times. https://batimes.com.ar/news/argentina/mileis-party-sends-bill-to-congress-seeking-to-repeal-argentinas-abortion-law.phtml. Accessed 19 Apr. 2024.
Lopez, Maria Pia. “Mourning: All Victims Count.” Not One Less: Mourning, Disobedience and Desire, translated by Frances Riddle, Polity Press, 2020, pp. 7–21.
Luengo, María. “Shaping Solidarity in Argentina: The Power of the Civil Sphere in Repairing Violence against Women.” The Civil Sphere in Latin America, by Jeffrey C. Alexander and Carlo Tognato, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 39–65.
“Misiones Satelitales.” Argentina.gob.ar, 1 Mar. 2018, https://www.argentina.gob.ar/ciencia/conae/misiones-espaciales.
“Nosotras Proponemos.” Nosotras proponemos, https://nosotrasproponemos.org/nosotras/. Accessed 12 May 2024.
Phillips, Tom, and Facundo Iglesia. “Argentinians Stage Nationwide Strike against Javier Milei’s Far-Right Agenda.” The Guardian, 24 Jan. 2024. The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/24/argentina-strike-protest-javier-milei.
Polcowñuk, Ludmila. “Graciela Sacco. Una Bocanada En El Feminismo En Disputa.” Armiliar, vol. 4, May 2020. ResearchGate, https://doi.org/10.24215/25457888e028.
Politi, Daniel, and Ernesto Londoño. “Argentina Legalizes Abortion, a Milestone in a Conservative Region.” The New York Times, 30 Dec. 2020. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/30/world/americas/argentina-legalizes-abortion.html.
Rottenberg, Silvia. “After Misogynist Instagram Account Exposed, President of Prestigious Art Fair Steps Down.” Hyperallergic, 28 Aug. 2020, http://hyperallergic.com/585004/juan-carlos-lynch-arteba-steps-down/.
Ruibal, Alba, and Cora Fernandez Anderson. “Legal Obstacles and Social Change: Strategies of the Abortion Rights Movement in Argentina.” Politics, Groups, and Identities, vol. 8, no. 4, Aug. 2020, pp. 698–713. Taylor and Francis+NEJM, https://doi.org/10.1080/21565503.2018.1541418.
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Vicuña, Cecilia, et al. Read Thread: The Story of the Red Thread. Sternberg Press, 2017.
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bigwheelblading · 6 years
Blading Through Amsterdam at Night in "Hibernate" by Cavin Brinkman
Blading Through Amsterdam at Night in “Hibernate” by Cavin Brinkman
In his latest edit, Hibernate, Cavin Brinkman documents his friends sessioning the streets of Amsterdam at night.
Riders: Cavin Brinkman, Dick Heerkens, Eric van Boven, Jeremy Fanfaron, Joep van de Beuken, Marnix Haak, Max Manzotti, Levi van Rijn, Pierre Saporta, Ralf van de Kerkhof, Randy Abels, Remco van de Pol, Stan Kogutyak, Sjoerd Peters, Tom Thieuleux, Wouter Schokkin, Zahir Hanazi
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newscheckz · 3 years
Kisumu port, rail gives hope to industries and regional trade
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/kisumu-port-rail-gives-hope-to-industries-and-regional-trade/
Kisumu port, rail gives hope to industries and regional trade
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The revival of the old Metre Gauge Rail to Kisumu and the link to Mombasa through the SGR is expected to boost trade in the region and with neighbouring countries.
Local traders and industries are hoping to benefit from the projects with the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM), Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and TradeMark East Africa terming the infrastructure as a “game-changer”.
It includes the upgraded Kisumu Port expected to boost exports and imports through the lake transport network mainly between Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
According to KAM, revival of the old rail is significant for the local manufacturing sector as it opens up Rift Valley, Western and Nyanza regions, and increases connectivity with other parts of the country, particularly Nairobi and Mombasa.
“The railway line shall increase the efficiency of movement of raw materials to industries in Rift Valley, Western and Nyanza. Additionally, it shall speed up the transportation of finished goods from the factory to the markets,” chief executive Phyllis Wakiaga told the Star.
The port will enhance market access in countries surrounding Lake Victoria.
“We hope to see increased volumes of goods transported through Lake Victoria, into the East African Community markets,” said Wakiaga.
The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI), Kisumu chapter, has expressed optimism the development will open the region for trade, mainly agricultural and industrial produces.
“It is going to open trade for people in Western Kenya and connect markets both locally and in the region,” chairman Israel Agina said yesterday, noting Kenya has been losing business to Tanzania which has recently enticed Uganda with its Lake transport, even as Uganda remains a key trading partner for Kenya.
Uganda is the key destination for transit cargo coming through the Port of Mombasa, accounting for 83.2 per cent of all goods to the hinterland, Kenya Ports Authority data shows.
South Sudan takes up 9.9 per cent while DR Congo, Tanzania and Rwanda account for 7.2 per cent, 3.2 per cent and 2.4 per cent respectively.
Kisumu Port links Kenya to small ports of Musoma, and Bukoba in Tanzania and Entebbe and Port Bell in Uganda.
TradeMark East Africa has vouched for Kisumu Port as a key facility that will boost trade within the East Africa Community(EAC).
“Kisumu port is served by the Northern Corridor and would attract transit cargo traffic to Uganda and Northern Tanzania,” director-Great Lakes, Sjoerd Visser, told the Star.
The rail and port projects are expected to support the growth of agricultural exports such as tea and coffee, domestic movement of fresh milk, and other produce.
Kenya Railways which is running Kisumu Port with main operations on its MV Uhuru has also been moving oil products using the port.
The facility will also serve factories in Rift Valley and western Kenya and the fish industry in Kisumu, with hopes of revival and growth of installations in the region where the likes of Kisumu Cotton Mills (Kicomi) were key in the 1990s.
Kenya Breweries’ Kisumu plant, revived Rivatex East Africa and new KCC are among those expected to move volumes on rail, according to Kenya Railways.
It is putting final touches to link the old rail to the SGR, at Naivasha, reviving the country’s expansive railway operations that had remained dormant for more than two decades, with economies of small towns along the railway line suffering from reduced business activities.
Kenya Railways managing director Philip Mainga notes that the connection will ensure a seamless rail system for both passengers and cargo between Mombasa , Kisumu and Malaba, which will further support transit cargo movement into the hinterland.
He is also keen to revive railway lines in Butere, Eldoret, Kitale and the Voi-Taveta line to increase cargo movement between Kenya and Tanzania through the Taveta-Holili border, a move that is likely to bring back to life the small towns.
Renewed ties with Tanzania, a recent trade agreement with Burundi, and a much stable trade between Kenya and Uganda are elements local industries are counting on, as they embrace the improved infrastructure to move volumes to these markets.
They are hoping protectionism trends seen in the region in recent times, such as bans on maize, high tariffs imposed on goods and controls on the milk industry will be addressed to support intra EAC trade.
According to the East African Business Council (EABC), tariff and non-tariff barriers are still hampering intra-EAC trade, which is still at a low of 13 per cent compared to common markets such as the EU which is at 67 per cent.
EAC Secretary General Peter Mathuki has since committed to growing the trade by among others, finalisation of the comprehensive review of the EAC Common External Tariff (CET) and its uniform application in the bloc.
The EAC-CET comprises a triple band structure for raw materials and capital goods (0 per cent), intermediate goods (10 per cent) and final goods (25 per cent), as well as a Sensitive Items list with exceptions to the three-band rule for specified commodities attracting high rates of duty (notably, all above 30 per cent).
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bongianimuseum · 4 years
“Fragilità e Distacco / 70 Years Ruggero  Maggi”
“Fragilità e Distacco / 70 Years Ruggero  Maggi”
a cura di Sandro Bongiani
Dal 29 agosto al 28 novembre  2020
Inaugurazione: sabato 29 agosto 2020, ore 18.00
 S’inaugura sabato 29 agosto 2020, alle ore 18.00, la mostra  collettiva internazionale a cura di Sandro  Bongiani dal titolo: “Fragilità e Distacco / 70 Years Ruggero Maggi” che lo Spazio  Ophen Virtual Art Gallery di Salerno dedica all’artista italiano Ruggero Maggi, uno dei più interessanti artisti contemporanei nati negli anni cinquanta. Una importante mostra collettiva internazionale in concomitanza anche della speciale ricorrenza del suo settantesimo compleanno, presentando 289 opere di 295 artisti presenti su un totale corpus grafico di ben 388 opere arrivate  da ogni parte del mondo.
Ruggero Maggi inizia la sua attività di artista negli anni '70 con lavori incentrati sulla poesia visiva, sulla mail art, copy-art, laser art e olografia caratterizzati anche dall’inserimento di “estratti” di vita reale. Con il passare degli anni queste strutture “interferenti” all’interno dell’opera sono diventate sempre più evidenti, in un rapporto di intensa “osmosi”, in cui a partire dal 1989 gli arcaici elementi naturali convivono con componenti tecnologici, fino alle opere recenti dove il concetto “Artificiale /Naturale” tra ”sincronismo concettuale e emozionale” assume un ruolo predominante consegnandoci una realtà in cui l’azione umana coincide con quella morale, in un complesso intrico di rimandi e di sollecitazioni. Sandro Bongiani nella presentazione a questa rassegna scrive: “un continuo interesse verso la natura e la dimensione umana in un complesso rimando di sollecitazioni e interferenze, di sottintesi e nascosti richiami in cui l'azione coincide sinteticamente con il tempo provvisorio e oscuro dell’uomo. In questa particolare condizione, la sua ricerca marginale di confine “più vera di natura” ha saputo prendere corpo e manifestarsi in una sintesi poetica accorta che condivide le urgenze estreme della vita ed i contrasti inquieti della nostra malandata  società contemporanea”.
  Artisti presenti:
Christian Alle  Dino Aloi  Antonio Amato Lutz Anders  Leslie Atkins  Paola Baldassini  Franco Ballabeni  Calogero Barba  Fabiola Barna Donatella Baruzzi Pier Roberto Bassi Umberto Basso  Keith Bates  Elisa Battistella  Lutz Beeke Giacomo Beffa  Lancillotto Bellini  Milena Bellomo  C. Mehrl Bennett  John M. Bennett  Luisa Bergamini  Mariarosa Bergamini Pedro Bericat  Carla Bertola Diane Bertrand  Rita Bertrecchi  Massimo Biagi  Gabriele Bianconi  Lucia Biral Manuel  Xio Blanco Antonio Bobò  Rovena Bocci  Norbert Bockmann  Kika Bohr Giovanni Bonanno  Adriano Bonari  Anna Boschi Rosa Bosco  Maria Cecilia Bossi  Marzia Braglia  Hans Braumüller  Rossana Bucci Joachim Buchholz  Anna Maria Buonapace  Viviana Buttarelli  Fulgor C. Silvi  Mirta Caccaro Alfonso Caccavale  Glauco Lendaro Camiless  Loretta Cappanera  Guido Capuano Lamberto Caravita  Cascadia Artpost  Bruno Cassaglia  Antonia Mayol Castello Gianpiero Castiglioni  Renato Cerisola  Bruno Chiarlone  Simonetta Chierici Silvia Cibaldi  Cosmo Cinisomo  Circulaire132 Maria Antonietta Claretto  Anna Maria Cognigni  Ryosuke Cohen  Mabi Col Francesco Cornello  Enzo Correnti Carmela Corsitto  Crackerjack Kid  Maria Credidio  Anna Maria Crescenzi  Laura Cristin Carla Crosio  Rosa Cuccurullo  Crescenzio D'Ambrosio  Nicolò D’Alessandro  Diana Danelli Marc De Hay  Ko De Jonge  Mario De Leo Antonio De Marchi  Teo De Palma  Adolfina De Stefani  Albina Dealessi  Michel Della Vedova  Antonio Di Michele  Debora Di Bella  Elena Di Felice  Maura Di Giulio  Fabio Di Ojuara  Franco Di Pede  Marcello Diotallevi  Giovanna Donnarumma  Mike Dyar Eart Art  Mimmo Emanuele  Rita Esposito Ever Arts  Cinzia Farina  Fernanda Fedi Gretel Fehr Domenico Ferrara Foria Ivana Ferraro  Luc Fierens  Giuseppe Filardi  Anna Finetti Alessandra Finzi  Aaron Flores  Maurizio Follin  Roberto Formigoni  Kiki Franceschi  Nicola Frangione  Piet Franzen SIDAC  Giglio Frigerio  Ivo Galassi Daniele Galdiero  Rosalie Gancie  Antonella Gandini  Attilia Garlaschi  Claudio Gavina  Ombretta Gazzola  Roberta Ghisla  Roberto Gianinetti  Mario Giavino Ed Giecek  Gino Gini  Guglielmo Girolimini  Lino Giussani Coco Gordon  Bruno Gorgone  Daniela Gorla Claudio Grandinetti  Elke Grundmann  Paolo Gubinelli Giovanni Gurioli  _Guroga  Karl Friedrich Hacher  Hanrahan Peter Hide 311065 Uwe Hofig Slanye Huang  Carlo Iacomucci  Ibirico Gennaro Ippolito  Robert James  Benedetta Jandolo  Janus Edition Isabel Jover  Magda Lagerwerf  Felipe Lamadrid  Giusi Lazzari Ettore Le Donne  Nadine Lenain  Pascal Lenoir Alfonso Lentini  Marialisa Leone  Giovanni Leto Pino Lia  Pierpaolo Limongelli Pietro Lista  Oronzo Liuzzi  Serse Luigetti Ruggero Maggi  Olga Maggiora Nadia Magnabosco  Mailarta  MailArtMartha Loredana Manciati  Antonio Mancini  Antonello Mantovani  Angela Marchionni Renzo Margonari  Patrizio Maria  Dorian Ribes Marinho  Laura Marmai Max Marra  Calogero Marrali  Maria Grazia Martina Maribel Martinez  Gianni Ettore Andrea Marussi  Anna Maria Matone  Anja Mattila Michelangelo Mayo  Monica Mazzone  Pierluigi Meda  Massimo Medola  Myriam M. Mercader  Miche Art Universalis  Monica Michelotti  Virginia Milici  Gabi Minedi Antoni Mirò  Annalisa Mitrano  Henning Mittendorf  Mauro Molinari  Domingo Sanz Montero  Maya Lopez Muro  Museuvofmailart  Keiichi Nakamura  Giuliana Natali  Katerina Nikoltsou  Aldo Nodari Pierangela Orecchia  Clemente Padin  Lucia Paese  Franco Panella  Katia Paoletti  Linda Paoli Paola Pareschi  Sjoerd Paridaen  Enzo Patti  Giuseppe Pellegrino  Remy Penard Walter Pennacchi  Mariella Perani  Marisa Pezzoli  Riccardo Pezzoli  Tarcisio Pingitore  Horvath Piroska  Valentina Poli  Veronique Pozzi Painè  Nadia Presotto  Daniele Principe  Tiziana Priori  Gina Pritti Giancarlo Pucci  Fabrizio Randini  Cesar Reglero  Gaetano Ricci   Angelo Ricciardi  Isabella Rigamonti  Carla Rigato Ina Ripari  Costantino Rizzuti  Ilaria Rizzuti  Jaume Rocamora  Gian Paolo Roffi  Claudio Romeo Piero Ronzat  Giovanni Ronzoni  Lorenzo Rosselli  Manuel Ruiz Ruiz  Marialuisa Sabato  Hikmet Sahin Piero Sani  Sergio Sansevrino  Antonella Sassanelli  Antonio Sassu Anna Maria Saviano  Roberto Scala  Duccio Scheggi  Peter Schubert  Lars Schumacher  Jörg Seifert Cesare Serafino  Lucio Serafino Tiziano Serafino  Domenico Severino  Noriko Shimizu  Maria Josè Silva – Mizè  Pietro Silvestro Cecilia Solamito  Luigino Solamito  Alberto Sordi Cristina Sosio  Lucia Spagnuolo  Celina Spelta Ciro Stajano  Honoria Starbuck  Giovanni e Renata Strada  Rod SummersVec  Elisa Taiola Franco Tajariol  Nello Teodori  Ernesto Terlizzi  Gian Paolo Terrone  Elsa Testori Roberto Testori  Thierry Tillier  Paola Toffolon  Renata Torazzo  Micaela Tornaghi  Horst Tress Alan Turner  Stefano Turrini  Mikel Untzlla Sigismund Urban  Valdor   Generoso Vella  Silvia Venuti Ada Vera Verbena  Daniele Virgilio  Alberto Vitacchio  Antonio Zenadocchio  Rolando Zucchini.
 RUGGERO  MAGGI / Biografia
Dal 1973 si occupa di poesia visiva e libri d'artista (Archivio Non Solo Libri); dal 1975 di copy art e arte postale (Archivio Amazon); dal 1976 di laser art, dal 1979 di olografia, dal 1980 di X-ray art e dal 1985 di arte caotica sia come artista - con opere ed installazioni incentrate sullo studio del caos, dell’entropia e dei sistemi frattali - sia come curatore di eventi: “Caos italiano” 1998; “Caos – Caotica Arte Ordinata Scienza” 1999 – 2000; “Isole frattali” 2003, “CaoTiCa” 2004, “Attrazione frattale” 2006, “Caos e Complessità” 2009, “Caos, l’anima del caso” 2010, “Caotica.2014” Lodi e Jesi.
Tra le installazioni olografiche: “Una foresta di pietre” (Media Art Festival - Osnabrück 1988) e “Un semplice punto esclamativo” (Mostra internazionale d’Arte Olografica alla Rocca Paolina di Perugia – 1992); tra le installazioni di laser art: “Morte caotica” e “Una lunga linea silenziosa” (1993), “Il grande libro della vita” e “Il peccatore casuale” (1994), “La nascita delle idee” (1993) esposta nel 1995 al Museo d’Arte di San Paolo (BR).
Suoi lavori sono esposti al Museo di Storia Cinese di Pechino ed alla GAM di Gallarate. Ha inoltre partecipato alla 49./52./54. Biennale di Venezia ed alla 16. Biennale d’arte contemporanea di San Paolo nel 1980.
2006 realizza “Underwood” installazione site-specific per la Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Gallarate.
2007 presenta come curatore il progetto dedicato a Pierre Restany “Camera 312 – promemoria per Pierre” alla 52. Biennale di Venezia.
2008 presenta come curatore il progetto “Profondità 45 – Michelangelo al lavoro” sul rapporto Arte -Tecnologia. Nel 2008 a Villa Glisenti (BS) ed all’Art Centre della Silpakorn University di Bangkok, per un simposio artistico italo-thailandese dedicato alle problematiche del riscaldamento globale, realizza l’installazione “Ecce ovo”.
2009 cura l’installazione site-specific collettiva “Prima o poi ogni muro cade” all’interno di PLAZA: OLTRE IL LIMITE 1989-2009 XX Anniversario della caduta del Muro di Berlino in Galleria del Corso a Milano; evento successivamente presentato a Villa Pomini a Castellanza (VA) e Spazio Luparia a Stresa.
2010 “GenerAction – un promemoria per le generazioni” progetto di Mail Post.it Art presso la Galleria di Arti Visive dell’Università del Melo - Gallarate.
2011/2013/2015/2017 presenta a Venezia con il Patrocinio del Comune di Venezia Padiglione Tibet, progetto presentato successivamente alla Biennale di Venezia, al Museo Diotti di Casalmaggiore (CR), palazzo Ducale di Genova e presso la Biblioteca Laudense di Lodi.
2014 PadiglioneTibet partecipa alla Bienal del Fin del Mundo in Argentina.
2016 “TERRA/materiaprima” progetto di Mail Art presso la Galleria di Arti Visive dell’Università del Melo – Gallarate.
2016 presenta Padiglione Tibet al Castello Visconteo di Pavia.
2017 presenta la 1 Biennale Internazionale di Mail Art a Venezia – Palazzo Zenobio
2018 Padiglione Tibet partecipa alla Vogalonga (Venezia)
2018 installazione “Erosioni in pinzimonio” - Poetry and Pottery Un’inedita avventura fra ceramica e poesia visiva - CAMeC centro arte moderna e contemporanea La Spezia
2018 installazione CaraPace - Museo Tecnico Navale - La Spezia
2019 “Onda Sonora” libro collettivo – V Biennale del Libro d'artista - Napoli
2019 ARTNIGHT Venezia – Padiglione Tibet - videoproiezione 2011.2019. Storia di un padiglione per un paese che non c'è - Magazzini del Sale, Reale Società Canottieri Bucintoro
2019 riceve il Premio alla carriera - PREMIO ARTE IN ARTI E MESTIERI 2019 – XIX EDIZIONE - Fondazione Scuola Arti e Mestieri "F. Bertazzoni" - Suzzara (MN)
2020 “#GlobalViralEmergency / Fate Presto” L’arte tra scienza, natura e tecnologia - Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery – Salerno
  “Fragilità e Distacco / 70 Years Ruggero  Maggi”
Via S. Calenda, 105/D  - Salerno,  Tel/3937380225    
e-mail:  [email protected]     
Gallery: http://www.collezionebongianiartmuseum.it  
Orario continuato tutti i giorni dalle 00.00 alle 24.00
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michellemagly · 4 years
Buying hacked computers | VPRO Documentary
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/buying-hacked-computers-vpro-documentary/
Buying hacked computers | VPRO Documentary
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In this documentary, filmmaker Anthony van der Meer investigates the lively digital trade in hacked computers. He infiltrates a hacker forum for ‘RATters’; hackers who spy on people, steal or blackmail them. These victims are called ‘slaves.’
The documentary gives an insight into a world that remains hidden from many and, at the same time, investigates the ethical and journalistic limits of the maker.
The hacker forums offer not only ‘RAT tools,’ but also complete manuals on how to use these tools. Experienced RATters help beginners on their way, and tips are given on how to make money from slaves, whose photos are shared as trophies. Even antivirus software is dodged with easy-to-use tools.
Scenario & Direction: Anthony van der Meer Production assistant: Noëlla Cornelisse camera: Gijs Wilbers, Alwin Ritstier, Ruben Peters, Hendrik van Beek Music & Sound post production: Sjoerd Limberger Assembly: Anthony van der Meer, Alwin Ritstier Visual effects: Kevin Verbeek Colour correction & delivery: Laurent Fluttert Courtesy of: Max Oomen, Sjoerd van Rijsbergen, Janez Jansa, Gregor Gobec
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel, and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you! more information at
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast: VPRO Broadcast: VPRO Metropolis: VPRO Documentary: VPRO World Stories: VPRO Extra: VPRO VG (world music): VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music): VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories): www.VPRObroadcast.com
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Buying hacked computers | VPRO Documentary
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/buying-hacked-computers-vpro-documentary/
Buying hacked computers | VPRO Documentary
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In this documentary, filmmaker Anthony van der Meer investigates the lively digital trade in hacked computers. He infiltrates a hacker forum for ‘RATters’; hackers who spy on people, steal or blackmail them. These victims are called ‘slaves.’
The documentary gives an insight into a world that remains hidden from many and, at the same time, investigates the ethical and journalistic limits of the maker.
The hacker forums offer not only ‘RAT tools,’ but also complete manuals on how to use these tools. Experienced RATters help beginners on their way, and tips are given on how to make money from slaves, whose photos are shared as trophies. Even antivirus software is dodged with easy-to-use tools.
Scenario & Direction: Anthony van der Meer Production assistant: Noëlla Cornelisse camera: Gijs Wilbers, Alwin Ritstier, Ruben Peters, Hendrik van Beek Music & Sound post production: Sjoerd Limberger Assembly: Anthony van der Meer, Alwin Ritstier Visual effects: Kevin Verbeek Colour correction & delivery: Laurent Fluttert Courtesy of: Max Oomen, Sjoerd van Rijsbergen, Janez Jansa, Gregor Gobec
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel, and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you! more information at
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast: VPRO Broadcast: VPRO Metropolis: VPRO Documentary: VPRO World Stories: VPRO Extra: VPRO VG (world music): VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music): VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories): www.VPRObroadcast.com
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the-etranger · 4 years
Buying hacked computers | VPRO Documentary
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/buying-hacked-computers-vpro-documentary/
Buying hacked computers | VPRO Documentary
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In this documentary, filmmaker Anthony van der Meer investigates the lively digital trade in hacked computers. He infiltrates a hacker forum for ‘RATters’; hackers who spy on people, steal or blackmail them. These victims are called ‘slaves.’
The documentary gives an insight into a world that remains hidden from many and, at the same time, investigates the ethical and journalistic limits of the maker.
The hacker forums offer not only ‘RAT tools,’ but also complete manuals on how to use these tools. Experienced RATters help beginners on their way, and tips are given on how to make money from slaves, whose photos are shared as trophies. Even antivirus software is dodged with easy-to-use tools.
Scenario & Direction: Anthony van der Meer Production assistant: Noëlla Cornelisse camera: Gijs Wilbers, Alwin Ritstier, Ruben Peters, Hendrik van Beek Music & Sound post production: Sjoerd Limberger Assembly: Anthony van der Meer, Alwin Ritstier Visual effects: Kevin Verbeek Colour correction & delivery: Laurent Fluttert Courtesy of: Max Oomen, Sjoerd van Rijsbergen, Janez Jansa, Gregor Gobec
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel, and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you! more information at
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast: VPRO Broadcast: VPRO Metropolis: VPRO Documentary: VPRO World Stories: VPRO Extra: VPRO VG (world music): VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music): VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories): www.VPRObroadcast.com
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Buying hacked computers | VPRO Documentary
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/buying-hacked-computers-vpro-documentary/
Buying hacked computers | VPRO Documentary
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In this documentary, filmmaker Anthony van der Meer investigates the lively digital trade in hacked computers. He infiltrates a hacker forum for ‘RATters’; hackers who spy on people, steal or blackmail them. These victims are called ‘slaves.’
The documentary gives an insight into a world that remains hidden from many and, at the same time, investigates the ethical and journalistic limits of the maker.
The hacker forums offer not only ‘RAT tools,’ but also complete manuals on how to use these tools. Experienced RATters help beginners on their way, and tips are given on how to make money from slaves, whose photos are shared as trophies. Even antivirus software is dodged with easy-to-use tools.
Scenario & Direction: Anthony van der Meer Production assistant: Noëlla Cornelisse camera: Gijs Wilbers, Alwin Ritstier, Ruben Peters, Hendrik van Beek Music & Sound post production: Sjoerd Limberger Assembly: Anthony van der Meer, Alwin Ritstier Visual effects: Kevin Verbeek Colour correction & delivery: Laurent Fluttert Courtesy of: Max Oomen, Sjoerd van Rijsbergen, Janez Jansa, Gregor Gobec
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel, and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you! more information at
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast: VPRO Broadcast: VPRO Metropolis: VPRO Documentary: VPRO World Stories: VPRO Extra: VPRO VG (world music): VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music): VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories): www.VPRObroadcast.com
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acid-bvrn · 4 years
Buying hacked computers | VPRO Documentary
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/buying-hacked-computers-vpro-documentary/
Buying hacked computers | VPRO Documentary
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In this documentary, filmmaker Anthony van der Meer investigates the lively digital trade in hacked computers. He infiltrates a hacker forum for ‘RATters’; hackers who spy on people, steal or blackmail them. These victims are called ‘slaves.’
The documentary gives an insight into a world that remains hidden from many and, at the same time, investigates the ethical and journalistic limits of the maker.
The hacker forums offer not only ‘RAT tools,’ but also complete manuals on how to use these tools. Experienced RATters help beginners on their way, and tips are given on how to make money from slaves, whose photos are shared as trophies. Even antivirus software is dodged with easy-to-use tools.
Scenario & Direction: Anthony van der Meer Production assistant: Noëlla Cornelisse camera: Gijs Wilbers, Alwin Ritstier, Ruben Peters, Hendrik van Beek Music & Sound post production: Sjoerd Limberger Assembly: Anthony van der Meer, Alwin Ritstier Visual effects: Kevin Verbeek Colour correction & delivery: Laurent Fluttert Courtesy of: Max Oomen, Sjoerd van Rijsbergen, Janez Jansa, Gregor Gobec
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel, and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you! more information at
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast: VPRO Broadcast: VPRO Metropolis: VPRO Documentary: VPRO World Stories: VPRO Extra: VPRO VG (world music): VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music): VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories): www.VPRObroadcast.com
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myfontz · 6 years
The 100 All Time Best Fonts
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FontShop presents: The 100 all time Best Fonts since Guternberg, as selected by their users and an international jury.
How have they rated the font?: The review of immeasurable qualities is tricky. How does one measure aesthetic quality, the benefit of an item, its value to humanity?  How does one determine a list of the best fonts of all time? They tried to do this by using on objective and two subjective measurement patters weighted as follows:
FontShop Sales Figures: 40%
Historical Value/Meaning: 30%
Aesthetic Qualities: 30%
The evaluation consisted exclusively of licensed or ëcommercialí fonts.  Free fonts or operating system fonts were not considered, nor were fonts integral to standard software (i.e. Arial, Verdana, etc.). Font variations, which over the centuries have been individually interpreted by various Foundries, were uniquely evaluated as a class and the best variant was entered into the main judging process.
Positions: | 01-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100
Ranking | Name | [Date - Designer] 
Helvetica [1957 – Max Miedinger]
Garamond [1530 – Claude Garamond]
Frutiger [1977 – Adrian Frutiger]
Bodoni [1970 – Giambattista Bodoni]
Futura [1927 – Paul Renner]
Times [1931 – Stanley Morison]
Akzidenz Grotesk [1957 – Gunter Gerhard Lange]
Officina [1990 – Erik Spiekermann]
Gill Sans [1930 – Eric Gill]
Univers [1957 – Adrian Frutiger]
Optima [1954 – Hermann Zapf]
Franklin Gothic [1903 – Morris Fuller Benton]
Bembo [1496 – Francesco Griffo]
Interstate [1993 – Tobias Frere-Jones]
Thesis [1994 – Lucas de Groot]
Rockwell [1934 – Frank H. Pierpont]
Walbaum [1800 – Justus Walbaum]
Meta [1991 – Erik Spiekermann]
Trinité [1982 – Bram De Does]
Din [1926 – Ludwig Goller]
Matrix [1986 – Zuzana Licko]
OCR [1965 – American Type Founders]
Avant Garde [1968 – Herb Lubalin]
Lucida [1985 – Chris Holmes / Charles Bigelow]
Sabon [1964 – Jan Tschichold]
Zapfino [1998 – Hermann Zapf]
Letter Gothic [1956 – Roger Roberson]
Stone [1987 – Summer Stone]
Arnhem [1998 – Fred Smeijers]
Minion [1990 – Robert Slimbach]
Myriad [1992 – Twombly & Slimbach]
Rotis [1988 – Olt Aicher]
Eurostile [1962 – Aldo Novarese]
Scala [1991 – Martin Majoor]
Syntax [1968 – Hans Eduard Meier]
Joanna [1930 – Eric Gill]
Fleishmann [1997 – Erhard Kaiser]
Palatino [1950 – Hermann Zapf]
Baskerville [1754 – John Baskerville]
Fedra [2002 – Peter Bil’ak]
Gotham [2000 – Tobias Frere-Jones]
Lexicon [1992 – Bram De Does]
Hands [1991 – Letterror]
Metro [1929 – W. A. Dwiggins]
Didot [1799 – Firmin Didot]
Formata [1984 – Bernd Mˆllenst‰dt]
Caslon [1725 – William Caslon]
Cooper Black [1920 – Oswald B. Cooper]
Peignot [1937 – A. M. Cassandre]
Bell Gothic [1938 – Chauncey H. Griffith]
Antique Olive [1962 – Roger Excoffon]
Wilhelm Klngspor Gotisch [1926 – Rudolf Koch]
Info [1996 – Erik Spiekermann]
Dax [1995 – Hans Reichel]
Proforma [1988 – Petr van Blokland]
Today Sans [1988 – Volker Kuster]
Prokyon [2002 – Erhard Kaiser]
Trade Gothic [1948 – Jackson Burke]
Swift [1987 – Gerald Unger]
Copperplate Gothic [1901 – Frederic W. Goudy]
Blur [1992 – Neville Brody]
Base [1995 – Zuzana Licko]
Bell Centennial [1978 – Matthew Carter]
News Gothic [1908 – Morris Fuller Benton]
Avenir [1988 – Adrian Frutiger]
Bernhard Modern [1937 – Lucian Bernhard]
Amplitude [2003 – Christian Schwartz]
Trixie [1991 – Erik van Blokland]
Quadraat [1992 – Fred Smeijers]
Neutraface [2002 – Christian Schwartz]
Nobel [1929 – Sjoerd de Roos]
Industria [1990 – Neville Brody]
Bickham Script [1997 – Richard Lipton]
Bank Gothic [1930 – Morris Fuller Benton]
Corporate ASE [1989 – Kurt Weidemann]
Fago [2000 – Ole Schafer]
Trajan [1989 – Carol Twombly]
Kabel [1927 – Rudolf Koch]
House Gothic 23 [1995 – Tal Leming]
Kosmik [1993 – Letterror]
Caecilia [1990 – Peter Matthias Noordzij]
Mrs Eaves [1996 – Zuzana Licko]
Corpid [1997 – Lucas de Groot]
Miller [1997 – Matthew Carter]
Souvenir [1914 – Morris Fuller Benton]
Instant Types [1992 – Just van Rossum]
Clarendon [1845 – Robert Besley]
Triplex [1989 – Zuzana Licko]
Benguiat [1977 – Ed Benguiat]
Zapf Renaissance [1984 – Hermann Zapf]
Filosofia [1996 – Zuzana Licko]
Chalet [1996 – Ken Barber]
Quay Sans [1990 – David Quay]
Cézanne [1995 – Michael Want, James Grieshaber]
Reporter [1938 – Carlos Winkow]
Legacy [1992 – Ronald Arnholm]
Agenda [1993 – Greg Thompson]
Bello [2004 – Underware]
Dalliance [2000 – Frank Heine]
Mistral [1953 – Roger Excoffon]
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str9led · 6 years
ASN Bank | The PVC-Horse from Ambassadors on Vimeo.
For our third collaboration with ASN Bank and creative agency Selmore, we took the animated world from the fable and facts forest to the sea for a story on sustainability.
Selmore Accounts: Lucinda Rosheuvel, Anja Froeling Agency Executive Producer: Hanneke Kampschreur Agency Producer: Jorieke de Jong Creative Director: Diederick Hillenius Creatives: Sam de Greef, Hannah Mulder
Ambassadors Director: Ambassadors Creative Director: Vincent Lammers Art Director: Nick Groeneveld Producer: Bo Kops Artist Manager: Marissa Zandvliet DOP: Floris van der Lee Production Design: Gatze Zonneveld Editor: Oscar Marmelstein Colorist: Koert van der Ploeg VFX Supervisor: Stephen Pepper 2D Artists: Dennis van der Linden, Jeremy Verf, Peter van Rij, Stephen Pepper, Micha de Graaf 3D Supervisor: Will Jeffers 3D Artists: Jonathan Krijgsman, Alexander van Buggenum, Ivor Ribeiro da Silva, Jeroen Hoolmans, Charlotte Vallet, Ralph Meijer, Sjoerd de Greef, Robin van As, Will Jeffers Layout & Storyboard: Rachelle Slingerland, Nick Groeneveld Character Design: Iris van den Akker, Maureen van der Hout, Rachelle Slingerland, Nick Groeneveld Sound Producer: Zoë de Regt Sound Designer: Rens Pluijm Composer: Sebastiaan Roestenburg
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tonin-terets · 3 years
ASN Bank | The Scapegoat from Ambassadors on Vimeo.
We’re back with a new storybook chapter in an ongoing campaign showing ‘money can create happiness’ for people, plants, and wildlife alike. It’s Ambassadors’ sixth CG animated film created for ASN Bank in collaboration with creative agency Selmore.
This time, viewers are introduced to ‘the Scapegoat’ who is on trial for eating a flower, much to the detriment of the bees who need them to pollinate. After facing prosecution from the other fable forest creatures, it’s decided by the Wise Owl that the Scapegoat also helps fertilize a rich natural world... in his own special way.
Agency: Selmore Account Director: Tom Stoffels RTV Producer: Jorieke de Jong Strategy: Jeroen Senden Design: Simone Wenth, Andrea Volkers Creative: Diederick Hillenius, Hannah Mulder Creative Production Studio: Ambassadors Director: Nick Groeneveld Creative Director: Justin Blyth Producer: Jade Durbecker Sound Producer: Zoë de Regt Artist Manager: Marissa Zandvliet Editor: Oscar Marmelstein Colorist: Matt Hare DOP: Floris van der Lee Set Designer: Gatze Zonneveld VFX Supervisor: Sil Bulterman Lead VFX Artist: Stephen Pepper VFX Artists: Melissa van het Spijker, Jeremy Verf, Peter van Rij 3D Supervisor: Ralph Meijer 3D Artists: Jeroen Hoolmans, Charlotte Vallet, Sjoerd de Greef, Jonathan Krijgsman, Jeroen Cloosterman, Ralph Meijer, Dimos Hadjisavvas 3D Animation: Nick Groeneveld, Lewis van der Werf Lead Designer: Maureen van der Hout Designer: Rachelle Slingerland Layout & Storyboard: Rachelle Slingerland Character Design: Maureen van de Hout, Rachelle Slingerland Sound Designer: Joep Meijburg Composer: Sebastiaan Roestenburg
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bluesmagazine · 6 years
Recensie: Greyhound - Double Sixty
Greyhound – Double Sixty Format: CD / Label: Continental Record Services Records Releasedatum: 23 juni 2018
Tekst: Peter Marinus
Dit is een album met een verhaal. Het gaat om het verhaal van het Nederlandse akoestische bluesduo Greyhound. Het duo werd veertig jaar geleden opgericht door Sjoerd Heijda (zang, gitaar, mandoline, bas) en Klaas Vermeulen (harmonica). Alles leek goed te gaan. Er werd…
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anoukkruithof · 6 years
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Groupshow: Loading… Works from the Foam Collection 14 September - 18 November 2018 @FOAM Amsterdam
Foam has been working for over ten years on its growing collection that shows the development of the medium throughout the 21st century. By spotting and presenting young talented photographers at an early stage of their careers and simultaneously adding their work to the collection, the museum ensures that its collection keeps pace with the potential and development of the young artists. In this way Foam tries to recognise and record the most recent developments of the medium as contemporaneously as possible.
With works by: Paul Bogaers, Sofia Borges, Antony Cairns, Juno Calypso, Uta Eisenreich, Daniel Gordon, Noémie Goudal, Adam Jeppesen, Heikki Kaski, Sjoerd Knibbeler, Awoiska van der Molen, Anouk Kruithof, Ola Lanko, Matthew Leifheit & Cynthia Talmadge, Romain Mader, Nerhol, Momo Okabe, Olya Oleinic, Peter Puklus, Jan Rosseel, Viviane Sassen, Scheltens & Abbenes, Jean-Vincent Simonet, Theo Simpson, Anne de Vries, Harley Weir and Daisuke Yokota.
SMARTIFY Visitors can download additional information about the photos in the Loading ... Works from the Foam Collection via the Smartify app. If you scan the work in the exhibition you will see more images and information, for example about the exhibition history of the work, through this app. The free Smartify app is available Apple App Storeor Google Play Store.
Loading… Works from the Foam Collection can be seen from 14 September - 18 November 2018 at Foam. Open daily 10am - 6pm, Thurs/Fri 10am - 9pm.
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41international · 6 years
From 15.-17. June friends from Belgium, Germany, England, Swiss, Malta, France, Romania and Austria celebrate a fantastic AGM with the Dutch friends in Almere near Amsterdam. Almere was founded 1975 in the former Ijselsea – 7 m under sea level, therefore all Dutch can swim. The welcome party was organised in a privat home: barbecue with a cooking world campion, open fire,  Sax live music and about 70 41-ers and 20 Tablers.
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By the AGM president Xander Terpstra welcomed friends from 8 nations. The spirit of the Dutch AGM was full of the partnership between 41 and RT.   41 Nederland started with a new organisation 4 years ago. In the moment are 13 clubs and about 10 in the pipeline. The basic are about 2200 tablers in more than 200 clubs. Also the YAP Program started new in this year.
In my address I explain the 4 main values especially friendship also on international level – also to our 41 friends in France – and support service with the new Service price of Education. All the members will support this values.
Beside the official matters we listen to a speech of the library director. He has organized a relaunch of the service in the new library with general ideas also for our organisation. The audience was deep impressed.
At least Mr. 41 – Nederlands Sjoerd van Esch got a special award and standing ovations.
Afterward we started with a lunch package a visit on the Floreale Island with a flower exhibition started in 2022. During a bike tour through the natural landscape we have time enough for sporting, speaking, eating and drinking. A really good idea from the organisation team to combine sporting activities with celebrating friendship.
The gala dinner combined black tie and a beach party with high heels or Flip Flops! till the morning with banner exchange, loud disco music and an excellent buffet. I have also the opportunity for a longer conversation with the friends of GB & I namely Pres. Phill Ellis, PP Dave Campbell and IRO Peter Good. They support our ideas and will come back with a strong candidate for the future international board – congratulation!
During the Farewell I have the opportunity for a meeting with the new president Jaap Bestemann and his board and I can determine that a strong group of 41ers is back in the international 41 family.
Thanks to our 41 – and RT friends in Nederlands for a wonderful weekend and always think: 4 values – 1 idea 41 our network.
Ulrich Suppan
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President Report from AGM in the Nederlands [Ulrich Suppan] From 15.-17. June friends from Belgium, Germany, England, Swiss, Malta, France, Romania and Austria celebrate a fantastic AGM with the Dutch friends in Almere near Amsterdam.
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