maisha-online · 9 months
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cafecreme01 · 1 year
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Sitafal Creme Shake - Cafe Franchise in India - Cafe Creme
Indulge in the rich and creamy Sitafal Creme Shake at Cafe Creme, your go-to Cafe Franchise in India for delectable treats. Experience the flavors of Pune in every sip as we blend the luscious taste of Sitafal into a dreamy shake. Join us for a taste of Pune's best cafes
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shobanarayan · 1 year
Is there an Indian way of tasting wine?
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sanjayiglesias · 1 year
सीताफल को इंग्लिश में क्या कहते है? यदि आपको सीताफल के अंग्रेजी नाम के बारे में जानना है, तो इस लेख में आपको उत्तर मिलेगा।
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khwxbeeda · 7 months
Date Ideas: Desi Edition
I'm in my TS Lover Era and I need some Pune date ideas so uh.. enjoy my thinking process ig
A proper date: dinner and drinks. Proper manners and polite conversation over good food and good beverages/drinks. You and your date pretend to be very serious adults with very serious jobs, and when you walk out of the restaurant you share a secret laugh as if you've pulled the greatest prank ever.
Chaha date. Standing on the side of a road under the insufficient cover of the chai stall with your fingers gripping the edge of plastic cups or mud tumblers, taking a deep sniff and closing your eyes at the smell of veldoda that wafts up. Looking up and catching their gaze already fixed on you, and looking back down, feeling the heat spread over your cheeks. You attribute it to the chaha's steam, but you know that's a lie. When you look back up, they're wating for you. They wink, and you nearly drop your cup, making them stifle a giggle.
Kulfi date. It's a crowded lane and you cram into the little hole in the wall kulfi parlour that's been there since your parents were children, excited smiles on both your faces. You order laal peru and request them to sprinkle chilli powder on top. Your partner gives you a dramatic scandalized look that has you cracking up and orders a sitafal kulfi without the chilli, please and thank you. With a lot of whining and teasing and mischievous smiles, you finally get them to taste your kulfi, and it ends with them ordering it for themself. You lean back in your chair and grin smugly even as they roll their eyes.
Book thrifting. Hands held, you walk into your usual book shop, a smile lighting up your face at the familiar smell of mogra and yellowing pages that hangs in the little room. It's a tiny shop in the basement of a shady old plaza, but it always has the best second hand books. The idea is to buy a book you think the other will enjoy, and then discuss them when you are done reading them. You pick up Ruined by Paula Morris, because you remember the three M's that your date swears by: Magic, Murder and Mystery. This is a perfect blend of all three, and you rather think they'll enjoy it. When you meet them at the counter, they have Nashtaneer by Rabindranath Thakur in their hands. You both grin at each other.
Juna Bazaar is as crowded as always. You giggle as they grip your wrist and drag you from shop to shop, rambling about their lecture in college. The sonchafa that you had tucked behind their ear is still there, and it makes something warm settle in your heart. You keep your mind on the mission though: buy three of the most interesting things you see, and then explain why you think it is interesting. They gasp and snap up a beautiful crystal vial like a magpie. It turns out to be kajal, made the traditional way. "You have to!" they insist, "it'll look so good with your pretty eyes!" You turn red and accept the little wand, dragging it between your eyelids. When you're done, your partner stares at you with their lips parted. Just as you're about to wave in front of their eyes and ask if they're okay, they lean forward and steal a lightning-fast kiss. "Too darn pretty for your own good, you are."
Camp area date! You two take a whole day to just stroll through Camp, pulling each other into random shops and cafés, looking at everything and eating from restaurants and roadside stalls alike. Your partner drags you deep into a sketchy looking plaza, and you find a clothing shop that sells the most random fashion items. You go to an ittr and perfume store. You visit Pasteur Ice Cream, Cafe Peter, the chaat stalls near Clover Centre and the barbeque corn stalls a little ways from Kumar Plaza. At the end of the day, you go home and show each other all your purchases; they bought you a bejewelled purse that goes with that one pair of your heels and you squeal over it, you bought them a chandan attar because you remember them mentioning it being their favourite smell and they immediately rub it over their wrists with a bright smile.
The two of you are tucked into a little corner of the garden. Sitting on an old bedsheet with several lunchboxes filled with bhel, samosa, kaju katli, shrikhand, slices of mango and watermelon and a bunch of green grapes. Your phone plays a familiar tune— Ishq Wala Love, and you're mouthing the lyrics in the most dramatic style that you can, revelling in the laughter of your partner. There is a mogra cha gajra braided into your hair and three roses tucked behind their ear; your little gifts to each other. Their eyes gleam bright with mirth, lips curved upward into a wide grin, and you can't help but lean forward and press a soft kiss to their lips. This picnic date is the best idea you've had in a while, you think, and the late spring flowers in bloom are the perfect addition.
Tag list: @mad-who-ra @yehsahihai @natures-marvel @musaafir-hun-yaaron @hum-suffer @h0bg0blin-meat @orgasming-caterpillar @wyvrens @kanha-sakhi
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generalevannacci · 6 months
Vabbè dai, è solo mafia. Niente rispetto a quei komunisti kattivi che andavano a sabotare i lavori della TAV.
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yehsahihai · 10 months
garden; do you have a garden? plants? 
yuppp. big one. there's 6 different hibiscus plants, two nagchampas, raatrani, purple and red passionflowers, two gandharaj plants, white and blue shankhapushpa, mogra plants, heliconias. there's a bunch of other ones as well. I'll send pictures if you want. and there's also two peepal tres, two mulberry trees, bana trees, sitafal, anar, mango and lemon trees.
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Inchiesta a Torino, Gallo jr ritira sua candidatura dopo le indagini sul padre Salvatore
Nuova tegola per il Pd. Dopo il ‘caso Bari’ che ha portato allo strappo tra Giuseppe Conte ed Elly Schlein, in Piemonte si dimette il capogruppo regionale Dem, Raffaelle Gallo, figlio di Salvatore Gallo, ex manager di Sitaf indagato per estorsione, peculato e violazione della normativa elettorale. Gallo jr lascia il suo incarico in Consiglio regionale e ritira la propria candidatura per le…
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Servizi di controllo degli eccessi di velocità sull’autostrada A32 Torino-Bardonecchia
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Servizi di controllo degli eccessi di velocità sull’autostrada A32 Torino-Bardonecchia. Nell’ambito delle iniziative volte alla prevenzione dei comportamenti pericolosi alla guida, la Polizia stradale, di concerto con la Concessionaria SITAF S.P.A., dopo aver vagliato i tratti dell’autostrada A32 Torino – Bardonecchia maggiormente interessati da condotte poste in violazione delle norme in materia di circolazione stradale, hanno predisposto segnali di preavviso e segnalazione destinati a rendere note le aree ove saranno collocate le apparecchiature mobili di ultima generazione per la rilevazione della velocità, tipologia Autovelox modello 106. Queste ultime saranno pertanto installate in piazzole visibili e i controlli saranno ampiamente segnalati con i previsti cartelli stradali, come da normativa vigente. L’”Eccesso di velocità” è tra le cause che più incidono sull’esito degli incidenti stradali e in particolare sulle lesioni alle persone coinvolte. Dal 12 febbraio 2024, pertanto, al termine dei lavori di adeguamento della segnaletica, il personale della Sottosezione Polizia Stradale di Susa darà avvio ai servizi per il contrasto degli eccessi di velocità, debitamente segnalati anche sui portali a messaggio variabile presenti sulla tratta autostradale. Il calendario delle attività di controllo come già avviene per tutte i servizi di analoga natura, sarà consultabile sul sito della Polizia di Stato.  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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naturals-icecream · 8 months
Buy Sitaphal Ice Cream Online only at Naturals Icecream
Shop Naturals best Sitaphal Ice Cream online at the best prices. Visit the website now and order your favourite Sitafal Icecream.
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pluckksocial · 10 months
10 Fun Ways to Incorporate Custard Apple into Your Kids' Diet
Custard apple, also known as sitafal, is a delightful and nutritious fruit that children adore. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, custard apples can be a fantastic addition to your child's diet. But the question is, how do you make this exotic fruit appealing to your kids? Here are 10 enjoyable ways to include custard apples in your children's meals:
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Smoothies: Blend custard apple with other fruits like banana, mango, or strawberry to create a creamy and nutritious smoothie. For an extra boost, add yogurt or milk.
Popsicles: Create healthy popsicles by blending custard apples with coconut water or fruit juices. Freeze the mixture in popsicle molds for a refreshing treat on hot summer days.
Fruit Salad: Enhance the color and nutrition of your fruit salad by adding chopped custard apples. Drizzle honey or lemon juice for added flavor.
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Pancakes: Mix mashed custard apple into pancake batter for a fruity twist. Serve the pancakes with maple syrup or yogurt for a delicious breakfast.
Parfaits: Layer chopped custard apple with granola and yogurt in a glass to make a healthy and flavorful parfait. Ideal as a snack or light dessert.
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Muffins: Incorporate diced custard apple into homemade muffin batter for a unique flavor and texture. Irresistible treats for your kids.
Energy Balls: Blend custard apple with nuts, dates, and oats to create energy balls for a convenient on-the-go snack. Tasty and energizing.
Ice Cream: Freeze blended custard apple with cream or milk to make creamy and delicious ice cream. A healthier alternative to store-bought options, sure to be a hit with your little ones.
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Yogurt Parfait: Layer custard apple with yogurt and crunchy granola for a nutritious and satisfying breakfast or snack. Visually appealing and packed with vitamins and minerals.
Fruit Salsa: Dice custard apple along with other fruits like mango, pineapple, and kiwi to make a refreshing fruit salsa. Serve it with cinnamon-sprinkled tortilla chips for a fun and healthy snack option.
Not only is custard apple tasty, but it also offers numerous health benefits. Rich in vitamin C for a strengthened immune system and healthy skin, its high fiber content aids digestion and prevents constipation. Additionally, custard apple is a good source of potassium, promoting healthy blood pressure levels.
Beauty Boost! Mash the pulp of a ripe custard apple and apply it as a natural face mask for 15-20 minutes before rinsing. This mask can hydrate your skin and give it a healthy glow.
In conclusion, making sitaphal a part of your kids' diet can be both enjoyable and nutritious. From smoothies to pancakes, there are plenty of creative ways to explore this exotic fruit. Don't wait! Order custard apples online from Pluckk today and embark on a healthier lifestyle with these exciting recipes for your little ones. Visit the website to order fresh custard apples and other fruits online. Start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle with Pluckk!
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foodlover0008 · 11 months
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hebbarskitchen · 1 year
Sitafal Rabdi Recipe
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cookingexam · 1 year
Bhandare wali SITAFAL KI SABJI बनारसी कद्दू / कोहड़ा की सब्जी बनाना सीखें हलवाई वाले भईया से
कद्दू को आम बोलचाल की भाषा में पेठा या सीताफल भी बोला जाता है। कद्दू की सब्जी भंडारे में बहुत ही श्रद्धा भाव से परोसी जाती है। इसके अलावा कद्दू की सूखी सब्जी, तरी वाली सब्जी, पूरी, पराठा कचोरी के साथ बहुत ही अच्छी लगती है। कद्दू अपने आप में एक बहुत ही हेल्दी सब्जी है। आज हम आपके लिए भंडारे वाली कद्दू की सब्जी जो थोड़ी खट्टी और थोड़ी सी मीठी होती है उसकी रेसिपी लेकर आए हैं। शादी वाली पेठे की…
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noisynutcrusade · 2 years
On a scooter on the Turin-Bardonecchia motorway
On a scooter on the highway in the snow. It happened Thursday morning shortly after 9. Some workers engaged in maintenance of the A32 due to the heavy snowfall noticed the presence of two young people on scooters and sounded the alarm. The cameras of Sitaf, the company that manages the A32, also filmed the scene and alerted the Susa traffic police. The boys were spotted at the entrance to West…
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thefoodaffairs · 2 years
Changing cuisine and festivities with the inbound festival of Navratri
Cultural diversity is the true essence of India. Navratri, the nine-day festival, is devoted to Goddess Durga’s nine manifestations to remember the triumph of good over evil. Although the festival is centered on a common religious belief, it is observed differently across the nation through varied approaches to seeking blessings, ways of worship, rituals & traditions, and ultimately, a vibrant and diversified culinary culture.
Fasting is a crucial part of the Navratri preparations, and devotees avoid eatingnon-vegetarian food. Many households refrain from consuming onion and garlic and commit to a complete sattvic diet. They follow a simple meal with no or minimal spices and emphasize consuming forgotten grains like buckwheat, finger millet, water chestnut flour, etc. Today numerous people tend to explore multiple dietary options during these 9 days deserting the age-old puja food that’s dished out in the kitchen year after year. It is not necessary to limit ‘vrat ka khana’ to solely fruits and a bland, watery diet. The Food Affairs brings delights from all communities, each with its unique specialties that are worthwhile to try. Here is a quick guide.
1. ORANGE GINGER BASIL MOJITO The complementing flavours of orange and basil in a mojito make the mocktail incredibly reviving and tasty. Although it may sound unusual to substitute fresh basil for fresh mint, it is a delightful treat for the taste buds!
2. ROSE SORBET During the fasting days, rose sorbet, created by freezing a mixture of rose syrup and lime juice, is a sweet and nourishing refreshing drink that has a soulful taste.
3. GHEE-ROASTED SHAKERKAND Ghee-baked sweet potatoes have a deliciously buttery flavour. A little sprinkle of cinnamon is the perfect finishing ingredient to bring out its natural sweetness without adding more sugar. This is an assured dish that will quickly be among your favourites!
4. SABUDANA THALIPEETH Sabudana thalipeeth are simply crispy, soft pancakes. If one wants to stay away from deep-fried snacks, this is an excellent replacement for sabudana vada. It is a light snack that can be eaten with vrat wale aloo or Dahi aloo to make a substantial dinner when prepared on vrat.
5. ALOO LACHA TIKKI Aloo Lachha Tikki is a fasting meal made from grated potatoes that may be quickly prepared for lunch, snacks, or dinner. These shallow-fried bakes, known for the tanginess provided by lemon and chilies, taste best when served hot with a bowl of coriander and sweet date chutney to enhance the flavour.
6. SITAFAL BASUNDI Sitaphal Basundi, made from ripe custard apple pulp, is the perfect way to end a meal when you’re fasting. The cardamom sprinkle completely elevates the flavour of this dish. This is one of the vrat recipes that satisfies sweet cravings like no other.
Fasting is an integral and significant part of Indian culture. While fasting, particularly on holy days, is believed to offer numerous benefits for the health of the body, mind, and spirit. Some of the aforementioned recipes would undoubtedly add great taste while retaining the simplicity and piety of fasting cuisine, making it a joyful and healthful mealtime.
The Food Affairs Brings To You, A Catering Experience That Constantly Reinvents The Wheel To Bring An Element Of Warmth And Personalization To Every Special Occasion. Our Passion And Reverence For Food Are Evident In Every Dish That Is Prepared And Seasoned Perfectly With The Season’s Fresh Produce, Sourced Locally. Our Inspired Creations – Subtle Recipes, Their Aromas, Textures, And Hues Evoke Powerful, Positive Emotions. Every Menu That We Curate And Create Is Lovingly Tailored To The Exclusive Affair, Location, And People It Is Meant To Be Served. Let Us Take You On A Gastronomic Journey And Create A Unique And Unforgettable Dining Experience.
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