#Sindren Albright
twstinginthewind · 7 months
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One more for OC kiss week! It's time for a little parkour in the park with Bobby and @fumikomiyasaki's Sindren! I had to give our hero lady some more excitement than just a smooch with her fox beau, after all!
(As always, friends and twst moots, I would love to draw your OCs too. Just let me know if it's okay!)
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fumikomiyasaki · 5 months
Oc Families part 2
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Part 1
Content warning for some abusive parents here... also gore and violence mentions on Rachels parents, Focusing on main dorms for now, Emmas mother I drew for the story, others are dead or other reasons I didn't show them.
Jade and Ophelia Von Loketon (Rubinas Parents)
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Jade being a strict opera actor who is quite harsh to his daughters as well as demanding… to him they are not worth if they don't keep up the family legacy as well as he often threw cans if them if they denied his demands. Ophelia meanwhile made sure both Rubina and Saphirra looked at their best and mixed manipulation with compation…. she is also the one who suggested the arranged marriage thing… as well as she is the reason they both had the Tori blood. She was a Famous Romance movie actress but retired so she lives her dreams through her daughters
Opalon Grey (Rubinas Uncle)
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Opalon Grey is a single man, Dectective at work and the only reason Rubina is still sane really... he often showed her around cases and gave her some normalcy in her life... she one day wants to be like him. And well her Sister Saphirra I mentioned at a former post before
Yui and Tadano Chunya (Pekos Parents)
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Pekos proud parents who often support her merch concerts and are her biggest fans in general… they may spoil their daughter and often shelter her a lot from things but they mean very well… Yui is ignoring questions about that time her cells were stolen by a lab but if she were to meet Bolt she probably would accept him like a son, but her blue eyes are the reason why he has them too. Yui works in a clothing store while Tadano works in construction… Technically Yui could also be classified as Bolts mother cause from her cells he was created.
Suzy (Gregories former Caretaker)
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A Jolly friendly woman who was the reason Greg grew up pretty happy and fine... after his parents left him on the streets Suzy found him and took him in, however one day he was forcefully taken away from her for Experiments... he hasn't met her again since then however among the teachers Miss Fumiko often reminds him of her.
Felicia and Yula Nerington (Tylers Family)
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Felicia is Tylers biological mom while his dad is alive but divorced her cause of losing interest in her, so Felicia instead got married to Yula... a sickly but sweet woman that is the main reason why Tyler started with Sewing and making clothes... they both are very sweet and supportive of him but know he pushes himself too much for them.
Terry and Troy Nerington (Little Brothers)
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Little gremlins, one hyper, the other a bit more held back but often repeats what his brother said... both have a faible for bugs and love collecting them-
Clive and Anjun Fuchsia (Rachels parents)
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The Fuchsias married not for love but for Benefit... they were both keeping the lineage of this horrid family resulting in Rachel... Clive is a cannibalistic Yokai while Anjun is moreso eating souls... making them a duo to lure people into their palms and ruin lives... almost wiping out a whole village in their schemes... they are a business partners living in the mountains among a shrine... teaching their daughter to continue their morbid practise.
King Domenic and Queen Nephenee Ravenor (Gabrielle and Tesadelles parents)
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The Royal King and Queen were beloved by the kingdom however the Queen wanted to make sure her daughters are proper ladies... things went different as Gabrielle had more intrest in sparring with her father and grew more and more a good warrior like him... and so her focus shifted on Tesadelle after Gabrielle proven she won't agree to an arranged marriage in a duel... They mean well but Nephenee is a bit too demanding of her kids as well as just wanted to continue the monarchy tradtion of the kindom while the king wanted to more let his daughters have fun.
Eldwin Ravenor (cousin)
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In a universe where Gabrielle and Tesadelle have partners away from the kingdom, probably both of the sisters actually go with their partner… then who will be there to rule the Grimstone kingdom… another cousin who could manage the throne for them… he often was seen like a Twin brother to Gabrielle even if they are not brother and sister… Eldwin is a strong determined man in a similar age that Gabrielle who would make sure be to be a vigillant king.
Puretia and Fernand von Yltan (Andrews Parents)
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Birthparents and Merchant aristocrats doing backdoor Deals to whipe out smaller Noblehouse, manipulating people around them for their gain. They are the sole Reason Louis family is gone... as well as see their many sons just as a supply... to at least keep one heir alive and loyal to them to take over.
Anslie and Huxley Renous (Aidens Parents)
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Both from a rich family… however only those who could fight their way to their praise and authority were worthy… Aiden was the black sheep so… he foten had his mom yelling at him and his dad looking down at him in dissapointment… his Mom also often had the most insane ideas to push her children to the limit of sucess… hence everyone in the family wears suits cause she wanted them to become sucessfull and look clean.
Alfie, Ethan and Hunter Renous (Aidens Brothers)
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Cruel towards Aiden since childhood… Hunters scar is from a fight he and Aiden had… Alfie always made sure to expose him when he did his stuff with his bad friend, Ethan was always like: "nobody will ever love you." Hunter was actually the least mean to him but still very judgemental but… he might be the most that still is regretting some stuff.
Daitan and Chitose Chealean (Media's parents)
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Daitan was formerly a shinto priest who took his work very seriously while Chitose was supportive… at first they hoped Eleafy would grow up to be a good sucessor to their dad but after the kidnapping both grew paranoid and overprotective of Media… yet still they wanted Media to continue the work however Daitan was more understanding… stepped down one day from his job and let Media stop the Priest work cause he never really felt it… Chitose was less understanding of that choice of her husband and son but still wanted to support them… it however still leads sometimes to arguments between them.
As Media brought Aiden home Chitose also was Highly against adopting him but got sway by Daitan with the argument of "With our Original child we would have had two to take care of anyways… let him stay… he seems like we could get him on a better path in life… like we did with many in the past"
If it wasn't for Media his parents could have ended in the cult Ronnie had and Eleafy would have no chance of coming back… but i would see… the day Eleafy returns… Chitoses cold heart and paranoia would finally melt… and she will be much more loving again. Daitan is gentle and proud of his son Media though… he is the one calming his wife each time.
Osamu and Noboyuki Brawzer: (Teneras parents)
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Noboyuki was a single dad for a while but after finally leaving the temple with Tenera he met Osamu, a former Samurai who been hurt too much in his life and just needed a gentle soul to guide him, which Noboyuki did well… the two went from close friends that care about another to lovers and Tenera herself also had the hope to find such a love without judging where someone came from on how they look as long as they love is real.
Noboyuki is 6800 years old at this point while Osamu is… technically a 2100 old being part of a species that lives long but not as long as his lover
Theodore Albright (Sindrens Dad)
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Sucessfull business owner and famous among the Media, mister Albright hid from his daughter that his wife and her brother moved away after the scandals and instead told SIndren they died to protect his own shame... he does make his role as her dad well and does spoil her but... has it hard to face his problems
Fernando and Isadora Cenov (Mythras Parents)
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They actually both got Mythra very young so they also still look much younger for being Parents… but also they keep their beauty well… Fernando is a passionate dancer, especially good at tango while Isadora excels more at Hip hop and also wishes once they got more money she can get more nicer clothing.
Urania and Galos Ferres ( Tarons parents):
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Urania is an Alien and Galos a Fairy… resulting in the combo Taron is… they are the ones who build the space station and Urania similar to her brother unosis often makes small shows on the station… Taron hid from them about thier old mistakes about the past to not make them worry or dissapoint them… however they do know something bothers them… they are supportive and only want the best hoping they take over the station one day. (Bearbeitet)
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Just a dumb idea I had in my mind. Most of the relationships here are accurate though. Aiden and Tyler hate each other a lot, mainly cause of a misunderstanding in the past. Tyler accussed Aiden of stealing something from him and given he was to stubborn to apoligze to Aiden after he found out its not true, their slow hatred developed...
Dragiselle and Gabrielle are close friends and Gabrielle was the person to help Dragiselle after her kingdom got destroyed... I mainly overdid it with them kissing for Comedy but, its not far of that they could be casual kissing on occasion. At least before any of them has a relationship.
Flynn kinda misses Emma as Rival cause Peko as dorm leader is just... kinda not fitting in which is why she takes a photo of this. Fennec just gets dragged into the group although he wants to keep his distance and Sindren is often ignored by the others so that makes her often a bit sour.
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terrovaniadorm · 2 years
Jun'ichis opinions about the other dorm leaders.
Jun'ichi with Other HSA dorm leaders
-Starting with Flynn, one of the first people who saw through his act. They always try and outdo each other but Jun'ichi also likes pushing his buttons!
-Jun'ichi tries to win over Flynn with his influence in modeling and acting sector but the latter doesn't but it. Jun'ichi sees Flynn as a challenge.. And he also has nicknames for them all since he doesn't bother remembering their names! Flynn's is: Mockingbird
-Moving up to Peko, Jun'ichi doesn't mind her a lot, he knows her because of her idol career but there's one thing he likes about her: She's naive, she'd easily swayed. He calls her Rodent affectionately (Derogatory)
-Tyler is an interesting one because Jun'ichi does enjoy his work in a genuine way..Though i feel like Tyler just tolarates him, Jun'ichi sometimes offers to model for him, surprisingly his attempted at manipulating Tyler is minimal.. He just calls him Ty
-Gabrielle is a tough one! He usually stays away from Falciette because of a certain princess but Jun'ichi is smart he knows Gabrielle isn't one to fall in line with his plan so he keeps his distance
-They only "talk" during events and dorm leader meetings other than that? Gabrielle probably forgets Jun'ichi is a dorm leader in HSA lmao, the times they talky Jun'ichi calls her "Your highness" mockingly
-Jun'ichi just pities Aiden, you poor sweet thing, he thought he'd be an easy target but Aiden surprised him! It was a pleasant surprise :)
-Like Flynn he likes pushing Aiden's buttons too, there's just something that makes it interesting, maybe it's his past who knows! Jun'ichi also calls him "pup" because.. Wolf-
-Out of all dorm leaders Sindren gets it the easiest, since her dorm basically funds the school Jun'ichi usually leaves her be out of "respect".. After all if it wasn't for her he couldn't open Destopia! :) Jun'ichi actually calls her by her name or "Sindy" if he feels like annoying her
-Lastly Dragiselle..Jun'ichi is surprisingly neutral on her, he still haven't figured her out yet. A princess who destroyed her kingdom is interesting.. He'll need time to form an opinion on her, though he calls her "Flamethrower"
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fumidreams · 3 years
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Ikon x Sindren
The hero couple, funny enough lots of Hero aesthetics you either get anime or lame costumes, so I decided to go more with some interests of them. I have them near and dear in my heart. Given Sindren the courage to finally become a true Hero.
Ikon and drawing by @twistedikon
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twistedikon · 3 years
🛏️🥶 for any of our ships
You got it!! I hope this turned out okay! Been really pushing myself to actually finish writing things these days, so hopefully it isn’t too bad XD
Sindren X Ikon: Warm Hugs in Winter  🥶
Ikon groaned under breath. The shorter teen shivered as he tried his best to stay warm despite the bitter cold of winter. Normally, during these winter months, Ikon does his best to stay inside as much as possible. He was never a huge fan of the cold, despite his alternate form being very suitable to below zero conditions. It was something he could bever get used to, so he always attempted to stay warm constantly. 
However, today was a different story!
After what felt like forever, Ikon could finally take some time off from work and school to go on a long overdue date with his girlfriend, Sindren. The two agreed to go on a movie date to see the latest superhero movie at the theater, meet up at a nearby park and walk there together. But damn, it was way too cold for him.
“Ugh.. I know I showed up too early.” Ikon shivered. “Ahh, where is she…!? I’m going to turn into a popsicle at this rate.”
After what felt like an eternity, Sindren called out to him as she ran to his side. Ikon couldn’t have been happier to see his partner than at that moment. As soon as she was a few steps away from him, he instantly held her in his arms.
“Wow, I know it’s been a while since we’ve hung out, but I didn’t know you missed me that much!” Sindren giggled, her hair swaying from the frosted winds of the weather, only making Ikon nuzzle her closer. 
“Mhm, I have. Can we walk to the theater? I think my legs are freezing over.” Ikon groaned, only making Sindren laugh at him more, petting his head.
“Yeah, come on, Konnie.”
As the two walked, despite Ikon being warmer than before, his hands still felt numb. A mischievous thought flashed through his mind, and he smirked. Slowly Ikon raised his one free arm up to Sindren’s neck and-
Hehe, yeah worth it.
Tyler X Dakota: Sleepy Time Cuddles  🛏️
“But nothing!” Dakota pouted as he huffed. “You can finish this later, Tyler. You need to rest before you hurt yourself.” 
Dakota scolded Tyler as they walked together, hand in hand, back to Tyler’s room. From what Dakota gathered, at least from the frantic dorm members over the phone, Tyler had been working nonstop for the three days straight. To where Tyler hasn’t even left his workshop to even sleep. Dakota understood his boyfriend’s motivations and his desire to make a name for himself, but it always worried him whenever the tanuki boy would overwork himself to the bone like this. 
After a while, the two reached Tyler’s dorm room and Dakota could see the lack of rest finally catching up to the tanuki. The way Tyler leaned against Dakota’s larger frame to keep balance and how his eyes were struggling to stay open any longer. 
Once Dakota could open Tyler’s door. The centaur slowly guided his partner over to the bed, making sure Tyler at least took off his shoes and such before succumbing to the comforts of the soft bedding and slumber. However, before Dakota could step away, he felt a tug on his sleeve. 
“Wait...don’t go yet,” Tyler mumbled, his face flushing a bit at his actions. “Um… can you stay with me?”
Dakota blushed, still not used to seeing these more soft and vulnerable sides of his boyfriend. Of course, he would love to, but because of his stature, Dakota didn’t want to risk breaking anything and putting off Tyler’s rest even more. Dakota’s worry must have shown on his face. Before he even said anything, Tyler smiled at him.
“Don’t worry about the bed. I had some alterations made to it a while ago.” Tyler yawned, tugging Dakota once more to lie down next to him. 
“Oh, um, okay, if you say so then.” Dakota smiled back, laying down next to Tyler, allowing the older of the two to inch closer to Dakota, taking his arm and resting it at his side and he nuzzled his face against Dakota’s neck. Dakota brought Tyler close, resting his head against Tyler’s, planting a soft kiss on the other’s temple.
Sure enough, after being in each other’s embrace, Tyler fell into a deep slumber. Dakota smiled, happy that Tyler was finally getting the rest he deserved. Although Dakota now was certainly sure he wouldn’t be going back to NRC soon.  
Oh well, it’s not like he was missing much anyway.
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jhoudiey · 4 years
💖 usual Birdmeleon and Herohigh
I’ll kill you if you say anything, but Leroys tail is fucking adorable. I love it. I wanna play with it, but I don’t think he’d let me.
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Sindren?! So much stuff! Have you seen her talk about her favourite heroes? Her smile gets all big and her eyes get all starry and she’s brighter than the sun and its so cute! Anytime she’s doing things she likes she just becomes this adorable sunshine person I wanna stick in my pocket forever!
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
What clubs are the new guys in? What are Ryo's thoughts on the other HSA leaders? (your pick)
I combat u once more with Both?
Ryo is in the sewing club , Austin is in the photography club , Lucifer is in the occult club and Dice is in the cooking club!
And under the cut for length, I'll only be doing nonfandorm leaders bc . I'm not that insane today.
Ryo Ai : Thoughts on HSA leaders
Flynn Deradelle
" Oh yeah... We go back alright.. "
Flynn will probably never admit he's known Ryo for a hot minute. Which. Ryo understands because like. Who would? But he does have fond memories of the bird! So long as you don't have him rambling for too long..
Ryo oftentimes stops by polisionalle to check up on him , and watch play rehearsals. Always cheering the dorm on. Even though only one person can see him..
Peko Chunya
" aww what a cutie ! "
Peko is cute. That's about his depth of knowledge on her. He's much more inclined to hang out with Emma, Séan or Gregory when he stops by evolnation.
And like Greg, he thinks... she's annoying as hell sometimes. And mostly ignores her if she does try to talk to him. He's busy, no hard feelings!
Tyler Nerington
" He really should stop by Valhunny's spa... He needs it. "
As attractive as Tyler is to Ryo, he does think the tanuki beastman needs to just. Chill.. Being stressed like he is is totally gonna give him premature white hairs and age lines!
Not... that it matters.... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. He figures that Tyler dislikes him greatly, and so he leaves him alone for the most part.
Gabrielle Ravenor
" Scary girls have a place in my heart.. "
Gabrielle is. A different type of person to what Ryo is used to at HSA. A proper royal woman. For the most part , that carries weapons everywhere she goes. He's getting a little nervous here..
They don't talk all that much. Because. There's so little to talk about. Due to how different they are.
Aiden Renous
" Oh..~ Yeah. Yeah he's probably you know. My fave. "
[ insert Ryo monolog here ]
He and valhunny in general are Notorious for bothering the Wolfman, while he keeps returning or letting them into His dorm. It's a symbiotic relationship. I think.
Aiden is rugged and handsome too. Ryo loves standing next to him, because the juxtaposition of them together makes people stare.
Sindren Albright
" She sure is bright. Bright future that one ~ "
Sindren is another dormhead Ryo isn't overly familiar with.
Thinks of her in a positive light , but maybe its just because she's the typical girl next door situation.
Who knows... maybe he should talk to her more..
Dragiselle Flamescurrow
" is something on fire? Is it me ? Yes. It is. "
While Ryo is neutral on the princess... She Hates him. And normally calls him a disgrace to fairy kind. Which. You know. Rude. What does she think a Love fairy does!
Honestly he's probably more scared of Dragiselle than he is of Gabrielle. Which to him. Feels wrong? Sometimes he attempts to talk to her and walks away engulfed in flame. At least he has Taron...
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azulsartdump · 4 years
👥Any Combo of our ocs together
Nanami and Carol
“Looks like they’ll need some supplementary lessons, Suiren-san.”
“And we’re always happy to play the tutor, isn’t the right, Nanami-chan?”
Sindren and Maury
“Looks like you could use some help, Maury-kun!”
“I can always count on you, Albright-san!”
Donar and Henry
“Please lead the way Lakeside-san.”
“Make sure not to disappoint, Strand-kun.”
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twstinginthewind · 9 months
🌆 given you handed me something I hand you BobbySindren or JokerApril, getting to yours soon when I can
Bobby and Sindren are both high-energy people with a love of fun and action. I can see Bobby taking her to an indoor adult playground; one that has rock climbing, paintball, and even an obstacle course for them to tackle! He'd probably arrange to go on a night when there is a DJ, too, so that he can show off some of his dance moves to her.
Now, knowing April's love of plants, Joker would be silly to pass up a chance to take her to the botanical gardens. She would enjoy hearing all about the flowers and plants that they see, and I'm sure April would love to tell her everything she knew. If there just happens to be a little hole in the wall club nearby where they could hear some up-and-coming band before they get big, that'd be even cooler.
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fumikomiyasaki · 10 months
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The Syncrean dorm the most needed some Reworks cause of a better idea and also the old art you really see how i put the least effort in it...
Sindren is up first as dorm leader and the new gimmick is given its a Spy dorm... they use their masks to change hair color and hide their identity better now. So Sindren is still Orange haired, just changes it for mission with that technology... I also wanted to make a superman reference with her school uniform too.
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
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And another one to the Ship pile... Drawing ships just gives me a lot of comfort tbh.
Leroy x Shu @wanou-dorm
Soren x Martez @fullplaidponydreamer
Bengal x Hecate @terrovaniadorm
Sindren x Beau (friend on discords oc)
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fumikomiyasaki · 7 months
🎒 with Leroy, Sindren or Zariyah!
school days
🎒 for my ocs Grade school time
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Leroy was still very nerdy and it was the start of his noticing that liking anime maybe wasn't that popular... he met Mellow who was at this time still with his parents alive and more helping him from not getting bullied to after the 3rd year and Mellows parents death the tables turning with Mellow being more meek and Leroy standing up for him... yet in turn it was very lonely for the both of them cause it was the two against the world. Leroy still has his old anime shirts he is currently giving his nephew but he barely wants to think back to that time... at least it was a time where he got pretty good grades and his mom was proud and supportive of him... yet also had to patch up his wounds a lot.
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Sindren didn't really have a grade school... as a kid she was mainly learning under the companies highest professor and was from an early age fed with quite complicated topics... her father wanted the best education for her but it was also why Feena was adopted and hired later to be Sindrens friend... well aside Barry who was allowed to be with her but under the guise of getting them together as a couple when they are older... it was also why after lessons, she often was send out to play with Barry at the beach and watched super hero shows to boost her moral. But its partly a reason she has only a few people to rely on.
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Zariyah can't remember much... after all she was under a lot of supervision given her circumstances and odd body changes... her memory of her grade school time is quite blurry. She can remember she was one of the best in sports and Ciel often watched out for her... but she also remembers some doctors who often watched out for her and days she wasn't allowed to go to school cause people said she was sick... she wished she could recall more... but at least she knew... the little friends she made were precious to keep.
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fumikomiyasaki · 10 months
⚔️ with Noboru and Sindren, Petva and Quora or (for giggles) James and Barry
Fighting Duo
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Noboru and Sindren-Levitating Strikes
Given Noboru has his Naginata and Sindren her gauntlets it be often them making the best out their magic before making their attack. Sindren uses her Psychokenesis to trap the Enemy or use objects to Block them, Noboru fires thanks to Rouge a spell to help with that or weaken them and them with him making a precise strike Sindren goes for a Punch in the face.
They both would compliment each other well mainly with Noboru making the stradegies and Sindren following his orders. As sidekick she might call him "ChosenOne" or something.
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Quora and Petva- Tigers Fists
I feel it start with Quora holding the Enemy under their arms in a grip and Petva dealing Kicks, claws and dishing out anything they can quickly before Quora suplexes them onto the ground behind her before throwing them up and both leaving a punch in their gut... that or Petva Kicks them in her direction to hit the baseball bat....
Either way who fights them will probably be in serious trouble and risk breaking a rib. They do also work well as a Team cause their fighting styles compliment... I feel Quora has more strength while Petva has more spend than her.
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James and Barry- Envy Circle
Given Barry only cares about showing off he will head in first without a stradegy using his um to punch each Enemy in his way. James has his back and makes sure to take care of the actual dangers he doesn't seem in his attempt to impress... they make it a contest who takes put more and as James is winning Barry gets envioud, distracted and Slips, while James uses that to push him to the side and deal the last strike. Winning the competition.
Of course James didn't agree to make this a competition but its obvious why these two don't work well together... if Barry wouldn't be stubborn, they could have the option of Barry hiding behind a shield James holds and each time the Enemy Attacks Barry could surprise them with a punch... but als maybe one day he accept orders when his life is in danger.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
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Once again I think I find the biggest comfort in just drawing ships currently.. I try to draw something else but... given I get more ignored her on tumblr and discord is my comfort with thinking about ships, this way I feel a bit better...
Anyways enough Rambling here is the ships in order: Kaeru x Dacre @fullplaidponydreamer
Emma x Kristoff @forestwispocs
Erwin x Reinhardt and Sindren x Jute @silent-dragon
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
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Had the urge to draw some ships in cosplays and so this happened.
Carol x James @twsted-princess as Tifa and Cloud
Saneria x Jacuze @sparrow-20 only Saneria had to be Harley Quinn
Gregroy x Bexley @forestwispocs as their inspos
Lyla x Elijah @rookvonhunt as Lindow and Sakuya from God eater
Sindren x Jute @silent-dragon as Ann and Morgana
This was just a silly Idea I wanted to do and it was fun even if exhausting.
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