#Since i received some badges with the same designs I`m currently trading some of them.
nanashinohime · 4 years
So here`s some more detailed stuff about Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai Guild collab cafe at Toriko Ikebukuro. The cafe is held from March 1 to 28 at Toriko Ikebukuro. You need to reserve in advance for the cafe. For the regular seats you need to pay 500 yen for the entrance/reservation fee after the cafe staff check your reservation email. For the VIP seats, it costs 4000 yen (the entrance fee is already included here). Unlike the regular seat, you need to pay it in advance. After the staff confirmed your reservation, you`ll receive Yashiro`s business card.
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For the cafe menu, there are 6 items. You can only order 3 items at a time so if you plan to order more, you need to fall in line again. For every order, you`ll also receive one random trump card (6 designs). They are also selling poker-chip like acrylic coasters in the cafe however, you can only order one for every one food/drink item that you ordered. Unlike the trump card, you can choose the design (6 designs for the coaster). The acrylic coaster costs 600 yen and here`s the food menu:
1. オーナー矢代のローストビーフバーガー&マシューポテト (Owner Yashiro`s Roast Beef Burger and Mashed Potato, 1200 yen)
-I didn`t order this earlier but i saw someone ordering it and the burger looks really small and probably won`t make you full.
2.ディーラー百目鬼の黒ゴマアイスプレート (Dealer Doumeki`s Black Sesame Ice cream plate, 1200 yen)
-Ordered this earlier and i really like the black sesame ice cream
3.チアーズシャンパンゼリ (Cheers Champagne Jelly, 700 yen)
-I also ordered this. The jelly is non-alcholic BTW.
4.ホットアクアマリン (Hot Aqua Marine, 900 yen)
-This is the only hot drink in the menu.
5.チャコールレモネード (Charcoal Lemonade, 850 yen  
6.ルビーワインスカッシュ (Ruby Wine Squash, 850 yen)
-I also ordered this. Its the only alcoholic drink in the menu but the percentage of the alcohol is really low (1 percent). Also, jelly is mixed in the wine. Was really surprised to find jelly when i drank it.
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Here`s the food that i ordered and my table. You`re free to choose your table/seat in the cafe so I immediately went to Doumeki`s table as soon as I enter the cafe.
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Here`s Doumeki`s Black Sesame Ice cream plate
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Here`s the Champagne Jelly and the Wine.
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Here are the goods that i bought and received from the cafe. Bought 3 acrylic coaster and received 3 trump cards. I also bought Doumeki and Yashiro`s acrylic stand. There`s also a “stamp event” at the cafe where if you get 3 stamps you`ll receive a free sticker. To get 3 stamps, you need to buy 1000 yen worth of goods (excluding the gachas and the 25,000 yen A4 size signed artwork), you need to order one menu item and buy one of either Saezuru manga or Drama CD. 
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Doumeki really blessed me today with his presence because i received a lot of his goods today. But, maybe a bit too much because I received a lot of his badges from the gacha machine. 
More picture from the cafe here: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 
Details about the VIP seat here
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