cajon-desastre · 1 year
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
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Remember… grab a hold of your baby, hold her tight, ‘cause Baron Daemon is flying tonight. If you see a weird shadow or hear a strange sound, scream your little heads off - the Baron’s around! — Baron Daemon and the Vampires, Transylvania Twist, 1963
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reilly310 · 5 months
Outlander: Blood of My Blood
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art credit: @SimonWrightSays
I'm dusting off my blog for the first time in a looong time with some thoughts about the new prequel series.
I've been on the fence about the new series, but after learning that Claire's parents' story will be included, I found myself more intrigued. Then seeing this (amazing) sketch of young Jamie and Claire got my imagination flowing.
I'm mostly interested to see how the writers will integrate the two storylines, as I would think they'll have to do. Given at least one (and perhaps both) of Claire's parents can time travel:
Will one of them be from the past (her father, I presume) and, in a kind of reverse Outlander, meet/fall in love with the other in the future?
And/or will both of them travel back to Jamie's parent's time (purposely or by accident) and will they meet/be friends (or foes) of each other's for a time?
Will they give birth to Claire in the past or the present? Will Jamie and Claire know each other (or at least meet briefly) as very young children but be too young to remember that encounter/relationship? (See picture above..and yes, I know there's a 5 year age difference in OL but just indulge me here because that picture is so cute. Maybe, more realistically, when Claire is 5, they are present for Jamie's birth instead. Isn't one of the rules of time travel in OL that you have to have a connection to where you're traveling to? Since Claire went through the stones the first time by accident, could she have landed where/when she did because of that connection to Jamie / his family from her past even if she didn't consciously remember it?)
Do Claire's parents actually die in a car crash or was she just told this by Uncle Lamb as a way to explain their absence? Did they get stuck in the past instead and spend the rest of their lives trying to return to her? Do Jamie's parents find out their secret and try to help them in this endeavor to return to the future?
Or maybe they perish in the past and Uncle Lamb, a time traveler himself, brings Claire to the present to keep her safe.
Because (I don't think) there's any book reference to Claire's parents other than her mentioning how they died and that she doesn't really remember them, the possibilities related to their storyline are endless.
Having put these thoughts out into the universe, though, I'm likely setting myself up for disappointment if/when the series airs and does none of these things. However, a connection of some sort between the two couples will have to be established in order for the series to have a flow that makes sense and is not disjointed.
PS: I read the first 3 books and part of the 4th before setting them aside years ago, so I don't consider myself a book reader. Perhaps there's information in the later books that would make the potential connections I've imagined for this new series impossible. If so, please let me know.
PPS: . Do we know if this prequel is intended to be a limited series (like the Yellowstone prequel "1883") or a series with multiple seasons? If it's a limited series of 10 episodes, they might be able to get away with two separate storylines that merge in some way only at the end. I just don't think I would find it as intriguing as one that's interconnected.
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A fine fan art
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momofmusa · 3 years
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dstdon · 3 years
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
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Remember… people often say to me, “You write such strong female characters,” and I say, “Well, I don't like stupid women.” Claire has always had a mind of her own. She was quite accidental to begin with. I needed a female character to play off against all the men in kilts so I introduced an English woman - I had no idea who she was or how she got there, but I loosed her into a cottage of Scotsmen to see what she'd do. — Diana Gabaldon, 2015
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
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Remember… I make art to show my soul that I am listening. — Pat Wiederspan Jones
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
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Remember… Ireland's reputed witches include a four-times-married moneylender; a much-loved healer; a successful seamstress seen as a bit too high and mighty; and eight women from Islandmagee, who were accused of bewitching a young newcomer, in a trial that came to be known as Ireland's Salem… Biddy Early, The Wise Woman of Clare, was born in 1798, reputedly inheriting healing magic from her mother... Her reputation as a herbalist, healer or white witch spread after she moved to Feakle, and Daniel O'Connell was among her clients. Her fame was not based on her healing ability alone: she was in frequent conflict with the Catholic Church, the medical profession, landlords, the police and the judiciary, which made her something of a folk hero. — The Irish Times, 28 October 2017
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cajon-desastre · 7 months
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cajon-desastre · 3 months
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cajon-desastre · 7 months
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cajon-desastre · 5 months
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@SimonWrightSays 😍
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cajon-desastre · 6 months
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cajon-desastre · 2 months
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