sochicfinds · 1 year
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800 Silver Martin Mayer Saucer, Art Nouveau Jewelry Tray, German Antique Silverware
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mythaura-blog · 2 years
June 2022 Development Update
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Hello, everyone! Koa here.
This is our first development update since the change of ownership and we are very excited to share what we’ve been working on. Here’s a quick overview of what we’ve accomplished this month.
Contest Winners
Our beast creation contest was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who entered! It was definitely hard to pick the final winners, so we have some honorable mentions as well.
Dragon - Stormy
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There were a lot of amazing galaxy-esque entries, and we loved the beautiful astral look of this dragon. I really liked the day-turned-night feel that this design captures.
Griffin - Mewstor
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The natural wild look and beautiful warm contrast of this griffin are what drew us towards it. It looks like something you’d see in the natural world (other than the wings and huge talons of course!).
Unicorn - Celi
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The warm gold and rich blue really just work so well together. This design works both to represent a warm midsummer’s day or maybe a bright nautical seashell. Either way, it’s a stunning beast.
Quetzal - SilverSauce
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The simple and striking color choice is just so handsome on this quetzal. I really like the use of galaxy to create those subtle freckles and shading alongside the ocelot.
Congrats winners! Your designs have been featured on our new homepage.
Honorable Mentions
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DeepSea Dragon’s Griffin - We loved the subtle use of python here alongside the strong color contrast. This isn’t a color combo I would have thought of myself, but it looks so clean and strong on this griffin.
Zenith’s Unicorn - This Lisa Frank style unicorn pays homage to a part of my childhood I had nearly forgotten. I loved seeing the wide range of colors you can get on a single beast, especially that prismatic tail!
Qhersek’s Dragon - Very dark designs can often be tricky to do, but this one is so well done. I love the layering of python to create that subtle outline effect, it really just looks so nice.
New Homepage
Sark has done an incredible job updating & modernizing Mythaura’s homepage. This update brings us up to modern-day best practices and features a dark theme on the whole website. In the future, we will have both dark and light modes based on your system’s preferences. The newsletter sign-up has been fixed. We will be publishing future updates using the newsletter (as well as posting here of course), so make sure to sign up if you are interested in receiving those updates.
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If you still see the old homepage when you arrive, please try clearing both your browser cache and your DNS cache.
Demo Overhaul
Not only did we overhaul the homepage, but the beast creator as well. The demo has a sleek new design that offers better responsiveness (you don’t even need to click a generate button anymore, the beast will change as quickly as you can change the inputs), fixes a slew of bugs, and repairs our code import system. Mobile users especially will have a much better experience with this creator than the last.
In addition, the beast creator now features details about the species such as a brief description and stat modifiers. Try it out for yourself.
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If you still see the old creator when you arrive, please try clearing both your browser cache and your DNS cache.
New Colors
You may notice that the new creator has more colors available to it. We have rolled out a whopping 50 new colors for everyone to play with, expanding our color wheel from 125 to 185 total colors. Here are just a few of the new colors.
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Behind the scenes
Our main focus for the month has been on upgrades. It has been a few years since the codebase has been worked on and since then, web standards have progressed. As such, we have brought Mythaura’s code into a much more industry-standard place. Here are just a few of the upgrades we have done:
Upgraded from Laravel 5 to Laravel 9
Upgraded from PHP 5 to PHP 8
Built a new backend API so that Mythaura can become a single-page application
Replaced jQuery with new React UI
Upgraded from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8
Overhauled authentication to comply with new security standards
Implemented a media server to serve images quickly
Reworked bulky sections of code
Implemented a queue system to run bulky jobs asynchronously
We have also successfully set up Mythaura’s WebSocket server. A WebSocket is a persistent connection between a client (your computer) and the server. This is a big step forward for us, as it allows us to start building real-time features such as instant messaging to other players, real-time notifications, and other game elements that require instant feedback such as our planned multi-player features.
This month, we also built out an achievement system. In the future, we will connect this to item rewards and a UI tracker so that players can be rewarded for their achievements once unlocking them.
What’s to come
Our artists have been hard at work drawing NPCs, new specials, monsters, gear, a world map, and more. We also are focusing quite a bit on the breeding and inventory systems next month. We look forward to updating you on these features in future updates. On the note of artists, we are happy to welcome Munkeking and Kymara to the art team, joining our senior artist Luciellia.
About Patreon/Kickstarter
We’ve got a lot of questions about when we will have a Patreon or Kickstarter up to fund the project. We’re so thankful and humbled that so much of this community wants to support Mythaura’s development! We have set up a temporary Kofi donation site where you can donate to Mythaura’s development if you’d like. These donations will be used for paying server fees and for funding art assets. Supporters will be eligible for a special role & channel on our discord channel if they so choose (this will not replace any of the existing Patreon roles present on the server). Both existing Patreon sponsors and new Kofi supporters will be eligible for potential art streams and early WIPs.
Thanks, everyone! See you next month for another update.
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jet-flash · 7 years
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! #lavalamp #inspo #theatre #stairwaytostardom #silversaucer #outerspace #disco (at HERE Arts Center)
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