16 posts
he/him but in a mysterious way
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aranitaz · 3 days ago
angel food cake
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aranitaz · 12 days ago
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My beloved OC Khaine whom I love very much
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aranitaz · 16 days ago
omen hands...
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quick omen drawing,, mostly hand practice
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aranitaz · 28 days ago
see no evil
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aranitaz · 1 month ago
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my favs....
in order from left to right: bandit ror2, lttm rw, deadeye valorant, gabriel ultrakill, cameraman skibidi toilet, and hornet hk
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aranitaz · 2 months ago
just desserts!
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he can have a little. as a treat. mmmaybe
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aranitaz · 4 months ago
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they hate it when u serve egotistical robot girlfailure......
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aranitaz · 5 months ago
"there's no sound on the moon, so I take my time listening on earth."
late night walks with eclipse
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aranitaz · 6 months ago
mechanical viscera
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(+ no blood version)
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aranitaz · 6 months ago
erm what the scallop i had to repost this because i put the wrong picture oops
anyways........ new persona ref and sketch!!
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aranitaz · 6 months ago
"I told you, Chamber, I cannot eat your cooking!"
"You don't fear the enemy, yet you fear butter. Unbelievable."
my absolute favorite chamber and omen interaction
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aranitaz · 7 months ago
first off I LOVE UR ARTSFULE SO MUCH it is so wonderfilled and colorful and th way u draw v1 is aweom! number 2st how would v1/v2 look in charro suits... this has been plagueing my mind for ages ur opinion is requested
theyd surely look really fancy!!!!!
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aranitaz · 7 months ago
redrew this meme very quickly with my ocs
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aranitaz · 7 months ago
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d&d / fantasy valorant
has been on my brain. so here’s my little masterlist on what i think everyone would be.
i’ve played d&d like three times so don’t expect all of these to be accurate/they’re my opinion :(
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astra // astral elf monk
hey, i just think it makes sense. monks can deal damage and since astra derives her power from the astral guardians, it makes sense, no?
plus, i think she’d be really badass with astral elf genes…
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breach // centaur barbarian
he’s very tanky and i think it very much fits his whole vibe— and if you think he’s annoying with two legs, he’s gonna be ten times more annoying with four. can totally see him absolutely destroying someone by bucking his back legs into someone.
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brimstone // dwarf paladin
honor is huge for dwarves and i really want to play that in with brimstone. i want to say that kingdom could’ve been this crazy god thing but maybe i could look into that later. all i know is that he is a paladin with a heart of gold.
in a little doodle i did, i made him a tavernkeeper… so maybe he’s an ex-paladin now-turned a humble tavernkeep.
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chamber // high elf artificer
i wanted to make him a ranger, but an artificer makes me giggle. probably because one of my d&d characters is an artificer and was loosely based on chamber. (she’s a rich tiefling seamstress of many talents, if you even care.) also you can imagine chamber as a tiefling too, but, i think high elf works better.
deffo still a weapons designer, maybe even a blacksmith. probably works closely with magic users to make custom weaponry to channel their mana in.
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clove // fairy bard
look, as much as i’d LOVE to make clove an immortal god watching over the whole fantasy world, i just HAVE to include them as a fairy who CONTINUOUSLY breaks the 4th wall. it’s so funny.
clove would probably have DEADPOOL level fourth wall breaks, and constantly make jokes and references of ‘the real world’ and how they’ve ‘seen all of you before.’
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cypher // tiefling wizard
WALK WITH ME HERE. he had his horns ripped off. WALK WITH ME.
he hides his identity partially because iirc tieflings aren’t exactly … liked by the public eye? i also like to think he uses his wizardry to fuel his whole information broker schtick. he uses arcane eye and everyone hates him for it.
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deadlock // snow elf beast hunter
i know that beast hunters aren’t exactly a CLASS but come on. lets be honest with ourselves.
deadlock who lost her team to a rabid mythical beast, now dedicating herself to hunting them down and neutralizing them, one bounty at a time. i like to think that she doesn’t necessarily kill them if they can be saved, or at least put them down painlessly. otherwise, she aims for the fuckin’ throat.
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fade // half-elf sorcerer
walk with me here. fade is a MAN in the universe OKAY walk with me. i made a hc video on tiktok where i made fade a half-elf sorcerer that is haunted by the voices in his spellbook. his character name is demir, and upon further research, i have found out that sorcerers CANNOT use spellbooks. (stupid, i know.) so work with that as you will.
i think she works for nightmare to feed it in return to find information on her father. she's a bounty hunter, but ONLY for nightmares and for information. you feel me?
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gekko // tall-man druid
i think this one’s a given.
i’m practically making him beast boy, BUT IDGAF!!!! he has a connection with his buddies and often shifts as needed. he likes turning into a dog and cuddling. trust. his character name is oetam. yes, it's mateo backwards.
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harbor // warforged artificer
this one is kind of me fucking around. as much as i wanted to make him a water based race, he was chosen to hold the artifact.
i think he was made by realm to be their historian and antiquities expert, but as soon as he was the chosen one, was shut out, just like in the cinematic.
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iso // half-orc fighter
i know i could've put iso as a tiefling or something like that but i think him as a half-orc is cooler. he's tall, bulky, and TANKY.
i originally wanted him to be a paladin, because he could change oaths from hourglass to the protocol through a huge quest in sparing omen... that whole thing, but i think a fighter works better.
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jett // air genasi rogue
if omega earth isn't canonical in the d&d world (which i highly doubt) she has an evil twin that does shit on her name, henceforth, she has to hide. otherwise, same backstory.
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kay/o // warforged fighter
HE. IS. WARFORGED. [actively shoving food down your throat]
very much strikes me as a robot learning how to be normal. definitely works along brimstone-- he got a job at the tavern and helps him sort out bounties and act as security. he's also totally a bodyguard for money.
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killjoy // tiefling artificer
she's so tiefling u can't say anything. she's a PINK tiefling thank you very much. definitely a party girl, too!
i think she's the same idea as chamber, but she's paid by brimstone! i wanna think he took her in as his protégé but atp he might as well be hers. initially he wanted her to help with kay/o, but she just ended up control-freaking everywhere and upgrading everything in sight. she has matching names with oetam. it's aralk.
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neon // wood elf ranger
neon is a speedster, so it makes sense to give her one of the fastest races in d&d (based on walking distance, at least). i wanna think she's a knight... stay with me here.
ex-k-sec makes sense for her to be a knight? so maybe she just has the title, but kind of just does contract work? also! the whole lightning thing... mayhaps cursed? or maybe just a lightning god didn't want her. choose which one you like out of those two.
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omen // tall man-tiefling rogue
hear me out; he used to be a tall man, but after the whole 'incident' was turned into a tiefling. LISTEN BRO IT MAKES SENSE.
he works as a merc, sporting a cloak to shield his 'hideous' self. he frequents brimstone's tavern for jobs, and always emerges from the shadows instead of using the door. he's become accustomed to showing up after closing with the bounty, and in return, spooks everyone working there. killjoy had to hit her fantasy equivalent of an inhaler after a few spooks.
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phoenix // dragonborn bard
[shoveling food down your throat] that is a fucking dragonborn if i ever did fucking see one.
and, he's a bard because he was in theatre school, duh. i like to think phoenix is a very popular entertainer but also uses his talents for other jobs on the side. otherwise... maybe he's a knight! i don't know. i like the performer idea better.
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raze // dwarf alchemist
she was also in the d&d video! her name is razinho ('little raze' haha). probably a merc with a very, err, explosive personality. wandered in the tavern a lot and hit it off with aralk.
if i had to assign her a class, maybe a fighter or a barbarian.
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reyna // vampire warlock
listen. i want to say that the vampire side of her is empress. she has to devour souls (or blood!) to keep empress happy. you see where i'm going here? [fade bulletin board spray]
she's tied to empress so long as lucia is sick. gekko and her met after she found him injured in dog form... guys please i love them so much.
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sage // high elf cleric
her healing is a gift. come on bro. she's as cleric as it can get. while i think she also derives power from the earth (she's in fact a geomancer) i think the majority of her mana comes from the higher power that gifted her.
i want to think she also works as a ... well, sage. she does so back in shaanxi. otherwise, she's found at brimstone's tavern providing her healing. sometimes she goes into dungeons and does free revivals.
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skye // dryad druid
[shoveling food down your throat] dryad skye [more food] druid skye. also isn't it crazy how THAT is the only skye picture we have. rest in peace.
i wanna think that her pack is a bunch of animal-shaped plants that she helped escape a garden. i think that's really funny. 10+ points if it's a garden belonging to kingdom.
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sova // avian (owl) scout
a former knight in charge of reconnaissance. he left after a tragic accident.
he lives with his babushka and takes care of her-- sometimes he takes up bounties for extra cash, and brimstone is trying to work his way into sova's good side-- he could really use a scout.
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viper // naga shifter alchemist
probably used to be a cleric but renounced her belief-- even better, after doing what she did to omen, she lost her power and took it as a sign to take up researching death.
yes, she is a naga. it makes so much sense, nobody talk to me. her and brimstone are old friends and she frequents the bar also because of omen. the reason he was sent to kill her should stay the same i think.
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yoru // changeling rogue
last one! he was also in the hc video. except he was a fighter. his name is kurayami. no, not kuronami. he's a runaway samurai and hella edgy. oetam bullies him. demir, too.
changelings can impersonate people they've already seen, so maybe yoru uses paintings of his ancestors to decide on his identity. he has the mask still, too! he uses it when he's on his rogue shit.
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thanks for reading! would love to hear what you guys think about these!
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aranitaz · 7 months ago
professional yapper.. .
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i love them RAHHHHHHHHHH
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aranitaz · 7 months ago
sketches of many things to get rid of artblock featuring my friend's prompts !!
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