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i would love to see sci-fi day 6 star wars with the prompt “Have you forgotten how it all ended last time?” :)
Nonny... I have so little knowledge of Star wars but... this kinda hit a plot bunny so I hope you like! XD
DAY 6 - Star Wars + “Have you forgotten how it all ended last time?”
Tag warnings: implied suicide (briefly and in a "I should have done it" way)
It was peaceful.
Nothing was happening today. Just like yesterday. And the day before. And before that.
It's been years, though it felt like eons, since anything changed here. No one ever came to this place, not since he got here and made it his home. His aura permeated into the ground and the air, making it inhospitable to anyone and anything.
It was exactly what he wanted.
What he deserved.
What he imposed on himself.
But today... today he felt the emptiness. It slithered into his thoughts, his mind feeling as if it was crawling with his past sins. He could even feel them crawling down his back, making him feel restless. So instead of meditating or just trying to sleep through the fog of negativity that enveloped him, he decided to expend some energy.
The loneliness and emptiness was replaced by rage as he swung his lightsaber.
The flashes of red spread all around him, digging into the piles of old abandoned wreckage of AT-AT walkers, AT-ST transports, cloud cars, AAT's, AAC-1's and many, many more. A graveyard left after many battles. Abandoned to rot and decay, just like he was. Just like he earned through his own stupidity and greed.
Now here he was, adding to that destruction. If he let himself think deeper about his actions he might have realized how symbolic the destruction he was spreading around him was to what he was doing to his own mind and soul. But he didn't. He never did. Thinking would mean acknowledging the guilt that festered in his soul and that would break him because he would have to think about.............
With a roar of rage he swung his lightsaber, splitting the largest piece of wreckage in front of him. He continued swinging until he couldn't anymore. Until all his energy was depleted and all he could do was fall on his knees and pant. Breath coming in harsh desperate gulps, air his body didn't really need to live but his mind needed to drown out his own thoughts.
He wouldn't let himself think.
He couldn't let himself think.
Unfortunately, fate had other plans for him
Just as his breathing stilled and he started focusing on the rage that he forced to burn inside himself, he felt it. A stab in his soul, as sharp as a lightsaber slashing through his ribs and directly into his corrupted soul.
Dread. Fear. Guilt. Fear. Anger. Fear. Hate. Fear. Longing. Fear. Desperation. Fear. Need. Fear. Lo- Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear.
He could feel his eyelights extinguish as the fear took over everything else. He was spiraling so fast, so hard, so completely, that he didn't even notice the soft footsteps making their way slowly towards his kneeling form from the back.
The soft taps of slippered feet felt like hammer strikes into his soul.
He wanted to flee, but he couldn't. His legs wouldn't move. Wouldn't lift him from the desolate ground he deserved to dust into.
Then they stopped and there was only silence left.
Silence except for the rush of his magic into his skull. It was screaming fear to him.
'run away!' His mind screamed at him. 'hide! don't let him see you! don't let him see what you became'!
But he couldn't.
The silence stretched forever, neither of them moving. Neither of them wanted to speak first. Neither of them knew exactly what to say. He didn't know how much longer his soul could take this silence, how much longer he could keep himself from falling apart. Or worse.
Thankfully, mercifully, the other spoke first.
'red.' His tone was gentle but carried the weight of Red's world in it.
Red felt his whole body shiver from that one word as it came from his mouth. It was like lightning struck his very soul, making his whole body quake. It was time...
"heh," his voice cracked, he hadn't used it for anything but screaming in rage for years. "yer finally 'ere."
There wasn't an answer, only calm silence and cool refreshing magic combined with a powerful force washing over Red's frame.
"wha'? not gonna talk ta me before ya finish me off?" Red barely kept his voice from cracking. "ya changed sans."
The name felt so sweet as it left his teeth, even as bile rose behind them at the implication of his own words. Sans was here to do the one thing Red couldn't make himself do. The one thing Red should have done to atone for his crimes. The one thing he should have done to save Sans from himself. He should have ended it before Sans had to dirty his hands.
There was no reply and Red didn't expect any.
So he just sat there, accepting.
Waiting for the final blow that would free him of this horrid world that took the only thing that he ever truly loved from him. The one thing he was cursed to love but not have. The only thing that made living worth it but was forbidden to him.
Waiting for Sans to end their curse forever.
Waiting for his final judgment for daring to love.
Love wasn't allowed for a Jedi. It would consume them. But Red was weak, he let love enslave him, let it make him want more than he was allowed. It was a crack in his soul that left him open to his inevitable fall into the dark side.
Red loved Sans and he would love to die by his hands.
He waited for the sound of the lightsaber, for that gorgeous blue glow to shine from his back and stab through his soul.
Instead, a pair of skeletal arms grabbed him from the back and pressed him into a bony chest.
He froze in place, unable to process what was happening.
The warmth from the embrace felt both incredibly painful and wonderfully familiar. He could feel his magic gathering on the edges of his eyesockets. Was Sans trying to torture him before he ended it? He wasn't that cruel before, but Red definitely deserved it after everything he had done.
Suddenly, he felt Sans' body shake as it pressed impossibly closer, hugging him even tighter. Was Sans... crying?
"s-swe-," Red almost slipped up, but he wasn't allowed to call Sans pet names, not anymore. "sans?"
All he got in return was an unintelligible mumble from the teeth pressed into his shoulder.
"..." Sans moved his head to the side, facing away from Red. "you idiot."
"...?" Red was too stunned by the emotion in Sans' voice. What was happening?
"why did you leave?!"
"wha'?" Red tried turning around, but the arms around him held him firmly in place. "wha' da ya mean? ya know what i did an-"
Sans grabbed his shoulders at a speed not even Red could keep up with and twisted him around. Their feet tangled as Red's body was twisted and Red fell backward, Sans landing on top of him, still holding his shoulders. Their faces were close. Too close.
"i don't care about that!" Sans yelled and Red's sockets snapped wide open. He never saw Sans yell before. "why did you leave me behind you moron?!"
Silence followed Sans' question as they both stared at each other. Sans' eyelights dug holes in Red's, emotions Red didn't think he would ever see in them burning like two supernovas.
It didn't feel real.
“sans," Red was almost sure he was hallucinating. "have ya forgotten how it all ended last time?”
Instead of a reply, Sans glared at Red, eyelights burning impossibly hot with an emotion Red would never have dreamed he would see in those beautiful white eyelights. But before Red could fully process what he was seeing, Sans leaned down and pressed his teeth to Red's.
A spark of magic spread from the contact and through Red's whole body. He could feel his own magic and force ignite. His whole body felt as if it was burning. As if it was alive again.
The moment Sans pulled back Red let out a whine. It wasn't enough. He needed more.
"i don't care." Sans breathed out, before he closed the gap between them again and deepened the kiss.
It felt magical.
It felt unreal.
It felt like a lie.
But Red didn't care.
Reality could go fuck itself.
Sans was here and Red would never let him go.
This got a bit long >.>
For anyone confused about what the hell is going on (cause I have no idea how clear I managed to make it ^_^;;;): Red was a Jedi, he fell in love with Sans, the dark side noticed and used that love to get Red to work for them. Red did some very bad things for the Sith... but when he ended up in a battle where he almost hurt Sans he ran away. And hid on an abandoned planet. But Sans found him >:3
Hope you like this! And I hope I didn't butcher the Star Wars lore too bad XD
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Heyyyy :Dc the ask for kustardweek !
Day 2: Space prison:
"I knew this would happen. I knew and i still came back with you like the idiot that I am!"
Hiiii Seren! X3 That is a very nice combo~! Hope you like the drabble >:3
DAY 2 - Space prison + “I knew this would happen. I knew and I still came back with you like the idiot that I am!”
With a cut-off swear and a grunt, he pulled himself up on the ledge.
Sans couldn't believe he was doing this instead of playing a couch potato in his spot in front of the vidcom on his spaceship. His sacrum itched for its usual spot in the sans-shaped hole he wore into that ugly green couch, and his non-existent throat begged for some nice cold ketchup. But alas, here he was, playing the hero. Again...
He was gonna make that bonehead Red pay his weight in ketchup after he gets his boney ass out of this mess.
Before he could think of more ways to make Red pay for getting them into this new mess, a ray of light flashed from in front of him. He was close so he had to be quiet.
Careful to not make any sounds, Sans snuck forward through the vent. This was the main reason why he was the one doing this and not Edge, he could fit in the small space. It was one of the very rare times he regretted his own petite height, cause it put more work into his lazybone lap.
With a few careful wiggles, he managed to reach the ventilation opening and peer through. Thankfully, he was at the right cell and didn't have to crawl around more than necessary.
He focused on the parts of the cell he could see from it's upper corner position, trying to make out if Red was alone or not. When he was sure he couldn't see or hear anyone, he gave a quiet knock.
Red's skull turned towards the sound immediately, then quickly darted around to make sure no one was nearby. Apparently assured, he quickly climbed a chair to peer into the vent, eyelights sparking and teeth flashing in a confident smirk.
Sans wasn't sure if he wanted to kiss or smack that grin of off Red's face.
The idiot was the one that got himself in this mess by starting another bar fight. Every time they had a clash with the local law enforcement, Sans was sure Red would be at least part of the reason for it if not the main cause.
"hurry sansy," Red spoke in a hush. "da law's gunnin' fer my ass."
With an eye roll, Sans started working on the inside hinges of the vent opening. Red was lucky this space prison was one of the older ones that still had the old ventilation shafts in place. They were designed to keep a prisoner in, not to keep someone out. Pretty stupid, but who could blame the designer from not thinking anyone was crazy enough to break into a high security prison.
Still stupid.
Too bad they were smart enough to upgrade their magic dampener technology.
Making quick work of the hinges and alarms connected to them, Sans had the vent open in record time. Red grabbed the vent cover from the other side and made sure it didn't make a noise.
"great job, sweetheart." Red leaned towards Sans' skull that was peering from the vent opening, non-existent lips puckered up for a kiss, only to end up with a bony palm smacking his face. "umph? wha'-"
"no what's red." Sans deadpanned at him. "you don't deserve it."
"ey' no! sweetheart!" The whine that followed those words almost broke Sans' resolve but he managed to keep strong.
"... fine. but imma get one when we get out."
"we'll see. just don't get us in more trouble."
"wha'dya mean sweetheart?" Red innocently asked. "i ain't never done no such thing."
Just as he said that, his right hand shot up to his chest and he lost his grip on the vent cover. Sans watched the heavy thing slip from Red's hands in slow motion, doing one elegant spin before it hit the metal floor with one edge, then bounced off, hit a few more times and then spun and flopped around a few times until it stilled. The noise it made echoed through the cell and the space beyond it like an old huge church bell. Then went quiet. Sans and Red stayed frozen in their spot as everything quieted down, holding their breaths as they listened for any sound of movement from the hall beyond the bars of the door.
A moment passed and just as they were about to relax a new blaring noise started to scream through the prison.
Escape alarm.
"shit!" Red swore as he started climbing into the vent while Sans quickly crawled back.
Once Red was in and Sans managed to turn around they started quickly crawling through the vents. Hopefully, they would manage to get to the spot Sans used to infiltrate the prison, once there they would be safe.
"faster sansy!"
"i know!"
"yer gonna get us caught!"
“me?!" Sans couldn't stop the incredulity from making his voice pitch uncharacteristically high. "i knew this would happen. i knew and i still came back for you like the idiot that i am!”
That was the last straw.
Red was gonna pay extra for this.
Hope you like it Seren!! :D
I admit I changed the line a little bit ("came back with you" into "came back for you") but my excuse is... I read it wrong when the idea sparked >.>;;;
I was sure it said for you XD
Welp, it's close enough ;P
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Would you please consider doing Day 7 Sphinx for Kustard week + "Fuck. I'm so attracted to you right now." because now I'm picturing these two exchanging riddles but all the answers are puns XD You can go however you want with it though, I'm sure you could do something amazing with the prompt!
I am very happy to oblige this little bonus request UwU
Hope you like @mystery-fic-anon >:3c
DAY 7 - Sphinx + "Fuck. I'm so attracted to you right now."
Sans sweated as he climbed the stairs that were way too tall for him.
He understood that the builders of these old ruins didn’t have the need of making this place friendly for his pretty smallish size but still, this was his definition of hell. He internally cursed the day he promised to be the one to check out these recently discovered ruins as part of the monster race ambassador squad. Strange things started happening all over the world, with unknown barriers that broke in multiple places at once, some full of unknown and new monsters, while others stayed still, like nothing existed there.
It was one of those places that stayed quiet that Sans took upon himself to explore. His shortcuts were perfect to get himself out of tricky and dangerous situations so he was the perfect monster for this job. Too bad he couldn’t use them to go straight to the entrance of each barrier opening since he had to visit the place at least once.
So now here he was, climbing some huge pain in his coccyx stairs and sweating buckets.
Hopefully the inside of the barrier would be less… stair filled.
As he ascended the last few stairs, his soul beat a mile a minute from the strain. He really needed a break, but the glaring heat of the afternoon sun made it unbearable to sit there for any length of time. So instead he decided to go into the entrance the barrier had freed and take a break in the inviting looking shade.
Unfortunately for him, the moment he stepped a few feet into the darkness something jumped him and knocked him back.
His skull hit the ground and the world spun in front of him.
He groaned and squinted his eyelights, trying to figure out if he could catch the plate number of the truck that hit him. Instead, what he saw made him think he actually fainted and was dreaming.
Looming over him was a monster, one that marginally resembled some old statues that he saw in an old civilization documentary.
The monster had four legs, though its front ones looked prehensile like they could function as hands. The bones vaguely reminded him of a big cat’s bones, a tiger or a lion, maybe? But the face that stared down at him was really similar to his own… except for its crimson eyelights and the very sharp looking teeth, one of which glinted a menacing gold.
A sphinx.
That’s what the monster reminded Sans of. An old mythical monster from old Egypt he heard about. But the ones he knew off were supposed to be fleshy, not look like a pile of hot bones like the one glaring down at him.
Sans tried to move to get the big monster off of him, but the sphinx only growled and pressed down a little more with its very very sharp claws.
With a gulp, Sans decided to try and talk his way out of this.
“uh, hey buddy?” Could this sphinx understand him? Would it bother replying or would it just eat him then and there.
He tried to remember any legends about sphinxes he knew, but his brain wasn’t cooperating. The climb, the heat, the hit to the back of his skull and the large monster pinning him down weren’t making it easy to think. Was it something about…… riddles?
“wha’ runs but n’ver walks, ‘as a bed but n’ver sleeps, an’ ‘as a mouth but n’ver speaks?” The deep guttural masculine voice of the monster above him made Sans flinch in surprise.
“uhhhh?” He just blinked up at the creature completely baffled.
Moments passed in silence when the sphinx snarled at him, teeth parting menacingly. “ya bett’r answ’r if ya don’ wanna be my lunch.”
“wait, what-?” Sans tried to stall for time while his non-existent brain caught up with the situation, only to be cut off with an even fiercer growl and drool dripping from the large parted teeth.
“okay, okay.” His brain ran a mile a minute trying to remember what the sphinx said. “runs but doesn’t walk, bed doesn’t sleep and… uhhh… mouth no speaking. right?”
With every word he let out the sphinx’s teeth came closer and closer, his growl making Sans’ ribs vibrate from its strength.
“a river!” He blurted out, the descent of the teeth and the growl pausing. “it’s quite the stream of consciousness:”
The sphinx's head shot back, sockets wide and teeth parted in an almost comical look of surprise. It would have been comical if it weren’t for the very shiny sharp teeth Sans couldn’t seem to stop staring at.
With a tilt of his head that would look cute on a less dangerous monster, the sphinx almost sing-songed the next riddle.
“wha’ com’s once in a min’te, twice in a mom’nt, but n’ver in a thous’nd years?”
Sans took a breath, thankful beyond belief for Papyrus’ short hyperfixation on riddles. This one was one of those he knew well.
“the letter m.” Sans spoke confidently as the sphinx continued to look at him expectantly. “... what? it’s a pretty timeless joke.”
Sans wasn’t sure if he saw right, but the sphinx’s crimson eyelights seemed to sparkle.
“da more ya play wit’ me, the ‘arder i get. wha’ am Ii?” Sans wasn’t sure but it almost looked like the sphinx was smirking at him.
“... a puzzle—always keeping your brain stimulated.” Just as the last word left his mouth, the sphinx sprang forward and Sans tensed. He was sure it would bite his neckbone in half.
Seconds passed and no pain shot through him. He gathered his guts and cracked a socket open, only to see the sphinx nuzzling his head into his sternum and under his chin. He stared in bafflement, what was-
“fuck. ‘m so attract’d to ya right now.”
Welp, seems Sans was in deeper trouble then he could have dreams off.
Did Sans just pun his way into Red's heart? Why yes, yes he did UwU
Or more specifically, Sans literally punned his way into some very hot trouble. Hopefully his skilled tongue can get him out of it before Red decides Sans is his now XD
Hope you enjoyed :D
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day 5; constellation of stars
“Have you forgotten how it all ended last time?”
;3 💖💖💖💖
Ohhhh yes~ >:3
Some nice star time for our favourite skele. Hope you enjoy it Kiran!! X3
DAY 5 - Constellation or stars + “Have you forgotten how it all ended last time?”
Tags: suggestive ending
Stars, the one thing that had always drawn him like a moth to a flame.
A big part of his life was spent daydreaming about the possibility of ever even catching a glimpse of the real stars as he played around with the star-like gems in the caves of Waterfall. The gems were beautiful in their own way, but they couldn’t even be called a pale imitation of the real thing. The first time he saw the night sky as the sun set right after they finally stepped on the surface he felt his soul leap in pure wonder.
It was a sight he never could have imagine.
A sight that he never believed he would live to see.
Yet there he was, eyelights gazing at an endless expanse of the Milky Way. Millions upon billions of stars sparkling so much more beautifully then any Waterfall gem ever could.
It was a sight that he would never forget.
It was the second brightest day in his life. The first one being the moment Papyrus was born.
He thought it would remain that way forever, that nothing could ever outshine the beauty and magnificence of the uncountable constellations and stars his very soul sang to him about in his dreams.
Yet, somehow, he was wrong.
Because here he was, sitting below the clear night sky. No clouds, moon or city lights to obscure the majesty of everything the naked eye could see for millions and billions miles in every direcion he turned. But instead of feeling his soul pound in joy and excitement at the vastness above him, his gaze was transfixed besides him.
At a fellow skeleton monster that somehow took up presence inside his whole soul.
Sans’ white eyelights shone with a soft glow as his soul beat faster every time Red’s eyelights sparkled as he identified another constellation.
They had planned this trip for months, ever since Red’s people came to the surface. They had a hard time integrating in the peaceful world that awaited them outside of their underground so they needed a lot of help.
It was unanimously decided by the two monster kings that every monster would live with their counterpart until they found their footing and could start life on their own. But somehow, instead of leaving when he got a good and stable job, Red stayed with Sans and slowly, their relationship deepend.
It took a long time for them to actually confess to each other. A drunken pun fight led to something more and ended up with them confessing before their brains really caught up with what they were even saying. After that, well let’s just say things turned steamy and puns went down south real fast~.
It’s been months since then. They were both busy with work and helping out with ambassador activities that their brothers organized for both Frisks. Finally, after months of planning and postponing, they got away together for a fun stargazing camping trip. A perfect combination of a shared love of stars and lazing around doing nothing.
But instead of looking at the stars, Sans’ gaze was glued to Red.
He just couldn’t stop marveling at how lucky he got. How life actually gave him something to love this deeply and freely. It was so atypical of him, so out of character that even he was shocked when he first realized what Red actually meant to him. But slowly, he came to accept those feelings and even shared them with Red little by little.
It was a bonus that any mention of love made Red turn his namesake. It was honestly too adorable and fun to tease Red every time he could.
He was so lost in thoughts that he missed something Red told him.
“hmmm?” Sans blinked his eyelights as he tried to focus on here and now.
“wha’s wron’ sweetheart?” Red flashed a smirk his way. “head full’a stars?”
“*snort*, there’s only one star bright enough for me, red.” Sans purred as his half-lidded gaze stared back at Red. Sans’ smile spread even wider as a soft crimson blush spread over Red’s cheekbones.
“stars dammit! dat was so corny! one star!” Red turned away to hide his obvious blush, as if that was possible in the dark while they were so close.
“aw, don’t be like that red. i’m staring to think you don’t love me anymore.”
“hardy har har. yer just pullin’ on my starstrings an’ ya know it.”
“what can i do, you are the star of my show.”
With a groan Red just turned back and deadpanned at Sans, making him chuckle. Red was the best.
Before Red could snark back anymore Sans leaned forward and kissed him. Their magic sparked as their tongues intertwined, the heat of their breaths a stark contrast with cool night air. They continued kissing until they both ran our of breath, leaning their foreheads together as they stared at each others eyelights. Bright white and red stars of their own.
“ya better stop dere sweetheart if ya don’ wan’ me ta jump yer bones.”
“heh, who says i don’t want you to?”
“but…” Red’ eyelights darted to the side, almost like he wanted to look around for something or someone. “hav’ ya forgo’en how it all end’d last time?”
“...” Sans lazily smiled and gave Red a chaste kiss on the teeth. “i’m not that easily startled out of trying again. are you?”
The end UwU
Hope you like the value ending XD
If you’re wondering what happened last time they tired having some fun time in an open space… well it was a bit of an embarrassing mess ;P
Will they have more luck this time…………… I’ll let you guess >:3c
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for the Kustard week prompt combo thingy how about
DAY 3: El Chupacabra + “Stop looking at me.” “I can’t. And I don’t think you want me to either.”
Ohhhhh! A very very lovely combo Anjel >:3c
I went with the myth of El Chupacabra, but only partially~. There is no worldbuilding or this would be a long fic, so you gotta make your own theories about what Red is exactly XD
DAY 3 - El Chupacabra + “Stop looking at me.” “I can’t. And I don’t think you want me to either.”
The night was quiet.
Almost too quiet.
The quiet had spread through the forest that surrounded his tent in the last hour or so. All the noises of the night critters and predators that hunt them slowly, almost unnoticeably died down, leaving behind them a heavy silence. Comforting for any fool that didn’t know better.
But Sans knew better, this wasn’t his first night in this forest.
The first few nights, he’d caught glimpses of something darting through the dense undergrowth that surrounded the little clearing he decided to camp. A human would have probably been terrified and fled from that place during the night, but Sans wasn’t scared. He could feel the intent in the air and there wasn’t any violence in it, only mischief and a deep hunger that felt like it could never truly be satiated.
Slowly, as nights passed and Sans didn’t leave, the intent started to change. Annoyance at first, mixed with a little determination. The glimpses he saw then were more frequent and closer. Whatever was trying to scare him away was determined to do it, and was becoming bolder and bolder. He almost caught sight of it a few times, but didn’t really have much luck.
A few days after that, the annoyance morphed into curiosity and even a little mirth. Sans not showing any kind of fear and openly trying to see what was stalking his little camp started to intrigue his nightly visitor. It was then that Sans started seeing glimpses of it that were in the corner of his eyesight. He couldn’t exactly make out what the visitor looked like, but he did catch a glimpse of bones. And red.
Now, his visitor’s intent felt muffled and confused. Different emotions darted through it, with frustration taking over as the main one occasionally, only to quickly be drowned into a cacophony of other unrecognizable emotions. Sans wasn’t sure what caused such an emotional mess, but he knew there was no ill intent in it. It almost felt like his visitor wanted something from him but at the same time they were fighting against it.
Sans didn’t want to provoke and spook them away so he decided to play it safe today.
He got up from his sleeping bag and exited the tent slowly. Instead of taking a little walk around the campsite like he usually would, darting his eyelights everywhere to try and catch a glimpse of the visitor, he took a few steps forward and sat on the damp grass, then leaned back on his hands.
He relaxed and let his intent of laziness and curiosity spread through his little camp, hoping it could help calm his late night visitor.
Minutes passed as he sat there, eyesockets half lidded as his years worth of lazybone practice kicked in. He was still paying attention to the intent in the air, and his eyelights darted towards any movement in his line of sight, but he didn’t move. He just sat there and waited.
It seemed his visitor didn’t have Sans’ patience, because he could feel the frustration in their intent slowly take over more and more. It was reaching a new high when Sans gave into the need for a nice long yawn, the night slowly catching up to him as he sat in the quiet.
Before he even finished exhaling, while his sockets were closed, something incredibly fast jumped him and knocked him back into the ground.
He let out a startled umph as unneeded air rushed out of his non-existent lungs and he froze.
Something hard, boney, pressed over his eyesockets making it impossible to see. Another boney appendage pressed his chest down and another two pressed his hands to the ground besides him. He was stuck in place, unable to move or open his eyes.
But the intent that flooded over him was still only full of frustration, and now that it’s source was closer, he could also feel… longing? Want? Need? Something deep and lonely.
So he stayed still, even when the one pinning him down let out a guttural growl, trying to intimidate him.
Instead of fighting, or screaming, or crying, or any sort of distress his captor thought Sans would make, he just laid there and let his intent show nothing but curiosity and calmness.
The growling grew confused and a little desperate, almost like his visitor didn’t know what to do now. Lost in a completely unknown situation. Something they never knew or could imagine happening. Then, as if the frustration and desperation finally broke them, they spoke.
“‘s’op look’n’ a’ me!” The words were broken, the voice sounded like it hadn’t spoken in years.
But it was enough for Sans to piece together what they meant, ‘stop looking at me’. He could tell that the words and the intent that followed them didn’t match, so he stayed calm and in the gentlest voice he could muster, he spoke back.
“i can’t.” He filled his words with the gentlest intent he could, determined to get his visitor to trust him, to let him finally see them.
Gently, oh so gently, he freed one of his hands as his visitor deflated above him. With slow and deliberate movements, he grabbed onto the hand that was covering his eyesockets. He didn’t pull on it, instead he entangled their fingers and let his intent wash over his visitor's bones, asking permission to pull the hand away. When the hand went limp, he carefully moved it aside and slowly opened his eyesockets.
“and I don’t think you want me to either.”
A beautiful red magic dusting scarred bones greeted his words.
Done! XD
I know this is a real tease and not much kustard happened but El Chupacabra is a very shy and elusive creature so Red is being a super shy bean here. Only Sans gets to see him >:3
Basically this was the start of a beautiful romance UwU❤
Hope you liked :D
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day 1 fairy with “I can’t resist you.”? :)
Sure nonny! Here is a little tidbit :D
DAY 1 - Fairy + “I can’t resist you.”
Red sulked as he watched his little pet play around with another fairy, dodging questions and ploys to ensnare him like he didn't even need to think before replying. It was almost like looking at a professional dancer spin around a complete and utter amateur.
It was amusing.
Red was very happy to know he didn't have to protect his pet from the word plays and similar frivolity of the fay court. He would always be close to protect what was his in case another fairy forgot who his pet belonged to, but he could do it from afar, while enjoying the way his pet played around with a predator masterfully turned play.
It was beautiful.
His pet was beautiful and Red couldn't keep his eyes off him even if he wanted to. The way his pet moved. The way his smile perked up and eyesockets squinted when it was his turn to talk and deliver a clever word play. The way he chuckled every time a fairy grumbled in annoyance for not being able to best him.
It was... vexing.
How did Sans, his lovely pet, fall into Red's arms so easily? It took only one, practically offhand question for Sans to trip up in his word play and fall into Red's trap. Only one question Red was prepared to throw in to test the waters, not one he thought would ever work.
Yet here they were, bound by a thread stronger than anyone could untangle.
Sans was his, forever and always.
Thinking of it made Red's insides feel... strange. A feeling the fay never really hear of and never imagined he would ever experience. But he kept it secret, stashed away close to his heart (if he even had one). Emotions didn't last long in the fay court and he wouldn't risk Sans' safety for something as trivial as feelings.
Red perked up when he saw Sans making his way towards him. It seems his last victim was stomping away, ears red in anger over the loss in their little verbal battle, while Sans calmly made his way through the crowd towards his master. It was almost magical to see him perfectly dodge any attempts at new conversations as he kept his eyelights trained on Red.
"greetings red." Sans bowed as he stood in front of him, but Red could tell there was a healthy dose of teasing in the movement.
"greetings pet." Red snarked back, his own mouth twitching up at the corners when he noticed Sans hide a chuckle.
"fine night, isn't it?"
Red narrowed his sockets at the small talk, it wasn't like Sans to start with that instead of a pun. Instead of replying, he grabbed Sans' hand and led him to a secluded balcony. Apparently, a break was needed.
The moment Red closed the balcony doors behind him, he heard Sans sigh in relief. It wasn't surprising. As clever with words as Sans was, he was still from the mortal realm, he could never keep up with the fay, especially at a party that could last days if not weeks.
Sans stepped up behind Red and hugged him, burying his face in Red's wide back. Red could feel Sans' whole body melt into him as he completely let go. Defenseless.
"why did ya do it?" Red grumbled out, needing to know before he did something stupid he would regret.
"hmmm?" The sleepy sound made the feeling in Red's chest thump, almost like a beast waking up after an eternal slumber.
"why did ya mess up?"
"... when? at the party? did i annoy someone i shouldn't-"
"no!" The loud bark that escaped his teeth scared them both. But Red couldn't help himself. He needed to know. "... why did'ya mess up on my first q'estion?"
The lack of reply had Red's skull bead with sweat.
"ya dodge da others like it'z nothin'. why not me?" Red bit his tongue as he said that, he had to stop himself from becoming a complete fool.
Still, Sans didn't reply. Instead, Red felt Sans' small hands pull on his sides, truning him around. Reluctantly he followed.
Gently, oh so gently, like Sans was scared Red would fall apart... of flee. Sans reached up and grabbed Red's face, pulling him down close to him. He stared at Red's eyelights for what felt like an eternity before his face lit up with that relaxed smart ass grin of his.
Sans leaned up, and placed a soft kiss on Red's teeth, chaste yet so full of emotions. As he pulled back, a soft blue blush spread over his cheekbones and Red could swear he saw stars in those gorgeous white eyelights, mesmerized. He almost missed the quiet whisper Sans let out.
“cause i can’t resist you.”
Hope you like! It's short and sweet! :D
Red would ravish Sans' bones for days after this of course~ >:3c
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Help me pick for kustard week :D
I need everyone's help with what I'm planing to do for kustard week this year :3
I'm gonna do something similar to last year! Write short one shots for prompt combos everyone sends me >:D
So please send me prompts I can write in the following format: one ask with one kustard week day/prompt + prompt from this list (e.g. Werewolf day 4 + “So? Guide me. Help me see.”) You can send in as many combinations as you want, but send each day+quote combination in separate asks!
If I get multiple combinations for any of the days I'll use a random picker to chose the one I'll write ^_^
Thank you!! :D
Here are the kustard week prompt lists:
Fairy tales:
DAY 1: Fairy DAY 2: Dragon DAY 3: El Chupacabra DAY 4: Werewolf DAY 5: Mermaid DAY 6: Harpy DAY 7: Sphinx
DAY 1: Stargate DAY 2: Space Prison DAY 3: Deep Space Exploration DAY 4: Time Travel DAY 5: Constellations or Stars DAY 6: Star Wars DAY 7: Alien Abduction
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Ooooh I got another idea, so here we go: Day 4, Time Travel, plus the dialogue prompt "But what if we don’t burn alive? What if we just burn for each other? Isn’t that a possibility too?” I hope you like it! -Mystery
Thank you @mystery-fic-anon!! :D
This was a real brain-teaser honestly! A tough combo but I hope I managed to nail it XD
DAY 4 - Time Travel + “But what if we don’t burn alive? What if we just burn for each other? Isn’t that a possibility too?”
Red growled out another swear as he paced from one side of the cell to the other, glaring daggers through the iron bars that lined one of the walls.
It was a damp and smelly place, worse than any of the nasty spots in the dump he used to hide in as a babybones in the underground. It made his bones itch and his nasal cavity flare in pure disgust he couldn’t get rid of even after a few hours in this clusterfuck of a prison.
Living on the surface really spoiled him when something like a nasty hole in the wall could sour his mood this badly.
If only he hadn’t been so eager to try the new invention he and Sans were playing around with, then this mess wouldn’t have happened. A time machine didn’t seem possible while they were stuck in the underground with limited resources, but once they reached the surface and the two undergrounds finally merged together (relatively) peacefully, there wasn’t much to do so Sans and Red started talking about everything and anything. Their talk eventually led to their backgrounds in science and engineering, then led to some experiments and finally resulted in them playing around with the machine from their basements.
A time machine.
It took them a few years to get it to do what it was supposed to, but once they had all the kinks figured out, the only thing left to do was try it out. Unfortunately, Red might have jumped the gun just a tiny bit too early and pushed for an experiment that didn’t go exactly as planned and ended up with this fucking mess. A prison in some medieval shithole of a town full of witch hunting morons that took one look at them and immediately started one of their witch, or in their case monster, hunts.
Now here he was staring daggers at cell bars and contemplating how to get out of this angle forsaken hellhole.
He was interrupted from his thoughts by a chuckle from behind him and his first instinct was to spin around and swear at the one making that sound, but he couldn’t. Not when the melodic and deep chuckle sent a shiver down his spine. It wasn’t fair. Here he was, stuck in one of the worst possible spots since he got out of the underground, yet he couldn’t even be properly angry at his partner in this mess.
Instead, he just turned a glare towards Sans, who just smiled brightly at him.
“come on, red.” Sans patted the seat next to him on the straw cowered plank. “you’ll walk a hole in the ground if you continue like that.”
“wha’ else ‘m i s’pposed ta do, sans?” Red growled out as he turned his eyelights back towards the bars.” “sittin’ ain’t gonna get us out.”
He could hear rustling behind him, but no footsteps. Sans probably sprawled on the pathetic excuse for a bed and played his usual lazybones routine. He’d be annoyed if he didn’t find Sans’ confidence kinda hot. But given their situation, he was too would up to really appreciate it at the moment.
“hole up here with me and we’ll figure stuff out together.”
Red didn’t miss the pun but he clenched his teeth to stop himself from snorting. This was no time to encourage Sans to joke around. They were in serious trouble.
“sans. they’r gonna burn us alive in a few ‘ours if we don’ get outta ‘ere.”
There was no answer, the quiet somehow deafening. Red didn’t want to scare Sans, he was determined to get them out of this in one piece. But he needed to focus and if making scaring Sans to take the situation a bit more seriously was needed, he would do it. Anything to keep them safe with all their parts intact.
He wasn’t sure how fast bones burned and didn’t want to find out.
“but what if we don’t burn alive?” An uncharacteristic pause followed Sans’ words making Red turn to look at him with a raised browbone. “what if we just burn for each other? isn’t that a possibility too?”
Red’s cheekbones exploded with a crimson blush, lighting up their dark cell. Just as he realized that was another pun and almost shrugged it away as one of Sans’ usual jokes, he noticed a soft blue blush spreading on Sans’ cheeks. Sans looked almost shocked that those words came out of his mouth, as if his own tongue betrayed him.
Red carefully parted his teeth, ready to ask what the hell Sans was going on about when a loud crash rang through the hallway in front of their cell.
The guards.
They were coming to get them.
There wasn’t any time for Red to drill information out of Sans but he wouldn’t drop this.
Now he had to focus on getting them out and safe. After…
After that, Sans and him are gonna have a very burning chat about what he meant.
Tada!! Hope you like :D
The setting is basically: Sans and Red played mad scientist, invented time machine, used it and ended up in the wrong time, got caught by medieval people that decided to burn the demons…
Red is all about “gotta get us out of this alive” while Sans is more in the “should I confess in case we don’t get out alive” type of headspace UwU
They will get out alive of course, but the accidental half-confession will definitely have consequences >;3
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sans/Sans (Undertale), sans (underfell)/sans (undertale), Sans (Undertale)/Sans (Underfell), UnderFell Sans/UnderTale Sans, Undertale Sans/Underfell Sans - Relationship, Kustard Characters: Sans (Undertale), Underfell Sans - Character Additional Tags: Sans/Sans (Undertale) - Freeform, Sans (underfell)/Sans (undertale) - Freeform, Sans (Undertale)/Sans (Underfell) - Freeform, underfell sans/undertale sans - Freeform, Undertale Sans/Underfell Sans, kustard - Freeform, Sanscest - Freeform, Big Red, chubby sans, soft, Fluffy, just sweet morning sex
Red wakes up with a stiff problem, will Sans offer to help~?
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Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sans/Sans (Undertale), sans (underfell)/sans (undertale), Sans (Undertale)/Sans (Underfell), UnderFell Sans/UnderTale Sans, Undertale Sans/Underfell Sans - Relationship, Kustard Characters: Sans (Undertale) Additional Tags: Sans/Sans (Undertale) - Freeform, Sans (underfell)/Sans (undertale) - Freeform, Sans (Undertale)/Sans (Underfell) - Freeform, underfell sans/undertale sans - Freeform, Undertale Sans/Underfell Sans, kustard - Freeform, Sanscest - Freeform, kustardweek, kustardweek2023 Summary:
Here are all the Kustard Week 2023 I wrote for the event on tumlbr :D
I spiced up the event a bit by asking my followers to send in asks that combined the Kustard Week prompt lists with an extra trope from this fanlore list!
Basically, each day was a challenge to combine the two as best as I could~
Hope you like the results :D
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Just wanted to share some basic info about my blog!
This blog is mainly a reblog blog! I love to share wonderful art and fics for the Undertale fandom and all of it's many incredible AU's. All reblogs are queued and tagged with the #RyuQueue tag (expect between 35-50 reblogs daily).
Besides reblogs I write Undertale fics (#SilverRyuFic) and drabbles (#SilverRyuDrabble) and can be found under the #SilverRyuWrites tag. All my fics are also available on my AO3 profile (https://archiveofourown.org/users/silverryu25/).
My ask box is open for drabble ideas (though I might not do all of them cause I have a super huge backlog >.>;;;)
I'm open for asks with any of the following skeles:
Sans (UT)
Red (UF)
Sticks (Farmtale Sans)
Drabbles can be for any ship with the skeles above and any version of the skeles (e.g. wolf Red and Sans, mafia Red and broke Sans, mafia Nightmare gang, lamia skeles, siren skeles ect.).
NSFW is also ok, but I will tag it with the #Ryu18only tag which I ask any minors following me to block! Minors DO NOT send me NSFW drabble asks! If this happens I will not be doing any more NSFW drabble asks ever after that!
I haven't written in a long time so I'm probably very rusty and the drabbles will be short and simple. Also, I haven't written much with Nightmare and his gang so I'm probably not gonna do a super good job so keep your expectations low ;P
I have also been dabbling in making some polymer clay dolls (#myart) and jewelry that you can see on my ko-fi shop :D
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sans/Sans (Undertale), Bad Sans Poly Characters: Killer / Sans (Undertale), Nightmare/ Sans (Undertale), Dust/ Sans (Undertale), Dust / Sans (Undertale), Horror / Sans (Undertale), Cross, Nightmare Gang (Undertale) Additional Tags: A/B/O, bad sans poly in the making, Nightmare doesn’t wanna face his orientation, or the attraction to his gang members, and the denial isn’t good for him, but his gang won’t let him suffer alone, No Smut, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, very non-traditional cause I like to mess with that trope, Not a heat, Nightmare’s suppressed instincts are just getting the better of him Summary: Nightmare doesn’t have any weaknesses and that’s final! He’s the Ruler of Negativity, a force to be reckoned with by the strongest beings in the universe. He can lay waste to cities, countries even worlds! There is nothing that can bring him down and no weakness anyone can exploit.
… unfortunately, his body doesn’t wholly agree with that.
Written as part of the Sansgust event, prompt: A/B/O dynamic.
#SilverRyuWrites#SilverRyuFic#mywriting#fanfic#fanfiction#undertale#sansgust#bad sans poly#in the making
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sans/Sans (Undertale), sans (underfell)/sans (undertale), Sans (Undertale)/Sans (Underfell), UnderFell Sans/UnderTale Sans, Undertale Sans/Underfell Sans - Relationship, Kustard Characters: Sans (Undertale) Additional Tags: Sans/Sans (Undertale) - Freeform, Sans (underfell)/Sans (undertale) - Freeform, Sans (Undertale)/Sans (Underfell) - Freeform, underfell sans/undertale sans - Freeform, Undertale Sans/Underfell Sans, kustard - Freeform, Sanscest - Freeform, Dragon Red, Prince Sans, Sans did a dumb, so now he's in trouble, will he be ok?, read and find out Summary: Sans is a prince with a mission. A very unwilling prince with a mission. But it shouldn't be too hard to do it and he'll be home in no time... right?
Merry Xmas @catsitta! ❤\( ̄▽ ̄)/❤
#SilverRyuWrites#SilverRyuFic#mywriting#fanfic#fanfiction#undertale#underfell#ut!sans#uf!sans#kustard#sanscest#dragon Red#prince Sans
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sans/Sans (Undertale), sans (underfell)/sans (undertale), Sans (Undertale)/Sans (Underfell), UnderFell Sans/UnderTale Sans, Undertale Sans/Underfell Sans - Relationship, Kustard Characters: Sans (Undertale) Additional Tags: Sans/Sans (Undertale) - Freeform, Sans (underfell)/Sans (undertale) - Freeform, Sans (Undertale)/Sans (Underfell) - Freeform, underfell sans/undertale sans - Freeform, Undertale Sans/Underfell Sans, kustard - Freeform, Sanscest - Freeform, Fluff, kustard dorks, In Denial, Prank Wars Summary: What happens when a prank war goes wrong? Red to find out >;3
Merry Gyftmas Saucy! :D
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Ok then. Bara red if your not affected by cuteness then i want you to resist sans puppy dog eyes without giving in. Do it. Amd tell us what collection you’re hiding 😈
*With a (totally not evil) giggle, Sans turns towards Red and makes the cutes puppy dog eyes a skeleton ever achieved*
Red: w-wha’ are ya doin’, sweetheart?
*Sans steps closer, peering up at Red and making him step back*
Red: sans?
*Red is starting to sweat, hands shaking*
Red: sans, don’ listen to dese annoyin’ bastards!
*Sans tilts his head at Red, making the bigger monster sweat even more*
Sans: ......... nope.
*He pops the P as he blinks slowly, his eyelights turning to hearts, tongue poping out between his teeth in a teasing blep*
Red: fuck.
*Critical hit! Red is down! Sans straddles his chest as he celebrates his victory giving you a V sign and a wink!*
Welp! Red is unfortunately unable to answer the 2nd question cause the cuteness was just too much for his poor hardened soul.
#SilverRyuWrites#SilverRyuFic#mywriting#fanfic#fanfiction#bara Red#undertale#underfell#ut!sans#uf!sans#kustard#sanscest#look... guys... pals... friendos#Sans has The Power over the big dork#we all know it#Red knows it#Sans knows it#and he's ready to abuse it#for a prank XD#Red is down for the count#not sure what can wake him back up XD
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Papyrus & Sans (Undertale) Characters: Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, brotherly concern, Sans isn’t doing well on the surface, Papyrus is trying to help, they find the help in something unexpected, Animal Neglect, but only hinted at, nothing graphic, The Animal Gets Better, A lot better, Farmtale - Freeform Summary: Sans and Papyrus bought a farm when they arrived on the surface but despite Papy’s hopes it didn’t help Sans feel better. Could a “temporary” addition to their little family help both brothers heal and live happier lives?
This was written for the "To The Bone Zine" that you can find here: https://tothebonezine.carrd.co/
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