#Sigurd is a descendant of Odin while Siegfried is (presumably) a regular human
Well, I'm a big dummy dumb dumb since I never bothered thinking of Sigmund and Sieglinde in the Nibelungenlied as siblings. I just found it funny they shared similar names.
It's just another Wagner thing.
Sigurd, on the other hand, does have a half-sibling who is a product of incest. He can be found in Fate: Lost Einherjar as a rider servant named Sinfjötli. Poor guy in his story dies along with Sigmund's sister just for being the product of incest, despite being conceived purely for revenge. It's a long weird story.
People really need to stop bringing in so much collateral damage in their quests for revenge, I swear.
Speaking of Wagner, it's one of his hare-brained ideas for Hagen that I use to try and wrap my head around why Higashide wrote him to be Siegfried's best friend ever who agreed to Siegfried's grand idea to off himself. But I'd suggest going through LB6 first to understand why.
Yeah, it's just a Wagner thing. As far as I know, Siegmund and Sieglinde aren't related by blood in the Nibelungenlied, but are in Wagner's work. Why? I genuinely don't know. And yeah, I already know about Sigurd's half brother, who's appearing in Lost Einherjar, and who is a wolf man (forget the dragonslayers and their wives going on a double date, I want to see Sigurd's and Siegfried's families meeting with the other - it would be chaotic and I'm here for it).
I have a few problems with Higashide's writing (mainly with how he goes about with romantic couples and just regular duo's), and... yeah, I'm kinda iffy on that in general. Like, on one hand it makes sense that Siegfried ultimately sacrifices himself to try and prevent shit hitting the fan. On the other hand, just why??? He has a thing against anyone being behind his back, and it's shown in Summer 4 that he's wary around bodies of water. As if he has bad memories from being murdered.
Just. Hmmmmmm. That bit still ticks me off. That reveal from Kriemhild's profile still ticks me off, even a year later.
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