#Sierra Capri on on my block
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Are the "Freeridge" Cast Single or Taken? Here's What We Know
In 2018, millions of people instantly became enamored with the cast of Netflix’s coming-of-age series “On My Block,” which follows a group of friends as they navigate high school and their lives outside of it. The love for Monse (Sierra Capri), Ruby (Jason Genao), Jamal (Brett Gray), and Cesar (Diego Tinoco) only grew during the show’s four seasons, leaving fans heartbroken when the final episode…
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Oh my god if we're talking about actors who cannot fake cry, I'd like to introduce y'all to Sierra Capri who played Monse on the Netflix show "On My Block." Listen, given the role and script, she was decent enough but anytime they made her angry, I could not take her facial expressions seriously. AND THE FAKE CRYING? Girlie, like if you can't force yourself to cry, don't try because it looked so bad. Y'all can probably find a compliation on YouTube then come back with thoughts and comments lmao
Lol, I’ll check it out
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Sierra Capri on On my Block Season 1
as Monse on On my Block [S01 E02]
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ingeniousmindoftune · 3 years
If I wanted...
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Requested: No.
Warnings: Mentions of Oscar dating you at a young age// He was 28 at the time. *You lied about your age.*
Description: In which you’re Monse’s older cousin who visits for the summer and happens to also be Latrelle’s ex/baby mama
Oscar Diaz x Black Reader!
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“Monse, what’s on your mind?”
You ask entering the room seeing her leaned against the window with her back turned towards you. Her sobs that she thought were quiet, weren’t quiet at all. You closed the door behind you running your hand over your stomach. “It’s Caesar.” I sighed deeply, if anyone knew anything about dating the wrong types of boys from Freeridge; you did. Every day you looked over your shoulder since you been back. Especially with Spooky them finding out you were carrying Latrelle’s baby. Even Monse’s friends looked at you like you were the villain. But in all reality, you was just another girl who fallen for his lies.
“What happened now, hermana?”
Monse always looked up to you. She thought you were the perfect example of a woman, she admired you so. And you hated it because you was no one’s perfect example. In fact, you were far from it but you and Monse were very close. So whenever she was hurting, you were hurting. “He said he doesn’t want to be with me because my cousin is the girlfriend of his enemy!” I sighed deeply, Caesar was much like his brother. They didn’t know what the hell they wanted. “Girl, forget Caesar. There’s plenty other fish in the sea. And did you give him a piece of your mind?”
You walked over wiping her tears. “Wipe those tears, hermana. He isn’t worth them.”
Shaking her head. “I did but I love him.” Sighing deeply, you nodded your head standing to your feet, you didn’t say another word to her. Grabbing your flats, you put them on and sprinted out her room and out the front door, making your walk to Spooky’s to pay him and his brother a visit. If they had a problem with anyone, it needed to be with you and they were gonna say whatever they had to say behind your back… to your face!
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Bold. That’s what you were and it’s what a lot of people couldn’t stand most about you. You weren’t afraid to speak your own and for damn sure you weren’t afraid to hold your ground. 
“Hyna, where you going in such a rush? You know being pregnant you can’t walk as fast as you like.” 
You rolled your eyes at the sound of Oscar’s voice. You stopped and turned your attention to him. Not only were you Latrelle’s ex girl and baby mother- You were also Oscar’s ex as well, the entire situation was complicated. The thing was, you were young when you and Oscar had your fling so no one ever knew about it and if anyone did- Especially Monse’s dad- shit wouldn’t be sweet. “I’m coming to see you and your boys. But mainly your brother Caesar. Whom just broke up with my little cousin because of shit he doesn’t have a clue about! All of you just assuming shit but don’t know the full story.”
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He leans back looking at you, “Okay then, tell me the full story. Huh? You the one come rolling back in town after seven years. You the one who fucked around with a damn Prophet$ and had his baby, not to mention he like what? half your age? He a whole ass kid, you know how that make you look??”
“First of all, when I met the kid he told me he was twenty-one. Second, I know you not running your mouth because when you and I hooked up I lied about my age and I was fifteen. So don't say shit else to me about how it makes me look, I already know how it makes me look. I came to town for my cousin, her mother died and she needed me. Are you mad that I had a baby by him or Are you mad that I didn't come back for you?” 
Oscar lets out a deep chuckle, he turned off his car. You held your ground, you didn't care how upset you had made him. He walked around the front of the car and leaned against the passenger side door looking at you. “You know why I’M UPSET.” He spoke sternly. You were only twenty-one now. You still didn’t have your life figured out and yet you were having a baby, deep down you were only glad few people knew who the father of your baby was, because if it got out in the streets- you would be a target. Anyone could imagine how in love you was with this man, You lied about your age at the time and always felt bad about it. When he found out, he ended things with you and, when he did, You decided to leave and move in with your mother across the globe. You had never looked back either until your phone call from Monse, but not a day  never went by did you stop thinking about Oscar. You loved him, hell, You still love him.
“No, I DON’T. All of you are looking at me like I’m the damn enemy when I’m not. I been out the loop for years, you said it yourself. How the hell was I supposed to know who he was?”
Oscar brushes the side of his face. “Doesn’t matter. The damage is done.” Rolling your eyes, you started to walk away from him. He stopped you by grabbing your hand. “So, what’s the story? You gonna tell me so maybe I can possibly resolve this situation for you? You know Sadeyes not gonna allow you to step foot on the grounds. You carrying a Prophet$ baby. You not familia anymore.” Looking at him and hearing him say those words hurt. Considering, at one point in time these people were the only family you had in Freeridge. Sadeyes was always like your brother. And now this?
“The story is I’m not his girl, never was. It was a one-night stand that I wish never happened,” You answered. “Second, he doesn’t know about the baby. And never will if I have anything to say about it.”
He just looked at you. When you left Freeridge, you had taken a part of him with you. He really did love you, and he wasn't just fuming over the fact you were carrying that kids baby, he was fuming over the fact- it wasn’t his.- HE still loved you too. And deep down, he always imagined the life you both wanted- Leaving here, him starting over some place else- opening up the restaurant he always wanted- and the two of you having kids running around. You might have been fifteen at the time, but you had the mind of a older woman, and you were certainly good in bed. He deep down always hated you for what you did, lying to him and having him believe something that wasn’t true.
“I can’t change my brother’s mind. But, I’ll talk to him,” He assured.
You shook your head. “You need to get your boys to fall back to, I don’t need this Spooky. I really don’t. I don’t need to be looked at like some enemy, I just want my time here to be smooth. I won’t be here long.” He frowned. He wasn’t so thrilled about you leaving, He didn’t want you to leave. He wanted you to stick around no matter how he came off, he still loves you. “When you leaving?” You shrugged. “I’m only staying for another week and hopefully I can leave. Like I said, I just came for Monse. But, I need to talk to Caesar.”
“You not talking to him, I will. He not going to listen to you.” He stops you, this time his hand on your breast.
You looked down at his hand, than back up at him. “Would you kindly remove your hand from my breast?” He slightly removed it than chuckles. “IF I can recall, you used to like my hand being on you, in all types of places.” Rolling your eyes. “That was then. This is now.” Turning on your heels to go back to the house and check on Monse, “I still love you!” You heard him say from behind. You stopped. Your eyes darted back and forth as you closed them, all you could seee was black and, all you could hear was those words. You soon felt him behind you and his signature cologne. “If you still loved me, you wouldn’t let this shit be happening with your friends.” 
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“If I wanted,” He trailed off. “If I wanted to hurt you, I would have hurt you and If I wanted you dead, you’d be dead.” He told you.
You shook your head looking away from him. Sometimes, you wondered what you saw in him. Growing up you had to raise yourself so at the time you never knew how bad your actions were until he told you that night, luckily, no one ever knew about the two of you but Sadeyes always suspected. “It doesn’t matter because you did hurt me. Not just back then but you got the Santos turning their back on me.” You look over at him, rubbing my stomach and tapping on it trying to get him to move around and he did. “I told you, Hyna, I’ll fix it.” You didn’t care at this point.
“It doesn’t matter, Spooky. Just tell them the baby isn’t his, okay? I don’t want to be the reason my cousin and her boyfriend breaks up.”
Spooky looks down at you. “Since when you call me, Spooky?” He never liked the idea of you calling him Spooky, it just never felt right coming out your mouth. You were, at one point, his hyna. So being called Spooky by you just felt odd. “I’m sorry about lying to you back then, Spooky. I really am and you’re spooky to me now because that's your nick name. isn’t it? Or has it changed in the last seven years?” 
“It’s still Spooky.” He answers, He couldn’t resist.
He placed his hand on your stomach, and your baby kicked like crazy. He laughed, he thought it was the cutest thing yet. You smiled up at him, seeing that smile of his always made your day. Spooky never smiled much but when he was with you or his brother, he smiled. You were the two people that could make him smile or laugh.
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“Is it a girl or boy?” He asks as the both of you walked the beach
This was one of his favorite places. He said he felt free here, like he could be something else. Someone different from the leader of Santos. You were the second person he had ever brought here.
“It’s a boy,” You smiled softly as he placed his hand on your stomach again earning the same response.
Oscar kneeled in front of you, He just was amazed at the little kicks and he smiled seeing your son’s foot print through your stomach. “Does it hurt?” He looked up to you, shaking your head no. “No. Not always. But he’s never kicked this much, so he must like you.” You place your hand on his, old feelings coming back like a wrecking ball.
“You still love me?” He looks up to you.
Nodding your head. He stood to his feet, placing his hand on the side of your face, he looked you in the eyes. “And I still love you. No matter how wrong the situation was at the time, I still love you. I never stopped thinking about you.” You smile at him, he kisses you. You kissed him back. Wrapping his arm around your waist, and your stomach, he nods his head. “Stay.”
@skyesthebomb @laylasbunbunny
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jmaciasgang · 3 years
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On My Block Season 4 New Stills {x}
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nicholasgalitznes · 3 years
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bonobochick · 3 years
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Monse + Cesar, On My Block, ep 4x07
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itsmeeee77 · 3 years
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nia-journals · 3 years
ok omb rant because i feel like it (?) SPOILERS!
- you already know im mad about oscar/spooky and abuelita dying but you know what?? i’ll fight the writers about that later.
- i feel like this season was rushed and i didnt like them leaving things off on a cliffhanger?? i felt like with a final season being established things couldve been more.. well put together.
- in the romance department cesar can suck it.. this man was switching from vero to monse constantly and had them both looking like clowns.. yea fuck him.
- abuelita and jamal carried this season as always.
- ruby winning prom king was singlehandedly one of the best scenes this season.
- i didnt like how they left off jasmine’s character! she was so excited for ucla just to have it all crumbling down in like 10 seconds when real shit one of her. family members couldve worked harder to help her out??
- the s*x scene of jasmine and ruby with his parents in the house was?????? so awk and unnecessary. thats all ima say about that.
- have i mentioned i literally love abuelita sm? the best character.
- if we get a spin off like everyone says we are i might watch but hopefully they get a better close off than omb did when they do.
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aaronsinferno · 3 years
Why am I shipping Jamal and ruby all of a sudden? The first two episodes of this season with the angst and vulnerability got me good. We in the last season and I’m seeing the potential now? I hate it here, bro
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lovelctters · 3 years
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biitches-be-bonkers · 3 years
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One last time Oct 4 😭
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Sierra Capri on On my Block Season 1
as Monse on On my Block [S01 E01]
Information on beautifulfaces
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thegoldenuzi · 3 years
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I wonder what this means!?
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jmaciasgang · 3 years
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Here’s your first look at On My Block’s Season 4! Premiering on oct. 4th on Netflix!
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