magicjesuscup · 5 years
Can you please do headcannons for Siegfried developing a crush on gudako(fem master)? Love your work and thanks!
This request came in a while ago. It was the last week of class and I had finals to study for and a paper to write. I didn't really have time to respond to this, but now that school's done, I do. I'm glad you like what you've seen so far! :D
Spoilers for what pops up in Siegfried's profile if you get him to bond level 4 are ahead. I stuck it under the thing because I got carried away again. OTL No worries though; it's SFW.
After you summoned Siegfried, you popped into the command room and asked Romani if you could look something up. He rolled his chair to the side and allowed you to drag over your own chair. He suggested you ask Magi Mari because it she knew everything, it would be more fun than googling whatever you wanted to know, and he was already on her website. You didn't care a whole bunch, but you cringed and made Romani promise he wouldn't judge you for what you were going to ask. He looked at you suspiciously, but agreed. You asked him to type in, 'Who is Siegfried?' Romani was shocked you had never heard of Siegfried. Although, since he couldn't retell the legend by heart, he typed, 'Can you summarize the role Siegfried played in Nibelungenlied?' to Magi Mari. Everything Magi Mari said also appeared as text in the chat-box. Romani left the room at some point, but you paid little attention to that. Magi Mari's summary ended with the phrase: "The last thing people wished of him, in a life where he kept answering to people's requests, was his own death."
At hearing that, you felt a lump in your throat and your vision blurred with tears. You leaned forward in your chair, buried your face in your hands, and cried. You heard footsteps behind you and assumed it was Romani. It wasn't.
Romani had left earlier to ask Siegfried to check on you. Siegfried stopped walking when he reached your chair. He looked at the screen and read what was written in the chat-box. Frowning, he took the mouse and closed the window. He gently called. "Master."
You didn't move, but sobbed in response, "How could they do that? You did everything for them."
Siegfried leaned forward and and put his hand on your shoulder. "I don't regret anything that happened to me."
"Then why become a heroic spirit?" Your voice trembled and was muffled by your hands. "There must've been something about your life you were unhappy about."
Siegfried was silent for a moment before he answered, "I want to act on my on will...I just...I don't know what that is yet." However, looking at you, he was certain he wanted your tears to dry and your smile to return.
You had just left for the next singularity. As you could only summon 5 servants at a time, Siegfried was in Chaldea with Romani. Romani commented on how well you were doing, all things considered, which confused Siegfried. All things considered? Hadn't you signed up for this and beat out every other candidate? Romani laughed nervously and explained everything that happened in the prologue. This piqued Siegfried's curiosity.
You needed Siegfried's help (because dragons) and summoned him. Much later, after the battle when the sun was setting, he told you about his conversation with Romani and asked why you decided to become a master. You answered with one of these:
"No one else could do it. All of humanity would die if I sat back and did nothing, and that includes me. What choice did I have?"   [Siegfried sympathized with you. He too did things in his lifetime because he was the only one who could do it.]
"To be honest, the only reason I didn't run away when I had the chance was because I was worried about Mash. When we were rayshifted to Fuyuki and she turned into a demi-servant, she saved my life 100 times. I guess things could've ended when we returned to Chaldea, but you've seen how much stronger a servant is when they have a master. If I backed out, I would've been abandoning her; I couldn't just leave my friend to die."   [Siegfried sympathized with you. He knew what it was like to be willing to do anything for a friend. When he was alive, he helped his best friend win over the woman he wanted to marry through a very bizarre series of events.]
"Because I wanted to. I thought it would be cool to save the world. It turned out to be a lot harder than I thought, but I've never regretted my decision."   [Siegfried admired you. His wish in the previous grail war was to act on his own accord, and here you were doing it as naturally as breathing. He hopped he could find a path of his own choosing and follow it soon.]
No matter what your answer, Siegfried became very protective of you afterwards.
At some point, you had been doing so much walking, you developed blisters on your feet. One of your servants tended to your condition and then you all sat around the fire deciding what to do next. You could continue, but you wouldn't be able get very far. It probably made more sense to stay put and let you heal. Another servant suggested if medicine was more advanced in Chaldea, it might be better to send you back to receive treatment. You rejected that idea. Then someone else suggested a servant could carry you. You immediately decided to delegate the job to Siegfried. You could've asked who the strongest servant was, but feared most (if not all save for Mash) would raise their hand and then brawl to prove their claim. You didn't have the patients for that. The next morning when Siegfried moved to lift you, you asked if he would carry you on his back. He hesitated and tried to get you to change your mind, but ultimately let you have your way; he remembered how upset you were at thinking he had been mistreated by the people closest to him and doubted you would do him any harm. As the days went by his hesitation to carry you on his back lessened until it faded away completely. One night he overheard you talking to another servant. It seemed your feet should have healed a while ago, and the servant wanted to know why you still insisted on having Siegfried carry you.
You answered, "Because he's cursed. His back's vulnerable and he can't cover it. But no one can hurt him if I'm back there; they'll have to go through me first." The servant argued that you shouldn't stick your neck out like that for a servant, but they couldn't change your mind.
The next morning, Siegfried picked you up bridal style. When you protested, he explained, "If you're behind me and something happens, I won't know until it's too late. I want to protect you." The importance of the phrase 'I want' coming from Siegfried was not lost on you, and you were so excited for him you let him have his way. His wasn’t sure what this warm feeling in his heart was, but didn't want to lose it. And he knew the only way he could keep it was to stay by your side.
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magicjesuscup · 5 years
So glad to have found a blog that writes for Siegfried! Could you do head cannons on how he would react to gudako proposing a friends with benefits kind of thing? Seems like it would be popular in the fate verse because of mana transfer and all that
I'm glad a fellow Siegfried fan has found me. :D I’m not super sure it would be popular; I think it would have to depend on the servant. They’re all products of their time; if ‘friends with benefits’ types of relationships were frowned on during their time, they may be uncomfortable with the idea. If virginity was important during their time (at least in the case of a female master), the servant may not want to take that from her or add to her number of partners (as they feel they might be taking something from her future husband). If monogamy was important during their time, the servant (if serving Chaldea’s master) might be unhappy having to share their significant other/master with other servants. If the servant is very religious, and having sex outside of marriage is viewed as a sin, they might not be interested in that kind of relationship. Still other servants may be uninterested in sex or and not see the appeal in that type of relationship or recognize they can’t handle that type of relationship (maybe because they’re insecure or are the type to get jealous easily). They may also have their reservations because of the way a past love played out or wish to remain faithful to a past lover. At the end of the day they’ll probably agree to a mana transfer if they need one, but they may not like the idea of having sex casually.
Spoilers for Siegfried’s third ascension and London singularity are ahead. This one’s a little NSFW, but I don’t go into super gross detail.
Unless you’ve been going around asking multiple servants about starting this type of relationship, Siegfried is going to be a little confused at first. That’s what you wanted? Where you sure? There were a bunch of other servants that would’ve been more excited and enthusiastic to have such a relationship. His confusion will intensify if he’s in his third ascension. Were you positive you wanted him? He looked more like a dragon than a human what with his horns, wings, and tail.
You can simply assure him that you’re sure.
Or, if you want, you can teasingly ask, “Well, it’s not like you have scales down there, right?” while glancing between his legs. A ghost of a blush appears on his face. He looks away as he replies, “I don’t have any scaly patches of skin yet, but I can’t guarantee that won’t change in the future.” You grin and respond, “Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
Either way, Siegfried agrees, but doesn’t seem very excited about it.
One day, you invite him to your room. Before you start anything, you ask if he’s okay with this arrangement. You want to make sure since he seemed luke-warm about the whole thing. Plus, he seemed like the type of servant to agree even if it was something he didn’t want. Siegfried sits next to you and explains he understands the need for occasional mana transfers, but this seemed different. He’s never been in a relationship like this before, so he’s not sure how it will affect him.
If you ask about his prior relationships, he’ll tell you he had many one night stands when he was alive and single. He knew nothing of the women, and didn’t even bother asking if they were married; he didn’t see the point. Wouldn’t someone bold enough to flirt while married lie about their marital status? To be fair, he never propositioned others for sex; he only accepted offers. However, that was mostly because he wasn’t interested in taking someone unwilling. Siegfried understood he was a large, intimidating man and women might be afraid to say no. He was also honest and upfront about never seeing the women again so they weren’t caught off guard when they found him gone the next morning. Sometimes women offered themselves as a form of payment for his services, but he never accepted; he’d simply carry out the request as a favor. Other times, men would offer their daughters to pay him. Siegfried would only accept if he had the means to house them and their fathers seemed desperate to get rid of them. Worried they might be given or sold to someone with ill intent, he would welcome the girls into his home for as long as it took them to find husbands or other means to support themselves; they usually didn’t stay more than a year. Siegfried will also go on to talk about his wife. It turns out she proposed to him. He liked her well enough, so he set about helping her brother (who was also his friend) so he’d approve the marriage. Basically he had casual short term relationships and a serious long term relationship, but nothing in between like this (a casual long term relationship).
You suggest a trial run; try it for a few days or a week (depending on your sex drive) and if he’s unhappy, he doesn’t have to continue. Siegfried seems to like that proposal and agrees. He then asks about your preferences.
If you tell him what they are and explain whatever isn’t self-explanatory, he’ll remember and do those things for/to you.
If you tell him what they are, but are too shy to explain whatever isn’t self-explanatory, he’ll ask Merlin. Congratulations, you’ve made that horny wizard very happy. Getting to explain these things to Siegfried made his day.
If you’re too shy to say anything, there’s nothing to worry about. Siegfried is experienced enough to be able to read you. If your touches are soft and light, his will be equally gentle. If you come at him roughly and grip him tightly, he will respond with equal passion. However, Siegfried hopes you will be brave/comfortable enough to make requests if you want him to do something or do something a different way.
Siegfried won’t tell you the things he’s into because he’d rather focus his attention on satisfying you. He’s also kinda shy about it.
If you want him to tell you, you’ll have to use a command seal or two. Siegfried may avoid you for a bit afterwards, but rather than being angry, you’ll find his avoidance of you is out of embarrassment. He’ll forget it immediately if you make use of the information you forced out of him.
Alternatively, you can experiment to find out what he likes; he’ll try anything whether you ask him or just go for it. It won’t be as effective as the first option, but it will be more fun. You might even help him discover some new things he likes.
Siegfried will never approach you, and that’s mostly a habit carried over from when he was alive.
The location has to be either your bedroom or his; he’ll be uncomfortable if you pick some place that’s public or someone else’s private space. If you want to do it on the floor or up against the wall, that’s fine, but he’s not going to do it in the control room, even if nobody’s around. If, however, you are on a mission in a singularity, he will lead you away from the group so you two can have a little privacy. In this scenario, he’ll prefer to do the deed outside, which is really funny in London.
Jekyll: Where are you two going? You’ve just gotten back from patrol; you can’t be going out again already.
Siegfried: *when he realizes you’re not going to answer* We…um…have some other business to attend to…outside. *he looks away blushing*
Jekyll: *notices the blush and that Siegfried is holding your hand and blushes too; he catches on to what Siegfried means* Oh. Um. Well, it’s dangerous to do that outside with the poisonous gas and machines running around. *looks at his feet and shuffles shyly* I uh don’t use the attic very much. It might not be very comfortable, but it’s safer at least.
Siegfried puts a hand on Jekyll’s shoulder and nods a thank you before you drag him up to the attic. This turns out to be kind of a bad idea because Jekyll, Mordred, Frankenstein, and Anderson can hear every move you two make.
Anderson: *sighs in annoyance* Just when I’ve found time and inspiration to write, it gets ruined by all that noise. Oh well. I may as well take a break.
Frankenstein: Humm?
Mordred: Oh, you wanna know what the noise is?
Frankenstein: *nods*
Jekyll: *panicking* My house is haunted!
Mordred laughed so hard he fell off the couch. Frankenstein grabbed her giant mace ready to protect Jekyll’s house.
Mordred: *while trying to collect himself* I’m pretty sure the ghosts will keep to themselves; we don’t need to do anything.
Mordred will absolutely tease you and Siegfried after this.
You can take other lovers, but Siegfried won’t be very excited about it since he will have developed feelings for you; he won’t do anything though. He’ll only get a tad bit possessive if you have other servants with benefits and one leaves hickeys on you. Basically if one of your servants decides he’ll mark you in a place everyone will see so they’ll all know you belong to him, Siegfried will leave a hickey in a place more private where only that servant will see in order to prove him wrong.
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