#Sicilia Oath
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❝ A lady with a heart of stone. ❞
♫ Lady Sicilia Oath ! Inspired by an old child of mine.. An Horror x Fell child, your honour.
✩♬ ₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧✩♬ ₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧✩♬ ₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
♫ Credits.
Mafia belongs to ???
Horror belongs to @/horrortalecomic
✩♬ ₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧✩♬ ₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧✩♬ ₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
♫ Info.
- lives amongst a mafia gang
- even if she’s young, she’s already very intimidating.
- Veil is to protect her face from the sun as her health is fragile !
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gardenofkore · 6 years
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Maria was born in Catania on July 2nd 1363. Her father was Frederick III (or IV) the Simple, King of Trinacria and Duke of Athens and Neopatras. Her mother, Constance of Aragon (firstborn of Peter IV King of Aragon and his first wife Maria of Navarre) died in childbirth. After Constance’s death, Frederick married Antonia of Baux, sister of the last Latin Emperor of Constantinople James of Baux. Antonia died childless in 1374 after only two years of marriage. Frederick never remarried and when he died in 1377 his sole legitimate heir was his 14 old daughter, Maria, notwithstanding the provisions of Frederick II (III) which forbidden female heirs to succeed. In his will, Frederick III arranged that in case Maria would have died without heirs, the crown would have passed to the House of Aragon. To his bastard son William, Frederick left the islands of Malta and Gozo.
Because of her young age, but mainly since she was female, Maria wasn’t free to rule by herself. Her godfather and legal guardian, Artale I Alagona earl of Mistretta and Lord of Paternò, assumed the regency but was soon forced to form a government with three other Vicars whom belonged to the most influential families (Francesco II Ventimiglia earl of Geraci, Manfredi III Chiaramonte earl of Modica and Guglielmo Peralta earl of Caltabellotta). The main purpose of this council would have been to ensure good governance and balance between the Latin faction and the rival Catalan faction. De facto each one of the four noblemen ruled over a part of the island, while Maria was queen in name only and lived in semi-liberty in Castello Ursino in Catania, under the protection of her godfather.
When it came the time to find her a husband, Artale planned to marry the young queen to the duke of Milan, Gian Galeazzo Visconti. The Vicar’s hidden plan was to rule over all Sicily once his goddaughter would have left the island to live with her husband. Unfortunately for him, on the night of January 23rd 1379 Maria was kidnapped by Guglielmo Raimondo Moncada earl of Agosta. Moncada was supported by Peter IV of Aragon, who was against the Milanese marriage plan since he would have lost his claims over Sicily if his granddaughter were to marry the Duke Visconti. The King of Aragon took charge of the government of the Kingdom of Trinacria and sent his son Martin the Older Duke of Montblanc to Sicily to act as a Viceroy. Martin was not only Maria’s uncle, but was also her first cousin since Martin’s mother was Eleanor of Sicily, Frederick III’s older sister.
Maria was escorted to the castle of Augusta (modern-day province of Siracusa), but soon the castle was put under siege by Artale of Alagona who intended to retrieve his goddaughter. Maria was then moved to the castle of Licata. In the meantime Peter IV arranged the marriage of the queen with another one of his grandsons, Martin the Younger. The marriage contract was signed on July 24th 1380 by the King of Aragon, the groom’s father Martin the Older, Guglielmo Raimondo Moncada and Enrico Rosso earl of Aidone. Since the Artale wouldn’t give up, Maria was sent to Sardinia and later to Barcelona. In 1388 she was moved to Terrasa because at that moment Barcelona was striken by plague. Since leaving Sicily, she never lived according to her status but in isolation and tight budget. Under the regency of her grandfather, Maria lost the duchies of Athene and Neopatras. After being run by the Aragonese, in 1381 the Florentine aristocrat Nerio Acciaioli occupied Athens and in 1390 Neopatras.
 In 1387 Peter IV died and was succeeded by his son John I. Like his younger brother, Martin the Older, John was the son of Peter IV and Eleanor of Sicily. In 1391 in Barcelona Maria finally married her cousin Martin, who would have ruled along with his wife as Martin I. Since the bride and groom were blood relatives, the needed a papal dispensation. The approval was granted by Antipope Clemens VII, whom the House of Aragon decided to support during the matter of the Papal Schism. In the eyes of the Sicilian nobles Martin was seen as a usurper. On July 10th 1391, the four Vicars met in the Church of St. Peter in Castronovo di Sicilia (modern-day province of Palermo) and pledged their loyalty to the queen, but rejected Martin. A similar oath was taken at the beginning of the same year in the castle of Mussomeli, property of the Chiaramonte family. They were backed by Pope Boniface IX who entrusted them of the rule of the island. The Vicars also appealed for the help of King Ladislaus of Naples and Gian Galeazzo Visconti of Milan. Surprisingly this oath was short-lived since Ventimiglia, Alagona and Peralta would later welcome with open arms the queen and her husband.
On March 22nd 1390, Maria along with her husband and father-in-law landed in the island of Favignana (near Trapani) and then proceeded to Palermo, which was conquered. Maria and Martin were finally crowned in Palermo’s Cathedral and after putting to death the rebel Andrea Chiaramonte (successor of Manfredi III), they continued their campaign to re-conquer Sicily. They freed Catania, then Messina and had to go back to Catania which was occupied once again by the rebels. Maria chose to settle in the Castello Ursino, which once had been her first gilded cage. In 1396 John I of Aragon died and Martin the Older had to go back to Spain to succeed his brother. The departure of her father-in-law stressed so much Maria to the point she fell into depression and became ill. She would be treated by many physicians (among them Josef Abenafia) and being poor of health for a whole year.  
On November 17th 1398, two and half in the morning, the queen gave birth to her only son and heir. Despite his mother chose for the baby the name Frederick (after his maternal grandfather), the baby was christened as Peter, to honour King Peter IV, on April 23rd 1399. Maria’s happiness wouldn’t last long. On November 8th 1400 Peter was accidentally hit by a spear during a tournament and died, causing the queen to fall into despair.
When Catania was stricken by the plague, it was disposed to transfer Maria to a safer place. The measure proved to be ineffective since Maria caught the plague and died (alone as she had lived) in the castle of Lentini (modern-day province of Siracusa) on May 25th 1401. She was buried in Catania’s Cathedral, the same place where her mother and son rested. At the news of her death, her father-in-law ordered that every court, cathedral and city of Aragon should commemorate the late queen. After Maria’s death, her husband Martin I became  the only sovereign and the year after married Blanche of Navarre.
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metalindex-hu · 4 years
Gothic Stone – Haereticus Empyreum (2019)
Gothic Stone – Haereticus Empyreum (2019) - https://metalindex.hu/2020/12/10/gothic-stone-haereticus-empyreum-2019/ -
Olyan mértéktelen mennyiségben árasztanak el a súlyos kiadványok, hogy az elmúlt időszakban eléggé ráált az agyam az extrém metalra, így szinte frissítő zuhanynként hatott rám az olasz Gothic Stone hagyománytisztelő, mégis újdonságként ható bemutatkozó lemeze. Sokáig elkerültük egymást a kiadvánnyal, pedig elsőre szemet szúrt egyik kedvenc műfajom meghatározása a nevük mellett: epikus heavy/doom metal. A számomra kevésbé tetszetős borító és az aktuális hangulatom viszont mindig visszatartott az ismerkedéstől, egészen addig, míg nem kaptam belőle egy példányt, amin megpillantottam a bandatagok névsorát. Rögtön leesett, honnan ered a zenekar neve: ez bizony egy Candlemass utalás, amihez Battleroar, DoomSword, Dark Witch, Hellraiders tagok adták a tudásuk legjavát. Ismét itt van tehát a borító téma a zenével és tartalommal kapcsolatban: a kiadónak sikerült bizonyítania számomra, hogy a rondább is lehet jobb, mivel legutóbb a mutatós Anno Mundi lemezük rendesen megkínzott…
Ráadásul a csapat teljes vállszélességgel állíthatja magáról, hogy a régi iskolát képviseli, hiszen néhány dalának gyökere a 90-es évek elejéig visszanyúlik. Hiába a közelmúltban megtörtént debütálás, itt minden hangon hallatszik még a valódi heavy metal rajongás. Innentől kezdve nassolni való bekészítve, félhomály beállítva, szólhat a nagyszerű muzsika…
Az előzetes sejtéseknek bőséggel eleget tesz a zenekar: klasszikus doom metalban utaznak, amire komoly hatást gyakorolt a Candlemass, de mernek ennél tovább is gondolkodni és extra elemeket is felhasználni. Gondolok itt arra, hogy akadnak tördelt dalszerkezetek és progresszívebb irányba mutató megoldások, valamint megjelenik a sajátosan olasz billentyűjáték, ami a kötelező okkult hangulatot szállítja. A svédek mellett tehát akad itt bőven Paul Chain, Black Hole, The Black, Death SS hatás is. A Salvatore Fallucca és Vincenzo Mandarano által alkotott gitáros páros nagyon jól teljesít riffek terén, még ha akad is néhány ismerősebb téma, Rodan DiMaria pedig olyan mélyre hangolta a basszusgitárját, hogy azonnal a föld alatt érezhessük magunkat tőle. Salvo Sicilia felelős a dobokért és a már emlegetett meghatározó billentyűkért. A műfajból adódóan viszont Gabriele “Nightcomer” Grilli énekhangján áll vagy bukik a produckió, aki szerencsére nagyon jól hozza a kötelezőt. Kissé karcos, de operatív jellegű éneke tipikusan olaszos, időnként emlékeztet Jordan Cutajar (Nomad Son) és Leo Stivala (Forsaken) orgánumára. Persze bizonyított ő már nekem, hiszen a DoomSword debütálásán zseniális énekkel mutatkozott be 1999-ben, de az azért nem most volt…
Refrénjeit sokszor segíti ki kórus, ami tovább fokozza az epikus jelleget, de ezeket is sikerült arányosan beépíteni a dalokba, hogy megmaradhasson főszereplőnek. Erre tökéletes példa a kezdő Dies Irae, ami rögtön egy doom metal himnusz visszafogott, de igencsak fülbemászó dallamaival. Az első csettintést mégis a Caereris Mundus (The Necromancer) hallgatása közben ejtettem meg, mert ezt a dalt az emlegetett svéd legenda sem tudná jobban összerakni. Sőt, a jelenleg nosztalgia korszakát élő és sokadszor visszatért Candlemass rég nem volt már ennyire doomos, mint amit a palermói banda összerakott. A benne található gitárszóló heavy metal szempontból az egyik legjobb, amit idén hallottam. Ezt próbálják meg kicsit folytatni a The Time Lord című instrumentális NWOBHM tételben, de annak hősies dallamai már kevésbé voltak meggyőzőek, szerencsére legalább rövid, megengedhetünk magunknak közben egy pisiszünetet.
A második felvonásban a The Oath Of The Gothic Stone kanyarodik vissza a megfelelő mederbe. Kicsit soknak éreztem benne a billentyűket a háttérben, az játékideje sem feltétlen indokolt és a refrén sem olyan fogós, de azért egész jól sikerült dalról van szó. A Luciferian Dawn közel 8 percében szerencsére visszatérünk a megfelelő arányokhoz és újabb himnuszt fedezhetünk fel magunknak, akárcsak a hasonló hosszúságú Sidereus Nuncius esetében, ami pontot tesz a közel 42 perces album végére. Ebből nem kell kevesebb, de több sem egy egészséges doom metal lemezre.
Ha nem kell újabb évtizedeket várni a folytatásra és a hangzást egy leheletnyivel modernebbre, erőteljesebbre veszik, akkor egy nagyon jó zenekarral bővül az amúgy sem szűkös olasz doom paletta…
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lamentable-comedy · 7 years
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Happy Birthday Will!
... also death-day, but let’s focus on the positive.
The words are the first sentence of Shakespeare’s plays (with a few slip ups b/c I only noticed them after I finished and this took forever so I’m not fixing it) in the following order: The Tempest: Boatswain!
Two Gentlemen of Verona: Cease to persuade, my loving Proteus: home-keeping youth have ever homely wits.
Merry Wives of Windsor: Sir Hugh, persuade me not; I will make a star-chamber of it: if he were twenty Sir John Falstaffs, he shall not abuse Robert Shallow, esquire.
Measure from Measure: Escalus.
Comedy of Errors: Proceed, Solinus, to procure my fall and by the doom of death end woes and all.
Much Ado About Nothing: I learned in this letter that Don Peter of Aragon comes this night to Messina.
Love’s Labor’s Lost: Let Fame, that all hunt after in their lives, live register’d upon our brazen tombs and then grace us in disgrace of death; when spite of cormorant devouring time, the endeavour of this present breath may buy that honour which shall bate his scythe’s keen edge and make us heirs of all eternity.
Midsummer Night’s Dream: Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour draws on apace; four happy days bring in another moon: but, o, methinks how slow this old moon wanes! she lingers my desires, like to a step-dame or a dowager long withering out a young man’s revenue.
Merchant of Venice: In sooth, I know not why I am so sad: it wearies me; you say it wearies you; but how I caught it, found it, or came by it, what stuff ‘tis made of, whereof it is born. I am to learn; and such a want-wit sadness makes of me, that I have much ado to know myself.
As You Like It: As I remember, Adam, it was upon this fashion bequethed me by will but poor a thousand crowns, and, as thou sayest, charged my brother, on his blessing to breed me well: and there begins my sadness.
Taming of the Shrew: I’ll pheeze you, in faith.
All’s Well That Ends Well: In delivering my son from me, I bury a second husband.
Twelfth Night: If music be the food of love, play on; give me excess of it, that surfeiting the appetite may sicken, and so die.
Winter’s Tale: If you shall chance, Carmillo, to visit Bohemia, on the like occasion whereon my services are now on foot, you shall see, as I have said, great difference betwixt our Bohemia and your Sicilia.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre: To sing a song that old was sung, from ashes ancient Gower is come; assuming man’s infirmities, to glad your ear, and please your eyes.
Two Noble Kinsmen: New plays and maidenheads are near akin: much followed both for both much money giv’n, if they stand sound and well.
King John: Now, say, Chatillon, what would Frnace with us?
Richard II: Old John of Gaunt, time-honour'd Lancaster, hast thou, according to thy oath and band, brought hither Henry Hereford thy bold son, here to make good the boisterous late appeal, which then our leisure would not let us hear, against the Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray?
Henry IV Pt. 1: So shaken as we are, so wan with care, find we a time for frighted peace to pant, and breathe short-winded accents of new broils to be commenced in strands afar remote.
Henry IV Pt. 2: Open your ears; for which of you will stop the vent of hearing when loud Rumour speaks?
Henry V: O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention, a kingdom for a stage, princes to act and monarchs to behold the swelling scene!
Henry VI Pt. 1: Hung be the heavens with black, yield day to night!
Henry VI Pt. 2: As by your high imperial majesty I had in charge at my depart for France, as procurator to your excellence, to marry Princess Margaret for your grace, so, in the famous ancient city, Tours, in presence of the Kings of France and Sicil, the Dukes of Orleans, Calaber, Bretagne and Alencon, seven earls, twelve barons and twenty reverend bishops, I have perform'd my task and was espoused: and humbly now upon my bended knee, in sight of England and her lordly peers, deliver up my title in the queen to your most gracious hands, that are the substance of that great shadow I did represent; the happiest gift that ever marquess gave, the fairest queen that ever king received.
Henry VI Pt. 3: I wonder how the king escaped our hands.
Richard III: Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York; and all the clouds that lour'd upon our house in the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
Henry VIII: I come no more to make you laugh: things now, that bear a weighty and a serious brow, sad, high, and working, full of state and woe, such noble scenes as draw the eye to flow, we now present.
Trolius and Cressida: In Troy, there lies the scene.
Coriolanus: Before we proceed any further, hear me speak.
Titus Andronicus: Noble patricians, patrons of my right, defend the justice of my cause with arms, and, countrymen, my loving followers, plead my successive title with your swords: I am his first-born son, that was the last that wore the imperial diadem of Rome; then let my father's honours live in me, nor wrong mine age with this indignity.
Romeo and Juliet: Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
Timon of Athens: Good day, sir.
Julius Caesar: Hence! home, you idle creatures get you home: is this a holiday?
Macbeth: When shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning, or in rain?
Hamlet: Who's there?
King Lear: I thought the king had more affected the Duke of Albany than Cornwall.
Othello: Tush! never tell me; I take it much unkindly that thou, Iago, who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this.
Antony and Cleopatra: Nay, but this dotage of our general’s o'erflows the measure: those his goodly eyes, that o'er the files and musters of the war have glow'd like plated Mars, now bend, now turn, the office and devotion of their view upon a tawny front: his captain's heart, which in the scuffles of great fights hath burst the buckles on his breast, reneges all temper, and is become the bellows and the fan to cool a gipsy's lust.
Cymbeline:You do not meet a man but frowns: our bloods no more obey the heavens than our courtiers still seem as does the king.
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• Narcissus Color x Dust - Taken
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• Sicilia Oath Fell x Mafia - 11 - Taken
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• Lunatic Killer x Nightmare - Taken
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• Dandron Candy x Horror - Taken
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• Myo Ccino x Geno - Taken
• Saudre Flowerfell x Ccino - Taken
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• Holli Ccino x Dance
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• Hecate Ccino x Reaper - Taken
• Gaufre Ccino x Candy
• Ethereal and Victoire Cross x Error - Taken
• Pearl Dream x Blueberry - Taken
• Elk Error404 x Bill - 11 - Taken
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• with my own kiddos -
Moni x Koha
Martini x Magori
• with other people ocs -
- Romantic relationships -
Cerf x Trouble(FellMafia by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Nee-Chun x Tsuny x Bl@ckB#rrory(BluebError by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Coble x HeartFelt(LustMare by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Amanita x Morel x Codavre(FatalError by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Aloe x Pokeberry(NightBerry by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Narcissus x Prank(FreshEpic by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Violan x Omertà(MafiaFell by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
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Musou x Shooter(KillerMare by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
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Dandron x Scarlet(AfterDeath by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Mirai x Gift(CcinoMare @/oatsyterandco )
Spark x Crucifixion(CrossGeno by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Camara x Cacao(FarmLust by @/anonskeleton )
Crosscut x Fropio(FellBerry by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Cruz x Hummingbird(FlowerBird by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
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Wisteria x Meri(CcinoDance) x Eri(FreshSci) x Corvid(PhoebeOmen all by @/oatsyterandco )
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Myo x Yunamo(Dream+Nightmare fusion by @/oatsyterandco )
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Elk x Tragedy(KillerError by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
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