brbaltering · 9 months
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for shu(zo)'s birthday
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7698 · 5 months
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lake-archive · 3 months
'Just Some Guy' They Try To Say...
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Fandom: Show By Rock
Series: Rocking Together
Characters: Ann (OC), Shu☆Zo
Pairing: Shuann (Shu☆Zo/Ann)
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An enticing voice, a charming smile, a bright attitude. They call it the recipie to success. And… Well, for the top band it may have worked. Trichronika, everyone is talking about them. Even at university no one could escape this topic. On campus they were ‘the next hot shit’, or something like that. So the exact opposite Ann was usually talking about.
The young wolf–cat being was usually not engaging in this topic, even when asked. “I guess they exist” would be their response every single time, shrugging it off fairly quickly. That was a fact, they were nothing but just some guys. Some guys who just so happened to sing and play instruments. What was the big fuss about them? No need to understand. Then again, why question fangirls and fanboys. Right? They would put anyone on a pedestal. And those three were no exception. Especially that guy… 
Honestly, they didn’t get it. His attitude was so annoying, and so was his name. Shu… Shu… Shoe… Shusomething! Didn’t matter, whatever! … Right, Shu–Zo… Though his name sounded like the phrase ‘Schuh zu’. The only way they would probably ever remember that name… 
Anyways, enough about that. The fact was that this was just some guy in the end so why bother? Just some guy… Right, just some guy who just so happens to be popular, declared as his agency’s biggest talent and leader of the most successful band in Midi City if not further. Just some guy who just so happens to sing, who just so happens to be on top! Who just so happens— 
Ah no… No matter how they twisted it he was no longer ‘some guy’. He had made it big, right on stage, and everyone knew his face and name! Not to mention how some fangirls referred to him… ‘Shu☆Zo–Sama’... The constant fawning. Admiration, praise, compliments – All of that, directed towards him. Everyone had something to say, praise to give… Well, he was some guy but also not really! Ah, it was all so frustrating! He became ‘someone’, unlike them who was still walking in the depths of being a nobody, a no name. No success to show… So, even if the two had known another for some time, their worlds were now different. So much so that they shouldn’t have any business with each other anymore but…
“Ann~ Long time no see~!” The voice would yell over to the young wolf–cat being, making them freeze up on the spot. Not just that bit they had noticed their heart quickly pounding for a moment. It always happened, they couldn’t stop it. Especially if it was so sudden. Yet they took a deep breath, knowing that they have to keep calm, at least somewhat. So… Just get this over with!
And thus after turning around they said as calmly as possible (hoping that no blush would show on their cheeks): “Ah, Shu. It… has been a while…” Lack of enthusiasm. Lack of enthusiasm! Very important!
But did that faze the blonde guy? No, not at all. He didn’t even let that wear off the smile. “Haha, cold~ Anyways, it’s Shu☆Zo now..Or did you forget?”
“I’m not calling you ‘Schuh zu’.” 
“As cold as always. Stressed from exams?” He would ask, sounding as if he had no care in the world whatsoever. And it was overbearing, to say the least. Different from back then as well yet… They had to sadly admit that they got the appeal.
“No. I just refuse.” They responded with a huff, then turning their head away for a moment. Oh how they wanted to just get him to shut up, even by force. Yet he would probably not let them.
Oh, indeed not. Instead he just suddenly was right next to them, a finger on one of their cheeks. “Haha~! It’s no good if you stay grumpy all the time~”
“You really shouldn't bother…” Though as if it couldn’t turn into more of a pain he suddenly grabbed both of their cheeks and turned their head, then moving his thumbs to curl their lips up. They could feel his skin from his thumbs. Talk about a forceful smile. And the grip was goddamn tight too!
“No excuse! Smile smile~” Shu would just keep pestering them, like he always did recently, whenever the two bumped into another. “You can do it~”
“S… Stop! People might get the wrong idea!”
“Hm? What wrong idea?”
“Wrong idea causing rumors kind! Now let go!”
But it would be of little use. He would keep going, pestering them without a care in the world. In fact, that was not the first careless encounter nor would it be the last. Things have changed, even between them. And even then, even with him being high up there… He was still acting as if the two were close!
“Shu! I’m gonna bite your thumbs up!”
“Whoops. I angered the inner wolf, didn’t I? Haha~ I’d love to chat but  I gotta head back to work. See you Ann!”
“Hah!? See y– Ey, Shu! Get your ass back here! I’m not done with you!”
Ugh… Despite being now a busy guy leading a successful band he still bothers greeting them… A pain really.
‘Could you stop giving me hope already? This isn’t going to work out…’ – After all, the days where he was just ‘some guy’ too are long gone.
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idoltricks · 3 months
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Hi dead fandom??
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nimue-hidden-lake · 3 months
Good morning! I got introduced to Show By Rock two weeks ago. Means we are unfortunately probably increasing the list again. I am trying not to but it always happens. The spring cleaning of my list becomes harder too I'm afraid.
Anyways he needs to leave my brain. I don't like this.
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I have processed the first two seasons and I just... Get him away from me! Gruaaah!
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thepasteldyke · 1 year
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Mess of a band. Absolute disaster. Gotta love them.
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Day 6: Understudy Spotlight @arcvmonth
There are a few supporting characters in Arc V that I really like, but I think that Tokumatsu is probably my favorite. I thought that his backstory was interesting and tied in nicely with the world building of the Synchro Dimensions, one of my favorite aspects of the arc as a whole. He had a pretty cool and unique deck as well. His duel with Yuya was great and I loved how it restored his passion for dueling. It was a also good way to show more of Yuya's own growth as a performer with being able to reach out to others during their duel. Tokumatsu works really well as a supporting character for the rest of the arc. He has a fun likable personality and wanted to keep looking out for Yuya. He made sure to tell Yuya about the defeated duelists in the Friendship Cup being put to work underground and was constantly apologizing to Yuzu during their duel knowing that he would be sending her there if he won.
I also like how unconventional Tokumatsu was among the cast. Design wise, he looks like he would be a one-shot character, especially with his outfit, but he stayed around even after they got out of prison. It was kind of refreshing that they would have an adult with a design like that as part of the cast for awhile. Staying in Synchro afterwards also made sense when Tokumatsu's reputation among the Commons and Tops would probably be more helpful in moving towards their new future than being part of the Lancers proper. It was still nice to see him again during the Zarc battle and watching alongside the other Synchro characters during the finale though.
I also liked Masumi. She had a cool personality, a cool deck, a pretty nice design, a good rivalry with Yuzu and both of their duels were great, especially their rematch. She is the prime example of a fan favorite side character. To be honest though, I never had a problem with Masumi not becoming a Lancer. I can completely understand why fans wanted that for all of the reasons I mentioned and I was never really against the idea even at the time. But looking back, it just felt like her role was done after she lost to Yuzu. I can see the appeal of Masumi wanting to save Yuzu, especially when it seemed like she had more respect for her after their rematch and their pairing was gaining more traction too, but compared to Yuya, Gongenzaka and arguably even Serena, I think that they had stronger personal connections to Yuzu than Masumi did. I still used a Gem-Knight deck for awhile prior to the Arc V World update in Duel Links because I was that eager to try out Arc V era cards and archetypes.
I also want to mention Shuzo. He was mainly comedy relief for season one, but he still had some really charming moments. His duel against Yuya was one of my favorite matches in season one. It was such a good way to teach Yuya that it's okay that other people will learn how to Pendulum summon and the lesson itself was terrific too. Instead of being special by default as the only Pendulum user, Yuya needed to become an example as the one who opened the door to Pendulum summoning and using Yusho as an example was so good. It showed that even though he's a goofball himself, Shuzo can be a good and caring teacher to his students. He also wins the prize of being the best father in the franchise. Being so set on going to Academia to save Yuzu and holding onto her school uniform after he heard want happened was so heartbreaking and sweet all at once. I absolutely adore that his love for his daughter is what finally allowed him to regain his memories after Standard is revived into Pendulum. It's such a surprising kind of moment, especially when even Yuya couldn't remember Yuzu after the soft reset, but it was such a heartwarming way to show how strong Shuzo's love for his daughter ultimately was.
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waffletoast215 · 2 years
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Shuzo voices Mario in the Japanese dub of the Mario movie so here
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monsterlv19 · 2 years
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shuzo except i didnt wanna draw his clothes
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kaenviii · 2 years
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brbaltering · 1 year
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"familiar home / new scenery"
text transcript and extra material below
text transcript
1: The anger and regret were long gone. For a while, what remained was an emptiness. 2. But looking at him now, I finally feel like I can exhale around him. It feels like when we saw the moon together for the first time.
left image is the concept from 5/19/22
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7698 · 9 months
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lake-archive · 3 months
Escort In The Rain
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Fandom: Show By Rock
Series: Rocking Together
Characters: Ann (OC), Shu☆Zo
Pairing: Shuann (Shu☆Zo/Ann)
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Ann had not agreed to this, they really didn’t. And yet Ole had been insistent about it. Actually he had just decided for them on a whim. “Ann… You’re joining my new band.” A literal quote, their uncle’s exact words.
“Your new band? What are you talking about?” They had asked him as this was the last thing they had expected from his mouth.
“I want to form a new band.” Ole responded rather bluntly however, a little coldly. Though that was due to his constant default stoic expression. “And you will take part in it.”
“As… A manager you—”
“A band member.”
They flinched for a good moment hearing this. A what!? Not to mention their eyes… “But I can’t even play an instrument!” They protested, hoping that it would convince him yet he seemed to be stubborn. As always to be honest…
“Didn’t you play metallophone before?”
“Well… Yes but anyone–”
“That will do.”
“No band has a metallophone player! Isn’t that a little–”
“It will do. Besides, it would make the band stick out, wouldn’t it?”
They understood it. Once someone had caught Ole’s eye he would not rest. Even in his younger years he was apparently known to be like this. Once in the sight of his claws there was no escape and one will have to give in, like a cat on the prowl. Truly a stubborn fellow. So when they heard of an upcoming audition they weren’t all that surprised. Then again, only those who Ole deems ‘interesting’ would even pass, probably. And what his definition of interesting was… Who knew. Of course it was made sure to advertise these auditions and once the day came the ones attending would have to be evaluated. And for the preparations Ann had to also come face to face with the CEO of the label Ole had picked for the band… Who knew eggs could be CEOs these days though. Not a bad thing, the egg got his own appeal going on. Just a bit of a surprise. And it wouldn’t change the fact that they had to be present no matter what, at the audition. 
And they planned to be on time, going right after lectures. Yet on their way to the location it had started to rain. They searched their bag yet then remembered… They had forgotten their umbrella at home! So they got shelter quickly, waiting for the rain to calm down yet it did not much to their dismay. They let out a light, sad howl from their mouth as their ears drooped at that point, arms crossed. Rain, the last thing they needed. And to their own dismay they just had to forget it now of all days. Should they text Ole and let him know that they might be late? He should understand, given both have a disdain for rain. Though his reasons were different. Ann didn’t like to get wet overall. Ole hated to get dirty. And rain counted here. Then again, maybe he would tell them to suck it up today. But running through the rain, that was— 
Yet they were interrupted by a sudden honk, having them nearly fall over as a result. It was loud, maybe a little too loud for their ears. At first they thought that it was nothing but random honking. However, when taking a glance to the side they saw a… Long ass limo approaching? And it didn’t stop for a good few seconds. They took a step back out of shock before this limo came to a halt. Honestly they almost thought that it would keep going and going for at least a minute. But someone had mercy on them it seemed. Yet they were more than surprised that it had stopped in front of them to begin with. However, their expression would switch when seeing who it was.
The window had rolled down and the presence was almost sparkling. A familiar blonde with brown animal ears and fancy clothing showed himself, even wearing sunglasses. When he turned to them he had some smirk on his face. Honestly, they didn’t even need to guess twice who this guy was, they knew better than anyone. But why was he wearing sunglasses when it was raining? Actually… Why was he bothering with sunglasses when the sun was never shining in Midi City!? There was no need!
And yet he took them off in rather flashy fashion, smirk not fading. “What a nice surprise to see you here Ann–Chan~” He added rather cheerful.
“Sh… Shu!? Why did you stop!?” They asked, trying to keep calm when seeing him… And now of all times too… 
“Oh, no reason. I just saw you here from afar and thought of greeting you.” He responded, though sounding a little calmer than at first, even smiling in such fashion. “Waiting for the rain to stop?”
Was it that obvi— Wait, of course it was. The two knew another after all. “Yeah, pretty much.” They replied, though a little hesitant sounding.
“It might be a while before it stops. Want me to bring you home?”
“Firstly, there is no need in any way.” Why would he still help them was the question? That was a little irritating… “Secondly, I’m not headed home right now.”
This had Shu caught off guard apparently, looking at Ann that way, as if this was an alien thing for them to do! Well, in a sense it was… But… “Is that so? An appointment?”
They nodded, though hesitantly. “Kind o—”
Yet before even being able to finish that sentence they saw the door open in one swoop with Shu having probably the brightest smile on his face right now. What didn’t help was that they saw his tail moving as if… Excited!? No way, right? But even then… “Allow me to take you there! Come on in~”
“W… Wait a moment, you don’t even know—”
“You don’t want to be late, do you?”
“Don’t you have somewhere to be? I’ll just wai—”
“I’m a bit ahead of schedule, I have some time. Now come on in before I drag you in there~” He would interrupt, smiling yet sounding so insistent. Wait though, drag!? No way he would, right?
“I… Don’t want to hold anything back. You just—” But before they could protest they found their wrist suddenly grabbed by his hand and before knowing it they were shoved right inside the limo, in the massive seat right next to him. “Woha! Wait a minute!”
“Stop worrying so much, alright? I said it’s fine~” He countered while that grin on his face did not fade away in any way. And his tail was just wagging quicker!? What’s going on!? “Just tell me where you have to go and you’ll be there in no time!”
“B… But…” Ah, the two were sitting so close! In fact he had lifted himself a bit forward and was eyeing them all excited. They had to shift their gaze to not completely lose it. Has this man any idea what he’s doing to them like that!? Talk about being a handful! But he won’t let them out either, much to their own dismay. So did they have a choice? Not really probably. So they would only become redder at the thought… Ugh, their head is spinning already. They didn’t understand this at all! It was so hard to keep calm around him! 
“You can tell me. I won’t tell anyone, promise!”
“Ugh… I get it ok!? FIne, I’ll tell you! But only because it will take ages if I stay here and won’t tell you! I’m just getting this over with!” Their exact words, yes, hoping that it would cause something… But it didn’t, not really at least. Because when they turned their gaze back for a moment they still saw that overly excited expression. What was his deal!? Ugh… This was exhausting. Especially since it sent them all sorts of signals. He just can’t help it, can he? No matter when or where, Shu always manages to turn them into some sort of mess… Seriously, that guy sometimes.
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svt-interactions · 1 year
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leuri-chani · 2 years
▪︎ Shine, shine! ▪︎ Free icons from ShuZo, hope you like it! ▪︎ Give credits too!
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nimue-hidden-lake · 3 months
Excuse me he did what?
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What is Shu☆zo on!?
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