#Shuichi's love for jodie
romancemedia · 10 months
Shuichi Akai is Alive!
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coffeeviolinist · 5 months
Everyone assumes that Jodie is still hung up on Akai Shuichi, but truthfully, she couldn’t care less about the fact that he’s in love with someone else. He’s free to do whatever he pleases, and she has more self-respect than to pine after a man who made it clear he doesn’t want her anymore.
But it does bother her that he won’t at least acknowledge what he did to her. She doesn’t expect flowers or a heartfelt letter of apology, but the fact that he seems to think everything is fine and dandy between them hurts more than she wants to admit. As if he didn’t crush her heart out of nowhere for a woman he barely knew at the time. As if she’s somehow supposed to be grateful for the way he ended things with her.
Jodie knows Shu was only doing what he thought was best, and to that extent, she can understand where he was coming from. But it’s difficult to sympathize with him entirely because when she thinks about what she would have done in his position, she knows without a doubt that she would have fought to keep him. She would have chosen him over any temptations that might have come her way without a second thought, yet he wasn’t willing to do the same for her. The moment there was any question as to where she stood in his heart, he left her behind without a second thought, and now, he won’t even acknowledge her feelings. More than that, he won’t even acknowledge that they were ever together. He treats her as if she’s just another FBI colleague, and while it’s most likely just his way of saying he wants to have a friendly relationship, it makes Jodie feel as if she’s losing her mind.
Why won’t he acknowledge their history? How could he do this to her? After all the time she spent trying to clear out the various personal items he left at her apartment, after deleting and then un-deleting their photos from her camera roll, and after all the tears she shed over him late at night, wondering why he gave up on her so easily, how could he just pretend that none of it ever happened?
Has she been deluding herself this whole time? Did she misunderstand the nature of their relationship? Is that why he seems to have forgotten what they had so easily? Could it be that she was just never as important to him as she believed?
But…that can’t be true, surely. It can’t.
All those times he smiled at her. Walking to the deli around the corner to grab lunch, her hand clasped in his. The “good morning” texts. Late nights spent at each other’s apartments, cuddling on the couch while making fun of a bad Hallmark romance flick.
All the times she looked at him and thought that if she told him she loved him, he would have said it back.
It was real. She knows it was real. They were real.
It couldn’t have all been in her head…right?
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Akai is a study in severed connections.
He probably got off to a better start than Rei, by being born into a loving family. But it then hits all the harder that Tsutomu takes that case and disappears. Their mother hardens in an effort to protect what remains of their family, and Akai leaves his family behind to chase a ghost. I wonder which is worse; never having known kindness, or knowing it and having it ripped away from you?
We know barely anything about these next couple of years, aside from the fact that he was alone in the US. Who knows how far back the lone wolf monicker reaches? It’s not like we know anyone he’s been particularly close to until Jodie, and that’s what, several years down the line? I wonder what was up with that, how that relationship came about. It can’t have been that deep, considering how easily he broke up with her for Akemi. Did he ever even love her, or was he seeking physical comfort? Was it the adrenaline in a high-stakes job that brought them together? Who knows.
By contrast, Akemi’s kindness is certainly a draw for Akai. She is vulnerable herself, but keeps acting tough (and isn't that familiar). Kind and soft despite the world she lives in that she gets to him, against his better judgement. She cares for him, and allows him to care for her in return. And then Scotch dies, another potential connection severed, and his cover is blown. He leaves his love behind, returns to the US, and is alone. Again.
By the time canon rolls around, he and Akemi have been separated for what, three years? Akai is supposed to be dependable all the time, and he is, but at the cost of running himself ragged. He’s subsisting on caffeine and nicotine, shit at taking care of himself. He still loves Akemi, and is probably faithful to her. How long has it been since somebody has touched him? Held him? Cared for him? Years, at this point. She asks him to date her for real, and is ripped away from him immediately after. He’s on the other side of the globe, and she’s dead. Another connection, severed.
Things go from bad to worse, and Akai Shuichi dies. Now cut off in all but the slightest thread, he’s officially separated from the people he cares about. They mourn his death, and he can do nothing but watch and stay away to keep them safe.
Even if he wasn’t a special agent in the process of taking down a criminal syndicate, he’s now living a lie as Okiya Subaru, one he can’t involve anyone else in. Okiya is sociable, but the relationships can’t be genuine, and I think that’s worse. Seeing how happy people are with their connections, Masumi trying to reach out to him too, and he can’t. It’s too dangerous. He’s too dangerous. By this point, he’s probably resigned himself to mourning and loneliness.
And then there is Rei. Who is holding onto their bond in desperation, like a lifeline. It should be severed, but Rei keeps it alive through force of will. He has faith that Akai can’t have died that easily. Their connection a thread of guilt that strangles them both. But it also keeps them together. Neither can escape it.
And Akai starts to thrive under Rei’s attention. Because he’s seen, and Rei keeps seeking him out, despite everything. Whatever he gives, Akai gladly takes – whether it be violence or love. His touch burns, either way. Fistfights turn into sparring turn into wound care.
Once they’ve started, they can’t seem to stop touching, finding excuses despite their better judgement. He’s bad at communicating, and Rei is a habitual liar, but their actions speak louder. When everything threatens to fall apart, they’re bound, holding onto each other, holding each other.
Has Akai ever had anyone he could rely on, before? An equal he didn’t need to protect (who in fact objects to it)? Who can take care of themselves? Who won’t die so easily, leaving him alone yet again? In between all this loss and misery, Rei’s unshakable faith and competence provide solace. His care is wild and sometimes violent, but unmistakably there. Akai gives back what he can.
And maybe, just maybe, that connection is strong enough to support the tension. It persists despite all the troubles they’ve gone through. And with time, and a gentle touch, maybe they can remove the thread from each other’s necks. Maybe they can breathe freely, in the end.
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iamumbra195 · 27 days
Detective Conan/DCMK characters in a Classroom of the Elite setting would be so interesting to watch/read.
I've only just finished the CoTE anime (Seasons 1-3) so i haven't read the manga or the light novel but the Advanced Nurturing Highschool or AHNS for short is so, so shady. If it and the White Room existed in the DCMK universe, I have no doubt in my mind that they would have some connection to the Black Organization.
So just imagine an AU where Shinichi caught Vodka doing an arms deal in middle school but didn't get caught by Gin like in canon. Imagine him trying to investigate them but coming up with nothing until he, Ran, and Sonoko are on a train ride for the first day at AHNS where he runs into Gin and Vodka, just like he did in canon episode 5.
He learns their codenames there and saves the people on the train from being bombed to hell. Unfortunately, this ends up making him, Ran and Sonoko late for their very first day. They're thankfully excused because the incident was out of their hands before being placed into their respective classes.
You can have adult characters like Jodie and Amuro be teachers and business owners while also acting as undercover agents.
Important student characters at the school:
Hattori Heiji (he can be in the same class as Shinichi where they are both antagonistic at first but later become allies and friends)
Toyama Kazuha (they were made for each, I will never seperate them)
Kuroba Kaito (who also happens to be Kaitou KID and regularly sneaks off school campus for heists. Jii Konosuke cases places for him and he contacts the man using a secret phone he smuggled in. He tends to downplay his academic and physical skill to be somewhat average so he's in Class C or B)
Nakamori Aoko
Akako Koizumi (no magic in this AU but she's interested in spirituality and shit like tarot cards and all)
Hakuba Saguru (suspects of Kaito of being KId and regularaly requests time off from school to go to the heists)
Eisuke Hondou (but only for a little while near the end of 1st year as a rival for Shinichi and love interest for Ran before going back to America to pursue the future he wanted)
Sera Masumi (would be introduced in 2nd Year when Shinichi starts investigating Bourbon as a potential subject because she somehow found out he has connection to the maker of the pill that shrunk her mother)
Important characters outside of school
Agasa Hiroshi (supplies Shinichi with spy tech)
Haibara Ai AKA Miyano Shiho (shrunken and lives with Agasa just like in canon, specifically sought Agasa out because he was a connection to Shinichi, who was involved in her sister's case and was a detective at that. They contact each other through secret phone. She also happens to be one of the failed subjects of the white room)
Miyano Akemi (During school break, Shinichi went back to Beika where he was then approached by Masami Hiroto and the rest goes like canon with her dying in his arms)
Akai Shuichi (still don't know what I'm gonna do with him but he's important)
Rena Mizunashi AKA Hidemi Hondou
Side Characters in school
Nakamichi (Shinichi's soccer friend)
Eisuke Aizawa (Shinichi's soccer friend)
Kazumi Tsukamoto (a third year in Ran's karate club)
Tashiro (Ran's friend)
Hidaka (Ran's friend)
Anyways, I imagine Shinichi being in a different class from Ran and Sonoko and just thinking about ShinRan competeing but also saving each other's asses from time to time is beautiful.
Having Kaito and Shinichi's respective Black Organization be one and the same would make it more interesting as well.
Anyways, I think these characters are fun to play around with in this setting, mixing the dramatic school life in CoTE with the looming threat of the Black Organization as Shinichi delves deeper and deeper into the case.
Idk how this would be resolved but it would be so, so fun to read if written well. Shinichi's gonna be so paranoid by the end of this lol.
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ilurked · 8 months
What is Past is Prologue (Part 3)
Fandom: Detective Conan Rating: T for canon-typical violence Continuity: Post series
Part 1: The Detective Part 2: The Phantom Thief Part 3: The Agent
Jodie Starling spent more than half her life living in the past. She had allowed her past to define her identity and set the course for her future.
But no more.
She was defined by what had happened when she was a child. A fat lot of good it did her.
Despite dedicating her life to bringing the woman who all but destroyed her innocence to justice, she was thwarted, time and again, first by the organization shrouded in the darkness, and later by the institution she had sworn to serve and protect.
That was why when she was offered the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to walk away from her past, away from the bureau that betrayed her, away from everything, she took it with both hands and promised herself that never again would she allow herself to be this helpless, this powerless.
Therefore, when her past came calling, in the form of the man she once loved, she did not immediately respond. She had to make sure that she would not be meeting him out of some misguided hope that she would be able to fix the past. In the end, she said yes to meeting him because, like a cat, she could not help but know what had happened after she left.
“You’re a hard woman to find.” Shuichi Akai told her as he slid gracefully to the booth where Jodie Starling was sipping her coffee.
“I have to be,” she replied. She set down her teacup carefully to hide her hand’s subtle but unmistakable shaking. “A long list of people want my head on a platter.”
She absently noted that he was no longer wearing his disguise. He had ditched the blonde hair and the glasses that made him look harmless. He went back to growing out his dark hair. His look reminded him so much of the young man she met and loved so long ago.
Her heart ached.
Akai’s lips thinned as if her statement gave him displeasure, but he did not say anything until the server who approached their table to take their order had left.
“Don’t you think we’re too old to live like this?” He asked her honestly.
“By we, you mean me, don’t you?” She asked. As the head of a no-name, internationally funded, but globally disavowed organization, she knew that after helping bring down the Black Organization, Shuichi semi-retired from the FBI and concentrated on piecing back his family.
Unlike her.
Jodie shrugged when he didn’t reply to her question. “I actually spend more time behind the desk now,” she told him honestly. She was surprised how much paperwork being the head of a no-name organization generated. She took a deep breath; forced herself to relax and smile. “Hello, Shu. How are you?”
Taking his cue from her, he also relaxed. “I’m good.”
“Me, too. Let’s get straight to the point. After five years, why contact me now?”
“Direct, as always. I have information that your agency has in its custody an asset believed to be dead.”
Jodie struggled to keep the shock out of her face. It would have worked on any other person, but it was Shuichi watching her. He knew all of her tells.
One of the advantages of being the head of a no-name organization was that she could run it as she saw fit. And she saw fit that knowledge of her newly acquired asset would be known only to few people inside her organization: three people, to be exact: herself, one reluctant consultant, and the asset herself. 
The consultant would literally die before he revealed information about the asset while the asset would not talk, also literally. Since the leak did not come from her, that could only mean—
“That bitch.” She muttered. Jodie winced. She did not like calling other women  names. However, the shoe fits the woman now going by the name of Alicia Vineyard, the daughter of the late Chris Vineyard. To Jodie, that woman would always be Vermouth.
“That is why the PSB, the CIA, and the FBI all agreed to keep her alive and on the streets.” He told her gently. “She’s a veritable fount of information.”
“That woman needed to die. At the very least, she needed to pay for her sins. Putting her on the streets would only endanger more people.” Jodie told him vehemently.
“I agreed with your assessment five years ago,” he reminded her. “But we were outranked and outvoted by our superiors. “And you can’t place the blame entirely on her. Word on the street is that a certain Phantom Thief also had a run-in with your asset.”
A run-in which was not disclosed to her.
“How accurate is our asset’s information?” Shu asked, careful not to utter any names as one never knew who was listening. “Is your asset really the girl from Beika? All that the Kaitou Kid would say is that it’s her, but it’s not her.”
“I’m not at liberty to—”
“Don’t give me that, Jodie. Some people back in Japan deserve to know what happened.”
“Don’t you think I know that?” Jodie looked away, figuring out how much she could tell him without her telling him anything. She knew that she would not get away with misleading him for information. Knowing him, he had already done his due diligence and confirmed what he could before confronting her with the information he already had.
“So, it is her?”
“If it’s not her, she’s an excellent imitation of the original.” She shrugged. “I tried to bring her home, but she had so many decisions taken away from her already. Now, I don’t think anyone could force her to do things she doesn’t want to do.”
“How is she?”
“She doesn’t speak much of what had happened to her.” She replied truthfully. “In fact, she doesn’t speak to me at all. She only talks to the doctor.”
“The doctor?”
Jodie nodded. “She found him and decided to trust him. She talks to him. He talks to us. She doesn’t trust me or anyone else. And he only talks to us only when it’s convenient for them. They help us, but they’re not with us.”
“Who are they with?”
“Who knows?” Jodie shrugged. “The Black Organization was weakened when its head died. A war broke out between many organizations, syndicates, and cartels to try to take its place. Rumor has it that the struggle unceremoniously and decisively ended two years ago. The victorious entity in the power struggle was more intelligent, secretive, and infinitely more dangerous than its predecessor. Law enforcement had tried and failed to identify, much less infiltrate, it.”
“You think your asset is with the new shadow organization?”
“Just a hunch.” She admitted. “Because there couldn’t be more than one organization so secret that not even my agency, with its infinite budget and network, could not know.”
“Is she in danger?”
Jodie paused. Considered. “I would have said no before. I believed that she had eliminated the threats to her life when she put out feelers to us.”
She saw the shock on his face at the revelation.
“We still don’t know what happened to her. The only clues we could follow are the trail of bodies left behind.”
Shu hunched closer to her. “Are we sure it’s her?”
Jodie smiled bitterly. “As I’ve said, we have no idea what was done with her. But you and I both know that when the Black Organization puts its hands on you, it changes you.”
Shu let out a breath. He did know how much the Organization could change a person. He let that poison touch his life. And for what?
 “The Kaitou Kid is right,” Jodie continued. “She’s the same person, but she’s no longer the same person they took from her home all those years ago.”
“Is she in danger?” He asked again.
“Before today, I would answer no. But knowing that the Bitch knows about her means that the remnants of the Black Organization know about her.”
“The remnants?”
“The Black Organization may have been cut at its knees, but it still has many loyal supporters, trying to find a replacement for its former leader, hoping to bring it back to its former glory. She’s doing what the FBI, the CIA, and the PSB should have done five years ago,” she told him. “Burn the organization to the ground. Have you heard of the Malta massacre?”
Shu leaned back and tried to recall a short news article he had read a couple of months ago.
“An office building in Malta burned down a while back. The firemen found about a dozen unidentified people in the building.”
“It was not just an office building,” Jodie told him succinctly. “And the people there are not office workers. It was a hideout for the Black Organization. About half of the dozen people who died were high-ranking officers. They did not die by fire as the news reported.”
“She did that?” He was unable to reconcile the sweet, innocent teenager he knew all those years ago with the portrait of a person Jodie was painting. “Alone?”
“She did that,” Jodie confirmed. “But we don’t know if she did it alone. And we didn’t know that the building was a front for the organization until after we received a tip not to allow the local law enforcement to force open the vaults inside.”
“And what did you find?”
“Information.” She replied. “Enough to justify the budget of my agency to my superiors ten times over. And Malta’s just the beginning.”
“Do you need help to protect her?” “Protect her?” She scoffed. “God help the idiot who tries to hurt her.” #tbc
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birubilirubin · 1 year
Thanks to someone I rechecked the dialog in Conan
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You are going out with her.
Aren't you going out with her to infiltrate?
I'm not dexterous enough to love two women at the same time.
The plot goes like this:
Akai approaches Akemi – Approached her to gain her trust or to make her fall in love with him and began dating - Akemi introduces him to Shiho as a lover - Became close friends with Shiho- Infiltrated the organization through Shiho’s connections
In the dialogue above, we can know the timeline was that he has not infiltrated the organization, and he wasn't dating Akemi at that time, he just met her and there was a love bombing process to gain her trust or to make her fall in love for a few days or months. It was not that he just met her and then suddenly asked her out, unless she's really a love brain and crazy about him.
器用な性分じゃない =不器用/ 無器用
不器用 (Not very dexterous / Bad at doing things)
It means that he is not good at communicating, not good at socializing, not good at getting along like a couple.
So 愛せる doesn't refer to the literal meaning of "Love", but it refers to the contextual meaning of "Doing all the things that couples do", and he's not good at handling it. So, the indication is that he was not in 2 boats at the same time.
So the 2 women are still referring to Akemi and Jodie.
Because it's hard to find the original text. So, I only heard from the animation. So maybe there are wrong words.
I'm 84 years old, kidding, actually I....
Interrupted by Ai's hat falling off
You're getting more and more interesting and fascinating (because Conan can figure out the bomber from just a few clues).
I don't want to be praised by an 84-year-old grandmother
I'm 18 years old just like you, I'm kidding.
The full sentence becomes like this
I'm 84 years old, it's a lie, I'm actually 18 like you, Just kidding.
Huh?? (You're really 18 years old??)
(So it's not ambiguous right)
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The thread has not been cut (Their destiny has not been cut)
糸= 運命  (thread = Destiny / Bond)
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Title of this chapter 運命の人 (The destined person)
This chapter tells a lot about Akai Shuichi, from the appearance of the fake Akai, Jodie and Akai’s past, and Subaru also appears. So, the destined person refers to Akai Shuichi.
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Shiratori is the one destined for Kobayashi.
Aoyama also used Ayumi's mouth to explicitly say 放っとけない人は、好きな人です (The person you worry about is the person you like).
Who is the person who worries about Haibara the most, installing bugs everywhere, having his subordinates guard her or tap her when he has to leave Kudo’s house, forbidding her from going to the crime scene, picking her up when she didn’t come home?.
Akemi said "The only thing to worry about is you, Shiho", and Akemi loved Shiho.
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The title of this chapter is ‘白い雪黒い影’ (White Snow Black Shadow). All chapter titles are clues, it applies in Conan.
When Shiho first appeared the chapter was titled 白い世界 (The White World).
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Thanks to Gin, we know shiho is White Snow 白い雪, and she likes Scarlet 緋色
The kanji is the same as the kanji in the chapter "The emergence of scarlet". 緋色
白い雪 White Snow refers to Shiho. It was because Shiho still has her own sense of justice although she's been in the dark world since she was a baby.
黒い影 The black shadow refers to Akai. At that time, Akai was still suspected of being black.
So the narrative trick played out like this:
Akai saw Ran, and he thought of a stupid woman (×)
Haibara saw Ran, and she thought of Akemi (×)
So X = Stupid woman = Akemi.
The animation/movie team and the most fans’ logic are like that.
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"I knew it was the wrong person"
Akai probably heard that a brown-haired girl (Sonoko) was following the doctor (He already knew the doctor was Vermouth)
When Subaru met Ran and Sonoko, he immediately noticed Sonoko first. "You, browned-haired girl", he said it to Sonoko.
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It can be seen that the buildings marked in both pictures are very similar, and there is no fence on the street. So it was the same place where Miyano Shiho first appeared and was shot by Gin.
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The most important point is that there is a phone booth in that place. Akai also came out of the phone booth.
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Then, in Vermouth's apartment there was a Shiho photo, but during the full moon chapter, Akai met Haibara, but he still said "The person I was waiting for didn't show up".
So, I assume Akai has two different targets from the FBI, I.e:
1. Finding Shiho
2. Confronting Gin
He probably thought he could find those two people with him following Vermouth, but the FBI knew nothing about them.
So his revenge on Gin was not for Akemi.
The only witness to Akemi's murder was Vodka. How could Akai know the person who shot Akemi was Gin?. It could have been another member.
That's why Akai's actions towards Gin were all related to Shiho not Akemi. These three people have a story, and only they know about it.
Then, I look at the vocabulary he used was complex and romantic, and have many implied expressions, and comparing his dialog with Ayumi's, his dialog was rarely used in daily conversation (Well, although it's an Oresama character's dialog, and don't use this grammar in daily conversation, or you will get slapped by others). Every dialog box of every character is always carefully thought out, right. So I think Aoyama designed Akai's character as a character who is quite dark, deep and has hidden feelings (deep affection).
For example:
愛しい愛しい宿敵(こいびと) 愛しい and 恋人 can not only be interpreted as dearest love, but can also be interpreted as the person he misses. So it can be interpreted as (Gin who I miss).
So 恋人(こいびと) is not referring to Akemi.
Aoyama is traditional Japanese. The use of these words is often found in classical Japanese literature (Osamu Dazai, Akutagawa, etc)
The shadow is very deep, right.
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File 874
From what Bourbon said, "I met your mother and your sister".
Then Shiho (Kid) said, "You are the rival of my sister's boyfriend, Moroboshi Dai. I heard from my sister that you don't get along."
"My sister's boyfriend" in Ai's mind this misunderstanding is still not resolved. Ai didn't know it was just a fake relationship. So it wasn't Shu-Ake's official CP hammer.
"I heard from my sister" We all clearly knew Akemi is just an outsider, she wouldn't know the problem with Rye and Bourbon. Based on Rye's character he wouldn't tell her about it either. Then based on Aoyama's interview, he said "Akemi didn't remember Bourbon". It is a contradiction.
It can be inferred that "I met your mother and your sister" was when he was a child, and Akemi has forgotten about him.
So this "I heard from my sister" is Aoyama's narrative trick. Because Aoyama wanted to hide Shuichi-Shiho's close relationship. He used a patch sentence (I heard from my sister) to cover up the original information.
Then, I saw some theories from Chinese fans who argued, the dialog probably like this because I also forgot it, "Like two sisters (姉妹), I know your action".
Actually, there is no need to use complex logic to analyze the dialogue in Conan, just use simple logic. "Sisters" still refers to Shiho and Akemi not Vermouth and Yukiko. "Your action is just like two sisters" This action doesn't refer to Haibara's action of crying silently, but Haibara's action of sacrificing herself for others just like Akemi sacrificed herself for Shiho, and Akai clearly knew it. So this dialog doesn't describe Akai knowing Akemi well (because cring silently). So, the girl who cries silently still refers to Shiho (Haibara). Akai only knew Akemi sacrificed herself for Shiho (from the message she sent).
Then, In Conan, the information we get from each character is not synchronized. It happens in the case of Subaru and Wakasa's identities, so you can't line them up linearly, but you have to look at each character's perspective.
Some of Ran's behaviors can refer to several characters depending on the perspective of each character describing Ran, so Ran doesn't just seems like Akemi because they both have long black hair.
For example, in one of the daily cases. A murderer saw Ran and he saw his girlfriend's shadow because Ran's voice was similiar to his girlfriend.
In Ai's mind, Ran's characteristics, bright, kind-hearted, protect her, was the same as Akemi.
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Ran wanted to go home because she was worried about Conan. But Ai suddenly shouted at her to stop her, seeing her sister's shadow. This is Ai's guilt for Akemi because she couldn't stop her at that time.
But for Akai who only always saw Ran crying alone was similar to Shiho.
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And in Ai's mind Ran's behavior of always holding back her crying, pretending to smile was just like herself. So that's why Ai understands Ran's feelings because they have the same behavior like pretending to be strong.
It's in chapter 335 A Gift from The Wife, sorry I don't have a picture.
This chocolate is smiling, but its face is sad.
A face torn with pain and tears, she pushed herself too hard
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Mistranslation in the English version
It should be a dialogue box for Yamamura
The dialog should be like this
"If you get in contact with Hiro-chan again. You'll talk to him about me..."
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Look at the angle when Shinichi said to Ai. It has the same angle, and it's a lens language where the conversation doesn't use subject and object if there are only two of them there.
In the English version the object becomes "Her"
"I will protect her......"
If he loved her, Akai should have gone to save her when he knew Akemi was in danger, or he can spend 1000 episodes taking care of her grave. But instead he appeared to meet her younger sister with a smiling face every day.
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Haibara said 守ってくれるんでしょう to Conan
....んです is an emphasis sentence.
She's emphasizing that Conan will protect her right?. Because there was someone who wanted to protect her, but he didn't keep his promise.
Spoiler M26
Many of the character settings are very OOC and slightly out of the manga. First, Akai's reaction when he found out Ai was kidnapped was calm, while in the manga he was looking for her all over the city with a sad face. Second, How could he miss it, so all those bugs are useless. Third, Ai heard Akai's voice through the intercom of the diving goggles, but she didn't respond at all, and after Conan started answering the call, but her attention was only on Conan, and she only responded with "Kudo-kun", it is not Ai-chan who will think of Moroboshi Dai when she hears that someone likes to drink black coffee. Fourth, Conan said "そんな颜してんじゃねーよ" (Don't make faces like that) to Ai-chan. The production team seemed to run out of ideas and just Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V another CP's phrase and pasted it on the popular CP, although the structure is slightly different from Akai's "そんな颜するな". Fifth, the Conan-Ai kiss that seems like a copy-paste of the Conan-Ran kiss in M2. My first reaction after reading it was that there were a lot of character setups that didn't make sense and didn't match the plot of the original manga, and it was again a recycling of the previous plot.
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Anon (by PM) asks:
How do you see Akai Shuichi as a character? And how do you see the Akai x Jodie ship?
Unbelievably, I've never talked about Akai before! Well, here we go.
Both Akai and Amuro strike me as full-blown Gary Stu's, which I don't always like, but I feel like Akai has a dark/depressed vibe that makes me like him more than the handsome Amuro. I mean, I find cases more interesting when Akai is present than Amuro. So, I will say that I like Akai, but he's not one of my favorites either.
My problem with Akai is that I perceive him too unhuman, too perfect (since an agent/detective perspective), to the limit of feeling him a cold and unrealistic character, almost as if he were an invincible robot/superhero. Rarely Gosho let us see his feelings or his humanity, and that makes it hard for me to empathize with him. I see few edges to the character. I even find it annoying how all the characters must be overshadowed when they are in his presence and that Gosho must always show that Akai alone can handle anything. It's sometimes a bit the same for me with Yusaku Kudo. Why the hell have we had through 1000+ files if Akai and Yusaku are here? The two of them together could have beaten BO since episode 1.
On that note, my thoughts regarding Akai are: 1) He should have died at the end of Clash of Red and Black! His death would have meant an epic moment, as it would have also shown his level as a character, but at the same time proving that he is not invincible either (as well as helping the public to perceive BO as a fearsome organization, which has been almost completely lost). But no, Akai is immortal and no one can ever beat him (not even Amuro). 2) He doesn't seem to care about people, unless it fits with his interests (like Conan), as if his relationship with people is mostly utilitarian. I mean, I resent his attitude towards Masumi, his mother, and most of the characters that are close to him, especially Jodie! He hasn't shown any attitude towards her that makes him worthy of her concern. Quite the contrary, he doesn't even seem to empathize for what she has suffered for him.
For these reasons, I used to ship Akai x Akemi. I really liked that ship! I felt that all that love plot and Akemi by herself humanized Akai's character. It made us see another side to him that we aren't usually shown. It showed us an Akai who had a soft spot for a person, for whom he really suffered for losing her, and who does everything he can to make amends for her death. But then Gosho made them cousins, and ruined everything for me.
The latter gives me the perfect excuse to answer your second question, regarding the Akai x Jodie ship. In theory it's a workable ship. I mean, he's single and so is she. They both work at the FBI together. They've had a relationship before... But seriously, how could they work as a couple when he literally abandoned her because he was in love with another woman? It doesn't matter if that woman is now dead. The guy didn't love her and left her for someone else. How is Jodie going to get back together with someone who told her to her face that he didn't love her? And you could say that maybe it didn't work out that time, but now things have changed. But in no scene is it implied that Akai's feelings for her have changed. He doesn't seem to show any special concern for her, nor for her feelings. Nor an special respect for her abilities. I even feel like he's a bit harsh on her sometimes. So, if Jodie and I were friends, and we sat down to talk in a cafe/bar, I would tell her, "Jodie, my friend, realize, that man doesn't love you, stay away from there!".
Personally, I preferred that in the end, Akai dies (real death), in an epic scene, and Jodie finds happiness with a man who really deserves it, maybe some other member of the FBI.
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kuschelkissen · 2 years
So I'm really curious about your opinion on Shuichi now
ok, let's go!
Sexuality Headcanon: bi
Gender Headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: RyeBourbon/ShuuRei/OkiAmu/AkAm
A BROTP I have with said character: In canon? none. Sadly canon Shuu doesn't give that much in points of relationships. In my head though? He was really close with Hiro/Scotch, which makes him not being able to save him even more tragic.
A NOTP I have with said character: with Shiho. even without them being cousins, her being the sister of his dead ex is just... icky. Not a big fan of other ships involving him, mostly because I'm no multishipper, but can deal with them because I usually can see where they get from. Present!RedStarling. I like them as a past couple, but I don't want to see them back together. Jodie deserves better than being second in line.
A random headcanon: He is having the time of his life as Okiya. Cooking, watering the flowers, he loves that shit. He only hates that tiny Subaru. He wants his big/fast american car back
General Opinion over said character: love him, but he's too cool to be true, wish he could be a bit more obviously flawed like his bf, get a bit more personality beyong "he's the cool, silent sniper", please.
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mangaowllsblog · 2 years
Case Closed Manga Summary
Case Closed, also known as Detective Conan, is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama. The series has been serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday since 1994, and as of 2021, has been collected into 100 tankōbon volumes. With its interesting plot, captivating characters, and intriguing mysteries, the Case Closed manga series has become a fan favorite all over the world. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive summary of the Case Closed manga series.
Volume 1: The Mystery Begins
The first volume of the Case Closed manga series introduces us to the main character, Shinichi Kudo, a high school detective prodigy. While investigating a suspicious deal, Shinichi is attacked and forced to take an experimental poison. However, instead of killing him, the poison transforms Shinichi into a child. He decides to adopt the alias "Conan Edogawa" and begins to solve cases as a child detective while searching for a cure to his condition.
In the first volume, Conan solves several cases, including a murder at a mountain villa and a case involving a locked room murder. Along the way, he meets and befriends many characters, including his classmate and love interest, Ran Mori, her father, Kogoro Mori, a bumbling detective, and Hiroshi Agasa, a quirky inventor who provides Conan with various gadgets to aid him in his investigations.
Volume 2-23: Conan's Adventures
In the following volumes, Conan continues to solve cases, using his deductive reasoning and intelligence to solve even the most complex mysteries. In one case, Conan solves a murder that takes place on a cruise ship, and in another, he helps to solve a case that has been ongoing for 10 years.
Throughout the series, Conan's secret identity is constantly at risk of being exposed, as he must navigate his double life as a child detective and a regular elementary school student. He also continues to interact with the many characters introduced in the first volume, including his rival detective, Heiji Hattori, and the Black Organization, a secret criminal organization that Shinichi was investigating before his transformation.
Volume 24-42: The Vermouth Arc
The Vermouth Arc is a significant story arc in the Case Closed manga series. It begins when a famous actress, Jodie Starling, comes to Japan to investigate a case involving the Black Organization. Conan and his friends get involved in the investigation, which leads them to confront the mysterious Vermouth, a member of the Black Organization who has a grudge against Shinichi.
During this arc, Conan's true identity is nearly exposed several times, and the stakes are higher than ever as he and his friends try to take down the Black Organization. This arc also introduces several new characters, including Bourbon, another member of the Black Organization who is suspicious of Jodie, and Kir, a former member of the organization who is on the run.
Volume 43-55: The Clash of Red and Black
The Clash of Red and Black is another major story arc in the Case Closed manga series. It begins with the death of a police officer who was investigating the Black Organization. The investigation leads to a confrontation between the police and the organization, with Conan and his friends caught in the middle.
During this arc, Conan and his friends must navigate a complex web of alliances and betrayals as they try to take down the Black Organization once and for all. This arc also features the introduction of several new characters, including Akai Shuichi, a former FBI agent who is also investigating the Black Organization, and Bourbon, who has his own hidden agenda.
Later on, a new villain organization called the Black Organization is introduced. They are a powerful and secretive criminal syndicate that is involved in illegal activities such as assassination, espionage, and smuggling. The organization's name derives from the fact that its members are known only by code names, all taken from alcoholic beverages. The Black Organization becomes the main antagonist of the series and is responsible for the creation of the APTX 4869, a poison that shrinks a person's body to that of a child's. It is also the reason why Shinichi was poisoned and turned into Conan. As the series progresses, Conan and his friends try to gather information on the Black Organization and take them down.
Throughout the series, many interesting characters are introduced, each with their own unique personality and backstory. Some of the most notable ones include:
Ran Mouri: She is Shinichi's childhood friend and love interest. She is also a skilled karate practitioner and the daughter of Kogoro Mouri, a private detective.
Kaito Kid: He is a master thief and one of Conan's rivals. He is known for his flamboyant personality and his trademark monocle and top hat.
Heiji Hattori: He is a high school detective from Osaka and one of Conan's closest friends. He is known for his Kansai dialect and his excellent deductive skills.
Ai Haibara: She is a former member of the Black Organization who developed the APTX 4869. She is also the only person who knows Conan's true identity and helps him in his investigations.
The Case Closed manga has received critical acclaim for its intricate plots, well-developed characters, and clever mysteries. It has also been praised for its ability to appeal to both children and adults. The series has sold over 200 million copies worldwide and has been adapted into various media, including anime, movies, and video games.
In conclusion, the Case Closed manga is a thrilling and suspenseful series that follows the adventures of a young detective who is forced to become a child. With its well-crafted mysteries and interesting characters, the series has captured the hearts of many readers around the world. If you are a fan of detective stories or manga in general, then Case Closed is definitely worth checking out on this manga website
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shuxjodie · 4 years
Let's talk GOSHO AOYAMA'S POV For Movie 18' Promise (Canon or Not)!!!
What this post will cover-
The Explanation of Movie18 promise
Why Jodie is different from other agents? Answered with the reference taken from this promise.
Shuichi's current feelings for Jodie as a conclusion
The explanation that why there are High possibilities that the promise is Canon by what Gosho said about this movie in his interview.
NOTE: It's going to be a long post! Because I'm going to explain every single thing in detail. Well there is a treat awaiting for Redstarling fans too 😉
So first let's take a look at the scene of Promise. This is the scene of the Detective Conan Movie: Dimensional Sniper👇
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They say this scene is not canon. But really?? If this is canon, then why? What are its possibilities that it is Canon? Let's keep in mind that this Movie is different from the movies that were previously made (It is explained later). And rather than going with the general idea of "movies are not canon" let's see what Gosho said himself regarding this movie!
Before that, let's break down what Shuichi promised Jodie and what he exactly meant.
Explanation of The Promise
The promise is made in a technical manner. So we need to understand the promise using technical knowledge. It's not what it looks like.
So what Shuichi said there?
"Don't worry. As long as I'm around, you will NEVER have to do something like that. I PROMISE."
First of all, I thought the same as many think that Shuichi said that because Jodie is unable to shoot a shot like that. But the promise is more than that.
To understand the whole situation, let's have a look at Jodie's shooting skills.
Jodie's skills as a shooter
If we compare what kind of shooter she is, it turns out to be that she is an extremely high skilled shooter! (And I will be using reference from specifically Manga not anime)
Jodie threw Vermouth's gun by shooting at it, faster than her. She is good at aiming by taking decisions within a fraction of seconds. This is a sign of a very well-trained agent.
Jodie threw the gun away without harming Vermouth, at that sudden moment. Although she was interrogating her, she grasped the situation quickly and reacted accordingly.
Jodie was able to shoot at her even when she was injured, and almost got killed ( Conan said that while talking to Vermouth and explaining why he changed his plans). Still, she had the confidence to give the warning that her next target will be Vermouth's head. Jodie would have shot at her head to save her life and other people's life involved in that case, because there was no other way around. But she stopped because her attention went towards the footsteps approaching her and she thought it's over but that footstep turned out to be Shuichi's.
Jodie shot at Vermouth's shoulder only to threaten her even when she was heavily panting, not in the condition to move either but used most of her strength to hide in the blind spot and still she shot her in that worse condition. She didn't miss the shot by harming Vermouth more. The bullet could have penetrated through her shoulder or any other part of her body, maybe hitting the vitals but it just passed aside. It was certainly a good shot to threaten. And she could have missed the shot by aiming in the wrong direction. But she made that shot successfully.
In the Kir arc, she shot very well at the sprinklers using the silencer. And she moved silently so no one noticed. Kir only noticed the sound of the sprinkler, not her moves.
Conan was caught by Kir when he was trying to retrieve the transmitter. So, Jodie was ready to shoot at Kir, to save Conan. In manga many people were around Kir, running here and there to get away from the rain. And it started to rain for real. But still, she was prepared to save Conan. It was a risky shot as people are around, running here and there.
In fact, her debut was made as she is a great shooter. Gosho can't show us actual shooting but video games and if you remember she was able to use her left hand to shoot.
And she never made a mistake while shooting.
Now one needs to complete their bachelor's degree to enroll into the FBI. Jodie must be atleast 22y by then. They need the experience of 3years. Then they have to give physical and written test followed by a background check. And after passing it they go through an intense training of more than 800 hours in Quantico. After spending 20weeks there, they get into the FBI. So she must be 25-26 years at that time. After joining it, they have a probationary period of around 2 years where they practically do nothing but observe and learn under under their assigned training agents. So she completed all these by 27-28years. And now she is 28y/o. So with less than a year of experience she did a great job!
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Jodie is extremely good at short-range shooting.
She can take decisions in less than a second and make a clear shot.
She can pull a headshot even when she is gravely injured, to the point of unable to move.
With less than a year of experience, she did a great job!
So let's keep all these points in mind as I will be using them many times.
Shuichi's promise and breaking it into fragments-
Now why Shuichi said that Jodie will NEVER have to do something dangerous like pulling a headshot, unless he is around while making the promise? She doesn't need him in the short-range shooting. She can handle things as she did at the port. She is a pro! Then why?
What did he mean with that slight smiling reaction he gave? So, let's break down his body language.
Shuichi's promise can be interpreted in these 5 ways-
1. He is a better agent and sniper. He is more confident and experienced. But-
Jodie is a highly skilled short-ranged shooter, who can pull a head shot when gravely injured. So basically she doesn't need his help in short-range shooting including dangerous things.
She doesn't like to do things without making efforts on her own either, which means she trusts herself and is very confident. That means she gives her best too!
But still, Shuichi promised her. That means he doesn't want her to get tensed about these dangerous things. He will take care of long-range, short-range or any dangerous things on his own. He promised her and this shows a sign that she can rely on him every time.
2. She won't have to kill someone facing the killer/target putting herself in dangerous situations.
There is a very high possibility that the opposition can have weapons too. Her chances of getting killed will always be there. That's why it's a dangerous job!
"Face the target HEAD-ON and aim for the tip of their nose"
That is advised by the best shooter/sniper of the DC world.
Well, it's the same strategy used in real life. Imagine the T shape between the head and nose and aim at the horizontal line of the letter. It's a perfect kill that the target won't get a microsecond to think or act! So it's very dangerous for the one who is aiming to. Because it gives a chance of killing and getting killed. This T strategy is shared by an ex infantryman of the army 👇
So her life will be at risk.
But she is willing to take risks-
Jodie faced Vermouth. The FBI didn't have much idea about her as Shuichi never saw her before but he confirmed on the port. And they were attacking each other face to face.
In the clash of Red and Black, Jodie decided to dispose of the bomb, on her will. James initially asked Shuichi to dispose of the bomb in a vacant area because he wasn't confident either, but Jodie came forward and took the job.
Jodie is willing to risk her life for Shuichi. In the mall, she knew BO men were waiting to kill Shuichi but she didn't waste a single second and ran to save him.
But still, Shuichi promised her. When he used "Never", he meant both long-range and short-range. That means he is not willing to risk her life at any cost. He doesn't want to lose her.
He will do anything and everything to save her life. Even with the endless and enormous amount of several uncertainties, he is not willing to risk her life at any cost, since it's a promise!
3.She won't have to do a dirty job and take responsibility.
Before I proceed, let me point out, Jodie can take responsibilities-
Vermouth asked her whether she has permission to use the gun in Japan. And she said she was going to accept all the charges anyways and was prepared to face them.
It's very hard to accept that this woman won't take any responsibility.
If you would look at it, killing a culprit is not as simple as it sounds. It comes with loads of responsibilities along with so many rules. If not justified, then they will face punishments and charges, even worse, it can cost their job. They can be called murderers.
Unlike soldiers who are prepared to kill men in masses, FBI agents are also prepared but not like them. They have to think before shooting and in worst case- kill, but soldiers shoot to kill. Hence, cannot be compared.
The first attempt of an FBI agent is to stop the culprit. So they shoot to stop the target from escaping. The killing comes afterwards in the worst-case scenario when they have no way around it.
FBI agents are strictly prohibited to kill until the situation demands or/and they get an order. Even when they work undercover, they are forced to obey the rules.
Killing a culprit without orders comes with a huge responsibility. If the action couldn't be justified by rules, the agent might cost their job along with mandatory punishments and charges.
If one is saving their colleague, there are two chances- to kill the opponent or to injure them so that they won't attack any further. It gets really complicated, in situations when all they get are a few seconds to decide. Because by harming, the culprit can be caught and the partner's life will be saved.
So it's a very big responsibility and commitment on a professional level and even on a personal level.
So when Shuichi committed Jodie, that he is willing to kill for her-
He is also willing to take the very huge responsibility at a professional level that will come all along.
The situation becomes worse when they get stuck in a situation when they can't or won't get any further orders.
Even when his top priority is his job because of his personal reasons, he is willing to take responsibility for her.
It's very very less likely that he'll fail but nothing can be taken for granted. He gave his commitment to Jodie when future circumstances are not known to anyone. There are uncountable uncertainties. And this can affect his job.
This proves that Jodie is a very very important person for him so he won't let her compromise her job at any cost because he is willing to take responsibility for her. As he mentioned that he won't let Jodie do anything ever if he is around, so it's a lifetime promise!
Even Gosho never made Shuichi kill anyone. Vermouth as the serial killer escaped him, Kusuda Rikumichi and Scotch committed suicide. Even in M18, he didn't kill the culprit. So to think about it from manga pov it's a very strong and big commitment, which he will fulfil in anyways and by any means.
4. Shuichi is willing to protect and defend Jodie at an emotional level.
As I mentioned before she is highly professional at the short-range shooting. Then why did she hesitate?
This is a very risky job and it's humans' natural tendency to think before acting when their life will be at stake. But that doesn't mean that an FBI agent should back off. They should learn to cope up with fear and do the job. Initially, everyone fears. But with time they learn. Jodie hesitated a little showing the "natural reaction" of any human being to save their life. But she prepared herself when the time came to eliminate the sniper. She remembered what Shuichi said and thought-" I have to do it!" So even if she hesitated, that doesn't mean that she'll never try to do attempt anything dangerous. In Manga, she prepared herself to shoot at Kir even there were people running around her.
Maybe Jodie's past is related somehow. To think about Jodie, she gets sentimental when it comes to killing someone, especially while smiling. But her past was very tragic since her father was burned by a mysterious woman. And at that time she was only 7-8years old so we can't blame her. It must be so traumatic. But now she has a strong and cheerful personality irrespective of the trauma she has faced.
Irrespective of her past, she is very professional and keeps her emotions away from her working space. Even though she has a personal hatred towards Vermouth, the FBI let her carry out the mission on foreign land, without permission. This shows her professionalism and the trust that the FBI put in her.
People get emotional when they face harsh and critical time. It was her worst time when we realised her past, before catching vermouth and about her relationship with Shuichi.
Even after Shuichi's death, she didn't have a mental breakdown. She strongly implied to Camel that the FBI wasn't scared of BO either. This shows she is a very confident woman, who doesn't rely on anyone, is aware of practical things and can deal with things on her own.
And maybe she was hesitant regarding killing someone, like that. Doing a dirty job. Generally speaking, not every FBI officer kills the criminal and they try to avoid killing criminals as much as possible because of rules and regulations and some avoid that for personal reasons but they have to do it when ordered. And along with killing someone, this thought comes along-" If I'll kill them, will I take the CHANCE away from them of having a new and different life? And what if they want to start a new life by accepting the punishment?" This is a very complicated decision and morals and values are the core of our life. That's why it is a very tough decision. Moreover, this is detective Conan in which Gosho never makes any good character to kill ever.
It's very unlikely that the FBI have the mindset of soldiers in war who are trained that way to kill thousands. It can be up to some extent the training of FBI agents is different from soldiers. Soldiers are trained to kill without thinking but FBI agents have to think before killing someone. Here another confession by an ex- infantryman 👇
Killing is not the same for everyone. Some might feel bad and some may not. It varies because of personal reasons, past, the surrounding they grew up etc.
And Shuichi knows Jodie very well without a doubt. He knows how capable she is and only he knows how worse her driving skills are. So, he doesn't want her to kill someone if he is around her. Shuichi is more experienced although he never killed someone, as far as we know.
So he asked her directly and without giving her a second to think, the next moment he promised her.
It's not like he is stopping her to do her job because a mindset to face difficulties is necessary for FBI agents. That's why he said until he is around and situations in which he won't be able to make it. But according to him, it's not that necessary either to let her kill someone if he is around or if he can do whatever he can to help her out.
Let me clear something-
Shuichi doesn't enjoy killing, like Korn and Chianti. They asked gin to let them kill because they carve killing( FBI vs BO part-1,2). Especially Chianti loves to kill.
Shuichi feels proud when he saves the people and threatens or eliminates the opponent, to serve his Nation. Even the best sniper of the (real) world said in his interview that he doesn't hesitate to kill as the opposite side are about to kill his brothers( his teammates, his friends). According to him, it's better to kill the people who can harm his side than to see his people die and their family suffer. That's what an ex infantryman stated-
So Shuichi is very different from BO men.
And by offering Jodie, to the extent of promising, that he'll kill for her, it gotta be really serious. So he is ready to kill on behalf of her which is protecting her physically and mentally.
5. He is willing to protect her life, putting his own life in danger.
With uncountable and enormous uncertainties, no one knows who can fire at him, at what time, from which direction and so on.
It's never just one culprit they will be facing, like the M18 climax. There can be more in number, increasing the level of danger.
He won't get the chance to use sniper always. Using a sniper needs a good place to aim and to find it the place it requires time and he should reach there in time. Jodie can get into trouble in any situation which may or may not be favourable for using a sniper. So he might need to shoot from any range, like short-range, which should be suitable for the situation. After all, he is going to protect her.
There can be a good sniper, that he might be facing as an opponent. So there is this uncertainty of not knowing the capabilities of the opponent too.
The bullet won't spare anyone, not even him or the culprit will not spare him at any cost. If he is aiming from a long-range then not necessarily the bullet won't reach him. And if the opposition is the men of b.o they'll definitely not!
So Shuichi is not willing to lose Jodie at any cost! Even he is ready to sacrifice himself for her life. For her, is willing to face anyone to save Jodie.
So in the trailer, what he said-
Don't make that kind of face. I'll protect you even if I have to give my life.
it turns out to be the same!
For "don't make that kind of face", he used the phrase "Don't worry / Just relax" which he usually uses when he is with Jodie.
So Shuichi is willing to risk/ give up on his own life to save Jodie's life. She is so important to him that he can't imagine risking life at all! Isn't it the reason he promised her?
Some other important points, while Shuichi made this promise-
By promising Jodie, he doesn't mean that he doesn't trust her. While working with agents, one has to trust each other on their skills because it's teamwork. He is well aware of her skills. If he had doubts about her skills, he wouldn't have let her take Haibara to the port. So he trusts her. The promise is all because he worries about her.
The promise is a lifetime promise. Using "never", means shows till he stays alive. Never letting her do anything dangerous is until he retires or if ever needed to do after the job and protection is for a lifetime.
Shuichi promised Jodie as soon as he asked her, just after the moment she hesitated, for like a second. That means he had made his mind way before to protect her no matter what and he'll do dangerous things for her. Because this promise is not some daily chores that he'll promise out of nowhere. The promise just described his feelings in words in front of Jodie during that time.
In the promise, he didn't mention specifically about headshot but he said "something like that" which implies she doesn't have to do anything dangerous like pulling a headshot. So he will do any dangerous activities in which Jodie's life will be at stake or if she will hesitate.
While promising her he said, "until he is around". That means it's not only for the mission but anytime he is around and anything and everything he can do to help her out. He is willing to go out of his way for her.
Just because Jodie hesitated doesn't mean that she will never try to do any dangerous activities. It's a human's natural tendency to think before acting when it comes to risking their own life. FBI agents need to learn things, cope up with pressure and have to act accordingly. Here, it's Shuichi who doesn't want Jodie to get involved in any dangerous activity. This shows his care and the fear of risking her life, which he doesn't want to do at all. Rather he will give up on his own life.
He is a practical and serious-minded person. So if he promised this for a lifetime, he gotta be damn serious. He is willing to anything and everything for her and he will go to the lengths of giving up on his life for her.
Body language. They play a very important role.
A. During that conversation, he looked straight into her eyes twice, even while driving-
While asking if she can do the dangerous things
While making the promise.
This shows his how much he wants to protect her. People look into eyes while saying truth and emphasising it even more. This also shows seriousness. Here Shuichi not only made a promise but made her at ease. She doesn't need to take stress for that.
B. While giving the promise he smiled. Facial expressions are a very important part of body language. And the promise is the most important part because he is talking about something really serious. And while smiling like that he clearly indicates how much important and precious Jodie is to him. He can give his life without a second thought. Well to keep an important person safe, the willingness to give up on his own life shows exactly how important they are- more than one's own life.
And Gosho makes it a very big deal when he smiles. It's rare. It is such a warm side of him to witness from a person who doesn't have a bright personality, considering his personality what James said ( FBI vs BO P-1,2 ch-504,505) and Masumi still believes that he never smiled at. Maybe he never did in those types etc but he does smile at her but she is unaware. So it's a biggie if he smiles at someone. Moreover, he smiled at the promise of risking his own life.
C. While promising, he performed a drastic activity. He pointed his fingers forming a gun at her. Why did he do that?
Showing drastic activity or any different activity from what usually one does in certain situations shows a different state of energy. Here he showed his eagerness and willingness. He didn't need to explain it by pointing at her nose. Generally, anyone can understand where to point if explained well. But he surprised her by showing how difficult the work is and the next second promised her. This shows his unhesitating mindset of sacrificing himself for Jodie.
Surprising Jodie like that had a purpose. Shuichi didn't want her to do anything like that all from the beginning. Understanding where to point, that is at the nose, is no rocket science that is difficult to understand. So he surprised her, showing the level of risk while shooting a headshot, on purpose. She got surprised at the moment which made her hesitate and the next second followed his promise. So surprising her which followed by the promise was on purpose.
This shows their closeness to each other. Shuichi or anyone ( in general) won't point his fingers like that at one who ain't close to him. But he did because it's Jodie after all. One gets more expressive and free to do things with closed ones.
10. The scene is after Vermouth arc, Japan.
Thanks @geissbock ! you can spot important things like Shinichi does! The numberplate used in the scene is Japanese.
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It's matches with the time line too- 10 years ago, he was 21-22 as now he is 31-32. There is uncertainty in the age gap by consecutive numbers because we don't know anyone's birthday. So 10 years ago he informed his family in Japan that after 3 years of experience and written tests he can join the FBI. So he must have joined the FBI at the age of around 24-25 years. And Gosho said that he dated Jodie soon after he joined the FBI. Now 5 years ago when he broke up with her, he was around 26-27 since he is 31-32 now and had long hair back then. Now it would be impossible that his hair grew so long, covering his back within a span of a year. Imagine this situation- he promised when he was 25-26( his hair were short)and at 26-27(his hair covered his back) he broke up. And since he used the word "sacrifice" he should have dated for some time to the point of loving her that deeply. So it's impossible that he promised her in NY but he did in Japan.
This proves that Jodie is a very close and important person in Shuichi's life and he cannot afford to lose her even at the cost of his life. Even that, so much has happened between them.
That past wasn't in their favour and nor the present is.
Past involving that he used a very kind-hearted woman for his mission + that woman played all along with him for God knows how long, which must be so terrible even just to think + she risked her own life + did a huge favour for Shuichi's mission when this mission was his personal goal+and she died. Then Shuichi failed his promise which he gave to Shiho back then + Shiho lost her only family. And most importantly Akemi's life purpose didn't fulfil- to take her sister out of BO. Moreover, almost every FBI agents know that he was affected by Akemi's death. This is so complicated!
This means Jodie holds a very important place in his heart and she plays a very important role in his life. His feelings are really at a deeper level for her that he didn't hesitate to promise something so big! Hence the past is not interfering between them up to the extent of him to admit on his own that how much she still means to him! To add more to it, he smiled! Gosho makes a huge deal when he smiles. And it's a promise for a lifetime!
He won't do this for everyone, because he promised only to Jodie.
There will be many agents who are trained and willing and inclined to carry out difficult operations and might hesitate a little. Not necessarily he will always take the charges. Hesitation is a natural tendency, not a sign of never trying to attempt. Everything is done for the first time in the beginning and sure they would have felt nervous. But that doesn't mean they won't do things. It's just a part of learning.
He will take charges when the job comes to the best sniper in the world. He can't take away other's jobs and chances.
He won't go out of his way, that is besides missions to save every FBI agent. He is not everyone's saviour.
In fact, it's impractical to save every FBI agent every time. It's a very risky job to do that can cost lives. He knows the reality very well.
That's why in the clash of Red and Black he suggested not to focus on Esuke's life that much, although he was the one who saved him at the end.
In the recent chapter of the FBI serial murder case, he didn't go to shoot before, while they were trying to capture BO members. He went after, was required to, that is as the best sniper who can shoot for more than 1300yards and saved Camel's life by shooting at the torch while he was literally running.
Now for Jodie, according to his promise-
He won't let her do something dangerous like pulling a headshot, either on a mission or not, in any condition except it's impossible for him to be with her.
He'll protect her no matter what! By physically and mentally.
He is willing to give up in his own life.
So he is willing to stay with her after all, for a lifetime!! By promising this, he gave her the exact picture of how much she is important to him and what she means in his life.
And let me point out very clearly - He is not a jerk who is maintaining this relationship just to work with her. He can work without getting closer and she is highly professional. If he can work with Bourbon who hates him to death( Asaka case and now he is even willing to work with him since he and Yusaku proposed to him something, the Tea party ), he can work with an ex without faking anything. So he ain't faking anything with her and that's not his personality either. So they have to stay in contact and have to work together in future and maybe they will possibly hang out too.
Now, how Jodie should perceive this? What should she think about this promise considering their current relationship and future? His lifetime protection, the friendship, his act of care. How long should she take this and how long she can? Is he implying that he is stuck with his past but doesn't want to leave her either BUT with the condition of being friends? Did they ever decide this?
When did they agree by exchanging words to stay ONLY friends forever? Did Shuichi ever tell her if he has feeling for another woman? Did he ever ask her to stop hoping if they can get back together? DID THEY HAVE THIS IMPORTANT TALK EVER?
If we look at the panel of clash of Red and Black, Jodie assumes that he still thinks about her. And they knew this because of the expression he gave after Akemi died. That means he never told Jodie anything about his exact feelings for Akemi.
"And when she died, you could tell from Akai-Kun's expression that..."
"Probably Shuu, still thinks about her."
So after coming back he never said anything about it.
Jodie started to work on this mission when Sharon died. It was around or less than a year before Akemi's death. And at one point in time, they agreed to work together. And sure it must be uncomfortable in the beginning. So in those months, he didn't have time to have this important conversation with her especially IF he never wanted a relationship in the first place? It would be foolish to assume by anyone, that an ex who hasn't moved on yet for god sake 5 years, won't seek anything in future. And it's even stupid if the ex would just want to be a friend forever without any talk or any clarification.
So we can clearly say that it's just their mutual understanding that they didn't speak about it, moreover a common sense at the moment because-
He was on a run, and it was the time when he should avoid getting close to her so that enemies won't have a clue. Imagine if he would visit his family at that time. No, he won't, so he stayed away from her for her safety.
They both, especially Jodie, were mostly focused on the mission. The mission was connected to their life's purpose!
It wasn't the right time to talk about their relationship when the time was about life and death.
So basically, they never talked. But that doesn't mean denial. Just because one can't be in a relationship in the present time, doesn't imply that they don't have feelings of love. There wasn't a little hint ever if Shuichi ever told her that they can't be in a relationship ever or neither he showed any hint like he tried to avoid her INSTEAD here, he showed her that she means to him more than his own life.
In Jodie's flashback, all she recalls is the breakup and straight after that, she thinks that she was happy to work with him anyway. This doesn't show any refusal for the future. It just shows that they broke up but she was happy to stay with him again while working with him.
Feelings and context don't give the slightest hint if he ever denied their future. Honestly, refusal becomes a very important thing in these kinds of situations especially when people want different things from each other. And people get uncomfortable n this type of situation so they talk, clarify or give hints by body language like maintaining distance etc. But there is no slight hint if he ever denied or had that important talk ever instead it shows other things way around. Rather he has never shown a little discomfort around her, the way she behaves and how he promised her something really important.
And Jodie can actually tell things from people's expressions.
In the Kir arc, she saw Conan's scarred face and she continued to investigate( ch-500).
In the Scarlett investigation, she noticed Conan's expression and went to Raiha Pass.
In the clash of red and black (Ch-599) it was Jodie who caught Shuichi's reaction that he looked excited. Even James had to confirm what she implied before-"about what?"/"what can I say?").
So if Shuichi would have shown a little hesitation, Jodie would have known. But we have never seen anything from Jodie's side if he is keeping a distance because of the relationship. And if he would have done that, Jodie wouldn't have hoped anything ever and would have kept her distance by herself. She never said anything from her side and focused on the mission. She knew this is no time to speak about their personal matter. So from the flashback, it's clear he never denied anything for their future.
And Shuichi knows how much he means to her. He knew how much she would suffer when he was about to fake his death. He knew from the beginning that she still loves him. So why is he showing two different emotions? But is he? We can say that he won't want to be in a relationship at that time for various reasons like-
It's not the right time to get back together when they both are on this important mission which is their life's purpose.
There is this uncertainty of if he'll live at the end or not. So giving her hope and taking it away when things aren't in his hand can make it very hard in future. He surely hates to hurt her.
They both don't have time right now to date each other.
Shuichi got many things to do, before personally getting involved with her again. He has to repay the debt by saving Haibara.
But that doesn't mean that he doesn't have feelings for Jodie. They are working together, are in contact with each other so it's satisfactory according to the critical circumstances they are facing now.
So without any CLARIFICATIONS, this can be complicated way too much in many ways-
If he doesn't want a relationship at all so she should move on according to him when he deeply cares for her feelings.
He can lose his friendship with Jodie, which he has right now. Which he surely won't like as she is very important for him in his life.
But if she didn't move on when he wasn't around her how will she if he is promising such a big thing!? She never stopped loving him, even after knowing that he broke up with her because of the mission and he had to date another woman. But still, she loved him then and still loves him unconditionally for more than 5 years.
Now, how Jodie should perceive this promise as? An ex, who gave her this promise in which he doesn't want to lose her, to the point of willingness to lose his own life, but probably thinks of another woman, maybe mainly because of guilt, but don't want to lose her either at any cost?
The feeling of being so important to him, even more than his life, without any important talk can become so complex that it is way out of imagination.
It becomes so hurtful to stay with someone you love on the terms of friendship. And this becomes worse with time. And by promising her, Shuichi clearly stated to her, that how much she still means to him, in his life, his willingness to stay by her side, especially after they broke up.
Jodie's feelings are her responsibility but Shuichi has his responsibility too. He should not make things harder for her. And he will never make it worse or even hard since he hates to hurt her.
Honestly, it can become really hard for Jodie in future and the present can leave her in a dilemma. And these things contradict so much when he gates to hurt her. It's clear from this post that he doesn't want to her at any cost 👇
And Shuichi is well aware of everything. He doesn't take part in any complex things if he has no interest in them.
Denying to act as a father figure, wasn't easy, especially after knowing that there is a little kid, who will never receive fatherly love at such a tender age. She will not only miss her father but also her big brother.
Leaving his whole family wasn't easy.
Reducing his communication, even cutting the communication completely, with his family, especially his little sister, wasn't easy. In ch-1035-38 it's clear that he loves his little sister so much!
He was well aware of the fact that his decision will shock and hurt Mary so much. As a mother, letting her child investigate something so dangerous, the decision was no easy at all.
But he wanted to catch them and give them the punishment they deserve because they made his family suffer. His sister never saw their father, his mother suffered as she lost her husband and he and his little brother lost their father. So he denied it straightforwardly to Mary. And Mary, with time, wanted the bad guys to get punished too, so she agreed and let Shuichi do what he desired.
So, if he is offering from his side something like that, he must have thought about everything in his mind from the beginning! Because the promise he made is no child's play. It's serious as fuck! Well, he doesn't like it when she gets hurt emotionally. He felt so bad and disappointed when she didn't take him seriously and was worried for her in the clash of Red and Black. And he never showed that worried of face ever (till now) in the manga. He was worried for her because she will get hurt because of his stunt.
So if he doesn't want anything except friendship terms then he should have told Jodie sometime or at least, should have implied indirectly. If she agrees, stay friends and if not then maintain a healthy distance. Instead, he told her he is willing to give his life for her.
Idk what kind of ex who doesn't seek things himself but will never clarify directly or indirectly especially when they don't want to hurt their ex-partner and doesn't participate in complicated things when they don't have interest at all. That means they have to be on same the page regarding these feelings considering he never denied their possible relationship especially if he never intended to have it in future. That should be taken care of first when promising something so big like that.
Some Important things to be noted-
He broke up for his job, not because his feelings changed. Since he replied just after she asked that he has to crush this organization by any means, it's clear that he did for his mission. Well, that's what Gosho said in SDB.
It must be so heartbreaking for himself as he was really sad while saying that, to leave a person he was so serious. The word "Sacrifice" is way beyond to explain. This word is used when people have to give up on something which is very precious to them, close to their heart that they personally don't want to lose but have no other choice.
He wasn't able to look at her until he admitted his inability to date, two women.
He closed his eyes while saying he has to break up with her, like his heart was resisting to say that but he did for his family and for her safety. He looked so unhappy there. It's tough to lose first love after all whom he dated for real.
Let's make this clear, he won't date unless he won't be really serious and will never waste a single second in the first place when he joined the FBI to catch the people who are responsible for his father's disappearance. So he was really serious with her while dating.
That means his feelings never changed for her in the very first place because he won't fall again for anyone after suffering through that horrible incident. He loved her back then and he still loves her to the point he won't lose her.
Shuichi still loves Jodie, more than his own life!
Now that we understand the promise which helped us to know about Shuichi's current feelings for Jodie, it's time to decide whether it's non-Canon or not.
Let's see what Gosho Aoyama has to offer!
Before that let's see first how much Gosho is involved in the process of making movies. This will show Gosho's dedication to movies in general- ( it's from Gosho Aoyama interview 2014, for Movie 18 . You can find it just after the Lupin III interview on detectiveconanworld website.)
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Actually, Gosho showed Shuichi's feelings for Jodie on a larger scale! Since the trailer mostly focused on Shuichi and Jodie, especially his promise, it's obvious that that the promise scene was the most important scene of the movie!
Even though Monkey Punch's motto is to let them do everything, he still gets involved! There is no chance that he will change an important and famous character's feeling like Shuichi just because it's a movie!
Even if the staff tries to add anything they want, they end up changing everything. And after completing it, Gosho checks and reviews it👇
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He checks the storyboard and scripts and he even ends up changing god knows how many things if it doesn't get matches with the Manga!!! Since he said all scripts that mean he does that for almost every movie! Then surely for this dialogue, he would have agreed before they can animate anything. Gooood how much work you do so that we can enjoy Sensei!!!!! Seriously people need to stop criticising him!!!
Now the question arises: What does Gosho think about this MOVIE in particular?
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There is nothing new in the story that hasn't been shown in MANGA !!!!
So no question arises if he changed Shuichi's feelings for the sake of fans and he altered them because this is particularly a movie! Well, the spoiler was there anyways. So we can safely say from his statement that this story is the SAME as the ORIGINAL story. And by the same, I am saying some particular scenes, the feelings of the character, not all the events that occurred in the movie like destruction etc. It's up to Gosho if he wants to make the whole movie canon or not. And we can also conclude that the warning Shuichi gave was nothing like a friend, although they are on terms for NOW.
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It's the first time and the story is the same as Manga!!! ( Read the last line. It's the interview taken from 2014 interview that was taken before the movie release) So this movie is different from other movies that were released before!
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He said that it can't be done in manga. That means it cannot be drawn in Manga as art. He didn't say that it can't be in Manga. He said it can't be done as Manga but only in anime! Here he meant by action scenes. It's very difficult to draw in manga each and every move." And since it'll be done as an anime they added tons of action scenes to it. " Many action scenes like Ran beating the culprit so that he can get caught alive, Jodie firing the car of the culprit while saving Conan and Masumi and so that the culprit can run away, Conan chasing the culprit and Masumi picking him up on the road are important for the story to proceed! And since it's an anime, they added more like bike stunts and blasts etc. Actions scenes are something that can only be shown in anime, mentioned by Gosho. Well, he told the same for Movie20, where he wanted to show Shuichi and Amuro fighting. Imagine how difficult it is to draw every single move to show the fluency of the fight. And he said in movies he likes to blow cars which gives his assistant a hard time! ( His assistant starts crying - that's what he said to be specific. I wish I could upload that SS but 10 pictures are the limit on Tumblr) He also said the same when he was questioned about yaiba and about the action scenes involved in the series. ( The interview was published around 2014-16 and can be found on detectiveconanworld website as well)
And he said there are a lot of ties with the original story! Now, what can be the ties? Whatever that can coincide or fit in Manga. If we consider Manga, Shuichi always followed Jodie when her life could be at risk. And he saved her 3 times in manga.
Vermouth arc. It was unplanned that Shuichi will go. Jodie didn't know he would come. She was surprised as he came. She thought that she would die but he came and saved the day. And he went there because he got worried as he didn't get any updates.
In the bus hijack, he went there. In the end, he said the target didn't appear, it was for Sherry. If Jodie was going anyway, why did he go there? It was because this time she was going outside of the school premises where Vermouth can easily harm her. Shuichi and Jodie had no idea that Vermouth was well aware of the fact that FBI agents sneaked into her house. Vermouth thought the FBI can help her find out Sherry, so she decided to act like she didn't notice anyone sneaked into her apartment. Similarly, if she would have found Sherry and if she would have got a way to kill her at that time, she might have done that. But he went there instead of letting any other FBI agent follow her, who came to help Jodie. The fact that he was working with Jodie should be hidden at all cost but for Jodie's safety, he took the gamble. Well, it's clear from this post that he did his best to hide himself from Vermouth while he was working with Jodie.👇And he did his best, especially for Jodie!
3. In Red T-Shirt omen, Shuichi said he saw someone familiar on TV. But in Scarlett's prologue, he explained why he visited the Mall. He was referring to Jodie there. ( In Manga it's only Jodie in the background) So what did he do? He saw scar Akai but followed Jodie to know the whereabouts of scar Akai. He knew that Jodie would be BO's first target. And after Jodie and Conan asked the saleswoman, he asked about what Jodie asked her too, to grasp the situation. Then he spotted scar Akai. And after the case was solved he was waiting near the exit because he knew Jodie is highly willing to follow scar Akai. So he saved her life again.
4. In the car chase, he said that Bourbon would try to capture ONE of his close colleagues. And they knew that Jodie would definitely come once she started to doubt the death. So they wanted to catch her there. And Shuichi was well aware of the fact that she will definitely go to investigate. So he followed there too and since Camel went all along so he saved both.
Saving Jodie has always been canon no matter what the situation arises as written in point 1,2,4 and the promise is related to her safety. And since it is so connected with the original story and that scene is one of the most important scenes of the movie, this is one of the things that have ties with the original story! Well, don't expect he'll tell this directly. He is a mystery writer after all. He only gives clues and makes us deduce.
From what Gosho said, it is clear that this promise can be categorised as CANON or has TIES with the original story! Especially when at the end he said the movie lots of ties with the original story, considering it's a promise made by an important, serious and famous character like Shuichi!
Gosho drew Shuichi there. He was the one who came up with the scene and even he wasn't, then he 100℅ agreed with the scene as he checks and changes the script before it gets passed as a storyboard. Because they needed the vision to animate before, Gosho gave them a perfect picture of how Shuichi should talk and smile. Now Gosho made him smile that much( look at the one above the snap of the animated one) given that he rarely smiles, and he makes a big deal when he smiles so it's a biggie!
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Here is the treat ;) Gosho actually loved that scene! He was so much excited to see the scene of Jodie and Shuichi and he loved it! Here is the article 👇
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I believe it was said by Monkey Punch, the one who draws for the movies. Here is the translation- again thank you @geissbock ❤️❤️
"Gosho loves the scene of Akai and Jodie most. He was really excited. He is some kind of weird person that loves that scene right?(laugh). When I write something different from him he's not that excited. I think he feels good when he sees something new and fresh"
Mark Gosho's love for the scene and his excitement! Now that scene is iconic for Shuichi himself! It's very important for Shuichi considering his dark past with both the women especially when the scene is after Akemi's death. Then Gosho must be really careful about doing something like that. But he even included that scene on his own, we can say that from the translation part, drew Shuichi himself and checked the script and what not, to pass on the storyboard to animate it. He could have simply added something while they were dating but...he didn't. So? Yep, it's very very safe to say that Shuichi still loves Jodie, from Gosho's POV and his works( isn't that how we perceive the ultimate truth of the DC universe?).
Fan services
Fan service is a broad term. After collecting information is from various sites like Wikipedia, Medium daily, qoura and every other sites that appeared after googling it, here is what I analysed and here it is summarised-
Fan services are the scenes in Anime as well as Manga, which are done to please the audience which has no relevance with the actual story whatsoever. Example- Zero's tea time. It has no connection with the Manga as it doesn't contribute to the original story. Similarly, the plot of movies is considered non-canon because they are for fans to enjoy, a type of fan service and doesn't contribute to the original story. Fan services are also there in anime, as well as manga which may or may not contribute nothing to the main story. For example, bikini shots of female characters etc. These kind of racy sexual scenes are fan servises. Conan blushing at Ran's cleavage, his nose starts to bleed etc are fan services but it is 100% Canon. It was purely done for fans to enjoy the chapter. If we take out this scene, the case of Masumi is from Akai family, Conan noticing child form of Mary on Masumi's phone and the murder case would have proceeded without any disturbance. Masumi getting impressed by Momiji's bust size is fan service too. Actually Momiji's bust size doesn't even contribute to the BO investigation XD. Now take an important note that fan services aren't negative thing what usually comes in our mind and not necessary that it's not canon. In manga, it's canon but only for the sake of viewers to enjoy, presented in a flow with the story.
But for this movie, specifically it was mentioned by Gosho that there are a lot of ties with the original story. There is nothing new shown in this movie that hasn't been shown in the manga. And the story is similar to the original story. Okay, I'm not saying the whole movie is considered as canon but from what Gosho said that this movie has lots of ties with the original story. Saving Jodie has always been an important part of the original story and has been contributed to the investigation of BO. She appears only when BO chapters continues. A serious character like Shuichi promising something is not a joke! Also it has been 100% Canon that she does hold an important place in Shuichi's heart. She is an important part of his life, in his past, in the preset and now that I have already proven that how much she is important to him so also in future. Its undeniable that she is different from other agents. So Jodie's safety has always been canon, important for the main plot of BO, and her importance in Shuichi's life. It's not only canon but it contributes to the main story, that is BO. HENCE IT'S NOT A FAN SERVICE! So it's certain that this scene is one of the things that has ties with the original story which is not done just for the viewer to enjoy but will contribute to the original story. But the whole movie, blasts, accidents Jodie meeting Masumi, these are non-canon.
It has been proven that, Shuichi still loves Jodie, more than his own life. He is willing to go to any lengths to save her life. His terrible past didn't make him hesitate a little to practically admit in front of Jodie, that how important she is to him. This means his feelings for Jodie never changed! That's what his CURRENT feelings for Jodie. Finally, and most importantly this particular scene from the movie, is Canon! Said and hinted so many times by Gosho himself!
And now, here is a short clip of all scenes of Restarling from the M18 trailer! 😉❤
And really really, thank you for your patience.
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missmolsa · 3 years
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More Jodies <3
138 notes · View notes
romancemedia · 9 months
Akai saves Jodie and Camel from the PSB Agents
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Akai Shuichi: Did you elope. [03:45 a.m.]
What Shuichi really needs is to lay this mystery his mother so graciously imposed on him to rest. The sooner, the better. So here he is, reaching out in the vague hope that just maybe this meeting wasn't actually about him. It's possible, after all, that one of his siblings did something to upset their mother, and she ended up giving all of them an earful. Letting her dismay be known, as is her speciality.
In that scenario, the most likely culprit is his lovesick little brother. He, after all, does have a partner he's even engaged to, and from what Shuichi has seen from Shukichi's fiancée, she might be prone to rash actions while under the influence.
It does not make too much sense, not really; Shukichi has always been the sibling most aware of social sensibilities, the one with the easiest time dealing with their mother. But at this point, Shuichi's grasping at straws.
Because it can't have been about him, judging by his mother's surprise.
Haneda Shukichi: Without telling the best man? Hardly. [03:47 a.m.]
And just like that, he's back to square one.
Shuichi might not have the best relationship with his mother, but he knows for a fact that she's not the type for arbitrary courtesy calls. She's all business, all the time. It's a miracle Masumi has a sense of humour at all, and he's yet to be convinced that's not entirely thanks to Shukichi's influence.
Therefore, Mary must have gotten it into her head somehow that there is someone in his life he has purposefully kept from meeting her. Not that she is wrong, conceptually - if he did have a partner, he'd spare them the headache that is dealing with Akai Mary.
The thing is, there is no one like that in his life. Shouldn't be, can't be. Not again. He's learned his lesson.
If in doubt, break down what you know about the case, and extrapolate from there.
Considering his mother only just now came out of hiding, he feels reasonably safe in the assumption that she did not make the relevant observation herself. Instead, it seems more likely his darling sister said something that ticked her off - enough that she figured she needed to confront him about it. Therefore, he needs to analyse possible partners in his surroundings, with a focus on those that Masumi knows. As an extension to the parameters, his family is aware of his cover as Okiya Subaru, whose contacts must also be examined. This has cost him enough time. He will get to the bottom of it, now.
For anyone who knows their history, Jodie would be an obvious candidate. Not that he still loves her, can't say that he has in years, at least not romantically.
He's been told he's supposed to feel guilty about what he did to her, but he can't help comparing this slight to some of the things he's done while undercover. He always comes away thinking at least she's still alive. At the time, he gave her the best he could: the truth. It might not have been pleasant, but it's certainly better than the lies and secrets he's buried under, these days.
She has, since his return to the US, made it abundantly clear, on several occasions, that the way he broke up with her was 'tactless, heartless and cruel, even for you, Shuu' and 'you better be eternally grateful Camel and I agreed to still work with you.' And to be clear, he is. They make for a decent team. Time and again they've proven they'll have his back. Sure, they have their weaknesses, but so does he, and in the end, they pick up each other's slack. It's good enough.
The irony of learning to appreciate a good team from a criminal syndicate is not lost on Shuichi - even if technically he learned it from two PSB agents. He's definitely not still sulking because he couldn't get Scotch on their team as some sort of remote consultant; the bureau was adamant, and probably right: He can't be in witness protection and working for the FBI. The less connection he has to this case, the better. Still, some days, he finds himself missing Scotch's level head and Bourbon's ingenuity.
Getting sidetracked. Focus.
He's been careful not to mix his Okiya identity and the FBI. That knocks out Jodie - and Kir, for completion's sake. Masumi doesn't know them, and if he has his way, she won't for a good long while. Their work is far too dangerous to get her involved. Plus, letting her meet Jodie would give both of them too much blackmail material.
Hm. Who does Masumi know, actually?
There's her classmates, Mouri Ran and Suzuki Sonoko, who came by the Kudo manor for a while to help him clean it up. While the latter seems a bit taken by Okiya Subaru, both of them are half his age and he really hopes he has been nothing but the perfect gentleman to them. Even if they weren't, though, theirs is a mess he would really rather not deal with. He's got to assume Masumi is more aware of the specifics of their love lives. He can only hope that, aside from the occassional meddling on Conan's behalf, he would prefer literally anything else over being involved with teen romance.
Hm. While on the subject of the Kudo mansion, Kudo Yukiko has been around to help with his disguise and learning to cook (though Furuya and Haibara have assessed that it is barely edible, so he has a long way to go still). She's a known fan of the Scarlet Agent, and surely it's not difficult for Masumi to figure out that movie is based on his life. Still, the girls haven't been around since the Kudos have officially returned, so it's seems rather unlikely Masumi would be aware of their relationship.
He's not going to think about his little cousin as an option. Masumi is smarter than that.
At this point he's really reaching. There's a couple of undergrad engineering students who have requested private tutoring the few times he's been at uni, some in desperation, some in obvious flirtation. He's denied them all. His engineering degree might not just be for show, but he really can't involve civilians in his business. Besides, Masumi hasn't followed him to university. As far as he can tell, at least.
If he's going into barely acquaintance territory, Furuya asked him once or twice to meet in the vicinity of café Poirot, too injured to stray far. He'd been complaining about Masumi giving him odd looks and stalking him, so she might have been watching them run into Enomoto Azusa. That had been a stilted conversation, even for him. Furuya's coworker had been a stark reminder of happiness that could have been, in a different life. Thankfully, perfectly diplomatic Amuro had cut the conversation short, insisting they had places to be.
And with that, he's reached the end of the list of women in his life. Some of them he'd even consider friends, but none of them particularly warrant the term partner, not even professionally. He hasn't had one since Scotch. Jodie could count, maybe, but the term implies a pair and he's been working in that team for so long that in this case Camel would also have to be considered- wait.
His mother is not the kind of person to use cutesy monickers like 'girlfriend', so he figured 'partner' was a professional catch-all. A work partner wouldn't warrant a reaction like that.
It's a little obvious, in hindsight.
Rei who came by with coffee when the girls were baking in the Kudo mansion.
Rei who complained about Masumi following him.
Rei who has been wearing the family sweater.
Okay, so. Shuichi can see how Masumi arrived at her conclusion, however wrong it might be. For people like them, the fact they're meeting at all is probably the biggest indicator. They've shaken her tail off pretty consistently, so she wouldn't know they don't actually spend that much time together. And that Furuya is rather insistent on the fact that he's a reluctant ally. Not a friend. He still throws a fit whenever he realizes he's done anything exceeding the minimum amount of cooperation (there's a lot of fits).
The headache is back with a vengeance.
He should have listened to Furuya's concerns, intervened before. But he was kind of supposed to be dead.
Shuichi needs to have a talk with his sister.
Like Shukichi had promised, no one in their right mind wants to watch the early afternoon screening of Poultrygeist Two - The Plot Chickens. It's a good thing then that 'in their right mind' describes neither Masumi, who is somehow weirdly invested in trashy horror flicks, nor Okiya Subaru, newly minted horror movie connoisseur, as of two days ago. They reconvene inside.
"A pleasant surprise to meet you here, Subaru!" She smiles cheekily at him, grins.
"Miss Sera, was it?" He nods, and ignores her for the moment, turning to watch the screen. In his pocket, he flicks a portable signal jammer on. Nobody is supposed to know who they are and that they are here, but they can never be too careful.
Okiya Subaru continues staring at the screen until the movie starts, in an eruption of gore, splatter and the violent clucking of chickens. It's way too loud. Perfect cover.
"You two have to stop bothering Amuro." It seems wrong to call him that, but it would be even worse to give away Furuya's identity. Shuichi loves his sister, but she already knows too much and really isn't careful enough about it. Furuya must not be exposed, especially not at this critical junction.
"Oh? You want him all to yourself?" Masumi grins, devious. A reckless proposition, if he's ever heard one. Nobody could contain Furuya Rei.
"It's not like that." He shakes his head, trying to get the message across. "You don't want to get on his bad side." An annoyed Furuya is a vicious Furuya, Shuichi could provide extensive testimony to that effect in court. If she doesn't stop, he'll find a way to force her to. And Shuichi isn't sure he would oppose Masumi leaving the picture until the BO is dealt with.
Masumi's eyes narrow, pensive. She's got good instincts, possibly better than his own. Surely she must've noticed Amuro's dazzling smile sugar-coating what usually amounts to orders you shouldn't refuse. The way steel slips into his eyes when he's on a case, how he doesn't stop until he has his answers. The skills that do not fit in with a waiter-slash-detective.
"If he's that dangerous, why do you keep him around?"
A good question, if he's being honest. But in the end his perspective doesn't really matter. Rei leaves him little choice. If he didn't love his Japan so much, he would've followed Shuichi to the end of the world, and probably beyond, already. Now that he's back, there's no chance he could escape for long.
Judging by his sister's raised eyebrow, she doesn't seem to believe him.
"Uh-huh. And that's why you gave him your sweater?"
Not her too with that inane piece of clothing. Why does it always circle back to that?
"As I said, it's not like that. He needed it. He's just not managed to give it back." Which, considering Furuya's general tendency for payback in a timely manner, probably means Shuichi won't. It's been months. That's fine. It's not like he is attached to it. And it suits Furuya.
It doesn't look like Masumi is convinced.
"Look." He's just a little bit exasperated. "You followed him to find me, right? You did, well done. Now stay away from him." She's better off far away from Furuya. To be completely honest, she probably should stay away from the both of them, tainted as they are. But she's family, and he can't quite begrudge her reaching out. He tried the same, after all.
She frowns at him, scans him and then, slowly, a grin spreads over her face.
"Alright, if it's that important to you", she agrees pleasantly, and he's about to breathe a sigh of relief when she adds, "on one condition."
"Name it."
"It's my birthday in a month. You're celebrating with us."
It's not a terrible trade-off, but Shuichi has a gut feeling he'll regret having said yes when all is said and done.
They end up actually watching the rest of the movie, and it's frankly kind of nice to spend some quality time roasting a shitty movie with his little sister.
Case closed. Finally.
As he sits awake that night, running surveillance from the sniper's nest in the Kudo attic, he wonders how things got to this point.
For years now he's carefully kept his distance to Furuya in order to not get caught in the blast radius when he inevitably explodes and takes as much as possible down with him.
Because somehow, Rei has never gotten the memo to distance himself from the job. A bleeding heart like him that cares too much, too quickly, and lets his emotions dictate his actions is a terrible choice for an undercover agent. He should be dead three times over in a criminal organisation, and yet. And yet.
Shuichi knows, first-hand, the determination it takes to carry on, despite all their work takes from them. What he buried to keep going might possibly, one day, be recovered. But Rei? He immolates himself for the country he loves so dearly. So the world can be brighter, the people safer. In the end, all that will remain of him is a burnt-out shell, nothing but ashes left in his wake. How much further can he go, until he runs out of fuel?
In the years they've known each other now, things have never been easy between them, but Shuichi's never been the one to wish him harm. It was Bourbon who wanted Rye dead, saw him as a threat. Then Amuro Tooru wanted Akai alive, the last thread connecting to Scotch. Shuichi is not quite sure what Furuya Rei wants with him, now.
To be kept so close he's mistaken as Rei's partner is foolish. And a privilege he'd never thought possible.
He's standing side by side with a dying star, and all he wants is to watch it burn a little longer.
Sweater weather AU masterpost
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redstarling · 4 years
RedStarling <3
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Hi! Would you mind writing insecure!reader x Shuichi Akai headcanons where reader think they’re not good enough for shu? Thank you!
I'd love to 😊
Akai x gn!reader
My Navigation is here.
Warnings: insecure!reader, hurt/comfort mostly comfort
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Aww bby
Maybe there's a lot of fbi meetings coming up and he spends a lot of time planning and talking with Conan, Camel, Jodie and the others, because usually there is no way in hell he'll let you feel like that, what with all his cuddles and kisses
But now; all you can do is make them food and drinks
Nothing else
And you just can't help but feel insufficient and insecure; that maybe he'd be better off with another agent or a detective to help with the complicated cases and missions
After a while though, Shuichi notices as he looks up to thank you with a smile on his lips, grateful for your care in the current stressful situation, only to see you frown
And unfortunetely it's not that cute frown of worry that he loves, but a sad and lonely one
His heart clenches a bit at the sight
The next time you come to set a plate before him, he quickly moves his hand to carress your wrist
Then he moves it to press a kiss againt your hand, before sending you a quick smile
When the case is solved and everyone is safe, he excuses himself to find you and take you into his arms
Whispers thanks into your ear and tells you - truthfully - how calming your presence is for everyone in such stressful situations
Murmuring praise and telling you how perfect you are
Always spoils you as thanks for your help afterwards - to make you realise he loves and appreciates you, and that what you do is more than enough - but also because you are genuinly helpful and he wants to show how grateful he is for having you in his life
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birubilirubin · 2 years
Shuichi-Haibara's Shadows 3
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Look at the animation team create their own sadomasochist drama.🥴
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Shuichi looked at his cell phone not because he is upset, but he thinks of a strategy, he called Camel.
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FBI gossip, because his girlfriend died so he became quiet, and he thought too much about his girlfriend. How many people have been misled? 🤭
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They all didn't even know the younger sister name, appearance, and code name of the important scientist of the organization Shuichi had met, and they speculated about Shuichi’s feeling. James and Jodie just saying some of bullsh*t. They turn the red and black chapters into a tragic love story.🤦🏻‍♂️
FBI, It's normal for Shuichi to feel uncomfortable. First, he felt sorry for this girl because he couldn't respond her feelings. It was a pity that she died before he apologized, not to mention that she was Shiho's sister, and the second thing was that Shiho's situation wouldn't get any better after Akemi's death.
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In the red and black chapter Shuichi is very happy because he has found Shiho and she is in a safe place.
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James, you think you know about Akai and Gin very well. Gin's point of view to Akai is only the FBI agent shoots him. So, where does Akai's one-sided hatred come from?
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Look at Shuichi's state now. He doesn’t despair when he is criticized for his dish. He wants to win a woman’s heart. In private, he secretly laughed and talked about his little girl with the Professor, who knew her true identity. Yukiko even complimented him for being handsome and polite. Slap those FBI guys in the face every day 🤬
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Ai kept her eyes on Subaru and accidentally tripped over the stairs, and Subaru quickly caught her from the front. While the detective boys group was taking photos, Subaru took a photo of Ai with his cell phone and happened to notice the words on the stone behind Ai. Subaru seemed to be teasing Ai, he had sharp sniper eyes and could see the words through the zoomed photo, but he went straight to Ai. Subaru's aura frightened Ai.
Shuichi's words were all pointed out to Ai. He might still not believe that Ai was able to escape from the organization, and he might also be happy that Ai had turned from a criminal to a traitor, but he was also worried about Ai's loneliness and feelings of fear that she always felt.
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At first, Ai didn't trust Subaru, and didn't even want to stay at the Professor's house, let alone let Subaru pick her up.
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The Professor's car broke down, and wanted to call the FBI agent who was very free to deliver gasoline (This is a special request from father-in-law, surely it will not be refused), then Ai, who has had half-moon eyes since morning, immediately woke up when she heard Subaru's name. This double standard FBI agent is certainly happy, he will do anything for Ai-chan. (I don't want Shiho to get hurt even by a single scratch).
Subaru takes advantage of Ai's absence to treat "Father-in-law", and has always been a “future son-in-law” who is always on standby 24 hours a day. Since then he has been the family chef.
Shuichi seemed to be very grateful to Professor and Conan for taking care of Shiho during his absence. If Shuichi knew Shiho had several times wanted to commit suicide and one of that was right in front of his eyes, how would he react?🤔
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After Scar Akai appears, Subaru bumps into Jodie and casts his spell 50:50, but Jodie doesn't know her ex-boyfriend's spell, and she is still chasing Bourbon, Shuichi lets her run after Bourbon. Jodie, are you really his ex-lover?🙄. Camel and Conan even know Shuichi's spell better than you. It seems Camel is more suited to be Shuichi's ex-lover, he knows Shuichi better than Jodie😅.  Jodie is just like a Shuichi fangirl like Sonoko and Yukiko.
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This scene Jodie is really used as a tool person for Shuichi's fake death. Aoyama made Jodie run around just to find the fake Shuichi. At that moment, Vermouth confirmed that Shuichi was really dead based on Jodie's hysterical reaction. If Gosho didn't make any past between them, who would have to reveal the hysterical cries and deceive Vermouth, could it be Camel or James?.
Shuichi's first impression of Jodie was a woman who was rambling. So, why are they dating? 🙄
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It is amazing that Ai's poisonous tongue is recognized by everyone. Sonoko, Heiji and the others often choked and fell silent, and even Conan was sometimes stunned.  However, Subaru had always been able to answer Ai with ease. When the two faced each other, Ai had nothing to say. Subaru is the only one who can defeat Ai's poisonous tongue.
Plus couple clothes.🤭
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Genta spills Ai's curry, and the detective boys goes to buy ingredients. Subaru sneaks behind her, even if he finds a strange person in Agasa's house, he doesn't care, this has nothing to do with Ai because that time Ai appeared in Agasa's video.
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