#Shreem wellbeing
shreemwellbeing · 9 months
If 2024 had a vibe, it needs to be this! 💜
#newyears #newyearseve #newyearseveeve #nye #happynewyear #2024 #happynewyear2024 #hello2024
#newyear #newyearsresolution
#goodbye2023 #thankyou2023
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#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#banstead #embodiedhealing #tadworth #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
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Summer Solstice 2021
Summer Solstice Is a Transformative Vedic Experience
International Yoga Day 
Om bhaskaraya vidmahe divakaraya dhimahi
Tanno suryah pracodayat- Surya Gayatri
In Vedic thought the Sun or Surya is the Atman, the Self of all, which is also the Purusha, the pure consciousness that is the goal of Yoga. The connection of Yoga with the Sun at an esoteric level is well established in the Yoga tradition. Besides the outer Sun in the sky, there is the inner Sun of Self-awareness that dwells in the hearts of all beings, our immortal essence of light.
The significance of Summer Solstice is honoring  ‘International Yoga Day’, designated so by the United Nations in 2015 and is ever since observed on the day of Summer Solstice. A day to draw our inner perspective to synchronizing, body, mind, emotions and atman. When we are in a state of equilibrium we connect to the cosmic time cycles of wellbeing.
निर्जला एकादशी 
June 21st is the auspicious Nirjala Ekadashi, the most sacred and significant Ekadashis out of all twenty four Ekadashis in a year. Also  known as Bhimseni Ekadashi, Pandava Ekadashi or Bhima Ekadashi. 
As per the Hindu calendar, Nirjala Ekadashi is celebrated in the month of Jyeshtha during the Shukla Paksha on the 11th day (Ekadashi tithi). According to the Gregorian calendar, the day falls in the month of June.
Nirjala means without water and Nirjala Ekadashi fasting is observed without water and any type of food. Nirjala Ekadashi Vratam is the toughest among all Ekadashi fasting due to strict fasting rules. Devotees abstain not only from food but also from water while observing Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat.
In East Asian countries, the day is celebrated to mark Dragon Boat Festival, whereas it is observed as National Aboriginal Day in Canada to acknowledge the contributions of the country’s native populations.
It is the ‘International Music Day’, where we work with our inner Svara Shakti. Music is powerful as it draws us to meditate within the Hridaya or spiritual heart. A beautiful moment to dive deep into a mantra practices ad draw in the divine grace of Sarasvati. 
This year we are also in reverence of Father’s Day where we remember the Father figureheads of nurturing in our lives. Balancing both the feminine and masculine energies within us , the earth, the animal world draws us to connect with the Universal flow of divine grace
The summer solstice is always an important astrological and astronomical event.
It marks the highest point of the Sun in the northern sky, the apex of the auspicious northern course of the Sun in Vedic thought.
Ancient spiritual traditions throughout the world have long marked the solstice as an important sacred day of celebrations, perhaps even the most sacred day of the year. From Native Americans, to pagans like Celts, Greeks and Romans, to the Hindus, the solstice is honored with rituals and meditation. The Sun is the visible face of the deity and Divine light.
In the Rig-Veda the ancient Hindu scriptures ‘Ayur’ is explained as Agni or fire which encompasses our soul stirrings or essence of life. The soul or reincarnating being is veiled in the body, mind and consciousness in the form of fire and Light. On the summer solstice, that energy of light is most evident.
While Stonehenge rituals are most famous on this date, it should be remembered that India has the most numerous, oldest and yet most alive Sun temples in the world, some with histories going back thousands of the years. India remains the land in which the Sun has been most prominently worshipped since the most ancient period.
Worshipping the Sun
At the dawn of this solstice may we welcome the transition through deeper sadhana with prayer, tapasya, puja and solitude, offering water and honey to the rising Sun with Surya mantras and invocations. 
Working with the Pranic mantra of Shiva is very auspicious and harmonizing. 
Revering Maa Durga as Devi holds the solar and lunar powers and helps ground the sadhaka in the muladhara chakra . 
One can connect the Soma or bliss energy of the Sun with mantras on the Summer Solstice and an offering of water with honey. The powerful Paramjyoti mantra invokes the Supreme Light!
Aum Hrim Hamsah Soham Svaha
Yet the solstice has its own value as a sacred day and should be treated as such, regardless of the planets. This should begin with greeting the rising Sun, the Sun at noon and the Sun at sunset, with mantras like the Gayatri mantra of the Vedas, or bija mantras to the Sun like Om Shreem Suryaya Namah!
These mantras can be done along with offering water and honey to the Sun, particularly water stored over night in a special copper vessel, or while standing in bodies of water. One should honor not only the outer Sun but also the inner Sun, which can turn this day into a day of solar enlightenment.
Mantras to Saturn and Ketu can also be performed, particularly at night, as well as those for Jupiter, particularly when we are gazing at these planets in the night sky.
Om sham shanaishcharaya namah
Om hum kem ketave namah
Om strim brahm brihaspataye namah
We must strive for the highest light, even when surrounded by our shadow world  and secret darkness. 
Humanity needs a new yogic awakening and we can all benefit by energizing our sadhana with the light of Shakti reflecting the Universal Self.
Surya Namaskar
Eka Chakro Ratho Yasya, Divya Kanaka Bhooshithaha
Sa may Bhavathu Su Preetha ha, Padma Hasto Divakaraha
Navagraha Stotra
Japakusumasamkasham kashyapeyam mahadutim
Tamorim sarvapapaghnam pranato’smi divakaram
Navagraha Nama Bija Mantra
Om hrim sum suryaya namah
Navagraha Tantric Bija Mantra
Om hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah
Jai Maa Guru!
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unifycosmos · 5 years
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]
I may not be a “full-time” yogi, but when I’ve heard the stories about a special mantra, I had to dig deeper and I’ve found a few very interesting things. That’s the reason why I’ve decided to talk about a Shreem Mantra, also known as Money Mantra.
In short:
Shreem is the mantra of wealth. It calls upon Lakshmi to bestow upon the person her gift of abundance and prosperity. While it is common to use this mantra to call upon financial wealth, its true power lies in its ability to grant wealth of all types – such as abundance in health and in spirit.
Now let’s get into details.
Words resonate deeply with the world around us, whether said aloud or simply thought. Certain words resonate to the spiritual plane, opening us up to untold bounties of enlightenment, peace, … and wealth.
These words are often used as mantras during meditation, to direct specific energies, blessings, and achievements upon ourselves and others.
And one of them is a word “Shreem” which is a single syllable sound known as a “seed”, or bija. It is the bija of the Hindu goddess of abundance and prosperity, Lakshmi and it is also associated with the third-eye chakra, and the head as a whole.
Bija mantra are not typically translatable; the word itself has little meaning, but its parts hold great significance. Rather it’s the vibration of the word that is of importance, resonating with the universe to achieve desired effects and results.
The parts of the Shreem Mantra break down roughly as such:
Sha, for the Goddess Lakshmi.
Ra, symbolic of wealth.
Ee, contentment and satisfaction.
Mmm, for Brahman, the Absolute.
Combined, the vibrations of these sounds great a powerful effect captured within a single syllable. You can also utter these mantra in conjunction with other words and mantra to create even more powerful chants.
And yet, the simplicity of the Shreem Mantra can be misleading – and makes it an easy target for the dishonest.
This article will tell you everything you need to know about the Money Mantra – how to use it, powerful variations, the benefits, and above all, the traps to avoid. Even the world of meditation and inner peace is not without its share of dishonest people trying to trick you into empty promises. With the information in this article, however, you’ll be ready.
Who Exactly is Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth?
Lakshmi is the Goddess of prosperity and wealth in all its forms
Before we can truly understand Shreem, we must understand the Goddess it relates to, Lakshmi. As I stated above, Lakshmi is the Goddess of prosperity and wealth in all its forms. Her name is derived from the Sanskrit word Laksya, meaning “aim” or “goal”.
Lakshmi is a common household goddess, and particularly popular with women. She is frequently represented as a four-armed woman with golden complexion, sitting cross-legged in a fully bloomed lotus flower.
The four hands of Lakshmi represent the four ends of human life; dharma (righteousness), kama (desires), artha (wealth) and moksha (liberation from the cycle of life and rebirth).
Her hands often feature cascades of gold coins, suggesting her worshippers will gain wealth. She is always depicted wearing gold-embroidered red clothing. The red clothing symbolizes activity, and the golden lining shows prosperity. She is said to be the daughter of the mother goddess Durga, and the wife of Vishnu. The two often appear together as Lakshmi-Narayan-Lakshmi accompanying Vishnu.
Lakshmi is both a domestic deity, and a mother goddess. She is often referred to as mata (mother) rather than just devi (goddess), and is also known as “Shr”, the female energy of the Supreme Being.
She is worshipped annually on the full moon night following Dusshera or Durga Puja. It is believed that on this night Lakshmi personally visits the homes and replenishes the wealth of the inhabitants within.
How to Chant the Shreem Mantra and Attract Wealth
Focus on the sound of “Shreem” during the chant because this sound and its vibrations are the beating heart of the Shreem mantra, and the source of its power. For this reason it can be best to chant the mantra out loud 108 times, rather than internally, as it the sense of the sound vibrating through your body can be much easier to focus on.
As I said in the introduction, the Shreem bija mantra can be combined with other mantras for a more concentrated effective. In the case of Shreem, a longer mantra of Om Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Namaha can be used for the greatest results. It translates to “Greetings to the great Goddess Lakshmi Fortune”.
Lakshmi, besides being the goddess of wealth, is also the goddess of purity and cleanliness. It is best to meditate in a cleaned space. Elements of lotus – the flower, the scent, iconography – can also be present; Lakshmi has an affinity for lotus.
To begin meditation, sit in a comfortable position as you normally would. There is no specific seating posture or hand gesture for the Shreem mantra.
Before chanting, it can help to set an intention by saying it out loud or thinking it. This can help focus your thoughts and energies during the meditation session.
Then begin to chant “Om Shreem” (the mantra), inwardly or aloud. It is said for the best results of the Shreem mantra to repeat the phrase precisely 108 times.
You can use a set of mala beads to help you keep count.
You can buy similar beads here.
Once you have finished the mantra, continue to meditate, in silence, for a few moments more. You will feel the atmosphere of the room change around you as the mantra takes effect.
This is a fantastic video that can help you with chanting:
Is Brzee Mantra a Genuine Bija Mantra?
A variation of the Shreem mantra you might see online is the Brzee mantra, or Shreem Brzee mantra. It is said to offer untold wealth, and the full mantra can be given to you by a yogi … for a price.
The Brzee mantra is not a traditional bija mantra. It is not known in the ancient and classical texts; rather it seems to be a fabrication of wealth gurus within the last few decades.
Their scheme is simple; to charge people to act as their guru to provide supposed ancient wisdom to attain wealth.
Unfortunately, the only wealth being attained is by the gurus, not the meditation practitioners.
Avoid the Brzee – or Brazee – mantra. It is not one of the ancient texts, and chanting it has even been reporting to induce feelings of ill health. Be diligent in your research, fact check your sources, and do not fall prey to snake oil salesmen.
7 Miraculous Shreem (Money Mantra) Benefits
Increase wealth. Broadly speaking, regularly chanting the Shreem bija mantra will attract wealth into your life. This wealth as in abundance – it is material wealth, it is abundance of health, it is abundance of positivity, of beauty, of prosperity. Meditating with the Shreem mantra consistently will bring wealth into all aspects of your existence.
Increase peace of mind. Lakshmi is about more than just abundance and prosperity. Lakshmi is the goddess of purity and the feminine aspect of the divine force.
Gain promotions and raises. Are you already employed? The Shreem mantra can increase your prosperity by boosting your chances of achieving a promotion from your current workplace. It can also be a powerful tool when it comes time to negotiating a pay raise with your current employers. Meditate on the mantra for some days or weeks leading up to the negotiations to improve your chances greatly.
Increase profit margins. Do you own a business instead? The Shreem mantra will help improve your business’ cashflow and profit margins. Increase sales, convert more leads, and excel in business through the disciplined use of the Shreem mantra.
Attract new clients. Similar to the above, but more focused on contractors and freelancers. Today’s burgeoning gig economy has many people vying for customers and clients across many industries. Gain a competitive advantage over fellow freelancers and contractors in your industry through use of the Shreem mantra.
Ward off negative influences. The Shreem mantra helps insulate you from external influences in your life. By freeing you from this negativity, you are better able to focus mind and body to the tasks that benefit you financially. Freeing you from stress also helps to improve your health, providing abundance in your wellbeing.
Bring peace, dharma, and beauty. Life today is so full of stress, negativity and ugliness. The Shreem mantra, besides protecting you from negative influences, actively attracts the peaceful, beautiful aspects of life. Feel refreshed and revitalized as you feel the ugliness of the modern world slip away to be replaced by beauty and tranquillity you’d long forgotten possible in the modern world.
Final Thoughts
The Shreem mantra is a bija sound, a seed. It plants within you the seed of success, wealth, and prosperity in all aspects of your life. So it is that the mightiest trees are held within the most humble seeds, the benefits of the Shreem mantra are held within the simplest word.
Use the Shreem mantra consistently, and bestow upon yourself the bounties of prosperity and wealth that Lakshmi has to offer. But as much as sounds can benefit you, they can be used against you – beware the fraudster bija mantras, and make sure your chants are heard by the powers that need to hear them.
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mangaldeeppuja-blog · 7 years
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Kubera Mantra :-
Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namah॥
Meaning of Kubera Mantra :-
I bow down in reverence – to the keeper of wealth – Kubera and to the Goddess Lakshmi – May they bless me to attract more wealth.
Benefits of Kubera Mantra :-
1.Pulls in the endowments of the ruler Kubera and Lakshmi – and frees your life from all sort of neediness in life.
2.Devastates all negative karma – you have had from past circumstances and opens your way to enormous all    round wealth.
3.Creates instinct identified with shares and venture – will help you put resources into the best of spots.
4.Secures the greater part of your cash and riches from any obscure negative occasions.
5.Gets economic wellbeing and regard.
Download Mangaldeep App to get more details about Puja, Bhajan, Mantras, God Wallpapers, Panchang and more.
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shreemwellbeing · 1 year
‘When you shut down emotion, you’re also affecting your immune system, your nervous system. So the repression of emotions, which is a survival strategy, then becomes a source of physiological illness later on.’ - Gabor Maté
Video Credit: @healdocumentary @deepakchopra
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#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #fascia #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#embodiedhealing #tadworth #banstead #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
#selfawareness #selflove #selfcompassion
#trauma #emotionaltrauma
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shreemwellbeing · 11 months
A Sanskrit prayer for peace 🙏🏼🌍💜
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all. 💜
#lokasamastasukhinobhavantu #sanskritmantra #peace #peaceonearth #prayer #innerpeace #worldpeace #emotionalhealth
#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#embodiedhealing #tadworth #banstead #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
#collectiveconsciousness #powerofprayer #compassion
#trauma #emotionaltrauma
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shreemwellbeing · 1 year
💫There is no one like you 💛
💫 There has never been anyone like you 💛
💫 There shall never be anyone like you 💛
💫 Therefore, know yourself 💛
💫 Be yourself 💛
💫 Authenticity is everything 💛
🎤 @andre_deshields at Sage Awards 2021
#andredeshields #knowyourself #beyourself #authenticity #authenticself #mirrorwork
#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #fascia #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#embodiedhealing #tadworth #banstead #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
#selfawareness #selflove #selfcompassion
#trauma #emotionaltrauma
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shreemwellbeing · 1 year
‘You are not lazy, unmotivated, or stuck. After years of living your life in survival mode, you are exhausted.
There is a difference.’
- Nakeia Homer
Audio credit: @stevebam56
#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #fascia #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#embodiedhealing #tadworth #banstead #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
#selfawareness #selflove #selfcompassion #selfhealing
#exhausted #lazy #unmotivated #stuck #survival #survivalmode #tired
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shreemwellbeing · 2 years
This is such an impactful illustration💜
‘Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.’
- Leo Buscaglia
Video credit: @corlissco
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#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#banstead #epsom #sutton #ashtead #surreyuk
#healing #healingjourney #vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
#selfacceptance #selfawareness #selfbelief #selfworth #selflove #compassion #empathy #holdingspace #kindness
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shreemwellbeing · 2 years
No longer a caterpillar 🐛 … not yet a butterfly 🦋 Allow for the natural unfolding of your own healing journey. 💜
“It’s only when caterpillarness is done that one becomes a butterfly. That again is part of this paradox. You cannot rip away caterpillarness. The whole trip occurs in an unfolding process of which we have no control.” – Ram Dass
#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#banstead #epsom #sutton #ashtead #emotionalhealth #surreyuk
#healing #healingjourney #authenticself #innerfreedom #innertransformation #selfhealing #selftransformation
#caterpillartobutterfly #vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
16 notes · View notes
shreemwellbeing · 1 year
🎵What was I made for? 🎵
Video Credit: A clip from The Drew Barrymore Show featuring America Ferrera
#joy #americaferrera #barbie #barbiethemovie #emotionalhealth
#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #fascia #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#embodiedhealing #tadworth #banstead #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
#selfawareness #selflove #selfcompassion
#trauma #glimmers
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shreemwellbeing · 2 years
'When you shut down emotion, you’re also affecting your immune system, your nervous system. So the repression of emotion, which is a survival strategy, then becomes a source of physiological illness later on.' - Gabor Mate
#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #nlp #crystalhealing #efttapping #partswork #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#betruetoyourself #banstead #epsom #sutton # #surreyuk #selfawareness
#gabormate #trauma #authenticity #authentic #authenticliving
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
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shreemwellbeing · 1 year
“Detachment is not that you should own nothing. But that nothing should own you.”
Audio: @jayshetty
#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #fascia #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#embodiedhealing #tadworth #banstead #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
#selfawareness #selfworth #selflove #selfcompassion #selfhealing
#beyourself #loveyourself #detachment #bhagavadgita #selfpower #spirituality
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shreemwellbeing · 2 years
This NYE celebrate yourself unapologetically. 💜🥳
Video credit: @snoopdogg
#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#banstead #happynewyear2023 #sutton #nye2022 #2023 #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
#selfacceptance #selfawareness #selfbelief #selfworth #selflove #selfesteem #happynewyear #selfcompassion #selfkindness
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shreemwellbeing · 2 years
How do you know when you’re on the right path?
Video: @oprah @carolinemyss
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#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#banstead #embodiedhealing #tadworth #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
#selfacceptance #selfawareness #selfworth #selflove #selfesteem #selfkindness #selfhealing
#selfcare #integrity #betrayal #rightpath #liveauthentic
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shreemwellbeing · 1 year
Beautiful words by @thichnhathanh on healing our inner child 💜
#innerchild #thichnhathanh #innerchildhealing #innerchildwork
#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #fascia #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#embodiedhealing #tadworth #banstead #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
#selfawareness #selfworth #selflove #selfcompassion #selfhealing
#trauma #emotionaltrauma #healyourself
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