tezerenotameiki · 5 months
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i cannot take this #feminism101 barbie quote seriously because i was at a conference for work and they were interviewing america ferrera and for some unholy reason they wanted to highlight its cultural impact by having the entire crowd of 1000+ people in attendance recite it TO HER off a teleprompter. not even a line or two or the very end, it was the entire monologue, the longest five minutes of awkward stilted mumbling as ferrera and the host tried SO hard to keep smiling and nodding through it as if everyone there didn’t want bolt for the fire exit
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housefreak · 2 years
this movie is giving me so many things tho.. the blair witch project obvi, but also halloween resurrection, mable hornets, & most importantly its giving the polygon 2018 e3 test stream where brian ran away from the house.
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felassan · 2 months
BioWare Blog post: 'Unveiling The Veilguard: Cast and Characters Detailed at San Diego Comic-Con' [July 31st]
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"San Diego Comic-Con has come to a close, but not before delivering mountains of Dragon Age fun for the amazing fans in attendance. The highlight of the week was the panel we hosted on Friday featuring some of our cast of companions who – in conversation with host Lucy James – shared new insights into their characters and revealed even more lore about Dragon Age: The Veilguard. We also joined our partners at Dark Horse on the showfloor for fan signings, giveaways, cosplay photoshoots, and more. In case you weren’t among the lucky attendees who got to experience this year’s convention in person, don’t worry – we’re here not only to recap all the action but also to share photos from throughout the weekend. Everything kicked off Wednesday night with the Dark Horse booth opening and some giveaways. Our team also enjoyed a celebration of Dragon Age with our partners at Fandom on Thursday night. Then on Friday came our panel “Dragon Age – Meet The Heroic Companions of The Veilguard,” which featured voice actors Zach Mendez (Lucanis), Jessica Clark (Neve), Nick Boraine (Emmrich), and Ali Hillis (Harding) and highlighted the heart of every Dragon Age title: the companions. The panel opened with a bit of background from Creative Director and 16-year BioWare veteran John Epler and Creative Performance Director Ashley Barlow, who helped to cast and direct over a thousand conversations and brought hundreds of characters and storylines to life."
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"As Epler explained, Dragon Age: The Veilguard sees players embark on a perilous quest to face powerful Elven gods and stop the apocalyptic destruction they’re unleashing. You’ll step into the role of Rook, battling on the front lines alongside a deep and compelling cast of companions who together comprise The Veilguard, a group of heroes who have come together to stop the veil from breaking and bringing about the end of the world. Rook must become the unexpected leader who can rally and unite the group. Throughout the game, you can explore the detailed storylines of each companion, navigating love, loss, and complex choices that influence your relationships. “Companions have always been such a big part of this franchise,” Epler asserted at one point during the panel. “You’ll navigate some of the most compelling individual storylines you’ve seen from BioWare. I’m really excited about the bonds players will form.” Barlow later added, “I feel like you can fall in love with any of them. Everyone that has touched this project has put a piece of their heart into it and into all of the different characters you could cross paths with. I know for me at times, in the companion stories, it seemed like I was watching a scene out of my own life. It’s a powerful feeling to have something or someone to relate to on screen.” Meet the Cast With that, the panel shifted towards the companions themselves, as well as the actors who brought each character to life. First up was Zach Mendez (Horizon: Forbidden West, Married Alive), who voices Lucanis: an expert assassin of the Antivan Crow faction. Bloodthirsty, calculated, and a workaholic, Lucanis was raised with high expectations and fears disappointing those he loves. To him, being an assassin is his only job and identity to be excellent at. “As soon as Zach was cast, he deep dove into Dragon Age and read everything he got his hands on. He did it all to create that depth of character you can really feel,” Barlow remarked. “Zach’s a comedian, he would easily find the humor in anything Lucanis was saying. And sometimes I’d have to remind him he’s a deadly assassin and to stay bloodthirsty, but I think he found this cool way of finding the light in the darkness.”"
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"“After I finished [The Wigmaker Job], I realized this might be the coolest guy I ever get to play,” Mendez said. “What struck me was his mind is as dangerous as his knives. He’s constantly attuning himself to the kind of shifting terrain of every mission. And also, he’s kind of hilarious. I mean, if you look at his relationship with his cousin Illario in The WigMaker Job, they’re constantly giving each other crap. But there’s a lot of love there. So I got to pull from my relationship with my brother, because we love each other dearly but we can be ruthless with each other.” Mendez also revealed to fans that, in addition to voicing Lucanis, he actually recorded lines for a variety of other characters, including the Grey Wardens. “I can go ahead and play a bunch of characters, so I had to really steep myself in the understanding that, okay, the Grey Wardens go through a lot to actually do what they do. They make a pretty intense bond. So, I tried to bring that as best I could to the physicality… I cannot wait to see how it plays out the game.”"
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"Following a few more quips from Zach, the conversation moved to Jessica Clark (True Blood, Pocket Listing) and Shadow Dragons rebel Neve, a cynic with a heart of gold who cares deeply about helping people and never leaves work half-done. She also has ice powers to halt an enemy or take advantage of the environment. “I’d describe her as the working class hero trying to make her hometown better,” Epler commented. “I love her loyalty,” Clark shared. “I love her dedication. I love how much she loves Docktown and its people and how she really sees a different vision that I’m into, as John said, and then what’s previously been depicted, and she’s really really fighting for those people and she loves those people.” Clark also commented on her experience with the casting and recording process: “Even though [the cast members] were all separate disembodied voices a lot of the time, we really all bonded. I know in a lot of projects they’re like all ‘we love each other,’ but we really do! And it just evolved so organically. There was something magical about it just being our voices in the beginning.” Full of Character Next up was Nick Boraine (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Black Sails), who plays Emmrich – a sincere, friendly, and scholarly necromancer who comes complete with a skeletal assistant, Manfred (voiced by Matthew Mercer of Critical Role). “He’s part of the Mourn Watch,” Epler explained, “an elite group of necromancers who are revered in Nevarra, but outside it, they are odd at best and evil at worst. He’s your well meaning but oblivious academic – assumes everyone has an academic’s curiosity, so can be pedantic on select topics.” While Boraine agreed, he found another aspect of the character even more remarkable: “I love the fact that the writers took Emmerich and explored the whole idea of death and the whole idea of necromancing by bringing kindness into it. I really responded to that and got into that and I know it sounds crazy, but it’s to not have this idea that death is vulgar or something to be terrified about, but something to actually engage with on so many levels. I just love the fact that the writers had the courage to do that in a game like this.” Barlow chimed in to share insights from her time working with Boraine: “Nick encompasses Emmrich; his sophistication, and eagerness to teach and learn, his hot nerdiness. Often Nick is just playing off of someone making a sound, and he takes it and internalizes it and gives it meaning and care, which is amazing to watch.”"
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"Finally came Ali Hillis (Mass Effect 3, Naruto) and everyone’s favorite dwarven scout Lace Harding, who returns with a big heart, positive outlook, and some unexpected magical powers. “The world’s changed a lot in the time period since Inquisition,” Epler observed. “She returns as an excellent scout and archer, and has been leading teams through the wilderness while covering friends in battle.” “My favorite things about Harding are the little things like she loves her mom,” laughed Hillis. “You know, she loves to write letters home and she’s always talking about her mama’s stupid stuff like that. I love that relationship. She likes plants and raising plants which is inspirational since I kill them. But just the texture they add to the characters. That’s in general, but for me, it’s those little things that really kind of give me a bunch of stuff to work with in my brain.” Barlow effused, “Ali brought a weight and a history to this project as an anchor of the series. There was a growth to Harding. She’s a veteran now. She’s a trusted voice at the table, and the writers did such a great job of integrating her with the new team and finding the relationships with each of the unique characters.” Photo Opps Our panel ended with a crowd Q&A, but SDCC was just getting started. Our team spent the rest of the weekend giving away posters and exclusive Discord pins, signing those posters, and of course, meeting fans out on the show floor. Footage of the full panel should be available in a couple weeks, so for now we hope you enjoy these photos of our favorite SDCC moments! We’ll have more to share next month – including a new roadmap, more looks at the game, and our official release date (!) – so don’t forget to follow our BioWare and Dragon Age social channels. – The Dragon Age Community Team"
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granitesh · 9 months
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soranihimawari · 1 year
Good as Hell
A drabble of sorts inspired by this list:
Sunflowers by Van Gogh
SingleParent!Kita x reader
Supporting cast: Kita Hae (6years old); Miya twins
Word count: 1.7K
Rating: KSF (kita shinsuke fluff)
Warnings? Read the disclaimer below ⬇️
Disclaimer/Brief backstory:Kita’s unnamed ex has been out of the picture for about four years, abandoning the farm and leaving behind a two year old Hae on the screen porch along with papers to surrender mother/parental rights thus leaving Kita the sole guardian of his child; Miya twins agree to help their former captain out by becoming godfathers and it is also fair to imply that the rest of the notable players from Inarizaki are Hae’s precious, formed uncle squad.
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It’s not everyday that the farmer’s market near the Mori-Kita farmlands would host a night market, but alas, there comes a time for firsts like this summer night. On the eve of the summer solstice, all former students of the Inarizaki sports team had been contacted especially to help one former captain put on an excellent stand for said night market. One half of the Mori-Kita farm owners, Kita Shinsuke, had an easy time setting up the night market stand after receiving a few critiques on the product being sold via his financier, Mori-kun. Regardless, the former captain enlisted the help of all his underclassmen as much as he could to have the stand market-ready by the end of July.
The prep time had been scheduled about a month before the date of the local night market, yet you happened to be off from your inner-city job in the downtown area this particular weekend. A few coworkers from the motorcycle dealership had decided to take a few days off together for team building purposes and attend the summer solstice festivities in the country-side. You had received an invitation as the newest staff member in the mechanic division, suffice to say the men and women whom you work with were using this time to not only get to you know a little better, but to also ask those personal, yet kind of awkward family questions (ex. You have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Where did you learn to ride and fix motorcycles or dirt bikes? etc.). Your calm and nonchalant demeanor caused a few rumors to spread outside of the garage. To be fair, you do your job as best as the rest of them, but when you mentioned you had lived alone for an x-amount of years, your shop buddy, Kunei-senpai, had seemed to thwart any other awkward questions. He was able to shoo away those pesky up sellers from the showfloor out of the garage when they had been very clearly harassing you for dates and the like.
Thankfully, by the end of the first two work weeks, you had been included in very many lunch breaks and even had been invited to a bar by the shop owners to gain familiarity with everyone you work with. A few nights before the night market, you receive a call from Kunei, mentioning to meet up around 6:30p.m. by the old YMCA pool center:
“Apparently, that’s where the motorcycle parking will be, see you tomorrow YLN-san!”
Flash forward after busy work week, the night of the official night market arrives. You meet up with the others at the appointed time in the parking lot where Kunei-san had mentioned. You’re walking by the official banner entrance and you all eventually branch out. You’re at the warmed yams stand when you spot a lost kid who in their heightened panic runs straight to you, panic crying no less. You pay the stand owner and you ask for a sliced version of what you ordered, attempting to soothe and calm the kid. You kneel down after paying for the second portion as you introduce yourself:
“Hello, I’m yn-san. Can you tell me your name?”
The kid sniffles and bops their head.
“I’m Hae. Kita, Hae,” they straighten up and try to formerly shake your hard.
“Say, I have some extra sliced steamed yams here, are you allergic?”
Little Hae shakes their head and you notice how fair their platinum blonde hair is along with their bronzed fox-Iike eyes. It’s like they hit the generic lottery and that kid would break a lot of hearts when they’re older. Regardless, when Hae says they aren’t allergic, you hand them the little to-go boat with a disposable fork in the steamed vegetable. You’re eating yours as you suggest that you two stick together until Hae finds their way back to their parent’s stand.
“Daddy’s got a stand here tonight,” Hae says after taking a sip of the water you provided at a soda stand.
“And how did you get lost?” You wonder.
“My goddofāzās, ´Samu & ‘Tsumu, went to help my daddy bring stuff from the truck and I saw a cat plushie I wanted, so I walked to find it,” Hae looked dejected and embarrassed when they said that.
You try not to laugh, this was serious matter after all, but you’re sure whoever Hae calls ‘daddy’ is busy scolding his friends who were left in charge of watching the kid. Honestly, on the defense of the godfathers, Hae seemed really put together for a six year old. Sure, a little shaken up, but now with a stomach filled with a vegetable snack and water, you’re sure the kid is more determined to help you help find their parent.
Along the way, a few of your coworkers saw you being friendly with little Hae. They sort of send out a text chain saying that the kid looks like the spitting image of the owner of the sponsored booth for the night market. Luckily, your phone goes off and though Hae holds your hand, you use your free hand to read and catch up with the text chain. The ambient sounds of the night market around you calms you as you observe and let Hae lead you down a row of booths they think seems familiar. You give your thanks to your coworkers as they helped narrow down the booths and probable solo guardian of your one new pint-sized friend.
Elsewhere, a set of twins are getting an earful from a worried and angry father:
“Hae’s the most precious person t’me and you both lost ‘em?!”
“We sent out the Bat-Signal to the team, kita,” one of the godfathers says.
“Don’t worry, Hae’ll come running back here in no time,” the other says.
“For both your sakes, I pray my kid comes back in one piece…” Kita grumbles a string of curses as he reluctantly goes back to his stand to man the register.
It takes another fifteen minutes for Hae to start recognizing some familiar booths and although they complain about how much their feet hurt, you notice how the kid’s feet had already outgrown the shoes…
“Say, Hae,” your voice calms down their excited heartbeat.
You step in front of Hae and ask if it’s ok with them for you to pick them up and the serendipitous moment Hae says yes, you’re literally almost tackled to the ground by two men who wear the same face—so you scream and push Hae’s head into your shoulder as you make a run for it and those two fools slam into each other chest first. Hae’s laughing the entire time and now your brain is hitting overdrive as you let the adrenaline sink into your bloodstream until you hear a deeper voice call out to Hae. Judging by how much Hae squirms in your arms, you presume this was their father’s voice you hear.
Slowing to a stop, you see the kanji in large font as the cashier jogs to meet you.
“Daddy!” Hae excitedly exclaims as their father who by the way, seems to have been original in terms of strong inherited genes. You put the kid down and you watch Hae run off to their father’s waiting arms. The two gentlemen from before come back defeated and after a few minutes of scolding alongside a heart to heart with not following strangers, you clear your throat.
“Technically not a stranger, “ you point to yourself. “New friend, right Hae-Chan?”
Hae nods much to their father’s dismay, although when he looks at you in your black jeans, smudged crimson striped shirt, dirty under the fingernails from motor oil from the latest tune-up in the shop, and sensible boots, he can’t help but soften the scowl on his face.
“Hae, promise me you’d stay with your godfathers this time, ok?” Hae’s father says he lets them go into the other men’s care.
It’s only apparent to you now that the gentlemen from earlier are not only the godfathers, but also twin siblings who can be heard making small bets with Hae when they depart the stand for a few minutes.
“So,” Hae’s father begins. He sheepishly gives you a small smile while stuffing his hands into his jeans pocket.
“Umm…YLN, YN,” you extend a hand for him to shake.
He shakes your hand while apologizing for his child’s behavior—
“It’s alright, really,” you chuckle. “I liked their company…”
“I think I might like yours too,” he says.
You blush a bit, nodding along while he sort of chortles over speaking his mind.
“Over coffee sometime?…would that be ok?”
He pulls a business card from the register: it has a star and small cornucopia of seasonal vegetables on it: KITA FARMS INC.
He takes a pen and scribbles down his phone number for you on the back and hands it to you.
“I’ll call you sometime,” you say, squinting at his precise penmanship. “Kita Shinsuke.”
His eyes are a softer bronze tone when you say his name for the first time. It’s like you’re a bit unsure for a moment before he says your name back to you and it seems delightfully whole; the confidence in both of you rise and you make a very bold choice.
“If it’s not too much to ask, mind if I buy a few of those blueberries? I muddle them with some soda water and ginger beer at home…”
Kita smiled warmly at this and you hand him some spare yen notes.
“Keep the change,” you say as the register opens. “The first round of coffee is on you. Oyasumi, Shinsuke.”
A light breeze follows you as you disappear into the night crowd, Hae and her godfathers return with some ice cream and other souvenirs, and all three of them have this smug and impish look on their face.
“Daddy, did you ask YN-san to marry you?”
Kita denies it defending that he’d only do it after you had coffee with him.
Yet, his friends, his faithful kouhai since high school, the twin godfathers of this sharply witted child, burst into laughter when Hae goes to call their father out: “Your face is all red…”
“…they had a sunflower tattoo,” Kita says this to himself proud he finally felt the universe deliver a much needed ´win’ especially since it’s been four years since the mother of Hae had wanted nothing to do with either of them.
And for the first time in the four years since he came home to an empty place and an abandoned two year old inside the screened porch during the early spring, Kita felt this calming wave of genuine goodness the second he saw you with Hae, running through to get to his stand. He sees you now, a few yards away, and you lock eyes with him as you make your purchase of a blown glass sunflower pendant. His phone vibrates in his pocket and he reads the text from you:
I’m free day after tomorrow, does coffee sound great then? —Hae’s new friend✌🏼
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doamarierose-honoka · 5 months
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SEGA announced they will have a panel at the biggest anime celebration in Los Angeles, Anime Expo 2024. The panel will focus on everyone’s favorite brooding hedgehog, Shadow, including his origins, his story in SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS, and more.
Hosted by popular voice actor Zeno Robinson (Hawks in “My Hero Academia”, Hunter in “The Owl House”, and more) the panel will feature Takashi Iizuka (Sonic Team Creative Officer), Kirk Thornton and Stephanie Sheh, (English voices of Shadow and Maria), as well as Alan Wan, Kevin Molina-Ortiz, and Christopher Luc (Directors of Studio Giggex), as they discuss all things Shadow. The panel will also be answering fan submitted questions surrounding Shadow, Sonic, and more.
The panel will begin on Saturday, July 6 at 12:30 PM PT in Petree Hall at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Be sure to follow us on our website and social media pages as we will be attending Anime Expo covering SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS and many other SEGA titles on the showfloor!
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minixor · 2 months
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(it feels like i’m living in one of your magazine ads)
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With Routbier as your navigator, you journey from the train to Main Street, and then, the building in question; "The Hanosho Showfloor Emporium", as the lit-up pastel orange and blue lettering adorning the giant circus tent declares. You walk through its entrance with a hesitant sigh, your shoulders sagging from fatigue as your arms hang limply at your sides.
There’s no one inside the tent; no wares, no furniture, not even the Hanoshos themselves.
BERWIN SPAGHETTY: You sure this is the right spot? This looks like a damn ghost town.
A.N.W. ROUTBIER: Ehh. M-Maybe they’re on break or something?
You look down at Routbier. Now, you’re the one that feels suspicious.
This person you do not know has just led you to an empty tent in the middle of a city you are unfamiliar with. You do not know their motives, and you do not know if maybe, just maybe, they’ve already caught onto your rouse.
Maybe they’re here to turn you in.
Your eyes narrow below your mask.
BERWIN SPAGHETTY: Riiiigght. Break.
(Is this place usually so empty?)
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Remember the Nintendo Badge Arcade? I miss the hell out of that era of the Nintendo 3DS. The Switch isn’t the same at all when it comes to portability to me. I keep that thing almost exclusively docked at all times. Meanwhile my 3DS I would even literally take with me to my job just so I could see how many Streetpasses I would get in a typical day.
For some reason I grew especially attached to the Nintendo Badge Arcade. Loved the Badge Bunny so much. Reminded me a lot of myself with his weirdly enthusiastic personality combined with being a mega dork who made the worst jokes known to man. Also the running gag of him having a crush on Swapnote Nikki was really cute.
No idea where I got this little freebie from from but I’m guessing some sort of in-store Nintendo promotional event, back when Nintendo would send out a representative to a place like Best Buy or Target and have them hang around by the Nintendo display and encourage people to try out demos of games in exchange for free swag. I still remember my pilgrimage to a Best Buy like 4 hours away from where I lived in the Summer of 2012 just so I could demo a Wii U for the first time. Or the Wii U Smash Bros. event a few years later during an E3 where I waited for like an hour and a half in a line at my local Best Buy just to play for a few minutes while constantly loading up streams on my phone of Gamespot/IGN/Nintendo’s E3 Twitch streaming coverage back when they would just have people on there hosting all day everyday to show off games and interview people right there on the E3 showfloor. I miss E3 in that manner like you wouldn’t believe. I literally treated it like the NFL Draft, used a week’s worth of paid vacation time to just watch all the streams all day (and Giant Bomb at night of course). Those really were the days.
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S.H. Figuarts Ultraman Joneus shown
Continuing down the Showa-era Ultras in order, Tamashii Nations 2022 have revealed a showfloor model of Ultraman Joneus; the star of The⭐Ultraman who has made recent appearances in Ultra Galaxy Fight. While no release info is available yet for the animation-original Ultra, it is likely to come soon.
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gamesline · 10 months
Dood! How does NIS America do it all?
Nick Odmark and Gina Kilcup gave us some insights on the PAX West 2023 showfloor schedule to talk with us in depth on how the Disgaea and CRYMACHINA publisher organizes its busy catalog!
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birchbritches · 2 years
Breathing Easy
bronchus rallies, tallies available airs, stares down the airlock and crosses company policy,
risks dismissal for a dismal bit of breathing room, rests easy in the restricted area for the time being, but breathing easy isn't an ongoing option,
breathing'll have to go back on the showfloor, a whole lifetime and organ-set beset with being public domain 
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telodogratis · 20 hours
Metaphor: ReFantazio si mostra con un video di gameplay al Tokyo Game Show 2024
Metaphor: ReFantazio si mostra con un video di gameplay al Tokyo Game Show 2024 IGN ha pubblicato un video di gameplay della durata di circa ventidue minuti tratto dalla demo di Metaphor: ReFantazio giocabile sullo showfloor del Tokyo Game Show 2024. Powered by WPeMatico IGN ha pubblicato un video di gameplay della durata di circa ventidue minuti tratto dalla demo di Metaphor: ReFantazio…
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fanthatracks · 1 month
D23 2024 poured news, reveals and gallons of anticipation into the sloshing jug of fandom, and the work of the genius team at ILM and the StageCraft team was the most eye-catching thing to see on the showfloor. Clayton Sandell was on the ground to check out the exhibit, talk to the fans who took part in this very special pop-up Volume experience and dig into the enjoyment it brought, not least to the ILM team who were thrilled to see it out in the world. At D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event, the ILM crew assembled a volume— something normally sequestered on an off-limits studio soundstage— inside the Anaheim Convention Center just for fans attending D23. “I think everybody is blown away by the scale of this, and how immersive it actually is when you get to see it here on the show floor,” says Rob Bredow, senior vice president, creative innovation for Lucasfilm and chief creative officer of ILM. During the three-day event, a rotating trio of scenes appeared on the volume’s giant LED panels: an Imperial hangar created for The Mandalorian, a Rebel hangar from Ahsoka (2023) and a vibrant city street on the planet Daiyu seen in Obi-Wan Kenobi. “You’re looking at over 18-and-a-half million pixels of LED wall and a live-tracked camera,” Bredow tells ILM.com. “Wherever the camera looks, we get a high-fidelity version with exactly the right perspective for the illusion of creating an immersive environment. It looks impressive enough here at the convention center but when we collaborate with the production designer and the art department on one of our productions that’s when the technology really sings. It’s a powerful tool in the filmmaker’s toolbox that we can deploy when building standing sets on a stage or traveling the cast and crew to a far-flung location isn’t feasible.” [amazon box="0593723465"]
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spotlight-report · 2 months
Oz Comic-Con Returns to Canberra this August
Returning to Canberra for the third consecutive year, Oz Comic-Con is bringing the latest and greatest from the worlds of pop culture to the nation’s capital on August 24th & 25th. With so much to discover from a bustling showfloor and action-packed schedule, this is the ultimate chance to celebrate and connect with the community all under one roof. Set against the backdrop of the Exhibition Park…
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omegahopper · 11 months
Shinkocchou Seihou Jetslinger has GOTTA be a showfloor exclusive. There's no way that's getting a release.
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