#Shout out to kids who scream during indoor sports go fuck yourselves
uncreativeocs · 5 months
every year of primary school there has been something I have had to leave the classroom for every time it happened.
no idea what I was doing in nursery
reception I don’t remember either but one time a girl threw up on herself and instead of helping the teacher screamed at her for not telling her she felt sick (we were all like 4-5 years old). Actually looking back that teacher screamed at a lot of 5 year olds (including me)
in year one it was numberjacks, I was genuinely terrified of the meanies (banger songs though)
year two was horrible histories
year three I think I kinda just got a math question wrong one time and stormed out of the classroom
year four our teacher kept making us watch creeped out for some reason and me and all the other kids who were terrified just went and sat outside on the stairs, and one time some boy brought a board game and for the rest of the year we were the Creeped Out Club, a group of 8-9 year olds playing board games on the stairs and almost never speaking to each other outside the club
then in year five I moved school
and in year six it was the mr bean cartoon 🙂
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