#Shop Red Bricks Online
builders-mart · 2 years
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theamberwriter · 1 year
The Perfect Blend
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Modern!Alpha!Levi Ackerman x Omega!GN!Reader || Tea Shop AU
Word count: 6.3k
So this is the first fic I’ve written in a while, and I cannot remember the last time I actually watched AoT. But my thirst for Levi can never be tamed. I hope this does him some justice. Also, I’m on my iPad. So the formatting may be a little weird.
Companion Art: [1] [2]
The Stem and Spine was the shiney new bookstore/tea shop opening on the corner on Prescott and Main. It seemed like ages since anyone had tried opening a store there. It was such a quaint spot. The historical building had detailed moldings, uneven red bricks, and chipped, dark blue paint. Six large, angled windows gave a panoramic view out to the bustling streets in your little college town.
It was the perfect spot to stop, drink tea, and people watch.
You were looking forward to opening day. You’d spent months crawling through every bookshop, online and in person, as well as every thrift shop trying to find one specific book. No one seemed to know of it’s existence. So you were silently begging the universe to cut you a break and let this new bookshop carry what you were looking for.
You’d only recently discovered their grand opening. An awkward omega gave you a flier. They were handing them out as people were leaving the grocery store. You were really excited, but maybe that was your inner bookworm talking.
Since the shop was right down the road, you decided to walk there on opening morning. You weren’t really expecting any sort of crowd. All of the college kids had gone home for the summer, so the streets had emptied out some. You enjoyed how quiet the summers were. So the long, winding line leading from the door of Stem and Spine was definitely a surprise.
You didn’t need to look for the book that badly. You could come in a month or so when things had died down some. You were going to head back home when you heard the people by you talking:
“I heard the guy running this place is hot as fuck,” said one.
“Did you hear what that girl in our study group said?” asked the other. The first shook their head. “Apparently his scent is like, super strong.”
The friend grinned, running their tongue over their teeth. “I can‘t wait to find out.”
Oh no, you mentally groaned then took a nice deep breath. The scents came one right after the other. A mangled mash up of pheromones. This line was almost entirely betas and omegas. And they were here for that alpha. You were never going to be able to shop there at this rate! As an omega yourself, you just knew they all would come from miles around until this guy was claimed.
You decided it was better to queue up, then maybe you’d actually get a chance to set foot inside. You waited for hours. You were sure those ahead of you would linger as long as possible and try to make an impression. That meant everyone had to stand in line longer.
By the time employees came down the line and told people they were closing for the night, your feet were killing you and your phone battery was nearly dead. All day and you’d only gotten a quarter of the way to the door! You could still see the spot you’d started from. A few people tried to get rowdy, complaining it was unfair that they’d been waiting all day. But their steam fizzled when employees threatened to call the police.
For two weeks, you checked the line for Stem and Spine. Day after day the line seemed to get longer. You saw a lot of returning faces, they must’ve been desperate. You even saw a handful of people getting escorted out by police! You also heard more and more rumors about what everyone was lining up for.
I heard he’s one of those hot, stoic types. I’d love to break him.
I heard that if you’re a beta or omega, just the guy’s scent is enough to make you jizz in your pants.
I heard he doesn’t like needy omegas, good thing I’m not like the others.
I heard he’s starting an entire harem - I’d love to be a part of that!
This is my eighth time going. I swear, I’m on the verge of making him my mate!
The rumors went on and on, getting more and more absurd. You wondered what this guy was really like, if he was really worth all of this. You weren’t interested, you just wanted a book! If anything, this was annoying. You figured it was probably annoying for him too, especially if he just wanted to do his job and not have to worry about anyone throwing themselves at him.
Finally, on a Sunday afternoon, you were able to set foot in Stem and Spine. It was quiet. No three block long line in sight. Sure, it was still busy but these people actually wanted books. They were all glued to the shelves, actually talking about books, and showing each other covers.
Inside was better than you’d imagined it. Everything was cream, gold, crimson, and navy blue. In one half was the tea shop. There were shelves of tea and accessories that lined the walls; loose leaf, prepackaged, diffusers, tea pots, honey sticks, spoon rests. As well as a long barista counter that had a large chalkboard and sizable drink list that was nothing but tea. There were a small handful of metal tables and chairs, and you remembered seeing some outside with umbrellas as well.
The other half of the store was the bookshop. There was row after row of books. Mostly fiction from your first glance. There were also displays for local authors and a shelf of new arrivals. You couldn’t wait to spend the day combing through. The entire vibe was cozy and the scent of jasmine wafting around was relaxing. You did wonder, however, how you were able to get in. Had the alpha been claimed? You didn’t smell anything overwhelming.
“Aaawwww, what do you mean he’s not here?!” You heard a girl whine. You were just starting on the second row of books.
“Mr. Ackerman isn’t here,” said the employee, irritation clear in their voice. “And no, I don’t know if he’ll be back today.”
The girl groaned loudly, but you didn’t hear her complain anymore. You figured she must’ve left. You wondered if she was the one who’d managed multiple visits.
“This has really gotten out of hand,” you heard the employee down the aisle say. They’d been stocking more books. “Great for sales, though.”
“That bad?” you asked. The employee looked at you, she looked tired. Her name tag read Mikasa.
“You have no idea,” she sighed. “I like working here. Levi is my cousin and a great boss, but these fangirls have just been too much. You’d think the fact that he ignores them would be a turn off. But they just keep coming.”
You didn’t realize you’d spent your whole afternoon in Stem and Spine until Mikasa came around to give you a five minute heads up. You were disappointed you didn’t find what you were looking for. But you still managed to find a couple hidden gems you were excited about. Maybe what you wanted was just too obscure.
You brought your books to the counter. As they rang you up, you noticed a clip board with a paper that read What Books Would You Like to See at Stem and Spine? Under that was a long list of handwritten titles and author names. You quickly scribbled down the book you were looking for. At least now there was a chance for it to appear.
Over the next month, you managed two visits to Stem and Spine every week. You and the employees actually started to recognize each other. You also started to see titles you recognized from the list. The mysterious Mr. Ackerman, however, still managed to escape your sight. Every time you went, there was a small posse outside just trying to grab a whiff.
It wasn’t until your first visit of the following month that you finally laid eyes on him. You’d just finished a series and were looking to start a new one. So you wandered over to the new arrivals section. You’d been there about half an hour when a heavy wave of lavender hit you. It filled your head, murking up your thoughts. You figured this had to be him, and the rumors were true - his scent was another beast entirely.
You shook your head to focus your thoughts. You liked this store, so this was something you were going to have to get used to if you wanted to keep shopping there. But you were also extremely concerned - if he was here, then that long line and hoard of omegas and betas would be too. You wanted to leave, but you were stuck between two books with money only for one.
You probably should’ve noticed the scent getting stronger. But you were so focused on reviewing the synopsis on both and thumbing through that you were oblivious. You didn’t wake from your stupor until there was a flutter of movement beside you. You glanced to your left to see a dark haired man in a white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He set down the few boxes he was carrying.
This man, you realized, was where the lavender wall had come from. This was the infamous Levi Ackerman, owner of Stem and Spine. Mikasa had told you a bit about him in previous weeks. You liked talking to her whenever you came in.
“It’s rude to stare,” he said in a surprising tenor. His back was still to you. You cursed under your breath and turned back to the shelf. That was one way to embarrass yourself. You began musing between the books in your hands again.
After a long moment of silence, a voice said, “I’d pick the one in your right hand.”
You looked over to meet a bored pair of silver eyes. “What?”
“I’ve read them both. The book in your right hand was far more interesting.”
“Oh cool,” you said slowly. “Thanks. I would’ve been here for ages.”
You quickly placed the other one back in its place and scuttled away. You were just going to have to take his word for it. You didn’t want to hover anymore than you had. At the front, they packaged up your book and you were swiftly out the door.
Levi had been right, the book was very good and you were excited that there were four more books to follow with a movie planned. The next time you tried to go to Stem and Spine it was packed again. There was a line down the block and you just didn’t have the time to wait. Your shift at work started soon, and all you’d wanted to do was thank him for the recommendation.
You decided to head straight to work instead. Luckily, you didn’t have to wait long to see the bookstore owner again. The wall of lavender hit you before you saw him. You watched everyone around you turn to stare. It didn’t seem to phase him in the least.
Levi came to the counter and briefly talked with your coworker, who couldn’t seem to keep a straight face. When they disappeared to look for someone, Levi waited at the counter. This was probably going to be weird, but you really did want to thank him for helping you find a new series you absolutely loved.
“Hey,” you started, the book in your hand. He glanced at you briefly. “I, uh. You probably don’t remember me, but you recommended this book to me last week. And I, uh, I just wanted to say thank you. It was really good.”
“I told you it was better,” he stated. “I remember the other one you had - the author writes shit. It doesn’t have any good character development and there were a few glaring plot holes.”
“Oh, that’s good to know - I’ll definitely take that off my reading list.” You laughed awkwardly, carefully tucking the book away in your bag. “I was, uh, I was going to stop by the shop earlier. See if you were there - so I could thank you. But that line was just - woo!”
“I’m going to have to do something about that.” You weren’t sure if that was directed at you, but Levi seemed lost in thought.
Your coworker soon came back with someone in tow. They talked for a minute and then Levi and his intoxicating scent were gone. Afterwards, your coworker could not shut up about him. There was no way you were going to tell them about the bookshop.
In the days that followed, the line to get into the shop shrunk. But there was a continuous crowd that flurried around. A few employees you recognized seemed to be doing crowd control.
“I don’t care that you want to see him,” said one. “You don’t actually want a book or tea! It’s clogging up the shop.”
So Levi was doing something about the outrageous line. You were looking forward to being able to shop there again. The employees inside seemed less stressed when you went in and, at least, you weren’t brushing shoulders with anyone.
“Hey, [Name]!” Mikasa called as she spied you. She waved from her spot at the book counter where she was talking with Levi. You waved back at her, accidentally met Levi’s eyes, and then shuffled off into the book aisle to grab the next installment of the series.
You paid for your book, then went over to the tea shop. You didn’t know much about tea, but you figured you might as well start trying the different blends. There was a small display set up that recommended different teas for certain books. Like a nice citrusy Lady Grey to go with Pride and Prejudice.
“I don’t think that tea pairs with your book.”
You knew that voice. You turned to find Levi there with you, hovering, observing as you skimmed through the tea bags. You looked down at the pouch of English Breakfast Tea in your hand.
“You don’t think so?”
“You’ll want a black currant tea.” Levi reached just above your head and pulled down a paper bag with a raven on it. “I’m partial to this one.”
You took the bag, turning it over in your hand. You put the original pouch you grabbed back. Awkwardly, you smiled at him. “Uh, thanks. Guess I’ll go pay for this then.”
You weren’t sure what to make of it, it was probably nothing. But this encounter left you with a strange feeling. There were a few more like that to follow too.
“You’ll want a different tea for that,” he said as you picked up the third book.
“I can’t just make the black currant one?” you asked, baffled.
“Each book has a flavor that it pairs with. This one is more of a mint. If you pick wrong, you'll ruin the whole damn experience.” Levi turned the full power of his eyes on you. You were frozen under them. “Just like each person has their scent. Each scent has something that pairs nicely with it. For example, mine is lavender, yours is more of a sage. The two go well together.”
“Oh,” was all you could manage. That was the first time you felt the little flutter in your chest.
Every time you went to Stem and Spine to purchase a book Levi was there over your shoulder. He’d direct you to whichever tea he felt best went with it. He even started talking about the nuances in the flavors. How the aromatics helped, which shape of tea bag was optimal, ideally how long to steep it for. You became very knowledgeable about tea in the following visits. You were sure you'd be an expert by the time you went to pick up the last book in the series he showed you. But nowhere near as knowledgeable as Levi.
The next time you went, you saw Mikasa at the counter speaking with Levi.
"You can have the days off. Just fill out the request form," Levi said as you walked up to them.
"You're going on vacation soon, Mikasa?" you asked.
She turned her eyes to you. "My mate is going into his rut soon. I always make sure to take those days off to help him with his nest or anything else he needs."
You smiled at her. "That's really thoughtful, Mikasa. I hope, if I find someone, that they're like you."
She raised an eyebrow. "You don't have a mate?"
"No." You shook your head and shrugged.
You could've sworn you caught Mikasa giving Levi a nudge and a sharp look. Levi gave her a brief glare back. Then his eyes turned to you, his gaze relaxed.
"Why?" he asked.
You laughed humorlessly. "No one's ever really stuck around or I broke up with them. One guy tried to get me to sell my book collection. He said that they were just a waste of time and money. So I decided that he was a waste of my time. There's nothing worse than someone who doesn't understand your hobbies."
Levi said nothing but hummed in response.
"Do you have a mate out there in this big wide world, Levi?" you asked.
"No," he spat curtly.
You didn't mean to gape, but you couldn't deny you were shocked. "Really?"
"I'm just surprised, ya know? With your strong scent and how handsome you are... I just figured by now someone would have come along. That's all."
Levi looked away from you. "My scent is more trouble than it's worth. All it does is draw shitty little brats."
You chuckled. "I can see that, considering the long line the first month you guys were open. I also noticed the growing wall of banned people. – Well I just came in to grab something really fast before work. My shift starts soon."
The college students were starting back up for the autumn semester. The streets began to fill up with cars of fresh faces, new dreams, and overstuffed suitcases. You had a feeling there'd be a new influx of people at Stem and Spine.
The hunch was correct.
Before you knew it, the store was once again filled wall to wall with people seeking Levi's attention. He seemed increasingly agitated every time you saw him. Then he once again disappeared for a few weeks, causing the crowds to thin.
“I heard the author is writing the final installment,” Mikasa said as she rang you up. “It’s supposed to be out in a few months.”
“Really? I thought this was the last book?” You raised an eyebrow. You weren’t upset, just surprised. The story felt like it could easily be wrapped up in one book. You hoped it wasn’t going to be one of those strangling the plot lines scenarios, where the whole series goes down in flames right at the end.
“Nope, one more.” Mikasa shook her head. “I’m sure Levi will be upset.”
“Does he really like this series?”
You met her with a curious gaze. Her eyes gave you nothing in return. You’d never really noticed how similar she and Levi looked until then. Both with silky black hair and unwavering grey eyes.
"I don't smell him around today. I take it he's still in hiding? I guess I'm on my own to find a tea, then," you laughed.
Mikasa handed you your bag, it was brown paper with a dark red book and tea leaf stamped onto it. You had a small collection you kept folded under your sink and used for various things.
"Hey, before you go," Mikasa started. "I'd like to consider us friends."
You nodded and smiled at her. "I'd like to think so."
"So then would you like to hang out when I'm not working? I was thinking about going to see the movie for this, it comes out soon. Would you like to go? I'll buy the tickets."
"That'd be awesome! I can pay you back."
Mikasa laughed, then waved her hand dismissively. "It's no issue, don't worry about it. Give me your number, and we can pick a date."
You exchanged numbers then wandered over to the teashop. You were only a little upset to be tea shopping alone. You were so used to having company. You wondered what type of tea Levi would recommend. You had to admit, you were starting to look forward to your shopping visits more knowing he was there. You were happier to see him than Mikasa most days. You were grateful for your newly formed friendship, so it made you feel a bit guilty. But you couldn’t deny that there was something soothing about listening to Levi’s passion for tea.
You thumbed through the pages of the book. Skimming without trying to spoil anything for yourself. You were just trying to get the feel. What flavor would this book be? Something dark and fruity, like a black currant? Or something a little lighter, more classic like the mint? You settled on an orange bergamot, this would have to work. You paid and then walked over to your job.
About half way through your shift, a familiar tsunami of lavender smacked you in the face. Levi strode casually through the lobby looking bored as ever. He had a bag in his hand. You wondered if he’d been out shopping. You met his gaze, immediately diverting your own back to your paperwork.
“Mikasa said you were in the shop today,” he said, the scent rolling off of him was strange and heavy.
You looked up, getting sucked into those silver pools. “Yeah, I came to get the next book in the series. I figured you were still keeping your distance. - Did you need my help with something? Did you need John again?”
“I wanted to make sure you didn’t pick a shitty tea.”
You scrutinized his face. It held absolutely nothing. He really came all this way to ask what tea you picked? Well, it was just the next street over. But he still had to go out of his way to see you. He didn’t have to do that. Your heart fluttered.
“I skimmed through, but I’m not sure I picked the right one.” You handed over the bag of tea you bought.
Levi rolled his eyes. “Tech, don’t spoil it for yourself, idiot.”
He took the bag, examining it thoroughly. He considered the ingredients for a long moment. You could practically see the cogs turning in his mind. Finally Levi handed it back over to you.
“Interesting choice,” he started. “But it works. I’m impressed.”
“Thanks, I really tried to put your lessons into practice,” you laughed. There was a long stretch of silence. “I suppose you’re probably going back to Stem and Spine, I won’t keep you any longer. But I appreciate you stopping by, I didn’t think you remembered that I worked here.”
Levi stood a moment longer, then placed the bag he’d been carrying on the counter. It was from his store. “I brought this in case you picked wrong. - I’d still like you to have it.”
You stood. “No, I couldn’t -”
“I insist.”
“At least let me lay you for it. Or exchange it for the one I bought!”
Levi was already walking away. “Just take the fucking thing. I picked it out for you.”
Then Levi was gone, but his lavender scent still swam in your head. You took the bag from the counter, peering in to inspect its contents. You were so curious what he picked. You pulled out a white bag of loose leaf tea with a rose stamped on it in pink. The name read The Start of Something Sweet, it was made with strawberries and rose. You couldn’t help but smile a bit to yourself.
Later that night you made yourself a cup using what you remembered of Levi’s impromptu tea lessons. You couldn’t keep the little smile off your face. Not even as you talked with Mikasa about your movie plans. You picked a date two Saturdays away. You were really excited, you could only hope that the movie did any sort of justice.
A few days later, you made another trip to Levi’s store. It was restock day. As usual, you beelined for the new arrivals section. You were disheartened to find your requested book had still not made an appearance. You groaned. Maybe they couldn’t find a distributor either. That’d be just your luck.
“Looking for anything in particular?” Mikasa asked, stopping beside you. “You look disappointed.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “I’ve been on the hunt for this one book and no one has it. I’ve checked everywhere! I even put it on your recommendations list when you first opened. It’s just getting annoying at this point.”
“Maybe I can track it down for you and get you a rush order?”
You smiled at her gratefully. “You’d do that for me?”
Mikasa shrugged. “It’s no problem. I don’t see why not. What’s Levi going to do? Fire me?”
“Sweet, thank you so much! I’ll text you what I’m looking for.”
“Hey, I’m actually about to go on break. Do you want to go get something to eat with me? You have off today, right?”
You agreed and hovered by the counter while Mikasa grabbed her things from the back. You chatted idly with a few of the other employees. They were complaining about how busy it’s been since school was back in session. You hadn’t been surprised, of course. They did build the town around the university after all.
Once the scent of lavender began wafting in, everyone became tense. You noticed something was off. It was sharper and so sweet it was almost bitter and very dense and heavy. Levi stalked in, looking irritated. He gave a sharp glare to his employees, but didn’t say anything. Instead marching through the door that said employees only on it.
“Something must’ve happened,” said one of the employees you were talking to. “He was in a good mood this morning.”
You wanted to go after him. In fact, your feet even began to pull in his direction on their own. But you stopped yourself, embarrassed. Tea aside - you didn’t know him all that well, after all. The last thing he’d probably wanted was a random omega tailing after him.
You had a thought, a reflection of something he told you - a book and a good cup of tea always made his mood better. He told you in passing, he probably didn’t even remember saying it. You knew you’d seen your favorite book somewhere in the store. With any luck, it was one he hadn’t read. You swept through the shelves, quickly finding it, then went to find a matching tea. You’d already had one in mind. Mikasa emerged just as the cashier was packing it all up for you. You had them wrap it in brown paper.
“Did you find something after all?” she asked.
You felt warm. Did it get hot all the sudden? You looked guiltily at the items in your hands.
“Actually,” you started awkwardly. “These are for Levi.”
“Yeah, he seemed pretty mad when he came through a few minutes ago. Could you - I don’t know - could you give these to him for me?”
“I think it would be better if you gave them to him yourself, he’s still here.”
Mikasa didn’t give you much of a choice as she steered you towards the door he’d gone through. She forcefully shoved you down a small hallway and into Levi’s office. He was furious when he heard the door open. The sharp scent was even thicker in here, nearly suffocating. But you couldn’t help your overwhelming urge to calm him.
“[Name],” Levi grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. His eyes were shut tight. “I know you can fucking read, the sign says employees only.”
“They have something for you, don’t be an asshole,” snapped Mikasa.
You thought you heard Levi mutter brat under his breath. He looked up at you, eyeing the items in your hands curiously. You smiled a bit. Avoiding his gaze, you admired how neat his desk was. You were sure, if you had a ruler, that everything would be evenly spaced apart.
“You seemed upset when you came in,” you said, swallowing thickly. “I remembered what you said and thought maybe a book and some tea would help? This one’s my favorite and I picked something that I thought went with it. - I promise I paid for it.”
You placed the items on his desk and slowly backed away. You tried to slip away now that your peace offering had been given. Mikasa, however, wouldn’t let you leave. Levi picked up the book, turning it over his hands. He studied the cover and read the synopsis. Finally, after a long minute, he hummed and turned back to you.
“I haven’t read this one,” Levi said. You stifled a sigh of relief. “You make interesting choices in tea, thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you said quickly and Mikasa finally let you out the door.
Mikasa didn’t bring up the incident over lunch. You, on the other hand, couldn’t stop thinking about it. Why did you do that? It was incredibly impulsive, but also inappropriate. That was basically the equivalent of screaming out how much he made your heart race and your palms sweat.
You tried not to dwell on it. But over the course of the week, you found yourself reflecting. You had hoped, more than you realized, that he would like what you brought him. You wanted his approval, not just his thanks. But you hadn’t been able to find the time to stop by the store and see if he’d read it. You’d been too busy with work, along with some plans with friends.
The next time you saw Levi was at your work again. He came bearing another bag. You were worried your coworkers would start getting the wrong idea. An alpha giving an omega gifts - how must that have looked to them? Then again, it was awfully presumptuous to think that the bag was for you.
But you were certain that Levi would never court you. Did you want him to, even? You hadn’t put much thought into the idea. But you didn’t hate the thought of getting to know him better. All you knew was what little he’d revealed in your chats while you picked out books and tea. Along with a little of what Mikasa had told you.
“We have to stop meeting like this,” you joked as Levi stepped up to the counter.
There was a certain air about him today. Maybe it was the way he’d slicked his hair back neatly. Or how starched the collar on his shirt was where it came out of his camel colored vest. He even seemed a touch more rested than usual.
Levi placed a bag on the counter. “This is for you.”
You couldn’t stop the sound of delight that came out of your mouth as you took the book out of the bag. It was finally, finally in your hands. After countless hours of fruitless searching, the damn book was finally in your hand.
“Holy shit,” you cried. “You found it! How much do I owe you?”
“It’s on the house this time.” Levi reached in and pulled a small brown pouch out of the bag. He smirked, which sent a chill down your spine. “Cinnamon, something spicy to go with that dirty fucking shit you’re reading.”
You froze mid celebration, oh shit. It was indeed a book with a good chunk of smut in it. Your friend had let you borrow her copy, that’s the only reason you knew about the book in the first place.
“You read it?” your voice came out hoarse.
Levi clicked his tongue. “The important parts, to figure out which blend would go along with it. It’s no wonder you couldn’t find it, no self respecting bookshop carries porn.”
“It’s not porn!”
You were not expecting him to read it. But of course he would only read the spicy scenes. No context to the story or anything else. You were devastated.
“Mhm.” It did not sound like he believed you. With that, Levi turned and began to walk away. He called over his shoulder to have a good day, followed by the pet name they used in the book.
You felt warm all over, tingles chasing from head to toe. You stared after him until he was gone. Then you sat flustered in your seat with your cheek against the cool desk. You could feel a scream burning in the back of your throat. You were so glad there was a half wall so no one could see you.
When you finally got up the nerve to crack open the book you found an envelope. Your name was written in beautiful cursive on the back. Cautiously, you cut it open. Inside was money and a little note in the same scrawl.
I won’t hold this against you. I know your entire taste in literature isn’t trash. Here’s money back for the stuff you gave me. I can see why it’s your favorite.
L. Ackerman
PS. Don’t even fucking think about trying to give the money back.
It was a short note, but it was enough to bring that flutter back. You couldn’t help reading it over and over again.
Before you knew it, movie day was finally upon you. You dressed casually and were so excited that you got to the theater an hour before it started. There was no Mikasa in sight, so you sat on a bench and read. You didn’t start to worry until there was only fifteen minutes before the movie began and she was still nowhere to be seen. Not even a text.
You: Hey, just checking if you’re close by.
Mikasa: Sorry, I’m not going to be able to make it. Enjoy the movie, you’ll have to tell me what I missed.
You groaned. You did not want to see this movie on your own. Though, you supposed it wasn’t so bad. Lots of people went by themselves. You’d just been looking forward to some bonding time with your new friend.
“So this is what that little brat was up to,” said a voice behind you. You turned to find no other than Levi. His scent was just beginning to wrap you up in a field of flowers. He had two travel cups with him, and looked as attractive as ever. No white collared shirt today. That was replaced by casual clothes and tight fitting jeans.
“Mikasa?” you asked, forcing yourself to look away.
He rolled his eyes. “I should’ve known, she didn’t even read the damn thing.”
You stood in silence for a moment. You had to wonder if this was as weird for him as it was for you. You had to admit, you did not see this coming. You could only wonder if he was disappointed to see you there.
You cleared your throat. “Look, you don’t have to watch it with me. We can sit in separate rows -“
“Don’t be stupid. Here.” Levi held out a cup to you. “You didn’t get to read the first book with anything. - Let’s go see if they fucked our shit up.”
Levi grabbed your wrist, tugging towards the direction of your theater. Your skin tingled where he touched you. You weren’t surprised by the amount of stares, but each set of eyes you passed was still unnerving. You were glad to be in your seats where it’d be harder for them.
“I heard they’re already filming the next one,” Levi stated after a few moments. He wasn’t looking at you. He concentrated almost too hard on the screen, you thought he was going to bore holes into it. “We should go see it together when it comes out. Maybe grab dinner beforehand.”
“Like…a date?” you asked. It slipped out before you could stop yourself.
“What the hell else?”
You paused for a moment, twisting to look at him. You couldn’t figure out if he was serious or not. His cheeks gained a flush of pink. You smiled at him, then settled back into your seat.
“Yeah, I think I’d like that.”
Levi nodded, but didn’t say anything else as the lights went down. Somewhere through the night, in the tension of the dark theater, your hand ended up enveloped in his.
In the morning Stem and Spine was your first stop. You were there as soon as they opened. Mikasa was doing the opening drawer. You watched as Levi went up and slammed his hand down on the counter. She didn’t so much as flinch.
“Oi,” he said. Mikasa looked up at him. “What the hell was that stunt you pulled yesterday?”
You walked up behind him. “Yeah, you did miss one hell of a movie.”
“I don’t know why you’re both so annoyed, it seems my plan worked,” she said bored, not even bothering to look up from the cash she was counting.
“How did you know we wouldn’t just walk out of the theater and not watch the movie together?” you asked.
“You both like that series too much. Besides, Levi may know a lot about tea, but he’s also stupid. He never does anything for himself. So while he may not have realized what he was feeling, we all could see it. He just needed a little push. And so did you, [Name]. I knew you liked Levi.”
“I never actually told you that, though. I never told anyone.”
“You didn’t have to. You could smell it in the air when you were around each other. Like a call and response. You two were perfect and you couldn’t even see it. I knew from the first day you walked into the shop.”
Levi took your hand. “Don’t look so fucking smug.”
Mikasa laughed as Levi took you to his office. As soon as you stepped in Levi shut the door behind you. He gave you a swift kiss on the cheek as he went to his desk.
“She’s right you know,” he started, intentionally avoiding looking at you. “We are the perfect blend.”
You couldn’t help but wholeheartedly agree.
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deanwritings · 1 year
The Guest House - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Series Summary: Dean Winchester is going through a nasty divorce. He doesn't have much left to his name, but what he does have is his house. Leave it to his soon-to-be ex wife to find a way to even ruin that for him. Enter Y/N, who is looking to get away from life for a bit, and stumbles right into the middle of it all.
The Guest House Master List
Word Count: 3,375
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Your fingers drum along the steering wheel as you navigate the winding backroads, nothing but bare trees and a littering of snow to keep your mind occupied as you hum along to the radio station. 
You had exited the highway almost an hour ago, and the longer you drove, the less cars you passed and the more trees appeared. 
A part of you was worried you were making a mistake; what if this town ended up being too small? Or what if your rental was a total sham and you got scammed? You could always dispute the charge with the bank, but the embarrassment of being conned and having to admit that to your family would be the worst part. An “I told you so” would definitely be waiting for you from your mother. 
But your GPS showed another thirty-five minutes before your arrival, so you figured you might as well check it, hoping to be pleasantly surprised. 
This was definitely out of your comfort zone, but you deserved this. A month of no work or responsibilities. Just taking each day as it came and answering to no one but yourself.
This is going to be good for me. You keep reminding yourself.  
About twenty minutes later, a few buildings appear in between the trees; houses and some small, specialty shops like a hardware store and a car repair shop. As you drive further in, brick buildings, all connected to each other line your path. You slow down as you begin taking in the shops and restaurants, noticing an antique store and Irish pub first, as well as some art galleries and thrift stores. The town is certainly picturesque, with a charmingly old downtown, the stone sidewalks dotted with trees that are surely full and vibrant in the warmer months, but their bare branches still clinging to string lights from the holidays. 
You smile, this was exactly what you were hoping for. Maybe this was going to work out after all. 
True to the posting, your GPS announces your arrival about ten minutes later. The driveway is long and unpaved, and your eyes widen as the log cabin that sits proudly to your left comes into view behind the trees. Large, dark logs, perfectly sat on top of one another, leading up to a green, gable roof and thick stone chimney. A large porch adorns the front facade, and you see two empty rocking chairs swaying in the winter wind. 
Continue past the main house for another 15 seconds or so, and the guest house is located towards the back of the property. Lisa had messaged you instructions after your booking was confirmed. 
As you keep driving, more trees appear, the back of the property not as cleared out as the front. But through the lifeless trees you spot your home for the next month, exactly how it appeared in the posting; gray, wooden siding with two porches; one off the front and another off the bedroom. The same gabled roof graces this home, though shaded red. A small, tin chimney sits perfectly atop, completing the picture you saw online. 
Turns out, you didn’t get scammed at all. Maybe it was your Aunt Rose, or a guardian angel, but someone was clearly looking out for you and made sure you were getting exactly what you deserved. 
You park on the side of the house, per Lisa’s instructions, and gather up all your bags, not wanting to make more than one trip. You struggle with your suitcase against the gravel, but thankfully it doesn’t take you long before you arrive at the front, all-glass door, allowing you a sneak peek before you even step foot inside. 
Key is under the flower pot to the left of the door. And you smile when you find it exactly where it’s meant to be. 
You unlock the door and push it open, and despite the purse and backpack you're carrying, your shoulders immediately slump and you take in an easy, deep breath of relief. The house is immaculate; bright, pine plank floors, plaid, comfortable looking couches facing the tv and wood-burning stove. The living room continues into the kitchen, the whole floor plan wide and open. The cabinets match the floors, and the countertops are a forest green granite. The appliances are a bit outdated; the older, white stove and microwave combo that looks very similar to the one you had in college, but that doesn’t bother you. You can see straight back to the only bedroom, the open door and revealing a sliver of the bed for your next month. The house is adorned with floor to ceiling windows, making the atmosphere feel light, even in the dark, winter twilight.  
You drag your stuff back to the bedroom, heaving your extra large suitcase up the four steps that lead to the space.
The bedroom is simple; a queen bed with cream comforter, curtains that match the bedding, and two pine nightstands, each with a glass-bottomed lamp. 
You drop your suitcase onto the floor and carefully place your purse and backpack on the small ottoman in the corner of the room. 
As you turn in the space, you spy the hot tub on the back patio, string lights strung above, and you smile. 
After three and half hours in the car, you knew exactly how you were going to start your trip.
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The clock on the radio dash illuminates 6:27 as Dean throws his car in park and cuts the engine, exhaustion radiating through his shoulders and down his back as he steps out, the gravel crunching beneath his work boots. He’s looking forward to reheating leftovers, pouring himself a beer, and hitting his bed early tonight. 
The shop had been overrun today, and with Benny out sick and Adam on vacation, Dean found himself without a single break since he started at 7:30 this morning. He usually tried to be home around 5, but by the time he finished the last car, cleaned up and closed up shop, it was well past 6. 
As he takes a few steps across the unpaved driveway towards the front steps of his house, he perks up, his ears catching a sound. He stops, narrowing his eyes as he realizes it’s music. He can’t quite make out the lyrics or the beat, but it’s definitely music. And as he focuses closer, he realizes it’s coming from the guest house. The empty guest house. 
With careful steps, Dean hurries to the garage, unlocking the side door instead of using his automatic opener which would make enough noise to alert whoever wasn’t supposed to be here. Dean makes quick work of opening the locker along the wall and typing in the code to his safe, revealing his pistol, the marble-handled one his father got him when he turned eighteen. He checks to make sure the magazine is loaded and clicks off the safety, not wanting to be caught off guard by whoever was where no one was supposed to be. 
With his weapon ready, Dean takes quiet steps towards the guest house, expertly avoiding the creaky first step as he walks up to the porch and peers in through the open windows. He doesn’t see any movement, but his brow furrows at the shoes resting to the side of the door. 
He reaches for the handle, and it twists open, the lock undone, but not broken, and steps inside. His eyes scan the front room, looking for anyone or anything out of place besides the shoes, and seeing everything in order, starts towards sliding back doors that lead to the patio, where the sound of the music grows louder. As he reaches the door, he peers out, his shoulders dropping as he notices the string lights illuminated and the hot tub cover pushed off, a head lounging against one of the built-in pillows.
God damn kids pool hopping again. He sighs and clicks the safety to his gun back on. This was the last thing he wanted to deal with after the day he had. 
This wasn’t the first time he’s found someone using his hot tub when they thought he was at work, but he figured he had put a stop to it after the McDowell twins and their girlfriends had snuck in and he called the cops on them for trespassing. Granted, he didn’t press charges, Dean wasn’t out to ruin the kids' lives, but the embarrassment of getting picked up naked and brought to the police station was enough to scare them and anyone else from trying it again. 
Or so he thought. 
The tension in his shoulders builds again as he pushes the door open, making his presence known with heavy steps before he shouts, “I thought you kids would know by now to stop–”
His words drop as a woman jumps up from the hot tub with a screech, her eyes wide as she takes quick steps away from him, or as far away as she can get in the hot tub. 
She’s definitely not a kid. From the looks of it, she’s probably in her late twenties, or maybe someone who looks good for her thirties. Her short and wet Y/C/H drips onto her shoulders, and Dean unintentionally follows the path of a water droplet as it races down her chest, through her bikini-coveraged cleavage and down to her navel, before getting soaked into her bottoms.
Yeah, definitely not a kid. 
“I’m calling the cops!” She shouts, her phone in hand, music blaring from the speaker as her fingers are ready to press the three numbers as she stares at him with fear in her Y/C/E eyes.
“Take it easy,” Dean holds his hands up, and the woman looks like she’s going to have a heart attack as she notices the gun in his right hand. Realizing his mistake, he quickly tucks it away into his waistband and holds his empty hands out to her, wanting her to know he’s not a threat.
“First off,” Dean holds up a finger at her. “If anyone should be calling the cops, it’s me.” He points back to himself. “Secondly, what are you doing in my house?” 
“Your house?” Her voice drips with confusion as her brow furrows.
“Yes my house.” He echoes, emphasizing his ownership. She continues to frown.  
“Well if it’s your house, you would know I’m renting your guest house for the next four weeks.” She crosses her arms defiantly, confusion and fear gone as she challenges him. 
“What are you talking about?” Now it’s Dean’s turn to be confused. He’s never rented the guest house out, nor would he ever. Especially not for a fucking month. 
Dean had no problem chatting with people at the shop or meeting friends for drinks downtown, but here at home, this was his private space, where he came to get away from it all. He rarely had anyone over as he just didn’t want to bother with people in his space. 
“I rented this house from you and your wife on AirBnB.” She states simply, having no idea the weight behind her words as realization crosses Dean.
“That bitch.” He mutters under his breath and runs a hand down his face. 
“Excuse me?” The woman seems to have heard him and he looks back to her. 
“No, not you.” He quickly clarifies with a sigh. “My soon-to-be ex wife. I’m gonna take a guess she’s behind this.” Her brows fold again. 
“Is her name Lisa Brandon?” She asks, and with a tight lipped, ghost of a smile, Dean nods, noting the use of her maiden name. He hadn’t heard her called that in years. 
“How’d you know that?”
“She’s listed as the homeowner. She sent me the instructions for how to get into the house.”
Dean lets his head fall back and groans. His day was getting worse and worse. 
Now he had to call his bitch of an ex and find out why there’s a woman planning to stay in his guest house for the next month. 
“Got it,” Dean straightens himself out though his shoulder slumps. Leave it to Lisa to bring some poor woman into the middle of their mess. 
“Seems we have a miscommunication. Sorry to ‘ave scared ya.” He holds his hand up in a half wave and forces a smile as he begins to turn back to step off the patio. “I’ll get out of your hair.”
Dean hurries down the small path around the side of the house, not wanting to cut back through the house now that he knew someone was staying there, even if it was his space.  
He vehemently shakes his head as he makes his way to the main house, his fists tight by his side as he prepares for his upcoming battle. 
This was actually the last thing he wanted to do after the day he had. 
Dean and Lisa have been separated for almost two years now, both unhappy for a long time before Lisa declared one day she had enough and had met someone else. 
As he stomps into the house, he kicks his boots off messily at the door and removes the pistol from his waistband and drops it next to the keybowl. Initially he was thinking a beer, but now, he wandered over to the bar and poured himself a finger of whiskey, quickly throwing it back and feeling the warmth spread as it travels down to his stomach. 
He runs a hand through his hair before taking a deep breath and pulling out his phone.
Her. Is what her contact is now. It wasn’t always. But that ship had long sailed. 
He closes his eyes and licks his lips as the line rings, four times, before she answers.  
“What do you want, Dean?” Her exasperated voice sighs through the other end of the line. He’s bothering her, but he’s only calling because she’s started it. 
“You’re renting out my guest house?” He barks. He knows her well enough to know she’s smirking. 
“Our guest house.” She corrects him and his hand balls into a fist. “Figured I’d make use of that house. No one’s used it in years.” He lets out a deep breath through his nose. 
Except you and your boyfriend. He wants to throw in, but he won’t get anywhere if he starts throwing low blows, even if they are well deserved. 
“You’ve got my attention, Lisa, now what do you want?” Dean cuts to the chase. He wants to keep this call as quick as possible.
“I want the property.” Dean scoffs. This was the one reason the divorce hadn’t been finalized yet. Both Dean and Lisa wanted to keep the house they bought together. She wanted it for a second income, and he wanted to keep it just to spite her because she wanted it. Was he proud of it? No. But after everything that happened, he wanted to keep her from getting the only thing she wanted in the divorce. Plus, she couldn’t marry her boy toy until their divorce was finalized, so Dean saw no reason to give in anytime soon. 
“Nice try. You know that’s off the table, and I’ll have my lawyer look into this little stunt of yours.” Dean figures he can either hit her with a cease and desist since she was the one who left and moved away or negotiate getting half of the income she’s going to earn off the rentals. Not that he wants anyone in his space, but if he figures he can take half the cut, Lisa may just stop bothering.  
“In case you’ve forgotten Dean, we’re still married.” No one needed to remind him that. “And my name is still on the property agreement. So that house is just as much mine as it is yours, and I have every right to rent it out. But feel free to get the lawyers involved. All you're doing is wasting my time and yours, not to mention your money.” Dean shakes his head and tightens his jaw. 
The goddamn lawyers. As much as he was enjoying prolonging the inevitable, it turned out, lawyers were pretty damn expensive to keep on retainer. He made good money at the shop, but it wasn’t two-years-worth of lawyer money, and Dean knew that he was close to ruining his finances just to satisfy his pettiness. But Dean was stubborn, and wasn’t ready to give in just yet. 
“Get her out or I will, Lis.” And with that, Dean ends the call. He picks up the bottle of whiskey, this time forgoing the glass as he takes a big swig. There was no way he was going to bed early tonight now.
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Once your heart had finally settled and you were sure you weren’t going to pass out from the fear of the strikingly tall and broad-shouldered man who apparently was the co-owner of the home sneaking up on you as you relaxed in what was his hot tub, you whipped out your laptop and settled down on one of the bar stools that sat under the extended kitchen counter. You had opened the bottle of red wine you had brought up with you, not expecting to open it so soon, but after your hellish meet-and-greet with the actual owner, you needed it. 
You cross your legs underneath you as you pull up your AirBNB inbox, finding Lisa’s name and starting a message as you take a big sip of wine that you had poured into a coffee mug, the cabin not equipped with any barware. 
You sigh through your nose and purse your lips. The other shoe had to drop at some point. Between the amazing rental price, picturequest town, and beautiful guest house, everything had seemed too good to be true. Turns out, it was. 
Hi Lisa, it seems there is a miscommunication. I met your husband this evening and it sounds like he was unaware I’m renting the space. I’m not looking to get in the middle of anything so would you please be able to refund me and I’ll stay elsewhere? Your message flies off with a whoosh and you take another sip. 
Your life had been enough of a mess the last few months, you had no interest in getting involved in someone else’s drama. So you would have Lisa refund you for the stay, try to find a new spot to stay, and hopefully be on your way in the morning, even if it meant spending more than you initially were planning. 
You’re about to stand up and head to the tv but your inbox pings with a response from Lisa. 
Don’t worry about him. You rented the guest house and it’s yours for the four weeks. And per the booking site, I do not need to issue you a refund for any reason unless the house is uninhabitable, which it isn’t. So if you are going to leave, that’s up to you, but I will not be refunding your stay. But if you will be canceling, let me know.
You stare at the text flabbergasted. What a bitch. You don’t even know her and you were getting a glimpse into why this marriage didn’t work out. 
You really didn’t want to be a part of her mind games, you had had enough of that in your own life. Your vacation had barely started and it was already on the verge of being ruined. 
You hop onto the booking site and start looking for other options, with a check in starting tomorrow. As you scroll through, the few options available are wildly expensive, and seem to be a room share versus a private rental. And you couldn’t return to your apartment; you had told your landlord about your trip and agreed to let him sublease the space while you were gone, which initially you agreed to since it would cover your rent for the month, but now was just another series of bad decisions since you quit your job. 
Which really just left you with one option; suck it up, keep your head down, and try to make the most of your trip. 
Well this sucks.
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Keep Reading
“Look,” You snap and point a finger at him. “I’m not here to be the pawn in your divorce game. I came here to relax. Problem is, every other place I’ve looked at in the area is either sold out or way more expensive than here, and I can’t afford it. You wife-”
“Ex wife-” He interjects curtly. 
“Whatever,” you snarl at his interruption. “Rented this place for a good deal, and considering I don’t have a job right now, I can’t really afford to go somewhere else.” 
“If you don’t have a job, what the hell are you doing here then?” He challenges, crossing his arms and matching your stance.  
“That’s none of your business.” He tsks his tongue and throws his head back with an exasperated sigh. 
“Look,” You lower your voice, hoping a calmer tone will help ease the situation. “Unless you need this house for anything, I promise I’ll stay out of your way. I won’t bother you, and you’ll barely know I’m here. But I already paid Lisa and I don’t have any other options, so you’re stuck with me.”
The man takes a deep breath through his nose and purses his lips.  
“Fine.” He snaps. “Enjoy your freakin’ vacation.” He huffs before he storms away from the porch and back to the main house. You shake your head at his antics.
Like a toddler having a temper tantrum. 
Between Lisa’s bitchy attitude and his man-child behavior, it’s a wonder how those two ever actually liked each other enough to get married.
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oftlunarialmoon · 5 months
LEGO BACKPACKS!!!!! did yall know about these???????
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nickgerlich · 23 days
What's In Your Cart
You’ve got to give Amazon a lot of credit. Starting in 1995, they proceeded to change the way we shop. Starting first with an online bookstore, then expanding into music, movies, and then pretty much everything under the sun, we learned to how shop online thanks to them. While they weren’t the first (Powell’s Books, for example, beat Amazon by a year), they were certainly the best known.
And they are now a household word, to the point that their name has been verbified.
Amazon Prime, which debuted in 2005, taught us to shop often and enjoy unlimited two-day shipping. Rather than aggregate purchases like before that time, in an effort to reduce shipping costs, this helped us shop on impulse. It became even more pronounced once we had an app to do this. I am extremely guilty of it.
Not a company to necessarily be tied to the online arena, Amazon has slowly been tweaking its entree into the brick and mortar realm. It has launched, folded, and relaunched various iterations of mini supermarkets, and in 2017, it purchased the Whole Foods chain, which has more than 500 units. It was at Whole Foods that last year it launched “palm pay” technology.
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At about the same time, though, the company realized its “Just Walk Out” program at other stores was not cutting it. Between erroneous charges and theft, it was posing a cash drain on the firm.
Today, we find Amazon opening four more Amazon Fresh stores in selected locations across the country. It is now using its proprietary Amazon Dash Carts, a smart shopping cart, as well as the palm pay that has been successful at Whole Foods.
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Imagine a shopping cart with a massive computer apparatus where you would normally place your purse or small child. This device has a scanner and scale, and knows where you are in the store at all times. Shoppers can add and delete items easily, and if they logged in to their account, can finalize their transaction and walk out. Otherwise, go through a traditional checkout, where you can pay the old fashioned ways, or wave your palm.
I love it! I just wish one of these stores were a little closer. For now, I will have to be content with Whole Foods in Dallas and other large cities whenever I visit. Believe me, it feels very empowering to just wave my hand over a scanner.
By now you might be wondering whatever happened to online ordering, home delivery, and curbside pickup. These are still things, of course, but Amazon wisely realizes that shoppers actually want to go to a physical store at least some of the time. I consume a lot of fresh veggies and fruit, and like to inspect before I buy.
Then there’s the process of discovery, something that is harder to accomplish online even with the best suggestion engines. For example, I love perusing Whole Foods’ expansive fresh produce department for oddities, like romanesco, red kale, purple cauliflower, rambutan, and many other rarities. I am implicitly asking Whole Foods—and Amazon—to wow me.
While palm pay has done well, thanks in large part to the fact that unless someone chops off my hand or handcuffs me to go shopping, the jury is still out on the Dash Carts.
Amazon is trying hard to speed up the shopping process, especially the end of it when we have to either self-check or wait in line for an employee to do it. By allowing us to do it throughout the entire shopping visit, we are basically one tap away from heading to the car after we enter the last item.
Sure, there will always be pushback. Some folks are put off by palm pay, fearing privacy as well as the Mark of the Beast and all that end times stuff. Others may be fearful of all the technology, especially the smart carts. Business critics may argue that a touchscreen showing your running total may hamper impulse purchases, because shoppers are fully aware of the bill as they go along. Oh, and then there’s the fact that these carts cost up to $10,000 apiece, and could easily be damaged if left outside. Never mind the homeless person who decides one of these might just be perfect for wheeled conveyance of his possessions.
Regardless, though, we are experiencing change writ large, and Amazon continues to push the needle. In spite of those who may never buy into it all, collectively we have accepted everything Amazon has done in the last 29 years. Perhaps someday we’ll be able to enter a store and see smart shelves illuminating our frequent purchases, view personalized messages on the screen, or even hear voices if we’re wearing Air Pods.
I’m down with it all. Anything to keep shopping trips exciting.
Dr “I’ll Wave As I Go Buy” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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Since phillip is so uncomfortable shopping for adult items in person, I imagine he does his adult shopping online.
What about this scenario, Hyacinth notices a discrete package from a adult online store on their counter top.
She recognizes the senders name because she has ordered from them before.
Hyacinth saddles up to Eloise and teases her about the purchase and asks what she ordered.
Eloise looks Hyacinth dead in the eye and ask what's she talking about.
Phillips ears are bright red.
What is Eloises next move? What about Hyacinth?
Do the sisters end up wrestling on the floor?
What do you think poor Phillip tried to order?
I decided to make this into a little mini fic. So, you know, feel free to read more.
"El, I have that book you were asking for!" Hyacinth said as she waltzed through the door of Phillip's (and she supposed Eloise's, now that her sister had officially moved in) house.
Eloise walked into the entryway from the kitchen, a perplexed look on her face.
"Hyacinth? How did you get in here? Did the twins not lock the door?"
"Oh it was locked, I used the spare," Hyacinth smiled and raised the key in her hand, "You might want to find a better hiding place than behind a wobbly brick on the stoop. Who knows who could just waltz into the house."
"I'll keep that in mind," Eloise said flatly, turning back to the kitchen, "come on in, not that you needed my invitation."
"So, what are you up to? Where are Phillip and the twins?" Hyacinth asked, taking a seat at the kitchen island as Eloise returned to what she had been doing before her sister walked in.
"Phillip is doing some school supply shopping with the twins, and I'm cutting orange slices," Eloise said, picking up a knife and gesturing to the cutting board that held a combination of orange slices and uncut oranges.
"And... you are doing that...why?" Hyacinth asked.
"Amanda has a soccer game this afternoon and it's her turn to provide snacks," Eloise said, slicing an orange in half.
"Look at you," Hyacinth grinned, "from independent woman to soccer mom in less than a year."
Eloise looked up and gave her sister an inscrutable look, somewhere between an indulgent smile and a complacent grin.
"If you would have told me nine months ago that I'd be cutting orange slices for a child's soccer game, I wouldn't have believed you," Eloise chuckled, "but I can't say I'm not pleased with how everything's shaken out. I love Phillip and I love the twins. So I'm more than happy to slice up oranges for them."
Hyacinth shifted in her seat, "Well, I'm happy for you El. I'll get out of your hair, I just wanted to return the Chomsky book I borrowed"
Hyacinth really was happy for Eloise. She liked Phillip and the twins were an absolute hoot. But when she looked at how happy Eloise was with Phillip, and how happy her best friend Felicity was with her boyfriend Geoff, she couldn't help but feel a little... empty.
That empty feeling dissipated, however, when Hyacinth went to set the book down by a pile of mail and saw a package with a return address that she recognized.
"Well, what do we have here?" Hyacinth said gleefully, reveling in the opportunity to embarrass her sister.
"What?" Eloise said, looking up from her oranges.
Hyacinth lifted up the package and quirked her brow, "Atlantic innovations?" she inquired.
"That must be something for Phillip, I don't know why you're so interested," Eloise said, shrugging and looking down to quarter an orange.
"Oh I'm sure it's for Phillip," Hyacinth laughed, "Or maybe in place of him? Is he going out of town for a botany symposium or something?"
Eloise put her knife down, "Hy, what the hell are you talking about?"
"I know it's a sex toy, El," she said in an indelicate whisper, "I've received several discreet packages from 'Atlantic Innovations' myself..."
Eloise was about to open her mouth when the front door opened. Phillip came into the kitchen carrying a couple of shopping bags, as the thumps of two pairs of feet clamored up the stairs.
"Hey El, we're back," Phillip said, walking over to place a kiss on Eloise's cheek, "Do you want some help with the oranges?"
Phillip then followed Eloise's line of sight to Hyacinth.
"Oh, hey Hyacinth, to what do we owe the pleasure?" he said, settling his arm around Eloise's waist
"Hy was just dropping off a book she borrowed and snooping through our mail," Eloise answered before her sister could get a word in edgewise.
Eloise felt Phillip's arm tense once he saw the package in Hyacinth's hand. She looked up to see his jaw flex and the tips of his ears start to turn red. Ah, so the package was for Phillip.
"However she was just leaving since she knows we all have a very busy afternoon, and don't have time to answer her probing questions about the household's correspondence, " Eloise continued, knowing that if Hyacinth had a chance to sus out the situation, Phillip wouldn't be able to look her sister in the eye ever again.
"Yup," Hyacinth grinned as she set the package down and gave it a gentle pat, "I'll be on my merry way. Good to see you Phillip, give the twins my love."
Just as she was about to walk through the kitchen doorway she looked over her shoulder with a diabolical grin and added: "Have fun you two."
As soon as she heard the front door shut, Eloise turned to Phillip and immediately asked: "So what's in the box?"
"I'm not sure what you mean," Phillip said, avoiding eye contact and turning more crimson by the minute.
"Hyacinth clocked the fake return address right away and knew it was from an online sex shop," Eloise explained.
"Oh god," Phillip said with a grimace.
"And I know I didn't order anything," Eloise continued, wrapping her arms around Phillip's neck, "so I can't help but be incredibly curious about the contents of this unassuming box."
"It was supposed to be a surprise," Phillip said, leaning his forehead against Eloise's.
"I got all the surprise I needed today by learning about my baby sister's online shopping habits, I don't know if I could handle anymore," Eloise said with a laugh.
"It's uh, saliva-activated lubricant." Phillip let out underneath his breath.
"Saliva-activated lubricant?" Eloise inquired looking up at him, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"Yeah, so, when it comes into contact with moisture, it starts to tingle," Phillip responded blushing and looking away.
"Interesting...." Eloise said, standing on the tips of her toes to whisper in his ear, "I can't wait to try it tonight."
Phillip smirked and kissed Eloise's ear "Me neither."
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aspl1tl1fe · 2 years
Setting Up Audre 2.4
Moving on from the Sunflower Fresh Market and out of the blue building to the brick structure nestled in the middle of the Franklin Market public strip. 
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This is where I’ve placed my Nectar Shop and Fromagore, which I’m hoping will eventually get a name, lol. I am thinking once I have a better idea of who all lives in Audre, and thus who will work/own this place something will come to me. However, I’m also open to suggestions.
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So when I was taking a look at this world and kind of creating a mental build map, I wasn’t really sure what this section of the lot would be. I just knew I wanted tables in front of those large windows, so some kind of food/drink related establishment.
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I don’t recall what exactly lead me to make this nectar focused as oppose to a café or diner, and even as I was working inside, I questioned if I should make it a different venue. I’m guessing as I imagined the courtship of my self sim and love interest, I also thought of date activities. Despite the fact that I don’t and have never drank, and have never really been (aside childhood trips) to any alcohol focused establishment, I imagine having listened to enough people talk about sampling wines or going to Napa Valley, plus well the nectar maker, made having a nectary in Audre seem natural. For me, I suppose, it also made sense for it to be near my grocer and bakery, although I can’t say the same for it being beside a pet shop, lol.
Here are some shots from just inside the front door:
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The decision to also make this a Fromagore came as I was completing the first level. I was placing decorative items, and couldn’t figure out what to put in that spot beside the door. Around the time when I was trying to think of what goes with wine in real life I was catching posts on my dash of people tinkering with food processor that goes with @anitmb​’s hunting mod so that it could produce cheese. Then I went, duh, cheese, then patrons not only have the option of sampling, buying and making nectar but making and buying cheese as a part of the venue’s experience.
Here’s a shot of the sale’s floor from behind and then beside the register.
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Those red shelves are custom wine racks. I found them way back a little after when talking about how shocked I was that there were very few cc racks online. I can’t remember who created these, but I am grateful to have a modern alternative. Clearly, like the food selves in my previous renos, the racks are bare, as I have not stocked them yet. 
Through the archway is a small sitting room, where guest can sit and enjoy nectar, cheese, and a good book. 
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I imagined this place would throw seasonal events, that encouraged large crowds to sample wine and cheese. That it would also allow groups to rent the place out for more private sampling events, and in between these, regulars might use the siting area to have a glass of nectar and some cheese while on a date or enjoying some solitary time while reading a book.
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That couch ended up here simply because I downloaded it sometime ago, but never used it. I didn’t know that it’s limited in how it could be recolored, but managed to make it work well enough to go along with the atmosphere.
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I’m not entirely sure I’ll keep the walls in the sitting room, or if I will replace them. At the time I moved on to work on something else I was satisfied. As I look at these images now, however, I don’t like the combination of the molding with that arch, and the arch is definitely staying, lol.
I think I will end with this shot of the sales area from the sitting room:
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This reno is a two level shop. I think I have enough pictures of the basement to fill their own post.
More to come next week!
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royumijapon · 1 year
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Marunouchi and Tokyo Station
The red-brick fronted building of the beautifully restored Tokyo Marunouchi Station is one of the most impressive pieces of architecture in the city, setting itself apart from the surrounding skyscrapers made of glass and steel. In it you will find one of the most important mass transportation hubs in the city, connecting the country with bullet trains that run from Hakodate in the far north to Fukuoka in the southwest. Not only does the station offer a plethora of dining and shopping options, but it is surrounded by some of the most beautiful sights in the city, from the Marunouchi business district to Nihonbashi, downtown Edo, old Tokyo.
Getting off the train, heading towards the west exit of Marunouchi, we find ourselves a step away from the Imperial Palace. Or walking out the gate to the east of Yaesu, we’ll be a few minutes walk from shopping districts like Ginza or Nihonbashi.
The central station through which every traveler passes
It is not an exaggeration to say that probably every traveler in Japan passes through Tokyo Station at some point. It is the busiest train station by number of trains in Japan, and connects the country along its entire length via the bullet train network, with regular departures to other major cities such as Kyoto. It also offers quick and easy access to Narita and Haneda airports, and is only 15 minutes from Japan’s busiest station, Shinjuku.
Train lines that arrive at Tokyo Station
As a transit hub, Tokyo is one of the most connected stations in the city. It is one of the most important terminals of the JR Yamanote line, which runs through the center of Tokyo and passes through several of the busiest and most interesting neighborhoods in the city. It also passes the Marunouchi line, which gives direct access to Ginza, Shinjuku and Ikebukuro. For those who plan to leave the city, just hop on a bullet train, better known as shinkansen, and you can reach the large northern island called Hokkaido or the southern island called Kyushu. Tokyo Station is a gateway to the city and the rest of Japan.
Leaving Tokyo Station on the Yaesu side, you will meet buses that will take you to the main cities of the country, as well as to Tokyo’s two main airports.
On the way to Narita, lines such as the Airport Limousine and the TYO-NRT leave several times an hour, with reduced schedules during the early morning hours or very late at night. The trip is approximately one hour and twenty minutes.
On the way to Haneda, lines such as the Airport Limousine or the Keihin Kyuko Bus leave several times an hour, with reduced schedules early in the morning or late at night. The trip takes between 30 to 55 minutes, depending on the service and the destination terminal.
The service is usually more expensive during non-regular hours, and you can make reservations online or buy tickets at the time of travel.
A maze of shopping streets
Tokyo Station is truly a place to shop ’til you drop, and you don’t need to walk far to get back to your train! The station is full of shops, both inside the travel area and outside. They can take a look at GRANSTA, full of delights to the palate, souvenirs and fashion products; explore First Avenue Tokyo Station, home to the famous Tokyo Character Street (for the many shops you’ll find featuring famous characters); take a walk through Yaesu Chikagai, an underground shopping center with more than 180 businesses; or go up to see the Daimaru Tokyo department store, one of the largest in the downtown area of ​​Tokyo.
If that’s not enough, and you need a quick concentrated shopping spree, you can visit the Marunouchi Building, Shin Marunouchi, KITTE or Marunouchi Brick Square, all surrounding Tokyo Station.
Yaesu Chikagai, the underground shopping center of Tokyo Station
Yaesu Chikagai is one of the largest underground shopping centers in Japan with more than 180 businesses, 60 of which are restaurants and cafes that will recharge you with energy to continue your purchases! When it comes to fashion, you can find everything from casual attire, sporting goods and custom shoes. You can also find household goods stores, pharmacies and unique souvenirs from Japan.
Continue Reading >>>
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wonderingwendy · 2 years
Great thing about free time is you never really know what you’re going to end up doing, learning or seeing. One day last week when temperatures were not in the 30s, we left on foot toward South Perth (known for the Perth Zoo but not our chosen destination) with only exploring in mind. We reached the bottom of Kaarta koomba (Kings Park) bluff and had a busy freeway to navigate across. I saw a pedestrian overpass in one direction but Craig noted an unmarked cross walk the other. In Australia, you may already know but vehicles have the right away so crossing a freeway can be a very harrowing experience. So a sandy gritty walk to the overpass it was.
The overpass itself was noticeably immaculate, air conditioned and linked a three level parking lot (or car park) to The Old Swan Brewery - a beautifully restored red brick building on the riverfront visible from downtown (or CBD central business district) Perth. The old brewery ceased production in 1966 and is now condos, offices, a restaurant (Cooee) and a non-operational brew pub (why it is not open is beyond me - imagine a brick RVYC building in Stanley Park, Vancouver with a fully built out antique bar and you can walk along the seawall to get there).
Cooee’s patio looked out to the Swan River and seemed so zen we decided to stop for an iced dirty chai latte and banana bread (wondering where did the banana bread craze come from?). We voted this chai the best we’ve had ever.
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Recharged and emptied bladders, we set off across the bridge. The salt water river was jammed with huge ominous jellyfish which made me wonder about efforts to rejuvenate the ecological health of the Swan River. Couldn’t find much online but hopefully someone’s concerned about it and taking action. Update - apparently the rise in water temperature is responsible for the increase in jellyfish. This guy is kinda gross and harmless but apparently very protective of the lighter coloured ones that do sting.
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The waterfront park and walk on the south side was expansive and quiet. The condos along South Perth Esplanade (such inventive names) were a nice mix of decades of design and the grounds all well manicured. There’s a catamaran ferry (small seabus) that runs every fifteen minutes to the CBD for $2.30 each way. Once you reach the dock of the ferry, you’ve reached the hub of South Perth - felt a little bit like Edgemont. We wandered up through the Shopping Plaza (basically a lobby area) and onto the street and headed towards the park and the zoo, stopping a a quaint little museum. Apparently South Perth was joined to the rest of the city by the tram system back in the early 1900s, much to the dismay of some of its residents. In fact one person shot at the conductor and the tram when the situation reach its boiling point. And we saw the sketches of May Gibbs, former Perth resident who is famous for her gumnut babies tales and illustrations. Further on our walk, the zoo didn’t appeal enough to pay the entrance fee but we did learn of the hardy grass trees (balga) a staple of the aboriginals, which flower after bushfires and their sap mixed with charcoal and kangaroo poo makes a superglue resin (some dirty hands must have discovered that!). As well as the grass trees and the related information sign, I wanted to show the solar panels used as a covered shaded walkway up to the zoo entrance. How clever.
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Wandering back through the shopping area, including some frivolous clothing try ons, we took note for future visits that some of the condos have monthly rental available. We discovered the Good Grocer (Urban Fare like) with all its healthy reasonable readymade food options. While we continued our walk along the seawall, it was reaching the high for the day of 29. Up ahead a sandwich board sign caught my eye about a driverless vehicle test being conducted by RAC (Royal Automobile Club like BCAA or AMA) so we signed up for it in the hopes of escaping the heat.
The 11 seater electrical bus (equipped with ceiling straps for more standing passengers) has been gathering data since 2016 (7 years!) on a programmed route between the riverfront and The Old 1835 Mill (more on that later maybe). This route is about 2km and 1/2 hour return trip apparently using superior technology to Tesla. There were three buses manufactured but only one currently in daily operation except during lightning storms. I’m wondering why there’s not more of these on the roads gathering data and why there’s not enough data gathered after 7 years to show the ideal options for the safe use of this technology. Hospitals, public park maintenance, airports all seem reasonable places to use these autonomous vehicles to transport people safely. Apparently legislation is blocking further expanded use of them. Wondering how reactionary human operators could be viewed as safer than these emotionless and egoless programmed electric vehicles operated at optimally efficient speed.
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Our surprise day ended with a riverfront dirty martini happy hour and quinoa salmon salad for dinner and a driver operated ferry and bus ride for our return trip back. Who knew what this 15k step day would bring.
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sunspray-peak · 2 years
Ch. 9: Orange Groves in Zuzu City
Strawberry Farms was looking great. 
Of course, it didn’t really look like a farm. There were, despite Demetrius’ insistence, still no strawberries (the seeds Achilles had purchased were in a kitchen drawer, stubbornly long forgotten), but the land was fully cleared and ready for planting. 
Along the newly painted and reinforced porch, orange and yellow daylilies crept alongside fluffy pink peonies that were just beginning to blossom. The blue geraniums likely wouldn’t bloom until next season, but their crowded, bushy stems still waved merrily in the bed he had dug out and mulched. 
In a moment of weakness while scrolling through the online flower catalogue, Achilles had splurged on two bleeding heart bushes to plant in the shadow of the greenhouse once it was completed. As a lifelong city dweller—he had been forced to impatiently defend himself to Shane who had shaken his head in dismay at the garish sight—he couldn’t help it if he was a sucker for a funny looking plant. 
The two had spent the morning rolling the last of the debris to the mine carts before Shane said they should call it a day. “We both deserve a little break,” Shane had grunted before leaving for Joja. Fair enough. It had, after all, been near nonstop physical labor for over half the season. 
That being said, Achilles did not particularly thrive on breaks. But the remaining items on the Sacred To-Do List required either a second hand or tools he didn’t yet have, so after repositioning the new garden gnome the 80th time (gaudier—and dare he say tackier—than his usual tastes, but just so amusing with his funny little hat!), Achilles was finally forced to conclude that, yes, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to take a “break.” 
“Unless you spirits have any other ideas?” he asked his invisible watchers, flicking a spot of dirt off the gnome’s nose. He hadn’t seen any junimos in a few weeks now. Perhaps it had been all in his head…
Idleness and anxiety were synonymous for him, so, with only the smallest stir in the pit of his stomach, Achilles decided it was time he took up Alex’s offer and visit the gym in Zuzu City. Perhaps, he also realized with a stroke of inspiration, he could stop by a hardware store and take a look at some paint chips. He had been considering repainting. Yellow and red were such boring, cliched colors for a farmhouse… 
He was, unsurprisingly, the only one on the bus, and took an aisle seat near the back.
A handful of elderly folks got on at Moonmist Meadows, a significantly larger, more suburban town than Stardew Valley that housed the elementary and middle schools for the three outlying towns outside of Zuzu. From there, the bus trundled off along the two lane highway, pulling into the city fifteen minutes later. 
Achilles had never been before, but had heard the villagers reference “the city” and its grid ball stadium occasionally. Sam had once shared his family used to live there before wanting to move somewhere “quieter,” so he had assumed Zuzu must’ve been livelier than the country towns surrounding it. Suffice to say, as Achilles stepped out of the bus, he was rather disappointed. 
A handful of high rises (if you could even call them that) dotted the landscape, two or three towers in a sea of squat, brick boutiques, coffee shops, and family owned businesses. It was a dense and walkable little grid, but unlike in Hyacinthia, the streets were quiet and the sidewalks here wide and clean as a whistle. Achilles very rarely had to break his step to allow a hurried office worker or shopper to pass. Neatly trimmed hedges lined the curb, their tiny white flowers punctuating the gas and coffee-tinted air with their rich, sweet scent. But despite the vegetation, Moonmist just didn’t feel alive. 
It was much too quiet for a city—not as quiet as Stardew, whose silence he found disconcerting at times, but still—no buskers, no honking horns, no sirens… 
Glancing at the map he had snapped a photo of on his phone, Achilles headed down two streets and to the right, onto 2nd Avenue where he found, under the branches of a literal orange tree, Orange Grove Fitness. 
A little bell announced his arrival, causing the woman at the front desk to look up from her paperwork. 
“Hi, welcome to Orange Grove!” 
Achilles gave a quick wave and glanced around. The lobby was well lit and clean; a handful of orange cushioned chairs lined the walls, their reflections visible in the gleam of the dark hardwood floors. 
“I’m… here for a class.” Achilles grabbed a little calendar from a neat stack on the counter. “With Alex Mullner?”
“Oh sure! Here a little early, though, his next class isn’t for another 20. First time?” The girl—Megan was her name, according to her name tag—stood from her chair and handed him a bright orange clipboard. “Just got some forms here for ya, if you don’t mind. You can take a seat anywhere.” She waved her arms towards the chairs. 
It seemed like he was getting himself into a cycling class, according to the schedule. Well, better cardio than strength, he thought, as he checked down a row of boxes. His arms hadn’t stopped feeling numb since his tumble down the mines. 
“We’ve got several different membership plans,” Megan said when he returned the form. She handed him a piece of cardstock detailing the different tiers. “Depending on if you want certain classes, 24/7 access to the gym, access to the pool, private training, all of the above, two of the above, you name it, we’ve got something. Of course, first class today will only be $25 for ya as a part of our trial special, but if you’re interested in anything else, you just let me know.” 
“Great, thank you.” 
“You know Alex?” She had filed away his paperwork and was now putting together a new clipboard. 
Achilles nodded. “We’re neighbors.” 
“Oh, no way! You’re from Stardew?” She wiped the pen he had used with a sanitizing wipe with a quick flourish. 
“I moved there at the beginning of the season. It’s just for a bit.”  
“Oh, that’s so great, Alex will be so excited.” Megan set the new clipboard alongside two others on the counter. “You’re the first person from the Valley to check out his new class. He’s worked here for four or so years and the owners finally decided to ask him to design one. Wouldn’t stop talking about it for a week, I kept telling him, you should’ve just asked…” 
The phone began to ring and she gave him a friendly wave. “You go on take a seat, it’ll just be a few more minutes.” 
People began to file in en masse about ten minutes later—regulars, it seemed, who smoothly scanned their IDs at the counter before heading past the front desk down the hall. 
Achilles, after receiving an enthusiastic thumbs up from Megan who was on the phone again, followed the little crowd into a room on the right where he could see Alex at the doorway, greeting each arrival with a high five.
As Achilles neared, Alex’s face broke into an even wider smile. 
“Hey, hey, hey, the man of the hour!” Achilles found himself pulled into a quick half-hug, the touch of Alex’s firm hand on his back sending a prickle racing through to his fingertips. “Glad you could make it!” 
Two dozen bikes or so were neatly arranged in a bright room; natural light poured through a window taking up most of the opposite wall, a yellow tinting film somewhat lessening the glare on the mirrored wall facing them. Bright green fans with blades shaped like leaves hung from the ceilings. 
Damn, this is a nice fucking gym… 
Achilles took a bike in the back row, close to the corner. Nodding politely to his neighbor, he hopped deftly onto the orange cushion and tucked his water bottle into the holder in front of him. 
The room was soon full (with mostly women, Achilles couldn’t help but notice), and after a short, animated kickoff speech from Alex, pop music blared through the speakers and they started the warm up. 
Having been absolutely determined not to sweat any more than necessary—see, this is why he had always erred towards solo sports; nobody looked more vulnerable than a sweaty, harried, visibly exhausted victim—Achilles was pleased to find that his six years of jogging had transferred easily to the bike. Of course, he probably could’ve upped the resistance a bit more, like Mr. Marathon over to his left, who was huffing and puffing as he wheezed along to Dylan Brisk’s latest Top 10 hit, but hey, Achilles still had a whole afternoon ahead of him. Couldn’t afford looking like a wreck while scrutinizing paint chips, especially when Alex was looking so… good.
Remarkably unfair. Neither out of breath nor red with exertion, Alex accompanied his instructions with his usual easy, bright-eyed smile, every hair on his head still perfectly held in place.     
The class ended with a light cool down. Pushing his hair back with his hand in an attempt to stealthily wipe the sweat off his forehead, Achilles delicately unstuck himself from the seat. His legs weren’t the consistency of jello per se, but definitely on the wobblier side as he went to grab some disinfectant wipes from the tree shaped dispenser next to the window. 
Alex, still full of energy after cycling for an hour and shouting countdowns and the various motivations and encouragements that good instructors ought to do, was now chatting with one of the members, a blonde girl in perfectly coordinated blue camo workout gear. She did not look particularly sweaty, to Achilles’ vague irritation. 
Achilles eyed the two with just the tiniest hint of envy (well, at least you’re self-aware). He took his sweet time wiping down the bike—the handholds, the seat, even the bottle holder, hey, his fingers had touched that, too… — and waited for her to leave. 
A hand on the shoulder there, a brush on the arm accompanied by a bubbly, high-pitched laugh… ugh. The blonde was likely a regular, but even then, given Alex’s lack of reciprocation, her overt familiarness seemed to be making most folks uncomfortable, to Achilles’ relief (see, it’s not just you), as the rest of the class keenly interrupted the two to say goodbye as they filtered out. 
Even Mr. Marathon was shaking his scarlet face, cocking an eyebrow at Achilles in shared disbelief as he offered up a fist bump and strolled away. 
Alex, who was now leaning away on his back leg against his bike as the girl chattered on, hands loosely holding the loop of his water bottle, met Achilles’ gaze and smiled. He didn’t end the conversation, though—it was another two minutes before her friends called her name. But finally, she trotted out, and it was just them two in the warm, orange-cast room. 
“Sheeeesh.” Achilles said, eyeing the door. 
Alex held a pointer finger to his upturned lips, but his eyes were twinkling. Achilles obliged, and only after a pause whereupon Alex began to re-wipe down all the bikes, did he continue. 
“That happen every class?” 
“Eh, sometimes. Doesn’t usually go on for that long. Luckily,” he had moved on to the second row, “Professional ‘decorum’ gives me a believable excuse to, and I’m quoting here, turn down any potential romantic advances.”
“You’re not allowed to date the members?” 
“Oh, I’m allowed, just not ‘encouraged’ is I think the word the rules say, and that’s been a good enough excuse whenever it starts getting too direct. But hey,” Alex turned to face him, arms outstretched above his head, “What’d you think of the class?” 
“Great! Really great, I haven’t biked in ages. I mean, did I hate the arm portion? A little bit, didn’t realize we did that in cycling classes. But have to say, loved the music… yeah, best class I’ve taken…” 
Achilles followed Alex out into the hall where they both disposed of their wipes in a tree trunk-themed trash can. 
“Oh yeah? You better put that in the survey.” Alex had walked him to the lobby. “Spent two weeks crafting that playlist and routine, you know. Keep trying to get Sam or Penny to stop by, but it doesn’t work great with their schedules…” 
“So, Achilles, how’d it go? Interested in a membership?” Megan was still at the desk, her deft fingers already holding a new clipboard (this one green) at the ready.  
“Ah…” Achilles glanced at Alex, who was now swiveling lazily in the chair next to Megan’s. He was leaning back, his long legs spread, sneakered feet planted into the floor as he tossed an orange stress ball between his hands. Achilles didn’t want to disappoint him, but… “It was great class, but not at this time.” 
“Ah-sheel, actually, Meg, it’s French.” Alex rolled the “r” (very not-French of him), his green eyes dancing, hands now grasping his knees as he clumsily rolled himself forward. “Not a knock against me or my class, for the record, Mr. Orange Grove, if you’re listening. He’s just in the Valley for the rest of the season and then he’s outta here like the traitor he is.” 
Grateful that Alex understood, Achilles nodded and went to refill his water bottle at the tank next to the front counter. Megan nodded as well, returning the green clipboard behind the desk. 
“Yeah, best not insult Mr. Orange Grove right now,” he heard her say to Alex. “Rumor has it Josh might be leaving at the end of the year.” 
“Mmhm, his wife’s apparently looking for a new job on the East Coast… think you’ll apply if he goes?” 
“Nah, being manager seems like way too much work.” 
“It’d be 9-5 though.”
“Yeah, but paperwork? Nah, I couldn’t handle that, no thanks…” 
Achilles returned to stand in front of the two. “Speaking of getting… ‘outta here.’ I thought I’d pick up some things for the farmhouse. Paint and the like. Care to join? Would welcome your thoughts, Shane merely grunts every time I ask him.” 
Alex glanced at his watch, a surprisingly delicate, somewhat feminine, old fashioned thing strapped to his wrist in soft, worn leather. “Got another class to teach in a bit.” Folks were indeed beginning to string in and head down the hall. “Maybe in an hour and thirty or so if that works? I can show you around the city too, if you’d like, maybe we can grab dinner before we head back.” 
“Sure.” Squashing down the single butterfly that had begun to flutter in his stomach. Achilles patted his pockets to make sure he had everything. 
“There’s a cafe across the street.” Megan nodded at a quaint, lavender canopy. “It’s pretty nice if you want to wait and work there. Their earl grey is really good if you’re a tea person.”
“Girl after my own heart, thank you.” Achilles nodded farewell. 
Back in the day, “work” had meant churning out 300 different slogans to headline 50 different versions of an advertisement for produce or the latest store brand cola (he had managed the JojaMart account, and what a nightmare that had been). As he steadily rose up the ranks of BRLO, he had found himself writing less and reading more, but even still, old habits died hard. 
He had meant to spend the hour redesigning the rotting “Strawberry Farms” sign that used to welcome visitors to the property before he had taken it down, but sitting in the bustling coffee shop, pen and pocket notebook in hand, he found himself conducting a little exercise he used to play back in his junior copywriter days. 
A man who hasn’t seen the sun in years finally decides one day to leave the basement where he lives alongside the mummified corpse of his neighbor whose house he’s actually been squatting in, he wrote next to a doodle of a man waiting by the counter in a black trench coat and dark shades who was holding a pastel pink and purple drink with whipped cream in one hand. 
He had actually started doing it—silly, low effort, micro stories of strangers around him—as practice back in middle school when he decided, after much adolescent pondering, that he would perhaps like to be a writer, too, when he grew up. Funnily enough, the habit had fallen by the wayside when he actually did become a published writer, but after getting his creative soul crushed in his first year at BRLO, he had found his way back to it.  
And at a quarter to 4, Alex found his way back to him, dropping into the seat to his left along the back wall. The neon orange uniform was now half-hidden by a faded green letterman, the faint smell of citrus filling the air. 
“Keeping it the same?” He was looking at the various sign designs that Achilles had, eventually, drawn up. “No Banana Farms? Orange Farms? I think Blackberry Farms has a nice ring to it.” 
“I actually did consider changing it.” Achilles passed the notebook over so Alex could take a closer look. “But I’d have to fill out quite a few forms and register new permits, and the new owners may just want to change it anyway. Figured it likely wasn’t worth the hassle.” 
“I like the second one, but they’re all not bad, you know.” He continued to flip through, catching a glimpse of the various doodles and stories. “This all looks very impressive.” 
All not bad. Achilles suppressed a dry chuckle. At least the stories and sketches were “impressive.” 
“Don’t worry, I won’t ask you when you’re going to get into writing again,” he said, handing the notebook back to Achilles who tucked it in his windbreaker. “I know how annoying that can be. And I’m well aware saying that makes it sounds like I just asked when you’ll get back into writing in a sideways sort of way, but I promise I don’t mean it like that.” 
They left the counter, Alex opening the cafe door with his shoulder and motioning for Achilles to exit first. 
“Come on. You wanted paint? I’ll show you around.” 
Zuzu felt even smaller once he was given a guided tour. An art museum, a history museum, the local performing arts theater, and the library were probably the standouts—modern, more imposing buildings of marble and glass crammed jarringly between the brick and mortar mom and pop shops. At a quaint olive oil emporium, Achilles purchased a garlic infused bottle as an additional thank you gift for Evelyn and George. Mostly Evelyn. George’s mood had been just as dismissive during dinner. 
“I have wine, too—should’ve shown up with it on Saturday really, bit of a lapse on my part.” Achilles handed the neatly wrapped box to a lightly protesting Alex. 
On 4th and 2nd, Alex pointed out the grid ball stadium, whose spires were just visible behind the purple neon lights of a karaoke bar. 
“I was so sure I’d end up there one day, you know, but I guess fate had other plans,” he mused just as screams and drums began to erupt from the arena. Seemed like there was a concert going on tonight. 
“Don’t beat yourself up, it’s hard as fuck to go pro.”  
When younger, Achilles had always secretly dreamed of being a sports star—what kid didn’t? The fame, the notoriety, the fans… the visibility of it all, really. And the pure, easy objectivity when it came to deeming who was “great.” So unlike the literary world. Unfortunately, as Alex had proved, nobody gave a shit about fencers and he had never quite been able to break into the national Top 20 for high school tennis, despite all his training (and his parents’ money). 
“Hmm.” Alex frowned. Must be a sore subject. “We should go for a game some time, when the season starts back up.” 
Achilles didn’t care much for grid ball, but the invitation couldn’t help but bring an enthusiastic quirk to his lips anyway. 
Stop that! 
At the hardware store, the two compared paint chips combinations. 
“I want something light, something fresh, but modern,” Achilles explained to the aproned employee who slowly nodded in feigned interest. 
Alex was partial to a sage green. A bold choice, Achilles thought, eyeing the chip, but could perhaps work with a dark grey roof? Or maybe a brown? He asked the young employee for her thoughts, but she merely shrugged. 
He settled on a warm grey in the end—something a bit in the middle, and ordered a delivery for tomorrow morning. 
“Wanna grab dinner?” Alex asked after they stepped out. “Getting a bit late, we could just grab something from the saloon.” 
“Ah, I think it might rain soon.” Achilles had taken note earlier of the dark clouds that had been rolling in. Oh how Ii pained him to turn down a meal with the man, but the thought of sprinting to Pelican Town and back in a thunderstorm made him queasy.
Alex glanced upwards, but only one of them had spent 3rd grade studying the different types of clouds. 
“Huh, all right, I’ll trust you, weather boy—come on, if we run we might make the next bus.” 
Make the next bus they did, and right in time as thunder began to crack just as they took their seats. At Moonmist, a sorrowful, soaked Penny joined them, clambering stiffly into her seat, droplets pooling on the floor. 
“Of a-all d-d-d-ays to stay late,” she stuttered with a breathy laugh. She graciously accepted the letterman Alex offered, her birdlike frame totally engulfed by the green leather. 
“I can grab you two umbrellas.” Achilles, eager to help somehow, glanced over at the two while they waited underneath the bus stop together. “Since the farm is closer. Won’t be a minute.” 
Taking a deep breath, he sprinted out from underneath and was immediately pelted by fat rain drops that splashed against the polyester of his windbreaker, beading up before racing down the sleeves. 
He had just been able to make out the edges of his property when a thought suddenly occurred to him. 
You idiot. 
He sprinted back, choosing to do his penance standing shamefacedly across from the bus stop in the muddy road as rain continued to beat down. 
“I forgot I… don’t have any umbrellas,” he called, looking uncomfortably at the merrily splashing mud. “I’m sorry.” You dumb bitch! This is what you get for being hasty, trying to impress…
But Alex and Penny merely laughed. 
“You think it’ll clear up soon?” Alex called. “Come under the bus stop, Achilles, what’s wrong with you.” 
Achilles peered up, getting a quick glimpse in of the thick clouds continuing to darken the skies overhead, just before a raindrop fell into his eye. 
“No, I think you’ve got a while to go, I’m afraid. But you can come back to my place if you’d like, I’ve got a… frozen pizza. Maybe.”
“Oh yeah, just like you had two umbrellas, right—”
“Listen, at least I said maybe this time—”
“I should head back,” Penny said, her voice ringing through the rain. “I have to fix up dinner for my mom… but thank you for the offer.” 
“I’ll walk you back—and you go on and head back, too, Achilles, get out of here before you get pneumonia or something.” 
With Penny’s squeal, the two raced out from under the bus stop, high tailing it down the muddy path, leaving Achilles to moodily stomp his way back to Strawberry Farms.
At least there had indeed been a frozen pizza in the freezer. Small victories. 
After shoving it in the oven, he changed out of his wet clothes and collapsed in his armchair. What a day. Between the gym and the city tour—the only time he had thought about the farm was at the hardware store. Was this what it was like to live impulsively? He wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Then again, to have been able to spend it all with Alex… even with the rain, he might just do it a hundred times over. 
Small victories. 
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freenewsreport · 1 month
The Hidden Gem of Liverpool's Pride Quarter: Bearskin
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Tucked away in the vibrant heart of Liverpool's Pride Quarter lies Bearskin, a hidden lifestyle store that’s easy to miss but impossible to forget. Nestled on Leather Lane, just a stone’s throw from the iconic GBar nightclub, Bearskin is more than just a store—it's a sanctuary for the LGBTQ+ community. With privacy and safety as its pillars, this gay-owned and managed haven has become a beloved spot for those seeking more than just a shopping experience. The allure of Bearskin lies not only in its carefully curated selection of products but in the warmth and inclusivity it radiates, making it a beacon of comfort and style in the city. In the landscape of lifestyle store news, Bearskin stands out as a unique and welcoming space.
The Essence of Bearskin: A Store with a Story
Founded by Ken Bryce, affectionately known as Spiker within the LGBTQ+ community, Bearskin is a tribute to love and resilience. Ken, a seasoned retailer with over thirty years of experience, opened Bearskin with his late partner. After his partner’s tragic passing due to Covid in 2020, Ken was determined to keep their dream alive. What began as a small stall in the Baltic Market’s Red Brick Market has now blossomed into a thriving store on Leather Lane, serving the community with pride. Ken’s passion for creating a safe and welcoming space is evident in every aspect of Bearskin, from its private changing rooms to its selection of top-notch brands like Andrew Christian and Breedwell.
A Sanctuary for All: Beyond the Ordinary Store
Bearskin isn’t just a store; it’s a space where the LGBTQ+ community can feel at home. Unlike the flashy exteriors of typical retail outlets, Bearskin focuses on what truly matters—what’s inside. The store’s interior exudes warmth and comfort, making it a welcoming retreat for all who enter. Whether you’re searching for unique fetish wear, stylish underwear, or simply a place where you can be yourself, Bearskin delivers. Its mission goes beyond retail; it’s about creating connections, fostering inclusivity, and offering a place where everyone, regardless of age, can find something special. As lifestyle store news goes, Bearskin’s story is one of true community spirit.
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Growing Together: The Future of Bearskin
Bearskin’s journey is one of growth and community. As the store continues to gain recognition, both locally and internationally, Ken is looking to expand the Bearskin brand. With increasing online sales and interest from as far as Gran Canaria, the future looks bright. Ken’s vision includes launching Bearskin-based social events, providing an alternative to the younger, club-focused scene in Liverpool. By doing so, Bearskin aims to create a space where the older LGBTQ+ community can feel included and celebrated. As Ken puts it, “We’re a strong community, and we have to demonstrate that to the world.” This ambition is sure to place Bearskin prominently in lifestyle store news across the UK and beyond.
Conclusion: Bearskin—More Than Just a Store
In the bustling streets of Liverpool’s Pride Quarter, Bearskin stands as a testament to resilience, inclusivity, and the power of community. This hidden lifestyle store is not just a place to shop but a sanctuary where the LGBTQ+ community can find solace, style, and a sense of belonging. As Bearskin continues to grow and evolve, it remains committed to its core values of safety, privacy, and inclusivity. So, whether you’re a local or just passing through, Bearskin is a must-visit destination that truly embodies the spirit of Liverpool’s vibrant LGBTQ+ scene. Keep an eye on this gem, as it’s set to become a cornerstone of lifestyle store news in the community.
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seoprivatetourguide · 2 months
Same day Delhi tour by car by Private tour guide India Company.
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Private Tour Guide India Company offers same-day car tours in Delhi. Introduction Delhi, India's dynamic capital, is a city where history meets contemporary. A same-day automobile trip of Delhi, offered by Private trip Guide India Company, is ideal for discovering the city's rich cultural heritage, historical sites, and bustling markets. This detailed guide will assist you in creating a great day in Delhi.
What Makes a Private Tour Guide India Company Stand Out? Personalized experience. A customized tour provides a tailor-made experience, allowing you to explore Delhi at your own pace and based on your interests.
Flexibility and Comfort. Traveling by car gives you the freedom to plan your schedule and the convenience of a private, air-conditioned vehicle.
Knowledge from an expert A professional tour delivers in-depth information about Delhi's history, culture, and landmarks, enriching your overall experience.
Planning a Same-Day Delhi Tour Booking the Tour: Booking your tour is simple and may be accomplished online. To assure availability and a seamless experience, make your reservation ahead of time.
What to Expect. Expect a well-thought-out itinerary that includes important sights, historical sites, cultural monuments, and local markets.
Getting ready for the journey Wear comfortable clothing and shoes, and bring a camera, sunglasses, and sunscreen.
Beginning the Tour Pickup and Departure Your private car and guide will meet you at your hotel or a predetermined place early in the morning.
A summary of the itinerary The program will feature a combination of historical sights, cultural icons, religious sites, and local marketplaces.
Discovering Historical Sites The red fort The Red Fort is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that represents India's rich history and architectural grandeur.
Jama Masjid. Jama Masjid, one of India's greatest mosques, is an architectural masterpiece with spectacular views of Old Delhi.
Humayun’s tomb This tomb, another UNESCO World Heritage Site, was built before the Taj Mahal and is a magnificent example of Mughal architecture.
visiting cultural and political landmarks India gate India Gate, a military memorial dedicated to soldiers killed in World military I, is a well-known landmark in Delhi's capital.
Rashtriya Bhavan This majestic structure is a stunning example of British colonial architecture and serves as the official house of the President of India.
Parliament's House Parliament House, an outstanding circular edifice, is where the Indian Parliament meets.
Discovering religious sites The Lotus Temple The Lotus Temple is a Bahá'í House of Worship that welcomes people of all faiths and is distinguished by its unusual flower-like shape.
Akshardham temple Akshardham Temple, a modern masterpiece, exemplifies traditional Indian and Hindu culture, spirituality, and architecture.
Gurudwara, Bangla Sahib Gurudwara Bangla Sahib is a well-known Sikh temple with stunning architecture and a community kitchen.
Recommended Restaurants for Lunch Break Enjoy lunch at one of Delhi's well-known restaurants, which provide both traditional and foreign cuisine.
Traditional cuisine of Delhi Local favorites include Butter Chicken, Chole Bhature, and Delhi-style street cuisine.
Discovering Local Markets Khandni Chowk Chandni Chowk, Delhi's oldest and busiest market, is known for its tiny passageways, bustling bazaars, and superb street cuisine.
The Connaught Place Connaught Place is a lively business hub with a variety of shopping, dining, and entertainment opportunities.
Dhilli Haat Dilli Haat is an open-air market that sells handicrafts, textiles, and cuisines from several Indian regions.
Modern Attractions Qutab Minar Qutub Minar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the world's highest brick minaret and an outstanding example of Indo-Islamic architecture.
Lodhi Garden A lovely city park with antique tombs and rich foliage, ideal for a leisurely stroll.
National museum The National Museum, one of India's largest museums, includes an extensive collection of art, antiquities, and historical treasures.
Buying souvenirs Handmade items that are one of a kind Seek out homemade things such as ceramics, jewelry, and textiles that make excellent mementos.
Fashion and Accessories. The markets in Delhi sell a wide range of fashion items, including traditional Indian attire and modern accessories.
local delicacies Pick purchase some native delicacies like spices, teas, and sweets to bring a flavor of Delhi home.
Optional Activity Ride a rickshaw. Take a typical rickshaw trip through Old Delhi's bustling streets.
A light and sound show Witness Delhi's history come to life with a light and sound extravaganza at the Red Fort or Purana Qila.
Experience Delhi's gastronomic wonders with a street food tasting tour, featuring popular dishes like golgappas, aloo chaat, and parathas.
Return journey. Departure from the last stop After a full day of exploring, your guide will transport you back to your hotel or specified drop-off location.
Comfort Ends During the return trip, there will be regular stops for refreshments and rest.
Arrival Back to the hotel Return to your hotel in the evening to end your same-day tour of Delhi.
Tip for a Smooth Trip The Best Time to Visit The milder months of October to March are the finest time to visit Delhi.
Pack only the essentials, such as water, food, a power bank, and travel documents.
Tips for Safety Stay hydrated, use sunscreen, and listen to your guide for a safe and fun tour.
Conclusion A same-day vehicle tour of Delhi is an excellent opportunity to learn about the city's rich history, vibrant culture, and current attractions. A private tour guide from India Company can show you the finest of Delhi in one day, making it a must-do for travelers.
FAQs Is this tour acceptable for people of all ages? Yes, the tour is acceptable for people of all ages and families.
What should I wear on the tour?. Wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes. Don't forget your hat and shades.
Is there an additional cost? Entry fees and meals are often included in tour packages. Personal expenses, such as shopping, are charged separately.
Can the tour be modified? Yes, bespoke tours can be tailored to your specific tastes.
How long is the tour? The tour usually lasts from early morning until late evening, providing a full day of sightseeing.
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Buy Marlboro Online: Convenience, Selection, and Savings
In today's fast-paced digital age, the convenience of online shopping has extended to virtually every product category, including cigarettes. Marlboro, one of the world's most iconic and popular cigarette brands, is no exception. For those who prefer the quality and taste of Marlboro, buying cigarettes online offers a range of benefits, from a wider selection to potential cost savings. This article explores the advantages of purchasing Marlboro cigarettes online and provides tips for a safe and satisfactory shopping experience.
Why Buy Marlboro Online?
Convenience: One of the primary reasons smokers opt to buy Marlboro online is the convenience. Instead of visiting a physical store, you can place an order from the comfort of your home or office at any time. This is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or limited access to local retailers.
Wider Selection: Online stores often offer a broader range of Marlboro products than local retailers. Whether you're looking for Marlboro Reds, Marlboro Lights, Marlboro Gold, or any other variety, you're more likely to find exactly what you want online. This extensive selection ensures you can choose your preferred type and even explore new options.
Competitive Pricing: Online retailers frequently provide competitive pricing and discounts that may not be available in brick-and-mortar stores. By comparing prices across various websites, you can find the best deals and save money on your purchases. Additionally, some online stores offer bulk purchasing options, which can further reduce the cost per pack.
Delivery to Your Doorstep: Online shopping eliminates the need to travel to a store, as your order is delivered directly to your doorstep. This is particularly advantageous for individuals living in remote areas or those with mobility issues. Many online retailers offer fast shipping options, ensuring you receive your Marlboro cigarettes promptly.
Tips for Buying Marlboro Cigarettes Online
Choose Reputable Retailers: To ensure you receive genuine Marlboro products, purchase from reputable and well-reviewed online retailers. Check customer reviews and ratings to gauge the reliability of the seller. Avoid websites with numerous negative reviews or complaints about counterfeit products.
Verify Age Requirements: Selling cigarettes to minors is illegal, and reputable online retailers will require age verification. Be prepared to provide proof of age to comply with legal requirements. This step ensures that you are purchasing from a legitimate source.
Compare Prices and Shipping Costs: Take the time to compare prices across different websites. While one retailer may offer a lower price per pack, their shipping costs could be higher. Consider the total cost, including shipping, to find the best deal.
Check Return Policies: Before making a purchase, review the retailer's return policy. Ensure they have a fair return process in case you receive damaged or incorrect products. A clear and customer-friendly return policy is a sign of a trustworthy retailer.
Look for Secure Payment Options: Only provide your payment information on secure websites. Look for "https" in the URL and security icons indicating a secure transaction. Using secure payment methods, such as credit cards or reputable payment gateways, adds an extra layer of protection.
Buying Marlboro cigarettes online offers unparalleled convenience, a wider selection, and potential cost savings. By choosing reputable retailers and following best practices for online shopping, you can enjoy a seamless and satisfactory experience. Whether you prefer classic Marlboro Reds or any other variety, the ease of purchasing online ensures you never run out of your favorite cigarettes. Embrace the benefits of digital shopping and explore the extensive world of Marlboro cigarettes available at your fingertips.
For more info visit here:- buy Wismilak Cigarettes online
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storetransformahm · 2 months
Unleashing the Power of Shopify Services: Your Path to Online Prosperity
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Ecommerce continues to explode, and Shopify is a powerful platform for online business. As the world becomes more connected, new ways of doing business have emerged. Today, brick-and-mortar stores are not necessary for one to start a business. Using e-commerce stores, you can start a business and advertise your products online.
Building an online store can be complicated. This is why most entrepreneurs use hosted platforms. Though there are several hosted platforms, Shopify is perfect for creating an online store as it combines quality, functionality, efficiency, and simplicity.
What is Shopify?
Shopify is a popular and powerful e-commerce platform that enables entrepreneurs and businesses to build online stores. With Shopify, you can customize your store’s look, add products, manage orders, accept payments, and more. Shopify is the perfect solution if you’re looking to start an online store, migrate to an all-in-one e-commerce solution, and reach a global market to sell products and goods.
How does Shopify work? 
International Growth
Shopify makes it easier for your business to grow internationally. You can effortlessly sell your products globally with Shopify Plus for your e-commerce business because it lets you build multiple expansion stores in different locations. Currently, 1 million internet shops across 175 countries service 300 million or more customers worldwide. Retailers may reach a wider audience by providing a customized geographic experience, several languages configured for every store, and automated pricing consistency across 133 currencies.
Improved Code Access
Additional API calls and developer tools can boost capability without sacrificing current solutions, which is advantageous for Shopify Plus businesses. By including personalized discounts, shipping costs, and product recommendations, advanced scripts can enhance websites, such as the checkout process.
Integration across several channels
Shopify’s offerings expand in tandem with the growth of Ecommerce. Merchants can sell through more than 80 online marketplaces, 100+ social media platforms, smartphone interfaces, and blogs. This offering is updated frequently to take into account the latest market trends. With sales channels including eBay, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Pinterest, and other third-party integrations like Wish, Wanelo, and more—all of which are managed centrally within the Shopify platform—merchants stand to gain access to a larger consumer base.
Benefits of Shopify Plus
Shopify Plus provides several advantages. As a result, several successful corporate brands, like Deliveroo, Red Bull, and Huel, have moved their products to the Shopify platform.
Better and Less Expensive
Shopify Plus is less expensive than legacy platforms like Salesforce Commerce Cloud or Hybris. Customers that use Shopify Plus spend up to 80% less on their online businesses and benefit from a far faster setup period of 90 days or less, as opposed to 180 days with traditional systems. Shopify Plus is a completely customizable platform that can accommodate to even the most specific requirements and create a one-of-a-kind online presence. This is the best platform for online retailers that want to stand out.
Dependability and security
Shopify Plus servers are dependable, with an average uptime of 99.9% and a high degree of security. Merchants may benefit from limitless bandwidth, which can handle 10,978 peak orders per minute, allowing them to easily handle high traffic.
Simple Migration
Big retail establishments or merchants with a large number of items may effortlessly migrate all of their data to Shopify Plus with the help of industry professionals. Account managers enable a smooth setup and transition into the platform, which includes all customer-facing, internal, and third-party systems. From integration and client user case advice to payment gateways or checkout customization, experienced professionals will ensure that all technical components perform flawlessly with Shopify Plus.
Looking for a Shopify services agency?
Store Transform is a top e-commerce website development and digital marketing agency. We, as India’s leading IT company, focus on the areas that are critical to achieving maximum efficiency. Our specialized team strengthens our offerings in fields like graphic design, website development, content marketing, and digital marketing.
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The True Meaning of Family - Chapter 6
Summary: A found family Supernatural AU. Ophelia Humphries is an English 19-year-old who is just trying to finish her online history degree when she receives a letter from two brothers she never knew she had.
A/N: Chapter 6 is here! Thank you for reading, I love seeing the notifications for likes, it always makes me smile. If you didn't see the previous chapters, you can find the master list here. Let me know what you guys think!
There was a faint ringing in Ophelia’s ears that left her slightly dizzy and unstable on her feet. Castiel held her arm tightly to keep her steady.
Dean looked a little worried at the effects of the teleportation on his sister. Yet as soon as Ophelia let go of Cas and rubbed her temples all that concern left him.
“How often do you guys do that, because that has to be hands down one of the worst things I have ever experienced.” Ophelia finally said.
“I do it all the time.” Said Cas in a truly dead pan.
“Of course you do Cas, I was meaning the humans among us.”
“Oh we rarely do it but Dean hates flying so it made sense when coming to see you.” Sam replied.
Dean was sitting down at a table in the large room that Cas had teleported them all into. The red brick, concrete pillars and dark wood gave the room a welcoming and familiar feeling. The alcoves in the walls were lined with old books and items that looked like they had never been moved; dust had settled into the crevices.
“This is a big house for two guys and an angel.” Ophelia remarked as she stepped away from Cas, looking at her surroundings.
“Well, it’s not really a house.” Sam said, reaching for Ophelia’s bags. “This is the Men of Letters Bunker.”
Dean picked up on the look of confusion that crossed his sister’s face. “The Men of Letters were a global secret organization of super-smart guys who basically did what we did but with way more resources.”
“You guys failed to mention you were pretty much supernatural spies!”
“Yeah, that’s not us. The order that ran out of the bunker was destroyed in the late 50s.” Sam clarified.
“So how and why are we here then? If you’re not a part of this Men of Letters club… did you just break in one day and set up shop because the theme fit?”
“Well our dad’s dad, Henry Winchester, was one and so was his dad and so on. It’s a long story but because of it, we have a permanent base to come back to. Anyway come with me, there is a spare bedroom near Dean’s. You can have that one if you want.”
Ophelia picked up some of her remaining bags and followed Sam out of the large room and down a dark corridor with high ceilings.
"So this one is Dean's, mine is a few doors down and on the left. This one can be yours 'Phelia… Can I call you that? I know your mom calls you it and I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."
"'Phelia is fine. It's better than Philly… I heard Dean refer to me like that to Cas. I'm not sure about that one."
Sam let out a short, deep breathy laugh and shook his head. "I'll tell him to scrap that nickname." He opened the door in front of them, showing a dark room with the furniture covered in white cloths. "No one has stayed in this room since we have been here so I'm not sure what you'll find when you start to unpack but this is yours."
He pushed the door open further so Ophelia could step into the room. She flicked the light switch on.
The room was larger than Ophelia imagined, she thought the boys would put her up in a small storage room right at the back of the house, out of the way.
There were no windows but the light bulbs had a bright white glow to them that made the room feel like it wasn't underground. There was minimal furniture under the cloths; a bed, two bedside tables, a dresser and a desk.
Ophelia stepped into the room and pulled the white cloth off the bed sending a cloud of dust into the air. She threw one of her bags onto the mattress, turning to face Sam again.
"Like I said, I'm not sure what you'll find. If you need any help moving anything let me know." Sam paused, "I suggest you move your bed from that wall… you share that wall with Dean's bed."
“Thanks, this is honestly more than I was expecting so anything I find is a cute little perk you know?” Her voice went up at the end of her sentence, trying to reassure her brother that everything was okay.
Sam smiled slightly, patted the wooden doorframe and left back towards where Cas and Dean were. Ophelia heard his footsteps get quieter and when she stopped hearing them, she sat herself on her new bed and took a deep breath.
It suddenly hit her that she was thousands of miles away from where she grew up on the English coast. She was now in the landlocked southern USA. Bringing out her phone, Ophelia started scrolling through her pictures. Ones from school and the beach with friends, and ones from summers with her grandad and her mum.
She wasn’t feeling homesick. She has only been in the bunker an hour or so but she was overwhelmed by the change of surroundings.
After a short while, Ophelia began removing white sheets from all the large pieces of furniture. A desk, a dresser, two bedside tables, a wardrobe and an old chest that sat at the end of the bed.
It took her two or three more hours to get the layout alone right. They were old, heavy pieces of furniture and she needed Sam and Dean’s help more than once.
She hung the ghost fairy lights above her new desk and took out her books, put them on her bedside tables having split them between school books and fiction. She found a small frame in the trunk. In it she put the photo of her grandad and place it on her bedside table. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.
“Hey ‘Phelia.” Dean appeared in her doorway as she was putting sheets on her bed. “Do you need any help there?”
“Umm no, I think I have it all done now.” She turned to him with a smile on her face. She followed his gaze which laded on the fairy lights. “Pretty ironic now I guess right?” She said shyly. Dean smiled his reply.
Now face to face the two Winchesters could see how much alike they look. Their noses and cheekbones had very similar shaping but it was their eyes that really marked them as siblings. They both had striking green eyes with hazel flecks around the iris.
Despite these similarities, it was clear to Dean that both Ophelia and himself look like their mum too. Her skin tone and dark black hair, her soft jaw and small stature was the spitting image of Sandra, her mum.
“You should come eat kiddo, we have some things to talk about.”
Ophelia followed him out of her room and into the kitchen. The kitchen was completely different from the warm feeling that the library had. It felt like an abandoned industrial kitchen.
Sam was sat at the wooden table that was up against a wall. There was a large plate of cheese sandwiches on a plate in the middle of the table. There were little side plates in a stack next to it. Dean sat beside Sam and Ophelia took a seat opposite them both.
“These look nice, who made them?” Ophelia asked trying to break the silence. The brothers had a stern look to them, sombre almost.
“Dean did, I had to answer a call.” Sam replied, passing Ophelia a sandwich.
“Thank you. What was the call about?”
“Well, that’s what we need to talk to you about. We got a call from a friend, they were travelling through a small town in Missouri on the way to a hunt and came across something that didn’t sit right with them.” Dean explained.
“We’re not quite sure what it is but he thought we’d be the best to look into it.” Sam said.
“Okay, so what are you saying exactly?” Ophelia replied slowly. She just got here and now they’re already leaving her but she didn’t want to seem clingy.
“Well, it’ll take us a few days potentially to research what it is and then it’s only about a 5 hour drive. So we thought we’d show you how we prepare for a hunt and then we will only be gone for a couple of days maximum. Just to ease you into it. How does that sound?” Sam said. His voice was light, as if he was talking to a child much younger than her.
“From the sounds of it it’s probably just a good ol’ haunting. A disgruntled ghost with unfinished business. We should be gone a day, maybe two.” Dean added.
Ophelia let out a breath that she had been holding. This wasn’t as bad as it could have been. “Oh okay yeah, I mean I didn’t expect this to happen so quickly but I guess that’s the nature of the business.”
“Yeah, we’d ideally want to spend more time with you when your settling in but we will ask Cas to keep an eye on you so you’ll have someone here.” Sam said.
“Sounds good guys, honestly don’t worry about it.” She replied taking a bite of her sandwich. The bread tastes sweeter than the loaves back home, she made a mental note to make bread whenever she can.
“Right okay, like we said we will show you how we do things but you’re not coming to Missouri with us.” Dean said.
“Yeah, I get that. I have a little bit of work I can be doing anyway.” She said with a mouthful.
The three of them sat in silence as they finished the rest of the sandwiches.
Ophelia spent some more time organising after lunch. She was running through the logistics of things.
Time zones are the first thing. In Kansas, she was six hours behind back home. Her 9 am classes would be at 3 am, at least most of them were in the afternoon when she was living in the UK, meaning most of them now were in the morning.
She also thought about all the time she will now be spending on her own with limited freedom. She would have Cas but it’s not like she could go anywhere. After some more tidying, she found Sam in the library.
“Hey Sam.” She said cautiously.
“Oh god, that sounds like you want something…” He replied with just as much caution not looking up from his laptop.
“What?! How did you know?!” Ophelia said with a fake defensiveness.
“Oh please, I use to use that exact tone with Dean when I wanted him to go on a snack run when we were told not to leave a motel room when dad took us on hunts.”
He must have seen the flash of concern on Ophelia’s face. “It wasn’t the best arraignment that dad had for us but we were close by. Better than handing us off to someone who didn’t care.” He replied quickly.
“Okay well, that sounds like a whole lot of trauma that we will unload at some point but right now I was wondering what it’s going to take for me to come with you on a hunt.” It was Ophelia’s turn to see a look of concern on Sam’s face. “Not like hunting, obvi… But like out of the bunker?”
Sam shut his laptop to give Ophelia his whole attention.
“It’s a big old place to be alone in isn’t it?” he finally replied.
“Yeah, and I guess because I don’t know you guys very well I kind of want to be close to you and like get to know you and I don’t know maybe being in a motel room waiting for you when you’re hunting could be fun but I don’t know whatever you guys think is best…” She didn’t quite know where this came from, it just spilled out.
Sam just nodded as if he knew exactly what she was feeling.
“Look, Dean is going to say no for the longest time. You could be the best hunter in the room and he’d still tell you to stay in the bunker.” He said slowly. “That being said, I’ll talk to him. It may take some.”
“Yeah that’s kinda what I thought you’d say.”
“But listen, you can be a real help here for the time being and once we feel that you can at least defend yourself long enough until Cas or Dean and I can get to you. Then and only then we might let you come with us.”
He lifted the lid of his laptop and twisted it so she could see the screen.
“Why don’t I show you how we start a hunt?”
Ophelia smiled. This was what she wanted really, to be included. To spend time with her brothers.
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