#Shonen ai roleplay
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Independent roleplay sideblog for  Uesugi Yuki Eiri from Gravitation, follows from MundaneAxel.
Writer is 25+ with 15+ years of rp experience. Leave a like/reblog if interested in following, please.
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ohtheclevernessof · 5 years
Serious question for the Yu-Gi-Oh roleplay community.
Would you rp with a Marik who isn't gay and won't do thiefshipping.
I have a old Marik account I'd like to try again but I'm not comfortable rping yaoi or shonen ai anymore so I'm afraid no one would be interested in interacting.
I love the awkward friendship between Marik and Bakura but it wouldn't go past friends.
Is anyone interested?
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tentacledillydoo · 8 years
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Daz and Enzo❤ I have fallen too hard for these 2 but their ship names are horrible like its either Danz or Enz Wtf?
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rubiaryutheroyal · 7 years
MGSV Story Study Sequel
@aireyverkhovensky submitted:
hey rubia are you feeling ambitious
(i’m kidding, i just want to know about the little comics and charts included, not the huge walls of text!)
Thank goodness. I sure wouldn’t want to have to explain the entirety of MGSV’s story here in one post. It’s an in-depth analysis of the story, characters, plot, etc., compiled into 73 pages, counting table of contents and preface.
As it goes without saying, spoilers abound. Also, a few mentions & pictures w/ adult themes, but nothing explicit.
Sorry that it took so long. I couldn’t find the time to finish up until now.
P1: Cover
P2: Intro & argument for why BB didn’t betray Kaz or Venom
P3: Table of Contents
“The (Grossly Oversimplified) Character Relationships Chart 1”
Top box: main characters of this game
They all love BB and want to help him.
But M. Zero calls BB “his possession”, and BB: ((((;゜д゜)))) -> ( `;ω;´ )
So they all want Zero dead. (bottom right: only Venom is playable, so he doesn’t know that Zero is directly involved in the story)
And Zero wants them all dead. (bottom left: while another Snake is being made, Miller’s plan is to “get” Jack as he’s killing ’em)
left note: Code Talker is Zero’s henchie, and so was Huey until he got jossed.
P5 - 6: MC introductions
“The (Still Somewhat Complicated) Character Relationships Chart 2”
top: TPP is about Venom tracing back to BB’s last mission. MGS3 ended with killing The Boss. Venom’s version of The Boss is Kaz.
Zero: “Crush them all”
BB, Ocelot –blue–> Kaz: has to keep this guy alive (hence why his limbs are cut & eye scarred, as per Zero’s objective…)
Venom –red–> Kaz: “Kill” // Zero’s final objective succeeds //
Skull –green–> Venom: Since Venom catches onto him, Skull has no choice but to kill him (he’s sad, since they’re supposed to be allies) -> Expecting Venom knew about the source of the vocal parasites, he had to kill him anyway… Once he learned the truth, all was good.
BB –gold–> clash: “Stop that”
BB – Venom: precious friend, lover
BB – Skull: from bottom of heart, want to be bros
BB, Ocelot –gold–> Skull: keeps him alive, get Zero’s whereabouts from him “I’ll leave it to you.” “John’s counting on me, I’ll do my best!!”
BB –green–> Kaz: doesn’t want to worry about the truth
BB –red–> Zero: trying to find where Zero is to kill him
bottom: “But Ocelot doesn’t do anything this time?” you’d think, but he may actually be moving behind the scenes.
P8 - 10: Facts & FAQs about Skullface
P11: Eli
P12: Sahelanthropus
P13: What Eli has to do with it
P14: The whole lotta digs on Kaz (following pages are numbered by these questions)
P15 - 20: 1. Venom
P16 - 20: Ties b/w Chico’s reports in GZ & TPP’s untold scenarios
P17, right: shojo manga depiction of angst comfort
P20 (on character relationships by distance):
Kaz: Hey! This isn’t some kind of ero corner! Why are we heading for this kind of horror? And the background’s all pink!
Venom: It’s fanservice.
P21: 2. Soldiers (minor chars)
(right) Boy who ends up getting gang-raped
(left) Woman who completely crushes all TNK attempts at rape
P22 - 24: 3. Boss
P22, top:
(right) Quiet: Snake ♥
BB: …
Ocelot: ?
Quiet: Not you!
(left) Kaz: Boss ♥
BB: !
Ocelot: …
P23: Paz’s reports on Kazuhira Miller - “His adoration of Big Boss is obvious”
top panel: cigar (right) [true adoration] lights his cigar for him (left) [adoration…] ignores his attempts at lighting it
mid panel: way of calling (right) [true adoration] “Boss (respectful)”, “I’ll be there for you!” (left) [adoration…?] “Boss (resentful)”, “Zadornov disappeared again. Go find him.” “And get me a hooker while you’re on it.”
bottom panel: how they’d show off their bods (imagined) (right) [true adoration] “…Alright… If you wish, I’ll happily show it to you!” ”May I rest in your room tonight…?” (left) [anything but adoration] “Aw, Boss! You’ve been waiting on me? Well, I guess we can’t help it!” *strips*
A/N at bottom right: ^ What Paz imagined was probably like this
Paz: It was a report from the beginning of Peace Walker…
P24, center: Three-way deadlock
[T/N: For the top & bottom, I’m not exactly sure what scenes the author is talking about. What’s “MSF”? And some episode where Kaz & Ocelot are arguing…?]
Kaz: strong to BB, weak to Ocelot
Ocelot: strong to Kaz, weak to BB
BB: strong to Ocelot, weak to Kaz
BB -> Kaz: says whatever
Kaz -> Ocelot: ‘fesses up
Ocelot -> BB: loyalty & adoration, “John’s the best”
P25: 4. Liquid
Meryl: Hey! Stop messing around! Ahaheehee! What, you call this torture!? This is just sexual harassment! *blah, blah, blah*
Ocelot, Liquid: (Shut up already…)
A/N, bottom: Captive female soldier, “Quiet”-type
P26: 5. Zero (imagined)
[Setting: Kazuhira Miller, age 12]
Zero: You may not know this, but it’s a Japanese school uniform.
Paz: (What the heck is this play…?)
[T/N: Namely, it’s a uniform for boys. The author goes on to explain the episode about Paz and Zero’s wiretap.]
P27 - 32: More FAQs about Zero
Zero: Look, Jack~ It’s (my and) your kids!
BB: Waaaaaahh!!
A/N: So he filled up his entire bedroom with flowers to cleanse himself of the dream.
P29-30: Seeing BB x Kaz from BB’s & Zero’s relations
[T/N: I guess this is a scene that happens in-game, where BB tries to snap his neck, but decides against it?]
P33 - 34: comics
P33: “I thought a ‘sauna’ was like this”
Swan: Oh, while we’re using the soap, let’s add the vihta too. Okay, Armadillo, if you please.
*Now you can slap the subcommander on the ass*
Kaz: Whoa, wait a sec. It’ll make me seem like I’m in a S&M relationship…
Swan: Huh? Did I get it wrong?
Gazelle: But wouldn’t it be great to **** the boss?
Elephant: Right to the sexual harassment!
Puma: The boss is **** so wouldn’t **** **ing her be ********?
Dolphin, Cotton Mouse: *w*
Puma: Besides, ****… and then ** and *****…
Kaz: Stooop! This game is rated CERO C!
Armadillo: (Women are so rough…)
???: Clean the sauna for a year.
Kaz: Yes, sir…
Elephant, Puma: (He’s done for.)
Gazelle: (I guess he won’t.)
Swan: (Thank God I don’t have to clean the sauna! Lucky break!)
[Thinking about it, women on the battlefield wouldn’t be so weak.]
Venom: When will I get to see Kaz’s smile…?
Kaz: *mmph*
Quiet: *push push*
Venom: What, Quiet? Huh? Those are…
Kaz: Ahahahaahahahahaaahaha!!!
[Electric tickling rods] * used by Ocelot
Kaz: *huff huff*
Venom: I didn’t mean by force… And he’s not used to it, so using those shock rods can be dangerous.
Quiet: Okay.
Kaz: Ahahahaahahahahaaahaha!!!
[Analog tickling rods] * used by Ocel…
Kaz: Damn it! Stop tickling my nipples!
Venom: Hehe. (Quiet’s making a calm face, but maybe she’s got a grudge…?)
[Boss smiled. Mission complete.]
Kaz: Hey, wait. Why are you ending this like it’s a happy ending? Hey!
P35-36: Quiet
P36: On Kaz & Catherine
(lower right)
Kaz: “That’s no way to treat your mother!”
??: “Ah, it’s fine.”
Kaz: “Dear!”
[T/N: below is a quick chart of their relations]
P37-46: More about Eli
[End of chapter 1] * screenshot trace
Kaz: (I have the feeling it’s not over yet…)
Zero: (I’m watching you…)
P47-50: Review/Summary
“MGSV’s story is full of misleads and false info to trick the players, and this is the real S3 Plan (MGS2).”
[T/N: Welp, I wouldn’t have been tricked because I’ve been lost since the first page. :D ]
P49: “VR Boyfriend”
Genre: virtual reality boyfriend simulation Developer: Illusion
A/N: So MGSV:TPP has been from Zero’s point of view.
(just below) “Become Venom Snake and get real close with Miller!”
*insert facts about Kaz*
Zero: We can have a spiritual conversation!
Skull: Leave it to the Major to keep up with the latest tech. (This eroge nerd is hopeless. Use it properly already…)
VR Snake: >_<;
P51-64: references & homages made in-game
[T/N: There is way too much to cover here, so I think I’ll just skip over all the text and some comics. I’ll list the names of the sources, though.]
P53: Berserk
P54: Silent Hill 2, Blade of the Immortal
P55-56: Siren
Kaz: Boss, Ocelot shot me in the face.
Ocelot: Don’t give them the wrong idea!
P57-64: Yakuza
P59: [T/N: Apparently in the JP version, when Venom puts on the Golden Armor, he starts talking in Kansai dialect.]
P60: [T/N: I feel like I’m missing a lot here, since I don’t know much about the Yakuza series, but it’s basically the characters from each swapped into the other game.]
P65: “No Way He Wouldn’t Finish Manga With That Moe Poster in DD’s Lounge”
Kaz: Hm? What, you like manga, Ocelot?
(books) “Weekly Shonen: Champion” “Japanese for Beginners”
Ocelot: I’m only reading them to better understand other countries’ culture. But, these ‘mangakas’ come up with some interesting ways to capture other people’s attention. (Hmph. This is for kids.)
By the way, did you find the next issue?
Kaz: Oh, the series I was reading ended, so I didn’t buy it.
Ocelot: What!? Don’t screw with me! Go get it already! NOW!! GET GOING!!!
Kaz: So you are addicted.
[20 years later, roleplaying]
Ocelot: L-Liquid! I beg of you!! My hand! My haaand… My right hand Liquid has been captured–! I wasn’t betraying the Patriots! It was Liquid’s fault!
Zero: What!?
Snake: Liquid!?
AI: Liquid!?
Wolf(?): What.
P66-70: More on Liquid & Ocelot, spanning MGS1, 2, 4
P71: Character relations across the games
P72: MGR: SOLIS & Kaz?
P73: Conclusion (feat. pun with Peacewalker, how Kaz ties into everything, and extras with Hideo Kojima)
And with that, I am officially done with this post. Not done like “I’ve covered everything I could”, but done like “My brain needs rest”. Thanks for your submission…
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