#Shohei Haizono
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cloudcountry · 3 days ago
SUMMARY: the ghoul's first taste of domesticity with you.
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It happens when you’re cooking together. You’re gathering all the spices he needs and he’s reading through the recipe, but he can’t help but steal glances at you. After all of the violence and the fighting and the pain, he can’t believe this is what his life has turned out to be like. With you, by his side, pressing a kiss to his cheek every time he frowns. He loves you, he really does.
Alan, Sho, Taiga, Lyca
It happens when you’re watching movies together on the couch after a long day at work. He realizes that he gets to come home to you and your smile, greeting him with a kiss and a hug. It’s soft, it’s sweet, it’s everything to him. Just having someone by his side who will tuck the corners of the blankets into his shoulders and snuggle up into his side, providing him with the warmth he’s lacked for so long. He...isn’t even watching the movie anymore. He just keeps looking at you.
Luca, Ren, Subaru, Edward, Jiro
It happens when he’s brushing his teeth right by your side. You’re half asleep, staring at the faucet with little to no concentration, and he can’t help but smile around his tooth brush. How did he ever get so lucky? Who did he please in his past life to land you in this one? Getting to sleep right next to you and wake up to your face in the morning...he hoped this would never end. He can’t wait to do this again tomorrow night.
Kaito, Haru, Ritsu, Rui
It happens when you bring him breakfast in bed, knowing he sleeps in a little later than you and will inevitably wake up hungry. He hears you muttering to yourself and shuffling around on his side of the bed and it makes him smile, just a bit. He pretends to still be asleep, not wanting to ruin your surprise, so that when you shake him awake and show him what you made for him he can thank you properly.
Jin, Tohma, Leo, Romeo, Yuri
It happens when you help him with the yardwork, pruning the bushes and watering the flowers. He follows you around like a lost puppy, nuzzling into your neck and nibbling your shoulder. You laugh and push him off, playing scooching away from him and whining when he makes your job harder. You’re just too cute. He really really likes seeing you happy.
Towa, Haku, Zenji
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eldizzle69 · 1 day ago
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“Biting your Tokyo debunkers boyfriend.”
Including :: taiga, lyca, sho, Alan, haku
—Taiga Hoshibami
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•so you have a death wish? /j
•if your dating he probably remembers you so he’s definitely gonna smile and tease you.
•he’ll bite you back but harder. Probably gonna draw blood.
“Gyahaha! You’re getting bold kitty cat!” Taiga laughed out and you froze in his arms. He had one arm wrapped around you as the two of you sat on the couch, and you of course couldn’t resist the urge to bite down on the fingers that hung out of the corner of your eyes.
“W-well I—“ you stammered and Taiga took your left hand into his own. You thought you’d have a cute moment, but then Taiga bit down hard on your ring finger, “Taiga! Ouch ouch!” You whined as you felt his sharp teeth dig into your skin.
“Till death do us part kitty cat,” Taiga grinned as he licked around the new wound on your ring finger.
—Lyca Colt
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•bites you back
•one way wolves show affection is biting so more than likely he was already nibbling on you.
•sometimes you have to remind him to bite gently.
Soft giggles and laughter rung through the room and you and Luca laid on his bed in the Obscuary dorm. There was a mix of playful wrestling and affectionate action between the two of you.
With a sly grin on your face you leaned forward and bit down onto Lyca’s shoulder. The did even show a reaction, instead he also leaned forward and bit into your arm that was wrapped around him.
“Lyca! Gently!” You hissed as he bit down harder than you expected, making you wince. The half wolf who laid on you pouted, “you bit me first!”
“Yeah but not that hard!”
—Shohei Haizono
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•gives you a look but ultimately doesn’t say anything
•then you do it again and he teases you for it
•I feel like he thinks it’s funny, doesn’t mind
You had always admired Sho’s passion for cooking. You always offered a helping hand with his food truck and were more than happy to sit with him while he cooked up new recipes.
But today was different. You had a shitty day and wanted nothing more than to be held by your boyfriend arms, but he seemed to think that whatever he was cooking was more important.
With a huff you gently slid behind him and wrapped your arms around him. “Just a little longer— huh!?” You delivered a harsh chomp to his arm. Obviously you didn’t hurt him, it would take more than that.
“You couldn’t wait a little longer for the food—“
“I don’t care about the food Sho…”
Yes, your boyfriend could never deny you attention.
—Alan Mido
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•just looks at you with surprised pikachu face
•he might warn you against doing it every now and then if he’s covered in car oil.
•it definitely doesn’t hurt him so keep biting he doesn’t mind as long as it’s you.
The instruction was simple, and firm all at the same time. You stopped mid bite, your teeth hovering over your boyfriend’s arm.
“I’m dirty,” his voice came out in a deep rumble soon after seeing your pouty face. With another guff you simply leaned against Alan, “go shower so I can bite you.”
“…..okay.” who was he to say no?
—Haku Kusanagi
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•is caught off guard and shocked then he laughs and says something about not being a chew Toy
•I feel like Haku probably likes it tbh
•idk i just think that he thinks it’s cute.
Snuggling with Haku was a favorite pastime of yours. Heck it might have been your favorite pastime.
But you wanna know what was the best about cuddling with Haku? His arm wrapped around you, holding you, and tempting you.
So with very little restraint you decided to bit down on his arm, making him wince and lift his head to look at you fully.
“I’m not a chew toy,” he muttered and moved himself to lay on you further. He situated his face against your neck, limiting your mobility so you couldn’t bite him.
“You’re no fun…”
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0rxcle · 2 months ago
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Texting the ghouls "Come home, the kids miss you" Part 1
Note: I tried to make it less oc as possible 🥲🙏
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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str8upjorkinit · 3 months ago
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this didnt actually happen (but it would)
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zomboivex · 6 months ago
Cuddling the Tokyo Debunker guys?
Please I beg-
With extra bullying, Romeo to top it off
Cuddle Sessions
What cuddling is like with each of the boys.
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Jin - You had expected your cuddle session with Jin to be forceful. For you to be held close against his side. But said expectations were dashed. Instead, he lay on his bed with an exhausted stare. Another day of depression as his stigma didn’t seem to work. He had called you and demanded you to come over and when you did, you were greeted by him already lying on the bed. “Lay on me.” The words a demand. But he wouldn’t move. So you’d go to comply, pressing your chests together as the subtle ride and fall of his own would lull you into comfort. His hands moved to hold your hips- but not firm, so you could leave if you so desired. Odd… You had expected him to refuse to let you move at all. But you would subtly shift on top of him and he would remain still.
Tohma - Tohma would let you cuddle on his lap while he works. A hand occasionally reaching down to pat your head or run his fingers through your hair. He would continue with whatever task he had been working on prior, only opting to give you attention if you behaved. When he finished his work, Tohma will instruct you to move to the bed and wait for him. He’ll join you shortly, having you lay flat on your back as he goes to rest atop of you, placing a well-deserved kiss to your temple. “You behaved well today.” The words leave him with a breathless chuckle.
Kaito - You can tell Kaito is nervous. He had never expected to be in this situation! His hands are a bit clammy as he’s not really sure where it’s okay to put them. After all, he doesn’t want you to think he’s copping for a feel! Oh god- and the actual terror on his face when he realizes that he’s just a bit too excited to be this close to you. But you don’t seem to mind- nor do you make any comments. So, eventually, he eases up and lets his arms rigidly rest around you. Your head resting back against his chest as you can hear the marathon his heart seems to be racing.
Lucas - From how he holds himself, you had assumed Luca was used to cuddling. But you found him to be oddly stiff. Occasionally, he would shift around and make sure you were comfortable but he wouldn’t know quite what to do with his hands. Should he wrap them around you? What if that was too much? But it would be awkward to keep them beside himself. Eventually, he’d settle to simply ask if you were okay with him holding you. Which you found charming and obliged. You would lay facing one another and Luca would whisper to you about how enchanting you are, eventually going to softly brush some strands of hair from your face. A kiss would make this all the more perfect.
Alan - Big and strong arms wrapped around you. It feels warm and somehow soft all at the same time despite Alan being quite muscular. He smells a bit like car oil but it’s not entirely off-putting either. A sense of security and safeness as you fit snuggly against him. Alan rests his chin atop your head and is mostly quiet- aside from the occasional, “Is this okay?” Or “Are you comfortable?” Even if he claims to be a monster, you can’t help but to think he’s the safest person you could be with right now.
Leo - Leo was surprisingly comfortable to cuddle. He smells nice- fresh from the bath. And he was warm. You moving to press your back against his chest and an arm casually wrapped around you. The other mindlessly scrolling through TikTok so you both could watch reels together. He’d occasionally watch a few trends, debating out loud if he should do those or not. Your opinion being weighed into consideration. Though, all good things must come to an end and he eventually tells you that he needs his beauty sleep and turns away to get his rest, uncaring if you stayed or left. But don’t expect much attention from him after he decides it’s time for sleep.
Sho - Cuddling with Sho feels natural. You rest snug against him as one arm is casually flung over your body and the other taking a resting place under his head. You had situated yourself so you were laying atop of him, soaking in his warmth. He smelled vaguely of fried foods covered up with some soap- but it just felt comfortable and relaxing. There’s no real silence between the two of you as you both shoot the shit and crack jokes. Then deeper and more meaningful topics fill the time. There’s just something about being around him that lets you feel like you can just be yourself.
Haru - Haru is definitely restless when it comes to cuddling. So expect tickling sessions and goofing around more than actually lying still. If he has showered beforehand, he certainly doesn’t smell terrible. But if you’re cuddling pre-shower, Haru smells like a barnyard at best. He will typically only try to cuddle post-shower for your sake. But if, for some reason, you don’t mind the smell, he’ll gladly hold you in his arms and shower you with affection a million miles a minute.
Towa - You will be held still and in position for as long as Towa desires. His hold is firm and forceful. But there’s still soft nuzzling and gentle hums. He smells faintly of plant life. Not flowers, per se. Just- plants. It’s not off-putting by any means and you find yourself growing accustomed and comfortable in Towa’s rather forceful grip. The happy hums fill any silence between you and you eventually allow yourself to doze off. You wake up just as the sun is sinking in the sky and you’re met with, “Did you sleep well, Dandelion?”
Ren - Lazy cuddles are his preference. Ren preferring to sit upright with your back against his between his legs. Arms wrapped loosely around and chin atop your head. He has some B horror film playing, occasionally letting out a breathy laugh at the horrible and overdramatic scenes. If he’s not watching a film, he’s playing a game, content to have you snug against him. If you’re hungry? Don’t worry, there’s a bag of crisps nearby. Thirsty? He has that covered, too. There’s no reason to move just yet. But he won’t fight it if you absolutely do need to get up. Just expect some lightweight complaints about being cold without you there to keep him warm.
Taiga - Taiga is hard to cuddle with. He’s rough and moved how he wants to with little consideration of your comfort. He tends to play with your hair- running his fingers through it and giving it some brief tugs. He will also nibble on your skin from time to time, mumbling some gruff words that you can’t quite make out. His hands exploring your body before abruptly pushing you away as soon as he’s done. He does things on his terms and only his terms, after all. And who the fuck are you, anyways? He certainly doesn’t remember inviting you into his room. Better get out quick before he pulls out his gun!
Romeo - When in Rome. Or however the saying goes. Romeo would take some convincing to cuddle. After all, why would he want to with a BB like you? Ugh… fine. Just don’t make that ugly scrunched up expression that you always made before crying. It was gross. He’d open his arms and expect you to come to him. Once you did, he’d hold you, a hand moving to pet your head and brush his fingers through your hair. He’d definitely mention that you need to exfoliate your scalp. It’s fucking disgusting. And he’d remind you that it’s a privilege to be held by him like this. But he’s also secretly enjoying this and when the cuddle session ends, he finds any excuse he can for you to stay. “Let me show you a good scalp exfoliator”. That would definitely be his go-to.
Ritsu - It feels almost like you’re laying against a plank of wood with how rigid and stiff Ritsu is. Has he ever cuddled before? With how he’s acting, you somehow doubt it. Despite the almost awkward posture, you still find a comfort in it. You rest your head against his chest and a hand flits up to brush through your hair. Briefly. He tried to be subtle about it but with how unnecessarily still he was, any movement made was immediately noticeable. You don’t call him out on it, though. And you enjoy the fingers brushing through your hair. He smells nice, too. Clean.
Subaru - Cuddling is considered a rather intimate act for Subaru. He’d make sure you were absolutely okay with the fact that he’d be able to see every aspect of your life if his bare hands make contact. You reassure him that it’s okay and he still frets. Cuddles with him are followed with breathy and nervous chuckles. But he does his best to ensure that you’re comfortable. That you feel safe with him. And quiet, soft-spoken conversations would flow between the two of you.
Haku - Always the type for a casual cuddle session, Haku would happily and lazily have one arm around your waist. The other running along your arm or brushing against your cheek. Expect him to lay down some flirts for you. Tell you how you’re utterly perfect you look and how you’re the most breathtaking person he’s ever laid eyes upon. He’ll want to play with your hair, planting soft kisses to the top of your head. Or just enjoy a lazy afternoon together. But whatever you do, expect to be comfortable.
Zenji - Were he not dead, Zenji would wrap you up in his arms and simply never let go. Unless you needed something or wanted to go elsewhere. He would keep you company and recite you only the most romantic poetry, playing with your hair as you had your back to his chest. Expect loving kisses to the top of your head and enthusiastic reminders of your beauty, darling. With Zenji in your life, you’ll never forget how much of a diamond you are- glistening beautifully.
Ed - Being the equivalent to an icebox, Ed can be a hit or miss when it comes to cuddling. If you prefer colder environments, then you’re welcome to lay with him as much as you want. Especially on particularly hot days. His cuddles come across as relaxed but there’s still a part of you that feels a bit on edge. As if waiting for something to happen. Instead, you hear the mindless drabble from whatever YouTube video Ed has playing in the background.
Rui - Cuddling was one of Rui’s favorite pastimes before he was cursed. The way he enjoyed having a cutie in his arms and playing with their hair and peppering them with kisses and laying them up with endless flirtatious compliments. Ahh…. That was the life. Now? Well… Rui sticks to his daydreams of days long past. Even if you pestered him, he would decline and jokingly say that his heart might explode from so much love. If you continued to ask and offer up carefully considered solutions, he might just give you a sad and tired smile. “Maybe in the future.” Whatever that held.l for you both.
Lyca - Lyca would happily cuddle and share warmth with you. His favorite blanket wrapped around the both of you as he’d take a blissful nap. Don’t expect much romantics from him. Cuddling is more of a built in tactic for him- a way to stave off cold nights. If you express it to be romantic, he might just blink at you and ask you if you’re stupid. This is normal? Nothing weird about it at all, in his mind. Ah- until that blond gigolo explained to him that cuddling was what you did with an intimate partner. Lyca promptly refusing to cuddle after that. Sorry. He doesn’t dislike you but you’re not dating. But when you do start dating? Well, he’ll be happy to cuddle and keep you warm then.
Yuri - Another awkward cuddler. Yuri is usually too wrapped up in his research for such things! But, somehow, you managed to pull him from his lab and get him to sleep in an actual bed for once. His hands go to stay placed on your shoulders- resting there as you bury your face into the crook of his neck. You find the connection warm as Yuri’s hands eventually slide down your shoulders to rest on your arms. That’s as much as he dares to explore for now! Even being this close to someone was not something he ever thought was a possibility. Not because he couldn’t get cuddles if he wanted! Oh, no! He just has way more important things to attend to! And this is such a waste of his time-! But- it does feel really nice.
Jiro - When you cuddle Jiro, don’t expect too much movement. He likes to lay very still. So much so that you check to make sure he’s still breathing. An arm may go around your shoulders and he’d love to have your head tucked against his chest. This is reassuring because you can listen to his heart beat and insure he’s okay. Or- okay enough. He feels stiff, at times. But you’ve grown accustomed to this. Don’t expect much, though. Not unless you directly tell him what you want. Otherwise, he’ll remain still and stoic.
Sorry it took an age and a half! But hope you enjoy it!
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jinkamuraisqueen · 10 months ago
tokyo debunker characters as animals
frostheim, vagastrom, and jabberwock version♡ see reblog for the other house!
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beru-m · 7 days ago
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Leo probably: You're the best, Himbo.
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tokutaiseichan · 7 months ago
Sho when you visit his kitchen car again after he saw you went eating somewhere else:
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fr33time · 3 months ago
A/N: Made this because I was sick a couple months ago, I’m very sure I had covid. I had a really bad fever, my body was aching horribly, everything was just agonizing. Made these because I had the idea while I was sick, but I wasn’t able to actually write anything because I slept for most of the days that I was in bed! This was self indulgent but I made sure to keep it open ended, I finally just finished it! Next time I’ll just make separate parts instead of writing them all together because that took so long… but enjoy these! Smooches! (Btw this is not proofread… bare with me)
♡Taking care of an MC thats sick♡
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divider credits @baexywth
Genre: headcanons, fluff
Characters: All of them!
Requesting rules here! (Just a heads up, submissions are closed right now but check back later to see if their open)
Stays in bed with you, he doesn’t care if he gets sick, but he just wants to stay with you and sleep. He stays on his side of the bed most of the time, he tells you that it’s because he doesn’t want to get coughed or sneezed on. The germs aren’t what he minds, it’s that he doesn’t want to feel it on his skin.
Calls Tohma to grab stuff for you, Jin has pretty much moved you into the frostheim house to keep you away from everyone. Jin doesn’t want to get up, so he tells Tohma everything that you need from the campus store.
Being in Frostheim is probably the best for your fever. Even though you feel like you’re freezing, Jin feels your temperature and can tell that you’re burning up majorly. He takes off your blankets despite your whining, and puts his cold hands on your head to cool you down. He’ll give you socks, or cuddle up to you if you shiver too much, but he needs to cool you off immediately.
Tells you that he’ll be there at your beckoning call, he doesn’t want to move you over to Frostheim because he thinks it’ll put too much stress on you to be in a different environment. Because of this, he promises that he’ll get you whatever you need while you’re ill. That if it’s in the middle of the night, you’ll need to call him so that he hears it.
Gives you a stuffed animal to sleep with, he doesn’t want you to be alone in the day so maybe a little buddy would help you. It may seem childish but he can’t get too close to you, he has too many duties to take care of and if he’s sick then who will babysit Jin? He’d much rather be with you honestly, but he can’t abandon his post for long periods of time.
He has fixed times to check up on you if you don’t text him that you want something. At the beginning of the day, lunch, dinnertime, and nighttime. He has papers to get around campus anyways, so he might as well check up on you while he does it. When you can’t sleep and you message him, he comes over, asks you to lay down, and rubs your head while he sits beside you.
He tries every hack that is known to man, most of them he’s learned while growing up. Some of them… are a bit unique, but even if he knows that it won’t actually work, he still tries because it will bring you relief and that’s enough for him. He tries out herbal medicine as well, you’re not sure where he finds the time to grab all of these things but he lets you know that the general shop has a herbal medicine corner?
He believes that you should get the best rest that you can, so he leaves you alone for the most part and won’t allow people to visit you. You can’t spend your needed energy on other people, so please let him do all of the work… he needs you better. On occasion he’ll rub your shoulders and scoot you back to bed, it won’t take you long to go back to sleep anyways
Lucas is… very hesitant to go near you, he cares about you but he can’t risk his own health as well. What good is he to you if he isn’t feeling well, plus he needs to train, he’ll lose lots of his progress. But when you need him most then he’ll be there rubbing your back and keeping your temperature down. If you get really bad, he sleeps on the floor in case you need anything, you must be suffering and he hates to see you in pain when he can’t prevent it from happening.
He makes you so much food that you probably can’t eat. You’ll have to save most of it in the fridge, but with your low appetite all you want are small portions of food. When Kaito realizes this, he gets embarrassed and profusely apologizes, he runs back out and gets ingredients to make you soup. He wants to make sure you eat properly but he jumps to conclusions during the process.
Insists that he does everything for you, it gets to be a little too much and you’ll probably have to tell him that you just want someone beside you. It got to the point where he would micromanage you. But if you tell him, he’ll sit down and chat with you. He doesn’t mind getting sick if it’s because of you, so he sits beside you on the bed and hangs out. He practically moved into the place…
When someone tries to visit you, he tries to get them to leave as fast as possible. He considers this his time with you, and gets a teensy bit snappy at the guests.
He’s not exactly sure how to deal with a sick person… he uses everything he can to help you out though. He’ll run errands for you and get whatever he thinks is necessary. He comes back with stuff that seems a bit overkill though, he says that this is what the store clerk recommended but it really just seems like he wanted more money out of Alan… but when he remembers back to when he was sick, he gets better at navigating how you feel.
While you’re laying down he tries to put on TV for you but has some difficulty, the remote seems really confusing to him. You try to help him but he lays you back down and figures it out himself… it took a while but he managed to put on a show that you like without opening 4 different tabs.
He feels like he can’t help you that much but he lends an ear out to you, since he’s a ghoul and he tries to upkeep with a healthy life style he hasn’t been sick for a while. He understands that you’re in a lot of pain so if you complain about how you feel then he won’t mind, he tries to accommodate you and if you ever want some quality food then he’ll get Sho to make something for you. He doesn’t show much affection but he’ll pat your head to let you know that he’s there for you. You don’t have to worry about it.
Leo legitimately tells you that he doesn’t want to touch you with a ten feet pole. He finds it gross when you blow your nose, or cough, and makes fun of how sick you look. Even when you’re sick, he will not calm down with making fun of you.
Makes you put on a mask before he goes near you, he puts on his own mask and sits beside you to scroll through tiktok. You probably don’t want to do any activities, so he’ll mindlessly scroll and show you funny things, or rant about things that pissed him off that day.
He’ll have Sho make you soup, or something you generally crave. Eating when you’re sick is difficult, so he wants you to eat something delicious. He gets some for himself, of course, you end up complaining though because of how much spices he puts on his food. It stings your nose,
Uses you like a test subject to try out trending “home remedies” for your sickness. Most of them prove to be ineffective…
Sho comes around and brings food with him every single time. He doesn’t have much experience caring for people when they feel ill but he doesn’t want you to be weak when you get better. Eating is important and even if you can’t taste it very well, you can tell he tried his best to make it look appealing to you. He doesn’t mind feeding you, you’re weak! You should rest.
When he’s with you his phone blows up from either Leo or Alan. When you ask what’s going on he just shuts off his phone and reassures you that it’s nothing… come to find out later that he totally ditched something to come and see you, Leo definitely knows that Sho came to see you and makes remarks about it all the time for the next week. Sho doesn’t care all that much, you needed him to be there for you, so he was there.
He comes up to rest on the bed with you and talks for a while. He thinks that you must be lonely so if you want his company then he’s more than glad to welcome the idea. He buys you cough medicine from the local shop to hopefully help you sleep, it isn’t much but waking up in the middle of the night is painful when you’re sick. He pours a small cup and waits beside you until you fall asleep.
Animal therapy! Haru is inconveniently busy at all times, he has so many things to worry about and having you catch a sickness adds to his stress. Bringing over the safest animal to keep you company is the least he can do. He uses the animal as an excuse to come see you, he needs to feed it and you can’t since you’re weak so he might as well do it himself! He cares about you and he can’t bare the thought of you having no company around.
As soon as he gets a break, he’s there in a flash. You’re concerned about how quickly he comes around because his stigma overexerts his body when he uses it, he brushes it off when you bring it up and tells you that you’re more important. He makes sure to bring all of the necessities for you, when he’s gone he gets you to text him a list of things you need so that he can pick them up on the way.
He loves to give you massages when you’re feeling ill. Your body tenses up all day from the way you sleep, and how stressed you feel in general. Loosening those muscles are a sure way to give you some comfort in your own little hell. He massages you for however long you want, and puts you to bed afterwards with some water so you don’t cramp up. If he isn’t careful, he can end up sleeping right next to you because this is the only break he has, and you make him comfortable enough to feel sleepy in your presence.
Towa uses your sickness as an excuse to see you constantly. He’s another person that doesn’t really mind if he gets sick, but you’re not exactly sure if he can get sick anyways. He sees you every night because Haru still needs Towa at the house, but he brings back many flowers for you. Most of them he tries to get you to eat, there’s also some herbs stuffed in there but he insists that they’ll help you. It actually surprises you when most of your pains are gone.
Cuddles you constantly, and plays with your hair, but it’s very relaxing on your aching head. While you drift off to sleep, Towa tells you love stories that he hears about, and hums little songs to soothe you over. In his arms, you feel comforted, and glad that someone’s there for you.
He gives you a bunch of his sweaters to wear while you’re sick. Mostly because he wants you to remember him constantly while he’s away for the day. He makes to bring food when he comes so that he knows you’re eating and giving yourself nutrients that you need to recover.
Ren doesn’t directly tell you… but it shows on his face that he’s disgusted whenever you blow your nose. He doesn’t want to get sick, it’s inconvenient for him, so he keeps his distance when he’s around you. He stays within your vicinity though, since taking care of you is whats getting him out of doing chores around the safari, but he won’t tell you that he’s worried about you. After all, you’re what gets him through this hell.
Brings over many movies to watch. Honestly he knows that you probably aren’t paying attention, but he needs something to do. He eventually makes his own space on your bed to lay with you… but he makes a pillow barricade so he doesn’t come into contact with your “germ infected side” like he puts it.
He’ll do your dailies for you and log into the guild that you’re both in so that you don’t get kicked out. He doesn’t want you to miss out on rewards, so he’ll do it when you don’t have enough energy to do so.
Runs out to get you stuff but he makes sure to let you know how much of a pain it is. No matter what he tells you, he does it with ease. He makes simple dinners for you like cups of noodles, he has all the time in the world to make sure you’re taken care of.
Taiga… is not very well equipped to take care of another person. You fell asleep while he was blowing up your phone and he came looking for you with a bunch of guards. You didn’t really have a say in your door being taken down from its hinges, you woke up immediately, very confused. You tried to explain that you were sick and all Taiga asked was “is kitty-cat sick?” and sent away his goons.
He doesn’t really care if you’re sick for the most part, he actually tells you that he doesn’t give a shit. He got his goons to move you over to Sinostra to make it easier on himself. Throughout your bed rest, it’s mainly his lackeys that take care of you, they get you food, prepare clothes, the whole deal. Mainly because they don’t want a gun to their head if you die.
He doesn’t leave his room much anyways, so he’s always around you. He thinks that it’s better for his luck when you’re around him, so it’s a win-win, he gets luck and you get taken care of. You’re constantly sleeping with Taiga doing the same thing next to you, it’s very peaceful since he doesn’t forget who you are. When you can’t sleep he’ll grab a deck of cards and play with you until you’re passed out. You’re stuck with him until you’re healthy enough to leave.
Romeo is possibly the last one that wants to take care of you… He absolutely can’t get sick and he finds everything icky about how ill you are. He may care about you but he sends someone that works for him to take care of you. When he does visit, he stands on the far opposite end of the room from you. Even when you wear a mask he doesn’t dare come near your germ infested area.
He says that if anyone outside of Sinostra comes and visits you, cough on them, he makes sure to emphasize this point towards Frostheim and Mortkranken. If you’re sick, then you might as well temporarily knock down competition for him as he puts it.
If he feels bad enough for you, he’ll try and be closer to you to relieve some pain. You haven’t gotten up from bed for a few days and haven’t gotten the chance to take a shower. He takes it upon himself to help you clean since you’re too weak to do so, once he’s finished and gets you into bed he is out of there so fast. He needs to shower to make sure he doesn’t get sick… if he does, he totally blames it on you.
Honestly his first instinct was to lecture you on the ways that you need to maintain your health since you two are business parters. He can’t have you incapacitated, what if he needs you and you’re not around? It falls on deaf ears though, you aren’t even paying attention because of the pain. He just sighs loudly and presumes the role of taking care of you, it’s probably the least he can do because of everything you’ve done for him… he doesn’t put it like that in his head though, he pieces it like his obligation to take care of you as his partner.
In his free time he comes to check up on you, he knows that it’s after business hours but he can make an exception for you. While he’s there then he might as well tidy up the place and put on soothing music. You need to keep the place in top conditions, especially while you’re recovering. He checks your temperature with his hand often and puts a wet towel over your head to cool off the brain.
He knows that he doesn’t show much sympathy for people, especially in his line of work where you can be recorded and have things used against him but he will be there to take care of you. You’re with him alot and he misses having you around because other people don’t have the patience to tolerate his schemes. When you’re feeling better he actually smiles at you and says “it’s good to see you’re well.” He is so happy you’re back.
Subaru brings Lavender from Hotarubi and hangs it around the Clementia house. He wants you to sleep peacefully, and the smell of Lavender is supposed to help you. He sets up a bath for you, and buys bubble bath that smells like lavender as well. Your muscles tense up from stress and he believes that a bath will help you with that, he sets the temperature on the hotter side to clear your sinuses.
He makes you tea with honey to soothe your throat. You need tons of liquid, but water can irritate your throat sometimes and he wants to make the process as painless as possible for you.
When you want something, he’ll go get it himself. He goes back to his dorm to sleep, but if you call in the middle of the night because you need something, he’ll rush over right away, even if it’s when you can’t sleep and want comfort. He finds a way to get out of what he’s doing to check on you.
He visits you quite frequently, he would bring you over to Hotarubi but he doesn’t want to risk anyone else getting sick. Despite this, he doesn’t really mind visiting you and brings over a care package that him, Subaru, and Zenji collaborated on. It includes small remedies, snacks, some flowers, and a cute little get well card signed by everyone. He wants to show you that everyone hopes you get better soon.
Haku tries to come as much as he can, but he needs to help around Hotarubi and won’t be able to be at your beckoning call sometimes. He makes it up by doing whatever you want while he’s with you though. He mostly tries to leave you alone so that you can rest, or he can stay close by doing his own thing. He wants to keep an eye on you in case you get worse
When you wake up you find little surprises waiting for you, he gets you little trinkets that he thinks will make you happy. He doesn’t need your thanks but he’ll smile and assure you that it’s nothing. While you’re asleep he rubs your head and looks at you for a while, he doesn’t really care what happens to him but he’ll make sure you’re up and running in no time. If he gets too careless then he’ll fall asleep right beside you and end up getting himself sick, but that just means he’ll have the joy of being taken care of by you.
Oh how he worries for you… he visits you all of the time to make sure you’re ok. At some point, he starts to camp out at your place so that he can be with you. Since he can’t get you anything, he gets Haku to buy you groceries.
He’s the best at comforting you and staying with you so that you don’t feel lonely. It’s tough on you, being stuck inside at all times of the day and dealing with a constant cycle of being in pain. Zenji gets emotional with you and tells you that he can’t imagine what you must be going through. After the fact, he gets inspired and tells you about a story of a girl with chronic illness that watches the love of her life enjoy the outside world without knowing that she exists.
He writes a note inside of Mortkranken that you’re sick. He hopes that Jiro or Yuri will notice it and provide you with medicine. He likes to watch over you, but it pains his dear heart that you’re so weak and fragile.
Edward doesn’t immediately come to your aide since it’s the middle of the day when he hears about your sickness. When you’re about to go to sleep, you hear a knock at the window and discover a bat. You realize it’s Edward and let him in, he doesn’t stay for long, he only came so that he could tell you that you can be sick with him…
Once you’re pretty much moved into Edwards room, he does not help one bit. The only thing he does is watch youtube with you, and act like he’s too weak to get stuff for you, and messages Rui… it’s basically Rui doing all the work for you two, it’s not like Rui minds that you’re there, he’s very ecstatic that you’re staying over but he glares at Edward when he makes a mess of the room with his left over clothes.
He clings to you like you’re his lifeline, he keeps his air conditioning cold so that you can be huddled up to him under many blankets. In the middle of the night when you can’t sleep, surprisingly, Edward goes to the garden and grabs a flower that’s he explains can put you to sleep. It’s your best bet, and he says that it shouldn’t have any dangerous side effects to humans, it’s your choice if you want to trust him on human anatomy…
He takes this opportunity to move you into Obscuary temporarily! He’s been waiting for the chance to have you stay over, even though he’s glad that you’re finally staying, he wished it was on more fun terms. But it doesn’t dim his mood too much, he gets to take care of you while you’re sick! He promises that he’ll give you the best treatment while you sleep over.
Rui focuses on you so much that he stops picking up trash around Edwards room, and tries to convince Lyca to do everything that Rui usually does around the place so that he can take care of you… He cooks you food, makes sure you shower, drink water, sleep, and limit your exposure to outside stresses. He pretty much just wants you to himself, when you need it, he’ll come inside your room and sit down to talk for a while.
He can’t touch you but oh he wishes he can. He would be by your side the entire time and makes sure to let you know that he’s sending the biggest hugs and kisses your way. He suggests that he should sleep on the ground so he can always make sure you’re fine, but you question it a bit since Rui is literally right next to your room. It’s up to you though!
As soon as he hears that you’re sick, he piles up a make-shift den with a bunch of clothes around you on your bed. It’s what makes him feel comfortable when he isn’t feeling good, so why wouldn’t it work for you? He also piles in things that you may need, like Kleenex, cold water, a fan, chapstick, and out of his generosity he gives you items that he likes… but honestly they are super random, like a ribbon that he likes to fiddle with during class. It’s his get well gift to you…
Lyca’s knowledge of sick humans comes from Neros, since Lyca doesn’t get sick very often in the first place. So he goes by what he was taught and gives you space, makes you soup (even though his food making skills are a bit questionable), and makes sure you sleep. Sometimes he kinda just sits outside of your room and growls at people that want to see you, because he thinks that you should rest at all times of the day, WITHOUT visitors.
He goes to Subaru to get more knowledge on how to take care of you while you’re sick, so he also goes by what he says. Lyca doesn’t remember the last time he was sick, so he’s carefree about going near you. If you’re feeling lonely he’ll sit in the den with you and keep you company. He’s still learning about how to take care of a human, it’s been a long time so be patient with him.
Yuri rushes to your place right away with Jiro when he hears that you’re sick. They have equipment in tow to do a home check up on you, diagnosing what you have on the spot. He’s very methodical about it and go through treatment plans with you, but it’s a lot of thinking to do when all you want is to go to bed…
You’re pretty much moved into the lab against your will, this is so they can keep constant tabs on your condition. Yuri checks up on you very often, despite saying how he has many patients that he needs to see. He lectures you pretty often on what you shouldn’t do while you’re sick, you have to let him know how much pain you’re in to make him go easier on you.
When it’s nighttime and everyone’s clocking in for the day, he comes in and sits down on a chair beside you. Mainly to see how you’re doing, but he’ll never admit that he wanted to be with you. It’s basically his time off but he doesn’t treat it as such. When you tell him that you’re lonely from sitting in this bed all day, and that you want him to stay longer he’ll get super flustered, but he stays for a very long time. He ends up sleeping with his head on your bed with how sleep deprived he is, you should tell him to go to his bed but he won’t wake up.
He is as by the book as possible. When you tell him you’re sick he comes over and says that he’s going to do a complete check up on you. Afterwards he tells you what you have and which medications you should be taking.
When a symptom appears, he describes what’s happening in your body that could be causing it. He tells you pretty knowledgeable trivia about the body and it seems like he enjoys sharing it with you. Like how a fever is the bodies response to a virus, it heats up to kill it and you end up shivering because your body is at a lower temperature than what your brain thinks it should be, so the body shivers to raise it. (I personally love this fact)
Texts you from time to time to make sure you’re doing fine, and new symptoms haven’t appeared. He’ll come over if you need it, but you’ll need to tell him what you want directly, he’s not doing all that guess work. When he comes over he stays a bit longer than he should, Yuri tries to call him but Jiro ignores him for a little bit until you’ve fallen asleep. He pats you on the back or the head because he was once told that this is how he should comfort people.
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byuza · 17 days ago
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I love his style~~ ToT <3
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otometo · 10 months ago
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✨Beautiful Warding cards for Tokyo Debunker ✨
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cloudcountry · 8 days ago
SUMMARY: when your favorite member of their house isn't them.
WARNINGS: kaito's gets a little intense!! but its very canon typical. subaru is a little manipulative ngl.
COMMENTS: i am STILL getting used to writing these guys so i am sorry if they are out of character!! please have mercy!!
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Jin’s scowl is more sour than usual. He storms up to his room and slams the door shut, jamming his hand in his pocket in search of his cigarettes. The last thing he needs to see right now is you with Tohma, hanging off his arm and making small talk about how lovely the tea smelt and how good he was at chess. Rage twists and burns in his stomach but you’re the last person he wants to take it out on. Even if Tohma will forever hold your affections, he doesn’t want you to think poorly of him. He thinks it would rip him apart.
Tohma isn’t certain what you see in that first year with the silly blonde hair that follows you around everywhere like a lost puppy. Kaito can’t protect you when worse comes to worst, he can’t stand up for you the way Tohma can. He knows it's underhanded, throwing jabs at his poor underclassman, but he can’t help it. Not when it comes to you. Perhaps, one day, you will see how foolish this is and come running into his arms.
Luca respects the captain a lot, and he knows you do too. It doesn’t give him any bad feelings until you see Jin and call him over, your feet dragging you toward the captain and away from him. Luca thinks you may take one, two, maybe three steps away from him, but you walk until Jin meets you and then you turn back to Luca, beaming at him in a way he’s never seen before. Oh, he realizes, you must like Jin quite a bit to have a smile reserved just for him.
Kaito’s one job is to defend your honor, to keep filthy no good men away from you! After all, he’s the only one you should be considering going out with, and any other man couldn’t treat you like he can! So why...why do you look so happy with Luca? What has he done wrong? Is it his cowardice? His lack of money? Was he not calm enough for you? He sees the way you blush when Luca compliments your hair, brushing his fingers over your cheekbone sinfully. It’s not fair, it's not fair! That should be him touching you like that!
Alan thinks his first years have some real potential. He’s glad you’re taking such good care of them, especially Sho. Actually...you seem quite attached to him. Alan briefly wonders if it’s his food truck, and that’s why you’re always eating food with him, but he realizes that that is very much not the case when he catches the two of you smiling and laughing on Vagastrom’s couch. Sho’s arm is slung over your shoulders and you’re leaning into him, smile never faltering. You’ve never looked at him like that.
Sho doesn’t understand it. He doesn’t know why you’re hanging around Leo so much. Of course, he knows he’s only saying this out of petty jealousy, since he’s been friends with Leo since forever, but doesn’t that give him the right to complain at least a little? What does Leo have that he doesn’t? Did you like his followers and fame? He tries his best to grit his teeth and focus on his food, but the sound of your laughter rings constantly in the back of his mind. This sucks.
Leo has never been so emotionally charged in his life. It’s embarrassing honestly, how you cling to Alan and bat your eyelashes at him like he’s actually worth your time. The captain isn’t smart, he isn’t sharp in the slightest and you’re acting like he’s your savior. It makes him want to gag every time he sees you two, your arm linked with his, a dusty blush on his cheeks as you squeeze him closer. Gross, he can’t believe you feel comfortable touching him like that in public. It totally doesn’t bother Leo at all!
Haru knows better than to get in Towa’s way, and frankly, he wouldn’t dare. You two are precious together. Whether you’re dating or not he doesn’t know, but Haru does know that out of everyone in Jabberwock, you are absolutely the closest with Towa. He’s happy to see his friend happy, really! That’s enough for him! He just wishes that you would respond to his texts as fast as you respond to Towa’s...
Towa is alarmed, first and foremost. The interloper? Do you like him? Is it romantic? Is he your soulmate? Oh, no...Dandelion, you can do so much better, he promises! Ren won’t be able to give you half the things Towa can offer you. He isn’t embarrassed to be by your side or shower you in affection or work hard for your sake! He’d do anything for you, and oh does he mean anything.
Ren thinks it’s disgusting. You’re enamored with Haru. He’s caught you two holding hands, quite literally skipping through the meadows with Peekaboo while he sits inside, hunched over his phone. He scoffs, tearing his eyes away from you and your shimmering smile, and tries to kick the sound of your laugh out of his mind. He is, unfortunately, unsuccessful. Ren throws his head back and groans, searching his brain for any reason why anyone would like that boundary breaking clown of a captain. He comes up with nothing. But then again, the list of reasons why you would like him is about the same, is it not?
Taiga isn’t bothered. He’s always unbothered, if you ask him. That’s why when he sees you fawning over Lulu, he doesn’t bat an eye. Yeah, he’s a pretty guy. If anything, you have good taste. He doesn’t want to be treated that way, though, least of all by you, because that would be such a headache and he doesn’t need to deal with you all the time...right. Right. This is how things should be, of course.
Romeo is infuriated. It’s unthinkable that you would choose to admire that bossy first year over him! He calls you into his office time and time again, bringing up meaningless tasks for you to complete and it should be an honor to serve him! However...the second your phone rings you snatch it up with pure glee on your face and excuse yourself, cooing Ritsu! into the receiver with so much affection it makes him sick. Who do you think you are!? Fico is not to be ignored!
Ritsu tries not to feel too upset, watching you with the captain. It’s ridiculous to think that someone who regularly blows off his work and insults him would catch your eye! Of course, he respects the captain...and he needs his signature so he can protect him if a case does arise...but at the end of the day, that has nothing to do with you! Ritsu does not know how to classify his emotions, so he simply stiffles them, having no need for soft squishy feelings. He needs to be sound and logical at all times, lest bias take him by storm.
Subaru’s heart aches. When did you start getting along so well with Zenji? When did he become your favorite person? Subaru thought you two were getting really close after he told you what his stigma was, and he was so happy to have someone who didn’t care about any of it. He was elated to have someone who wanted to be his friend, but ever since you’ve started to see Zenji that’s been taken away from him. He doesn’t like the stabs of jealousy that pierce his heart, it makes him feel evil, so won’t you come back and fix things if he looks at you with all the heartbreak he can muster? Won’t you come back to him?
Haku doesn’t mind, honestly. Sure, he might make a few comments about you and Subaru being close, and if you were perspective enough you could definitely pick up a bit of sadness from his words, but he’ll never be upfront about it. He’ll still tease you, flirt with you, say suggestive things just to get you wound up, but it’s not the same anymore. Not when you find your home at Subaru’s side, leaning into his during assemblies, leaving Haku’s side cold and empty.
Zenji thinks it’s beautiful, watching love bloom between you and Haku. It’s a new source of inspiration for him! You, and your beautiful eyes, your soft smiles, your bright laughter, and before he knows it his inspiration is only you. He feels guilty, confessing to Haku that he is finding so much creativity in you, and Haku is so easy and patient and kind to him. Zenji doesn’t think Haku gets it, but maybe he does. Maybe he does, and isn’t bringing it up for a reason. And so Zenji aches, showering you in compliments tenfold, being unable to hold all of his affection inside lest he burst.
Edward agrees that Rui is very helpful. You seem to praise him a lot, and such praise is deserved, even if Edward likes to act like he doesn’t recognize what Rui does around the dorm. It’s Rui who resets his YouTube password and fixes the WiFi when it’s down. It’s Rui who cleans up his room and makes those delicious drinks. And apparently, as you have been so kind to divulge to him, Rui is also very sweet to you, always giving you compliments and making you special drinks to suit your exact preferences. It’s interesting. Very interesting.
Rui playfully winces every time you shoot him down, saying that you’re spending time with Lyca today or that you’re eating lunch with Lyca or that Lyca invited you to go for a walk with him. Rui, to his credit, bites his tongue when you turn on your heel and leave him standing there. He loves the thrill of the chase, the allure of someone who plays hard to get, but he knows that isn’t what you are. You’re someone with romantic feelings for a guy that isn’t him.
Lyca is concerned, to say the least. Edward isn’t the type of man you should be hanging around! He’s old and dusty and a total flirt, which makes him all the more filthy in Lyca’s eyes. No, don’t hang off his every word with that smile of yours! Don’t praise him for being brave! Don’t help him to bed when he starts to cough, he’s faking it! Ugh, why don’t you ever listen to him anymore...? Lately that moth-eaten Casanova has been taking up all of your time, and Lyca really doesn’t like it...
Yuri’s brow is wrinkled with frustration that, for once, does not come from working his ass off for days on end. It comes from you, chattering away with Jiro and praising him for his accomplishments. It makes an ugly monster in Yuri’s stomach twist and he knows it’s jealousy, knows it’s bad for him and his research. He slams his hands on the table and commands that you leave in a fit of anger. You look startled, then upset, then you yell something back before storming from the room. He slumps down in his chair, head in his hand, and fights back the tears that follow.
Jiro doesn’t mind, honestly. He’s just there to help Yuri out wherever he can. It makes sense that you adore Yuri so much, he is really smart, just like you say. You tell him he’s pretty and Jiro watches Yuri fumble, cheeks turning pink. It makes Jiro smile, seeing Yuri so happy, even if he doesn’t quite understand why a small part of him feels upset. Maybe you should call him pretty too, and then that feeling will go away.
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unhindged-memes · 18 days ago
SInce you guys liked the Frostheim drawing, heres one for Vagastrom
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Mine and the og image
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0rxcle · 2 months ago
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k1terism · 19 days ago
Make me a sandwich bitch ft Tokyo debunker boys
Ft Shohei Romeo Jin Haru Ren Kaito Taiga
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str8upjorkinit · 3 months ago
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sho thinking leo would actually try cooking for once (cooking the wrong thing)
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