#Shodara Hearthenia
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OSHA approved drawing of Shodara and Brynjolf. Looove the lighting.
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shadowknightfury · 2 years
“Premonitions of the storm that comes.”
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”I keep having that same vision, Shodara…the same sort of vision I kept having before Skjor and Kodlak died…I can’t see anything after that shout…I know I’m dying out there, but…I’m not ready…I don’t want to go…”
(repost since main is in the shadow realm)
Love how this little comic turned out!
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With this knowledge I am going to be locking my AO3 works to accounts only until this issue is resolved.
If you aren’t able to make an account, I may consider uploading Sisters of the Ashes to WattPad or FanFiction.Net, whichever is more compatible with it.
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25 days of TES Cheer | Cozy
Did Shodara and Bryn for this.
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25 days of TESCheer | Day 8 - festival
Just decided to do something cute today
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“I don’t understand, Shoda. It just seems so strict for you. There’s so many rules you need to follow in order to be a good person, and if you break only one of them you suddenly aren’t a good person anymore. How do you stay a good person with having to follow rules like that?”
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“That’s the thing, Shodara. A good person, will never have a need…for any rules…I invite you to form your own conclusions as to why I have so many.”
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sending random OC asks today just because I can!
For Shodara:
How does she perceive strangers? How does she respond to a threat?
For Shoda:
Does she have any superstitions? Do her religious/spiritual beliefs play into her every day life?
Aaaa!! Thanks for the ask!! ^^
(Fuck you tumblr for making me retype this!)
It honestly depends on the stranger. If it’s someone like Brynjolf or Athis, she doesn’t perceive them as much of a threat at first. She’ll be much more easy going with people like them.
Now if it’s someone like Farkas or Vilkas, who make her look tiny in comparison; she will try to be easy going at first, but if something goes even just a little bit wrong she’ll be much more uptight and to the point.
She isn’t at all unfamiliar with receiving threats. Most of the time if it’s just…say a random thief threatening to “gut her like a fish” she’ll often laugh and brush it off before taking care of the situation. But in situations where she is heavily outnumbered, or someone she cares about is in immediate danger, she’ll often comply as much as she can.
Shoda doesn’t have many superstitions; but she does have horrible luck. Like to the point where she honestly has trouble holding onto things for long. For example; if she’s fallen for someone in the past, they’ve always died. Be it in the arena, or on the battlefield. Or one time she went to do an arena fight. Her sword was just repaired, and it fucking broke in half at first swing. She swears something has cursed her; but she doesn’t believe it’s an Aedra or a Daedra.
Her religious beliefs absolutely play into her life. Her devotion to Azura affect how she’s sees life and death, and how she mourns. Her devotion to Akatosh is the way it is because of the subset of Dragonborn she is. She is always seen asking Akatosh for grace or patience. When she becomes lycanthropic, she often meditates and is able to somewhat enter the Hunting Grounds to talk to Hircine. She sees Hircine as an almost parental figure since he’s “The Father of Manbeasts.” And then she’s devout to Sheogorath since she’s trans (see this headcanon post).
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9 for both ships! Also welcome back from the shadow realm!
Ah yes! I’ve been freed from the shadow realm and now I’m going to make it everyone’s problem!
Thanks for the ask as always, my friend ^^
Shoda and Farkas are different in that Shoda is much more reserved than Farkas.
Having grown up in Cyrodil, and being a war veteran, she more or less kept many outwards things to herself. She often struggled to make connections, and thus didn’t have a lot of experience with relationships or sexual experiences. Of course she heard about those things all the time in passing from her peers, but she herself never felt the “need” to form such connections.
Farkas on the other hand is much more outgoing, but in a physical sense. I like to think he chooses his words carefully, so many would say he’s a man of few words. In reality some times he just prefers to use a thumbs up over a verbal “okay”, since in his mind they both get the point across, but he thinks a thumbs up is more effective at showing he got the point.
He also has more experience with romance, having actually been in past relationships. And before he meets Shoda I imagine on really rough nights he’d probably get really drunk and then hook up with someone just stopping in whiterun. He wouldn’t really do anything with long-term residents, to avoid much gossip.
I’m actually considering writing a scene where Shoda is just in Jorrvaskr before they get together, and then Farkas enters but he’s like…absolutely hammered drunk; and Shoda can just like, tell what he’d been doing and she’d just say “Rough night..?” Since she dealt with those sorts of things while in the Legion.
Once they actually start spending more time together, Shoda more or less looses up more around Farkas; while in contrast he mellows out, so then kinda balance each other out.
So Shodara and Brynjolf actually start off pretty similar. I’d like to think they’re head over heels at almost first sight. They’d sneak away from the Ragged Flagon a lot to be alone together; and often whisper flirty stuff in each other’s ears while they’re at a tavern. (Also currently drafting a smut scene between them cause my ADHD can’t keep my geese in line so-)
However after Snow Veil, Shodara becomes more reserved, similar to her sister. She stops doing as much PDA stuff with Brynjolf because she worries someone will use Brynjolf to get to her, and she understandably doesn’t want him to get hurt.
Brynjolf tries his best to comfort Shodara during all of that, but sometimes he misses when she was more outwardly affectionate. But he absolutely understands where her reserve comes from. While Shodara is navigating the trauma from it, I’d think Brynjolf would probably do more simple things like get her a small bracelet, or try to hold her hand under a table.
They’d also put more planning into adjusting the moments when they can be alone around when the other thieves aren’t in the Flaggon. Before it would be a “oh no one’s here? Okay let’s do it.”
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25 days of TESCheer | Belated day 16 because Hero Forge was down last night - Cheer
This one was a bitch to integrate right lol
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25 Days of TESCheer | Day 11 - Kiss
Have Shodara and Brynjolf for this one
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The Hearthenia twins as kiddos. Will do another version of them as adults
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Sometimes being the Listener just means listening to your lover talk about guild matters until he falls asleep on your shoulder
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25 days of TESCheer | Day 20 - sled
Shodara trying to build a sled for a kid
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Hearthenia twins being dorks
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🧠 for Shoda and 💪 for Shodara ☺️
Thank you for the ask my friend!
🧠: What is your OC’s most mentally attractive attribute?
I would say how Shoda takes an interest things such as smithing; and when she discovers Dwemer ruins, she goes all out trying to figure out how the mechs work, even tinkering with electricity to make her own.
💪: What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute? 
Shodara is always wearing clothes that she feels accentuates her physical figure, so I’d say that’s what it is for her.
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Shodara is still a deciding to be a menace; more at 11.
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