#Shiro and Allura as super tragic medieval fantasy badasses okay?
braincoins · 4 years
WIP Wednesday
It’s still Wednesday where I am. So another glimpse into the WIP I’m doing for @tybalt-tisk of Shallura as Grey Wardens (medieval fantasy badasses). Things are... [ahem] heating up here, but nothing’s bad enough in this bit to have to go on ye olde smut blog, and a lot of it is still pretty fluffy.
Quick note: “shem” is the shortened version of “shemlen” which means “quick child” in Elvish and is how the elves refer to humans (Allura’s an elf; Shiro’s a human). Even though “shem” on its own technically means “quick”, the shortened version tends to be used by elves as a derogatory term for humans. 
           “So we were both silly,” he summed up, wrapping his arms around her.
           “Yes.” She snuggled in against his chest and listened to the steady – if a bit rapid – thumping of his heart.
           He pressed a kiss into her hair.
           Then another one.
           A kiss near her temple.
           She looked up and he kissed her nose.
           And then he kissed her lips and she returned it, sliding one of her hands up to press against the nape of his neck, to push him back down and keep him there, right where she wanted him. He “mmm”ed and held her tighter.
           Normally, he let her deepen kisses, he followed her lead, and she was more than okay with that. But this time, he took the initiative, his tongue slipping into her mouth, and she felt herself melting against him in his arms. He was a gentle man, a considerate man, thoughtful and sweet and not wanting to push himself on her, especially given the history between human men and elven women. And she appreciated that. That didn’t mean it wasn’t nice to feel him succumb to passion and desire for her. He was no sweaty shem forcing a wee elven maid; he was Shiro, and she wanted him. She loved him. There was nothing wrong with…
           She gasped as he tore away from her mouth to bend to her neck, pushing aside the collar of her uniform and sucking on the skin of her throat. Normally he kissed his way down, softly and sweetly. She tightened her grip on his shirt and moaned softly.
           He raised a hand to her neck and with a quick flick of motion, loosened the brigandine of her uniform so he could have better access.
           “For… someone who just had breakfast…” she managed around gasped breaths, “…you’re very… hungry.”
           “I’ll stop when you tell me to,” he promised against her skin before moving to the other side of her neck.
           “What if I don’t want you to stop?” She slid both hands down now and started tugging at his shirt.
           He cupped her face with both hands – the silverite was cooler than his flesh-and-blood hand – and kissed her deeply, eagerly. Then he whispered against her lips, “Tell me what you want, my love, and it’s yours.”
           Nnnn, why are you so romantic even when things are getting sexy? She was used to sex; romance was something else entirely. It made her blush, made her squirm impatiently, made her feel like a maiden all over again. “You,” she told him. “I want you.” She smiled and nuzzled his nose. “We have a bed here now, after all. Or do you need some sort of sunlight-dappled, rose-strewn bower…”
           He cut her off with another hungry kiss. “The only thing I need now is for you to lock the door.”
           She laughed. “Move my bouquet, will you? I don’t want it crushed.”
           He released her to tend to her given task; she moved to the door to lock it and propped her staff against the door handle. She pulled off her gloves, unbuckled the stays on her brigandine, and, as she turned back towards the bed, she was pulled into Shiro’s embrace for another passionate kiss.
           Her now-bare hands felt his skin as she slid them around his waist – he’d removed his shirt already. She luxuriated in the feel of her skin touching his. Not that this was new, but it was still special to her, to touch him for reasons other than battle or healing.
           And he reacted to it, moaning against her mouth and holding her tighter. She let her hands explore his back, his shoulders, and as much of his arms, chest, and abdomen as she could get at like this.
           “I love you,” said his voice in her memory. The declaration from just a few minutes ago, not the crying confession of months gone by. This was the one she’d remember now, Shiro down on one knee before her, holding her hands in his, looking up at her as he trusted her with his heart. In a way, that was more serious a burden than his life. Wardens danced with Death, flirted with it, teased it, right up until Death demanded the Warden make good on their promises and claimed them forever. Death was soon and certain and you accepted that as a Grey Warden. But... 
           But he had said it, said I love you so earnestly, with such trust and faith in her…
           She jerked her mouth away from his. “Say it again,” she demanded in a taut whisper.
           “I love you,” he vowed before kissing her once more, and all the tension seemed to leave her body, save for the coiling anticipation within her.
           And when her mouth was her own again, she swore, “And I love you, Shiro. For the rest of our lives and beyo-…” But he took her lips again, and she gave up trying to use words, especially when his hands were making short work of removing her uniform.
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braincoins · 4 years
Tybby WIP Tuesday
I know, I know, WIPs are for Wednesday but I want to tease @tybalt-tisk shaaaaaare. [innocent smile] 
This is Dragon Age Shallura, of course, because if it’s not vampire mafia eating my brain right now, it’s DA. ^_^;;; This might help give some background, but the short version is: Shiro lost his arm before he became a Grey Warden (and met Allura), and so Allura is the one who made him a new arm. It was... um, not without its problems. [ahem]
           He sighed, “Maker be praised,” and leaned in to kiss her forehead. “Thank you. For all of it. The arm, the magic, the… just all of it.”
           She chuckled dryly. “Did you ever think you’d be thanking me for this arm?”
           “Yes,” he said instantly.
           “Never?” she asked, pulling away from him so he could see her grin. “What about when you told those women that you were a happily-married man with three children and one on the way and you were hurrying home to your wife?”
           He was definitely blushing. “That was just to get them to leave me alone.”
           “It was still a liiiiiiie,” she sing-songed.
           “They kept trying to pinch my butt!”
           “Can’t blame them there,” she purred, sliding her arms around him and starting to dip her hands lower along his body.
           He reached back and took hold of her hands. “Allura.”
           “Shiro?” she asked brightly.
           He pulled away just enough so her hands would be in front of him again. “Do you not want to know about the third thing? Because if you pinch me, I am going to make you wait for it.”
           “You’ve already made me wait!” she protested.
           “You’ll wait longer.”
           “How much longer?”
           She gasped in mock-outrage. “You wouldn’t!” she exclaimed in the manner of overwrought thespians everywhere.
           “You couldn’t!” she charged.
           He laughed and raised her hands to his lips. “You’re right. If I wait another minute, I might burst.” He kissed her knuckles on each hand.
           She knew she was the one blushing now. “So? Get on with it then.” Her demand was softened by his sweet behavior.
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